County Leader Xfew§paper§ .VOL.59 NO.36 SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, May 26, 1988—2* Two. Motions M< isretirir Uy DOMINICK CUINCOLI JR. • In 1981, the rotating book collecli - • Springfield will bo saying goodbye to ils library zens, a program in which a bimonthly~~sclcction of director of Ihe past seven years, Cyrithia Josephs, who 200-250 books is brought to the senior citizens resi- Bavarian Festival is set Sunday dence on Independence Way; Mu ic for retires on May 31.. ' „__ The Bavarian Club of Newark ? listening and danc- "The years I spent with the Springfield Public Library fn 1981, a similar program institute!) for'frpHYn;- -and-thc-Gcrman^CIub-of-Clarlc—ing_will_be_pro¥idcdJbyahe_Ncw. , field's parochial St. James school; Enlertainmenl Knick6rbockersr~A _i_jwcrc_lho_happjcst_prprcssionsl_ycars_pf_my life," she will hold a one-day Maypole/ Jersey " said. •' • In 1982-, a paperback book exchange at IIK- CI in:nun- Bockbicr Festival Sunday at the Alpine bell ringer also will enter- tain during the festival. "It was a pleasure to work in a town where llie library ily swimming pool; Dcutscher Club Clark Picnic was appreciated, financially supported and used by the • In 1985, at her urging, tho installation of au.'onai.-d Grove, 787 featherbed Lane, The picnic will include such people." . ...-•• library services to. cover business operations 'iich .is - AIDS benefit slated at Clark. Morq information can be. food as roast beef and jx>rk on the obtained by calling 574.8600. spit, ochsenbraten; Bavarian brat- "In this era of automatic teller machines, lhc Spring- library statislics, book ordering and cataloging;- < A special performance of Mctz, who plays Mabel, one of Paper Mill's production of wurst, potato pancakes and other field Public Library delivered personalized, friendly • In 1987-1988, a school and library cooperation' grant • 2 "Mack and Mabel" to benefit the Hollywood's funniest comedicn- . "Mack and Mabel" is directed by A complete program of family German and American delicacies. service on a consistent basis. I was graced with a given Ihe-Springficld Public Library by.lhe st;ilc _|_JHyacintb Foundation AIDS ncs and a star in Keystone Come- Robert Johanson with musical entertainment will be presented There also will be an ice cream ,wonderful..staff and have always,enjoyed a good rela- Jersey in recognition of die library's highly wig^al v Project will bo held at tlie Paper - dies, recently appeared in die" -directiotr~by~Lnrry-~BlankpThc featuring tlie dancing of tlie Bava- parade for the children. ", " . tionship with trustees'of the library and thp Township proposal-to train the Springfield seventh- •Ind cighili- g Mill Playhouse, Brookside Drive, National Tour of "Stop the World scctiic design is by Michael rian Club of Newark and their •' The festiviticswill begin at- Committee." gradcNUudcnts how to use the library to mc.-.i -.,oi only1 3 Millburt, June 21 beginning at.8 ,— I Want to Get Off witli Anania, and Scott Salmon will children's group. noon and continue to 10 p.m. Josephs, began working • al the Springfield • Public academic but consumer needs. provide (lie choreography. § p.m. • ' Anthony Newley. Library in.-1973.ln 1978 she left to work at the'Chatham In 1986, the selection of Springfield library lo be -g—Songwriter—Jerr-y—Herman—-The—Hyacinth—Foundation- (or two years, relUriTing~ro~ the pioneer location ol the new library mlomiauon O selected the Paper Mill to AIDS Project reportedly is New Springfield in 1980 to serve as library director. z premiere the, new version of his Jersey's leading AIDS service ' networking scheme that is now statewide. ' . • r> musical, which stars Lee Horsley organization offering direct Learn to swim Josephs' enthusiasm for the position is evidenced by A farewell party was given recently in honor of "§ and Janet Mctz. It tells a story of support services to People With attheY her many accomplishments:' . . • • Josephs' diligent service to ihe community She is retir- -^the^ tempestuous—romance —AIDSrthpsc^whotestposi live- to • • ' . . ' '' . _ • . ' , I'llOlCI II) JOL I • . The service center for ihe blind and handicapped,Tor _ing becauscj>rhcr husbnnd.'s job_opporijirti;y_in.Cliica-_. .3- .between silent film producer HIV, and the families, friends and Summer classes begin in : WELlr^^Cynthia^Josephsmakes preparationsto-exit her position-as -Spring--" whicirSprihgfickl PiiblifT Library"was'select'cirijccnusc"1 go. She plans,to find work in 'the'Chicago area1 public -Q Mack Sennet and his leading lady other loved ones. . ' field Public Library Director. She "plans to move to Chicago with her family: of ils fine rcpulalion'ih the slate of ; .. school system. . ' - - •"- Mabel Normand. "Hytelntlr seivices include—a-—H~ our outdoor pool in June was written ygTpg by Herman and Michael Stewart, tccr companions for People With ^CALLFORA tlie creators of "Hello Dolly!" AIDS, a network of local support BROCHURE & INFORMATION —Herman^Iso-wrote-llie-music-and—groupsfunctioning-in-seven-coun- lyrics for "Mamc" and "La Cage ties, legal, advocacy and referral FIVFPDTNTSTMCfl AuxFpllcs." ' ' services and on-going AIDS By DOMINICK CRINCOU .lit. The outhouse was in fashion and Modem.methods of filtration and work- in the shop during .vanimc." ScnnclLis. played by Horsley, education programs. The Foiinda- It was rustic heaven; a place where cesspools were hidden beneath'' a Inp wnti-.r h^ing r»n<;piriiniKly who starred for three seasons in Uon also .maintains' a toll-free cool and verdant pastures yicluV-.l ic concrete., slab right in the middle of 1 absent, residents required tlie services ' In .195'' she lefi Picatinny to work . the ABC-TV .scries "Matt Hous---AIDS information and referral ABOUT gently hills. It was a'plna of the front la>vn. • of u well digger to~.obiain water as a mine's aide at the (.Ircynone. • 688-9622 POINTS DAY CAMP : ton" and also appeared recently in hot lino: 1-800-433-0254. • apple orchards, sago fields and hick Martin remembers, "The well digger >•'¥".:•,:*: •"• ~"?M YMCA so n 0 "The first church in Springfield Park Slate Mental Hospitul until I9(>3 tlie mini-series "North and South: ""Reservations for the June 21 oryjujurecs 2rJi!?iL l 5L'!'I18_ J-l!_plL _would _corhc_an from, class to class — she thought"! Currently she is a licensed Realtor Vance of Older Americans Month. had a voice:-. .-•'.' with Lisiiier and.WilliiimsonRealiy Her Ruby Street residence, was "You could-gather hazelnuts along Associates in Newark, a voluntary once the site of u substantial pig and South Springfield Avenue. We used '"If all tho world was apple pie and companion for a woman surviving on chicken farm. Wintor nights would to ride down Hillside Avenue on a all tho sea was ink, if all the trees a kidney dialysis machine, a salesper- find her sleeping on a metal bed in a homemade wooden wagon with baby were bread and cheese, what would son for Mason shoes and" Avon and, wooden shack by the chicken yard; carriage wheels. When we played in we have to drink?'" as she puts it — the Lord willing — someone'kccp the potbellied the woods we built our own seesaw Springfield had no high school intends to continue indefinitely. stove burning or the baby chicks by bending a young tree to the then, so Martin was bused to Wcsi- would freeze to death. ground — pushing it up with our ficld High, whore she attended up lo "My mother died at 98. I intend to Pork was seasoned in a hbme- feet," she said. the 12th grade. Racial tension made it live dial long and then some." _madc_smolcchouso—built, as was -dfffiralrfDrhcrto-ridirthc-bnirnrrd-bc- everything on the farm, by the hands "Wo used to wulk to Vauxhallj acceptcd Mn high school. "I had to Martin is the daughter of Mr. and of her father. The doors of the house Kcnilworth, Summit and even South fight like mad," she recalled. Mrs. Benjamin Franklin, who remained unlocked,. and many Mountain Rcscrvation...could'nt get migrated' to Springfield from Geor- summer evenings were spent sleep- there any oilier way. We used lo go Marlih graduated from Simplex gia. She is the mother of two daught- : • I'hntii lly Koniulli Sclumklei ing on the front porch. Automobiles into orchards and cai the black cher- Beauty College in Newark, in 1942. ers: Betty Wiggins, 42, of Vauxhall were an abstract concept, and one ries off of the trees on a Hillside She ran her own beauty salon from and Mary Dclillc, 44, of Newark, needed a horse and buggy just to Avenue farm, and sometimes we'd 1944-1950, after which time she both .of whom are graduates of REMEMBERS THE .EARLY DAYS — Sprtngfielder' purchase groceries in downtown crawl on underneath those trees and decided to work for the Piciitinny Jonathan Dayton Regional High Anna Martin recalls the early days of the township. She Newark.' smoke rabbit tobacco." Arsenal. "It was hard to find girls to School in Spring! K'HI. has. resided in the community since 1917. Cops search for thieves Town salutes health foundation Springfield police are warning deceiving residents by telling By DOMINICK CRINCOLI JR. residents, especially the eldorly, them that they will fix their other ncuro-muscular disorder, the "Prisoners of War and Missing in the Sandmcicr School field. The Springfield Township about men claiming to be homo driveway, roof, windows, and strikes chi!crrcrnmd adults and is Action." The committee voted unani- The game is sponsored by Spirit of Committee saluted dio Garden State improvement specialists "at cut - other household items. One will characterized by a restriction in the mously to fly a POW/MIA flag at the Springfield, Inc., a local fundraising Chapter of the Myastlicnia Gravis - rates" who havo been plundering divert the attention of the home- control of voluntary muscles. Springfield town square. outfit that seeks lo benefit groups-in Foundation for its continued efforts thp homes of some Springfield owner while the other proceeds In-other business, certified public The previous POW/MIA flag has 'town such as. the First Aid Squ.iu, fa treating and evaluating the disease residents; approximately five to ransack tho home, police said. accountant Lewis Hatcher was unani- been taken down from the town Fire Department-,-Police-Uop.wmc^i- by declaring tho week of May 22-28 , such incidents have occurred in Residents arc urged to mously appointed and welcomed to square flag pole • in recent months • arid Recreation Department. FA Myusthenia Gravis Foundation the last year, according to police promptly report any such suspi- the Mayor's Financial Advisory because the elements have rendered it more information about ;he game Week. Tho declaration of support records. . '-. , cious activity to thc-^policc. Board. Hatcher was commended for tattered and otherwise unfit [or use. call the recreation office Anyone who suspects such was made at tho committee's Tues- stepping forward of his own accord Councilman Sy Mullmon encour- 595 CHESTNUT ST. UNION day night meeting. Police officer Ronalu M. Sasileo . Men ranging from the ago of activity should call police at and volunteering his services to the aged the public to attend this was selected lo participate in the N J. WMWM : 201-686-6566 •20 to 50,'working in tandem, are 376-0400. Tho ncuro-muscular disease, community. Sunday's Springfield Police Depart- Division' of Criminal Justice. He was' which reportedly affects-citizens of Mayor Jeffrey Kaly. also expressed inent versus New York fiianul snfi- _gniaUul_a_lc4ve-of-abseH«.o-by-llib- "Northern NoW-JcrsoyTnoToThTnTTIny"" tho township's continued support for ball game scheduled to take place at township committee for this purpose. Annual parade Tho Springfield Volunteer .Flro This year's grand marshal is Joe Department's annual Memorial Day Morris from the Veterans of Foreign Holiday closings Parade:will begin at 10 a.m. on Wars.. School offers wide variety Tho following is a schedule of Monday ,from Short Hills Avenue Any organization that would, like closings for the Memorial Day By PAUL PEYTON fall term came largely from the and down Morris Avonuo to tho to march and has not signed up unable to use printed information. holiday. | • The Union County Regional Adult "They may bo able to read words, requests of the lay advisory councils Town Hall where a ceremony will should call Marcel Campion at- Banks Closed School a wide range but they cannot interpret what they in each of the district's .four high 379-5490, or tho firohouse. Buses.. Wcoken'i schedule of now courses this fall, from income aro reading," says Kopp."'All of this schools. Garbage collection ,r No pickups lax preparation to finding that special translates into possible mistakes, "They aro the eyes and ears of the Libraries.m Closed single person. _ reduced productivity. It increases the .community," she says.' "They share' Municipal offices ...... C\,MII Inside story- Tlio adult school offers courses in need Cor.supervision and it leads to those thoughts with me. They -give County offices' County ....' Pages 8,9 the areas of vocational, technical, accidents." me ideas for new courses as well as Slate offices...! ClosnJ Editorial < Page 4 career and basic skills. Kopp says companies aro looking new instructors." Federal offices Closed Obituaries • Pago 19 Nancy Anno Kopp, director of the to the adult schools to provide train- The new offerings inolude certifi- Post office....'. Closed Photo forum..... Page 4 adult school'since, July, says the ing in job-related areas. .-, cate and insurance licensing courses. Schools..., Closed Religious News. -Pages 17,18 regional district is responding to tlie Companios, she says, often relo- Local insurance companies made a Trains Weekend schedule ' ,Sp6rts •„.., Pages 20-23 need for a skilled work force in Now cate to areas where education is request to the district to offer such All offices of County Lead' > Jersey. offered on all lovels to all ago'groUps~ courses: - " Newspapers will be .closed ivi lnl~dcus "Many employers have identified ,... "Worker education training is A training course for the New Union County observance of the holiday, ('revs Business directory. Pages 22,23 the need for stronger basic skills plus . becoming a major factor in compa- Jersey stato pesticide license will be releases for the issue of Jinu- 's •T o urn am e nt vocational training u> accomplish tlio nies' relocation decisions," says : offered this year, Expanded courses Classified „ Pages 9-18 must bo-in oui Union oilier.— tasks thut uro required In'.'today's Kopp. • Crossword ...... ;...TTT...... T.. Page 8 action = See Pdge g 1291 Stiiyvosanl Avc., by 4 p.m. work place and that will also be Entertajrunont Pages 7,24 Wlion tho fall term begins in Those persons interested in assist- • tomorrow. The deadline for 20. required in the future," says Kopp. Horoscope. , ;...... Pago 8 October, a number of now,courses ing certified public accountants letters to the editor is noon 'Lottery...... Page 3 She says over 23 million American will be available, according to Kopp. duriiiR tax season will have an oppor- tomorrow.

•sf 2 — Thursday, May 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS Cozy Corner school 2,3,4* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- ThursdayrMay 2671988"— 3

(Continued from Page 1) parents and their infants. The infant area of arts and crafts. The new offer- lunily to take a course titled Income courses include a gym_prpgram for.- ings -are--Wreath -Making/Seasonal plans open house - ^itt]r^ji^ojf^Tmpl^^^—Crafu-and-Paper-Folding;-Paper "The Cozy Corner Play School er.jourjhe Cozy Comer T Other new offerings, Kopp says, aiso Tiny Dancers and Tiny Sculpture, ...... ' Center in Berkeley Hcights~ wiH "Governor Livingston and gather entertain include the Basic Desktop Publishing Tumblers: Kopp says a whale-watching trip conduct an Open House on June 2 information on this nursery school The David Brcarley High School and Appleworks courses. A course _ In order, to help parents with over- to Cape Cod, Mass., is being planned from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at its location in program, which will operate from. Choral Singers, a group of 20 girls titled T.V. Commercials/Soap Operaf/'weight children, the- adult school is for the Columbus Day weekend in the Governor Livingston Regional .7:30 a.m. to 5:30 pjn., five days per Acting has also been added-Io the fall working with Children's Specialized October. In addition to this, trip, a . High School, Watchung Boulevard. week during the 1988/89 school year^_ and-16~boysrcntertalned"98~Kenil~ —schedule. -HospitaUn. Mountainside-toform the- -foliago-tour-Tis—tontatively^.being_ Parents-whose-children arc More information on this Open worth senior citizens wiUiIO of their "I think the acting class will be course called Changing Shapes Takes 'planned to the Berkshire Mountains currently enrolled in the Cozy Corner House and the Cozy Corner program favorite numbers at their May Birth- I— popular," says Kopp. "It's going to More Than Dreams. in Massachusetts. A trip to the John program and/or those who are search- can be obtained by contacting Mary day Party. The girls wore jade gowns bo limited to a certain number of Two new one-night nutrition Wanamakers store in Philadelphia is ing for a nursery school program for Ann Kjctsaa,'program dircctor.'at the and the boys formal attire. The group students. We have a lot of talent in . courses will be offered, in October, also on the fall agenda for the first -thcir-youiigster-are-cordially invited Governor Livingston Regional High won two bronze medals recently in this area." says K6pp. What You Read Is What week in December. to attend. Visitors can meet the tcach- .School at 464-3100. ' the Bahama islands competition. The acting course will bo offered You Get, and You. Are What You One-night courses for single Included in the group were several at. the Arthur L. Johnson Regional Eat! will be offered. Tho first course. people have been added to the adult talented athletes and students. ' High School in Clark and tho Gover- Will focus on how to read labels, school this year. They include Meet- nor Livingston High School in Berk- while the second offering will be ing Pepplo Easily, Commitment in School lunches The group sang the "Happy Birth- eley Heights. . ' •"• taught by a registered dietician. Relationships, Travel for Singles, day Song" to the. following seniors: REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS WEDNESDAY, spaghetti with meat A .new area of courses will be Kopp says exercise courses will be Writing/Answering Personal '• Ads, Florence Bums, Andrew Capinns, FRIDAY, pizza, batter dipped fish sauce, bread and butter, tossed salad offered next semester to give assis- offered in.all four of the regional and an in-lown weekend event called sub on bun, cheese.wedge, salami with dressing, fresh fruit, hot south- Gen. Devlin, Ed Ferguson, Margaret tance to -parents in raising their • high schools. Courses will be offered ThcTimcof Your "Singles" Life. sandwich, carrot and celery sticks, ern baked pork roll on bun, potatoes, Fiorcllinb, William Fischer, Lena children. to senior citizens as woll as younger An ovcnlng lecture 'titled How to- vegetable, fruit, large salad platter, cold submarine sandwich with Kaufman, Liesel Rcimers,_Anna Courses in this area include Deve- persons, who are in need of more Find a Romantic Partner Even Your with bread and butter, homemade lettuce—large salad -platter, home- Sabolchick, Marga Vocgelc, May loping Self-esteem in Children — 10 active physical fitness courses. Mother Will Like will be held at the soup,' desserts, milk; MONDAY, made soup, desserts, milk; THURS- Yohahnan, and Shirley Weber. Ways to Tum Out .Terrific Kids, and Sweet Dreams Cafe in Cranford Two new courses have been added _schooLcloscd;JtUESDAY,-frankfur-- -DA'-Yrchickcrniuggctsrsoft rblllind" T Several students had.grandparents three infant/toddler courses _ for to_thoJisr_of_courses-offcred-iri-lho—s6merime~T)uring' The~fall~scsslori7~ butter, cheeseburger on bun, egg tcr on roll, grilled cheese sandwich, present and the entire group joined salad sandwich, potatoes, vegetable, tuna salad sandwich, potatoes, veget- with the senior citizens in sharing -WIZARD OF A FUNDRAISER" —. Florence Gaudlneer School principal, Kenneth fruited gelatin, large salad platter, YOUNG KNITTERS at James Caldwell-School, Springfield, are learning how to knit in an able, fruit, largo salad platter, home- their birthday cake. Bernebe, receives some assistance from the opposing team, the Harlem Wizards, in a. made soup,-desserts, milk; homemade soup, desserts, milk. • afternoon activity sponsored by the PTA. From left: Diana Loya, Marni Luclanl, teacher fund raising game sponsored by the PTA. Teachers, administrators and Springfield resi- Simone Gechlik, Rachel Max and Chantale Navarro. " " .