17 Aug 1999 Legislative Assembly 3019

TUESDAY, 17 AUGUST 1999 PRIVILEGE Referral of Matter to Members' Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges Committee Mr BEANLAND (Indooroopilly—LP) Mr SPEAKER (Hon. R. K. Hollis, Redcliffe) (9.32 a.m.): Mr Speaker, I rise on a matter of read prayers and took the chair at 9.30 a.m. privilege. During the last sitting on 21 July, I brought to your attention by correspondence the clear intent of the Minister for Families, ASSENT TO BILLS Youth and Community Care and Minister for Mr SPEAKER: Order! I have to inform the Disability Services to deliberately mislead the House that I have received from His Excellency House on 20 July in relation to the the Governor a letter in respect of assent to Government's reported expenditure of $30m certain Bills, the contents of which will be injected into unmet needs when in fact the incorporated in the records of Parliament— Minister had spent only $10.4m, while the $11.6m commitment to the Basil Stafford GOVERNMENT HOUSE Centre was made over a four-year period and not a one-year period. Mr Speaker, in view of 2 August 1999 your refusal to refer the Minister to the The Honourable R. K. Hollis, MLA attention of the Members' Ethics and Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliamentary Privileges Committee and in Parliament House view of report No. 24 of the Members' Ethics George Street and Parliamentary Privileges Committee, which QLD 4000 highlights the duty of a member of Parliament Dear Mr Speaker to not mislead this House as being wider than I hereby acquaint the Legislative Assembly that a duty to simply not make false or incorrect the following Bills, having been passed by the statements, I hereby move— Legislative Assembly and having been "That the Minister for Families, Youth presented for the Royal Assent, were assented and Community Care and Minister for to in the name of Her Majesty The Queen on 29 Disability Services be referred to the July 1999: Members' Ethics and Parliamentary "A Bill for an Act to amend the Fossicking Privileges Committee for deliberately Act 1994, the Land and Resources misleading the House." Tribunal Act 1999, the Mineral Resources Act 1989, and the Native Title Question—That Mr Beanland's motion be (Queensland) State Provisions agreed to—put; and the House divided— Amendment Act (No. 2) 1998 AYES, 43—Beanland, Black, Borbidge, Connor, Cooper, E. Cunningham, Dalgleish, Davidson, Elliott, A Bill for an Act relating to the ineffective Feldman, Gamin, Goss, Grice, Healy, Hobbs, Horan, conferral of jurisdiction on the Federal Johnson, Kingston, Knuth, Laming, Lester, Lingard, Court of Australia and the Family Court of Littleproud, Malone, Mitchell, Nelson, Paff, Pratt, Australia about certain matters Prenzler, Quinn, Rowell, Santoro, Seeney, Simpson, A Bill for an Act to request the amendment Slack, Springborg, Stephan, Turner, Veivers, of the Australia Acts 1986 in connection Watson, Wellington. Tellers: Baumann, Hegarty with proposed constitutional arrangements NOES, 43—Attwood, Barton, Beattie, Bligh, Boyle, to establish the Commonwealth of Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Clark, J. Cunningham, Australia as a republic" D'Arcy, Edmond, Elder, Fenlon, Foley, Fouras, Gibbs, The Bill is hereby transmitted to the Legislative Hamill, Hayward, Lavarch, Lucas, Mackenroth, Assembly, to be numbered and forwarded to McGrady, Mickel, Mulherin, Musgrove, Nelson-Carr, the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner Nuttall, Palaszczuk, Pitt, Reeves, Reynolds, Roberts, required by law. Robertson, Rose, Schwarten, Spence, Struthers, Yours sincerely Welford, Wells, Wilson. Tellers: Sullivan, Purcell (sgd) Peter Arnison Pair: Pearce, Sheldon The numbers being equal, Mr Speaker Governor cast his vote with the Noes. Resolved in the negative. REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS Report PRIVILEGE Mr SPEAKER: Order! Honourable Member for Woodridge; Chairman of members, I lay upon the table of the House Committees the 11th report on the Register of Members' Mr D'ARCY (Woodridge—ALP) Interests. (9.39 a.m.): I rise on a matter of privilege. The 3020 Motions of Condolence 17 Aug 1999 last two weeks have seen some media go into Mr WELLS: Mr Speaker, that statement is one of their frenzies with misleading reports, untrue and offensive and I ask that it be some of which have been defamatory to me withdrawn. and have included uncalled for personal Mr SPEAKER: Order! We will not have a attacks on my family. Since then, two inquiries debate on the issue now. I call the honourable have started. I intend to cooperate fully with member for Merrimac. both inquiries. I have been advised that, until these inquiries are concluded and I am cleared Mr QUINN: As a result of an FOI of any wrongdoing, I should not be speaking application to the Department of Justice and publicly on these issues. I would like to thank Attorney-General, an Education Queensland my constituents, staff, family and friends for document signed by the Minister, dated by the their faith in me and assure all members of the Minister, and with notes in the Minister's own Labor Party of my loyalty. handwriting was provided to the Opposition yesterday. At the same time, the Minister for As I have mentioned, two inquiries are Education provided this information to the presently being held and I wish to inform the House yesterday in the form of a House that, acting on advice received from the supplementary answer to the question. Mr Clerk of the Parliament, I have stood aside Speaker, I will be writing to you to refer this from all official duties as Deputy Speaker and deliberate attempt to mislead the House to the Chairman of Committees until these inquiries Members' Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges are concluded. Committee.

PRIVILEGE MOTIONS OF CONDOLENCE Minister for Education Deaths of Mr C. R. Rappolt and Mr R. B. J. Pilbeam Mr QUINN (Merrimac—LP) (Deputy Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— Leader of the Liberal Party) (9.40 a.m.): I rise ALP) (Premier) (9.42 a.m.), by leave without on a matter of privilege. In answer to question on notice No. 673 about school uniforms, the notice: I move— Minister for Education stated that there was no "1. That this House desires to place on written departmental documentation of advice record its appreciation of the services to the Minister on this matter. As a result of an rendered to this State by the late FOI application to the Department of Justice Charles Robert Rappolt, a former and Attorney-General, an Education Member of the Parliament of Queensland document signed by the Minister, Queensland. dated by the Minister and with notes in the 2. That Mr Speaker be requested to Minister's own handwriting was provided— convey to the family of the deceased Mr WELLS: Mr Speaker, I rise to a point gentleman the above resolution, of order. The honourable member is together with an expression of the misleading the House. There is no completed sympathy of the Members of the FOI application. The document was made Parliament of Queensland, for the available by me voluntarily in a supplementary loss they have sustained." answer to the question on notice. It is not I also move— available under FOI. "1. That this House desires to place on Opposition members interjected. record its appreciation of the services rendered to this State by the late Mr SPEAKER: Order! How can I hear the Reginald Byron Jarvis Pilbeam, a point of order? I call the member for Merrimac. former Member of the Parliament of Mr QUINN: As a result of an FOI Queensland. application to the Department of Justice and 2. That Mr Speaker be requested to Attorney-General— convey to the family of the deceased Mr WELLS: Mr Speaker, the honourable gentleman the above resolution, member is repeating a misrepresentation. together with an expression of the There is no completed FOI application. The sympathy of the Members of the document is made available by me voluntarily. Parliament of Queensland, for the loss they have sustained." Mr QUINN: You tried to stop the FOI officer. In relation to Charles Rappolt, who was elected to this Parliament along with all of us Mr Borbidge: You misled the House. on 13 June 1998, it is fair to say that, to an 17 Aug 1999 Motions of Condolence 3021 extent, it is sad and unfortunate that Charles stood up there to tell us more should be done Rappolt was ill prepared for life as a politician. for junior sports. In a few short months last year, he joined the In his maiden parliamentary speech, One Nation Party just before the election, Charles stood up for the battling small miners. became the party's candidate for Mulgrave, He told the House that he had come to won the seat in the 13 June State election and Parliament to clean up the mining mess left by resigned less than five months later on 4 the previous Government, which had November. He said that stress, enormous discouraged mining and had caused personal pressures and ill health had become unemployment in the area. He was the One too much for him to cope with and that he had Nation spokesman for Mines, Energy and not given enough thought to his decision to Regional Development and Tourism, Sport enter politics. That is what Charles himself and Racing. He was also a member of the said. He complained that there had been Legal, Constitutional and Administrative death threats, people spat at him and the Review Committee. media had attacked him. The effect on his family life had been devastating and he had Mr Rappolt was born on 23 August 1939 sent his young son to stay with the boy's in Cairns. He was a member of the armed grandparents. services between 1957 and 1961. He listed other occupations as commercial pilot, mine When he resigned, he sent me a manager, environmental auditor and a personal letter outlining the reasons for his prospector/financier. He is survived by his three resignation, saying— children. "My family and health have to take I want to add a couple of things. I think first priority, as I would not be able to last most people in this House appreciate the much longer in the political arena. hurly-burly of politics. It does put an enormous I apologise for the inconvenience my personal burden on individuals and their resignation will cause to the people of families, something that is too often forgotten Mulgrave, however I see no other way to in the day-to-day hurly-burly of politics. overcome the situation." Although Charles was a member of One In his letter he said that, while agreeing with Nation and I did not share their philosophies some One Nation ideologies, he no longer felt and I do not on a range of matters, I have to the party had been going long enough to sort say that he was a decent Australian. He was out its own problems, let alone the problems of the typical Aussie battler. He was someone others. Later, he was found in a distressed who, on a personal level—particularly through state and admitted to the Cairns Base a number of the conversations I had with Hospital. I visited him privately while he was in him—I grew to quite like. When I visited him in the hospital because, although I have had no the Cairns hospital he had been there under sympathy for the policies of One Nation, difficult circumstances as we all know. I will not Charles Rappolt was basically a knockabout, put those on the record. I met his partner at decent Australian whose heart was in the right the time. He was endeavouring to put his life place. He needed all the help and support that back together. I could see a man who was he could get. under enormous stress, a man who was trying I first got to know him when we held our to come to grips with not only politics but also first community Cabinet meeting in Mulgrave. what had happened to him. I think any decent Of course, I had met him informally when he Queenslander would feel a degree of sorrow became a member. That community Cabinet and concern for what happened to Charles meeting was held at the end of July last year, during those particular times. when the Cabinet went to Mulgrave for that As we all know, Charles died recently in first two-day opportunity for all members of the New Zealand. I made some appropriate public to speak to Ministers of their choice. Mr comments at the time publicly. One of his Rappolt was there as the local member. We children contacted my office to express their had invited him and he came. He was dressed appreciation that, through all the hurly-burly in his soccer referee's uniform, because he of—as they saw it—unpleasantness, at least was also a dedicated coach and referee for some kind words had been said about Charles junior sports and we were meeting at a sports during this process. I know that other members club surrounded by pitches. Later that day he today will find it in their hearts to say was going to do some refereeing, so he turned something kind about Charles, bearing in mind up in his referee's outfit together with his the circumstances of his untimely and whistle—not that we needed his whistle; it was unfortunate death. To his children I say that a very orderly gathering of Cabinet. Mr Rappolt they can be proud of their dad. When he was 3022 Motions of Condolence 17 Aug 1999 in here for that short period he did advocate which and its citizens can be strongly for the small miners. He was very proud. committed to improving the circumstances His other roles included deputy chairman surrounding small miners. He was very of the Rockhampton Harbour Board, genuine in his attempts. I hope his family is foundation member of the Capricornia Institute able to come through these very difficult of Advanced Education Council, a member of circumstances. I extend my sympathy and that the Returned & Services League—as of the House to his whole family. members would expect—and a member of the In relation to Reginald Byron Jarvis Rockhampton Jockey Club. He was delighted Pilbeam, I want to say that he was "Mr to receive an honorary doctorate from the Rockhampton". In many senses, he was larger University of Central Queensland. He was than life. There was nothing plain or simple grandfather to 12 children, but his wife, about the man known by many as "Mr Barbara, unfortunately died before him, as did Rockhampton", that is, Rex Pilbeam. He was a his sons Rod and Alan. man of big ideas, colourful opinions and the I was discussing Mr Pilbeam with the will to get things done. He was born Reginald current member for Rockhampton, the Minister Byron Jarvis Pilbeam on 30 October 1907 in Rob Schwarten, only recently. Mr Schwarten Longreach, Queensland. He was the son of a indicated along similar lines as I do: that he grazier. Reginald was educated in Emu Park was well regarded and well respected in that State School and Rockhampton State High community and someone who certainly will be School and went on to gain accountancy and missed. On behalf of the Parliament, I extend secretarial qualifications through external my sympathy and that of this House to his studies. He became an accountant and public family and friends. servant before serving from 1942 to 1945 in the infantry, becoming a sergeant and being Mr FELDMAN (Caboolture—ONP) stationed in New Guinea and the Solomons. (9.52 a.m.): It is with great pleasure and a For three years after the war, he was secretary great degree of sadness that I rise to second of the Warwick Show Society. By 1952, he was this motion of condolence moved by the standing as an Independent candidate in the Premier. This morning I speak on behalf of all local government elections in Rockhampton the One Nation members and staff and pay and was elected mayor, a position he held for tribute to the former member for Mulgrave, Mr a record 30 years, an extraordinary Charles Robert Rappolt. It was with great achievement. He was foundation president of shock and disbelief that we learned that the Central Queensland Local Government Charlie had succeeded in his second suicide Association. In 1960, he took on a second attempt while overseas in New Zealand. I had major role in public life, becoming the Liberal spoken with Charles just prior to his going MLA for Rockhampton South, a position he overseas for what he described as an held until 1969. extended holiday to escape the pressure still bearing down on him from his detractors in the In his maiden speech, Mr Pilbeam spoke press. out about the need to develop Rockhampton and central Queensland—a theme he Charles Robert Rappolt was born in promoted constantly—which is why I said Cairns, north Queensland on 23 August 1939. before that he was known as "Mr This year would have been a milestone in Rockhampton" and, in some people's minds, Charles' life: his 60th birthday. Charlie came "Mr Central Queensland". In case there were from a family of four—one a twin brother and members who were not sure where central two other brothers. His mother is still alive and Queensland was, the then new member for living on the tablelands. Charlie is survived by Rockhampton South came armed with maps, his three children: his older son, Steven, his because he was determined to let everyone daughter, Leisa, and his youngest son, Calen, know where he came from. For 30 years Mr 10, of whom he was so proud. Pilbeam worked for Rockhampton, leaving it Charlie was a true north Queensland boy. with modern roads, the Pilbeam Theatre, He was brought up in a loving Christian family which I am sure most members would have home. He was educated and attended St seen, the Olympic-size swimming pool and Augustine's College in Cairns, where he many other developments. In fact, only attained his scholarship in 1954—as I said, a recently, the Minister for Arts and I were at the true north Queensland spirit; a man of Pilbeam Theatre during a Rockhampton resilience and stature in his community. He Community Cabinet meeting for the opening was a friend who would give you the shirt off of a major art exhibition. Indeed, it is a proud his back if that was the way you treated him. theatre—a theatre which, in my view, is one of His achievements in life are numerable and, in 17 Aug 1999 Motions of Condolence 3023 fact, there were too many to name them all. could not help but get involved. He was an But here is just a short list. accredited coach and a registered referee with As the Premier alluded, Charlie was in the Queensland Soccer. He promoted junior sport armed services. He was also a theatrical agent in Cairns. As a businessman, he put his from 1961 to 1972 and managed his twin money where his heart was and assisted the brother, who was an artist of some renown. Edge Hill United Soccer Club, where he was Amongst Charlie's memorabilia of the time that also a past treasurer. He worked on the hangs proudly in his house are photographs of executive of that club and assisted junior sport. him and his brother with notaries such as the His concern for his immediate community went Gibb brothers, now known as the Bee Gees. even deeper. He was national and local media He was an investor and share trader, and very spokesperson for residents affected by the successful indeed. He was a real estate hillslopes developments in Cairns. He was developer from 1974 to 1978 and owned and instrumental in affecting the collection of a operated R W Building Constructions in Cairns major petition and was president of the Save at that time. He was an environment auditor Our Slopes Committee. approved by the Department of Mines and It was his true love of his community and, Energy in both Queensland and Victoria. This indeed, his love of Australia and his belief that was where Charlie found his passion in mining. the country was going in the wrong direction He loved and devoted much of his time to that caused Charlie to stand up for Pauline prospecting, and he lists as one of his most Hanson's One Nation. It was his love for his favourite occupations that of a prospector. He children that caused him to question the was a mine operator and owner and manager political direction of this country. He wanted a from 1976 to 1983. He was a registered mine job for his children, he wanted security for his manager in Queensland and Victoria and children, and he wanted a better business registered on the Australian Stock Exchange. environment for his beloved mining industry. A Charlie was employed as a consultant for man who some would regard as a workaholic, mining operations covering all aspects of Charlie thrived on work and pressure. mining from grassroots prospecting right I look around, and members are asking, through to commercial operations, including "What happened?" I hear the whispers around viability and environmental audits. He was the room. What caused a man of iron to employed in this capacity by major players in collapse as he did? What was the final straw the mining industry in Australia, Indonesia, the that finally told on such a good hearted and Philippines, Malaya and New Zealand. Due to strong man? his warm and friendly nature, Charlie has left Members of this House will recall his many friends all around the world who will—as premature resignation from the Queensland we are—be saddened by his loss. Parliament in November last year, when he One other major achievement that meant decided that the stresses and pressures so much to Charlie was his love of flying. involved in being a public figure were not worth Charlie was a commercial instrument rated the destruction that they were causing to his pilot both in aeroplanes and helicopters in family life. He was a man with great respect Australia and the United States of America. and integrity, and his loyalty to his family took Charlie, as a mine manager and operator, also precedence over his passion to make a operated an air charter company from 1981 to difference in politics, in particular his desire to 1995, and he flew in, around and through bring the mining industry back to the prosperity some of the most inhospitable country known that it formerly enjoyed. to man. Charlie also loved to boast about When I look at how Charlie chose to take some of the weather that he used to fly in, his life, I cannot help but wonder what he must especially in some of the South East Asian have been feeling to think that death was countries. He loved to talk about his better than the alternative of life. The Murdoch experiences in his aircraft. press achieved what 45 years of hard work We only have to look at this list of could not do to Charlie—pushed him not just achievements to see what this man was. He to the edge but over it. It is here that we was a man of mettle, a man with business should note the ethics of journalism, not just to acumen; tough when he needed to be, and a pursue a man but to pursue him to death. true friend and a port in any storm. Through all There is blood on the hands of some of this, Charlie still found time for his children journalists in the Murdoch press today, and and his community, devoting much of his time that stain will not be erased. Little did Paul to his son Calen and his love for soccer. Whittaker care when he accepted stolen Charlie was not just a dad on the sideline; he documents from a former disgruntled One 3024 Motions of Condolence 17 Aug 1999

Nation media adviser, Debbie Beaven, financial problems or any unwelcome change concerning Charlie's domestic situation. Little in life patterns can trigger a depressive did Chris Mitchell, the editor in chief of the episode. Depression can also affect people for Courier-Mail, care when he disregarded not no apparent reason. The imbalanced brain just a Supreme Court injunction but flew in the function can cause a previously healthy and face of the domestic violence legislation itself happy person to feel that life is no longer worth that prohibited publication and printing of living. details of that document. The care factor of Whilst perusing information from the the "Murderoch" press is zero. Australian Bureau of Statistics, I discovered Let us see how they report this speech—if that the number of suicides in Australia in in fact they have the integrity to do so. This is 1996 was greater than the number of motor the same dingo pack that is signatory to a vehicle accident deaths. Considering that court action concerning the improper untreated depression is the number one cause publication of a Labor member's name on an of suicide, the relation between the two is Internet site. It seems that politics in the clearly evident. Murdoch press dictates the manner in which a With these figures in mind, I turn to the politician is treated. I wonder how their Minister for Health and ask: what is being done selective conscience will be affected on about educating the public about depression hearing this little gem. I can even hear a and the impact it can have on oneself? "Hear, hear" from Charlie about that. Although research has been conducted About a week after Charlie's death, I was concerning this issue, there is no point in doing reading the Courier-Mail and came across a research and not passing on the information to couple of articles about suicide, stress and the general public. Our community needs to depression. The more I read, the more I be educated about issues that are affecting realised the impact that mental health them and I believe it is about time that this disorders are currently having on members of Government started putting the people first. It our community. I wondered if the publication of would have been remiss of me not to mention these articles was designed to lighten their these facts as I spoke about Charles. consciences just a little. Mr Premier, before I close I will pass on to Firstly, let me briefly inform honourable you exactly how grateful Charlie was with the members about mental health disorders. empathy that you displayed to him during your Mental health relates to emotions, thoughts, visit to him at the Cairns Base Hospital and behaviours. Those with good mental Psychiatric Unit. I believe that you understood health generally are able to handle day-to-day Charlie's situation and you showed him the events and obstacles, work towards important compassion that he needed at that time. goals and function effectively in society. In closing, Charlie, I will say this: I did not However, even minor mental health problems know you long, but you have left an indelible may affect everyday activities to the extent impression on me and upon all your fellow that individuals cannot function as they would members of this House. No matter what the wish, or are expected to, within their family and circumstances, Charlie, I know that your pain community. This can impact on the way they has ceased. We love you, mate. Goodbye. feel about themselves and often results in a Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers downward spiralling into depression. Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) A report by the Centre of Independent (10.04 a.m.): Charlie Rappolt was an unlikely Studies titled "Indicators of a Changing MP. I am sure he would agree. He was only a Australia" highlighted some alarming statistics. short-term member of this House. It is clear For example, in 1997 the number of male from the tragic events that followed his election suicides was 24 per 100,000—the highest to this place that he was not comfortable with recorded for this century. The report found that parliamentary life. He was in this place, in so chronic unemployment, particularly among the many respects, an enigma. Outside this place young and in rural and remote areas, was he had experienced considerable material contributing to the high rate of suicide. success and accumulated substantial wealth. Depression—a medical condition resulting But, importantly, he was a member of this from an imbalance in the chemical functioning House for a short period of time. Still more of the brain—is also on the increase, with the importantly, he was sent to this place by his number of antidepressant drugs prescribed in electors. That is the democratic test. It is that 1997 being two and a half times greater than test which entitles every member of this in 1990. Usually, deep emotional losses, Parliament to the courtesies of this House and profound trauma, difficult relationships, to membership of the parliamentary fraternity. 17 Aug 1999 Motions of Condolence 3025

On that score alone, it is a sad duty to passionate about his city that he served as stand here today to mark the passing of our mayor for 30 years, even while for nine of former colleague, Charles Robert Rappolt. It is them he was the Liberal member for a sad task also on the human scale. We Rockhampton South. expected to know him much longer. I know Rex Pilbeam was a passionate advocate, these sentiments are widely held amongst all too, of causes he took to his heart. One such members of this House. These sentiments cause was that of Port Alma. As Ron Jay, have been very ably expressed by the Rockhampton's first quarantine inspector in Premier, and I join with him in placing them on 1968—and later chief inspector in the record. Australia—recently told the Morning Bulletin in One of the greatest things about the a tribute, Rex Pilbeam even took that cause to Westminster parliamentary system is that the Queen. Jay wrote— inside this place—even inside this Chamber "Rex Pilbeam was never one to miss where partisanship is everything—there exists an opportunity. At a meal with the Queen a collegiate system. We all know that partisan the subject of drinks came up. Her politics—necessary partisan politics—drives the Majesty stated she was partial to a good process of Government in a parliamentary port. system. Yet we all know that connections exist across party lines and that even friendships 'We have a good port here you and common interests sometimes run directly know,' said Rex. counter to partisan demands. That is as it 'Oh,' Her Majesty said. should be. The chief direct result of 'Yes, Port Alma,' said Rex. democracy—beyond the delivery of responsible and responsive Government—is Her Majesty was quite amused." that power is exercised and from time to time That anecdote says a lot about Rex Pilbeam's changes hands without violence or even humour as well as his championing of his undue drama. region. It shows that Rockhampton was indeed While Charlie Rappolt was with us in this fortunate to have so able an advocate for its place he was as much a member of and a cause as the capital city of central participant in this collegiate system as anyone. Queensland. That, too, is as it should have been. He made The Port Alma story shows Rex Pilbeam his maiden speech in the confidence debate in his most human light. It truly was his real that opened the proceedings of the 49th passion, at the expense of its near neighbour, Parliament on 30 July 1998. He spoke from but I am sure that in these circumstances the the heart for 18 minutes. In other later honourable member for Gladstone will be contributions he spoke with an intelligent grasp prepared to overlook what the citizens of her of many affairs as they affect Queensland. He fair city might regard as a slight—and this is no was by no means a shrinking violet in the early better illustrated than in another anecdote. I sittings of this Parliament. He was appointed to am indebted for this story to another former the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative member of this place, Bill Hewitt, once the Review Committee—a body charged with Liberal member for Greenslopes. some onerous work on behalf of Queensland. Mr Mackenroth: And Chatsworth. We will all of us honour his memory and Mr BORBIDGE: And Chatsworth. As Bill promote the benefits of parliamentary Hewitt tells the story, at a Liberal parliamentary democracy in the best way possible by party meeting one day, Gordon Chalk told Rex remembering him as a colleague, a that a substantial amount had been set aside representative of the people who elected him for the development of Port Alma. Rex was and as a unique human being with his own overcome. He wept. That is a measure of the strengths and, as with us all, his own failings. humanity of the man. Our thoughts go out to those whose loss of a son, a father, a relative and a friend is most He lived a full life. He was in many ways keenly felt. Rex of Rockhampton—king of Rockhampton— over three decades during which the city Rex Pilbeam was a leader. Indeed, he gained the benefits of a modern infrastructure. adopted "Rex" as his preferred name as a Similar to another great mayor whose appeal young boy, convinced that as it was the Latin to the ratepayers crossed party lines—Clem word for "king" it was an admirable name. Rex Jones in Brisbane—Rex Pilbeam sewered and Pilbeam was a passionate man. He was paved his city. When he became mayor in passionate about Rockhampton. He wanted it 1952 only one mile of Rockhampton's road to become a great city—and it is. He was so network was surfaced. 3026 Motions of Condolence 17 Aug 1999

When he left the mayor's office in 1982, of a democratic process under which the city's streets had been bituminised and Queensland, like many places that benefit widened, Fitzroy barrage was in place, the from the British tradition of the Westminster road was into Mount Archer, and the city and style of Parliament, has prospered and in its growing community of art lovers was graced which the people are free. by the Pilbeam Theatre on that glorious stretch In the novel circumstances that resulted of Quay Street beside the river. He was a from the election of June 1998, the late former pioneer of local tertiary education and, in that member for Mulgrave played his part in the sense, the Central Queensland University is proceedings of this place. He was his party's also his legacy. spokesman for Mines and Energy—one area What Rockhampton had in spades from in which he had hands-on, practical Rex Pilbeam was an impetus to civic pride and experience—and for Regional Development, community development. So often he was the Tourism, Sport and Racing. All of us in this irresistible force meeting not the immovable place who have had ministerial and shadow object—I am sure he never conceded that ministerial responsibility will know that this anything in the road of progress was ever would have made him a very busy man immovable if he was pushing—but the indeed. Parliament is not a holiday camp. It is challenge to be overcome. He was remarkable not a place either for underestimating or in another way: he was a conservative, a undervaluing the efforts of individual members provincial Liberal—and he would never have wherever they sit in the Chamber. In the sad baulked at that term "provincial"—in a strongly and short history of Charlie Rappolt in this Labor-oriented environment. He held the seat place, that is one lesson all of us can draw of South Rockhampton for nine years flying from his experience. that conservative banner. As the Morning It is thoroughly to Charlie Rappolt's credit Bulletin wrote in an editorial tribute to mark his that he came to this place with high hopes and passing, Rex Pilbeam was a political maverick, great ideals and it does not matter a jot a solo flyer and even a bit of a dictator. The whether his political opponents in this place editorial went on to say— agree with his assessment of what constituted "He was unquestionably a visionary high hopes or what formed great ideals. In his who could see beyond the plans to the maiden speech—made during the confidence finished project and the future benefits for debate that opened this Parliament's session his city. last year—he remarked that the electors had Friend or foe, residents could never sent a strong message to all members of this argue his political drive and his passion for House to wake up and listen. No-one could Rockhampton, and his dream to see it argue with him on that score. evolve from rural town into a city of the The tragic end to the human story of future. Charles Robert Rappolt is not one that any of As we stand on the cusp of a new us would have expected. We are all—and I am millennium, Rockhampton last week"— sure it is "all"—saddened by the events that marked his post-parliamentary life and which and this editorial was published on 6 August— ended that life in New Zealand so recently. I "was lauded by both sides of Federal add my condolences and those of the politics as an exciting city of the future, a parliamentary Liberal Party to the expressions region which will succeed." of sympathy and regret already offered. Rex Pilbeam would have been proud. Both The parliamentary Liberal Party and our sides of State politics, too, see Rockhampton State division join in expressing regret at the as the present gem that it is and as the even passing of Rex Pilbeam and in praising his brighter jewel all Queenslanders know that it remarkable contribution to our State and to the will become. That is Rex Pilbeam's true and City of Rockhampton in particular. It is not lasting legacy. He was a great Queenslander. often that we have the opportunity to pay There can be no higher praise than that and tribute to a former member, who was not only no higher honour. a wonderful character—and I guess there have Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the been a number of wonderful characters from Liberal Party) (10.12 a.m.): Charlie Rappolt Rockhampton—but also, of course, a high came to this place as part of a protest vote. He achiever in public office. There can be no resigned from Parliament after a mere five doubt that Rex Pilbeam was both and also the months. However, in the great tradition of holder of a record that is never likely to be Parliament and of the parliamentary system, broken—that of the longest-serving mayor a Charlie Rappolt was a colleague. He was part major city in Australia. 17 Aug 1999 Motions of Condolence 3027

It is said that records are made to be Despite his eccentric and controversial broken, but Rex's record of 30 continuous ways, Rex Pilbeam's service as Mayor of years as Mayor of Rockhampton will never be Rockhampton turned the city into a modern challenged. His record of 10 election wins in a regional capital with excellent community row is made even more remarkable due to the services and infrastructure. Perhaps his fact that he was openly a non-Labor mayor in greatest achievement was the Fitzroy River one of the most pro-Labor cities in our State. barrage, which he fought for many years to The late Rex Pilbeam served in this see constructed. As a result, although Rockhampton is located in a low-rainfall area, it House for only nine years, but he had to has one of the most reliable and abundant defeat two sitting members, one Labor and water supplies in Queensland. one QLP, to get here. He was also the first and only Liberal to represent a Rockhampton- Although I did not know Rex personally, based electorate in the Queensland there are many members of the Liberal Party Parliament. He did not seek ministerial office, who recall his attendance at our party's for that would have meant giving up the office conventions and his unique campaigning he most enjoyed, that of the Mayor of style—a style which focused on the fact that Rockhampton. However, he was a very loyal just about everyone in Rockhampton either and committed member of the Liberal Party in knew him or had benefited from his the Parliament and after he left the outstanding work as mayor. Rex Pilbeam was Parliament. For years, he and a small band of controversial, but was also one of the truly hardworking supporters flew the Liberal flag in great civic leaders of this century. He served as central Queensland. the mayor for 30 unbroken years and he served the people of Rockhampton and the It is 30 years since Rex Pilbeam left the Liberal Party well in this House. My colleagues Parliament and 17 years since he retired from join with me in expressing our sympathy to his public life altogether. Yet his death attracted family. I am sure that they have been the whole of page one, three other pages and comforted by the knowledge that he was so the editorial of the Rockhampton Morning widely respected and admired in the city and in Bulletin—and I see the present member for the community that he served with such Rockhampton nodding his head in agreement. distinction. If any of us, 30 years after leaving this House, Hon. P. J. BRADDY (Kedron—ALP) can attract that kind of coverage of our death, (Minister for Employment, Training and it will be more than surprising. However, that is Industrial Relations) (10.18 a.m.): I rise to a fair measure of the respect Rex Pilbeam support the condolence motions. I grew to enjoyed in his beloved Rockhampton. know Rex Pilbeam very well, firstly in my The paper's main front page article capacity as a lawyer in Rockhampton doing referred to Rex Pilbeam as a "showman, legal work for the Rockhampton City Council sportsman, womaniser, father and and then serving as an alderman on the grandfather". Some would take a little offence Rockhampton City Council in the last term that at one of those descriptions, but those who Rex Pilbeam was Mayor of the city. Rex knew and remembered Rex tell me that he Pilbeam was dictatorial; Rex Pilbeam was would have been proud of it. I am told that he eccentric, but he was also a very intelligent was something of an eccentric as well as a man, a man who worked very hard for the City controversial character. The stories about him of Rockhampton, and a man who had the are many, and the Leader of the Opposition foresight to know what was needed and then just repeated a couple. However, as Leader of the capacity to actually do something about it. the Liberal Party, I would like to relate one, Reference has been made to the which concerns one of my predecessors. The barrage, which gave Rockhampton an Deputy Premier and Treasurer of the day was extremely viable water supply when other cities visiting the mayor at the City Hall in of similar size or bigger did not have such a Rockhampton. He sat down in a large visitor's capacity. The result of the barrage was that chair, which was very prominent in the mayor's Rockhampton, a relatively dry city, was able to office, only to be told by the mayor that he have a constant and good water supply, which would have to move. As my distinguished enabled the greening of Rockhampton to predecessor got up, the mayor's dog quickly occur. Many of the wide streets were planted took his place. Rex Pilbeam took the dog with with trees and shrubs, which brought down the him just about everywhere he went in heat factor. It was of enormous benefit. Those Rockhampton. He was heard to say that his who have a visual memory will think back to dog was his best supporter, because he never what Rockhampton was like prior to the argued with him. installation of the water supply and the 3028 Motions of Condolence 17 Aug 1999 greening of the city, for which he was the Rex Pilbeam strongly supported the new major patron. coalmines that were being developed in the Rex was also the best fundraiser I have area at the time. There was some controversy ever known. Reference has been made to the over the Utah Development Company, which was an American company that was starting Pilbeam Theatre. An adjunct to that is the art up coalmines in Australia. I can remember him gallery, which I believe is the best provincial art saying, "That company will be bought by gallery in Queensland. That came about Australians." Of course, that is exactly what because Rex went around, twisted arms and happened. BHP took it over. Rex supported attacked wallets. He raised a very large sum of very strongly the Fairbairn Dam and the money which he then, with some vision, associated cotton and citrus industries and so allowed to be spent primarily by other people. I on. Rex was very definitely a visionary for think it was probably to the benefit of the City Rockhampton, but he was also a visionary for of Rockhampton that he did not choose all of the Central Highlands. the pictures that are in the gallery! I believe it is the best art gallery in Queensland outside the Rex gave me a lot of support in the early City of Brisbane. When the Pilbeam Theatre days when I was a councillor on the Belyando was built, it was the best theatre bar none. At Shire Council and was involved in sport and all that time there was no theatre in Brisbane that sorts of other things. I remember very well an was of the quality of the Pilbeam Theatre. occasion following my recent election to Generally, Rex was not associated with culture, Parliament. A public meeting was held in but he understood the capacity for it. Emerald, which Rex attended. I was asked to Rockhampton was indeed his passion. He was give an opinion on a matter. I had been a man of intelligence and a man who could elected to Parliament only a few weeks relate to people. previously and was absolutely petrified of a certain Premier called Joh Bjelke-Petersen, so After all council meetings, Rex would I gave a Government answer of sorts. I can still invite us to adjourn to his office and have a hear Rex thundering, "My God! It didn't take lemonade or a beer and a yarn for as long as you long to get on the side of the we wanted. Some of the most interesting Government. You're a disgrace." I thought, conversations that I have ever had were the "Gee, that's interesting! This is the fellow who conversations that we had in Rex Pilbeam's has helped me all along." That taught me the office after council meetings where he and I very good lesson that one should stand up had probably been arguing hammer and tongs and fight for one's area, irrespective of what for some time, because he was indeed a anybody might think about it. I learned that dictatorial mayor and did not like opposition. lesson very quickly. However, once one walked out of the council Rex became involved in a film called The chamber and into his office to have a drink, Buddies, which at one point was called The the situation changed. He was a big man. Rex Buddies Getting Even. I still maintain that that had great intelligence, a great capacity for was one of the greatest films ever produced. It hard work and great vision. I am very pleased was basically about life on the gem fields, to say that I worked with Rex Pilbeam and to particularly fights between big miners. One of join today in this condolence motion. the scenes was a fight involving two backhoes I also pass my condolences to the family or forklifts, which was very interesting. That of Charles Rappolt, who was a decent man particular film did not benefit from the with a heart. He will be missed by people who promotional advantages of big personnel. knew him well. Although it was a good film, it did not really take off. It would probably be fair to say that it Hon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) lost money. For a long time Rex continued to (10.22 a.m.): I join in the condolence motion show the film throughout Australia to raise for the former mayor of Rockhampton, Rex money, to make sure that the people who had Pilbeam, and the former member of this contributed to the film were paid. I think that House. At the outset I would say that in many that really showed what the man was like. He ways Rex gave Rockhampton its bones and personally hawked that film throughout took it on to a new era of development. In Australia to ensure that ultimately, where those days, I was finding my feet in the Central possible, people who had contributed to the Highlands. I well remember that Rex took the film were paid. I think that that says more view that if Rockhampton was to progress, it about Rex than anything else could. had to have a good hinterland structure. He The member for Rockhampton and I were was continuously out and about in Clermont, very pleased to attend Rex's farewell Emerald, Springsure and such places. ceremony in Rockhampton, which was a 17 Aug 1999 Motions of Condolence 3029 wonderful and moving event. I do not wish to Federal Transport spokesperson, turned up in repeat what everybody else has said. Pilbeam's office to try to elicit from him some However, I certainly salute Rex for the help political capital. They wanted to inquire about that he gave me in the early days and for the the road funding in the area. They had just public dressing down that he gave me, which driven from Cairns. Firstly, Morris inquired taught me in no uncertain terms how to act in about what share the Federal Government the future. I have since learned that I was not had put into the roads to the north. Pilbeam the only one who received a dressing down, looked at him and he said, "Sewerage?" although it was a bit embarrassing to have it Morris looked at him. Pilbeam said, happen at a huge meeting, when I thought I "Rockhampton is the best sewered town of had done a good job! I salute Rex for the them all. We burnt the night cart in the street." support that he gave the Central Highlands in Morris looked at Burns and thought, "What's the early days. He simply said, "Rockhampton this bloke on about?" Then Burnsie had a go. will be nothing without a great hinterland." He He said, "What about the Yeppoon Lagoon took a visionary approach. God rest his soul. and the work out there at the moment?" Hon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— Pilbeam said, "Hyacinth? Hyacinth isn't only a ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister for problem in Rockhampton; it is a problem all Housing) (10.27 a.m.): I join in the condolence over the world." Then he turned to Col Brown, motion for the late Reginald Byron Jarvis "Rex" who was in the room, and he said, "Have you Pilbeam. I knew Pilly, as he was affectionately had a cup of tea yet, Brownie? I don't think I known, very well. We did not come from the have", and then he got up and walked out. same side of politics, but he seemed to be Burns was left with Morris sitting there trying to omnipresent. Wherever one went, Pilly was work out exactly what political capital he would there. I remember on one occasion at have got out of Rex Pilbeam. That shows what university, on a table opposite a group of a cunning sort of fellow he was. students, of whom I was one, stood Les He was also a larger than life figure on the Yewdale, who was the State member at the racecourse. He owned a horse—and this time, Rex Pilbeam and another local dignitary illustrates his passion for Rockhampton—that for a pie throwing competition. The three he had named Rex Hampton. It was a very students all aimed their pies straight at Pilly. good horse trained by local trainer Bing Crow. He said, "Don't worry." He had his own pies. It won five very big races. But Rex was one of He had brought a dozen pies which were the worst punters I have ever met. I do not under the desk and he proceeded to throw know whether he did it deliberately, but every them at everybody's heads. tip he ever gave me lost. I used to dodge him I tell that story to bring home the fact that on the racecourse. Rex was a very down to earth human being, He was also a keen sportsperson, which is one of the reasons why he was able especially when it came to Rugby League. to beat Mick Gardner, who had ratted on the Every Sunday afternoon he could be seen at Labor Party and joined the QLP. At that time Browne Park sitting in the grandstand with all the people of Rockhampton were looking for of the other supporters around the town. He somebody different. Pilly was different, believe would be joining in and barracking accordingly. you me. He was controversial. Who will ever As I said earlier, he was never one to be forget the controversy that he elicited as a outside of the crowd. He did not distinguish result of sacking women when they married! himself as the mayor on those sorts of He mellowed a bit and kept married women occasions at all. on, but sacked them if they became pregnant. The honourable member for Keppel He was a very colourful character. One of mentioned Buddies. I do not think that was the famous stories about him concerned the one of Rex's greatest ideas, but it certainly 1954 floods in Rocky. He was being rowed showed us what Rex was like as a Thespian. down Depot Hill, where the water was lapping He starred in that movie as a person propping the floorboards of homes, telling people to get up the bar with a beer who, upon somebody out of their homes. They pulled up at one dear bringing a mare into the bar, said words to the old soul's house and he said to her, "You'll effect, "Get that bloody mare out of here." have to vacate the house." She said, "I can't, That was his sole line as an actor. Mr Pilbeam. I'm under the doctor." He said, However, he was an expert on classical "Well, bring him, too." music—something that most people did not He was also renowned as a very cunning know about him. I saw him put to shame a lot politician. Tom Burns relates a story about of people who thought they were authorities when he and Peter Morris, who was then the on classical music. He was an expert on 3030 Motions of Condolence 17 Aug 1999 classical music and was a trained singer with a lobbying for that project to make Rockhampton great singing voice, although anyone who flood free from the southern approaches, Russ looked at him would never have thought so. Hinze was there and so was our friend, Mr Mr Mackenroth: You couldn't say that Morris, who was by that stage a Minister. I was about Pavarotti. sitting next to Pilly when Morris was standing up speaking—and Morris is not very tall. I said, Mr SCHWARTEN: I suppose you couldn't. "From where I'm standing, it looks like he is One of the stories that he told me related sitting." Pilly said to me, "Not much difference!" to his keeping the breathalyser out of They invited Pilly to hold the ribbon while the Queensland. Rex did not mind a drink on a hot two Ministers were going to cut it with pinking day. He was a rum drinker. Although I might scissors. When they cut it and everybody be giving away a secret, I have to point out clapped, Pilly held it up and said, "They're both that he did not like Bundaberg Rum; he liked crooked. One is more crooked than the other, Captain Morgan rum. The other day, when I though." was in the council chambers, I noticed that As another member mentioned, he loved they still have Captain Morgan rum animals. He was a very keen supporter of the there—Pilbeam's legacy! As the honourable RSPCA. His dog took pride of place in his Minister for Employment, Training and office and followed him everywhere. Pilly was Industrial Relations said before, he would sit an atrocious driver. People used to say that there and have a couple of rums after the the only one who would travel with him was the meeting—sometimes quite a few rums after dog; it had no option. It was legendary in the the meeting—and drive home. At the time, he council that, if the staff did not put their had a purple Fairlane. Around the town they wastepaper baskets on top of their desks, the used to call it "Pilly's purple people eater". It next morning they would find them yarded into collided with a bauhinia tree outside the a corner. It was a border collie and it used to Rockhampton High School one evening when muster all of the bins together. he was returning home from a council meeting. I could go on all day with stories about Rex. He was a larger than life and colourful When I spoke to him about this subject, figure. If people read his maiden speech, they he said, "Nicklin tried to bring in the would note that he tapped in very early to, as breathalyser. I could use myself around a the honourable member for Keppel alluded to drink. He got me and another member before, the importance of linking Longreach up"—that member has since passed on—"and and Rockhampton by an all-weather road. He said, 'Go down to the bar for an hour and drink was talking about that 39 years ago. as much as you can.'" Down they went and they drank for an hour. They came back and He understood what Port Alma was put Pilly on the breathalyser and it did not about. His first piece of advice to me when I register. The bloke who was trying to flog that became a member of Parliament was, "Don't technology to the Government said, "There trust Treasury. I went down to Hiley in relation must be something wrong. They obviously to Port Alma to get the money. I came back to have not had as much to drink as you thought Rocky as proud as punch. I thought I had a they would in an hour." So they went down pup in a basket. I opened it up and it was a again and this bloke produced $20 out of his big Alsatian dog with long teeth that has been pocket, put it on the bar and said, "Drink that biting me ever since." The ratepayers in Rocky out." So he did. They went back and had were paying $90,000. When we got in in 1989, another go at it and the breathalyser still did the then Transport Minister waived that debt. I not register. Then Nicklin, who as members think David Hamill was the Minister who did would know was a teetotaller, put $10 on the that. It was one of Rex's finest hours when he bar, but the same thing happened. Pilly always saw the debt paid off in that regard. claimed that he kept the breathalyser out of As I said, he was a man of great vision. Queensland as a result of that. He thought He loved Rocky. It was a great, sad irony that there was some quirk in his system, because he actually died in Brisbane, away from his he had been breath-tested heaps of times and friends. I know from talking to him in recent never recorded any alcohol. I do not know years that his great wish was to get back to whether that is true, but I pass it on as a tale Rockhampton. Unfortunately, he was robbed he related to me. of that. As I think most members have said, he I will finish on the last anecdote that I had a great sense of humour. I remember have of him. He introduced talkback radio—the when I was at the opening of the Yeppen mayor on radio—into Rockhampton. Over the deviation. In honour of Rex's hard work in years one could plot how he had finally got 17 Aug 1999 Questions Without Notice 3031 tired of the job. When people used to ring up The House can then break for dinner and saying, "I have got a pothole", he would say, resume its sitting at 8.30 pm. "What is your address? I will send somebody Government Business will take around. The boys will be around to fix it up." precedence for the remainder of the day's On this occasion he said to this woman, "You sitting, except for a 30-minute have rung me up before about this, haven't adjournment debate." you?" She said, "Yes, I have." "Well, stop ringing me about it. Do you own a Question put and agreed to. wheelbarrow?" She said, "Yes." He said, Motion agreed to. "Have you got a shovel?" She said, "Yes." "Have you got any dirt around your place?" NOTICE OF MOTION "Yes." "Well, fill up the wheelbarrow and take it out and fill it up yourself and don't ring me up Censure of member for Ipswich again." Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the National Party) That was Rex Pilbeam. I say to his (10.43 a.m): I give notice that I shall move— grandson, Rod, and to his granddaughters, Wendy, Deborah and Kathleen: you have lost "That this House censures the a great patriarch in your family. Rex was very, Member for Ipswich and calls on the very distraught about the fact that both his Government to ensure that the Member sons predeceased him, and of course, when does not receive ministerial entitlements his wife predeceased him, that was basically or salary in the period he has been stood the end for him as well. As I said, he was a aside from the ministry." larger than life character and a true politician and a true Rockhampton identity. Of course, QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE "Mr Rockhampton" suited him to a tee. Rest in peace, Rex. Gocorp Mr BORBIDGE (10.43 a.m.): I ask the Motion agreed to, honourable members acting Treasurer: why has he failed to exercise standing in silence. his powers under sections 44 and 48 of the Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act MEMBERS' AND RELATED PERSONS' 1998 to suspend the Gocorp Internet gaming INTERESTS REGISTERS OF INTERESTS licence pending the outcome of investigations by the Auditor-General and the Criminal Hon. T. M. MACKENROTH (Chatsworth— Justice Commission, and did he advise his ALP) (Leader of the House) (10.42 a.m.), by Cabinet that he had these powers when he leave, without notice: Yesterday I received a sought endorsement for his retrospective request from the Auditor-General that the legislation designed to confirm the licence to Members' and Related Persons' Registers of the existing licence holders, Gocorp, minus the Interests be amended to allow him to inspect three so far identified Labor mates? those registers. I therefore move— Mr BEATTIE: I thank the Leader of the "That Part 13 (Inspection of Opposition for his question. Let us be clear Registers) of the Resolution for Members' about a number of things. Firstly, the licence Register of Interests be amended by is, in essence, a conditional licence. It will not adding at the end of (2) a new paragraph be finalised prior to the Auditor-General's as follows— report. That is clear. The second thing that I '(f) the Auditor-General.'." want to make clear is this: if any one of the Motion agreed to. inquiries—that is, the Auditor-General's inquiry or the CJC inquiry—finds anything improper or irregular or of such substance that it requires SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS the cancellation of the Gocorp licence, then it Hon. T. M. MACKENROTH (Chatsworth— will be cancelled. Thirdly, after the debate on ALP) (Leader of the House) (10.42 a.m.), by Matters of Public Interest today, I will be leave, without notice: I move— introducing into this Parliament legislation that will ensure that none of the Labor identities "That notwithstanding anything referred to in this matter will in any way benefit contained in the Standing and Sessional beyond their investment from the issue of this Orders, for this day's sitting, the House licence. I would expect that all members of this can continue to meet past 7.30 pm. House who are genuine, who are serious, who Private Members' motions will be debated want this matter resolved will support that between 6 and 7 pm. legislation. 3032 Questions Without Notice 17 Aug 1999

Gocorp That is what he said. He said right from the Mr BORBIDGE: I further ask the acting beginning that there has been nothing illegal Treasurer: did he or the member for Ipswich about that. Dr Watson went on and said— issue any instructions to the Under Treasurer, "I assume that their application fits Mr Bradley; the Deputy Under Treasurer, the regulations and the rules." Mr Gray; the Director of the Office of Gaming He said— Regulation, Mr Ford; or any other officer of the Treasury regarding the issuing of the Gocorp "I am not questioning that because I licence? have no evidence that would suggest otherwise." Mr BEATTIE: I have clearly, on a number Nothing has been said by the Leader of the of occasions, set out on the public record Opposition in this House today to suggest to exactly what my involvement in this matter has been. In addition to that, I have sought, along the contrary. All we have is a rerun of stories with the Treasurer, to have this matter fully and that have appeared in the Courier-Mail. When properly investigated by the Auditor-General. the Leader of the Opposition gets up and asks One of the matters that needs to be these questions, at the end he should say, extensively reported on and given credit for in "Written and authorised by the Courier-Mail or sourced from the Courier-Mail", because he this debate is that we asked for the Auditor- has no material beyond what has already General to examine this issue. been in the public arena. Let me conclude by I believe that the Government has saying this: We have acted properly and we behaved appropriately and properly. I believe will continue to do so. that the Treasurer has behaved appropriately and properly. But, unlike the previous Government that sought to destroy bodies Queensland Economy such as the CJC that sought to inquire into Mr SULLIVAN: I refer the Premier to other issues, we have not done that. We Queensland's strong financial position and referred this matter to the Auditor-General for ask: what is the latest assessment of an independent assessment. I say to this Australia's strongest economy? House today as I have said publicly: we will act Mr BEATTIE: I am delighted to take a on the Auditor-General's report. question from the member for Chermside, We did not seek to cover this issue up. because he is talking about the things that We did not seek to hide this issue. We referred matter in terms of the economy and jobs. I am it to the Auditor-General—aboveboard. There pleased to report that Queensland has been was no attempt, as there was by the Leader of awarded another gold medal for sound the Opposition when he was Premier, to try to economic management. Earlier this month, in some way attack those who inquired. There international credit rating agency Fitch IBCA has been no attempt to destroy the CJC or to reaffirmed Queensland's AAA credit rating reduce its budget. based on our "strong economic growth and Let me refer the Leader of the Opposition excellent financial position". This assessment to something that was said by the Leader of is proof positive that our economic policy the Liberal Party. Let me just highlight this, direction and our commitment to stable because it exposes the fact that, unlike us, the Government are getting the credit and the Leader of the Opposition is not interested in a recognition they deserve. The Fitch IBCA solution to this issue; unlike us, he is not report states— moving to fix it; he just wants to play cheap "Queensland's prudent fiscal party politics. I refer to an interview on 27 July management has placed it in a strong on the Carolyn Tucker program in which the financial position. It has consistently Leader of the Liberal Party was asked reported the lowest tax rates of any of the questions about this issue, and he said— Australian States and still enjoys tax "Look, let me just first of all say that flexibility in spite of recent tax reforms." I'm not aware that there's anything illegal It gets better. It continues— involved here." "In addition, financial performances That is the Leader of the Liberal Party. He show large operating surpluses, a high went on and said— level of capital expenditure, low debt service ratios and outstanding debt, a "Again, there may be nothing illegal strong cash position and fully funded in that and nothing may come of it." pension (superannuation) liabilities." 17 Aug 1999 Questions Without Notice 3033

That is not a bad report card after 14 months. does the acting Treasurer consider this kind of The report concludes— business activity to be appropriate for an "Fitch IBCA's ratings reflect the investor in Queensland's first Internet casino strong economic growth as well as the licence, which should have been granted to a excellent financial position of the State." firm which was beyond reproach, and can he explain how this application passed the self- This Government's sound approach to proclaimed high probity and ethical standards economic management will be highlighted of the Beattie Labor Government? again next month when we bring down the State Budget on 14 September. This Budget Mr BEATTIE: I thank the Leader of the will further underwrite Queensland's financial Liberal Party. I acknowledge that the strengths. It will be a strong, balanced Budget legislation we are referring to was introduced that not only will deliver on jobs and vital under the Borbidge Government when the infrastructure but also will include major member was the Parliamentary Secretary to funding initiatives in key social policy areas and the then Treasurer. I also restate for the will continue our drive to make Queensland the information of the House the statements made smart State. by the Leader of the Liberal Party on the Carolyn Tucker program. He said— We have managed to achieve economic growth of 4.25% in the past year, which is well An Opposition member interjected. ahead of the 3.5% we forecast last Mr BEATTIE: Hang on. The honourable September. We have exceeded our jobs member cannot have it both ways. The poor creation forecast by a factor of 50%. We have rude man cannot have it both ways. He said— delivered on our election commitments in full. "I assume that their applications fit I quote comments made on ABC radio by the regulations and the rules. I mean, I Central Queensland University Associate am not questioning that because I have Professor in Economics Liam Ryan. He says no evidence that would suggest that our economic management means that otherwise." international investors and exporters will be eyeing Queensland with great interest for Here we have the man who attacked investment and trading opportunities. Deloittes—one of the most reputable According to Professor Ryan, the Fitch IBCA accounting firms not only in Australia but also assessment of Queensland fiscal in the world. He sought to denigrate a well- management— established international firm of accountants. Why? For cheap party political "... is a testament that everything is under reasons—nothing more! control and the economy has been run well, and it really gives very good signals I do not support the behaviour that was to international investors and would-be alleged in the question. I have no idea exporters. It really is a very sound position whether that is true or not, but if that is the to be in." behaviour then, no, I do not support it. That is That is what we are giving Queensland: why later on today, at 12.30, I will be sound financial management. introducing legislation that will be taking Navari totally out of the picture. If the Leader of the Liberal Party is fair dinkum and is not just Gocorp putting up a stunt, do honourable members Dr WATSON: Is the acting Treasurer know what he will do? He will come in here and aware that Mr Rodney Hegarty, a shareholder he will vote for that legislation. The member for in Navari Pty Ltd and thus a shareholder in Moggill just attacked a company which I am Gocorp Ltd, is the operator of a sleazy about to take out of the play here, and yet he Philippines based hotel and travel company will not vote for the legislation. that promotes tawdry activities—I will table the I have already made it clear—I make it relevant documents—such as wet and wild clear again—that, in addition to the legislation I parties which feature "foxy boxing, oil wrestling will be introducing into this House today, which and body painting", Hawaiian feasts with will fix this issue, if the Auditor-General's report original Mai Tai cocktails, sexy hula dancers in any manner, shape or form finds anything and "beautiful waitresses to serve you", so- inappropriate or wrong with the behaviour of called Thailand golf tours and "regular after- Gocorp, its licence will be cancelled. It is golf 'sessions' ", and Melbourne Cup calcuttas important that I stress that this is a provisional with lady jockeys on each of the runners with licence, or conditional licence—whatever word "the young riders wearing outfits that would members want to use to describe it—and it will certainly not pass VRC scrutiny", and I ask: not be made "full" until the Auditor-General 3034 Questions Without Notice 17 Aug 1999 has reported and given it a clean bill of health. Government that the agreement means— I cannot do more than that, and that is again it is conditional—that foundation appropriate behaviour. volumes have been secured for the pipeline. Rather than have stories re-run in here, The latest agreement with Ergon is whose only source is the Courier-Mail—those important, as it includes the gas requirements opposite cannot even do their own research, for the proposed gas fired power station in because I read it somewhere before— Townsville. The development of a power Dr Watson interjected. station in far-north Queensland is vital for the region to reach its full economic and industrial Mr BEATTIE: I have read it all. He does potential. The Ergon agreement follows an not have any original source or an original agreement reached with Energex nearly three idea. weeks ago. Together, they open the way for Mr Borbidge: What did you do about it? the proponents to move on to the next stage Mr BEATTIE: I read it in the last few days. of the development. That means that there will The Leader of the Opposition should not try to be $95m spent on this stage. It will involve the be half clever. Let us be clear: we have had front end engineering and design work and will nothing new. The Opposition has had its two progress in parallel with final approvals and big guns firing off the cap guns. There is financial close, which is expected in the next nothing new. All we are getting is regurgitated 12 to 14 months. Courier-Mail material. We have acted The proponents have estimated that this appropriately. We are acting appropriately. We stage alone will create up to 200 jobs in will continue to act appropriately. The real test Queensland and Papua New Guinea. They today is whether those opposite will or will not expect that this is just the beginning. The vote for legislation that will fix this issue. If they preliminary agreements require the approval of do not, they will be condemned for being boards and shareholding Ministers. nothing more than hypocrites. While I was in Papua New Guinea, I discussed the project and the benefits it will bring with the Prime Minister, Sir Mekere Chevron Gas Pipeline Morauta, as well as his Minister for Petroleum Mr PURCELL: Could the Premier advise and Energy, and the benefits, we agreed, will the House of the latest developments in the be enormous. In Queensland alone there are Papua New Guinea to Queensland natural gas estimates of $8.1 billion in capital investments pipeline? by 2010, the creation of 5,100 construction Mr BEATTIE: I thank the honourable jobs and 2,500 operational jobs. Tax and member for Bulimba for his question on this royalty payments to the landowners and the issue. I know that, like me, he is interested in Papua New Guinea Government have been jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. The Papua New estimated at almost one million kina a day. Guinea to Queensland gas pipeline is the And, of course, a new industry will be created most significant project to be undertaken in in Papua New Guinea. Australia since the Snowy Mountains scheme. The Queensland Government, along with That is how big it is. It is the second biggest the PNG Government and the Australian project in Australia's history. It is a once in a Federal Government, stand solidly behind this generation opportunity. It is a $3.7 billion monumental project. It will see economic project which requires vision and courage. It is development in the regions of this State that a project that has overcome one more critical we have only dreamed of. It will be the biggest hurdle, with the gas producers securing shot in the arm for job creation that this State foundation volumes. has ever seen. I had the pleasure of travelling to Port Moresby last Wednesday to witness the Gocorp signing of a preliminary agreement between the gas producers and the Queensland power Mr HORAN: I refer the Premier to the utility Ergon. Under this agreement, Ergon will detailed net bet briefing given by Treasurer take up to 50 petajoules of gas per year for up Hamill to the Cabinet meeting held at Atherton to 20 years. It is a conditional agreement, but on Monday, 26 July before the scandal it is the beginning. This will boost the gas became public, and I ask: why did he and his volumes to come via the pipeline to around entire Cabinet then approve such a sleazy 100 petajoules a year and potentially more deal? than 200 petajoules a year in the future. The Mr BEATTIE: The mud continues. We gas producers have told the State have a continuing attempt today to not only 17 Aug 1999 Questions Without Notice 3035 mislead the Parliament but to continue the Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. I mud and the mire that we always see from presume that the Premier's comments referred members of this Opposition. They are not to my Government. I find the comments interested in any of the major projects that offensive and ask that they be withdrawn. Ministers have talked about—about jobs and Mr SPEAKER: Order! The comments development. They are only interested in were not directed personally at the member. throwing mud. Let us be clear about this. There is no point of order. Mr Horan interjected. Mr BORBIDGE: I was the leader of that Mr SPEAKER: Order! The honourable Government member for Toowoomba South! Mr SPEAKER: Order! I call the Mr BEATTIE: Where is the source of this honourable member for Mulgrave. material? Is it hard-won research by the Opposition? What is the source? The source is Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu the Courier-Mail. Frankly, if it were not for the Courier-Mail we would not have an Opposition Mr PITT: I ask the Minister for State question time because Opposition members Development and Minister for Trade: can he outline to the House the involvement of the would have nothing to ask. They should all ring accounting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in Chris Mitchell and the Courier-Mail and say, his recent trip to South Africa? "Listen guys, what do you have in tomorrow's paper? For heaven's sake, tell us what you've Mr ELDER: I can. What we saw was an got in tomorrow's paper, because we'd like to outrageous attack from the Leader of the ask some questions first before you print them Liberal Party in relation to the role that the in the edition because we really have to have international firm Deloitte Touche played. some element of surprise." Deloittes have a global network. They have a reputation beyond reproach internationally. We have said clearly on the public record And yes, I went to South Africa with Deloittes, exactly what has happened in relation to this who are the biggest accounting firm in South issue. In addition to that, there has not been a Africa. They gave me immediate access into Cabinet decision on this issue. That is a matter the business community. In fact, up to 200 I have made absolutely clear right from the firms were seen in the week that I was in beginning. In addition to that— South Africa. I had sessions in Durban, Cape Mr Horan interjected. Town and Johannesburg—the three major cities—where we ran investment seminars. I Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for could not have got that type of coverage in Toowoomba South will allow the Premier to five or six visits into that country. answer the question. What did we see? For the first time ever, Mr BEATTIE: In addition to that, what did an Opposition not taking a bipartisan position we do? We referred this matter appropriately on trade! We gave members opposite a to the Auditor-General. We could not have bipartisan position when we were in done more than we have done to behave Opposition. We saw a disgraceful effort from appropriately and properly on this issue. the Leader of the Liberal Party. I suspect that Contrast what we have done with what Mr the think tank sat down and said, "Gee, how Borbidge, the Leader of the Opposition, did can we pull Deloittes further into the mire? We when he was on the Government benches. will get someone to ask a question." But it There was a CJC inquiry. Did Mr Borbidge would not be the acting Leader of the stand down? No! There was a CJC inquiry. Did Opposition. He would not have had the Russell Cooper stand down? No! There was a courage to ask it. They looked around for a vote of no confidence in this Parliament in the dummy, and they found one in the Leader of then Attorney-General. Did he stand down? the Liberal Party. He was quite prepared to run No! with a statement that actually criticised one of Mr Horan interjected. the world's leading accounting firms—a firm that has an international reputation that is Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for beyond reproach. Toowoomba South will cease interjecting. I have spoken to companies which are Mr BEATTIE: I refuse to have the ethical nature based in ecotourism and which will be standards of this place or the ethical standards coming to Queensland. They are high-tech in this debate set by members who were part companies involved in satellite retrieval of the most corrupt Government in the history systems, medical diagnostic services and of Australia. clinical information services. In fact, I spoke to 3036 Questions Without Notice 17 Aug 1999 the National Farmers Federation or its Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for equivalent, the National Farmers Union, and Warrego! there will be a delegation of up to 100 farmers Mr BEATTIE: They want to come in here who will now be coming to Australia and and play their tired old politics—the politics of Queensland looking for investment yesterday. They would have to go down as the opportunities and joint venture opportunities in greatest hypocrites of all time. They have this State. We would not have had that if we come in here and tried to impose a had not used the network. I will be prepared to standard—a standard which none of them use them or any other firm that can give me ever had when they were in Government and the international access to the business a standard which they failed at every test. communities in those countries that I Every time there was a test imposed on them, managed to achieve on that particular trip. It they failed. When the now Leader of the would have been one of the most successful Opposition was the Premier, there was an that I have undertaken in terms of getting to inquiry. Did he stand down? No! Nor did the the people who make the decisions. I went member for Crows Nest. And the Attorney- there, and I make no apologies for going there General, who faced a motion of no confidence with them. We went there to seek business. in him, sat there for about 700 days. And what I brought back were real business opportunities. Let me answer the member's question by saying this. The Leader of the Liberal Party The only other time that I have been has left the Chamber. He acknowledged in an critical of a trip was when the member for interview that when in Government he was Noosa, "Daktari Davo"—out of Africa, the great aware of certain interests. He acknowledges white hunter—went there looking for rhinos. I that. That was when he was a Parliamentary brought back business. But I managed to Secretary. bring back a rhino, too. He could not deliver, but I have. I brought back a rhino out of Africa Mr Springborg: Why don't you do for him. something novel and answer the question. Mr BEATTIE: I do not need to do anything novel. I answer all the Gocorp questions—every one of them. What we have Mr SPRINGBORG: I refer the acting done is this: we have referred this matter to a Treasurer to the Government's recent decision proper inquiry. Not only have we referred this to grant an Internet casino licence to Gocorp to a proper inquiry, but we did it quickly, we did Ltd, and I ask: during the period from when he it appropriately and we did it efficiently. We came to office until 27 July 1999, did he or have complied with and assisted that inquiry anyone in his office have any contact with every piece of material that it has sought. whatsoever with any of the directors or Every piece of material, every detail, shareholders of Gocorp Ltd, Navari Pty Ltd or everything the inquiry has wanted has been any other entity associated with an application provided. for an Internet casino licence? What did we do today? Today, we came Mr BEATTIE: I looked up when I saw the into this House and we even changed the Deputy Leader of the National Party ask this Standing Orders to give the Auditor-General question. While I thank him, I must say that his access to the partners of members. In addition tie really depicts the calibre of the questions to that, did we cut question time short? No! Ministers are being asked today. Do members We allowed a full hour for question time. Even know what is on his tie? Cartoon characters! though the condolence motions went over Do members know what that does? time, we did not cut short question time. Mr Elder: Yogi Bear. This Government will not run away from Mr BEATTIE: It is not just Yogi Bear, all this issue. When one is doing the right thing, the jokes and the cartoon characters— and has done the right thing, one has nothing to hide. Everyone knows that this Government Mr Cooper interjected. has done the right thing. Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for Opposition members interjected. Crows Nest! Mr BEATTIE: Hear them bleat, Mr Mr BEATTIE: What it says is that Speaker. Do you know why they are bleating? members opposite are not serious. They They are bleating because they do not know simply want to come in here— how to behave properly. Those opposite do Mr Hobbs interjected. not recognise when a Government behaves 17 Aug 1999 Questions Without Notice 3037 properly. If those opposite stay here they will Thank heaven we have a Labor be educated in how to do the right thing. Government that not only stands in the way of the coalition's privatisation episodes but which is also about proper economic management. Q-Fleet: Privatisation The Western Australian Government is now Mrs ATTWOOD: I refer the Minister for trying to get public servants to hire the cars Public Works and Minister for Housing to a over the weekend to make ends meet. That is decision taken last year to scrap plans put in how serious the situation has become. train by the previous coalition Government to Queensland has 12,000 vehicles and Western privatise the Government's vehicle fleet Australia has 9,000 vehicles. Honourable manager, Q-Fleet, and I ask: can the Minister members can work out for themselves how inform the House of any recent developments much Queensland would have been down the in relation to that decision? drain if that scheme had been adopted. Mr SCHWARTEN: This is a very good I am proud of the decision taken by this question. One of the first decisions I took when Government in terms of protecting the jobs of I became Minister was to unhinge a deal that the 100 people who work for Q-Fleet and, had been put together by the two previous more importantly, for the effective financial Ministers who held this portfolio. This program management of this State. started in November 1996 when the coalition sought to interest private financiers in taking over the Government's 12,000-vehicle fleet. Gocorp I am glad I took that decision for a Mr QUINN: I refer the acting Treasurer to number of reasons—not simply because of the the revelation that Ipswich Councillor Paul 100 jobs that were at stake. We must bear in Pisasale had difficulties passing a probity mind that this deal was going to return a check conducted by the Office of Gaming saving of some $375,000 a year to Regulation in relation to the Gocorp application Queensland. That was the price of the jobs for an Internet casino licence because he had that would be lost. Simply divide $375,000 by a prior conviction. I ask: did any other person 100 and we find the value that the previous associated with the Gocorp application have Government put on public sector jobs in this difficulty with the probity process? State. Mr BEATTIE: As I have already indicated Apart from that, there would have been a to the House, we have referred this matter to severe impact on the Australian motor vehicle the Auditor-General for a full investigation. I industry because the majority of the vehicles have already told the House that action will be that this Government buys are made in taken by the Government on receipt of the Australia. In that way we are keeping report. Not only that, I think it is appropriate Australians in jobs. One can bet one's bottom that we do not have any intimidation of the dollar that a privatised fleet arrangement would Auditor-General or the CJC. As independent have been looking at the bottom line rather bodies, they should be allowed to carry out than the net benefit to the country. As a result, their work, although I know that that is alien to public servants would have been driving the process followed by the previous cheaper imported vehicles. The scheme was Government, which sought to intimidate. an absolute dud from go to whoa. Let me talk about who knew about all this. In September 1998, when Cabinet It is important that we record who knew about endorsed my action, I predicted that time it. I have here a letter from Navari to the then would prove me correct. Indeed it has, if the Treasurer, Joan Sheldon, dated 30 March Western Australian example is used as a 1998 applying for a licence. I table that letter yardstick. The Western Australian Government for the information of the House. I have here a did exactly what the previous coalition copy of a letter from Howard Hobbs, the former Government was planning to do in Minister for Natural Resources, who Queensland. The Western Australian acknowledges that representations were made Government sold its fleet to a private concern to him in relation to a licence. I table that letter and claimed that it would save somewhere for the information of the House. I have here a around $8m a year. Do honourable members letter from Kevin Lingard to the then Treasurer know what the savings were? There were no in relation to the issue of Internet gambling. I savings at all. This scheme costs the Western have a letter from Doug Slack to Joan Sheldon Australian taxpayers $1m a year. That is an in relation to this issue. The list goes on. Did example of the economics that those opposite anyone on the opposite side of the Chamber were bringing to this Parliament. not know about this matter? 3038 Questions Without Notice 17 Aug 1999

