Unique Venues OF KANAGAWA CONTENTS Kanagawa Map ...... 3 Unique Venues ...... 6 Unique Venues List ...... 61 Venues List ...... 74 Attractions List ...... 92 Index ...... 97

1 目 次

神奈川県 マップ ………………………………………… 3 ユニークベニュー ……………………………………… 6 ユニークベニュー リスト …………………………… 61 ベニュー リスト ……………………………………… 74 アトラクション リスト ……………………………… 92 索引 …………………………………………………… 97

2 Japanese Gardens 01 CASTLE ...... 7 Kanagawa Map 02 Sankeien Kakushokaku ...... 9 Temples & Shrines 神奈川県マップ 03 Soto Zen Buddhism Sojiji Head Monastery ...... 11 04 Iseyama Kotai Jingu Shrine ...... 13 05 Daitonomiya -gu Taiheiden ...... 15 06 OYAMA-AFURI JINJA Shrine ...... 17 Museums 07 Museum of Art ...... 19 08 Enoura Observatory ...... 21 Yamanashi 09 Okada Museum of Art ...... 23 県 Theme Parks & Aquariums 10 Yokohama Hakkeijima Seaparadise ...... 25 Central Kanagawa Area ...... 11 Aquarium 27 県 Historic Monument 12 Kanagawa Prefectural Government ...... 29 Outdoor Spaces 13 ...... YOKOHAMA RED BRICK WAREHOUSE 31 2 14 Noge ...... 33 Others 15 Osanbashi Hall ...... 35 16 Kawasaki Horse Racing ...... 37 17 me-byo valley BIOTOPIA ...... 39 Old Houses Shonan Area 18 Open-Air Folk House Museum (NIHON MINKAEN) ...... 41 19 Rinkaen ...... 43 Restaurants 20 Eria YOH ...... 45 Western Kanagawa Area 21 RAITEI ...... 47 県 22 RIVIERA ZUSHI MARINA ...... 49 Breweries 23 KOGANEI Brewery ...... 51 State Guest Houses 24 The Rose Residence ...... 53 Cruises 9 25 ROYALWING ...... 55 26 Marine Rouge ...... 57 Shizuoka 2 27 Sightseeing Cruise ...... 59 県 27 Hakone Ashinoko Boat Cruise ...... 60 8 MICE Facilities 28 Shonan Village Center ...... 75 29 PACIFICO Yokohama ...... 77 3 NARITA AIRPORT 9 11 神13 1 8 神 1 19 文化 21 TOKYO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 23 ーーク 2 2 Yokohama Kawasaki Area 神奈川県 29 川 31 2 2 33 9 2 3 2 2 2 29 川 3 39 Chiba 川 1 県 3 トラン 2 Access / 9 22 1 Tokyo NARITA AIRPORT 28 Shinagawa 3 Miurai Area 川 クー HANEDA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 観光 9 Yokohama 0 about 1h30min. NARITA AIRPORT / Yokohama / 130 about 40min. HANEDA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT / Yokohama / 国際 0 4

Unique Venues ユニークベニュー Japanese Gardens / ODAWARA CASTLE Having the only restored tenshu (keep) in Kanto region, Odawara Castle has displays of Japanese armors, swords and other historical objects and is popular for the excellent views it affords from its top floor. The park gardens are a famous cherry blossom viewing spot where seasonal blooms can be enjoyed, and festivals themed around the warlord “Hojo”, lanterns, and local cuisine are held throughout the year. Located adjacent to the international tourist destination of Hakone and only 35 minutes by bullet train from Tokyo, it is very accessible and is visited by many overseas tourists. 3-22 Jonai, Odawara-shi TEL:+81-465-23-1373 https://odawaracastle.com/

Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

7 小田原城

東で唯一のを持つで、やをはじめとする 的な展示や、最上階から望む望のがです。 としてれている内はの名としてられ、々 のができるか、年をじて「国大名」や「」 Unique Venues / Unique Venues 「料」をーフにしたりが開催れています。国際的 なであるのにし、東から新で 35 分と

い立のからの多れています。 ク

小市内3-22 TEL:0465-23-133 https://oawaacastle.com/


Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Odawara Castle Park / 小田原城 Outdoors / 屋外 110,000 Inquire / 相

8 2 Japanese Gardens / Sankeien Kakushokaku Kakushokaku (Gakushitsu-tou / Chanoma-tou / Kyakuma-tou) Inquire about food/ beverage Kakushokaku is a wooden building with area of around 950 square meters situated inside the Japanese garden Sankeien, which was opened by Hara Sankei, a merchant who made his fortune from silk reeling and silk trading. Located in Sankeien, where visitors can enjoy Red wine not permitted a wonderful harmony of seasonal nature and numerous historical buildings including a three-storied pagoda and structures brought from Japanese style meeting rooms Kyoto, Kamakura and so on, Kakushokaku can be used for various purposes such as conferences, dinner parties, and tea ceremonies. Use pay parking 58-1, Honmokusannotani, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-621-0635 Please inquire about detailed conditions of use. https://www.sankeien.or.jp/

9 三

は、と生でをした業の三が開した日本・三の敷内にある約 // 950㎡のです。三など都やなどからめられた多の的と々の 飲食応相談 とのみごとながしめる三のケーションの中で、会議や会食、会など多様な目的でご イン可 利用いただけます。 室 施設内の料駐車場をご利用だい。 / Unique Venues 横浜市中区本三58-1TEL:045-621-0635 利用のについてはい合わせだい。 https://www.saneien.o.jp/

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Kakushokaku Gakushitsu-tou / 楽室 Indoors / 屋内 180 50 9:00-21:00

Kakushokaku Chanoma-tou / 茶の間 Indoors / 屋内 55 20 9:00-21:00

Kakushokaku Kyakuma-tou / 客間 Indoors / 屋内 75 20 9:00-21:00

10 Temples & Shrines / Soto Zen Buddhism Sojiji Head Monastery Daihonzan Sojiji (Sojiji Head Monastery) was established by Keizan Zenji around 700 years ago, and nearly for 570 years, it had been located on Noto peninsula. In 1911, Ishikawa Sodo Zenji decided to relocate the temple to present location Yokohama city owned the main sea gateway in Japan. For your access to the temple by walk, about 7 mins from JR “Tsurumi station” or Keikyu “Kagetsuen-mae station” and within 10mins walking distance from Keikyu “Tsurumi station”. Currently we have 500,000 square meters ground with well-structured buildings as internationally opened temple for Zen practice. Sanshokaku Vegetarian dishes. 2-1-1 Tsurumi, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-581-6021 Free parking is available inside the temple grounds. http://sojiji.jp/

11 大本山持寺

約 00 年、山にて開れた大本山持は、 能にいて 50 年のみをめ、 44 年1911 年 に川にてを在のにれました。 在、持はわが国のの・横浜ので、 、 Unique Venues / Unique Venues り 分、り 10 分の 場に 15 のをし、多のが並国際的

なの本場として容をてります。 ク

横浜市区2-1-1 TEL:045-581-6021 http://sojiji.jp/

料 境内に無料駐車場り。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

9:00-17:00 Sanshokaku / 三 Indoors / 屋内 300 (A 100 I 1時以相)

12 Temples & Shrines / Iseyama Kotai Jingu Shrine Affectionately known as “O-Ise-sama in Kanto”, Iseyama Kotai Jingu Shrine was constructed under government funding in 1870. It serves as the ancestral shrine of and the Yokohama Sochinju (central place to pray for local gods). To mark the 150th anniversary of establishment, Ise Shrine granted Iseyama Kotai Jingu permission to perform the 61st Shikinen Sengu, enabling transfer of the deity to a new thatched-roof shrine building, and the ceremony for moving the deity was held in October 2018. Also, the Kaguraden ( hall) and Sanshuden (assembly hall) were constructed and have been used to hold exhibitions of works by living national treasures and others. Thus, the shrine gives visitors the opportunity to sense the breath of tradition within surroundings that are new. 64 Miyazakicho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-241-1122 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.iseyama.jp/

Entire facilities Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

13 伊勢山皇大神宮

「関東のお伊勢さま」と親しまれる伊勢山皇大神宮は、明治三年 に国費を以て創建された神社であり、神奈川県の宗社、横濱の 総鎮守とされています。 創建 150 年を祝し、伊勢神宮より格別の御配慮により第 61 回 Unique Venues / Unique Venues 式年遷宮の御社殿を賜り、茅葺屋根の御本殿として移築され、 平成 30 年 10 月に遷座祭が執り行われました。又神楽殿・参

集殿も建設され、人間国宝を始め多くの方々の作品が展示され、 ユニーク 新しい中にも伝統の息吹を感じる設えとなっております。 ベニュー 横浜市西区宮崎町64番地 TEL:045-241-1122 E-mail:[email protected] http://www.iseyama.jp/

全施設 利用条件等の詳細についてはお問い合わせください。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 施設名 Size / 面積(㎡) Seated / 着席(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Kaguraden / 神楽殿 Indoors / 屋内 192 150 - 10:00-17:00

Sanshuden / 参集殿 Indoors / 屋内 315 80 - 10:00-17:00

Tea-ceremony room / 茶室 Indoors / 屋内 130 30 - 10:00-17:00

14 Temples & Shrines / Daitonomiya Kamakura-gu Taiheiden Kamakura-gu Taiheiden French full course, creative cuisine, Japanese Approximately 64 persons can be seated banquet, organic cuisine, vegetarian and Kamakura-gu Shrine enshrines the spirit of Prince Moriyoshi Shinno, also known as Daitonomiya, the (number of persons seated with comfort). vegan, allergies, pinchos, dessert buffet, and son of Emperor Go-Daigo, the 96th emperor of Japan. Standing buffet: approximately 80 persons. free drinks can all be catered to. Red wine is With the Imperial family and members of the Imperial household sometimes coming here to pray, it is a * Depending on the layout, the number not permitted. Kitchen is available. high-standing shrine and has been conferred the status of Kanpei-chusha, which is the highest rank in of seated persons can be increased Parking area for private vehicles is available (approximately 80~90). in the grounds. adjacent pay parking area Kanagawa. The Taiheiden main hall, which is built inside the shrine grounds, is a tatami-matted hall, but Times of use: Negotiable according to the is available for mini buses and large buses. chairs and tables can also be prepared to serve meals. It is conducive not only to background music and contents. video shows, but also Japanese-flavored live performances of koto and shakuhachi and so on. 154 Nikaido, Kamakura-shi TEL:+81-45-412-4531 (JIMA) E-mail: [email protected] http://www.kamakuraguu.jp/

15 大宮鎌倉宮 太平

は、 96 の、大を りする神です。 やがりする事ある他、神としての は、神奈川県内では最上となる中のを Unique Venues / Unique Venues られています。神敷内に設している「」は敷 きになてり、・テーブルをご用意し、食事可能

です。 やはのと、やなど日本らしい生 ク 合います。 市階154 TEL:045-412-4531ー E-mail:[email protected] http://www.amauaguu.jp/

約 64 名とりをた立食約80 名 レイアウトにては可能約80 90 名 利用:内容にり応相談。 フレンフルコース・料・会・オーッ料・ベタ アン・ィーン・アレルー・ンョス・ートブッフ・ フーン て応可能。イン可。ッンあり。 乗用車敷内駐車場あり。イバス・大型バス料駐車場あり。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

Indoors / 屋内 Kamakura-gu Taiheiden / 鎌倉宮 太平 147.5 64 80 9:00-17:00 Outdoors / 屋外

16 Temples & Shrines / OYAMA-AFURI JINJA Shrine Noh stage Tatami mat Japanese-style room Built more than 2,200 years ago, OHYMA-AFURIJINNJA Shrine has long been worshipped as a sacred guardian mountain in the Kanto region. The mountain Chairs and tables can be used (conditionally) worship known as “Ohyama-mairi” was recognized as a Japanese Heritage in 2016. Formal worship is conducted at Ohyama-Afurijinja Shimoyashiro, which can Traditional Noh plays and cultural events can be reached by cable-car at an altitude of 696m, while various cultural events including traditional Noh plays and jazz concerts have been staged on the Noh stage be staged. Contents are open to negotiation of Afurijinja Shrine offices situated among the pilgrim’s lodgings at the foot of the mountain. Various other events and outdoor gatherings are also held here. (but not all contents can be catered to depending on circumstances). 355 Oyama, Isehara-shi TEL:+81-463-73-7373 http://www.isehara-kanko.com/ (Isehara Tourist Association)

17 大山利神社

大山利神は、から年れ、から東の山としてご をめてきました。また 2016 年に「大山り」が日本にをれました。ケーブルカーを りた 696 の大山利神ではが、また宿が立並山の利神 の能では、的な能やコンサートなど、れまで多の的なイベントが 場 Unique Venues / Unique Venues 行われり、イベントやイベント可能です。 室 テーブル可あり 市大山355 的な能や、的なイベントが開催できます。施内容についてはご相談だ TEL:0463-3-33 ク い。施内容にては事にりご望にない場合ごいます。 http://www.isehaa-ano.com/ 市会

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Hours of use / Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Outdoors / 屋外 利用時間

Indoors / 屋内 Inquire / Noh stage / 能楽・能楽広場 2,000 1,000 Inquire / 相 Outdoors / 屋外 相

Suirohkaku / Indoors / 屋内 110 50 Inquire / 相 9:00-20:00

18 Museums / Yokohama Museum of Art Featuring a striking symmetrical façade and an expansive atrium-style Grand Gallery, Yokohama Museum of Art comprises seven gallery spaces, an Art Information and Media Center that holds over 110,000 volumes, ateliers that host a wide range of workshops, and many other facilities that make it one of the largest art galleries in Japan. As an art gallery worthy of the international seaport city of Yokohama, it exhibits a wide range of modern and contemporary art dating back to when the port of Yokohama was first opened; also, it stages theme-based collections and diverse special exhibitions that feature objects out of its collection comprising roughly 12,000 items. 3-4-1, Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi Please inquire concerning conditions TEL:+81 (0)45 221 0300 (10:00-18:00 / Closed on Thursdays) of use and other details. E-mail: [email protected] https://yokohama.art.museum/eng/

19 横浜美術

横浜術館は、のあるシントーなと、きけ の開的なンーがとなてり、館は、 つの展示室のか、11 をるがある術セ ンター、多彩なーショップを行アトなど、 Unique Venues / Unique Venues 国内での規模をる術館です。 国際的な町、横浜 にわしい術館として、開の・術を

していただけるか、年をじて、約 1 2 の ク からテーごとに展示を行コレション展、多彩な 企展を開催しています。

横浜市西区みなとみらい3-4-1 TEL:045-221-031910:0018:00、館 E-mail:p-ma@af.o.jp https://oohama.at.museum/

: 利用が可能なのは、展会開催中の館日です。また、 展会のや施設上の都合にり、利用が可能な施設の内 容環境に変が生じます。しはい合せだい。 Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

Indoors / 屋内 Grand Gallery / グランドャラリー Inquire / 相 100 400 Inquire / 相 Outdoors / 屋外

