CDnnedicui Irish-American T~e Sbanacbfe Hisloric8/SDciebJ Janualfj - Februalfj /999 VDL~No. /

Chinese-Irish love affair blossomed, then withered

n the recently published I anthology, The New York /n"sh, an entire chapter is de-

voted to the fairly common I r I' 19th century custom of I Chinese-Irish marriages. .:-~ .. , .. '..t, ~ "" ," "Chinese-Irish marriages .J were sufficiently noticeable in ~ ; " New York City," writes John Kuo i"-:.-.~~ -' Wei Tchen, "to merit regular I'~!'~r, , . comment in the city's newspa­ , I' . iI, pers, even warranting caricatures i :. and drawings, which dominated 'l If the media's representation of :1 f r Chinese in New York City. i' i·' "Harper's Weekly reported in 1857 that 28 Irish women selJing apples have 'gone the way ofmat­ rimony with their elepbant-eyed, olive skiIUled contemporaries ... And decades later, in 1890, ·····::~ffif~:ng~ withth~ Harper's Weekly devoted a ·:·x" ":. ','. • :. '.-. .::~:·,·times;~VVti~ we began double-page centerfold spread showing a Chinese-Irish couple and their children. 't~~~~~ "Those familiar with New This 1880 vintage cartoon depicts the close relationship o/Chinese York immigration and settlement and Irish in New York City in that era. ··NQVi~tit.ha~, we're patterns would not be totally sur­ prised by this Irish-Chinese phe­ Although it is not mentioned The romance began when :.::.::.::~~r.n;~:r;e~·~;~~rq&:·····: nomenon. Chinese immigrants in The New York Irish, there was Katie, "a young woman \\,ith fair .·_t:<~(?i(H~:i::i~f ::}: '.',' '.:;.: could be found in the Fourth and at least one COIUlecticut tie in all skin and blue eyes," took the train /WhJIe w.:··c.n loOk\vith a Sixth Wards ofLower Manhattan of this: In 1892, Katie McCor­ from Hartford to visit relatives .:, .S8I'1S$ ohcHisfuhio~on ... Many Irish lived in these two mack, an Irish girl from Hartford who were among the Irish living in wards up until the time of Italian took up with a New York Chinese Chinato\l,TI. i~~iil:~~1~:'~ and Jewish immigration ..." resident named Chu Fong. (Please turn 10 Page 3) Etiquette stressed at Irish dancing prof's New Year gala th~hhe.1ir'$t 601ssues of Th$:sh$n~hle have A reception sponsored by danc­ those attending included 50 of a novel program issued by the in­ Prpughtto light have only ing instructor P.H. Kelley ­ Kelley's students from Meriden structor. The cover represents a scratched the surface of known formally as Professor Kel­ along with their partners and life-like, hall:tone photograph re­ the history of our people ley - was one ofthe major events large delegations from the Irish production of Professor Kelle\, and their contributions to ofthe holiday season in Meriden in instructor's dancing classes in and on the rewrse side a pen and thiS state. Much research 1897. Southington and New Britain. ink reproduction of the correct r~ain$ undone on such The reception was held on the "Elaborate preparations have waltz position with the motto, 'So evening of 30 at the Grand been made for the event," com­ topics as the Irish in 0010­ Dec. stands the statue that enchants the (PktlSe hUll to P",e 2) Army of the Republic Hall. Kerr's mented the Meriden Morning world.'" Orchestra provided the music and Record, "not the least ofwhich is (Please hUll to Page 1) FAMINE JOURNAL January - February 1849 #21

Perspective Conditions In Galway In Early 1849 Evictions In Dingle London Times, Jan. 6, 1849 - The Limerick Chronicle pub­ The arrival of 1849 brought Gort Union, Board of Guardians, lishes the subjoined 'black list' no relief from the Famine in Jan. 20, 1849 - The Gort Union, in of evictions in Kerry: From the Ireland. In fact, 3 1/2 years common with others situated on the lands of Cahirtrant, the property after the potato crop fIrst Connaught coast, has been a serious of Lord Ventry and in a parish failed in 1845, the death and sufferer from bad or inferior crops whence that nobleman's title is ~ destitution were as wide­ during the past season. Owing to late derived, 36 families, compre­ spread as ever. Death by sowing, imperfect tillage and hending 188 souls, have been starvation was common, insufficiency of manure, in addition expelled. From the lands of death from disease was on to the geneml blight, the crop of potatoes may be almost said Dunshean, the property of Lord the increase in the crowded to have failed; few, ifany, having arrived at full and perfect Ventry,24 families including workhouses and the death toll growth, while a great portion were blasted before the 113 individuals, have been ex­ was mounting from an out­ formation of the tuber, and the remainder consisted principally terminated. From the same bad break of cholera in illster. of half-grown roots, small in size, in quality and townland, belonging to the same Also increasing mpidly was frequently black and decayed in appearance. nobleman, 7 families of con­ the pace of evictions. Potatoes, we may say, are nearly exhausted, more especially acre holders, comprehending 37 Reports from throughout among the poorer class of occupiers. We have, however, persons, have been driven forth. the country indicated the new reason to believe that some of the larger farmers are holding a From Cahirquin, the property of year would bring an even portion for seed and we observe that some are still brought to Lord Ventry, II families, num­ larger emigration than the market, where they bring from 6d. to 7d. per stone. These are bering 49 human beings, have early years of the Famine. "It almost invariably smail, wet and diseased. Turnips are more been thrust out by process of is a growing expectation in plentiful; a fair quality of these roots may be had in some law. From Clountys, in the par­ Ireland," the London Times localities at Is. 6d. per cwt. ish of Dunurlin, the property of said in an editorial, "that we Of livestock, the number in the hands of tenant-farmers is Lord Ventry, 10 families, num­ are now about to witness one evidently diminishing. The decrease is observable in all bering 40 human beings, have of the most momentous op­ descriptions - cows, sheep, horses and swine, particularly been deprived of house or hold­ emtions of society - the the latter. ing. From the townland of Cap­ removal of a people en masse pagh, in the parish of Clahane, to a distant shore. The half We do not perceive agricultural opemtions with a view of not far from the shores of Bran­ million who have got off with preparing for a future crop, progressing to any extent among don, and belonging, too, to Lord no very great stir in the the farmers generally. Many of the small holders have left Ventry, 19 families, comprising course of two years are but their land, up to this, altogether untouched and few of the 97 Christian beings, have been an advanced guard to the larger occupiers are making extensive arrangements for the ejected by a posse of bailifTs main body that follows ... coming season. Moreover, the quantity of land surrendered, acting under the power of En­ every one of the half million deserted or the last occupier of which was removed, is glish law. Total of recent evic­ who have safely effected considemble and is now in great measure waste. This coupled tions from Lord Ventr)'s prop­ their retreat consecrates his with the roofless cottages, dilapidated fences, and almost total erty near Dingle, 170 families; flfst earnings to the pious absence of cattle or sheep, stacks of com or pits of potatoes, 532 souls. work of rescuing a parent, a from the fIelds, gives to many districts of the union a desolate brother, or a sister from Ire­ and disheartening appearance, and affords but a gloomy ... And Elsewhere prospect for the next harvest ... land. London Times, Jan. 5, 1849 There is scarcely any employment now for the labouring - The Athlone Sentinel has the population of this union, with the exception of two or three of following statement: The num­ FAMINEJOURNAL the larger proprietors who still keep a few men at work, ber of ejectments tried last week chiefly consisting of small holders of land who are not at the Roscommon and Meath Published bimonthly dur­ eligible for reliefunder the poor law, there is little or no Quarter Sessions incredibly ex­ Ing the l50th anniversary demand for agricultural labourers ... ceeds the usual numtx.'r for of the Irish Potato Famine. The recent increase of disease - principally fever and hearing. Verv few of the unfor­ Copyright 1999, Connecti­ dysentery - has added another item to the difficulties of the tunate creatures were able to cut Irish-American His­ union. Probably arising from cold and wet, superadded to take defence, and were in al­ torical Society, P.O. Box insufficiency of wholesome food and the absence of proper most all ~s ejected. A fresh 120020, East Haven, CT covering, the progress of sickness amongst the poorer classes mass of human beings will, con· 06512. since winter set in has been mpid, and in many cases fatal ... sequently, be sent on the world to augment the existing misery. ______Pilg- 3 Hartford lass fell for Chinese merchant while visiting New York

