Chidambaram nataraja temple history in tamil pdf

Continue :: About the Temple :: Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiv, located in the heart of the Temple City of Chidambaram, ). The temple , 78 km south of and 235 km from , the capital of tamil state of Nadu southeast . Sangam classics refer to Viduvelvidugu Perumtaccan, a respected clan of traditional Vishwakarmas, as the chief architect of the reconstruction of the temple. There have been several reconstructions in its history, especially in the times of pallava/chola emperors in antiquity and pre-Middle Ages. Chidambaram is one of the five holiest temples of , each representing one of five natural elements; Chidambaram represents (ether). The other four temples in this category are: Thiruvanaikaval Jambukeswara,Trichy (water), Kanchi Ekambareswara (country)Kanchipuram, Thiruvannamalai Arunachaleswara (fire), Thiruvanna malai and Kalahasti Nathar (wind), Kalahasti Temple Complex is spread over 50 acres in the heart of the city. It is an ancient and historic temple dedicated to Lord Shiva Nataraj and Lord Govindaraja Perumal, one of the few temples where both shaivite and vaishnavite deity are enshrined in one place. To followers of Shaivism (Saivism) or Saivaite, the very word koil refers to Chidambaram. In the same way, followers of Vaishnavism refer to Srirangam or Thiruvarangam. (Meaning of Chidambaram) The word Chidambaram can be derived from chit, which means consciousness, and ambaram, meaning sky (from aakasam or aakayam); refers to chidaakasam, the sky of consciousness, which is the ultimate goal that man should achieve according to all vedas and scriptures. Another theory is that it is derived from chit + ambalam. Ambalam means stage for performing arts. Chidakasam is a state of supreme bliss or aananda and Lord Natarajar is a symbolic representation of the highest bliss or aananda natanam. Saivaites believes the visit to Chidambaram leads to liberation. Yet another theory is that it is derived from the word chitrambalam, from the chithu meaning of the play or dances of God and the ambalam meaning of the stage Peculiarity The unique feature of this temple is the bejeweled image of Nataraj. It depicts Lord Shiva as the Lord of Dance Bharatanatyam and is one of the few temples where Shiva is represented by anthropomorphic murthi rather than classical, anionic . Lord Nataraj's cosmic dance symbolizes the movement of the universe, as Lord Shiva keeps it. The temple has five courts. Aragalur Udaya Iraratevan Ponparappinan (a.k.a. Vanakovaraiyan) rebuilt the Temple of Siva in chidambaram around 1213 AD. The same chief, Bana, also built the Temple. The temple has traditionally been administered by an endogamous group of Shiite brahmins called Dikshitar, who also officiate as his priest. Temple Story Story begins with the legend of Mr. Shiva walking into Thillai Vanam (Vanam meaning forest and thillai trees - botanical name Exocoeria agallocha, a species of mangrove trees - which currently grows in pichavaram wetlands near Chidambaram. Temple statues depicting Thillai trees date back to the 2nd century. In the forests of Thillai used to be a group of saints or rishis who believed in the domination of magic and that God can be controlled by rituals and mantras or magical words. The gentleman walks in the woods with breathing beauty and brilliance, provided a form of 'Pitchatanadar', a simple mendicant looking alms. He is followed by his grace and consortium, which is Lord as Mohini. Rishis and their wives are captivated by the brilliance and beauty of the handsome mendant and his consortium. To see their womenfolk enchanted, rishis get enraged and evoke scores of 'snakes' (Sanskrit: Nāga) by performing magical rituals. The lord as a mendicant picks up snakes and dons them like ornaments on his matte locks, neck and waist. Further enraged, rishis evoke a wild tiger that lord skins and dons like a scarf around his waist. Thoroughly frustrated, rishis gather all their spiritual powers and invoke the mighty demon Muyalakan - a symbol of complete arrogance and