-• dents joined forces joined to provided'an entertaining evening in a closexgame, UNICOdinner Drug bust is made An East Orango man was arrested The Springfield-Mountainside for allegedly withholding his identity Chapter of UNICO National will Jor _the_ jilicgcd possession of from authorities and charged with Dayton presents concert Mountainsider honored controlled dangerous substances at'a The studonts from the vocal music Carnival Woman admits guilt hold its Dinner Installation at tho providing false reports to law enfor- performed for adjudication when tho Jean L. Porte of Mountainside, ning process in the posi-divestiture Mountainside Inn on June 9. • motor inn in Springfield on May 11. cement authorities. program tit Hhe Jonathan Dnyton Dayton singers participated in the Kenilworth retirees meet director of business planning for New environment.. In addition, she is ' Shari Carlton, 19', of Irvington, Harvey M. Lockley, 23, of Officers to bo installed are: Frank Harris, 41, was arrested after ' On May 6 at 6:30 p.m., Thomas Regional'High-School in Springfield recent Now England Festival of Jersey Bell, Newark, was among 50 credited with bringing about billing 1 , The regular meeting of the the board of directors. The new is set pleaded guilty in Springfield Munici- Vauxhnll pleadtd guilty to driving Anthony JQlAlcssio, president; tho Berkeley Heights Police Depart- Hall, 25, was arrested and charged will present their end of year concert Music. Outstanding student perfor- 'consolidation processes, involving American Association of Retired officers will be installed at a women to be honored by TWIN, The James Cnldwcll PTA is1 pal Court this week to the attempted with a revoked license.. . Sam1 Russo, vice* president; ment notified the Springfield Police with shoplifting by Officer John' this tonight at 8 p.m. in tho school's mers will also be recognized during -seven managers and 400 employees. Persons Inc., kcnilworih Chap- - luncheon held oh June 15 Tribute to Women in Industry, at a finalizing plans for its "Family theft of two dressers from a local former Mayor Bill Cicri, treasur- Foster. Hall was further charged with Halsey Hall auditorium. Parents, this concert for their contributions to - ter 3469, was held on May 10 at at tho Coachman Inn. in Cran- dinner May 18. A"graduate' of the Benedictine —liouscwKr'es store: Lockley's license was suspended er; Michael Bovc, assistant trea- interference and. tampering- with =Slulicnts~ancrresidcnts ~aro cordially- the Jonathan Dayton vocal music- the Knights of Columbus Hall in ford. They will prcskic nt tho Associated with N.J. Bell for 22 Academy, Elizabeth, Porte holds a from 11 a.m; to 4 p.m.' on the for three months, and he received a surer; Vincent Scalcrn, secretary. puiice blotter ^ evidence by Officer Peter J. Davis. invited to attend. prograrn. Additionally, ho was charged by Kenilworlh.. ' September meeting. No meeting years, Porte is responsible for the. bachelor's degree, from the College Caldwcll playground. It will be $500 fine plus $25 court costs; The Ladies of UNICO will join "Tlie Jonathan Dayton vocal work- direction and participation ,in- the--of St. Elizabeth and a master's degree Detective Judd A. Levcnson with shopjjgnccrt choir and chorale will _Morc_information can bo obtained —-will-be hcld-during the months held rain or shine. Court docket in dinner ceremonies. • * that they had him in custody for Election of officers for the prcparation > of .the company's five- from Rutgers University. ' --botlv possession'of~a~stolcn motor. present their renditions .of various by contacting Choral Director Brenda of July and August:' Teachers arc working with aggravated-.assaultxomplaints.—-—— 1988-1989 term was conducted! year business plan. She is presidenf-of her parish vehicle and stolen propertyinoxcess ^selections, .mnny'-_of_which_weri; Kay «t ihe school at 376-6300.•-- ••••-• 'President C^ Joseph Aragona _thcir_classcs-'aboul-which-bootlis— by .the Nominating Committee. She is specifically cited for her council and president of the Totowa According to court records, Carl- The Springfield Police—had—ari- -of$200.— urged all members tojpply for' to sponsor, children arc working -Officers elected are as follows:— Junior Women's Club. ton, an employee of the Route 22 outstanding warrant for his arrest imcL UiiTEIcIcr-Mcd Program, which development'of a new business pian- on posters and parcnLs—arc— *stor'c7Was'spo[lcd'by'Scciirity"as~she~ On the job Bximett picked. —-Accord ing-lo-tho—police~fepofir C. William Gutekunst, president; arranging tin; contests nnrl nctiv- r wcnn&~Bcrkclcy Heights to charge Hall claimed his name was Patrick is free to all seniors in Union "altered the price ol two dressers, paid The board of directors of Call the editor Louis Young, vice president;" Betsy' Burnett of Springfield was him. Police said tho controlled' Williams and is alleged to have County. A call to Union Hospi- ities. Community members arc for them at the lower price and then. Standard Concrete Block & Readers who have questions, comments, or suggestions about Ihe Virginia Lucas, secretory; Mary -elected—follows—chairmarH-of—dicr —dangerous "substances wcre~found in Signed fingerprint cards to that effect. tal will accomplish this enroll- invited to enjoy refreshments, a exit the store. -SupplyCorlncTannounccs that "Spotlight on Union County" section of the paper are encouraged to call Edna Romainc, treasurer. Bucknell University chapter of tho ono of Iho rooms at tho.Springfield Hall was later found to bo Thomas ment. Tho telephone number is hole-in-one puUing~g'hrhc, face Carmine P. Pccorarp has been County Editor Donna Schuster at 686-7700, Ext. 38, weekdays between Society of Women Engineers. inn. Hall by virtue of a fingerprint check Ann La costa was elected to 964-0444. painting, basketball toss and Carlton received a fine of $100 appointed to the position of pres- 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. • • OAn Irvington man was arrested with the Slate Jgolice. • Prince Farm f/2 morc^ plus $25 court cbsts and $30 fine to ident and chief executive officer. |y. pjvran to th'fi winlnnl rrimft nnnlml- JERSEY HOT HOUSE Pccoraro, a longtime native of TOMATOES board. Newark, now resides in HAVE ARRIVED!— Springfield. , • • TURN ON "BOTTLED WATER" Youth car wash -Barbara Pizzi, 40, of Cranford STQREWIDE Gardening ~; Pecoraro has been secretary/ • Full Line ol pleaded guilty to driving while under -Train tob e a- i _1_ .. EOR 0NLV^30 A GALLON "•"Annuals ' Fruits and Vegetables JHtoly Cross Youth Fel)owshipjvjll_ treasurer of tho company-for-tlie- •Humus -thc-influcnce of alcohol: 1 • Melons sponsor a Free Car Wash Sundayr .past 22. years and is also an TRAVEL AGENT * Filtered water is safer , cheaper... SAVINGS • Vogotablo Plants • Strawberries May 29, noon - 3 p.m., 639 Mountnin Pizzi,received a fine of $100 plus officerof Amalgamated Holding :, and tastes delicious! "• ' .' • Potting Soil Co., Rileway Urban Renewal & • Top Soil • Pooohos Ave., Springfield. This is u commun- $25 court costs and an additional $30 Start Locally, full time;/ part * No-bottles to carry, no.filters to change. A Star Is Born! • Jorsoy Spinach ity outreach project and all arefine for the violent crime .control Dcvclopmcnt-Corp., and Roson jtlmoCIcainon live airline com- • Foods & Condiments • Jorsoy Asparagus Urban Renewal Corp. putors. Homo study and resident | •k Backed by 3-year mfg. guarantee! $5 OFF -• Jorsoy Rhubarb "welcome except trucks and vains. board. training. Financial aid available • Jams, Jellies ' • String Boons Job placement assistance. .'Dressings.. Taste it... ,„...,.,. ..,:.. $25 purchase 1 • VldailaC.nlons ^.National-Headquarters' ) \5' • Welsh Farm - ».••• '•'•••• home demonstration, cal Dairy Products - -•Poppors •••••- " ••'*• • .% ' Lighthouse Place, Florida •'Jorsoy Boston Lottuce 'A.C.T. TRAVEL SCHOOL • Baskots . • Jorsoy Loaf Lettuce $10 • Country Gifts • Jorsoy Romalno Lettuce 1-800-327-7728 $50 Purchase 647 Springfield Ave. Springfield • 376-1360 ITAVERN OPEN 7 DAYS $25OFF & PIZZERIA ING. $125 Purchase Jail house Rock Formerly Frtfirip&pns $50 OFF SNAPPER. A Unique 50's& 60s Dance Club ©pen 7 Days 11:00 a\m. -1:30 a.m. ALL AMERICAN SPRING SAVINGS $250- Purchase D.J.'s Spin Your Favorite Hits BUY THE BEST AND GET A FREE ATTACHMENT! Of The 50's & 60's 7 DAYS A WEEK •NO/NCH • OINNER SNAPPER'S 21" Self-Propelled Walk Mower Memorial Day * NO COVER CHARGE! LATE NIGHT (servini/until 1:30 a.m.) $100 OFF with side discharge tackles heavy grass with ease. And right now, SNAPPER'S All American Weekends Specials THURSDAY LIMBO CONTEST! PRIVATE PARTY ROOM A VAILABLE $500 Purchase ^ Spring Savings makes owning it easier than ever with the best values yet. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: * PIZZA PARTIES • OFFICE PARTIES MIDNIGHT DANCE CONTEST Now through May 31st FREE ATTACHMENT When v WINNERS RECEIVE TROPHIES DAILY SPECIALS '.Sal e Itemnos £>nt included Gift dCertificate . s buy a SNAPPER 21" Self-Propelled IN THE BAKERY CONNECTICUT FARMS Walk Mower at regular retail price, -NOI'availableon 1 AMPLE FREE PARKING Fine clothing and accessories for Men and Womoa choose a FREE Snapperlzer®, This Week POST No.35- UNIT No.35 117 CHESTNUT ST. ROSELLE PARK Mulcherlzer® (on applicable T967 MORRIS AVE., models), or Grass Catcher Kit. 19" Push Mower 25 241-8866 John franks Model 19305B Hard Rolls dozen OPEN 7 DAYS-NOON'TIL 2 AM UNION •687-4222 TRAIN A Tradition Since 1927 • M TO BE A LOCATED 1 MILE SOUTH OF 5 POINTS INTERSECTION 259 —PROFESSIONAIT 207 East Broad Street, Westflelcf • 233-1171 . •SECRETARY PUSH MOWER John Franks.and Major Credit Cards Accepted PLUS... More Bakery Specials SEC/HECEPTIONIST Every Monday Evening Catoh«r(aiihDwn) • EXECUTIVE SECHETARV All Weekend Long Start locally, Full time/part tlmo. Learn word procosolno and related soorolarlal skills. A* LOW A* Conic In To See What They Are! Home Study and Resident i Tfalnlnp. mri Hdqir« POWP^HO, $20^" MOh Plorldl FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE If You Want To Earn Less That's Your Business.. JKLTMEJiELL • JOB PLACEMENT , »SSIST«NlE If You Want To Earn More That's Our Business This week 1-800-327-77 $ 49 THE HART SCHOOL' Boar's Head Loose Franks 2 ,Ib HIGH YIELD CD'S AND INTEREST CHECKING... S 89 American Cheese White or Yellow 1 .b YOUR CHOICE: ColeSlaw A division ol Fuqua Industries Macaroni Salad ^- NO DOWN PAYMENT ANb LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS WITH SNAP-CREDITI WE BEAT THEM ALL! JOIN THE MILLIONS OF SATISFIED SNAPPER USERS. CAMERA, Potato Salad 99° 8 l b . ' and CALL FOR OUR HIGHEST CURRENT RATES! HURRY! OFFER ENDS SOON. VCR REPAIRS •Donp on the promlsos •Reasonable Prices . IT'S HERE! •Quality. Workmanship ....Includes;.-.- •Most Modols.Dlagnosbd T & J Lawnfrnower elgers Presh Vegetable Tray HOURS; Baked Potato •-• LEHIGH SAVINGS Dakcry-Dell-Proilucc ALL BEPAJRS 8:30.(1:00 P.M. .„» r-fiir-Snhni-' FreshJ/egetable UBER 332 North Avenue East OPEN 7 DAYS • "'•""•'WT' '?$ ryisi •' FULLY GUARANTEED 9^2[Stuyvesant Ave. • Union • 686-6655 INSURED ro IIOO.MO —• • • Cranford, NJ 200 Morris Ave. For Orders Call: 233:3444 • DELI PHONE 233-8778 _SprlngfleldU mmYmmm : 7 24 HR. BANKING ~ ~ --56O Springfield Ave; • WestflelcT ' • 467-2291 """ ~ .';: WVTWBJ^* LOUNCK " FNLIC 272-7214 — OPEN,6 DAYS OPEN MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 0 AM TO 3:30 PM, Bring in This M With Repair FRIDAY EVENING TILL 8 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK Receive Free 0{ft IM^ M37 Vauxhall Rd. & Rte 22 •' Union 6SB-6666 A WEEK SATURDAY BAM TO 1PM

'V- 4 — Thursday, May 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 2* t.2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTY LEApEfi.NEWSPAPERS—. Thursday, May 26, 1988 — 5 County Conflicts and confusions Editorial Substance-abuse is MB.0OHMSONVm.Li3B IN topic for Legislature Py vehicle accidents in which the driver On Memorial Day I'd likByRONGAETANe to me. this week'Os column is convicted of driving under to updatke you on thhei mostrecen' t state, - n nce of drugs/alcohol to. benefit bills concerning subslancc'abuse. in UC ____J_heJatiorLwill,pause'Monday-to observe MemorialDayr""" from a special fund. A bill is currently pending in the The fund would be under -the a day designated by the Congress of the to honor Assembly that will increase the auspices of the Violent Crimes those gallant Americans" who have paid the supreme sacrifice ' Leader penalties for anyone under tho age of Compensation Board, and would be "for the preservation of our precious American heritage. 21 who is convicted of possessing, financed by the addition of a a 5 consuming or purchasing alcohol. percent surcharge to the fines Throughout the United States and in hundreds of locations on The bill will also provide for penal- foreign soil — wherever the mortal remains, of American imposed on those convicted of driv- ties against anyone buying alcohol ing under the influence of drugs/ servicemen have found their final resting place — ceremonies . Social Security^ for those under 21. ' alcohol. will pay tribute tqjheir deeds and sacrifices. Sponsored by Assemblyman Gov. Thoirjas Kcan recently-signed ~~ "The tradition of Memorial Day has much of its roots in an Anthony Villane (R-Monmouih), the into law a 'bilflhai prohibits the sale order issued in 1868 by Gen. John A. Logan, who called upon bill will increase the fineJiom-SlOO.—ofiobmeo products to anyone under Aging: Family affair to S500 for underage individuals who the Grand Army of the Republic to observe a day "designated thOTigc of 18. Under the new law, By JOHN H. McCUTCHEON The Social Security Administra- arc convicted of purchasing alcohol, anyone who-is-convieledA>f-scllingT for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwi se decorating Social Security Mnnnjjer tion, in conil'nclion wiih ihf»_AJ,ni enlermga tavuiti or liquor store with"" directly or indirectly, giving or furn- the graves.of comrades who died in the defense of their nistralion On. Aging, the state and the intcri| of purchasing alcohol, or ishing tobacco in any form to anyone country." , Each year, a presidential proclama- area agencies on aging, and providers misrepresenting their__age, for tho tion designates May as Older Ameri- under the age of 18 will be subject to TT^Gcneral Logan called~foTnrSay~oFtvsucl) fitting services and of -all types of services to older purpose of buying alcohol. a S2S0 fine. • . . . cans Month, which gives the nation persons, focus public attention on the 1 In addition to the fine, these people ( - testimonials of respect- as circumstanccsTrrray pennit""in order the opportunity to recognize the Ron Gaclano has gddrcsscd over needs of, and challenges- to, this .could also face the loss of their driv- 150,000 parents, teachers, 'teen- that Americans of that era would establish a tradition of "cher-' • --.talents and accomplishments of older growiffg~ancTimportant segment of er's license for up to six months. ishing tenderly the memory of our.heroic dead, who made their . persons. -— agars. college students and senior our population. A bill is in Senate committee^ citizens on these and other related' breasts a barricade between our country and its foes." which would allow victims of motor - Older Americans Month is an topics. Gactano is the dircctorof the In the years which have passed since that historic order, the Deadlines excellent time for public officials, When to meet Alcolwl and Drug Abuse Program at __dead'of Bull Run and Gettysburg have.been joined by those who civic, educational,.^religious—and . Union Hospital, Union. '• .The following deadlines will be were serving their Flag at such places as San Juan Hill, Chateau community leaders, as well as people congressmen strictly enforced: 1 of all ages, to join together to discuss Congress, traditionally convenes Thierry, the Marne, Omaha Beach, Iwo Jima, Chosin Reservoir, DLctfers to the editor — noon the well-being of older people today shortly after -New Year's Day,, Pork Chop Hill, Khesanh,. and the Mekong Delta. Monday. - and in future years. : ' • • although Members often shuttle back BASEBALL CARD SHOW • BASEBALL CARD SHOW From them we have inherited a sacred trust. They have.- . OSocial items—noon Friday. to their states and Districts in Janu- 'preserved our freedom Through self-sacrifice, personal valor, . CpRcligious events — noon Kriday. Domographically, we are aging as ary. Usually, there is a 10-day recess Kenilworth Holiday Inn OFocus and entertainment news -•- and an unswerving devotion to the causes which were greater to • a'notion.'Thus, it is important that we scheduled around Lincoln's Birthday, Exit 138 Garden State Parkway noon Friday. ' ' them than life itself. . •.. ; recognize that aging- is a family • Easter, Memorial Day, and the OA11 other_ publicity releases — 4 affair, not only for family members Fourth of July. Congress goes home Saturday, (Way 28th & Sunday, May 29th ; But Memorial Day must be even more than a time of tribute to "p.m. Friday. ^'~ . . - •, •• but for the community as a whole. around the first of Augusljind recon- 9:30La.tri. to 4:00 p.rn. the deeds and sacrifices of our heroic dead. The day would \st70t~~' w . i * Everyone carries a part of society on vencs after Labor Day. Short four or hollowmeaninginivmsjnojjiccompjinied_by_a.solemnreaffir-. - \jruL6Sl COUJJTXTXS , '~ his or her shoulders, and no one is five-day breaks arc taken for Rosh Special Guests Include:^ Readers are invited to submit guest Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Colum- mation of our allegiance to the principles upon which our great • relieved of his or her share of respon- Saturday 11 aTffiTto tp.rn. Photo By JM Long columns of commurfity interest bus Day.' Adjournment for the year is nation" was founded. sibility. All of us, in our own inter- Carl Ersklne » Larry Doby IN HONOR OF ... all those who lost their lives serving Cermonies and parades honoring veterans and those which we will consider publishing. invariably set for November 1 and GeneniijLpgan must have anticipated the need for a rekin- ests, must thrust ourselves into (lie their country. Bobby and Jennifer Wbrshlnski pay tribute who gave their lives during wartime are planned for ' These.columns should not be inter- intellectual battle of what kind of invariably missed. During nonelec- Sunday 12 p.rn. to 3 p.m. dling of patriotic spirit among succeeding generations of Monday throughout the area, including Springfield. preted as the opinion of this news- lioii years, Congress may sit through Hoyt Wllhelrn • Charlie Neal to an uncle who lost his life in Vietnam during ceremo- society we want today and in future Americans as he included the following passage in his historic paper, but as the viewpoint of the curly or mid-December, breaking for Mickey McDerrnott nies at the Veterans Memorial Park in Roselle Park. years. The mark of a civilized society order: , ; " writer. Columns must be typed, Thanksgiving. During election years, is not only how well it treats its Admlsolon $2.00 Autographs $3.00 to S5.00 double-spaced' and no more than- Congress adjourns in early October A Jofl SJitinkor Promotion "Let no vandalisip^rjieg]e^,jip_ravagos.oLtime, testify to young people, buTalso how well it three pages in length. ... in order to campaign. the present or to coming generations that we have forgotten, as a treats its old people. —pcoplerite cost or' a tree and undivided republic." •« Letters to the Editor The nation which forgets its- heroic dead soon forgets'the principles_upon-whiGh-that-n«tiorrwas founded. A nation's WW questions need for rededication PICK-UP SERVICE ) TURN ON "BOTTLED WATER" .