(Cottlinuedfrom Page 1) was visiting. After that, according York, "He made love in warm lady and, ''Next thing he knew she While there, she was intro­ to Chu, Katie made a dead set for style and she quickly said yes to had gone to Hartford with a man duced to Chinese immigrant Chu him and he fell in love with her his wooing. It was soon after that who said he was a cousin ofChuck Fong, a street vendor. Chu Fong because she was so pretty and had he gave her a diamond ring, other Connors, and promised to get her a "was sitting in front of his old such winning ways." jewels, some rich wearing ap­ place on the stage in the company stand in Pell street one day when Chu visited China, where he parel and $500 with which to buy ofwhich Mr. Connors is the star." he was presented to Katie by a continued to correspond with the her trousseau." Katie, however, SOUl'u: Meriden Morning Record, young woman of the family she Irish lass. Upon his return to New turned out to be a fickle yOWlg Sept 22, 1897. Black men attending military review heard stirring appeal for freedom An African-American spoke out sensible I am that the day is not tions, overt concert in actions and the white man and why are we de­ strongly for freedom at Chappell's far distant when a purely demo­ indomitable spirit of persever­ prived and cut ofT from the rights Tavern near Norwich in October cratic government will burst our ance that alone will insure our and privileges we are entitled to. 1845 during "a military review of fetters and proclaim to an out­ speedy triumph. Our forefathers fought, bled and the colored population" of that raged world that the colored man "Let us be up and a doing then died to gain the freedom and lib­ community. is free. and use every possible efTort to erty of our country and why not "My countrymen and fellow cit­ "Free in thought, free in body inform ourselves and others in ought we to enjoy the lawful rights izens," said a black official whose and the election franchise knowledge and Wlderstanding. of our country as well as the white name unfortunately was not men­ throughout this widespread re­ Let us endeavor to cultivate in man ..." tioned, " ... we are well aware of publick. Then and not until then our minds good, honest, upright SOUl'u: New London Morning News, the many disadvantages we labour will this be a happy country or a principles in our dealings with Oct. 29, 1845. under from the great prejudice that happy people. mankind and show to the world Editor's IIOte: In recognition of the exists amongst the commWlity at "However much remains to be although our complexion be dark bond between our historical society and tile other societies in the Ethnic large and superstition, bigotry, fa­ done by our people and for that by our daily proceedings and HeriJage CenieI', andtofoster appreci­ naticism and slavery that have reason I would wish to impress good conduct that we are men ationfor all1'tu;es anti nationalities, we cursed our race from the founda­ upon the minds of ail our peopie possessed wih1 the same natural print in eadl issue of The Shanacitu tion of this government and most the great necessity of organiza- intelJect and powers of mind as one story about another efnnic grollp. famillJ historlJ ...... ;; ...,--_...._------_1 Old city gh. Boyan, Edward, laborer h Gilbert. directories, available in many pub­ Barry, James, laborer, h 19 George. Bray, Patrick, laborer bds 340 lic libraries and in archives such as High. Boyhen, Thomas, orakeman h Main. the Connecticut State Library in Barry, John 2d, laborer, h Pacific 16 Milne. Bray, William, blacksmith h 15 Hartford, are a treasurehouse ofin­ n H Railroad. Boyle, Anthony, mech h Pem­ Arch. fonnation for the genealogist. Barry, Michael, laborer, h Main broke n Coleman. Breen, Patrick, laborer h Warren n The foilowi..,g is a list of Irish c Congress. Boyle, Richard, currier h Milne n South avo names extracted by Paul Keroack Bohen, Francis, laborer, h Lev­ Washington avo Brennan, Bryan, laborer h Wash­ from the Bridgeport Directory and erty n liarraI av. Boyle, Joseph, clerk bds Pem­ ington avo Annual Advertiser of 1867-68. Bohen, James D., mech h Greene broke c Coleman. Brennan, JaI11es, plumber h High Searches ofofuer city ana town di­ n Water. Boyle, Mrs. Mary, h Gold c Wa­ n Washington avo rectories could prociuce equaliy Boland, William, laborer h 10 ter. Br8IU1on, John laborer h South avo vaiuaoie listings. Pequonnoci.. Brady, John, laborer h Leverty n Abbreviations used in tile di­ Bonan, Brian, laborer h Wash­ Washington avo We wiil continue to publish rectory inciude: n for near, h for ing';on av n Grand. Brady, Patrick, cannan h Gold n names collected by Paul from both house; c for comer, !xis for boaros; Bourice, Martin, grocery h :2. Water. the Bridgeport and Norwich direc­ av for avenue; ED for Eastern Dis­ Main c Crescent ED. Brady, Michael, laborer, 34 tories as space permits. ln the trict; H for Housatonic Railroad; Bowen, Wiiliam, MD, h Golden Arch. meantime, perhaps otiler members ext for extension; ft for foot; mach Hia c Harrison. Brady, Michael 2d, tinner h Di­ would be interested in volunteer­ for rnacilinist; mech for mechanic; Bowen, ~vr.cnce, tai~or, h vision n South avo ing to extract names from directo­ n for near, IT for railroad. Wood n Wasi1ington av Branagan, Patrick, mach bds ries ofother cities and to"ns. lfwe Bowlen, JOM, brass founder bds Greene n Walter. can collect enough names from a Ahern, John, fish and meats, 284 Congress n Main. Bray, Lucius, mach h Pembroke number of directories, they can be Wurin. Bowlen, Edward, laoorer Ods n California. filed in our archives and will be of Barry, John, Ooi~er maicer, h 19 Congress n Main. Bray, Nelson, sadaler h 13 great use to fiunijy researchers. Connecticut e lrish-Ameriedn TfJ HisloriedlSociehj Sbanacbie March - April 1999 VoL XI, No. II

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SOUTH DAKOTA Thanks to one ofour long-range M. S members, we have stumbled S upon the Nebraska connection. O'Neil o St. John U IOWA A resident of O'Neill, Nebraska, • • R Ann Pomgratz Is a descendant • ofIrish emigrants who settled In NEBRASKA Norwich, Connecticut, in the Omaha. R 1850s and then Immigrated once I V more to Nebraska in the 1860s. COl.ORAOO Research on her family turns up some other fascinating links in MISSOURI the history ofthe Irish ofCon­ • necticut and Nebraska.

Nebraska's Irish colonies Norwich families went west Although not known as a out, "Nebraska boasted six pre­ By PAUL KEROACX the largest city in the eastern half state with a large Irish popula­ dominantly Irish colonies in For about 20 years, Norwich of Connecticut, rapidl\ tion, Nebraska did attract its 1890." was home to a group ofIrish im­ from a population of7,000 at th.: share of immigrants from the Settlement of Omaha began migrants Wil0 were among tile opening of the Norv.ich & Emerald Isle, and very early on in earnest after an 1854 treaty pioneer settlers of Dawson, Worcester Railroad in 1840 to at that. opened tile territory up. Among Neb., in the years after the Civil 10,000 a decade later. In her history of Nebraska, those listed as settiers in Omaha War. Of these immigrants, th.: Dorothy Weyer Creigh com­ County in the late 18508 was Irish by tile thousands poured Quinlans were apparentl\' the ments: "When the Indian moved Patrick Quinland, who may into Connecticut from the 1840s earliest to arrive in Norwich. over, the Irish moved into Ne­ have been of the Quinlan fami­ on, filling a growing need for la­ several Quinlan famili.:s living braska, they say, for Irish inuni­ lies mentioned by Paul Keroack bor in new raiiroads and miils, there by 1848. William and grants were among the first set­ in his story on this page about and after 1845, neeing the Winifred Quinlan and John and tlers in the territory." And Ray Norwich people settling in Ne­ Potato Famine, as weI!. Mary-Ellen Quinlan had adult Allen Billington in his book, braska. A listing ofmarriages Norwich attracted many of children at hom.:, whil.: Patrick Westward Expansion. points (Please hun to Page J) these immigrants because it was (Please him to Page 1) FAMINE JOURNAL March - April 1849 #22