20 8 362-1 Enoura, Odawara-shi Museums / Enoura Observatory TEL:+81-465-42-9170 E-mail: [email protected] The Enoura site, situated on a hilly citrus grove in the Kataura district of Odawara, offers breathtaking panoramic views https://www.odawara-af.com of the Bay of Sagami. The facility was envisioned by contemporary artist Hiroshi Sugimoto as a forum for disseminating art and culture both within Japan and to the world and comprises a gallery space, two stages, a tea house, and other features that make the entire premise into a truly magnificent landscape. Reservation required for a visit. See details on our homepage. Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

21 小田原文化財 江所

いなるを持し、々の変をでじるとができる小 市浦区の浦。に設れたのが、術・本ら が敷を設した大なンスケープ「小 浦」 です。をするとでの場をし、アートのに立る場 Unique Venues / Unique Venues としてれたの施設は、ー、の台、室でれ、 日本のの様やをするとできます。

小市浦362-1 ク TEL:0465-42-910 E-mail:info@oawaa-af.com https://www.oawaa-af.com

学は約。は をだい。 利用のについてはい合わせだい。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Indoors / 屋内 Enoura Observatory / 小田原文化財 江所 9,500 Inquire / 相 Outdoors / 屋外

22 9 Museums / Okada Museum of Art Okada Museum of Art Footbath Cafe Dec. 31st , Jan. 1st , terms for exhibition Relaxing your feet and soaking in the Okada Museum of Art, consisting five floors, ordinarily displays approximately 450 artworks primarily renewal are closed. footbath of hot springs while enjoying a drink, you can appreciate huge paneled comprising Japanese, Chinese, and Korean paintings and ceramics from ancient to contemporary times 80 cars, 5 buses (reservation required), mural. in the largest indoor exhibition rooms in Hakone. Visitors can also enjoy a garden that displays seasonal spaces for persons with disabilities. variations, “Kaikatei” restaurant, a footbath café that features constantly flowing 100% natural hot spring Kaikatei Available reserved use after hours for water, and other facilities. The museum shop sells artful chocolates designed on the themes of the museum At the restaurant “Kaikatei”, you can enjoy artworks and other original goods that allow you to take the museum’s wonders back home with you. group. (Inquire hours of use and price) udon noodle dishes and drinks gazing out over the seasonal garden. 493-1 Kowakudani , Hakone-machi , Ashigarashimo-gun TEL:+81-460-87-3931 E-mail: [email protected] https://www.okada-museum.com

23 田美術

術館は 5 階、最大の内展示室に、日本・中国・ 国のからまでのやを中心に、約 450 の術を展示しています。々に変をせる や、飲食施設「開」、100かけしのカフ Unique Venues / Unique Venues などしみいただけます。ーアショップでは収 をーフとしたアートなョコレートをはじめ、術

館のをのまま持りいただけるオルッ ク をご用意しています。 郡町小493-1 TEL:0460-8-3931 E-mail:info@oaa-museum.com https://www.oaa-museum.com

12 31 日、1 1 日、展示中は館 乗用車 80 台、バス 5 台約、用の 駐車スペースあり。 け可能。利用と料は応相談。 けしのにかり、神神のをしながら飲 をしみけます。 飲食施設「開」では々のをめながらどや ンをしみけます。 Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

Okada Museum of Art / 田美術 Indoors / 屋内 4,995 9:00-17:00

Footbath Cafe / 足湯カフ Outdoors / 屋外 30 9:00-17:00

Kaikatei / 開化 Indoors / 屋内 43 9:00-17:00

24 Theme Parks & Aquariums / Yokohama Hakkeijima Seaparadise Yokohama Hakkeijima Seaparadise is the amusement island, the top aquarium in Japan. We have 4 aquariums in total. One is called “Aqua Museum,” in which there are 70,000 sardines. We also have 15 rides. The most popular is the 107 meters high ride. This is the best highest free fall in Japan. Roller coaster jumps out over the ocean. It is only ONE in Japan. We have gift shops, restaurants and relaxing hotel. Everyone from kids to the old can enjoy our island whole day and go home with great satisfaction. Hakkeijima, -ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-788-9632 http://www.seaparadise.co.jp/

Dolphin Fantasy BGM : Cable Communication (CD MD permitted) Microphone : 2 Microphone lone permitted (Free) Cloak : available Signboard : Signboard of Entrance available (B1 Size)

25 横浜・島シーパラダイス

横浜・シーパイスは日本で最大の館があるレ ーアインです。なる 4 つの館があり、「アア ーア」には、国内最多の のイシの大が られます。 Unique Venues / Unique Venues レストン、ホテル施設内に設れている、まか ら大まで、一日中しむとができます。

横浜市区 ク TEL:045-88-9632 http://www.seapaaise.co.jp/

ルンンター :あり。、の持み可 イ :2 本可無料 ー:でご用意 :口1 は用意可

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Dolphin Fantasy / ドルフンフンタジー Indoors / 屋内 608 80 Inquire / 相

26 Theme Parks & Aquariums / Enoshima Aquarium Facing onto the Shonan coast, Enoshima Aquarium is situated in an ideal location that affords views of Enoshima and Mt. Fuji. It is packed full of attractions including the Big Sagami Bay Tank that contains 20,000 fish, the Jellyfish Fantasy Hall, and the Sea Turtle Beach where sea turtles can lay eggs. The aquarium’s dolphin and sea lion shows, and the world’s first 3D projection mapping jellyfish shows are also not to be missed! The aquarium is sometimes temporarily closed for facility inspections, etc. 2-19-1, Katasekaigan Fujisawa-shi Please inquire about detailed conditions TEL:+81-466-29-9979 of use. E-mail: [email protected] http://www.enosui.com/

27 新江ノ島水

湘南にし、のや富士山を望むケーションの館。2のたが相模湾大、 神的な、ウたができるウの浜など。のイルカ・アシカ ショー、の 3 プションッンショーです

施設のため館があります。 市2-19-1 / Unique Venues TEL:0466-29-999 利用のについてはい合わせだい。 E-mail:[email protected] http://www.enosui.com/

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Big Sagami Bay Tank / 相模大水 Indoors / 屋内 116.5 50 100 18:00-20:00

28 2 Historic Monument / Kanagawa Prefectural Government This is the first prefectural government central office in Kanagawa to be designated as a registered tangible cultural property of Japan. Affectionately known as the “King tower”, the central government office features a dignified building that harmonizes Western architectural style with Japanese taste. It is possible to hold meetings in the third floor large conference hall, which adopts a formal Japanese architectural style. Also, from the rooftop observatory, you can enjoy liberating vistas of the Port of Yokohama, Minatomirai District and so on. 1 Nihon-odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-285-0812 https://trip.pref.kanagawa.jp/

Large conference hall Food/Beverage not permitted. Rooftop Food/Beverage permitted.

Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

29 神奈川県

神奈川県でめて国にれた神奈川県 本。「ンの」のでしまれている本は、日 本とがしたをじせるが です。ある日本の様がわれた階大会議場にて、 Unique Venues / Unique Venues 会議の利用をしていただとが可能です。また上展望台 からは、横浜やみなとみらい区など、あるめを

しみいただけます。 ク

横浜市中区日本大 TEL:045-285-0812 https://tip.pef.anagawa.jp/ja

大会議場 飲食可 飲食可


Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

Large conference hall / 大会場 Indoors 屋内 360 126 Inquire / 相

Official palace / Indoors 屋内 170 Inquire / 相

Rooftop / 屋上 Outdoors / 屋外 1,700 Inquire / 相

30 Outdoor Spaces / YOKOHAMA RED BRICK WAREHOUSE These cultural and commercial facilities utilize historical red-brick buildings that date back more than 100 years to the Meiji and Taisho eras. Approximately 15 cafes and restaurants and 45 shops are found inside these two brick warehouses. The event plaza situated between the two warehouses, and the hall and multipurpose space in Warehouse No. 1 are used to stage various events and exhibitions for each season. The warehouses are lit up at night, and the illuminations combine with the oceanfront location to create a fantastic atmosphere. Event Plaza Please inquire about detailed conditions of use. 1-1-1, Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-226-1910 https://www.yokohama-akarenga.jp/

31 横浜レンガ倉

100 年をるから大にかけて設れたりの的を利用した・業施設で す。りの 2 つのに、約 15 のカフやレストン、約 45 のショップがしています。2 のイベント場やレン 1 館にあるホールや多目的スペースでは、ごとに様々なイベントや展示

を行ています。になるとイトアップれ、にいケーションあり的なと変わります。 イン場 Unique Venues / Unique Venues 横浜市中区新1-1-1TEL:045-226-1910 利用のについてはい合わせだい。 https://www.oohama-aaenga.jp/

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Plaza A 広場A2,110 Event Plaza / イベント広場 Outdoors / 屋外 Plaza B 広場4,390 9:00-22:00 Plaza A+B 広場A6,500

32 Outdoor Spaces / Noge An area of 800 bars and shops with a retro Showa feel Situated right next to Minatomirai in the seaport city of Yokohama. Just visiting a single establishment is fun, while barhopping around the backstreets is also an experience. Since June 2018, “Noge Tegata” (common food and drink vouchers valid in 70 establishments) have been issued as a means of also catering to non-Japanese visitors. Various services including proxy reservations and barhopping events are also provided for groups. Nogecho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-662-5568 (Yokohama DMC) E-mail: [email protected] https://yokohamadmc.com

Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

33 野毛

「」は開都市横浜のみなとみらいのす 800 の 飲食しめレトな飲みです。じり 1 し、りからと場を変て「はしご」し。2018 年 6 から国に応する「」0 がの Unique Venues / Unique Venues 飲食を行してります。ループについてはの 約行から、飲みきイベントの企ります。

横浜市中区町 ク TEL:045-662-5568横浜 E-mail:info@oohamamc.com https://oohamamc.com


Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Noge / 野毛 Outdoors / 屋外 Inquire / 相

34 Others / Osanbashi Hall Osanbashi Hall Outdoor Theater Outside of open hours between 7:00~9:00 and Hall users can preferentially occupy this space. It is The expansive, pillar-less space (2,000 square-meters) of Osanbashi Hall is truly 22:00~24:00, use of the hall can be negotiated for a fee. not possible to use this space alone. When in use, it is However, out-of-hours use may not be possible depending necessary to assign designated security staff. Eating and like a “floating dome”. With enough capacity for 1,100 people, the hall’s floor is on conditions of use on the previous day and following day. drinking is permitted outdoors. finished in the style of a ship’s wood deck. From the reinforced-glass wall at the CIQ Plaza Parking area front, one can view ships as they sail across Tokyo Bay. Moreover, the outdoor This facility is used to conduct customs, immigration, and The 24-hour parking area can hold 400 passenger vehicles theater that connects to the hall’s front entrance can also be used to stage concerts. quarantine procedures when foreign passenger ships call at and six buses (reservations required for buses only). Since port, however, when no ships are at port, this facility can be the parking area is not for dedicated use with the hall, it 1-1-4 Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi leased in the same way as Osanbashi Hall. cannot be used when full. Partial occupation is negotiable. TEL:+81-45-211-2307 https://osanbashi.jp/

35 大さール

「大ホール」の 2,000㎡の柱の無い々したは、ま に上のー。最大で1,100 がとができま す。ホールのは、のをわせるウッッ上。 のスウールからは、東湾を行きの Unique Venues / Unique Venues をるとができます。また、ホールのり口にが る場は、コンサートに利用するとができます。

横浜市中区1-1-4 ク TEL:045-211-230 https://osanbashi.jp/

大ホール :00 9:00・22:00 24:00 は料で利用のご相談が可能で す。し日・日の利用にては、利用はできませ。 国客に・国・を行施設ですが、 は「大ホール」様にしし可能です。100㎡で分 割可能です。 場 ホール利用が優的にできるスペースです。での利用はで きませ。中はの業をしていただきます。飲 食可能。 場 Facility overview / 施設概要 乗用車 400 台・バス 6 台バスのみ約、24業。ホール 用ではありませので、車の場合は利用できませ。一分の Indoors 屋内 利用は相談。 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

9:00-22:00 Osanbashi Hall / 大さール Indoors / 屋内 2,000 800 1,100 (Entry~Exit) / (入)

9:00-21:30 CIQ Plaza / Iプラ Indoors / 屋内 2,000 800 1,100 (Entry~Exit) / (入)

Outdoor Theater / 野外劇場 Outdoors 屋外 3,000 9:00-22:00

36 Others / Kawasaki Horse Racing

Kawasaki Horse Racing is a central urban tourist spot located just 30 minutes by car from Minatomirai, which is home to Pacifico VIP Room Yokohama. The entire racecourse can be viewed from the elegant and high-class guest rooms, giving a close-up view of the exciting races. Use times Evening races can be enjoyed until around 21:00, and plans for watching races over dinner are also available. Facilities can be used for April ~ December: Generally, 14:00~21:00 after-dinner parties. January ~ March: Generally, 10:00~17:00 Parking spaces are available for visitors arriving by bus. Parking spaces available Eating and drinking are possible. Meal plans are 1-5-1 Fujimi, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi TEL:+81-44-233-6701 available. E-mail: [email protected] https://www.kawasaki-keiba.jp/en/

37 川崎場

川場は、パシフィコ横浜があるみなとみらいから車でわずか 30 分、都会の中にあるスット です。レントでのある室からは、が一望でき、したレースをでごいただけ 利用 ます。21 ごまでイターを開催してり、食事をしみながらいただけるプンごい 4 12 : 14:00 21:00 ます。会議のパーティーにご利用だい。駐車場がごいますので、バスでご場いただけます。 1 3 : 10:00 1:00 駐車場あり。 / Unique Venues 川市川区富士1-5-1TEL:044-233-601 飲食可。食事プンあり。 E-mail:iau99@awasaieiba.jp https://www.awasai-eiba.jp/en/

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Depending on VIP Room / 室 Indoors / 屋内 116 150 Kawasaki / 川崎の開時間による

38 Others / me-byo valley BIOTOPIA Opened in April 2018, me-byo valley BIOTOPIA is situated in natural surroundings offering views of Mt. Fuji, Hakone, Tanzawa, Stage (Gymnasium) Sagami Bay, and Ashigara Plain. It is a unique facility based on the theme of disease prevention. Covering 60 hectares (enough Conventions, presentation meetings, exchange meetings * Limited to use for indoor sports. to hold 13 Tokyo Domes), it contains various facilities including a field, stage, restaurants, Marché, Forest Therapy® certified Field (Ground) road and more. Slightly apart from everyday life in the middle of a rich natural environment, me-byo valley BIOTOPIA lets you About 30,000m2 experience “disease prevention improvement” through “food”, “exercise” and “healing”. Events, exhibitions, conventions, presentation meetings, exchange meetings, outdoor interactive activities, 300 Yamada, Oi-machi, Ashigarakami-gun TEL:+81-465-85-1113 receptions, training, etc. E-mail: [email protected] https://www.biotopia.jp

39 病バレーオトア

富士山、、、相模湾、を望む環境の中に、 2018 年 4 にオープン。他にのないをテーとした施 設です。60タール東ー13 分の敷には、フィー ル、ステー、レストン、ルシ、セー ー Unique Venues / Unique Venues など、様々なコンテンがあります。 日からしれたの中で、「食」「」「し」をし、

「の」可能です。 ク

上郡大町山300 TEL:0465-85-1113 E-mail:info.me-b[email protected] https://www.biotopia.jp

スー 大会、会、会室内スー利用にる。 ールン 約 30,000m イベント、展示会、大会、会、会、アウトア、レセプショ ン、研修。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

104 tables (テール) Mizuho no sato / ノ Indoors / 屋内 210 Inquire / 相 3 private rooms (室)

Indoors / 屋内 100 tables Outdoors 屋外 (テール) Café Saint-Jacques / カフサンジャック 365 250 Inquire / 相 ( 54 terrace seats テラス) (テラス)

Kitchen Studio / ッチンスタジオ Indoors / 屋内 130 26 70 Inquire / 相

40 8 Old Houses / Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum (NIHON MINKAEN) Possessing 25 old folk houses, mostly built during the Edo Period and transferred from their original locations, this is one of Japan’s finest outdoor museums of old folk houses. The Museum House has permanent exhibits and conducts two special exhibitions every year, while the old folk houses welcome visitors with hearths ablaze. Various events such as folk storytelling and performances of traditional performing arts are staged in the old folk houses. Another feature of the museum is that you can enjoy seasonal nature such as cherry blossoms in spring and the changing leaf colors of autumn. Also, the enjoyable hands-on workshops held in the Traditional Indigo Dyeing Workshop are popular with visitors. 7-1-1 Masugata, Tama-ku, Kawasaki-shi TEL:+81-44-922-2181 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.nihonminkaen.jp/

Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum (NIHON MINKAEN) Volunteers who belong to the Museum can serve as group guides. The Museum stages performances and various other events that make use of the old folk houses. Traditional Indigo Dyeing Workshop (DENTOU KOUGEIKAN) This facility lets visitors easily experience Kawasaki’s traditional indigo dyeing. It can receive up to 30 people at a time. As a rule, classes are held three times a day: at 10:30, 13:00, and 14:30 (Inquire)

For both facilities, use the Ikuta-Ryokuchi East Parking Area. (9 large-size vehicles, 152 ordinary vehicles. Pay parking) Wheelchairs and strollers are available for lending. Multipurpose toilets are available.

