Have your say on the future of our district

Site Allocation: Proposed Submission Development Plan Document 2014-2029

We are currently working on a Local Plan that will shape how the district develops over the next 15 years www..gov.uk/newlocalplan– and we want your thoughts. This will cover those areas in the district that do not fall within the National Park.

Chichester District is an incredibly special place and we want to keep it that way. The Local Plan will help us to protect the area, while also addressing the district’s needs. To find out more, please visit www.chichester.gov.uk/newlocalplan, call 01243 534571 or email [email protected]


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1 Introduction 2

2 Policy SA1 13

3 Parish 14 elopment Plan Document 4 Parish 16 v

5 Chichester City 18

6 and Bracklesham Parish 37

7 Hunston Parish 38 Proposed Submission De

8 Lynchmere Parish 40

9 North Parish 43 Site Allocation:

10 Plaistow and Parish 44

11 Parish 46

12 Appendix 1 Residential sites 47 hester District Council Chic 13 Appendix 2 Employment/Mixed Use sites 54 1 . Introduction Chic Introduction hester District Council 1.1 This is the Site Allocation Development Plan Document (DPD) which the Council intends to formally submit to the Secretary of State for independent examination. Its publication represents a further step in the process which enables anyone who may have an interest in the allocation of housing and employment sites to comment. The DPD does not include that part of the District within the South Downs National Park.

Site Allocation: 1.2 The DPD has evolved through extensive consultation and research to help in determining the best approaches to the allocation of housing and employment sites. Consultation on the draft DPD took place between 7 January and 18 February 2016, following which a further consultation took place between 28 July and 22 September 2016. Comments and information

Proposed Submission De received during these consultations have helped develop the DPD.

1.3 Consultation has been guided by the adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and a summary of the steps undertaken is set out in the Statement of Consultation which is published alongside the Plan.

1.4 The purpose of the consultation is to obtain views on the “soundness” of the DPD before it is submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. It is not intended v

elopment Plan Document to be a consultation stage that results in the Council producing another amended version of the DPD. Instead the purpose of this stage is to enable people to make comments which they want to have taken into account by an Inspector, who conducts an independent examination, based upon issues of soundness. This is whether the DPD:

a. has been prepared in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate, legal and procedural requirements, and b. is "sound".

1.5 Soundness means:

Positively prepared – the plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed need and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development; Justified – the plan should allocate the most appropriate sites, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence; Effective – the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and Consistent with national policy – the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 2 What is the Site Allocation Development Plan Document?

1.6 The DPD flows from the adopted Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 (Chichester Local Plan). The Chichester Local Plan sets out the housing numbers and the amount of employment land required to be delivered over the Plan period. 1 . Introduction

1.7 The primary purpose of the DPD is to deliver non strategic residential and employment sites as set out in the Chichester Local Plan (Policy 2 - Development Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy; Policy 3 - The Economy and Employment Provision and Policy 5 - Parish Housing Sites 2012-2029), and to set out guidance for the development of these sites.

1.8 On adoption the DPD should be read in conjunction with other parts of the development plan which comprises: elopment Plan Document v Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 (July 2015) West Waste Local Plan (April 2014) Minerals Local Plan (2003 – currently under review) Made Neighbourhood Plans

1.9 The sites identified in the DPD will deliver: Proposed Submission De Residential Sites

1.10 Sites have only been considered where they are above 0.25 hectares or capable of accommodating at least 5 dwellings. Parishes that have undertaken the Pre-submission consultation of their neighbourhood plan or have a plan in a more advanced stage have not Site Allocation: been included in the DPD.

1.11 In addition to the Strategic Sites identified in the Chichester Local Plan, the DPD addresses:

Chichester city and sites surrounding the Chichester city Settlement Boundary in

neighbouring parishes (including sites separated from the Settlement Boundary by the hester District Council A27) (in line with the Chichester Local Plan Policy 5 - Parish Housing Sites 2012-2029). Chic Where a site has been identified, if there has been a recent planning application granted, the site has been retained in the DPD, in order to give certainty, until the site is developed;

The parishes of Bosham; Boxgrove; Hunston; Lynchmere; and Plaistow and Ifold (in line with Chichester Local Plan policies 2 – Development Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy, 5 - Parish Housing Sites 2012-2029 and 7 - Neighbourhood Development Plans.

Employment Sites

1.12 Sites within or close to Chichester city as identified in the Chichester Local Plan Policy 3 The Economy and Employment Provision. Where a site has been identified, if there has been a recent planning application granted, the site has been retained in the DPD, in order to give certainty, until the site is developed.

Amendment to Settlement Boundaries 3

1.13 The DPD reviews the Settlement Boundaries from the Local Plan (adopted 1999), with the exception of parishes undertaking a neighbourhood plan and parishes with a strategic development location. The Site Allocation Methodology and Assessment Document provide further information on the process. 1 . Introduction Chic 1.14 Policy 2 of the Chichester Local Plan indicates that settlement boundaries will be hester District Council reviewed through “the preparation of Development Plan Documents and/or Neighbourhood Plans”. Although sites have not been allocated, the Settlement Boundaries for and West Wittering have been amended within the DPD.

Local Centres

1.15 The Chichester Local Plan states in paragraph 16.19 that local centres for East

Site Allocation: Wittering and will be defined either in a Neighbourhood Plan or Site Allocation DPD. Selsey Town Council has confirmed that they are including local centres in their neighbourhood plan.

1.16 The proposed boundary of the local centre for East Wittering is set out in this document. Proposed Submission De

Relationship to the adopted Chichester Local Plan

1.17 When adopted, the DPD will form part of the development plan for the Local Plan Area. It will sit alongside the adopted Chichester Local Plan and those neighbourhood plans which have been ‘made’.

v 1.18 The DPD must reflect the development strategy set out in the Chichester Local Plan; elopment Plan Document it is not an opportunity to re-open debate on the level or general location of development as set out in the Chichester Local Plan.

Background Information

1.19 The DPD is supported by a number of background documents and reports, which are not fully summarised here. Key documents are specifically referred to within the text.

1.20 The DPD has been subject to a Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment which considered the anticipated effects of the proposals on the area’s environmental, economic and social conditions. The results have informed decisions made in the document.

1.21 The background information on the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment are available to download from the Council's website.

How to comment

1.22 We would like your comments on the soundness of the Site Allocation Proposed Submission Development Plan Document. If you wish to make a representation seeking a change to the DPD you should make clear in what way it is not sound having regard to the four tests, as set out in paragraph 1.4. You should try to support your representation with 4 evidence showing why the DPD should be changed. It will be helpful if you also say precisely how you think it should be changed. When making comments, please make clear reference to the policy or paragraph number and, where appropriate, page number you are commenting on. 1 . Introduction

1.23 Due to the holiday period, the DPD (Regulation 19 Proposed Submission) has been published for an eight week consultation period between 1 December 2016 to 26 January 2017. All comments must be received no later than 17:00 on Thursday 26 January 2017. The Council will be unable to accept any comments that are received after this time.

1.24 Where possible we prefer that comments are made electronically, as this is the quickest and easiest way of responding. elopment Plan Document v 1.25 Alternatively, there is a comment form for you to send back which is available from the council’s offices or by visiting our website www.chichester.gov.uk.

1.26 You can email forms to us at [email protected]. When commenting please use a separate sheet for each comment, marking each sheet with the paragraph or policy number to which you are referring.

1.27 Please be aware that your comments (or a summary) will be publicly available for Proposed Submission De people to read on the website. The Council acknowledges that this document is lengthy, as the Council has to justify the policy approach it is taking and has to meet various 'tests of soundness' as laid down by the Government. Site Allocation: Next Steps

1.28 Once the eight week Proposed Submission consultation period is completed, the comments will be summarised as part of the submission arrangements. If any fundamental issue of soundness is identified, then further consideration to the progress of the DPD will be given with the advice of the Planning Inspectorate (PINS). Providing no fundamental

soundness concerns are raised then the DPD will be formally submitted to the Government hester District Council in the spring 2017. Chic

1.29 Following formal submission, an independent examination into the soundness of the DPD will take place. It is expected that the examination will take place in spring 2017. Subject to the Inspector finding the DPD sound, it is programmed to be adopted in autumn 2017.

Any further queries

1.30 If you have any further queries regarding any of the issues raised in this document, please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01243 785166 or email [email protected].

Data Protection All documents will be held at Chichester District Council, and representations will be published online. They will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and kept for three years following adoption of the Site Allocation DPD. Personal contact details will be removed from copies of representations published electronically. 5

Please be aware that representations made about this document (including your name and address) cannot be treated as confidential. 1 . Introduction Chic National Policy Context hester District Council National Planning Policy Framework

1.31 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) set out the Government's planning policies and policy guidance for . Both of these must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans, and are material considerations in planning decisions. Site Allocation: 1.32 Local Plans must be prepared within the context set by the NPPF that embodies a 'presumption in favour of sustainable development' (defined as 'meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs').The NPPF states that all plans should be based upon and reflect the presumption in favour of Proposed Submission De sustainable development, with clear policies that will guide how the presumption should be applied locally.

Local Context

Chichester Local Plan

v 1.33 The Chichester Local Plan covers the area outside the South Downs National Park elopment Plan Document and was adopted by Chichester District Council on 14 July 2015. It sets out the Council’s overall approach for development up until 2029 and was prepared in line with the NPPF.

1.34 The Chichester Local Plan identifies the overall spatial vision and economic, social and environmental objectives for the Local Plan area and the amount, type and broad location of development needed to fulfil those objectives. It also provides more detailed policies and development management policies to be used for planning applications, which have guided the site selection process.