Perspective Cholera Spreads In West And South Black Hole Death London Times, March 2, 1849 -The cholera. This dreadful Cork Euminer, April 18~9 Cholera, which had been scourge has at length appeared in the south oflreland. The - On Friday, the 20th of April, devastating Europe and which Limerick Chronicle ofyesterday thus reports:- "The flfSt case in a weak tottering man or the made its appearance in Limerick this year was that ofMartin Boyle, a servant out of place skeleton of what once might be Belfast in early 1849, spread who was brought into Barrington's Hospital on Monday evening, called a man staggered into the throughout the country and when Dr. Geary saw the unfortunate man and at once pronounced it workhouse in Youghal. He was especially in the west and a case ofmarked Asiatic cholera. The patient died about noon lean and hungery ....ith the southwest during the late yesterday, after exhibiting a total prostration ofstrength, eyes sunk, voracity of a wolf On Frida\ winter and spring ofthat year. voice reduced to a whisper, partial discoloration of the skin, with and Saturday he was supported Already worn down by years general collapse ofthe system. The second victim yesterday was by the bountiful charity of the: of famine, peasants had few Mary King, who, after a very few hours' suffering. died at 5 Poor La....". and on Sunday reserves left to fight the o'clock, having been attended by Drs. Gelston and Kane, with morning, instigated by hunger, disease. symptoms exactly similar to the flfSt. Last night there were three this ....Tetched being allempte:d Starvation and large-scale more cases in the hospital. also very bad, attended by Dr. Gore and - what'} To commit what evictions continued and the other physicians ... The names ofthe four persons in cholera at tenible crime'} Murder'} No, to strange scenes were reported the hospital this day are Mary Mannix, James Byrces, Jane steal a morsel of bread This in courtrooms where suspects Connors and Francis Duggan ... was the sole crime of which the in the hope of bettering their pauper Patrick ConollY was chances of getting regular London Times, April 9, 1849 -The Most Rev. Dr. Crolly, the guilty .. (He .... as placed! in nourishment, pleaded to be Roman Catholic Primate. expired yesterday in Drogheda after an what is rightly called the Black sentenced to jailor to be attack ofcholera ofnine hours duration ... As soon as the Hole, a den \~ithout air or I1ght transported across the seas. announcement ofhis death was made public the shops in Drogheda and measuring e:ight feel t>~ '1\ Into this hole the: staning mJn For the same reason, were nearly all closed and the shipping in the river had their flags was thrust, his mis~rat>k meal emigration continued at raised half mast high. He was about 70 years ofage, bu t from having been tom from his extraordinary levels and was active habits and strong constitution looked to be much less hungr:. eyes and wollish welcome by influential people advanced in age. appetite ... The da~ rolkd on. in England as presenting an the day dedicated b\ the opportunity to rid Ireland of London Times, April 27, 1849 -The cholera. Superadded to Christian world to thoughts of the Celtic race.. the affiictions that have fallen upon the devoted province of peace and love and holiness and Conaught, the present epidemic seems to have set in there with far Sir Robert Peel, who was at 2 0 'clock death. more prime minister when the more fatal effect than in any other portion of the kingdom subjected merciful than man. laid Its (old Famine began, even proposed to the visitation. The accounts from Ballinrobe in the county of hand on the h~art of the pauper a plan for the colonization of Mayo, continue to be ofa most distressing nature; the disease victim. Ireland. His idea was for sweeping the people off by scores each day, while the cases of An inqu~st \~as hdJ anJ th~ bankrupt estates, which were recovery are so few as to be scarcely worth mentioning. The follo\\ing was th~ \erJi.:t of the becoming more numerous as subjoined extract ofa letter dated Tuesday evening, tells its o....n the Famine years continued, tale - "I cannot regret to have to tell you that the cholera has JU0- to be sold to English or made its appearance here, and the town is in a frightful state this "We lint.! that on SunJ;J\. the Scottish entrepreneurs and for morning. The vice guardians wish to get the dispensary for a 22nd of April, Patnck Conoll\. them to bring over with them hospital. They say there were upwards of20 new cases ofcholera a pauper in Youghal \\orkhou~. cadres of peasants and this morning. I hear of more since. There were several deaths last was confin~J in a pla(~ (alkJ farmers who would take over night through the town and in the vicinity. Persons are lying dead the Black HoI.:, hcing at the: the tilling of the soil from the and no one to bury them. May the Lord protect us - the visitation same time d~priveJ of hiS native Irish. is awful." rations and while so conlin~J. The pestilence has also broken out with great virulence in the being seized \\ith si(kn~ss diL'd~ th~ FAMINE JOURNAL workhouses ofBallinasloe - "Ballinasloe, Tuesday evening The shortly atler and JIln greatest consternation prevailed here since yesterday morning in tind that said Patrick Conoll\ came by his death m Publlahed bimonthly dUJinl consequence ofthe appearance of cholera in one of the au.xiliary w~ consequence of h.:mg so the l50th lUUIiversary or the workhouses with which the town is crowded. Up to the present. contined in said Black Ilole and Irish Potato Famine. understand, there have been no less than 87 cases of ....hich 22 have being deprived of his rations, Copyrlaht 1997 by the already proved fatal. The disease, \-Ie are informed, has now and the jurors ....ish to put on Connedieut Irish-American broken out in a second of the houses where 12 cases have alr~adv d~aths. rL'Cord their marked Hbtorical Society, P.O. Boll occurred and two We fear that humanly speaking there is condemnation ofthe Black Hole 120-020, Eat Haven, cr every probability of the malady committing fearful ravages in this of the Youghal workhouse." 06512. town ... " ______Pilge3 after Civil War German school To reach Dawson's Mills, lo­ in Meriden cated in Richardson County in the southeast comer of the state, they In 1879, the German com­ walked 20 miles from the nearest munity in Meriden opened a railroad stop. German-American school in Satisfied with the prospects, the the Turner Hall in that city. other Connecticut immigrants were The haH was fitted over advised to follow, which they did with desks and chairs pur­ later that year and in 1868. They chased from a German gen­ were Johanna O'Brien Fenton, her tleman named Hirunan, who sons Dennis, William and Jerry was "the Meriden agent for Fenton, with his wife and two "·~l.ifll'·l~V school furniture." daughters; Thomas Ryan, his ;'~'III' ""':"1' daughter Bridget and grandson As ;hown in this sketch, crowded trains were the vehicle The cost of refitting the Martin; Civil War veterans Pat and ofwestward immigration in the 1860s-70s. hall to serve as a school was James Clancy and John Fento~ $200. The rental for the hall Hugh O'Grady, his wife and chil­ was $225 a year "and these dren; John and Mary Carver and Colonies attracted Irish to Nebraska expenses have been provided (ConJimledfrom Page 1) their children; Michael O'Donnell, journ in the East. While here, he for by the generous contribu­ in Nebraska in the 1932 issue of Timothy O'Sullivan, M.B. Miller, apparently did some recruiting tions from our German Amer­ who was a grandson ofBryan Riley, Nebraska Genealogical Record for Kel1y adds that a "group of ican citizens." Denis Maher, William "Billy" includes two other Quinlans: factory workers from Wood­ Some of the expenses Murphy, and John, Michael and March 31, 1861, Hermann stock, Hartford and other parts were recouped by charging Billy Quinlan. Walther and Mary Quinl~ Jan. In 1873, widow Bridget Kean, ofConnecticut" decided to reset­ the approximately 60 stu­ 1, 1863, John BlackJaw and her grown sons James and David, tle in Trecy's community. dents a fee of $ I per month. Margaret Eliza Quinlan. Were and nephew George, who had been The best known of the Ne­ Families that sent two chil­ any or all of these precursors of living in Moosup and Wauregan in braska Irish colonies was that dren paid $1.50 a month and the later larger immigration Connecticut, bought a farm in Daw­ organized by Gen. John O'Neill. those that sent three paid only from Connecticut to Nebraska? son. The family had left COWlty A native of COWlty Monaghan $2 a month. Mayo in 1848 and lived in Canada Whether that was the case or who served in the Indiana cav­ To teach in the new and other New England states be­ not, some Connecticut Irish ap­ alry in the Civil War, O'Neill fore moving to Connecticut school, which opened in the parently were attracted by one of was the commander ofseveral of An autumn of 1879, the Germans 1874 outbreak of grasshop­ the colonization schemes pro­ pers forced some ofthe new settlers the Fenian incursions into retained a Mr. Roeth who moted by certain Irish leaders as to leave Nebraska, including the Canada in the late I860s. previously was principal of a means to get immigrants out of Keans, but they later returned to In the early 1870s, O'Neill the Martha Institute in Hobo­ cities on the Eastern Seaboard. farm there. The last of the group, organized a colony in northeast­ ken, N.J. It was said that Father Jeremiah F. Trecy, a Thomas and Mary Gill Ryan, ern Nebraska in what subse­ Roeth came highly recom­ cousins ofthe first Thomas Ryan to native of COWlty Tyrone, estab­ quently became the town of mended. He was assisted by immigrate, left Connecticut in 1886 lished the first such colony in O'Neill. A group of 13 men, two his wife who was "a very ac­ for Dawson. June 1855 when he and II Irish women and five children arrived Descendants of all these fami­ complished lady." immigrants organized the mis­ there on May 12, 1874. The eastern On the day the school lies continue to live in Ne­ sion of St. John in Dakota braska. Many have gone into busi­ colony prospered despite some opened nearly every seat was COWlty just across the Missouri ness, banking and politics in later shady land deals and grasshop­ filled and the Meriden Morn­ River from Iowa in northeastern years. Other members of the fami­ per plagues. Today, O'Neill has ing Record believed '1he Nebraska. In April 1856, Trecy lies who did not go West have de­ what it calls the world's largest school cannot fail of being an brought 25 more families to St. scendants in Connecticut today. shamrock, 65 feet by 55 feet, excellent one." John, or St. Patrick's as it was painted in the middle ofits main SOlU'u: MerUk.. Mor..u., also known, from the Irish set­ SolUca: U.S. CDUIU lor ColUIeCIicMI, downtown intersection. R~cortl, SepL 6 iutll SepL 12. 1850,1'60; U.S. CeulUlor N_uka, tlement ofGarryowen in Iowa. So"rca: "BeJou Totllly, TIt~ His­ 1879. 1870; VII#I RM:OI'u olNorwidt, CtHUt.; In the spring of 1857, Trecy tory 01HoII CtHUIIy, N«wuktl" by EtIiIor'. 1U1t~: I.. r«Of.un- of Norwidt city tIU«ItIria, 1157-1861; SL du boIuI ~__ ItisIoriL:IIi Mary'. C__.,ItUllno_, Norwidt; came east and spent time in ,..,.0;" S..ytler, YO#,' "CtIIltolic 11ft­ Washington, D.C., and New mi6rMl Colofliv,tioll Project," by .DCiay tIIItI tII~ otiI.~01 inlomullioll frotllllllftily .0fU'CG .~ sUter Mil')' Gilbnf K~Uy itr U.s. til. EJJutM: Hriq~ C.-.r. tIIItI pliH by M,.., A"" Fmtoll POIIIlrtU:. 01 York talking up his colony. Ac­ CtJdIoIic HistoriclJl Soci«y M OIID- to O'Neill, N.h.,' bialfUlfllilJl r«:ortllor 1M" ilPpreciMiotr liN .U cording to Sister Mary Gilbert ,rllpll Sma XVII, 1939; rile.. tIIItI "';-lIljtj.., _ priM Dtlt4WolI, N.JJ" 1976; "Bio6rllpltic Kelly in an article on Catholic "Nurukll, " Dorodty W"'lIr Ut ~tJdt is._ 01 n~ SIuuatJdti6 Sk«cJt 01H_1IbI6 J~ FMIDII, " by er.,lt; "Wm-rt/ E.JcpcIuioll," by 011 • .uwy .HtII MMltn .dutic W.m- F_II, 19JJ. colonization projects, Trecy vis­ ited Connecticut during his so- R"Y AU- &IJiIqfo1l. Vowp· CDnnecticut T~e lrish-Amedun HistDriulSDclellj 5banacbfe Mag - June 1999 VDL XI, No. III

. ,',', , .... ' .. ,',',',',',',',','.','.',.,',','.','.','.'.. ,.,'.'.. ," .. ,.,'.'.... ;-. BEHIND CONVENT LURKING WALLS ••• To 19th century Irish immigrants, convents were simply communal dwellings for women pledged to celibacy and devoted to teaching or help­ ing the poor. New England Yankees, however, suspected that behind con­ vent walls lurkeddark secrets ofyounggirls heldagainst their will. Fanned by accounts ofwomen said to have escapedfrom convents, such suspicions led to more than one incident ofviolence against convents by those who espousedthe nativist view that the Irish representeda great threat to Amer­ ica. Below are stories oftwo such incidents linked to Connecticut. Hartford nun lived through 1855 threat to convent in Providence

On May 27, 1854, Bernard was in full stride in Rhode Island O'Reilly, second bishop of the as it was tltroughout New Eng­ Diocese of Hartford, presided as land. Springing from about equal three Irish young women took parts of anti-Catholicism, anti­ their vows as Sisters of Mercy. Irish sentiment and concern that One of the three, Sister Barbara immigration was threatening - nee Mary Jordan - was to American life, the agitation fo­ spend most of her career in Hart· cused on politics, religion and ed­ ford as supervisor at the orphan­ ucation. Nativists wanted to limit age conducted in connection with the influence of the Catholic St. Catherine's Convent for more Church, disband Irish militia units than 32 years and as a teacher at and keep a close eye on convents, St. Patrick's School. Just a month after Sister Bar­ At the time Jordan entered the bara took her vows, Rhode Island order, the diocese comprised both newspapers began to allude to se­ Connecticut and Rhode Island and ­ cret gatherings promoting the na­ her flfst assignment was at St. tivist, or Know Nothing, cause. In Xavier's Convent on Broad Street local elections that November, in Providence. voters put a number of nativist In the 18505, nativist agitation (please turn to page 2) Connecticut minister aroused nativists who burned Boston convent The most famous of the con­ boarding school. Its staff com­ greatly concerned orthodox min­ on Long Island and in Litchfield in vent incidents OCCWTed in a sub­ prised primarily Irish nuns edu­ isters in that city. Connecticut before becoming pas­ urb of Boston, on Aug. ll, 1834, cated in France, and the school One of those thus concerned tor of the Park Street Church in with one of the leading characters developed a reputation for excel­ was the Rev. Beecher, a native Boston. a Connecticut-born clergyman, the lence that drew students from as of New Haven, a graduate of According to one historian, Rev. Lyman Beecher. far away as Canada and New Or· Yale and a Presbyterian minis­ Beecher was "a revivalistic The Ursuline convent was es­ leans. ter. Beecher, one of whose 13 preacher whose fiery sermons tablished on Mount Benedict in Many of its students were children was Harriet Beecher earned his church the popular des­ the then rural community of drawn from affluent Protestant Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's ignation of 'Brimstone Comer.' Charlestown in the 1820s as a families of Boston, a fact which Cabin, served in East Hampton (please turn to page 2) FAMINE JOURNAL May - June 1849 #23