41 川崎市立日本民

のを中心に、りした 25 のをする、日 本のの館。本館では設展示と年 2 の企展示 を行い、では日にをれ、客様をしていま す。を会場にむかしや能など多彩な催しを開催。の Unique Venues / Unique Venues やの葉など、とに々のをしめるのが です。また、内の館でにしむ的なめ

があります。 ク

川市多区-1-1 TEL:044-922-2181 E-mail:nihonminaen@hibia.co.jp http://www.nihonminaen.jp/

立 ・ンティアがご内する「イ」の応が可能。 ・を用した能などイベントあり。 ・川市にわる的なめをにできる施設。 ・につき最大30 名可能。10:30 13:00 14:30応相談

駐車場は、生緑東口駐車場などを利用できます。大型9 台、一152 台。料 車いす、ベーカーのししあり。多目的トイレあり。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

From Nov. to Feb.: 9:30–16:30, Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum (NIHON MINKAEN) / Indoors / 屋内 30,000 From Mar. to Oct.: 9:30–17:00 / 川崎市立日本民 Outdoors / 屋外 11月から2月 9301630 3月から10月 930100 From Nov. to Feb.: 9:30–16:30, Traditional Indigo Dyeing Workshop (DENTOU KOUGEIKAN) / Indoors / 屋内 203 From Mar. to Oct.: 9:30–17:00 / 川崎市伝統芸 11月から2月 9301630 3月から10月 930100

42 9 Old Houses / Rinkaen Room with a view of the pagoda create smaller spaces. Located on the corner with two sides Early Showa room facing onto the garden, this room is bright The two rooms can be combined to form This country house of roughly 650 years is a restaurant that serves carefully prepared Japanese home and well ventilated. You can gaze at the a large space, or they can be partitioned cooking. three-story pagoda of Sankeien garden. by fusuma to create smaller spaces. Private rooms with chairs can be used by one or more guests. Tea room (small room) Earthen floor This small, cozy room has a relaxed Performers will play here during musical In a comfortable atmosphere that feels like you are visiting a friend’s house, you can enjoy your dinner while atmosphere enclosed by chic but simple events. Kagami-biraki (cutting of New admiring the interior decorations and food utensils and appreciating Japan’s changing seasons from the walls and ceiling. Year’s rice-cakes) can also be performed garden’s trees and flowers. Tokugawa Period Room here. Please enjoy this tasteful and peaceful atmosphere that offers something different from the colorful port town. This expansive room is ideal for displaying Hearth seasonal decorations. The two rooms Between November and March, a fire is 52-1 Honmokusannotani, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-621-0318 can be combined to form a large space, burned in the hearth and oden courses E-mail: [email protected] https://www.rinkaen.com or they can be partitioned by fusuma to are served.


650 年ので、をかけた日本の料がし 上がれる料です。の室で 1 名様からご利用いただ けます。にれたに心のいでつなが ら、またのや料がられた、の々やから Unique Venues / Unique Venues は日本のをじながら食事していただけます。やかな 町とは一、いたをしみだい。

横浜市中区本三52-1 ク TEL:045-621-0318 E-mail:in[email protected] https://www.inaen.com

のためがにし、るしのい。 三の三がめられます。 まりとした小なですが、ながらだわりのある やにまれいたを持ています。 いのがあり、のりがるです。つきで として、でて小でご利用いただけます。 つきでとして、でて小でご利用いただけます。 イベントにはがします。開き行とができます。 Facility overview / 施設概要 11 3 のいりにがり、のはでのコースのご Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 いごいます。 Outdoors 屋外

Room with a view of the pagoda / Indoors / 屋内 14.6 9 Inquire / 相 のみえる部屋

Tea room (small room) / 茶(小間) Indoors / 屋内 7.3 5 Inquire / 相

Tokugawa Period Room / 川時代の部屋 Indoors / 屋内 25.5 20 Inquire / 相

Early Showa room / 和期の部屋 Indoors / 屋内 25.5 20 Inquire / 相

Earthen floor / 間 Indoors / 屋内 25.5 Inquire / 相

Hearth / いろり Indoors / 屋内 36.5 20 Inquire / 相

44 2 Restaurants / Eria YOH Eria YOH is a healing space surrounded by olive trees in the Yamate area of Yokohama. The Chinese cooking world champion displays the traditional skills of Chinese cooking to deliver numerous wondrous and delicious foods comprising new sensations. Please enjoy a gorgeous time that features cuisine accompanied by Japanese seasonal vegetables together with Eria YOH’s hospitality in a superlative space with sunshine filtering through the foliage of a garden with around 50 fully grown olive trees. 63-2 Yamatecho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-663-8886 E-mail: [email protected] http://o-cho.co.jp/

Two completely private rooms (2~8 persons) and a main dining room that can cater to up to 32 persons are provided. Orders to rent the entire facility are also accepted. Microphones and other equipment are also available. Please feel free to inquire.

45 リア

横浜・山にむオーブにまれたしの「ア 」。 中国料ンオンが中国料の的なをし つつ、新でりなす食の々をととに様に けします。50 本どの大きたオーブのかられ Unique Venues / Unique Venues 日のな日しがあれる、最上のと日本ならではの のをた料、してアのてなしとに

やかなとときをご能だい。 ク

横浜市中区山町63-2 TEL:045-663-8886 E-mail:e-amate@o-cho.com http://o-cho.co.jp/

室2 8 名様を 2 、最大 32 名様まで利用可能なイン インをご用意しています。館でのご利用をてります。 イなどの設ご用意がありますのでにい合わせだ い。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Main dining room / インダイニング Indoors / 屋内 120 32 11:30-20:00

Private room / 室 Indoors / 屋内 45 8 11:30-20:00

46 2 Restaurants / RAITEI Main building 2nd floor The building comprises tatami mat (Japanese style) area of 92 square meters plus a lobby of 90 square meters, and layout changes can be negotiated. RAITEI is a soba (buckwheat noodle) and kaiseki (course meal) restaurant where you can enjoy seasonal It has a kitchen and is ordinarily used as a restaurant. There is sufficient parking space flavors in natural surroundings that change with the seasons. The main building of RAITEI was originally for 17 passenger vehicles and 3 buses. Please inquire concerning conditions of use built in the Edo Period as a wealthy farmer’s residence in Yokohama, but was subsequently relocated and and other details. Main building 1st floor renovated into a residence that combines Western and Japanese styles. The San- temple gate also dates Layout changes can be negotiated. The building has a kitchen, and the forecourt is back to the Edo Period and was relocated from Koshou-ji Temple. Both the main building and main gate are outdoors. It is ordinarily used as a Japanese restaurant serving soba noodles. There registered tangible cultural properties. The garden covers 50,000 square meters and contains numerous is sufficient parking space for 17 passenger vehicles and 3 buses. Please inquire concerning conditions of use and other details. stone Buddhist images, stone pagodas, Hakkaku-dou Hall and more. It is a strolling garden that allows you to Ro-an Tea Room enjoy seasonal nature and bamboo groves while looking out over Mt. Fuji, Hakone, and Sagami Bay. The forecourt is outdoors. The building has a kitchen. Outdoor shoes can be used in all areas. It is ordinarily used as a Japanese tea shop on weekends only. There is sufficient 3-1-1 Kamakurayama, Kamakura-shi TEL:+81-467-32-5656 parking space for 17 passenger vehicles and 3 buses. Please inquire concerning E-mail: [email protected] http://www.raitei.com/index_en.html conditions of use and other details.

47 敷室92㎡ ー 90㎡、レイアウト変更応相談、ッンあり、 はと会料ので、のを々のの中でし上がていてります。の本館は、 は料として用、乗用車 1 台、バス 3 台の駐車スペースがあ の横浜ののをしのとしたのです。山の立で ります、利用のについてはい合わせだい。 からしたので、本館と山がにれています。は 5 ㎡、や、 などをし、のや、富士山・・相模湾をむがしめるになてります。 レイアウト変更応相談、ッンあり、は、は・ 食として用、乗用車 1 台、バス 3 台の駐車スペースがあります、 / Unique Venues 市山3-1-1TEL:046-32-5656 利用のについてはい合わせだい。 E-mail:aitei5656@aitei.com http://www.aitei.com/ine.html ク は , ッンあり、て、はのみとして

用、乗用車 1 台、バス 3 台の駐車スペースがあります、利用 のについてはい合わせだい。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Indoors (tatami mat room) / Main building 2nd floor / 本2 92.4 45 11:00-20:30 屋内() Indoors (chair seating and tatami mats)/ Main building 1st floor / 本1 180 65 11:00-Sunset / 日 屋内(子・)

Indoors / 屋内 Indoors / 屋 内30 11:30-16:00 Ro-an Tea Room / 露 Outdoors / 屋外 Outdoors / 屋 外30 11:30-16:00

48 22 Restaurants / RIVIERA ZUSHI MARINA Ocean suite Pool side terrace area outdoors RIVIERA ZUSHI MARINA is a paradise for adults. This is a beach-type general resort where you can enjoy the Terrace horizon Shonan sea. Terrace area outdoors Blue vista It is located approximately 1 hour from the center of Tokyo. Resort parties that feature the ultimate seafood can Terrace area outdoors be staged in a venue that commands a view of the ocean. Aqua garden Main hall with garden Bay shore 5-23-16 Kotsubo, Zushi-shi Terrace area outdoors TEL:+81-467-23-0028 E-mail: [email protected] https://www.riviera.co.jp/banquet/zushi/index.html 150 car, 10 buses (reservation required), spaces in the parking.

49 リラ子マリーナ

ーは大の。湘南のをしむ、 浜型合ートです。 都心から約 1 。を望むパーティー会場と新な がのートパーティをします。 Unique Venues / Unique Venues 市小5-23-16 TEL:046-23-0028

E-mail:p@iviea.co.jp ク https://www.iviea.co.jp/banuet/ushi/ine.html

ーンスイー プールサイテス280㎡は スホイン テス分85㎡は ルースタ テス分262㎡は アクアーン 用ーン48㎡は イア テス分128㎡は

乗用車 150 台、バス 10 台約の駐車スペースがあります。 Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

Ocean suite / オーシャン スイート Indoors / 屋内 263 130 150 10:00-21:00

Terrace horizon / テラス ライズン Indoors / 屋内 263 130 150 10:00-21:00

Blue vista / ルースタ Indoors / 屋内 197 80 100 10:00-21:00

Aqua garden / アクア ガーン Indoors / 屋内 160 80 90 10:00-21:00

Bay shore / ベイシア Indoors / 屋内 118 50 60 10:00-21:00

50 2 Breweries / KOGANEI Brewery KOGANEI Brewery – 200-year-old Japanese Sake Brewery. KOGANEI Brewery makes the “SAKARIMASU” brand of Japanese sake. Situated in the lush natural surroundings of Nanasawa in City, the brewery makes Sakarimasu using clear waters from the foothills of East Tanzawa Mountains and carefully selected brewer’s rice. KOGANEI Brewery started manufacturing “SAGAMI BEER” as a craft beer in 1998. There is a shop on the brewery grounds. Requests to observe the brewery and sample the products are also catered to (groups of 6 or more persons, reservation needed). Located 25 minutes by bus (Nanasawa Bus) from Odakyu Hon-Atsugi Station, and 1 minute on foot from the entrance to Nanasawa Onsen. 769 Nanasawa, Atsugi-shi TEL:+81-46-248-0124 E-mail: [email protected] https://www.koganeishuzou.com/

Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

51 酒造

業 200 年の日本 。 日本「かります」の。豊かな市に を、東山の名としたを用し、「」 をしています。1998 年からはフトール「がみー Unique Venues / Unique Venues ル」のを開しました。 敷内にはがあります。飲できる学をて

ります。6名上、約 ク 小本り行バス他 25 分、口から 1分。

市69 TEL:046-248-0124 E-mail:sun-gs200@oganeishuou.com https://www.oganeishuou.com/


Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Sake tasting room / きき酒室 Indoors / 屋内 35 20 25 10:00-17:00

Viewing room / 観室 Indoors / 屋内 20 30 10:00-17:00

52 2 State Guest Houses / The Rose Residence Situated in the Yamate-Area, next to our off-site private chapel, Yamate Helen Memorial Church. The former home of our hotel owner, The Rose Residence provides an at home and personal environment that can host up to 70 guests. 150 Yamatecho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-681-2993 E-mail: [email protected] http://roseresidence.rosehotelyokohama.com/ Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

53 ・ローズレジンス

山の丘のかなにむ一。山レン会 にするストウス「・ーレンス」は、かつ てホテルオーーがらしたです。な会場とし て、ストをにきしたなアットホーでオ Unique Venues / Unique Venues ティーれるパーティーをしみけます。


TEL:045-681-2993 ク E-mail:banuet@osehoteloohama.com http://oseesience.osehoteloohama.com/