__ideals and its principles live in the hearts and deeds of its sons Veterans' graves to have flags Top Prices to: y Landscape Each'year, through"tlio appropriations of-tho-Bepni-lmenlT^HumairScrelCcs OTi'Sundny, Juno 5, tho Jewish War Veterans of Springfield plan to present and daughters who havejbeen willing-to. make-any sacrifice Fund Raisers • Organizations § ... FOR ONLY 30 A GALLON and under the support of Ms. Ann Bnran, the Union County Freeholders and the Township of Springfield with an MIA flag honoring veterans who are still —'Hospltals?«Towns~^rM •Tiltered water is safer,-cheaper ... necessary in defense of its cause. Upon such premise, our nation the Division of Veterans' Internment, Peter i, Bartus and the Union County" missing in action. . t We Also Buy Othor Aluminum Decorating! has endured; upon such premise, our nation shall persevere. Flag Guardian Committee with Flag Chairman Robert J. Wucker, the graves It is important for tho citizens of Springfield to understand that this is a Trailer at Union Market Lot and tastes delicious! Lumber Snl. 11AM-2PM Building Material Centers If you have a flag or flagpole, fly'yoiir flag proudlyf Let's of all Union county cemeteries arc supplied with.a memorial flag for our "re-dedication" ceremony. The forigintd_rjresentation of on'MIA.flag was made Snl.JlAM.2PM — ,* No Bottles to carry, no filters to change: _•;.,_..deceased-veterans of all wars. • byjhe Springfield Veterans of Foreign WarSrBhtllo Hill Post 76837HtIi."gcnri RIWYC RECYCLING COl, Inc.' bring the reahvieiirung"p^ |l; ; r p i guarantee! • •••• ; i:rr;v3: a ! < '•'iTrio;-c'ooJieroi!on''ofruHrtlic.Mterans' organizations in the county make H "HarBor''Da;y''jl/l6riWiiH ycn>jco, kxb 7; 19861 A gicftoo-b of this ceremony „;,P;p.Box361>3.W!' -P;pBox'3613W!tt " -•meant'to b^oiiserve^' ' f"*'""'•" '•'-'-••••'- ~ -'-^-y----'-- ••'-' : • Nowark.N.J, 07114 possible lo.decoratc properly marked' graves with an appropriate marker flag. appeared in the Leader the followirig week. Since that tlrrio, the flug has been Taste it... you'll love it. For no-obligation for Moro Information Call: Tor this special day of tribute (Memorial Day) to remind our nation of those flown sporadically, and recently, not nt all, in spite of public policy to tho home dempnstration,__ca]LSTAN, 992-5994 . who made the supreme sacrifice for our nation's call arid you. contrary. 686-4515 or 998-6313 1 Our cemeteries will be suro to have a supply on hand for those who wish to ~The Veterans of Foreign Wars of SpririgTield~pose tho following questions place a flag on a veteran's grave not marked, free for the asking. Please to the Mayor and Town Council: ." Drive sober understand at no time will you be asked to buy a nag; they are given by the 1 — Why is this "re-dedication" ceremony being hold? Once a flag is county as explained above. dedicated, it only needs to bo replaced when wom. ...•;' .Jt's that-time-of-year-again-when it's-all too evident that' Veterans' groups may be found at many of the cemeteries throughout the 2 — What happened to the original flag and^why has it riot been flown? • drinking and driving is America's number-one safety problem. county with markers to supply for a veteran's grave or any assjsiance_yoiLor 3 — Which of the two flags will be flown? Tho VFW is an organization your family may need in gating information on graves, stones, or any V.A. composed of veterans of all colors and creeds who havo endured the hell of COLONIRL Thousands of-Americans are killed or. seriously injured each ..assistance needed. combat so thai we all might continue to live in freedom. To discount them in year in alcohol-related motbr vehicle accidents, mostly because Gracclnnd Cemetery on the Boulevard in Kenilworth is where you may this way is a shameful manner in which to honor their .sacrifice. they don't "use their heads" before getting behind the wheel of a contact County Flag Chairman Bob Wacker and his veterans committee for THOMAS J. BEIRNE car after having a few drinks. ' any help from May 28 to May 30 — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Mcmbcrsof Commander the American Legion, VFW, Catholic War Vets, Jewish War Vets and D.A.V. I Battle Hill Post 7683 During this time of year, parties and proms and the official will be with me for your assistance. ' . : ' . . Veterans of Foreign Wars start of the shore season provide plenty of opportunities for EQUITY LINE •Please feel free to stop by and get a flag or anything you may need to know inexperienced young people to both drink and drive, Already for a veteran's assistance or liis family. ' Veterans concerned about POW/MJA's , .• Wythe House Fence Panel Board-on Board this spring, at least one young college student has lost his life in UOB WACKER As a"veteran I am concerned with tho dolay of our Government obtaining ~r40CCA~ProssiJro"Troiilod"S5uthorn Yollow Pino Privacy Fencing • • 4'x8' Section 6'x8' Ssctlon this kind of tragedy. Union County Fine Chairman : tlio release of our POW/MIA's known to bo held prisoner in Southeast Asia. .40 CCA Pressure Treated The Elin-Ungcr Post Jewish War Veterans of the United States is commit- ACCOUNT* Southern Yellow Pine According to the New Jersey State Safety Council, drinking Urges support of VFW's Buddy Poppy sale ted to the return of our POW/MIA's. It is most important that the public bo 3429 4499. and driving is more widespread than most people think. Since 1924, (he Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States have annual- mude aware that this problem docs exist. It is through the_gjfetis_of-allJnlefe- G'xQ' Section ly conducted a Buddy Poppy sale. As proyiousLv_thcse-symbolie-flowcrs-nf—KtcTTXmcricans that we support this most meaningful cause, A classic dosign that Fits with any architectural stylo TiQhily nssomblod wilh g.ilviinund "Half of all fatal auto accidents are ljjjj fiistonftrs fl'KO' soctiona Ftasts nol -FliralerTFicld will be sold in Springfield starting Mny"20"bjnrgroup!lot I"n conjunctio'-•—-•-n wit'•h' th-•-e- Vietna""- m'-• Veterans" ' o-*f Americ * - ' a and other Veterans' Irom traditional to contomporary. 42" includod «ADO(J saysrCrEdWirTMax, presiaent of the New Jersey State Safety volunteer members of Battle Hill Post 7683 of tho VFW. organizations, this post will' honor the Township of Springfield by re- Council. "Drinking and driving among teen-agers is a big part Commander Thomas Boirne of Post 7683 states that most of die money dedicating and raising tho POW/MIA flag to pay tribute to our'servicemen still j--'' of that problem." — collected in this salo will remain hero in our community to help finance tho being hold against thoir will. , • Patio Squares welfare work undertaken in behalf of our own veterans in need, and their This ceremony will take place June 5, 12;3O p.rn. at Town Square, Moun- "When a teen-ager who has been drinking gets behind the dependents. .' .". . . • tain Avenuo and North Trivott Avenue, Springfield, ILU 110 Interlocking Treated wheel of a car the problem is magnified. Teen-agers are new at The balance of tho proceeds of tho annual Buddy Poppy sale is used to help In attendance will bo state and local officials as well as dignitaries- of tho Southern Yellow Pine drinking as well as new at driving. Automobile accidents are the maintain the nalion-wide rehabilitation services of the VFW. various veterans groups. , • FRANK P. ASHLEY ..-•,•• MURRAY NATHANSON i'-) number-one cause of death among American-youth. They kill ZERO TO -«-/ 2'xT.. , 3'x3' for tho VFW Post 7(583 '!li'j il PnstXtommnndor 11 more young people than cancer and suicide combined. Every 38 V'o] Mnkos patio or walkway construction a broeze. .he Springfield Leader, P.O. Box 526 Inman Avenue. Colonla •574-0118 . 22 Prospect St 2322 Morris Ave. Main St. Route 202 11238 Valley Rd "~drinking~drive you Koine, or call a cab. 55 Broad Street/Elizabeth • 351-0600 . Madison, N.J. Union, N.J. Neshanlc Station Bornardsvillo, N.J. Stirling eyes and ears + arid tell us about it, - ,: 3109, Union, N.J. 07083. As the saying goes,'s better to be safe than, sorry. 377-1000 686-0070 369-5511 221-1131 647-1239 2,3,4* - COUNTY-LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, May 26, 19B8 -7 6 — Thursday, May 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 2,3,4* PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Tennis Courlt (Open Type Only) *5O.6& nlus $10.09 HIM lit valllno lime. Alf bids shall bo In «axxd»nc« whh Cert of Approval Summer programs distributed . b. The Plumbing Subcode Fee shall be: 120.00 The director of the 1988 summer courses, although these courses will the summer school brochure. Pre- Student conference 120.00 »arje_ Fixtures (Toilets, SlnW, Tubs) Residential* $20.00 lor 1-5 school program for the Union County not be counted toward the students' rcgistrationwill-bo-accepted-unrjM2 mlttoetobonoldoi . -. _ Building;, 13fiS Route 22, First Floor, Mountainside, fixtures, SI.00 each over 6 Mures Regional High School District No.l, Hold Municipal Building al 8DO P.M., al which llmo Shower/Floor drain, Washing Machine, Dishwasher 15.00 oach class rank. Youngsters will also have noon on June 24. Late registration and place any porson or persons Interested thoroln New Jersey. • • ...... Commercial Minimum fee Nancyanno Kopp, has announced that is%eld at B rear ley Bids must bo mode on the Borough's form o bid J100.00 a chance to take review courses, to wi|l be accepted at the sumrrier will be given an opportunity to bo heard concerning Fixtures, Commerical • . J100.00 aoctr said ordinance. Copy Is posted on the bulletin board and must be endosod In a sealed envelope -Commertcal Dishwasher (25.03 brochures for the summer program enroll in enrichment prbgrams and/or school office at David Brcarley at 9 A total of 25 freshman students from the four Union County Regional High In the ollico ol trie Township C lor It addressed to Iho Borough clork, Borough of Moun- tainside, 1385 Route 22, Mountainside, New Jersey Hot Walor. Heater s.10.00 are currently being distributed in to join in other special course offer- a.m. on June 27, and at 9 a.m. on Schools recently participated in q "first" for the Regional District-— a HELEN E. MAGUIRE and hand delivered at tho place and hour namod Domestic Boiler, Residential $20.00 Student/Board Press Conference intended specifically for students from the Township Clork Bids shall be endorsed on the outside of the enve- Domestic'Boiler, Commercial J25.00 students' homes throughout the ings. All courses are provided free of June 28, on a space-available basis. If 06063 Sprlngllold Leader, May 26,'1003 lope wllh the name and address ol bidder and "Bid Sloam Bollor, Residential • *- • J20.00 regional district and in schools both ninth grade. This successful event was conducted in the Instructional Media .• '(Foo^aoo) Proposal- at the.Mountalnslde Municipal Building Water Ulll, Connection, Residential J20.00 tuition to bonafide residents of the sufficient 'room. exists in a course, a-vJ Borough." ,, ,, , Walor Utll. connection, Commordal ' - - - $20.00 i inside and outside the district regional district under the age of 21. non-resident students may be Center of the David Brcarley Regional High School in Kcnilworth. TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD feachproposalmuslbeaccompanledbyacoitllled . Sower Connection, Residential $20.00 COUNTY OF UNION, NJ. chock, cashier's check or a bid bond equal to ten Sewer Connodlon, Residential lor new bathroom Classes for the 1988 session will Adult residents may also sign tip, accepted after payment of tuition Regional Board of Education members Melvin Altman and Virginia "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF (10%) of the lull amount ol Ihe bid and made pay- on existing house $20.00 Muskus of Clark, Harold Donaldson and Robert Kostal of Berkeley Heights, CERTAIN OFFICERS AND TH0 PAY OR COM- able to the Borough pf Mountainside as a Proposal Sewer Connection, Commordal $20.00 per each begin on June 27, and will conclude free of charge, for specified evening fees. • ; PENSATION OF CERTAIN POSITIONS AND Guaranty. , 1250 sc|. ft, of area or fraction Ihereol Aug. 2. Classes will pot be held July John Conlin of Garw.ood, and Frederick Soos of Kcnilworth, along with CLERICAL EMPLOYMENTS IN THE TOWNSHIP Bidders aro required lo comply with tho require- Hose Bib $1.00 programs, including a musical theater Original credit, review, and enrich- OF SPRINGFIELD IN THE COUNTY OF UNION ments of P.L. 1975 c 127. Water Cooler, Residential $5.00 4, in observance of • Independence workshop at David Brcarley, a vocal ment courses will run between 8 a.m. Regional Superintendent of Schools Dr. Donald Mcrachnik fielded questions AND IN THE SWIM POOL UTIUTYINTHE TOWN- Tho Borourjh of Mounlalnsldo hereby reserves Ihe Walor Cooler, Commercial $5.00 for approximately 90 minutes from .representatives of the freshman classes at SHIP OF SPRINGFIELD FOR THE YEAR 18W right lo reject any and all bids and to award Iho con- Rool Drain $5.00 Day. The summer school program music, workshop at Jonathan Dayton and 12:45 p.m. Special courses will • TAKE' NOTICE, lhal the foregoing Ordlnanco tractlo any bidder whoso proposal, In tho Borough's Sump Pump $10.00 will once again bo held at the David the David Brcarley, Governor Livingston; Jonathan Dayton and Arthur L. was passed and approved al a regular meeting of ludgemonl, best serves Its Mores!. Garbage Disposal • • $5.00 Regional High School, a fine arts run at times to be announced. Trans- Johnson Regional High Schools. The students raised qucslipns pertaining to the Township Comrrillfoo of the Township of By order of tho Mayor, and Borough Council. ^Alr Conditioning UnB • • $25.00 Brcarley Regional High School, workshop at Arthur L. Johnson portation provided for the day Sprlngllold In Iho County of Union and Stato ol Now Knlhloon Toland, Borough Clerk Indirect Connection $5.00 the various facets of school life— academic, co-curricular and social — and Jorsoy, hold on Tuosday evening, May 24,1008. . 06034 Mounlalnsldo Echo, May 26, 1868 Sewer Elector, Residential S10.00 Monroo^Avcnue, Kcnilworlh. Regional High School, and an instru- .sessions, and bus schedules will be HELEN E. MAGUIRE (Fee: tie.00) - Sower Elodor, Commercial $25.00 voiced their concerns over important school-related issues. Township Clork Greaso trap , ' ' $10.00 Students will be offered opportuni- mental music workshop at Governor available in the main office of each 06062 Springfield Loador, May 20, 1880. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ol s Mooting C'Mncoptor StO.OO ties to accelerate their educational Livingston Regional High School. "This program was very; very successful and beneficial to all involved," to be held by Iho Director of Emorgoncy Manage- Backtlow Dovlco $15.00 ^regional high school priorTiTthe^iirt mont, Borough of Mountalnsldo, 1385 Rt. 22, Vent Stack, Rosldonllal $1.00 oach —progress—through—Original—crcdir"" kegistration forms arc available in of the summer programs. ""* Said Alirpnri, who rnnrlw-lp/l thr-. pnw.rnnfcrftnra.iiB the chairman of the NOTICE . Mounlalnsldo, NJ 07092 on May 31, 1888. Tho - Vent Stock, Commercial $1,00 oach Regional Board's Communications Committee. "I thought the students were ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL mooting Is schodulod for 6:00 p.m. and Iho purpose . Solar Systom -.. $15.00 Take nollco that application has been mado to of Iho mooting Is to discuss coordination of. Gas Range " • • $5.00 open and honest and made very reasonable requests for change. We, as Board _ _ iho Moyotand Council _ rasnonsa-ln-lho-cas'o-of-anomorgoncy. Gas Piping $5.00 ^BOROUGH"CLERK, KATHLEEN TOLAND Hoot-Pjimp • $25.00 members, learned quite a bit about the needs of the students for the present AR«°JdY toRETAI uansfoLr tCONSUMPTIOo RONALD CfASULlN LICENSI ihoE NO. 0007B Mounlalnsldo Echo, May 26, 1088 OH Tank, Residential ' $25.00 and the future. What they said during the press conference was valuable, and 2017-33-01O-004 horololorolssoodto International ^^_^_ (Foo 33.75) Oil Tank, Commercial $25.00 Brown is^excellent' therapist Mulllloods Corporation lormorfy trodlng*as~Boston~ Fuol Tank Roplacomont $10.00 wo will use the input of the students when it comes to planning for various Son Party Restauranls, Inc. locafod. at_Roulo 22 PUBLIC NOTICE Lawn Sprinkler Systom $25.00 per conned East, Springflold, Now Jorsoy. The now location for. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a special work . Henna Brown Of Springfield, a her contributions to tho occupational The award citation states: "Henna rvi'nis, like freshman orientation, in the future" sosslon on Iho draft of the Master Plan will bo hold at motor plus backtlow tho llconso has not yot boon determined and shall prevonlor, $1.00 each for certified occupational therapy assis- therapy field. Brown serves as a role model for bo oppllod for at a lator data by tho Mountainside Planning Board on Juno 8, '" and $:so lor each additional ' The Rogional Student/Board Press -Conference commenced with a " Tho followlntlinhirhamo and address ol the 1008 nl eftOp.mraltho.Mountalnsldo Municipal • • , 1st 10 hosds am tant at Children's Specialized Hospi- The presentation of the award took • COTAs throughout the nation. Her applicant for transfer: Ronald Clasulll, 1465 North Building, 1305 Roulo 22, Mounlalnsldo, NJ. c Electrical Subcodo Foes. - 20-minutc "warm-up period," in which the participating students assembled at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC . Procosslng Foos for all Elodrlcal Pormlls . . ' J20.00 tal, has been presented the-Award of plaoe at the association's annual dedication and commitment to qual- Brooood SlroolSlreot, HillsUo, Now Jersey. MEETING will bo hold by tho Mountainside Plan- Tho oledrlcal 6Ubcodo-foo shall bo govorned by tho Stato Dofmrimont ol Community Atlolrs, four different tables, according to school, lo meet with the Board of Education Oblocllons, II any, sjwuld bo made Immediately ' Excellence by the American Occupa- ity practice aro evident in hcr?olcs as Sulro, Clork ol tho Township ning Board on Iho Master Plon on Juno 23,1008 al •d.Tho feo for plan rovlow shall be 20 percent ol tho amount to bo charged lor Iho construction pormll conference in Phoenix. representatives from their respective communities., During this limc,.thc_b_Qard J," 1 • •' • • — ...... <* . . ... -refundable tional Therapy Association recently. practitioner,; educator, lecturer and members described their roles and responsibilities on the Regional Board of Edward J. Sanloro, Jr., I "in pormlt. .Occupational therapy focuses on . • Sonlora « f " jrnCortlH-' Brown is an activitics-of-daily-living' health advocate. Through leadership Education and discussed school-?clatcd iTiiittcrs .with, llie students. After this . P.O. Box NO.30, 304 I rr ..