1.35 This DPD identifies sites suitable for development in order to meet the Chichester Local Plan requirements for residential and employment and in so doing make a contribution to delivering the objectives in the Chichester Local Plan. The DPD covers the same plan period as the Chichester Local Plan.

1.36 The DPD sets out what type and level of development will be identified within the Local Plan area. The DPD will provide more certainty for local communities, landowners, developers and infrastructure providers about the future pattern of development.

Relationship with Neighbourhood Planning

1.37 Parish and Town Councils have the opportunity to prepare neighbourhood plans for their areas which, once ‘made’ (i.e. adopted by the local authority after a successful 6 independent examination and community referendum), form part of the development plan. Neighbourhood plans can develop policies and proposals to address local place-based issues but are required to be in general conformity with higher level plans (including the Chichester Local Plan). Neighbourhood plans may deal with non-strategic planning issues in accordance with the approach described in NPPF paragraph 185 and should be in general conformity with the strategic policies for the local area. 1 . Introduction

1.38 Where the Pre-Submission stage of a neighbourhood plan has not yet been reached, the DPD includes site(s) for that parish. However, if progress continues to be made on a neighbourhood plan and the Pre-submission stage is undertaken and has been completed by the end of January 2017, then the sites may be removed from the Submission DPD through the Modification process. This will enable neighbourhood plans to take this process forward. The Council can therefore have confidence that neighbourhood plans are taking the process of delivering housing forward and can also demonstrate a five year housing land supply. elopment Plan Document v Methodology for site assessment

1.39 The sections on residential and employment outline the amount of development required through the Chichester Local Plan. The methodology used in assessing the sites is included in the Site Allocation DPD Methodology and Assessment Document.

1.40 In general sites have been identified in one of two ways: Proposed Submission De

Promoted by landowners or their agent either through consultation on the adopted Chichester Local Plan or a call for sites as part of the DPD; or Identified through the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Site Allocation: 1.41 A full list of all the sites considered for residential can be seen at Appendix 1, sites for employment/mixed use are at Appendix 2 of this DPD. Each site is assessed using a three-stage approach; the number of sites are reduced at each stage as sites failing to meet the specified criteria are rejected.

1.42 The sites and reasons for their inclusion in the assessment are set out in the residential and employment sections below. The Site Allocation DPD Methodology and Assessment hester District Council Document contains a list of all sites considered. This approach has allowed a transparent Chic assessment, reflecting the independent site assessments carried out through the Sustainability Assessment process. This in turn enables robust and informed decisions to be made within the DPD.

1.43 The role of the assessment is to consider the relative merits of the site and to focus on the locational traits, rather than attempting to provide a detailed assessment of the schemes put forward by landowners and their agents.

1.44 How the housing numbers used within the DPD have arisen: Policy 5 of the Chichester Local Plan includes an indicative parish number for the delivery of housing in the Plan period.The parish number can be delivered through a neighbourhood plan or the DPD. Where planning applications have been granted permission for 6+ units these are taken off the parish housing number. Table 1.1 below provides a schedule of planning permissions and other identified sites of 6 or more net dwellings within the parishes identified in paragraph 1.11. These sites are grouped into three categories: 7 Sites of 6 or more dwellings with an outstanding planning permission, or with a Planning Committee resolution to permit, or prior approval for change of use to residential; Sites allocated in the adopted Chichester Local Plan, or in neighbourhood plans that have been formally made or have completed the Submission (Regulation 16) stage; and Other identified deliverable sites within defined Settlement Boundaries with potential for 6 or more dwellings identified in the SHLAA 2014. 1 . Introduction Chic 1.45 Table 1.1 also shows how parishes which are not producing a neighbourhood plan hester District Council or are not at Pre-submission stage are contributing to the delivery of housing within the Local Plan area. Further information on overall parish delivery, including neighbourhood plans, is available in the Council's 5 year Housing Land Supply. Site Allocation: Proposed Submission De v elopment Plan Document

8 Table 1.1 Local Plan Housing Provision by Parish - not undertaking a neighbourhood plan or at pre-submission stage (August 2015)

Planning permissions Remaining since Total housing to Local Plan 1 April 2012 counting housing be identified Parish Comment Housing Figure towards parish numbers identified to in Site (number of dwellings date Allocations indicated) DPD

East Wittering & Bracklesham Land north east of Beech Avenue (50) 0 148 Stocks Lane (Cobhams) (26) 180 Land south of Clappers 186 Lane (110)

Boxgrove Land east of Abbotts Close 22 3 (22) 25 1 .

Bosham 50 50 Intr

Chichester city The Regnum Club, South 324 201 oduction Street (9) 235 Land north of 20 Otway Road (17)

Chichester District Council Site Allocation: Proposed Submission Development Plan Document 9


elopment Plan Document Plan elopment v De Submission Proposed Allocation: Site Council District hester Chic 1 . Planning permissions Remaining since Total housing to Intr Local Plan 1 April 2012 counting housing be identified Parish Comment oduction Housing Figure towards parish numbers identified to in Site (number of dwellings date Allocations indicated) DPD

The Chequers, Oving Rd (8)

Primrose Cottages, Summersdale Road (8)

Boardwalk, Northgate (8)

Garages off Sherlock Avenue, Chichester (6)

Land adjacent Tesco Petrol Filling Station, Chichester (91)

117 The Hornet (35)

Bartholomews Specialist Distribution, Bognor Rd (57)

Shopwyke Lakes (in Oving Parish - see paragraph 5.7) (85) Planning permissions Remaining since Total housing to Local Plan 1 April 2012 counting housing be identified Parish Comment Housing Figure towards parish numbers identified to in Site (number of dwellings date Allocations indicated) DPD

Hunston Northmark, Foxbridge Drive 18 7 25 (18)

Lynchmere 10 0 10

North Mundham Land east of Palmer Place 40 0 No sites (15) identified but there is a 25 Land south of Stoney Lodge proposed change (25) to the Settlement Boundary in the DPD

Plaistow 10 0 10

West Wittering Land north of Chaucer Drive 50 0 No sites (50) identified but there is a 50 proposed change to the Settlement 1 . Boundary in the Intr DPD oduction

11 Chichester District Council Site Allocation: Proposed Submission Development Plan Document 1 . Introduction Chic 1.46 How the employment numbers used within the DPD have arisen: Employment hester District Council provision is set out in Chichester Local Plan Policy 3 The Economy and Employment Provision. The amount of land the DPD needs to provide for is 4.2ha of industrial and warehousing space within or close to the city. Details of the calculations and methodology for site selection are outlined in the associated document Site Allocation DPD Methodology and Assessment. Large sites on the edge of the city which have the potential for mixed use development will be considered through the review of the Chichester Local Plan.

Site Allocation: 1.47 The DPD contains specific site policies to meet these requirements. An update of employment land provision will be provided annually in the Authority's Monitoring Report (AMR), which is available on the website.

Proposed Submission De Proposed Allocations

1.48 The following sections set out for each of the parishes the DPD is planning for, site specific proposals to the meet the requirements of the Chichester Local Plan. For each site allocation there is a policy setting out the criteria that subsequent planning applications will need to address. The boundaries of allocated sites, which are all greenfield sites beyond existing Settlement Boundaries, will be integrated into a revised Settlement Boundary when the DPD is adopted and shown on the Policies Map. v elopment Plan Document 1.49 This DPD has been prepared against a background of increasing pressure to provide sufficient housing to meet increasing needs.This has led to a number of planning applications across the Local Plan area. Some of these applications have been permitted where they have been regarded as being sustainable development that complies with the NPPF and development plan. In some settlements therefore a part of the parish housing requirement has already been met. It should therefore be noted that as a consequence some site allocations have already been granted planning permission. Such sites, being an important part of the housing and employment land supply, remain in the DPD as an allocation to ensure the site can come forward in the future if the current planning permission is not implemented.

12 2 . Policy SA1

Identified Proposals and Sites

2.1 The Chichester Local Plan establishes the approach to the broad scale and distribution of development within the Local Plan area and sets out the main role and function of different areas through the settlement hierarchy. The role of the DPD is to add detail to this strategy, through the setting of specific proposals, and ensuring that sufficient land is made available at the right time and in the right location. elopment Plan Document v 2.2 The DPD contains a series of policies and site requirements allocating sites for development. Each policy entry has a reference number relating to the parish it is located in. If it is a general policy it is prefixed SA for Site Allocation.

2.3 All sites and designations will be shown on the Policies Map upon adoption.

Policy SA1 Proposed Submission De

Identified Sites

Sites identified for development or redevelopment should be delivered in accordance Site Allocation: with the requirements specified in the relevant schedule.

All identified proposals and sites, that come forward during the lifetime of the Site Allocation Development Plan Document, should comply with relevant policies set out in the Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 and any other relevant policies and guidance. hester District Council Chic

13 3 . Bosham Parish Chic Bosham Parish hester District Council 3.1 Policy 5 of the Chichester Local Plan provides an indicative housing number of 50.

3.2 Following the outcome of the Bosham Neighbourhood Plan Examination, the Parish Council has agreed to continue to progress its neighbourhood plan; however, it will not be allocating sites.

3.3 The proposed site to be allocated is identified below. The number of dwellings shown Site Allocation: for the site is indicative and based on known site characteristics and density considerations.

3.4 The Settlement Boundary for Broadbridge has been redrawn to reflect the proposed allocation. Proposed Submission De

Policy BO1

Land at Highgrove Farm v elopment Plan Document Land at Highgrove Farm, east of Broadbridge, Bosham is allocated for 50 dwellings on 2ha.