Opposition members interjected. visited. The wraps that have been put on our Mr BEATTIE: They are being sensitive organisational abilities by overseas now. I have tabled letters which indicate that organisations are second to none. Overseas Doug Slack, Joan Sheldon, Howard Hobbs people are saying that our organisational skills and Kevin Lingard all knew about this matter. and our handling of the various issues are far better than those of Los Angeles or any other Opposition members interjected. Olympic Games with which those people were Mr BEATTIE: They don't like it. Why don't associated. they like it? Because it exposes their The only thing that can leave a real cloud performance today as a sham and as over the Olympics and produce a negative hypocrisy of the worst kind. Let us have some impact for this country will be if—and I hope it sensible, objective reporting today. Let it be is a big if—a number of positive drug tests are reported that all those former Ministers knew. revealed in the lead-up to the Games or during They come in here and pretend— the Games. It amazes me that one of this Mr Mackenroth: We could have saved country's former athletes, who is now the question time by tabling the last two weeks of Federal Minister, can take a decision to cut the Courier-Mail. back on funding in relation to the issue of drugs in sport. Mr BEATTIE: That is exactly right. The Honourable Minister is correct when he says I am proud to say today that although that we could have saved question time by Canberra is dropping the ball on drug testing, tabling the past three weeks of the Courier- the Queensland Government is recognised by Mail. I say to those opposite: do not come in the Australian Sports Drug Agency as being here and be hypocritical and fraudulent about extremely proactive and committed to this. The behaviour of those opposite in promoting and encouraging a drug free Government was nothing short of a disgrace. sporting environment. The department has The Opposition's behaviour today in putting up provided ASDA with $35,000 in financial these questions from the Courier-Mail is assistance under the 1999 Statewide Sports pathetic in the extreme. Development Program for the education and training of Queensland athletes. We have allocated an additional $23,000 in project Australian Sports Drug Agency moneys for 1999-2000 for the user-pays drug testing program, that is, $3,000 for Mr REEVES: My question is directed to administration costs and $20,000 for the the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Racing. I Government funded tests. The purpose of this refer to media reports that the Federal Sport program is to complement amendments to the Minister has refused extra Commonwealth Commonwealth Act, which took effect on 1 funding to Australia's peak sport drug agency, August 1999 and allows a testing of State- ASDA, to conduct drug testing of athletes. I level athletes who could not be tested under ask: what impact will Mrs Kelly's decision have the previous Commonwealth legislation. on the drug testing of athletes in the lead-up to the Sydney Olympic Games? I further ask: My department's contribution of $23,000 will the Commonwealth's decision influence the will fund approximately 22 event tests and 22 level of ongoing financial support the out-of-competition tests. This program, carried Queensland Government provides to ASDA to out in conjunction with State sporting bodies, conduct drug testing and educate athletes has the potential to conduct a minimum of 85 about drugs in sport? tests on Queensland athletes, in addition to those funded by the Commonwealth by 30 Mr GIBBS: I thank the honourable June 2000. At this stage, my department is in member for his question because I know that the process of finalising a drugs in sport policy. he takes a very close interest in this particular That, along with other measures, issue. I want to say that I am absolutely demonstrates Queensland's commitment to appalled that the Federal Government would ASDA and drug-free sport. cut back funding for ASDA. The reality is that we are on the verge of an historic moment in I am sure that all members in this House this country. I refer to the record funding that will join me in saying that this issue is above has been made available for the Olympic politics. As I have said, all members would be Games in Sydney next year. Although there aware of the importance of ensuring that our have been a few hiccoughs along the way, I athletes lead the way as we head towards the am delighted to be able to say that I received Games next year. I am sure that, with the a positive response in the countries that I have appropriate funding, that will happen. 17 Aug 1999 Questions Without Notice 3039

Gocorp will not have any sleight of hand, which is what Mr BEANLAND: I ask the Premier: when the Opposition Leader wants; it will be law. did he become aware of Mick Dittman's Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. interest in Navari Pty Ltd—a company For the benefit of the Premier, I point out that associated with three of his Labor mates and it is the law now and he has not applied it. one of the major shareholders in Gocorp Ltd? Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Mr BEATTIE: I thank the honourable Mr BEATTIE: The Leader of the member for his question. Again, I inform the Opposition hates it when he does not get it House that we have—appropriately—written to right; he knows that what we are doing is right. the Auditor-General to have this matter fully The Leader of the Opposition knows that the and properly investigated. I have indicated that legislation will fix it today. He was caught out we will act on the advice that is provided by the yesterday—before he saw the legislation— Auditor-General, which will be tabled in this saying, "I will not vote for it." Parliament. Mr Mackenroth interjected. Very simply, the central issue is: today, are members of the Opposition going to vote Mr BEATTIE: I know. That is why the for the legislation that I will be introducing at Leader of the Opposition and I will never get the end of the Matters of Public Interest on. Even when I agree with him, he changes debate to fix this problem? That is the real his position. He is like quicksand in motion. If issue. What does the legislation do? he is serious, the Opposition should vote for the legislation that removes Navari. Opposition members interjected. Mr SPEAKER: Order! I intend to hear the Premier's answer. Century Mine Mr BEATTIE: That is the test, because Mr PEARCE: My question is to the that legislation removes Navari and Topki—the Minister for Mines and Energy. Can the two companies. The persons referred to are Minister tell the House what progress has been members of Navari, which will be removed. made in regard to the powerline taking The Opposition cannot have it both ways. electricity to the Pasminco Century mine? Mr Borbidge interjected. Mr McGRADY: I certainly can, and I thank Mr BEATTIE: Here we go. The Leader of the member for the question. I am pleased to the Opposition wants to be rude. The inform the House that on 29 June—more than members opposite cannot have it both ways. one month ahead of schedule—this 220,000 They are attacking members of Navari. The volt powerline was energised and is currently legislation introduced today will remove Navari. supplying electricity to the giant Century mine. However, the Leader of the Opposition has Remember what the Opposition said over 12 said publicly that the Opposition will not vote months ago? They said that it would not be for it. They cannot have it both ways. If the done, that it could not be done. What did the Opposition wants to come in here and attack Government say? "It can be done and it will be members of Navari, then why does it not vote done", and it has been done ahead of for the legislation that will remove it? Where is schedule. Once again, we have demonstrated the Opposition's answer to that? It does not that, yet again, the Opposition got it wrong. have one, because it is not interested in a Once again, the Beattie Government's solution; it is interested in cheap politics. commitment to this project and to the jobs that Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. it will provide to communities in the north-west The Premier has had two weeks under existing of our State has been demonstrated. As I legislation to suspend the licence. have just said, it was this Government that set in train the easement acquisition process that Mr SPEAKER: That is not a point of enabled the powerline to be completed ahead order. of time. The powerline is a $50m project and it Mr BEATTIE: The Leader of the came in $4.8m below budget, which in Opposition wants some quirky little anybody's language is a good result. I am also administrative thing done. I want it in the law of pleased to say that indigenous cultural this Parliament. Let us be clear about it: Mr heritage issues were addressed successfully Borbidge and the other members of the and, indeed, protected. It is a tribute to all of Opposition want some sneaky little those parties involved, including the Aboriginal administrative deal. I want it in law and it will be communities, the Pasminco Century mine and in law by tonight. That is what will happen. We the constructors of the powerline. 3040 Questions Without Notice 17 Aug 1999

This powerline has to be one of most Mrs Edmond: It was in the Courier-Mail. important in the State. It now allows access to a vast wealth of minerals. It provides potential Mr BEATTIE: I am sorry. I stand for extending the network to future mining corrected. I have to admit that I am even more development in the north-west. It also raises poorly informed. I did not read it properly in the the possibility of network power to remote Courier-Mail. Bearing in mind that the Courier communities and, indeed, the properties in Mail is the source document for all questions that area. The Pasminco Century mine is today, I should have read it more closely. I indeed a massive project. Once fully apologise to the Courier-Mail. I must have operational, it will have an annual production missed that because of the duties of office. I of about five million tonnes of ore. This have to tell the House that I do not know equates to about 30% of Australia's zinc where in Ipswich Mr Hinchliffe lives. I am not production and 8% of the Western World's. It even sure that he does live in Ipswich, but I will be producing ore in the very near future assume that he does. I do not know of the and will run up to full production early next links that the member refers to. year. I simply say this: we have established a Previously I have mentioned in this House proper inquiry. We have not hidden anything. that I believe that one of the mine's biggest We have not sought to cover anything up. We successes is the way in which it has have told the truth. We have revealed all our succeeded at community partnerships. knowledge on this matter. The Auditor-General Already, some great benefits have flowed from has all of the material and all of the details. the mine to the local communities, particularly Nothing has been hidden. I have promised in the form of training and providing jobs for that my Government will implement the Aboriginal people in the area. On a number of recommendations of the Auditor-General's occasions I have visited this project and I have report. I cannot do more than that. seen the benefits being reaped. I have spoken I know that from time to time One Nation to trainees and workers from right throughout has criticised the media. However, one thing the north-west. They have meaningful and that I think needs to be reported is the responsible jobs and they place great value on absolute stark contrast between how the opportunities presented by this project. appropriately and properly my Government has behaved compared with the previous Gocorp mob. They sought to destroy the CJC. They Mr PAFF: I direct a question to the took its budget and established an inquiry Premier and acting Treasurer in relation to the which cost millions of dollars of public money in Gocorp net bet fiasco. I note that the editor in an attempt to destroy an inquiry into a secret chief of the Queensland Times, Mr Mark deal with the Police Union. Indeed, the Leader Hinchliffe, who has demonstrated an extreme of the Opposition had to admit to the inquiry reluctance to print anything in relation to this that he did not even remember signing that matter in his newspaper in Ipswich, is a next agreement. He signed an agreement, but door neighbour and long-time friend of could not remember doing so. Not only did Councillor Paul Pisasale. I ask: is the Premier they seek to destroy an inquiry into this secret aware of any connection, documented or deal with the Police Union; Mr Borbidge never anecdotal, between Mr Hinchliffe or Mr stood aside. David Hamill has. He has done Pisasale and the company Navari Pty Ltd the right thing. Today the Deputy Speaker and/or Gocorp? stood aside. He did the right thing. When did Mr Borbidge ever apply that standard? Mr BEATTIE: I thank the honourable member for Ipswich West for the question. I Government members: Never! have to say that one of the great tragedies of Mr BEATTIE: When did Mr Cooper? my social calendar—and I have to admit this to the House—is that I have never been invited Government members: Never! to the home of the editor of the Queensland Times. He has never invited me to lunch that I Mr BEATTIE: When did Mr Beanland? recall. I do not know why. I do not know what I Government members: Never! did to offend him. I have no idea. So under those circumstances, I have to tell the House Mr BEATTIE: Never! They should not that I do not know where he lives, either. But if come in here with their hypocrisy and double he ever invited me around for dinner and I had standards, and feign indignation. Talk about time, I might even go. I am happy to consider hypocrites! One could peel their hypocrisy with it. a potato peeler. 17 Aug 1999 Questions Without Notice 3041

Pineapple Industry Government and the industry are investing to Mr HAYWARD: I refer the Minister for further enhance this reputation. Primary Industries to Queensland's $1.1 billion and growing horticulture sector and, in Schizophrenia Fellowship of North particular, the pineapple industry, and I ask: Queensland how is the State Government assisting the future development of the pineapple industry? Mrs GAMIN: I refer the Minister for Health to the Schizophrenia Fellowship of North Mr PALASZCZUK: The pineapple industry Queensland, which now receives $217,188 is the seventh most important horticultural crop annually from Queensland Health to provide in Queensland and the value of production, professional mental health services to rural preprocessing, is $40m per annum. The State and remote communities from Sarina north Government's commitment to the pineapple and west to the Northern Territory border. Up industry is threefold. In partnership with to now, the fellowship has funded from its industry, the Government is working to, firstly, savings a duplication of the State Government enhance quality; secondly, improve yields; funded program. As all fellowship savings are and, thirdly ,to increase productivity. now exhausted, the Queensland Last month almost 200 pineapple growers Government's recent decision to freeze from south-east, central and northern funding for non-Government organisations at Queensland gathered together in the Glass last year's level will have a serious impact on House Mountains for a field day which focused the provision of a variety of very important on the latest developments in pineapple mental health services to rural and remote technology and research. Some of the latest Queensland. I ask the Minister: will research includes the Australian fresh market Queensland Health now accept responsibility pineapple breeding program, led by the for maintaining these services—and I am Department of Primary Industries in happy to provide the Minister with a list—the conjunction with industry and the Horticultural cost of which could be as little as an additional Research and Development Corporation. The $115,000 per annum? breeding program focuses on developing new Mrs EDMOND: I missed the very start of hybrid varieties that will be sweeter, less acidic that question. Is the honourable member and have a higher content of vitamins A and referring to the Townsville Schizophrenia C. The development of new varieties with Fellowship? improved eating quality can as much as Mrs Gamin: I am talking about the double demand and promote the Schizophrenia Fellowship of North development of exciting new products. Queensland, which services the area from Other world leading research into Sarina north and west to the Northern Territory pineapples being conducted in Queensland border. includes the development of black-heart Mrs EDMOND: I am not 100% sure what resistance. As all members would know, black- the member is asking about or which heart is a dark discolouration in the flesh of organisation she is referring to. I do know that pineapples. It is a major problem that has there has been repeated concern expressed in faced the pineapple industry for many years. the Townsville papers about the funding level The Government has also been for the Schizophrenia Fellowship of North working with industry and growers to develop Queensland, which delivers a range of services record keeping and other procedures that are such as help for rural care givers for the aimed at enhancing farm business mentally ill. Is that what the honourable management and productivity. The State member is asking about? Government is committed to the pineapple Mrs Gamin: Yes. sector and that commitment is acknowledged Mrs EDMOND: That is fine. I am very by the industry. concerned about this because, yet again, we The Government and the industry are have seen what happens when the investing in the future of the local pineapple Commonwealth funds a program and then sector, local growers, local families, their removes the funding. This particular program is communities and Queensland. Some people funded 50/50 by Queensland Health and the say that we in Queensland are too parochial Commonwealth. Last year Queensland Health about industries such as our pineapple sector. actually expanded its funding to the program If we in Queensland are not parochial, who will and to the Schizophrenia Fellowship by 17%, be? The fact is that Queensland is a world but unfortunately the Commonwealth—the renowned pineapple producer. The mates of members opposite—has withdrawn 3042 Questions Without Notice 17 Aug 1999 its part of the funding, its funding for the 1800 As most members would be aware, Rural Health Line and other positions. tragically last week we had two fire deaths, and The Queensland State Government has a that has reinforced the need for us to take proud record on expanding funding for mental precautions. As the member for Ashgrove health programs, particularly in the non- stated, only 60% of Queensland homes have Government area. As the member would be smoke alarms. More than one million Queenslanders are living in homes without aware, $29m extra was provided in last year's smoke alarms. The QFRA is already doing Budget to provide extra services around the great work, but although the percentage of State and 179 extra mental health workers homes with smoke alarms has increased were employed. Those people are working with markedly in recent years, we still need to do the community across the State. That has more work. For this reason, I asked the been seen on the Gold Coast, in Cairns and in Emergency Services Advisory Council, at its Redcliffe. It is happening right across the inaugural meeting, to consider as its first role State. further initiatives to boost the number of It is very disappointing when the alarms in Queensland homes. Commonwealth withdraws services. It only half Firefighters remain committed to sets things up. Indeed, I understand that there increasing the number of smoke alarms and is a whole package of things that were to be spreading other lifesaving fire safety provided but that relied on Commonwealth messages. One example is a Sunshine Coast funding, including housing. It is very firefighter who is behind a program through disappointing to have a member of the which people can receive free advice on fire coalition stand up here and ask the State to safety in the home. By taking advantage of pick up what the Commonwealth had been Operation Safe Home, people can have funding. Where is that money going to come firefighters visit their home and give advice on from? Am I to take it from the mental health such things as where to locate smoke alarms, services on the Gold Coast, to cover the how to formulate an evacuation plan and give removal of that Commonwealth funding? Why them other safety tips. Residents are also able are they not asking their Commonwealth to request home safety audits, which involve colleagues? Why are they not asking them firefighters completing a booklet about why they are not matching the funding? Why potential danger areas in the home, such as are they not asking them why they defunded overloaded power points or faulty wiring. all of these programs in June of this year? Operation Safe Home has begun in the north coast and south-east regions, with other regions soon to follow. Smoke Alarms Fire is a deadly enemy and we must Mr FOURAS: I refer the Minister for take—and continue to take—all possible Emergency Services to the fact that around precautions. Our firefighters are able to give one third of Queensland homes are without advice on the best way to do this. There has smoke alarms. I ask: could the Minister advise never been a preventable death in a the House of what the Queensland Fire and Queensland home with a properly fitted and Rescue Authority is doing to improve this figure properly operational smoke alarm. It is and to ensure that more Queenslanders are important that people feel secure in their own protected by an early warning system of fire in homes, but it is just as important to have an their homes? escape route in the event of a fire. Fire fatalities in the home are preventable. Mrs ROSE: I thank the member for the Operation Safe Home is just one of the question. I know he shares my concern about initiatives that the QFRA has developed to the need to encourage more Queenslanders reach its goal of zero preventable fire deaths. to install smoke alarms in their homes. Last A lower fire death toll in recent years can be year, four people lost their lives in preventable attributed to a combination of increased fire domestic fires. That was the lowest figure of awareness within the community and the the 1990s and well below the State's average success of fire education and prevention in recent years of about 20 deaths a year. programs conducted by the QFRA. However, while the increasing effort that firefighters have put in to public education campaigns have paid some dividends, they Gocorp also know that they cannot afford to be Mr CONNOR: I ask the acting Treasurer: complacent about pushing the fire safety is he aware that on-line newspapers are messages. beaming the story of the net bet affair and 17 Aug 1999 Matters of Public Interest 3043 associated stories around the globe via the MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST Internet—I table those stories—with headlines Gocorp including "Net gambling rocks Queensland Parliament", "Net bet affair heats up", and Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers "FBI targets offshore betting sites"? Does the Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) acting Treasurer believe that the actions of the (11.44 a.m.): Over recent days many stood down Treasurer have undermined the Queenslanders have been asking the question international credibility of Queensland? whether the Beattie Labor Government is incompetent, corrupt or both. After the Mr SPEAKER: Order! The time for abysmal performance and the absolute questions has expired. contempt with which the Premier and acting Treasurer treated this Parliament today, I think that we are entitled to ask whether the acting PRIVILEGE Treasurer is incompetent, corrupt or both. Alleged Misleading of House What we are seeing today is a massive exercise in defeat—in defeat of common Hon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) decency and ethics in Government—through (Minister for Education) (11.42 a.m.): I rise on an underhanded attempt by the acting a matter of privilege. Before the condolence Treasurer to deflect attention away from motion, the member for Merrimac told the himself and his Government. House that a certain document became public as a result of an FOI application. In fact, it has The great scandals of public not been released under FOI, and I suggest administration in Queensland have always that the member knows that very well. It has in been under Labor Governments—the fact been released personally by me in the Mungana affair, "Red Ted" Theodore, "Fine light of the school uniforms debate. In those Cut" Foley and now, more recently, the circumstances, I now ask you, Mr Speaker, to deliberate and premeditated efforts of the give the honourable member the opportunity Beattie Labor Government to award to withdraw and correct his misleading of Queensland's first Internet gaming licence to Parliament. If he refuses to correct that blatant companies associated with three Labor mates, misleading of the House, I ask you to consider one of whom bragged that he stood to make referring his misleading of the House to the in excess of $20m from the deal. Members' Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges It is clear that the Premier and acting Committee. Treasurer is not interested in answering the Mr QUINN: Mr Speaker, I understand that questions that Queenslanders want answered. the document in fact was promised to an It is becoming increasingly clear that the only officer in the Opposition office by the FOI way we can get to the bottom of this whole officer from the— messy affair is through a full, open public inquiry with the acting Treasurer, the former Mr SPEAKER: Order! This is not a Treasurer, the Deputy Speaker and the other debate. Is the member going to withdraw or Labor mates under oath and subject to cross- will we carry on? examination. Mr Wells interjected. This morning the Opposition asked a Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Minister for number of questions. If those questions had Education! I will allow the member to finish. been answered openly and honestly, the acting Treasurer could have put this scandal to Mr QUINN: Mr Speaker, I am not going to bed. I wish to speak a little about the massive withdraw the statement that I made, because I deceit that is now under way. A question that I believe it to be true. asked was why the acting Treasurer—the Premier—for the past two weeks has failed to use his extensive powers under the Interactive SCRUTINY OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Gambling (Player Protection) Act to suspend or Report cancel the Gocorp licence pending the outcome of the investigations by the Attorney- Mrs LAVARCH (Kurwongbah—ALP) General and the Criminal Justice Commission. (11.43 a.m.): I lay upon the table of the House Why is it necessary to bring in special the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee's Alert retrospective legislation? It is necessary to Digest No. 9 of 1999, and I move that it be bring in special retrospective legislation only if printed. we want to protect Gocorp minus the Labor Ordered to be printed. mates. We all know that no-one knows who 3044 Matters of Public Interest 17 Aug 1999 else is involved. There are reports and I say that there must now be serious rumours; no-one knows who else is involved. questions about the competence of the The fact is that under section 48 of the Premier, the ethics of the Premier, the honesty Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act of the Premier and the decency of the Premier 1998, the Minister may suspend an interactive for not using the powers that he has under the gambling licence immediately if the Minister interactive gaming Act to at least suspend the believes a ground exists to suspend or cancel licence until such time as the Criminal Justice the licence, circumstances are extraordinary Commission and the Auditor-General have and so on. Section 44 of that Act details visited the issue and made a report. Just as grounds for suspension or cancellation. But Queenslanders have been asking, "Is this also, most importantly, any decisions taken by Government corrupt or incompetent?" the acting Treasurer under the Interactive Queenslanders today, as a result of the Gambling (Player Protection) Act are not Premier's actions in this Parliament, can now justiciable. Section 59 of the Act states— ask, "Is the Premier incompetent or corrupt?" He can take his choice. "A decision of the Governor in Council or Minister made, or appearing to We have had a litany of untruths from the be made, under this Act about an member for Brisbane Central. First of all, we interactive gambling licence, a person with had the Sergeant Schultz defence: he knew an interest or potential interest in an nothing. This morning he was at pains to point interactive gambling licence, the out how much everyone knew about the authorisation (or revocation of the Gocorp application except, of course, himself. authorisation) of an interactive game or He said he knew nothing. Then, of course, the approval (or cancellation of the there was the famous memo—the ministerial approval) of an exemption scheme— directive to the member for Ipswich to get involved, the memo from the chief of staff in (a) is final and conclusive; the Premier's office to the chief of staff in the (b) cannot be challenged, appealed Treasurer's office. It stated— against, reviewed, quashed, set "The Premier has requested that you aside, or called in question in another urgently have an appropriate staff way, under the Judicial Review Act member discuss Internet gambling with 1991 or otherwise (whether by the Bill D'Arcy, MLA." Supreme Court, another court, a tribunal or another entity); and We have in this State now a Premier with some similarities to President Yeltsin—"Boris" (c) is not subject to any writ or order of Beattie. He sacks everyone but himself. It is the Supreme Court, another court, a always someone else's fault. We have seen tribunal or another entity on any him leapfrogging; we have seen him ground." backflipping. He said there was no need for It already exists under the legislation. the Treasurer to stand aside. Then, of course, Therefore, the question must be asked: why the Treasurer stood aside. He said he could has the Premier, as acting Treasurer for two not influence the Deputy Speaker into weeks, having had this weaponry in his arsenal standing aside. The Deputy Speaker stands to deal effectively with the Gocorp financial aside. He said he could not stop the Deputy scandal in a manner that does not open the Speaker going to Trinidad and Tobago. Then State of Queensland to compensation and the Deputy Speaker decides not to go to attack in the courts and that does not expose Trinidad and Tobago. He said the other day the taxpayers of Queensland, refused to that it would be illegal for the Parliament to exercise those provisions of that legislation? pass legislation to stop Labor Holdings buying Instead, he is about to bring into this place shares in the privatised TAB—he could not do and seek to rush through the Parliament in it—and then he announced that he was going one day a Bill that will protect Gocorp minus to do it, "It is in the legislation." the three Labor mates who have so far been Queenslanders can rightfully ask the identified, yet we do not know which other question: how can we believe anything this Labor mates or associates may still be man says any more? This morning when he involved in the application. That is quite apart could have put this issue to bed, when he from the fact that any Labor mate would be could have said, "No, I didn't meet anyone able to park their shareholding and come to an associated with Gocorp; no, there was a very arrangement with a colleague or another good reason why I didn't exercise my shareholder to recoup the financial gains at Executive authority under the interactive some later time. gaming legislation; no, I wasn't aware of such 17 Aug 1999 Matters of Public Interest 3045 discussions; no, I'm not aware of any however, recognise the formation of the Cairns instructions being given to the Under Regional Economic Development Corporation, Treasurer, the Deputy Under Treasurer, the which during that period went ahead of its own Director of the Office of Gaming Regulation", accord and is now, in partnership with the he fudged every question. He refused to Department of State Development, leading the answer question after question after question, programs of which I wish to speak today. and that raises questions about the Premier Several weeks ago in Cairns we held what himself. was called a cluster muster, a muster of the Time expired. economic development clusters which have formed under CREDC and the State Development Department's programs. Clusters Regional Economic Development are groups of related industry players in a Ms BOYLE (Cairns—ALP) (11.54 a.m.): I particular sector, related and sometimes rise to speak today about a matter that I am competitors, but nonetheless generally working sure all members of this honourable House in that industry sector and sometimes in a would agree is an important matter for complementary fashion. So we now have Government, and that is regional economic clusters in the far north focused on food, development. While we might all agree that health, education, fishing, information those words are important, the exact way in technology and other areas. These clusters which Government contributes to regional have taken some time to form, to meet, to economic development is a very much more formulate an agenda and to build a trust and difficult issue, as has been shown by the confidence in doing business together. It was various programs through which the at the recent cluster muster, led so ably by the Queensland Government has attempted to chairman of CREDC, Pat Flanagan, who was assist regions with their economic on the day referred to as the cluster muster development over many years. master, that we heard of the progress of each of the clusters in Cairns. It is a difficult issue because,region by region around the State, there needs to be a I would like to bring to the attention of the fairness in the way that different kinds of House some of those important initiatives. It programs that are delivered. It is difficult was indeed important to hear that the fishing because there needs to be a fairness to each industry, self-evident in its importance for the of the industry sectors within a region and yet, far north, probably the third largest contributor at the same time, regional economic to the regional economy and home, of course, development is not something that is the in Cairns and the far north to Australia's largest same around the State. It is something that fishing fleet, has got together and formed a requires us, of course, to take advantage of a company to advance its joint agenda. I look region's competitive advantages. forward to the increased importance that fishing will have and to the additional In particular today I would like to report on contribution that will be made to the stabilising progress in Cairns and the far north with some of the regional economy through the exciting programs under the heading of progressive growth of the fishing and marine regional development, guided—led, in fact—by sector. our Deputy Premier, the Honourable Jim Elder, who is also the Minister for State Development The construction industry with its long and Minister for Trade. It is no accident, I history of having been a robust competitor for might remind members, that he was the business both within our region and external to Minister for Business, Industry and Regional the region has itself formed into a cluster. It is, Development at the time that the regional may I say, somewhat encouraged by our economic development strategy in Cairns was Beattie Government's moves through the commissioned by his then department. That Minister, Rob Schwarten, to reform State strategy, in fact, has been a very important Purchasing Policy and to ensure that regional foundation on which the economic companies in construction and in capital works development of the region is now progressing. areas, as well as in other areas, are given a fair go and a fair share of the Government After Mr Elder's tenure as Minister for work available. Through their joint action in the Business, Industry and Regional Development, cluster, however, they are hopeful that it will during the period of the Borbidge Government not be long before Brisbane will be nothing much happened in the area of complaining that the combination of the skills regional economic development—at least in and expertise of companies in the far north is the far north. It was a forgotten subject—our raiding contracts in the south-east corner of previous efforts were forgotten. I must, the State. 3046 Matters of Public Interest 17 Aug 1999

The food cluster is a really important and culture cluster and the professional cluster for the far north. Of course, we know services cluster. These clusters have two jobs that there are particular and exciting tropical to do, as it were. While they certainly wish to fruits and other foods that are grown on the optimise their own direct industry opportunities Atherton Tableland. Farmers have not by working together in their clusters, they have previously been in a position, however, to take also recognised that both are clusters which the time and develop the expertise to source value add to the other clusters. The arts and overseas markets for their products and to culture cluster can add to the tourism assess the particular niche markets that might experience. It can add to information be available for some of the exotic produce technology in both design and content. It can from the tablelands. Nor are they experts in add also to the construction industry by transport and export processes. This strategy incorporating aspects of culture and heritage combines all of those who are part of the food and artistic design that will make a construction chain—from the growers on the tablelands more than simply a building. In the same way, right through to those who will source the the professional services cluster adds to the markets, sell to the markets and present the other industry clusters. product from our tablelands to exciting cities This is exciting regional development and such as Singapore and New York. a new age in regional development allowing In the process of developing our food each sector to proceed at its own speed—as strategy and these linkages, we are fast as it is able. I am sure that over the next emphasising the development of a tropical several years we in Cairns will see businesses cuisine. I am sure that honourable members retained and expanded, which is the core who have travelled, whether just around purpose of the Cairns Regional Economic Australia or overseas for that matter, will recall Development Corporation. I offer my the meals they have had on their tours. They congratulations to John Dean, who so ably will remember the restaurants, hotels and even leads CREDC in partnership with Minister Jim street vendors who have provided some Elder and the Department of State dreadful food for them. This will have stayed in Development. Together they are looking after their memories, as will those restaurants or the economic development of the far north of those very special meals that do form such an Queensland very well. important part of the holiday and even business experience when travelling. It is our ambition in Cairns, therefore, that the food Gocorp strategy will also contribute to the development of our tropical cuisine so that members who Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the visit Cairns and tourists from far flung areas in Liberal Party) (12.04 p.m.): Last month, in the Australia and overseas will find that the tropical wake of the Productivity Commission's cuisine of Cairns is an increasingly important disturbing report on gambling, the Treasurer part of their experience. promised to curb gaming growth in Queensland. He said that the report reflected I am pleased to say that our tourism the preliminary findings of the Government's cluster, which was formed many years ago, is own review, which was also nearing looking to expand and to find ways in which completion. He cried crocodile tears about the supporting industries in Cairns can add to their impact of gambling on Queensland's families business and to tourism. For example, the and children. What a farce! What hypocrisy! manufacturers of furniture, of tableware, are The ink had barely dried on his media release looking at ways they can showcase their when we discovered that he had personally products better through our tourism hotels and paved the way for three of his Labor mates to resorts. operate our first interactive casino. Exciting opportunities are offered through Mr HAMILL: Mr Deputy Speaker, I rise to the information technology cluster. We have a point of order. Those words are untrue, they considerable expertise in this area in the far are offensive and I ask that they be withdrawn. north and we are already selling product to destinations overseas. At the moment the IT Dr WATSON: If he finds them offensive, I cluster is working on a project relating to withdraw. He personally approved the licence information in public areas of the CBD. I am which allowed three of his Labor mates to sure that this will be an important contribution operate our first interactive casino. to the Cairns CBD revitalisation program. Mr HAMILL: Mr Deputy Speaker, I rise to Two further clusters are taking a a point of order. Those words are untrue, they somewhat different tack. These are the arts are offensive and I ask that they be withdrawn. 17 Aug 1999 Matters of Public Interest 3047

Dr WATSON: I withdraw them. This casino superannuation funds, with multiple is a licence to print money—an estimated beneficiaries. The structure is such that it could $200m. The licence is as good as money in harbour any number of nest eggs for Labor the bank. Two of the Treasurer's Labor mates mates and other suspect characters, with little came from his home town of Ipswich. Two of hope of discovery in the ordinary course of them were members of the same Labor events. They should have been disclosed to faction—the Premier's faction. At least two of the Treasurer in the probity process. the key figures in this scandal have criminal The nature and extent of any such convictions. At least one of them failed to association must be a key element of the disclose those convictions. CJC's inquiry and the inquiry of the Auditor- The more we dig, the more we find. General. Geoffrey Ian Koo and Bradley Ronald Companies we have never heard of before are McCosker are two individuals who established now household names—Gocorp, Navari and the original venture—Australian Online Topki. There are plenty of other concerns, Gaming, or sometimes referred to as even aside from their Labor mates. For Australian Online Entertainment—with former example, one of Navari's serving directors has champion athlete Reg Austin. Mr Austin is Mr been associated with a string of high profile McCosker's uncle. In 1997 Mr Austin was business failures. In 1990 his chain of convicted of fraud and stripped of his OAM. Toucano Char restaurants went into It is passing strange that Mr Austin, one liquidation, owing creditors approximately $3m. of the three principal movers in Australian He was also the head of the failed building Online Gaming, had no visible shareholding in group Wilson Industries. Another key figure in Gocorp. We can understand Mr Austin's the net bet scandal was convicted of fraud for natural reluctance to disclose his criminal past, misappropriating $93,000 from Mercantile but not to the extent that he would totally Mutual. Every day has brought a fresh relinquish his slice of the action. The CJC—and revelation. the Auditor-General, if he has the powers to do The most astounding revelation of all was so, but I doubt it—must investigate whether Mr that the Treasurer knew about these dodgy Austin parked his interest in another legal characters before he approved the licence. He entity associated with Gocorp, with his nephew knew that his Labor mates were closely linked Mr McCosker, or with any other individual. to the venture. He knew of their criminal The other key player in this sordid, sorry convictions. He also knew—or should have affair was Navari Pty Ltd. Navari has a known—of the spectacular business failures. substantial shareholding in Gocorp, variously The people of Queensland are entitled to reported as being between 12% and 20%. know how this application ever got through the Mr Hamill: Twelve. probity process. It is a bit late now, but even Dr WATSON: That was a delusion. It was the Premier has expressed grave concern at between 12% and 20%. We understand that the thick maze of networks and interests Navari's directors, at least until recent involved in this venture. He has good reason days—although we have not seen that to be concerned, and so do the people of confirmed yet with the ASIC reports—were Lois Queensland. On paper it looks like something Margaret D'Arcy, Cheryl Louise Livingstone the Mafia might have dreamed up for money and James Frederick Wilson. Lois Margaret laundering. It is a story of Labor intrigue, with D'Arcy is the wife and business partner of the member for Woodridge, Labor's long- Labor mate William Theodore D'Arcy, the reputed bagman, at the centre of a very member for Woodridge. Cheryl Louise tangled web. Livingstone is the wife and business partner of In the time available I can touch on only a another Labor mate, Don Livingstone. Mr few of the issues involved. Let me begin with Livingstone is a senior adviser to the Minister Gocorp Pty Ltd. Gocorp is the "corporate for Public Works and Minister for Housing and entity" to which this Government saw fit to a former member for Ipswich West. James issue Queensland's first Internet gaming Frederick Wilson is a prominent businessman licence. At the time of Gocorp receiving this associated with a number of notable disasters, licence it had four shareholders: Navari Pty which I talked about earlier. Ltd, Topki Holdings Pty Ltd, Geoffrey Ian Koo These are not the only colourful and Bradley Ronald McCosker. Navari Pty Ltd characters associated with Navari. As best we was the home of the Treasurer's three Labor can tell, Navari had eight shareholders, at least mates, among others—his factional allies and until last week. The CJC must investigate the next door neighbours. Topki Holdings Pty Ltd other five, some of whom seem to be is a company which administers multiple somewhat shy. In some cases, there seems to 3048 Matters of Public Interest 17 Aug 1999 have been a deliberate attempt to disguise is false and incorrect. The suggestion that I their identity and involvement. Let me start would give him one is offensive and I ask that with Delrex Pty Ltd. This is the family company it be withdrawn. of Donald William and Cheryl Louise Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): Livingstone. They have been with Navari since Order! The member for Moggill. 1994. But after five years, they have closed their accounts and shut up shop. That is their Dr WATSON: I withdraw it. He ignored the story, and they are sticking to it. I do not know alarm bells, he ignored the flashing red lights if it is true or not, but it is another line of inquiry and he threw caution to the wind. The people which must be pursued by the CJC. It is of Queensland are entitled to know why. They difficult to accept any corporate restructuring at are entitled to know if it had anything to do this stage—and in these circumstances—at with Manbury's other business ventures. For face value. example, Manbury is also associated with Amarance Pty Ltd, headed by another well- Another influential shareholder in this known Labor mate, Ian Brusasco. Manbury is tantalising web of intrigue is The Ultimate also associated with Texberg Pty Ltd, a wholly Solution Pty Ltd. The face behind this owned Labor company. The complex web of company is high-profile Ipswich councillor and relationships between Mr Wilson, Labor mates Labor mate Paul Pisasale. Like Delrex, The and Labor companies must also be probed by Ultimate Solution has been associated with the Auditor-General and the CJC. Navari since 1994. Like Delrex, its recent restructuring also warrants further investigation. Leaving these tantalising coincidences The people of Queensland are entitled to be aside, let me turn my attention to Rodney reassured that these companies have not David Hegarty, based in the Philippines. Mr simply parked their gaming interests Hegarty is the sort of businessman who would elsewhere. The CJC should also probe the full be very much at home at the Cat Walk Club extent of Councillor Pisasale's involvement with and Sante Fe Gold in the Premier's own Labor's well-heeled network of investment electorate of Brisbane Central. His interests companies. would certainly have raised an eyebrow or two in the Office of Gaming Regulation. In short, The Tahoe Superfund is yet another he represents the sleazy side of tourism in the shareholder in Navari. The information on this Philippines. Again, the people of Queensland particular player is particularly scarce. There is are entitled to ask if Mr Hegarty was an no supporting information except its registered appropriate person to have been involved with address, which is the same as that of D. M. Queensland's first Internet gaming licence. and D. E. Eadeh. So who are the Eadehs? Well, in addition to their interest in Navari, they In addition to the interests I referred to are also partners in Probah Pty Ltd with none earlier, Mr D'Arcy also shares interests in other other than the member for Woodridge, the companies. central player in this whole affair. As I said at Time expired. the outset, the more we dig, the more we find. That brings me to another incestuous Chronic Fatigue Syndrome shareholder in Navari, Manbury Pty Ltd. Mr PEARCE (Fitzroy—ALP) (12.24 p.m.): I Manbury is wholly owned by the Wilson family rise to speak about the difficulties confronting company. The head of the Wilson clan is a marginalised group of chronically impaired James Frederick Wilson. As I mentioned persons within our community whose needs earlier, Mr Wilson has been associated with a are being ignored and who are facing attack string of corporate collapses. The people of from the big insurance companies. With Queensland are entitled to wonder why the extracts from documents in my possession Government saw fit to approve his association and citing a constituent's case as an example, with the State's first Internet gaming licence. I will today expose the private insurance No objective assessment of his track record industry for its blatant and selfish disrespect for could have supported his involvement. No the sick and the suffering who insure reasonable person could have been satisfied themselves against unexpected illness. I might that Mr Wilson was a fit and proper person to add that I received news yesterday that my hold a gaming licence. That did not stop the constituent's health is in serious decline. There Treasurer. He ignored the alarm bells, he is no doubt that her long-running battle with ignored the flashing red lights and he threw one of the nation's big insurers, National caution to the wind. Mutual, is responsible for that decline in her Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. The health. I am concerned for her, and I urge her claim that this Mr Wilson has a gaming licence to keep up the fight. 17 Aug 1999 Matters of Public Interest 3049

These people have paid premiums with I have here notes handwritten by an the expectation of maintaining their quality of insurance assessor to someone in a higher life through an agreement signed by both position. The assessor's intent is clear, that is, parties for income and/or mortgage protection. he has attempted to discredit obviously The people of whom I speak are those with favourable reports on a client by two the condition known as myalgic specialists. The first worrying factor is that, all encephalomyelitis, ME, or chronic fatigue of a sudden, this assessor believes he is syndrome, CFS. Current statistics indicate that expert enough to question the specialist's around 0.5% of our population, or 500 in every diagnosis of the claimant's condition. He 100,000 Australians, suffer from this condition. says— Because the disease cannot as yet be "My own view is that Dr X's report is easily explained in terms of its root physical not worth a cracker. It is on par with the cause, many of its physical symptoms, which material we had recently from the lady are not part of a medically understood doctor specialising in CFS. I don't believe disease, are often miscategorised as being of that fatigue is disabling to start with." psychiatric origin. This means that any How would members in this place like to have emerging illness such as CFS, whose root that character assessing them or a member of cause currently remains unknown, is highly their family? This is unprofessional and likely to be viewed as a psychiatric problem unethical but typical of the underhand tactics until the underlying pathology is discovered. being used by insurers. Interestingly, I am told that psychiatric literature The assessor goes on to say in his is full of references describing the psychiatric report— origins of diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, polio and AIDS, whose "What we really need now is a physical causes were subsequently uncovered counter-opinion. Have we yet found a after years of being described as psychiatric doctor with an opposing view on CFS?" disorders. So what this assessor is saying is that there While many within the medical are two opinions with which he does not agree community, especially those dealing with CFS because they support the claimant's case. patients on a regular basis, have Members must remember that this assessor acknowledged the physical aspects of the does not believe that CFS is disabling, and he disease, few research dollars are being knows that the company needs to find a directed towards finding the underlying doctor with an opposing view. Why an physical cause. While it has been a battle for opposing view? Because that would provide claimants, some State Government insurers the basis for the rejection of the claim, and this have finally recognised the disease and have is the insurer's obvious agenda. compensated several cases of CFS total and Within this self-regulated industry, the permanent disablement, or TPD, but the insured person has no rights when calling on continuing controversy over the lack of an the insurance company to be accountable for accurate diagnostic marker has played into the its actions. The claimant has no right to access hands of the private insurance companies, reports supplied to the insurer by their so- which have taken a hard line when it comes to called medical experts, yet the company can TPD claims for CFS. call on the claimant to disclose everything but the colour of their underwear. In working their Obviously, private insurers are unwilling to way through the application process, the set a precedent in awarding TPD payouts for claimant is more often than not forced into CFS. Instead, they appear to be using every financial hardship, despair, frustration and, weapon in their dirty tricks arsenal to stall finally, submission, while the insurers use their claimants' applications and discourage them in powerful resource base to destroy the very their efforts to access funds to which they are people their policies are supposed to be rightfully entitled. In fact, I can tell the protecting. Parliament that I have in my possession certain documents that expose insurance They are not concerned about the loss of companies for conspiring to ensure that no income, the loss of self esteem, or the precedent is set when it comes to CFS and breakdown of relationships that the claimant TPD claims. I do not intend to put all my cards must endure. The insurers suffer no penalties on the table today, but insurance companies for their actions. like National Mutual need to understand that I Further evidence of the intent of intend to expose them for their relentless insurance companies is highlighted in a quote attack on the sick. from a letter of referral presented to an 3050 Matters of Public Interest 17 Aug 1999 appeals tribunal. A doctor concerned "that psychiatric verdict against her, either in an there was potential for setting a precedent in effort to discredit her or to eventually pay her the issue of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" wrote out under some condition other than CFS— to a professor about the issue and I quote obviously to protect the company's "no from that letter as presented to the tribunal— precedent" policy. "I think it extremely likely that unless My constituent has been requested to dissenting opinion is put forward, attend another psychiatric evaluation, despite Comcare may well end up accepting having fronted two psychiatrists in the last liability. To date, Chronic Fatigue three years, the first who indicated that she Syndrome has not been accepted as was stressed, not depressed, and the second being work related and I fear that if this who wrote that he could find not the slightest were to happen the floodgates would sign of any psychiatric disturbance. The insurer really burst open in a disastrous fashion." is now attempting to imply that my constituent If that is not a blatant attempt to influence an has not been forthcoming with all medical opinion, what is it? evidence by claiming that she failed to authorise the release of her records. This is As further evidence of the underhand despite her submitting a release document to tactics of the companies, I now turn to the the insurer when her initial claim was lodged in case of one of my constituents whose story, I 1996. The fact that the insurer has again am told, is typical of the treatment that many requested clearance indicates that no effort CFS sufferers are receiving at the hands of was made to obtain this evidence for her initial private insurers. After years of appeal, my claim, and supports the belief that her original constituent was finally retired in 1996 as totally claim was rejected out of hand and without and permanently disabled due to CFS by the due consideration of her full medical history. Government Superannuation Office and the Education Department. Since then, she has What this case highlights is that those been fighting a long and frustrating battle with with CFS who, in good faith and while in good National Mutual Insurance to access a TPD health, took the precaution of insuring against payout and compulsory mortgage protection the possibility of a career-shattering insurance. impairment are now being abandoned to their During an extended claim process fate. My constituent's case and the documentation that I have quoted from today spanning three years from 1996 to the provide clear evidence that insurance present, my constituent has been subjected to companies are in the game of doing what they what most would consider unreasonable can to deny people natural justice. Through an treatment and bad faith behaviour by her immoral and unjust process the companies are insurer. Some examples include the apparent denying the battlers and the sick the right to a automatic rejection of her original application fair go. without a full investigation of all available medical evidence. Her subsequent appeal was The treatment that CFS sufferers are also rejected without a full investigation of all receiving from insurance companies is purely medical evidence and on the grounds of a and simply victimisation and could well video recording of my constituent—evidence constitute discrimination on the basis of a which is considered highly questionable given specific impairment. If those with CFS are ever that the activity taped was directly provoked by to receive a fair go, it is clear that what is the surveillance undertaken. What occurred needed is a thorough investigation of the was that the insurer's surveillance of my private insurance industry's handling of all CFS constituent and her family so distressed her disablement claims. Those whose insurance son that he decided to leave home. My claims are rejected will more than likely finish constituent did what any parent would do and up with the backside out of their pants, living assisted her son in moving. It was filmed off the taxpayer. We, as taxpayers, have the footage of this activity that was used against right to know what is going on. her. Time expired. Although my constituent lodged a re- application earlier this year, National Mutual deliberately failed to respond to all Ipswich Inc; Mr Paul Pisasale communication, including mail, faxes and Mr PAFF (Ipswich West—ONP) phone calls. It was not until I was asked to (12.26 p.m.): I rise with great concern with intervene that National Mutual finally instigated regard to developments in the Ipswich area. I further contact with her. The company's latest refer to politics which have greatly shamed the ploy appears to be to try to bring down a citizens of the region. These shameful actions 17 Aug 1999 Matters of Public Interest 3051 have developed over a number of years and bet affair. How far does this perceived web have now become known locally as Ipswich extend? Councillor Pisasale admits that he has Inc. criminal convictions for theft and assault. The When running as a mayoral candidate, I question arises as to how Mr Hamill made the became aware that other candidates had probity checks on Mr Pisasale and others for a been offered and received what could be casino licence. considered political bribes by Mr Maha Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. I Sinnathamby of Springfield developments. I find the implication not only offensive but believe this was the beginning of the net bet untrue. I do not undertake probity checks. affair. Probity checks are undertaken by the Office of Since about 1993, Councillor Paul Gaming Regulation. I ask that that remark be Pisasale of the Ipswich City Council has woven withdrawn. a web of business connections that reach Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Will the throughout Queensland and Asia. It is known member for Ipswich West withdraw? that Mr Pisasale has connections with a Mr PAFF: It is a fact. The Treasurer is Singaporean billionaire, a T. P. Tay, the owner responsible for the probity checks. of the Ipswich City Square. Mr Pisasale has been active in council in pushing for a rate Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The reduction for Mr Tay. member finds it offensive. Councillor Pisasale is also on the council Mr PAFF: If he finds it offensive, I will committee for the Global Artslink and the withdraw it. Ipswich Global Infolink. Global Artslink is Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The chaired by the editor of the Queensland member will also refer to honourable members Times, Mr Mark Hinchliffe. Mr Hinchliffe and by their correct titles. Councillor Pisasale are next door neighbours. Mr PAFF: How did these people pass the The Queensland Times is known locally as the probity checks? Why was the licence granted? Pisasale Times. As Mr John Howard would say, "Maaates!" It is Mr Hamill: Who says that? incredible that Mr Wayne McDonnell, who Mr PAFF: This is reported. Many a truth worked as an electorate officer for Mr has been first said in jest. This has some Livingstone, is now working for Mr Hamill. connection with the net bet affair. The former Could it be that Mr Hamill was not aware of member for Ipswich West, Mr Don Livingstone, this? Were illicit contracts and documents is also a partner in the perceived web of deceit passed between them? This gives rise to with the member for Woodridge, Mr Bill D'Arcy. another question. Many questions are These men are all partners in a registered unanswered. company called Navari Pty Ltd. Mr Pisasale is Mr Don Livingstone has been behind a also a co-owner of a home unit at Cleveland failed attempt at an industrial site near with Mr D'Arcy's daughter. He is also in Willowbank, which is to the west of Ipswich. partnership with his brother, Councillor Charlie Some doubt was cast on the purchase of this Pisasale, in the ownership of properties. land. Navari Pty Ltd has large holdings in an The perceived web of deceit does not industrial site at Caboolture. It is also stop at this point. The member for Ipswich, Mr interesting to note that Mr Livingstone dines Hamill, now employs on his staff a Mr Wayne frequently in the members' dining room of this McDonnell. Mr McDonnell is a former House with the other members who are electorate officer to Mr Livingstone and a involved in this shameful affair. member of the Arts Council. Are these ties Because of what I have just outlined, the questionable? Do they deserve answers? The City of Ipswich and its fine people have answer is yes. suffered. Ipswich has gone from being a city of Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. I engineering excellence, manufacturing, can assure the House that there is nothing mining, cattle and farming to a city of abject questionable about any involvement with the poverty, crime, home invasions, bashings and Arts Council. murder in the streets. Is that because these councillors and politicians, who are supposed Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): to represent the people, are too busy Order! There is no point of order. representing themselves? Where were Mr PAFF: The Queensland Times, under Pisasale, Livingstone and Hamill when the the hand of Mr Mark Hinchliffe, has given employment of the region was failing, the these people some honesty, notoriety and industry was closing down and the crime credibility. I refer to local reporting of the net gangs and violence were increasing? What 3052 Matters of Public Interest 17 Aug 1999 were they doing? Lining their own pockets! will also be substantial. The economic and They were profiting from their own environmental advantages of Townsville have knowledge— long been recognised by those of us who live Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. The in the region and by the Beattie Labor statement that I have lined my own pockets is Government. I congratulate the Premier and not only untrue but also offensive, and I ask the Deputy Premier on their efforts to leave no for it to be withdrawn. stone unturned in converting the proposals for the Chevron gas pipeline and the Townsville Mr PAFF: I withdraw that. The high base load power station into reality. Each day unemployment level of the city due to the that reality gets closer and closer. closure of industries—which, I might say, all occurred under Labor—has resulted in the Last month, following two milestones, the people of Ipswich crowding onto the trains and $3.7 billion gas pipeline was effectively given onto the Ipswich Motorway travelling the green light: the signing of preliminary backwards and forwards every day at agreements between Comalco and Energex. enormous cost and involving a huge waste of The certainty of the project was further assured time. by the signing by the Premier in Port Moresby on 12 August of a third preliminary agreement This net bet affair must strike at the heart of every family man. It is an appalling with Ergon Energy. Premier Peter Beattie's indictment on those who proposed such a agreement on the same day with the Papua scandal. To think that these people, tarnished New Guinea Prime Minister to continue by their connections, were representatives of working on the pipeline reinforced the the City of Ipswich! The public is sick to death Queensland Labor Government's commitment to seeing the project through to fruition. of silvertail politicians who are arrogant and who have selfish agendas. They are sick of the We in north Queensland have also been perceived actions of the likes of Pisasale, doing our utmost to get this extremely Livingstone, Hamill and D'Arcy. Frankly, their important message across. In the past few actions make me sick as well. It is no wonder days, I received a report titled Power that the people of Ipswich and its surrounding Generation for North Queensland. It was areas have decided to turn to One Nation. The commissioned by Townsville Enterprise Limited politicians involved in this net bet affair need to and produced by Energy NQ Pty Ltd and the be disciplined severely and their affairs need to AEC group. Their findings support be scrutinised in depth. Obviously, dishonesty comprehensively the overwhelming benefits prevails in their lives. The people of Ipswich that such a program would deliver. Power deserve nothing less than the removal of the Generation for North Queensland highlights offenders—people who acted selfishly and the urgency of both projects and stresses the who, whilst their own lives prospered, let the potential and significant disadvantages if lives of their constituents fall apart. This is a neither the Chevron gas pipeline nor the shameful time for the Labor Party and a time Townsville base load power station go ahead. that, hopefully, they will never get a chance to As the member for Townsville and the repeat. Premier's representative in north Queensland, I have listened with interest to the Leader I have long advocated the necessity of of the Opposition and I support him. I ask that acquiring base load power for Townsville. I this House support the call for an inquiry. I live have supported and will energetically continue in Ipswich and I have been affected by the to support the efforts of all north number of people who have called at my office Queenslanders, both domestic and corporate, and the number of phone calls that I have in achieving that goal. received in respect of this net bet affair. I Due to many factors, north Queensland is commend the suggestion of the Leader of the currently growing at double the rate of the Opposition that there be an inquiry into this national economy. Base load power will whole sordid affair. accelerate that growth substantially to the benefit of all Australians. Confirmed capital investment of more than $3 billion is glowing Townsville Base Load Power Station testimony to confidence in north Queensland Mr REYNOLDS (Townsville—ALP) while the massive multimillion dollar projects in (12.32 p.m.): There is no question that a gas- the booming north-west minerals province fired base load power station in Townsville is further reinforce the solidity and stability of the vital to north Queensland domestic region. Townsville is unique in its status as a consumers, businesses and industries. The supply centre for goods, services and potential for spin-offs for the State's economy accommodation to this rich mining area. 17 Aug 1999 Matters of Public Interest 3053

However, that is not all. We have much more megawatts a year. The north Queensland to offer than that. region is growing at an unprecedented rate The Townsville port has just experienced and it is vital to plan ahead to meet that its 12th year of record trading and is set to demand. Therefore, I believe that the double those figures over the next 25 years. construction of a north Queensland gas-fuelled Sun Metals zinc refinery, the biggest in the base load power station is essential. Power world, is due to start production at the end of generated from our own base load power the year. QNI's nickel refinery and MIM's station would be the most cost-effective Townsville copper refinery have both recently solution for all north Queensland consumers— undergone multimillion dollar upgrades in domestic, commercial and industrial. anticipation of profitable futures. The presence However, we are not just concerned about of these three major refineries establishes meeting the region's future power needs. How Townsville as a world centre for the processing that power is supplied is also of concern to all and export of non-ferrous metals and also Queenslanders. To meet Australia's Kyoto provides exciting opportunities for downstream environmental commitments, we need to manufacturing and value adding. generate the cleanest possible power. The A cheap, clean power source will boost Chevron gas pipeline and a gas-fuelled base these secondary industries inestimably. Water load power station are consistent with the is also a major factor in any industrial Kyoto goals. expansion. Of course, Townsville has a In conclusion, let me reiterate the three plentiful supply in the Ross River Dam and, if key benefits of these two projects. Firstly, there necessary, is backed up by supply from the are our international greenhouse Burdekin Dam as well. Unlike other cities, commitments. Under the Kyoto protocol to the which are limited in the directions in which they United Nations Framework Convention on can develop, Townsville and its nearby regions Climate Change, Australia agreed to achieve have plenty of room for expansion to the assigned amounts of "aggregate north, to the south and to the west. Already, anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent the city provides a diversified industrial base emissions of greenhouse gases" over the and, because of its regional capital status, is period 2008 to 2012. Australia's commitment home to a significant Public Service is 108% of the 1990 level of carbon dioxide population. It is also the home of Lavarack equivalent emissions. Using open cycle gas as Barracks, a large RAAF base, and the recently a fuel source in power stations results in the completed multimillion dollar facilities for the production of about half the CO2 emissions as Army's coast logistics support regiment. These compared with a coal-fired power station. give Townsville a stable, reliable and broad Secondly, I will elaborate on the benefits economic base which, combined with its of the Townsville solution. It is estimated that substantial existing infrastructure, natural both projects will result in $6m in related assets and its perfect proximity to the industrial development. This equates to proposed Chevron gas pipeline, make it the 60,000 Queensland jobs and $3.2 billion in obvious site for a base load power station. I gross State product. Thirdly, we will avoid the put it to members that no other city in Australia perpetuation of current high transmission could give the same assurances or boast such an excellent basis upon which to build. costs. Today I have covered only some of the benefits. There will be many others because of To be competitive, industry must have the improved reliability and assurance of reliable supporting infrastructure, assured cheap and clean power. The benefits will be water supplies, efficient road, rail and port realised throughout the community. access and a cheap source of power. Already, Townsville has all of those, except a base load As I indicated previously, this Beattie power source. We are totally dependent upon Labor Government has left no stone unturned. power generated a long way south. In the I congratulate the Premier who, over the last event of a cyclone, currently we run the risk of 14 months, has worked tremendously hard for being without power for a prolonged period. the north Queensland region. As the State Such a scenario is not only totally member for Townsville, I am very proud to unacceptable but also unnecessary, given the have had that leadership in regard to the simple solution of a base load gas-fuelled ongoing development of the City of Townsville. power station in Townsville. In this part of the Over the last five decades, Townsville has world, these are some of the problems seen tremendous industrial growth. In the associated with the tyranny of distance. The 1950s, the city's development was very much demand for power is increasing across the influenced by the development of the copper State at the rate of 250 megawatts to 300 refineries in Townsville, which further 3054 Papers 17 Aug 1999 developed the nexus between Mount Isa and 13 August 1999— Townsville. The 1960s saw the development of The Brisbane Cricket Ground Trust— the Lavarack Army base, which resulted in Annual Report and Financial Statements tremendous growth. Approximately 10,000 for the year ended 31 March 1999 people were employed either by the Army or STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS support services. In the 1970s we saw the The following statutory instruments were tabled development of the Queensland Nickel refinery by The Clerk— at Yabulu, some 17 kilometres north of Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Act Townsville. That was a great development for 1966, Agricultural Standards Act 1994, Apiaries Townsville. In the 1980s we saw the great Act 1982, Exotic Diseases in Animals Act 1981, expansion of tourism projects with the Stock Act 1915— development of the Sheraton Breakwater Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Casino, the associated marina off the Strand, Regulation (No. 2) 1999, No. 184 the Great Barrier Reef Wonderland and other Attorney-General Act 1999— associated tourism developments. There was Proclamation—the provisions of the Act a great deal of pride associated with that that are not in force commence 1 August expansion. In the 1990s, we have seen the 1999, No. 173 development of the Sun Metals/Korea Zinc Auctioneers and Agents Act 1971— project just south of Townsville. Auctioneers and Agents (Exemptions) The last five decades has been a great Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 1999, period of development for the City of No. 182 Townsville and the north Queensland region. Cooperatives Act 1997— The leadership shown by Premier Beattie in Cooperatives Amendment Regulation regard to the Chevron gas pipeline and the (No. 1) 1999, No. 186 baseload power station will make Townsville an Criminal Justice Act 1989— even better place in the next millennium. Criminal Justice Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 1999, No. 185 PAPERS Electricity Act 1994— PAPERS TABLED DURING THE RECESS Electricity Amendment Regulation (No. 5) 1999, No. 169 The Clerk informed the House that the Fisheries Act 1994— following papers, received during the recess, were tabled on the dates indicated— Fisheries Amendment Regulation (No. 4) 1999, No. 187 29 July 1999— Food Act 1981, Health Act 1937, Health Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Services Act 1991— Review Committee Report No. 16— Health Legislation Amendment Regulation Review of the Transplantation and (No. 1) 1999, No. 174 Anatomy Amendment Bill 1998 Forestry Act 1959— Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee—non confidential Forestry (State Forests) Amendment submissions received by it in relation to its Regulation (No. 2) 1999, No. 176 review of the Transplantation and Gaming Machine Act 1991— Anatomy Amendment Bill 1998 Gaming Machine Amendment Regulation 2 August 1999— (No. 2) 1999, No. 180 Criminal Justice Commission—Report Gladstone Power Station Agreement Act 1993, entitled "Police and Drugs: A follow-up State Development and Public Works report" Organisation Act 1971— State Development (Gladstone) 3 August 1999— Legislation Amendment and Repeal Electoral Commission of Queensland— Regulation (No. 1) 1999, No. 167 Mulgrave By-Election 1998 Statistical Health Practitioners (Special Events Exemption) Returns Act 1998— Mount Isa Mines Panel Assessment Health Practitioners (Special Events Study—Report No. 3, 13 February to 12 Exemption) Amendment Regulation (No. 1) August 1999 1999, No. 175 12 August 1999— Industrial Relations Act 1999— Trust Company of Australia Limited— Proclamation—the provisions of the Act Annual Report for the year ended 28 that are not in force commence 2 August February 1999 1999, No. 172 17 Aug 1999 Papers 3055