—r. -. r Cortlflcalo developing a child's sensory, percep- at national and state levels, she- has South Plalnllold, Now Ihe Mastor Plan will bo ol.lho Municipal Building tor of Approval for all olhors. specialist at tho hospital: warm-up period, the gathering shifted to a standard press conference format, 00020 Sprlngllold Loador, May 18, __. your Inspection bolwoon 8:30-4:30,. ' f.Tholeoforopormllforlho removal ofabulldlng or slrudurofromonololloanol hor or toanow loca- tual and motor abilities for readiness helped increase the visibility of occu- ^^. '. (Feo$10.00) Your attendance and partldpallon Is welcome at tion on tho somo lol $ho!l bo $7.00 por $1,000.00 of Iho sum ol Iho ostlmatod costs for moving, fornow for play, self-care and aendcrtjic with llie board members and the superintendent of schools seated in the front bolh mootlngs, - ' •foundations and for placemont In a completed condition Inthe now location, provided that tho minimum • The Award oT, Excellence is the pational therapy and has fostered' , of the rootri to take individual questions from thcaudicncc of students. TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD Ruth M. ROOT foe shall bo $25.00. highest honor bestowed on a certified needs. Brown's work helps children COUNTY OF UNION, N.J. Socrotary g. Tho foe fora permit to construct a sign shall bo $15.00 por sign face lor bulldors', architects', dove- greater understanding and apprecia- '"The student/board press conference was an overwhelming success," said TAKE NOTICE thorn will bo a cpoclnl mooting of 06033 Mountalnsldo Echo, May 20. 1968 |opors'andonglnoDrr>'ti)mporary6lgnsanddovolopore'dlroctlonalElgns;$20.00perslgnlaceforonlor- occupational therapy assistant by the with disabilities to develop skills tion of the importance of the COTA Iho Township Commllloe, Tuesday, May 31,1000 ; • - . (Foe: $7.75) prlso Idonllllcntlon signs ondwlndow signs; $25.00 por slgnfnco lor Illuminated signs ofall typos, oxcopl SCHOOL STQRE — Jhelma Sandmeier School students make their selections at the Mcrachnik. "The freshman students from -all four high schools" actively al 7:00 P.M. In tho Planning Board Room,Municipal rosldonco designations; and $25.00 lor all othor signs nol exempt Irom such lee roqulromonts. association nnd Brown is the third needed, for feeding, dressing, pcrson- role within , the profession, tlcnno Building. Tho purpose ol Iho mooting Is lo continue FIRST READING h. Cortillcalo of Occupancy: .< ' twice-monthly school store, which is run-by the fourth'grade. ' 'al hygiene, grooming, home making, communicated with ihe Board of Education concerning their problems, their InvosllgnllonlnlolhoovonlBqlDocomboMO. 1007 recipient of this award nationwide. Brown js recognized for her leader- Introduced by: Wyckoff R.3 Use Group $25.00 initial, adjustment .to.-high school, and-tlicir-recommcndalions-for-improviiig- "SmTsuch olhoniofnB~wRIch may appropriately Seconded by: Hart Previously she had been admitted to functional mobility and many other ship*, in assuring die quality of occu- come boloro tho cornmllloo. All othor groups ', 50.00 our schools. Their concerns were wide-ranging and included many.aspect"! of Roll Call Volo: Yoas 5 Nays 0 • — ' . Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (R-3 Uso Group) 15.00 the association's Roster of Honor for areas of independent living. . ' pational therapy practice," HELEN E. MAGUIRE Absonl: Bmro All olhor use groups ! the co-curricular as \ycll as the academic program. What we heard from these Township Clerk Dolo: 5-17-08 • , Cortlllcalo of Approval (R3 Uso Group) . —WOO 06078 Sprlngflold Londor.-Moy 20, 1088 PUBLIC NOTICE Certlllcalo of Approval (all olhor Groups) 15,00 students will no doubt influence our preparations for the current crghth- . (Foo*<,75) BOROUGH OF MOUNTAINSIDE Cortillcalo of Continued Occupancy (Commorlcal ond Industrial) Chango ol Tenancy 05,00 gradcrs as they prepare for high school." . . MOUNTAINSIDE, NEW JERSEY I. Every olovalor (olhor than thoso In a ono-tamiy dwolllng) In Iho Borough shall bo Inspected by an * " NOTICE OF CREDITORS 763-88 olovalor malnlonanco company approved by tho construction olllclal nol less than once every six ATTENTION: RETAILERS & VENDORS The following Regional District freshmen participated in this student/board ESTATE OF EDNA M. MOEHLE, also known m - AN ORDINANCE-SETTING STARTING monlhs. Tho Inspocllon toport shall bo tiled.wllh Iho onforclng agoncy and n foo of $50.00 will bo EDNA MAE MOEHLE, Doconsod SALARIES FOR DISPATCHERSOF-THE BOR-- SUMMER PROGRAMS H . press conference. - _. ' charged for a-corllllcato^of"Inspedlon. • , . Pursuant lojho ordorolANN P, CONTI; Surro-— OUGH OF MOUNTAINSIDE, NEW JERSEY J. The Stato surcharge over and above pormlt cost lor now construction per cubic fool Is $.0000. DOLLS: THE MEDICAL SERVICE CENTER David BreaTlcy-Rogional-Higl) SchoolrKcnilworthrTraccyMiif Has, Jessica" ~gnio"ol Iho County ol Union, mndo on iho 20th day BE IT ORDAINED by tho Mayor and Council ol (2) Section .4-1.0 of-Choptor IV ol tho Codo Is amondod to rood as follows: ol May, A.D., 1000 upon Iho application ol Iho tho Odroun.i ol Mounlalnsldo, County ol Union and 4-1.0 Llconso Foos. - . .' AT •21"$60/doz. Slanicki, Mario Viscardi, Lcn Pazienza. undorelgnod, as Exoculor of Iho oslnio ol said Slnlo ol Now Jprsoy, lhal Iho Salary Ordlnanco for Tho feos tor licenses shall bo: •27"$72/doz. "Serving You For Over 50 Years" docoasod, notlco Is horoby grVon lo tho creditors ol Borough omployoes bo and tho same Is horoby a. For occupallons onumoraled undor subsection 4-1.1 a, tho rjum of Iwonty dollars ($20,00) for a Governor Livingston Regional High School, Berkeley Heights: Molissa cnld doconsod to oxhlblt lo tho subscrfbor undor amondod to provide as follows: lormporory llconso. Only tomporary licenses lor ono day ohall bo Issuod lor thoso adlvlllos. NEWARK ACADEMY NOVELTIES: _ onth or alllrmntlon Iholr claims and domands Tho starting salary lor persons omployed as Dis- . b. Fordovlcos enumerated undor subsoctlon 4-1,1 b, Iho sum of sixty dollars ($00.00) for an annual Terrio, Kelly Formichclla, Kjrstcn Light, Sara Clow, Hcmangi Joshi, Mike against iho oslnio ol said doconsod within six patchers by tho Borough ol Mounlalnsldo shall bo llconso, _ _ • Motal Handcuffs $18/doz. monlhs from tho data ol said ordor, or Ihoy will bo $15,000.00 por annum. E LIVINGSTON ' Ricwe. . ' farovor barred from prosocullnrj or rocovorlng Iho c. For scavengers onumoratod undor subsoctlon 4-1.1 c, Iho sum of Eovonly-flvo dollars ($75.00) for '• Wlndsnck Key Chains $4/doz. And bo II lurihor ordalnod that Iho appropriate an annual llconso. . - .- . .• Boach Pall & Shovolo'$S/doz. Arthur L. Johnson Regional High School, Clark: Karric Bongiovanni, Chris sflmo against Iho subscrlbor. Borough Officials shall oxocuto an amondmont lo d. For taxis onumoralod undor subsection 4-1.1d, tho sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) for an annual FOR COMPLETE HOME HEALTH CARE Brauss, Edic Emstcin, Maureen Green, James Jordan, Matthew Pcreira, Gina Jay B. Bloom Iho Collocllvo Bnrgalnlng Agroomont which llconso lor onch vohldo. • • • -m^zmsy^WB JUNE 27'..- AUGUST 5 PLUSH: Exoculor Includes Dlcpntchors To Impiomont this Ordlnanco. p. For ostabllBhmonls onumoratod undor subsoctlon 4-1.1oandforcalorlng,lhbBUmol one hundred • PRESCRIPTIONS Sccburgcr.' ,. ._•. . ..•.-• . • Bloom & Hess, Allornoys This Ordlnanco shall takoolfocttwonty days altor Iwonly-llvo dollars ($125.00) for an annual llconso. • 12" Pandas $54/doz. 8 Mountain Avo. Iho first publication horeof after final passago and I. For ostabllshmonl6 olhor lhan holds onumorotod undor subsodlon 4-1.1 f, Iho'sum ot flvo hundrod • 3" Dlco $6/doz. Jonathan Dayton Rc['iop,-|| H.jr;li School. Springfield: Jeffrey-Brooks. Marie P.O. Box 670 ' .. upon oxocutlon ol the nmondmonl to iho olorosnld dollars ($500.00) lor an annual llconso; for holols, tho sum of ono thousand dollars ($1 000.00) tor an Newark Acadefny \ '• 4" Parrot $6doz. ' • SURGICAL SUPPLIES Sprlngllold, N.J. 07001 Collocllvo Bnrgalnlng Agroomonl spoclllod In para- annual-llconso.— Colalruglio, David Goodman, Joanna Lobozzo, Kathleen McCablc, Jeanne 00054 Sprlngllold Loador, May 25, 1008 graph 2 horool. g. For amusomonts or dovlcos, .onumoratod under subBodlon 4-1.1g, tho Bum of sixty dollars Founded 1774 _.•'.' .••:.' INFLATES: - -rr :— • SALES'STRENTALTS-rr—-" " Minicri, Mike Rodino, Jamie Schutz. . ,. > (Foo38.25) Robert Vlnllanll, Mayor ($60.00) for an annual llconso. _ _ — o;'O3G Mountalnsldo Echo, May 28, 1008 h. For dovlcos ormachlnors, emunoralod undor BUbsocllon"4;i;i H; Iho sum of Iwonly dollars ($20,00) _ • 20"Swlm RlngsSB/doz. r > ALL MAJOR COSMETIC & BEAUTY AID LINES ' FIRST READING"-.-. —• 7" [FooS • for an annual llconso. ... * — • _ — — - —; - -:' Ncu/ark Academy offers a full program of courses for advance • 16" Bench Balls $4.B0/doz. -Inlroducod by: Wyckol I. For prrVato swim dollars ($20.00) lor an annual llconso. 4-1.11, tho sum ol one hundrod flltvdollars • HALLMARK CARDS • RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES Socondod by: Schon Introduced by: Hart ($150.00) for an annual llconso. . - credit; cnrlchmcrt, skill development and make-up. The classes, Guns & Swords: Roll Call Volo: Ayos 5 Nays 0 Socondod by: Mans - |. For riding ncadomlos or pony tracks, onumoratod undorsubsoctlon 4-1.1], Iho sum ol Iwo hundrod WE HONOR ALL MAJOR PRESCRIPTION PROGRAMS Absonl: Barro Roll Call Volo: Ayos 5 Nays 0 Absent: Barro Illly dollars ($250.00) tor an annual llconso lor riding acadomlos and Iho sum ol sovonty-tlvd dollars taught by a talented faculty, are small, providing an excellent aca- • Assorted Wator Pistols $3/dpz. Kids library program set Onto: 5-17-00 , ' Dato: 5-17-00 ($75.00) tor an annual llconso for pony tracks. demic experience. All academic classrooms are air conditioned. A • 31" Samurai Sword $14.40/doz. BOROUGH OF MOUNTAINSIDE OK IT RESOLVEDby tho Mayor and Council ol k. For nmusomonl machines, onumoralod undor subsodlon 4-1.1 k, Iho sum ol Ihroo hundrod Illtoon "" • 20" Llto-up Spaco Sword $9/doz. . Ann Rosen, children's librarian of.Mountainsidc Free Public Library, MOUNTAINSIDE, NEW JERSEY Ilii, Borough ol Mountnlnsldo thai tho Borough dollars ($315.00) for an annual llconso tor oach machine. partial listing Includes: 702-08 Clork bo and sho horaby Is authorlzod lo advortlso I. For bowling alloys, onumoralod undor subsodlon 4-1.11, tho sum of thrno hundrod tlliv dollars • 12"X-18" Plastic U.S. Rag $15/gr announces that the theme for this summer's readinp-procram for child-. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER XVII OF lor sonlod bids for COMMUNITY POOL DECK ($350.00) for an annual llconso,. • " PROMPT FREE DELIVERY REPAIR by publishing Iho following Nollco of Bid In Grade 3-8 • Developmental •-Wrlfingrtltcraturey Advanced _rcn at Mountainjjidcrbibrary is titled'Chills, Spills and Reading Thrills. THE CODE OE..THE BORQUGH OF MOUNTAIN- Iho mannor proscribed by Law. - 0. Socllon 4-2.3 ol Chaptor IV ol tho Borough Code Is amondod to road as follows' OVER 500 ITEMS IN STOCKI SIDE, NEW JERSEY NOTICE OF BID . 4-2.3 Issuanco; Foo; Exhlblllom-Bullon; •— " Math, Algebra 1, Geometry^ "English and English make-up Registration for tho pT'Ogram will be announced in Juiic, in anticipa BE IT ORDAINED by Iho Mayor nnd Council ol., Atior duo Investigation, upon bolng sntlsHod that the applicant. Is ol good moral chnractor and lhal ho V .NOTICE Is horoby nlvon Ihtji coaled bids will bo or Bho Is canvassing. tolldllng:or distributing circulars ofother mnliofW aprolod tree from Iroud, Ihri tiSpanish^mLF'ShLFr h , tion of iho opening coremonics onWednesdav^J^nej29,_i-' ' -^wcoWod'bjAiKoBbroBgH ClorK ol Iho Borourjh of Slalo ol New Jorsoy, thot Socllorn7-^ .25 ol CHnj)-'' chlol pf pollco, or In nls absence, Iho olllcor In chargo al pollco hoadquartors, shall havo poworiogront il ••••"9 Pre'caiculus Two Locations To Serve You "At that time, entertainer Bob Conrad will present "A Circus of Fun." .-tor XVII ot tho Borough Codo bo and Iho samojs 'Mountainside for: pormll fo canvass, solicit or dlutrlbulo circulars or olhor. maltor upon Iho pnymonl ol Iho sum of Iwonly. • Intro, to Physical Science, COME VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! horoby amondod lo road as follows: COMMUNITY POOL DECK REPAIR dollars ($20.00) by tho applicant, which pormlt shall sppclty Iho numbor ol houra or days Ihe pormll will • Grade'3-8 - Developmental Biology, Chemistry, Physics Bids wlllbo oponod and rood In public al Iho Mun- 1 For More Information, call 862-0440. ELIZABETH LINDEN . Information on. this and all other programs for children this summer can '17-1.22 Procoduros Regarding Chargos Against bo olfedlvo; and providing mot no canvas Blng, soliciting or distributing oldrulnrs or olhor moltor shall bo English — writing, literature, Pollco Dopnrtmont Mombors. icipal Building, 1305 Routo 22, Mounlalnsldo, Now dono oxcopl bolwoon Iho hours of .0:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on oach Wookdoy, provldod lhal oach applic- • Study Skills, 7-9 & 10-12 be obtained by calling a member of the children's room staff, Mountain- Jorsoy on FrldnyJ Juno 17,1000 at 10:30 o.m. pro- ant shall bo flnnorprlnlod and phologrnphod boforo a pormll shall bo Issuodand a copy ol Iho photo- and make-up a. Ghnrgos against any mombor or olllcor of tho wiling llmo. Alf bids shall bo In occqrdanco wllh • S.A.T./P.S.A.T. Preparation side Free Public Library, 233-01 IS. Pollco Dopnrtmonl lor violating Iho forms ol this graph attached to Iho pormll. Tho pormllloo shall carry Iho pormll and exhibit II Ip any pollco ofltcor or • Grade 3-12 - Reading: Devel- 355-5250 8:30 nm - 7 prn Saturday Pre-schoolers enjoying picture books will love "The Wild Bay gets a Now. Jersey. " Issuanco. ... —• . Director of Summer Session, Newark Academy . sold chargo and, qllor such InvosllgQIIon, .shall N 91 South Orange Avc., Livingston, N.J. 07039 • 992-7000 8:30 arn-11:00 phi 8:30 am - 6 prn Sunday Puppy" by Barbro Lindgrcn arid the return of the monster family in roport lo tlio Mayor and Council In write, through .. Bids mado on tho Borough's form ol bid Tho pormll foo nnd tho doposll may too wavlod for oloemosynnry Institutes al Ihodlscrollon ol tho . TWO STERCHO ROAD •LINDEN, NEW JERSEY O7O3G . (20t| 862-0440 Iho Borough Administrator, making such rocom- nnd must bo onclosod. In a soalod onvolopo Borough Clork. • "Where's the Baby" by Pal Hutchins. mondalions as shall soom right and just In vlowof all addrossod Ip Iho Borough Clork, Borough of Moun. clrcumslancorj. Tho Chlol olPolIco shall Ihoroupon lalnsldo, 131)5 Roulo 22, Mounlalnsldo, NowJorcoy (4) Sodlon 4-3.2 of Chaptor IV of Iho Borough Codo Is amondod jo road as follows: Children just beginning to read by, themselves will appreciate the doiormlno wholhor lo;— - i nnd hand dollvorod al Iho plnco and hour named. 4-3.2 Llconse Issunnco; Foo. . " Bids shall bo ohdorsod on tho oulsldo ol tho onvo- Tho llconso lor Iho opornllon, rnalnlononco and uso of amUBomonl dovlcos or mochlnos mentioned brand new book by Dr. Scuss titled "I Am Not Going to Get Up Today." 1. Drop said chargos and oxonorato said mombor lopo wllh tho nnmo and addross of blddor and "Bid above shall bo Issuod to and In Iho nnmo ol Iho proprlolor ol tho proml6os whore tho oqulpmonl Is to bo • —FoiThTJSC^wlroTmrlrncllCCluTilly curious, Patricia Lauber's "Dinosaurs or ollicorr~ Proposal- nl Iho Mounlalnsldo Municipal BulWIng Installed, and shall bo Issed lor ono your from January 1 ol.lho yoar ol Issuanco, and iho too for tho 2. nocommond that tho mombor'or olllcor bo BUS- nnd Borough." ($315.00) lor ono machine and Ihroo hundrod tllloon dollars ($31500) for oach add llonal machine fora Walked Here" and F. Sloan's "Titanic" aro available for borrowing. pondod, romovod, llnod, or roducod In rank from or period of ono yoar. , In olllco omploymonl or posllloh ihoroln; In which Each proposal must bo accompanied by a corll- (5) Sodlon 5-1.3 ol Chaplor V ol Iho Borough Code Is nmondod lo read as follows: ovont Iho Mayor and Council shall causo a com- llod chock, cashier's chock or a bid bond equal to 5-1 .a.Llconso Foo. • ; plalnl In Wrlllng lo bo tiled In tho olllco ol Iho Chlof of Ion aorconl (10%) of Iho full amount ol tho bid and Thu ;ium to bo pnld annually for a dog llconso and oach ronowal Ihorool Is horoby llxod al iho Bum ol • Pollco and a copy to bo sorvod uponthomomboror mado payablo lo tho Borough ol Mounlalnsldo an a llvo dollars and sevenly corns ($5.70) por yoar for a Bpnyod or nouiorod dog and olghl dollars and olllcor so charged wllh nollco ol adoslgnatod hom- Proposal Guaranty.. , f ovonw corns ($0.70) per yoar for a non-spayod ornon-noulorod dog. Tho sum Is lo bo In oddlllon to Iho HAIR CORE ing llwroon boloro tho Mayor and Council al a llmo Blddors aro roqulrod to comply wllh Iho roqulro- llo o or fiftityy cocom ($0.50($0.50) chargecharged fofor a roglstrnllonregistration laIng lor oacoach dodog as provldoprovl d by'Simula, Art teacher to visit club and placo spoclllod Ihoroln Urhlch tlmo shall bo nol monto ol P.L. 1075, c. 127. ym (0) Sodlon 5-4.3 ol Chaplor V ol Iho Borough Codo Is omondocl to rood follows: Joseph Rossi will be the demon- He is a known demonstrator for losslhaniOnormorolhanOOdayslromdnloolsor- Tho.Borough ol Mountalnsldo horoby resotvos 54.5-4.3 Llcon&o Foo. , ' . \,.. vlco of Iho nollco; or Iho right lo rofocl any and all bids and lo award Iho ThTh o annuanll lllconsl o foo for a kehnol providing accommodations lor llvo or loss dons shall bo ono Family Haircutters strator at the last meeting of the many art clubs, colleges, and 3. Tako such othor adrnlnlslrallvp or disciplinary contract lo any blddor whoso proposal, In tho Bor- ' hundrod dollars ($100.00). Tho annualTlconso Too for a konnol providing accom'moaallons for moro Kcnilworth Art Association on June . action as hodooms appropriate provldod, howovor, ough s Judgement, best sorves Us Inleresl. than llvo dogs shall bo Mo hundrod dollars ($200.00). • • "Smrvlng Th« Entirt Family With Th» La ft that such action shall not oxlond to any of tho con- By ordor of Iho Mayor ond Borough Council. —(7)Sodlon-14.2,3 ot Chaptor XIV ol tho Borough Code regarding alarm systems Is amended lo rood 6, held at 8 p.m. on the ground ;OSSLJS a mcmbcr-OfJllC-Amcrican soquoncos spocllled In sub-paragraph (2) horool. Knlhloon Toland, BorouglTCIoVk Cutting And Styling T««^la Vital HL*AII l*a> ^1 ftl>_ < 1 *. _ J ll._. ^ _ | • • T_ _ J^M HB| . »ll ,.^l. tl. ^ . |L. or dismiss tho said mombor or olllcor ol tho Pollco NOTICE OF BID community service to people inter- man of the Social Affairs Committee Doparlmonl Irdm tho sorvlco of tho Borough of •NOTICEISHEnEBYGIVENlhnlnoalodbldswIir ownorshlr MM M 114 1W I*-— w. ..