The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

provide a scheme of high quality design given its prominent location in the landscape; provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of development on Broadbridge and the setting of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and South Downs National Park including views to and from the wider and the surrounding area; provide a satisfactory means of access from the A259; and provide open space and/or green buffer landscaping to the north and east of the new development.

14 3 . Bosham Parish


o 8 n COUNCIL 8 a t 4 1 s b i a 3 r 7 7 T 1 1 17 1 1 2 13 Roshnis 8 Lodge S 3 M 'TO K B N E rook GU 1 O s Carnlough Bosham AV E N E O Ba NU A rn E R 18 L B 25 St Nicholas 9 8 Church Hall Thorns 2 3 2 Tr 2 ack elopment Plan Document v

D m

1 . 7 5 9 2 1 a Legend 3

1 3 n i proposed Settlement Boundary 1 a 2 r 6 1 2 D existing Settlement Boundary Proposed Submission residential B rick Wor C ks otta ges

1 Sub D 8.5m


1 6 1 D LB DRIVE Proposed Submission De


TCB D 8.2m

2 BB08195



a A r 2 Walton 7 5 D 9 o D House t D D Highgrove Farm 1 8.2m Site Allocation:

Highgrove Farmhouse

MAIN D AD RO 8.8m Date: 03/10/2016 ´ © Crown Copyright and database right 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803. hester District Council Chic

15 4 . Boxgrove Parish Chic Boxgrove Parish hester District Council 4.1 Policy 5 of the Chichester Local Plan identifies an indicative housing number of 25.

4.2 Boxgrove Parish Council is working on a neighbourhood plan, however, it has not reached the Pre-submission consultation stage.

4.3 An outline scheme under application BX/14/03827/OUT has been approved at appeal and proposed up to 22 dwellings on land off Priors Acre. The proposed site to be allocated Site Allocation: is identified below. The number of dwellings shown for the site is indicative and based on known site characteristics and density considerations.

4.4 The Settlement Boundary has been redrawn to reflect the proposed allocation. Proposed Submission De v elopment Plan Document

16 4 . Boxgrove Parish

Policy BX1

Land west of the Street

Land west of the Street is allocated for residential development for about 25 dwellings on 0.76ha. elopment Plan Document v The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

provide a satisfactory means of access from Priors Acre; provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of development on the setting of Boxgrove and the surrounding area; Proposed Submission De be supported by a scheme of archaeological investigation and recording; provide appropriate noise mitigation measures from the A27; and provide a connection to the nearest point of adequate capacity in the sewerage network, in collaboration with the service provider. Site Allocation:


19 25 R


9 R 0


7 1

1 9 S E R R O I C Elm R A

P Cottage Boxgrove

17 hester District Council 1 to 18 Rosetree 15 Boxgrove House




House Chic

4 Nore House Longmeadow Legend 6 5 Tel proposed Settlement Boundary Saint Ex Coppins Hugh's existing Settlement Boundary 9 Proposed Submission residential 3 1 Rusper House


The Paddocks Mere 22.6m House D BX0805 6 ABB OTTS Lesaay C LOSE Elmwood 4



d H r Windmill a ouse Abbo e tts e View n

r 1 M 3 o


Police Stamps House Meadow Oakdene


ED & 17 Bdy El Sub Date: 03/10/2016

Def Ward Sta 2 D ´ 23.4m Pond Filling Boxgrove © Crown Copyright and database right Station 1 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803. 5 . Chichester City Chic Chichester city hester District Council 5.1 Strategy for development in and around Chichester city: Although sites have been put forward within and on the edge of the city, the strategy for the DPD is to aim to deliver as much of the residential and employment sites on brownfield sites in and around Chichester city, this is in accordance with policies 2, 3, 5 and 11 of the Chichester Local Plan as well as the capacity of the Wastewater Treatment Works outlined below.

Site Allocation: 5.2 Apuldram Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW): The Council adopted the Surface Water and Foul Drainage Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in September 2016.This document sets out the issues with regard to development seeking to connect to the Apuldram WwTW. Proposed Submission De 5.3 The following proposals for development in the Chichester Local Plan have been allocated headroom capacity at the Apuldram WwTW:

Policy 5 Parish Housing Sites 2012-2029

Development at Fishbourne Parish (50) Chichester city allocation (235) v elopment Plan Document There is also an expectation of additional windfall in Chichester city.

5.4 Paragraph 4.5 of the SPD states that “… allowing development on greenfield sites to connect to Apuldram (Chichester) would erode the remaining headroom and prevent development from occurring on brownfield sites within existing settlements. Therefore it is considered appropriate to refuse planning permission on greenfield sites, if intended to utilise the treatment facilities at Apuldram (Chichester), in favour of retaining the existing headroom for brownfield development.”

5.5 The Council has taken care to balance the development at Chichester city with the available headroom capacity at Apuldram WwTW. If the Council was to allocate greenfield sites, then it is likely to be in the unfortunate position of having to refuse planning applications coming forward on brownfield sites within the city. Therefore the DPD has focused on identifying brownfield sites within Chichester city as outlined above.

5.6 Sites to be delivered: Chichester city has an indicative housing number of 235. Due to planning permissions granted up until October 2016, there is not an outstanding balance (see Table 1.1). The footnote to Chichester Local Plan Policy 5 allows suitable sites to be included in this DPD which are “adjoining Chichester city Settlement Boundary in neighbouring parishes (including sites separated from the Settlement Boundary by the A27”.

5.7 An allocation of 85 dwellings is proposed for the Shopwyke Strategic Development 18 Location.This is additional to the 500 dwellings that have been allocated within the Chichester Local Plan Policy 16. Following the agreement of reserved matters on the original planning application, a more detailed layout has enabled the density to be increased, allowing an additional 85 dwellings.This is in line with planning application (15/03720/OUT) which received permission in April 2016. There is no loss of other planned uses i.e. employment. Whilst 5 . Chichester City

Shopwyke Lakes is within the parish of Oving, it is expected that the site will be developed as a sustainable urban extension to the city and that appropriate linkages and infrastructure requirements will need to be addressed to meet the needs of the development.

5.8 Other sites which are within Oving Parish which act as an extension to Chichester city are the Fuel Depot Site (CC8) and Springfield Park (CC9). elopment Plan Document

5.9 There is a need for student accommodation in the city. As the provision for student v accommodation frees homes from student use to use by families, the calculation of 4 student rooms/units equating to 1 dwelling is used until more specific details are known through the submission of a planning application.

5.10 Tables 5.1 and 5.2 below outline the proposed residential and employment allocations for the city.

Table 5.1 Chichester Residential Allocations Proposed Submission De

Location / Provision (dwellings) Address Site Allocation: Adjacent Tesco Minimum 130 student bedrooms which is equivalent to 91 dwellings. Petrol Station This is in line with planning application (15/04163/FUL). The scheme (student includes a number of cluster and individual student bedrooms which accommodation) give an equivalent of 91 dwellings.

Bartholomews 62

117 The Hornet 35 hester District Council Chic Shopwyke SDL 85

Total 273

19 5 . Chichester City Chic 5.11 The Chichester Local Plan requires about 7.7ha of employment space within or close hester District Council to the city.The preference is to use brownfield sites first. Details of the calculation are included in the Site Allocation DPD Methodology and Assessment Document. Large sites on the edge of the city which have the potential for mixed use development will be considered through the review of the Chichester Local Plan.

Table 5.2 Chichester Employment Allocations

Site Allocation: Location / Address Provision (ha)

High School, Kingsham Road 1.07

Plot 12 Terminus Road (Chichester This excludes part of the site which has Proposed Submission De Enterprise Zone) existing employment uses - 0.42 (net increase)

Fuel Depot Site, Bognor Road 3.8 (excluding site identified for waste uses in the Waste Local Plan 2014 )

Springfield Park (adjacent to Fuel Depot) 2.2 v elopment Plan Document Total 7.1 ha

20 5 . Chichester City

Policy CC1

Adjacent Tesco Petrol Station, Fishbourne Road

Land adjacent to Tesco Petrol Station, Fishbourne Road is allocated for student accommodation to provide at least 130 student bedrooms which is equivalent to 91 elopment Plan Document dwellings on 0.3 ha. v

The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

provide a scheme of high quality design given its prominent location; provide a satisfactory means of access; Proposed Submission De provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of development on the setting of the city and the surrounding area; provide appropriate noise mitigation measures to reduce the impact of rail noise; ensure the height of the building takes account of its location and protects views of Site Allocation: the cathedral; investigate the extent and type of any contamination on the site to identify any necessary mitigation measures required; investigate the extent of any minerals with West Sussex County Council, as Mineral Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of development; provide a connection to the nearest point of adequate capacity in the sewerage

network, in collaboration with the service provider; and hester District Council provide for future access to the existing surface water and sewerage infrastructure for maintenance and upsizing purposes. Chic

21 5 . Chichester City Chic


17 Chichester City



8 5

Site Allocation: FB

1 92 90

D Legend Posts D FI D Proposed Submission residential SH WESTGATE BO UR NE R O A D

( E 119 A Proposed Submission De 7 S T 109 )


W y

c a

l y e

Land at Tesco

Filling v

elopment Plan Document Station

Date: 03/10/2016 ´ © Crown Copyright and database right 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

22 5 . Chichester City

Policy CC2

Bartholomews, Bognor Road

A site of 1.6 ha of land at Bartholomews, Bognor Road is allocated for a mixed use form of development to include: elopment Plan Document v about 57 dwellings; and the retention of the Bartholomews Head Office on the site.