Justices Act 1886— recreational duck and quail harvesting in Justices Amendment Regulation (No. 3) Queensland 1999, No. 181 Thank you for your letter of 11 June 1999 Petroleum Act 1923— concerning a petition received by the Queensland Legislative Assembly Petroleum (Entry Permission—South requesting the Minister for Environment Pacific Pipeline Company) Notice 1999, and Heritage and Minister for Natural No. 179 Resources amend the Nature State Development and Public Works Conservation Act 1992 and ban the Organisation Act 1971— practice of recreational duck and quail State Development (South Bank harvesting in Queensland. Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge) Regulation Six species of duck and two species of 1999, No. 188 quail are permitted to be hunted in Sugar Industry Act 1991— Queensland. Under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, the primary Sugar Industry (Local Area Negotiation management objective for these species is and Dispute Resolution) Amendment to ensure their survival and natural Guideline (No. 1) 1999, No. 178 distribution in the wild. Superannuation (State Public Sector) Act Queensland has provided for an annual 1990— recreational Duck and Quail hunting Superannuation (State Public Sector) season for many years without any Amendment Notice (No. 3) 1999, No. 171 discernible detrimental impact on waterfowl or quail populations. Superannuation (State Public Sector) Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 1999, The Nature Conservation (Duck and Quail) No. 168 Conservation Plan 1995 permits duck and quail hunting in Queensland only during a Timber Utilisation and Marketing Act 1987— declared Harvest Period if the person Timber Utilisation and Marketing holds a valid recreational wildlife Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 1999, harvesting licence for the nominated No. 177 species. This licence can only be issued if Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) the applicant has passed a duck Act 1994— identification test. Transport Operations (Passenger Prior to each hunting season, the Transport) Amendment Regulation (No. 2) Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service 1999, No. 170 (QPWS), in consultation with key stakeholder groups such as the Travel Agents Act 1988— Queensland Ornithological Society, Travel Agents Amendment Regulation Wildlife Preservation Society, Sporting (No. 1) 1999, No. 183 Shooters Association, Canine Control University of Queensland Act 1998— Council and the Queensland Game and Field Association, carefully review University of Queensland Statute No. 4 environmental conditions and population (Student Discipline and Misconduct) 1999 surveys before determining if a harvest University of Queensland (Statute No. 13 season is to proceed. Repeal) 1999 The QPWS is aware of the major issues MINISTERIAL RESPONSE TO A concerning the use of leadshot and has PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE REPORT addressed these issues in some detail in The following response to a parliamentary the Conservation Plan. The QPWS has committee report, received during the recess, also funded two studies into the was tabled by The Clerk— accumulation of leadshot in waterfowl and waterways in Queensland. While the response from the Minister for Public incidence of lead levels in waterfowl was Works and Minister for Housing (Mr found to be low, the QPWS is aware of its Schwarten) to a report of the Public responsibility to continue to monitor the Works Committee entitled Construction of situation. public housing for seniors in the Brisbane statistical division, Report No. 56 Overall, the effect of duck hunting on waterfowl populations is not considered MINISTERIAL RESPONSES TO PETITIONS to be significant compared with other The following responses to petitions, received factors such as changing climatic during the recess, were tabled by The Clerk— conditions and wetland habitat loss. Response from the Minister for Environment While acknowledging the concerns of the and Heritage and Minister for Natural Resources petitioners, I can assure you that similar (Mr Welford) to a petition presented by Mr concerns were taken into account in Fenlon from 537 petitioners, regarding developing the current arrangement for 3056 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

recreational duck and quail hunting in at the Bundaberg Base Hospital 24 hours Queensland. a day 7 days each week. The urgency of Thank you for bringing this matter to my an individual's condition is based on a attention and I trust this information is of clinical assessment made by a triage nurse assistance. and all patients being treated in order of clinical priority. Response from the Minister for Health (Mrs Edmond) to a petition presented by Mr Slack I urge all patients to utilise a regular from 1,064 petitioners, regarding the General General Practitioner to ensure continuity Practice Outpatient facility at the Bundaberg of care and avoid seeking treatment for Base Hospital minor ailments at the Emergency Department and the possibility of seeing a I refer to your letter of 26 July 1999 different doctor each visit. concerning a petition received by the Legislative Assembly about the General In summary, the Bundaberg Base Hospital Practice Outpatient facility at the will continue to provide a variety of Bundaberg Base Hospital. outpatient services to the local community. Patients will continue to be In accordance with Standing Orders of able to access medical care on a 24-hour the Queensland Legislative Assembly I basis. provided comment on the petition in the House on Wednesday 9th June 1999. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. However, I would also like to respond to the issues raised by the petitioner, Mr Response from the Minister for Health (Mrs Brian Cunnington, through the Clerk of the Edmond) to a petition presented by Miss Parliament. Simpson from 20 petitioners, regarding dental ancillary workers and the regulation of dentistry The Bundaberg District Health Service considers it important to focus on the role Thank you for your letter of 22 July 1999 of providing high quality acute hospital enclosing a copy of a petition received by care. The delivery of general practice and the House regarding the regulation of hospital services occur through two types dentistry. of systems in Australia. The Medicare You may recall that I outlined the system provides access for the background and purpose of the current community to general practitioner review of restrictions on the practice of services. The hospital system usually dentistry in a previous letter dated 14 July provides acute specialist services. The 1999. systems are complementary and each has an important role in the provision of health As the review is still in progress, I do not care. consider that it is appropriate to comment on the petition in the House at this time. The District Manager, Bundaberg District Health Service, has outlined the recent history of the General Practice clinic at the INTERACTIVE GAMBLING (PLAYER Bundaberg Hospital. He advises that in the PROTECTION) AMENDMENT BILL early 1990s the clinic was open for 24 hours each week. It had reduced to 15 All Stages hours a week by 1997 at which time the Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— previous Minister reduced it to nine hours ALP) (Premier) (12.42 p.m.), by leave, without per week as part of the phasing out arrangement. notice: I move— The District Manager further advises that a "That so much of the Standing decision to complete the phasing out was Orders be suspended as would otherwise made in October 1998 by the local health prevent the immediate presentation to the service and this was supported by the House of a Bill for an Act to amend the District Health Council. This decision was Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) made in the knowledge that a private Act 1998 and the passing of such a Bill practice clinic that bulk bills low income through all its stages in one day." families has opened across the road from the hospital. Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers The District Health Service considers that Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) the provision of general practice services (12.43 p.m.): This further compounds the through a General Practice Clinic is not scandal that this Premier and this Government consistent with the role of an acute have got themselves into. What we are about hospital. Local General Practitioners are to be presented with is obviously— best placed to offer this service. A Government member interjected. Health care continues to be provided at the Accident and Emergency Department Mr BORBIDGE: That is your problem. 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3057

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Leader of the an interest or potential interest in an Opposition will resume his seat while I seek interactive gambling licence, the advice from the Clerk. I call the Leader of the authorisation (or revocation of the Opposition. authorisation) of an interactive game or Mr BORBIDGE: This legislation the approval (or cancellation of the compounds the scandal that this increasingly approval) of an exemption scheme— lost Government is demonstrating to the (a) is final and conclusive; and people of Queensland. What is being (b) cannot be challenged, appealed presented to the Parliament is a motion by the against, reviewed, quashed, set acting Treasurer to produce legislation that we aside, or called in question in another have not seen and have not been briefed on, way, under the Judicial Review Act and which we will be required to respond to 1991 or otherwise (whether by the and make a sensible contribution on during Supreme Court, another court, a the course of the debate. tribunal or another entity); and As I indicated earlier today during the (c) is not subject to any writ or order of debate on matters of public importance, this the Supreme Court, another court, a acting Treasurer has every piece of power and tribunal or another entity on any authority that he needs to take action in ground." respect of the very questionable issuing of the Gocorp licence to three Labor mates—three If the acting Treasurer applied his legal Labor mates who stood to benefit from an responsibilities under the Act as it now exists, executive decree of the Treasurer, which was the Deputy Speaker of this place would not be perhaps part of a parcel of up to $200m. The able to challenge that decision in the Supreme circumstances leading up to this legislation are Court. There would not be a question of unfolding into one of the great political compensation. It raises the very interesting scandals in the history of this State. At the question as to whether the Premier and acting present time, we have an investigation by the Treasurer is incompetent or corrupt. He can Auditor-General and we have an investigation take his choice. Quite simply, if legislation is by the Criminal Justice Commission. The introduced into this place that retrospectively legislation that is about to be presented to the confirms the licence to Gocorp minus the three House may get in the way of and circumvent Labor mates who we know about but including those inquiries and, in fact, may be contrary to whoever else may be in there, then in my view the recommendations of the Auditor-General that is an act of potential political corruption by and the recommendations of the Criminal this Premier and acting Treasurer, ahead of Justice Commission when handed down. investigations by the Criminal Justice Commission and by the Auditor-General. When the interactive gaming legislation was introduced into the Parliament, it gave the The Premier might like to explain his acting Treasurer all the authority that was negligence in not enforcing the provisions of needed to deal with any suggestions of section 44(1) of the Interactive Gambling impropriety or wrongdoing. The question that (Player Protection) Act in the two weeks that this Premier and acting Treasurer must answer he has been acting Treasurer. It states— to the people of Queensland today is this: why "Each of the following is a ground for has he failed in his responsibilities to apply suspending or cancelling an interactive sections 44 and 48 of the Interactive Gambling gambling licence— (Player Protection) Act 1998? That legislation (a) the licensed provider is not, or is no provides an opportunity for the Governor in longer, a suitable person to hold an Council to suspend or cancel the licence to interactive gambling licence; Gocorp without the taxpayers of Queensland being exposed to compensation and, indeed, (b) a business or executive associate of without the State of Queensland being the licensed provider is not, or is no subjected to legal challenge in the courts. longer, a suitable person to be Indeed, section 59 of the Interactive Gambling associated with a licensed provider's (Player Protection) Act states— operations; "Decisions about interactive gambling (c) the licensed provider has been licence not to be justiciable. convicted of an offence against this 59.(1) A decision of the Governor in Act, a gaming Act or a corresponding Council or Minister made, or appearing to law; be made, under this Act about an (d) the licensed provider has been interactive gambling licence, a person with convicted of an indictable offence; 3058 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

(e) the licensed provider has Councillor Pisasale's former convictions contravened a condition of the are a matter of public record. Today in this interactive gambling licence; place the Premier and acting Treasurer (f) the licensed provider has refused to answer whether there had been contravened a provision of this Act or probity checks into other people who may a corresponding law (being a have had difficulty meeting the probity provision a contravention of which standards. Then the Leader of the Liberal does not constitute an offence); Party in this place was able to disclose further information that indicates that any sort of (g) the licensed provider has failed to decent probity check into this first electronic discharge financial commitments for cyber casino—this licence to make money in the licensed provider's operations; Queensland—would have knocked the (h) the licensed provider is bankrupt, has applicants out of the ring one by one. But what compounded with creditors or we have had is Government of the mates by otherwise taken, or applied to take, the mates for the mates. We have a Premier advantage of any law about who said he knew nothing about it—the bankruptcy; Sergeant Schultz defence. Then there is the issue of the ministerial directive to the member (i) the licensed provider is affected by for Ipswich telling him to get involved in the control action under the Corporation's entire affair and to hold discussions with Mr Law; or"— D'Arcy over Internet gaming on the very day of significantly— the official opening of this Parliament. "(j) the interactive gambling licence was We then had the extraordinary comments obtained by a materially false or of the acting Treasurer on the John Miller misleading representation or in some show. After his memory came flooding back, other improper way." he said that this was all about getting the edge on the rest of the world. He could remember Bearing in mind that we are being told that. Who was going to get the edge on the that this legislation is necessary to deal with rest of the world? Three Labor mates! We do the Gocorp scandal, I point out that section 48 not know how many other Labor mates are still reads— left in this smelly affair that threatens the future "Immediate suspension credibility of the Premier and his Government in this State. The Minister may suspend an interactive gambling licence immediately if For legislation to be coming before this the Minister believes— Parliament today in this manner when the existing legislation already allows the Premier (a) a ground exists to suspend or cancel to suspend or cancel this licence is totally the licence; and improper. This legislation is being introduced (b) the circumstances are so and rushed through this Parliament when it extraordinary that it is imperative to may well, for all we know, subvert inquiries that suspend the licence immediately to the Auditor-General or the Criminal Justice ensure— Commission may be conducting into this issue (i) the public interest is not affected and the subsequent recommendations that in an adverse and material way; may be handed to the Parliament. That is a or totally improper act by a totally improper Premier. This is a totally improper piece of (ii) the integrity of the conduct of legislation from a Government that has thrown interactive games by the all propriety, ethics, common decency and licensed provider is not standards into the rubbish bin. This is a jeopardised in a material way." Government that has redefined cronyism. What we have is legislation that is not justified. Let us not underestimate the scale of the What we have before the House is a proposal deceit and the extent of the financial windfall to protect those who have already been that the three Labor mates so far identified— caught out. What we have is a scandal that is and those Labor mates whom we do not know unfolding day by day, minute by minute. about yet—nearly got away with. We had the Another person who apparently snuck through admission from Councillor Pisasale that he the probity audit runs a dodgy hotel in the might be prepared to get rid of his interest in Philippines and apparently has control over a Gocorp for about $1.2m or $1.5m. He showed porn site on the net. Where were the probity that he was a real Labor battler. He said, "I checks? reckon I could have got in excess of $20m." 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3059

We know the game plan. It was to get the member for Nicklin said that he should stand licence, to organise the public float as soon as aside after the Premier said that he need not. possible and to make out of the signature of Of course, the honourable member then stood the stood aside Treasurer tens of millions of aside. Another backflip! Then we had the dollars. backflips in respect of the Deputy Speaker. The action of this Premier and acting The member for Brisbane Central said that he Treasurer today confirms the stench of could not interfere in terms of the Deputy corruption in respect of this Government's Speaker being removed or stood aside. Then handling of this affair. Nothing the member for he came out and said that he might have to Brisbane Central has done from day one in move a motion in the Parliament if the Deputy this exercise has been done without his being Speaker did not stand aside. In another forced into a corner. He said he knew nothing backflip, the member for Brisbane Central said about it. It has been revealed that he knew that he could not stop him from going to about it. He said that he gave no directions to Trinidad and Tobago. He knew all along that anyone in respect of this issue. He directed the he could do so by asking me to withdraw the Treasurer to become involved. He said that the pair. Treasurer need not and should not stand The other day we had the incredible aside. The Treasurer was forced to stand backflip when he was pushed into another aside. corner in respect of the pending privatisation of Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. The the TAB. Labor crony and State treasurer John claim of the Leader of the Opposition is Bird sits on the board of the TAB and also untrue, false and offensive, and I ask him to advises Labor Holdings on what it should be withdraw it. I stood aside of my own accord. investing in—presumably its share portfolio. We said that Mr Bird should not be there and Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Leader of the that, if the Premier, Mr Beattie, was fair Opposition will withdraw. dinkum, he would be legislating to make sure Mr BORBIDGE: Mr Speaker, why would that Labor investment companies could not anyone believe anything the member for purchase shares in the TAB. But then the Ipswich says? member for Brisbane Central, the acting Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Leader of the Treasurer, said that that would be illegal. Opposition will withdraw. Yesterday, in another backflip, he reversed his decision and apparently in the legislation it will Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. I ask now be illegal for Labor members and the Leader of the Opposition to withdraw that companies to purchase shares in the TAB—at offensive remark as well. least in the initial float. Do members not love Mr BORBIDGE: If the honourable that qualifier, "at least in the initial float"? We member under investigation is so touchy, I will have the incredible situation whereby the State withdraw the particular comment that he finds treasurer of the Labor Party continues to sit on offensive. I would make the point that the the TAB board during the course of its honourable member announced his privatisation. resignation the night after the Independent Sitting suspended from 1 p.m. to member for Nicklin called for his resignation. 2.30 p.m. Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. The Mr BORBIDGE: This morning if the acting honourable member continues to mislead the Treasurer had been open, honest and House and misrepresent me. I have not accountable, he could have allayed some of resigned. I ask him to withdraw that statement. our concerns over this particular scandal. He Mr SPEAKER: Order! Will the Leader of had the opportunity to tell us why he had failed the Opposition withdraw? to exercise his powers under sections 44 and Mr BORBIDGE: For the benefit of the 48 of the Interactive Gambling (Player record, I point out that the honourable Protection) Act of 1998. He had the member for Ipswich, currently under opportunity to tell the Parliament whether he or investigation, stood aside after the member for the member for Ipswich issued any instructions Nicklin said he should. That is the fact— to the Under Treasurer, the Deputy Under Treasurer or the Director of the Office of Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for Gaming Regulation, and he failed to do so. He Ipswich asked the Leader of the Opposition to had the opportunity to indicate how Mr Rodney withdraw. Hegarty was permitted to be ticked off as a Mr BORBIDGE: If the honourable suitable person when he was the operator of a member finds anything else I said offensive, I sleazy Philippines based hotel. He could not withdraw it. But the fact is that the honourable tell us. 3060 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

The acting Treasurer had the opportunity today and become the law of the land. It can to tell the Parliament about the briefing given meet the normal requirements of this by Treasurer Hamill at the Atherton Cabinet Parliament—requirements which members meeting on 26 July. Again, he refused to tell opposite will recall this Government put forward us. He had the opportunity to advise the when it amended the Sessional Orders—that it House during the period after he came to lie on the table for 13 days. power until 27 July 1999 whether he or anyone There has been no discussion with the in his office had any contact whatsoever with Opposition about why it is necessary in the any of the concerned persons. Again, he public interest, in Queensland's interests or in refused to answer. He was given the any particular interests that this Bill be passed opportunity to advise the House whether any in one day—except, of course, the interests of other person associated with the Gocorp the Premier in trying to protect the decisions application for an Internet casino licence was that his Government has made. Once the having difficulty with the probity process. legislation is placed on the table and it is Again, he declined to answer. He declined to passed, it takes effect. It will have effect from answer when he became aware of Mr Mick the date that is included in the legislation, Dittman's interest in Navari Pty Ltd. whether it is passed today, in two or three The Premier—the acting Treasurer—had weeks' time or in six months' time. There is every opportunity in this Parliament today to absolutely no necessity to rush this legislation allay some of the concerns that are being through the Parliament today. expressed not only on this side of the House The second issue, of course, is simply but also in the wider community as well. He was not open, he was not accountable, and it that the Opposition has not seen the is becoming increasingly clear that the only legislation. We have no idea what we are time we will see this Premier telling the full going to be voting on. We do not have the truth—everything he knows—is if he is opportunity to look at it in detail, to take the subjected to questioning and cross- required legal advice as to whether or not the examination at a public hearing in terms of a Premier is doing things correctly. I think it is Criminal Justice Commission investigation. This incumbent in a situation such as this— particular exercise this afternoon to suspend particularly where the Premier is fighting for his Standing Orders to pass this dodgy legislation political life and for his Government's political is a further indictment that this Premier and life—that the Opposition has a chance to this Government have corrupted their examine the legislation in detail. The fact that mandate. we will not be able to examine it in detail, the fact that we will not be able to take appropriate Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the legal advice from people of our choosing, the Liberal Party) (2.33 p.m.): I rise to support the fact that we do not know the full implications of Leader of the Opposition in opposing the what the Premier is going to propose is reason introduction of this Bill and the passing of it all enough. The fact that we have not actually in one day. There are two issues associated seen the legislation is reason enough to vote with this, and I will speak only briefly because I against it. am sure that the Premier is anxious to get up and answer some of the questions that the Earlier today the Premier challenged us to Leader of the Opposition posed again and look at the Bill and support it. If he is really which he failed to answer this morning. There serious about giving us that opportunity, then are only two issues associated with this, and let him lay it on the table for 13 days. Let us we have to address them and ask why this see it lie on the table so that we can examine legislation is necessary. it and get advice. If he is really genuine about Firstly, of course, is the substantive issue what he is saying, then there is nothing to fear. about what the retrospective legislation we The only thing that the Premier has to fear is if have yet to see actually does, and I will talk the legislation is flawed in some particular way; about that just briefly from the media reports if it actually has a political motive rather than a that we have seen. The second issue, of real motive and it is looking after the Premier course, is why it has to pass through all stages and his Labor Government rather than looking in one day. First of all, if it is retrospective after the interests of the people of legislation it does not have to pass through all Queensland. So that is the first issue: there is stages in one day. It is quite clear that once no necessity for retrospective legislation to be the legislation has been introduced into this introduced today and rushed through today. House and it lays on the table, anyone who is There is no necessity for the Standing Orders affected by that legislation is put on notice. of this Parliament to be adjusted to allow that There is no reason that it has to be passed to occur. I hope this Parliament rejects the 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3061 necessity to push this legislation through in then those critical questions will not have been one day. answered. I will talk more about that if the Bill There is also the substantive question is introduced. It is important to understand about what impact the Bill will have, whatever it that— does. We already have empirical evidence that Mr Fouras: You have already made one the Treasurer, under the current legislation, speech on this and now you are saying the failed to carry out his duties appropriately. He same thing. You will have a third speech later failed to— on and you will say the same thing then. You are wasting the time of the House. Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. I find those remarks untrue and offensive and I Dr WATSON: It is not a question of ask that they be withdrawn. wasting time. As a former Speaker, the member for Ashgrove should have some Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member has to appreciation of the workings of the House. He withdraw. is an individual who stands up for the rights of Dr WATSON: I will withdraw. this place time and time again. He has made comments in this place and outside. One of An honourable member interjected. the rights of this place is to examine legislation Dr WATSON: That is what I was just going in detail, yet today the member for Ashgrove to say. wants to vote for members of this place not being given sufficient time to examine Maybe I am misreading the empirical legislation and to understand it. Is he evidence. It seems to me that the member for disappearing behind the chair because he is Ipswich has voluntarily stood aside while there so embarrassed? is an investigation going on. I would have thought that was substantial empirical Mr Fouras: You have just killed me. I am evidence that somehow he has blown it. dead. Whether or not he has blown it in a legal or a Dr WATSON: The member for Ashgrove political sense remains to be determined, but ought to know that we need time to look at the he has definitely acknowledged publicly that full ramifications of this Bill, whatever it says. he did not get it right. There is no question; that is why he stood aside. He did that Firstly, we oppose the motion moved by voluntarily. I will give him some credit for doing the Premier, because it denies the rights of that of his own accord. Maybe all the rumours this place and it denies the rights of that he was actually forced to stand aside are Queenslanders to have this Bill examined in not true. Let us give him that. The empirical detail and the full ramifications understood. evidence is that he has actually stood aside. Secondly, it is not necessary whatsoever for He did not—at least initially—get the decision this legislation to be finalised today. The right. Premier can introduce the Bill. It can be examined. Questions can then be asked in We had some repartee across the debate. All of us in this place and those Chamber a little while ago. We do not know outside can then understand precisely what whether or not there was sufficient this legislation does. examination of the original application. There is some indication that perhaps sufficient I support the Opposition Leader in investigation was not done. If, as the Premier opposing what the Premier is doing. We need says, we are removing Navari and Topki from time to examine the legislation. The people of Gocorp, what does that do to the remaining Queensland deserve the right to examine the structure? What is Gocorp without the other Bill in detail. entities? What are its business plans? Where Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— is it going to go? ALP) (Premier) (2.42 p.m.), in reply: I have listened with some interest to the debate. It is okay for the Premier to come in here There are a number of things that need to be and say, "I am going to get rid of Navari and clarified. The community of Queensland and Topki because they were associated with the members of this Parliament have had Labor entities or because they had people more than two weeks' notice. The whole world associated with the Labor Party", and to get rid has had at least two weeks' notice—probably of them, but the question which must be longer—that I intended to introduce this answered remains. That is, what happens to legislation. More to the point, people had the rest of Gocorp? Where does it stand? adequate and full notice of what was going to Would Gocorp by itself, without Navari and be in the legislation. without Topki, have received a licence? If this legislation is introduced and passed today, Dr Watson interjected. 3062 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Mr BEATTIE: There is a stark contrast to removing Navari from the licence. Why? between the Government and the Opposition. Because they are only interested in cheap I heard the Opposition spokesman in silence. politics. What we are seeing is a continuing attempt by A number of Ministers of the former those opposite, who have no respect for this Government were acutely aware of these institution, to disrupt this Parliament. I sat in issues. For example, Dr Watson was aware of silence and listened to both the Leader of the the interest of these parties as far back as Liberal Party and the Leader of the National 1997. I tabled in the Parliament this morning— Party. What we are seeing this afternoon is an attempt to disrupt the Parliament. Dr Watson: No, no. It was 1996. Let us be clear from the outset. Everyone Mr BEATTIE: He has admitted that it was has had at least two weeks' notice that this Bill 1996. I was being generous to the Leader of was going to be introduced and of the the Liberal Party. Let the record show that the contents of the Bill. No-one has been surprised Leader of the Liberal Party has admitted in the by this. More to the point, when I indicated Parliament that he knew about the parties' that we were going to legislate I said publicly interest in this licence as far back as 1996. I that we would seek to move the Bill through thank him for that. I tabled in the Parliament the Parliament on the one day. No-one can this morning a letter from Terry Ell of Navari to come in here and feign surprise. It is hypocrisy Joan Sheldon of 30 March 1998. The letter that we have heard from the Opposition, as states— usual, because I have said clearly what will be "On behalf of Australian Online in the Bill and people have had more than two Entertainment Ltd (AOEL) we wish to weeks' notice. That is the first thing. apply for the issue of a licence to operate under Interactive Gambling (Player Secondly, we have to ask why the Protection) Bill 1998 Internet Gaming. Opposition is opposing this. Why is it trying to prevent the Government from taking Navari As you are aware we are well out of this equation? Why is it seeking to advanced with our technology and in a prevent Navari being taken out as a short period of time be ready to launch on beneficiary? One has to ask oneself: why is the internet. the Opposition seeking to prevent the Please urgently provide your Government stopping three Labor identities Governments requirements for a licence benefiting under the issuing of the licence? I application for consideration and approval made it absolutely clear— by the Government." Dr Watson: Because you have the power Clearly, the then Treasurer knew all about this to suspend the licence as it is. licence application. So did Howard Hobbs. So Mr BEATTIE: I listened to the member for did Kevin Lingard. So did Doug Slack. What Moggill in silence. It would be appropriate that feigned indignation we have had! Not only was one day he develop some manners. We are Mrs Sheldon happy to receive seeking to set this right. Why is the Opposition correspondence; she also issued a news acting as a road block? Why is it seeking to be release on 18 March 1998. The then Deputy an impediment to fixing this issue? We have to Premier, Treasurer and Minister for The Arts, ask why. The answer is simply that it is not Joan Sheldon, was out there not just interested in the solution; it is interested in trumpeting it but bragging about the coalition's base politics. It is nothing more and nothing legislation. The news release is headed "Net less. I say to the people of Queensland: do gaming protection—a Queensland first". The not be fooled by the dishonest half-truths and media release states— posturings we have seen from the Leader of "Deputy Premier and Treasurer Joan the Opposition, the Leader of the Liberal Party Sheldon said Queensland today achieved and the Opposition today. an Australian first with the passage of We have heard all this nonsense they legislation which will protect consumers have been throwing around about the from unscrupulous gaming operators on Philippines or whatever, and I will come back the Internet. to that. There is a simple way to resolve that. Mrs Sheldon said Parliament's The individual referred to is a tiny shareholder passing of the Interactive Gaming (Player in Navari. The simple way to resolve this is to Protection) Bill 1998 marked the get Navari out of the equation. Those opposite beginning of a new era in consumer raised these issues. They protested them protection on the net. during question time and they protest them in 'Queensland is the first Australian this debate, yet they behave as a road block government, and probably one of the first 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3063

industrialised democracies in the world, to "If the Government wished to realise the difficulties of regulating the net cancel"— without throwing our hands up and saying members should listen very carefully to this. "its all too difficult",' she said. Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is too much 'We realise there are complex issues audible conversation in the Chamber. in trying to regulate net gambling—or nambling as they call it—but we believe Mr BEATTIE: This is the legal advice from the inherent limitations the technology the acting Crown Solicitor of 28 July. It says— imposes upon regulators can be used to "If the Government wished to cancel, the consumers' advantage if players use suspend or vary the terms of the licence, a bit of common sense,' Mrs Sheldon and to do so without running the risk of said." legal action seeking damages being brought against the State, the Act would Later it goes on— need to be amended." "'Players who decide to deal with That is what the Government is doing today. It unlicensed operators do so at their own continues— peril—they have to use their common sense. We have provided a safe and "It would also be possible to legislate scrupulous system for players, and they in such a way that a licence could be should take advantage of that before they cancelled"— themselves are taken advantage of,' said Mr Connor interjected. Mrs Sheldon." Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for That was reported in the Courier-Mail under an Nerang! article headed "Queensland Makes Net Mr Connor interjected. Gambling Not Such a Gamble" by Peter Morley on 16 March. Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for Nerang will cease interjecting. The bottom line is that members on the conservative side of politics knew all about this Mr BEATTIE: It goes on to say— right from the beginning, including Mr "It would also be possible"— Borbidge. They all knew about it. They all Mr Connor interjected. supported it. They all endorsed it. And more to the point, they introduced legislation to make it Mr SPEAKER: Order! I have just warned possible. The legislation that we will be the member for Nerang. That is my final amending today is legislation introduced by warning. the conservatives. Mr BEATTIE: It states— Let me deal with other issues. One of the "It would also be possible to legislate things that is important is that we understand in such a way that a licence could be the sections of the Act, section 44 and others. cancelled if certain classes of persons We have heard today a great deal of have an interest in the holder of a dishonesty from the Leader of the Opposition licence." and the Leader of the Liberal Party in relation That is what the Bill does, and I have said that to the current Act. Let me clearly put this on publicly. I table page 15 of the acting Crown the record, and let it clearly state exactly what Solicitor's advice which says— the law says. What is being suggested by Mr Mr Borbidge interjected. Borbidge in relation to sections 44 and 48 is not legally correct. It is not correct! I know that Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Leader of the the Leader of the Opposition would like to be Opposition! able to interpret these laws, but he is wrong. Mr BEATTIE: He is the most dishonest On 28 July, the Crown Solicitor's office leader who has been in this Parliament in provided legal advice. I have some aspects of recent decades. I suspect that when it comes that legal advice with me today. They were to issues of integrity, he is hardly in a position specifically asked the question as to whether to make any comments. this licence could be cancelled. The question Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. It was: "Can the State cancel the licence granted is a bit like the missing two pages on the fax. to Gocorp Ltd on 3 June 1999?" The answer Why does the Premier not table the other 14 is, "No." I quote the Crown Law advice of 28 pages of that legal advice instead of July 1999. The answer is "No". Let me go to selectively using legal advice to back up his the end of the legal advice. It says— dodgy argument? 3064 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of shareholding and was not a director—and this order. The Leader of the Opposition will person is not a director—that person did not resume his seat. go through the probity process. They were the Mr BEATTIE: Here we have "Mr Nasty". probity rules of members opposite. All he does is go out and seek to deride— Dr Watson: Look at the legislation. Opposition members interjected. Mr BEATTIE: The Leader of the Liberal Mr BEATTIE: Here they go! They come in Party got caught out again. So he comes in here and seek to disrupt the Parliament. I here and makes outrageous statements. know what the people of Queensland think of When did these 5% probity rules start? About them. "Mr Nasty" cannot say a positive word the mid 1980s. The first casino to which they about anything. I am presenting the summary applied was Jupiters on the Gold Coast. of the opinion. I will read it again— Dr WATSON: I rise to a point of order. "If the Government wished to cancel, The Premier is misleading the House. Let me suspend or vary the terms of the licence, just read the section of the Act. and to do so without running the risk of Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of legal action seeking damages being order. The member will resume his seat. brought against the State, the Act would need to be amended. It would also be Dr WATSON: He is misleading the House. possible to legislate in such a way that a He does not know what he is talking about licence could be cancelled if certain Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of classes of persons have an interest in the order. holder of a licence." Mr BEATTIE: The member does not like I table it. That legal opinion explodes the this being exposed. These 5% probity rules nonsense that Opposition members have have operated since Jupiters Casino—under a been going on with all day conservative Government. Opposition Dr Watson: Will you table it? members do not like it when we expose their dishonesty. After the questions that were Mr BEATTIE: At the end of it I will. There asked about the Philippines this morning will be no problem with that. Members during question time and the comments made opposite come in here and tell extraordinary by the Leader of the Opposition, what do we stories. They misrepresent and distort the Act. find? Whose probity rules are they? They are They come in here and tell half-truths all the the conservative Government's probity rules! time. When I come in here and explode them Under which Government did these probity and their nonsense, they do not like it; they rules come in? They came in under a squirm and carry on and interject. Everything conservative Government! What was applied that the Leader of the Opposition has been here? saying is simply wrong. Everything that he has been saying while interjecting in his usual rude Dr Watson: And you didn't apply them. style is wrong. He is wrong, he is wrong and he Mr BEATTIE: I think the member has is wrong. That is the end of it. But let me move made a big enough fool of himself today. Let on to other things. And in case he missed it, us get to the heart of this. Who applied these he was wrong. Let me talk about some other rules from Dr Watson's party and the Leader of dishonesty in this debate. the Opposition's party? They were applied Mr Borbidge interjected. because they were rules that were in existence Mr BEATTIE: Here he goes! I had the under conservative Governments. We have courtesy to listen to him in silence, but he is so had enough nonsense and dishonesty in rude that he does not want to do that. That is relation to all of this. all right. People will make their own judgments If we took to a logical extension what the about him. Leader of the Liberal Party was saying this The interesting thing about this is that we morning—and if he defeated his own probity have heard a lot of comments made about rules—with a company like Jupiters every one probity checks. This morning we heard about of the 20,000 shareholders in Jupiters, the little incident in the Philippines, the including Howard Hobbs, would be going gentleman and so on. At the time of the through probity rules. That is exactly what application the gentleman concerned owned would happen. about 8.8% of Navari. That meant that he had Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. I about 1% of Gocorp. Under the probity rules refer the Premier to section 34 of the that operated during the Borbidge/Sheldon/ interactive gambling Act, which demonstrates Watson days, if a person had a 5% that he is misleading the House. It deals with 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3065 suitability of business and executive respect to legal advice, could he also tell us associates. whether he will revise the audit rules one day? Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of Mr SPEAKER: Order! I will not accept any order. The member has had his opportunity. I further frivolous points of order. I warn call the Premier. honourable members now. Mr BEATTIE: Let me come back to the Mr BEATTIE: Let us sum this up, and point. When do those opposite jump up and sum it up very quickly—and I hope that there is down? When they are wrong! What happens some honesty in the reporting of this. In terms when I come in here and tell the truth and of the issues raised in relation to the expose their nonsense? They get caught out! gentleman from the Philippines, the Those opposite were caught out again Opposition has been caught out. The probity because they know what would happen. Under rules applied in this case were the same as the rules that the Leader of the Opposition those applied to Jupiters in the 1980s. They and the Leader of the Liberal Party applied were the coalition's probity rules. Those this morning, every one of the 20,000 opposite have misled the House and have shareholders in Jupiters would have to go been grossly dishonest. through the probity process whenever the two- In terms of whether this licence could yearly audit came up. That means that Howard have been cancelled, I now table the legal Hobbs would have to go through the probity advice received from the acting Crown Solicitor process if his mates had their way. which says that we could not do that without Opposition members interjected. incurring damages. The Government has Mr BEATTIE: Yes, but you want to turn followed this legal advice in the legislation that this around and misrepresent it, and you we are introducing into the House. It is done. cannot. The bottom line is that these are the Let me mention one further thing. I notice probity rules which were introduced by the that the Leader of the Opposition sought to coalition. They are the probity rules supported beat up the issue of the TAB. Is he not a by the coalition when it was in office. The rules hypocrite? I made it clear that no Government were simply applied by Treasury in the way Minister and no Government backbencher that the conservative Government intended would be able to participate in the issue of them to be applied. Let us have no more shares in the TAB. Does the Leader of the dishonesty. I have never seen such dishonesty Opposition have the same standard for the and such fraudulent, dishonest debate in my Opposition? No! There are no standards at all life. for the Opposition. Greed is the order of the Dr Watson interjected. day for the Opposition. There are no standards—only greed. Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for Moggill will cease interjecting. Opposition members interjected. Mr BEATTIE: The Leader of the Mr BEATTIE: It is a public enterprise Opposition was bandying around this politically going into the public sector. Greed dominates corrupt argument. If ever I have heard a the day. Let me clarify— politically corrupt argument, I have heard one Dr Watson interjected. today from the Leader of the Opposition and Mr SPEAKER: Order! I have warned the the Leader of the Liberal Party. The argument member for Moggill. This is my final warning. was bereft of ethics, bereft of honesty and bereft of integrity. It was typical of the way that Mr BEATTIE: Let me clarify a report that the coalition behaved when in Government. appeared in this morning's Courier-Mail in relation to what action the Government will Let me sum this up. The legal advice that take. The Government will not be legislating to I have tendered is clear. The Government prevent the Labor Party or the conservative cannot legally cancel the licence. We are parties from participating in the share issue acting on this advice to legislate. One has to because we do not need to. The legal advice ask oneself: what is wrong with legislation? we have is that the second approach requires What is wrong with making it law? One has to the establishment of a process to review ask oneself: why are the Leader of the applications when they are received. The Opposition and the Leader of the Liberal Party process would exclude from the allocation of afraid of making this law? Why do they want to shares any persons who fall within identified drag it out? The answer is that they want to categories. That is what this Government will drag it out for base political reasons. be determining. Identified categories will Dr WATSON: I rise to a point of order. include political parties and they will be While the Premier is being so helpful with excluded. That is the way the Government will 3066 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 operate and that is the way in which this issue of sentences. The other 14 pages are missing. will be resolved. It is a bit like the faxed pages in respect of the I say to all members of the House that Premier's memo telling the Treasurer not to this Government has behaved appropriately. get involved— This Government has behaved properly. The Mr SPEAKER: Order! We are not going to Opposition has behaved shamefully, get into a debate on the issue. disgracefully and dishonestly—as usual. Those Mr BORBIDGE: The honourable member opposite have not sought in a genuine way to for Indooroopilly has moved that that legal resolve this issue. All that those opposite have advice be tabled. In my view it is therefore sought to do is play politics. I foreshadowed appropriate that the motion be put to the this legislation two weeks ago. This legislation House. will fix it. If those opposite vote against the legislation, let the record show that they have Mr SPEAKER: Order! As Speaker, I will voted to retain Navari as one of the give you my view now. My view is this: the shareholders in Gocorp. They will also vote to Premier did not at any time mention that he retain the three Labor identities as had those papers in his possession. You can shareholders in Gocorp. Those opposite will only move a motion for those papers to be vote to retain them; this Government will vote tabled if they are in the Premier's possession. to remove them. Let us be absolutely clear That is the Standing Order and that is the about that. One can understand why those ruling. opposite would do that when we see their Question—That Mr Beattie's motion be performance in this House. It is about cheap agreed to—put; and the House divided— political stunts. It is about yesterday's politics. It AYES, 44—Attwood, Barton, Beattie, Bligh, Boyle, is not about a solution. Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Clark, J. Cunningham, Let us be really clear about this. There is Edmond, Elder, Fenlon, Foley, Fouras, Gibbs, Hamill, Hayward, Lavarch, Lucas, Mackenroth, McGrady, a community expectation that we will resolve Mickel, Mulherin, Musgrove, Nelson-Carr, Nuttall, this situation. The law can be passed by this Palaszczuk, Pearce, Pitt, Reeves, Reynolds, Roberts, Parliament tonight and assented to at a later Robertson, Rose, Schwarten, Spence, Struthers, stage. Any member who walks away from the Welford, Wellington, Wells, Wilson. Tellers: Sullivan, opportunity to fix this tonight is simply Purcell supporting those who go to the lower NOES, 42—Beanland, Black, Borbidge, Connor, standards. It is a matter that we need to fix, Cooper, E. Cunningham, Dalgleish, Davidson, Elliott, and I believe that this is the way to fix it. Feldman, Gamin, Goss, Grice, Healy, Hobbs, Horan, Mr BEANLAND: The Premier indicated Johnson, Kingston, Knuth, Laming, Lester, Lingard, that he was going to table the other 14 pages Littleproud, Malone, Mitchell, Nelson, Paff, Pratt, of that legal advice. He has not done so. Prenzler, Quinn, Rowell, Santoro, Seeney, Simpson, Slack, Springborg, Stephan, Turner, Veivers, Mr SPEAKER: Order! No, he did not Watson. Tellers: Baumann, Hegarty indicate that. Pair: D'Arcy, Sheldon Mr BEANLAND: I will move accordingly Resolved in the affirmative. that he table all the pages— Mr SPEAKER: Order! No, you can't do that. First Reading Mr BEANLAND:—of the legal advice. Bill and Explanatory Notes presented and Bill, on motion of Mr Beattie, read a first time. Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Premier has not brought those pages into the House. You can only move that the Premier tables what he Second Reading has in his hand. Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— Mr BEANLAND: The Premier indicated ALP) (Premier) (3.12 p.m.): I move— that he has those pages. I move that those "That the Bill be now read a second pages be tabled in this House. time." Mr Beattie: I said that I was referring to it This is a small, but very significant piece but the pages are not here. of legislation. It is a piece of legislation which I Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. am disappointed to have to present to the The Premier said that he had legal advice to Parliament. It is a Bill which, in the best of justify the legislation that is the subject of the worlds, would not have been necessary. It is a suspension of Standing Orders. He has tabled Bill which only a Government committed to the one page which appears to contain a couple highest levels of probity and integrity would 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3067 bring forward. It is not a Bill I could ever see exclusion provisions for those with those opposite even understanding, much less gambling problems, including self- introducing. It arises from circumstances where exclusion and exclusion at the request of public figures placed personal gain above their family members, etc. on application to the responsibilities to the community and their own regulator; political party. This is something which I believe a ban on advertising by other than no Queenslander can condone, and I certainly licensed sites; do not. a prohibition on credit betting; and Let me categorically place on the record my determination that the events which led to rigorous privacy requirements. the introduction of this legislation will never It has been recognised both in Australia and happen again, certainly during my term as internationally as leading edge legislation Premier. When a person enters public life, they which provides a creative approach to a gain much. In particular, they obtain the significant potential problem. It is interesting satisfaction of being a part of improving our that, in its recent draft report on Australia's community and the wellbeing of those within gambling industries, the Productivity the community. That is how it should be, and Commission, not known as a keen supporter that is how it will be in this Government. of strong regulatory frameworks, saw Let me turn briefly to the events which led considerable advantages in regulation of to the presentation of this piece of legislation. Internet gambling. They summarised their In the term of the previous Government, the views— Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act "Regulation of online gambling under was passed through this House to allow for the this 'managed regulation' model has licensing of persons to provide interactive mutual advantages for consumers and gambling products. That legislation was, at the operators and creates a market which time, supported by the Labor Party, then in drives the unscrupulous operators—the Opposition. It was supported on the basis that 'lemons'—out of the market." it placed Queensland on the leading edge of An essential part of this model is the tackling the problem of Internet gambling head application to the Internet of many of the on. The legislation formed part—indeed, the same standards as are applied to more first part—of a national cooperative scheme traditional forms of gambling. This means, of aimed at providing a framework within which particular relevance to this Bill, the application those who chose to gamble on the Internet of the same standards of probity investigation could do so in the confidence that the games to those seeking to operate in the Internet were fair and they would be paid winnings. It is environment as to the operators of traditional a recognition that Internet gambling is with us. casinos, and so on. It cannot effectively be banned. Like it or not, it takes only a mouse click from any computer In a practical sense, this involves checking connected to the Internet to be at an Internet the corporate history of those seeking gambling site. That is the reality. Estimates licensing. It means tracing the ownership place the number of sites accepting real bets structure of those corporate entities in a at between 250 and 300. Unfortunately, many position to influence the operation of the of these sites are based in jurisdictions without company to ensure that all involved are fit and any regulatory framework. They may be proper persons. It involves analysis of personal honest sites operating fairly, but who would and corporate data and, where necessary, know? checking police records and character The Queensland Act, however, does referees. It is intrusive, time consuming and, more than just provide a secure environment especially where corporate structures are for players. It has a strong focus on player involved, often complex. protection and includes— The Act provides the chief executive with a requirement for all players to register wide powers to enable the necessary with the operator, with such registration investigations to be carried out as a prelude to including positive identification—rather like recommendations being made to the Minister the 100 point check required to open a responsible. These powers include access to bank account; police records. While the Act was passed in March 1998 under the previous a prohibition on minors gambling; Borbidge/Sheldon Government, preparation of the establishment of betting limits for the subsidiary regulatory framework, including players which can only be altered with a the brief to applicants, the regulation and the period of notice; technical requirements took some time and 3068 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 licence applications were only accepted from Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation, October 1998. This followed a period of some which in turn provided advice to the Treasurer months where consultation occurred between that the licence should be granted subject to the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation conditions relating to the financial strength of and the industry on the formal licensing the company and its meeting stringent requirements. This process involved posting a technical requirements. A number of issues, draft set of documents on Queensland Office including those related to Councillor Pisasale's of Gaming Regulation's web site in August much-publicised history, were effectively dealt 1998 and reviewing these in the light of with during this process. This process led to comments received from the many industry the issuing of a licence to Gocorp on 3 June parties which had expressed an interest in the 1999. The licence awarded to Gocorp was on process. a conditional non-exclusive basis for a limited This contrasts sharply with the ill-informed 15-year term with a standard tax rate of 50% claims of the Leader of the Opposition that the for interactive product. This compares with the documents were not available generally until exclusive unlimited term licence sought by the after Gocorp had submitted its licence company. application. These claims, as usual, are just Importantly, also—and this has not been nonsense, dishonest and politically corrupt. I reported nor understood in this debate, and I might also say that, again contrary to urge those in the media to give consideration comments from the other side of the House, to reporting it because it is important—the there was no secret about Queensland's licence is subject to existing exclusivities in moves to licence interactive gambling Queensland. This means, for example, that providers. The whole process, including the Queensland residents will not have access to legislation, had been the subject of extensive casino games, lotteries, keno, sports betting discussions with individual prospective and wagering products under the Gocorp applicants in industry conferences and through licence. This contrasts with the 15 year relevant industry media, especially those on exclusive, 99 year term wagering licence being the Internet. Interested parties throughout the provided to the Queensland TAB, which will world were well aware of where Queensland enable TABQ to offer its product throughout was at. Queensland, including via interactive means, The draft documents were revised and at its proposed tax rate of 20%. expanded and made available on 1 and 2 There are some four further interactive October 1998 for applicants to use. Some gaming applications currently before the parts of the documents were still classified as Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation. draft but were substantially complete and Other States and Territories are expected to certainly adequate for a potential applicant to also issue licences to Internet gaming submit an application. Refinement of the companies. Indeed, the Northern Territory documents has continued since then and will already has licensed one site which is continue, as it is necessary to ensure that the operational. requirements continue to reflect the changing As already mentioned, there are many technological environment and that unregulated Internet gaming companies Queensland's framework remain abreast of the already operating internationally. Nevertheless, developments in the national arena. it has been claimed that Gocorp's licence Gocorp had been active supporters of the could be worth as much as the proposed interactive gambling legislation and had TABQ float scheduled for later this year. approached members of the previous Internet gambling, like all e-commerce, is a Government in meetings going back to 1996 new high-risk venture. There is no guarantee seeking to advance their cause, and a number of profits. Any investment is speculative and to of key Ministers were approached, as is claim its value is comparable to an existing evidenced by the letters I tabled earlier today business such as the TAB with its $1.3 billion and an admission made by the Leader of the turnover is simply nonsense, nonsense, Liberal Party. Gocorp was the first applicant for nonsense, nonsense. In fact, Gocorp's own an interactive gambling licence when the business plan provides for a much more licensing regime was established. Their modest public float than that proposed for the application was received by QOGR—the TAB. Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation—on Given that the licensing process and the 16 October 1998. Treasurer's approval are the subject of That application was subject to a investigations by both the Auditor-General and complete and rigorous analysis by the the CJC, I propose to say no more about them 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3069 save to say that I have every confidence that shareholder in Gocorp. Its shares were held on those inquiries will provide independent behalf of some 40 superannuation funds, confirmation of the absolute integrity of the including one associated with the D'Arcy processes. However, I recognise that there are family. While the beneficial interest of each of broader public policy concerns in this case. those shareholdings was very small—less than It is important for all members of 0.4% of Gocorp—this association was seen as Parliament to allow the Auditor-General and unacceptable and Cabinet directed that Topki the CJC to get on with their work of Holdings Pty Ltd should be included in the independently assessing these issues. I think legislation. the Leader of the Opposition is guilty of the Since that time, the Queensland Office of greatest deal of thuggery possible by seeking Gaming Regulation has been advised by to publicly intimidate both the CJC and the Gocorp that it, Gocorp, has repurchased Topki Auditor-General into going down particular Holdings Pty Ltd's shares—around 290 in areas of investigation. It is not his issue or his all—at the issue price of $1.00 and cancelled responsibility. It is a matter for those the shares. If this is verified within the next independent bodies. That was a practice he thirty days, it will mean that Topki Holdings Pty followed when in Government. Ltd is no longer associated with Gocorp and The issue we are addressing here today is that a part, at least, of the requirements of this one that was not envisaged when the legislation have been met. Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act At the time of the licensing of Gocorp, was drafted. It is one that has not been the Navari Pty Ltd was a 12% shareholder in subject of legislative dictate in connection with Gocorp. Its shares were held by a group of any other piece of gambling legislation in this nine private investors, either directly or via State. This is because the issue is not really private companies. Those private investors about the issue of a gambling licence. As I included companies associated with the D'Arcy said at the beginning of my speech, it is about family, W. D. Management Consultants Pty the exercise of responsibility by public officials. Ltd, which held 16.5% of Navari; the It is about the community's expectation that Livingstone family, Delrex Pty Ltd which held public officials will use their positions for the 9.4%; and the Pisasale family, The Ultimate community good and not to feather their own Solution Pty Ltd, which held 17.6%. Those nests. It comes about because three of those holdings translated into around 2%, 1% and people showed a lamentable lack of judgment 2% respectively of Gocorp. Despite the small in seeking to make a mythical quick buck out size of the shareholdings, those associations of participation in the first licence to be issued were seen as inappropriate by Cabinet. The under this new legislation. I have condemned Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation has this behaviour before and I do so again. This been advised by the solicitor for Navari that the Government is absolutely committed to the shareholdings have therefore been sold to highest standards of behaviour in public life. other existing Navari shareholders at a price Where I see these standards compromised— that reflects the value of Navari without taking as in this case—I will move swiftly and account of its investment in Gocorp. decisively to correct the position, At this point in time, Navari remains a notwithstanding the roadblocks that those shareholder in Gocorp, but, on the basis of the opposite attempt to put in the way for cheap information provided to the Queensland Office political gain. of Gaming Regulation, Messrs D'Arcy and Before addressing the specific changes Livingstone and Councillor Pisasale hold no made by this legislation, it is important to interest in the company. Despite this understand the corporate structure of Gocorp progress—and I stress that, on the basis of the and the role played by the D'Arcy, Livingstone information available to the Queensland Office and Pisasale interests. At the time of licensing, of Gaming Regulation, the D'Arcy, Livingstone Gocorp had six shareholders, which included and Pisasale interests no longer hold any four companies and two individuals. Two of the beneficial interest in Gocorp—the Government companies were associated with the founders has resolved to proceed with this legislation. of the company and its management and the There are two prime reasons for this. two individuals were the initial founders of the Firstly, it is critically important to ensure company. The other two companies involved absolutely and completely that the ties were Topki Holdings Pty Ltd and Navari Pty between this group and Gocorp are completely Ltd. and utterly severed now and for all time. This At the time of the licensing of Gocorp, cannot be done in a week and the legislation Topki Holdings Pty Ltd was a 14.5% will ensure that Gocorp and its remaining 3070 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 shareholders focus on ensuring that this managerial or operational, within 30 days of occurs. Secondly, the Government's intention the enactment of the legislation, Gocorp will no is wider than simply ensuring that public longer have an interactive gambling licence. It officials are never again exposed to the is that simple. temptation to place private gain above public Section 261B goes beyond this. It duty in regard to interactive gambling licences. provides that, where any of the parties covered The legislation therefore needs to have in section 261A—that is, Navari, Topki or a ongoing force and to provide QOGR, as the disqualified person—sells an interest in Gocorp regulator, with the teeth to ensure that the prior to a date 30 days after the Government's clear policy direction on this commencement of this legislation and makes matter is enforced. The community demands a profit on that sale, the profit will be forfeited nothing less and this Government will deliver to the State. Where a corporate entity is nothing less. involved, the liability for this payment is joint The legislation is only short. It comprises and several between the company and its two basic parts—amendments to section 261 directors. The chief executive has wide powers and amendments to section 263 of the to seek information to make the determination Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act. of any amount to be forfeited and there are There are also consequential amendments to strong penalties—200 penalty units—for failure section 44 and to Schedule 3. The to comply. The chief executive also has amendments to section 261 are also in two recourse to seek repayment of this amount as parts. The first part—261A—provides that a debt to the State. This provision will apply to Gocorp will lose its licence unless— transactions which have occurred prior to the Navari and Topki both cease to hold a commencement of this legislation as well as beneficial interest in Gocorp; after and to payments made either before or after. Navari and Topki both cease to be business or executive associates of These amendments are a most unusual Gocorp, which effectively means that step in legislation. They could be described as neither can play any part in the draconian. However, they clearly illustrate the management or operations of Gocorp, Government's determination to ensure that whether or not they hold any financial inappropriate people do not remain involved in interest in the company; this company. They also provide that, should no disqualified person holds a beneficial any of these three individuals or their families interest in Gocorp; receive any beneficial interest from this company, directly or indirectly, now or at any no disqualified person is a business or time in the future, that benefit will be subject to executive associate of Gocorp. forfeiture to the State. I cannot accept, and A "disqualified person" is defined as— neither can the public of Queensland, a a member of the Legislative Assembly; situation where there is any chance for these people to sneak in through a back door and a spouse or child of a member of the profit. It will not happen. The changes will not Legislative Assembly; affect the rights of shareholders other than the a staff member of a member of the three parties in either Gocorp or the other Legislative Assembly—and that obviously affected companies—Topki Holdings Pty Ltd includes Ministers; and Navari Pty Ltd—from taking up shares in a councillor of a local government; or Gocorp either directly or via an alternative corporate mechanism at some time in the any other person prescribed in a future provided, of course, that Gocorp retains regulation. its licence. If Gocorp can provide adequate evidence to The second amendment is to section the chief executive that these conditions have 263. This will provide the Government with the been met within 30 days of the ongoing power to make regulations which commencement of this legislation, the chief may— executive must notify his satisfaction in the Gazette. Gocorp's licence will then stay intact. prohibit disqualified persons from having a beneficial interest in an interactive Let me summarise that section. Unless gambling licence holder, or set limits on those three parties—the D'Arcy, Livingstone that holding; and Pisasale interests—and the two companies, Navari and Topki, are absolutely require interactive gambling licence and completely removed from having any holders to ensure that disqualified interest whatsoever in Gocorp, financial or persons are not business or executive 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3071

associates of the licence holder—aside provides for these sections—and any from the penalties imposed by this regulations made under the amendments to provision, the amendments to section 44 section 263—to override the Corporations Law. also make this a ground for show cause In the minds of some on the Opposition action to be taken against the licensee; benches there seems to be some doubt as to prohibit a disqualified person from holding the effectiveness of these steps. A view seems either an interactive gambling licence to be held by the Opposition that these directly or a key person licence as an measures are able to be somehow avoided employee of a licensee. and that the benefits of their involvement will flow back to the D'Arcy, Livingstone and The regulation can be made so as to specify Pisasale interests. Perhaps that simply reflects the disqualified person to whom it relates and ignorance of the actual contents of the when the beneficial interest came into effect, legislation. If so, by now those doubts should and it can require its disposal. It can also direct have been allayed. Only the politically devious the forfeiture of the interest to the State or would want to continue to attack this another person or, where the interest is by way legislation; the provisions in this Bill allow for of holding an office with the licensee, those doubts to be fully allayed. If not, I should terminate the person's office and impose a make the point quite clearly that QOGR will disqualification on reappointment. The continue to monitor the share register of regulation can also— Gocorp, which is a part of its normal role, to set the compensation for disposal of the ensure that this does not occur. Corporate interest; and investigations are an integral part of the role of QOGR's Compliance Division, and it has the forfeit any amount above this tools and powers to monitor Gocorp's share compensation. register closely. And it will. Further, Gocorp is It can also provide wide powers to the chief itself moving to amend its constitution to give it executive in seeking information to enable the power to remove shareholders who may decisions to be made for the purposes of the jeopardise its licence. In this regard, I would regulation. reiterate the impact of the changes to section As I have previously indicated, it is my 44, which will allow for the institution of show intention to move in the short term to ensure cause provisions should any such activity that members of Parliament and ministerial come to light. staff and their families are unable to purchase I should also make the point most any significant interest in any interactive strongly that, should either the Auditor-General licensee by having an appropriate regulation or the CJC find that there has been any action drafted. That will happen. The powers on the part of other shareholders in Gocorp conferred through this section are unusually which places doubts on any person in that strong. They encompass very wide discretions company being a fit and proper person to be on both the Governor in Council in making associated with interactive gambling in this regulations and the chief executive in making State, I shall have no hesitation in invoking the subsequent determinations. I make no existing powers of the legislation with regard to apology for that. Without these extensive their ongoing suitability to be licensed. powers, I do not believe that we can have the Further, Gocorp's licence will be necessary confidence that inappropriate action conditional until after the current reviews by the by greedy individuals can be avoided in the Auditor-General and the CJC are completed. If future. there are serious adverse findings against Further, it is necessary to include these Gocorp, action will be taken to cancel their requirements via a regulation-making power licence. I say it again: further, Gocorp's licence rather than directly in the Act as it will be will be conditional until after the current reviews necessary to ensure that the Government has by the Auditor-General and the CJC are sufficient flexibility to deal with the many varied completed. If there are serious adverse situations which may need to be dealt with. findings against Gocorp, action will be taken to The alternative—potentially returning to cancel their licence. Parliament every time a difficulty is This is difficult legislation. It runs against encountered—is not acceptable because of the grain in many ways to see it introduced. It the time constraints it would impose. does, however, clearly set the standards that The amendments to both sections 261 this Government believes ought be accepted and 263 also encompass provisions which as the norm in public life. Accordingly, I make remove the liability of the State for any action no apology for its stringency. The community taken in implementing these provisions and deserves no less. 3072 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

During the past few weeks the people of mentioned must dispose of their shareholding Queensland have witnessed the greatest level without making a profit. The Bill, in fact, of hypocrisy seen in this State since the days provides for any profits to be taken by the when some of the members opposite sat in Crown. In fact, this Bill will close any perceived the most corrupt Government in Australian or real loopholes in existing Internet gaming history. History shows that the National Party legislation. Honourable members should Governments of the 1980s were the most compare that with the record of those opposite corrupt administrations in Australia's history. who signed the infamous memorandum of My Government, however, is widely understanding with the Queensland Police acknowledged as honest, open, accountable Union or who sat blissfully unaware as and one of unquestioned integrity. Today I am Queensland suffered under a putrid introducing new legislation that reinforces my Government riddled by political corruption. Government's commitment to the highest I think it will also benefit all honourable standards of public administration. In essence, members if I place on the official record a the Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) chronology of recent events plus some Amendment Bill reflects community enlightening comments made by some expectations— honourable members opposite. Let us start Mr Horan interjected. with Tuesday, 27 July, the day that the Courier-Mail carried a story on page 1 relating Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): to the issue of an Internet gambling licence to Order! The member for Toowoomba South. Gocorp. The issue was the fact that three Mr BEATTIE:—that people in public life Labor Party identities and their families held should not be involved in profiting from shares in Gocorp through other companies, companies holding interactive gambling namely Navari Pty Ltd and Topki Pty Ltd. I also licences. The Bill will ban certain companies note that on the same day as the initial and individuals from retaining beneficial newspaper article, the deputy leader of the interests in Gocorp Limited, the holder of an coalition, the Leader of the Liberal Party, said interactive gambling licence issued by the during an interview on the Carolyn Tucker Queensland Government. It will have the program on 4QR that— effect of disqualifying three people—the "I'm not aware of anything illegal member for Woodridge, Bill D'Arcy; State here." Government ministerial staff member Don Livingstone; and Ipswich councillor Paul Later he said— Pisasale—and their families from benefiting "It's been well known, including to from any interest in Gocorp. myself, that Bill D'Arcy's had an interest in The Bill provides that Gocorp's licence will Internet gaming for some period of time." be cancelled unless it delivers evidence to the Again I quote— State Government within 30 days that the "I think this is a question of disqualified people have disposed of their perception." interests without making a profit from their disposal. So the disqualified people have to I happen to agree with the honourable Leader dispose of their interests without making a of the parliamentary Liberal Party: there was profit from their disposal. For the benefit of nothing illegal done by the Treasurer and it is a honourable members opposite, I will repeat question of perception. Nevertheless, my that: Gocorp's licence will be cancelled unless response to this matter was immediate. On the it delivers evidence that the people concerned same day as the article appeared, the have sold without making a profit. This will Treasurer and I jointly wrote to the Auditor- preclude any secret handshake deals whereby General calling on him to provide advice on the shares could be warehoused with a willing three matters. We wanted the matter person. investigated. Firstly, we sought the Auditor- General's view on whether the existing The Bill also provides for regulations to processes for the assessment of applications prohibit people such as members of for Internet gambling licences were sufficiently Parliament and their families from holding rigorous in terms of probity and other matters. interests in any other companies holding Secondly, we also asked whether the current interactive gambling licences. There are a arrangements were applied appropriately in number of other important measures that can the assessment of recent or current be dealt with when we move to consider the applications for licences. That means the clauses, but there is one initiative I wish to Gocorp licence. Thirdly, we sought the Auditor- stress to honourable members. As I said, the General's advice and, if necessary, three people and their families specifically recommendations for changes to existing 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3073 guidelines. As honourable members would be highest level, and this feigned indignation is aware, we are awaiting the Auditor-General's nothing more than a political fraud. Yet here report on those issues. we have the spectacle of the coalition now Let me say that referring this matter to the trying to cry foul. What hypocrisy! What gross Auditor-General is not the action of a hypocrisy! Government engaged in a cover-up; it is the It gets worse. On 29 July, the Leader of action of a Government doing the right thing. the Opposition called for the Criminal Justice As I said, I agree with the views of the leader Commission to launch a full inquiry into the of the parliamentary Liberal Party expressed issuing of an Internet gaming licence to on Tuesday, 27 July. It is worth recording here Gocorp. He sought to bully the CJC down a that the member for Moggill revealed just two particular course of action. The new-found love days later that, when he was the Parliamentary of the Leader of the Opposition for the CJC Secretary to the Treasurer, he became aware makes St Paul's conversion on the road to of the interest in Internet gambling by one of Damascus look like a simple change of mind. the members concerned. Let me just repeat that: while the member for Moggill was Let us compare the current views of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, he Opposition Leader on ministerial responsibility became aware of the interest in Internet and accountability with those he held when gambling by one of the members. this House passed the no-confidence motion in his then Attorney-General. The Leader of Other members of the coalition were also the Opposition has called for the resignation of aware, and I will repeat this for the record. The the Treasurer, yet the investigations by the Minister for Families, Youth and Community Auditor-General and the CJC have not even Care, Mr Lingard, knew because he received a been completed. When this House passed a letter from the member for Woodridge on 15 no-confidence motion in the member for December 1997. That letter was attached to a Indooroopilly, did the then Premier sack him? letter to the member for Woodridge from No. He did not even get him to stand aside. Mr Reg Austin, a representative of Australian Online Entertainment Ltd, a company The member for Ipswich, on the other obviously pursuing an Internet gambling hand, did the honourable thing. The member licence. for Ipswich stood aside when there was just a perception of something wrong—just a In Mr Austin's letter, it is revealed that the perception, not a reality. I applaud the honour company had a meeting on Thursday, 27 and the integrity of the member for Ipswich, November 1997 at Parliament House with and I am confident that he will be completely "representatives of the Queensland exonerated by the Auditor-General and the Government". That is the then conservative CJC. The member for Ipswich has coalition Government. Just who those demonstrated his integrity. The member for representatives were the letter did not say, but Surfers Paradise has demonstrated his it is worth repeating that Mr Austin refers to a hypocrisy. meeting with Government representatives, who were members of the conservative In further reference to the calls by the Government. Mr Austin refers to meetings he Leader of the Opposition for the Treasurer to had with departmental heads and senior resign or face a censure motion, let me simply officials dating back to June 1996. Let me just say "Connolly/Ryan". Did the Leader of the repeat that date: June 1996—four months Opposition stand aside or resign when he as after the coalition was sworn in as the Premier signed the infamous MOU with the Government. Police Union? The answer is no. Did the Let me make a couple of observations. member for Crows Nest, the then Police First, it would be unusual for departmental Minister, stand aside or resign over his role in heads and senior officials to hold meetings in the MOU? The answer is no. Did the member relation to such matters without referring those for Caloundra, who was the then Deputy discussions to the relevant Ministers at least at Premier and Treasurer, stand aside or resign some time or at the very least to their senior over her role in the MOU? The answer is no. ministerial advisers. Second, I find it Let us also look at what the Leader of the extraordinary to say the least that the coalition Opposition said in this House on 26 August is expressing surprise and dismay when their 1997 when, as Premier, he revealed Crown department heads and senior officials started Law advice on why the then Attorney-General holding meetings with the people concerned in should not be sacked following the no- June 1996. In other words, the issue was well confidence motion a week earlier. That Crown known to the former Government at the Law advice states— 3074 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