Perspective Havoc In Kerry Gentry Dying, Too London Times, May 4, 1849 London Times, May 18, While English newspapers - State ofthe Kenmare Union 1849 - Subjoined is an extract and members ofParliament in ... Of the misery which the popu­ from a lady in the county of London scolded the Irish for lation ofthis district endure Roscommon, giving a melan­ their indolence, the Famine some idea may be formed from choly sketch ofthe distress at raged on in many parts of the fact ... that no less than eight present existing among the gen­ Ireland. A government official persons have perished on the try in that part ofthe country: in Dublin stated in early May roadside ofsheer exhaustion and - You have no idea ofthe state 1849, "The deaths from hunger within the last 10 days. ofthe gentry in this county. I privation within the last Six of those ill-fated individuals mean those who have nothing month outnwnber those of the were coming away from the but estates; they are starving. whole winter of 1846-47 and workhouse. Some say they had Workhouse Toll Yes, indeed, starving! A lady that a more fatal season has been turned out, and while striv­ London Times, May 4, who has an estate of300 acres yet to come inasmuch as ... ofland for ever at 6d. per acre ing to reach the place where 1849 - The mortality in the what in April and May is no has just been to tell me that for once stood their homes, they fell workhouse ofFermoy for the worse than scarcity will 27 hours her family have not and perished on the road. This last four months has been as amount before Midsununer to tasted food! There is, I am told, happened last week - there was follows: positive famine." an inquest as ifthe cause oftheir a society in Dublin for affording What made 1849 different death was a mystery. The verdict January 208 deaths relief to distressed Protestant from 1847 was that the focus ofthe jury has not transpired but February 352 deaths families. Could you inquire the verdict ofthe public was about it, it would be an act of ofthe tragedy had now shifted March 315 deaths from the cottages of the poor "Death from starvation." mercy to this large and suffer­ April 350 deaths ing family..., The fear ofPoor to the workhouses most of The other two cases occurred Law officers prevents the lands which had neither the space - one on Friday at a place Total 1,225 deaths nor the financial means to called Whitestrand and one the from being let in grazing or for tillage; as there are two years' provide for the mass of those morning following at West poor rates due and the cattle needing assistance. Mortality Cove. The parties were brothers Choice Of Deaths reports indicated that and crops would at once be ofthe name ofShea. On Thurs­ London Times, May 3, thousands were dying in the seized and sold to pay them. It day, they had traveled from near 1849 - ... In Ballinrobe, the workhouses and that other is a melancholy site to see all Waterville to Sneem, a distance deaths in the workhouse for the thousands were fle.:ing from the lands waste and the owner ofat least 22 miles to try and get week have been 146, and them, preferring to die on the and his family starving. their names put on the outdoor upwards of400 have absconded road or in their homes. relieflists ... on their way back preferring to die by the wayside Tipperary Eviction Adding to the turmoil was from Sneem on Friday, a bitter rather than become victims of Tipperary Vindicator, the continuation of large-scale cold day, too, they got as far as disease in that charnel house. June 10, 1849 - We have evictions, with hundreds of Whitestrand and there sunk ex­ The cholera is said to be on the heard that no less than 450 no­ peasants being turned out on hausted. The dispensary physi­ increase in Ballinrobe and the tices ofejectment have been the roadside and left to their cian, Dr. Barry ofWest Cove, surrounding villages. made on one or two properties fate. hearing ofthe occurrence has­ tened to the spot and found one not many miles from Bor­ And all anxiously awaited brother just dead and the other risokane and we learn that 300 harvest time, fearing still Cholera In Galway beside him expiring. A little miserable beings were sent in another potato crop failure. If brandy poured into the mouth of London Times, May 4, the world from a property near there were, peasants could but him who still breathed revived 1849 - Up to Tuesday the Clonmel, that five houses were lie down and die. him and then by a great deal of return ofcases amounted to 840 leveled and 40 persons were persuasion, the doctor induced a ofwhich 320 proved fatal. The turned out on the lands ofthe FAMINE JOURNAL couple ofmen to assist him in local authorities have hit upon a Knocknaclara, 36 persons off bringing the poor sufferer to the novel method ofgetting rid of the lands ofKnockakelly near Published bbnonthly durinl doctor's own residence ... on the disease. It is this - The Slievenamon, 106 off the lands the l50th anniversary of the Saturday morning, the wretched 68th Regiment yesterday fired at ofAshgrove near Caher ... 41 Irish Potato FamJne. man breathed his last, more for­ the Square, Galway, 20 rounds off the lands ofRarnclough, 28 CopYJilht 1999 by the tunate than his brother, in that ofblank cartridges each rank offanother property, 78 offan­ Connecticut Irish-American he was not allowed to perish like and file, at the express desire of other and 20 offanother. Good Hbtorical Sodety, P.O. HoI a brute beast, and that ... he had local authorities, for the purpose GOO, where is this sweeping 120-020, East Haven, cr time to have the last rites ofthe ofpurif)'ing the air and system of wholesale extermina­ 06512. church administered to him. expelling cholera. tion to end? ______Pa98 3 Hartford Gaels honored Irish poet Thonlas Moore ~miTri ~ i rI (.]. LJ. Traditional Irish music, poetry widespread. She will sing 1~"iilllil• ...... r.-I and language filled Parsons The­ about a dozen numbers of • ater in Hartford on Sunday, May different types, including Hartford directories: Ge­ 29,1904. a couple in the Irish nealogist Paul Keroack has The occasion was the anniver­ , tongue. Mr. O'Donnell prOVided a sampling of en­ sary of the death of the famous who plays the accompa­ tries from the Hartford city Irish author Thomas Moore. A niements will also have directory for 1867 and 1868. writer of both prose and poetry, some piano solos, illustra­ The entries show the value Moore is perhaps best known for tive of very ancient Irish of directories for genealogi­ his publication of collections of compositions." cal research. The entries Irish melodies. Father Walter J. Shan­ include: To commemomte the anniver­ ley presided at the concert Brady, Andrew, porter, bds sary, the Gaelic Society of Hart­ and gave a brief summary 80 Pearl ford organized a progmm filled "Much interest," said the pa­ of the life and works of Moore, Brady, Christopher, teamster, with Irish traditions. A Mr. and per, "is being shown in this first who died in 1852. h 30 Baker Mrs. O'Donnell, whose first appearance here of Mrs. Other melodies were sung by Brady, Mrs. Catherine, h 215 names unfortunately are not given O'Donnell whose lecture-recital Mrs. Sinnott, Miss Kline, Mr. Commerce in the newspaper announcement of will be the chief feature of the Lynch and Mr. Radicon Brady, Patrick, book maker h the program, were the featured program, as her reputation as an SOUTU: Hartford COUTant, May 18, 30 Baker perfonners. exponent of Irish music is 1904. Brady, Patrick, laborer h 215 Commerce Brady, Philip, h Hawthorn 9th Regiment lauded for chivalry during Civil War Braisil, Terrence, laborer, h In the years just after the Civil to tum into his headquarters: can pass this door while I am here. 25 West War, an Irishman, John Francis "The sentinel was suddenly dis­ But, miss,' added the inflexible Branagan, William, laborer h Maguire, visited the United States turbed in his monotonous pacing guardian, in quite a different tone, 63 Spruce because he wished, in his own to and fro before the door of the 'ifthere is such a thing as another Branegan, Mrs. Frances, 63 words "to ascertain by personal mansion by the appearance of a door, or a back: window, you may Spruce observation what the Irish ­ smart young girl, who with an air take away as many toys as you can Brannan, Michael, laborer, thousands of whom are constantly half timid and half coaxing said, fmd, or whatever else you wish. I bds 20 Talcott emigrating as it were from my 'Sir, I suppose you will permit have no orders against it, and the Brassil, Dennis, silkworker h very door - were doing in Amer­ me to take these few toys in my more you take, the better 1'11 be 47 Morgan ica ...') apron? Surely, Gen. Butler has pleased, God knows.' Brassil, Francis, engineer h In New Orleans, Maguire was no children who require such "The palpable hint was 18 Cedar told of the pmiseworthy conduct things as these?" adopted and it is to be hoped that Brassil, Michael, tinsmith h of the 9th Connecticut Regiment, "'Young woman!' replied the something more than the toys was 18 Cedar the state's Irish unit, during the sentry in a sternly abrupt tone saved to the owners of the man­ Brazel, Matthew, laborer h 93 Federal occupation of that city. that quite awed his petitioner, sion." Maple "Its officers," he wrote, 'my orders are preemptory ­ SOUTce: The Irish In America, John Brazel, Patrick, h 91 Arch "maintained the chivalrous char­ not a toy or a thing of any kind Francis Maguire. Brennan, James, 27 Spruce acter of the Irish soldier, who Brennan, John. pistolmaker fought for a principle, not for Japanese sailor aided by New Haveners bds 103 State plunder or oppression ... They Brennan, Michael. laborer h In the winter of 1884, a tug­ Bethel, a sailors' hostel in New would not take possession of the 20 Talcott boat from New Haven was sent Haven. Unsuccessful in fmding houses of the wealthy citizens, Brennan, Mrs. James, h rear out into Long Island Sound to employment for Diaz, the direc­ which, according to the laws of 23 West rescue several crewmen suffer­ tor of the hostel raised enough war, they might have done. 'We Brennan, Thomas, gardener ing from frostbite on the ship money to pay for his passage came to light men,' said they, 'not h rear 23 West Mohawk. back to Japan. to rob women. ' They soon won the Brennan, Thomas, polisher h One of them, a Japanese EdiJor's note: In recognition ofthe confidence and respect of the in­ rear 28 West sailor named Tomma Diaz, had bond between OUT historical society habitants." Brennan, Timothy. carman, h such a severe case that all his and lite other socidin in lite Elltnic A soldier of the 9th, Maguire Herilage Cmter, and to foster a~ 53 Talcott fmgers had to be amputated at a said, was assigned to sentry duty preciDlUJn for all races and nation­ Brennan, William, joiner h 4 New Haven hospital. in front ofa grand home that Gen. alities, we publish in each issue of Franklin ct When released from the hos­ The Shanachu one story about an­ Butler of Massachusetts intended Brennan, William, laborer h pital, Diaz went to the Seaman's ollter dltnic group. 213 Front Connecticut e Irish-AmeriW'1n TtJ Sbanacbfe Historical Sociehj JullJ-August 1999 VoL XI, No. 4