*»VHTT vfwv-.v ^v- , wivw-—vnKr*» »*• •** " iW VWUUI UI • Ml l| Ik/Mi I W ^' l*JI | MWIIUIV ^^ I UlVWf WVMUI V ested in art.' at the American Watercolor Socicty_ Mpunialnsldo, or oxonoralo said mombor or olllcor -bo rbco vooI by Iho Borough Clork ol tho Borough of solonrjastnoownorand occupant ollho promlsos roniolns Iho samo. In tho ovont the ownor or occup- Shampoo, Cut Irdnf cold chargos. Tho Pollco Commltloo or tho Mounlalnsldo. Counly of Union, Slalo of Now ant sooks a pormll lor a tapo dlalor systom, Iho Inlllal loo lor such ownor or occupant shall bo Illloon dol- Rossi is an instructor at tho All interested members and friends Chlol ol Pollconhalthavo Iho powor to suspond any Jorsoy, for iho snlo ol two 1000 Chovrolots, Bids will lars ($15.00) and any uubsoquont annual ronowal shall bo al Iho ralo ol ton dollars ($10.00) until such 1 mombor or olllcor ol tho Pollco Dopartmonl Irom bo oponod and rond In public al tho Municipal Build- Raccoon Newark School of Fine and Industrial are welcome to come and enjoy this active duty, wllhoul pay, ponding tho dolormlnollon ing, 1305 Routo 22, Mounlalnsldo, Now Jorsoy on llmo as Iho ownor or occupant agalns changes. ot sucrrchargos. «» Juno117,1000 ol 11:00 a.m.provalllngilmo. This Ordinance shall tako olfoct Iwonly days altor tho drat publication horool nllor Iho Until passano.' and Blow Dry Art and also teaches watcrcolor at the free Rossi demonstration; Inforina- All bids shall bo occompanlod by n doposllin tho ROBERT F. VIGUANTI, MAYOR and More) [ion can be obtained by calling This Ordlnnncoshnll tako ollocltwonlydoyrjatlor amount ol ton (10%) ol Iho prlco bid. Torms ol Iho 00030 Mounlalnsldo Echo, May 26, 1000 (Foo3100.50) Art Students League in New York" Iho* first publication heroot attor llnal passage. purchaso aro cash payablo within thirty (30) days of City. He has private classes as well. -241-0221.. MAYOR ROBERT F. MGLIANTI Iho acoopianco o(bid. Tho Borough roBorvostho BOROUGH CLERK KATHLEEN TOLAND (Ighl to rojocl ony or all bide. 00037 Mounlalnsldo Echo, May 26, 1000 Spoclllcallons, Instructions lo bkfdom ond all , (FOO32Q.25) olhor dolnllB aro contained wHhIn Ihlo Nollco ol BM. • -Jnlroducod-by:-Mans " " 7 -Prospoctlvoflddorlsio-mako-nrrmfnomonls lor PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE appolnlmonl for Inspoctlon wllh Chlo| William Aider Socondod by: Hart °[ Iho Mounlalnsldo Pollco Dopartmonl (201) Clorks doclslon to tho Township Commllloo. Nollco Roll Call Volo: Ayos 5 .Nays 0 Absonl-Barra •JJc-GIOD) _ _ i ___—— - —- • • —'•-— •vTOWNSHjf PRINGFIELD __QUho.dOGlro_o!-an.nppoaLshall bo.mado In-wrlllng— _D0IOL517OB DNNJ BE IT RESOLVED by iho Mayor and Council of Idonilllcniion: ...1 oao- Chovrololr Sorlal Numbor~ •ORDINANCE TO AMEND TIXE REVISED GEN- ' addrossod lo Iho Township Commiltao. Within thlr- ^1G1BL0007GX100520; Mlloago - 02170 Four ERAL ORDINANCES OF TIIElTOWNSHIP OF ly (30) days nlior rocalpl ollho Nollco ol Appoal, tho Iho Borough of MounlalnskJo Ihnl iho Borough , rjoor, Caprlco . SPRINGFIELD COUNTY OF LWION CHAPTER Township Commllloo shall schodulo a Hoarlng lor Clork bo and oho horoby In authorized to advortlso Pollco Pockago, SJ'VO, Powor' Brakos, Powor VIII • TRAFFIC MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS action on tho Appoal. Falluro ol Iho Townohlp Com- lor soalod bids for RECYCLING CONTRACT by ! AS mlnoa lo acl within thirty (30) days ol iho Nollco ol publishing Iho following Notice of BU In Iho mannor Sloorlnfl A.M. Radio. Aulo Transmission and AC PERMS & COLOR BE IT ORDAINED by Iho Tow/ohlp ol Sprlngllold Appoal shall bo doomod lo bo alllrmallon ot Iho proscribed by Law. ' .P.h?.y.'O.L«l. ,.S»rlal Numbor OPEN In Iho Counly ol Union as Mows: Four SECTION I. Amondmonto / cfoninl of iho parmll by iho Township Clork, and tho NOTICE OF BID ~ 100 -HndMdunl-tnay-lhIhoronllortalaranyXDdT-minonfTi ~ •"O" NOTICBitsThTrabTtllvoinhareBalod'bldi; will bo Pollco Po BODY WAVES Choplor VIII, Trnlllrv Socllon 0-7, Ponnlly: ~ Packogoackogo. 5.7 VoVo7>owon]raliJs7Powo7 r A UP 7DAYSAWEEK Untoss anothor Ponally lB.oxprnr.nlv nrovldoft hy Iho Courts ol thJow provision. non-rOBldont, Iho annual foo shall bo $50,00. Processing foos lor oil conslrudlon pormlls (20.00 Cranford, Elizabeth,' SaveTvtoreThan EveFBefore-Now-on Every Fine Fur in Our New Fall Collection Thoro Bholl bo addod a now Socllon 0-6.7, (o) In Municipal Parking Lois a vohlclo shall bo R3 Uso Group •" / Monday thru Thursday onlillod Curront pormll. paihol!lioiid;lnionly-lnlno ovont iho voliloloshall- —Now-ConrJtruaioti—* ~S~ $.010 por cu. It. Plalnfleld, Scotch Plains East Hanover • 320 Rt. 10 » 428-9433 NOT ONLY MINK, but every new exciting 1989.fur fashion in our unsurpassed (a) A Pormll providing lor Iroo parking at any ua parkod "hood-In", It shnll bo doomod to bo Illogal- Additions $.025 por cu, ft. •6-Week Session parking space In Municipal Lois and al any molorod ly parkod and oubjacl lo the penalties provldod In Minimum Feo lor Now Construction 1 Additions $30.00 •Over 200 Courses collection can be yours now at spectacular savings! Because the selection you make jarilflfxnmojiaaUOOIILWlthlnJhO-Townshlp may bo Ihtho chaptor' . Allorallons, Rpnovallens, Ropaln $7.00 por Ihousand Eatontown » Rt. 35 & 36 • Circle Piaza • 545-8348 obialnod Irom tho Township Clork by any rosldont SECTION II. Sorvorablllly Minimum loo lor Allorallons, Ronovolldnrj, Repairs ' ..;..... $25.00 •Days or Evenings in May helps us plan our fall production, you -save big dollars on the same ol Iho Township ol Sprlngllold upon ropontallon oi: II any Work, phraso or clauso ol this Ordlnunco - Common rtosldonllal Ropalm AHorallonn • •Easily Transferable . I) proof ol roskJonco In Iho lorm of.a currently valid ohall bo adludgod unconstitutional or Invalid, such (Rorool , Alum. Siding, RoplocomonUWIndows, Skyllghlri) $35.00 plus $10.00 •Low Cost beautiful furs others will pay much more for next fall. Just a small deposit will Now Jorsoy Drlvora Llconso; II nol a drlvo, but ludgmont sria.ll not nlloct, Impair or Invalldalo tho tor Cortillcalo ot Approval Credits Lodi • l$o. Main St. • 472-2474-^ moroly an ownor, thon a Voter Roglslratlon Card romnlndor thorool. . All Olhor use Groups: . " hold your seje^tiojijjurj;yjiijin^saye/ioiy/_v.'.iz^l'.;zr:~—"— and prool of Idonllly: II) Iho paymonl ol a foo ol SECTION III. Flopoal • Now Cooslructlon (Commordal, Industrial) $.025 per cu. ft. J20.00; III) a complotor Pormll Application; ond Iv) Any Ordlnanco or portion ol any Ordlnanco which • up lo 100,000 cu, tl. Wayne »Rt. 46'Willow Sq. Center* 256-8932 MUCH MORE THAN MINK IN MAY SALE • PRICED FROM $495 TO $45,000 motor vohlclo registration cortillcalo lor the vohlclo Is not conslslonl with Iho lorms ot this Ordlnanco Is For oach additional 10,000 cu. It. add $50.00 call ^^ ^ lo which Iho Permit Is to bo allxod. Said foo shall bo ropaafo-r—-d -t-o tho oxlonl. ol Iho Inconsistency. Mln.-Feo:-$100— union duo In (ulUor.tin ontlro.yoar. nolwllhslandlnglhata SECTION>LLV..eilocllvp.palo_._--. —, ;—77---, - j,--;-.- Max. heo: *t.500 admissions —-•-'•'PormltniyEoluuadforTHBllwayaar" • ./....'-. .. . M--..,.PmilB- jj ordfnanco Is to lako oltocl Immodlololy • Altoratlonn, RonovutlenB, Ropalm $14.00 por thousand WoodbridRe « Rtl * Caldor Plaza • 636-1818 T 8 Minimumn leloef fo'"r Alterations' •'--, Ronovullonn, Repairs flemingrton fuv comp&ny shall bo Issuod on a yoarly basis running from upon passngo and publication In accordance wllh $60.00 COUNTY August 1 Bt to July 31»t. In the ovonl lhal an Individu- law. Swimming Pools.(R3 MGroup) In-Orourid $100.00 plus $25.00 hotline OPEN SUNDAY & EVERY DAY 10 A.M.'TO 6 P.M. . al who makoa application lor a Pormlt la donlod I, Holon E. Magulro, do hereby cortlly that IIhoo Corf, ol Approval- tamo, said denial shall bo communlcaled In wrlllng lorogalng ordlnanco was Inlroducod folrsforllrstt roadlnroadlq _Swlmmlna Pools (R3 Ujg Group) Abovo-Grourtd $35.00 plUJ .1110.00 COLLEGE 7O9-7SOO (West New York • 64th & Bergenline Ave. 854-2715 NO. 8 SPRING ST., FLEMINGTON, NEW JERSEY lo Ihe Township Clork, alwhlch lime Ihe Individual at a roguiroguiaar mootinti g ollhllho TownshiThpi CommltloCltl o 01 Curl, of Approval •' One of tho World's Largest Manufacturers and Distributors o( Fine purs. • shall have the rlghl, within ion (10) days ol tho Iho Township ol Sprlngllold In Iho Counly ol Union Elevajom $150,00 • 1033 Sprlnglleld Avenue. Cranlord rocolpl ol sold donlal, lo appoal Iho Township and Elolool Now Jersoy, hold on Tuosday avonlnn. Fences $M,00 CRANF0RD/ELI2ADE1HIPLAINFIELD/SCOTCH PLAINS 8 — Thursday, May 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,5,6* 1,2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 26, 1988 — 9 year By bONNA SCHUSTER vault located in the county administration building. The By DONNA SCHUSTER Union County taxpayers arc look- responsible for putting the pieces of commended him and Ihc other Doing lime in jail is not the only way that convicted Evidence and Records Room is cramped with weapons Five freeholder board Democrats ing at an increase in the county the budget together. He, along with members of the Finance Committee and other items being held for use in upcoming trials, tlight budget of- 5.8 percent which will be drug dealers pay ihcir debt Jo society. They oflcn pay arc hailing it as greatness, two Repu- committee members. Freeholders for putting in "hundreds of hours" nntn IhcW mnn[ripnl_prnruTty_ with their houses, cars, boats, other material, assets, and • and dozens of large notebooks on a wall of shelves attest blicans haven't taken-axlostrloolc-yct- py -Brian-EahcyrPaul O'Kccffc, and Neil while trying to make substantial cuts sometimes with cash. to the degree of criminal activity. , ' '• , Union County and therefore can't judge, and one tax bill along with the school tax. Cohen, reduced by more than $9 in each department of county Union County Prosecutor John Stamlcr hopes to deter • ' Thr rrenrds-system became computerized, during the thinks it needs improvement. But the Tho budget, in its final form, tolals million the preliminary executive government. would-be dealers by letting theni know that "crime last year or so and is still in the process of being 1988 county budget has been intro- $163,254,983. Last year's '.-budget budget prepared by former County Freeholder Fahey said Suliga did doesn't pay and chances arc that they will." completed. Records from previous years continue to fill" duced and-sports the second lowest was $151.8 million. -ManagerJDonald-Jtndcrson-in-Janu.— •arr"admirablcrjotrin~wiclding Law enforcers are entitled to seize items determined the room— , , .';,'• tax increase in a decade, a point the Freeholder Joe Suliga headed up ^•Anderson-had proposed that 20 with dignity." He also thanked Clerk to have been used during the commissionTjf a crime, Drugs arc stored in undisclosed locations and arc Lautenberg seeking majority party is proud of. tho Finance- Committee-that-was—ncwJobs bccrcatc d ^s ycar' of the" Board Eileen Chrenka for her used to facilitate a crime, or that have been purchased incinerated about six times each year, said Sergeant And, note the committee members, assistance in the budget process. with tho proceeds of criminal activity, said Bob • Mcllo. "The drugs arc put through three cycles of incin- new water projects the increase in total operations came But, Freeholder James Fulcomcr P'Lcaiy, assistant prosecutor. ' eration before the smoke; is let out into the air. By that in at 3.6 percent — a figure lower was not overly enthusiastic about the ' During 1987 the county acquired nearly $300,000 in time it's harmless," he said. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg Kill Van Kull and Newark, Bay than the current rate of inflation. budget and''said more cuts should be cash from such activity, most of it coming from drug Detective Kollarz estimates that drugs filling an area The U.S. Chamber of Commerce •raadeJHc-took-partieular-exeeptiorHo ', has urged funding of a number Cliannel — S.S4.3 millinn_fniL-drcdp;> jhe_cniiic_RcpubUcan_dclcgaUon^ One, hundred and eight million busts. Thirty-eight care were confiscated and court cases of approximately 48 cubic fecrarc" destroyed during dfTRfew Jersey water projects that ~has announced its endorsement of Lesher said. dollars will be raised by taxes this the $30,000. salary allocation of an are pending on two houscs-and-a-pharmacy,-If-proseou— ing, essential to commercial shipping -each-incincrationr . •' • total almosf$87 million. in the region. Pete Dawkins in his election bid for The president said Chamber ycar. Homeowners can compute their—ombudsman slated to serve as tors can prove that the properties were used as drug-' Generally, weapons arc not returned to their owners Lautenberg said, "These projects' the U.S. Senate in New Jersey. Ho endorsements are made only after an county tax by using the tax rate of 43 -complaint/investigation liaison producing or distribution sites,-the county takes legal even if tho suspect is found not guilty in court. Excep- arc.hccdcd_toLupgradc_New_Jcrsey-s- Sandy Hook to Bamcgat Inlet —'• will challenge Sen. Frank Lautenberg exhaustive analysis of each raco cents per $100 of assessed equalized between the freeholders and their steps to gain title of them. Selling tho real estate at" tions are made under specific guidelines at the discretion infrastructuro and •' irriprovo our- TSl.2 million for engineering and in November. including research on the incum- valuation. Last year's rote was 48 constituents. He chided, too, an current market prices can bring in substantial dollars of a judge, O'Leary said, but added that such exceptions shoreline." • design of a project lo repair and Dawkins received the Chamber bent's voting record and input from cents. The portion of the increase to $18,000 salary pool for insurance thai are then reinvested in the drug-fighting units of arc rare. The projects include: prevent -future damage to the coast endorsement because "he shares tho Chamber members both in the slate be raised by taxes is $6 million this advisers. county law enforcement. ; Instead, knives and guns-arc molted down. An agrcc- Jersey Shore pollution/storm frbnTsfohms. . business community's goals of and throughout trie country. '~ -ycarras compared to $7.8 million in Both points were defended by' 1987. "We can get the money back to the county and wo-..1., • ment with private steel manufacturing firms provides for damago study — $750,000 for/tfic Arthur Kill Channel — $600,000 reducing the dominating role of the The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is Lapolla and Suliga who said the tho incineration process at no cost to the" county and the- Suliga told his peers and thcaudi- mohoy for those positions had.been can use it for any legitimate law enforcement purpose Army Corps of Engineers to-wid; to study tho feasibility of deepening government in the business affairs. federation., of B , j monuy ior tnosc such as cquipmeiH_Qr_manpowcr. It becomes ainsthcr~ firms get to kecp'tho metal, said Mcllo. ways to limit pollution and storm nnd_widching_thc_Arthur-Kill Chan-~ ~and privatc~livcs-of—American uiti— und ^posiHon- lal r meetini g thah t ,h ei is ^ -^^ Kotlarz and Mcllo; who have been working in the damage on the shore. nel Extension to'Frcsh Kills. zens and of defending our nation's n all, they suit 29 posf- •source of revenuo specifically for law enforcement," of commerce and trade and profes- whatever cuts could have been made investigation and evidenco end of police work for many New. York Harbor drift removal — Planning For Water Development economic freedom and vitality," said tioas were cut countywidc. said O'Leary. Many of the confiscated automobiles arc sional, associations, with over 90 without losing services, have Heen~ put to use as undercover vehicles for members of tho years, say few things would surprise them now. $5- million for continuation of the — $300,000 for a plan for develop- Chamber President Richard Lesher. . percent of"lhc membership composed Fulcomcr suggested that the Union "We've seen all'kinds of stuff. Remember that hot made, and added that 1988 is the first County Jail be the only recipient this county Narcotics Strike Force, after the county satisfies collection and removal • of drift ment, utilization, and conservation of "Dawkins' approach to issues such of small businesses, dog stand we got in Elizabeth?" Kotlarz asks his year, as far as ho knows, that fewer year of added employees. But Suliga any outstanding loans. project. . j_ water resources. as taxes, spending, trade and educa- parlncr-in-ovidcncc. More information on the Cham- staff positions arc budgeted than in •recommended that no positions bo And the Prosecutor's Office isn't the only arm of law ; Bamegat Inlet'— $7.8 million for Lautenberg is seeking re-election tion put him close to the ideas and "Sure, and don't forget that lunch wagon, too," ber's chdorscmenl program can be the previous ycar. created in any county department enforcement that gets monetary benefit!; from criminal construction of a now jetty and this ycar and is expected to bp chal- values of Ihe American business answers Mcllo. . ' obtained by contacting Steve Caldci- Suliga's efforts were lauded by unless- it is fully grant-funded or • investigations that lead to convictions. Local police who improved navigation channel., The lenged in November's clcction'by the community. He has the support of ' ra in the Chamber's Eastern Regional inlel has been one of tho most •several freeholders including Chair- another position -of equal salary is assist in-tho-inve'sligation-and-ovon-tho-Fcdcral-Bureau— Republican nomineo, Pete Dawkins. New Jersey Governor Tom Kcan and Office, (212) 370-1440:—— -man Michael Lapolla .who cut. THE EVIDENCE ROOM -- Detective Jerry Kotlarz ofthe Prosecutor's Office linsheaths Auctions dangcrous-boaling-spots-on-tho coast* a large knife confiscated during an arrest. Behind him, dozens of guns being held as of Investigation, if it participates in the operation; arc . The county will Hold public auction next week for entitled to a cut of tho money. . - . . with 11 lives lost in accidents over evidence hang on the walls. . , _--. . • goods confiscated by tho prosecutor. Oh June 2 between the last 5 years. These improvements © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © o© © © © © © © o © ©1© © © o © © © © • "There is a formula based on each requesting agen- l:30and 3:30 p.m., jcwlcry, including rings, earrings, will greatly increase boating safety. cy's participation. If the investigation was a joint effort- s —watches, bracelets, pcarkvand more will be auctioned in Cape May Inlet To Lower Town- © County plans 'get attention workshop the confiscated goods or-money is distributed according- Ihc FrccholdcrJMccting Room on tho 6th floor of the lyi" O'Leary said, "Each case, is different. The dislribu- : ship — $1 million for construction of © © © county administration building in Elizabeth. f jetties, groins, und beach replenish- © The Union County Board. of . faced with thb need to promote their • public relations workshop is tomor- ' lion, varies depending on the circumstances." • ' • • A deposit of 25 percent — cash or certified check "Confiscated weapons including rifles, handguns, ment. ' Lautenberg secured $4,5 © Chosen Freeholders, the Office of nrqgrams and -special events, and --. row, May 27. ' ' only — of the selling price is required on the day of million for this project in Fiscal Ycar Cultural and Heritage Affairs, and knives, brass knuckles, axesy and various homemado "this program is designed to elimU purchase. The balance must be paid by June 7, '88. • . Union County College announce a -nate the anxiety associated with writ- Anyone who would like fee infor- speciallies are stored in guarded vaults throughout the. Automobiles will bo auctioned Juno 4, 11 a.m. at tho OQOOOOOOOO O.