"While the Government enjoyed the integrity. It is a Government that is providing confidence of this House, the selection of leadership on issues such as this. When these the Ministry was a matter for the Premier." issues have come to our attention, we have I assure this House that my standards and fixed them. While we have fixed them, those those of the member for Ipswich are much opposite, who were members of the most higher than those of the member for Surfers corrupt Government in the history of Australia, Paradise, the member for Crows Nest and the have opposed us at every turn. member for Caloundra by a long way, and are Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the particularly higher than those of the member Liberal Party) (3.53 p.m.): This Bill has nothing for Indooroopilly. to do with the issues that have ostensibly been Before asking the House to support this raised by the Premier. This Bill has everything legislation, I highlight just one more example to do with retrospective conscience. This is of the hypocrisy of the members opposite. The giving the Labor Party, the Premier and his Bill will prevent three members of the Labor Government a retrospective conscience. This Party from owning shares in an Internet is a Bill about fixing up things that the gambling company. This week Cabinet Treasurer should have done correctly in the approved that legislation. It also made a first place. It has nothing to do with trying to fix decision that all Ministers, all Government the problem. It is a complex Bill, trying to fix a MLAs, their families and ministerial staff problem that should not have arisen in the first cannot buy shares in the upcoming TAB float. place. Even the Premier has indicated that it is In light of the comments in recent weeks by a complex Bill, yet he refuses to give the the Opposition, I suspect that the TAB Bill will Opposition time to consider it. I will address be supported by the coalition. In fact, those issues later. yesterday I issued a challenge for the Leader The fact of the matter is that the of the Opposition to apply the same standards Treasurer simply failed to do his job. That is to members opposite—that is, prohibit them why we are in this mess. I refer to section 32(1) from buying shares in the TAB float. He has of the Interactive Gaming (Player Protection) declined. He has declined to provide Act 1998. Section 32 states— leadership on that issue. I think "The Minister may grant an Queenslanders will continue to show their application for an interactive gambling disappointment in this man, who has shown licence only if the Minister is satisfied— no demonstration of integrity at all. (a) the applicant is a suitable person to Mr BORBIDGE: Mr Deputy Speaker, I rise hold an interactive gambling licence; to a point of order. There is a longstanding and convention in this place that the second- reading speech of a Minister details the (b) each business or executive associate provisions of the legislation that the House will of the applicant is a suitable person be debating. We can have a debate about the to be associated with a licensed TAB tomorrow. There is a longstanding provider's operations." convention, but I know that the honourable Section 32(2) states— member for Brisbane Central has no respect "However, the Minister may refuse to for the conventions of this House. grant an application even if the Minister is Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): satisfied of the matters mentioned in There is no point of order. subsection (1)." Mr BEATTIE: The Explanatory Notes are There is absolutely no question that the very clear. Here we have from the Leader of responsibility falls on the Minister. The the Opposition a continuation of the nastiness responsibility falls on the Treasurer. I refer to and negativity that we see every day. "Mr the next issue—the suitability of the applicant Nasty" is at it again. to hold an interactive gaming licence. I will not I have set out an overwhelming case not go through every section, but I will refer to two just to support this legislation but to support it of the subsections. Section 33(1) states— today. It is important for us to ensure that this "In deciding whether an applicant is a issue is fixed. All we have seen today from the suitable person to hold an interactive Opposition—let the record show it—is attempts gambling licence, the Minister may have to prevent or to roadblock moves by the regard to the following matters— Government to set this right. The only reason it ... has done that is for cheap political purposes—nothing more. This Government is (c) if the applicant is not an an honest Government. It is a Government of individual—whether the applicant 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3075

has, or has arranged, a satisfactory course, it is a Labor web, and it is a web of ownership, trust or corporate deceit, and we will go back and examine it. structure; These are things that we know the Treasurer ... knew about or should have known about if he had undertaken the appropriate investigations (f) if the applicant has a business or caused the appropriate investigations to be association with another entity— undertaken. (i) the entity's character or business So let us get rid of all this nonsense that reputation; and somehow this Parliament needs today to fix up (ii) the entity's current financial a problem because of some probity issue or position and background;" the high and mighty ethics or integrity of this I will talk about what a business associate is. Government. It has nothing to do with that at Schedule 3 of the Act states— all. It has something to do with the incompetence of this Government. It has " 'business associate', of an applicant something to do with the fact that there is a for an interactive gambling licence, means trail of people associated with the Labor Party a person who the Minister reasonably and associated with Labor Party companies, believes— and it has everything to do with a trail of (a) is associated with the ownership or people who simply have failed in their management of the applicant's businesses and who are associated with operations; or Gocorp. It has everything to do with getting rid (b) will, if an interactive gambling licence of Labor mates. It has everything to do with is issued to the applicant, be trying to assuage the conscience of the associated with the ownership or Premier. It has everything to do with trying to management of the licensed assuage the collective conscience of the provider's operations." Government. It has everything to do with trying to make sure that the public perceives that this That clearly says that the Treasurer was Government is beyond reproach when the responsible not simply for looking at the facts show that it is not. I will examine that in a applicant, Gocorp, and not simply for looking fair bit of detail. at the directors of Gocorp but for looking at the corporate structure of Gocorp, for looking at all Let me refer to how the coalition was the individuals associated with Gocorp and for addressing this issue and this whole process, making a decision on whether or not those because the coalition did put up the people were appropriate people. legislation. There is no doubt that the coalition did have interactions with the member for Let us not pretend that somehow this was Woodridge. That has been said, I have the fault of the legislation. The legislation was confirmed it, and there is other evidence to clear. It was not the fault of the public confirm it. But let us put in perspective what servants. Public servants certainly do a the coalition did. The Premier referred to a Minister's bidding in the sense of doing some couple of letters that were sent to Mrs Sheldon of the legwork, but it is up to the Minister—it is as the then Deputy Premier and Treasurer up to the Treasurer—to decide and to actually from various members on this side of the sign the application form. No-one takes away House, including Ministers Lingard and— the responsibility of the Minister to make that decision. That is quite clear under the Mr Hamill: Slack. conditions for granting an application. Dr WATSON: Yes, Slack and a few other We have seen a mess develop, not people. Let me just refer to the reply. This is because of any fault in the legislation but traditional. We already know what the Premier simply because the Treasurer did not ensure is like. He gives us some things, and he always that appropriate steps were taken. He did not leaves out the crucial pages. We saw that ensure that he, and he alone, was confident earlier, when he tabled a letter about his own that all of the people connected with the involvement in Labor companies back in 1992 Gocorp application—all of the shareholders which he failed to put into the register. He left and all of those shareholders of associated out an appendix and he has never found it. businesses; in other words, the ownership— We still do not know what they are. were appropriate. Mr BEATTIE: I rise to a point of order. I I am going to go back, as I did earlier find that offensive and untrue and ask that it today, and talk about some of the structure. be withdrawn. The Premier got it right a couple of weeks ago Dr WATSON: I will withdraw whatever the when he said it was a maze and a web. Of Premier finds offensive. But the fact of the 3076 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 matter is that he tabled a letter which indicated withdraw. The Premier has asked him to that there was an appendix, and he has been withdraw. unable to provide the appendix. And when we Mr BORBIDGE: I will withdraw, Mr Deputy asked the Clerk, he could not find it, either. Speaker, but you have not heard the last of Mr BEATTIE: I rise to a point of order. I this. It was absolutely outrageous that the find those comments offensive and ask that Premier swore at the Clerk across the table to they be withdrawn defend himself. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Order! The member for Moggill. Mr BEATTIE: I rise to a point of order. Dr WATSON: I will withdraw, but it is still That is not what happened. It is typical of the true. Leader of the Opposition, who distorts these Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The things. It is offensive, it is untrue, and I ask member will withdraw. that it be withdrawn. It is not true. Dr WATSON: I withdraw. All one has to do Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The is look at what was tabled in the House. There Leader of the Opposition has been asked to is no question that what was tabled in the withdraw. House was a letter—absence of the appendix! Mr BORBIDGE: Mr Deputy Speaker, all of Mr Beattie: And is it my fault that the us on this side of the House must have been bloody Clerk's office lost it? hearing things. If the Premier— Dr WATSON: I am just saying what Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! This is not happened. a debate. The Leader of the Opposition has been asked to withdraw. Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. Is it acceptable to the Chair to have the Mr BORBIDGE: I withdraw. The Premier Premier swearing at the Clerk across the owes the Clerk an apology. Chamber in response to the issue? Mr DAVIDSON: I rise to a point of order. I Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! believe I heard the Premier swear at the Clerk, and I believe the Premier should apologise to Mr BORBIDGE: That is outrageous. the Clerk. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! There is Mr BORBIDGE: That is absolutely no point of order. disgraceful. Mr HORAN: I rise to a point of order. Mr Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Speaker, of the group here, I am probably the Mr BEATTIE: I rise to a point of order. furthest away from the Premier, and I heard it That is offensive and untrue. I did nothing of very clearly. I am surprised that the Premier the kind, and the Leader of the Opposition would stand up and say that that was a lie. I knows it. heard it. All he needs to do is stand up and apologise to the Clerk. That is the least that is Mr BORBIDGE: The Premier owes the required. I cannot believe that the Premier Clerk an apology. He said, "Is it my fault or is it would stand up and say that that was a lie. I the fault of the"— heard it. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! There is member for Moggill will resume his seat. The no point of order. Premier has asked the Opposition Leader to withdraw. Mr BEANLAND: I rise to a point of order. I heard very clearly what the Premier said. He Mr BEANLAND: I rise to a point of order. I swore in relation to the Clerk. I believe an heard very clearly what the Premier said about apology is owed to the Clerk. The whole the Clerk. I shall not repeat it, but I believe that Chamber—certainly members on this side and, an apology is owing. I am sure, members on that side—heard it. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The One would have had to be stone deaf not to member for Indooroopilly will resume his seat. hear it. I think it is quite clear that the Premier The Leader of the Opposition has been asked owes the Clerk an apology. to withdraw. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! There is Mr BORBIDGE: Mr Deputy Speaker, I no point of order. would make the point that— Mr HORAN: I rise to a point of order. I find Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The Chair it amazing that, in this place, members can is asking the Leader of the Opposition to use such terms towards the Clerk, and it brings 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3077 this Parliament into an absolute shambles and Government dealt with them on a preferred a disgrace if the Premier will not apologise. basis. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! There is Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. The no point of order. claim made by the honourable member for Moggill is false, it is untrue and it is offensive, Mr BEANLAND: Mr Deputy Speaker, I and I ask for it to be withdrawn. move dissent from your ruling. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! I will take Order! advice from the Clerk. I call the member for Moggill. Dr WATSON: I will withdraw. The Government dealt with them on a preferred Dr WATSON: As I was saying, we have a basis—if the member for Ipswich is so tradition now of the Premier not delivering sensitive. everything. The other day he released a fax. Mrs Sheldon rejected any idea that we On the fax was a memo that had been flushed were dealing with them on a preferred basis. out because of the issues that we had raised. Let me go on and read the rest of it— And what was missing? The first two pages of the fax! And when we asked for them, the "In May 1997, Gaming Ministers Premier could not find them. So it is not representing the various gambling surprising that today we find that the Premier is regulatory authorities across Australia, able to read out letters that went to the then released for comment a draft framework Deputy Premier, Mrs Sheldon, but he failed to for the regulatory control of new forms of read out the letter that Mrs Sheldon sent in interactive gambling, including the use of reply. Let me read that letter into Hansard, the Internet. The proposal is designed to because it is fairly telling. It says something allow individual State and Territory about the way in which the coalition went Governments to regulate Australian about dealing with the issue. It is a letter dated sourced interactive home gambling 26 March, and it is signed by Bob Harper, Mrs activity within a national framework. It is Sheldon's former Parliamentary Secretary. It is not intended to provide a framework for addressed to Mr D'Arcy. It says— the expansion of commercial gambling venues. "Dear Mr D'Arcy Under the existing legislative I refer to your facsimile to the former framework in Queensland, participation in Ministers, Mr H Hobbs MLA and Mr gambling products available on the K Lingard MLA, on behalf of Mr Reg Internet is illegal for the provider and the Austin of Australian Online Entertainment player, regardless of the location of the Ltd (AOE). The correspondence was provider. Specific enabling legislation forwarded to me for comment as the would be needed to permit gambling on issues fall within my portfolio. the Internet and other forms of interactive I can confirm that representatives of gambling in Queensland. If the State AOE have met with Treasury officials and were not to continue developing or myself to discuss gambling on the amending legislation, interactive products, Internet. I can also confirm that during the except keno and lotteries, would remain period mentioned, proposals have been illegal for supply and play in Queensland. received from, and systems demonstrated In October 1997, the Queensland by, other parties eager to be licensed in Government considered the proposed Queensland to conduct Internet gambling national regulatory framework and agreed operations. that the State continue to participate in Accordingly"— working towards a national regulatory model for gambling on the Internet and and this is the issue that was uppermost in other forms of interactive gambling, with a people's minds— view to developing broad legislation "Accordingly, I cannot accept Mr based on the national model. Austin's claim that AOE were dealing with The Government policy to date"— the Queensland Government on a this is in March 1998— preferred level." "is that it would be premature to 'fast Mrs Sheldon rejected any idea that we were track' any proposal ahead of properly dealing with them on a preferred basis. Yet considered legislation and resolution of that is the central issue of why we are in this regulatory issues. Nonetheless, as you trouble; because the Treasurer and the Labor would by now be aware, I am pleased to 3078 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

advise you that I have recently introduced Opposition. Every day we see fresh legislation into the Parliament to enable revelations. The most outstanding revelation is licence proposals to be properly that the former Treasurer knew the history of considered. some of these dodgy characters before he I hope that the above helps in setting approved the licence. He knew that his Labor the current position in its proper context." mates were closely linked to the venture. He also knew of some of their criminal convictions. So it is quite clear that there was interaction He knew, or should have known, of some of between the coalition in Government and a their spectacular business failures. number of people who were interested in getting into interactive gaming in Queensland. Any one of those factors provides However, the important point to remember was sufficient grounds to refuse the licence. When that was for the purpose of developing the all those factors were taken together they legislative framework. There was never any amounted to dynamite. The warning bells were question of preference being given to any ringing off the wall but the member for Ipswich potential gambling player. That is the way the ignored them and plunged this Government coalition dealt with things. That was reflected in into the crisis that we see today. The net bet the legislation which introduced operators. scandal has demonstrated yet again that Because the coalition introduced it in that Labor is incapable of differentiating between manner we did not get ourselves into the type official business, party business, mate of mess that this Government finds itself in. business and funny business. The Labor Government has failed to This current scandal makes the properly implement the necessary Government's $93 toilet brush issue smell like investigations. Labor has failed to undertake a bunch of roses. It makes the decision to detailed examination of the applicants spend $600,000 on renovating a ministerial concerned. The Premier himself indicated that office almost a stroke of political genius. The it was a maze. I agree with the Premier. When people of Queensland are entitled to know I spoke on radio on 27 July I gave the how this application got through the probity Treasurer the benefit of the doubt. I still give process. The Premier and the people of the member for Ipswich the benefit of the Queensland have good reason to be doubt. concerned about this scandal. The last time I saw anything as complex as this was when I Mr Welford: You give him the benefit of was in public accounting and came across the the doubt, but you're going to censure him. Mafia trying to dream up ways of money Dr WATSON: I am prepared to give the laundering. member for Ipswich the benefit of the doubt in Mr Hamill: Was it the Mafia? terms of illegality, but I am not sure with regard to stupidity and incompetence. The more we Dr WATSON: We believe so. We found it. dig into this matter the more we find. This is a story of Labor intrigue with the Companies we have never heard of, such as member for Woodridge—Labor's long-reputed Gocorp, Navari and Topki, have now become bagman—at the centre of this tangled web. In household names. The Treasurer should have the limited time available I can touch on just a been concerned about the structure of these few of the issues involved. companies in evaluating the application. I I want to deal with Gocorp. When this have here a diagram which sets out the things legislation removes Navari and Topki, it will of which the Treasurer should have been leave the structure of Gocorp, the original aware with regard to Navari when he was investor, in place. We need to look at some making the evaluation. issues in relation to that. Gocorp is the entity For example, one of Navari's serving which was granted the interactive gaming directors was associated with a string of high licence. Two people involved with Gocorp are profile business failures. In 1990, his chain of Geoffrey Ian Koo and Bradley Ronald Toucano Char restaurants went into liquidation McCosker. Navari Ltd belongs to the former owing $3m to creditors. He was also the head Treasurer's three Labor mates. Topki Holdings of a failed building company named Wilson is a company which administers multiple Industries. Businesses and individuals superannuation funds for multiple associated with Gocorp should have been beneficiaries. We recognise that that is a investigated before a licence was issued. structure which can hide a whole host of things, including a whole series of Labor Another key figure in the net bet scandal mates' nest eggs. was convicted of misappropriating some $93,000 which belonged to Mercantile Mutual There would be very little chance of any of Insurance. That was a revelation to the us ever getting to the bottom of that, although 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3079 the probity process should have got to the they put their wives in Navari. We know that bottom of it. In my opinion, the nature and Mrs D'Arcy is the spouse of the member for extent of any such association has to be Woodridge and we know that Cheryl examined not only by the Auditor-General but Livingstone is the wife of Don Livingstone, who also by the CJC. Of course, the important is a senior adviser to a Minister. people are Geoffrey Ian Koo and Bradley However, of equal importance, and as I Ronald McCosker, because they are the two said previously, James Frederick Wilson is a individuals who first came along with Reg prominent businessman associated with a Austin with respect to the Internet gaming. At number of business failures. I am sure that a that stage, I think Mrs Sheldon's letter referred number of members of this House would recall to them as Australian Online Entertainment. the fact that Wilson Industries collapsed about Mr Austin is Mr McCosker's uncle. In 1997, he 10 years ago, leaving creditors high and dry. I was convicted of fraud and stripped of his have already mentioned his defunct restaurant OAM. I think it is strange that when one looks chain. So the question that ought to exercise at the structure of Gocorp, one of the three the Treasurer's mind is whether or not Mr principal movers and the person who wrote to Wilson, as Chairman of Navari, was an the then Treasurer, Mrs Sheldon, and who was individual whom one would have wanted to be part of that group which was pushing for this, is associated with Queensland's first Internet suddenly not visible in the Gocorp registry, yet casino licence, whether or not his past Mr D'Arcy and others were writing on that business record was one that one would want person's behalf. If members recall the letter, to have associated with an Internet licence they will know that Mrs Sheldon referred that was going to be looked at by everybody in specifically to Mr Austin. Australia and around the world. I can understand Mr Austin's natural However, those are not the only colourful reluctance to disclose his criminal past. characters associated with Navari. Earlier, I However, I find it remarkable that he is not talked about the Livingstones through Delrex listed somewhere in Gocorp. I think that the and about some other people. I think the CJC and the Auditor-General have to important thing about this whole issue is that investigate whether Mr Austin has parked his there was an interrelationship between Mr interests in another legal entity associated with D'Arcy, Mr Livingstone and Councillor Pisasale. Gocorp or through his nephew, Mr McCosker, We see Councillor Pisasale's interest come up or any other individual, because it is incumbent through one of these entities called The in the legislation that, in granting a licence, Ultimate Solution Pty Ltd. Like Delrex, The one has to know who the associated people Ultimate Solution has been associated with are. It is beyond belief that for a year or a year Navari since 1994. As I said earlier today, it and a half Mr Austin could be part of pushing seems to me that Delrex and the restructuring for that licence and then, simply because he of The Ultimate Solution need to be looked at has a criminal conviction, suddenly he is out of in some detail. There is also another entity it. I think that that needs to be looked at in a within Navari called Tahoe Superfund. There is fair bit of detail. That is one of the problems very little information indeed on this particular with this legislation; although it is removing player. However, as I understand from a Navari and Topki, it leaves the remaining cursory glance at the legislation— structure of Gocorp. We do not know the extent to which individuals associated with that Mr Welford: You don't understand. entity have satisfied all the probity issues. Dr WATSON: The Minister is a Minister in a Government that just voted against giving us The other key player in this sorry affair is the opportunity to look at the legislation in Navari. I have indicated already that Navari detail. So if I do not understand it, it is has had a substantial shareholding in Gocorp, because of the Government's refusal to give and that is variously reported as being me and other members on this side of the between 12% and 20%. I know that the House the opportunity to look at it. I do not Treasurer interjected earlier, but certainly in the think that that is a particularly proud boast to initial stage its shareholding was close to 20%. make. There may have been some dilution of the shareholding later on. The directorships and Mr Horan interjected. the shareholdings of Navari are pretty Dr WATSON: That is right. important. The Premier must have had some Mr Welford interjected. inkling of them when he said that it was a maze. Of course, originally Navari included Mr Mr Horan interjected. Livingstone and Mr D'Arcy as directors. Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): However, they got out of it, and back in 1994 Order! If members want to have their own 3080 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 private conversations, they can do so outside he was not actually referred to as "Rodney" in the House. the papers that were filed with the Australian Dr WATSON: With respect to that super Securities and Investment Commission. He fund, there is no supporting evidence except was referred to as "Ronnie", so it was a little that the registered address is the same as a while before we were able to track him down to D. M. and D. E. Eadeh. Who are they? The the Swagman Hotel chain that he runs in the only thing that I have been able to find out Philippines. From what we have been able to about them is that they are also associates of find out, the people of Queensland are entitled the member for Woodridge in Probah Pty to ask whether Mr Hegarty is an appropriate Ltd—of course, again the central feature in this person to be involved with Queensland's first whole affair. Internet gaming licence. Of course, the sorry fact of the matter is that it does not end there. As I said at the beginning, the more we Mr D'Arcy, the member for Woodridge, dig, the more we find out about this particular personally held shares in Navari Pty Ltd and operation. However, from looking at the also held shares through W. D. Management legislation briefly, it seems to me that although Consultants Pty Ltd, a company that is wholly the member for Woodridge, Mr Livingstone owned by himself and his wife. However, it and Councillor Pisasale may be excluded from does not rest with Navari, Topki, Gocorp or any it, there is no exclusion of some of these other Labor mates at the centre of the net bet others who are clearly associated with some of scandal. Whatever their complicity in this these people—including the member for disgraceful affair, the ultimate responsibility Woodridge—from Gocorp. I think that the full rests with the man who awarded them the extent of that issue has to be examined before licence to print money. It was the Treasurer this legislation is passed by the House. who approved the deal, it was the Treasurer The other shareholder, Manbury Pty Ltd, who flushed Queensland's good reputation is wholly owned by the Wilson family. As I down the toilet and it is the Treasurer who has mentioned earlier, Mr Wilson has been to stand condemned. One would be flat out associated with a string of corporate collapses. getting this application approved in Las Vegas, I would think that the people of Queensland but the Treasurer did not bat an eyelid. He is are entitled to wonder why the Government now claiming that he did not do anything saw fit to approve his association with the wrong. The Treasurer and his Labor mates State's first Internet gambling licence. No have betrayed the State and they have objective assessment of his track record could betrayed the people who elected them. Judas have supported this involvement and no received 30 pieces of silver; Gocorp received a reasonable person could have been satisfied licence worth $200m. that Mr Wilson was a fit and proper person to The extent of the Premier's own hold a gaming licence. However, that did not involvement is still unclear, but certainly it is stop the Treasurer. He ignored the alarm bells, more than he admitted to at the outset. He he ignored the flashing red lights and he threw claimed to have little knowledge of the venture caution to the wind. The people of except for some vague recollection of a Queensland are entitled to know why. They conversation with the member for Woodridge are entitled to know if it had anything to do when they were in Opposition. Then we saw with Manbury's other business ventures. For the telltale memorandum, which was written at example, the people of Queensland are the Premier's personal direction, telling entitled to know whether Manbury, which is Treasury to meet with the member for also in business with Amarance Pty Woodridge as a matter of urgency. The Ltd—headed by that well-known Labor mate Premier's memory suddenly improved Ian Brusasco—had anything to do with it. They somewhat when he recalled that the member are entitled to know whether Manbury is also for Woodridge had lobbied him to give Gocorp associated with Texberg Pty Ltd, which is a the edge on the rest of the world. That wholly owned Labor company. The web of conversation did not take place when they complex relationships between Mr Wilson, the were in Opposition. That conversation took Labor mates and Labor companies, must be place in the initial weeks of the new probed by the Auditor-General and the CJC. Government. It took place within a month of Leaving these tantalising coincidences Labor taking office. aside, I turn to a question that I asked this Let us remember that the Government morning about a Rodney David Hegarty, who only released the telltale memo after we is based in the Philippines. It is interesting to lodged our freedom of information application. reflect on this issue, because when we first Treasury knew that we were going to get it at tried to find out about Rodney David Hegarty, some stage, even if the Auditor-General or the 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3081

CJC, which came in a little latter, received it in and two. The Premier keeps claiming to lead any case. It is like someone admitting that an open and accountable Government, but he they robbed a bank after they found out that never tells the full story or releases all of the they were caught on the security camera. documents. The Premier's directive shows that he was The Premier wants us to believe that the pulling the strings within a month of taking Treasurer approved the deal without a word to office. It shows that he held direct talks with anyone. The Premier wants us to believe that the member for Woodridge in July of last year he is a mushroom and that he was kept in the and that he was personally involved in fast- dark. I do not buy it. The Premier does not run tracking the venture. According to the this State in a vacuum. He is surrounded by a Premier's version of events, the memo was cast of thousands who are constantly briefing about Tasmania. He claims that it had nothing and advising him on every issue that has the to do with the net bet licence or the member slightest potential for controversy. The Premier for Woodridge. The Premier has elevated has claimed that none of his Ministerial or political spin doctoring to stratospheric levels. departmental staff knew of the deal, or if they The memo has everything to do with the net did they failed to inform him. Who is he trying bet licence. It has everything to do with to kid? The Premier's chief of staff was the Queensland and the Gocorp venture. The Treasurer's former chief of staff in the Goss person who signed the accompanying note Government. The Premier and the Treasurer was the major shareholder in Gocorp. That share the same building and they work hand in note was about Gocorp losing ground to glove on just about every major project. They interstate competitors. It shows that Gocorp have been close friends and political allies for gave the member for Woodridge a rocket. He years. They used to travel together, although then gave the Premier a rocket and the they do not always like to talk about it, as we Premier gave Treasury a rocket. It is amazing found out the other day. They have formed a what a few well placed rockets will do when mutual admiration society. They scratch each one is bouncing around the corridors of power other's back and they cover each other's at 100 George Street. tracks. They certainly forgot to mention the The Government accepted the Gocorp implications of the travel rort scandal 10 years licence less than three months later, ahead of ago and they seem to have had another any other rival. The Premier's direct convenient lapse of memory this time around. involvement in that process is irrefutable. He It simply defies belief that the Treasurer now has to explain why he denied such did not say a word to his closest Cabinet involvement, why he denied any knowledge of colleague and boss. Even if the Treasurer did the venture and why he denied giving it his not say anything before he looked after his personal support. The Premier wants us to Labor mates, why would there be a big secret believe that he clearly recollects the afterwards? What possible reason could the discussions with the member for Woodridge Treasurer have had for keeping the secret before the change of Government but not after he approved the deal? The Premier after the change of Government. One can only claimed that he only found out about the assume that he has been taking selective licence when the Courier-Mail called him three memory lessons from that other well-known weeks ago. That was almost two months after Labor mate, Carmen Lawrence. the Treasurer paved the way to fame and The Premier wants us to believe that the fortune for his Labor mates. There was no member for Woodridge spoke with a staffer reason for keeping it a secret and every rather than himself, when the memo says reason for warning the Premier. The exactly the opposite. I do not buy it and Treasurer's advisers would have known about neither should the people of Queensland. The the licence, his department would have known, memo shows that the Premier was up to his his Labor mates would have known and the shirt sleeves in the chain of events from day company would have known. I believe that the one and that is the document he is using to Premier knew as well, long before the Courier- defend himself. What about the documents Mail came knocking on his door. It would have that he does not want us to see? The Premier been impossible to keep this a secret from him is yet to explain—and we talked about this for almost two months when at least 100 other earlier—what happened to the first two pages people must have known. of the papers he released, which are the last This is Queensland's first online casino two pages of a four page document. The licence and it is worth millions of dollars. In any people of Queensland are entitled to know other circumstance, the Treasurer would have what the Government is hiding. We are called a special media conference. He would entitled to know the contents of pages one have been bragging about a can-do 3082 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Government and about jobs, jobs, jobs. He the Government's net bet Bill, because it would have been yelling it from the rooftops. would all but guarantee a windfall profit to Instead, he tried to slip it through on the quiet Labor's Sydney mates. The Premier wants the when no-one was looking. The Treasurer knew Parliament to give its imprimatur to an online exactly what he was doing and he knew that casino licence which is at the centre of the what he was doing was wrong. That is why biggest political controversy in Queensland's there was no media conference and no recent history. The Premier wants the fanfare. That is why the Treasurer has forfeited Parliament to approve a licence which is still his right to remain in the Ministry. being investigated by the Auditor-General and The only way to get to the bottom of this the Criminal Justice Commission. The Premier scandal is through a full judicial inquiry. We wants the Parliament to sign a $200m cheque want to know how the application got through for Gocorp while the jury is still out over its role the probity auditor. We want to know if there in the net bet scandal. The Premier wants the was pressure brought to bear on any of the Parliament to write this cosy little deal into law decision makers. We want to know if any before we can get to hear a verdict. This Bill brown paper bags changed hands. We want would pose the very real risk of making the to know if there were any sleazy back-room State Parliament an accessory after the fact. deals or undisclosed stakes in this casino. We Gocorp is still under investigation and that will want to know what the Premier knew and not change just because it has jettisoned a when he knew it. few Labor mates to preserve its own windfall profit. The coalition is not going to give anyone The deal was irrevocably tainted from the a cheque for $200m until all of the inquiries outset. It has brought the whole process into have been finalised. disrepute and sullied Queensland's international reputation as one of the world's Gocorp has already moved to capitalise very few squeaky clean gaming regulators. on its first mover advantage, with aggressive The licence should have been cancelled or at headhunting and splashy advertisements in least suspended pending the outcome of all the national media last weekend. It is offering inquiries. There is absolutely no question that big bucks for computer whiz-kids and corporate the Gocorp venture enjoyed several distinct high-flyers. Its advertising banner said it all: advantages over its commercial rivals. Firstly, it "Win the game". Gocorp has hit the jackpot had a big head start in lodging its application. and is spending up big. The Weekend It also enjoyed the Trojan horse support of Australian carried the company's influential lobbyists and investors within the advertisement for 40 positions with salary Government itself. The snaring of the very first packages of up to $150,000 a year. Each day Queensland licence gave it a jump on all its that passes reinforces Gocorp's advantage as competitors. The business world has a special Queensland's first licence holder, and the term for this sort of beneficial situation. It is Premier's Bill would cement that advantage called the first mover advantage. into State law. Our international reputation has already been tarnished by the net bet scandal The Treasurer's overriding responsibility in and this Bill could well do further damage. this process was to ensure that all potential What will happen if the Auditor-General or the contenders were competing on a level playing CJC find that Gocorp has a case to answer field. The evidence today suggests that he after Mr Beattie rams this Bill through the failed miserably and should be sacked for Parliament? The Premier said that he will sheer incompetence and political stupidity, if cancel the licence if that is the case. Let us nothing else. I believe the Auditor-General will see what happens. The damage will have find that the Government failed to provide all been done. potential applicants with an equal opportunity to compete for the online casino licence. That Mr Borbidge: Why would anyone believe would be a damning indictment of the whole him? process and would, I suspect, sound the Dr WATSON: Why would anyone believe political death knell for the Treasurer. There him? The cheque would probably have been can be no coming back after a finding of that cashed. gravity. The Premier should put this Bill through Whatever happens now, the marketplace the shredder. It is neither necessary, prudent and the people of Queensland can never be nor acceptable. No-one should be able to satisfied that the approval process was entirely move on this until the Auditor-General and the aboveboard. The only way to restore public CJC give the all clear. Let us not forget the real confidence is to revoke the licence and start rationale for this Bill. The Premier faced a again from scratch. We will vigorously oppose political crisis because one of his Labor mates 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3083 was playing hard ball over his family Government with respect to the issuing of the shareholding. The Premier could not get rid of State's first interactive gambling licence. The the Labor mates so he applied the Opposition and some elements within the thumbscrews to Gocorp. The Bill was a media have chosen to ignore important facts, legislative carrot and a stick. The Premier especially where they contradict scurrilous promised Gocorp a pot of gold to jump allegations of preferential treatment—such as through a few corporate hoops. He said, "Get the ones we heard from the member for rid of any Labor mates and you keep your Moggill—and windfall profits being provided to $200m windfall. If you don't get rid of them, so-called Labor mates. you will lose the lot." That is what this Bill is all In supporting these amendments this about—rank political hypocrisy. It is a political afternoon, I want to set the record straight. pay-off with public money. It does not There were no special deals. Gocorp Ltd was guarantee probity or propriety. It does not issued with a conditional interactive gambling guarantee anything. licence because, after eight months of rigorous Cutting Labor's mates and these suspect probity investigations by the Queensland characters out of the action on paper will not Office of Gaming Regulation, it had satisfied stop unscrupulous investors stitching up secret the regulators and the Under Treasurer that it backroom deals behind closed doors. This Bill met the requirements for a licence. will only encourage cronyism and corruption. It will drive everything further underground. The I had rejected Gocorp's request for a Premier's cure is worse than the disease. The reduction in the 50% tax rate and its request real solution is staring the Government in the for a licence of 20 years' duration was also face and it could not be easier. As the Leader rejected in favour of a lesser period. When of the Opposition has said constantly, all the people associated with Gocorp complained to Premier has to do is exercise his existing me about the length of time taken by the authority as acting Treasurer under the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation to Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act to prepare regulations under the Act or to suspend the net bet licence pending the conduct its comprehensive probity checks, I outcome of all inquiries. That is all he has to had no hesitation in expressing my total do. The Act specifically provides for the confidence in the QOGR and in the impartiality immediate suspension of a licence in and professionalism of its officers. extraordinary circumstances to protect the There was no exclusive licence awarded public interest. And such is the case today. to Gocorp, nor was a tender awarded to Surely the net bet scandal can be placed in Gocorp. As the coalition well knows, there is no that category. limit on the number of licences that can be Section 48 of the legislation empowers issued under the Act. Similar to any other the Government to act with the stroke of a applicant, Gocorp could expect a licence pen. This Government has already handed provided it met the standards required by the Gocorp a public licence to print private money. QOGR. There were no special deals for This Bill would simply ratify that licence and Gocorp because of the political affiliations of its guarantee a killing. We do not believe that minority shareholders. The families of the three anyone should be allowed to play the game or Labor Party identities linked to Gocorp had a cash in their chips until the Auditor-General minority interest in their company, Navari Pty and the CJC have finished their inquiries. The Ltd, which in turn had a minority interest in Treasurer and the Deputy Speaker have stood Gocorp. Collectively, the family interests of aside and a ministerial adviser has been these three figures owned less than 6% of suspended. This licence should also be Gocorp. The three people in question were suspended. This Bill is an attempt to set neither directors of Gocorp nor directors of Gocorp's first mover advantage in legislative Navari. In fact, one of these people, Councillor cement. It is entirely the wrong response at Pisasale, was forced to resign as a director as this time, and the Opposition will oppose it a result of the independent probity vigorously. investigations conducted by the QOGR—an Hon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) action which I had no hesitation whatsoever in (Treasurer) (4.44 p.m.): These amendments to endorsing. the Act are tangible evidence of this On four counts—no exclusivity of licence, Government's responsiveness to the no tax cut, no real involvement for Pisasale, no community and its adherence to the highest 20-year licence—the decisions all went against standards of public accountability. Over the Gocorp's interests. So much for special past few weeks there has been a concerted favours! Ironically, after two weeks of attacking effort to undermine the credibility of the the licensing process and my role as the 3084 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 responsible Minister, I find that the only charge administering the provisions of the which is being made against me is that I had a proposed legislation ... it will ensure all political responsibility to act unethically! Let me forms of gaming and wagering whether assure honourable members that I am always conducted by traditional means or prepared to be condemned for ethical electronically, are conducted in behaviour. As Treasurer, I consider accordance with a consistently high level commercially sensitive information day in and of probity and integrity." day out. I have a responsibility to act with The other furphy that has been peddled integrity and not disclose confidential in relation to Gocorp is that the issuing of the information just because someone thinks it licence was somehow expanding gambling would be smart politics to do so. It is my opportunities in the community. Nothing could responsibility to ensure that decisions are be further from the truth. Apart from the fact taken for the right reasons and that the proper that 90% of Queenslanders would be processes are observed, such as in this prevented from playing casino games offered instance, where I have acted on the advice by Gocorp because of the franchises held on and recommendations of the independent those games by existing land-based casinos in regulator, the Queensland Office of Gaming Cairns, Townsville, Brisbane and the Gold Regulation and the Under Treasurer. Coast, the purpose of licensing an interactive When the Leader of the Liberal Party was gambling operation is not to promote asked about the Gocorp licence issue on ABC gambling. Goodness knows there are plenty of radio on Tuesday, 27 July, did he question the operations already on the Net. Rather, the legality of the process? Did he question the purpose of legislation was to protect those who role and integrity of the Queensland Office of want to play these games. Allow me to again Gaming Regulation? No way! What did he quote the then Treasurer, Mrs Sheldon. She say? He stated— said— "I don't think there's anything "It is important to note that the Bill will illegal ... I'm not aware of anything illegal not, and is not intended to, expand the in that at all. range of gaming products available through commercial venues such as ... casinos, clubs and hotels." Um and ah, you know I very much This Act is part of a national regulatory doubt that the Office of Gaming framework which was recently praised in the Regulation would allow something like much acclaimed report of the Productivity that through." Commission on gambling in Australia. It is time Thankyou, Dr Watson; I could not agree with that the facts were placed upon the record. you more. Representatives of Australian Online Entertainment had numerous meetings with Why are we debating this legislation this the coalition Government before and after the afternoon? The answer lies not in reality but in passage of the Act, and they met with me on perception. It is no longer sufficient that these 15 July 1998. I should mention that such a identities who have an affiliation with the Labor meeting with the new Treasurer is hardly Party have little or no real influence within surprising. Over the last 12 months, I have met Gocorp. We are making sure that they can with other casino operators and other have no perceived interest, either. When the companies involved in gaming and gambling, Parliament unanimously passed the Bill in as one would expect a responsible Minister to March 1998, it left open the opportunity for do. political identities to invest in such While I believe this meeting may have enterprises—to have a perceived interest been requested by Mr Livingstone, I do not regardless of how small an interest they had in recall him attending this meeting. However, Mr reality. That was not an issue for the Liberal Brad McCosker and Mr Reg Austin of AOE Party and National Party Government in March attended in the presence of my acting policy 1998, although it knew—and it said so again adviser. They indicated that the company this afternoon—of Mr D'Arcy's interest in this wanted to apply for an interactive gambling matter. The Independent member for licence. I informed them that applications for Gladstone also supported the Bill, and the licences could be considered by the QOGR Labor Opposition believed the then Treasurer, only after the subordinate legislation was Mrs Sheldon, when she said— gazetted. They also wanted an exclusive "The Queensland Office of Gaming licence, and I was advised by QOGR that there Regulation will be responsible for would be no exclusivity as it was always 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3085 intended that a number of licences could be investigations of the AIEL application and in issued. particular the failure of one of the directors of At various times between July and Navari Pty Ltd, a minority shareholder of AIEL, September 1998, directors and shareholders to disclose certain criminal offences. QOGR in AOE, now known as Australian Internet considered it appropriate to require the director Entertainment Limited—AIEL—including in question, Councillor Paul Pisasale, to resign Messrs McCosker, D'Arcy and Livingstone, his directorship of Navari. Yes, I know inquired as to progress in the preparation of Councillor Pisasale, but I had no hesitation the subordinate legislation. On each occasion, whatsoever in endorsing QOGR's actions. I advised them that the QOGR was On 14 May, AIEL—now Gocorp—directors progressing the regulations in consultation with Appleby and Farrar met with me in my other jurisdictions, in keeping with the national ministerial office in the presence of Ms regulatory approach that had been developed Caroline Tumour, my policy adviser. Gocorp over the previous three years. sought this meeting to seek a reduction in the On 24 August 1998 I received a letter 50% tax rate which applies to interactive from Mr McCosker seeking a licence to gambling licensees under the Queensland operate interactive gambling in Queensland regulations. They told me that until recently and criticising "QOGR's inertia with regard to they had been unaware of the 50% tax rate the drafting of the legislation and now the and that they considered the 50% tax rate relevant regulations". I replied on 21 would undermine the commercial viability of September, expressing "my full support for their enterprise. I told them that there would be officers of the Queensland Office of Gaming no reduction. Regulation", and I commended the officers for Finally, on 3 June 1999 the Executive the progress that they had made on the Director of the Queensland Office of Gaming regulatory regime. Again, I stood by the Regulation, Mr David Ford, and the Under regulator. I rejected Gocorp's criticisms. Treasurer, Mr Gerard Bradley, presented me At its Bundaberg meeting of 21 with a memorandum recommending the September last year, Cabinet considered the issuing of an interactive gambling licence to Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Gocorp. My senior policy adviser, Mr Scott Regulations, which had been prepared by the Flavell, and my policy adviser, Ms Tumour, Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation. were also in attendance at that meeting. After the meeting I issued a press release and Although the memorandum recommended the held a press conference announcing that both issue of a licence to Gocorp, it left open the the regulations and the Act would commence issue of whether the duration of the licence from 1 October last year. In further should be 15 years or 20 years, stating that correspondence to Mr McCosker on 9 October, this was a matter for the discretion of the I advised that a licence applicant would be Treasurer. subjected to thorough checks by QOGR. I stated in my letter— The memorandum stated that Gocorp and their financial advisers, Deutsche Bank, "I am advised by the QOGR that considered that a 20-year licence was these steps should take some six weeks necessary for its financial viability. I told Messrs once an application has been lodged. Ford and Bradley that leaving this matter to my Once this process is complete and QOGR discretion was unacceptable and that I wanted are satisfied with the nature and viability them to make a clear recommendation to me of your business and internet services, I as to what should be the duration of the would expect a licence would be issued to licence based on their professional judgment. I your company." told Mr Ford and Mr Bradley that some people It is worth noting that the process took eight associated with the Gocorp application were months, rather than the six weeks estimated well known to me but that I had not and I by QOGR. The QOGR advertised the would not seek any preference or advantage availability of interactive gambling licences by for those people or for Gocorp. posting its requirements on its web site on 1 Mr Ford and Mr Bradley together agreed October last year. There is no magic in Gocorp that a licence of 15 years' duration would be being the first company to have been issued appropriate, and Mr Bradley consequently with a licence, as its forerunner, AIEL, was the amended the memorandum's first company to apply, lodging its application recommendation to that effect in his own with the QOGR in October last year. handwriting. I asked Mr Ford and Mr Bradley In April this year, QOGR reported to me whether the recommendations for the issue of on matters that had emerged from the probity the licence were their recommendations, made 3086 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 according to their professional judgment in affiliations had played a part in the process accordance with the processes and and that the licence had been issued to requirements applied by the Queensland D'Arcy, Livingstone and Pisasale. This claim Office of Gaming Regulation under the Act was made despite the fact that D'Arcy, and whether there was any legal impediment Livingstone and Pisasale were neither directors to the issue of the licence. Mr Bradley and Mr of Gocorp nor directors of its minority Ford gave me those assurances and told me shareholder, Navari. that there was no reason why the licence Improper conduct was also inferred in an should not be issued. article by Paul Whittaker on Saturday, 31 July I therefore endorsed the which highlighted not only Labor Party links recommendations, as amended by the Under between me and the three political identities Treasurer, approving the issuing of a associated with the Gocorp application but conditional licence to Gocorp. It is important to also that we were all members of the same note that Gocorp is yet to take its first bet. Labor Party faction, as well as the existence of Despite the issue of a conditional licence, social ties. Shock, horror! Livingstone, Pisasale Gocorp must yet satisfy QOGR that its and I live in Ipswich. Pisasale and I know each proposed software and its financial capability other socially. And—wait for it!—a former meet appropriate standards before it can electorate secretary of Livingstone is now a operate. member of my staff. I have to say that if one In the Courier-Mail of Tuesday, 27 July has grown up in a community, lived there all 1999, the following headline appeared on one's life and been as active in that page 1. It was a beauty, wasn't it? "Internet community, as I have, over the past 25 years, jackpot for Labor mates", it bellowed. The one would be expected to know other people accompanying story focused on the Labor who have been similarly active in that Party affiliations of Messrs D'Arcy, Livingstone community. As a result of these articles and and Pisasale and the yet still to be other media comment, the Leader of the substantiated claim that the issuing of the Opposition, Mr Borbidge, then hopped on the interactive gambling licence would produce a bandwagon alleging "some very serious issues massive financial windfall for Gocorp's that need to be investigated". shareholders. I do not know where the Courier- Again for the record I state: no favourable Mail got the idea that Gocorp would be worth treatment was accorded to Gocorp's $200m, but obviously that is the sort of source application. Gocorp was subjected to the full that the member for Moggill likes to refer to. scrutiny of the expert regulator, the QOGR, in I can tell the member for Moggill that exactly the same way that other applicants for professional advice from Treasury suggests these licences are being scrutinised. that the true value of Gocorp is but a fraction While various people associated with of that, particularly as Gocorp does not have Gocorp, such as Mr McCosker, Mr D'Arcy and an exclusive licence nor an operating licence Mr Livingstone, expressed their frustration with at this time. If he wants to ask how much, he the length of time that the QOGR took to can ask Gocorp, but I will tell him that it is prepare the regulations and undertake the much, much, much less than the figures that probity investigation, at no time did I interfere have been bandied around by the Courier- with the processes of the Queensland Office of Mail. Nevertheless, it was as a result of this Gaming Regulation. I remained confident in article that the Premier and I wrote to the the independence and professionalism of Auditor-General seeking an investigation of the QOGR officers in the discharge of their licensing process in order to maintain public responsibilities, operating at arms-length from confidence in the propriety of Queensland's the ministerial office. As Minister, it was my gaming licensing system and the integrity of duty to be satisfied, prior to the issue of a the QOGR. licence, that each applicant met the requisite Despite repeated advice from my office to standards of probity and financial and Courier-Mail journalists that the Queensland technological capability and that due Act did not limit the number of interactive process—something the Opposition does not gambling licences available and that there was know about—was afforded each application. I no competitive tendering process for the issue relied on the QOGR and the Under Treasurer of a licence, the Courier-Mail on 30 July 1999 to advise me. continued the incorrect assertion that Gocorp Furthermore, I consider the personal and had been successful in a tender process and commercial information obtained by the QOGR that it was done on the quiet. The editorial also and brought to my attention as a result of its made the clear inference that political investigations to be confidential and that I am 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3087 not at liberty to publish that information to political advantage but ethical behaviour, like others who are not part of the decision-making good policy, is good politics. process. I apply the same standards to other Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers sensitive material that comes to my attention Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) in my official capacity, be it commercial or (5.04 p.m.): The legislation before the otherwise. Parliament is a sham. It is a stunt. It is In discharging my responsibilities under unnecessary. It is improper in so far as it the Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) relates to Internet gambling interests while Act, I was at all times satisfied that due inquiries that could well contradict its intent are process was being followed and that the under way. QOGR was undertaking its duties impartially I will make a few statements of fact. There and professionally. I am satisfied that no was no requirement whatsoever for the stood advantage was obtained for Gocorp with aside Treasurer to grant a licence, conditional respect to its licence application and that the or otherwise, to any entity, even if the entity company's application had to comply in all satisfied all requirements of the Act—see respects with the same high standards which section 32(2). In fact, he had an unfettered must be met by any other applicant for such a ability to not grant a licence—also section licence. I am also satisfied that no 32(2). Given that the licence was issued, the disadvantage nor advantage accrued to Queensland Treasurer has had and has today Gocorp as a result of the political affiliations, a variety of remedies of the sort now the associations, domicile or identity of any of its subject of redundant legislation in the House directors or shareholders, whether those via the Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) shareholdings in Gocorp were direct or indirect. Act 1998, for example: powerful rights to vary To have denied an applicant a licence on the conditions of a licence, section 39; the grounds that some minority shareholder suspend or cancel a licence, sections 44 and had a political affiliation, where the applicant 48; direct rectifications, section 50; get reports had satisfied the requirements of the QOGR about a person's criminal history, section 58. and where the QOGR through the Under Section 59, detailing the fact that no decision Treasurer had recommended a licence be by a Minister under the Act is justiciable, is also granted to them, would at law have exposed relevant. the Government to expensive litigation. It will take more than two lines of a so- In the media comment on this issue there called legal opinion of 15 pages, presented to is one charge that has been made against this Parliament today by the cover-up Premier me. It is that my decision to issue a conditional of Queensland, to convince the Opposition licence to Gocorp was politically stupid. It that this legislation is in any way necessary or appeared in these terms in last Saturday's warranted, that it is anything but improper and Courier-Mail, on 14 August. It states— that it does anything but confirm the highly "Indications are Hamill believed questionable issuing of a licence to Gocorp commercial confidentiality was involved ahead of the results of the investigations of and, scrupulously, decided to tell no one, the Criminal Justice Commission and the not even the Premier. If this is true he Auditor-General. deserves full credit for his ethics and a This Bill, as anybody who has followed the monumental kick in the rear for his net bet fiasco of recent weeks knows, is simply political stupidity." a theatrical facade to try to plaster over a crack In other words, because I followed the proper in the Premier's image. That is all it is. It is processes and observed the legal duties doomed to failure. It is doomed to failure imposed on me as the responsible Minister, I because what can be demonstrated in this stand accused of not acting like a politician but debate is that what has been cracked in rather of acting ethically. I suggest that that is relation to the Premier's handling of this issue a pretty rare charge indeed. is not just his image. What has been cracked If ever there is a message that needs to beyond repair is the Premier's facade of be heard by politicians and members of the competence and his facade of character. In media alike, it is that the people of that sense this legislation, as the latest net bet Queensland are fed up with so-called smart stunt is rolled out by the circus clown who politicians who act unethically and without leads the Government opposite, is totally in integrity. Good politics and ethical behaviour step with every other blind and panic-stricken are not, as the Opposition would suggest, at stride he has taken along this road. opposite ends of the spectrum. Ethical Let us look at what has happened from behaviour does not necessarily equate to the point of view of the Premier. He has 3088 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 consistently pleaded the Sergeant Schultz the concerns of the member for Woodridge in defence: he knows nothing. It is in tatters. Let relation to Internet gambling. And of course, us look at the Premier's behaviour. Has he ever since that memo was released by the been doing the right thing? He has not. He Premier, he has been trying to disown it. Of has been doing everything but the right thing. course, we still do not know what was in the He has been doing the panicky thing, the first two pages of the fax. He said that he reactionary thing, the forced thing, the cannot remember whether Mr D'Arcy expedient thing, the sacrificial thing and the approached him personally with his concerns media thing. Above all, he has been doing the or whether the approach was made to a staff "save the Premier" thing. member. He has claimed that memos of this Let us go through some of these stunts sort from his office are a dime a dozen, that in and some of these antics. Let us deal first with response to yet another deputation he did not the big one: the claim from the Premier and have the time or the inclination to deal with it acting Treasurer that until the day before the was just the pro forma flick pass from the publication of the first news item on this matter Premier's office to a Minister that is apparently on 27 July this year he had no really so very common in his office. substantive knowledge about what was going That makes the second piece of evidence on in the net bet affair, that he was on all very interesting. I refer to the transcript of one substantive matters in relation to it an ingenue. of the most extraordinary radio interviews the Premier has ever given. And that is a mouthful What the Premier repeatedly put to the in itself! The interview I refer to is an interview people of Queensland was that before with Mr John Miller of 4BC on the morning of 6 Monday, 26 July 1999 the extent of his August. Foremost, it indicates a significant knowledge on the interest of the member for improvement—a potentially crucial and Woodridge in Internet gambling flowed from damning improvement—in the Premier's the fact that the member had lobbied the recollections of the extent of his previous previous Government and that he had had knowledge of the member for Woodridge's one brief discussion with the member at some interest in Internet gambling. There are two time when Labor was in Opposition but he relevant sections in the transcript. The first is could not remember the details. Beyond that, quite garbled—in fact, barely lucid—but the he long maintained that he had no meaningful key word is there. It states— knowledge, but of course he did. He has now admitted as much. I refer to two crucial pieces "Well, you see, John, the point with of evidence. The first is the official all this is that when we were in memorandum signed by the Premier's chief of Opposition ... and I've said this publicly, staff and addressed to the chief of staff in the so there's no surprise about all this ... Bill office of the Treasurer, dated 29 July 1998. It D'Arcy sat next to me in a division. He states— mentioned that he was applying ... that he was talking to the then Government ... "The Premier has requested that you that's Mr Borbidge, that's Dr Watson, urgently have an appropriate staff that's Joan Sheldon, that's Bob Harper ... member discuss Internet gambling with he mentioned that he was, in fact, talking Bill D'Arcy MLA, who has raised some to them about it. In a brief conversation I concerns with him." had with him I expressed my concern that End of memorandum. he was talking to the then Government about the issue. The next time I heard What a damning indication of the about this was on Monday." personal involvement of the Premier in this affair from the very day he achieved the There are three big issues in that quotation. support of this House on 29 July last year—a The first is that the Premier, when he was in personal involvement that was there just over Opposition, knew that the member for 12 months ago! It means that one of the Woodridge was applying to the previous Premier's first acts—after his confirmation in Government for an Internet gambling licence. Government by this House—was to engage The second is that he expressed his concern the interest of the member for Woodridge in about that. And the third is the repeat of the relation to his interest in getting an edge on claim by the Premier that the first he knew the rest of the world via an Internet gambling about the matter was "Monday", which is a licence from the Government of Queensland. curious claim to make almost 24 hours after he That was one of his very first actions. had himself released a memo which shows that he knew about the currency of Mr D'Arcy's The Premier requested urgent action from interest on 29 July 1998, more than a year the Treasurer's office in relation to discussing ago! 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3089