:Jlero cif 1814

Ihe Almighty has been pleased to grant us a sig­ nal victory on Lake Champlain in the capture of one frigate, one brig and two sloops of war of the enemy:

ach day, dozens of motorists ships endWlgered by the Barbary Macdonough played an impor­ the acquaintance of Nathaniel Edrive by a small stone marker pirates in the Mediterranean. A tant role in a daring escapade in Shaler, a prominent merchant and just across the street from St. year later, he was assigned to the which a crew picked by Lieut. musician, a British sympathizer John's Church on North Main Phi/adelphia on the same sta­ Stephen Decatur boarded and during the Revolutionary War and Street in Middletown scarcely tion. The assignment proved a destroyed the Philadelphia the father of a large family includ­ aware that it commemorates an fortunate move for his career. while it was in Tripoli harbor. ing a channing, 16-year-old Irislunan described by President The Phi/adelphia captured a In October 1806, Mac­ daughter, Lucy Arm. A year later, Theodore Roosevelt as "the great­ pirate ship, the Mirboka, and donough was ordered to Con­ Macdonough left Middletown on est figure in our naval history" up Macdonough was put aboard it necticut to superintend the con­ an assignment to the ship Wasp to the time of the Civil War. as part of the prize crew. Subse­ struction of four Navy gunboats carrying dispatches from America Commodore John Barry, the quently, the Philadelphia itself at Middletown on the COImecti­ to Europe, but not before a ro­ Wexford native known as the was captured by Tripolitans and cut River. While here, he made mance had blossomed with Lucy "father of the American Navy," Arm. you say? Wrong. When the War of 18 12 began, The monument honors not Lieut. Macdonough was ordered John Barry, but Commodore (]3orn ofCDu6Cin stoclt frrst to Washington and then to Thomas Macdonough, an Irish­ Portland, Maine, to take command American who soundly defeated a "Our family is of Irish extraction. My grandfather came over ofa division ofgunboats. On Sept. British squadron in the Battle of about the year 1700, probably some few years aUer that period. 12, 1812, he was named comman­ Lake Champlain on Sept. II, He came from near Dublin with two other brothers, one of whom der of the Navy forces on Lake 1814, thus ending British hopes of settled in the City of New York ... Another '" went to the West Champlain With orders to prevent invading the United States from Indies, his name was Augustine ... The third brother, named the British at all costs from gain­ Canada during the War of 1812. James, settled in the state of Delaware. This latter was my ing control of that strategically vi­ Macdonough was born at The grandfather, he had a large family ... and was a man of re­ tal water route down into New Trap - now named Macdonough spectable character and standing ... My father Thomas was edu­ York. - in Delaware on Dec. 31, 1783, cated well and became a physician, practicing a short time when In December that year, he took just at the end of the American he joined in anus with the rest of his countrymen in the struggle time from his new duties to travel Revolution. for independence. He was major in Col. Haslitt's Regiment, was south to Middletown where on He joined the Navy as a mid­ in several severe battles, was in Brooklyn at the time our troops Saturday, Dec. 12, he and Lucy shipman in 1800 Wld spent several retreated from Long Island, was wounded by the bursting of a Ann Shaler were married. The years on the Ganges, a vessel pro­ shell on the knee. Uncle Michael was in the anuy, captain ... newlyweds had no time for a for­ tecting AmericWl shipping from James, my brother, was midshipman in the Navy ... and lost his mal honeymoon. Their only time French attack in the West Indies. foot by a C8IUlon shot in the main top of(Commodore) Truxton's alone consisted of their trip up In 1802, he served on the Con­ ship, the Constellation. The family name by the female side in through Connecticut, Mas­ stellation carrying out a similar Ireland was Coil." sachusetts and Yennont to protective mission for American Commodore Thomas Mtudonough (please turn 10 page 2) FAMINE JOURNAL July - August 1849 #24

Perspective Blight Reappears, But Less Virulent Ireland In Chaos Cork Reporter, Aug. 1, 1849 - A gentleman called at our of­ Letter to the Editor, Lon­ In late swnmer 1849, the fice this morning with some potato stalks which had been what is don Times, July 5, 1849­ potato blight reappeared in commonly called blighted. About a fortnight ago some ofthe leaves Sir, ... The condition ofthe Ireland. asswned the appearance ofblight, became brown and rotted. The country is this. The masses Reports from the rural owner, ofcourse, thought, as many others have done, that his crop which should be engaged in districts indicated the typical was diseased and would be destroyed, but was agreeably surprised producing food are now scarcely withering of the leaves and some time afterwards to fwd the diseased stalks throwing out new sustained alive in its consump­ putrification of the potatoes and green leaves. These shoots are still growing although the tion, and this at the expense of themselves. blighted ones, which appear to have been struck by lightning, re­ those whose whole means were depended on the independence But the situation was main on the stalk that is perfect and sound. We rather fancy that a ofthose very masses which they mitigated, just about everyone similar attack in other cases has been the cause ofthe panic that is have now to feed in their help­ agreed, by the sporadic nature prevalent among certain parties who cannot believe that the crop lessness. of the disease. In previous can be sound or would desire that it should be. years, the appearance had London Times. Aug. 16, 1849 - The accounts ofthe potato The poor rates from which been followed by rapid decay crop, I regret to state, are still ofan unfavourable character, and all the famine stricken paupers ofevery potato plant in a field. doubt ofthe existence to some extent ofthe disease in its worst have now to be fed are drawn from property itself, only of In 1849, the disease fann is unhappily set at rest. Some samples were to be seen in town seemed limited to just those yesterday, which were sent up from the county ofLongford, the ap­ value when labouring men are sources ofprofit upon it, when plants that were frrst attacked, pearance ofwhich was positively loathsome, they being little better occupiers can and will pay the while the remainder of the than a mass ofputridity. The Mayo Constitution says: Considerable rent oftheir occupations. crop continued to bloom anxiety prevails as to the fate ofthis precarious article offood. Re­ bountifully. ports are quite prevalant that the blight has again appeared and we The whole order ofsociety are sorry to say that such is the fact. But its spread has been very is now reversed and still the The hopes for the crop limited and we trust that by \Pe blessing ofDivine Providence, little were dimmed by the rates increase. The labourer injury will result to the crop this year. At present, the vast bulk of labours no~ the occupying ten­ knowledge that in large areas the potato tillage has nigh reached maturity so that the same devas­ of the country the economy, ant has either thrown up his tation which this visitation has committed on former years cannot occupation and become a pau­ such as it was to begin with, possibly occur this season. Fine potatoes are being sold in every had ground to a virtual per or he has fled with what market throughout the county at very low prices. capital he possessed to Amer­ standstill with people i~ continuing to die from want of Dublin EvenIng Mail, Aug. 23, 1849 - The state ofthe potato or he holds on til his food even as thousands of crop is still a most anxious subject, but every day adds to the hope dwelling is unroofed over his acres lay untilled. that it will not suffer in any great or material degree from the blight head, in a state of indigence in its present mitigated form. We have been well assured that in which cannot pay anything or in In August, 12 years after large tracts ofcountry which so long ago as three weeks exhibited a state ofobstinate despair she was crowned, Queen the premonitory taint upon the leaves, and put forth the still more which looking on all around as Victoria made her first trip to onimous odour which in former years denoted the actual presence of one common wreck, determines Ireland. The London Times corruption, not a single bad potato has been found, nor does the him to float on on anything he saw in the large and progress ofthe fruit to maturity appear to have been checked. A can, be it his own or the prop­ enthusiastic crowds that gentleman who cut down the stalks ofsome ofhis drills about that erty ofanother. greeted her arrival an omen of time, covering them with freshly dug earth to the depth ofa couple Thousands ofacres lie un­ better times ahead for Ireland ofinches says thAt they are budding forth anew over the surface and and greater understanding tilled and yet more than that the work of vegetation underground is proceeding as in the 100,000 men might be found, between the English and Irish most propitious season. peoples. ready and capable ofwork, who Belfast Newsletter, Aug. 26, 1849 - The general impression are now only undergoing a very seems to be that, though unquestionably the epidemic ... has again expensive but rapid training for FAMINE JOURNAL for the fifth time made its appearance, the disease seems at length the grave. to have exhausted its virulence and to be slowly departing with its An equal number are fed Published bimonthly durlJa& causes, atmospheric or otherwise, from the country ... Our Ban­ and lodged to do work not the l50th llIUIivenary of the bridge correspondent thus \Wites: There is a good deal oftalk here wanted, at an expense which Irish Potato FIUII1De. about the blight in the potato crop, but I think the farmers in this could have applied their power Copyrlaht 1999 by the neighbourhood are not much alarmed yet. No doubt the disease has to the securing offood and the Conneetkut IrWt-Ainerican appeared very generally in this part ofthe country, but in such a fuel for want ofwhich thou­ HIstorical Soelety, P.O. 801 mitigated form as to cause very little apprehension in the minds of sands must yet perish ... 120-010, EMt Havea, cr the people of their being able to save the greater part of the crop, as S.O.Q. 06512. it is not making that rapid progress which it did in former years ... PaV83