-©••©-© O O O © © © 0 O© © © © © © © © © ©© © © © © © © workshop tilled "Attention — J.iQ\v_ infi a press release." malion or ip register should call county. Sergeant William Mcllo and Detective Jerry Union County Complex, 300 North Avenue East, West- huyinnim Kotlarz are responsible for, among other things, the To Get It!" The day-long course will The registration deadline for the 351-7100. field. Vehicles may be inspected beginning at 9 a.m. Volunteers are lauded . Final Reductions Final Reductions be offered on Saturday, June 4, from I Complete — 8:30 a.m. to 3:30p.m. at (hcGranford The following counly residents SZ\ FOTO Pholb wore recently honored at the 25th r Campus of Union Counly College. © © © © © © © © © © © ©GO©© © ©©o © ©©© © © © © © © © © ©o © © © © © © I Finishing Annual Awards Ceremony for . According lo Freeholder Chairman Service Michael J. Lapolla, all cultural and Volunteers of John E. Runnells •al FINIS © Hospital of Union County: liistoricajnonjpj-qfit_organ[zatiqnsjire ••••/•••••••••• •• rini ^-Mvfountstlnsldcr- BclloJVatson, 800 j Winters hours. f $2.00 OFF j ' INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS "Diamond & Jewelry Exchange' Linden - Terry Keating, 1,200 hours; 1000 Stiivvcsanl AVCIHIC © K>N IN LAB PROCESSING! • CAMERA REPAIR SERVICE Pelican © © GO O ©.©.© © © O © © © © -Knights-of-Columbusr-19,400 hours; S*v« 43.00, on* roll p«r coupon, wttnn" Union, - © © ©_©JO ©©©-©-©-©-©©©-< «« dflVolop ind print your MO. 17G.I —•Morris-fcoonorSOO-hours:—= =*^ftmm*T»Frrfi«^eolo^p#int=l!lm*«t^utfi» = \i\cw Jersey Union - Joseph Gannon, 400 Nolgood ' MOVIE TO VIDEO TRANSFERS rvprinii of • H)7()H« 3 with this ad... Savo $109 hours; Robert'Hahn, 100 hours; laro«rri«nlL DISCOUNTS SMITH Ih fhii coupon SL Robert Jarman, 2,000 Jiqurs^Satldra t.; PactojY^OIreci Outlets! FOtl MAY *|NDJUNE ONLY I * 24-HOUR FILM DROP 30 d**: ' Reefer, 100 hours; KnigfetgjifcoliSmjj,; (D • * Cool Chomlcnls .1 95* % Twin",[;i; .j; . .. ,;.. .: [Vit.i.l Q. I ; bi^s, 19,400 hours; Charles Wright, • 700 BOULEVARD • KENILWORTH SI! ,.„ '.„!• 500 hours. SIS Authorized I... S3 • ELECTRONIC - 241-2021 sno SoTvjco Depot EANS S10 sss lni.i lm. TYPEWRITER ssa • Full line memory-correction allows correction ol ono character or an ontlro line. • Word Eraser ' removes an ontlro word with ono tap . ol[a koy; tap twlca, two words, etc. ' . .'• Oihor loaturos includo auto return, auto cpntor, auto — 3 super/subscript and more — , ALL SUPPLIES IN STOCK 3) Wfn a $10,000 Scholarships a(D. 2nd Prize - $3000 Scholarship • 3rd Priza $2500 Scholarship DAV c , (no purchase nocessary) 'TEEN WlrVrJEriS • Mill PiiRion Unn Pioonnl Specials 687-5200 O Girls: Ages 13-18 . GOING OUT Register for Fresh Suburban Business Machines MISS FASHION TEENAGER • •; , 1053 Stuyvesant Ave. • Union PAGEANT UNION COUNTY CHICKEN. LEGS OUR 26th YEAR ' Hlllsldo Public Library Mon.. Frl. 8 AM-5:30 PM; Sat,9 AM-NOON _ Hillside Ave./Ub«rty Ave. Country Style.dr Rack ' - Hillside S 98 S Mill 12 Mill Silt B Mil 5-25-88 S-Bp.hi. PORK SPARE RIBS 1 ib $32 Uitl SI4 m S4S 11 iM S70 S10J • REPLACEMENT 5-26-88 5-8 p.m. S8S S120" SI4 $64 Our Own 11 ill S104 S14B S SSI • • SSB WINDOWS ; Double HutlR Up lo 8GUI FOR MORE INFORMATION 30 1)11) S12B SISBS Slfi * S112 Completely Installed. SQ98 CO 3140 11 111 $175 S23&5 Limited Offer: Normal Installation. -CALL 964-0560 Slbs sa: WITH THIU COUP' HAMBURGER PATTIES a. Olympic Solar Raul syslom 5 ' Official Pageant to be held at c S1S0 u S175J Screens included on all window! Extra Lean Home Made o .„ .. SIS! • ! • Maintenance Ffoo Vinyl throughout DASTI'S RESTAURANT $ OTHER srvus Rlfl. 22 •Mountainside. NJ 99 5 never needs pnint " t, SIZES AVAILABLE ITALIAN SAUSAGE 2 3 • » - SIB II . JBl" • Aluminum reinlorced master frame t Picluro Windows Levrs July 23,1088 w • 11 SIS II Siilj • Both sashes tilt in for safe easy • Bow Windows n cleaning • Casomonl Windows Winners will go on • Head and Sill fully wcatherstripped 2019 Morris Ave. •Union Center 4 , , • Deal Diiccl 8 Sni(o gg valid thru Juno 4,1988 to enter tho official j-MMMUMMl WITH THIn COUPON -|» • 7/B" insufatod glass provides large air Oil Our Pool* _ barrier for extra pcoteclion N MlJion |SALE!f24 on All StoneWaahod Donlrns and Colors Miss Fashion Teen Original • 2~Sash Locks - Vent Locks 686-3421 Pricos Pageant -1989 Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8 to 6 • FrITto 7 •Wo service what wo soil .. .' toinnw wlfwln a Irlp to Ih. B.h.w.i, • 100% bank financing : : Dlohiond ninoi • w««l«nd_ Sat 7:30 - 4:30 • Closed Sun. -••Mastor-Pramc-Vinyl-eiad ——- Is Atlantic Clly ON OUR ENTIRE FABULOUS INVENTORY OF DIAMONDS, lo in Thl Mlm Alnarlca P»fl»»ril FREE IN-HOME DEMONSTRATION CALL 964-8400 ITALIAN GOLD CHAINS, PEARLS, PENDANTS, EARRINGS, Vinyl Tilt-In I MAGNUM WINDOW I MEMORIAL DAY J3IRTHSTONES, FAMOUS NAME WATCHES AND MORE. NJ State Each person produces 3.5 Licensed I REPLACEMENT CO. I 64 Broad St., Elizabeth, NJ.j. 352-4219 pounds of solid waste per day. ENTIRE INVENTORY The WHY PAY MORE? PEOPLE FOR ANIMALS 3 MUST BE LIQUIDATED '3 DRESMGR00M SINGERS— ^ ^. LOW COST ELIZABETH SEWING FUR STORAGE" Ir^'—SPAY/. "• | A ccrtilicato ol appraisal accompanies every diamond and precious gem purchase. | MEMORIAL DAY SALE! NEUTER CLINIC MACHINE OUTLET- • We, dust-clean each piece individually .. I 20% Off The Debutant*" 433 Hillside Avenue Maohlna REGULAR • Store your furs in air-conditioned luxury. o AH Swimwear Mod«l8212 /; Hillside -3 -frpopulnrelllehos •Bulll— ""Slrernr 1 ••-GnstonrdemnsinE • repairing • remodeling Sale Hours in buttonholor Drop-In liALIT\ VETEmNARYCARE Goltox bobbin •Ad|ualo to Mon.-Sat. various fabric > NOW • All at reasonable rates • • Roxanne thIckndQsoBs Frob orm For Appointment Please Call: 10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M • Pierre Cardin . lor cowing sloovoo • Built- ONLY Custom made quality furs in carrying hondlo • Harbour Casuals 00 And a salactlon ol ready mada "I: 964-6887 • Oscar de la'Renta Will •£«« ." Coverups & Sportswear *159 OUH44II.YKAH ^ Deafgned by Charles, . :Y Closed Mondays OPEN STOCK yW1 m M • ^^^•r ML v9 OPEN MEMORIAL Coma See Our New Store!" • - ••• Wlththlaad . r T WEEKEND Largent Sulectlon of Now, One of A Kind, n»condllloH«d and SPAV YOUR PET All Stars Stf ike Back 1025_&t. George Ave. Dlaconllnuad Singer Machlnaa. Raduead 30%-80%. OW Rafl. ovor--100,000 eats & $ 'Diamond <& Jewelry Exchange'' SUN. & MON. H.4:3O a. Only at this location. . . dogs aro destroyed In 21 "Pr. - 3 DAYS ONLYm^m St. GeorgePlaza at N.X annually bacauso •f)oy arc unwanted. Corner Stuyvesant & Morris Avenues (Bohind Blockhtisler Video) SINGER* MACHINES FOR LESS Juliens Army & Navy Union Center 486-4222 • Linden :R- At The Sewing Machine Outlet Store 1263 Stuyvesant Ave., Union \,H,,, Mii.dh$i!i , 112 N. Wood Ave. il'ffi 1164 E Jersey St., Elizabeth F«m»l« Dop 125 35, Linden • 486-8012 Mon.-thuc. 0-8 • Frl. 9-9 • Sat. 9-6 ••"'-• 352-5840 Cut I SIM Parking In Roar __ or convaHM 1,2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, May 26, 1988 — 11 10 — Thursday, May 26, T988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 2,3,4* Tears and Flowers Moon on the Water LaLanne duo come to town Appearing before mo down pours'.thorain. By PAULPEYTOtf arteries arc cleared. Blood pressure and high cholesterol can be reduced^ -through exercise. • ;—-. :— — Dc!icatc_ye!lwy.bclls_ __JCaIcidQscopc,- _Sun pn.thc ice _ Many-Americans eufferfrom-two commonailments-cfllled"poop-out-itis"- gently embrace the sweet fragrance. Spinning blossoms life is exploding, moon on the water and "flabby-itls," according to famous fitness personality Jack LaLanne. A valuable'exercise, he said, is walking. Walking 20 minutes a day will help condition the body. Daffodil dreams, dispersing my tears then times it's so dim. stopped loving for now Jack and his wife, Elaine, gave a one-hour presentation on nutrition and ' LaLanne said the waistline of seniors should be reduced to where it was • beautiful, everlasting Which magically freeze, Unwcary perceptions 'cause reality caught her exercise Friday during the grand opening ceremony of Mountainside's new when they were in their prime. . Amidst Then shatter, • ... ~ts1l me, is it you nothing to do with the wnllr that $6.2 million, 150-bed Manor Care Nursing Center. The Route 22 center is Swirls of pink, red, and speckled Into so many my world was deep purple you choose • located next to theJMountainside Gospel ChapcL ._.. .. "Your waistline is your lifeline," he said. "You can actually reduce the -violet.'-, .> Crystal fragments. now it's light blue -^ sometimes you wiff-and some- Manor Care will provide 120 beds for patients needing personal care, 60 aging process," said LaLanne. Motley, —~~~ clouds, drift so slowly ^~\ times you lose beds of which will be devoted to tho rehabilitation therapy section for Another method for producing healthier bodies is to take vitamins-daily. weaving the memory KIM FRAGER and get somewhere fast you can't look back on what you longterm-carc patients. Thirty additional beds will be used for patients requir- Vitamin B complex, LaLanne said, puts energy back into the body which is of night's magic. GRADE 12 at limes there's no future— chose . . ing minimal personal care. lost through the consumption of sugar. Daisy pinivhcel . . DAVID BREARLEY and only a past bright-eyed kids eyes now close; LaLanne, speaking before ISO area seniors, said Americans lend to sit LaLanne, who opened his first health spa in Oakland, Calif., concluded with the clouds fill with water - . RAYFOLEV around avoiding exercise, which causes their muscles to,become flabby. the wcH-known saying, "God helps him who helps himself." and bye goes the pain GRADE 12 With no exerciso a simple chore can cause a person to be "pooped." only a past now. JONATHAN DAYTON STILL AT I"— Jack and Elaine LaLanne gave a fitness • LaLanncT 73, explained that he was once unhealthy as a teen-ager. He said a group of senior citizens'this week in he dropped out of school with poor grades and was 60 pounds underweight. S.S. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES . Mountainsie. Jack, now 73, said eating right and exer- While his mother was in a mental hospital after suffering a nervous break- cising keps him young in body and mind. down, LaLanno attended a fitness lecture. w.hich.changcd his life. LaLanne^uiid-he^oonjvjisjating-hcalthy frwls, Customer Serviceis our No. 1 priority . cising on a daily basis. 'Oldfes Night'for benefit Ho told the seniors that he had thought about suicide before he found Will my life be. what it's fitness. He said his poor condition, caused by a poor diet largely brought on by ^e'H Take You for me be fulfilled? But no one else knows that. . "OldioiNight," a benefit, an oversized screen. Dinner, supposed to be," : his excessive urge for sweets, was the reason for his deep depression. < '• . • ' Or will I change one day and . Don't you know thai happiness event forth" Sheriff's Officers beverages and contests will" What other people think it is success? "That's why I am so enthusiastic about my profession," he said. "It saved Door to Door fulfill my own dreams, ,of UniorCounty is planned for round out the activities. A video- my life. If something saved your life, wouldn't you be enthusiastic about it?" should be? The simple dreams? . JUSTINE GAETA June 10/ p.m. at the Elks fclub tape of the occasion will be LaLanne oxplaincd-that his father died at an early age due to poor health. Will other people's dreams and All that is important, is GRADE 12 inUnio. made. expectations . DAVID BREARLEY He said his father simply did not take care of his body. His mother, mean- 24 Hours a Day! happiness, Live entertainment will be while, lived to ago 94. " _ .••''.• fcaluril, with-a six-piece band Ticket information, can" bo' Being inactive is a "killer," LaLanno preached. He said blood vessels and and \dcos of Elvis Presley on obtained by calling 245-8320 arteries often become clogged from fatty foods. By exercising, the body's Atlantic City New York City Theatres Boat Piers Professional Directory ^Shopping Malls Sporting Events MICHAEL A. COREY, D.C. Social Gatherings CHIROPRACTOR •All Major Airports R. Glenn Rosivack, D.M.D •Gall Us for Quotes •Infants Adolescents To Other Locations .Most insurance cornpanies provide coverage^ •children Handicapped . ^"^ Se hnblo Espnnol y fain Portuguese Oflico Hours by Appointment, PLUS..: Free— By Appointment Evening Hours Available I '. 1S76 Springlleld Avonuo • Maplowood • 964-8607 Refreshments _ 338 Lafayette Streol • Nawark • SB9-282B 381 Chestnut St. '"AsDIIIoront As Night & Day" ' 686-2082 on All Trips Rebecca Zirkcl Grade 11 , Joiuithnn Dayton Call 353-1851 ACCIDENT Center For Family Foot Hpalth Care and — •Dr.-James C. Byrne EM^imi^fflM^w^nraffiirai! Trees, Grass and the Sky WORKERS COMPENSATION ~ Podiatrist-Foot Specialist ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL I've never questioned the trees before Oh how blue is blue the blue sky so light-radiating all around reflecting Complolo Care 01: never questioned this prnss = - LAWYER Pre-School thru 8th Grade --lisii =bluc-why-bluerbluc-bluo —tlicniioisTuTc olrcaclrblaae"UTc sky or the sky ~~Waifs ~Bunions blue ' - ...1 illuminates Corns Hammorioos CURRICULUM FEATURES INCLUDE: Instead I've trampled all over it : Against the green grass and brown the tree sighs, the beautiful passive • 'Ingrown Nails Spurs winched it burn'in my fireplace, AtVIN R. LEONARD, Esq. Fool S Anklo Injurios * Full lime gifted and talented track ' trees just the clearest sigh of God with the sun ' Fungus A/ai/s 133 never giving it a thought * French or Latin for Gifted Classes and Junior High PCI . brightest blue such paradise. Rejoice and this tree,and this smooth wet Mow these hard branches reach oul Attorney at Law * Departmentalized Upper Grades tr:a? -the sky is blue and .grass which no longer Laser Surgery In Office | • L&J • from the trunkTh-all crazy ""•""Computer Lab" _ . the earth is soft green. This mighty supports me 155 Morris Avenue lia dircctiqn.fjust standing still with such Remember, Your Feet Have To Last A Lifetime! * Extended before and after care for all students ITCl crazy tree stands — _^ justly body. • ... Springfield, N.J. 07081 * Varied Sports program . mighty-presence and > \ - r n.r CHARLOTTE JAFFEt PINGTHILLTROAD 17 ACADEMY STREET UNION 213 Summit Road , 401 North~Wo6d Ave., Linden Mountainside , 6230100 654-5151 925-3797 By Dawn Brady 687-1900 IIOUnS!-Man.-Sal. lOom-Dpm, Fri. 10ani-9p __• Grude 11 -JonnttarDaytoir 12— Thursday, May 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,5,6* 2,3,4,5,6*"- COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 26, 1988 — 13 A PBOUPLJBIBUTETO A potpourri ACTION SUNOGO SANMARAUTOSAES 1814 St. George Ave. ULTRA SERVICE CENTER Linden 1406 Stuyvesant Ave. 925-0266 Union 686-2762 . _ sights Call us for a superior deal. V Gerhard "Gerry" HorniingProprieter Quality used cars .A Where Serice is more than just a word SMITH BRITTON&SELG FUNERAL HOME Est. 19i6, Leland Stanford, Pres. ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE: 45 CHERRY ST. Auto, Home, Business, Medical MAPLEWOOD DODGE ELIZABETH, N.J. Professional Liability Insurance; Factory Authorized " - . 352-9114 " Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Etc. Discount Dealer Alfred J. Smith, Jr. Mgr. Representing these & other fine companies, Home of Quality Service • Frances C. Smjth, Director General Accident, Republic, Excelsior & Princeton 1830 Springfield Avenue • 277 NORTH BROAD ST. Maplewood ELIZABETH 762-8686 _ . . . 352-1018 SMITH MOTORS CO. MIDAS MUFFLER SHOPS 79 W.Grand St.- 1449 Stuyvesant Ave. Elizabeth, N.J. Union • (201)354-8080 ''-,'• No. 1 Cadillac Dealer in Tri CARMEN'S CATERING ,"NOBODY BEATS MIDAS - NOBODY" State Area in Customer 124 Chestnut Street - - Satisfaction Roselle Park 241-1555. . Catering for all occasions " PARK CAR WASH 134 W. Westfield Ave. Famous Sloppy Joe Platters Roselle Pa'rk . Mon.-Fri.7-7 241-6030 . : . ' .. Sat. 7-4 SPRINGFIELD 155 St. George Ave. • Roselle ' HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING * 1 241-2033 ''••••' •• ; •' ' — 50 Springfield Ave. -- 1 * 100% Brushless ' ' .Springfield 376-5000 - " •-* HEADING SOUTH lor the all-too-famlliar HOLLYWOOD MEMORIAL PARK 2 Great Locations • ' . - _ Free estimates, service, sales '' f sight on the Garden State Parkway.- SPRING CONCERT at Abraham Glark High. School, Roselle. & installations. ' " " . ' . Gethsemane Gardens Mausoleums ROBERT MICHAEL SALON Air cleaners & humidifiers 1500 Stuyvesant Ave! The Courtyard at Millburn . ~ ' .. ' Union G88-4300 &Main • • • , , Millburn . TEIXEIRA'S BAKERY 379-2083 " "Cakes For A1.1 Occasions" . 958B Stuyvesant Ave. ' Union 688-5647 : EVERYBODY got Into the ALDENE CLEANERS^ INC. act at the Roselle Park Fire ! FIRST JERSEY NATIONAL BANK MAPLE LIQUORS 570 West Westfield Ave. .~* - .'— Morris Ave. & Colonial Ave. SPEED WORLDS INC. Department's wetdown Roselle Park 24L-407O 876 Springfield Ave. 1400 Stuyvesant-Ave. Union 964-6565 — Irvington 375-1000 festivities for its newest Cleaning done on premises pumper. .At left, members .•OurntlryBaT— " of the Mountainside Fire BELMONT AMERICAN GIFT FOUR SEASONS PLAY & Mon. & Fri. open till.9 p.m. MAR.TINEDWARD Department take a turn at 1058 Stuyvesant Ave. ' RECREATIONAL CENTER MEN'S CLOTHING the hoses. Union 686-0338 1185 West Chestnut St. SPRINGFIELD EXXON Known for Famous Name Brands 958 South Springfield Ave. BIG STASH'S at Route 22 . " Union 687-0151 1024 Stuyvesant Ave. 467-0776 RESTAURANT & CATERING Union Center V •. Complete auto repair Si towing J—1020 So-Wood-Ave; : — -687-4633 GIFT BOUTIQUE •- • "Photos by Joe Long if Linden 862-6455 Gift Certificates SOUND ON WHEELS INC. Echo Plaza-Route 22 Parking in Rear of Store 631 Morris Turnpike * BILL & TONY'SSERVICE CENTER Springfield 379-3819 Springfield * 1859 Morris Ave^ .".... Cards and Gifts ; _\S..:Jl.. 467-8010 ' MlkSAL PRINTING CO. Mobile phones, car stereos, auto alarms J BOB'S SEAFOOD GOODMAN'S OF ELMORA — "Commercial & Industrial Printing" Jt"__2Q86 Springfield Ave. 180 Elmora Ave. . , . 2229 Morris Ave., Union 687-3982 SWAN MOTEL AND Elizabeth 354-1802 ,' . / . ' . if Vaiixhall/Umclh' 687-3371 EXECUTIVE VILLAGE Raw & CookodT'ish To Go "Specializing in Sloppy Joes^_ TJ£-^__ if -NAWROCKIPHARMACY- BENEDICT MOTEL if In^uslness since 1943 ] -UrS-Highway- Route 1 if BROUNELL-KRAMER-WALDJOR AGENCY 1214 Stuyvesant Ave: if A COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE PETER A. GRANATA Union 688-8048 Linden if 1435 Morris Ave. STATE FARM INSURANCE "Open 7 Days A Week" 862-4500 862-7700 if Family Owned 35 Years" if Union 687-1133 / 940 Stuyvesant Ave. if Union 688-2051 if CHANCELLOR TEXACO PEASON AGENCY, INC. THE SNEAKER FACTORY if SERVICE STATION Agency for Motor Club of America AEROBIC SHOES BY ,, * HERSHEY'S DELICATESSEN if 960 Chancellor Ave. '" • • 1173 Springfield-Ave. REEBOK-AVlA-ETONIC-FOOTJOY-KAEPAj if Irvington 372-9644 502 Boulevard Irvington 372-8544 ' 315 Millburn Ave. if if State Inspections . Kenilworth 276-9328 Millburn 376-6094 if if Steve &A1 REEL VIDEO TELEVISION SERVICE * CHESTNUT LAWNMOWER & H. SCOTT EXCAVATING UNLIMITED if General Contractor 964 Stuyvesant Ave. . • if EQUIPMENT, INC. Union Center (across from Jahn's) .. 605 Chestnut St. if Sales, Service, Parts, Lawn mowers, 115 Morris Ave. • Union 686-5757 if 'pringfiold 376-0890 686-7788 • . Snow Blowers Now Offering Free Expert T.V. repairs. 421 Chestnut Street — Membership Free estimates on all carry in units. Union 687-5270 .' : . INTER COMMUNITY BANK All work guaranteed if Member F.D.I.C. ' . if CHILDCRAFT PRE-SCHOOL TEMPLE^'NATABBAHAM if 52 Millburn Ave., Springfield 467-8800 INSURANCE if CENTERS, INC. -.: 1658 St, George Ave., Linden 467-8800 - MEMORIAL PARK if 942 Sanford Ave. . • . "MOTORCYCLE & AUTO INSURANCE" if 343 Milburn Ave., Millburn 467-8800 1360 Morris Ave. Union 687-4882 Rt. No. 22 M- IrvingtUn. 