利用のについてはい合わせだい。 Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外

The Rose Residence / ・ローズレジンス Indoors / 屋内 152.426 70 80 10:00-22:00

54 2 Cruises / ROYALWING

Feast on Yokohama with the Entertainment Restaurant Cruise Ship ROYALWING. ROYALWING ROYALWING embarks from Yokohama Port Osanbashi, which has been the scene of numerous dramas as the old gateway to Japan in the historical Up to 450 persons can board (Seated: 450 port town of Yokohama, which was one of the first places in Japan to embrace foreign cultures. Enjoy thrilling entertainment and elegantly pass time persons) (Standing buffet: 500 persons). on a luxurious cruise ship while experiencing breathtaking waterfront views and first-rate cruising combined with original gourmet cuisine. Other small banquet rooms available Please inquire about detailed conditions of International Passenger Terminal 2F,1-1-4 Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Osanbashi, Yokohama TEL:+81-45-662-6125 use. E-mail: [email protected] http://www.royalwing.co.jp/

55 ロイルウイング

横浜をわいすンターテイントレストン、イルウイン。 国をいたある町「横浜」。かつて日本の口として々のが生まれた場「横 浜大」り、イルウインはします。心われるウーターフントのと、意をした イルイン 「食」をしみながらの上ルーンで優なと心るンターテイントのをしみだい。 450 最大乗450 名立食500 名 の他小会場あり / Unique Venues 横浜市中区1-1-4 大国際客タール2FTEL:045-662-6125 利用のについてはい合わせだい。 E-mail:info@oalwing.co.jp http://www.oalwing.co.jp/

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名)Standing / 立食(名) Boarding times / 時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Rose (reserved room) / ローズ(貸切部屋) Indoors / 屋内 278 134 160 90 or 110 min / 90・110

Cattleya (reserved room) / カトレア(貸切部屋) Indoors / 屋内 181 88 130 90 or 110 min / 90・110

Lavender (reserved room) / ラベンダー(貸切部屋) Indoors / 屋内 80 40 50 90 or 110 min / 90・110

56 2 Cruises / Marine Rouge Sightseeing Cruise, “Marine Rouge” departs from Yokohama’S famous tourist spot, “Yamashita Park”, “Akarenga-souko” and “Minatomirai” everyday. Not only sightseeing, but you can also enjoy the genuine French cuisine or some light meals too. Yamashita Park, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-671-7719 E-mail: [email protected] https://www.yokohama-cruising.jp

Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

57 マリーンルージ

山・レン・みなとみらいから日しているー ンルー。 ルーンのみならず内レストンで本的なフレンか ら食までしみけます。 Unique Venues / Unique Venues 横浜市中区山 TEL:045-61-19

E-mail:o@omohama-cuising.jp ク https://www.oohama-cuising.jp


Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Boarding times / 時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Cerezo / レッ Indoors / 屋内 128 90 100 90 or 120min / 90・120

Crest / クレスト Indoors / 屋内 110 70 80 90 or 120min / 90・120

Current / カレント Indoors / 屋内 72 52 60 90 or 120min / 90・120

58 2 Cruises / Hakone Sightseeing Cruise 観光 Hakone Sightseeing Cruise ships sail on , a mountain lake that has various expressions は新緑、葉、などごとに様々なをせる山上の、ノでして that change according to the season, ranging from the fresh green of spring to the tinted leaves ります。3 つのをやかなからは富士山を望むとでき、国内の客まか of autumn and the snowy landscape of winter. The colorful pirate ships that connect three ports らをしています。 afford great views of Mt. Fuji and are popular with visitors from Japan and overseas. 郡町181TEL:0460-83-6325 181 Hakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun E-mail:oau-fune@haone-anosen.co.jp https://www.haone-anosen.co.jp/ TEL:+81-460-83-6325 E-mail: [email protected] https://www.hakone-kankosen.co.jp/

Royal II / Victory Drinking and eating is permitted inside the ship and on deck, Accessible restroom. Vasa Drinking and eating is permitted inside the ship and on deck.

Please inquire about parking. Facility overview / 施設概要 Please inquire about detailed conditions of use.

Indoors / 屋内 Boarding times / Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Outdoors / 屋外 時間 ワイル/クー 内・ッ飲食可、多目的トイレがあります。 Indoors / 屋内 565 Inquire / Royal II / ロイル 306 ー Outdoors / 屋外 Nighttime間450 相

内・ッ飲食可。 Indoors / 屋内 500 Inquire / Victory / クトリー 257 Outdoors / 屋外 Nighttime間450 相 駐車場はご相談だい。 Vasa (Replaced with a new model pirate ship from end April Indoors / 屋内 650 Inquire / 利用のについてはい合わせだい。 351 2019) / バーサ(2019年4月末より新海に代) Outdoors / 屋外 Nighttime間450 相

59 Hakone Ashinoko Boat Cruise ノ Catamaran cruise ship that cruises on Lake Ashi with outstanding 優れたでノをする。がわが国でめてしたのは 36 年、 stability. Catamaran cruise ships first sailed in Japan in 1961 here のノでした。は優れたと 2 分のを持、に展望は 360 の on Lake Ashi. Endowed with outstanding stability and spaciousness 展望となています。在にができ、に最のです。 afforded by two hulls, the catamaran also has an observation deck

郡町45-3 / Unique Venues that makes it possible to enjoy panoramic 360-degree views. TEL:0460-83-6351 Freely able to change direction, this is the ideal cruise ship for Lake E-mail:msenpau@iuhaone.co.jp http://www.iuhaone.co.jp/haone-uansen/ine.html/ Ashi. ク 45-3 Motohakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun TEL:+81-460-83-6351 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.izuhakone.co.jp/hakone-yuransen/index.html/

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Boarding times / Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Outdoors / 屋外 時間

Indoors / 屋内 Please inquire about detailed conditions of use. Ashinoko Maru / あしのこ 211 100 Inquire / 相 Outdoors / 屋外 Indoors / 屋内 Hakone Maru / はこ 290 100 Inquire / 相 Outdoors / 屋外 Indoors / 屋内 利用のについてはい合わせだい。 Jukoku Maru / 十国 244 100 Inquire / 相 Outdoors / 屋外

60 UNIQUE VENUES LIST ユニーク ベニュー リスト ■ Yokohama Kawasaki Area ■ Yokosuka Miura Area ■ Central Kanagawa Area ■ Shonan Area ■ Western Kanagawa Area ■ 横浜 川崎エリア ■ 横須賀 三浦エリア ■ 県央エリア ■ 湘南エリア ■ 県西エリア Japanese Gardens Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア ICHIJO EKAN SANSO It is a teahouse built as part of a villa by a court noble, Ichijo Ekan in Kyoto, the son 観 3 of Emperor Go-Yozei. After it was reconstructed in Kamakura in 1959, it became a 国文化 Nationally Designated Important Cultural Property. Tours of the building are conducted

on a regular basis. Unique Venues List /


Address 5-1-10 Jomyoji Kamakura-shi 110

Tel +81-467-53-7900 03900 ク

Mail [email protected] infekansans.jp Home Page http://ekan-sanso.jp http://ekansans.jp リスト

Temples & Shrines Yokosuka Miura Area 神 横須賀 三浦エリア Kenchoji Temple 本 Kenchoji Temple, the first monastery in Japan devoted solely to Rinzai Zen practice, 国 is the top of the five great Rinzai temples of Kamakura. It was founded in 1253 by the 123 122 fifth Kamakura regent Hojo Tokiyori (1227–1263). 123 国

Contact Kenchoji Temple Address 8 Yamanouchi, Kamakura-shi

Tel +81-467-22-0981 022091

Mail - Home Page http://www.kenchoji.com/ http://www.kenhji./

Temples & Shrines Yokohama Kawasaki Area 神 横浜 川崎エリア Kodosan Hon-Butsuden 道本 Kodosan Hon-Butsuden is a Buddhist temple built on Mt. Kodo with a commanding 国際 view of the urbanized international port city Yokohama and its Minato Mirai district. 20 The temple has a two-story pagoda, Shariden hall, main hall and other halls within its grounds atop the mountain, and 250 cherry trees fill with blossoms in spring. Contact Kodosan Hon-Butsuden Address 38 Torigoe, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi 神奈川 3

Tel +81-45-432-1201 0321201

Mail [email protected] ksanksan.r.jp

Home Page https://kodosan.or.jp/ https://ksan.r.jp/

62 Temples & Shrines Central Kanagawa Area 神 県央エリア Kotakuji Temple This temple belongs to the Soto sect. Its honzon (principal images of Buddha) are 光 Shakamuni-butsu, Genza Dojo Honzon (seated Buddha), and Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai. The 103 1 interior of the main hall is mainly comprised of tatami mats. Surrounded by mountains

Unique Venues List / on three sides, here one can gain a flavor of the four seasons in a quiet environment.

Contact Kotakuji Temple

Address 2613 Nanasawa, Atsugi-shi 213

ク Tel +81-46-248-0108 02010

Mail [email protected] ktakjisj.ige.ne.jp Home Page - リスト

Temples & Shrines Western Kanagawa Area 神 県西エリア Kohzusan Hohkongohji-Temple This historical temple, which holds numerous cultural assets, was built in 829. The 文化29 main hall has held numerous cultural events. The kitchen, which is a registered 文化行国文 tangible cultural property, can hold meetings, receptions, etc., while the temple 化 precincts can be used to stage outdoors events. Contact Kohzusan Hohkongohji-Temple Address 2038 Kozu, Odawara-shi 国 203

Tel +81-465-47-2530 0230

Mail [email protected] ghrinhhknghji.jp Home Page http://hohkongohji.jp http://hhknghji.jp

Museums Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Hakone Museum of Art 館 Hakone Museum of Art was built by Mokichi Okada in 1952 and exhibits approximately 2 100 items comprising mainly old ceramics. It also has a Japanese garden that has been 100 国 designated as a nationally registered monument (scenic area), and a tea-ceremony house, where one can drink powdered green tea while gazing out over the garden.

Contact Hakone Museum of Art Address 1300 Gora, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 1300

Tel +81-460-82-2623 002223

Mail [email protected] htakahashiaart.r.jp

Home Page http://www.moaart.or.jp/hakone/ http://www.aart.r.jp/hakne/

63 Culutural Facilities Yokohama Kawasaki Area 文化 横浜 川崎エリア Yokohama Noh Theater 横浜 Built in 1875, this restoration of the much loved former Somei Noh Stage has more than 140 years of history. Designed in the style of Japanese traditional architecture, 10 this space can be used for parties combining a tour of the facilities, Noh theater experience, and Noh performance appreciation. Unique Venues List / Contact Yokohama Noh Theater

Address 27-2 Momijigaoka,Nishi-ku,Yokohama-shi 22

Tel +81-45-263-3050 023300 ク

Mail [email protected] ngakaf.r.jp Home Page http://ynt.yaf.or.jp http://nt.af.r.jp リスト

Culutural Facilities Yokosuka Miura Area 文化 横須賀 三浦エリア Kamakura Noh Theater 鎌倉舞 Encouters with "Noh",the traditional Japanese performing art and Intangible Cutural 文化文化

Heritage,at "Kamakura Noh Theater". Kamakura Noh Theater presents Nohgaku 3 performances several times a year. Kamakura Noh Theater also functions as a mini- e museum and displays Noh masks,Noh costumes and fan. Contact Kamakura Noh Theater Address 3-5-13 Hase Kamakura-shi 313

Tel +81-467-22-5557 022

Mail [email protected] weasternhtai. Home Page http://www.nohbutai.com/english.htm http://www.nhtai./

Culutural Facilities Western Kanagawa Area 文化 県西エリア Satomachi Exchange Center At Nakai Satomachi CAFÉ, you can relax while gazing at Mt. Fuji. Brand specialties are also on sale here. Next to the café, a giant pizza oven measuring approximately 2 2 meters across, and a kitchen range have been installed, and there is a Satomachi Kitchen where people can try their hand at making pizza. Contact Nakai Satomachi CAFE Address 580 Hinakubo, Nakai-machi, Ashigarakami-gun 奈 0

Tel +81-465-20-7393 020393

Mail -

Home Page https://satomachicafe.com https://satahiafe.

64 Culutural Facilities Western Kanagawa Area 文化 県西エリア HINOKI charity concert hall テンサーール The world’s only concert hall made from Japanese cypress timber has been completed in surrounded by mountains, ocean, and hot springs. Made by carpenters, it features ancient Japanese wood joinery and distinctive white plaster. Come here and 文化

Unique Venues List / you will get a glimpse of indelible scenes of Japanese culture. Contact HINOKI charity concert hall

Address 1968-1 Yoshihama, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 191

ク Tel +81-465-63-8923 03923

Mail [email protected] kihijnift. Home Page http://www.kichijyo.info/hinokicharity.html http://www.kihij.inf/hinkiharit.ht リスト

Theme Parks & Aquariums Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア SHINYOKOHAMA RAUMEN MUSEUM 横浜ラーン館 SHINYOKOHAMA RAUMEN MUSEUM is the world’s first food-themed amusement park, where you can eat RAUMEN noodles from around Japan and the world. It is also 文化 popular as a museum where you can learn about the history and culture of RAUMEN. The street-scape replication from the bygone Showa Era is also worthy of attention.

Contact SHINYOKOHAMA RAUMEN MUSEUM Address 2-14-21 Shinyokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi 2121

Tel +81-45-471-0503 01003

Mail [email protected] eisenraen..jp Home Page http://www.raumen.co.jp/english/ http://www.raen..jp/

Theme Parks & Aquariums Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Yokohama Minatomirai Manyo Club 横浜 The hot spring water is carried in by tank lorry everyday from the ancient and famous hot spring resorts of Atami Onsen and Yugawara Onsen. Also, from the rooftop footbath garden, one can enjoy a panoramic nighttime view of Yokohama.

Contact Yokohama Minatomirai Manyo Club 部 Address 2-7-1 Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi 21

Tel - 00012

Mail [email protected] inatiraian..jp

Home Page https://www.manyo.co.jp/mm21/ https://www.an..jp/21/

65 Theme Parks & Aquariums Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア The Landmark Tower Sky Garden (Observatory) 横浜ランマークー フ スカイーン Located on the 69th floor of Yokohama Landmark Tower at a height of 273 meters, this 9 23 is one of Japan’s highest observatory facilities. It commands a 360-degree panorama 30 including views of Mt. Fuji and Tokyo Sky Tree on clear days. The breathtaking night views are also something to behold. Unique Venues List / Contact Sky Garden Office 局

Address 2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 221

Tel +81-45-222-5030 0222030 ク

Mail [email protected] skgaren9a.wakwak. Home Page https://www.yokohama-landmark.jp/skygarden/ https://www.khaaanark.jp/skgaren/ リスト

Theme Parks & Aquariums Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Hakone Kowakien Yunessun ッサン Located in Hakone with good access from Tokyo, this hot spring resort is a good destination for a day trip. Its facilities include the YUNESSUN Area containing more than 10 various 10 indoor and outdoor baths for use with swimwear, and the Mori no Yu Area, which can be used without wear and comprises Japanese style indoor baths and outdoor baths set in gardens.