There is another crucial statement by the So of course Mr D'Arcy was going to be Premier in his interview with Mr Miller. The concerned about developments in Tasmania. Premier said this in response to a question The granting of an Internet gambling licence in from Mr Miller as to whether Bill D'Arcy had Tasmania would mean that his chance of ever asked the Premier whether Queensland being part of a company that achieved the was "missing the boat on the casino licensing". edge on the rest of the world via an Internet This is the Premier's response verbatim— gambling licence from the Queensland "If I recall correctly, he was talking jurisdiction was under threat. Far from getting about this happening and, you know, he the Premier away from the heat, the wanted to get the edge on, you know, the Tasmanian issue actually gets him in deeper. I rest of the world or whatever. I don't appreciate that the Premier is trying to play remember the detail now." dumb, but I do not think any reasonable He does not remember the detail. But on 6 person believes that he is so dumb that he August 1999, he told us two crucial details in was incapable—either then or now—of relation to his recollection of these matters. He appreciating the significance of the Tasmanian knew some time during his time in Opposition issue in the context of the successful that Mr D'Arcy had an interest in an Internet Queensland application. gambling licence—at the level of applying to The Premier's second claim to ignorance the previous Government—and he knew that is as unconvincing. He implied to Mr Miller that what Mr D'Arcy sought, when they personally there could not have been a connection discussed the matter, was his achievement of between his direction to the Treasurer's office "the edge on ... the rest of the world"—the re the member for Woodridge and the edge on the rest of the world! And that is to subsequent granting of an Internet gambling the nub, because that is just what the member licence to a company in which the member for for Woodridge was seeking. Correspondence Woodridge held an interest, because there that we have released establishes that. And was a significant time lapse between the two we rejected that lobbying from the member for events. The memorandum directing urgent Woodridge out of hand. attention to the member for Woodridge's But what is important here is the concerns was sent to the Treasurer's office in corroboration that the Premier's memory is July 1998, and the application for the licence accurate. He knew, not only in July 1999 when was not made by the relevant company until he caused the memo to be sent to the October 1998. But there is an obvious Treasurer's office seeking urgent attention to explanation for that, and the Premier—if he Mr D'Arcy's concerns, precisely what the reads his own press releases and remembers member for Woodridge was on about. He what he says at press conferences—knows it knew about it much, much earlier. He knew the as well as the rest of us. The enabling crucial aspects of Mr D'Arcy's ambitions from legislation which created the opportunity for his days in Opposition, when it "concerned" applications to be made for Internet gambling him. And those revelations then make an licences was not proclaimed until October absolute nonsense of the attempts by the 1998. Premier to wriggle out of the import of other And as if that is not enough, relevant related revelations in other parts of his questions emanating from the Premier's interview with Mr Miller. memo do not end there. In fact, that is really The Premier implied in that interview, for only the beginning of the potential real instance, that there were two things which meaning of that extraordinary little document. helped maintain the facade that he somehow When the Premier himself released it—no remained an ingenue in the process, even doubt as part of his crash-through or crash after sending the memo last year. The first was approach to the issue—it told us a very that, attached to the memorandum, was a interesting thing. It told us—via the fax details media transcript which established that the at the top of the pages—that it came back to Tasmanian Government was close to awarding the Premier's office, not from the former an Internet gambling licence. What the Treasurer's office, or the stood-aside Premier sought to establish with Mr Miller was Treasurer's office, to which it was originally along the lines of: what could a Tasmanian sent, but it arrived in the Premier's office at Internet licence conceivably have to do with 6.04 p.m. on 4 August 1999 from the office of Queensland? And of course the Premier the executive director of the Office of Gaming answered that himself elsewhere in the Regulation. It arrived back in the Premier's interview. He admitted that he knew that what office from that very office in the Treasury, that Mr D'Arcy sought was "the edge ... on the rest public sector office which has responsibility for of the world". the processing of applications for Internet 3090 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 gambling licences. How did it get there, of all was attached to the memorandum. The places? What was it doing there? notation is from Brad to Bill. The "Bill" is We have had the former Treasurer, and obviously Bill D'Arcy. The transcript is marked now the current acting Treasurer, swearing— to his attention. "Brad" is no doubt Brad constantly—that there was absolutely no McCosker, who is the cyberspace expert for political interference whatsoever in this Gocorp. His note reads— process. We have had the stood-aside "This is what I told all of you would Treasurer shovelling—hurling—responsibility for happen. When will they wake up?" that decision down the throats of some of his What Brad was doubtless referring to was the most senior public servants, including the significance of the potential for an Internet Under Treasurer, despite the clear reality that licence to be issued in Tasmania in relation to the buck stops at the Treasurer's desk. The the negative impact on the commercial benefit legislation makes that very clear. How then did which Gocorp hoped to achieve via its plans a memorandum from the Premier to the for the first Internet gambling licence in Treasurer for the attention and action of a Australia to go to it out of the Queensland ministerial staffer get into the public sector? jurisdiction. The Premier and acting Treasurer And what was attached to it? It would have may still protest—and doubtless he will—but been a virtually senseless piece of paper, he is in this, and he is in this up to his neck. arriving in the Office of Gaming Regulation without an explanatory attachment. Where is He can start to explain where missing the explanatory attachment? Or who made the pages 1 and 2 of the fax went to—how, all of a explanatory phone call or sent the explanatory sudden, they were lost. No-one believes that. email? And what was said? No-one believes the Premier any more on this issue because time and time again we have Where are pages 1 and 2 of the seen his inconsistencies. We have seen his transmission from the Office of Gaming backflips. We have seen his double standards. Regulation to the Premier's office at 6.04 p.m. We have seen his political opportunism. But on 4 August 1999? We have the we have not seen his honesty. We have not memorandum, which is page 3 of the seen his integrity. We have not seen his transmission. We have the attachment, decency. We have not seen his much namely the annotated media transcript publicised ministerial standards. What we see concerning the Tasmanian licence, which was in this Parliament today is a travesty. This will page 4 of the transmission. But we do not compound the particular controversy rather have page 1 and we do not have page 2. than fix it. This will ensure that the licence that What do they say? Where are they? Page 1 need not have been issued under the Act may well be a header sheet. Let us see it. remains issued to Gocorp. What does page 2 say? After what has happened, any I am told that the Premier's office claims assurances given by the Premier are totally that both have been misplaced. How meaningless. He knows that, as acting convenient! Have they also been misplaced in Treasurer for two weeks, he has had the the Office of Gaming Regulation from whence executive ability under the statutes of this they were faxed? Has the Premier's office lost Parliament—under the law of Queensland—to the copies and has the Office of Gaming suspend Gocorp's licence pending the Regulation lost the originals? Does anyone outcome of the investigations by the Auditor- really expect people to believe that? If the General and the Criminal Justice Commission. Government wants to clear this up, I say to the Hon. J. P. ELDER (Capalaba—ALP) Premier and acting Treasurer, "Distribute (Deputy Premier and Minister for State pages 1 and 2 today." Development and Minister for Trade) Dr Watson: It may be difficult. They have (5.24 p.m.): What the Government is doing gone through the shredder. today is putting completely up front its actions Mr BORBIDGE: It may be difficult in relation to this matter through the because they have gone through the introduction of this legislation—far from, as the shredder, as the member for Moggill says. acting Leader of the Opposition says, covering Before we move on to other interesting issues up jobs for the boys. The Government is concerning the performance of the Premier dealing with this matter in an appropriate and and other senior members of the Government responsible manner by withdrawing the ability in this saga, there is one more observation I for these people to have any moment at all. want to make. I refer briefly to the note at the What have we seen from the Opposition? conclusion of the transcript concerning the It has undertaken no research on this issue. It then current developments in Tasmania that has produced no facts. There has been no 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3091 investigation. All the acting Leader of the because it was the talk in the bar. We know Opposition has done is repeat the allegations whom the member for Toowoomba South that have been raised in the Courier-Mail. We could not rely on when the time came. The have had a lot of posturing from the member for Callide wimped it as well. The Opposition. The acting Leader of the Opposition's wimping has landed it with an Opposition is darn good at that. His actions acting Leader of the Opposition who at all prove—and have proved for some time, which stages of this debate has lacked integrity and is why he is under pressure from his forthrightness and has been as duplicitous and backbench—that he is a commentator on hypocritical as he has been in the past. Queensland politics. He is not a participator, Mr Seeney interjected. and has not been a participator in politics in this State for some time. On this issue, with Dr Watson interjected. the Courier-Mail again taking the lead, the Mr ELDER: I will take the interjection from acting Leader of the Opposition is nothing but the Leader of the Liberal Party. He cannot talk a commentator. because at the end of the day he was sold a In the last 20 minutes—and even before dummy in relation to Deloittes. It is a different that—we have seen simply a rehash of the issue, but I have to say that it is a despicable allegations that he has made time and time and disgraceful effort on the honourable again. We have heard all the conspiracy member's part. It has not gone down well in theories that the acting Leader of the the business community. The member for Opposition weaves into any presentation. We Moggill has lost a lot of credibility because the hear one conspiracy theory after the other. acting Leader of the Opposition sold him the The fact of the matter is that it is crunch time. dummy and he was quite prepared to take it. Those opposite have to vote to match the This proves lack of nous and is the reason why standards set by their rhetoric. The standards he will not be in his position much longer. I say set by this Government are not about to be to the Leader of the Liberal Party—and I say it matched by the Opposition. The Opposition as someone who believes that he may have had the inability in Government to deliver good some potential—do not take the dummy from government with appropriate standards. him. The member for Moggill should not run Where is the acting Leader of the Opposition on the advice that he gets from the acting now when he is called upon to set standards in Leader of the Opposition's office because he relation to this matter? He is found wanting. will lose credibility. The Opposition is found wanting. Mr Seeney interjected. The acting Leader of the Opposition had Dr Watson interjected. his chance tonight to become a participant in Mr ELDER: You have lost a lot of politics in this State. He had an opportunity to credibility in the last week. You do not need change the way that he has been acting over me to tell you that; all you have to do is make the past 12 months, but he failed. When he a few phone calls to members of the Liberal had a chance to do something he failed Party to find out how much credibility you have miserably. He comes into this House and lost in the last seven days. jumps up with one-liners—something he is good at—but when it comes to actually doing Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Mickel): something with the crux of this issue he is Order! It would be better if the Deputy Premier found wanting. He wimps out, as he always addressed his comments through the Chair wimps out. The one thing that I know the and it would also be better if the interjections acting Leader of the Opposition lacks is from the member for Callide and the member ticker—is heart. He has lacked ticker and heart for Moggill ceased. for a long, long time. Today we have heard Mr ELDER: All we have had today is more more allegations— allegations— Mr Seeney: Look who is talking. Mr Seeney interjected. Mr ELDER: If the member for Callide had Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! I just any sense he would have done the right thing asked the member for Callide to stop with his vote and supported the member for interjecting. He is now warned. Toowoomba South. But what happened? Mr ELDER: We have heard more When the chance came in his first term in allegations today in the acting Leader of the Parliament for him to stand up and make a Opposition's contribution. He says that all decision, he wimped as well. We know how these issues raise eyebrows. He says that all many double-crossed the member for of this needs to be questioned. He asks, "Who Toowoomba South at the end of the day, else is in there?" What he means is, "Let's 3092 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 throw some more mud because if we throw Mr ELDER: I will take the interjection, enough, some of it will stick." That was the because I will refer to it again. The member is type of attitude that the Liberal Party adopted right: those members were never cleared, last week. The Liberal Party was saying, "Let's because the then Government scuttled the throw some mud and see what sticks." I invite inquiry. The then Government launched a honourable members to look at the calibre of determined effort to undermine the CJC's the allegations that have been made. Let us ability to investigate that case. It forgot about look at the high moral ground occupied by running the State, it forgot about the economy those opposite—this lofty position from which and it forgot about jobs. However, it slashed they presume to lecture others on propriety. If the CJC's budget to limit its ability to there is a silver lining on the dark cloud of the investigate the case. The then Government Borbidge/Sheldon years it was that announced a judicial review into the CJC and, Queenslanders were reminded of just how as we all know, appointed a vocal critic of the shoddy the coalition was when it was commission, Peter Connolly, QC, to head it. previously in Government. Mr SEENEY: I rise to a point of order. Let me take members of the House back Does this have any relevance to the Bill before to a time of a political soap opera matched by the House? none. It would be amusing if it were not true, Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Mickel): but it is. It began with the involvement of the Order! There is no point of order. Police Union in the crucial Mundingburra by- Mr ELDER: It is very relevant, because it election. Only days after the new Government is about introducing legislation to set a being sworn in, it was revealed that just weeks standard. It was never within the auspices of before Mundingburra, the new Police Minister, the Government at the time to do anything like Russell Cooper, and the Premier at the time, that. I am going to give the members opposite Rob Borbidge, had signed a secret agreement a lesson in history, and they are going to with the Police Union. It was a sleazy deal to listen. win a by-election. It promised increased police powers and a winding back of the powers of Mr HOBBS: I rise to a point of order. the CJC. Could the Minister advise the House as to the part of this legislation that relates to the Mr Knuth interjected. Carruthers inquiry? Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Mickel): Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: There is no point Order! The honourable member for Burdekin of order. will cease interjecting. If the honourable Mr ELDER: When Connolly was member wants to interject or participate, he appointed to head the inquiry, it was known should do so from his own seat. then that Connolly had advised Russell Cooper Mr ELDER: If he does, I will give him a on the Carruthers inquiry which, at the time, lesson in history. rejected any allegations of wrongdoing. Mr SEENEY: I rise to a point of order. I The CJC was targeted by the deal. It was respectfully submit that this has absolutely no necessary to appoint an independent figure in relevance to the Bill before the House. Kenneth Carruthers to investigate whether the Police Minister, Russell Cooper, or the Premier Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! There is at the time, Rob Borbidge, were involved in a no point of order. by-election deal in an attempt at electoral Mr ELDER: The inquiry gave Connolly the bribery to induce the Police Union to support power to investigate the Carruthers inquiry the coalition in Mundingburra. The Premier before it had concluded. This legislation is and senior Government Ministers appeared about appropriate action by Government. before the Carruthers inquiry. The Treasurer at When a Government is tested, it is how it the time, Joan Sheldon, and other Liberal responds that matters. In this case, we are Ministers took the stand and exposed serious responding with the introduction of this discrepancies in the testimony of both the legislation. For the benefit of those members Premier at the time, Rob Borbidge, and the opposite who are preaching from the high Police Minister, Russell Cooper. moral ground, I am pointing out where their responsibility lay when they were last in The Government launched a determined Government and, in relation to that effort to undermine the CJC's inquiry. In fact, responsibility, how they were found missing in at that time it seemed that is all that it did and action. it forgot about running the State. Carruthers believed that that inquiry was A Government member interjected. set up to scuttle him, that it threatened his 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3093 independence and that he had no choice but At the time when the CJC was to resign before making a finding on the investigating a deal that went right to the heart former Premier, Rob Borbidge, and the former of how the coalition won office, there was not Police Minister, Russell Cooper. How even a moment's thought from the Premier convenient that the inquiry was scuttled before and the Police Minister of standing down. Yet Carruthers made a finding. Carruthers said, now the coalition demands stand downs all "Two of the persons into whose conduct and round. The fact of the matter is that the worst possible misconduct I am currently inquiring offender of all was the previous Government's have participated in setting up a commission Attorney-General, because he set up that of inquiry into my inquiry into them." That is farce to scuttle the Carruthers inquiry. When exactly what happened. The inquiry was the House censured the then Attorney-General scuttled. What a farce! To make matters and found no confidence in him, did he stand worse, the person appointed to head the down? No! That was the standard set by the inquiry was none other than Connolly, who had previous Government. In fact, the Leader of been appointed as the Police Minister's the Opposition, who at the time was Premier, barrister for the Carruthers inquiry. went as far as saying that he had legal advice After Carruthers' resignation, the Supreme that the Attorney-General could stay. There Court found that the Connolly/Ryan inquiry was no leadership, no morality and no should be closed down due to the propriety then from the Opposition. No! The overwhelming evidence that its chairman, simple fact is that the Opposition has no Connolly, was biased. We are talking about right—about as much right as Arthur Daly—to taking appropriate action and responsibility. lecture the Government on morals. Who appointed Connolly? None other than Today, we have heard a lot of Denver Beanland, the Attorney-General at the contributions from members opposite. At the time. He was responsible for wasting $11m of end of the day, it is simply this: we will have an taxpayers' money on a biased inquiry to investigation conducted by the Auditor- nobble Carruthers and to protect the leader at General. I suspect that when the CJC reports the time, Rob Borbidge, and the then Police on its investigation, it will show—as I expect will Minister, Russell Cooper. Denver Beanland, the Attorney-General—that in relation to this the Attorney-General at that time, delivered process, everything was aboveboard. that for the Government. When the Parliament However, when that time comes, I expect to moved a motion of no confidence in the hear nothing from the coalition. When I say Attorney-General, did he resign? No, he did "coalition", I mean the newly expanded not resign, but he was quite prepared to waste coalition, which includes the members of One $11m of taxpayers' money! Nation. As I said, when these reports come down from the Auditor-General and the The coalition had barely been in office CJC—because the coalition will get reports when the Police Union matter came up. Then from the Auditor-General and the CJC—I who was up to their raised eyebrows in corrupt expect them to find that the process was activity? None other than the members of the aboveboard. But mark my words, when those then Government—the member for Surfers reports come down, complaints will then be Paradise and the member for Crows Nest! Did raised by those opposite about the CJC. Let they stand down while the investigation was me tell the members opposite that, over the under way? No way did they stand down! years, the CJC has never done us any favours. One only has to look at the records to see The reality of life is that the members that. opposite have a nerve to come in here and talk about the standards of morality and Mr Seeney: Ha, Ha! propriety when in Government they squibbed it Mr ELDER: See, it has started already. I themselves, when in Government they lacked bet that when those reports come down and the integrity to do it, and when in Government the process has been seen to be aboveboard, they lacked the ability, the intellectual rigour the members opposite will complain. and the morality to do it. When the members The actions of the Treasurer in relation to opposite were last in Government, the this matter have been appropriate. His actions standards that they now preach as being good have been those of a responsible Minister of and proper were not good enough for them. In the Government, which is in stark contrast to this place, the coalition is really good at the actions and the behaviour of Ministers of preaching but, when it comes to action, it is no the previous Government. In introducing this good at all. At the time, the coalition had only legislation to deal with the issue once and for bucket loads of gratuitous abuse for the CJC. all, the Government has acted in stark contrast 3094 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 to the previous Government. This is all about There is a fundamental point about this politics. This is all about throwing as much mud licence which is sometimes overlooked. The as possible. This is all about the politics of the Queensland statute is not a stand-alone National and the Liberal Parties, the politics of regulatory regime. It is part and parcel of a Rob Borbidge and, unfortunately, the politics national regulatory model for interactive home of the Leader of the Liberal Party. gambling products. It was agreed as early as Politicians do not have a great name. September 1995, when Labor was in People are sick and tired of politicians who Government in this State, by all State and wallow in this form of mud slinging and Territory Treasuries that a nationally moralising and they know for a fact that the cooperative approach to interactive gambling record of the previous administration is pretty be produced. All State and Territory Ministers poor. People see through that and they have agreed to the release of a discussion paper on seen through it time and time again. The this topic in May 1997. In March 1998, when coalition had a terrible record when last in the coalition introduced the Act into the Government and it is exposed as duplicitous Legislative Assembly, it was agreed that it would be used as a guide by other Australian and hypocritical in relation to its criticism of States and Territories. both the Treasurer and the introduction of this legislation. Section 3 of the Act deals with its objects. Importantly, object (c) states— All I have to say to those opposite—and they should mark these words—is: put up or "... to provide a basis for implementing an shut up. This is one of those times when inter-jurisdictional regulatory scheme for— legislation will be introduced and they will be (i) the reciprocal recognition between found wanting. When that happens, the participating jurisdictions of licences, hypocrisy will be dripping from them in relation authorisations and other to this issue. Once and for all the people of administrative acts; Queensland will see just how duplicitous, (ii) the regulation and control of hypocritical and untrustworthy the Opposition is interactive gambling in the on this issue. The coalition is not worthy of participating jurisdictions on a being in Opposition in this State. This State cooperative basis; and deserves an Opposition that understands that (iii) the sharing of tax derived from with matters such as these there is appropriate interactive gambling on an equitable action to take, and that is the action that this basis." Government has taken. Members opposite are not fit to be in Opposition in this State. It is a The Act allows for the declaration of pity that I have to say that, but it annoys me to participating jurisdictions and corresponding see the actions that the Opposition has taken laws. Queensland was the first State to in relation to this matter. Coalition members legislate, and shortly afterwards the ACT have no other agenda but to throw as much adopted that model according to the national regulatory regime. mud as they can in the shortest possible time. When these processes are revealed to be The implications are enormous. It means aboveboard, they will be back into it again. that once an entity is licensed in this State and given authorisation to conduct various games, Mr QUINN (Merrimac—LP) (Deputy it has the capacity to operate in any other Leader of the Liberal Party) (5.54 p.m.): The Australian jurisdiction that has been declared decision of the member for Ipswich, when he as a participating jurisdiction. At the moment, was Treasurer, to grant an interactive gaming Queensland is the gateway into Australia for licence to Gocorp Limited ranks as one of the any person or entity that wants to engage in most inept exercises in ministerial discretion in legally sanctioned Internet gambling. Anyone recent Queensland history, and that is a kind licensed by the Treasurer of this State is given interpretation of it. The Interactive Gambling a platform to start operating not just in (Player Protection) Act 1998, which the Queensland but also in any other participating coalition Government introduced, is quite jurisdiction. The implications both in terms of specific about the duties imposed on both the potential profits and the risk of undesirable Minister and his department when determining elements getting a foothold in this country whether such a licence should be granted. The should be all too apparent to anybody with any Act is not deficient. What was deficient was the cognitive capacity and moral backbone. manner in which the specific probity and public Over the years, how many times have protection requirements of the statute were there been inquiries, investigations and either ignored, downgraded or obscured. prosecutions of undesirable criminal elements 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3095 making windfall profits out of gambling application form, together with two documents activities? Concerns regarding criminal that have to be completed and attached to the elements defrauding consumers, laundering application, namely a company history pro money and getting huge amounts of black forma and a personal history and suitability of money from Internet gambling and gaming person pro forma. I make the point that the was central to the Australian jurisdictions two pro formas are just that: they are used for agreeing to legislate and have rigorous point all manner of gaming applications and have of entry probity checks on people wanting to not been purpose drafted for interactive get involved in the industry. gaming. I believe that that in itself is less than The Act requires that the Treasurer can satisfactory. Nevertheless, together those two only grant a licence if he is satisfied, firstly, that documents are almost 40 pages in length and the applicant is a suitable person and that seek information on a range of matters each business associate of the applicant is a anyone would regard as critical to whether a suitable person. The term "business associate" licence should or should not be granted. is defined to include any person whom the Let us not forget that, at the end of the Minister believes is associated with the day, the Treasurer is given the job of deciding ownership or management of the applicant's whether or not a licence is granted and not his operations or will, if a licence is granted, be department. The department does the associated with the ownership or legwork, but the buck stops with the Treasurer. management. Honourable members should At the end of this process, who gets not just note that the Act requires the Minister to look Queensland's but Australia's first Internet not just at the management team but at the gambling licence? Who gets a licence shareholders. This is also commonsense, warranting some fee of approximately because at the end of the day it is the $200,000 to the Treasury? Who gets a licence shareholders who control the operation of a that would have generated, to one minor company. Labor stakeholder, profits of some $20m Section 33 of the Act sets out at great alone? Who gets a licence to print money? A length and with unmistakable clarity the factors company that is not an existing casino or a that the Minister has to take into account in large enterprise with a national or international determining the suitability of an applicant. reputation in gambling! It is none of those. It is Included among them are the applicant's not an existing casino or large enterprise with a character or his business reputation, the national or international reputation for applicant's current financial position and gambling. It is not even a company with well- background, when the applicant is a company, known and respected directors with a large whether its ownership, trust or corporate asset base and a track record of operating structure is satisfactory, the business ability of ethically and professionally. It is none of those. the applicant and other matters. The Minister The first licence was granted to Gocorp is specifically required to take into account Ltd—an unlisted public company registered on whether the applicant has a business only 30 June 1998. Where is both the association with any other entity and, if so, the registered and principal place of business of business reputation and character of that this thriving company? Level 14, 344 Queen entity as well as their current financial position Street, which is an accountant's office! Who and background. Section 34 sets out the are the directors of this company? Bradley matters that the Minister has to take into McCosker, Geoffrey Koo, Allan Farrar and Paul account in assessing business associates of Appleby—all New South Wales residents, the applicant. Once again, the clear probity none of whom could be described as major and ethical duties imposed upon the Treasurer players in the world of Australian gambling. Its are clear beyond doubt. The Act gives registered office is an accountant's office. The extensive powers to Treasury officers to carry place of residence of the principals is New out investigations into the suitability of South Wales. They are unknown in the persons. gambling industry in Australia. Who owns this I recommend that anyone who is company? It has just 200 shares. Up until a interested look at the Internet site of the few days ago, Geoffrey Koo owned 10; Brad Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation, McCosker, 110; Navari, 40; and Topki which contains a brief to applicants for Holdings, 40. Of most concern from an ethical interactive gambling licences. There is a 16 point of view is Navari—a company which had page general requirements document followed a stake of some 20% in Gocorp, but which has by a control system outline, technical now reportedly been sold down. Navari, the functionality requirements, audit requirements, registered office of which is that of an data requirements and the actual two page accountant in Toowoomba, has three 3096 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 directors—Mrs D'Arcy, Mrs Livingstone and Once the reports and findings are known, James Wilson. Paul Pisasale was a director further action can be taken on the licence. But from 21 October 1994 until 7 May this year. the proper and most appropriate action at this The member for Woodridge and Don stage is to suspend the licence now and await Livingstone were also directors during 1994. the outcomes of the inquiries. Who owns this company? It seems to be The Opposition will not be a party to a bit of a moving feast, but up until a few days reaffirming the licence that has been given to ago, of its 750 shares Mr D'Arcy had 80 and Gocorp. We will not be a part of that, because his company W. D. Management Consultants there are too many unanswered questions. had a further 60; Pisasale's company, the Until those questions are answered, it is more aptly named The Ultimate Solution, had 150; appropriate to suspend the licence. I will be and the Livingstone controlled company Delrex opposing this Bill. Tonight we should not be had 80. It then became apparent that considering this special piece of legislation. It is Councillor Pisasale did not disclose his not needed. The current powers reside within previous criminal history on the personal the Act and it is simply a matter of having the history form. It then became apparent that Mr political will to use them—not duck the issue Reg Austin, another business associate of and put up some sort of front so that the Gocorp and McCosker's uncle, was convicted Government can be perceived in the media as in 1996 of defrauding a client of some doing something. As I said before, the current $90,000. Act is sufficient. The Opposition does not Here we have an application by a newly agree with this legislation. formed company with a ragbag collection of Mr BRISKEY (Cleveland—ALP) shareholders—a company with apparently little (5.55 p.m.): The Interactive Gambling (Player experience in the key areas, a company Protection) Amendment Bill bans all members without a huge asset base, a company without of Parliament, local government councillors, even a proper head office or staff in their families and staff from having any Queensland, a company associated with a financial interest or management involvement range of Labor politicians and people with in Gocorp's Internet gaming licence. This Bill is criminal convictions. Those are just a few of necessary because, unfortunately, public the details that we know about it at the figures have placed their personal gain above moment. The associates of the company were their responsibilities to the community. This known by the member for Ipswich and were in Government has moved decisively to ensure his own Labor Unity faction—one of whom that those political figures forfeit their stake in held the neighbouring seat of Ipswich West Gocorp. from 1989 until last year and the other a serving councillor on the Ipswich City Council. This Bill is clear evidence that this He knew of their involvement with the Government is committed to the highest levels application. He even admitted discussing it of probity and integrity. No criticism can be with David Ford, the head of the Office of levelled at this Government's response to the Gaming Regulation. Yet in spite of that, he matter. The Premier has acted decisively to granted the licence. As I said, it is a licence to ensure that not only the right thing is done but print money and potentially a licence to also, just as importantly, the right thing is seen operate throughout Australia and to get a to be done. The Treasurer, a man of the toehold overseas. All of this defies belief. highest honesty and integrity, has also acted honourably. When questions were raised Are we to believe that this company with a concerning the licensing process, the raft of Labor identities on it, one of whom Treasurer went to the Premier and sought his bragged that he would make $20m in profits, support for the independent audit of the was being treated no better than anybody licensing process conducted by the Office of else? The coalition simply does not buy it. We Gaming Regulation. Not only did he refer the are not going to be a party to supporting this matter to the Auditor-General; he also stepped licence of Gocorp. There are simply too many aside pending the outcome of the Auditor- unanswered questions. The Premier, as the General's inquiry. He took this action even acting Treasurer, has the power to suspend though no evidence of illegality had been or the licence. That is what he ought to do. The has yet been identified by any of those who Act is clear. The Leader of the Opposition have been so quick to criticise him. I believe made that plain earlier. He has the power in that the Treasurer's critics will live to regret their his hand at the moment to act to suspend the poisonous and spiteful allegations against him. licence. That ought to be done until the investigations are carried out by the Criminal These amendments are being made Justice Commission and the Auditor-General. because the Beattie Government is 17 Aug 1999 Censure of Member for Ipswich 3097 determined that public confidence in the Queensland Parliament in 1998. It was not regulation and operation of gaming in designed to promote new forms of gaming but Queensland be maintained. Internet gambling to provide stringent consumer protection is a reality and it is the responsibility of mechanisms for a form of gambling which is Governments to ensure that this form of already widely available on the Internet. gambling is regulated properly. To that end, Debate, on motion of Mr Briskey, successive Queensland Governments have adjourned. led Australia and arguably the world in establishing a licensing process for Internet gaming operators. The Interactive Gambling CENSURE OF MEMBER FOR IPSWICH (Player Protection) Act sets out the proper Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers processes that a company has to follow to Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the National Party) gain a Queensland Internet gaming licence. It (6 p.m.): I move— imposes high standards on companies wishing to operate in Queensland and also puts in "That this House censures the place consumer protection measures for Member for Ipswich and calls on the licensed Internet gambling. Government to ensure that the Member does not receive ministerial entitlements The Queensland Act has a strong focus or salary in the period he has been stood on player protection and includes— aside from the ministry." a requirement for all players to register The member for Ipswich deserves the with the operator, with such registration censure of this House, not so much for what including positive identification, rather like he may have done but for what he so clearly the 100-point check required to open a has done and has not done in the context of bank account; the net bet fiasco. In granting the first Internet a prohibition on minors gambling; gambling licence to three Labor mates from the establishment of betting limits for Ipswich, the member's defence essentially has players which can be altered only with a two prongs. The first is that the public servants period of notice; told him to do it. I believe that his defence of exclusion provisions for those with himself in this place this afternoon by gambling problems, attempting to blame the public servants for all the wrongs of this particular affair now belittling including self-exclusion and exclusion at him and his Government was nothing short of the request of family members on a disgrace. application to the regulator; The second is a claim that he really had a ban on advertising by other than no choice in the matter, that once an licensed sites; extensive, freely made recommendation had a prohibition on credit betting; and come to him from the Office of Gaming rigorous privacy requirements. Regulation and from the Under Treasurer to grant a licence, he had no option but to grant It has been recognised both in Australia and the licence. He has further claimed in support internationally as leading-edge legislation. As of that second argument that, had he not the Premier noted, in its recent draft report on granted the licence, his decision would have Australia's gambling industries the Productivity been subject to judicial review, which is Commission, which is not known as a keen obviously a contradiction in itself. supporter of strong regulatory frameworks, saw considerable advantages in the regulation of Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. The Internet gambling. It summarised its views as honourable member is misleading the House. I follows— made no such statement. I find his arguments offensive and I ask that they be withdrawn. "Regulation of online gambling under this 'managed regulation' model has Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member has mutual advantages for consumers and asked that that be withdrawn. operators and creates a market which Mr BORBIDGE: If the honourable drives the unscrupulous operators—the member finds it offensive, I will withdraw. 'lemons'—out of the market." In other words, the member for Ipswich— An essential part of this model is the Mr Hamill: Start telling the truth for a application to the Internet of many of the change. same standards that are applied to more traditional forms of gambling. The interactive Mr BORBIDGE: I am telling the truth. The gaming legislation was passed by the member opposite is the one in disgrace. 3098 Censure of Member for Ipswich 17 Aug 1999

In other words, the member for Ipswich I do not think it gets much clearer than that. has based his defence on the proposition that That is a lot more clear, a lot more succinct he was properly at arm's length from the and a lot more definite than what we see in process, that the proper thing for him was to these amendments being presented to the have no real say in the matter and just let Parliament and being rushed through this things take their course and that is how, in place tonight. fact, he behaved. He is dreadfully, What was in the Act—what has been in comprehensively, incompetently and, indeed, the Act—are some of the most arbitrary and quite incredibly wrong. unfettered authorities in the hands of any First, the Interactive Gambling (Player Minister in any jurisdiction. They are there in Protection) Act 1998 makes it very plain where such arbitrary form for precisely the sorts of the buck stops: the buck stops with the circumstances that confronted the Minister. The application is vetted by the Office Government in relation to this scandal. This of Gaming Regulation, but the licence is whole fiasco, therefore, could and should have granted by the Minister. Blaming public been avoided. servants, as the member did in his cowardly attack this afternoon, is therefore an option It gets worse for the member for Ipswich. that is simply not on. The then Minister, the The Act provided him with a range of remedies member for Ipswich, was the man in charge. In for the Gocorp situation both after as well as the final analysis it was his signature on the before the event. Let us give him the benefit dotted line. of the doubt for a moment. Let us assume very charitably that his incredible lapse of The next claim by the Minister—that, once judgment on these issues lasted a year or so Gocorp had allegedly satisfied the application from the time he first met the Gocorp process, he had no real alternative but to issue representatives in July last year until he issued a licence—is just as compellingly and incredibly the licence in June this year, to pick some wrong. The Act makes it crystal clear that there arbitrary and probably very generous dates. is no compunction whatsoever on the Minister Let us assume that he was awoken from his to grant a licence, even if an applicant passes judgmental slumber after this issue became all the statutory tests. Not only did he not have public on 27 July last. What could he then to issue the licence, he had literally unfettered have done to remedy the situation? Was it too discretion not to. All that the then Minister had late for him to save some credibility for the to be in relation to such a powerful licence, Government and for himself? Was it too late to given all the circumstances, was a bit uneasy, do the right thing? No, it was not! a bit uncomfortable, a bit concerned, slightly doubtful, concerned perhaps for the public The fact is that the Act is very generous in interest, or was that asking too much? With providing for belated accountability in this the stroke of a pen, he could have erased the sphere. At that point the Minister had access entire issue. He could have emerged an to a whole new range of authorities under the accountability hero and there could have been Act. He had a virtually unfettered right to vary absolutely no comeback because the the conditions of the licence. I refer Minister's claims so often in his defence have honourable members to section 39 of the Act. been outrageously wrong: there is no judicial He had a virtually unfettered right to demand review. This is what the Act says on that score rectification of licence matters. I refer to section in section 59— 50. He had virtually untrammelled rights to "A decision of the Governor in suspend or even cancel the licence with or Council or Minister made ... under this without notice. I refer to sections 44 through to Act ... 48, and none of these arbitrary actions would have been challengeable—not one. The Act (a) is final and conclusive; and makes it very, very clear indeed. (b) cannot be challenged, appealed So again, it is plain: during the entire against, reviewed, quashed, set period he was Treasurer, the member for aside, or called in question in another Ipswich had at hand every tool a Minister could way, under the Judicial Review Act possibly require to make and to enforce sound 1991 or otherwise (whether by the decisions in relation to the issuance of Internet Supreme Court, another court, a gambling licences. He could have erased the tribunal or another entity); and problem with the stroke of a pen with (c) is not subject to any writ or order of absolutely no comeback. The member for the Supreme Court, another court, a Ipswich chose not to exercise that vast tribunal or another entity on any discretion, despite all that we now know about ground." what he knew at all material times. The acting 17 Aug 1999 Censure of Member for Ipswich 3099

Treasurer has followed in that fine tradition, Dr WATSON: He introduced it. It seems to and the very pregnant question is: why? But me that through the years it has been that is another matter perhaps for another supported by both sides of the House. I give motion on another day. credit to the previous Labor Treasurer, the Our interest today is in the member for former member for Cairns. When he Ipswich based on what we know to be fact introduced gaming machines to Queensland today, and I would suggest to any member of he also attempted to make sure that the this House that the member for Ipswich has regulation of gaming machines in Queensland amply earned his censure. He has shown at was of the highest standard. best—at very best, and let us be Mr Elder: What did you do to improve it? generous—absolutely abysmal judgment in Dr WATSON: I take the interjection of the relation to a crucial aspect of his portfolio Deputy Premier. We did precisely the same responsibilities. He has claimed literally and kind of thing when we were in Government. disturbingly incredible ignorance of the We maintained the standards. We ensured requirements of the relevant legislation. that the highest standards of probity applied in To date Queensland has prided itself on relation to the introduction of keno. The its administration of gambling in a bipartisan toughest standards in terms of regulation, spirit. The member for Ipswich is at least one probity and integrity were applied in that area. of the major players in now bringing that When we introduced operators into the reputation into international disrepute. He has system, we ensured that the operators had to done so by a massive display of incompetence meet the highest standards of integrity and in relation to the very good tools that this probity. They were the toughest set of Parliament gave him to maintain this State's regulations to be introduced in this country. reputation. The important thing about that is that There may be more in store for the when we introduced operators we gave member for Ipswich from other directions, but everyone the same start. We allowed right now he richly deserves the censure of this everyone to apply and we issued them at the House. He had the tools to do the job and at same time. We did not stop there—we allowed the very best he has demonstrated absolutely other people to apply later on—but no-one got woeful and pathetic political judgment. In a head start. That is a significant difference doing that he has demonstrated to the world between what we did and what has happened that the Government of Queensland no longer in this situation. enjoys the very proud reputation that has been At that time I was the Parliamentary nurtured by Governments on both sides of this Secretary. I had just become Minister for House in respect of the administration of Public Works at the time of the ministerial gaming. council on gaming. We in Government Time expired. accepted the national model on gaming. Most Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the importantly, we indicated to the other States Liberal Party) (6.10 p.m.): I second the motion that we were going to ensure that we had a moved by the Leader of the Opposition to regulatory system in interactive gaming which censure the member for Ipswich in his role as was consistent with the high standards that Treasurer. I do so for one very simple reason, had been set with the original casino that is, that the Treasurer failed in one of his legislation, with the introduction of the gaming principal responsibilities, which is to protect the machine legislation by the Government of excellent name Queensland has in the area of which the Minister was a part—consistent with gaming regulation. the introduction of operators, consistent with the introduction of keno and the area with the When he was Deputy Premier, the former highest integrity in this country. member for Ipswich, Sir Llew Edwards, whom Mr Hamill replaced in 1983, actually With the stroke of a pen the member for established the standards by which gaming Ipswich has undermined Queensland's regulation ought to be viewed in this State. If I outstanding international reputation. In one fell recall correctly, it was under Sir Llew Edwards swoop he has introduced other individuals into that the original legislation with respect to the process, which other gaming Acts around Jupiters and the control of gaming and casinos the world have been fighting for years. The was actually introduced. That has been major issue tonight is that the member for recognised around Australia as being the Ipswich has failed to maintain Queensland's epitome of probity and integrity in regulation. outstanding record. Mr Hamill: He would know, wouldn't he? Time expired. 3100 Censure of Member for Ipswich 17 Aug 1999

Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— The hypocrisy and double standards go ALP) (Premier) (6.15 p.m.): I move the on. The Opposition Leader wanted a CJC following amendment— inquiry. He wanted an independent inquiry. He "Remove all the words after 'That this got one, but is he prepared to wait for the House' and insert— answer? No. He wants to come in here and 'congratulates the Beattie Government for play political games and he wants to carry on establishing new benchmarks for integrity with simple, cheap stunts and political games in the way in which it has handled criticism which are, in my view, unhelpful to the of the awarding of an interactive gambling reputation of this Parliament in the community. licence, including: Let us be very clear about this: today's the Premier and Treasurer calling contribution by the Opposition has seen it immediately for an investigation of deliberately misrepresent the relevant the process by the Auditor-General, legislation. It has deliberately misrepresented even though there had been no the probity rules. It has deliberately allegation of illegality or impropriety; misrepresented sections 44 and 48. It has not told one truth since this debate started today. the guarantee that, in complete The community expects better standards. It contrast to the coalition expects independent inquiries to be able to Government's interference with the get on with their job without intimidation. CJC investigation of the secret memorandum of understanding, the Honourable members should compare Auditor-General and the CJC will be our behaviour with that of the able to operate in complete freedom Borbidge/Sheldon Government when it set out and with every cooperation from the to destroy inquiries. Here we have a censure Government; motion being moved by a man who would not the action of the Treasurer in stand aside when he was the subject of a CJC standing aside while investigations inquiry. Is that hypocrisy? You bet it is! We are undertaken into his role in the have a situation here where this motion is granting of the licence under the being supported by Denver Beanland, the terms of the coalition Government's former Attorney-General, who, for over 700 Interactive Gambling (Player days, continued to serve notwithstanding that Protection) Amendment Act; and he did not have the confidence of this House. The hypocrisy is extraordinary. The audacity is the urgent action being taken by the almost breathless. Government to ensure that three members of the Labor Party involved It is wrong, it is improper and it is unethical in public life do not benefit from their to come into this House and seek to censure positions as minor shareholders in a the Treasurer before the Auditor-General has company which has an interest in the reported. It is unethical and it is improper. They company awarded the licence.' " have no standards in the Opposition—none at all. I say to the people of Queensland: be We are also taking out the company itself. The wary. The Opposition will lie. They will distort. motion moved by the Opposition tonight is They will tell untruths. They will do everything nothing more than a cheap political stunt. they possibly can at the price of one Where is this matter being dealt with thing—the god of simple political expediency. appropriately? It is being dealt with They will abuse that god of political expediency appropriately by the Auditor-General. The for cheap gain. That is why the amendment Auditor-General has in fact decided to carry that I have moved is the only sensible, out an investigation. We requested him to do constructive amendment, because it so, but he is doing it and he has broadened it acknowledges that this Government did to consider all matters that he believes everything possible to put it right—to fix it. But appropriate. tonight Opposition members even opposed Why are we seeking tonight to pre-empt the legislation to fix it. That says it all. the proper independent inquiry by the Auditor- General? Because this is nothing more than a Time expired. cheap political stunt. Let Queenslanders be Hon. J. P. ELDER (Capalaba—ALP) aware of it. The Leader of the Opposition (Deputy Premier and Minister for State sought to bully the CJC into having an inquiry. Development and Minister for Trade) He sought to intimidate it about having it in (6.25 p.m.): I rise to second the amendment public, even though he as Premier had moved by the Premier. Why? Simply because supported laws which meant those inquiries the Premier has outlined that the appropriate were private, subject to certain circumstances. action of the Treasurer was to do the right 17 Aug 1999 Censure of Member for Ipswich 3101 thing, and the Treasurer did the right thing. biased, because he had the legal advice to Supposedly, this Parliament is censuring the sustain the argument that it would be biased. Treasurer for doing the right thing. He brought on that inquiry to scuttle the This is all about prejudging inquiries. This Carruthers inquiry to get the former Premier has nothing at all to do with the issue. This is and the former Police Minister out of the box. about prejudging, and prejudging well in As Carruthers said—and I will quote it advance, which shows one and all the stunt again for the information of the House— that it is. The Treasurer, in this case, did the "Two of the persons into whose right thing. He actually stood down while the conduct and possible misconduct I am inquiries were under way. He knew that under currently inquiring have participated in the Westminster system it was the responsible setting up a commission of inquiry into my and appropriate action to take. inquiry into them." Mr Beattie: And he did it. That is how farcical it was. And in my view, that Mr ELDER: And he did it. So we are is how corrupt it was. They scuttled him to get censuring the Treasurer for doing the right themselves and the Police Minister out of the thing. How absurd! It is prejudging, and it is a box. The fact of the matter is that they stand stunt. here and accuse this Treasurer, who has done We can only judge his accusers by the the right thing. Did the acting Leader of the actions of members opposite when they were Opposition stand aside at the time? No! Did last in Government—if anyone needs to see the acting Police Minister— just how much of a sham and how much of a Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. stunt this is—because their history is a really The Deputy Premier seems unaware of the sad history. It is a pathetic history. It is a fact that there was a legal opinion to the CJC corrupt history. At the time of the that neither the member for Crows Nest nor I Mundingburra by-election, when the MOU was had a case to answer. signed to deliver Mundingburra, and when that secret police deal was exposed, the CJC found Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of that those members had a case to answer. order. The CJC found that the Opposition at the time, Mr ELDER: A case to answer? Let history which became the Government, had a case to judge—as it has—just how corrupt members answer. And who had the case to answer? opposite were in scuttling that inquiry. They None other than the member for Surfers have high and proper standards now, but Paradise and the member for Crows Nest. where were they when they were in Mr Beattie: Did they stand aside? Government? Where was their morality and probity when they were in Government? They Mr ELDER: And did they stand aside? had none. No! The acting Leader of the Opposition said, "Tell the truth." Did he tell the truth when he Mr Cooper interjected. was in the box? Did he tell the truth when he Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for was under pressure? He said, "I can't Crows Nest will cease interjecting. remember signing it." In fact, he could not remember the document that he signed. Mr ELDER: That makes this the hypocritical exercise that it is. It drips off them. Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. They have no sincerity in this at all. The comments made by the Deputy Premier are absolutely false and untrue, and I ask that Mr Cooper interjected. they be withdrawn. Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Deputy Premier Crows Nest! That is my final warning. will withdraw. Mr ELDER: They have no right in this Mr ELDER: I withdraw. But he said debate to accuse the Treasurer of any publicly that he could not remember signing impropriety at all. Their record in this speaks for the document. This is the accuser—the man itself. who could not remember signing the Mr Borbidge interjected. document that actually delivered to members Mr ELDER: That is why the Leader of the opposite a victory in the worst case of electoral Opposition is where he is. The people of bribery that we have ever seen. And how did Queensland saw through him. That is why he they stop it? How did they scuttle it? They is sitting where he is and where he will stay scuttled Carruthers by the Attorney-General at sitting for the next few terms. the time bringing on an inquiry—the Connolly inquiry—an inquiry that he knew would be Mr Braddy: No, he'll be down there. 3102 Censure of Member for Ipswich 17 Aug 1999

Mr ELDER: The Minister is right, because such a position. And it is clear that the other Opposition members will get him in time. knowledge of such unsatisfactory behaviour And in relation to our international was not only known by the Premier but likely reputation—I did not hear it mentioned once in by all other members of the Labor Party. South Africa. The public of Queensland deserve a Time expired. Treasurer they can trust. His position— Mr FELDMAN (Caboolture—ONP) probably more than any other Cabinet (6.25 p.m.): I rise in support of the Leader of position—poses potential for conflict of the Opposition in the censure of the member interest. His position as Treasurer requires for Ipswich and the denial of ministerial absolutely impeccable integrity. The Treasurer entitlements and salary for the period that he should be possessed of a AAA integrity rating. is stood aside from the Ministry. I still believe in Members of the Goss Cabinet first miracles. I actually believe that a miracle demonstrated, by participating in the happened on the Bruce Highway—the road to shredding of evidence, that they had no Brisbane—just as the miracle happened on scruples and no integrity. This Government's the road to Damascus. And in Brisbane, just latest sordid escapade simply reinforces that as in Damascus, I thought that the scales may infamy and the total lack of credibility. These have finally fallen from the eyes of the are not the qualities that the people of member for Nicklin. Queensland need or deserve in a Treasurer. During the confidence debate in which the The involvement, also, of the member for Shreddergate saga was raised, the member Woodridge is underhand and completely for Nicklin was asked whether he was a unacceptable. His actions, by any standards, reformer or a seat warmer. At that stage he represent an abuse of power by someone who chose to warm the seat, as he steadfastly is in no position to plead ignorance to such refused to see the corruption and the abuse of abuse of the law or privilege. I am appalled office inherent in this Labor Government. that this discredited member used a pair to There are none so blind as those who will not enable the Government's motion earlier today see. Well, after 13 months of seat warming to pass. To what extent was the Labor Party and dutifully creeping across the floor in meek machine aware of his actions? The whole affair support of this self-serving Government, he mirrors the Heiner debacle and the has finally developed the courage to stand up questionable business involvements of Labor for truth and honesty. I applaud him for that. Holdings. There is a stench of corruption that He has finally seen the corruption that is a not only spreads widely but also has deep trademark of this Government. At last, he is roots and a strong wall of protection. A black prepared to support a censure motion against cloud hangs over the Labor Party and makes the vice captain of the fatal five. The grounds one wonder about the corruption and the to do so are ample and just. Just as they were deceit that we do not know about, that the then, they are now. public does not know about, and that the It is only right that the member for Ipswich Labor Party is so practised and adept at no longer hold the position of Treasurer due to keeping hidden within. recent events over the Internet betting affair. His involvement in such a disgraceful misuse The member for Ipswich has voluntarily— of public power and office is not a light matter. or so he says—stood aside from his ministerial The people of this State elect members of position of Treasurer and I assume he will Parliament to represent their interests in this continue to do so if, or until, he has been House. And in doing so, they place their trust cleared of any responsibility for his involvement in elected members to do what is right and to in the Internet betting affair. As a Minister, he ensure a fair deal for them in all matters before receives certain entitlements and $50,000 this House. The Premier has an extra onus of extra salary. These extras are to account for trust and responsibility in establishing a the additional duties and responsibilities Cabinet of Ministers of honesty, integrity and involved in such a position. Whilst the member professionalism. Failure to do so is also a is no longer in the position of Treasurer, and breach of faith with the public and an hence is no longer taking on those extra indication of failure to carry out the duties of responsibilities or undertaking the extra that position. The net bet affair reveals the functions of that role, he should not receive failure of the Premier to establish a Ministry of those entitlements and payments. Surely one the calibre to which I referred earlier. It is clear can easily see the commonsense in this that the Treasurer also failed to conduct argument. Not only is it a commonsense himself in a manner expected of a man in approach, but it is the right thing to do. 17 Aug 1999 Censure of Member for Ipswich 3103

Why should a member who, of his own Ipswich having stood aside during the course accord, finds himself in a position of having to of the Auditor-General's inquiry. On the other stand down from his ministerial position be still hand, we have the case of Premier Borbidge entitled to the privileges that come with that and Police Minister Cooper staying within their position? He should not, and I am positive that offices throughout the course of the Carruthers the people of Queensland would agree. The inquiry. Government believes that it can come into this The second very telling aspect of the House today and quickly wash away the scum contrast goes to the question of cooperation from this affair with some clever rhetoric, but it with inquiries. On the one hand this Labor cannot. Government has demonstrated its willingness Time expired. to cooperate with inquiries. On the other hand, Hon. M. J. FOLEY (Yeronga—ALP) Premier Borbidge, as he then was, and Police (Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister Cooper, as he then was, sat around Minister for The Arts) (6.31 p.m.): The the Cabinet table and authorised, with the Opposition Leader's censure motion is a case collusion of the then Attorney-General, the of sentence first, verdict afterwards. The Connolly/Ryan inquiry designed to nobble the Opposition Leader urges this House to Carruthers inquiry to get then Premier censure the member for Ipswich without even Borbidge and then Police Minister Cooper off waiting for the verdict of the Parliament's own the hook. What a startling contrast! No wonder officer, the Auditor-General, and without they wanted to hold onto their Cabinet waiting for the verdict of the CJC, which has positions; they wanted to use them for the appointed Mr Gotterson, QC, to head up an improper purpose of setting up a commission independent investigation. The Opposition of inquiry designed to collide with the leader wants sentence first, verdict afterwards. Carruthers inquiry. In so doing, they made history in the common law world by having a What is the authority for this approach? I Supreme Court strike down a royal commission can find no authority in Erskine May. I have for political bias. searched high and low throughout Australian law and can find nothing. I have searched the But the third and most telling aspect is the English common law and can find nothing. I issue of respect for the Parliament. They do can find only one authority for this proposition, not wish to wait for the report of the and that is Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland Parliament's own officer, the Auditor-General. when he wrote— It is interesting to note that this Friday, 20 August, is the second anniversary of the no- "'Let the jury consider their verdict,' confidence motion in former Attorney-General the King said, for about the twentieth time Beanland who in contempt of the 48th that day. Parliament stayed in it for 271 days until it was 'No, no!' said the Queen. 'Sentence prorogued, just as then Premier Borbidge first—verdict afterwards.' remained in contempt. 'Stuff and nonsense!' said Alice On those three issues—the issue of loudly. 'The idea of having the sentence standing aside, the issue of cooperation with first!' inquiries and the issue of respect for the 'Hold your tongue!' said the Queen, Parliament—we see a stark contrast between turning purple. the approaches taken by the Beattie Labor 'I won't!' said Alice. Government and that taken by the coalition Government. This approach tonight of wanting 'Off with her head!' the Queen the sentence first and the verdict afterwards is shouted at the top of her voice. Nobody an absurd approach. One wonders why those moved. opposite want public moneys spent on 'Who cares for you?' said Alice ... inquiries if they are to pre-empt those inquiries 'You're nothing but a pack of cards.'" by moving a censure motion here in the The Opposition leader's motion demonstrates Parliament to give effect to an outcome before hypocrisy of Olympian proportions. the facts have been analysed and before the independent investigations have been Let us look at the contrast in the process conducted. whereby issues are handled—the approach to standing aside, the approach to cooperation Time expired. with inquiries and the approach to respect for Mr QUINN (Merrimac—LP) (Deputy the Parliament. First of all, on the issue of Leader of the Liberal Party) (6.36 p.m.): The standing aside, what a stark contrast we have. Government's defence of the member for On the one hand we have the member for Ipswich tonight is based on the premise that 3104 Censure of Member for Ipswich 17 Aug 1999 we are trying to pre-empt the findings of the benefit from the licence granted to them by CJC and the Auditor-General. Nothing could the member for Ipswich. The Government be further from the truth. cannot have it both ways. Either members What we are doing is looking at the opposite support him in the censure motion or actions of the Minister and his appalling they support the legislation. It has to be one or judgment in a number of issues to date. For the other. Either the member was right and his instance, in granting this licence to Gocorp the decision stands, or he was wrong and remedial member for Ipswich has put at risk our action is necessary. international reputation. He has cast a shadow The Labor Party has condemned the over our international reputation, as the member for Ipswich in this House. Those member for Nerang indicated this morning. On opposite talk about hypocrisy. There could be the Internet, people around the world are no more hypocritical stance, no more ironic starting to question the processes we put in stance and no worse set of double standards place in terms of granting licences. Our hard- than the Australian Labor Party has displayed earned reputation which has been built up in this House tonight. over a number of years under successive It is trying to support a member in this Labor and coalition Governments is now under censure motion but at the same time it has a shadow because of the appalling judgment introduced legislation that fixes up an appalling of the member for Ipswich. mess that he left. The Government cannot What are the grounds? Firstly, the have it both ways. Either the Treasurer was member for Ipswich failed to use the powers right or he was wrong. By supporting the available to him under the existing legislation. Government's amendment to the motion, He did not have to grant that licence. When members are saying that he was right. the public servants came to him and said, However, the Government has legislation in "Minister, we recommend that the licence be the House that says that he was wrong. Which granted", he did not have to do it. He could is it? It is one or the other. The Government have exercised his judgment and made a cannot have it both ways. decision not to give the licence to Gocorp on a Hon. A. M. BLIGH (South Brisbane—ALP) range of grounds. (6.40 p.m.) I rise to support the amendment One of those grounds could have been before the House and, frankly, to condemn the that granting the licence would have given the motion that the Opposition has moved. impression that he was doing favours for his Mr Cooper: Good thing you made it. three Labor Party mates. That impression is extremely damaging to a Government's Ms BLIGH: I thank the member. I am reputation and integrity. It is damaging to have glad that he is pleased to see me. the reputation that someone can weasel away An Opposition member interjected. and get a licence for his mates. Ms BLIGH: Nothing could interest me What is the other ground? The member more. I support the views expressed by the for Ipswich granted the applicant first mover member for Yeronga. Tonight, this House has status. Instead of asking all the players to been called upon by the Opposition to pass come in on an equal footing and to start judgment on the member for Ipswich, the advancing their applications at the same Treasurer of the State, before the Auditor- time— General has had any opportunity to make a Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. The judgment upon the facts, before any CJC claims made by the honourable member are officer has had an opportunity to make any not only false but they are offensive and I ask sort of investigation, before Mr Gotterson has that they be withdrawn. had an opportunity to review the Mr QUINN: I withdraw them if he finds documentation, and before any report has them offensive. First mover status certainly been made by those people charged with the was available to Gocorp. Apart from that, the authority to fully investigate all of these gaping hole in the Government's presentation matters. here tonight is that, while it seeks to defend If this Parliament is to make itself the the member for Ipswich, it is absolutely judge of these matters, then who are we to put undermining him with the legislation that is matters before officers such as the Auditor- before the House. The member for Ipswich General? Why do we have a CJC? It is well granted the licence to a company which known that the coalition has never supported involved three Labor mates. The Government the Criminal Justice Commission. They used now seeks to reverse that decision by seeking their two and a half years in office to do to ensure that those Labor mates do not everything that they could to bring down the 17 Aug 1999 Censure of Member for Ipswich 3105

Criminal Justice Commission. They slashed its sought to ask this House to do something that budget and, in Government, they used their is already in the hands of the authorised authority to put in place an inquiry that was officers— designed to do nothing more than nobble the An Opposition member interjected. Criminal Justice Commission. When that inquiry fell over, they put in place another Ms BLIGH: I am actually referring to the inquiry. That inquiry did not just fall over; it was Opposition's motion. Is the member condemned by the Supreme Court of this suggesting that I should not read from it? The State on the grounds of political bias. Opposition is also asking that the member who has done the right thing and stood aside not Now the Opposition comes before us and receive ministerial entitlements or salary. This says, "Don't listen to what the CJC has said. member has done the right thing. This Put the CJC's activities, deliberations and member stood aside while an inquiry made a investigations to one side. This Parliament can judgment about his activities. When similar be the judge." This Parliament does not have circumstances were put before the members before it all of the relevant documentation. opposite, not one of them had the courage or This Parliament does not have the capacity to the political will to do the same. I note that the investigate or interview any of the people member for Indooroopilly is shaking his head. concerned. It is so typical of the coalition that Well he may. they would seek to put to one side the work of the Criminal Justice Commission. They have Mr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) never supported the work of that commission. (6.45 p.m.): I rise to speak in support of the They have never seen the need for an censure motion moved by the Leader of the independent watchdog. What did they seek to Opposition and agree that while the member do when the independent watchdog turned its for Ipswich is not fulfilling the duties of glare on them and their activities? They sought Treasurer, he should forgo his ministerial salary to reduce its powers even before they were in and entitlements. Government, and when they were in I am disappointed that the member for Government they squandered taxpayers' Ipswich decided to grant the State's first money on inquiry after inquiry, which was Internet gaming licence before the gaming designed to do little more than nobble the review committee had completed its Criminal Justice Commission. It is little wonder investigations into gaming in Queensland, and that the coalition does not want to hear the I believe that he needs to be censured for that outcomes of the deliberations of that inquiry. decision. I am also concerned that the I, for one, have confidence that the perception in the community is that the Criminal Justice Commission can do the job member for Woodridge has used his position that it has been charged with and I look of privilege as a member of this House to forward to the outcome of that inquiry. I look lobby this Government to grant Gocorp this forward to the recommendations and findings lucrative licence. Although this is a matter of of their deliberations and to those of the concern to me, I will not pre-empt the Auditor-General. When we have those reports investigations that are currently under way by before us, that is the time that this Parliament the Auditor-General and the CJC, and I hope should make a judgment about this matter; that these investigations can be completed not now. It is so typical that the coalition would expeditiously. be seeking to make cheap political mileage There have been many serious out of a matter that has now been before the allegations made in this House regarding the public for some three weeks. activities of the Gocorp company and three Labor Party members. In light of these serious I also support the statements of the allegations that have been raised in the House Premier this morning, who drew the attention today against Gocorp and in a bid to find out of the House to the fact that after three weeks who the real players in this net bet affair are, I of this matter being brought to the public's have personally contacted Gocorp's chief attention, the coalition never had the wit or the executive officer, Paul Appleby, and I have will to bring any of these matters to the public's asked him if he would be prepared to answer attention themselves but day in and day out questions about his company's involvement in simply sought to plagiarise the Courier-Mail, this matter. Mr Appleby has told me that he and sought to do so this morning. It is little would be most happy to attend a meeting with wonder that they would have nothing more to members and answer any questions from offer us this evening. members. Accordingly, I have arranged for a What do we see in the motion that they meeting for tomorrow between 1 p.m. and have put before us? They have not only 2.30 p.m. in the conference room. 3106 Censure of Member for Ipswich 17 Aug 1999

I refer members to section 41 of the may just find that the Office of the Treasurer Constitution Act 1867, which allows members conducted itself in a manner that was beyond to ask questions of people who have reproach. The Opposition is so worried knowledge of matters that have been raised in because that report will demonstrate the this House. Consequently, I urge all members absolutely hypocritical position that it has taken of this House to attend that meeting and ask in relation to this matter. their questions of the chief executive officer of Apart from the member for Nicklin, there Gocorp. are two groups in this debate: those who Hon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) should know better and those who will never (Treasurer) (6.47 p.m.): This is an interesting know any better. I direct these points to those debate because we have before us an who should know better. In relation to the interesting array of interests. I cannot help points that were raised in the argument this wishing to respond to some of the comments afternoon, I reiterate that there were no special made by the honourable member for Nicklin. I deals for anyone—Gocorp or anyone else. understand his concern about gambling in the Contrary to the claims of Liberal Party community, and I understand that very well. members, there was no head start for anyone Contrary to some of the sloppy journalism that because the regulations of asking for I have seen in recent times, I actually share applications went up on 1 October and anyone that concern. Indeed, as Minister, I have been could apply. There was no free kick for looking at ways in which we can bring the anyone. Far from looking after mates, I remind gaming genie back under control in honourable members that one of the so-called Queensland before it gets right away from us. mates actually fell foul of the probity process That is why I established a review into gaming and was excluded from his position as a matters in this State, and I eagerly await the director of Navari. I also remind the House that opportunity to be able to act upon its Gocorp did not get the tax concession that it recommendations. was after and it did not get the length of However, I believe that although the licence that it was after. So much for having honourable member for Nicklin has a genuine connections in the right places! I must admit concern in relation to this matter, his support that it really sickened me when I saw some of for the motion is built upon an incorrect the rubbish being published in the papers premise. The fact is that, as the former about Ipswich Inc and all of the elaborate Treasurer, Mrs Sheldon, told the Parliament in connections that people must have. I place on March last year when the interactive gambling the record here and now that maybe all sorts Bill was being supported by all members of the of things exist in "Ipswich Inc", but—and I House—and the member for Gladstone will direct this to the Courier-Mail—no-one has yet well remember her contribution to the alleged that I have received the Order of debate—the then Treasurer said that we have Lenin. It should just think about that. had interactive gambling in this State since I have the utmost confidence in the Office 1962. It has occurred ever since the TAB took of Gaming Regulation and its professionalism phone bets. The interactive gambling and its processes. However, I find it quite legislation is not just about the Internet. We extraordinary that the Leader of the should not be mistaken into believing that. The Opposition, a person who learned his political interactive gambling legislation is much, much standards at the feet of the likes of Russ Hinze broader indeed. and Don Lane, can come in here and talk So although I accept the sincerity of the about misconduct meaning the same thing as comments made by the member for Nicklin, I ethical behaviour. If he and other members believe that this is a much more significant opposite believe that, it is little wonder that issue and I believe that this censure motion is they sit where they sit today. As I said in the extraordinarily premature. I find it House this afternoon, good politics and ethical incomprehensible that the Opposition, after all behaviour are not at opposite ends of the their fulminating over the past few weeks and spectrum. Good politics means ethical talking about principles and standards and so behaviour, and that is exactly what this on and so forth, should be quaking with fear at Government delivers. the prospect of the Auditor-General bringing Time expired. his report back to this Parliament, quaking in Question—That Mr Beattie's amendment fear that the Auditor-General might just find be agreed to—put; and the House divided— that the Office of Gaming Regulation acquitted AYES, 43—Attwood, Barton, Beattie, Bligh, Boyle, itself with the utmost probity in relation to the Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Clark, J. Cunningham, Gocorp application, and quaking with fear that, D'Arcy, Edmond, Elder, Fenlon, Foley, Fouras, Gibbs, in relation to this matter, the Auditor-General Hamill, Hayward, Lavarch, Lucas, Mackenroth, 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3107

McGrady, Mickel, Mulherin, Musgrove, Nelson-Carr, process and conducts exhaustive probity Nuttall, Palaszczuk, Pitt, Reeves, Reynolds, Roberts, checks on all gaming operators to ensure that Robertson, Rose, Schwarten, Spence, Struthers, the industry's probity and integrity is Welford, Wells, Wilson. Tellers: Sullivan, Purcell maintained. It is the responsibility of this office NOES, 43—Beanland, Black, Borbidge, Connor, to ensure that those involved in the Cooper, E. Cunningham, Dalgleish, Davidson, Elliott, Queensland gaming industry are beyond Feldman, Gamin, Goss, Grice, Healy, Hobbs, Horan, reproach. Johnson, Kingston, Knuth, Laming, Lester, Lingard, Littleproud, Malone, Mitchell, Nelson, Paff, Pratt, In May, the Office of Gaming Regulation, Prenzler, Quinn, Rowell, Santoro, Seeney, Simpson, through the Under Treasurer, informed the Slack, Springborg, Stephan, Turner, Veivers, Treasurer that Gocorp had passed the Watson, Wellington. Tellers: Baumann, Hegarty necessary probity and financial checks. Pair: Pearce, Sheldon Consequently, the Office of Gaming The numbers being equal, Mr Speaker Regulation recommended that the Treasurer cast his vote with the Ayes. approve an interactive gaming licence for this company subject to conditions relating to the Resolved in the affirmative. financial strength of the company and its Question—That the motion as amended be meeting stringent technical requirements. The agreed to—put; and the House divided— Treasurer accepted its recommendation and AYES, 43—Attwood, Barton, Beattie, Bligh, Boyle, granted the licence. He acted strictly on the Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Clark, J. Cunningham, basis of the advice from the Office of Gaming D'Arcy, Edmond, Elder, Fenlon, Foley, Fouras, Gibbs, Regulation. Hamill, Hayward, Lavarch, Lucas, Mackenroth, McGrady, Mickel, Mulherin, Musgrove, Nelson-Carr, It is important to note that, contrary to the Nuttall, Palaszczuk, Pitt, Reeves, Reynolds, Roberts, claims made by some commentators, the Robertson, Rose, Schwarten, Spence, Struthers, licence issued to Gocorp carries no exclusive Welford, Wells, Wilson. Tellers: Sullivan, Purcell rights. The Act does not limit the number of NOES, 43—Beanland, Black, Borbidge, Connor, licences that can be approved. In fact, there Cooper, E. Cunningham, Dalgleish, Davidson, Elliott, are currently four other licence applicants Feldman, Gamin, Goss, Grice, Healy, Hobbs, Horan, going through the same exhaustive probity Johnson, Kingston, Knuth, Laming, Lester, Lingard, process that Gocorp went through. Other Littleproud, Malone, Mitchell, Nelson, Paff, Pratt, States and Territories are expected to issue Prenzler, Quinn, Rowell, Santoro, Seeney, Simpson, licences to Internet gambling companies. Slack, Springborg, Stephan, Turner, Veivers, Indeed, the Northern Territory already has Watson, Wellington. Tellers: Baumann, Hegarty licensed one site which is operational. Pair: Pearce, Sheldon Contrary to comments from the Leader of The numbers being equal, Mr Speaker the Opposition and some journalists at the cast his vote with the Ayes. Courier-Mail, there was no secret about Resolved in the affirmative. Queensland's moves to license interactive gambling providers. The whole process, Sitting suspended from 7.01 p.m. to including the legislation, had been the subject 8.30 p.m. of extensive discussions with individual prospective applicants, in industry conferences INTERACTIVE GAMBLING (PLAYER and through relevant industry media— PROTECTION) AMENDMENT BILL especially those on the Internet. Interested parties throughout the world were well aware of Second Reading where Queensland was at. This Government's Resumed from p. 3097 first and only interest in gaming is to ensure Mr BRISKEY (Cleveland—ALP) that it is regulated in a manner that is (7.30 p.m.): As I was saying prior to the dinner consistent with community expectations. recess, the interactive gaming legislation The gaming review, which the Treasurer passed by the Parliament in 1998 was instigated and which I chair, will set in place a designed to provide stringent consumer gaming industry in Queensland that is protection mechanisms for a form of gambling answerable to the community. It will ensure which is already widely available on the that the industry's growth is consistent with Internet. After the passage of that legislation, community expectations. The controversy the interactive gaming company Gocorp surrounding the approval process for Gocorp's applied to the Queensland Office of Gaming licence has highlighted the fact that the Regulation for an online gaming licence. The legislation passed in 1998 is out of step with Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation is an community attitudes. It is clear that the independent body responsible for the licensing community does not want its elected 3108 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 representatives to be involved in interactive As I said earlier, Internet gambling is a gaming. This Bill ensures that the following reality. There are already hundreds of Internet people cannot hold a benefit from the gaming sites operating on the net. interactive licence issued to Gocorp: a member Governments can either ignore this fact or face of the Legislative Assembly; a spouse or child up to their responsibilities. The Queensland of a member of the Legislative Assembly; a Parliament decided that regulation was the staff member of a member of the Legislative best approach to this new development. Assembly; a councillor of a local government; The Interactive Gambling (Player or any other person prescribed in a regulation. Protection) Act does not limit the number of The changes will not affect the rights of licences that can be approved. As I have shareholders other than the three parties in stated already, there are currently four other either Gocorp or the other affected companies, licence applicants going through the same Topki Holdings Pty Ltd and Navari Pty Ltd, exhaustive process and probity checks that from taking up shares in Gocorp either directly Gocorp went through. Importantly, members or via an alternative corporate mechanism at should note that the Act was not designed to some time in the future provided, of course, promote new forms of gaming but to provide that Gocorp retains its licence. However, the stringent consumer protection mechanisms for Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation will a form of gambling which is already widely continue to monitor the share register of available. Therefore, it is wrong for members to Gocorp to ensure that its corporate structure claim that the Treasurer was encouraging the complies with the Government's clearly stated expansion of gaming by issuing this licence. policy on this matter. This legislation further Such a suggestion is ludicrous considering that confirms this Government's commitment to the the Treasurer's record as Treasurer is one of highest levels of probity and integrity and limiting gaming, not expanding it. It is ensuring that in all matters relating to gambling particularly hypocritical of the member for its only concern is maintaining the community's Moggill, Dr Watson, to criticise the Treasurer in confidence and keeping pace with its relation to gaming matters. After all, the expectations. member for Moggill is responsible for the recent rapid growth in gaming machines There were, and are, absolutely no across the State. If the member for Nicklin is grounds whatsoever for the Parliament to concerned about the growth of gaming in our consider the censure motion against the communities, a censure motion should be Treasurer, David Hamill, before the dinner directed at the member for Moggill over the recess tonight. He has stepped aside from his disastrous changes he recommended. The duties in spite of the fact that his detractors Treasurer is not the villain in this story, it is the have failed to pinpoint exactly what illegality he member for Moggill. The Treasurer's first and committed when he approved the conditional only interest in gaming is to ensure that it is interactive licence for Gocorp on regulated in a manner that is consistent with recommendations from his department. He community expectations. He has set in train a has acted honourably throughout the whole reform process to ensure that the community's affair, which is more than can be said for those views are central to the licensing process for who supported the motion before the dinner gaming. recess tonight. The Treasurer's decision to establish the It was prejudicial for the House to consider gaming review to investigate and report on the a censure motion on anything to do with the social and economic consequences of the circumstances surrounding the issuing of an expansion of gaming in Queensland is Internet gaming licence to Gocorp when this evidence of that commitment. He established matter is currently being investigated by the the gaming review because he was concerned Auditor-General and the Criminal Justice that gaming, particularly poker machine Commission. Two inquiries are currently under gaming, was growing too rapidly and he wants way. The correct action is for this Parliament to Queensland to lead the world in adopting await those two reports before commencing a responsible gaming practices. debate about the merits of the Treasurer's The establishment of the gaming review actions. It is also wrong to criticise the demonstrates the Treasurer's proactive Treasurer for issuing an interactive gaming approach to minimising the harm from gaming licence prior to the completion of the gaming in our communities and makes a mockery of review. Interactive gaming licences are not those who claim he has acted in any way issued because the Government wants to contrary to the best interests of Queensland expand gambling. They are issued because and Queenslanders. He is a man of the the Government wants to protect gamblers. highest honesty and integrity and I, like so 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3109 many Queenslanders, eagerly await his return of these wonderful new standards. What they as Treasurer. He is a great Treasurer who also did was come in here and amend the strives to ensure that the Government meets Standing Orders to make sure that legislation both its social and economic objectives. He is lie on the table of the Parliament for 14 days. worthy of this Parliament's complete support. This did not even lie on the table of the Those in this House and in the media who Parliament for 14 seconds. That goes to show have viciously attacked and criticised him over the scant disregard that members opposite the Gocorp licence have failed to identify any have for the institution of Parliament. illegality or abuse of process in his actions. How can we debate this Bill properly? We These people's criticisms are unfounded and have not got the time to read it, to discuss it are robbing Queensland of a great Treasurer. I with qualified people or even for it to be have every confidence that the Treasurer analysed by the Scrutiny of Legislation followed all the proper processes when he Committee. It would appear to me from just a issued Gocorp's licence, and I look forward to very quick reading that there is a raft of the Treasurer's speedy return. breaches of fundamental legislative principles. Surely it would have been proper and Mr SPRINGBORG (Warwick—NPA) appropriate in these circumstances for the (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (8.40 p.m.): Scrutiny of Legislation Committee to be given The Premier rose in this House just a few the opportunity of considering it and reporting hours ago and expressed surprise that the back to this House. Opposition would not be giving this Bill its wholehearted support. He even suggested Whenever one introduces a Bill which is that we were placing roadblocks in the way to retrospective, which penalises named persons securing some long overdue justice for the and entities and which has excessive powers people of Queensland. Just let me say right given to the Executive Council by means of here and now: the Opposition is 100% regulation making powers, it is a Bill which supportive of any responsible and legitimate requires close and careful scrutiny. It is action which will overcome the inappropriate legislation which is limiting the rights of citizens, decision of the member for Ipswich to grant an no matter who they may be, and it is Internet gambling licence to Gocorp. legislation which has to be justified. I am not saying that the named entities or persons in The Opposition, together with the this Bill do not deserve the treatment that they Queensland community, regards the granting are receiving. What I am saying is that it is a of that licence to be one of the most misuse of this Parliament to go about this inappropriate exercises of ministerial discretion exercise in this way. I would say that that in recent Queensland history. However, the Bill should be of particular concern to those that the Premier has introduced is an people who sit on that side of the Parliament irrelevant, over the top and unfortunate who profess a belief and adherence to exercise that will come back, I believe, to fundamental justice principles and civil liberties. haunt this Government. It has been caused by an incompetent decision of the then Treasurer It is all about justice being done and and, as the Premier pointed out in his speech, being seen to be done. So from a Premier is necessary because of the greed and who was promising new standards of inappropriate conduct of a range of Labor parliamentary behaviour, what we are seeing is mates in his own Labor Unity faction. an arrogant and over the top administration that holds this House in absolute contempt. I have the following concerns with this Bill. This should be a very sad day for First, it is a farce that we are debating it at all Queensland—sad because we are seeing a this afternoon. It was introduced after lunch diminution in the respect which both sides of and then, just as the Bill was being circulated, politics over the past decade or so have given we have had to debate it. This is the sort of to parliamentary government in Queensland. disrespect for Parliament that the Premier— It made me sick to the stomach to hear Mr Mackenroth interjected. this Premier talk about corruption in previous Mr SPRINGBORG:—and the member for National Party administrations when what we Chatsworth used to attack the Bjelke-Petersen are witnessing today, both in the content and Government over. It is a disgraceful example manner of this Bill, is a regression into the of just how this Premier and this Government past. The regression I refer to is to the days of have no respect for this Parliament at all. We authoritarian corrupt Labor administrations— can consider all of the pious comments that administrations of the like of Hanlon and Gair, Government members made when they administrations that were rotten to the core formed Government in July of 1998 about all and full of corruption and nepotism. 3110 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