The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

ensure the scale of the new development respects the character and setting of Proposed Submission De nearby development; retain the Bartholomews Head Office on the site for employment; provide a satisfactory means of access for office development on to Bognor Road, with the residential access via the Arundel Park Estate on to Florence Road; Site Allocation: provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of development on the setting of the city and the surrounding area; provide appropriate noise mitigation measures to reduce the impact of noise from the A27 and adjacent railway; investigate the extent and type of any contamination on the site to identify any necessary mitigation measures required; hester District Council investigate the extent of any minerals with West Sussex County Council, as Mineral Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of development; and Chic provide a connection to the nearest point of adequate capacity in the sewerage network, in collaboration with the service provider.

23 5 . Chichester City Chic

1 1 E 1 0 8 3 l 3 S S hester District Council t u a 7 1 0 CHICHESTER DISTRICT 1 4 b 5

4 4 2 COUNCIL 8 6 5 7

2 3 2 3 2 ov 3 2 G s 3 a 4 0 G 5 2 1 1 CHATSWORTH 5 5 12 1 7 1 1 1 2

7 3 6 Chichester City

5 3 1 2 4 Play Area 9 1

4 3 4 7 4 7 3 9 6 4 5 7 1 1 o 7 7 2 3 t 71 S 0 5 T 4 5 A H C 5 7 8

Site Allocation: 9 3 6 6 3 1 65 2 7 6 8 16 Legend 2 46 1 2 C 0 HA 3 Proposed Submission mixed use 1 TSW 9 2 R OR 9 OA TH 5 58 D 10 Works 60 3

D Bartholomews 72

Proposed Submission De WB Specialist Distribution 84 94

s r e p p Works o El Sub Sta H El Sub Sta 17.5m D MPD 27.5

6 5 2 3 1 8 Ridley 4 9 House 0 Duke's 1

5 B 1 O s

v G le R N o d elopment Plan Document O O C r A R a D 1 Y 4 El Sub Sta

2 Date: 03/10/2016 D 1f ´ 6 12.4m 8 © Crown Copyright and database right 1d 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

24 5 . Chichester City

Policy CC3

117 The Hornet

Land at 117 The Hornet is allocated for residential development for about 35 dwellings on 0.3 ha. elopment Plan Document v The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

ensure the scale of the new development must respect the character and setting of nearby development; provide a satisfactory means of access; Proposed Submission De provide appropriate landscaping to minimise the impact of development on the setting of the city and the surrounding area; investigate the extent and type of any contamination on the site to identify any necessary mitigation measures required; Site Allocation: investigate the extent of any minerals in consultation with West Sussex County Council, as the Minerals Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of development; and provide a connection to the nearest point of adequate capacity in the sewerage network, in collaboration with the service provider. hester District Council Chic

25 5 . Chichester City Chic


4 hester District Council 4 CHICHESTER DISTRICT G COUNCIL U 8 R I 3 O L 1 7 D 3 A Colwyn E D N

Guestfield 44 Chichester City 3 1 4 2


1 Court



1 4 t 8 o


ub Sta El S 1 1 Site Allocation:

1 1



t o 117 The Legend 1 Hornet 4 4 9 2 3 Proposed Submission residential 1 121

1 119 1 1

2 2





o 1

Proposed Submission De 2 1 nuts 3 t 3 hes 7 D C 5 1 1 234 PH) D Stone ( 13.5m CR 74 D 128 6 75 7 13.1m 116 7 1 7 1 114 to 4 0 1 110 a to 8 108 7 0 106 112 t 2 81 2 9

1 98 104


D v elopment Plan Document

96 The Heritage


R H Date: 03/10/2016 O Y A K ´ D E © Crown Copyright and database right 14 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

26 5 . Chichester City

Policy CC4

Shopwyke Strategic Development Location, Oving

In conjunction with Policy 16 Shopwyke Strategic Development Location of the Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 the site at Shopwyke Lakes is allocated for 585 elopment Plan Document homes. v

The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

ensure the additional dwellings are developed in accordance with the principles established within the existing masterplan and design code for the Shopwyke Strategic Development Location. These include: Proposed Submission De

a scheme which is of high quality design given its prominent location; provision of satisfactory means of access; provision of appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of Site Allocation: development on the setting of the city and the surrounding area; that the scheme makes appropriate provision for open space and green space; that the height of the buildings should take account of its location and protect views of the cathedral; and investigation of the extent and type of any contamination on the site to identify any necessary mitigation measures required. hester District Council Chic

27 5 . Chichester City Chic


d hester District Council nD R U U 16.4m CHICHESTER DISTRICT D D W T D



Y N Filter D C DD Pond R D D Bed El Ps Pond Sewage th Pa Works f De Chichester City


7 2 D A 14.8m

L Pond 0 E

Site Allocation: . D D 9 N r U D R 1 a R A H m i A O n R Legend C


O Proposed Submission residential A D & y A C D D H E Bd d ar W Factory ke age wy ott North hop C S nor Lodge Ma

Proposed Submission De Hopper Shopwyke Barn Manor Dower Hopper WB House Ne C w D Works El Sub Sta ot tag WB es



y r Tanks

d CC08213 a House

B W Westwood

Portfield Quarry West Depot Lodge D 14.0m 1 5 Scrap

v Metal

elopment Plan Document Yard Uma

House D 1 7 YKE 14.9m Greenway PWH H O O H T S D Industrial P o A 1 r T O Farm t R l t N e l u 2 a l e y n Centre e Date: 03/10/2016 N c e Portfield r n e u y w 12 e Depot t l ´ f 7 i a e 1 6 Sub Sta l D © Crown Copyright and database right d DDD Sub se Hou 14.7m 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

28 5 . Chichester City

Policy CC6

High School, Kingsham Road

Land at High School, Kingsham Road is allocated for B1 employment on 1.07 ha. elopment Plan Document The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria. v

Development shall:

be subject to confirmation that the land is surplus to requirements for educational purposes; be a high quality scheme given its prominent location in the street scene; investigate opportunities to retain the existing building frontage; Proposed Submission De provide a satisfactory means of access; provide parking requirements within the site; be supported by a Travel Plan and a Vehicle Tracking and Road Safety Audit;

provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of Site Allocation: development on the setting of the city and the surrounding area; investigate the extent and type of any contamination on the site and verification that where required any contamination can be dealt with by remediation; and investigate the extent of any minerals in consultation with West Sussex County Council, as the Minerals Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of development. hester District Council Chic

29 5 . Chichester City



hester District Council








52 Chichester City 39 44 30 35 27 22 25 25a 26 26a D 11.1m KINGSHAM ROAD

D D D D El Sub Sta Site Allocation:

26 101 21 27 29 Legend Proposed Submission employment





9 1 1

8 EMP1511 7 Proposed Submission De



15 14 12 10


Tennis 9 1 D D Courts D D L Twr L Twr L Twr L Twr

Chichester 7 1 PHOENIX

High School o t

for Boys CLOSE


1 0

v 1 elopment Plan Document 9

Field House Date: 03/10/2016 ´ © Crown Copyright and database right 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

30 5 . Chichester City

Policy CC7

Plot 12 Terminus Road (Chichester Enterprise Hub)

Land at Plot 12 Terminus Road is allocated for B1, B2 and B8 employment on 2.4 ha. elopment Plan Document The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria. v

Development shall:

be a high quality scheme given its prominent location as a Gateway to the city; ensure any significant negative traffic impact is mitigated on the local and strategic road network; provide a satisfactory means of access; Proposed Submission De provide parking requirements within the site; be supported by a Travel Plan and Transport Assessment, and include a cumulative impact assessment on local roads;

provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of Site Allocation: development on the setting of the city and the surrounding area; investigate the extent and type of any contamination on the site and verification that where required any contamination can be dealt with by remediation; and investigate the extent of any minerals in consultation with West Sussex County Council, as the Minerals Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of development. hester District Council Chic

31 5 . Chichester City Chic

7 C y 109 hester District Council






Chichester City

Filling Station






Site Allocation: A R D E H Y T A A W C Legend

Proposed Submission employment

Unit 10 D SL

Proposed Submission De EMP1513

Depot Unit 12 Tank Terminus Road Industrial

El Sub Sta Wrenford Centre

T ER M R I O N A U v D S elopment Plan Document

Gasholder D Station Wrenford Date: 03/10/2016 Centre Industrial ´ Estate © Crown Copyright and database right 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

32 5 . Chichester City

Policy CC8

Fuel Depot Site, Bognor Road (adjacent to Springfield Park),Oving

Land at Fuel Depot Site, Bognor Road, Oving is allocated for B1, B2 and B8 employment on 3.8 ha within an overall site area of 4.8 ha allowing part of the overall site area (1 ha) elopment Plan Document to be developed in line with the waste uses identified in the West Sussex Waste Local v Plan (2014).

The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

ensure any significant negative traffic impact is mitigated on the local and strategic road network; Proposed Submission De provide a satisfactory means of access onto the A259; provide parking requirements within the site; provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of Site Allocation: development on the setting of the city and the surrounding area; ensure that the design of the site takes account of part of the site (1ha), which is identified for waste uses in the West Sussex Waste Local Plan; and investigate the extent and type of any contamination on the site and verification that where required any contamination can be dealt with by remediation.

Proposals including enabling non-business uses classes will only be permitted where it has been clearly demonstrated with substantiated evidence, which may include a hester District Council sequential test, impact assessment and viability assessment, that proposals for only Chic business uses (B1, B2, and B8) are not economically viable.