372-7200 .,, .54 Whippany Road, Whippany 467-8800 Union if Ages 2'.'a thru 4 years Union Ideal Professional Park, Union 467-8800 688-3054' . if 154 Stuyvesant Ave. Seymour Krasney, Director if ROBERT ANTHONY CREATIVE if Newark 372-0022 _ , • • if Ages 6 months thru kindergarten" . • . IRVINGTON LOCK SHOP HAIR STUDIOS UNISEX — THE VIDEO CAPTAIN, INC. * Hours 7 A.M. to 6 PJVLat both locations R.L.WEBER, Prop. 1185 Morris Ave. 265 Mountain Ave. ' if COMPLETELY CERTIFIED ' 1234 Springfield Ave. .(Near Lyons Ave.) if Union " Springfield Irvington 373-4926 686-8388 ....._ if CHOICES 376-5010 • ... if WE HAVE MOBIL UNITS FOR SERVICE CALLS Parking in Rear if 2822 Morris Ave. ; • ALSO WORK DONE ON PREMISES Rental-Sa,les & service if Union 851-0707 ilrs. Mon., Sat. U:00a.m;-9:00p.m. if Full service beauty parlor ' -•...- -SALONG if 1942 Vauxhall Rd: . Sun. 11:00a.m.-8:00p.m. if KIDS UNLIMITED if CORNELL HALL CONVALESCENT Union if CENTER CHILDREN'S CLOTHING '687-1617 WE'RE HAVING A PARTY! if 234 Chestnut St. NAME BRANDS DISCOUNTED 2022C Morris Ave. ' if 2725 Morris Ave. . ' Union . if Union 687:7800 (Across from Brick Church) 964-6111 . IT'S ONL!Y A TEST— The state's first central rogion emergency response . if Union 687-5678 . SHEEHY'S RELIABLE TIRE SERVICE if COSMIC HAIR STUDIO Children's Party Specialty Shop team staged a-.hazardous chemical accident and tested the readiness of CHEERING THEM on at the Brearley-Elizabeth baseball semi-finals of the Union County Tournament if . Open 6 Days 200 E. St. George Ave. are these Bear fans,. • ..:...... , ... --- — — • ••- - ::; - 1179 Stuyvesant Ave. — emergency units throughout Union County" recently. American Cyanimid if Irvington 373-4629 • • . ' Mon-Thurs, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Linden 486-2555 UNION LOCKSMITH & KEY if. "24 Hour Road Service" , Company in Linden served as the site of the mock disaster. if Open Sundays 6 a.m.-1 |).m. Fri. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. V 2096 Stanley Terrace Sat. 10 a.m.'-5 p.m. Union .'•'•' CRAFTY KITCHEN 686-6033 }' 14- 407-411 Chestnut St. LEHIGH SAVINGS SHYLOCKS We've got great Union 687-2609 SAFE, SURE & SECURE 281 Main St. • UNION CAMERA EXCHANGE if Complete Craft Shop I MEMORIAL DAY SALE YOUR HOMETOWN SAVINGS Millburn & SPORTS CENTER film developing if PARK DRUGS if "DI COSMOS" 925 Stuyvesant Ave. 370-3990 2009 Morris Aver all sealed up. if Union 686-6655 . . Full service hair salon Union • •. • )f ITALIAN & AMERICAN DAIRY & DELI Gary L. Restivo, Pros. Complete manicures, pedicures, & 688-6573 ' " if CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS if if body waxing. Skin care & make up\ UNITED JERSEY BANK/ ..* 1025 W. St. George Ave. :. Linden 925-6868 • ' • LINDEN MONUMENTAL WORKS INC. FRANKLIN STATE $ if Granite and Bronze Markers if 25% )f Open 6 Days-Tuesday Thru Sunday 630 Franklin Blvd. _ if , if Cemetery Lettering " OFF 1 SKI SETTING JEWELRY Somerset, New Jersey 00873 if jaiflJEasLRouteJ ^ —.'.I: -:". — -905MountalnAve. ' * Member FDIC, Member Bank of Sunglasses ^ . .^. if • 1200 Nortli Broad St. Linden 480-4450 Springfield United Jersey Banks if Hillside 352-5775 • 376-8880 ,* f Serving Christian and MAFFEY'S LOCK & SAFE CO. Visit our other location at Foster Grant 'A*L'/'' ^ 1172 E. Grant St. THE TRIANGLE LAWNMOWER SHOP If. Jewish Cemeteries Colonial Square Mall Authorized Sales"-Servlce Parts If Elizabeth 209 Route 22E. f for Brlggs-Stratton-Teeumseh & if ELMORA PLUMBING SUPPLY 351-1172 Greenbrook Kohler Engines if Batteries 100 Elmora Ave. Ctablshod IV0 Our 78lh Year 752-6446 DURACELL 239 E. Elizabeth Avenue . i^f 40% Elizabeth 355-1777' Linden 025«0250 ' tf- ajr—U!top-foM]|-your-plumbing-necds! — MARIO -RENATO— UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! ; We pick up & deliver ••'•*• 1 1419 Stuyvesant Ave. $ ESPECIALLY FOR YOU SIMONE BROS. Union WOOLEY FUEL COMPANY PARK DRUGS SOFT LIQHT BULBS -£— 522-etrcstmit-St; —' 688-4165 • FUEL CO. 1732 St. Georgo Aue. Heating Oil, Diesel Fuel, Kerosene „ WHITE 100 W-4PK. . Union ii88-6588 Open 0 days a week 1405 Harding Ave. ttnd6n-«-486?1875= Cards, gifts, balloons ' Mon.-Fri. 7-6 Sat.7:30-3 Linden J2B NOW $2.99 nee. $8.70 "Open 7days 862-272B Maplowood 782-7400 Now Storo Hrs: Mon-Sat, 9-0 • Sun: 0-2 14 — Thursday/May 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,5,6* Local students get Teen artists exhibit finest pieces 1,2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTV-fcEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 26, 1988 — 15 The Union County Board of the county's cultural life through the Office of Cultural and Heritage Scheer, David Brearley Regional RinakjoseeWng. Healt h granLgiven nursing degrees Chosen Freeholders Is displaying an Teen Arts Festival," said Michael J. Affairs at 351-7100. _ .High.School.JKcnilworthj-Alfie-Tely-- The Division on Aging of the The program, whicli runs three L Artists exhibiting in the freeholder monde, Kawameeh Jr. High School, Union County Department of Human days a week, includes door-to-door — Fifteen-arca-resicfents~are~amorig 92"Uriion County College- in the freeholders' Chosen Freeholders. meeting room incIude:"ColIccn Union; Frank Teran, Linden High Services recently started a transportation, therapcuticallj students enrolled in the Cooperative Program in Professional room, 6th Floor, Union Sponsored by the Office of Cultur- to retain seat oriented activities, lunch, special meeting Cahill, Mother Scion Regional High School; John Wilhcrington, Orange, Rep. Matthew J. Rinaldo, R-N.J., community-based pilot program for Nursing who arc candidates for associate in science degrees at al "and Heritage Affajrs and Union employers to jSrovido nursing and trips and the monitoring of general County Administration Building, School, Clark; Jeanne Carton, A.W. Avenue School, Cranford; and Kyle imnounced this week he will seek re- 'those suffering with'.Alzheimer's the college's 54lh commencement on May 26. County College, this year's festival homehealthcoverage. . , Elizabeth, through Juno 23. ' ' Roberts School, New Providence; Woodard, Plainfield High School. election to Congress. Rinaldo's Disease and other dementia^ with a-—health needs. The Cooperative Program in Professional Nursing is brought together over 1,200 young -New Jersey recently lost two long- Nominated by professional artists, Julio Chacon, Rahway High School; • The New Jersey State Teen Arts district includes Union, Springfield, time committee chairmen in grant of $70,000 from the N.J.' State "These services arc provided by a conducted jointly by Union County College and the Schools of artists for two days of performances professional staff of recreational the works in this show were chosen Abby Chaplowitz, A.L.' Johnson,_ Program is made possible by support Rosclle Park, Kenilworth, and Washington with the retirement of Department of Hcallh, said William Nursing of Elizabeth General Medical Center, Elizabeth,' and and workshops at the college campus specialists, social workers,' support Clark; Jennifer Dalton, Governor Mountainside. Peter Rodino and the death of James H. Eldridge, Union County frcchol- Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center, Plainficld. In addition to from among 400 visual arts pieces inCranford. from Middlesex County Cultural and workers and trained volunteers," Livingston Regional High School, A major theme in .his campaign, he Howard, which makes Rinaldo the dcrand liaison lo the Advisory Coun- earning an associate in science degree from Union .County which were:. on- display during the Other representatives-of the' arts in Heritage Commission; Mason Gross Berkeley Heights; Jhyda Guerron, said, would be his record of service _5scond most senior member of the cil on Aging. * Eldridgc said. College," the graduates receive a diploma in nursing.frbm the recent Union County Teen Arts ' Union County will perform and School of the Arts, Rutgers; the State . Elizabeth High School; Sharon Lein- to constituents and his leadership role delegation behind Rep. Robert Roc. In addition, support services for Schools of Nursing and. are eligible to take the state Registered Festival. display their works at the New Jersey University; New Jersey State Depart- "In recent years the problems or are included, wi.hspccia hard, Lincoln School, Garwood; and in Congress in pressing for passage Rinaldo is the ranking. Republican Nurse examination. * •- --. •'Wo are pleased tO CXiljbit the Statoimue Tceribciit AIArtsD Festivaivbiivtul VIonI mayMay j3t 1 .—. , %. - .. hi. t —j> ment of Education*; New JerseJy State .patienls-with-Alzhcimcr-s~DiscaG&—„.„.„.,.,.. ., ,..r. ,;„„ '.!.„,. ~~of~lcgislalion to provide long-term^ of attention given to information about Kenilworth- residents who are candidates for associate in -creaUye-spirit of our countyVteoiu—^tnhing and is also the top ranked -ccrviccs-whidi-mec*—' he—needs—of— science degrees include: Cynthia, S. Plummcr and Marycllcn in our meeting room and to encour- Additional information can be School. . Stale; Geraldino R.DodEBTPouh'da- g home care the forefront in Union Co.unty, and for millions of Americans. Ho called Republican on ihc House Tclccom- Alzheimer's clients and their Sullivan, both majoring in nursing at Elizabeth General Medical ago the participation of our youth in obtained by calling the Union County Also exhibiting aro Richard—tion; and other:sources. the impact of these illnesKcs upon it an issue that cuts across political munications and Finance carcgivcrs and service providers has caregivcrs. Center, Elizabeth; and Carolyn M. Emery, majoring in nursing at Also, an education/support group Plainfield Regional Medical Center, Plainficld. and economic boundaries and age Subcommittee. led to "an increasing demand for day 7 groups. care services," Eldridge said. is available, and the general staff is Union residents who arc candidates for science accessible to answer questions, listen degrees include! Patricia A. DcFluri and Charmaine P.Thpmas, DERMATOLOGY & CUTANEOUS "It is not only, older people who are frightened by' the prospects of "About 40 percent of the clients ~oT ~to concerns and offer support. both majoring in nursing at Elizabeth General Medical Center, Union County's Adult' Day Care Fees will be determined by grant SURGERY CENTER 'ending-up. on welfare in order to Elizabeth; and Phyllis Ann Barancllo and Alison Stephen, both guidelines. Further information can 6 PI ft IS at nawark academy, livings! qualify for nursing home care, but Consortium are individuals who have majoring in nursing at Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center, announces that • be obtained by contacting thc.Divi- millions of American families who Alzheimer's disease or a related Plainficld. ' • • • JUDV S NEIL ROTHStEIN disorder." ' sion on Aping at S27-4870. Springfield resident, Craig T. Carey, is majoring in nursing at OWNERSIDIRECTORS dread the thought of being unable to '.Elizabeth General Medical Center, Elizabeth. MARTIN H. WORTZEL, M.D.F.A.C.P. care for their parents and grandpa- • Beautiful Campus rents, .and someday for themselves," Roselle Park residents Who arc candidates for associate in • Sth Graders and older Women's program on tap .science degrees include: Vivian Delgado and Kim E. McKinney, Is Practicing Derfrnatology Rinaldo said. • Beginners, Intermediate, advanced Area women arc invited to attend a Women For Women of. Union Coun- both majoring in nursing at Elizabeth General Medical Center, As vice chairman of the House • • Clln/e and tournament play' workshop tilled "Writing to Explore ty, a non-profit organization dedi-. Elizabeth. . ; 7 : Aging Committee, Rinaldo said he • ' .- ' • ' -at,- "--'' _ • • Top tennis Instructors Dilemmas and Despair" presented by catcd to supporting women through . • Instructor pupil ratio 1:6 has gathered' bipartisan support in "Linden residents who arc candidates for associate in science Dr. Rochcllc Lynn Holt in St. Paul's counseling, referrals and support • half Say sessions Congress for his bill to form a.part- Piiotu lly Joe L degrees include: Debbie M. Brucato, Bonnie D. Lcdct and 526 Bloomfield Ave., Caldwell, NJ. 07006 Church at. 414 E. Broad St., West- groups. Dcnisc Roberts, all majoring in nursing at Elizabeth General • Swimming Available nership between govcmmcnl, private AT THE FALLS —Youngsters take to fishing after a field, on-June 2 at 7:30 p.m. The number to call for registration Medical Center; Elizabeth; and Marybcih Hyncs and Pamela A. (201)228-6161 • /, 2, 3. and 4 week sessions insurance companies, individuals and MA n in:w j. UINALDO spring storm left a waterfall at Bryant Pond in Summit "This workshop is sponsored by is.232-5787. '.- _ WliitCi both majoring in nursing at Muhlenberg Regional Medi- PLEASE CALL 992-7767 HAROLD T. EISENMAN-, M.D. ADRIAN L. CONNELLY, M.D. cal Center,Plainficld.' — .. • FOR INFORMA TIVETBROCHURE BLISS ESTABLISHED 1882 ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT THE POOR QUALITY B'IMAI BRITH CAREER & COUNSELING SERVICES OF YOUB TAP WATER? 1767 Morris Avenue SWARMING Tlrod ollho high prlcoB a Iho Incotivonlonco Union FBSmith ol buying bottled wnlor? Now you enn hnvn.nll tito CLEAN, SAFE, GREAT TASTING WATER you wnnl Benjamin A. Leibowitz: CAST IRON BOILERS nlwnya nl your ItngorllpB... by Executive Director' TERMITES INSTALUHO A WATER FILTRATION UNIT Act auickly; avoid additional damage. Bliss nt onty n frncllon of tha cottf'orbotllod wntor. Unit roltlovefl dirt, dolorflonti termite experts - plus our technical staff chlorlno lind chdlnlcnlB. No FIHnr Chn'ngos. • . SAT's INr-.-Letushelpyou: •Chpo_!se_A_c.olliS3t . - provide over a century of trained 0NLYS20B"A WEEOiNTAl Selcci A College Major FREE BROCHURE. -e'xperiencerThey'll"checlcyourentlre house •Assess vour nptltudes and abiMtios and help you avoid additional problems. We provide... A comprehensive non-denominational counseling REFINANCING and testing program for'all age groups. A new HB Smith boiler., FHA • VA • CONVENTIONAL • MORTGAGE INSPECTIONS Salos, flonlnls — A Complalo Lino or Wolor fwallon Sysloms. Approved by Iliclnll Assoc of Counselinc Services. Inc can pay for itself quickly ASK FOR A COMPLETE HOME SURVEY - NOW! by reducing fuel consumption i Mountainside • Konllworth '233-4448 - springliBld • Union 277-0079 and service costs. Rosollo • Roselle Park • Linden 353-8752 Call us today for details. of home equity loans BUSS FREE TEBMIT0COWTHOL ESTIMATES— ONE OF THE OLDEST AND LARGEST,. GORDON'S LONDON DRY GIN


SERVICE, INC 475 Lohlgh Ave., Union can 964-9648 _ you'll get more Magic Chef. ON-1.75 LITER BOTTLE 30 SELF NOW Complete Air Conditioning CLEANING GE COMPACT MICROWAVE SALES & SERVICE GAS RANGE 3ust At titled! with a Howard Powered HERO. Chof Residential — Commercial - Industrial W LUXURY 20.1 Cu. Ft. • Steam and Hot Water Boilers • Air Conditioning Equipment QB2/CONCORDB TRIP NO-FROST • Warm Air Furnaces • Complete Hedtlng'and SIDE-BY-SIDE • Hot Water Heaters Cooling Systems TO LONDON FOR TWO REGRIGERATOR COMPLETE HEATING & FUEL OIL SERVICE, OIL BURNERS SALE & Whirlpool SERVICE, HOT WATER, BASEBOARD HEAT CONVERSIONS & IN- VCR SMASH! STALLATIONS •QE2QNTHESEA , NO-FROST • LONDON ON LAND ' > REFRIGERATOR •I4.3CU.FI. • A[l|usl.ll)lo Full-Wicllh •THE CONCORDE IN.THE AIR Slulvos MAYTAG If you own your home, let a Howard banker show you MOW WASHER to use the equity in your home Call for 3 C5RAIMD PRIZE AX^INMERS! for home improvements, bill TOSHIBA consolidation, automobile No purchase necessary Visit your participaiing retailer for complete details purchases, education expenses current and rules, Void where prohibited by law. QE2 is registered in Great Britain. 4 HEAD VCR with HQ exterior and personal investments. low rate! UNDER Your home is your THEGIN OF EMGLAND^AWP THE WORLD. COUNTER That makes a HERO even-more DISHWASHER financial castle. valuable (o you, since consumer owe We'll show you WHY a Howard i® —interest deductions on personal Powered HERO* (Howard Equity loans, credit cards and other bor- Reserve Option) can free up your rowing ;ircvbcinj> phased out. It's 26 home equity to qualify you for another way you're better off, Paint a line of credit from $5,000 to Howard Powered! REMOTE as much as $500,000. With a CONSOLE HERO you can have up to 75% H's easy to be a HERO. pnonuci OF u s A no fnooF. OISIIUED rnou GRAIN. GonnoNS unv GIN CO LTD . PLAINEICLD. ILL (vr, in MI of your home's appraised value It makes sense to apply for a 26" (less any outstanding mortgages HERO today,, so you'll.have your' REMOTE or liens), to spend on whatever., equity available whenever you need SHOP-RITE LIQUORS Wns 1219 NUW STEREO -you needmost. it. When your application is 'approved, SADIE & SAL'S LIQUORS 111 Enot 2nd Avo. OF SOUTH ORANGE GECOUNTERTOP your HERO'money is at your -fingertips• — all you do is" write".!check. 1 W;is $510 fJQlV The tax benefits of a HERO. Rosalia • 245-3233 25 Voso Avonuo Unlike some other home equity credit lines, the Howard charges no - - SoulltOranoo • 763-9802 MICROWAVE Under the new tax law, interest paid on HERO home equity loans application fee, no points, anil no closing costs, and, until you use your • 11 Cu. ri.A700VV.Hlfi SVLVANIA and your existing mortgage balance remains deductible, provided that" HERO, no minimum monthly payment is required. the loan is on your principal or second residence, in an amount up to Find out more about HOW you can tap your home equity an(LWIlY_ the purchase price of your homiPplus improvements. Interest on addi- sp many New Jersey residents are getting more out of life with a tional home equity borrowing for education and medical expenses Howard Powered HERO. Call toll-free and let the Howard give you «"" NOW also is deductible. ' . . more credit for living; • ; SPRING LIQUORS-BUY RITE FERRY WINES & LIQUORS 13" SYLVANIA — 12-14 Echo Plnsn 158 Forry St. REMOTE • An .ilkyfl-rjnsiid' ' . Sprlngllald • 379-4092 Newark • 588-8251 primer COLOR 'oxcollQnlluclina. leveling and MOOItE'S'FLAT TV Kittling. EXTEniOn LATEX 1-800-4-HOWARD HOUSE PAINT » MODnQLO* LATEX FEDDERS Formulatoil HOUSE & rniM -(l-80(M'|G-9273) ' ..". ... ospocmlly lor PAINT , UanjsCpm Monday tliru Friday, 9am-lpm Saturday; STATE PRIZE LIQUORS AIR CONDITIONER KELVINATOR AIR CONDITIONER Sunday 10-4 masonry ,ind lilMlltlllll SOfl PARK LIQUORS 0000 DtU • 00 EUR 1 WINE & CHEESE SHOP wood. Ooiid Iliit MoonoAnn LATEX gloss linlslt wllli 625 Chestnut St. •' t Irnlsli provider HOUSE PAINT outstanding gloss. Union • 687-9100 2191 Morris Ave. DKCi)plion,il hidinrj Lasliijo durability and color mO[2/lH/HHWii!i lo.'l'^. 'rhu Al'N imynur HK!U)lii;m willlictlit'AI'Kini.'Ifi'L-twliL'iiyoiirliiiL'dlcrcdiliHnppritvi-'d. Yfiur inU-ri'st r;ilf m;iy tliaiiiii-. IbwuvtT, llie Muwnrd will Kivt rnilia1 ill L'IIKI :ill TRIANGLE LIQUORS fVIANNV'S WINFIELD T 324 W. WesHleld Ave. Roselle Park 245-7831 itoVH prior to Ilit; rait' cluinyi!. Mnntlily rciniiron^nlii lire ,is lilllo nu l/IHlllh «f thi? oulntiiniliuif iKiliiru-c nr illHt, wliiclmwr is Ka-iuiT. |I|IJH jju^jin-nit:!! inti'ieul lorllii; mimlh, ()r, yim tuny repay any.uiiumnl over Ihc PERTH AMBOY 104 Smith St. 1406BMW0I.AVB -Hiirlimnr!|> to your «ul«lnniliiiKl»iil.nnferAtulv- ytittwily-iwy iiitpri'Bl nn Hit; money ytur UflcrAII priiKtiwI [wynu-ntH iiiiliim;ilic;il[y repiumuii ymir ilnu of credit. HliJtOiunviiiliiijIeloNuwJerin.'yprniHTlynwiiurHitiily. LIQUORS & DELI FAIRFIELD • BELLEVILLE • MONTCLAIR (Cor. VniKlmll Hoail) 25Vt Wavocroal Ave. ' . Union • 688-2520 X . OPEN 7 DAVS NJ.LOTTEnV CENTEn Wlnlleld • 486-2112

