
The No* ^c 11 West 53 Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 Circle 5-8900 Cable; Modernart Tueaday, April 19, I966 FOR IMKEDIATB RBUSASE SPECIAL TO MDimiEAL PAPERS

Hontreal-bom Guldo Hollnari I9 one of the 68 artists rapreaanted in tha axhibition of

RECENT ACQUISITIONS on view at Tha Huaeum of Hodem Art in Naw York from April 6 through

June 12. Mr. MolinariU , Yallow Atyiapetray (I95O) was tha gift of Mr. Mbnroa

Cellar to tha Mluseum*

Mr. Molinari was bom in 1S^3, studied at the Eeola das Beauac Arts in from 19^ to 1931 and at tha School of Art and Design, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts,

1951«52. Ha taught painting at the Ifiuseum^s School of Art and Design in I962 and 63*

He now lives in St* Z«aurent, in Province*

Tha Museum's annual asdiibitions of recently acquired irork are presented as a report to the public because, even with tha additional gallery space made possible by the completion of the first phase of tha Museum's building program, only a small part of the acquisitions can be hung in the galleries permanently allotted to the Collections.

The seventy works in the current exhibition, dating from I906 through 196^, have been selected and installed by Dorothy C* Miller, Curator of the Nuiseum Collections, from tha larger group, tha rest of Which will be shown in a series of smaller exhibitions later this year.

The international character of the Museum Collections is well illustrated in the exhibition with artists from 20 countries represented including Argentina, Australia,

Colombia, Cuba, Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Morocco,

Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Yugoslavia, as wall as Canada*

Photographs and additlx)nal information available from L3^n Traiger, Assistant Director, Department of Public ^information. The Iftiseum of Modem Art, 11 West 53 Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. Circle 5-8900*