33 5 . Chichester City Chic



hester District Council Play Area 7 CHICHESTER DISTRICT 7 6 9 5 7 3 7 COUNCIL 71 7 7 5 7 8 6 9 3 3 6 0 65 7 8 8 8 4

3 9

8 95 8 5 58 1 8 Chichester City 60 03

72 2 0

1 84 94

D MP 27.25

Site Allocation: 6 Ridley House

5 rd y Legend a d Y s B le Proposed Submission employment o d C 4 r


D W Capstan 2 1 f 6 6 8 Depot 5

El to 6 EMP1502 7 R Springfield E Proposed Submission De

T a S Park

S 1 S

E Trade Centre A


- C I Y

B 1 H

2 C

6 5

t0 8 6 8 P at h Cy & cl Pa e A 259 9 11D .9m th

1 R 1 BOGNO Path & ROAD D ycle Post C D Beaver Path Brick Kiln Nursery Cottage Units

5 v W Kiln

elopment Plan Document O (disused) R Sub Sta T D E A & N d O r N R D y a I E d V W B Date: 03/10/2016 ´ FB D10.4m © Crown Copyright and database right 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

34 5 . Chichester City

Policy CC9

Springfield Park (adjacent to Fuel Depot), Oving

Land at Springfield Park, Bognor Road, is allocated for B1, B2 and B8 employment on 2.2 ha. elopment Plan Document v The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

investigate developing this site either individually or in conjunction with the adjacent Fuel Depot site to deliver a more comprehensive site; ensure any significant negative traffic impact is mitigated on the local and strategic road network; Proposed Submission De provide a satisfactory means of access; provide parking requirements within the site; be supported by a Road Safety Audit; Site Allocation: provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of development on the setting of the city and the surrounding area; investigate the extent and type of any contamination on the site and verification that where required any contamination can be dealt with by remediation; and investigate the extent of any minerals in consultation with West Sussex County Council, as the Minerals Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of

development. hester District Council Chic

35 5 . Chichester City Chic



hester District Council Play Area 7 CHICHESTER DISTRICT 7 6 9 5 7 3 7 COUNCIL 71 7 7 5 7 8 6 9 3 3 6 0 65 7 8 8 8 4

3 9

8 95 8 5 58 1 8 Chichester City 60 03

72 2 0

1 84 94

D MP 27.25

Site Allocation: 6 Ridley House

5 rd y Legend a d Y s B le Proposed Submission employment o d C 4 r


D W Capstan EMP1514 2 1 f 6 6 8 Depot 5

El to 6 7 R Springfield E Proposed Submission De

T a S Park

S 1 S

E Trade Centre A


- C I Y

B 1 H

2 C

6 5

t0 8 6 8 P at h Cy & cl Pa e A 259 9 11D .9m th

1 R 1 BOGNO Path & ROAD D ycle Post C D Beaver Path Brick Kiln Nursery Cottage Units

5 v W Kiln

elopment Plan Document O (disused) R Sub Sta T D E A & N d O r N R D y a I E d V W B Date: 03/10/2016 ´ FB D10.4m © Crown Copyright and database right 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

36 6 . East Wittering and Bracklesham Parish

East Wittering and Bracklesham Parish

6.1 Policy 24 of the Chichester Local Plan identifies an indicative strategic housing number of 180.

6.2 East Wittering and Bracklesham Parish Council is not working on a neighbourhood plan at the present time. elopment Plan Document v 6.3 The Parish Number for East Wittering and Bracklesham is 180 which has been achieved (Table 1.1).

Local centre:Town, district and local centres lie at the heart of local communities and it is therefore important to promote and protect their vitality and viability. In this context the retention of East Wittering's good mix of smaller retailers will be key. Paragraphs 16.18 - 16.22 of the Chichester Local Plan explain that a local centre for East Wittering will be defined either through a neighbourhood plan or the Site Allocation DPD. Policy 29 Settlement Hubs Proposed Submission De and Village Centres of the Chichester Local Plan sets out the policy framework.

6.4 A local centre for East Wittering has been identified below and upon adoption of the

DPD will be shown on the Policies Map. Site Allocation:

r 2 3 to e 2 4 e 1 6 c 9 4 w 0 a C o CR F l T CHICHESTER DISTRICT 18 P 17 1 COUNCIL 4 1 D 1 e N 1 2 1 f O 1 5 RT 1 1 HE 6 RN 2 C 3 PC R 24 Health Car ES Centre CE 6 l e Park N Windmill T 2 5 East Wittering g o 2 hester District Council g a Court Windmill t 1 n t (disused) 5 I o 2 0 C 9 3 Colville 5 2 1 Winter 5 1

0 3 Chic Thoughts e 3 d ESS i E k s S l s 1 e 1 n 5 Pp w 1 S h g ag u a t A 16 1 e b r d 1 S 5.5m S B 2 m 1 ta D ta 4 o ira 2 25 1 to 8 N C lt Rectory Ne ou y 26 P w Ocean 1 P rt a K O 38 3 2 ra i 7 3 C 7 d n 3 e gf 4 3 6 D is P he 5 ar r 1 3 ub ad G 7 2 S 4 e re 18 l en E ta 2 Und D Co S 5 4.6m urt 4 Legend TCB 8 7 C St D 1 S 2 D e Local Centre F LB t a Anne's T k w 3 Ban o H o N 1 o 1 ou d Court E 1 A E 1 6 dm 1 se C H i a 3 ra to S T 2 lt 9 1 Ro y 6 E a 3 w

R 5 8 6 to C k 1 4 2 n 1 5 a 3 B 1 11 CH 0 1 1 5 1 to 14 4 1 16 7 Wittering 1 U 1 5 1 nd 7 21 9 6 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 9 4

1 9 F 1 El C U Sub D n L 9

d 6 5 E D 1 Sta I 7 2 8 A U F 8 n 1 O d K Royal 1

R A 1 D y 0 5 O ef r Oak t 2 8 46 o 4 a 2 4 1 2 2 40 r 7 1


o i

t Amelia L 3 F Garage E 0 B R D Court

2 A O F 5 1 C O H 1 F Sta 3 R 6 S 7

2 2







5 37 41 B 3


T Date: 04/05/2016 8 0

3 6 31 O 5 D A W ´ K 6 A F C C V I C la E E 7 9 i 2 o L tt r N D © Crown Copyright and database right 4 3 a U ge E 2014. Ordnance Survey 100018803. 7 . Hunston Parish Chic Hunston Parish hester District Council 7.1 Policy 5 of the Chichester Local Plan identifies an indicative housing provision number of 25.

7.2 Hunston Parish Council is not working on a neighbourhood plan at the present time.

7.3 Planning permission under application HN/12/02692/FUL has been approved and proposed 18 dwellings off Foxbridge Drive. The proposed site identified below is for the Site Allocation: outstanding number of 7 dwellings. Based on known site characteristics there is a need to leave a green buffer between the houses and nearby cow barn.

7.4 The Settlement Boundary has been redrawn to include an existing development and Proposed Submission De reflect the proposed allocation. v elopment Plan Document

38 7 . Hunston Parish

Policy HN1

Land south of Reedbridge Farm

Land south of Reedbridge Farm is allocated for residential development for 7 dwellings on 0.5ha. elopment Plan Document v The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

provide a satisfactory means of access either through the development to the south or from the access track to the north of the site; be adjacent to the development to the south and provide open space or green buffer landscaping to the north between the development and Reedbridge Farm; Proposed Submission De ensure that any parking spaces lost from the adjacent development to the south, if required to provide a satisfactory means of access, be replaced within the site; safeguard trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order on the site; and Site Allocation: provide appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of development on the setting of Hunston and the surrounding area.

D Dra Cottage in Oakdene n i D a CHICHESTER DISTRICT rain r D D D D COUNCIL an HN08235 Sw k D tt o hester District Council c r C Lowlands a a D ge r in tta G W T Co ab al m) W les bro (u Brook at ok Path S Autumn ers Lea um ide El

m W Chic e Sta1 DD r e Hunston 1 2 li 3 sar 3 11 1 a 32 7 Fe 2 d 1 rn 7 n E 5 le OUTRAM 4 7 l ig 5 3 1 U 1 0 S Fa h D 5 ub ir S Y 2 t WA e T 2 S h D 20 R 4 t or 1 RIV 1 R a E g EE n S 8 1 a A C s t 8 6 ot e r t 95 1 T G 4 ta e 4 J g h f o E 2 e 1 S E N i

s 4 D S ew T Clovelly C T F n D r C 1 R I e e

7 N DD 6 C n ot o Cott 6 1 C O s t t a A 2 O L ha s E O 'S D m C A T o 7 n E h t H S l s

e f D E c M 5 L PO Y C I 9 S a LB o y w p e

A J o D K R S t r r C t h o Sub e r l C D o d C l O W 2 w T i 0 SOUT e D Drain 5 HOVER A 6 2 6 D

4 Cott B


WA s L Y B 4 Hollobeads M North a Legend 2 E r T Nebraska A e D D y 1 O e E L White l

W White h

C t Shambles 2 L t proposed Settlement Boundary

4 El Sub O r S s

o House E i Lodge e Eastside

R 0 h Sta 6 d existing Settlement Boundary 5 3 7 n Hunston W Cottage 7 H o 7 T Y D D Proposed Submission residential 4 A E DD 7 S Pa Dra R E th (u in 5 H O m) O 0 59 1 L 4 A C 1 D Wood 2 3 5 Cottage 0 D 3 2 7 8 2 O D RC 14 ra HA in S RD ID 2 E 2 Merle 2 2 D Gardens 7 Spire D 15 Cottage 1 Pond 10 L 1 t L o I 7 1 Y W 6 H e A st P la ) nd U W 5 s m 2 Pk u o r 7 C n ( 4 t a H i 1 C U 4 RC a h 3 1 H r t 3 2 Canal D a 3 4 1 P Y D 5 Hall E r S 4 a 8 D D D L A in 4 3 E E Farm 5 E E O B S S OU R O R House 4 LT L ON C 3 d S n 3 1 u 1 O o Recreation 9 rc r Y h g Ground D a y Rectory 5.8m A rd la 2 P W Play AreaD 1 5 4 M k 4 3.4m 39 A n 1 R 2 D a D T B B

6 h 1 ig H C ot P ta 11 at D Tr g n h D ac e w i (u k a m D Date: 03/10/2016 ie r ) v D n ´

w D o © Crown Copyright and database right D Gate D 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803. 8 . Lynchmere Parish Chic Lynchmere Parish hester District Council 8.1 Policy 5 of the Chichester Local Plan identifies an indicative housing number of 10 for Lynchmere Parish.