ignorance. The Lord wears a gentle smile, steps on the back of the demon, immobilizes him and performs Ánanda Thaandava (dance of eternal bliss) and reveals his true form. Rishis capitulation, realizing that this Lord is true and he is beyond magic and rituals. Ananda Thaandava Adhisesha, a snake who serves as a bed for the Lord in her speech as Vishnu, hears about Änanda thaandava and longs to see and enjoy it. The Lord cries him, begs him to take over the holy form of Patanjali and sends him to the Thillai forest and informs him that he will expose the dance in due course. Patanjali, who meditated in the Himalayas during krita's age joins another saint, Vyagrapathar/Pulikaalmuni (Vyagra/Puli meaning Tiger and patha/kaal meaning of foot – referring to the story of how he sought and got the legs and sight of a tiger to help climb the trees well before dawn to pick flowers for the Lord before the bees visit). The story of Sage Patanjali as well as his great student sage Upamanyu is told in both Vishnu Puranam as well as Siva Puranam. They move into the Thillai forest and worship Lord Shiva in the form of Shivaling, a deity revered today as Thirumoolataneswarar (Thiru - sri, Moolatanam - primordial or in the nature of the foundation, Eswarar-Lord). Legends say that Lord Shiva displays his dance of bliss (Aananda Thaandavam) - as Nataraja on these two saints on the day poosam star of the month of Tamil Thai (Jan - February). Ananda Tandava posture Ananda Tandava Lord Shiva is one of the famous postures recognized around the world by many. This celestial dance posture tells us how Bharathanatium Dancer should dance. The demon under Nataraj's feet means that ignorance is underfoot Fire in this hand (the force of destruction) means the destroyer of evil Raised hand means that he is the savior of all life. The ring at the back means the universe. Drum in hand means the origin of life. These are the main things that Natarajar murti and celestial dance posture depict. A rare type of thandava posture appeared in the Temple of Melakadambur near 32 km away. In this Karakoil, Nataraja dances to the bull and deva wheels structure it's pala art is preserved in this shrine the importance of Chidambaram is also mentioned in various works such as Thillai (after the forest of Thillai yore in which the temple is now located), Perumpatrapuliyur or Vyagrapuram◌் (in honor of St. Vyagrapathar). The temple is to be located in the heart of the Lotus Universe: Virat hridaya padma sthalam. The place where the Lord displayed his dance of bliss, Änanda Thaandavam – a place exactly south of the Thirumoolataaneswar Temple, today is Ponnambalam/Porsabai (Pon meaning gold, Ambalam/Sabai meaning stage) housing Lord Shiva in his dance form. The Lord is therefore also referred to as Sabhanayakar, which means The Lord of the Stage. This gold-roofed stage is the shrine of the sanctorum of the Temple of Chidambaram and houses the Lord in three forms: form - anthropomorphological form as the appearance of Lord Nataraja, called Sakala thirumeni. semi-form – semi-anthropomorphological form such as Crystal linga of Chandramouleswarar, Sakala nishkala thirumeni. beztvoru - as a space in Chidambara Rahasyam, empty space in the sanctuary sanctorum, Nishkala thirumeni. Pancha Bootha Sthalas Chidambaram is one of panchabootha Sthalas, where the Lord is revered in his speech as the sky or Aagayam (pancha - meaning five, bootha - which means elements: landscape, water, fire, wind and space and sthala meaning location). The others are: Ekambareswarar Temple in Kanchipuram, where the Lord is revered in his speech as the Earth, the Temple of Jambukeswarar in Thiruvanaikaval, in Tiruchirapalli, where the Lord is revered in his speech as the Water of the Annamalaiyar Temple in Tiruvannamalai, where the Lord is revered in his speech as the Fire Temple of Kalahasti in Srikalahasthi, where the Lord is revered in his speech as air/wind. Chidambaram is also one of five places where Lord Shiva is said to be displaying his dance and all these places have stages/sabhais. In addition to Chidambaram, which has Por sabhai, the others are Rathina sabhai na Thiruvaalangadu (rathinam - ruby / red), Chitra at Courtallam (chitra – painting), Rajatha sabhai or Velli ambalam at Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple (rajatha / velli – silver) and Thaamira sabhai at Nellaiappar Temple, Tirunelveli (thaamiram – copper). The Nataraj Chidambaram temple is also referred to as the Thillai Nataraj Temple. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiv. It is located in the southern state of Tamilnadu, India. The temple has a deep mythical connection. When Thillai was called, there was a Shiite shrine in the temple. Chidambaram is the name of the city where the temple is now located literally means dressed in thoughts or atmosphere of wisdom. The architecture of the temple represents the connection between art and spirituality. The temple was built during the 10th Century, when Chidambaram used to be the capital of the Chola Dynasty. Cholas regarded Lord Shiva as Nataraj as their family deity. The Nataraj Temple has undergone damage, refurbishment and expansion throughout the 2nd world. Although Shiva is the main deity of the temple, it also presents the main themes of Vaishnavism, Shaktism and others with all due respect. The Chidambaram Temple Complex proudly boasts of being one of the oldest temple complexes in southern India. The most comalist feature of the Nataraj Temple is the bejewelled image of Nataraj. The temple has five main halls or Sabhas, including Kanaka Sabha, Cit Sabha, Nritta Sabha, Deva Sabha and Raja Sabha. Nataraj is one of the most serious forms of Lord Shiva. Chidambaram is also one of the most famous shrines of Lord Shiva in the country. This place is also of significant importance from both a cultural and historical point of view. Now the R&D, Western scientists have proven that lord Nataraj's big toe is the Centre Point of the World's magnetic equator. Ancient Tamil Scholar Thirumoolar did it five thousand years ago! His treatise Thirumandiram is a wonderful scientific guide for the whole world. Chidambaram Temple embodies the following features: This temple is located at the center of the world's point of magnetic equator. amoung pancha bootha temples, Chidambaram denotes the sky. Kalahasthi indicates wind. Kanchi Ekambareswar denotes soil. All these 3 temples are placed in a straight line at 79 degrees 41 minutes longitude. This can be verified. An amazing fact & astronomical miracle! Chidambaram Temple is based on a human with 9 entrances indicating 9 entrances or body openings. The temple roof is made of 21600 gold leaves, which indicate 21600 breaths taken by a human being every day (15 x 60 x 24 = 21600) These 21600 gold leaves are fixed to Vimanam (Roof) using 72000 gold nails, which indicate the total No. nadis (nerves) in the human body. Thirumoolar states that a person represents the shape which represents chidambaram, which represents Sadashivam, which represents the dance of Lord SHIVA! Ponnambalam is positioned slightly inclined to the left. This represents our hearts. To achieve this, we need to climb 5 steps called Panchatshara padi Si, Va, Ya, Na, Ma are 5 Panchatshara mantras. Kanagasabha represents 4 pillars representing 4 Vedas. Ponnambalam has 28 pillars marking 28 Ahamas, as well as 28 methods to worship Lord Shiva. These 28 pillars support 64+64 roof beams that mark 64 art. Cross rays represent blood vessels running throughout the human body. Kalasas on the Golden Roof represent 9 types of Sakthi or Energies.The 6 pillars on the Artha Mantapa represent 6 types of Sashtras. 18 pillars in adjacant Mantapa presents 18 Puranams. Lord Nataraj's dance is described as the Cosmic Dance of Western Scientists. Quite a lot of legends are associated with that chidambaram nataraj temple. Aani Tirumanjanam and Margazhi Tiruvaadirai are a couple of annual festivals and traditions that are celebrated with the utmost grandeur and pomp. Natarajarar Temple Mulavar Natarajarar Temple Karbagiragam Natarajarar Temple Kopuram Kopuram

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