Contact Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Address 1297 Ninotaira, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 129

Tel +81-460-82-4126 00212

Mail [email protected] infnessn. Home Page https://www.yunessun.com/ https://www.nessn./

Theme Parks & Aquariums Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum 館 This exhibition and experience-based facility was established by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. It introduces cutting-edge science and technologies and the pride of Japanese Monozukuri craftsmanship in the fields of aerospace, environment, energy, etc. This unique venue can be rented out on days when the museum is closed or after open hours. Contact Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum Address 3-3-1,Minatomirai,Nishi-ku,Yokohama-shi 331

Tel +81-45-200-7351 020031

Mail [email protected] jikkhi..jp

Home Page http://www.mhi.com/minatomirai/ http://www.hi./inatirai/

66 Theme Parks & Aquariums Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Yomiuriland りラン Located approximately 35 minutes from and , Yomiuriland has 44 attractions 3 including thrilling rides and the “Goodjoba!!” amusement area where families of three generations can experience Japanese Monozukuri craftsmanship. It even has a sea lion show, while Pool WAI

Unique Venues List / opens in summer. From autumn to winter, the Jewellumination illuminations are staged. Contact Yomiuriland

Address 4015-1 Yanokuchi, Inagi-shi, Tokyo 011

ク Tel +81-44-966-1133 091133

Mail [email protected] iantaiirian..jp Home Page http://www.yomiuriland.com/ http://www.irian./ リスト

Outdoor Spaces Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Yokohamabashi Shopping arcade 横浜 This shopping arcade composed of around 130 shops around 90 years of history. 90 130 Under the catchphrase of “Cool old town Yokohamabashi”, it is also popular with non- 国 Japanese residents of the local area. Since the shopping arcade is underroof, various events can be staged even on rainy day. (Inquiries required) Contact Yokohamabashi Shopping District Address 1-4 Takanecho, Minami-ku Yokohama-shi 1

Tel +81-45-231-0286 023102

Mail - Home Page http://www.yokohamabashi.com/ http://www.khaaashi./

Outdoor Spaces Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Orange Floral Farm ンフーラル フー Benefitting from sea breezes off the Pacific Ocean and abundant sunshine, this 光 fruit plantation practices natural and organic farming without resorting to use of 11 agricultural chemicals. From early November to early June, it bustles with customers picking lemons and mikan oranges. Services are available in English.

Contact Orange Floral Co.Ltd., Address 1147-4 Manatsuru, Manazuru-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 11

Tel +81-465-69-2239 092239

Mail [email protected] infrangera.

Home Page http://www.orangefloral-farm.com http://www.rangerafar.

67 Old Houses Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Misono Park Yokomizo House の 横 The main building was constructed in 1898. It is rare for nearby old folk houses to 31 have proper two stories. The building has a hipped thatched roof with turret (air bleeder) boxed ridges. While visitors can experience the traditional Japanese games in

the large garden. Meals can be taken in the main building. Unique Venues List /

Contact JIMA

Address 3-10-2, Shishigaya, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi 3102

Tel +81-45-412-4531 01231 ク

Mail [email protected] aijia.inf Home Page http://qq2h4dy9n.wixsite.com/yokomizoyashiki http://2h9n.wisite./kiashiki リスト

Old Houses Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア Hase Residence Built around 30 years ago, this residence is situated almost half-way between the Great 30 観 Buddha of Kamakura and Hase Kannon. An expansive lawn garden enclosed by dignified 00 fences and gates occupies an area of around 1,300 square meters. It can be used for 文化 experiencing Japanese culture and staging dinner parties, garden parties and so on.

Contact ZINGY ZAP Enterprises Address 3-9-2 Hase, Kamakura-shi 392

Tel +81-3-5447-1210 031210

Mail [email protected] sasakiingap. Home Page https://www.hasebettei.com/ https://www.haseettei./

Old Houses Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア Kamakura Cocon 鎌倉 Lived in for more than 160 years since the Edo Period, this fully renovated old-style house is situated in the dignified Nikaido area, which has numerous historic spots 10 in verdant surroundings. You can entertain guests in the luxurious sweet room and restaurant.

Contact ZINGY ZAP Enterprises Address 836 Nikaido, Kamakura-shi 3

Tel +81-3-5447-1210 031210

Mail [email protected] sasakiingap.

Home Page https://www.kamakura-cocon.jp/ https://www.kaakran.jp/

68 Old Houses Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア HAYAMA KACHI-TEI Kachi-Tei Villa was designed by the architect Arata Endo, a favorite pupil of F. L. Wright, who 国 .. designed the old Imperial Hotel. Designated as a registered tangible cultural property of Japan, this 90-year-old cultural heritage was designed in accordance with the architectural philosophy of “harmony as a whole” whereby architecture flows in keeping with the terrain 90 文化

Unique Venues List / and where the overall design is considered right down to the furniture and lighting. 国文化 Contact THINK GREEN PRODUCE

Address 1706 Issiki, Hayama-machi, Miura-gun 10

ク Tel +81-3-6438-9706 03390

Mail [email protected] inftgpatins.jp Home Page http://www.find-out.jp/hayama-kachitei/ http://www.nt.jp/haaakahitei/ リスト

Old Houses Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Ashigarigo Seto Residence り Seto Residence was built during the Edo Period as the residence of the Seto household, which used to be the head household in this area. Here, you will find a soft 300 and gentle ambience that has been honed over 300 years of history.

Contact Ashigarigo Seto Residence Address 1336 Kanaishima, Kaisei-machi, Ashigarakami-gun 133

Tel +81-465-84-0050 0000

Mail [email protected] setashikiashigarig. Home Page https://setoyashiki.ashigarigo.com/ https://setashiki.ashigarig./

Restaurants Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア TANAKAYA 中 TANAKAYA was established in 1863. While staying aware of the tradition it has upheld 13 since founding as the oldest ryoutei in Yokohama, it continues to add new tastes and pursue the flavors demanded by the age. Please spend a special time in a relaxing private room.

Contact TANAKAYA Address 11-1 Daimachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi 神奈川 111

Tel +81-45-311-2621 0311221

Mail [email protected] asktanakaa13..jp

Home Page https://www.tanakaya1863.co.jp/ https://www.tanakaa13..jp/

69 State Guest Houses Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア Yorozuya Honten – KAMAKURA HASE est. 1806 – 本 AMAURA AS et Renovated from a sake wholesaler established in 1806, this Japanese-style house 10 turns restaurant weddings into reality. It includes a banquet area, hall, waiting room and more. It can be used as a restaurant, banquet, exhibitions and various other

purposes. Unique Venues List /

Contact Yorozuya Honten

Address 2-11-46 Hase, Kamakura-shi 211

Tel +81-467-24-2040 02200 ク

Mail [email protected] infrakaakra.jp Home Page https://www.yorozuya-kamakura.jp/ https://www.rakaakra.jp/ リスト

State Guest Houses Shonan Area 湘南エリア Oisogeihinkan (Oiso Guest House) Built in 1912, this Western-style house is a registered tangible cultural property 1912 国文化 of Japan. It can be rented and used for various purposes including conferences, exhibitions, parties, and photo shoots. There are abundant historical buildings and other places of interest within walking distance.

Contact Oisogeihinkan (Oiso Guest House) Address 1007 Oiso, Oiso-machi, Naka-gun 100

Tel - 00330013

Mail [email protected] isa..jp Home Page http://www.oisogeihinkan.com/ http://www.isgeihinkan./

Breweries Central Kanagawa Area 県央エリア Kubotasyuzou 保酒造 Founded in 1844, Kubotasyuzou Brewery manufactures the “Sagaminada” brand of 1 sake using spring waters from the Tanzawa Mountains. The area around the brewery retains the abundant nature that was there from the beginning. In spring, the area is blessed with wild vegetables, while fireflies can be seen flying in summer.

Contact Kubotasyuzou Address 702 Negoya, Midori-ku, -shi 02

Tel +81-42-784-0045 0200

Mail [email protected] ktatski.ne.jp

Home Page http://www.tsukui.ne.jp/kubota/ http://www.tski.ne.jp/kta/

70 Breweries Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア INOUE BREWING 酒造 INOUE BREWING has been making Japanese sake in the Ashigara plains for seven 19 generations, over 200years, since it was founded in 1789, we have always used cool air, refreshing ground water, from HAKONE and selected rice to make our SAKE.

Unique Venues List / Contact INOUE BREWING

Address 552 Kamioi, Oi-machi, Ashigarakami-gun 2

ク Tel +81-465-82-0325 02032

Mail [email protected] ineshakneaa..jp Home Page http://www.hakoneyama.co.jp/ http://www.hakneaa..jp/ リスト

Breweries Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア SETO SHUZO-TEN 酒造 This brewer of Japanese sake was founded in 1890. It suspended home-brewing 190 190 once in 1980, however, following reconstruction of the brewery in 2018, the company 201 recruited a chief brewer and started making its own sake again. Reservations can be made to tour the brewery.

Contact SETO SHUZO-TEN Address 17 Kanaishima, Kaisei-machi, Ashigarakami-gun 1

Tel +81-465-82-0055 0200

Mail [email protected] setsashigarig. Home Page https://setosyuzo.ashigarigo.com https://sets.ashigarig.

Breweries Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Kirin Brewery Yokohama Plant ンール 横浜 Tour to Discover the Secret of Kirin Ichiban-Shibori’s Delicious Flavor. This tour gives you the chance to drink and compare first-squeeze and second- squeeze wort, sample malt, and experience the aroma of hops. You can enjoy a plant tour that fully tests your five senses. *Wort may not always be available.

Contact Kirin Brewery Yokohama Plant Address 1-17-1 Namamugi, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi 111

Tel +81-45-503-8250 00320

Mail (Reservations can be made from the official website)

Home Page https://www.kirin.co.jp/bvyokohama https://www.kirin..jp/khaa

71 Breweries Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Asahi Breweries Kanagawa Brewery サール神奈川 On brewery tours, guides cheerfully introduce the beer manufacturing process and tidbits of information about beer making. After the tour, you can enjoy tasting Asahi Super Dry and so on fresh from the factory. Unique Venues List /

Contact Asahi Breweries Kanagawa Brewery 神奈川

Address 1223 Nuda, Minamiashigara-shi 1223

Tel +81-465-72-6270 0220 ク

Mail - Home Page https://www.asahibeer.co.jp/brewery/kanagawa/ https://www.asahieer..jp/rewer/kanagawa/ リスト

Cruises Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Yakatabune hamashin 形 濱 Using only fish caught in Tokyo Bay, boats serve seafood that is prepared by dedicated chefs. Also, plans are offered throughout the year to coincide with seasonal highlights 行 and events such as cherry blossom viewing, fireworks displays and so on.

Contact Yakatabune hamashin Address 103-6 Kanazawacho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi 103

Tel +81-45-781-7377 013

Mail [email protected] akatanehaashin..jp Home Page http://www.hamashin.co.jp http://www.haashin..jp

Cruises Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Reserved cruise ークルー This high-quality cruiser is endowed with stylish exterior design and modern interior. 観 You can have a guided view of industrial night views, container berths, and other industrial locations from the ocean.

Contact Reserved cruise Address 2-15-1 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 211

Tel +81-45-290-8377 02903

Mail [email protected] infresererise.

Home Page http://www.reservedcruise.com http://www.resererise.


Venues List ■ Yokohama Kawasaki Area ■ Yokosuka Miura Area ■ Central Kanagawa Area ■ Shonan Area ■ Western Kanagawa Area

■ 横浜 川崎エリア ■ 横須賀 三浦エリア ■ 県央エリア ■ 湘南エリア ■ 県西エリア ベニュー リスト 28 MICE Facilities / Shonan Village Center “Just 60 minutes from the center of Tokyo” Sitting on a green hill commanding a view of Mt. Fuji across Sagami Bay, Shonan Village Center in Hayama Town, Kanagawa Prefecture is an accommodation- type conference center equipped with meeting and conference functions. The Center has an excellent free Wi-Fi environment and various meeting rooms including an international conference hall with

MI capacity for 230 persons, and it also has 100 guestrooms able to accommodate 202 guests. 1560-39 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama-Machi, Miura-gun 施設TEL:+81-46-855-1800 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.shonan-village.co.jp/

Auditorium / Foyer Inquire about food/beverage and layout. 40 cars spaces in the parking.

75 湘南国際村センター

『都心から車でわずか 60 分』相模湾越しに富士山を望む緑豊か な丘の上、神奈川県葉山町にある「湘南国際村センター」は、会議・ 研修機能を持つ、宿泊滞在型のカンファレンスセンターです。 館内には優れた無料の Wi-Fi 環境、230 名の収容が可能な国際 会議場をはじめとした様々な研修室や、100 室 202 名の宿泊 が可能な客室をご用意しています。

三浦郡葉山町上山口1560-39 TEL:046-855-1800 E-mail:[email protected] http://www.shonan-village.co.jp/ Venues /


国際会議場/ホワイエ 飲食・レイアウト変更応相談。 乗用車 40 台の駐車スペースあります。

Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors / 屋内 Room/Space / 施設名 Size / 面積(㎡) Seated / 着席(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors / 屋外

Auditorium / 国際会議場 Indoors / 屋内 257 100 150 0:00-24:00

Foyer / ホワイエ Indoors / 屋内 200 80 150 0:00-24:00

76 29

MICE Facilities / National Convention Hall Exhibition Hall PACIFICO Yokohama This is the only national convention hall in This exhibition hall has an area of 20,000m2 East Japan that can cater to international that can be partitioned into four sections. PACIFICO Yokohama, one of the largest convention complexes in Japan equipped with all the conventions. Annex Hall functions required for any business events, will be opening a new venue “North” in 2020. Conference Center This meeting hall of 1,350m2 can be 6,300m2 of multi-purpose hall on the 1st floor is carpeted and column-free, enabling to hold This has approximately 50 small, medium, partitioned into six sections and can cater to mega scale banquets as well as parties combined with cooperate meetings and conventions. and large meeting rooms and this can multipurpose uses. simultaneously accommodate three meetings North 1-1-1 Minatomirai Nishi-ku Yokohama-shi TEL:+81-45-221-2155 of 1,000 guests each. This is approximately 6,300m2 of multi- E-mail: [email protected] http://www.pacifico.co.jp/ purpose hall and 42 small, medium, large

MI meeting rooms.


77 パシフ横浜

学術会議、インセンティブ、企業コンベンション、展示会の他、 コンサートやイベントなど、多彩な催事が開催できる複合コ ンベンション施設「パシフィコ横浜」は、2020年新施設「ノー ス」をオープンし、更にスケールアップ。ノース 1 階には約 6,300㎡のカーペット敷き、無柱のスペースが誕生し、国内 最大規模のバンケット会場として、会議と組み合わせてご利 用いただけます。

横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1 TEL:045-221-2155 E-mail:[email protected] http://www.pacifico.co.jp/

国立大ホール 東日本唯一の国立国際会議場 会議センター

大中小合わせて約 50 室の会議室、1,000 名規模の会議が 3 つ並行し Venues / て開催可能 展示ホール 4 分割可能な 20,000㎡の展示ホール アネックスホール 6 分割可能な 1,350㎡の会議室、多目的に利用可能 ノース 国内最大規模 6,300㎡の多目的ホールと大中小約 42 室の会議室 Facility overview / 施設概要

Indoors 屋内 Room/Space / 名 Size / () Seated / 着(名) Standing / 立食(名) Hours of use / 利用時間 Outdoors 屋外 2019 1

National Convention Hall / 国立大ール Indoors / 屋内 5,000 0:00-24:00

Conference Center / 会ンター Indoors / 屋内 1,366 630 1,300 0:00-24:00

Exhibition Hall / 展ール Indoors / 屋内 20,000 3,200 7,000 0:00-24:00

Annex Hall / アックスール Indoors / 屋内 1,350 650 1,300 0:00-24:00

North / ノース Indoors / 屋内 6,337 2,340 5,000 0:00-24:00

78 MICE Facilities Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア YOKOHAMA ARENA 横浜ー "Yokohama Arena" makes the realization of a variety of events that will be filled with 観 such a sense of unity ever more convenient and pleasant. In addition to excellent, world-class accessibility, numerous facilities, which have been further enhanced, will escort all participants at a variety of events as co-stars.