8.2 Lynchmere Parish Council is not working on a neighbourhood plan at the present time.

8.3 It was initially concluded that there were no suitable sites with the potential to deliver the indicative housing number identified for the parish of Lynchmere. However, during the Site Allocation: consultation stages further information was submitted regarding a site which was previously assessed and discounted using the Site Assessment Methodology. The suitability and deliverability of the site was reconsidered and it is proposed to identify the site for allocation.

Proposed Submission De 8.4 The number of dwellings shown for the site is indicative and based on known site characteristics such as flooding and protected trees. The access via Sturt Avenue is located within Waverley Borough Council. It is likely that planning permission will need to be sought from Chichester District and Waverley Borough Councils.

8.5 The existing Settlement Boundary currently extends beyond the Chichester District boundary. The Settlement Boundary has therefore been redrawn to follow the Chichester v

elopment Plan Document District boundary and reflect the proposed allocation.

Policy LY1

Land to the rear of Sturt Avenue

Land to the rear of Sturt Avenue, Camelsdale is allocated for residential development for 10 dwellings on 0.66ha.

The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

provide a satisfactory means of vehicular and pedestrian access to the site via Sturt Avenue; be supported by a Biodiversity Enhancement and Mitigation Scheme and include measures to protect key species and habitats on site and measures to improve habitat connectivity between the adjacent Hammer Moor Site of Nature Conservation Importance; provide a design and layout of high quality which respects the characteristics of the site and is supported by a tree survey that includes measures to safeguard and minimise the impact of development on protected trees; and 40 provide a methodology for foundation design of the buildings and structures, including depths, materials and density of piling, if required. 8 . Lynchmere Parish

Map showing proposed Settlement Boundary amendment in line with Chichester District Boundary


D S 1 El Sub D Issues T Bellvue U 1 8 10 R R 0 3 SluiDce Sta O T 4 1 Lea A S 2 5 CHICHESTER DISTRICT D U 1 D B N 2 House 3 RO 5 8 r D 7 COUNCIL a D W Pond D i n D Sturt El Sub 1 Recreation 1 4

5 Meadow Sta Ground D D 3 127.1m FBs Recreation DD Sluice S D Pumping Sturt Ground C R H Pond Farm O O Station WarD Cottage A O St Paul's CH0820 Foot Barn W D D L A D E 129.5m Lynchmere elopment Plan Document l Bridge CD ottage l Church D N O D Upper a 130.1m v R D

1 H Vicarage

3 D Barn 1 a D GarageD 1 4 128.0m a Spring 1 1 1 1 O 1 Chy D a T R R C B BD argate Pineview U 9 C L 0 T a 1 S L a 8 E 2 1 U H 3 O 3 O Camelsdale 1 B N r Pond House 13 5 D 6 E D 5 A n 1 e V V O A S a A 1 1 l e 37 1 ha Primary t R 3 H E The Telstar lla 3 w f D D 2 O M SlD Gas D C Spring A 4 D R School e El 1 S R Ramblers e L L GA 1 1 D n 1 L Croft A E D ES 2 N Y Wagtails 135.0m 1 E CL 16 Holly 18 h 1 6 D Spring 4 08a 6 g D House th Y i 115 9 7 3 S e 136.6m E Harvest 10 4 4 R T a l 9 Legend ) L E a S P D 8 a O U m v 2 R N Holm 7 1 N u 6 Y R ( The e 1 D A 1 L D E A A 01 E 9 T proposed Settlement Boundary Longfield K Shelter 1 e D L R E D O M Cottage E f 4 7 W E 4 V 0 R O 1 D C P I 0 District boundary D A Vermont I

H 6 1 o P 3 R 0

A S G H C U D 48 3 I B C Springhead L 6 6 L Proposed Submission residential O 3 L S Camelsdale M L 2 D d o 8 7 F C 6 R h A 1 2 I a 3 6 R t ) A y n 1 6 1 132.0m M R O

1 0 1 a H C R L s P m O D

O 4 M D S t u L E Oakdene 5 A 133.5m h ( 8 at B E P 1 3 D 1 4 Pilgrims E Y 0 ) 1 6 (um 2 8 2 1 D Upton 4 128.0m 4 a D 0 8 Pyne 5 Proposed Submission De 2 2 1 1 6 9 1 Hill View 1 Pond 1 8 1 D a 128.6m 2 Dale 17 D Thurston 0 Cottage 2 Lodge 1 2 Pond 7 1 Tralee Court Mouse Hill Farm Cintra Hill Hill Farm Lodge Vicarage Pantiles Four Firs 2 Upyonda Witham 2 5 2 8 Tennis Wood 6 3 2 3 Christmas 1 Ard Na M Site Allocation: Cottage C A Greina O R R Maytree D Marley M L O E Pine B 4 A Y Cottage Hill E Lodge 2 D Hill High 4 Cottage 1

Standing k c

Clovelly Silver a r Wisteria Glades T El Sub 3 Nga-We 5 1 )

Y Cottage 2 h Sta t E

E m

L a u

N P Sherwood R ( A Rowan



House M Cottage White Gates 6 5 2 1

) D h

Twin t D m a Marley u Pines P 6 ( Marley Date: 04/10/2016 3 Combe ( P D 156.4m Combe 5 u a m t ´ h Marley Stone h

t ) ) 2 a m © Crown Copyright and database right P Mere Pit u ( 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803. hester District Council Chic

41 8 . Lynchmere Parish Chic Map showing existing Settlement Boundary (extending beyond the Chichester District hester District Council Boundary)


D S 1 El Sub D Issues T Bellvue U 1 8 10 R R 0 3 SluiDce Sta O T 4 1 Lea A S 2 5 CHICHESTER DISTRICT D U 1 D B N 2 House 3 RO 5 8 r D 7 COUNCIL a D W Pond D i n D Sturt El Sub 1 Recreation 1 4

5 Meadow Sta Ground D D 3 127.1m FBs Recreation DD Sluice S D Pumping Sturt Ground C R H Pond Farm O O Station WarD Cottage A O St Paul's CH0820 Foot Barn W D D L D E A 129.5m Lynchmere l Bridge CD ottage l Church D N O D a 130.1m Upper R D

1 H Vicarage

3 D Barn 1 a D GarageD 1 4 128.0m a Spring 1 1 1 1 O 1 Chy

D R Site Allocation: a T R C B BD argate Pineview U 9 C L 0 T a 1 S L a 8 E 2 1 U H 3 O 3 O Camelsdale 1 B N r Pond House 13 5 D 6 E D 5 A n 1 e V V O A S a A 1 1 l e 37 1 ha Primary t R 3 H E The Telstar lla 3 w f D D 2 O M SlD Gas D C Spring A 4 D R School e El 1 S R Ramblers e L L GA 1 1 D n 1 L Croft A E D ES 2 N Y Wagtails 135.0m 1 E CL 16 Holly 18 h 1 6 D Spring 4 08a 6 g D House th Y i 115 9 7 3 S e 136.6m E Harvest 10 4 4 R T a l 9 Legend ) L E a S P D 8 a O U m v 2 R N Holm 7 1 N u 6 Y R ( The e 1 D A 1 L D E A A 01 E 9 T District boundary Longfield K Shelter 1 e D L R E D O M Cottage E f 4 7 W E 4 V 0 R O 1 D C P I 0 existing Settlement Boundary D A Vermont I

H 6 1 o P 3 R 0

A S G H C U Proposed Submission De D 48 3 I B C Springhead L 6 6 L Proposed Submission residential O 3 L S Camelsdale M L 2 D d o 8 7 F C 6 R h A 1 2 I a 3 6 R t ) A y n 1 6 1 132.0m M R O

1 0 1 a H C R L s P m O D

O 4 M D S t u L E Oakdene 5 A 133.5m h ( 8 at B E P 1 3 D 1 4 Pilgrims E Y 0 ) 1 6 (um 2 8 2 1 D Upton 4 128.0m 4 a D 0 8 Pyne 5 2 2 1 1 6 9 1 Hill View 1 Pond 1 8 1 D a 128.6m 2 Dale 17 D Thurston 0 Cottage 2 Lodge 1 2 Pond 7 1 Tralee Court Mouse Hill Farm Cintra Hill Hill Farm Lodge Vicarage Pantiles Four Firs 2 Upyonda Witham 2 5 2 8 Tennis Wood 6 3 2 3 Christmas 1 Ard Na M Cottage C A Greina O R R Maytree D Marley M L O E Pine B 4 A Y Cottage Hill E 2 D v Lodge

elopment Plan Document Hill High 4 Cottage 1

Standing k c

Clovelly Silver a r Wisteria Glades T El Sub 3 Nga-We 5 1 )

