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APRIL 5. 1991 •VOLUME 1! island '4UMBEH14 ,-3 SECTIONS, <8FAGF° SANIBEL AND CAP1IVA. FLORIDA Tempest over post- storm build back By Caicn Herman I L I I •> 1 1 I t ] I 1 :k t 1.1 i. I I r 1 1 li II nl 1 t 1 III r i i i ) I cr I i, 1 I I r T I I. >, r Irr I I rr II t 1 Id n 1 tl tl 1] r 1 I I i\ M It 1 lie r r I 1 i Is ] I II II 1 r I t 1 tl 1 1 c 1 I r r / 1 1 r 1 1 | I n We u I ill I 1 I I t | 1 r I ". I I |l |1 r I LI t I I I n n II 11 1 r r 1 1*1 1 V 1 Councirnixes ' ausewaj bikes •35^' \J 1 Bv Richard Cain Ml . x^ COLORFUL SHOW ircicrbinllku bj sarisntmrUsL (1 11 n B Gold ion ( p phot s um h r c*/ r suw* fu.»o md (hr t f icnsionn! oil pmnn i 5 int !LI i rntu irrrfJT i rt no L in xhtl it 111 lull ps Gtillcnj at the Center f r the \rt txrucr net rt LA of lUxljj nnil Soul'by ai bl I r cir< r rtist Q jmp u He* j a nt n i colorful and often in tt (i i) thrtc 1 m i crn aorfc il* i fhdlipa Gullcnjj . olj/mj/p a Illltll l^Ml^O fJt Ill(. C TlttT fJl S -> lift n C iH r/ sir Hi r I !j/rrnJJprr V me t T ] I Ida 1111 Erosion, renourishment debate accretes on all fronts Captiva sand retention City may apply for Uneasy sand truce •• better than expected study, erosion grants on Sanibel, Captiva liy Mm let Frlcdcrwiorf B % ix I^-c Friedcrsdorf \ I ( 1 ii II 1 l, n 1 1 1 t "! ! % 1 K In hHl I h 1 n 1 1 i B s 1 \ 1 i,rG Ir [• I ! t 1 f I 1 r s 1 1 1 11[ I ! ^ •I ' ^q fi < CAPTIVA SAND "=.- a •from page 1A • Rcdftsh Pass had km used in the WBS-89 firo- ject. and sand is n<»v being considered for. TIfate tosdtate Stony ^ plained, another major rciiourishment of the dredging five miles off shore wlu-te the qual- v o» entire beach Is tentatively planned for J9i«r,-. ity is very good. ;' " . _ • • ._ w- In tlie projected 1995 ^nourishment, During the question session at. the public ' _j Campbell said that about 500.000 to 600.000 forum, Alison Hagcrup, Administrator for the £ cubic yards, or about ons-Uitrd of the original Captiva Erosion Board, explained that a mas- < project will be replaced. " sive re-planting of sea oats was planned for a Campbell said there arc a number of "hot the beach within the next .month. tr spots" ut the present time where the beach Is When asked what alternative beach preser- {". eroding faster than anticipated, and listed \ vation processes were, being considered. cc those as along the southern South Seas Plan- Campbell responded that more groins were be- • The city council midweek decided not to 2 tntion property, near Jensen's Beach, and ing considered; putting quantity of sand at the w about 2.500 feet north of Blind Pass. build an incinerator for vegetation See Stpfy "hot spots," and a de-watering process L: ; _ Studies are underway, Campbell added, to whereby off-shore pumps lower the water •on Page A12. • - • z address these problems temporarily until the level and thus reduce wave action and jesui-, • This week the sports^poge has a final *$ major restoration. - - tant loss of sand. ; .'.: : S2 Other current "projects, Campbell added, arc round up on the Twins and local golf and ten- Asked what the status of the situation be-. nis. Page A'12. ,' locating new sand sources for the 1095 project: I we en Sanibel and Captiva, Chairman ; studying alternate technologies for beach Stephen Cutler said Ihe Board was awaiting preservation; seeking federal;- state and Ihc decision from the Department of Natural county funding; seeking cost-effectiveness Resources regarding, the culpability of the B and remaining environmentally sensitive: groliv-nrid trying lo work with Sanibcl nn the seeking federal insurance funding in the event Blind Pass inlet management plan. of a hurricane or slomi disaster, and continu- • Welles Eddy, the man who was just saved ing to monitor the performance of the origi- Sanibcl City Manager Gary Price, whu-was nal restoration project.