Arkansas 'travelers' to attend second O'Neill reunion family history ByMaureen Condron Delahunt in 1949, they left their oldest As I write this, my extended daughter in college in Houston Hartford directories: We O'Neill family is preparing for its and their only living son was soon continue this month a sam­ second reunion at the Madison drafted for the Korean War. pling of entries from the SurfClub. We will come together Within a few years, things Hartford city directory for on Sept. 12 to tell stories, share were looking up. Their children 1867 and 1868. The entries history, generally update each were married and presented Peg include such valuable infor­ other on our travels through life to and Russ with a total of 33 grand­ mation as occupation, place the present and discuss our goals children. Russ passed away in of residence and clues to for the future. February 1981 and Peg died in family relationships. The In 1998, we held our first re­ June 1984. entries were collected by union to celebrate the 100 years On the day after the reunion our genealogist Paul since John J. O'Neill of County passengers were suspected of last year, my Aunt Chris and I Keroack. Kerry married Honora Agnes Foly having tuberculosis. Managing joined the Arkansas cousins at St. of in St. Mary's to get a boat to the mainland, Lawrence Cemetery. The quest Agan, Daniel, laborer, h 35 Church, New Haven. The family Peg caught a train to New was to frnd the grave of Peg and Pleasant has now grown to over 300 mem­ Haven and a trolley to her un­ Russell's frrst child, John Russell Agan, Edward, laborer, h 243 bers including children, grand­ cle's home. Murray. The st8fT at St. Commerce children, great-grandchildren and In 1926, she married Russell Lawrence's was wonderful to us. Agan, John, printer, h 91 spouses. Murray, a Baptist who con­ The records indicated that baby Spruce One of the highlights of last verted to Catholicism and in John, who died at the age of one Agan, John, printer, h 91 year's gathering was the presence 1940, Russell accepted a ship­ week, was buried in a section re­ Windsor of six family members from Al­ yard superintendency in ferred to as Baby's Field. The Agan, Kearn, laborer, h 32 tus, Ark. Cousin Peggy Murray Seabrook, Texas. He moved his graves were unmarked and only West Post came with five of her eight family, then consisting of five identified by a metal pin marker. Agan, Keron, laborer, bds children. It was wonderful to children and arrived in Texas on With the aid of a metal detec­ Wavarre av greet all of them. For most of us, Easter Sunday 1940. tor and two grave diggers, the site Agan, Michael, laborer, h 34 it was a frrst time meeting since In 1942, Russell was com­ was frnally discovered. The ceme­ West that branch had moved away in missioned an officer in the U.S tery would levy no charge for all Agan, Michael, laborer, h 108 the throes of the Depression al­ Navy and went to war. Like so the work. We then made our way Wells most 60 years ago. They are de­ many wartime wives, Peg took to the monument works and found Agan, Michael, laborer, h 77 scended from Margaret Loretta charge. She worked occasional out what the options are for chil­ Spruce O'Neill, the fourth child of John jobs, kept a garden and was dren's grave markers. Agan, Mrs. Catherine, h rear and Nora. She was born Sept. 18, chauffeur for the boy's basket­ The rest of the day was spent 18 Grove 1904, in Sneem, County Kerry, ball team, for which she de­ in locating houses in several New Agan, Pat, helper, h 35 after her parents returned there manded and received extra Haven neighborhoods where the Pleasant with their frrst three children who gasoline tokens. At the end of family had resided, culminating Agan, Peter, laborer, bds 10 were born in New Haven. the year and at the age of 41, at the last house on Halleck Av­ Shelton At the age of 18, Margaret Peg gave birth enue in City Point. Agan, Thomas, stonemason, crossed the Atlantic by herself to to her seventh child. We are looking forward ea­ h 367 Front join her older sisters and brother At this time, Russell tried gerly to meet another group of the Agan, Thomas, laborer, at 38 who had already returned to the his hand at farming, first in Arkansas "travelers." Prospect United States. Upon arival at El­ Texas and then in Arkansas. At (Maureen Condron DeIa1tunl is sec­ Ahearn, James A., plumber, lis Island, she was held for a pos­ frrst it didn't go well for !Urn. retary of the Connecticut Irish­ bds 265 Front sible quarantine because some When they moved to Arkansas American Historical Society.) Ahearn, John J., laborer, bds 42 Avon Meriden's Swedish Baptists enjoyed annual summer outing Ahearn, Matthew, marble­ The Swedish Baptist Church ofMeriden held its Rev. J.E. Klingberg of New Britain and the Rev. worker, bds 27 Chestnut annual summer outing at Ulert's Grove in Walling- N.J. Linde of Waterbury. All Scandinavians were Ahearn, Morris, laborer, h 91 ford on Saturday, July 10, 1909. A special trolley car invited. Windsor left Meriden at 10: 15 a.m. "for Sunday school schol- EdiJor's note: In recogllilion ofthe bond between our Banning, Michael, laborer, ars and others who want to go." A bountiful dinner historicalsociety andthe other societin in the Ethnic Her­ bds 41 Mechanic was served at noon at the park and the program in- itage Center and to foster apprecUllion for all raCQ and Bannon, Daniel, laborer, bds naJionaliJies, we print in each issue ofThe Shanachie one eluded a short religious service conducted by the 41 Mechanic story about another efhllic group. CoaaecUcut e 1Jzfsb-An.:IBl2fcaa Ttl 5banachie Hfstol2fcal Socfst,}' SeptsrnbBl2 - OctobBl2 2999 Vol. XI, No. ~


1855 Enfield survey found many Irish, but few attending school

n 1855,anEnfieldresi­ stances to circwnstances I dent, who identified which no one can control ­ himself or herself only as circumstances which may L.S.P., did some research on amoWlt almost to a positive the population of the Thomp­ necessity. sonville section of town out of "I am well aware that it is a concern for the schooling of with feelings ofthe deepest re­ the children ofresidents. gret that many parents feel The results of the research, compelled to take their chil­ which the Hartford Courant dren from the school to the published in a letter to the edi­ workshop. And I think it true tor composed by L.S.P., are in­ also that some parents prefer teresting from the standpoint the income from their chil­ of Connecticut's ethnic his­ dren's services more than their tory. proper education; that just the The letter, while telling time when they are enabled to something about Irish people This sketch ofthe Thompsonvi//e section ofEnfield was drawn by give them an opportunity for in our state, speaks also in Connecticut artist John Warner Barber in the 1830s. schooling, is just the time they broader terms to such impor­ do not. tant issues in Connecticut and abstract ofour population: England, a village enumerating ''But be that as it may, the prac­ American history as child labor, Irish 960 so many children, where only a tical fact for us is that in a manu­ the Nativist movement, the Indus­ Scotch 355 fraction over one halfare enrolled facturing population many children trial Revolution, and ethnic immi­ English 335 upon our school registers, and must spend the best season oftheir gration. Americans 360 that too when our schools are in youth for schooling at labor, that The letter, as it appeared in the Germans and French 120 full operation, is a startling fact, often at 12 years of age they must Courant on Feb. 6, 1855, is Total 2,129 and a fact which should excite se­ enter upon that labor which is to be reprinted below: "We enumerate betwixt the rious apprehensions lest the their future ocupation. Children "Mr. Editor - With much la­ age offour and 16,608, of which proper education of the rising thus situated have the weightiest bor and care, I have just completed there are enrolled upon our generation be too little cared for. claim upon parents and the com­ a census ofour village, for the pur­ school registers, 344; number en­ "That children in manufactur­ munity, and there is no way in pose of procuring a better knowl­ gaged in factories, 150; numbers ing villages Wlder the age of 16, which even partial justice can be edge of our educational condition engaged nowhere, 114. are compelled to labor, I am well done to them except by gi ving and wants and the following is an "That there should be in New aware, is owing in many in- (Continued onpage 2)

Wreath laying will honor Civil War Irish Regiment

In what hopefully will become an annual event, the Connecticut Irish­ American Historical Society, the Irish History Roundtable and the Civil War Roundtable are sponsoring the laying ofa wreath at the monument in New Haven to Connecticut's Civil War Irish unit, the 9th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers. The ceremony is scheduledfor Sunday, Nov. 7, at II a.m. and will be followed by ucoffee and" at the Knights ofSt. Patrick Hall, J533 State , St. Please plan to attend. For directions andfor more information about the organization andservice ofthe 9th Regiment, please tum to page 3. FAMINE JOURNAL September - October 1849 # 25

Perspective Crop War Blight Spreads Evening Mail, Sept 11, The seemingly never­ 1849 - We regret to say that ending epic of the Famine Atblone Sentinel, September 1849 - The system ofremov­ the accounts from the COWltry took another twist in autwnn ing crops at night and on Sunday, which were previously dis­ this morning all speak ofthe 1849. Frightened by reports of trained for rent, has become very general and widespread in this spread ofthe potato disease. the return ofthe potato blight, neighbourhood. On SWlday last a large party ofmen assembled peasants and small farmers on the lands ofCrosby, near Moste, the property ofMr. Arthur Fear The Worst throughout Ireland began to and commenced cutting down and carrying away Browne, J.P., Londonderry Journal, harvest crops by cover ofnight corn which was distrained for rent. When Mr. Browne heard of Sept 13, 1849 - Since the and send them to distant the circumstance, he inunediately sent for the police ... Mr. issue ofour usual monthly re­ places for sale. In many cases, Browne, as a magistrate, read the Riot Act, and after a good deal port, on this day week, the the crops had already been ofaltercation and some exhibition ofan inclination to violence, progress of the potato blight has "distrained," that is, awarded the parties dispersed. But they were determined not to be frus­ been rapid beyond that ofany to the landlords by the courts. trated '" for they returned in the nighttime and suceeded in cany­ years since 1846. The government saw the ing away the corn ... The growth of the crop may peasants' actions as an The cutting Tipperary Vindicator, September 1849 - now be said to be over, but that organized attempt to subvert down of~rops and carrying them the lands to evade the rent is otT would be ofcomparatively little the laws and to cheat property become general through the COWlty, the tenants justifying this consequence, as they are in owners of their rights. proceeding by stating that they have no choice and are compelled most places pretty well gro~ Peasants and rebels saw it as to resort to that, the sole means that is left them, for supporting but the disease has set in so fast a justified seizure of crops by life. They say that the alternative is presented them ofbecoming on the roots that we fear the those who were starving and dishonest and withholding the landlords' rents or starving ... worst consequences may be who could expect no equity Boyle Gazette, October 1849 - On Sunday last upwards of from the political system. expected. 200 assembled on the lands ofCartron, Crossna (Co. men near During the past week we Meanwhile, evictions of Roscommon), and reaped a large quantity ofoats which were had the close night and morning tenants - "extermination" as inunediately conveyed away on carts to some district, the object fogs which have always been it was called - continued at a being to evade distress for rent, poor rates and county cess. The high rate and emigration was the precursors ofthis sad important fact in occurrences ofthis sort, that a considerable calamity ..... reported at some port cities as number ofstrange persons can be assembled on a short notice being greater than ever before. and from distant localities, clearly proves that a secret, but All Over Ireland Some used proceeds from the widespread organization exists ... sale of crops to purchase London Times, Oct 3, London Times, Oct 3, 1849 - Dungarvan, Wednesday, I passage to America. 1849 - Unhappily there is no am sorry to say that the carrying otT the crops for the purpose of longer any conflicting testimony Officials basked in the evading distraint for rent is ... not confmed to Clare, Limerick, as to the extent ofthe fatal afterglow ofQueen Victoria's Tipperary or any other locality. I happened on Monday to wit­ blight. summer visit to Ireland, ness the result ofa transaction ofthis nature. The crop, it ap­ It has set in everywhere and suggesting that it clearly peared, ofa tenant to an extensive fanner in the neighbourhood in some districts with a rapidity showed the loyalty ofthe Irish ofCappoquin was removed on the previous SWlday night, al­ far exceeding anything that people to the queen and to though distrained for rent. The crop was traced to a farmer's marked its destructive progress England. A Dublin man who premise at Abbeyside ... and the Dungarvan police having arrived in former years. was arrested for decorating soon after, two prisoners, a man and a woman, who had custody his house in mourning during ofthe distrained corn, were sent to prison ... The taking away of From north and south, east her visit begged to ditTer. crops on a SWlday is not confmed to those poor tenants who, by and west, the accoWlts scarcely such an act ofdishonesty, sometimes endeavour to obtain the vary, and the most sanguine are only feasible means ofenabling them to emigrate from their na­ now reluctantly compelled to FAMINE JOURNAL tive land to a more prosperous clime ... A certain fanner who had admit that no reliance can be always been deemed a most respectable man, recently waited on placed on the late crop as an article offood. The people are Published Wmonthly durin& his landlord to whom he paid more than 200£ a year in rent, and the l50th annIvenary of the demanded ofhim a reduction of5s., an acre, which he said night and day employed in dig­ Irish Potato FamJne. would enable him to remain in the COWltry, but which the land­ ging them out, to save as much CoPyr1lht 1999 by the lord preemptorily refused. On the following Sunday, 300 men cut as possible from the impending COMecticut Irish-American down this fanner's crops which were conveyed the same night far ruin, and the markets are liter­ HIatorical Society, P.O. Box and aw'!y beyond the landlord's reach, whom nobody pitied. The ally glutted with the produce, 110-010, ElIat Haven, cr fanner who was considered up to this time an improving tenant, which in many instances is only 06511. turned the crops into cash and is now probably on his way to free got otT hands at barely nominal America.... prices. Page 3