Y Cottage 2 h Sta t E

E m

L a u

N P Sherwood R ( A Rowan



House M Cottage White Gates 6 5 2 1

) D h

Twin t D m a Marley u Pines P 6 ( Marley Date: 04/10/2016 3 Combe ( P D 156.4m Combe 5 u a m t ´ h Marley Stone h

t ) ) 2 a m © Crown Copyright and database right P Mere Pit u ( 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

42 9 . North Mundham Parish

North Mundham Parish

9.1 Policy 5 of the Chichester Local Plan identifies an indicative housing provision number of 25.

9.2 North Mundham Parish Council is not working on a neighbourhood plan at the present time. However, the indicative housing provision number for North Mundham Parish has been elopment Plan Document met (Table 1.1). v

9.3 The Settlement Boundary has been redrawn to reflect the recently built developments at North Mundham.

House Nursery CHICHESTER DISTRICT Stoney Tennis COUNCIL Lodge Meadow D Hall Proposed Submission De

North Mundham ESS North Mundham 7D.0m LAGN ROAD in Dra Pond ter Pond Water Water Wa ter and 7.6m hes ) D Chic andoned Palromay El Sub Sta rain l (ab D D Arunde GP D D 14 30 l 5 Cana 7.6m G Shelter P C The Island 2 s HU

D Site Allocation: y R 7.6m 1760 Canal R CH Elmore Oak a - OA Cottage B n H n D Cottage a a Mundham 20 e s C t r 5 Dra r o m i d n s Farm t 3 e e R D t 4 r n ain y a r D E i g 0 o m T M 7 5 L e he L E 1 4 J r 4 to 8 s A C 1 1 o G P A 20 rang L 6 2 D e Church P 4 40 Pumping Legend Orch A ar 0 3 d Station proposed Settlement Boundary Y 4 6 1 3 7 L F 20 1 W L ETCHER 8 6 5 existing Settlement Boundary 1 I PL D N 4 AC 7 3 E 8 TCB 4 3 6 R 1 e E Sub e g E 7 9 H h a 1 C t H

4 1 1 C T t

A E 1 R T 6 o L R 1 E 1 E 1 C North P H M 57 L F C 9 I 9 T T 2 Mundham 1 E 4 A L G F HE 1 Kyance R E Tutorial Unit Sunnycroft MI Telscombe TA H G D Moatside E E C 7 D D 7 S R D e r Moat A ag 6 ain O U o it 1 1 O 18 1 t m L 1 r P Pa hester District Council 6 H e ond th R H C Laroch ( 1 C um Hawthorn Auburn LD B ) St Stephen's End Footpath 2 Cottage s r Nursery D d e o n d O

g Chic Cottage l a l S a F u Cottages w l Hawthorn as h l F 7.9m h i p w s a g I te i y A V a e 2 C D G D i h H r yc o E Wayside Pond L r G ub S a le e Pigeonhouse t te H St s Farm ep D he D D ns North in Dra DD Mundham

D D rai Cottage r n a Burial i Enford Mead n Pond Ground

Tank Date: 03/10/2016

D D ´ r a i n North Farm © Crown Copyright and database right 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

43 10 . Plaistow and Ifold Parish Chic Plaistow and Ifold Parish hester District Council 10.1 Policy 5 of the Chichester Local Plan provides an indicative housing number of 10.

10.2 Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council is working on a neighbourhood plan, however, it has not reached the Pre-Submision consultation stage.

10.3 The number of dwellings shown for the site is indicative and based on known characteristics and density considerations. Site Allocation:

10.4 Where a site is not contiguous with the existing settlement boundary the Settlement Boundary Methodology as outlined in the Site Allocation DPD Methodology and Assessment Document does not require the Settlement Boundary to be amended. Proposed Submission De v elopment Plan Document

44 10 . Plaistow and Ifold Parish

Policy PL1

Land north of Little Springfield Farm

Land north of Little Springfield Farm is allocated for residential development for about 10 dwellings on 0.4ha. elopment Plan Document v The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria.

Development shall:

provide a satisfactory means of access; and provide appropriate landscaping and screening along the access to Little Springfield Farm to minimise the impact of development on the landscape and the surrounding area. Proposed Submission De Site Allocation: Karenza CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL 25

Forest Lodge White Cottage Plaistow and Ifold Sylvania St Hidden Oaks Angelo s




w Hurstwood


Malgre t i Lavender Tout h W House Woodstock Paddock hester District Council Daracott Oakfield h a House o d n a n Legend e Chic h S Proposed Submission residential 32.3m D

le a d ie W r a r te Little e H rfo B ou rd Paddock se

Applecroft IF1504

Date: 03/10/2016 ´ Pond © Crown Copyright and database right Tawlbrook 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803. 45 11 . West Wittering Parish Chic West Wittering Parish hester District Council 11.1 Policy 5 of the Chichester Local Plan identifies an indicative housing number of 50.

11.2 West Wittering Parish Council is not working on a neighbourhood plan at the present time. However, the indicative housing provision number for West Wittering Parish has been met (Table 1.1).

11.3 The Settlement Boundary has been redrawn to reflect the recently built development Site Allocation: at West Wittering.


Proposed Submission De COUNCIL

West Wittering

14 9 12 Legend

8 v

1 proposed Settlement Boundary elopment Plan Document


6 N 10 E O 8 existing Settlement Boundary N R T A H L F 6 Little IE Driftwood The E 1 5 LD Chase R Cottage D O D

N ESS D A The O L 2 O L 4 Gables Tamarakin W E D 20 K A 22 O O LD Peb Velle O R 62 MMERFIE ble ta R 2 SU s 34 3 ROAD 3 n 38 3 1 e 25 1 v a n io H H il Recreation arv 1 v 50 35 w est a Ground e Co P N urt e h Haw B T kh Ho ee 1 The Cherries 7 urs us ch 4 t e to 49 2 4 7 8 1 65 5 4

C K Three e U Chambon n Pines C D B N d 3 e L TCB n a L O l 2 b I o 8 S F 2 1 K w n F e e E Elm ep d E e r View rs a 20 G 11 22 23 El Swallows Seaton 15 SASH C Sub LOCKS L 1 i O Sta 2 y O S 3 5 Harbour a r 2 Spindlewood l E Way c a 1 h t 3 2 a 1 a 1 8 2 r 4 d ELM 1 1 ST 4 EA 2 P ARK D AD ROA 8 TE D S NS 6 Honeydown 5 LM E Date: 03/10/2016 C 4.0m M D D E R 2 o A y G ´ t Jonquil r t 1 t a 1 4 4 l Westgate Camacha Trilby g e © Crown Copyright and database right Cottage e 4 2016. Ordnance Survey 100018803.

46 12 . Appendix 1 Residential sites

Table 12.1 Long list of candidate residential sites

Parish SHLAA id Site address

Appledram CC08209B Land north of Stockbridge (part of South West Chichester) elopment Plan Document

Appledram and CC08209 South West Chichester v Donnington

Bosham BB08194 Land south of Walton House

Bosham BB08195 Highgrove Farm

Bosham BB08196 The French Gardens

Bosham BB08197 Swan Field Proposed Submission De

Bosham BB08198 Bullock Barn

Bosham BB08199 Former Cricket Ground Site Allocation:

Bosham BB08200 Land south of the Old Bridge

Bosham BB08204 Railway Arch

Bosham BB1407 Land at Ham Farm (east)

Bosham BB1408 Land at Ham Farm (west) hester District Council

Bosham BO08185 Land at Dolphin House, Delling Lane Chic

Bosham BO08186 Southfield, Delling Lane

Bosham BO08188 Land east of Taylor's Field

Bosham BO08189 Land at Crede Farm

Bosham BO08190 Burnes Shipyard

Bosham BO08193 Land adjacent Southwater

Bosham BO08402 Land at Green Acre

Bosham BO1405A Land at Walton Farm Bosham BO1405B Land at Walton Farm 47 Bosham BO1406 Land west of Delling Lane

Boxgrove BX0801 Boxgrove Primary School

Boxgrove HK1411 Land at The Folly Tinwood Lane,

Boxgrove BX0806 Land east of The Street 12 . Appendix 1 Residential sites Chic Parish SHLAA id Site address hester District Council Boxgrove BX0804 Land west of Priors Acre

Boxgrove BX0802 Land north of Boxgrove Primary School

Boxgrove BX0803 Land south of Crouch Cross Lane

Boxgrove BX0805 Land west of the Street Site Allocation: Boxgrove BX1409 Land north of Boxgrove Priory

Boxgrove BX1410 Land east of Boxgrove Priory Proposed Submission De Chichester Land at Fairyhill and Fairyhill Cottage

Chichester CC08397 Roussillon Barracks/ North of Ottway Road

Chichester CC08212 West of Chichester

Chichester CC08407 Graylingwell v elopment Plan Document Chichester CC08397 Roussillon Barracks

Chichester CC08407 Land south of Graylingwell Drive

Chichester CC08215 Land east of Peacock Close

Chichester CC1412 Warrendell, off Plainwood Close

Chichester CC1418 5 - 6 Southgate

Chichester CC1419 Sussex House, 12 Crane Street

Chichester CC1415 Bartholomews Ltd, Bognor Road

Chichester CC1413 Portfield Football Ground

Chichester CC1414 The Woolstaplers Car Park

Chichester CC1416 The Regnum Club, 45A South Street

Chichester CC1417 The Heritage, Winden Avenue

Chichester CC08242 Garage site at St James Square 48 Chichester CC08247 10 Fishbourne Road East Chichester CC08400 East Walls & Shippams Socal Club