Address 3-10 Shinyokohama,Kohoku-ku,Yokohama-shi 310 Tel +81-45-474-4000 0000

Mail Homepage inquiry form

Home Page http://www.yokohama-arena.co.jp http://www.khaaarena..jp

Cultural Facilities Yokohama Kawasaki Area 文化 横浜 川崎エリア YOKOHAMA MINATO MIRAI HALL 横浜ール This concert hall looks out over Pacifico Yokohama and Yokohama Port. Its large and Venues List / small halls, which can also cater to academic conferences, can be used in combination with spaces for staging unique after-convention activities.


リスト Address 2-3-6 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 23

Tel +81-45-682-2020 022020

Mail https://www.yaf.or.jp/mmh/refer/index.php https://www.af.r.jp/h/refer/ine.php Home Page http://www.yaf.or.jp/mmh/index.php http://www.af.r.jp/h/ine.php

Cultural Facilities Yokosuka Miura Area 文化 横須賀 三浦エリア Kamakura Performing Arts Center 鎌倉館 It is a cultural facility in Kamakura-shi. The large hall, which has excellent acoustics, 文化 has a view of a bamboo forest from the lobby, and also has a buffet that serves food and drinks. It consists of small halls, galleries, meeting places, conference rooms, Japanese rooms and other facilities.

Contact Kamakura Performing Arts Center Address 6-1-2 Ofuna Kamakura-shi 12

Tel +81-467-48-5500 000

Mail Homepage inquiry form

Home Page http://www.kamakura-arts.jp/ http://www.kaakraarts.jp/ :

79 Cultural Facilities Yokosuka Miura Area 文化 横須賀 三浦エリア Kamakurabori Assembly Hall 鎌倉会館 This complex cultural facility features history and culture and is a place for trying hands-on 文化文化1 experiences and conducting exchange. On the first floor is the cafe and shop, while a gallery is 3 located further inside. On the third floor, you will find the Kamakura Lacquerware Museum. On 2 文化 the second and fourth floors is the Kamakurabori Assembly Hall, where culture classes are held.

Contact Kamakurabori Assembly Hall

Address 2-15-13 Komachi, Kamakura-shi 2113 Tel +81-467-25-1500 02100

Mail [email protected] kkiaikaakrarikaikan.jp

Home Page http://kamakuraborikaikan.jp http://kaakrarikaikan.jp

Cultural Facilities Central Kanagawa Area 文化 県央エリア Yamato Cultural Creation Center SiRiUS 和創造シス Yamato Cultural Creation Center SiRiUS, a cultural complex, is popular as a place for 文化文化 encountering various peoples and cultures. In particular the main hall and sub-hall of 文化文化 Venues List / Yamato Arts and Culture Hall can cater to lecture meetings and conferences of various sizes.

Contact Yamato Arts and Culture Hall 文化

リスト Address 1-8-1 Yamatominami, Yamato-shi 11

Tel +81-46-259-7591 02991

Mail [email protected] aatnkasps.sgn.ne.jp Home Page https://www.yamato-bunka.jp/hall/ https://www.aatnka.jp/ha/

Cultural Facilities Western Kanagawa Area 文化 県西エリア MANAZURU TECHLAB テックラ Monozukuri Coworking Space is just 10 steps from the ocean. It is fully equipped 10 with digital fabrication functions, kitchen space, fire protection equipments, and accommodation space, and it is also used by non-Japanese users. 国

Contact Manazuru Town Tourism Association 観光 Address 965-23 Manatsuru, Manazuru-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 923

Tel +81-465-68-2543 023

Mail [email protected] heanar.teh

Home Page https://www.manazuru.tech https://www.anar.teh

80 Cultural Facilities Yokohama Kawasaki Area 文化 横浜 川崎エリア DMM VR THEATER MM R AR This is the world’s first permanent theater to show stage productions using state- of-the-art holographic video expression. High-resolution and beautiful images are projected onto the stage with such striking effect that they appear like the real thing. Contact DMM futureworks ftrewrks

Address 2-1-5 Minamisaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 2 1 Tel +81-3-5797-8932 039932

Mail [email protected] infftrewrks.

Home Page https://vr-theater.dmm.com/ https://rtheater../

Cultural Facilities Central Kanagawa Area 文化 県央エリア Fujino Workshop for Art 野の A workshop where you can experience ceramics, woodworking and glass crafts, a Venues List / hall, studio that you can use such as music, theater and dance, restaurant with bright atmosphere, conference room, and accommodation room and campground.

Contact Fujino Workshop for Art

リスト Address 4819 Magino, Midori-ku, Sagamihara-shi 19

Tel +81-42-689-3030 0293030

Mail [email protected] inffjinart.jp Home Page https://fujino-art.jp/ https://fjinart.jp/

Others Central Kanagawa Area 県央エリア KISTEC:Kanagawa Institute of industrial Science and TEChnology 神奈川県合 Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology rents meeting rooms, etc. 行神奈川県行 to outsiders to the extent that doesn’t interfere with their events and work. If you are 部 interested, please inquire at the general affairs section. 課

Contact KISTEC:Kanagawa Institute of industrial Science and TEChnology 神奈川県 Address 705-1 Shimoimaizumi, Ebina-shi 01

Tel +81-46-236-1500 023100

Mail -

Home Page https://www.kistec.jp https://www.kiste.jp

81 Others Central Kanagawa Area 県央エリア Kanagawa Prefectural Miyagase Yamanami Center 神奈川県宮ンー The Center stages various events as a hub of wide-area exchange aimed at promoting 化 understanding of water resources and environment and vitalizing the local area. It has an observation hall that affords views of Miyagase Lakeside Park, training and meeting rooms, and more.

Contact Miyagase Environs Promotion Foundation

Address 940-4 Miyagase,Kiyokawa-mura,Aiko-gun 川 90 Tel +81-46-288-3600 02300

Mail [email protected] infiagase.r.jp

Home Page https://miyagase.or.jp/ https://iagase.r.jp/

Others Central Kanagawa Area 県央エリア Kanagawa Prefectural Lake Sagami-ko Community Center 神奈川県相模ンー It is approximately 10 minutes on foot from Sagamiko Station. 10 It is a cultural facility that can exchange diverse activities while touching the majestic 行文化 Venues List / nature of Lake Sagami. There are multipurpose hall, art gallery, meeting rooms, coffee shop, and parking facilities are also available. Contact Kanagawa Prefectural Lake Sagami-ko Community Center 神奈川県

リスト Address 259-1 Yose, Midori-ku, Sagamihara-shi 291

Tel +81-42-682-6121 022121

Mail [email protected] kikaksagaikkr.jp Home Page https://www.sagamiko-kouryu.jp https://www.sagaikkr.jp

Others Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア Yokosuka Research Park (YRP Center No.1 Building) 横サーパーク RPンー 館 The YRP Hall on the first floor is equipped with a large-size video system used for 1 発国際 staging research presentations, international conferences and the like, as well as AV equipment, simultaneous interpreting booths, etc. that can be used to make various presentations. With a 4-meter-high ceiling, the hall offers an expansive space.

Contact Yokosuka Research Park Address 3-4 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi 光 3

Tel +81-46-847-5000 0000

Mail [email protected] infrp..jp

Home Page http://www.yrp.co.jp/ http://www.rp..jp/

82 State Guest Houses Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Artgrace Portside Villa ーイス・ーサイラ Directly connected to , this expansive party stage boasts overwhelming scale in three sumptuous rental spaces. It can cater to every kind of party and banquet including social gatherings, farewell and welcome parties, exhibitions, seminars, presentations and so on in a manner that only a production venue can.

Contact Artgrace Portside Villa

Address 1-4 Onocho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi 神奈川 1 Tel +81-45-440-5588 00

Mail [email protected] partestria..jp

Home Page https://www.bestbridal.co.jp/guestparty/banquet/artgrace_yokohama/ https://www.estria..jp/gestpart/anet/artgraekhaa/

State Guest Houses Central Kanagawa Area 県央エリア AMANDANHILLS マンダンル On entering this guesthouse situated on a small hill, you will enter a sophisticated Venues List / resort space. Including a relaxing lounge where the sound of water will soothe you, and a sky walk that affords outstanding views, this is a special place that provides healing and relaxation. Contact AMANDANHILLS

リスト Address 13-3 Morinosatowakamiya, Atsugi-shi 133

Tel +81-46-290-3344 029033

Mail [email protected] rahsnarese..jp Home Page http://restaurant.novarese.jp/ahs/ http://restarant.narese.jp/ahs/

State Guest Houses Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Iseyama Hills ル This expansive party stage of overwhelming scale comprises seven opulent rental spaces situated in the hills of Minatomiirai. It can cater to every kind of party and banquet including social gatherings, farewell and welcome parties, exhibitions, seminars, presentations and so on in a manner that only a production venue can.

Contact Iseyama Hills Address 58-3 Miyazakicho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 3

Tel +81-45-260-0082 020002

Mail [email protected] partestria..jp

Home Page https://www.bestbridal.co.jp/guestparty/banquet/iseyama-hills/ https://www.estria..jp/gestpart/anet/iseaahis/

83 State Guest Houses Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア KOTOWA Kamakura Tsurugaoka Kaikan A 鎌倉会館 Located 5 minutes on foot from Kamakura Station, KOTOWA Kamakura Tsurugaoka Kaikan is situated along Wakamiyaoji Street and Dankazura pathway. In spring, cherry blossoms abound in front of the hall. It is an excellent venue for compiling a travel itinerary and 観光行 strolling around tourist spots such as Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine and Komachi-dori.

Contact KOTOWA Kamakura Tsurugaoka Kaikan

Address 2-12-27 Komachi, Kamakura-shi 2122 Tel +81-467-61-2139 012139

Mail [email protected] anettkearsrain.jp

Home Page https://www.dearswedding.jp/tsurugaoka-kaikan/party/ https://www.earsweing.jp/tsrgakakaikan/part/

Hotel Accommodations Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア InterContinental Yokohama Grand ハマ ラン インーンンル テル This was opened in 1991 as the first hotel of the InterContinental Hotels Group in Japan. The hotel exterior, which resembles a yacht sail, is a symbol of Yokohama. 1991 観 Venues List / Please enjoy a relaxing time in refined surroundings.

Contact InterContinental Yokohama Grand

リスト Address 1-1-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 111

Tel +81-45-223-2222 02232222

Mail [email protected] infikhaa. Home Page https://www.interconti.co.jp/yokohama/en/ https://www.internti..jp/khaa/en/

Hotel Accommodations Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu 横浜イテル The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu is located 1 minute on foot from Minatomirai Station in a 1 観 position directly in front of the Yokohama Ferris Wheel. Catering to conferences, stylish food displays or whatever form of event is desired, it offers refined service and hospitality.

Contact The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu Address 2-3-7 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 23

Tel +81-45-682-2270 02220

Mail -

Home Page https://ybht.co.jp https://ht..jp

84 Hotel Accommodations Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Yokohama Royal Park Hotel 横浜イルパークテル This hotel is located inside Landmark Tower Yokohama at an elevation higher than any other hotel in Japan. All guestrooms are located at a height of 210 meters above 210 sea level or higher and provide moments of supreme bliss that cannot be experienced anywhere else.

Contact Yokohama Royal Park Hotel

Address 2-2-1-3 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 2213 Tel +81-45-221-1111 02211111

Mail [email protected] infsaesrph.

Home Page https://www.yrph.com https://www.rph.

Hotel Accommodations Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers 横浜イシラン テルー Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers is a convenient choice for meetings and 観光

Venues List / 2 2 social functions. Its 12 event venues, from 50m to 850m can accomodate up to 1,000 国際文化 guests.

Contact Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers

リスト Address 1-3-23 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 1323

Tel +81-45-411-1111 0111111

Mail [email protected] arketingsh.jp Home Page https://www.yokohamabay-sheraton.co.jp/ https://www.khaaasheratn..jp/

Hotel Accommodations Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Hotel New Grand テルーラン Established in 1927, this classic hotel with more than 90 years of history is representative 192 90 of Japan. Possessing 238 guestrooms, four banquet halls, and six restaurants, Hotel New 23 Grand has come to be loved by guests from not only Japan but the entire world. 国

Contact Hotel New Grand Address 10 Yamashitacho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi 10

Tel +81-45-663-5061 0301

Mail [email protected] infhtenewgran..jp

Home Page https://www.hotel-newgrand.co.jp/ https://www.htenewgran..jp/

85 Hotel Accommodations Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア KITAYA Ryokan - Cultural Heritage Inn の 館 This registered tangible cultural property of Japan is estimated to be more than 100 100 国文化 years old. The building has undergone modernization while retaining its original charm and can be used for various purposes as a venue for accommodation, holding events, and so on.

Contact KITAYA Ryokan - Cultural Heritage Inn 文化

Address 46 Shibacho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi Tel +81-45-789-0071 09001

Mail [email protected] infkitaarkan.jp

Home Page http://kitayaryokan.jp/ http://kitaarkan.jp/

Hotel Accommodations Yokohama Kawasaki Area 横浜 川崎エリア Hotel KSP テル SP Kanagawa Science Park is one of Japan’s finest urban science parks. Various 国 research organizations occupy these highly internationally flavored facilities in green 国際 Venues List / surroundings. Here, Hotel KSP is utilized as a place of community and relaxation.

Contact Hotel KSP

リスト Address 3-2-1 Sakado, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi 川 321

Tel +81-44-819-2222 0192222

Mail [email protected] kaigihteksp. Home Page www.hotel-ksp.com www.hteksp.

Hotel Accommodations Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア Kamakura Prince Hotel 鎌倉プンステル This resort is located approximately 1 hour from the center of Tokyo. The hotel’s guestrooms 1 command views of the Shonan Ocean and blend into abundant green surroundings. The hotel has a relaxed atmosphere becoming of the ancient capital of Kamakura.

Contact Kamakura Prince Hotel Address 1-2-18 Shichirigahamahigashi, Kamakura-shi 121

Tel +81-467-33-1252 033122

Mail [email protected] hitanakaprinehtes..jp

Home Page https://www.princehotels.co.jp/kamakura/ https://www.prinehtes..jp/kaakra/

86 Hotel Accommodations Yokosuka Miura Area 横須賀 三浦エリア Kamakura Park Hotel 鎌倉パークテル This resort hotel is located on the Kamakura oceanfront. It has 46 guestrooms and 2 two restaurants. Its basement has banquet rooms that can be adjusted according to 1 観光 numbers of people. Situated close to the Great Buddha and other tourist spots, it offers 観光 excellent access for conducting tourism.