9th was Connecticut's Irish regiment in Civil War famillj historlj The 9th Regiment Connecti­ New Haven on Nov. 4, 1861, Adm. David Farragut, himself Register now: The Connecti­ cut Volunteers was organized in and' after a brief sojourn in Irish on his mother's side, the 9th cut Society of Genealogists September 1861 as the state's Massachusetts, sailed for Ship was among the occupation is sponsoring an 8 a.m. to 4 Irish regiment. Island, Miss., where Union forces. p.m. genealogy seminar on The 9th was mustered and forces were gathering for an as­ In the sununer of that year, it Saturday, Oct. 30. The sem­ trained in New Haven at Camp sault on New Orleans. took part in a campaign 400 inar will be at Manchester Welch, named in honor On the occasion miles north on the Mississippi Community-Technical Col­ ofthe city's mayor. The of St. Patrick's Day River where the Union army lege, Wetherell Street, majority ofits members that year, an anony­ made an unsuccessful assault on Manchester. It will feature were recruited from mous member of the the Rebel stronghold of Vicks­ , , \ presentations on using the New Haven, but other I regiment wrote a let­ burg. Internet, doing oral history, areas of the state were ter to the New Haven The regiment remained in the National Archives facilities represented, too. Co. D, Register assuring Mississippi theater of war into in New England, etc. Ex­ for example, included a readers that mem­ early 1864 when it was trans­ hibitors will include number of men from bers of the 9th, like ferred to the Shenandoah Valley Jonathan Sheppard Books, Bridgeport, while Co. F other Irislunen, where it served under Gen. Phil National Archives, Archival had a strong contingent would give a good Sheridan. Products Co., Connecticut from Waterbury and accounting of them- The monument to· the 9th Gravestone Network and Co. K had men from selves. "The adopted Regiment in New Haven was others. For information and Hartford, Bridgeport, Derby, cItIzens of New Haven," he constructed in 1903. Michael P. registration, call (860) 569­ Griswold, Bethel, Easton, wrote, "need not fear but what Coen of Naugatuck, secretary 0002. Winchester, Simsbury, Fairfield, the Ninth will do their part, and treasurer of the regiment's Newto\W and Danbury. when they are led forth in de­ Monument Committee was se­ Irish Families: Our society has Interestingly, while the unit fence of the country which lected to pose as the soldier de­ purchased The Book of Irish was composed mainly of Irish­ gives more freedom to the picted on the monument. Families Great and Small for born and Irish-American troops, stranger than any other on the Dedication ceremonies were use by members in our li­ its ranks also included a number face ofthe Earth. Irishmen have held on Aug. 5, 1903, with Gov. brary at Southern Connecti­ of immigrants from other lands. fought for France under Sars­ Abiram Chamberlain leading a cut State University. The Lt. Christian Streit, leader of the field, for Russia under Delacy large contingent ofdignitaries. book, which includes regimental band, and his brother, and for Spain in their short Directions to 9tb Regiment 20,000 family entries, may Cpl. Simon Streit, were natives sleeves under O'Donnell, at monument: From the west, take be purchased from Irish of Germany, while one of the Bull Run under Corcoran; and 1-95 to Exit 46, at end of ramp Families, Box 7575, Kansas regiment's chaplains, Rev. Leo the adopted sons ofConnecticut twn right, go under bridge, turn City, Mo., for $36.95. For Rizzo, was born in Calabria, will prove themselves as good left at traffic light, at next light information, call or fax (816) Italy. as their ancestors either in go lell onto Howard Avenue, 454-2410. The company is The youngest member of the France, Spain, Russia or Amer­ park is on lell just over bridge. also preparing a series of regiment in 1861 was drummer ica." From the east, take 1-95 to Exit books on families from each boy Richard Hennessey, not yet When New Orleans surren­ 46, at end oframp go left, at sec­ Irish county. The county 12 years old and the son ofCapt. dered in April 1862 aller a ond light go lell onto Howard books contain more than J.P. Hennessey. week of bombardment by the Avenue, park is on lell just over 1,000 family entries and The 845-man reginlent lell Union fleet commanded by bridge. maps and cost $32 each. President Jeanne Whalen has donated the book for Hartford Courant bemoaned political clout of Irish County Cork to our library in "No American who loves his elect the Democratic Common able demagogues they elect to of­ memory of her grandmother country and her institutions Council who, with little re­ fice. No wonder our city ex­ Catherine Barry who came could fail to see as he visited the sponsibility in the way of tax­ penses have reached such a pitch from Cork. Other county polls on Monday last that the paying on their own shoulders, as to deter men of property from volumes available include: destir.ies of our city are in the foolishly waste and throwaway settling among us ... Can it be Kerry, Clare, Limerick, Gal­ hands ofthe Irish. The taxpaying the public money and use it to possible that all the large cities way and Dublin. Anyone community are governed by the advantage of themselves ofthe land are to be thus brought wishing to donate a volume them. Without property them­ and their Irish dependents. under by Irishmen?" in memory of their family selves, paying no taxes, ignOi'ant Hartford city is under the con­ Source: Hartford Courant, should contact Jeanne at ofthe workings ofour laws, they trol of the Irish and the rniser- April 15,1857. (203) 392-6126. Connecticut e lrish-Ameriedn TtJ Sbanacbie HistoriedlSodetv Hoyember-DWcemberl999 VoLXI,Ho.6


uring the years he and his family simply awe-inspiring - nothing less ..." resided in Hartford, Samuel Langhorne In another letter, Clemens told how he DClemens, better known as Mark bought Patrick a high hat and a pale blue coat Twain, counted as virtual members ofhis fam­ with a deep cape. He described going off to ma,l( ily two Irish domestic servants - coachman church on Sunday morning with the ladies rid­ Patrick McAleer and maid Katy Leary. ing inside the coach and he and Patrick on the The affection and trust in which the writer driver's seat, "Patrick with his fearfully tall and his wife, Olivia, held McAleer and Leary and fearfully shiny hat Do you know that coat stands in vivid contrast to the ridicule of Irish of Patrick's cost me more than did any ever I Twain servants engaged in by some ofthose in whose wore and it is so handsome. It did not seem to social circles the Clemens traveled. me that a man's coachman ought to wear a McAleer was born in County Tyrone, Ire­ finer coat than himself and so, under way, I land, in 1846 and came to America in 1862. He swapped coats with Patrick." al home lived for a time in New York City before mov­ McAleer apparently was a man ofmany tal­ ing to western New York. ents for when a fire broke out in a neighbor's Actually, McAleer was hired not by house in March 1870, Clements wrote, Clemens himself but by his father-in-law, "Patrick climbed out on the roofand put it half Jervis Langdon, a wealthy entrepreneur of out with ·snow before we succeeded in getting Elmira, N.Y., who had made his money in the buckets of water to him. After he got it under coal business. As a surprise wedding gift, complete control a couple of (fire department) Langdon bought, furnished and staffed a home stearn engines came ..." for Sam and his bride, Livy, on fashionable When the Clemens family moved to Hart­ Delaware Avenue in Buffalo. Concerned about ford, McAleer, by then married and raising a his new son-in-Iaw's prospects, Langdon put family that would eventually number eight up money to enable Clemens to buy into the children, came to Connecticut with them. So ownership ofthe Buffalo Express newspaper. much did Clemens think of his coachman that The day after the wedding at the Langdon he built him a house adjacent to the stable at home in Elmira in February 1870, the wedding the Hartford mansion, which today is a re­ party and guests were whisked off to Buffalo stored tourist attraction known as the Mark in a private railroad car, also arranged by Twain House. Langdon. The bride and groom were gi ven a The Clemens family moved into the home sleigh ride around Buffalo and then taken to in 1871 and remained there, with some years their new home where Langdon handed the off in Europe, until 1903. newlyweds a package containing the deed to McAleer was not only a dignified gentle­ the house. man when driving Clemens around Hartford, Later that evening, Sam and Livy met their but also a congenial and witty addition to the Iwilh Pal coachman. In his autobiography, Clemens family comprised ofdaughters Susy, Clara and wrote, "Patrick McAleer, that brisk young Jean in addition to Sam and Livy. Irishman, came in to get his orders for next On one occasion, Livy rejected Clara's re­ day, and that was our first glimpse ofhim." peated requests for a pony on the grounds that The well-known journalist was inunedi­ it could be dangerous for her. Patrick consoled and Katy ately impressed by McAleer, describing him as Clara by introducing her to a calfjust born to "a brisk and electric young coachman." His his cow. He told Clara that if she took good first impression was lasting. Within a few care of the calf, it would grow into a pony. years, Clemens in a letter even included Clara named the calf Jumbo, and brushed and Patrick along with Livy as one ofthe blessings walked it every day. Eventually, McAleer sold of his life: "Have got a lovely wife, a lovely the calf and that caused such a ruckus with house, bewitchingly furnished, a lovely car­ Clara that Clemens ordered his coachman to riage & a coachman whose style & dignity are (please turn 10 page 2) FAMINE JOURNAL November-December1849 #26