The second reason why I do not support but it does highlight just how strange the this rushed Bill is that there are ample licence granting process was. remedies for dealing with the Gocorp scandal There would, no doubt, be serious under the Interactive Gambling (Player grounds for suggesting that, in the light of Protection) Act. Other persons have earlier what has since come to public attention, the today outlined the various statutory provisions Treasurer did not even meet the standards that could have been relied upon to overcome required by section 32. In other words, his the decision of the member for Ipswich to decision to grant the licence in the first place grant the Internet gaming licence. I would like was and remains legally unsustainable. In to emphasise the importance of section 32, addition, it can also be suggested that there which places a very heavy onus on the have been ample grounds and opportunities Treasurer to be satisfied before granting a for action to be taken. For example, section 39 licence that the applicant is a suitable person allows the Minister to change the conditions of and that each business associate of the a licence when it is in the public interest to do applicant is a suitable person. If honourable so. Section 44 outlines the grounds for members turn to the third Schedule, they will suspending or cancelling a licence. Amongst see that "business associate" is defined to the grounds outlined in that section are include people associated with both the suspension or cancellation when an interactive management and shareholding of the gambling licence was obtained by a materially applicant's operations. false or misleading representation or some The member for Ipswich had a very heavy other improper way. duty placed on him and him alone to be I pose a question to members of the satisfied that Gocorp and all of its related Labor caucus who also sit in Cabinet. Why did shareholders were suitable people before a they not ask the Premier about his powers and licence could be granted. The member for abilities to act under the legislative provisions Ipswich was not legally able to defer his that are currently available to him? decision to his departmental officers. For anybody to suggest that somehow he could Anyone who is vaguely aware of the stand aloof from the decision making process cases decided under the Corporations Law and simply give a tick and a flick to whatever and the Trade Practices Act will know that this was put in front of him demonstrates a enables a licence to be suspended or remarkable ignorance of both the law and cancelled when material information was not Westminster practice. Has anybody on the disclosed or when conduct was engaged in Labor side ever heard of the concept of that was inappropriate. I would have thought ministerial responsibility? that the material that has since been publicly disclosed about Councillor Pisasale's failure to The Treasurer was required by the Act to disclose his criminal conviction and the take into account a range of considerations in involvement of a person who was as recently determining the suitability of persons to hold as 1996 convicted of defrauding a client of an interactive gambling licence. Those are set more than $90,000 would have been grounds out in sections 33 and 34. I will not repeat enough for activating section 44(1)(j). them, but they include such matters as the business reputation of the applicant, the The Premier rose just a short time ago financial position of the applicant, business and rubbished any suggestion of relying on ability and the like. I would suggest that it is the Act and attempted to justify this very hard to understand how, if a proper extraordinary Bill by tabling Crown Solicitor's probity check was undertaken, an entity such advice. The advice tendered, however, was as Gocorp with the sort of Labor hangers-on it only the final page of a 15-page opinion. It is had associated with it could have received a passing strange indeed that the Premier, positive recommendation from the Office of despite repeated requests, refused to table Gaming Regulation. I would go so far as to say the remaining 14 pages. If he did not want to it is almost inconceivable. table those pages, he could have at least What is worse is that the then Treasurer provided to the Opposition some oversight of knew of the involvement of some of his Labor that advice to reassure us that his position was Unity faction colleagues in this grubby little sustainable. exercise. The question which needs to be Who knows just what the acting Crown pondered is why in these circumstances he Solicitor advised and what he was briefed remained mute and simply and mutely went with? All we know is that at page 15 he said along with his department's recommendation. that the only way to avoid the risk of legal These and other matters will, no doubt, be action was to pass legislation. I repeat: "the explored by the Auditor-General and the CJC, risk of legal action". There is no mention in the 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3111 page tabled of the chances of success of that have a Bill that is necessary because the litigation. There is always the risk of litigation. Premier does not trust the member for The real question, however, relates to the Woodridge and the endorsed Labor candidate chances of that litigation being successful and for Ipswich West. of damages being awarded. I have, therefore, three major substantive I am not surprised that the Premier has objections to this Bill. The first I have just refused to table all of the opinion. The reason mentioned. That is, it is not necessary is that section 59 of the Act is very clear when because there already are suitable and it comes to litigation being commenced. The appropriate remedies under the Act. It is far heading of this section says it all: "Decisions better to rely on the Act than to introduce about interactive gambling licence not to be retrospective Bills that seek to deal with justiciable". The section provides that various specific circumstances. The second is that this decisions of both the Treasurer and the Bill substantially and quite dangerously Governor in Council which are set out in expands the regulation making power. It will Schedule 2 are final and conclusive. give this and any future Government the Paragraphs (b) and (c) state— ongoing power, to quote the Premier, to make "(b) cannot be challenged, appealed regulations which will deal with disqualified against, reviewed, quashed, set persons and a range of other matters. This is aside, or called in question in another the area in which the analysis of the Scrutiny way under the Judicial Review Act of Legislation Committee would have been 1991 or otherwise (whether by the very useful. Unfortunately, that did not happen Supreme Court, another court, a because of the machinations and the way that tribunal or another entity) and; this Beattie Labor Government, which is supposed to believe in parliamentary (c) is not subject to any writ or order of standards, carries on. the Supreme Court, another court, a tribunal, or another entity on any I am very concerned that the broad ground." powers proposed to be given to the Governor The decisions of the Minister which are not in Council are over the top. They are extremely justiciable include granting or refusing to grant broad, and the rights and liberties of many an interactive gambling licence under section people will be placed at risk. The Premier said 3, changing a condition of an interactive that these powers are unusually strong. Once gambling licence under section 39, again, he justified them on the basis of suspending an interactive gambling licence "inappropriate action by greedy individuals". under section 48 and censuring a licensed Again and again it is the people of provider under section 49. Decisions of the Queensland who have to suffer by the Governor in Council that cannot be challenged introduction of over-the-top legislation brought include suspending or cancelling an interactive about by the inappropriate, greedy and gambling licence under section 52. unethical behaviour of a range of Labor Party mates. How could anyone suggest that there are not ample grounds for this Government to take My last concern with this Bill is that it does appropriate action under the current Act? It is not simply target Labor mates but introduces a plain that litigation could be commenced, but a definition of "disqualified person" which plain reading of the Act illustrates that the includes MLAs, their families, staff members of chances of success would be pretty remote. I this Parliament and local government say to this House that the Opposition believes councillors and their families. Would councillors that the existing Act is drafted appropriately have been included in this hit list if Councillor and contains sufficient grounds for action. The Pisasale had not been involved? I think not. question that arises is why such action was not Why pick out Internet gambling? How far taken. Hiding behind the type of advice that should this Parliament go in prohibiting was referred to earlier will not wash. politicians from being involved in commercial activities? Why has this Bill picked out the The Premier said himself when he persons outlined but not included political introduced this Bill that it was not parties? It is like this Bill: it is a hit and miss necessary—that his Labor mates, under the affair. There is no logic to it. There is no justice glare of public scrutiny, had decided at long to it. Its a knee-jerk reaction from a last to do the right thing. Yet this Bill was Government in crisis mode. required to overcome "any chance of these people to sneak in through the back door and This is a bad Bill. It is rushed. It is profit". What a marvellous insight into the sort inconsistent. It is unfair. It has not been of people Labor preselects for State seats! We subject to any scrutiny at all. It devalues this 3112 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 institution and penalises innocent people. It is Treasurer and why it does not deserve the a very strange exercise, and one which history support of this House. He has outlined the trail will not judge well. This is yet another example of actions by the Premier which establishes of the lack of moral fibre that is a hallmark of that this Bill is anything but an attempt by the the Beattie Labor administration. This Bill, Premier to do the right thing, that is, an brought about by the inappropriate behaviour attempt by the Premier to do the right thing by of Labor mates, deserves to be voted down. the Premier and by his good colleague and Anyone supporting this rushed and ill- long-term friend the member for Ipswich, who considered exercise deserves, and will receive, is involved in this net bet affair every bit as the censure of the public. much as the Premier. Before I conclude, I would like to just I do not want to repeat what has already make a couple of general comments. All the been said. However, as my name has been people of Queensland want is transparency, taken in vain during this debate, I would like openness and honesty in the dealings and the opportunity to respond. Much of what has actions of their members of Parliament. All I been said is totally wrong, yet I know— say in response to the honourable member for Mr Hamill: Are you going to stand aside Cleveland, who stood up a moment ago and now, are you? waxed lyrical about the integrity, competence and administrative ability of the honourable Mr COOPER: That is why the member is member for Ipswich, is that what we are seeing sitting there. in this Parliament today would be completely Mr Hamill: That's why you're sitting over unnecessary if it were not for the there, pal. incompetence and lack of transparency behind Mr COOPER: There is a lot more to be this particular decision. I say to all members on said, too. The member has probably been on the Government side and to the member for the meths all night. That is no doubt what you Ipswich in particular: it should have been as would do. plain as the noses on their faces that this was something that was going to cause problems Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): at least in relation to perception and certainly Order! The member will direct his remarks in relation to transparency. This is something through the Chair. that has brought them the ire of the Mr COOPER: I do not mind him, but let community of Queensland in general. This us keep it fair. Do not worry. legislation would not have been necessary if those opposite believed in the fundamental As for the issue of my name having been principle of transparency. taken in vain, I believe that this provides me with an opportunity to lay a few cards on the The other thing, of course, is that this is a table and to witness the difference, if you like, face-saving exercise. It is a hotchpotch of between members on this side of the legislative principles which have been thrown Chamber and Government members and together and which are supposed to substitute whether or not they can take the heat of the and complicate in some way provisions of blowtorch on their bellies. I have been through legislation which already exist and which could that with the Carruthers inquiry. I endured 10 properly be acted upon by the acting Treasurer months of the blowtorch from the Labor in this State. I think that, the other day, the Lawyers on that side of the House working in acting Treasurer was thinking that he had to close collusion with the Labor Lawyers in the do something to save face, so he came up CJC. They conjured up that person from with this concept of legislation. He had to do Sydney—poor old Carruthers—who was put in that. And then it was pointed out to him that the hot seat, and away they went on what was we already had legislation which was sufficient. nothing other than a politically motivated witch- So he still had to come into this Parliament hunt. That is exactly what it was, and that is and pretend that we did not have legislation exactly what it was proven to be. Cedric that was sufficient. I believe that that was one Hampson, QC, of the CJC had already of the most dishonest things that we have ever provided an opinion, which was allowed to lie witnessed in this Parliament. Once again, this in a safe for 10 solid months, that Cooper and is bad legislation. It has not had the Borbidge had no case to answer. We found opportunity to be properly scrutinised, and it that out in December 1996, yet that process should be voted against by this Parliament. started in about April 1996. That was Hon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) absolutely disgraceful. However, I will say this (9 p.m.): I believe that the Opposition Leader in defence of myself. Not once did I complain. has set out very clearly why this legislation is a I did take it on the belly. A few members on stunt on the part of the Premier and the acting the other side of the House could do likewise, 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3113 but only a few. They are squealing now. The that they are corrupt and that they do have member for Bundamba and the member for something to hide. Chatsworth are two members who could Mr Hamill: Ha, ha! probably cop it, but not many others could. Mr COOPER: This is not a laughing I have every bit of respect for the wife of matter. The member for Ipswich is laughing the Premier, Mrs Heather Beattie, and so does about all of this. He thinks that it is one hell of my wife, Penny. We know each other and like a joke, but it is not a joke. It is something— each other a lot. But one thing I would never have done was bring my wife into this Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. I do Chamber and ask her to hold my hand. In fact, not find this matter a joke. I ask the I know that she would not have done that. She honourable member to withdraw that would have told me to get nicked; that I am statement. However, I do find his comments big enough and ugly enough to stand on my something of a joke. own two feet and look after myself. And I know Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): darned well that I could do that. Order! The member has been asked to withdraw. Mr Nuttall: That's a cheap shot. Mr COOPER: I will withdraw. But quite Mr COOPER: It is not a cheap shot at all. obviously, the member must have been My wife came in for a bit of criticism when, with laughing at something else, because everyone great reluctance, she came to the court of saw that he was laughing. What I am saying is Carruthers in South Brisbane in that special no joke. I am talking about the absolute reality. building they made up for themselves at I know that, because I went through it at your massive cost to the taxpayer for something instigation. that was nothing other than a cheap political shot, if you like. We endured 10 months of Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! I remind cheap political shots, but it was not cheap for the member for Crows Nest to speak through the taxpayer. It was an absolute disgrace. the Chair. I remember my wife sitting in the back of Mr COOPER: I will continue talking to you, the court. She was actually doing the Mr Deputy Speaker, and I will just remember crossword in the newspaper because she that they are chatting in the background. Is found it so boring. That old fellow was so that okay? I know that there is one rule for weary, but at one stage he looked up and saw them and one rule for me. her doing the crossword or reading the paper Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The and he sent the attendant down the back to honourable member is not reflecting on the see what this woman was doing down there. Chair, is he? This woman happened to be doing a Mr COOPER: No, no way! I believe that it crossword, and she was asked to leave the is necessary to put some of these instances, if court because she should not be doing a you like, on the table because they have crossword in his courtroom. So naturally she happened. Now we have another instance, took the paper, walked outside and finished it and we will see whether the Government can off outside. That is what she thought of his withstand the same sort of scrutiny as we did. court and that farcical charade. We handled it all the way through, even We had to put up with so many things though it took 10 months and about $5m to at that time, but we came through. And guess do it. As I said, it was an absolute disgrace. who is still standing and who is not. We also We all know that we face pressure in this know that the Labor Lawyers and former Labor place and in our jobs as parliamentarians. We Lawyers of the Labor Lawyers Association— all know that lobbying occurs, and so it should. and members opposite know them as well as I That is a healthy part of democracy. But when do—are still there. I want to see a fair inquiry it comes to something such as this, or the into this issue that is fair to everyone, not just a need for an inquiry of some sort—and heaven one-sided political witch-hunt. We do not want knows we get plenty of inquiries—from time to to see that. We have seen all that. We want to time we do have to be able to face the music. see something that is fair, not a politically It is going to be interesting to see whether invented case. I believe that this case should Government members can face the music as be answered, and it can be if members we faced it—and faced it down—because we opposite have the will to do it. But if they do knew that it was nothing other than a political not, and if they just want to bury it, cover it up, witch-hunt of the worst kind. The zealots and put it down and make sure that the truth does megalomaniacs like Mark Le Grand were not come out, then it will eat them up and rot leading the charge. We knew very well what them away. It will demonstrate quite clearly their game was. Their game plan was to bring 3114 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 down the Government of the day for no other questions", "Yes, we will have every inquiry" reason—no other need—than to bring down and "Yes, we will cooperate in every way, the Government of the day. They stand shape and form." However, they are just condemned, and I wanted the chance to be words. The Opposition will be waiting and able to say that out aloud. I do believe—and I watching. The boot is now on the other foot. want to believe—that the people in charge at In 1996, the Labor lawyers were in the CJC, including Brendan Butler, Bob collusion with the CJC. I was on that side of Gotterson and the other people who now have the House and the member for Kedron was the responsibility of taking this matter in hand, over here. In April 1996, I recall the member have the intestinal fortitude to see this matter for Kedron interjecting and saying, "We will get through and to do so aboveboard, with you by December." I remember Mark Le fairness and in the public interest so that we Grand saying, "We will get him with the death have no more of the political witch-hunts that I of a thousand cuts—the drip, drip, drip of the had to endure and so that justice is seen to be media, but we will get him." Well, guess who is done. That is all I am asking. still here and guess who has gone! As far as I This issue must be resolved, but it will not am concerned, honesty won through on that be resolved if it is covered up and if it is said occasion. that there is no case to answer. There is a The only thing that came out of that case to answer, and this inquiry must be disgraceful debacle was 1,000 hours of tape undertaken clearly, openly and fairly and in the recording. The parents of an innocent person public interest so that the public can see that in north Queensland had their home bugged there is not one law for Government members but the only thing the tapes showed was the and one for the rest of us. That is my memory fact that this fellow passed wind. It was fairly of what occurred in 1996 and I will not forget it. loud and it woke the judge. He looked around, This is the time for those opposite to prove wondering who on earth had done this thing. themselves and see how they go with the That is all that ever came out of that inquiry torch on their bellies. and that person was acquitted. I had my name Mr Hamill: Why didn't you stand aside? dragged through the mud by those opposite. It Mr COOPER: Obviously, the member for is nice to be able to put the truth on the Ipswich has a problem. He has a guilty record. conscience. Earlier today the Premier gave the names Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. I of coalition members who supposedly knew find that remark offensive and I ask that it be about this application for a licence. I daresay a withdrawn. All I asked was why the honourable lot of people knew about it because there was member did not stand aside when the CJC no secret about it. Members of Parliament are was inquiring into him. allowed to lobby in the public interest. The question before this Parliament is what Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): happened with regard to that licence. I Order! There is no point of order. daresay the member for Ipswich will answer Mr COOPER: As usual, I will withdraw. that question when his time comes after a full The member for Ipswich and the member for and open public inquiry. After such an inquiry Brisbane Central are as guilty as sin. They we may hear the truth as to why the have a problem— application for a licence was granted. Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. That There is no real witch-hunt as far as Mr comment is offensive and I ask that it be D'Arcy, the member for Woodridge, is withdrawn. concerned. What is at stake is the integrity, the Mr COOPER: I withdraw. He is a very credibility, the honesty and the openness of sensitive petal. As far as I am concerned, we this Labor Government. That is why the have to ensure that we have a fair and open nervousness is present in those opposite and inquiry. The inquiry must be public and must why the guilty signs are coming through. That be on the record so that witnesses can be is why those opposite cannot stand on their called. In that way, we will be able to take the own feet and handle this situation. They are scab from the top of this scandal and ensure running scared. One can tell from the body that all the poison and the mud comes out. language. Of course, there is one rule for those opposite and another rule for us. If those opposite are on their mettle and want to be holier than thou and as pure as the One annoying aspect of this matter is the driven snow, we will see if they can stand the Premier's holier than thou attitude and his test. I do not believe that they will. Those reaction to the Courier-Mail. From the Premier opposite will say, "Oh, yes, I will answer all the we have denials, then acceptance, then back 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3115 into denials, and then further acceptance. We because that is what they are going to do at see this endless backflipping from the Premier. the next election. If the public feels that their It is patently obvious that this Government is grievances have not been addressed they are tainted and corrupt. The Labor Government going to vote accordingly and those opposite cannot bear that because it has always know where they will end up. There is no painted itself as holier than thou and as pure question about it. The people will do the rest. as the driven snow with everything above Therefore I say that the CJC and the Auditor- board. Yet the accelerator is down as far as General must be allowed to do their job and cronyism is concerned. We have never seen then the people will have their day in court. cronyism to this extent in this State. What has The memorandum from the Premier's occurred in the electricity commission and office to the Treasurer's office obviously other boards is simply beyond belief. reached its destination and the Treasurer's I want to mention a couple of further office must therefore be the prime suspect for things in examining the performance of the having sent it to the Office of Gaming stood aside Treasurer. The first thing to Regulation. We know where it ended up. consider is whether there is anything in his As far as I am concerned, it has all been behaviour which might indicate that he was said. Members on both sides of the House will receptive to the request from the Premier for have more to say on this issue. Let us not urgent attention to Mr D'Arcy's concerns. That forget that the central issue here is that we question is unanswered. This morning in this have a problem. Whoever is in Government— Parliament we heard a lot of questions and it happens to be the Labor Party at this directed at the Premier. As he has said on time—has a problem. The public and the other occasions, he is quite happy to take all media are watching this situation very closely questions and does not want anything held to see how those opposite handle things in back. Not one of the questions asked this difficult times. It is all very well to smile when morning was answered openly and honestly. one is winning and when one is on top. It is All we saw was the Premier ducking behind the hardest when the blowtorch comes on the fact that this matter is before the Auditor- belly. The blowtorch is on the belly of the General and the CJC. At this stage we do not Labor Party now. We have seen too much have a full-blown inquiry, but we must have squealing and too much of this jocularity from such an inquiry if we are going to get to the those opposite. They believe that there is truth of this matter. nothing to worry about. Mr Littleproud: Then he swore at an History is judging the members opposite officer of this House. now in terms of how well they handle this Mr COOPER: I was just coming to that particular situation. It is a bad one for them. point because one can always tell when a Somehow, some way they have to handle it so person is rattled and is as guilty as sin. Such that they can retain some credibility. Right persons blame everyone else but themselves. now, from the way it is going, it does not look The Premier walked away from the member for very good for the members opposite. As I say, Ipswich as quickly as he possibly could. He I think that we on this side of the House set a walked away from the member for Woodridge pretty good example, because we came as quickly as he possibly could. The Premier through a long, vicious and brutal inquiry. will keep on walking away from anyone and Time expired. everyone and will keep on dumping them as Ms BOYLE (Cairns—ALP) (9.20 p.m.): long as he possibly can. There will be broken After listening for the best part of 20 minutes wheels and axles and everything left down on to rambling reminiscences, I am surprised to the flat. Anyone could see it coming a mile find that I agree with the last few comments away. When the Premier could not find a few that were made by the member for Crows papers, the first thing he did was blame the Nest. Indeed, in relation to the matter that we Clerk of the Parliament and swear at him. That are debating, the spotlight is on all members is the sign of a guilty man—a man who is of this House. These are difficult times. It will absolutely rattled. The Premier comes across become apparent to the public tomorrow and with all the smiles and all the body language in in the days succeeding that in this matter the an attempt to give the public the impression member for Crows Nest and, it would appear, that everything is okay underneath. We know other members opposite, are indeed the ones that that is not so. who are walking away—dancing around the That is why it is so important that there is edges, bunging on a show—from legislation a full judicial inquiry into this matter. An inquiry that in conscience they should be supporting. will allow the public to judge for themselves For 20 minutes we listened to the member for 3116 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Crows Nest, and during that time he did not legislation than the Government has offered? deal with the legislation that we are hoping will No! Did he suggest better directions? No! He be passed tonight. Instead of dealing with the offered no positive action. He is a heavyweight contents of the Bill, he rambled on around the in mudslinging. That is about as good as he is. edges. He made no excuse for walking away No wonder people do not listen to the from legislation that every honourable member details. No wonder they turn off when they in this House who has any kind of integrity hear politicians slinging mud. When all that should be supporting. The member for Crows people hear are 30-second grabs on radio or Nest dared to suggest that the spotlight from maybe a minute on the television news, it is no the media and from the public is on members wonder that they cannot understand the to see who is going to take a strong stance on complexity of the issue, particularly if they are this matter. That is happening already. misled by the showmanship, the mudslinging, With our Premier, Peter Beattie, I am of a former Premier rather than being offered indeed pleased to be part of a team that has suggestions from both sides of the House as taken such strong action already. Even when to how to deal with the matters at hand. there had been no allegation of illegality or impropriety, the Premier and the Treasurer However, even much worse than that is called immediately for an investigation into the the Opposition's avoidance of this serious process by the Auditor-General. That action is business. During the dinner break, I asked in complete contrast to the interference by the myself why the Opposition is avoiding this coalition Government with the CJC legislation. Instead of standing with us, instead investigation into the secret memorandum of of passing this legislation through the House in understanding. In relation to this matter, the five minutes by a unanimous vote and proudly Auditor-General and the CJC will be able to redressing the situation, why is the Opposition operate in complete freedom and with every avoiding it? I put it to honourable members cooperation from the Government. Urgent opposite that some members of the public action was taken by the Beattie Government may dare to ask the same questions and to ensure that three members of the Labor reach conclusions similar to the ones that I Party involved in public life do not benefit from have, and that is that the members opposite their positions as minor shareholders in a do not want to, because they do not really company that has an interest in the company want the control. They do not really want to awarded the licence. The Premier has an open abide by the standards that Premier Beattie is attitude, providing regular information freely, setting not only for this side of the House but clearly and firmly to all members of the public. also for that side of the House. If words are not enough, we have offered to This legislation confirms the standards the House this legislation. All members of this that we have already in terms of probity checks House have the opportunity to put their money and the licensing process for Internet where their mouths are and vote for this interactive gaming. There is no diminution of legislation that says, "We are not just saying it, the probity. This legislation ensures that, in the we really mean it." That is what this legislation first instance, the Labor identities complete all is really about. documentation, as they have committed to do There could not be a stronger response or verbally, to sever their connections with more reassurance to people who are Gocorp. It ensures that those Labor identities understandably tired of politicians who put self- will make no profit. It ensures that Gocorp also interest ahead of community interest. attends to the full and complete Understandably, people are untrusting of such documentation. It ensures that if there is a politicians, who find it easy to make breach within 30 days—if any of the parties statements. Instead, by introducing legislation have not completed the paperwork—then the to redress the situation and to protect against money, in default, will come back through the the same situation arising again, we have put Government of Queensland to before them our sincere efforts and our Queenslanders. There is no stronger action integrity. that this Government can take to say that how those people behaved was not acceptable. Even the Leader of the Opposition—a former Premier of this State—danced around, Further, the legislation makes it clear not put on a show and ignored the content of this only in relation to this particular licence for legislation. He played theatrical politics. He is a Gocorp but also for all interactive gaming man of little substance who gave a licence holders that disqualified persons will performance of no substance. When it comes include all members of Parliament in the State to offering other directions for Queensland, he of Queensland, their families and their staff. is a lightweight. Did he suggest better Disqualified persons will also include all local 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3117 government councillors and their families. Is Queensland—gambling that is supposed to be that not a matter that the Opposition should for enjoyment and recreation, but which we be proudly supporting? Again, I suggest that now admit has got out of control in some the question should be asked: why are they areas. The main game is getting ahead of the not supporting this? Why can they not agree likely impacts of Internet gaming and being in that they, too, should be bound by the same a position, therefore, to reassure standards? Queenslanders that we are finding the ways to Of course, the pity in the Opposition's minimise the costs and maximise the benefits refusal to accept that this is quality legislation for them. that they should support is that we are using Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Mickel): time to debate what is really a sideline matter. Order! I call the member for Clayfield, who is The important matter to Queenslanders is feeling ill, apparently. gambling. There is a recognition that gambling has grown exponentially and in some ways not Mr SANTORO (Clayfield—LP) (9.31 p.m.): for the betterment of the lives of many Mr Deputy Speaker, I am glad that you are so Queenslanders. Instead of concentrating on observant, because I have the flu and I had the very difficult issue of how we are going to thought of taking my name off the list and manage Internet gambling, we are fiddling giving the House a break. However, the around the fringes. As a member of the contributions of members opposite have Treasurer's gaming review committee, I have prompted me to brave my rather dilapidated been confronted by the importance of this condition this evening and make a contribution issue of interactive gaming, by how it is already to the debate. out of control in other countries around the I am absolutely amazed at the indignation world and by how the legislation that was that is being expressed by honourable introduced to this Parliament by the now members opposite over the fact that we are Opposition and supported by the Labor Party raising, in the Parliament and the media, is indeed leading, quality legislation—the very issues relating to the net bet affair. I am legislation that guided our Treasurer in his absolutely amazed at the indignation that they actions in relation to this matter. are showing. Just as the honourable member The Interactive Gambling (Player for Crows Nest and others have done, I ask Protection) Act 1998, has set a standard that honourable members to remember the is regarded highly around Australia. The standards that the Government set in Australian Capital Territory and Victoria have Opposition and the great number of times that passed very similar interactive legislation, Labor Party members called members on this based upon the Queensland model. South side of the House "corrupt" and "crooked". In Africa and certain Canadian provinces have fact, at one stage one member opposite even recognised and acknowledged the approach called us "murderers". The bile and the adopted by Queensland's regulatory vileness that they poured upon us was framework. Indeed, the recent Productivity amazing. Commission report effectively endorsed the I ask honourable members to remember Queensland approach to Internet gaming. the Carruthers inquiry, which was a politically Therefore, as a proud Parliament, we should instigated witch-hunt by Labor lawyers that be looking to stay ahead of the action. The sought to crucify two members of the then threat that all kinds of companies are seeking coalition Government, the then Premier and to make a profit that may yet put at risk the the then Police Minister. Something that has wellbeing of Queenslanders is a matter that we not been stated in the debate so far but which do not have answers for and it is a matter that is worthwhile reminding honourable members this House should be addressing. opposite of is that, at the end of the whole sad It is important that we pass the Bill that is and sorry process of the Carruthers inquiry, the before the House tonight and that will honourable member for Surfers Paradise and implement the high standards set by our the honourable member for Crows Nest were Premier for all members of this House. It is exonerated. It is important for members to also important that we wait for the remember who exonerated them—the investigations to be completed to discover Chairman of the Criminal Justice Commission, whether, as I am sure will be the case, our Mr Butler, and the person who is conducting Treasurer has acted in no way improperly but an independent investigation into the Internet is indeed an honourable member of this affair, Mr Gotterson. Those two people cleared House and a fine Treasurer. Maybe then we the honourable member for Surfers Paradise can get back to the main game. The main and the honourable member for Crows Nest. game is mediating and managing gambling in Despite the fact that the Government is 3118 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 placing its faith in those very people to resolve This is not a matter of getting even or this issue in their favour, they are still dragging squaring up. This is a matter of juxtaposing our the names of the honourable member for behaviour when in Government with the Surfers Paradise and the honourable member behaviour of the current Government, despite for Crows Nest through the mud. The the fact that Mr Butler and Mr Gotterson—who independent umpire of yesterday is the are now standing in judgment over the independent umpire of today. Members on the Government—cleared the names of Mr other side of the House exhort us to accept Borbidge and Mr Cooper. Members opposite the decision of the independent umpires, the have no right to come into this place and drag umpires being Mr Butler and Mr Gotterson, the names of innocent men through the mud who were the independent umpires who again, because the two men who will judge cleared Mr Borbidge and Mr Cooper. They are them have judged Mr Borbidge and Mr Cooper a pack of hypocrites. During this debate they to be not guilty. I say to members opposite have again displayed themselves as the that they are going to have to sit there and political cowards that they are, as they drag cop it. I do not believe for a minute that they the names of two innocent men through the are equal to the men and women on this side mud. of the House, who came through a very trying During the debate I was reminded of how period much better than any member opposite the name of a former Liberal Party President, ever could. Mr Bob Carroll, was dragged through the mud The key questions are: why are we because he won, fairly and squarely, a small considering a Bill such as this tonight. Is there Government contract. They did not refer him to any necessity for this Bill, particularly when we the CJC or the Auditor-General. I have not have heard the Premier over the past two or heard the Honourable Minister for my former three weeks on radio and today in this place department or the Government come out and say things such as: "The Treasurer and I have throw mud at Mr Carroll in relation to that done nothing wrong. We have nothing to hide. contract, because there was no mud to throw. We have acted with propriety since the issue In that case, unlike the process that we are blew up in the media. We have referred debating here, that process was fair and everything to the Auditor-General. We have square. They simply went after an innocent asked the key players to stand aside." A few man who had gone through the proper and days ago the Premier was saying, "The clear process. He had won a small legislation is not necessary." So why are we Government contract that certainly would not considering this legislation? It is not for the have made him $20m richer. Members reasons that honourable members opposite opposite crucified people like that. have stated. The real reasons are contained within the Premier's second-reading speech. It Members opposite come into this House is worth reminding the House of what the and expect us to walk away from Ipswich Inc. Premier said here earlier today. He said— and Labor Unity Inc. They want us to walk away from the fact that what the Labor Party is "At this point in time, Navari remains practising today is what it has been practising a shareholder in Gocorp, but, on the basis since the turn of the century, that is, of the information provided to the institutionalised corruption. That is what this is Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation, about. If any members opposite seriously Messrs D'Arcy and Livingstone and expect us to believe that the Premier, the Councillor Pisasale hold no interest in the Treasurer who has stood aside and other company. Despite this progress—and I members of Cabinet did not know that stress that, on the basis of the information Livingstone, Pisasale, Hamill and God knows available to the Queensland Office of who else who has not yet been named— Gaming Regulation, the D'Arcy, Livingstone and Pisasale interests"— Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The honourable member will refer to people by I notice Mr Deputy Speaker that the Premier their electorates. did not refer to honourable members by their electorates. Mr SANTORO: Of course, Mr Deputy Speaker. I meant to say "the honourable "... no longer hold any beneficial interest member for Ipswich and Livingstone and in Gocorp—the Government has resolved Pisasale", the last two of whom are not to proceed with this legislation." members of this place. If members opposite He said—and this is worth while listening to— expect us to walk away from something that "There are two prime reasons for this. absolutely smells, they have another thing Firstly, it is critically important to ensure coming. absolutely and completely that the ties 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3119

between this group and Gocorp are standards will be restored. The only way that completely and utterly severed now and standards will be restored in this Parliament for all time." and in public life is through an individual and He does not trust them to listen to him when corporate determination by every member in he says, "Sever your ties." He has to bring here to do the right thing. The Treasurer of this legislation into this place to ensure that his State and people associated with the Labor mates sever their ties. He has to bring in this Party, including members in this Parliament, legislation to make sure that his mates are did not do the right thing. That is the reason honest. I laughed when honourable members we see this legislation before us tonight. opposite said that he is bringing this legislation The Opposition does not like this Bill. It in here to make all members of Parliament opposes the vast majority of the provisions in honest. They were the dishonest ones who it, because it is a bad Bill. Honourable acted corruptly. It is members of his own members opposite have tried to suggest that it Cabinet and party who cannot be trusted. is a good Bill, but it is a bad Bill because it is Honourable members should continue to listen being rushed. It has not been subjected to to this. He said— review by the Scrutiny of Legislation "Secondly, the Government's Committee. As honourable members opposite intention is wider than simply ensuring have said, it is unnecessary because the that public officials are never again existing Act covers all of the options that this exposed to the temptation to place Bill is seeking to enhance and introduce. As a private gain above public duty in regard to public relations stunt, it is absolutely interactive gambling licences." necessary, because the Premier realises that He is talking about his Labor mates inside and his mates cannot be trusted and that there is a outside of Government. I will again quote from grave danger of their going down the same the Premier's speech, because he goes on to path again. Not only does he have to crack the be even more damning. I would hate to have whip; he also has to put them in chains, a friend like the Premier if I were on the sticky because if he does not do so they will escape wicket that the former Treasurer is on. He and do the wrong thing again. He is trying to stated— put them in a straightjacket. "These amendments are a most Apart from that, the legislation is too unusual step in legislation. They could be broad. It disqualifies MLAs and councillors and described as draconian. However, they their families. The question that needs to be clearly illustrate the Government's asked is: where do we draw the line? Why not determination to ensure that inappropriate include political parties? Why limit it to Internet people do not remain involved in this gambling? This is a crazy, knee-jerk, panicked company." and nonsensical reaction. In a parliamentary He went on to say— sense, some people would say that it is absolutely corrupt and has little regard for "I cannot accept, and neither can the democratic practice in this place. As the public of Queensland, a situation where honourable member for Warwick said—and I there is any chance for these people to listened to him very carefully because, unlike sneak in through a back door and most of the speakers opposite, he made profit"— sense—we did not even have 14 seconds to The Treasurer's, the Government's and Labor consider this Bill. We could not seek an Inc's back door—that is the back door that the opinion on it and consider it in detail ourselves. Premier was talking about. Yet members The pious mob opposite speak about lifting opposite have the hide to come in here and parliamentary standards and bringing in a say that we need to have this legislation so great new era of parliamentary scrutiny and that we can uphold and entrench good accountability, yet in the dead of night, 14 standards in this Parliament. seconds after the Bill was introduced, we are It is absolutely corrupt as a point of considering legislation that has been brought parliamentary debate and an insult to the in to protect Labor mates by trying to hoodwink intelligence of everybody in this place for the the media and the public of Queensland. It will Premier to come in here and suggest that not stack up. However, the Government will members on this side of the House need this have the numbers, which will be enhanced by legislation when the major reason that it is the vote of the honourable member for before us is that it is a cover-up. The Premier Woodridge. One would have to wonder why thinks that the media will be fooled into the member would be voting on a Bill such as thinking that somewhere along the line this one. 3120 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Mr Cooper: They have used his vote, and Opposition said, that is a despicable act of they will cut his throat and they will cut his political cowardice and it cannot be allowed to head off. go unmentioned in this or any other debate Mr SANTORO: That is obvious. The involving Treasury in the future. honourable member for Crows Nest is right. In Then there is the Premier's role in all of some ways, we have to feel sorry for the this. It does not matter how much members honourable member for Woodridge. What we opposite try to camouflage the point. The point have been seeing over the past three weeks is is that the Treasurer is responsible for a feeding frenzy on behalf of the Premier and considering—and the legislation requires him his mates at the expense of the honourable to do this—the applicant's character or member for Woodridge that has rarely been business reputation and whether the witnessed in the political history of applicant's current financial position and Queensland. He has been made to be the fall background is suitable. He is obliged by the guy. The member whom they have been trying legislation to discharge his responsibilities in to protect is the Minister. It is the Minister to terms of proper scrutiny. He did not do it, and whom I wish to turn my attention. that is the reason why this issue has blown up The first point that cannot be fobbed off and why we are debating this tonight. about the Minister's role is that the Minister The Premier says— has to make the decision. Many other "I took the Crown Solicitor's advice members have spoken at length, so I will limit and"— my remarks in relation to the role of the Treasurer. He can and should consider—as he ignoring section 59 of the Act in particular— said he did—departmental advice. But, at the "if we had not come in here, we would be end of the day, it is the Treasurer who makes subject to litigation. There could be action the decision and signs off. Any suggestion that against the Government if we forced the the then Treasurer was somehow compelled to cancellation of this licence." follow the Treasury advice, whatever that may There is always risk of litigation, and this have been, and could not reach his own particular issue is not devoid of the possibility conclusion would itself render his decision very of litigation. much open to question. The Treasurer was required to have regard to many matters Mr Borbidge: He didn't table the full before deciding whether that applicant for the advice. Internet licence was suitable. Other members Mr SANTORO: Absolutely. That is right, in this place have gone through this matter. All he did not table the full advice. I can suggest is that there are very good Mr Borbidge: He didn't table any legal grounds—if the Treasurer had been doing his advice on this Bill. job properly and been scrutinising his advice and the documents put before him—for Mr SANTORO: Yes, he did not table any concluding that the original decision to grant legal advice on this Bill and he also did not, in this licence under section 32 of the Act was fact, tell us what briefing he gave the Crown most objectionable and possibly null and void. Solicitor when he asked for the advice. Mr Borbidge: The former Treasurer spent Mr Borbidge: We got two lines of a 15- all of his time blaming the Public Service. page briefing. Mr SANTORO: That is despicable. Over Mr SANTORO: We got two lines of a 15- the 10 years that I have been in this place and page briefing. over the 23 years that I have been an active How can we trust the Premier? As much observer of political affairs in this State, as we want to like and trust the Premier and everyone has said how reputable and how full his Government, I just do not believe we can, of integrity and expertise the Queensland because the advice that he refuses to table is Treasury and its officials are and how just not worth two bits. What were the facts absolutely trusting we have been of their applying to the Crown Solicitor? Was he advice. Governments from both sides, whether briefed that Councillor Pisasale did not disclose they are Liberal/National coalition or Labor, his criminal history? Was he briefed about the have always stood by the integrity of the criminal history of Mr Austin? Was he aware of Queensland Treasury. In my 23 years of the various misleading, inappropriate corporate involvement in politics in this State, this was restructurings that occurred? I could go on the first time that I have seen two of the top asking all the questions which I know and I officials within Treasury crucified by a hope the Criminal Justice Commission, Mr Treasurer. As the Honourable Leader of the Gotterson and the Auditor-General will ask in 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3121 terms of the advice that was sought from the (9.53 p.m.): In the absence of a Minister in Crown Solicitor. charge of the House, I move— So there you have it. What we have "That the debate be now adjourned." heard tonight is a pack of hypocrites again Madam DEPUTY SPEAKER (Ms Nelson- trying to muddy the waters by dragging Carr): Order! We will just continue. through the political mud the names of people such as the honourable member for Crows Mr HORAN: As I was saying, the fact that Nest and the honourable member for Surfers there is not even a Minister in the Chamber is Paradise who were cleared by the judges who typical of the way this whole day—it has been have now been entrusted with the like amateur hour. We had the Premier come responsibility of clearing the current into the Chamber and drop this legislation on Government. What we have here is a massive the table and immediately the shadow Minister cover-up, I believe, of real political corruption. It had to speak to it without one second in which does not matter how the Premier tries to paint to do any research to ascertain what it was it or how he tries to dress up this Bill, it is just a about. It was the first time in my eight years or lame excuse for a Bill that seeks to protect and so in this House that I have seen a Minister look after Labor mates who have indulged in introduce legislation and only half a second- some of the grossest examples of political reading speech. The Premier read about nine cronyism ever seen in this State. pages and then we had to sit here and listen to him rave on for another 15 or 20 minutes in Mr HORAN (Toowoomba South—NPA) a performance that was an utter disgrace and (9.51 p.m.): Honourable members really have cast discredit on this House. to wonder why on earth are we having this debate and why on earth this legislation is When the Premier interjected and swore before the House. We have had the Premier at the Clerk during the shadow Minister's come in here time and time again and before speech, that was the first time I had ever seen the media to protest the innocence of his such behaviour in this place. In this House the Treasurer and to protest the innocence of the Clerk is like the referee at a football match: he whole process and saying, "Everything is okay; should be untouchable; he should not be it will be proved right by the various inquiries subject to such abuse. It was like the captain that are going to be held", but we are still of the other side giving the referee a push in seeing this legislation. Why have we got this the chest. Honourable members know what legislation? Because he knows deep down would follow if someone did that: they would that the whole process has been corrupt and be put out of the game for life. Yet day after the whole process has been sleazy! day we see this Premier strut the theatrical boards of the media, holding his arms akimbo Gocorp is really only a creature of the and saying, "I am accountable and I want to smelly, sleazy deal that has been done behind bring in new standards." the scenes to see this company get the rails run, to get first opportunity to have a crack at What were the standards we saw? For the the $200m in projected profits that are first time ever in the history of the Queensland available for the first company that gets the Parliament the Premier swore at the Clerk. Government-backed licence for Internet That is a great standard! Then we heard only gambling. This whole process today has just half a second-reading speech. He treated the demonstrated the guilt that is emanating from rest of the Parliament with absolute disdain. the Labor Government. We have a There was no time whatsoever given for this Government that has done nothing under its side of the House to prepare for this debate or leader but backflip to backflip to backflip since research this Bill. From go to whoa the whole this whole thing broke on about 26 July. That, thing has been nothing but amateur hour from incidentally, was the date of the Atherton a bodgie outfit. If a person bases something Cabinet meeting where Treasurer Hamill gave on sleaze and corruption, the product that a full briefing to the entire Cabinet. comes out the other end is going to be as corrupt and as sleazy and as amateur as what Mr Borbidge interjected. has gone in at the beginning. Mr HORAN: Yes, not a single Minister As I said, the public have just about had here. That is typical of the day. We had the enough of this Premier and his theatrics, but Premier come in and give only half a second- this particular issue takes the cake because reading speech today to one of the most the genesis and the catalyst of this issue of amateurish, bodgie pieces of legislation we the Gocorp scandal was the direction that the have ever seen. Premier gave to his chief of staff Rob Whiddon Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers in the very first hours of Government—just Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) after they had been sworn in—that he sent to 3122 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Treasury that Mr D'Arcy, a member of his behind the cloak of process. That is what Government, was to receive a preferential Cabinet members are hanging their hopes on. meeting. I do not think anything can be clearer He wants to say, "Yes, the process was right", than that particular direction. That direction but behind the process has been this system, was from Rob Whiddon, who is regarded as this desire, this intent to give his Labor mates meticulous in the way that he attends to his the rails run ahead of anyone else and to duties. He said— make this absolute killing of up to $200m. "The Premier has requested that you I will just quote some sections of the urgently have an appropriate staff Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act of member discuss Internet gambling with 1998. Under the heading Decisions about Bill D'Arcy MLA, who has raised some interactive gambling licence not to be concerns with him." justiciable, the Act states that a decision can That is when they were given the rails run; that be made and it is final and conclusive. The Act is when they were put through on the fence; states that a decision- that is when they were given the opening that "(b) cannot be challenged, appealed took them to first past the post; that gave against, reviewed, quashed, set them an extra $50m to $200m windfall. This aside, or called in question in another crowd has won lotto because they have been way, under the Judicial Review given the rails run. Would honourable Act ..." members not think that something such as this We have already heard the Treasurer say in would have been done with such propriety that the media,when he tried to hide behind the there would have been advertisements all over skirts of his senior bureaucrats in Treasury, that Australia asking companies and organisations he was worried about the Judicial Review Act. to apply? These licences are worth $200,000 He blamed them for the advice they gave and apiece, but they have just been thrown away said he had no other way to go. The Act states with gay abandon. further— I would like to go back to the Atherton "... or otherwise (whether by the Cabinet meeting. What we are seeing in this Supreme Court, another court, a whole episode is the way the Premier has tribunal or another entity); and been so quick to throw people to the winds. I have said before that, if the Labor ship starts (c) is not subject to any writ or order of sinking, in this case the first bloke to jump off the Supreme Court, another court, a will be the captain—the Premier. He will not tribunal or another entity ..." stay there to the end. He will jump first and This afternoon the Premier tabled a leave the rest of them on the rusting hulk. couple of sentences of legal advice. There are What we saw in Atherton was a full briefing of 15 pages of legal advice, but he produced the Cabinet by Treasurer Hamill. What only the little bit at the top of page 15. The happened after that? One Minister raced out legal experts were obviously trying to cover in a rage, grabbed the phone and themselves. The bloke working the stop-and- commenced to berate his ministerial staff in go sign on the side of the road would know Brisbane asking, "How did this happen? What from reading this that the Treasurer had the is all this about?" and so forth— absolute right to quash that licence. Why did An honourable member interjected. Cabinet not give that direction? I think the Mr HORAN:—not that he probably did not whole Cabinet is guilty. When it got the advice know. That was the outrage that occurred. in Atherton, it knew the problem and the That was the opportunity for the Premier and trouble surrounding it, so it was going to cover the other 16 members of Cabinet to take it up and try to continue and huff it out. The some action. They had the opportunity, having Cabinet has been brought to book by the been briefed by the Treasurer. events of the past three weeks. The Treasurer has always had the power I said that this legislation was based on under the existing Act to cancel any particular sleaze and corruption. This legislation is so licence. Even if the Treasurer himself was too amateur and so wrong that we cannot believe stupid to see the problem with all his Labor that it has come out of the Premier's office or mates—and I do not think he was stupid—I the Treasury—wherever it has come from. think that the decision the Treasurer made was This legislation is endeavouring to take a cold, calculating and deliberate decision. He away 26.5% of Gocorp. Topki and Navari knew what he was doing. He knew the risks, make up 26.5% of Gocorp, the company that but he wanted to involve his Labor mates in was granted this licence after so-called probity this sleazy, corrupt deal. He is going to hide checks and a strict selection criteria. This 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3123 legislation will wipe out the 12% of Navari and a massive effort by the Premier to try to will dramatically and irrevocably change the distance himself from the process, to try to structure and the content of Topki. So 26.5% distance himself from his bumbling, fumbling of Gocorp is irrevocably changed or taken Treasurer and to try to continue to promote away. If this legislation is passed, those this holier than thou image, with his arms out opposite cannot say that Gocorp is the same saying, "How clean and accountable this company that was granted the licence. It is just Government is." He is trying to stage a cover- not. How can the licence still be valid when the up of mammoth proportions. make-up of the company that was granted the We only have to look at some of this licence is changed to such an extent? This legislation and at the people the Government legislation is so cheap, sleazy, amateur and says will be disqualified to realise how quickly wrong that it is unbelievable. As I say, it is the this legislation has been thrown together and product of sleaze and corruption. That is how cheap and amateurish it is. It states that a probably the reason. disqualified person would be a councillor of a If this legislation is passed, Gocorp—it will local government. What do the councillors of not be the real Gocorp but another local government in Queensland know about organisation altogether, because 26.5% will or have to do with Gocorp unless they are one have been wiped out—will continue to hold the of the Labor mates, such as Mr Pisasale of licence. I am certain that that decision would Ipswich? There are only about three or four be subject to challenge. No-one has the right councils in Queensland that have Labor to a licence unless they have been through involvement—in places such as Townsville, the process, with the probity checks and the Brisbane City and Ipswich. There are about a checks on financial, management and thousand councillors in local government in organisational structures. The company that Queensland. Does this mean that a councillor holds the licence if this legislation is passed in the Diamantina Shire or on the Bundaberg would be only a shell of the company that council, or his or her children, cannot have any gained the licence in the first instance. It would involvement? It is just a nonsense. It is just be only 73.5% of the original company. stupid. If those opposite have put that prohibition in the legislation, why have they not What is the financial structure of this new included Federal members of Parliament? organisation? What is its organisational They would know as much or have as close an structure? What experience does this new association as would anyone in local structure have regarding e-commerce and IT? government. I think that demonstrates quite What is the experience of this new company clearly how ridiculous this legislation is. with regard to similar ventures or other associated ventures? It is a substantially The stupidity of the legislation drives different company. There is no way in the wide home the fact that this is just a stunt and a world it could continue to have a licence. The cover-up. The Premier wants to go out and licence would have to be scrapped and the say, "We have banned members of process gone through again. Parliament and their children from any association. We have banned people from Gocorp is like an old racehorse that has local government—even if they come from broken its legs. It needs to be destroyed by Bedourie or Weipa or somewhere else and being shot between the eyes. The process would not have a clue what it is all about—and needs to be gone through again. I repeat: I their children from having any involvement in cannot believe that this Government is this." It is just a publicity stunt, just as the bringing into this House legislation that, if whole sorry episode of the past three weeks passed, would result in a different company has been. We have seen nothing but backflips holding the licence. Gocorp will be only 73.5% and stunts as the Premier has endeavoured to of what it was before. It would be a cover up this monumental stuff-up by his dramatically different company. How can that Treasurer and as he has endeavoured to new company hold a licence in any shape or disassociate himself from this whole process. form? This new company—with different structures, different financial backing and We can never forget that the catalyst to different management structures—should go this was that one of the very first things the through the whole process again, like Premier did in the early hours of the new everybody else, otherwise the process is as Government, just after it was sworn in with all corrupt as we have seen it to be in the past the pomp and ceremony and tea and biscuits, three or four weeks. was send a direction to Treasury to give Mr D'Arcy and his Labor mates the rails run. That I turn to the part that the Premier has is what started this whole sorry mess. People played in this whole process. There has been who have been around know that if they get a 3124 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 directive from the Premier—the boss—then goes up all the hollow logs and checks out they are supposed to act. This message was every possibility of corruption. very strongly worded. It was a direction. The We have never, ever seen something that big message was: make sure these people get is so unfair and which has given one a very early interview. These people got the organisation such a leg up and such a rails run early interview. They got the preferential as this. And to think that the Treasurer of this treatment. They got the rails run. State, who holds responsibility for the final The people of Queensland want to see decision, would make a decision such as this no more cover-up. In the media the Premier, in just demonstrates the arrogance and the cold, another one of his little stunts, said that as calculating way in which the Labor soon as the Auditor-General's report is finished Government in power treats the people of the CJC should conclude its investigation Queensland with disdain and distaste. because the people of Queensland are sick of Time expired. inquiries. The Premier does not want the CJC to continue, because he knows that in all the Hon. B. G. LITTLEPROUD (Western little nooks and crannies and hollow logs there Downs—NPA) (10.11 p.m.): I am pleased to are Labor scandals everywhere. The word is follow the member for Toowoomba South in around the State. We are hearing it from this debate tonight. He has reiterated the senior people who have said that they were stance of the Opposition, pointing out that it pushed. We are starting to hear about real was not necessary to have this sort of estate deals all around the place. We are legislation, because the original legislation had the power to correct the situation that is before hearing all sorts of things. The public expects us. that the CJC will investigate this to its absolute limits, because there is a lot more to this than When this story broke a couple of weeks meets the eye. ago, I am sure that everyone took an interest. My summation of the feeling of the people of It is just a disgrace that we are here Western Downs would be that they quickly tonight debating this legislation, because it is made an assessment of the situation. They just a cover-up for corruption and sleaze. This would say that yes, the Treasurer has shown is some of the most disgraceful legislation that poor judgment politically. They know that there has ever come into the House. I do not think has been talk of an inquiry, or a decision as to many of us on this side of the House can whether there should be an inquiry. They are believe that those opposite have put before us holding their breath that the full facts will come legislation that dramatically changes a out, but they will withhold their decision. Apart company, makes it 73.5% of what it was, so from that, they say, "Well, that is just what that it is no longer what it originally was—far happens in politics in Brisbane." from it. And the Government is still going to It is a little sad that the media expect give it a licence! The new organisation—the members in this State House to take part in a 73.5% of Gocorp—has not passed the test. It blood sport and to attack one another. They has not been through the probity checks. It feed off that and get coverage, and they think has not been through the financial, that they are doing that for the good of the organisational or management checks at all, people of Queensland. But I represent the but it is still going to get a licence. How corrupt people of western Queensland, who say that is that? they are tiring of this. Today we have made no I certainly hope that those other members progress as far as making Queensland a who are considering this Bill and who have to better place is concerned. But members make important decisions about which way should not blame the Opposition, because this they will vote will take that into consideration. is the first opportunity we have had in two We are voting on shonky, bodgie legislation weeks to present our case. The case being put that does the Parliament of Queensland no forward by the Opposition today about there good. It is no wonder that people are saying being no need for this legislation is correct. that the public have had enough of politicians I have listened intently to the debate on when this sort of rubbish comes before the this particular Bill all day and to the debate on House. It is just a political stunt to cover up the the 6 o'clock motion. It seems to me that this greatest stuff-up that we have ever seen from is classic damage control on the part of the a Treasurer in this State and the greatest Government: first of all, speak up, confuse the cover-up that we have ever seen from a facts and muddy the water; and secondly, Premier. This will bring about the downfall of besmirch the Opposition. The Premier the Labor Government—don't anybody worry promised the people of Queensland that he about that—provided the CJC does its job and was going to lift the standards of Parliament. 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3125

Yet every time he gets to his feet and faces certain conditions laid down. Similarly, when a any sort of pressure from the Opposition, he licence was given to the TAB for exclusive launches into personal attacks on the Leader rights for 15 years but with a 99-year term, of the Opposition or whoever else on this side there were conditions laid down. So they are of the House is raising the issue. He is the both conditional licences. So what a lot of bull! man who is trying to convince the people of What a lot of bulldust! The Premier has tried to Queensland that we have to lift the standards muddy the waters. He has been too smart by of Parliament. I can tell him that it is not going half in trying to confuse the issue. He has over very well. He needs to think about that. gone back to the classic tactic of besmirching When the Bill was finally put before us in the Opposition and confusing the facts. We the House today, I looked through the have caught him out in that regard. Explanatory Notes. I refer members to page I reiterate that the member for Ipswich two and the subheading "Consultation", which never once said that this was a conditional states— licence. So it is interesting for members of the "The Bill has been drafted to reflect public and members of the House to go back the significant community concern to the second-reading speech. The Premier regarding the relationship between has not been consistent in the way in which he elected officials and interactive gambling has applied these words. licence holders." The next thing I want to mention is the I have talked about muddying the waters. That probity check. I have been a Minister twice. I is one hell of a long sentence which, when have had a fair few dealings with Treasurers summarised, says, "Consultation—none! and the Treasury—not with great success on Consultation—absolutely nothing!" It is a bit of many occasions. I am getting a smile from the a farce. As I said before, it is an example of member for Bulimba. But whenever I have this Government trying to muddy the waters, to gone along to have a bit of a yarn to Treasury confuse the issue, to throw around a few facts officers, I have never found them unprepared and a few fancy words. The Premier is good at or wanting for details. They will pull you apart. I that. He could appear at the La Boite theatre find it hard to accept the member for Ipswich seven days a week. He changes his tone of when he says that he received advice that voice. He gets his wife to come along and hold everything was hunky-dory and that they had his hand. She gives him advice and holds his checked out all these people. Yet the Courier- skirt. But it all comes down to: consultation— Mail and members of the Opposition can none! come up with the facts about at least two Throughout the day I have been listening people who were directors of Navari and other to the Premier. When he was speaking this companies that showed that they were morning during question time, he made the shonky. I just cannot accept that good comment that the licence given was a Treasury officials did not give that sort of provisional licence. I have listened to all the advice to the Treasurer. If they were at fault, comments made by the member for Ipswich in what has happened to them? Have they been the past couple of weeks and never, ever did reprimanded? Have they been given the axe? he use the defence that it was a provisional Have they been shunted out and new blokes licence. But the Premier said earlier this brought in? Or have they been given a chance morning that it was a provisional licence and to come forward and say publicly, "This is the that, if things do not go well, he will take it advice I gave the Treasurer. This is the advice away. I gave the Cabinet. This is the advice I gave the Premier, and it was overridden"? Then members heard the Premier's second-reading speech to this Bill. He stated in There are people in the Western Downs part that the licence awarded to Gocorp was electorate, which I represent, who have doubts on a conditional non-exclusive basis for a that Treasury officials, who are professionals— limited 15-year term. So all of a sudden it is a real professionals who for years have been conditional licence. But he went on to say that catching out Ministers who have been trying to the licence that went to TABQ was non- get easy money at the expense of someone conditional, yet it was for 15 years, with else—all of a sudden could be so poorly exclusive rights, and then a 99-year term. My advised that they did not check out the records interpretation of "conditional" would be that of the people who were tied up with those conditions would apply. The Premier cannot companies. That is the other doubt expressed tell me that conditions did not apply to the by the people of Western Downs. licence that went for 15 years for Gocorp with a The next thing that I want to talk about is 50% take for the Government. There were the memorandum from the Premier. It was 3126 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 pointed out ably by the member for was on the Minister's staff. I want to make this Toowoomba South that on the very day of the point. Ministers' staff work whenever the opening of Parliament, the Premier wrote a demand is there. They could work 12 hours a memorandum. The adrenalin was flowing. He day, 14 hours a day or 16 hours a day. A was smiling. He was the Premier of person working in the Minister's office does not Queensland. His was the office that made have much spare time. However, here we everything happen. He faces great difficulty in have a bloke who has a family company which making the people of Western Downs has been involved in all sorts of manoeuvres in understand that a memorandum could go order to obtain this licence. This might be from the chief of staff in his office to the completely unfounded, but I wonder if the Treasurer's office saying, "Give poor old Bill bloke had to do some of his business calls D'Arcy a bit of a hearing here. He has been from the Minister's telephone. That question pushing this for a long time", and the Premier has to be asked. I certainly hope that the knowing nothing about it. Pigs might fly! And Auditor-General or the CJC looks at that the pig industry is in bad shape. I find that matter. hard to believe, and I think the people of My experience when I was a Minister was Queensland find it hard to believe, too. It that ministerial staff worked longer hours than I brings no credit to this Premier, who wants to did. They had me prepared in the morning and muddy the waters and gloss over those things they would pat me on the back at 7.30 p.m. without an explanation. when I had had enough. Even at that stage Today, when there was a ruling from the they were still preparing me. People are asking Chair, the Premier was on his feet me, "How come this bloke is out there doing grandstanding. He is better at using words this sort of thing while he is working hard for a than I am. He said, "I am prepared to table the Minister?" I am not reflecting on the Minister, legal opinion." He did not say "one page". He but this question has to be answered. said, "I am prepared to table the legal I was taken by a suggestion contained in opinion." But when we asked for it to be a press release issued by the member for tabled, he put down one page. Toowoomba North. We all know that the Mr Schwarten: You had better have your Queensland TAB is going to be sold. This sale hearing tested. will put more money in the Queensland coffers Mr LITTLEPROUD: I can hear and read. so that we can build some roads on the That was a pretty poor attempt by the Premier Western Downs. With a bit of luck, we might to muddy the waters. He was caught out get a dam or two if I can convince the Minister again. for Environment that we have to do something to create jobs. The memorandum from the Premier cannot be dismissed as being the product of a If we are short of a quid, why the dickens busy man saying, "Give poor old Bill a bit of a did we not go through the process of making hearing. Get him in there and give him the this Internet licence part and parcel of the TAB pushover." Suddenly we find that three Labor sale? I have read the Premier's second- Party mates have a hell of a good deal. I am reading speech. He glosses over this fact by not going to buy that. I used to be a saying, "One was a licence for 15 years at a schoolteacher. The kids used to tell me why 50% take for the Government and the other they did not do their homework. The Minister was a licence for 15 year term at only 20%." for Public Works knows what I am talking That is a lot of bunkum. The Government is about. We have been through this matter over looking after Queensland. Why could the the years. Government not say, "We will take back this licence, create a brand new licence and put Speaking about the Minister for Public the Internet gambling into the TAB when it is Works brings to mind another problem. The sold off to the public." If it was done this way it Minister's chief policy adviser— would mean more money for Queensland and Mr Schwarten: No, he is not. we would all be winners. Mr LITTLEPROUD: He is emphatic about However, it seems there has been a tilting that, but it is irrelevant. I want to make this of the scales. I would not be unkind enough to point— say this, but other members have inferred tonight that it is better to look after one's Mr Schwarten: My chief policy adviser is mates in the ALP than look after the people of Peter Johnson. Queensland. I put that question to the Mr LITTLEPROUD: Yes, but you had a Government. How about putting it with the chief policy officer called Don Livingstone. He TAB and selling it off? 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3127

It is becoming obvious to the people of Mr LITTLEPROUD: Yes, but I am still Western Downs that there is a broader issue. here. Winners are grinners. We have a The people understand that the member for situation where the Labor Party is gaining a Ipswich had done something pretty silly reputation for not being on the square about politically. They are pleased to see that an things. This piece of legislation is all about inquiry has been set up. My constituents talk damage control. It is a classic case of control: to me about other matters. For instance, they confuse the facts and besmirch the say to me, "What about that fellow Don Brown, Opposition. We had to have this debate today president of the Queensland ALP? He has just because this is our first chance to say been appointed as Chairman of the Industrial something about this matter. Commission. Crikey, that's a bit on the nose, Mr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (10.26 p.m.): I isn't it?" rise to speak on the Interactive Gambling Sir Robert Sparkes is a constituent of (Player Protection) Amendment Bill. I want to mine. He is a Queenslander of great intellect. speak briefly about the prime purpose of the If he had asked for something special when he Bill. As I understand it—and I refer to the was president of the National Party, members Premier's second-reading speech—one of the opposite would have hollered like mad. main purposes of the Bill is to effectively Mr Lucas interjected. disallow the three Labor members of Navari, and their spouses, from having any Mr LITTLEPROUD: But we didn't do it. involvement in the Gocorp licence. One recalls You did something for Don Brown, didn't you? that we have the D'Arcy family, the Pisasale Sir Robert Sparkes did not receive $170,000 a family and the Livingstone family. year. The particular clause in question is the Mr DAVIDSON: I rise to a point of order. "disqualified person" clause. Part of the clause The member for Lytton is interjecting from is of particular interest because of what it does other than his correct seat. not contain rather than what it does contain. Mr LITTLEPROUD: The Leader of the The disqualified persons include a member of Opposition raised the question of the Legislative Assembly, a spouse or child of appointments to all sorts of electricity bodies in a member of the Legislative Assembly, a Queensland. Six out of seven people on the councillor of a local government, a spouse or council representing south-east Queensland child of a councillor of a local government, and have direct affiliation with the Australian Labor a staff member of a member of the Legislative Party. People in Brisbane made a lot of noise Assembly—and that includes Ministers—but about this and said it was a bit over the top. I not a spouse or child of a staff member of a have a better understanding of the situation. member of the Legislative Assembly. The ALP vote in western Queensland is so low According to the Premier, this legislation that the Government probably did a bang-tail was specifically designed to disallow those muster and that is all it could get. three groups from having any involvement in I suggest to the Government that it is the licence. However, this Bill only deals with being pushed by people who have self- two of the groups. As I said, it does not deal interests and this seems to be one of those with Don Livingstone's spouse. One can argue cases. The people of Queensland are not that subsection (f) of clause 6 might cover the fools. They do not like to see this sort of thing matter. That subsection reads as follows— happening. Union membership is getting lower "a person, whether or not of a similar and lower. The Government has just put class to a person mentioned in paragraph through a piece of legislation that looks after (a) to (e) prescribed under a regulation." its union mates. Now the Government is making appointments and issuing licences that The spouse of a staff member of a member of seem to lean towards the Government's the Legislative Assembly has been left out. friends. The people do not like that. The Don Livingstone is one-third of the Labor Party Australian Labor Party went down the gurgler component of Navari. This legislation will not three years ago because it became very preclude Don Livingstone's wife, or any other unpopular and out of touch. spouse of a staff member of a member of the Legislative Assembly, from having involvement Mr Schwarten: What happened to you? in licences in the future, nor in the past. Mr LITTLEPROUD: Yes, we have gone So if the prime objective of this Bill was to down the gurgler, too. I will live with it. I am still disallow the involvement of those three people here. and their respective spouses in Navari and, of Mr Schwarten: You got here on Labor course, the licence, this Bill does not achieve Party preferences. that. As I said before, it could be argued that 3128 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 the regulations could do that, but the clause The Premier has maintained that that was that allows those regulations to be made deal the purpose of this Bill and the reason why he only with a person of a similar class. However, was, in his words, going to quite draconian the "similar class", meaning the spouse of a lengths to deal with this issue. However, with staff member of the Legislative Assembly, is this Bill he does not achieve what he says he specifically not mentioned. In that case, it will achieve. So the legislation is a farce; a total could be argued very effectively that the furphy. The Premier is not achieving what he regulations will not cover the spouse of Don claims to be achieving. I believe that I have Livingstone. Again, even under that clause, demonstrated that quite clearly. Unless the the Bill does not achieve the prime objective Premier is prepared to deny that he has that the Premier has stated. As I said, if that is received legal advice that he cannot include the case, either there has been a mistake in that third factor in this Bill, I think that it is fair the advice to the Parliamentary Counsel, or for everyone to assume that that is the case the Parliamentary Counsel has made a and that this Bill has not achieved its purpose. mistake, or they have purposely left out the Recently, some of the more authoritative spouse of a staff member of a member of the online newspapers have picked up the issue of Legislative Assembly or a Minister. online casinos and online gambling. I would This morning, the Premier was not like to relate very briefly some of the things prepared to table legal advice in relation to this that they have had to say about online Bill. One could be forgiven for assuming that gambling. I table a story downloaded from that legal advice had said that there was some ZDNet today titled "How safe are on-line reason why they could not deal specifically with casinos? What should we know about them a spouse of a staff member of a member of before playing with real money?" It goes on to the Legislative Assembly. That begs the state—and I think that this is pretty relevant— question: if this Bill is not achieving what the "There are a couple of problems with Premier has stated was the prime purpose of Internet casinos. First of all, how would the Bill, what is it for? It is beyond belief that you know if they were cheating?" the Parliamentary Counsel, when he has The article states further— mentioned specifically the spouse and child of a member of the Legislative Assembly, which "Another reason to be very cautious deals with D'Arcy, and specifically mentioned a about on-line gambling. It remains to be spouse or child of a councillor, which deals seen whether they're legal or not." specifically with Pisasale, does not deal with Another story appearing in ZDNet titled "FBI Don Livingstone's circumstances. I ask the targets offshore betting sites", which was Premier in his reply to explain to this House downloaded on 5 August, states— why the third aspect is not achieved by this Bill. "The FBI last week arrested two and The Premier has maintained publicly that the issued arrest warrants for 12 other three components of Navari, the Livingstones, operators of 6 offshore Internet sports the D'Arcys and the Pisasales, would be dealt betting sites." with. This Bill deals only with two of those three people. It goes on to state further— As I said before, it is highly unlikely that "Federal law clearly prohibits anyone the Parliamentary Counsel would have made engaged in the business of betting or that mistake. It is highly unlikely that he would wagering from using interstate and be incorrectly advised and, if he were, I am international wire connections." sure that he would have picked up the fact That article is referring to the United that that part is missing. That then leaves only States. The point I make is that the US one conclusion: that he was advised market, which would clearly be one of the specifically not to put in the legislation the major Internet markets for a global operator, is spouse of Livingstone. Why was the Premier still very much in question. The Americans are advised specifically not to put in the spouse of still to determine their position on Internet Livingstone? Would it have created a casinos. In the meantime they are pursuing precedent? These people are effectively part and prosecuting operators external to their of the Public Service. Would that mean that all boundaries who engage in online gambling spouses of members of the Public Service that is being accessed by US citizens. This would somehow or another be affected? brings into question whether, in effect, the Would that create a precedent that would Queensland licence extended to Gocorp could have unacceptable impacts on the Public entitle that company to break US laws. We Service? These are the only conclusions that I move into a very murky area of international can make. law and its repercussions. 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3129

There are so many questions that community. Quite clearly, the previous develop as a result of just this one aspect. If it Government wanted to send a message to is determined that this US jurisdiction potential Internet gamers that Queensland legislation is enforceable externally, then we was at least prepared to progress the concept could see the assets of companies such as of licensing. As I have stated before, online Gocorp being seized both within the United gaming already exists. There are dozens of States and externally and directors being sites. The Northern Territory already has a arrested for their involvement. Does the licence Government licensed site in operation. There specifically preclude operating within the US was a great threat to State revenue and clearly jurisdiction? Is the licence precluded from the Queensland Government had a being accessible by any jurisdiction? How responsibility to properly explore the feasibility would we know, anyway? Once a gaming web of licensing online sites, and the best way to site can be viewed from any computer in the send a clear signal to the industry was through world that is connected to the Internet, how legislation. That being said, the regulations could a company stop a US citizen or, for that had not been finalised and no licence had matter, any other foreign citizen from playing been granted. To the contrary, there is its games? It is virtually impossible. significant correspondence to indicate that One could argue that as long as one there was serious hesitation by the does not accept payment from a US citizen, Borbidge/Sheldon Government in progressing then one is not breaching any US law. the granting of a licence. However, according to the US attorney Mary- Rather than simply looking at the issue Jo White— from our perspective, let us look at it from the "Federal law clearly prohibits anyone international perspective. It is not just our engaged in the business of betting or revenue that is likely to be impacted upon by wagering from using interstate and online gaming. Many other jurisdictions may international wire connection." be affected as well. For instance, the Las Vegas casinos in the United States would So a company that simply makes the site have similar concerns relating to their available on the Internet, which in turn is using operational revenues should offshore gaming US interstate and international wire become popular. It should not be connections via the Internet, and which is then underestimated just how significant a lobby viewed by a US citizen, according to the US group existing non-virtual gaming is within the attorney Mary-Jo White is breaking US law. I US. It employs many thousands of people, am not aware of any technology that can limit generates many billions of dollars in revenue the access of web sites to areas other than the and is a significant part of the entertainment United States. That means that if Gocorp puts scene within the United States. I am quite up its gambling web site and it is accessed by convinced that they would put all their efforts a US resident, the US has deemed that it has into ensuring that if they could be involved in committed a criminal act. the online industry then no-one else externally Is it any wonder that under these should be. Hence the activities of the FBI that I circumstances the Borbidge/Sheldon mentioned earlier and recent court action in Government did not issue a licence? While it is New York that has convicted some of those true that legislation was enacted by the offshore online gaming operators. Not only has Borbidge/Sheldon Government, the finer the FBI come down very hard but also the aspects of the legislation, the regulations, were judiciary is coming down very hard on this not passed and as such had not been fully activity. Within the United States there is an deliberated and determined by the previous economic imperative driving this move and Government. Nor was there licence issued. there is also a significant lobby group that is There was some hesitation in granting licences absolutely opposed to this new form of of this type because of the unknown elements gambling. of international Internet gaming. Is it any A recent CNN virtual newspaper article, wonder that the Treasury Department and the which was downloaded today, is entitled Office of Gaming Regulation would have been Should online gambling be regulated. It hesitant in granting this licence? I return to the states— question: why was the Borbidge/Sheldon Government prepared to put in place "College students are reportedly the legislation licensing Internet gaming? fastest growing sector of gamblers and I again raise the issue of revenue from the internet provides an array of 'virtual domestic Queensland gaming for the State casinos' willing to take bets." Government that currently benefits the It goes on to state— 3130 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