Contact Kamakura Park Hotel

Address 33-6 Sakanoshita, Kamakura-shi 33 Tel +81-467-25-5121 02121

Mail [email protected] ishikakaakraparkhte..jp

Home Page www.kamakuraparkhotel.co.jp www.kaakraparkhte..jp

Hotel Accommodations Central Kanagawa Area 県央エリア Odakyu Hotel Century Sagami-Ono テルンー相模野 The hotel is located above Sagami-Ono station by Odakyu Line. It takes approximately Venues List / 40mins from and directly from Odawara and Enoshima. Limousine buses 0 from Narita Airport and will bring you directly to Sagami-Ono station.

Contact Odakyu Hotel Century Sagami-Ono

リスト Address 3-8-1 Sagamiono, Minami-ku, Sagamihara-shi 31

Tel +81-42-767-1113 021113

Mail - Home Page http://www.odakyu-hotel.co.jp/century-ono/ http://www.akhte..jp/entrn/

Hotel Accommodations Central Kanagawa Area 県央エリア REMBRANDT HOTEL EBINA ンランテル This hotel was opened following rebranding on December 1, 2018! 201 12 神奈川県 Centrally located in Kanagawa Prefecture with convenient access and excellent links to the center of Tokyo provided by three train lines, this area is expected to not only cater to business uses but also respond to various needs as a center of leisure and community.

Contact REMBRANDT HOTEL EBINA Address 2-9-50 Chuo, Ebina-shi 290

Tel +81-46-235-9815 02391

Mail [email protected] inf.einareranthte..jp

Home Page https://rembrandt-group.com/ebina https://rerantgrp./eina

87 Hotel Accommodations Shonan Area 湘南エリア Oiso Prince Hotel プンステル Oiso Prince Hotel has banquet halls and meeting rooms of various sizes and can cater to overnight seminars and training programs. Situated roughly 1 hour by train from the center 1 of Tokyo, it has good access and makes it possible to stage open resort-style MICE events. Contact Oiso Prince Hotel

Address 546 Kokufuhongo, Oiso-machi, Naka-gun 国 Tel +81-463-61-1111 0311111

Mail -

Home Page https://www.princehotels.co.jp/oiso/ https://www.prinehtes..jp/is/

Hotel Accommodations Shonan Area 湘南エリア Japanese Traditional Inns around Oyama Oyama Sando approach is lined with ryokan inns that provide reminders of the travelers’ lodgings of old. 1 During the 17th century, there was a boom in visiting Oyama Shrine with around 200,000 people visiting 20 神 Venues List / every year. Each inn has its own shrine, while innkeepers are low-ranking priests who can conduct 神 rituals and let visitors experience making clean copies. You can also enjoy the famous tofu cuisine. Contact Isehara Tourist Association 観光

リスト Address Oyama area, Isehara-shi

Tel +81-463-73-7373 03333

Mail [email protected] ikanksa.ige.ne.jp Home Page http://www.isehara-kanko.com/ http://www.iseharakank./

Hotel Accommodations Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Hilton Odawara Resort & Spa ルンー スパ Relax at Hilton Odawara Resort & Spa with boasting modern amenities and impressive 0 ocean view. You’ll also enjoy local cuisine.

Contact Hilton Odawara Resort & Spa Address 583-1 Nebukawa, Odawara-shi 川 31

Tel +81-465-29-1000 0291000

Mail [email protected] awarahitn.

Home Page odawara.hilton.com hitnawara.jp

88 Hotel Accommodations Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア YUMOTO FUJIYA HOTEL 本士テル This hotel is a hot spring resort reasonably accessible from central Tokyo, located 3 minutes on foot from Hakone-Yumoto Station at the gateway to Hakone. It can be 3 reached in 85 minutes by train without any transfer from Shinjuku.


Address 256-1 Yumoto, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 21 Tel +81-460-85-6111 00111

Mail [email protected] f.akfjiahte..jp

Home Page https://www.yumotofujiya.jp/ https://www.tfjia.jp/

Hotel Accommodations Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Tenseien Tenseien is located approximately 12 minutes on foot or 5 minutes by taxi/circulating 12 / Venues List / bus from Hakone-Yumoto Station. It has a rooftop open-air bath that allows you to keenly feel the four seasons of Hakone. The garden contains a waterfall, which, 神神 together with Tadamare Shrine, a branch of Hakone Shrine, is popular. Contact Tenseien

リスト Address 682 Yumoto, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 2

Tel +81-460-83-8511 00311

Mail [email protected] aktenseien..jp Home Page https://www.tenseien.co.jp/ https://www.tenseien..jp/

Hotel Accommodations Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Ichinoyu Honkan 沢の本館 This traditional Hakone hot springs inn is a four-story wooden structure built in the 川 sukiya style with a nostalgic feel for travelers. All rooms face onto Hayakawa River, 2009 国文化 allowing guests to enjoy. The hotel was also designated as a tangible cultural property of Japan in 2009.

Contact Ichinoyu Honkan Address 90 Tonosawa, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 90

Tel +81-460-85-5331 00331

Mail [email protected] reseratinihin..jp

Home Page https://www.ichinoyu.co.jp/eng/ https://www.ihin..jp/eng/

89 Hotel Accommodations Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア Fujiya Hotel Lake View Annex - Hakone Hotel 士テルイクーックス テル Refined Meetings in a Pleasant Environment: Views of Lake Ashi and Mt. Fuji can be enjoyed from the meeting rooms, guestrooms and restaurants, offering a relaxed environment conducive to 発 generating good ideas. Another unique feature of Hakone Hotel is that it offers the possibility of booking the entire hotel, making it possible to also use the facilities for holding secret meetings.

Contact Fujiya Hotel Lake View Annex - Hakone Hotel

Address 65 Hakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun Tel +81-460-83-6311 003311

Mail [email protected] hh.shkhakfjiahte..jp

Home Page https://www.hakonehotel.jp/ https://www.haknehte.jp/

Hotel Accommodations Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko ・プンス It is situated on the bank of Lake Ashi, where you can fully appreciate Hakone’s natural environment, and you can view Mt. Fuji from the inner garden. As its hot spring, it 川 Venues List / offers its own private source – Takogawa Onsen.

Contact The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko

リスト Address 144 Motohakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 1

Tel +81-460-83-1111 0031111

Mail [email protected] hakneprinehtes..jp Home Page https://www.princehotels.co.jp/the_prince_hakone/ https://www.prinehtes..jp/theprinehakne/

Hotel Accommodations Western Kanagawa Area 県西エリア The Ryokan Tokyo YUGAWARA e Ro oo UAARA This hotel is located in Yugawara Onsen, which has been renowned as a famous hot spring resort since the age of the “Manyoshu” poems. All guestrooms are provided with Yogibo bean gi bags, which are known as “sofas that make people lazy”. The hotel also provides nostalgic glass bottled milk and ice candies and proposes a new type of hot spring relaxation.

Contact L&G Global Business Address 742 Miyakami, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 2

Tel +81-465-63-3498 0339

Mail [email protected] inftherkan.jp

Home Page https://www.theryokantokyo.com/ https://www.therkantk./


Attractions List アトラクション リスト Chinese dragon dance Chinese lion dance 中華龍舞 中華獅子舞 +81-(0)45-681-2255 / http://www.y-artist.co.jp This is a performing art of Chinese people that combines characteristics of martial arts, arts, and theater. Endowed with Chinese traditional concepts and the spirit of martial arts, it expresses strength and represents the diligence, bravery and cleverness of Chinese people.

武術・技芸・演劇の特長を併せ持った華僑・華人の民間芸術の一つです。 中国の伝統的観念や武術の精神を持ち、中国人の勤勉・勇敢・賢さを表しています。

Drum troupe “Kosui” 太鼓集団「鼓粋」 +81-(0)45-681-2255 / http://www.y-artist.co.jp

As well as cherishing the timbre of traditional Japanese wadaiko drums, Kosui performs original pieces created out of a desire to challenge new sounds.


Yokohama Haikara Kimono Kan 横濱ハイカラきもの館 +81-(0)45-663-8108 / http://yokohama.kimonostation.com/

You can try on elegant kimono in the relaxed store surroundings.And you can freely choose the kimono and obi you like.Everything you will require is provided, so you can come empty handed.Professional fitters will help you quickly realize a pretty and comfortable fit. Attraction List /

ゆったりとした店内で上質なきもの体験ができます。 お好きな着物や帯を自由に選べます。 必要なものは全て用意されているので手ぶらでOK 。早く てきれいな着心地のよい着付けです。 アトラクション Flair Cocktail Show (Jun Nakamura) カクテルショー(中村 純) リスト +81-(0)90-5790-5806 / [email protected]

National champion 8 times.Winner of the World Championship held in Bali in 2016.Conducted more than 100 stage shows a year since 2012.

国内大会 8 度優勝。2016 年、バリ島で行われた世界大会で優勝を誇るフレアバーテンダーです。 2012 年から年間 100 ステージ以上をこなし幅広く活躍中です。

93 Kamakura creative Japanese confectionery TEMARI 鎌倉創作和菓子 手毬 +81-(0)467-33-4525 / http://www.temari.info/

For 1 hour, you can experience making Japanese confectionery that is aesthetically pleasing and delicious to eat.

見て美しい、食べて美味しい日本のお菓子(和菓子)作りを 1 時間で体験できます。

Roll Sushi School GURURI 巻き寿司教室ぐるり +81-(0)45-319-4020 / http://www.kazarisushi.com/

This school conducts hands-on lessons on making Emaki Art Roll Sushi. Emaki Art Roll Sushi refers to rolled sushi that shows the same pattern no matter where it is cut, and this program is also popular with overseas visitors. Lessons can also be arranged for large groups, so please give it a try!

当教室では、「絵巻き寿司」の体験教室をおこなっています。絵巻き寿司は、どこを切っても同じ絵柄が出てくる巻き寿司のことで、外国人にも人気の 高いプログラムです。大人数でのレッスンも可能ですので、ぜひ体験してみてください。

Tea Ceremony Experience お茶体験 +81-(0)44-266-5183(つな川) / http://www.tsunakawa.co.jp This company also deploys business as a trading company handling Japanese tea, laver (seaweed) and various other Japanese food- related products while targeting markets in Japan and the rest of the world. You can enjoy hearing lectures about Japanese tea and trying your hand at making powdered green tea and brewing tea in a pot. Attraction List /

日本茶と海苔を対象に国内のみならず世界をマーケットに日本食に関連する様々な商品を扱う商社として事業展開をしています。日本茶に関するレク チャーと体験(抹茶を点てる、急須でお茶を淹れる)をお楽しみいただけます。 アトラクション Nihon Buyo (Japanese Traditional Dance) 日本舞踊 リスト +81-(0)3-5447-1210 / [email protected]

Performances of traditional Japanese dance, expressing everyday movements as dance in step with songs and music, are staged. You can also experience the finer points of dance such as use of hands, eyeline, etc. and how to make expressions using a folding fan and other accessories.

歌や音楽に合わせて日常的な動きやしぐさを舞踊として表現する日本の伝統的な舞踊を披露いたします。また、手の使い方や目線等の細やかな表現、扇 子などの小物を使った表現などの舞踊体験もできます。

94 SKY Duck Yokohama スカイダック横浜 +81-(0)3-5689-0912 / http://www.skybus.jp

SKY Duck Yokohama is an amphibian bus that seamlessly connects land to water. It lets you enjoy the historical port town of Yokohama from both land and sea. Please experience the power of the moment when the bus enters the water. You will surely be thrilled.

陸と水上をシームレスにつなぐ水陸両用バス、スカイダック横浜です。歴史ある港町横浜を陸と海から楽しむ事が出来ます。水に入る瞬間の迫力を是非 体感してください。大興奮間違いなしです。

Foodsamples Craftman 食品サンプルつくり体験 +81-(0)44-976-0828(つかさサンプル) / https://www.tsukasa-sample.net/ This company has been involved in making food samples since 1955. Certified as a Kawasaki Meister under recommendation by the City of Kawasaki, we convey the enjoyment, wonder and importance of manufacturing in response to growing needs to experience food sample making.

1955 年から食品サンプル製作に携わっています。川崎市推奨の「かわさきマイスター」にも認定され食品サンプル製作体験のニーズも増え、ものづく りの楽しさ、素晴らしさ、重要性を伝えています。

Japanese Calligraphy 書道パフォーマンス・書道体験 +81-(0)3-5447-1210 / [email protected] Japanese Calligraphy Performance involves wowing spectators by spectacularly writing calligraphy to music wearing old Japanese costume and using large brushes on large sheets of paper. It is also possible to actually experience Japanese culture in hands-on Japanese calligraphy using brushes and Sumi (Japanese ink). Attraction List /

書道パフォーマンスは大きな紙に大きな筆を使い、日本古来の衣装をまとい、音楽に合わせながら迫力ある書道で観客を魅了します。また実際に毛筆と 墨で書く書道体験で日本文化を体験していただくこともできます。 アトラクション Sagami Puppet Show Federation 相模人形芝居連合会 リスト +81-(0)465-33-1717(小田原市文化財課) / [email protected] Sagami puppet show, a form of Japanese puppet show with shamisen accompaniment that was conveyed to Sagami Province in the Edo Period, is a traditional art that was originally nurtured in Kagawa Prefecture. It is characterized by san-nin zukai, referring to operation of puppets by a trio of puppeteers, and teppozashi, which refers to the appearance similar to aiming a rifle when operating the puppet’s head.

相模人形芝居は、江戸時代に相模国に伝わった人形浄瑠璃で、神奈川県内で独自に育まれてきた伝統芸能です。一体の人形を主遣い、左遣い、足遣いの 三人が操る「三人遣い」と、人形のカシラを操作するときに鉄砲を構えたような格好になる「鉄砲差し」が特徴です。

95 SAMURAI Project SAMURAI Project -- / https://www.samurai-pj.com/ On the theme of SAMURAI, we offer Zen, Iai (sword-drawing) and Sado (tea ceremony) programs with authentic location, people, and objects at a Zen Buddhist temple steeped in nature. The temple, with a history of about 600 years, is located in Kamakura, a popular tourist spot. You can reserve the entire place and enjoy a program in quiet surroundings.

SAMURAI をテーマに場所、人、モノにこだわった禅、居合、茶道等が体験できます。会場は、人気観光地の鎌倉にある、自然豊かな約 600 年の歴史 がある禅寺です。体験は、貸切で静かなプライベートな環境で行います。

Kamakura Bushi Taikendokoro Fukasawanotoride 鎌倉武士体験処 深沢砦 +81-(0)90-6513-8892 / http://izakamakura.jp/ At Kamakura Bushi Taikendokoro Fukasawanotoride, you can try on traditional costumes of ancient Japan. Also, with a local samurai warrior as your guide, you can stroll around the historical sites of Kamakura dressed in traditional costume.