Perspective Desperate State 40 Die On Ferry Lands Deserted Umerick Chronicle, London Times, Dec. 18, London Times, Dec. 5, 1849 As the fifth winter of the December 1849 - Not 1849 - On Wednesday - The committee have in this Famine settled upon Ireland, withstanding the exertions ofthe evening at 5 o'clock, intelli­ report endeavoured to give a the focus of the suffering local board and poor law gence reached the town ofKiI­ faithful picture ofthe deplorable shifted from cabins and inspectors, the in-door paupers rush that a large number of condition of the Limerick Union. cottages to the workhouses. were obliged to go to bed persons, most ofwhom were It may not be difficult to foresee The financing of the without dinner on Tuesday paupers who had been seeking the alarming future, should the workhouses was removed night. outdoor relief, were drowned present causes ofevil remain while crossing the ferry on from general taxation and The master brought the state unmitigated and without remedy their return to ... placed on the shoulders of of the house, as regards want of property holders in the various provisions for that day, before No less than 33 dead bodies The farming classes fmd it poor unions. Large numbers of the board, when soup and were washed ashore on the still more difficult to extend or them were approaching or chopped turnips grown on the northern side ofthe ferry ... It even to continue their ordinary actually in bankruptcy and land was the only food available. appeared upon the inquiry that demand for labour; and the com­ often there simply was no no less than 43 or 45 persons ... mittee have observed with regret The outdoor paupers are in a money with which to purchase desperate state, crowding the were allowed to crawl into a that lands are frequently de­ food for the starving. crazy and rotten boat, which serted and left without means of depots and following the meeting any engagements. In Paupers had to be turned relieving officers by thousands has been plying on that ferry for the last 40 years. some cases, lands are thrown away from the workhouses to town to get into the back upon the owner encum­ and from outdoor relief with workhouse, but the day's The boat moved on as far as bered with arrears of poor-rate the result that deaths from admissions so crowded the the middle of the ferry when a incurred not by him but by de­ starvation, general destitution auxiliary that admission was sea broke over her stem and fault ofanother, for these arrears and disease n:mained at a impossible. filled her at once. She upset high rate. instantly and the miserable his freehold estate is made re­ It is fearful to think ofthe living freight were immerged sponsible and under the act of British papers continued to state ofthe union, in the merciless waters ... the last session may be sold. complain ofthe laziness ofthe nothing but starving creatures Under these circumtances Irish people and to suggest from the country to be seen With the exception offour, where cultivation is rendered that a change of population pouring into a starving the victims were all paupers unprofitable it will cease and was the only real solution for workhouse .. , who had frequently come to the Ireland's woes. Conflicting town in vain to seek outdoor lands must become waste. The coroner attended an reports were printed about reliefand were returning that In the electoral division of inquest on a man who was found successes or failures of sad evening to their wretched Castletown, Union ofNewcastle, in a dying state on the road near schemes for planting the hovels in the parishes ofMo­ consisting of 9,656 acres, 2,397 Kilrnurry. country with English and yarta and Kilballyowen ... acres are already waste ... Scotch settlers, as had been Mortality in the workhouse It is stated that the unfortu­ A large and increasing emi­ done two centuries earlier in has been small, but owing to the nate creatures forced their way gration ofa new character has Ulster. able-bodied on the outdoor relief into the boat as it grew dark, extended greatly, adding to the being struck 01I, the deaths in Emigration continued at a and that act would appear as if difficulties of employing labour that department are every day rapid pace and the movement they were reckless oftheir lives and ofpaying rates. increasing to a frightful extent. among the peasantry to force or as if Heaven awarded them a Farmers and occupiers of rents down to realistic levels Relieving officers complain more merciful death than the land who can still command was gaining support in large that they must bwy their dead starvation by which they proba­ some share ofunexhausted capi­ public meetings. without cofTms. bly would have perished in a tal are flying from the ruin they The board yesterday agreed few days more ... anticipate... to petition the Poor Law They came in many times to The committee are unable to FAMINE JOURNAL Commissioners on the state of Kilrush seeking for relief and furnish any distinct evidence of the union and said that the were crowded in squalid the mortality that has taken Published bimonthly durinl guardians would not be morally groups around the workhouse place though it is undoubtedly the 1~ lUUIivenary or the responsible for the deaths that gate, the most miserable spec­ very great, but the diminished Irish Potato Famine. may occur through starvation. tacle that ever shocked the eye number ofmarriages and of CopYJilht 1999 by the ofhumanity. The doomed be­ Connecticut Irish-American births is undeniable; the deaths ings were obliged for the last in the workhouses and the HIstorical Society, P.O. Boll fortnight to return to the coun­ 110-020, Eat Haven, cr cofTrns given away for outdoor try without receiving one pound poor are formidably great ... 06512. ofmeal ... ______Pag_ 3 devotion of a pair of Irish domestic servants Black minister

very plain. I could understand it, I hold, the doings of that delight­ the Irish deftness of her, and visited state tell you. It was in English and I ful family were an everlasting sometimes when necessary, the In his autobiography, the could understand it, the bad part joy to me. In that House of En­ Irish blarney of her, was some­ Rev. L. Tilmon, "pastor of a and I enjoyed it, too." chantment - for so it always thing to think over, something to Colored Methodist Congrega­ Several nights later, as was her seemed - besides the magic laugh over, and something some­ tional Church in New York custom, Livy asked Leary what figure ofMark Twain, the gentle times, alas, to weep over!" City," described a journey he book she was then reading and presence of Mrs. Clemens, and Years aller the death of Sam made in 1844 to eastern Con­ without thinking the servant those three diverting children, Clemens, Lawton went to live for necticut. "While there," he blurted out its name. Livy ordered Susy, Clara and Jean, was an­ a time with Leary who had re­ wrote, "I stopped with a col­ Leary to bring the book to her and other figure: the unique figure of turned to the home where she was ored family by the name of Katy obeyed, although lamenting, Katy Leary, for more than 30 born in Elmira. The purpose ofher Anderson. There are quite a "I hated to give it up before I'd years their faithful and devoted visit was to recapture for posterity number of colored people in read the whole story." servant. the magic of Katy Leary and the that place who are living with­ While living in Hartford, Katy "Katy Leary, whose quaint Clemens' household by getting out any regular established or­ maintained some connections to sayings and philosophies and Leary to retell all the old stories of ganized system of religion the Irish community. "I dressed fwmy stories of the family hap­ the family. among themselves. myself up fme for the occasion," penings bubbled up like the From that visit came a book, A "I held meetings for them she said of one Hibernian ball she FOWltain of Life, and were an LIfetime With Mark Twain, The several times and then I left attended. "I had a red silk dress unfailing source of delight to all Memories OfKaty Leary... for the city of Norwich. Here, covered with black lace .. I who heard them." "Here is the story as Katy and I fOWld a still larger number of thought it looked very nice and Lawton recalled her ftrst day I lived it again together not long colored people who were more was very much pleased with my­ in the employ of the family: "I since in her Iittle house in Elmira desirous of improvements in self. remember that it was Katy Leary where she was born nearly seventy social, moral and religious "We danced all them old herself that opened the door. I years ago," Lawton wrote in the habits for the accomplishment square dances. I never danced can see her now as vividly as she introduction to the book. "There I of which they had associated round dances, you know, because stood then - a handsome, smil­ fOWld her - older, sadder, I must themselves in times past and the Catholic Church didn't ap­ ing, stalwart, unique and very admit - but still one glimpsed the built for themselves a meeting prove of rOWld dancing in them kindly figure on that gracious Katy Leary of old. The quaint say­ house, but being of different days. J872 hadn't struck the world threshold. Her /lashing black ings and furmy stories that used to opinions in relation to the then. So we did, well, just money eyes still /lashed, although be­ come all tumbling out, now hWlg mode of religious worship, musk, lanciers and quadrilles. We hind large spectacles. Her thick haltingly, the unforgettable riot of dissensions and divisions had danced lots ofthem dances and we wavy hair, that must have been gay words seemed hushed forever, crept in their midst which fi­ had a grand old time ... " in the early days as black as the the precious memories lay scat­ nally resulted in serious alien­ If Katy Leary shared in all the proverbial raven's wing, was tered through the twilight of the ations so much so that the joys of the Clemens family, she iron-gray. A fine ruddy color years, and only the thin flame of house was closed and seldom also partook in full measure of burned in her welcoming face ­ the past glowed in that quiet room. opened for religious meetings their sorrows. In the summer of a face that was ftrrn and roWld "For anxious days that flame except when a stranger would 1896 she was at Susy's side when and happy as a girl's." burned low and fitfully and then pass along. On the eve of my the Clemens' daughter contracted "In fact the ftrst impression - out of the smoldering embers, departure from them, they spinal meningitis. Just before she that Katy Leary gave was one of the ftres leaped up once more; the urged me to visit them again, died, Susy reached up and touched happiness, bubbling happiness, years were swept away and the which I promised to do within Leary's face and said, "Mamma." and after that the flash of her magic of those happy, laughing three weeks but was Wlable to Leary attended Livy when she humor was the thing that struck days came back again - and Katy do so, being more successful died in JWle 1904. At Christmas­ one most and made one feel that with them!" in other places." time 1909, Katy found Jean, who it would be an amusing and en­ Sources: Mary LinWon 's book, A Life­ Source: "A Brief Miscelumeous was an epileptic, dead from a lightening experience to talk time With MarkTwain, u a delightfuL Nanative ofthe More Early Pari seizure in the bathtub. And the with Katy Leary... coLJedjon ofstories by and aboUl Katy ofthe Life ofL Tilmon. " Lury al/d PalrU;k McAleer. The ones Irish maid was at the bedside with " ... And that is Katy Leary as EdiJor'!I note: In recognition of quoted here are only a tiny portiol/ of the bond between our historical Clemens' daughter Clara and her she looked; but when she spoke the whole. Obituary notices ofPalrU;k socU1y and the other !locieties in husband when Sam died on April - ah, then it was that you began McAleer appeared in the Hartford the Ethnic Heritage Center, and 21,1910. to laugh with and love Katy Courant on Feb. 16 al/d 18, 1906. tofoster apprecUuionfor aU races References to PalrU;k andKaty can be Mary Lawton, who joined the Leary. The things she said in her and nationalities, we publish in found in most ofthe many biographies staff long after Leary, wrote, soft, deep and rather quiet voice eaclt usue a story aboUl another ofSamuel Clemens and coUections of etJrnic group. ''From the very beginning of my were inimitable. The Irish wit of hu letters. intimacy in the Clemens house- her, the Irish quickness of her,