Chichester CC08401 Shippams Factory

Chichester CHIC025 81 & 91 Spitalfield 12 . Appendix 1 Residential sites

Parish SHLAA id Site address

Chichester CC08252 Hay Road Allotments

Chichester CC08297 Land South of Winterbourne Road

Chichester CC08248 28 Kings Avenue and land rear of 28 elopment Plan Document

Kings Avenue v

Chichester CC08253 Osborne House, Stockbridge Road

Chichester CC08399 Former Chichester High School for Girls

Chichester CC1422 Land at The Tannery, Westgate

Chichester CC08246 18 Lavant Road Proposed Submission De Chichester CC08258 Playing field at Central School

Chichester CC08398 Garages behind 28 Exton Road Site Allocation: Chichester CC1420 Land at Sherborne Road

Chichester CC08250 Land at St Pancras

Chichester CC08239 Garage site at Green Lane

Chichester CC08259 Land at Westgate roundabout

Chichester CC08260 Land west of Frederick Road hester District Council Chic Chichester CC08203 Chichester High School for Boys

Donnington CC08249 Former Petrol Filling Station & 3 Road

Donnington CC08257 Land south of Southfields Close

Donnington CC1425 Selsey Tram, Stockbridge Road

Donnington CC08249 Former Petrol Filling Station & 3 Birdham Road

Donnington CC08256 Windmill Bungalow, Queens Avenue

East Wittering and Gees Camping Bracklesham 49 East Wittering and EWBR08216A Land at west of Bracklesham Lane Bracklesham

East Wittering and EWBR08216B Land at Bracklesham Lane Bracklesham 12 . Appendix 1 Residential sites Chic Parish SHLAA id Site address hester District Council East Wittering and EWBR08221B Land south of Clappers Lane Bracklesham

Fishbourne FB08271 Land at Salthill Road

Fishbourne FB08230 Land east of Mosse Gardens

Site Allocation: Fishbourne FB08270 Land to the rear of 11 Newport Drive

Fishbourne FB08276 Land north of Clay Lane

Proposed Submission De Fishbourne FB08275 Land west of Clay Lane

Fishbourne FB08225 Land west of Blackboy Lane

Fishbourne FB08274 Land to the rear of 69 Fishbourne Road

Fishbourne FB08229 Land north of Fishbourne Road West

Fishbourne FB08228 Land north of Clay Lane v elopment Plan Document Fishbourne FB08226 Land to rear of South barn

Fishbourne FB08278 Land west of Portsmouth Water Company

Fishbourne FB08281 Land north of Godwin Way

Fishbourne FN08227 Land at Clay Lane

Fishbourne FB08273 Land at Deeside Avenue

Fishbourne FB1426 Land at Fishbourne East, Ham Road

Fishbourne FB08272 Land at Fishbourne Roman Palace

Hunston HN08232 Land north of Foxbridge Drive

Hunston HN08236 Land north of 10 Oak View

Hunston HN08285 Land south of Meadow Close

Hunston HN08286 Land east of Southover Way

Hunston HN08287 Land at the corner of Church Lane and 50 Main Road Hunston HN08325 Land south of Reedbridge Farm

Hunston HN08234 Land south of the Carmelite Convent

Hunston HN08245 Land east of Foxbridge Drive

Hunston HN08233 Reedbridge Farm 12 . Appendix 1 Residential sites

Parish SHLAA id Site address

Hunston HN08288 Hunston Dairy Farm

Hunston HN1430 Land at Chrislee

Hunston HN1431 Land at Bridge Farm elopment Plan Document v Hunston HN1432 Land at Farmfield Nursery

Lavant CC08254 Hunters Rest, Lavant Road

Lavant CC08255 Land north of Summersdale Court

Lavant CC08204 Land north of Marchwood

Lavant CC08254 Maddox Wood Proposed Submission De

Lavant CC1421 Land north of Maddox Wood

Lynchmere CH0807 Land at Hammerwood Site Allocation: Lynchmere CH0820 Land at Sturt Avenue

Lynchmere CH0822 Tennis courts at Blue Anchor House

Lynchmere CH0809 Land west of the Mill Tavern

Lynchmere CH0810 Land at Sturt Meadow Cottages hester District Council

Lynchmere CH0817 Land north of Copse Road Chic

Lynchmere CH0808 Land north of Old Hatch Cottage

Lynchmere CH0815 Camelsdale Recreation Ground

North Mundham NMRC1439 Deltoid Field, Vinnetrow Road

North Mundham Land south of Stephens Cottage

Oving CC1444 Former Drayton Manor Landfill Site

Oving The Fuel Depot, Bognor Road

Oving O1446 North of Gribble Lane

Oving CC08418 Lansdowne Nursery 51 Oving CC08213 Shopwyke Strategic Development Location

Oving Sherwood Nursery

Oving CC0903 WSCC Depot 12 . Appendix 1 Residential sites Chic Parish SHLAA id Site address hester District Council Oving CC08208 Westside House

Oving CC1443 Shopwhyke Nursery

Oving MU1505 Land off Oving Road

Oving CC08213 UMA House, Portfield Depot Site Allocation: Plaistow PL1503 Land at Shortlands

Plaistow IF08416 Land south of Foxbridge Cottage (North) Proposed Submission De Plaistow IF08416 Land south of Foxbridge Cottage (South)

Plaistow IF08371 Land south of Barnwood

Plaistow PL1503 Land at Shortlands Copse

Plaistow PL1204 Land north of Todhurst v

elopment Plan Document Plaistow IF1501 Land at Little Springfield Farm

Plaistow IF1504 Land north of Little Springfield Farm

Westhampnett WH08347 Land west of Rolls Royce

Westhampnett WH1202 Corner of Claypit Lane and Madgwick Lane

Westhampnett WH08421 Land west of The March CE School

Westhampnett WH08325 Land east of Rolls Royce

Westhampnett WH08348 Land west of Overnoons

Westhampnett WH08345 Land east of 11 Stane Street

Westhampnett WH08346 Land east of Dairy Lane

Westhampnett WH08405 Land south of Ash Keys

Westhampnett WT1456 Former civil defence site

Westhampnett WH08211 Land at Maudlin Nursery 52 Westhampnett WT1457 Westerton Farm Westhampnett WH1455 Land east of Coach Road (former landfill site)

Westbourne WB08147 Land at Cemetery Lane (by Gypsy site)

Westbourne WB1454 Land at Mill Road 12 . Appendix 1 Residential sites

Parish SHLAA id Site address

Westbourne WB08148 Land south of the Church Hall

Westbourne WB08146 Garages and allotments at Churcher Road

Westbourne WB08150 Land to the rear of Lavender Cottage elopment Plan Document v Westbourne WB08149 Land to the rear of Well Cottage

Westbourne Land at Paradise Lane/North Street

Westbourne WB08141 The Foxmeadow Stud

Westbourne WB08142 Chantry Hall Farm

Westbourne WB08143 Land north of Longcopse lane Proposed Submission De

Westbourne WB08144 Land west of Monks Hill

Westbourne WB1453 Land on north side of Cemetery Lane Site Allocation: hester District Council Chic

53 13 . Appendix 2 Employment/Mixed Use sites Chic Table 13.1 Long list of candidate employment/mixed use sites hester District Council Parish SHLAA id/ID Site Address

Bosham Land at Ham Farm East

Bosham Land at Ham Farm West

Chichester Bus Depot Site Allocation:

Chichester Royal Mail Sorting Office

Chichester Bus Station Proposed Submission De Chichester Linpac Site

Chichester Graylingwell

Chichester EMP1513 Plot 12 Terminus Road

Chichester Southern Gate, off Terminus Road v elopment Plan Document Chichester Barnfield Drive

Chichester West of Chichester strategic development location

Chichester EMP1509 Land west of Frederick Road

Chichester EMP1511 Chichester High School for Boys

Donnington Donnington Park

Donnington EMP1512 Land south of A27 (opposite Terminus Road)

Fishbourne FB08227 Land at Clay Lane

Fishbourne EMP1507 Land to the rear of 69 Fishbourne Road

Fishbourne FB1426 Land at Ham Farm, FIshbourne East

Hunston EMP1506 Watery Lane Road frontage

Hunston HN1430 Land at Chrislee

North Mundham NMRC1440 Land south of Bognor Road

54 North Mundham NMRC1438 Walnut Tree Field

Oving CC1444 The Fuel Depot

Oving MU1504 Land south of Shopwhyke Road

Oving Shopwyke strategic development location 13 . Appendix 2 Employment/Mixed Use sites

Parish SHLAA id/ID Site Address

Oving MU1503 Land south of Shopwhyke Road and west of Sherwood Nursery

Oving CC1445 Land at Springfield Lorry Park elopment Plan Document Oving CC1460 Chichester Garden Centre v

Oving CC08203 Land north of the Fuel Depot

Oving Drayton Depot

Plaistow IF08416 Land south of Foxbridge Drive (south)

Selsey Ellis Square Proposed Submission De

Sidlesham Easton Farm

Tangmere Land south west of Site Allocation: Tangmere Tangmere strategic development location

Tangmere Land south east of Tangmere

Tangmere Tangmere Employment Area (City Field)

Tangmere Land south of Tangmere Airfield Nurseries hester District Council Thorney MoD Thorney Island Chic Westhampnett WH08325 Land east of Rolls Royce

Westhampnett WH08347 Land west of Rolls Royce

Westhampnett WH1455 Land east of Coach Road (former landfill site)

Westhampnett WT1456 Former Civil Defence Site (Westerton)

55 Produced by Planning Policy - Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1TY

Chichester District Council. October 2016