鎌倉武士体験処 深沢砦では、日本古来の伝統装束を体験できます。 また、現地の武士ガイドの案内のもと、伝統装束を着て鎌倉の史跡を歩くこともできます。

Miyagino Lion Dance Preservation Society 宮城野獅子舞保存会 +81-(0)460-85-7601 / http://www.town.hakone.kanagawa.jp/ The lion dance of Miyagino is conducted during the Gozu Tenno festival at Tsushima Shrine – a subordinate shrine of Suwa Shrine. This is an unusual lion dance even within Japan in which the lions conduct the yutate or boiling water ritual to pray for sound health, abundant harvest, and peace. Thought to have been conducted from around the middle of the Edo Period, the Society archives a “Kagura dictionary” that includes an entry dated March 1816. Attraction List /

宮城野に伝わる獅子舞は、諏訪神社末社津島神社の牛頭天王祭で行われるものです。獅子が湯立をする湯立獅子舞は全国でも希少です。無病息災、五穀 豊穣、天下泰平を願って行われます。江戸中期ごろから行われていたと考えられ、文化十三年子三月の記述のある「神楽字引」を所蔵しています。 アトラクション Kanagawa Sake brewing association 神奈川県酒造組合 リスト +81-(0)46-228-6194 / http://www.kanagawa-jizake.or.jp/ The association comprises 13 breweries located in and around northwestern Kanagawa Prefecture. They introduce activities together with Japanese sake made by using the underground water of the Tanzawa Mountains, regarded as one of the three great wells of Japan. With all 140 varieties of local sake produced by Kanagawa Kuramotoya (inside Kanagawa Sake brewing association) on hand, we look forward to welcoming you. You can also make your own original sake tasting book.

神奈川県北西部を中心に点在する 13 軒の蔵元。日本の「三名水」のひとつである丹沢山系の伏流水を仕込水として利用した日本酒と共に全国に紹介しています。 かながわ蔵元屋(神奈川県酒造組合内)全銘柄 140 種の地酒を取り揃えて皆様をお待ちしております。オリジナル御酒飲帖の手作り体験もご案内しています。

96 Central Kanagawa Area Index Kubotasyuzou ...... 70 KOGANEI Brewery ...... 51 Unique Venues Kotakuji Temple ...... 63 Yokohama Kawasaki Area Shonan Area ...... Kawasaki Horse Racing 37 Enoshima Aquarium ...... 27 Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum (NIHON MINKAEN) ...... 41 ...... OYAMA-AFURI JINJA Shrine 17 Yomiuriland 67 Oisogeihinkan (Oiso Guest House) ...... 70 Soto Zen Buddhism Sojiji Head Monastery ...... 11 Kirin Brewery Yokohama Plant ...... 71 Westan Kanagawa Area ...... SHINYOKOHMA RAUMEN MUSEUM ...... 65 Kohzusan Hohkongohji-Temple 63 ...... Kodosan Hon-Butsuden ...... 62 ODAWARA CASTLE 7 ...... TANAKAYA ...... 69 Enoura Observatory 21 ...... Reserved cruise ...... 72 Asahi Breweries Kanagawa Brewery 72 ...... Misono Park Yokomizo House ...... 68 Satomachi Exchange Center 64 ...... The Landmark Tower Sky Garden (Observatory)...... 66 me-byo valley BIOTOPIA 39 ...... Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum ...... 66 INOUE BREWING 71 ...... Yokohama Museum of Art ...... 19 SETO SHUZO-TEN 71 ...... Iseyama Kotai Jingu Shrine ...... 13 Ashigarigo Seto Residence 69 ...... Yokohama Noh Theater ...... 64 Hakone Kowakien Yunessun 66 ...... YOKOHAMA RED BRICK WAREHOUSE ...... 31 Okada Museum of Art 23 ...... Yokohama Minatomirai Manyo Club ...... 65 Hakone Museum of Art 63 ...... Kanagawa Prefectural Government ...... 29 Hakone Sightseeing Cruise 59 ...... ROYALWING ...... 55 Hakone Ashinoko Boat Cruise 60 ...... Osanbashi Hall ...... 35 Orange Floral Farm 67 ...... Marine Rouge ...... 57 HINOKI charity concert hall 65 Noge ...... 33 Rinkaen ...... 43 Sankeien Kakushokaku ...... 9 Venues The Rose Residence ...... 53 Yokohama Kawasaki Area Eria YOH ...... 45 Hotel KSP ...... 86 Yokohamabashi Shopping arcade ...... 67 Artgrace Portside Villa ...... 83 Yakatabune hamashin ...... 72 YOKOHAMA ARENA ...... 79 Yokohama Hakkeijima Seaparadaise ...... 25 Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers ...... 85 ...... Yokosuka Miura Area DMM VR THEATER 81 PACIFICO Yokohama ...... 77 Kenchoji Temple ...... 62 InterContinental Yokohama Grand ...... 84 ICHIJO EKAN SANSO ...... 62 The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu ...... 84 Kamakura Cocon ...... 68 Yokohama Royal Park Hotel ...... 85 Daitonomiya Kamakura-gu Taiheiden ...... 15 YOKOHAMA MINATO MIRAI HALL ...... 79 Yorozuya Honten – KAMAKURA HASE est. 1806 – ...... 70 Iseyama Hills ...... 83 Kamakura Noh Theater ...... 64 Hotel New Grand ...... 85 Hase Residence ...... 68 KITAYA Ryokan - Cultural Heritage Inn ...... 86 RAITEI ...... 47 RIVIERA ZUSHI MARINA ...... 49 Yokosuka Miura Area HAYAMA KACHI-TEI ...... 69 Kamakura Performing Arts Center ...... 79 KOTOWA Kamakura Tsurugaoka Kaikan ...... 84 Kamakurabori Assembly Hall ...... 80 97 Kamakura Park Hotel ...... 87 Kamakura Prince Hotel ...... 86 索 引 Yokosuka Research Park (YRP Center No.1 Building) ...... 82 Shonan Village Center ...... 75 ユニークベニュー

Central Kanagawa Area 横浜 川崎エリア Odakyu Hotel Century Sagami-Ono ...... 87 川崎競馬場……………………………………………………………………………………………… 37 Kanagawa Prefectural Lake Sagami-ko Community Center ...... 82 川崎市立日本民家園…………………………………………………………………………………… 41 Fujino Workshop for Art ...... 81 よみうりランド………………………………………………………………………………………… 67 Yamato Cultural Creation Center SiRiUS ...... 80 大本山總持寺…………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 KISTEC: Kanagawa Institute of industrial Science and TEChnology ...... 81 キリンビール横浜工場………………………………………………………………………………… 71 REMBRANDT HOTEL EBINA ...... 87 新横浜ラーメン博物館………………………………………………………………………………… 65 AMANDANHILLS ...... 83 孝道山本仏殿…………………………………………………………………………………………… 62 Kanagawa Prefectural Miyagase Yamanami Center ...... 82 田中家…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69 Shonan Area リザーブドクルーズ…………………………………………………………………………………… 72 Japanese Traditional Inns around Oyama ...... 88 みその公園 横溝屋敷………………………………………………………………………………… 68 Oiso Prince Hotel ...... 88 横浜ランドマークタワー 69 階展望フロア スカイガーデン …………………………………… 66 三菱みなとみらい技術館……………………………………………………………………………… 66 Westan Kanagawa Area 横浜美術館……………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 Hilton Odawara Resort & Spa ...... 88 伊勢山皇大神宮………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 YUMOTO FUJIYA HOTEL ...... 89 横浜能楽堂……………………………………………………………………………………………… 64 Tenseien ...... 89 横浜赤レンガ倉庫……………………………………………………………………………………… 31 Ichinoyu Honkan ...... 89 横浜みなとみらい万葉倶楽部………………………………………………………………………… 65 Fujiya Hotel Lake View Annex - Hakone Hotel ...... 90 神奈川県庁……………………………………………………………………………………………… 29 The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko ...... 90 ロイヤルウイング……………………………………………………………………………………… 55 MANAZURU TECHLAB ...... 80 大さん橋ホール………………………………………………………………………………………… 35 The Ryokan Tokyo YUGAWARA ...... 90 マリーンルージュ……………………………………………………………………………………… 57 野毛……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33 隣花苑…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43 Attractions ...... 三渓園 鶴翔閣…………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Nihon Buyo (Japanese Traditional Dance) 94 ザ・ローズレジデンス………………………………………………………………………………… 53 Japanese Calligraphy ...... 95 ...... エリア耀………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45 SKY Duck Yokohama 95 横浜橋通商店街………………………………………………………………………………………… 67 Tea Ceremony Experience ...... 94 ...... 屋形船 濱進…………………………………………………………………………………………… 72 Foodsamples Craftman 95 横浜・八景島シーパラダイス………………………………………………………………………… 25 Roll Sushi School GURURI ...... 94 Yokohama Haikara Kimono Kan ...... 93 横須賀 三浦エリア Chinese dragon dance Chinese lion dance ...... 93 臨済宗建長寺派 大本山 建長寺 ……………………………………………………………………… 62 Drum troupe “Kosui” ...... 93 一条恵観山荘…………………………………………………………………………………………… 62 Kanagawa Sake brewing association ...... 96 鎌倉 古今 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 68 Miyagino Lion Dance Preservation Society ...... 96 大塔宮鎌倉宮 太平殿………………………………………………………………………………… 15 Sagami Puppet Show Federation ...... 95 萬屋本店- KAMAKURA HASE est1806 - …………………………………………………… 70 SAMURAI Project ...... 96 鎌倉能舞台……………………………………………………………………………………………… 64 Kamakura creative Japanese confectionery TEMARI ...... 94 長谷別邸………………………………………………………………………………………………… 68 Kamakura Bushi Taikendokoro Fukasawanotoride ...... 96 檑亭……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 47 Flair Cocktail Show (Jun Nakamura) ...... 93 リビエラ逗子マリーナ………………………………………………………………………………… 49 葉山 加地邸…………………………………………………………………………………………… 69

98 県央エリア 鎌倉パークホテル……………………………………………………………………………………… 87 久保田酒造……………………………………………………………………………………………… 70 鎌倉プリンスホテル…………………………………………………………………………………… 86 黄金井酒造……………………………………………………………………………………………… 51 横須賀リサーチパーク〔YRP センター 1 番館〕 …………………………………………………… 82 廣澤寺…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63 湘南国際村センター…………………………………………………………………………………… 75

湘南エリア 県央エリア 新江ノ島水族館………………………………………………………………………………………… 27 小田急ホテルセンチュリー相模大野………………………………………………………………… 87 大山阿夫利神社………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 神奈川県立相模湖交流センター……………………………………………………………………… 82 大磯迎賓舘……………………………………………………………………………………………… 70 藤野芸術の家…………………………………………………………………………………………… 81 大和市文化創造拠点シリウス………………………………………………………………………… 80 県西エリア 神奈川県立産業技術総合研究所……………………………………………………………………… 81 國府津山 寶金剛寺 …………………………………………………………………………………… 63 レンブラントホテル海老名…………………………………………………………………………… 87 小田原城…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 アマンダンヒルズ……………………………………………………………………………………… 83 小田原文化財団 江之浦測候所 ……………………………………………………………………… 21 神奈川県立宮ケ瀬やまなみセンター………………………………………………………………… 82 アサヒビール神奈川工場……………………………………………………………………………… 72 さ と 里都まち交流拠点 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 64 湘南エリア 未病バレービオトピア………………………………………………………………………………… 39 大山宿坊………………………………………………………………………………………………… 88 井上酒造………………………………………………………………………………………………… 71 大磯プリンスホテル…………………………………………………………………………………… 88 瀬戸酒造店……………………………………………………………………………………………… 71 県西エリア あしがり郷瀬戸屋敷…………………………………………………………………………………… 69 ヒルトン小田原リゾート & スパ …………………………………………………………………… 88 箱根小涌園ユネッサン………………………………………………………………………………… 66 湯本富士屋ホテル……………………………………………………………………………………… 89 岡田美術館……………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 天成園…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 89 箱根美術館……………………………………………………………………………………………… 63 塔ノ沢一の湯本館……………………………………………………………………………………… 89 箱根観光船……………………………………………………………………………………………… 59 富士屋ホテルレイクビューアネックス 箱根ホテル……………………………………………… 90 箱根芦ノ湖遊覧船……………………………………………………………………………………… 60 ザ・プリンス 箱根芦ノ湖 …………………………………………………………………………… 90 オレンジフローラルファーム………………………………………………………………………… 67 真鶴テックラボ………………………………………………………………………………………… 80 檜チャリティコンサートホール……………………………………………………………………… 65 The Ryokan Tokyo YUGAWARA ………………………………………………………………… 90 ベニュー アトラクション 横浜 川崎エリア 日本舞踊………………………………………………………………………………………………… 94 ホテル KSP …………………………………………………………………………………………… 86 書道パフォーマンス・書道体験……………………………………………………………………… 95 アートグレイス・ポートサイドヴィラ……………………………………………………………… 83 スカイダック横浜……………………………………………………………………………………… 95 横浜アリーナ…………………………………………………………………………………………… 79 お茶体験………………………………………………………………………………………………… 94 横浜ベイシェラトン ホテル&タワーズ …………………………………………………………… 85 食品サンプルつくり体験……………………………………………………………………………… 95 DMM VR THEATER ………………………………………………………………………………… 81 巻き寿司教室ぐるり…………………………………………………………………………………… 94 パシフィコ横浜………………………………………………………………………………………… 77 横濱ハイカラきもの館………………………………………………………………………………… 93 ヨコハマ グランド インターコンチネンタル ホテル ……………………………………………… 84 中華龍舞 中華獅子舞………………………………………………………………………………… 93 横浜ベイホテル東急…………………………………………………………………………………… 84 太鼓集団「鼓粋」 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 93 横浜ロイヤルパークホテル…………………………………………………………………………… 85 神奈川県酒造組合……………………………………………………………………………………… 96 横浜みなとみらいホール……………………………………………………………………………… 79 宮城野獅子舞保存会…………………………………………………………………………………… 96 伊勢山ヒルズ…………………………………………………………………………………………… 83 相模人形芝居連合会…………………………………………………………………………………… 95 ホテルニューグランド………………………………………………………………………………… 85 SAMURAI Project …………………………………………………………………………………… 96 文化財の宿 旅館 喜多屋 ……………………………………………………………………………… 86 鎌倉創作和菓子 手毬………………………………………………………………………………… 94 横須賀 三浦エリア 鎌倉武士体験処 深沢砦……………………………………………………………………………… 96 鎌倉芸術館……………………………………………………………………………………………… 79 カクテルショー(中村 純) …………………………………………………………………………… 93 KOTOWA 鎌倉鶴ヶ岡会館 ………………………………………………………………………… 84 鎌倉彫会館……………………………………………………………………………………………… 80 99 Kanagawa Prefectural Government International Tourism Division URL https://trip.pref.kanagawa.jp/

神奈川県 国際文化観光局観光部国際観光課 URL https://trip.pref.kanagawa.jp/ja

発行:神奈川県 2019.3 Kanagawa Prefecture Government