- in attendance at the public forum, declincTl to from drowning" last wee'*, is improving this . be drawn in!c a questioner's discussion on' week ond is ou! o* intensive care. Meanwhile, Campbell also showed ;i-series of slides dat- Sanibel's possible react ton to a ruling by (he his medical records and^-valuobles were ing to 1920 when Rcdftsli' Pass dividing Cap- Department of Natural Resources on. the Cap- llva and Upper Captlvu first opened, arid stolen from his wire who is hoping they will be refurned. Page B2. .. ; blamed this opening fur subsequent erosion "We will have to look at the decision." pnev problems on Sanibcl and Cspliva. commented, '.'and. why prognosticate at this ^. * West everything on the editorial page this Campbell said the 100-foot >bouldcr groin lime?" presently blamed by Sanibcl officials for high week has to do with the bicycles-across-the- Hob Kessler, former President of the Cap- causev/py controversy. There iS certainly, a "•bench, erosion on northwestern Sanibcl, was tiva Civic Association, was in the audience originally proposed as a 100-foot project, and wide variety of opinion in this latest flap. Pages and '.old the crowd that he had been trying to 64&fr . -. was designed as a porous structure lor ensur- alert tin* city of Sanibel about its erosion ing a sufficient quantity ol^sand to pass problem for the past eight years, but had been -v • Permits-arid deeds are on Pago1 r>6. - through. ignored until ihe groin was put in. # Campbell said (here have been three sepa- "Now we ore being led down the road to pay J • Fire ond rescue coils and pofce watch are rate investigations of the erosion problem on for something we are not responsible for." on pages B12&13. " Sanibcl vis-a-vis the Captiva groin; one by his Kcsbler added. own firm, one by Coastal Engineering Consul- Chairman Culler commented that lie hoped ^- • Business is on Page B14&15. tants; of i\'ap!cs,"and by Dr. Robert Dean. : Sanibel "will recognize now that it has to look Campbell said the different conclusions at its own beaches,''-referring to the growing reached by the experts depended on whether or erosion problem on SanibeL- -• nol the 13 feel of beach lost during Tropical Editorial officiV 472-1587 Storm Keith which occurred midway in the Price conceded that i[ Is difficult to Ret resi- Display striking: 472-1587" " ' r) Captiva beach restoration project,.is taken dents to recognize problems before they are Classified advertising: 482-7788 into account. " v seriousrsaying the same principle applies lo Bigness otfice: 574-1551 sewers and roads: "don't fix it if it Is nol bro- Chcuhtton: 472-1587 -_ Campbell's said his own opinion about the ken." The-Wand RwrerfUSPS 81 3-580} fspuMahrtwcfc-V «*'— high erosion" on Sahluel Is "a long term pro- Another Captivan in the audicne^ brought Frtdiy bv GJi Crj-.i UWWtev be, PO !>»*« 8ff>. cess of erosion since the 1960's." RanibclFl*. 33957. " i~i --• Campbell said there iU a history of -100 feel up the problems of motorized vehicles on the Subjoiplwrir Sanibd Cep'Jva *nd Let Co.r,(y. S19 7? **. ibte beaches and heavy furniture on the beach. uln ur p« yt»t, United SlJt«, £26 inc. title wies " ' of beach retreat on Sanibcl in recent history I*> p*r ytar, lo«i^i, $40 pel yiw. Seend-daii pcnwje raid « before the Captiva groin was constructed. Hagcrup said the furniture was difficult to Siinibe!. Rj POSTMASTER S*mJ »ddres charga U. tU bland police because they were not fixed structures. Rcpcrtet.P0.Dt4.Mr CN». 5w.lieI.Ra 3.T9S70809. Campbell also cited the opening of Blind Commissioners pointed out restricting mo- Pass as a result of Hurricane Agnes in 1972 as torized vehicles was difficult because of wheel Gulf G*is! WedJievIrc iwHhh«lh*FORT MYf-HSBLACH . another mitigating factor. : oBsrjwiR. romr MYERS OBSERVER, NORTH FORT chairs. M»MS OBSrKVXR. CAPE COEIAL OBST-KVER, "Northern Sanlbel is a high erosion area." Another questioner wanted to know how "" ISLAND RTFOffTEH, ISLAND fUS BOCK. Campbell explained,"ami the rate of erosion - long before erosion would take out the the has been higher than average since the groin Sanibel-Captlva Road south of Blind Pass- • was completed, but there have been other pe- Engineer Campbell said it was dtfficuit-jto riods before the groin when the rate has been predict: it depended on the storms, but ihe © 1991 GULF COAST WEEKLlES/ft. higher than average," Campbell commented; - area was vulnerable to a storm suige, as wcjl i\ Campbell said if the 13 feet lost in Tropical as the houses south of the road. Storm Keith arc figured into the beach losses, eye. That's the reality of the situation." the losses since the groin was completed in Another questioner raised the danger.of Despite Price's objection to including November.