"From the comfort of his dorm room It certainly would lead groups in the US to this student and some of his peers wager question that process. as much as $1000 a day on sporting Thirdly, we come to the question of events including college basketball safeguards. Let us look at the facts. We know games." that Councillor Pisasale, one of the three It goes on in great detail about the social Labor operatives involved in the licence bid, dangers that online gaming has brought to the had previous criminal convictions. We know United States environment. that in the application process there was an attempt to cover up the previous criminal It would not take much for the US media involvement of Councillor Pisasale. In addition, to start forming the opinion that our licensing even though a criminal connection was environment is not credible and is open to the established and the cover-up was revealed, worst excesses of gaming. The exploits of the licence was still awarded even though illegal gaming in the United States alone are Councillor Pisasale still had an interest in the legendary. There is also the very real operation. perception that gaming could lead to various serious social consequences, not just because Time expired. of the potential involvement of organised crime Mr NUTTALL (Sandgate—ALP) but because of all the associated impacts that (10.46 p.m.): The Bill that is before the House gaming has on the community. today is not about conspiracy theories or Is the net bet scandal sufficient to protecting people. It is about enacting a clear provoke sections of the US media to turn their and open mechanism to ensure that the focus on Australia, and Queensland in utmost public confidence is maintained in the particular? A number of questions are going to integrity of the licensee and the elected be asked. Firstly, are the licences being officials and associated persons who are awarded fairly? Secondly, are the security involved with such licences either directly or protocols secure? Thirdly, are there sufficient indirectly. As we all know, politics is about safeguards to ensure that only appropriate perceptions. The perception of the public is people are being licensed? I shall go through that the process that we are involved in must those three questions from the perspective of not only be honest but must also be seen to the US media. Firstly, has the licence been be honest, and that is simply what this awarded fairly? The fact is that three well- legislation is all about. connected Labor operatives with close The existing Gocorp licence will be personal connections gained the first and only revoked if its association with Navari Pty Ltd, licence in Queensland from a Labor Minister, Topki Holdings Pty Ltd or any disqualified without the licence being offered via a person continues. Gocorp has 30 days to tendering process or a public call for ensure that such people are removed from its expressions of interest. Clearly the facts would shareholdings. Clause 4 of the Bill simply sets lead to the perception that the licence was not that out. We are making that very clear so that awarded fairly. the public of Queensland can see that there will be no link between the Government, Secondly, we come to the question of Gocorp and people associated with the whether the game is secure, whether it is company in terms of this licence. operated fairly with appropriate odds and whether payouts will be made in an As we know, anyone with access to a appropriate manner. We do not know much computer and a modem can have their own about those aspects because at this stage personal casino by accessing the Internet Gocorp is not operational, although it does gambling sites in Australia or anywhere in the have a web site under construction. There world. The reality is that virtual casinos, the would have to be serious doubts in the minds online sports betting industry and online of US administrators and the US media as to lotteries have begun to proliferate in Australia the security of any gaming that was awarded and throughout the world. Gambling is a very under the circumstances of the net bet important industry in its own right and in scandal. I believe that if Labor mates can Australia it employs many thousands of manipulate the system sufficiently to be people. Of course, gambling has become an awarded a contract under these circumstances important source of revenue for all Australian by a Labor Treasurer who has authority over States and Territories. That is a reality of life. the ongoing operation of their licence, surely The advent of Internet gambling has those same people would be in a position to brought about a proliferation of gambling influence any future scrutiny in relation to the opportunities that were previously ongoing credibility and security of the system. unimaginable to us as a community. If we 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3131 have a look at gambling in the digital age, we this along the lines of the draft model see that it is a growing trend. Recently, the proposed at that ministerial meeting. This Australian Institute of Criminology wrote an included a number of basic principles, which I article which states— will not cover in my contribution tonight. "Today, anyone with a personal Simply, we introduced the Interactive computer and a modem can access Gambling (Player Protection) Act. Internet gambling sites in Australia and Again, in its article the Australian Institute around the world. A quick web search with of Criminology stated— any standard search engine using the "As far as Internet gambling is term 'Internet gambling' will yield an concerned, the genie is out of the bottle. abundance of gambling sites, through Whatever actions Australian governments which one can play a variety of games take, gambling opportunities will such as blackjack, baccarat, and roulette, proliferate in cyberspace. By providing a as well as wager on the outcome of basic regulatory foundation which would sporting contests and participate in lottery ensure the integrity of domestic online draws. In only a matter of months, with gambling enterprises, Australia is poised the advent of interactive television, the to become a world leader in the provision potential will exist for any Australian to of online gaming services and the have all these forms of gambling in their technologies and applications to support home. it. Consumers from around the world The emerging interactive gambling should be confident that they will get a fair industry has demonstrated the enormous deal in all Australian jurisdictions. commercial potential of new technologies. Australia can take the lead to foster Estimates of the potential market for an industry based on state of the art online gambling services vary widely, but technology, and with a worldwide there is little doubt that it could entail reputation for integrity." billions of dollars annually by the turn of the century. Notwithstanding the current If we look beyond the muddying of the waters Asian economic crisis, there are that is taking place in this debate tonight, we tremendous profits which await those see that that is part of what this legislation is all entrepreneurs who can meet the about. We are not trying to cover up anything gambling demands of the emerging Asian or protect anyone. In respect of this issue, the middle class, whose own governments behaviour of both the Premier and the may discourage gambling on their own Treasurer has been impeccable. They have soil. Similar market opportunities exist in encouraged and welcomed the inquiries by America and Europe." both the Auditor-General and the CJC, and they have both offered those inquiries the full As a Government, we have three options support of the Government and themselves as in relation to the Internet gambling issue. In individuals. I applaud the Treasurer, the my view, they are as follows. We can have a honourable member for Ipswich, for his prohibition on online gambling. In reality, that behaviour in this matter. I believe the simply cannot be policed. It is an option that Treasurer actions have been beyond reproach. we could not enforce. Another option is a do- If we have a look at his behaviour in this nothing option, that is, sit back, pretend it does Parliament since he was elected, we see that not exist and let it pass us by. Then we risk the no-one could stand up in here and say that his opportunity of missing out on enormous behaviour has been anything other than revenues. The third option is the option that impeccable. The Treasurer, the honourable we as a Government have chosen to take, member for Ipswich, David Hamill, has always and that is the regulatory model. We have acted with the utmost integrity. chosen to go down that path simply to ensure It is very easy to throw stones when in that Queensland does not miss out on its Opposition. I ask the Opposition: if it was in share of revenue from Internet gambling. Government and if Gocorp, under its current In May 1996, at a meeting of all structure, had applied for that licence, would it Australian gaming and racing Ministers, have approved that licence? It would have agreement was reached on a set of principles stood aside and taken the advice of the for a draft national regulatory model. They bureaucracy, as did the Treasurer. The related to new forms of interactive home Honourable Treasurer looked at that advice, gambling products. In 1998 Queensland stood back from it and behaved in an enacted the first major efforts to legalise, impeccable manner. It is unfortunate that he license and regulate Internet gambling. We did has been caught up. 3132 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Today the Opposition is making a can be nothing about commercial in mountain out of a molehill in relation to this confidence or commercial sensitivity. I cannot issue. I sincerely hope that both the Treasurer identify one reason why this Bill is being dealt and the honourable member for Woodridge with emergently and, unless the questions that will be cleared of any wrongdoing. It is not as if I will ask later on can be answered anyone has deliberately tried to hide their appropriately, I am not going to support the involvement in Gocorp. It is not as if the Bill. Yet a lot of what is in the Bill is good. The Treasurer has tried to hide behind any mask. community would say, "Good. Maybe that is a As I said, in my view the Treasurer has acted step in the right direction." But why are we impeccably. The honourable member for dealing with it with such haste and why are Woodridge has never tried to hide the fact that members not being given an opportunity to he was involved in Gocorp. Indeed, we properly understand the implications of the understand that the former member for Bill? Ipswich West declared his interest on the I do have some questions to ask the pecuniary interests register. It is clear to the Premier, although it is concerning about how public that these members have acted in an they will be dealt with, because the Premier is honest and open fashion. The legislation not here. That is fine; he has a lot of before the House tonight simply shows to the responsibilities, but there are not any officers, Queensland public that we as a Government either, taking notes on questions that may be are acting as expeditiously as we can to raised so that the Premier can subsequently ensure that our integrity as a Government is respond to them. maintained. Mr Sullivan: Yes, they are. They are in Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM (Gladstone—IND) their offices at the monitor. If you wanted a (10.58 p.m.): Before addressing the Interactive briefing, you could have done what you have Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill, done for the last four years. I wish to clarify a couple of issues because the Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: How was I opportunity was denied earlier. Earlier we dealt supposed to get a briefing. I assumed that this with a censure motion concerning one of the Bill, which is not an emergent Bill— members involved in the issue that generated the Bill before the House tonight. It was said Mr Johnson interjected. that the censure motion should not be Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Reeves): debated until the inquiries were finished. On Order! The member for Chermside and the the surface, that statement has merit. member for Gregory will cease interjecting. However, I cast my mind back a couple of Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: In response to years ago, when several inquiries were going the interjection from the member for on involving members of the then Chermside, I point out that this Bill was Government, the current coalition. Censure introduced today. Normally a Bill is tabled and motions and votes of no confidence flew members request a briefing in the 13 days that around this place hell, west and crooked, and it lays on the table. We were denied that it made no difference that inquiries were going opportunity. on. The hypocrisy I saw tonight was unbelievable. Mr Sullivan interjected. The previous speaker said that the Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The Premier and the other people involved in this member for Chermside will cease interjecting. issue are not trying to hide anything or cover Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: Before the Bill up anything. I hope he is right. However, it was introduced, the suspension of Standing concerns me that there is one fundamental Orders was moved so that the Bill could be issue, quite apart from what is contained in this debated and pass through all stages today. It Bill, that has not yet been answered. Why are was pre-empted that the Bill was going to go we dealing with this legislation as an urgent through in a hurry. The message was there. Bill? Why were the Standing Orders Do not tell me there were no attempts made; suspended so that this Bill could be passed the message was made clear beforehand. In through all stages tonight? What is the need the second-reading speech, the Premier for that? said— The Premier cannot say that the issue "It is not a Bill I could ever see those has to be fixed up urgently to preclude further opposite even understanding, much less complications. He has pre-empted his intention introducing." to table the Bill; therefore, the implications of I reiterate: we are not being given a chance to his Bill are known in the public arena and there understand it. 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3133

In regard to the matter being investigated the same building. Again, an article in the by two bodies, that is the Auditor-General and Courier-Mail says— potentially the CJC, I will not be surprised if "Within hours of the paper hitting the there comes back a report that says nothing streets, the Government was playing a illegal was done, that is, that the letter of the familiar role; damage control." law was adhered to. However, the greatest disappointment in the community would be if it That applies to whoever is in Government, was found that the spirit of the law was not irrespective of which party. The article taken into account. In spite of all of the rhetoric continues— about keeping separate the work of "First the Premier announced that Government, the work of elected members, the Auditor-General, Len Scanlan, would from benefit, whether it be financial benefit or review the process that lead to Gocorp other benefit—there have been cries getting the licence. This could be the start constantly in this House about openness, of an ethics showdown between Scanlan accountability, etc.—it is the betrayal of that and the Government. If the experience of spirit of accountability that members in this Australia's best-known auditor-general, community and in my community find difficult Victoria's Ches Baragwanath, is anything to accept. to go on, Scanlan should be a worried In the time that has been available to look man. A string of negative reports by at the Bill, I think that it achieves several Baragwanath on dodgy practices in the things. It attempts to remove the three Cain, Kirner and Kennett governments led designated members of the Labor Party who to Baragwanath's early retirement and the stood to gain a significant benefit from the effective dismantling of the traditional interactive gaming licence from being able to watchdog powers of the auditor-general. achieve that benefit. However, the Bill does A finding by Scanlan that bad practice not address the process if, indeed, the process was present in the Gocorp matter will be was flawed. The first objective information that accepted by the Government, as it has no we will receive if both entities are allowed to do choice. But what of the future for their job will be when the Auditor-General or Scanlan's office?" the CJC hand down their reports. However, I I would like an undertaking or an assurance read with great concern an article in the from the Premier that—and he may feel Courier-Mail of 31 July. It said— insulted by this—given the sensitivity of the "Auditor-General Len Scanlan has issues that are being looked at, there will not expressed reservations over the propriety be any repercussions to either entity, that is to of approving three Labor Party figures as the Auditor-General or the CJC, should a part-owners of Queensland's first Internet negative report be handed down. Until we see casino. their reports, we will not know whether this Bill is appropriate or whether the appropriate Mr Scanlan, who yesterday advised legislation proposed by this House should also Premier Peter Beattie he would prepare a address the process, that is, whether Gocorp's full report to Parliament on the licence should be revoked and the full controversy within weeks, told The reconsideration of the allocation of this first Courier-Mail he was concerned about 'a licence reviewed. real and a perceived conflict of interest'. Indeed, again the Courier-Mail, usually a 'And they are both pretty serious ... firm supporter of the Labor Party, made these and I'm going to get to the bottom of it,' comments on 31 July— Mr Scanlan said." "His"— Later on the Premier, when talking about the Auditor-General, said— that is Mr Beattie's— "initial response was to invoke a " 'He's a person of the highest retrospective legislative ban on certain integrity. I want the clear perception that classes of people from benefiting from the (this inquiry) will be done properly,' ... " issue of particular government licences. I think every person who is looking for the truth The solution raises more questions than it in this matter would endorse that sentiment. answers." I am not a great supporter of the Courier- Again, I reiterate that, because of the lack of Mail. I have seen its reporting. I have seen time to scrutinise the Bill, we are dependent on events in this Chamber subsequently reported the bits and pieces that we can pick up around which make me wonder whether we were in the traps. The article goes on— 3134 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

"As the Local Government I would like the Premier's comment on the Association has pointed out, why should timing of that and the extent of the discussions local councillors be prohibited from with Bill D'Arcy. At the moment it appears that holding certain types of shares whose the Premier is standing back and saying, "I am value they can do nothing to influence? not involved", yet his level of involvement and Mr Beattie's proposal is designed simply the extent of his knowledge are imperative to to catch the three potential beneficiaries the confidence of the community in the of this licence but it catches in its net transparency of the process. literally thousands of others who should I have some questions relating specifically not be caught. It is an assault on the civil to the Bill. Under the heading "Reasons for the liberties of people who have Legislation", the Explanatory Notes state— demonstrated an interest in the political process. "The Bill contains two parts. Firstly, it contains provisions to revoke the licence The real answer to the particular of GOCORP Limited if Navari Pty Ltd, problem would be to reverse the Topki Holdings Pty Ltd or disqualified Treasurer's decision to issue this licence. persons continue to have an interest in ... GOCORP Limited and provides that no The Premier needs to reconsider his benefit is to be received in disposing of answer to the problem. The licence in this that interest. Secondly, it introduces a case should be revoked and the ethical Regulation making power to prevent responsibilities of MPs and their disqualified persons from having an associates set out in more detail. And interest, directly or indirectly, in interactive MPs should be made accountable for gambling licensees." breaches of the rules they must obey if If this legislation addresses the problems that they want to represent us in the have been raised by this incident and Parliament." presumably other similar situations, because Another source again said— this precedent has raised the concerns to the "Irrespective of the Auditor-General's Government, why do we also need the findings later this month, the market place regulation making powers included? What is and the people of Queensland can never the purpose of the regulation making powers be fully satisfied that the approval process when the problems have been clear and was above board. The only way to restore evident and could be addressed in the primary public confidence is to revoke the licence legislation? and start again from scratch." A previous speaker spoke about Although the other applicants for this consultation in relation to this Bill. The licence lodged their applications, according to Explanatory Notes state that "the Bill has been information I have, a couple of months after drafted to reflect the significant community Gocorp—Gocorp's application was lodged at concern", but I think part of the significant the end of 1998 and the other applications community concern is the core issue. Why in came in at the end of the first quarter of the first instance did a Treasurer allocate a 1999—I cannot help but believe that those licence to an entity with three significant Labor applicants would feel significantly aggrieved, identities in it? I remove the names, because it not only because they lost out on the first does not matter what the names are. The licence but because now the process could be principle remains the same. called into question. If I had an expression of If the coalition were in Government and it interest that could be interpreted as having not did the same thing, all hell would break received fair and just consideration, I would loose—and justifiably so, because the certainly be feeling very aggrieved. community does not want to see members of I would like the Premier to respond to the Parliament benefiting, overtly or covertly, from memo that has been circulated. It is from his the knowledge of legislation that is in the office. It is under the hand of his chief of staff, House. That is not to say that they should not whom I have found to be a very honourable have business interests, but they certainly had person. It states— an advantage in that one of the previous "The Premier has requested that you members of Parliament had knowledge of the urgently have an appropriate staff Bill, which became an Act of Parliament. The member discuss Internet gambling with sitting member also would have an advantage. Bill D'Arcy MLA, who has raised some If there was not a material advantage, there concerns with him." would certainly be a perceived advantage. This 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3135

Bill does not address all of the community and therefore have no interest or they are not concerns at all. disqualified, in which case we should not be Another question I have relates to page 3 limiting the interest that they can have. There of the Explanatory Notes. It is stated— are some areas that are not clear in the way that they have been set down and, again, "Any consideration received from the there is no time to get clarification. disposal of the interest that is in excess of the consideration given in acquiring the I raise a question relating to format. interest is forfeited to the State." Clause 4 proposes to insert section 261A to 261C. In the Act, section 261 relates to That begs another question. In this whole delegations. So the cancellation of Gocorp's scenario, which people in the community see interactive gambling licence is being put under as improper, Treasury is expecting a windfall. the heading "delegations". The Act goes Might it get a windfall? I am not saying that it is straight on to section 262, approval of forms, badly handled or that there was any and section 263, regulation making powers. alternative—there has not been time to get The numbers could have just been changed. advice on whether there are any There is not a huge residual of the Act which alternatives—but why would Treasury be means that renumbering would be a problem. expecting a windfall? Clause 5(4) of the Bill The issue of the cancellation of Gocorp's states— interactive gambling licence could have been "A regulation may— dealt with as a separate section. It is not a big (a) prohibit a disqualified person from issue, but it begs the question: if the having, or otherwise limit the extent construction of the Bill could not be done right, to which a disqualified person may then how can we be confident that the have, a beneficial interest in a implications and the result of the Bill are licensed corporation;" accurate in their application? The intent of this Bill was to prohibit We have not been given time. One of the inappropriate persons from being involved in a fundamental questions that needs to be licence. It prohibits a disqualified person from answered is: why is this Bill an emergent Bill? It having a beneficial interest in a licensed is retrospective, so there are FLP issues, but corporation, but it states that it will not only sometimes FLPs can be waived because the prohibit but would otherwise limit the extent to legislation has a curative effect. But why are which a disqualified person may have a we dealing with this as an emergent Bill? Why beneficial interest. How can a disqualified can it not lie on the table for 13 days so that person have the extent of their benefit limited? we get an understanding of it? Why can we It should be nonexistent. I would like to know not get some feedback from affected what that clause means. persons? Why can we not get to hear what the I reiterate clause 5(5), which states— other members of Gocorp feel about it? Why "A regulation ... may also provide for can we not hear from the other applicants for any of the following— licences who were denied, from their point of view, natural justice about how they feel about (a) stating the disqualified persons to the Bill and the fact that Gocorp is going to whom the regulation applies;" have part of its entity removed but still retain Does that mean that other members are going the licence? to be named specifically or will it be other entity groups that are named? Again, clause 5(5) Time expired. states— Mr SEENEY (Callide—NPA) (11.18 p.m.): "A regulation under subsection (4)(a) I rise to participate in this debate with a may also provide for any of the lingering sense of disgust, which I share with following— most fair-minded Queenslanders and which has not been dispelled by anything I have ... heard in this Parliament today. Today we (c) requiring a disqualified person to witnessed from the member for Ipswich one of dispose of a non-complying interest, the greatest dingo acts on public servants that or otherwise ensure that the person I think any of us will ever see. It was one of the ceases to have a non-complying greatest abrogations of ministerial interest, within a stated time;" responsibility this side of a banana republic. It What does "or otherwise ensure that the was a performance that was absolutely and person ceases to have a non-complying utterly disgraceful. It establishes that, without a interest" mean? They are either disqualified shadow of doubt, the member for Ipswich is 3136 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 not fit to be a Minister in this or any other which the member for Ipswich wants so Government. desperately to disengage himself. I refer him Even if the member for Brisbane Central to the conditions for granting an application is still prepared to call the member for Ipswich under the Interactive Gambling (Player a mate, I cannot for the life of me imagine how Protection) Act 1998, Part 3, section 32. It any public servant with the slightest regard for says— his or her own personal safety or that of their "The Minister may grant an own careers, would ever, could ever or should application for an interactive gambling ever trust this man again after what he licence only if the Minister is satisfied ..." shamelessly and so cowardly did today to the The point in quoting that section is simply Under Treasurer, Gerard Bradley, and Office of to make the obvious point. It is the Gaming Regulation Executive Director, David Minister—not Mr Bradley, not Mr Ford—who Ford. The member for Ipswich should be grants the licence. The Minister does not utterly ashamed of himself. He is not in the endorse a licence. The Minister grants the House tonight, but I hope he is listening. licence. The public servants advise. The This is what the Minister said as he tried Minister decides. The Minister signs, and the to duck responsibility for issuing an Internet Minister takes the responsibility and wears the gambling licence to three Labor mates after a flak. That is the way it is played. If the public meeting with Messrs Bradley and Ford on 3 servants share the blame, then there is every June this year. It was a snivelling display of possibility that they will share the pain. But the backbiting and cowardice that was deeply image of a man so desperate, so scared, so offensive to all those decent people who had cowardly as to behave as the member for to endure it. This is what the member for Ipswich has behaved here today brings as Ipswich said— much disgrace upon him as the paucity of his "I asked Mr Ford and Mr Bradley judgment in handing over that licence— whether the recommendations for the whatever the advice he received that it was issue of the licence were their technically or legally viable. That is the other recommendations"— side of the offensiveness of what the member he put a special emphasis on "their"— for Ipswich did here today. "made according to their"— Whatever David Ford said, whatever Gerard Bradley said, the truth is that not only and again a special emphasis on "their"— does the buck stop with the Minister, but he "professional judgment—in accordance was indeed completely free to make his own with the processes and requirements decision. He could have taken all of the advice applied by the Queensland Office of in the world from the bureaucrats—in relation Gaming Regulation under the Act, and to the conduct of the application process—and whether there was any legal impediment he still could have called the shots. And that is to the issue of the licence." explicit in the legislation at section 32 (2) of The Minister then, with a sense of triumph, Part 3. He can refuse to grant an when on to say that— application—even if the applicants have "Mr Bradley and Mr Ford gave me passed all the tests and achieved a tick from those assurances, and told me there was the bureaucrats. They cannot stop him no reason why the licence should not be exercising his grey matter. That was, very issued. I therefore endorsed"— obviously, all his own work. He was still free to see commonsense and say, "This is a bit rich", not granted but endorsed— and not grant a licence, with no "the recommendation, as amended by correspondence entered into. He quite simply the Under Treasurer, approving the chose not to. issuing of the conditional licence to The Minister blamed the public servants. Gocorp." And now, today, he says, "It wasn't really me." What a totally and absolutely disgraceful effort. I do not think that anyone in this House What a snivelling, cowardly cop-out. And the believes him. The Premier obviously does not. truth is, of course, fantastically different, as any The Premier encouraged the member for Minister in the current Government knows, and Ipswich to stand aside. The Premier introduced as every other member of this place who has legislation into this House today which turned been here for five minutes knows. his action on its ear. That is where it should In the final analysis, the buck stops with stay. And that is where the member for Ipswich the Minister. That is totally and absolutely should stay: on his ear. When he is man explicit in relation to the particular Act from enough to stand in front of the public servants 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3137 and not behind them, that will be a rewarding Section 32 of the Act is a mandatory provision life experience for him. But I, for one, do not which sets out the basis for the granting of a believe that he should ever get the chance proper licence. If the Minister was not satisfied, again to decide where to stand on this sort of or could not have reasonably been satisfied, issue. He has so disgraced himself in this then the licence, whether conditional or not, episode that I hope we never see him back. has been improperly granted. Any suggestion that there is a need to The very fact that we are debating introduce draconian stand-alone legislation to legislation designed to clean up the mess get this incompetent Government off the hook created by this improper exercise of ministerial for the inappropriate decision to issue an discretion is proof positive that the original Internet gambling licence is misconceived. The decision to grant the licence was indeed Minister, and nobody other than the Minister, improper. But in addition to that, the Act is also is required under section 32 to be satisfied that very clear when it comes to the grounds for the applicant is a suitable person and that cancellation and suspension of the licences. each business or executive associate of the Section 44 sets out 10 grounds which can be applicant is a suitable person to be associated relied upon for the cancellation or the with a licensed provider's operations. The first suspension of a licence. I draw the attention of point that cannot be ignored or fobbed off is the House to paragraph (j), which provides that that the Minister has to make the decision. He an interactive gambling licence can be can, and should, consider departmental cancelled or suspended when it was advice. But at the end of the day he has to obtained— make a decision based on all the material and "... by a materially false or misleading what is in the public interest. In fact, any representation or in some other improper suggestion that the then Treasurer was way." somehow compelled to follow the Treasury Honourable members should note that a advice—whatever that may have been—and licence can be cancelled or suspended where could not reach his own conclusion would itself there has been either a false representation, a render his decision open to question. misleading representation or some other Under the current Act, the Treasurer was improper way. required to have regard to the following There are numerous cases which have matters in deciding whether an applicant is a held that the term "false" can be equated with suitable person: (1) The applicant's character "contrary to fact", and requires no knowledge or business reputation. I interpose here to on the part of the person making the observe that Gocorp had no such reputation, representation. Whether there has been a being an entity with only a few months' shelf misleading representation is a question of fact life. That did not matter to the Treasurer. determined with regard to the context in which (2) The applicant's current financial position the conduct takes place and the surrounding and background. Again, the material I have facts and circumstances. The cases also show seen would indicate that Gocorp did not have that representations can be active or passive. much in that regard, either. Again, that did not A failure to disclose material relevant to this matter to the Treasurer. (3) If the applicant is licence application would be a misleading an individual, a satisfactory ownership, trust or representation. corporate structure. Again, for anyone looking Finally, the Act also provides that a at the complex nature of Gocorp's various licence can be suspended or cancelled if there shareholding interests, it would be very hard to has been some other improper conduct, say that this test was satisfied. Again, that did representation or the like. I suggest that this not matter to the Treasurer. (4) Whether the would include improper lobbying, improper applicant had the appropriate business ability influence or any other type of conduct that to conduct interactive games. Again, I would may have resulted in a licence being granted be very interested to see how anyone, when it should not have been. So there are including the Treasurer, could say that this ample grounds under the Interactive Gambling requirement could have been met by a (Player Protection) Act 1998 for dealing with company with the history, management and the granting of an interactive gambling licence shareholding of Gocorp. Again, it did not to Gocorp. I suggest that the current Act allows matter. for this licence to be called back and either I suggest that there are very good cancelled or suspended. I suggest that it is grounds for concluding that the original clear that there are also substantial grounds decision to grant this licence under section 32 for contending that this licence was not is objectionable and possibly null and void. properly granted at all, and the decision by the 3138 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 former Treasurer to grant it is a nullity. It is and inappropriate legislation. There is more to void, or certainly voidable. this than meets the eye. But there are also other statutory The real issues about the advice that we mechanisms for dealing with this matter. do not know and that the Premier did not Section 39 allows the Minister to change the enlighten us with were as follows. Firstly, what conditions of an interactive gambling licence facts were supplied to the acting Crown if— Solicitor? Obviously the risks of a licensee "... the Minister considers it is necessary being able to sue would depend upon the or desirable to make the change for the circumstances. As the Premier pointed out, the proper conduct of authorised games by advice his Government obtained was very the licensed provider or otherwise in the early in the net bet scandal. At that time many public interest." of the disgraceful matters that have since come to light would not have been known by Let me just repeat that: "in the public interest." the acting Crown Solicitor. We need to know But on top of that, section 48 allows the what facts were supplied to the acting Crown Minister to suspend an interactive gambling Solicitor. licence immediately if the circumstances are so extraordinary that it is imperative to suspend Secondly, was the acting Crown Solicitor the licence to ensure that the public interest is briefed that Councillor Pisasale did not disclose not affected in any adverse or material way. his criminal history? Thirdly, was he briefed Nobody who has witnessed this scandal about the criminal history of Mr Austin? unfolding in the past few weeks could seriously Fourthly, was he aware of the various argue that there are not grounds under section misleading and inappropriate corporate 48 for an immediate suspension. restructurings that had occurred? On top of that, the real question is whether he was Let me deal now with the Premier's quite asked, and whether he advised, that action disgraceful and misleading attempt earlier this could, and possibly should, be taken quickly afternoon to downplay these options by tabling and appropriately under the existing Act. the final page of a 15-page opinion of the Instead of running around with press Crown Solicitor—one page of a 15-page releases and retrospective laws, the real issue opinion containing one and a half paragraphs. here is whether the Premier and his Of course, the acting Crown Solicitor Government could have acted earlier and just advised that there would be a risk of legal as decisively under the current Act. In our view action seeking damages. No-one should be he quite obviously could. The question that the surprised about that. But what are the chances people of Queensland need to ask is why of that action succeeding? The easiest way to action has not been taken earlier and why we justify not doing something is to suggest that have essentially redundant legislation being there is a risk of legal action. There is always a introduced which is contrary to fundamental risk of litigation and this Act is not novel in that legislative principles, has many objectionable respect. One would not have to be a Supreme features and which is an attempt to divert Court judge to work that out. attention from the initial inappropriate decision I would be very interested to know what of the then Treasurer. We need to know why advice the acting Crown Solicitor gave on the the legislation is being forced through this implications of clause 59 of the legislation House in an entirely inappropriate manner in which, in effect, provides that a decision of the one sitting day. Governor in Council or the Minister on a range Mr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) of matters set out in Schedule 1 are final and (11.32 p.m.): I rise to speak on the Interactive conclusive, not reviewable or called into Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill. question under the Judicial Review Act and not I have a few points that I would like to raise. It subject to any writ or order or any court or is not my job to pass judgment on the member tribunal on any ground. for Ipswich. That job belongs to the CJC, the This section seems pretty clear to me and Auditor-General, and, ultimately, the people of would render most unlikely any successful Ipswich. They are the people who will decide litigation launched by Gocorp or any other whether his actions were right or wrong. associated person or entity against the However, I will pass comment on the Treasurer or the Governor in Council when concept that the use of knowledge of Acts and taking remedial action. The Premier should so forth gained as a member of Parliament is specifically address why clause 59 does not abhorrent to most people. Woodridge is an cover this matter and why his Government has area that is badly affected by unemployment. I proceeded with this apparently unnecessary believe that the people of Woodridge would 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3139 not take too kindly to members of Parliament available when you come down to Parliament, making this sort of money out of deals of this if you would like to sit in on it." type. I am not passing judgment on whether or I know that quite often Cabinet Ministers not the dealings were legal. The problem lies do that. I often receive letters from Ministers with a person making millions and millions of saying that there is a briefing on legislation dollars from what I would call insider trading. I which is coming before the Parliament. do not think it is appropriate. I do not believe However, in this case no-one from the that the people of Woodridge would believe it Government, the Labor Party, or any of the is appropriate. I believe that the general public people involved sought me out. I state publicly and the people of Tablelands would also that it is my belief that in an honest, open and believe that it is not appropriate. accountable Government it is not my job to go I am not saying that members of hounding the Government for information. Parliament should not have interests in I am a very busy person. I am one person business. I believe the people of Queensland and I have one electorate officer. I have a would like to know that good businessmen large electorate to look after. I believe that an were running the State. I believe they would honest, open and accountable Government be happy to know that the Treasurer was a would have made every possible effort to clear businessman who had knowledge of business its name with a member of Parliament who dealings. On the other hand, I do not believe has to vote on the issue. that a flagrant disregard of a position of trust is looked on kindly by the people of Queensland. That brings me to this Bill. The only As I said, ultimately the people of Ipswich and information I have is the information we the people of Woodridge will be the judges of received this afternoon. I am expected to vote whether this affair is going to go any further on the appropriateness of this Bill proceeding than it is tonight. Obviously it is not going to go through the Parliament. The same thing much further tonight. applied to the Industrial Relations Bill which was rammed through this House. I imagine This brings me to my second point. We that the Government holds me in incredible have a Government in Queensland which is esteem and believes that I have incredible very strong on saying that it is an open, honest reading abilities and incredible powers of and accountable Government. I saw evidence understanding on these subjects, but the fact of that in Atherton. The Cabinet came to is that I cannot sit down, read through this Bill Atherton and appeared in public. Many people and judge the appropriateness of it. I do not came to me after the Atherton Community have the benefit of Crown Law advice. I do not Cabinet meeting and told me that they were have the benefit of advisers or researchers. As quite amazed, to say the least, and were quite a result, I have to sit here in blind ignorance happy with the outcomes of the meeting. and say that I will not vote for something which My problem is that an open, honest and will have unknown ramifications. These matters accountable Government would go out of its are entrenched in law and we do not know way to provide all the necessary information to what will happen in the next couple of months. ensure that legislation does not become There is no way that a member of Parliament clouded for members of this Chamber. I am could vote for such legislation in the absence not an avid reader of the Courier-Mail. I call the of a briefing or any approach from the Courier-Mail the Red Banner and I personally Government. I have not even been do not have it delivered to my office. People approached and told, "Shaun, the allegations drop in newspaper clippings to me now and are not true." again. I want to refer to the similarity between All I have heard so far is rumour and this situation and the ongoing references to innuendo. I have seen clippings from the Mundingburra affair. At no time did the newspapers. At no time did anyone from the Queensland Police Union, or anyone in that ALP or the Government call me and say, union, stand to benefit to the order of millions "Shaun, there is a briefing on. Would you like of dollars in profits. This might be flying in the to attend?" No-one sent me even so much as face of political correctness and the chest a note. I do not believe it is my job to come thumping that goes on in this place, but to me chasing the Government and asking, "Hey, the heart of the Mundingburra affair was an what is the story? What is the deal here? Is attempt to get greater police numbers on the this all true? Is it rubbish? Is it lies?" I think an streets in an effort to clean up criminal activity. honest, open and accountable Government It was an effort to get the Queensland Police should find the Independent member of Service back on track. This occurred at a time Parliament and say, "Look, there is a briefing when morale was low, when the numbers of 3140 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 police on the streets were incredibly low and but a flight home to go on with my electoral when police powers to deal with offenders duties. The simple fact remains that I know were incredibly low. What we are dealing with exactly what the people back home on the are two completely— streets of Mareeba, Atherton and Malanda Mr Feldman: The trailer only said "Vote and the other towns of my electorate are going for more police". to say when they hear that the Treasurer has stood aside but that he is still getting his full Mr NELSON: Yes, the trailer only said remuneration. They are going to say, "What? I "Vote for more police". I would vote for more thought when a member stood aside he police. I daresay most members in this House actually got punished." Apart from a little bit of would also do that. embarrassment and some political name The simple fact is that the differences calling, I do not see the punishment in the between the two situations are phenomenal. Treasurer standing aside. I do not see how On the one hand, we had the Police Union that constitutes the member being stood aside doing what it is there to do—looking after its from his ministerial position. Maybe I am just members and, in doing that, protecting the ignorant of the whole process. people of Queensland—and on the other Mr Bredhauer interjected. hand we have a couple of individuals who stood to profit personally, and in some cases Mr NELSON: I honestly believe that if the to the extent of millions and millions of dollars. Treasurer stood aside and was going to move I do not see the similarity. to the backbench, he should have moved to the backbench on a backbencher's salary and We hear many reasons as to why waited until his name was cleared by the CJC politicians are held in low regard. I believe that and the Auditor-General and then, if that one of the main reasons why politicians are happened, move back to the front bench. I do held in low regard is what I call tit-for-tat not think that I would have a problem with that politics—"That is what they did when they were and I certainly know that the people in my in Government", or "That is what they did, and electorate would not have a problem with that, this is how they reacted." When I used to go to especially if the member was cleared. my mum and say, "But my little brother punched my other little brother in the head", Recently, when I was removed from that was not an excuse; I still got a flogging. Parliament people asked me if my pay was The simple fact remains that there is no docked. I said, "No, it was not." They then reason at all for the Government to say, "Look asked, "What is the punishment?" I said, "I do at what happened during the Mundingburra not know—probably my flight home." affair. Look at what the previous Attorney- Ms Bligh: Deprived of the pleasure of our General did. Look at what this person did." company. That is making excuses. That is not being an Mr NELSON: Exactly. The point I make is honest, open and accountable Government. that what we are dealing with, and what gets That is pointing the finger and saying, "If it was lost in all of these issues, is public perception. good for you, then we are going to do the Most people, especially in north Queensland, same thing." have very little knowledge indeed of what goes I dare say that the people who voted for on in this place—the political manoeuvring, the Labor at the last election did not intend Labor posturing and the stances. They do not get to shadow everything that its avowed enemies into that sort of thing; they are not interested in did, or were supposed to have done, when reality. They are interested in knowing that they were in Government. I dare say that when their members of Parliament will come to this the people voted for Labor, they voted for place, represent them on issues that are put today's Labor to come into this place and be forward, and at all times deal with them fairly. completely different from the previous The people might not always get what they Government, and to be an open, honest and want. They might not get the outcomes that accountable Government. they are looking for, but they fully expect an I applaud the decision made by the open, honest and accountable Government, member for Ipswich to stand aside. However, I particularly when a Government professes to must take this opportunity to question the be open, honest and accountable and goes point of standing aside when the member still out of its way to do things like hold Community receives his ministerial benefits and he still Cabinet meetings. receives his pay. To me, that is not standing I think that this issue is certainly one that, aside. Recently, I was removed from had it been handled completely differently, Parliament. What was my punishment? My may have had a chance of gaining not only pay was not docked. I did not receive anything my support but also the support of other 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3141 members of this side. Rushing this legislation legislation is debated. Even though this through the House the way in which we are legislation is retrospective, the Premier has tonight is sending a clear message that the seen fit to bring it into this place this Government is not trying to solve a problem; it morning—just before lunch—and then rush it is just what I would call a typical knee-jerk through the Chamber this evening. Of course, reaction and trying to stamp something down that makes a total farce of the operation of the to make the Government look big. Quite often Parliament and it makes a farce of the two in interrogation circles it is said that the person independent inquiries that are currently who has the most to hide screams the loudest occurring in relation to issues covered by this and shouts blue murder at the top of their legislation. In reality, the legislation ought to lie lungs. You can always smell out a rat by the on the table for 13 clear calendar days so that way they scream that they are not a rat. When members on all sides of the Chamber can at the Government jumps up and rams least give consideration to the issues. I am retrospective legislation through the Parliament sure that there are a number of issues—to in one single night and carries on like blue which I will refer shortly—to which proper murder instead of, as the member for consideration has not been given. No doubt Gladstone and other members have said, there are other matters that other members laying the legislation on the table and letting would pick up had we had sufficient time to go members look at it and have a think about it, through this legislation. The Standing Orders letting members such as me, with my limited of this Parliament require legislation to lie on resources, go through the Bill to see whether the table for at least 13 clear calendar days or not I can support it, the people in my before it is debated. electorate are going to ask, "How can we trust We hear a great deal from the Labor these people when they will not even allow Party about parliamentary standards. Following that sort of accountability, especially on an the last election, the Premier said that he important issue?" This issue has received wide would introduce measures that would help to coverage in the media. The people know lift parliamentary standards. However, he did about it. However, they are getting only small not have the courage to allow a full debate on pieces of information about this legislation. whether this legislation ought to lie on the Tomorrow in the news they are going to get a table for 13 days. He used the gag to deny not small cut of information about this issue being only me but other members on this side the rammed through Parliament. In the area opportunity to debate that matter fully. where I come from, that does not do the Government's cause any good at all. This evening, the legislation that we are debating relates to a cold, calculating attempt Given more time, given the ability to to provide a windfall to Labor mates. This review the issue, and maybe even given a legislation is all about Labor mates. However, briefing from the Government—a few facts and who are the Labor mates who are involved? figures from them—I could have supported this Are the only ones involved the ones about legislation. However, in its current form, in the whom we have heard? What other secrets are current shadow that it is positioned and the there? Are there other Labor mates involved current lack of flow of information from the about whom we have not heard? What other Government—for whatever reason—I will not secrets lie not only within this legislation but support this Bill in its current form. I strongly also within Gocorp, the entity that has the urge all Government members to think again licence? Today we have seen a great sham. before they try this sort of action, because all it We all know that shares can be warehoused, does is reflect very badly on them in the that there can be silent partners, that there communities that were just beginning to trust can be trusts and so on. I dare say that in the them. whole gamut of corporations and entities Mr BEANLAND (Indooroopilly—LP) involved in this issue, we would find a lot of (11.46 p.m.): This legislation is an attempt by that. the Labor Party to keep its members honest. Currently, there is no way that members This Government is now attempting to legislate of this House can say what the situation is. Yet in this Chamber for honesty. That is because this legislation ensures that we approve of the Premier cannot trust his own members. Gocorp's licence to conduct an Internet betting This legislation is now being rushed through agency. The legislation is nothing more and the Parliament because the Premier urgently nothing less. And we should not forget it. The needs to give that perception of honesty. legislation does not do what the Premier says Apparently there is no time to await the that it will do, and I will detail some aspects of obligatory 13 clear calendar days before the the legislation in a moment. 3142 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Before I do that I will refer to what Labor (f) a person, whether or not of a similar members said in relation to the original class to a person mentioned in legislation when it came before Parliament. paragraph (a) to (e), prescribed under The Premier likes to make out that there was a regulation." something wrong with this legislation when it It is very interesting to note that there is no came before the Parliament back in 1998. Two mention of a spouse of a staff member of the Labor members spoke to the legislation on 18 Legislative Assembly. Of course, the March 1998, the Honourable D. J. Hamill, the Livingstones are closely involved with the member for Ipswich, and Mr Clem Campbell, introduction of this amendment Bill, yet Mrs the then member for Bundaberg. The member Livingstone is not included as a prohibited for Ipswich stated— person under the legislation—far from it. I "This Bill is an important piece of cannot believe that that was a mere accident. groundbreaking legislation in Australia, It has obviously occurred on purpose. and the Opposition certainly supports it. In Of course, other people are disqualified fact, the Opposition has been of the view under the legislation, such as councillors. One that this legislation is very necessary and has to ask what the 1,200 or more councillors it is delighted to see that it has finally of this State have to do with the legislation. Of made it into the House." course, we know what Labor mates such as Mr The member stated further— Pisasale have to do with it, but what of the "I see this as a positive measure, other 1,200 councillors, whether they be good and certainly the Opposition supports it Labor councillors, Liberal councillors, very strongly. Independent councillors or National Party councillors? What does the legislation have to ... do with them? The legislation also covers the In short, the Opposition believes this spouses or children of local government is worthy legislation." councillors. The legislation refers to children of Mr Campbell also spoke in that debate. members of the Legislative Assembly, but He and Mr Hamill were the only speakers from what happens when those children become the Labor Party. One can see that there was adults? It is a nonsense to suggest that general support for the legislation. Indeed, the councillors from Perry Shire, Burke Shire or any shadow Minister at the time, Mr Hamill, the other place will have an effect on this member for Ipswich, indicated that not only legislation. was he happy with the legislation; he was I notice that the legislation makes no delighted with it. Even today, in his second- reference to Federal members of Parliament reading speech, the Premier said that the who might receive some benefit from the legislation has been recognised both in legislation and certainly could have some say Australia and internationally as leading-edge in relation to gaming legislation. It could be legislation. We have heard enough of the sort argued very effectively that the Internet is a of humbug that suggests that there is some matter over which the Federal Government big problem with the legislation that was has jurisdiction. Federal Government members passed by the former Government. are not mentioned. The spouses of staff members of the Legislative Assembly—for One important aspect of the legislation example, Mrs Don Livingstone—have not before the House covers the issue of a been excluded. The children of members of disqualified person. The legislation talks about the Legislative Assembly and local prohibited persons, meaning Navari and Topki government councillors are certainly Holdings Pty Ltd or a disqualified person. excluded—I am not sure what happens when Under clause 6, a "disqualified person" means they became adults—and, of course, the any of the following— 1,200 councillors themselves have been "(a) a member of the Legislative excluded. This legislation excludes some Assembly; thousands of people, yet no reference is made (b) a spouse or child of a member of the to Federal members of Parliament. Legislative Assembly; This is all happening because of Labor (c) a staff member of a member of the mates and because the Premier says that he Legislative Assembly; cannot trust his own. The whole exercise is a farce. It is all about damage control and (d) a councillor of a local government; endeavouring to create perceptions in the (e) a spouse or child of a councillor of a community. In addition, no reference is made local government; to senior public servants. Of course, they could 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3143 also have a major effect in relation to the Mr BEANLAND: As the Leader of the legislation. I dare say that, depending on Opposition says, we have no advice at all in which department they work for, they could relation to the legislation that is before the have a greater effect than local government House. However, we have been able to pick councillors, who would have no effect up some deficiencies in the short period that whatsoever unless they were Labor mates. we have had the legislation. Having access to The legislation does not include political these few lines of advice from the acting parties. If the Premier was genuine, one would Crown Solicitor, it is worth noting the Alert have expected it to have included the Digest No. 2 1998 of the Scrutiny of Queensland Labor Party and its associated Legislation Committee, which came before the entities. It is a sham and the Premier is a Parliament in early 1998 and which covered sham. This is a farce and he knows it. The the Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Bill Premier wants to rush the legislation through 1998. That Alert Digest covered a range of the House this evening, before members on issues. this side of the Chamber have had sufficient The legal adviser to the Committee was time to analyse it, because he knows that it is none other than Professor Charles Sampford. a farce and a sham. He does not have the His advice was contained within the Scrutiny of courage to let the legislation lie on the table of Legislation Committee's report to this the House for the required 13 days so that Chamber. This is a particularly important report proper consideration can be given to it. The to consider when we are looking at this legislation makes no reference to political legislation. The Premier said that under the parties whatsoever. We all know that the one various sections of the legislation he cannot political party that is wealthy in this State, that take the action that the Leader of the has a range of enemies, and that owns shares Opposition and the Leader of the Liberal Party across-the-board in quite a large number of have raised in this Chamber. However, under gaming entities and a range of corporations the various clauses he has the ability, as the and companies around this nation is the acting Treasurer, to suspend the licence. I wish Australian Labor Party. Despite this, the to examine some of these clauses, because legislation carefully avoids any reference to the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee has political parties whatsoever. raised a number of pertinent issues. The Premier can fool some of the people In relation to the legislation, it stated very some of the time but he cannot fool all of the clearly that the Minister has the absolute people all of the time. They will not be fooled discretion to refuse to authorise an interactive by the snake-oil salesman performance that game for which the Minister's authorisation is the Premier is putting on in this place today for sought. A little earlier in the debate the the benefit of the public of Queensland. They member for Ipswich indicated that he did not will not be conned by this exercise. They will have that type of power. However, he does see it for what it is. have that power, according to the Scrutiny of Today the Premier and some other Legislation Committee. The Committee also members have raised the issue of legal indicated that clause 59, together with advice. The Premier likes to wave around the Schedule 1, of the original Bill had the effect of last page of Crown Law advice which contains excluding such a decision from judicial review. the signature of the acting Crown Solicitor. Of It stated— course, he has not indicated where the other "On the basis of the exercise of an 14 pages of that advice are. He did not table administrative power, which is defined as them, even when we moved for them to be being a matter in the Minister's 'absolute tabled. He said that he did not have them, discretion' and is not subject to any even though I am sure that a number of times review." in his speech he mentioned that he was going That is contained throughout this legislation in to table them. They have not been tabled. a number of provisions. For example, it was What we hear is selective quoting so that we noted that clause 48 provided for the have no idea of the questions that were asked immediate suspension of an interactive of the acting Crown Solicitor in relation to the gambling licence. I will not read it all out, advice that he was providing, what his brief because only a few minutes remain. It is quite was or what issues were raised in relation to clear from the Scrutiny of Legislation this matter. Committee's report that the acting Treasurer, Mr Borbidge: And no advice in respect of as the relevant Minister, has that power. The this legislation being superior to what it legislation provides for the immediate replaces. suspension of such a licence. It must be 3144 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 effected by a written suspension notice being Premier trying to hide with this piece of given to the licensed provider, along with a legislation? Why will he, as the acting show cause notice, and it operates Treasurer of this State, not act under the immediately upon the suspension being given legislation? Now he states that he has Crown and continues to operate until the show cause Law advice to the contrary, but that was not notice is finally dealt with. The reason this was what the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee raised is that the Scrutiny of Legislation believed when it reviewed this legislation, nor is Committee was concerned about natural it what Professor Charles Sampford believed justice and about the unfettered powers of the when he looked at this legislation on behalf of Treasurer. The Committee went on to state the Committee. They saw it as it is. that it recognises that there will be Schedule 1 of the legislation sets out the circumstances when it will be necessary to powers and how they can be used by the deny natural justice in order to achieve the Governor in Council and by the Treasurer. objectives of the Act. It stated— There can be no case for the Premier to come "Further, it may be in the public into this place and pretend otherwise. The interest to do so, where the denial of committee stated— natural justice is necessary to consumers "The fact that similar ouster clauses in the industry. However, in such cases have been incorporated in Queensland the committee is of the view that the gaming legislation does not, in the circumstances or actions which do not committee's view, legitimise or justify the give full effect to the principles of natural abrogation of this fundamental legislative justice can be taken should be strictly principle. defined." ... It is concerned about this whole exercise of power by the Treasurer, as the relevant The committee notes the Treasurer's Minister. previous response to its similar comments in relation to the keno and lotteries Clause 59 of the original Bill stated— legislation. The committee understands "A decision of the Governor in the argument that the availability of review Council or Minister made, or appearing to by the courts may hamper the ability of be made, under this Act about an the Governor in Council and the minister interactive gambling licence, a person with to act swiftly and decisively in the public an interest or potential interest in an interest since they have to carefully interactive gambling licence, the evaluate confidential information and authorisation (or revocation of the prevent dishonest persons from entering authorisation) of an interactive game or into the industry." the approval (or cancellation of the Of course, it should also have mentioned approval) of an exemption scheme— Labor mates. It continued— (a) is final and conclusive; "As a general principle the committee (b) cannot be challenged, appealed opposes the ousting of access to judicial against, reviewed, quashed, set review. Whether the objectives of this aside, or called in question in another legislation justifies the removal of appeal way, under the Judicial Review Act rights in the circumstances of this clause 1991 or otherwise (whether by the is a question which the committee refers Supreme Court, another court, a to Parliament to decide." tribunal or another entity); and It is clear that ample powers are contained (c) is not subject to any writ or order of within the current legislation for the acting the Supreme Court, another court, a Treasurer to move, and those powers were tribunal or another entity on any clearly set out not only in the legislation but ground." also by the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee when it reviewed this legislation. The use of Mr Borbidge interjected. those powers was its major concern. At no Mr BEANLAND: As the Leader of the time was it raised throughout that debate, in Opposition and the Leader of the Liberal Party this report or anywhere else that those powers have said, this is stronger than anything were in some way defective—far from it. contained in this amendment Bill. We have to Clearly, it was intended by the Government of keep asking what the Premier is up to with this the day and also the Parliamentary Counsel legislation. What is he trying to hide? What that this would be the case. other silent partners and Labor mates is the Time expired. 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3145

Mr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) the arguments put by the members on this (12.06 a.m.): I wish to make a couple of brief side. Many reasons have been put forward as points. I think just about everything that needs to why this Bill is unnecessary; in fact, the to be said has been said tonight by some of retrospectivity of the Bill seems to negate this the speakers from our side. However, I wish to unseemly need for haste. I find the Premier's add my two bob. This is a really sad affair. We need to rush this Bill through the House totally have to wonder what makes these people tick. unwarranted, and it really does arouse my They do not seem to be able to help suspicions. themselves. An interesting point was raised When our stood-down Treasurer voiced tonight by the honourable member for his opinion, he addressed much of his speech Gladstone, who referred to clause (4)(a), which to "those who should know better and to those states— who will never know better". This was an "... prohibit a disqualified person from outburst that I felt was one of either absolute having, or otherwise limit the extent to arrogance or a reflex action of a cornered which a disqualified person may have, a animal that attacks anything and anyone in its beneficial interest in a licensed path. Time will bear witness as to which is corporation ..." which, and perhaps the charitable will forgive Either the Government is going to prohibit him on either count. these people from holding a gaming licence or I have heard many interjections and it is not. It is a bit like the old saying "You can't accusations from the Government members be a little bit pregnant"; you either are or you directed at the Opposition for allegedly are not. Therefore, you should be disqualified. participating in similar questionable behaviour. Why is that clause in the legislation? Perhaps That may or may not be true; I do not know the Minister might indicate to us why it is there, because I was not here at the time and the idea behind it and why it has not been therefore I cannot really comment on the taken out altogether. I reiterate that I find the Opposition's behaviour. However, I cannot see whole affair very grubby. It has been quite that the Opposition's behaviour justifies or amazing that these people, who pose as excuses any action undertaken by any other being purer than the driven snow, would member in this House. Two wrongs have never involve themselves in this exercise. How could made a right. Our actions are our own anyone possibly think they could get away with responsibility and the then Treasurer, setting up an operation such as this and take Mr Hamill, had the final responsibility in this up a beneficial position without anyone finding matter and he must bear whatever out or the public not seeing it? That is nothing consequences follow. Although there may not short of amazing. be any illegality in Mr Hamill's actions, an Mrs PRATT (Barambah—IND) analysis of his actions begs the question as to (12.09 a.m.): In rising to speak on this Bill, I the then Treasurer's thinking. Was he corrupt, have to say firstly that I am quite disgusted at was he inept or was he just plain stupid? the way it is being rushed through the House. I Whatever it was, it does not bode well for support everything that the member for Queensland. Gladstone has said. There are so many The Premier has stated continually how discrepancies and grey areas in this Bill that I this Government would lift the standards of cannot believe that anyone could actually Parliament and restore the people's faith in propose it. I have a few concerns and I have politicians. To that end, the then Treasurer has drafted an amendment to the Bill, which I will not aided the Government by his actions in explain later. My gut instinct tells me that this granting this licence. Right must not just be situation is a bad one. done; it must be seen to be done. It is the One of my major concerns with this Bill is moral duty of all who sit in this place to set an in regard to sections that do not hinder the example. disqualified person from disposing of non- This Bill will be passed when it is put to complying interests to related persons. As I the vote tonight; there is no arguing about said, I will expand on that later. I cannot see that. But the Labor Government should not how anyone on the Government side of the take any satisfaction from this, nor should House who is truly sincere could not support Mr Hamill take any comfort from the defeating the amendment that I will be moving. I will be of the censure motion moved against him watching with interest to see how it goes. today. Only the unscrupulous would actually No-one on this side of the House has had gain satisfaction from what I have seen today time to analyse the Bill properly simply as a nobbled Parliament. The actions of this because we did not have it. I have listened to Government in rushing this legislation through 3146 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 the House will be seen as perhaps not illegal be repetitious. Suffice it to say that I share the but unscrupulous and maybe immoral. That Premier's sentiments regarding the time has not been allocated for members to requirement for politicians to be people of scrutinise this Bill in detail smacks of a cover- integrity and to refrain from using their up. What is this Government trying to hide? positions of privilege to feather their own nests. Perhaps nothing, so why the rush? The people That it is perceived by Queenslanders that of Queensland are not stupid. They will members of the Labor Party and, in particular, analyse this and they will do it very, very a member of this House, used their positions carefully. The people of Queensland as a of privilege to lobby on behalf of a company in whole have lost respect for politicians, and which they were shareholders or had an after this who could blame them? interest I find particularly reprehensible and, in There are worthwhile aims in this Bill, but light of this, I am prepared to support the Bill there are also too many areas left unclear. being finalised as soon as possible. This may be due to the haste with which the I believe that this Bill will go a long way Bill has been presented or simply because it is towards restoring the faith of Queenslanders in poorly written. As I have said, I would like to this Government—faith that I believe has been see it go back and be redrafted, and I would severely dented over recent weeks because of like to see at least the minimum 13 days perceived cronyism surrounding the issuing of allowed for perusal of it. Whatever happens, I this licence. cannot support this Bill. Mr HOBBS (Warrego—NPA) (12.16 a.m): Mr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) I am pleased to respond to the Interactive (12.14 a.m.): I rise to speak in support of the Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) before the House. This Bill is the result of a Amendment Bill that has been introduced by desperate attempt by the Premier to cover his the Premier and acting Treasurer. The thrust of tracks in this sleazy, corrupt affair. The Premier this Bill is to ensure that politicians, their has basically lost the plot; he has panicked spouses, their children or their staff who have when he has been caught out. That is the been referred to in this House and in the simplest way to sum it up. He has reacted to media are prevented from gaining beneficial the media. He is running around, blaming interest through the awarding of the State's everybody except himself—and, of course, his first Internet gaming licence to Gocorp. Treasurer. Whilst some may argue that the Bill goes Let us have a look at how the events overboard and is contrary to a fundamental unfolded. A group was looking for an Internet legislative principle, I believe it is reasonable, gaming licence. The group commenced bearing in mind the matters that have been making inquiries during the period of the recently raised and referred to in the media previous coalition Government. No licence was and this House surrounding the issue of this issued. In comes the Beattie Labor Internet gaming licence. While members of the Government in 1998 and, on the day that the Opposition have focused much of their new Government was sworn in, out goes an attention today on the interpretations of instruction for the Premier to contact the sections 44 and 48 of the Act, I believe that member for Woodridge regarding an Internet these members do not appear to have yet gaming licence. That licence was issued by the recognised the substance of section 45 of the Treasurer—a Labor Treasurer in a Labor Act, which gives the Minister the power to Government for the Labor mates. The Premier make the licence provider show cause why the would have us believe that he did not know of licence in question should not be suspended the impending licence. No doubt he wants us or cancelled. to believe in the tooth fairy! The question is: Whether we agree with gambling or not, how many discussions were held between the there is a fundamental legal principle that, Premier and the Internet gambling before one suspends a person's licence, one stakeholders? The Premier would sink to any gives them an opportunity to show cause why gutter level to try to blame and involve others. that licence should not be suspended. I will I have Jupiters shares, obtained in the repeat that again: there is a fundamental legal original float in 1983 before I became a principle that, before one suspends a person's member of this Parliament. That float was licence, one gives them an opportunity to similar to the Suncorp-Metway float, the Telstra show cause why that licence should not be float and possibly the future TABQ float as suspended. well. I was like any other Queensland mum A lot has already been said in this and dad who bought shares. The Premier tried Chamber tonight, and I also do not propose to to associate me with doing something illegal; 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3147 he tried to suggest that I should be unable to we have seen in many instances tonight. The participate in the parliamentary debate Premier indicated that he had a letter from me because I own shares in a casino. which somehow involved me in this Internet I refer to a Sunday Mail article, which gaming licence. The Premier stated this on states— several occasions. I think it is important that I actually read the letter he had which "Premier Beattie seized on Mr Hobbs' supposedly involved me in this affair. He raised involvement in a bid to divert attention the matter in the House tonight. He did it on from his government's crisis over the Net several other occasions, intending to implicate Bet Affair. me as a former Minister involved with this He said Mr Borbidge's defence of his affair. frontbencher was 'hypocrisy so thick you Mr Borbidge: A dishonest slur from a could peel it with a potato peeler'." dishonest Premier. That goes to show what sort of a man we are Mr HOBBS: A dishonest slur from a dealing with—someone who will sink to that dishonest Premier, as the Leader of the level and say anything and do anything to try Opposition says. I have here a letter with the to shift the blame from himself on to those letterhead of the Minister for Natural people who are entirely innocent. That is a Resources to Mr Bill D'Arcy. It states— perfect example of what we are dealing with here. "Dear Mr D'Arcy The Premier is a lawyer. I do not know AUSTRALIAN ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT whether he is a good one or not—probably LTD not—but he would and should know that I own The Minister for Natural Resources, those shares in common with the community, the Honourable Howard Hobbs MLA, has with no conflict of interest whatsoever. I have asked me to acknowledge receipt of your obtained a letter from the Clerk pointing out letter of 15 December 1997 on behalf of exactly that. Without reading the entire letter Australian Online Entertainment Ltd in into the record, in summary it states— relation to time delays in the granting of a "I therefore do not see any reason licence. for you to not maintain your shareholding This matter does not come within the in Jupiters and vote in Parliament." ambit of the portfolio of the Minister for That should be the same for any other Natural Resources, however, I have taken member of Parliament who wants to have the liberty of forwarding your shares, like any other mum and dad out there. correspondence to the responsible They should be able to do that to have some Minister, the Honourable Joan Sheldon understanding of how the share market MLA, Deputy Premier, Treasurer and operates and hopefully have a better Minister for the Arts, for her attention and understanding of commerce in the future. We reply direct. do not want to have a system whereby we go Yours sincerely out there into the gutter and find people who Scott Sturgess have never tried anything and never done anything in their lives and say, "You will do. Senior Ministerial Policy Advisor" We will take you in and make you a Mr Borbidge: An acknowledgment. parliamentarian." Mr HOBBS: An acknowledgment. Mr Lester: The State will go broke. Mr Borbidge: Of course, they don't Mr HOBBS: The State will absolutely go acknowledge their correspondence—not to us, broke. It is a sad thing that we have this anyway. mentality in Australia of trying to drag people Mr HOBBS: My staff did the responsible down. Why do we do that? The tall poppy thing on my behalf and responded. So here syndrome is prominent here. If anybody tries we have this dishonourable person trying to to get ahead, people want to drag them down. drag somebody into the mire. I went to America recently and the absolute Dr Watson: So your staff did not give a opposite is the case. It is no wonder the United directive to the Treasurer to do something? States is a superpower. Mr HOBBS: No. That is a very good point. Mr Lester: People who go ahead employ The Premier often puts the best spin on the people. argument. It is the same with everything he Mr HOBBS: That is right. The Premier does. People must understand that that is the obviously plays very loosely with the facts, as sort of person we are dealing with. 3148 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

Mrs Edmond: That's really dreadful, to shares? Carlton United owns more poker put the best spin on things! machines than anybody else in the country. Mr HOBBS: I welcome the Premier to the The pubs probably have more poker House. We are pleased that the Premier has machines. I think there has been a fair bit of come into the House. It is wonderful. panic in relation to the development of this legislation and we are seeing that there will be Mr Beattie: I have been out the back some problems with it. listening to you. The Labor Treasurer issued the licence Mr HOBBS: I am sure the Premier has. and the Premier obviously knew about that. He has been out all day. We were wondering Today the Premier avoided answering whether where he was. We were worried about him. he had met with the applicants. It is quite clear Mrs Edmond: Back to reading, Daffy that the Premier knew what his Treasurer was Duck. doing. Can members imagine for one minute Mr HOBBS: We are dealing with quite a that the issuing of a multimillion dollar licence serious matter. by the Treasurer would not have been discussed with the Premier? Can honourable I am pleased that the Premier is here, members imagine that happening? because this is a very important issue. I raise with the Premier that I believe there are people The Government is big on press releases. who will be disadvantaged by this legislation, The Premier held a press conference when he particularly those who may end up holding a shredded his Christmas cards! Here we have a gaming licence in some shape or form. I refer Government issuing a multimillion dollar the Premier to the disqualified persons list on licence and there is not even a two-paragraph page 9 of the Bill, which we will no doubt deal press release. To me it does not really add up. with later on. It talks about disqualified Mr Borbidge: It is most out of character. persons. The Bill sets out that a regulation will Mr HOBBS: Absolutely. be developed in the future in relation to these Mr Gibbs: You've got to remember: particular people, who will be penalised if they you're always a bit slow. That is why it does not in fact hold a licence. add up for you. You are always a bit slow. We may have a situation where a Mr HOBBS: I do not know about that. person—this applies to a councillor or the Some people may say that. spouse or child of a councillor, or a staff member of a member of the Legislative Mr Gibbs: It's like, "What is the meaning Assembly, or a person whether or not of a of life?" I am trying to answer it. similar class of persons mentioned in Mr HOBBS: I may be, but then again I paragraphs (a) to (e) prescribed under a may not be. Why is this legislation being regulation—who has some shares and who rushed through the House? There has been decides to go into some sort of office, whether no consultation. There is no confidence out it be local government or whatever the case there. The history of legislation rushed through may be, may have to sell those shares, this House, such as that relating to native title, perhaps at a discounted rate. We do not is that huge numbers of amendments are believe that section needs to be in the needed. That will happen with this legislation legislation. as well. In other words, the Premier is trying to I do not think those conditions are crack a nut with a sledgehammer. appropriate and they should not be in the Bill. Mr FELDMAN (Caboolture—ONP) Why on earth should a councillor from (12.30 a.m.): I must commend the Premier for Burketown, Boulia, Townsville or Toowoomba what is supposed to be the heart of the Bill, be penalised? We are talking about a which was to amend the Interactive Gambling regulation that may be brought in in the future. (Player Protection) Act 1998 to provide the I would like the Premier to set out in his legislative framework for ensuring that speech in reply to the debate on the second community expectations are being met in reading of the Bill what he proposes in the relation to the involvement of elected officials regulation in the future in relation to these and associated persons with interactive sorts of people. I presume that he is looking to gambling licences. try to make this legislation Gocorp specific, but Before I go on, I must say something if that is not the case we want to know what about the contribution of the member for the situation will be. Nicklin. He spoke about section 45 and the When we really look at it, what is the fundamental principle in relation to licensing. difference between having Internet gaming He said that if a licence holder has a licence shares, casino shares and Carlton United and falls into disrepute during the term of his 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3149 licence, that person should be called in to However, the damage has already been show just cause. But if the licence were illegally done, and the voting public may not be so obtained and should never have been issued, quick to forget the simple fact that members of that is a whole different ball game. If the the Beattie Labor Government have used their licence should not have been issued, it should public positions to influence Government just be cancelled straight out—no show cause, decision making to pursue their individual just a straight-out cancellation. interests and personally profit from such Getting back to the Bill at hand, not only decisions. The voting public deserve to have do we see this Bill as a smokescreen and their elected representatives of sound totally unnecessary to achieve a just outcome character, with good morals, values and ethics, but also I am absolutely appalled by the who will do the right thing by their electorates manner in which it was introduced into this and work hard towards addressing the House. We strongly opposed the suspension problems that are evident in our society. But of Standing Orders to allow this Bill to be with the major parties, far too often dishonest rushed through. No, not because we wanted and shady characters claiming to be worthy to allow Labor mates to help politicians find their way through the woodwork themselves—inappropriately, arrogantly and only to use their positions to push through with the benefit of greed-driven inside Government their own personal interests. This information—to millions of dollars in windfall is exactly what the general public is sick profits, but because we believe the procedure of—the corruption of present and previous used to introduce this legislation was Governments—and this is precisely what inappropriate, arrogant and an abuse of the motivated the formation of Pauline Hanson's Westminster system. One Nation. We have had little time to study this I wonder how the members of the Labor legislation and to assess its benefits and its Party really feel about their union mates in the shortcomings. Indeed, we have yet to be CFMEU and, more particularly, how the convinced that it is even necessary. It is our coalminers feel about this Labor Government. firm conviction that the Premier could have They must certainly have grave doubts about acted promptly and decisively under existing the sincerity of this Government, which has legislation. This has already been highlighted been posturing about delivering safer and several times in this House, but the Premier better working conditions to miners yet is now did not do that. The urgency about this prepared to delay debate on that legislation for legislation and, in fact, its very existence reeks the sole reason of pushing through this of grandstanding. It is a thinly veiled attempt to debacle. And the sole reason for delaying that take the high moral ground on this issue, a legislation is just to enable them to do a bit of thinly veiled attempt by the Premier to appear political point scoring and shore up their strong, and a thinly veiled attempt by the collapsing credibility and defend their corrupt Premier to show leadership. And on all three stewardship of this State. counts he has failed. When the chips are down, this Let me refer to the opening of the Government is far more concerned about Premier's second-reading speech in which he saving its hide and that of its avaricious Labor stated— mates than it is about the fate of the coalmine "This is a small, but very significant workers. When it comes to priorities, this piece of legislation. It is a piece of Government has shown a remarkable legislation which I am disappointed to propensity to look after number one. It has have to present to the Parliament." developed as a real art form its ability to posture about the fate of the workers, but its Indeed, I share that sentiment. It is a first allegiance is always to the chardonnay disappointment. But obviously the Premier socialists. would find it very disappointing to have to bow his head in shame and introduce this We have heard the Premier railing loud, legislation to try to remedy the corrupt activities long and often about the involvement of the of his Labor colleagues. He went on to say— member for Surfers Paradise and the member for Crows Nest in the ill-fated memorandum of "It arises from circumstances where understanding and the subsequent public figures placed personal gain above Connolly/Ryan inquiry. But did the members their responsibilities to the community and for Surfers Paradise and Crows Nest or the their own political party. This is something Queensland Police Union members, such as which I believe no Queenslander can Merv Bainbridge or Gary Wilkinson, stand to condone—and I certainly do not." gain $20m—whatever the figure was—out of Again, I concur with what the Premier said. the MOU? Not on your life! The MOU was 3150 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 about a police Christmas wish list. In the case This legislation does not go far enough. of net bet, the Gocorp application was the As has already been stated, the Premier could Christmas wish list. But ho ho ho, the have used his powers under the present Treasurer, the member for Ipswich, turned out legislation to cancel the Gocorp licence, to be Santa Claus. Did the three Labor mates completely restoring the faith that people had stand to gain some $20m? Most definitely on in our gaming industry. Does this legislation the balance of probability! Would the members cancel a smelly and possibly corrupt issue of a of the Queensland Police Union pass the licence? No! It simply takes out some of the required probity tests? Definitely yes! Now, Labor mates contained in the tentacles of could the participants in this shameful net bet deceit woven into this licence—in particular fiasco survive the probity tests? We will soon Navari Pty Ltd—the Navari connection, namely find out. From what has been broadcast on the member for Woodridge, Mr Livingstone radio and television and in the newspapers, we and Councillor Pisasale. do not think so. The public is fed up with politicians in I seriously ask the members of this general, let alone corruption in relation to House: if they considered the MOU deserved Labor mates, jobs for mates, insider not just one inquiry but in fact two, and this information, abuse of power, abuse of was fully supported and did not involve any responsibility and downright arrogance as illicit transfer of money—no $20m to any of displayed by this Labor Government. As I them—then what is the net bet fiasco mentioned earlier, the community puts its trust deserving of? Like me, the general public and its faith in the members of this House to believe that there should not be just a judicial do the right thing and to represent them. The inquiry but a full and open royal commission member for Ipswich and the member for into it. The net in the net bet spreads far and Woodridge have failed to perform this basic wide, its tentacles reaching right into the very and fundamental task and have betrayed the heart of Labor. Where now is the Premier's trust of the people of Queensland. open, transparent, honest and accountable The very least that could have been Government? expected is that the member for Ipswich did Some time ago, the Premier outlined how not continue to receive the benefits or the his Government was like the movie Star Wars entitlements that came with ministerial office. and how he had heroes in his However, once again the mate network Government—great heroes. We have actually protected his job, the public of Queensland seen some of those heroes perform. We saw have been pick-pocketed again and we are the member for backwash perform on the paying top ministerial dollar for a backbench Today Tonight show. But as an actor, I do not workload now being performed by the member think he quite makes it. He just does not have for Ipswich. The least he could do is approach it. And with net bet imploding, stars such as the Premier and pay him for the extra work the member for Ipswich are imploding all that he is now doing. What does the Premier around the Premier. His Government now think about that? Oh, if only the people had resembles another remarkable movie about the chance to vote for Heather Hill in Ipswich space: a Mel Brooks movie called all over again. As has been said so many Spaceballs—a very good movie. Mel Brooks times before, this Bill is just a very shoddy was a man of vision, but he measured it by the piece of legislation aimed primarily at schwarts. And unfortunately, this Government protecting Labor mates—those with a is the only one with the schwarts. Thank God remaining interest in the Gocorp licence. the schwarts is not on this side of the Did the Premier contact my office to Chamber. But the similarity is remarkable. As arrange a briefing on this atrocious piece of big a joke as that movie is, that is how big a legislation, considering he rushed it into the joke this Government is turning out to be. House this morning, to be debated today and I ask: where is the Premier's open, voted on tonight—all in one day? No, no, no! honest, transparent and accountable The Premier has ripped the heart out of the Government? All that possible impropriety and One Nation budget, denied us research staff, a sleazy $20m net bet fiasco deserve is merely and now rushes in legislation with little chance locking in an Auditor-General's inquiry and a for the coalition, let alone One Nation with CJC inquiry run by a bunch of Labor lawyers. even fewer staff, and the Independents, to Add it up. The MOU—no money changing investigate the ramifications of this atrocious hands and two full judicial inquiries. Net piece of legislation. bet—millions, and possibly more money, and two lightweight internal inquiries. Who is I was appalled when this integrity-deficient protecting whom? Government rushed through the industrial 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3151 reform legislation consisting of 500 pages with credibility in its members. Since taking up our some 800 amendments. The Government position in this House we have seen more and guillotined the debate and raced off to a Labor more evidence of deceitfulness and betrayal of Party conference with the ill-gotten Act as a the Queensland people through deceitful trophy. I thoroughly agree with what the political antics. We have seen the yet-to-be- coalition has put forward: the Premier could explained shredding of documents by five have quashed the licence under present current Ministers of the Labor Government. legislation. This could have been done, and We have seen this Premier mislead the House the public of Queensland expect it to be done. as to the number of investigations which have This legislation does not go far enough taken place with regard to that matter. In both and the sleepers have stacked their ill-gotten these instances we have seen the members shares in the web and tentacles of this deceit. involved vote to save their own hides. To stop any inference of guilt on this We have seen this Government legislate Government this licence will have to be totally to overrule a Supreme Court decision to scrubbed and the process must start all over acquire private land. We have seen this again. Let us at least have time to look over Government waste whole days debating such this legislation and receive a briefing. Rushing issues as Sorry Day only to then pass the Bill through in the dead of night in a legislation that negates Aboriginal land rights. lengthy, mind-numbing, credibility-destroying We have seen another member of the sitting reeks of the very corruption that this Bill Government in trouble over serious criminal seeks to prevent. I have heard it said that this allegations that I will not go into. Now we see Bill reeks of what a previous coalition the Treasurer standing aside over an issue of Government used to do. That does not excuse clear abuse of his position. The member for what this Government is doing. Woodridge conducts himself in a similar Because the legislation does not go far manner. enough and because it has the covering of The issues of who knew what, who camouflage, we in One Nation cannot support covered up what and why, not to mention the it. It does not satisfy the community transparent political patch-ups and the drivel, I expectations concerning this filthy little money- assume, are meant to resurrect confidence in making exercise. It does not satisfy any of the the Government. It is no wonder that the criteria that it seeks to correct. people of this State have no respect for the It is the Chinese meal equivalent of no-can-do Labor Government. legislation. If we are forced to eat it tonight, we Quite frankly, I have no respect for tawdry will only be hungry for a more substantial political opportunists. The members of the legislative meal tomorrow. It has been Labor Party conduct themselves in such a displayed that there are plenty of hungry manner as to raise questions. Such actions do players on the floor at the moment. As the not show honesty and integrity but, rather, member for Gladstone has already said, if a snakiness and corruption. whitewash comes back from the Auditor- Yet, we hear the Premier go on and on General and the CJC, it may very well state about the honesty and integrity of the Beattie that the letter of the law has been followed, Labor Government. The phrase is a but what about the spirit of the law? The contradiction in terms. The Premier can stand questions remain unanswered and the in this House day after day and profess until extremities of the net are unseen. For full the end of time that his Government is confidence in this Government, the licence responsible, accountable, honest and the must be revoked. On the surface, this epitome of integrity. However, his legislation appears good but it has no Government's actions reveal what Labor is depth—no meat—and we will not support the really like. What do the actions of the Labor Bill. Party reveal? They reveal a Government that Mr BLACK (Whitsunday—ONP) is bereft of conscience and devoid of integrity, (12.45 a.m.): I rise to speak on the Interactive honesty and accountability. Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill. As I have already mentioned, it is a typical Is it not interesting to see a Government act of this Government to legislate in order to producing legislation to correct a problem that correct an error that it made. The Bill is being should never have occurred in the first place? rushed through the House in order to allow the The attitude seems to be, "If we stuff it up, Premier to save face. It will allow his well, we'll just legislate to fix the problem." Government to brush it all aside and hope that I am astounded at the ineptness of this it goes away. That is reason enough for us not Government to maintain some degree of to support this Bill. The Government's blatant 3152 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 attempt to have this legislation thrown upon through them. Firstly, he asked whether this Parliament in this manner is wrong and I Gocorp was given preference and was there cannot support it. first mover advantage. He also referred to the The retrospectivity of this Bill and its effect lobbying efforts of various parties. I reject upon other shareholders of Internet gambling totally the claims of fast tracking. The licence has not been scrutinised by the Scrutiny of took eight months from application date to Legislation Committee. Other members of this issue. As yet, Gocorp has not commenced House have not had the opportunity to operation. A draft brief to applicants was consider this legislation. The retrospectivity of available for comment on the Queensland this legislation means that there is no Office of Gaming Regulation web site from relevance in whether the Bill is passed today or August. From 1997, there was widespread in two weeks' time; the only relevance is that it knowledge of the developments in Australia in saves face for the Labor Party if it passes relation to the national model as well as today. developments in Queensland. There has been no barrier to licence applications. No limit to I again express my disgust with the the number of licences has been established. actions of the members involved in this affair and I also express my dissent in relation to this The Leader of the Opposition said that a Bill. tender was given to a particular person. That is simply untrue, and he knows it. Prior to the Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane commencement, the Queensland Office of Central—ALP) (Premier) (12.49 a.m.), in reply: Gaming Regulation dealt with numerous I would like to thank all honourable members inquiries—at least 30—including international for their contributions in what can only be and interstate parties. The Queensland Office described as an exhilarating debate. I intend of Gaming Regulation was able to accept to go through a number of the contributions applications from the date of commencement that have been made. However, before I do I of the legislation, which is 1 October 1998, want to make reference to a couple of what I while Gocorp did not lodge its application until would like to call unseemly remarks that were 16 October. Currently, there are four other made by a couple of members opposite in applications being processed. The first mover relation to the fact that my wife came in here advantage is not transferred into first starter. today. Some members opposite made some Gocorp has not commenced yet and there is derogatory remarks about that. I simply make no guarantee that it will be the first to the point that I regard that as offensive. I am commence conducting interactive gaming quite happy to be seen with my wife anywhere operations. and I will encourage my wife to visit Parliament on every occasion. The second point that was made by Dr Watson, the Leader of the Liberal Party, was Mr Seeney: It was a stunt. that a licence should not have been granted, Mr BEATTIE: That is just typical. That the given the involvement of the various parties member would attack someone's wife goes to involved—the three Labor figures, and there show what sort of person he is. I think that that were others—and their business credibility. I says everything about him. He ought to be think that the Leader of the Liberal Party ashamed of himself. I understand that the mentioned Wilson and Austin. The position is member for Western Downs was also one of basically this: probity checks— the members involved. I expected a bit better than that from him. Frankly, I thought that he Dr Watson interjected. was a better person than that. One does not Mr BEATTIE: No, I am just referring to get any lower than that. At the end of the day, those two to take up the member's point. the members opposite can all be ashamed of Probity checks deal with those persons in a themselves. Talk about scummy behaviour! position of influence with the licence holder. To There is nothing worse than that. If members date, a benchmark of 5% has been used as a want to get into the gutter like that, then they basis across all forms of gambling. As I told will be condemned in the electorates. The the House earlier, that was a benchmark that member for Callide should never come in here was established in the 1980s by the then and talk about family values, because he does conservative Government. The percentage not stand for them. I do not want to hear ever holding is the level of holding in the licensee or again any hypocrisy and nonsense about if a director of a company has a holding of 5% family values from the conservatives in this or over. place, because they do not stand for them. There would be difficulties in practically The Leader of the Liberal Party, Dr enforcing a probity regime if every person, Watson, made a number of points and I will go regardless of the level of shareholding or 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3153 impact on the operations of company, is to be nonsense that we have heard from various investigated. For example, if that was the speakers about this is grossly untrue. I tabled approach that was followed, someone with a one part of the legal advice, as I referred to shoplifting offence at the age of 15 could not that one part. The Borbidge Government did in theory hold shares in Jupiters. That is what it not table its full legal advice. Frankly, the means. To date, the reality has stopped at a convention says that Governments do not. I 5% interest in the actual licence holder or actually asked through one of my staff— directors or executives who have a capacity to Mr Veivers: When we asked you, you influence the operations of the company. We wouldn't do it. are not talking about silent shareholders. That is why there is the 5% point. Mr BEATTIE: Why does the member for Southport not give it away? In fact, through Dr Watson: And you had information that one of my staff I asked the Solicitor-General at least one of them had actually— whether he would object to me tabling part of Mr BEATTIE: The point about this is very the legal advice. He did not object. He made simple. This 5% is the previous Government's certain indications that it was not the preferred probity level. position, but he did not object and I tabled part Dr Watson: No, no. of it. Those members who are informed and those who have been in responsible positions Mr BEATTIE: The member cannot argue know that the convention is that legal advice is about the probity level. That is nonsense. It is not tabled in this Parliament. I took the a 5% probity level for people who own extraordinary measure of tabling part of it after, shareholdings. It is not talking about a through my staff, receiving advice that it would directorship. be fine to confirm what I was saying to the Dr Watson: No, there is no probity level in House. the legislation. Mr Veivers: You asked me to table that Mr BEATTIE: This is the position that the bit about Lyn Staib. coalition accepted when it was in Government. Mr BEATTIE: The member is not being It was determined initially by conservative serious and I am not going to take him for Governments. The member cannot argue anything other than being stupid about it. The about it. It is a nonsense to suggest otherwise. basic point about this issue is that I tabled the I turn to business or executive associates. relevant part of the document. I want to say This legislation does not include every again that the contributions that have been shareholder directly or indirectly of the licence made by those who have been ill informed, holder, but it targets those who are in a role misinformed or mischievous simply indicate that influences the management of the that those members do not understand the company. That is the answer to the member's convention. question. That is a position that the previous The Leader of the Liberal Party referred Government accepted. If it did not accept that, also to the Premier's memorandum and why did not the previous Government have alleged fast tracking of the licence. I released different aspects to its legislation? The the memo as soon it was brought to my member cannot have one standard then and attention. I had nothing to hide. As I have said have another standard now. publicly, I have explained the full details of that The legislation does not provide in the public arena. I was unaware of the parliamentary endorsement of the licence but freedom of information application, which the introduces a means by which the Gocorp Leader of the Liberal Party has made great licence will be terminated if the relationship reference to outside this House. I have with Navari, Topki and disqualified persons explained this publicly already. All the details continues. At present, this is not the case. have been provided to the Auditor-General. I Legal advice states that the Government have no concerns or problems in relation to cannot suspend or cancel the Gocorp licence this issue—none at all. I have provided the in the present circumstances. This legislation Auditor-General with a detailed statement in will allow this to happen if the offending parties relation to this matter as well as all associated are not removed. material. I have said all that I am going to say This afternoon, I tabled one part of the about this publicly; it is now in the hands of the legal advice that we received. It is a well- Auditor-General. That is the end of it. established convention that Crown Law advice It took eight months between the is not tabled. Over the years, that has been a lodgment of the application and the issue of position accepted by conservative the licence. All documents, including the Governments as well as this Government. The memo, which has been referred to, have been 3154 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 made available to the Auditor-General. I was not even sure what they were referring to. should say that the memo referred to a I went back and looked, and I can tell them Tasmanian news report. In relation to the that it is a pretty tame document. question asked by the honourable member for An Opposition member interjected. Gladstone in particular—and I might say to the member for Gladstone that I was, in fact, Mr BEATTIE: Members opposite will see listening to the debate and I should mention to them eventually. I made sure that they went to her that I had staff in the Minister's office who the Auditor-General, who knows exactly what is were taking notes in relation to all of these in them. When members opposite see them, matters and I will reply in detail to the points they will realise that they have been making a that she raised—I make the point again that lot of fuss about nothing. All it is is a report the memo to which I have referred, which I from the Office of Gaming Regulation in have dealt with at length publicly and which I relation to the Tasmanian licence and the released the day that it was drawn to my news report. That is all it deals with. There is attention, referred to a Tasmanian report in hardly anything exciting in it. I could not work relation to Internet gambling. That is what it out what it was that members opposite were referred to. That is the context of it and it is jumping up and down about. I thought, nothing more than that. "Where is this mystery document?" It turned out that there was no mystery document at all. The myth of the $200m windfall—the It is something about nothing. success of which is yet to be proven—is refuted by Gocorp's own business plan. It is an Dr Watson interjected. inflated figure bandied about by the Mr BEATTIE: Yes, a couple of blank Opposition and the media. There are at least pages. I can tell the honourable member that 250 sites currently operating and the first what was on them was something about licence issued in Queensland will need to nothing. What I say in here is relevant to any establish itself on a worldwide basis. inquiry, and I put on the record now that the The fourth point that the Leader of the memorandum that came back simply related Liberal Party talked about was the legislation. to a response to the Tasmanian news release The amendment does not require Parliament that I had sent down. It was the response and to endorse the licence. Rather, it provides for briefing of the Office of Gaming Regulation. automatic cancellation if certain actions do not My public statements are consistent with my occur within 30 days. Those actions include if recollection of events. As I stated, I had no Navari, Topki or disqualified persons maintain involvement whatsoever in the Gocorp a beneficial interest or continue as a business licensing process. or executive associate. Changes relate to the The second point made by Mr Borbidge involvement of elected officials and public was that the reason for the delay in accepting perception, and are not intended to determine applications for interactive gambling licences or influence the licence determination process relates to the delay between the passage of or to pre-empt the outcome of the Auditor- the interactive Act in March 1998 and the General's inquiry or the CJC's inquiry. I think commencement of the Act in October 1998. that I have covered most of the matters raised The Leader of the Opposition is correct. by the honourable member for Moggill. I will However, the seven month delay between the come to his amendments at the end of my passage of the Act and the accepting of reply. applications does not lend credence to Mr The Leader of the Opposition claimed Borbidge's conspiracy theory that the licensing that I was involved because of the disclosure process for Gocorp was fast-tracked. In of the memorandum from the Premier's office addition, there was then an eight month delay and admissions in media interviews of brief between the application being lodged and the discussions with Mr D'Arcy in Opposition. That licence being granted in June 1999. The is something that I have never denied. As Leader of the Opposition has demonstrated soon as I became aware of the memorandum, not only that his fast-track conspiracy theory I made it available publicly. I have already has considerable holes in it but also his ability dealt with that issue. All documents relating to to read and adequately interpret legislation is the Gocorp process have been made available flawed. to the Auditor-General, without exception. The Leader of the Opposition has They include the so-called legendary extra two produced a scheme that he considers is a pages that the Opposition refers to. When this reasonable option to deal with the issue. His matter was released, there were a number of model is built on thin ice. I have already documents on my desk. When Opposition illustrated the fallacious reasoning behind his members made these comments publicly, I argument that the Government has the ability 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3155 to suspend the licence. The Crown Solicitor's world knew what we were doing. It is significant advice clearly rules this option out. to note that there has been no objection from As I have said, if the Auditor-General or Gocorp to this amendment, which is the party the CJC found that there was something most affected by it. I should say to members wrong with the process, under the Act the opposite that I also indicated publicly, when persons would not be fit and proper. That this was first released, that we intended to creates a different opportunity for the licence move it through all stages on the one day. to be cancelled. I can only conclude that Mr That was never hidden. It was never a Borbidge is playing politics in trying to devise surprise. Everybody knew about it two weeks an administrative solution to a complex matter, ago. rather than supporting the only viable Mr Springborg said that the definition of a legislative solution, which is the one put disqualified person under the amendment is forward by my Government. unnecessarily broad. The definition is Mr Quinn, the member for Merrimac, said deliberately very broad in order to ensure that that it was only very large and already all relevant parties cease to have an successful companies that should have association with or shareholding in Gocorp. Internet gambling licences. I listened to what The application of the definition to future he said with some interest. Internet companies situations will depend on the issue being are, by their nature, small technologically addressed at that time and how best to deal based ventures with very small start-up capital with it. and are new entities often without a proven The Opposition has claimed that the track record. It was from very small beginnings amendment is unnecessarily harsh and will that one of the most successful Internet affect innocent parties. However, apparently companies, Amazon.Com, began. the Opposition does not consider that any The Government has recognised that the innocent party will be adversely affected by its interactive legislation will attract both existing proposed solution, which involves suspending gaming players who are seeking to distribute and cancelling the licence, not to mention the their products through new technology and damages involved. This stance does not new technology companies which are seeking acknowledge the technology loss to to use their technological expertise in a Queensland from such an option, nor does it gaming market as opposed to a book or CD take into account the employment market. Notwithstanding the immature nature opportunities and revenue potential from the of Internet companies, the licence issued to licence. Gocorp by the Treasurer contains a schedule Mr Cooper, the member for Crows Nest, of financial parameters which requires it to said that there should be a fair inquiry into the ensure that it has sufficient funds to meet its issues with no political witch-hunt. I thank him financial obligations. These parameters include for his comment that there should be no minimum debt equity and fixed ratios and cash political witch-hunt. I thought that the reserves. Opposition was calling for a witch-hunt. I am I am heartened by Mr Quinn's comments also pleased to note Mr Cooper's comment regarding the deservedly high national and that there should be an inquiry. It is international regard in which Queensland's unfortunate that he has come to this gaming regulation is held. The amendment is conclusion about two weeks after the designed to ensure that this reputation is Government had requested the Auditor- maintained and enhanced. Honourable General to conduct such an inquiry and had members can understand my desire, as supported the inquiry which the CJC Premier, to protect our national and announced it would undertake. international reputation. Mr Santoro, the member for Clayfield, Mr Springborg, the Deputy Leader of the said that the Government is made up of a National Party, said that the Government is group of political cowards. The Government forcing the amendment through without has shown that this is patently false. My sufficient time for proper review. The Bill itself is Government has acknowledged the need to very small, containing only six sections. It is ensure that elected officials and associates do based upon the considered advice of the not have an interest in interactive gambling Crown Solicitor, as I have already advised licences. Today my Government has taken the Parliament. It has been well known to all courageous stance of addressing this issue. It concerned that this course of action was to be is the Opposition that appears to lack the followed. I announced it publicly and it was moral fibre to support strong legislation in given significant media exposure. The whole relation to public officials' involvement in 3156 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 interactive licences. No Government in the The list of disqualified persons needed to end history of the State has taken a stronger somewhere in terms of the list of specified ethical position on this sort of issue than we persons. However, Mr Connor should note that have. The historical record will show that. We the list provides that a regulation can be made were prepared to go back into minority prescribing any person to be a disqualified Government to do the right thing. No person, irrespective of whether they were Government in the history of Queensland has included on the list. The Opposition—and this been prepared to do that. is the answer to the point he raised—can be in Mr Horan said that $200m is available to no doubt of my intentions that Messrs D'Arcy, the first interactive gambling licence. The Pisasale, Livingstone and their spouses and Opposition is repeating the media claim about children will have no involvement in Gocorp. I the value of the Gocorp licence, which I have make that point very clear. Instead of already demonstrated is nonsense. In fact, unnecessarily complicating the legislation, this Gocorp's own business plan provides for a intention will be achieved via a strong float value of less than 25% of the so-called regulation. That is how we intend to do that. windfall lotto win. Further, all of the parties who It was claimed by Mr Connor that the sold their interests have placed a nominal zero development of regulations did not occur value on the Gocorp shareholding, recognising during the term of the Borbidge/Sheldon the speculative nature of the investment. Government. Although the regulation was not Mr Horan went on to talk about changes introduced until this Government came into in the corporate structure of Gocorp. Mr Horan power, work had already clearly commenced seems to assume that licensed gaming on the regulations and on the ancillary entities remain rigid and unchanged technical and briefing documents during the throughout their operating life. The reality is coalition Government. There was no evidence quite different. It was always accepted that the of any hesitation on the part of the previous corporate structure of Gocorp would undergo Government to commence this regime. substantial change in the period leading up to Indeed, every statement by the then Treasurer its operational start due to the need for a indicated her enthusiasm to be the first to major public float. This will see substantial issue a licence. I am not nitpicking about that. changes in shareholding and there will be a That was simply what was going on. dilution of the interests of the initial Dr Watson interjected. proponents. Mr BEATTIE: The member for Moggill did The ongoing probity review process that not, but the member for Nerang did. I am just the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation clarifying that. will conduct as a matter of course will ensure I have already responded to a number of for Gocorp, as with all other gaming licence matters that the member for Gladstone raised. holders, that the corporate and ownership The first point she raised concerned why this structures remain appropriate. It was also quite Bill was so urgent. The Government believes it untrue to argue that the remaining corporate is of critical importance for all parties structure of Gocorp without Navari and Topki associated with this licence and other licences has not been subjected to a full and complete currently under consideration by the probity investigation. The remainder of the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation for company has been thoroughly investigated this matter to be dealt with in the earliest and, on the information available, no doubts possible time frame. Gocorp has 30 days from are held about its probity. now to resolve its position and its The member for Western Downs, Brian shareholders. We wanted that 30 days to start Littleproud, asked: why was the interactive as quickly as possible so as to resolve this licence not included in the float of the TABQ? issue. To have gone through the full It will be. The TAB is able to conduct parliamentary process would have meant that interactive gambling under its sports wagering the legislation before us today would not have and race wagering licences on an exclusive been finalised until the Budget session in basis to Queensland residents. Gocorp will not September. In my view, that was simply too have that capacity under its conditional long. The 30 days had to start running as licence. quickly as possible. It is not reasonable or The member for Nerang, Mr Connor, commercial for the community or the stated that the legislation does not deal with participants to endure a delay of such a the spouse of a staff member of a member of length. Parliament. Technically, Mr Connor is correct in The second question raised by the this premise, although not in his conclusion. member for Gladstone was: what does the 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3157 clause regarding limits on the interest of issue of the application of the provisions of disqualified persons mean? Are they not totally these amendments to local authority disqualified from holding any interest? The councillors, the situation is very clear. It has legislation allows the Government considerable been necessary to include local authority flexibility in dealing with interests of disqualified councillors within the ambit of the Act to persons through the making of regulations. It ensure that Councillor Pisasale's interest in is important to recognise that the drafting of Gocorp is disposed of once and for all. The regulations under this legislation will need to consequence of this is that local authority be very carefully considered because of the councillors are included in the list of groups to very severe impacts it can have on innocently whom the provisions of the legislation apply. held shareholdings, often via legitimate However, to actually have an ongoing effect intermediary investment companies and even on councillors generally the Government would managed trusts. have to pass a regulation applying the The next question raised by the member provisions to them. I can assure all honourable for Gladstone was: will there be repercussions members that that is not this Government's for the Audit Office or the CJC arising from the intention. reviews? I can assure Mrs Cunningham that In terms of natural justice, a point which there will be no repercussions as a result of the has eluded the Opposition in its cries for the reviews. This Government has an unparalleled suspension or cancellation of Gocorp's licence respect for these bodies and has committed is that the approach ignores the natural justice itself to fully cooperating with the reviews. The provisions of the legislation. The Act provides member for Gladstone asked: did Gocorp get for a mechanism for dealing with difficulties a jump on the other applicants? The answer is: with licence holders, giving them a fair chance no. As I indicated this morning, there was no to present their case before a determination is question of Gocorp having gained any made. I draw the attention of the House to particular benefit from having the first licence sections 44 and beyond, which set out a clear issued. Licences are not limited in number. process. To move as the Opposition has Applications have been received since October proposed would be to penalise all investors in 1998 and are still being received. In fact, two Gocorp, including those who are not the have been lodged in the past week. Having subject of any allegations. Our solution avoids the first licence does not necessarily mean that the undesirable consequences of that action. Gocorp will have the first operational site in Mrs Pratt's amendments seek to add an Queensland. It still has many technical and additional element to the regulation-making financial issues to resolve before operations power by adding an arm's-length requirement. can commence. Importantly, it certainly does Presumably this is to prevent benefits flowing not give Gocorp any exclusivity or privilege. back to a disqualified person. It is not The next issue was the timing and necessary, as the existing legislation prevents meaning of my office memo to the Treasurer's any disqualified person gaining a profit from office. That has previously been explained. I their interest. Where a transaction takes place wish also to mention two other brief points. at less than arm's length and a profit, The member for Gladstone, Mrs Cunningham, monetary or otherwise, is conveyed to the made some reference to what had happened disqualified person, the regulation making when we were in Opposition in relation to powers provide for the forfeiture of that benefit. inquiries and motions of no confidence. I refer In other words, the spirit of what the member is the member to page 2095 of the Hansard for doing is already included in here and therefore 19 August 1997. She will note that none of is not necessary. I would certainly oppose that. these no confidence motions were moved until In terms of the amendments moved by the Supreme Court of Queensland had struck the honourable member for Moggill, having down the Connolly/Ryan inquiry on the basis of had a look at them I feel that they do not add political bias. So the inquiry had finished a great deal to the debate, because in reality before that motion was passed. In terms of the they are covered by the legislation. Since they next item, I refer the member to page 3725 of deal with this particular matter, I cannot see Hansard for 31 October 1996, where she will anybody who would be caught by them. see that a motion of no confidence was However, I do not have any objection to the moved only after the shock resignation of Mr spirit of what the member is trying to do. I have Kenneth Carruthers. In essence, both of those noted the amendments circulated by the were moved after the inquiries had concluded. honourable member. As I said, I must say that I turn to the amendments. The member I see little benefit arising from these for Nicklin raised some issues in relation to amendments. Insofar as they affect the local authority councillors. In relation to the present situation, the amendments would 3158 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999 mean that any present shareholders in these "At page 8, after line 29— categories would need to relinquish their insert— shareholdings. There are no known entities affected, so it is not clear what impact the '(5A) A regulation under subsection (5)(c) changes would have. As far as the future is must provide that the person to whom the concerned, the changes add nothing to the disqualified person is to dispose of the powers currently available under the provisions non-complying interest must be at arm's of proposed new subsection (f) of the length to the disqualified person.'. Government's amendments. However, while I At page 9, after line 5— see little that this change adds to our changes, insert— I am willing to accept them to encourage those opposite to show their commitment to dealing ' "arm's length", for the relationship with the real issues involved here and to put between a disqualified person and their support behind the amendments as a another person, means that the other whole. In the spirit of some consensus, I am person bears no special duty, obligation happy to accept the amendments or other relation to the disqualified foreshadowed by the Leader of the Liberal person.'." Party. The Premier has stated that these Mr Beanland asked whether legal advice amendments are not necessary and, although has been sought on this legislation. The I would prefer to believe the Premier, I have answer is yes. The Solicitor-General has not had a chance to get true legal advice on confirmed that the legislation is a valid this. constitutional exercise of parliamentary Mr Elder: What do you call our true legal powers. advice? I have gone through every issue of Mrs PRATT: I did not see the rest of the substance that has been raised by every pages, either. member in this House. Over the past 30 If the Premier believes, as he said, that minutes I have answered every question that there would be no problem with these words has been raised. There are no outstanding being added, I believe that they should be questions. added because to do so would give the Question—That the Bill be read a second community added assurance in the future. time—put; and the House divided— Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: I rise to support AYES, 42—Attwood, Barton, Beattie, Bligh, Boyle, those amendments—if they do not materially Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Clark, J. Cunningham, change the Bill, and the Premier indicated Edmond, Elder, Fenlon, Foley, Fouras, Gibbs, Hamill, earlier that they do not, and if they do not Hayward, Lavarch, Lucas, Mackenroth, McGrady, unnecessarily complicate the Bill, and the Mickel, Mulherin, Musgrove, Nelson-Carr, Nuttall, Premier indicated earlier that they do not. It Palaszczuk, Pitt, Reeves, Reynolds, Roberts, Robertson, Rose, Schwarten, Spence, Struthers, does make clear that it does not apply just to Welford, Wellington, Wells. Tellers: Sullivan, Purcell close relatives, that is child and spouse, but anyone who may have a perceived tangible NOES, 41—Beanland, Black, Borbidge, Connor, Cooper, E. Cunningham, Dalgleish, Davidson, Elliott, interest in any of the entities that have been Feldman, Gamin, Grice, Healy, Hobbs, Horan, referred to now as "disqualified persons". Johnson, Kingston, Knuth, Laming, Lester, Lingard, These amendments would give some Littleproud, Malone, Mitchell, Nelson, Paff, Pratt, assurance to the community that nobody will Prenzler, Quinn, Rowell, Santoro, Seeney, Simpson, be able to hold shares for somebody in Slack, Springborg, Stephan, Turner, Veivers, waiting. Watson. Tellers: Baumann, Hegarty Some of the concerns that were Pairs: Pearce, Sheldon; Wilson, Goss expressed by the Scrutiny of Legislation Resolved in the affirmative. Committee when we were considering the original interactive gaming Bill, which is now the Act, are covered and clarified by these two Committee amendments. On that basis and on the basis Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— of the assurance and certainty that it will give ALP) (Premier) in charge of the Bill. to members of the community, I support the Clauses 1 to 4, as read, agreed to. amendments and would again seek reasons—definitive reasons—from the Premier Clause 5— why they cannot be included. Mrs PRATT (1.24 a.m.): I move the Mr NELSON: I personally do not see any following amendments— reason at all why these amendments cannot 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3159 be included if the Premier said that the spirit is Mr BEATTIE: We can go on all night already included in the Bill. The simple fact is about this if we wish. It is a different piece of that they are just highlighting a further legislation, it is the context in which it is used precaution. If members opposite take the time and it is the circumstances under which it is to look at the amendments, they will see that inserted. What I am trying to say is: whether the definition of "child" has to be taken into the member accepts my position on this or not account. What if the child was above the age does not matter. What is relevant is that what of 18 and shares or interests and so forth were she is seeking to do is already in the passed on to that child? As far as we can tell legislation. It is already covered. I do not know from the limited information that we have, that why the member wants to add to it. That is the is not covered by this legislation. As far as we point. The member for Barambah is entitled to can tell, the use of the term "at arm's length" her view. I am indicating that we will not accept would make sure that that would not happen. it. She is entitled to pursue it. Let us have a My question is: if it is already included in the vote on it. spirit of the Bill, why can these amendments Mr NELSON: My problem with what the not be included? Premier just said is that we have to take his Mr BEATTIE: I am opposing them for two word for it. We have to take his word that this reasons. The first is that the existing provisions is in the legislation. That is not good enough are absolutely clear. There is no doubt; they for me and I am sure it is not good enough for are absolutely clear. The problem with the a few other members on this side of the amendments is that they are very loosely Chamber. All we have been told is that it is in worded, they could have unintended the legislation. As I said before, if it is already implications and they may achieve something in the legislation and this is not making any that the member did not wish for. They are too fundamental change to the legislation then, loosely worded. even as a matter of good faith, why can this The bottom line is that the member is not be included, even in a further amended seeking to add a dimension that is already form if the Premier has trouble with the Federal there, but she is doing it in a very loosely interpretation of "at arm's length"? The simple worded way. It is already covered. I am not fact is that the Premier is asking us to sit here trying to be difficult. It is not necessary, as the and take his word that this is included in the existing legislation prevents any disqualified legislation. We have not had a chance to go person from gaining a profit from their interest. through it in detail, so how on earth would we Where a transaction takes place at less than know? arm's length, which is not what she is talking Question—That Mrs Pratt's amendments about—this is tighter—and a profit, monetary 1 and 2 be agreed to—put; and the or otherwise, is conveyed to the disqualified Committee divided— person, the regulation-making powers provide AYES, 41—Beanland, Black, Borbidge, Connor, for the forfeiture of that benefit. Cooper, E. Cunningham, Dalgleish, Davidson, Elliott, In the second-reading speech, I went on Feldman, Gamin, Grice, Healy, Hobbs, Horan, at great length about how tough this legislation Johnson, Kingston, Knuth, Laming, Lester, Lingard, was and how it would in fact ensure that what Littleproud, Malone, Mitchell, Nelson, Paff, Pratt, the member opposite is seeking to do would in Prenzler, Quinn, Rowell, Santoro, Seeney, Simpson, fact be achieved. My concern is about the Slack, Springborg, Stephan, Turner, Veivers, wording of her amendment. It is on the record Watson. Tellers: Baumann, Hegarty now. What she is seeking to do is included in NOES, 42—Attwood, Barton, Beattie, Bligh, Boyle, the current legislation. It is unnecessary and if Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Clark, J. Cunningham, it is included in the Bill, it may have some Edmond, Elder, Fenlon, Foley, Fouras, Gibbs, Hamill, unintended consequences that she does not Hayward, Hollis, Lavarch, Lucas, Mackenroth, want. McGrady, Mickel, Mulherin, Musgrove, Nelson-Carr, Nuttall, Palaszczuk, Pitt, Reynolds, Roberts, Mrs PRATT: The Premier stated that this Robertson, Rose, Schwarten, Spence, Struthers, amendment is worded very loosely. It is in fact Welford, Wellington, Wells. Tellers: Sullivan, Purcell taken from Federal legislation. It states— Pairs: Pearce, Sheldon; Wilson, Goss "Parties may be said to be at arm's Resolved in the negative. length if they bear no special duty, obligation or relation to each other." Mr HOBBS: Proposed section 263(4)(c) That is from the Australian income tax guide. states— The amendment is not loosely worded. If it is "... prohibit a disqualified person from good enough in the Federal sphere, surely it is holding an interactive gambling licence or good enough for this Parliament. key person licence." 3160 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 17 Aug 1999

The Premier mentioned that the reason he may have", etc. To me, a disqualified person is has mentioned local government in this Bill is no longer able to have whatever the interest is. virtually to get Councillor Pisasale. That is fine, The Premier is saying that they will not have but down the track others may be involved. the interest, or the extent of their interest will There may be would-be councillors who stand be limited. That seems contradictory. at the next council election whose family may I also seek clarification on proposed have shares in Internet gambling. If these section 263(5)(a), which refers to "stating the particular candidates or their families have disqualified persons to whom the regulation some reasonable holding in relation to Internet applies". As the debate goes on, more and gambling, they may be excluded or they may more appears to be going to be introduced by have some impediment put upon them to regulation. Some of that will have significant dispose of those shares perhaps at a reduced impact. It appears that regulation is going to rate at that particular time. be used in great measure to address any What the Government is really asking us shortcomings in the Bill. to do here tonight is trust it, and it will bring in a I also query the Premier's last answer. He regulation down the track that will or may in appeared to have said that the exclusion of fact involve people, such as a member of the local government councillors from being able Legislative Assembly, a spouse or the child of to have interests in Internet gambling is a member, a councillor or the spouse or child restricted to the Ipswich councillor. It will not of a councillor, and so on. I do not believe that apply to future councillors. It appeared that the we can really say to the Government tonight, Premier said he would remedy what appears "Yes, we give you that right to come in here in to be a grab-all clause by regulation in the the future and introduce a regulation that will future. That appears to be a very untidy way of or may impede on some future councillors." doing it, and I wonder why it was necessary. Mr BEATTIE: Can I give a fuller and more Mr BEATTIE: Can I just deal with a detailed answer to cover the member's number of these issues? There were a number concerns? I did give an answer before. Let me of questions asked by the member for put it on the record so that it is clear. This is Gladstone. One was basically: what does the designed, as I said, to ensure that Pisasale clause regarding limits on the interests of and his family are caught by this. It applies for disqualified persons mean? The legislation this Gocorp licence. We are not intending to basically allows the Government considerable capture local councillors in the future. I flexibility in dealing with the interests of understand the argument that the member disqualified persons through the making of and the Local Government Association have regulations. It is important to recognise that put forward. It will come by way of regulation. the drafting of regulations under this legislation The test of all that is going to be that the will need to be carefully considered because of member can move a disallowance motion on it the very severe impacts it can have on if I do not live up to the commitment that I innocently held shareholdings, often via have just given him on the record. This is not legitimate intermediary investment companies designed to get people in the future. But in and even managed trusts. Now, without that terms of the legal advice we had, the only way flexibility we will not be able, in my view, to that we could get that category—the Pisasale achieve the result we want. I indicated in my family—was to do it this way. second-reading speech and one of the Mr Mackenroth: As Minister for Local contributions I made today the reason why we Government, I am prepared to accept that. have gone down that regulatory road. I stand Mr BEATTIE: Okay. I think I have by what I said in relation to that. answered the honourable member's question. On the issue of the local councillors, what As I said, the regulation will come before the I have said—and I think members heard what I Assembly, and the member can move a said in relation to Howard Hobbs—in relation to disallowance motion if he wants to. the issue of the application of the provisions of Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: Recognising the these amendments to local authorities, the constraints that the Premier had when he was situation is very clear. It has been necessary to trying to answer all the comments and queries include local authority councillors within the made during the debate on the second ambit to ensure that Councillor Pisasale's reading of the Bill, I wonder if he would clarify interest in Gocorp is disposed of once and for again proposed section 263(4)(a), which states all. The consequence of this is that local that there is a regulation which may "prohibit a authority councils are included in the list of disqualified person from having, or otherwise groups to whom the provisions of the limit the extent to which a disqualified person legislation apply. However, to actually have an 17 Aug 1999 Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Amendment Bill 3161 ongoing effect on councillors generally—which Clause 6— is what I was saying before—the Government Dr WATSON (1.51 a.m.): I understand would have to pass a regulation applying the that the Premier is going to accept my provisions to them. I assure all honourable amendments. I move the following members that that is not the intention. amendments— The problem we have is that our legal "At page 9, after line 17— advice states that we cannot name individuals. We have to have a category of people who insert— are in the disqualified persons category. And ' "associated entity", of a registered we do that by including people such as a political party, means an entity whose member of Parliament, a councillor or functions include investing amounts for whatever. The only way that I could ensure the party, but does not include an entity that Councillor Pisasale did not benefit from that carries on an investment business this was to put councillors in for the provision of merely because it invests amounts for the this Gocorp licence alone. I have indicated in party, as well as other persons, in the relation to the question from the member for course of carrying on that business.'. Warrego that we will do it, and then for future At page 9, line 21, 'persons'— measures it will not apply. I cannot be clearer than that. omit. This is very tricky and very difficult legally. I At page 9, after line 26— have some sympathy for the position that the insert— member for Gladstone is putting forward in '(ea) a registered political party within the relation to regulations. But unless we go down meaning of the Electoral Act 1992, or this road, we will not achieve the result that we a senior officer of the party or an want to achieve, that is, to remove the three associated entity of the party;'. Labor identities as well as Navari and Topki. At page 10, after line 1— The other problem is that it has been done this way on legal advice to ensure that insert— the matter cannot be challenged—as much as ' "senior officer", of a registered political one ever can in these legal matters—and it party, means the president, secretary or has been done in this way to ensure that we treasurer of the party or another person get the result that we need. As I said, we have who is concerned with, or takes part in, had to move through this minefield of legal the party's management.'." matters to achieve this result. I think it is pretty The Premier knows the purpose of the straightforward. By doing this through amendments. I accept the fact that the regulations, we table them in this Assembly. Premier has more information than we have. I And if members are unhappy with them, then believe it is reasonable to move the they can move disallowance motions. But in amendments to ensure that no political parties terms of the member for Gladstone's can benefit. I wish to make one further point. questions and in terms of what the honourable When the Premier introduces the TAB member for Warrego asked, I think I have legislation, it would be nice— answered very clearly what our position is. I believe that it overcomes the concerns that Mr Beattie: I knew you were going to say have been enunciated by those members and that. others and the Local Government Association Dr WATSON: I am consistent. When the about councillors generally. I think that is the Premier introduces the TAB legislation we way to achieve it, otherwise we face the would like to see something like this in it. possibility of legal challenges. Mr BEATTIE: The Government does have I have been mindful through all of this more information in terms of who are the that we wanted to avoid any damages being parties. As I said before, this will not have a paid by the taxpayer to any of these practical effect. I do not have any problem with individuals. That is one of the heaviest the spirit of what the Leader of the Liberal responsibilities that one has in this office. The Party is seeking to do. It is perfectly Leader of the Opposition would be aware of reasonable, perfectly rational, and fair. In the the responsibility of trying to avoid exposing spirit of ending up with a good outcome I am the State to litigation. That has been the basis happy to accept the amendments. of the legal advice upon which we have Amendments agreed to. operated. Mr CONNOR: I raise the issue in clause 6 Clause 5, as read, agreed to. concerning disqualified persons. On a number 3162 Adjournment 17 Aug 1999 of occasions the Premier has made it clear correct in his premise but not in his conclusion. that the whole purpose of this Bill is to exclude The list of disqualified persons needed to end the three parties and their spouses— somewhere in terms of the list of specified Mr Beattie: And the two companies. persons. However, the honourable member should note that the list provides that a Mr CONNOR:—and the two companies regulation can be made describing any person from being involved in the licence. I as being a disqualified person irrespective of congratulate the Premier on that aspect. whether they were included on the list. The However, as I understand it, Don Livingstone is honourable member can take this assurance: no longer a staff member of a member of the there should be no doubt of my intentions that Legislative Assembly. Messrs D'Arcy, Pisasale and Livingstone and Mr Beattie: He has been stood down. their spouses and children will have no Mr CONNOR: If he is no longer a staff involvement in Gocorp. Instead of member of a member of the Legislative unnecessarily complicating the legislation, this Assembly—or a Minister—subsection (c) no intention will be achieved with a strong longer applies. regulation. I give that assurance to the Committee. It is on the record. Mr BEATTIE: There are two issues here. The first one is that Mr Livingstone has been Clause 6, as amended, agreed to. stood aside pending the outcome of the Bill reported, with amendments. inquiry. I am happy to share that with the honourable member. Mr Livingstone is still technically within the definition. That is really Third Reading irrelevant because what is important is the Bill, on motion of Mr Beattie, read a third timing. This is retrospective legislation. His time. status will always be there because it was done at the time of the application and he was then a staff member. He is caught forever. It is ADJOURNMENT a relevant point in time. That point in time never moves. That is why it is retrospective. He Hon. T. M. MACKENROTH (Chatsworth— can ride off into the sunset wearing a 10-gallon ALP) (Leader of the House) (1.56 a.m.): I hat and it does not matter. He can be move— unemployed or become a millionaire—it does "That the House do now adjourn." not matter. He will always be caught by the clause dealing with disqualified persons. In relation to the honourable member's point Mackay Permanent Building Society, Emu concerning spouses—I do not know whether Park the honourable member was present at that Hon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) stage. (1.57 a.m.): I wish to place on record from the Mr Connor: Yes, I was here. floor of the Parliament the deep appreciation of the people of Emu Park that the Mackay Mr BEATTIE: I gave an undertaking in Permanent Building Society is going to take up relation to that. an agency in Emu Park and promote its Mr CONNOR: The only part I question is: products. The building society will do this why was it specifically left out? Was it simply because the Rock Building Society, which was an omission or a mistake? It just seems so previously servicing Emu Park through an strange that the other two aspects were agency, is going to leave the area. Emu Park covered. In the other two categories spouses is part of the eighth fastest growing area of were included but in the category of staff Australia. Emu Park was unceremoniously member they were not. It strikes me that it informed a month ago that the Rock agency may create some sort of precedent. I am quite would close at the end of this month. happy to accept the Premier's assurance that The people of Emu Park were somewhat it will be covered in regulations, but it seems outraged. I understand that even the agent strange that a mistake like that would be was not given due notice that this would made. happen. As member, I certainly was not told. Mr BEATTIE: It was not a mistake. For The first I knew about it was when somebody the information of the Committee, let me rang me and got into me about it. Within days repeat what I said before. This is an important I called a public meeting which was very well point. We have thought this through and I attended. We had a packed hall at the Emu want it to be on the record so that everyone Park Cultural Centre. To his credit, Kerry Daly, understands. The honourable member was the director of the Rock Building Society, 17 Aug 1999 Adjournment 3163 turned up and faced the music. I would like to Cairns Base Hospital Redevelopment say that I ran a tightly controlled meeting. Ms BOYLE (Cairns—ALP) (2.02 a.m.): I However, the Rock Building Society did am pleased to tell the House of a really forget the fact that, although not everybody in important event in Cairns that will happen on Emu Park actually supported the agency, lots Saturday, 21 August. At the Cairns Base of people in Emu Park are financing houses, Hospital, we will be having an open day for the boats and cars and they have shares in the new building that is part of the redeveloped Rock Building Society. Yet the Rock Building Cairns Base Hospital. By heavens, I must tell Society was not prepared to carry this agency. members of the House that it has been a long They did not demonstrate that the agency was time coming. As it happened, in 1988 I was a not making a profit. That question was asked member of the then Cairns Hospitals Board from the floor of the meeting. The answer was when the members of the board stood on a given that they did not really delve into those deck in the hospital and looked at each other matters. So for all we know, the agency could and said, "This hospital is too small. It is a have been making a profit. serious problem when we do not have enough However, if we were to have lost that theatres at this hospital and when we are so agency, it simply means that people would be short on room." forced to go to Rockhampton or Yeppoon to cash their cheques or to receive their cash. If It has been a long saga through changes they did that, they would not be spending their of Government for us to get a decision on the money in Emu Park. That meant that the redevelopment of the Cairns Base Hospital, for business houses and, indeed, all would be far that decision to be made with regard to on-site worse off. I think what angered the people of redevelopment and then, of course, for the the Livingstone Shire was that at the meeting building works to be undertaken leading us to a petition with over 500 signatures was the point where, on this Saturday, the people presented to Kerry Daly. In addition, at that of Cairns are invited to tour this magnificent meeting a number of letters were given to him new building, which will be home to intensive which indicated that people would change their care, theatres, emergency, women's health, accounts. The Rock Building Society medical imaging and medical records. countered by suggesting that the Livingstone I am one of those lucky people who, Shire take out interest bearing deposits with thanks to this position that I hold, has had a the society—and they did have some—but at preview tour. It is a splendid building. It is the a lesser rate of interest. That would have best in design of modern medicine and meant that the Livingstone Shire ratepayers, nursing. I am sure that it will be a building that pensioners and other people would be will be cherished, as it were, by the people of subsidising this multimillion-dollar company to Cairns so much because it has been so long in the extent of over $25,000 per annum. Quite coming and so much because we know that it obviously, that is not on. Nobody would expect will be a building that will house care in the the shire to accept that. I really do not know most important times of need. Tonight, I would what the Rock Building Society was on about particularly like to recognise the staff of Cairns and has been on about with this closure. Base Hospital, who have been present during In addition, in my view, the Rock Building this dreadful 11 years while they—we—have Society has thrown the good people of Emu fought for this redevelopment. They have Park out of that close-knit family that bonded been consulted, they have discussed, have around the Rock Building Society. So we took reviewed and reviewed again and fought for a stand, and a very strong stand indeed. Now the funds through various Governments to we are going to get a service which at this ensure that we got not just any redevelopment point indicates will be better than ever before. but truly a redevelopment that will last Cairns It is the same situation as those people of for at least the next 10 years. I believe that, Ubobo who protested when Telstra tried to particularly through the efforts of the staff who take away their public telephone box. Frankly, would not settle for second best, on Saturday little people in small areas have had a gutful of we really are going to see a building that is this sort stuff. We expect a fair, decent go. We splendid and that really will lead Cairns in believe that we had done the right thing in public hospital care into the next century. supporting the Rock Building Society and, frankly, could not believe that it would find it We are doing something that I suppose is more profitable to go to Sydney and not usual, and that is having a sausage sizzle Melbourne and try to do deals there for higher- at the hospital in the grounds on Saturday and priced houses and throw us at Emu Park out inviting people of all ages not because they of the Rock Building Society family. We were are sick or in need but simply to take pride in not prepared to accept it. their public hospital, to come and have a look 3164 Adjournment 17 Aug 1999 before, in fact, the building is declared significant role in better educating and operational, and it will be operational. Over the assisting not only visitors but also next several weeks, each department will Queenslanders about this place. Ted was left move progressively into the new building and with no alternative but to accept redundancy. there will then be an official opening. However, Although a man of some 54 years of age, he I am pleased to say that the people of Cairns could have expected and was still capable of will have the opportunity to see the building for many years of service. themselves, to remark at the theatres and the In recent times, what has happened to amazing equipment, to see the views of the Ted and others who have given loyal, Cairns Esplanade and Trinity Inlet from the dedicated service to the complete satisfaction women's health unit and from the labour ward, of members, certainly on this side of the and to see the space that is allowed for the House, will be issues that I believe will certainly expansion that reflects the tremendous growth be canvassed at the forthcoming Estimates that Cairns has had and will, in likelihood, committees. Certainly, on behalf of members continue to have over the next 10 years. of the National/Liberal coalition, I extend to It is a building to be proud of. It is a Ted Newton our thanks and best wishes for his building that is beautiful in design for its past services and wish him the very best for a specific purposes. However, it is also a building long, healthy and happy future. that is close to the hearts of the people of Cairns. There is no more important building I take a few moments to look at some of that a Government can ever commission for the roles that Ted has played in this place. He people in any community than that of a public came to the House in March 1973. He was hospital. So it will indeed be a proud day on involved originally with the refreshment rooms Saturday, and a day on which I hope that under the supervision of Marj Glennie. Upon thousands of people in Cairns will take the the retirement of the clerk to the Subordinate opportunity to come and see their new Legislation Committee, Mr Mervyn Newberry, building, the redeveloped Cairns Base Hospital Ted was promoted to take his place. Very started by the Goss Government, completed shortly after that, the Select Committee of by the Beattie Government. Inquiry into Education was set up under the chairmanship of Mike Ahern, MLA. Ted was attached to that committee full time, acting as Mr T. Newton a secretary for the period of its existence. Mr BEANLAND (Indooroopilly—LP) When that committee concluded its (2.07 a.m.): It is with great sadness that last deliberations and reported, he was promoted Friday evening I attended with others a to the position of Clerk of Papers, which is now function to farewell Ted Newton, the protocol the Bills and Papers Office. officer of this Parliament. From March 1973, In 1985, as a result of the reorganisation Ted Newton had worked in this place in a of the parliamentary service, Ted was range of positions. Ted was respected for his appointed as travel officer, coordinating all services to the Parliament and his fellow staff official travel for members and parliamentary members and members of the coalition have staff. In late 1991, he was advised by the then nothing but the highest praise for his work. Speaker, the Honourable Jim Fouras MLA, Ted had a special history and knowledge that he was planning to create a unit known as of the institution, so necessary when dealing Education and Protocol. Ted was offered the with people in relation to this Parliament. position of protocol officer—an offer that he However, I believe that the way in which Ted accepted with pleasure. Ted took up that Newton was forced to leave this place, his position at the beginning of 1992. place of employment, was a disgrace. From 1992 to the fall of the Goss Recently, a survey was undertaken into the Government, the position was subject to role of the Education and Protocol Office—a continual development. With the election of Mr survey in which certainly members from this Speaker Turner, the position became one of side to whom I have spoken indicated nothing expanding variety, involvement and challenge but the highest support and praise for the role both for the Parliament as an institution and played by the Protocol and Education Office in for meeting the protocol and related needs of promoting this Parliament and certainly had individual Ministers, members and other every confidence in Ted Newton as protocol external client groups. Of course, all of us have officer. experienced Ted's ability to assist in this area This Parliament can be rightly proud of and to make our visitors and the dignitaries the work undertaken by the Protocol and who came to this place feel at ease and Education Office—an area that has played a appreciate the workings of the House. 17 Aug 1999 Adjournment 3165

Upon the election of Mr Speaker in 1998, The third project will provide work for 20 despite the fact that Ted's responsibilities long-term unemployed people to help remained largely unchanged, he was construct a heritage museum at the North Pine nevertheless informed that, as a result of an Country Park. This museum will preserve the administrative decision, most of his work would history of our area for future Queenslanders, be allocated to other staff. This has had the as well as provide an additional tourist facility effect of making him as a parliamentary officer at the already popular tourist park. With a basically redundant. It is not that the tasks no State Government grant of $276,000, this longer exist, but they have been moved project is jointly managed by Career Solutions, elsewhere by an administrative decision that a community employment agency, and the has led to Ted's redundancy, which occurred Pine Rivers Shire Council. It is scheduled for last Friday. I believe that it is a very sad official opening on Australia Day 2000. situation indeed when people who have given The fourth project is also being such long and dedicated loyal service to this coordinated by Career Solutions and aims to Parliament are treated in such a fashion. Our provide work experience and training in best wishes go to Ted for a long, happy and aspects of horticulture and environmental healthy retirement. restoration. The participants are working at the Time expired. Bunya Environmental Centre and the Pine Rivers Shire Council nursery to receive on the job training in a nursery situation. Their goal is Employment Initiatives in Kurwongbah to propagate native flora species in order to Mrs LAVARCH (Kurwongbah—ALP) provide sufficient stock for the planned (2.12 a.m.): I am delighted to inform the revegetation program in the region. I recently House that over 60 unemployed people in the met one of the groups working on this scheme Pine Rivers area have now been provided with at the Bunya Environmental Centre. I can paid work thanks to the Beattie Labor inform the House that not only have they Government's Breaking the Unemployment embraced the project but they are thoroughly Cycle initiative. In the Pine Rivers area, four enjoying their work. very worthwhile projects have received funding As honourable members can see, those under this initiative and, as the second round community job projects have provided of the Community Jobs Plan is open for comprehensive employment initiatives in Pine submissions, it is my hope that other Rivers. However, the employment community groups within my electorate will opportunities in Pine Rivers do not stop here. seek funding for these worthwhile community State Development, under the stewardship of projects. Deputy Premier Jim Elder, is generating great The four projects funded under the initiatives for Queensland. It was instrumental Breaking the Unemployment Cycle initiatives in having the New Zealand company Mills-Tui cover a wide range of jobs and skills training. set up its Australian base at Brendale in my One project is employing 21 people to electorate. Its special vehicle manufacturing rehabilitate the wetlands around one of our works will provide up to 70 jobs. area's earliest homes, which incorporates a Another significant employment initiative heritage listed grove of trees. With a grant of is the HITT scheme that is administered by the $250,000, BIGA, a local non-profit training Department of Public Works and Housing. A organisation, is training the participants in Bray Park housing project funded under this horticultural and landscape skills. In turn, the scheme has seen a jobs boost for the youth of project will assist in improving the native flora Pine Rivers. These initiatives and opportunities and fauna habitat of the wetlands, as well as are putting the Beattie Government in good creating a nature boundary around the stead to reach its 5% unemployment target in heritage listed trees. Pine Rivers. Another project has given 10 unemployed people the opportunity to learn computer skills to enable them to provide diagnostic services Mr T. Newton and reports for year 2000 compliance. This Mrs GAMIN (Burleigh—NPA) (2.16 a.m.): info-tech training program will train and provide I am proud to call myself a friend of Ted paid employment over a three month period Newton, who was an officer of this Parliament within the Pine Rivers, Caboolture and for almost 30 years and who finished up last Redcliffe areas. This very relevant project is Friday, having been told that his services to being run by the community agency East the protocol office are no longer required by Coast Training and Employment. the Parliament. The member for Indooroopilly 3166 Adjournment 17 Aug 1999 used the term "redundancy"—in other words, years. He really deserved promotion. I certainly he got the sack. did not expect to see him get the sack. Ted has always been wonderfully helpful The Parliament is the people's House and and kind, not only to me personally but to all surely its staff do not deserve to be tangled up members who have come to him for advice in the political machinations of the Labor Party. and assistance. He would do anything for you Government members should hang their and he has done so much for so many of us. heads in shame at what is happening to this Every single electorate officer over the whole Parliament. I know that individual members on 89 electorates speaks highly of Ted. Electorate the Government side have privately expressed officers up and down the State say that, of all concern to Ted and sorrow at what has the parliamentary officers they deal with, he happened to him, so I am surprised and has been the one who has been unfailingly shocked that I have not seen a public display helpful. They speak more highly of Ted than of of support for Ted Newton coming from the any other officer in the Parliament. Government benches. Labor members, whether in Government as they are now or My friendship with Ted goes back a long when they were in Opposition, have received way. He was one of the first parliamentary an enormous amount of assistance from this officers whom I got to know when I first came officer. They have been pleased to be on the into this place in 1988. All members who come receiving end. It is about time they gave into this place on a by-election know just how something back. hard it is. One's colleagues say, "Welcome to the Parliament", and then they promptly forget Ted Newton has served this Parliament the new member. They dash off on their well. His loyalty to the Parliament is unquestioned. I think it is shameful that a fascinating and complex affairs and they never dedicated officer of his calibre should be give them another thought. One is completely summarily dismissed in such a cavalier lost, and does not know how to find the toilets fashion—"Your services are no longer let alone the Bills and Papers Office, the bloke required." So much for staff morale, natural who will fix a pager or the travel section, which justice and good industrial relations! After all of Ted managed when I first came to this place. those years of exemplary service he has been Ted was really good to me way back then. We dismissed. What a disgraceful way to treat a kept in contact during my enforced absence loyal and trusted servant of the public and this for three years and we have cemented our firm Parliament. I want Ted to know that at least on friendship and professional association since I this side of the House his friendship has been returned to this place in 1992. Ted was a greatly valued. We are very sad for him, and fountain of advice and he has helped me out the Queensland Parliament will sorely miss his many times with special interest tours and services. I wish him well in his future many other aspects of parliamentary service to endeavours and I look forward to our the community. continued friendship. I have heard some pretty corny jokes, I have learned some good cooking hints and I World War II Veterans now understand more about the Anglican Church. Ted's friends who have tried out his Mrs ATTWOOD (Mount Ommaney—ALP) recipes hope that he will compile a cookery (2.20 a.m.): Last Sunday I had the privilege of book. I have come to appreciate Ted's attending the anniversary celebrations of the profound knowledge of Parliament and its Allied victory in the Pacific. The 54th habits and customs, his comprehensive anniversary of the end of the Pacific war understanding of the evolution of what we call contrasted greatly with the celebrations of four the Westminster system of Government and years ago. The 50th anniversary was marked his deep and abiding love for this institution, by exhibitions depicting women in war and the the Parliament of Queensland. famous troop train that travelled the length of the State. I vividly remember the photographic His appointment to the protocol section exhibition celebrating the efforts and some years ago gave the Parliament a great endeavours of women. These women were boost. Only in June an internal review was depicted driving trucks, supplying troops and conducted and Ted received glowing running farms while the menfolk were away. bipartisan comments on his work and how They were also depicted performing important valuable he was to the Queensland nursing duties for wounded soldiers and kept Parliament. I was delighted to be asked to the wheels of industry turning by working as take part in that review and I had hoped to see mechanics, welders, fitters, electricians, Ted recognised for his sterling efforts over the assembly line workers and all manner of other 17 Aug 1999 Adjournment 3167 technical occupations. The troop train captured and became prisoners of war. Yes, transported veterans along the coastal rail they also fought for our country and took care route. The train stopped at most of the towns, of our soldiers. To me these women are also hamlets and sidings that the troop train our heroes. They have some interesting stories stopped at during the Second World War. I am to tell about their time in the service and their sure that many honourable members would horrific experience in the war prisons. remember the significant commemorative At present, some of them are travelling events. Over 400,000 people visited that around the country gathering support and exhibition. funding to build their own war memorial in It is proper to celebrate the achievements Canberra. It was a great pleasure for me to of those who risked their lives and sometimes meet one of these extraordinary women at a paid the ultimate price for their country. At the VIEW Club meeting a number of weeks ago. I time, there were many reports in both the print came out of the meeting wondering how this and electronic media covering these events. brave woman actually survived the experience This media coverage also encouraged the and how she even managed to talk about her younger post war generation, including me, to experience without displaying her emotions. discover more about this heritage and the sacrifices made in securing our great country It seems that these nurses have been and our freedom. This extensive media forgotten and their achievements have not coverage contrasted greatly with the amount been fully recognised. The Returned & of coverage provided last Sunday. Not one Services League has already contributed to representative of the media, either television, this campaign to build a war memorial for the radio or newspaper, attended the 54th nurses. Why should these women have to anniversary celebration at Anzac Square. I am raise funds to build their own memorial? Surely sure that honourable members would agree the Federal Government should put its hands that we must recognise the efforts, sacrifices in its pockets and build this memorial for them. and achievements of our veterans. What is the problem? Has the Federal Government become as lax as the media in The number of Second World War relation to adequate recognition of the efforts veterans is steadily decreasing. It will not be of these individuals? How quickly we forget. too long before these anniversaries will be held When somebody wins a tournament, we do without any of the original participants present. not ask them to buy their own trophy. These I think the media should make the most of war nurses deserve to be remembered, too. I these opportunities to celebrate and am sure honourable members would agree remember these fine former servicemen and that it should be the national Government that women who risked their lives to give us the builds this memorial—without question, without peace that we experience today. Let us not restraint, and without contribution from the forget. nurses. We should all support the men and Our war memorials were built to last and women who fought in World War II in all their are a constant reminder to us of those who various capacities. May they long be died for our country and fought for our remembered by us and by future freedom. There are many war memorials to Governments. commemorate our soldiers, but what of our nurses who also risked their lives in war-torn Motion agreed to. countries? Some of these war nurses died The House adjourned at 2.25 a.m. whilst tending to the wounded. Some were (Wednesday)