c: 16 — Thursday, Miiy 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,5,6* 1,2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 26, 1988 - 17

Beverly Hodes, treasurer; Anne -Jentisr-i'ecordirif;—secretary;—Ethel" Reunions Kravis, corresponding secretory, and —Jonathan-Dftyton-Regtonal-Hlgtr locate any" classmates anyone may and closed in 1976, was a preparatory Brooklyn, N.Y., are planning a gala Leo's Grammar School, Irvington, organized for the Weequahic High trustees, Ruth Gottlieb, Esther Green, Scliool, know of throughout the country. school and junior college for women. reunionxelebration. All alumni from Class of_1938, is currently seeking School class of 1968. If you are a Sadie Klaufer, Nat Luslig, Golclie Class pr 1959 Weslfleld High School, Currently 725 alumnae addresses 1945-1950 are asked to send their members of the class of 1938 for its member of this class, please write to: Rood, Fannie Rosenlhal, Mary Shap- A 30-year reunion is being planned Class or 1978 are known. About 4,500 alumnae are names with their class year, addres- 50th reunion. Further uifomwtion can Reunions Unlimited Inc.; P.O. Box iro, Edna Straka, Dorothy Sugarmah for Jonathan Regional High School. Alumni of tho Wcstfield High believed to exist. ses and telephone numbers, along be obtained by contacting: Art Rein- 13, Florham Park, 07932 or call and Lena Tanncnbaum. Class members are asked to School Class of 1978 are asked to with any information on the whereab- hard, 12 Cranberry Ct., Red Bank, Events 780-8364. Entertainment will be provided by contact Jay Kcllr, 1962 Bartle Ave., A reunion is scheduled for all outs of other classmates, to: Lincoln 07701; or Leo Burrows, 107 Jumping send thejr names, addresses and tele- Newark East Side High School lyric, tenor-Mikhail Manovich, a Scotch Plains , NJ 07076 or call graduates of Weequahic High School Reunion, P.O. Bo* R, Eatontown, BtopkRoadJLincroft, 07738. phone numbers along with any infor- Classes of January and June of cantorial concert performer in the 322-6954, Nancy (Rumsey) Cooksey, • from 1954-1959. Further information 07724. Information can also be mation on the whereabouts of other '•'• First Avenue School, ' 1938 -... . Metropolitan area. -."" 40S Gabriel Drive, St. Louis, MO may be obtained by cahtacting Gloria obtained by calling 758-0222. class members to" Wcstfield 1978 Classes or 1963-65 The Newark Easl Side High Strawberry festival It was announced thai ,-ificr 2X 63122 or Pat (Wriglcy) Cutler during Reunion, P.O. Box 1338, Eatontown, Sonnessa, 43 Feronia Way, Ruther- - • FalrLawn High School, The classes of 1963, 1964 and "Year End" meeting Wednesday at 8 ycars—Tcmplc—Beth'—Almi—Senior- School classes of Januaiy and June of Connecticut Farms Church, Stuy-- .pjn. in Bardy Hall. Prizes _will_b the day at 575-8292. . '07724. Information can also be ford, or by calling 935-1394. Class of 1965 , 1965 of First Avenue School, League has a membership of 225. 1938 as~"well ns ••>r,iriiLiUi<:_from- -vcsant-Avcnuo-and-Wcst-Cheslnut distributed. Sheepslicad Bay High School obtained by calling 758-0222. Graduates of tho January and June The Fair Lawn.HighJSchooLClitss—Ncwark^-are-currcntly—planning—a" The members meet in the- temple on _S_hecpjslieud_JBay High—School, asscs~of~1938 are alsoTbcing sought 1930-1939 are wanted for a joint Street, Union, will hold its annual Featured will be entertainment by 1 of 1965 is looking for all class 25lh reunion. For further information reunion. Graduates are asked to write Strawberry Festival Wednesday and the first and third Thursday- ; of each Classes of 1963, 1964 and 1965 arc to attend their 50th reunion to be held Bess Hodes and Irving Maloratsky, a Nov. 2S, 1988. members in New Jersey. If you have please contact: Anthony Magliacano, to Walter J. Golda, 2460 Dorchester Juno 2. Strawberries, ice cream and month at noon and have planned planning reunions. June_4 at Mayfield Farms in West sister and brother duo, presenting a Union Hlfih School, moved since the last reunion in 1985 2629 Juliat Place, Union, 07083; or Road, Union, 07083; or call homemade cakes will be served from activities. . Members of these classes are Orange. All graduates arc encouraged variety of songfest called "A Little Class of 1938 or have not reported your address for Marisa Purcell Russomanno, 476 686-9261. ' 6:30 to 7:30 p.m, and 8:30 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Wallace C.illcn was the orga- asked"to^writc to Reunion Unlimited Hie Reunion Committee is making to make reservations by contacting any reason to the Association, please Fairway Drive, Union, 07083. Bit of This and A Little Bit of That." 1 Roselle Park High School each day aiuLshow limes are 7:30 to nizer and. is active as advisor. Inc., at P.O. Box 13, Florham Park, plans for the 50th Reunion of the Walter Rcinhard, chairman, at • 6 call Liz (Blum) Power at 796-O028_or_._ Newark Central High School, They will sing and play "the songs of Class of 1948 8:30 p.m. yesterday," as well .as "the songs of Bernard Walsh is program chairman. 07932; or call 780-8364. Union High School Class of 1938 to Windsor Drive, Livingston, 07039; ' write to her at 17-02 Aldcn Terrace, Class of 1938 Lauretta Olshan, 2792 Carol Road, The Rosclle Park- High School Tickets can. be purchased at the today performed in English, Jewish South Side High School, be held June 26,1988. Fair Lawn, 07410. The Association The January 1938 class of Newark Union, 07083; or Ruth M. Hcdlin, 5 Class of 1948 is currently planning a door. and Hcbrow." - Desserts will be .Classes of June 1936 and January Out of 200 graduates; nine have would also like the addresses of any Ccntral.High School is seeking class- Guild plans events -^ Laurel Drive, Springfield, 07081. 40th reunion celebration to be held at served. • - 1937 not been accounted for including classmates throughout the country or mates for a 50th reunion to be held The Ladies Guild of Graix Luthe- South Sldo High School, - \ the Wcstwood in Garwood on June 'Manof the Year' The public is invited. Additional A reunion is being planned for__Gcnevivo Bardyzcwdci, Grace Gall, abroad—Preparation will sooiTbcgin Oct. 7, 1988, at the Friar Tuck Inn, ran Church, Union, held a mining •25. The Men's Club.of Temple Mckor information can be obtained by call- South Side High School, Classes of Lelia Jenkins, Walter Ley, James Class of 1942 for the celebration of the silver Cedar Grove, Interested classmate.^ May 11 featuring a pizza supper, Any member who hns not been Chayim, Suburban Jewish Center, ing the office at .686-6773 or Gcrt . Juno 1936 and January 1937. ' • Lundquist, Lauretta Mursell Haydu, A reunion for the January and Jurte anniversary of the Class of '65 should contact Bob Boiler, 79 N7- followed by a'business meeting iiiuP • contacted and~wouldjikc_tq-attcnd,^ Avill-honor-its—Man-of the Year," Kirsh at 686-0539. . Interested class members, or those • Kenneth Ncudcck, Dorothea Schmitz classes of 1942 of South Side High graduation. Glenwood Rd., Fanwood, 07023. game night. please call Julie, Monday through Charles Fricdbcrg, during services with information about alumni, and Robert Wnldron, . School is currently being planned. John Bowne High School, Jamaica High School, Friday, between 8:30 a.m. arid~4;3O tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. followed by a iMIW^—^—l^lM^WIIIIia'WIM'l i I i| i 'l;i il I. . "f)MWW The next meeting Will be-hcltfTunc should contact the reunion committee If you know. the whereabouts of Interested classmates of the January "Cliisscs of 1967-1969 , -Classes or 1954-1957 Agenda announced 1 p.m. at 245-62227"" • STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL CAST— Rehearsal is held by cast members tor Strawberry 8, and a cclcbralion_wjll-be.hckl for atP.O. Box 831, Springfield, 0708i. • class should contact Sylvia Gordon special Oncg Shabbat. The services The ELCW, Evangelical Lutheran nny of these classmates or of their A. gala reunion is cuircntly being A gala reunion is currently being Festival'scheduled Wednesday and June 2 in Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Church, -the birthdays of all members through'- West Side High School, families, • contact Edith Chandler Zwalsky, 9 Knpllwood Drive, West FHlzaboth High School, will bo conducted by the Men's Club. Church Women of Christ Lutheran organized for J}\c-l96TrAS)6& and organized for the Jamaica High Union. From Ieftare BobGiaser, Julie Giaser, Lou Margiiaro, Jennie Mackiewicz, Debbie -oul the year. Hostesses will be Doris Class or June 1957 Orange, 07052;- 992-6464. Those- Church, Union, held a monthly mcct- ( Cottrell at 79 Hickson Dr., New 1§69 classes of John Bowne_High School classes of 1954, 1955, 1956 : Class of 1978 Golder, Tiffany Wolters, Ron Bleemer, Gladys Golder, director, Fred Rabey and Al Riker" Classen., Dcbbi Tiivares, Rose For.d, A reunion is currently being from the June class are asked to A strawberry festival Providence, 07974. • School. Class 'members should write and 1957. If you are a member of one • The .1978 class of Elizabeth High . ing May 10 at the home of Caryl with Mat Giaser at the piano. • MaricVarfTcKJrn and Emma Klittich. planned for the June 1957 class of Pchn Hall Alumnne contact Saul Glass, 942 Edgcwoocl to Reunions Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box of these classes, write to Reunions School is planning a 10-year reunion. The Christian Education commit- Strand. > West Side Hijjli School. • 'The Pcnn Hall Alumnae Associa- ^Road, Elizabeth, 07208; 355-5006.'. 13, Florham Park, 07932 or call Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box 13, Flor- Interested persons, should write to: tee of the Linden Presbyterian —Topics~o.„,,.„., wfl „,„.,„.„,„discussio„n „„,,„„„include„d „a began with services followed .by an The Senior .League of Temple Beth Ruth Symcs served as delegate of .Church are a picnic June 5 : Fonrier students should contact tion, Wilson College, Chambersburg, .- Abraham Lincoln High School, 780-8364. ham Park, 07932 or call 780-8364. • E.H.S, Class of 1978, P.O. Box 9193, Church, Orchard Terrace,. Linden, May .luncheon, the combined circles' at noon al Rabkin Field, Union. Oncg Shnvuot, a light supper. A Ahm will hold its installation of the Ladies Guild of Grace Lutheran Connie Puled at 239-8498 or Dim Pa., recently "reorganized and is Class or 194S-1950 St. Leo's Grammar School, . Weequahic High School, Elizabeth, 07208.:. Please include will hold its annual strawberry festi- meeting planned for June 14 "the lecture, ."How. to Talk about God to officers and trustees June 9 at noon in 'Church at. n biennial convention of Talnrsky nt 467-1412. currently seeking former alumnae. , The classes oM945 through 1950 Class of 1938 Class of 1968 name, address, maiden name, if val June 3 at 6:30 p.m?," it was annual picnic, and plans for a square, Holiday celebrated Your Five Year Old (or any of Your the ,tcmplc. A special luncheon will • the New Jersey District of the; Lutlie- . Puled and Talarsky arc anxious to The school, which opened in 1906 of Abraham Lincoln Hjgh School, The Reunion Committee of St. A gala reunion is currently being married, and telephone number. announced, by Gary Ruppcl, dance for the fall. Kids)" was delivered by Rabbi Perry , bo served by volunteers led byran Women's Missionary .League chairman. "-^ All women, who arc members of. Temple Beth Ahm, Springfield, R. Rank, .spiritual leader of Temple - Beverly Hodes and Ann Josloff. ' .. held at the Tuscarora Inn, Ml. BL'IIIL'I, Christ Lutheran Church, automatical- Shavuot on Saturday with Beth Ahm. Anne Moisccv, a .Officers to be installed arc Albert Pa.,'May 6to-7. The Rariian'Valley 'Year End'meeting " ly are members of the ELCW and arc a Tikkun lei Shavuot, an all .night congregant at Temple Beth Ahm, Bornslcin, president; Hcnny Luslig, Zone of the. DistricL'spaiisored-ihc- The Sisterhood of Congregation invited to the meetings. All members study session. The classical obscr- discussed "The Conservative Move- Lillian Levy, Evelyn Pcrlmulter and Bclh Shalom, Union, will hold a and friends of Christ Lutheran vnnce_ of the festival of Shavuot ment on the Voice from Sinai." ._ Bernard, _Wa]sh,jj£iec_presidcnlSr - td.n'n 1'ii^oJRi

ALLIANCE BAPTIST LUTHERAN N0N-__ PENTECOSTAL PRESBYTERIAN —THE ORCHARD PARK CHURCH"" CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ^-FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH • EN0M1VATI0NAL DELIVERANCE JESUS OF THE P.C.A, j 1364 Victor Ave,rUnlon, 687-0364- Morrii Avo. and Starling Road, ~ Union. 686-011. "~ ~ Toiler: Rov Hank Clo'rwlnlkl; Jr. gradoi 1-6; 7i3O PM Bible Study IS COMING ASSOCIATION SERVICE HOURS: Sunday 9.30 AM Worship Sorvlco 10:30 A.M., Sun- WORD OF GRACE FELLOWSHIP 801 Sprinullold Avo., (at Harrison Placo), 'FELLOWSHIP CHAPEL CHURCH and Pfayor Mooting) Bi4O PM day School 9:1 iS A.M. agos 10-13, 18B Union Avonu^rirvIiTtjIoii 373-0147; ,;. - ' Christian Education (Biblical VMCA, Maplu & Broad Sit., Sumtnll Irvlnglon. 375-8500 Chplr rohoarsal. SATURDAY: 7:30 10:30 A.M. agos 4-9. Nursery dur- Ett Brown Poilor Teaching for ALL agos), 10:30 AM AM Moil's BlbloClals (2nd »4th of Sunday School 9:30 am, Sunday ' - Fellowship Broak. 11 sOO AM - ing worship sorvlco available. Worship 11 am and 7:30 pm, Worship Sorvlcos on Sunday 10 "thb month)) Mon'i Fellowship Holy. Communion 1st Sunday. Con- Sunday -10—AM—The— grace a.m. & 11 a.m., Wodnu&da) iiiojh; . Worship Sorvlco. Care Circlos tiro - Breakfast (3rd of tho month). mossaga has arrived. Have you *• Tuosday £?no pm Prayor and Blblo held Sunday Evenings (2nd & 4th) firmation Class Wodnosday 7:00 S/udy, Annolntlng Sorvico Friday blblo study 7i30~8:3O, Youth Womon'i Missionary Clrcloi meet P.M., Choir Rohoarsal Sunday comoiout from under the tutors & Ministry & Woman's foliuv.'.hip. In dlfferont homes; ploaso call /or ' monthly. , ..,,. , tiovernors? We have tool" Bible 7:30 pm. EvangolisYlc Sorvico 24 further Information. HOME BIBLE 9:30 A.M., Lovo Circle 1 st Tuosday h75)Chl _Jruo-to..the-blb!o^Roforrood --Fuifh —• !2iOO -NooorFalth-ClrcloLCW-and— ^Study - Wedn,esday^7i3prPf tlrih Dqy School, 4 yoar old, K-Bth • Gfoat Comnilstlon. , n STUDIES! Tuesday MpiWtltU (QtpD < ( : a 1 In Roselle Park - 245-5048; TUBS- Tuesday 7:30 P.M., Sori(ors*Bir'o1ijf GraB0,^* fdr InformatlarV call ' 3rd Thursday 12:00 noon. abeth. loin u(i JomV Hogah., 678-2S56. "•'• ' ' • ' • ' —rday Evonlng 7:30 In' Union - Pastor; Don Carson, Assoc. Pastor: 686-3167; Thursday Evonlng In EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH For mom Information call Union. 7:00 at tho parsonage 242 Shunpllo Rd., Springfield, 379-4351 - 925-S817. 687-O364; PRAISE & PRAYER: Pastor: Rev. Joseph lombardl REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH REFORMED Wednesday Evonlng 7:30 In tho Wednesday: .7:13' PM Prayor 134 Proipoil Avo., Irvlnalon 374-9377. ' Sanctuary. Nursory provided^ . " Mooting, Choir, P.G.'s. and Bat- Rov. Henry E. Dlorli, D.D. Pnslor, 763-0878. PRESBYTERIAN THE REFORMED CHURCH talion. Sunday: 9|45 AM 5unday Worship sorvlcos 8:30 and 10:30 OF LINDEN School; 11 AM Worship; 6 PM Evo- a.m., Choir Practice 9llS a.m., " COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN nlng Sorvico; Friday: 7:IS PM Boy Scouts, Mondays 7" p.m., Son- 600 North Wood Avo., linden, ASSEMBLIES Pioneer Girls, Stockado; 7:30 PM CHURCH OF MOUNTAINSIDE ' Johtt L. Mafjoo, Jr, Pastor, ~lar Fellowship - 1st Wodnosdays Door Path end Mooting House- Laho, Weatherbeater 5 OF GOD Youth Group. ' . and 3rd Thursdays; Church Council MOUNTAINSIDE GOSPEL CHAPEL Sunday Worship and Church Weatherbeater 10 8 p.m., AA Steps, Fridays 8 p.m., 1180 Spruu Drlvo, Mountolntldo, 232-3456. Mountainside, 232-9490. School 10 a.m., Junior Choir 11 AA, Saturdays 8 p.m., A.A.R.P., Pastor,. Rav. Malthow E. Garippa. Rov. Chrislophor R. Bullion Pastor. a.rVi. Youth Fellowship 7 p.m. Tuos- CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Irvington Chapfor 2919 Third Worship Sorvlco and Sunday day: Mon's Drothorhood 8 p.m. — Exterior School 10:30 a.m., Nursory Caro 953 W. Cheiliul St., Union, 964-113). Tuesdays T p.m. WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: 4:00 PM Jr. HI Wodnosday: Womon'i Guild 12 Exterior Paint Pastor: Rev. John W, Bethlel ' Youth Fellowship. Friday'8:00 PM during sorvtco. Choir Rohoarsal noon. Thursday: Scouts 7 p.m., • 5 Year Warranty Sunday-School O|30AM,Worshlp- CHARISMATIC Collogo and CarooV Blblo Study, Thursday 8 p.m. Holy Communion Senior Choir 8 p.m. , Sorvlce 10:45 AM, Evening Ser- Couples Blblo Study. SUNDAY 9:45 1 st^Sunday of oach month.' • 10 Year Warranty vice 7i00 PM, Wodnesday, Bible • Low Luster Satin GRACES PEACE ^ METHODIST AM Sunday School Classes for ALL TRUE JESUS CHURCH • Satin Finish Study and Prayer 7:30 PM. agos, boglnning with two-yoar Finish FELLOWSHIP CHURCH BETHEL AFRICAN METHODIST olds, with Nursory providod for 329 Elmora^Avonuo, Eliioboth. 3527990. - 950 Rariian Rd., Cranlord 276-8740 CONNECTICUT FARMS " "Sorvlco hours: Friday, 8:30 to • One Coat Coverage EPISCOPAL CHURCH nowborns to two-yoar olds, Adult BAPTIST Pallor: Rov. Doan Knudsen ' . Eloctlvos for this Quartor aro: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9i3O p.m.; Saturday 1 liOO a.m. to 241 Hlllon Avenue, Sunday! 10 AM - Praise & "Evldonco for Faith" taught by our fst. mo 12:30 p.m. and 2)00 p.m.'to 3 ,_ CLINTON HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Vauxhall, N.J. 07088,964-1282. • Mildew Resistant Toachlng Service and Children's Director of Christian Education, Siuyvosant Avo. and Rt. 22, Union. p.m. Skyh-Kuang Yang. - : "Whm the BlhU Comes Alive" Sunday Church School 9:30 a.m., Ministry; Wednesday 7:00 PM - Roy McCaulloy; I Timothy (6 _£hurch School Sundays for all JJI5 Morrlt Ave., Union, ti7-»4t •• Church Worship 10:45 a.m. Intorcossory ' Prayer Mooting, ' wooks) taught by Davo Butlor; a agos, Blblo Study and Curront'ls- Pailot/Uethtn lorn Slglty Wednosday: Prayor Mooting & Wodnosday Evonlng Sorvlco - Basic Blblo Doctrlnq Class (6 suos Forums, all at 9:30 a.m. Sun- WEEKLY ACTIVITIES! SUNDAY: Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Rov. Glad- 8:OOPM. ••••• „• wobks) taught by Eldor Bill Crano; day Worship sorvlce at 10:45 a.m. ,9|45 AM - Bible School - nurjory win A. Fublor-Pastor. care, classos for all children, toon- and tho Ladlos Class will bo study- Child Caro providod during tho ROMAN CATHOLIC agors, collogo & caroqr, young Ing "Groat Evonts In tho Llfo of Worship Sorvlco; Jr. and Sr. Highs 'married couples, and adult oleo COMMUNITY UNITED Christ.". 11 :OO AM MORNING Sundays at 7:00 p.m. Womonls ST. LEO'S "CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL WORSHIP SERVICE, Nursory pro- Association: four clrclos moot oach •" five classos. VI :0OAM - Follow- 103 Myrllo Avo., Irvinglcn, N.J. 372-1272. METHODIST CHURCH vlded^or* nowborn to two-yoar- month. Tho Living Room - support ihlp of Worship (children's church, Rov. Dannis R. MtKonna, Paslor FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Choilnul Slroel, Roselle Pork, 245-2217. olds, Children's Churchos for two- group for those coping with agod nursery care), 6:00 PM - Family Schodulo for Masios: Saturday . Sunday sarvicos aro at 9:30 A.M. - yoar-olds.lthrough Third Grade, A porsons—moots 4th Thursday of Gospel Hour (nursory care). MON- CHRISTIAN CHURCH Evo. 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a^m., and 11:00 A.M. There will bo a Coffoo Fellowship usually .follows month. Ovoroators Anonymous DAY: 6)30 AM - Men's Prayor, 1340 Clinton Ave., Irvington 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and T2i45 betwoon sorvlcos coffee hour at tho morning sorvlco, giving attan- moots Mondays at 7:30 p.m 7:00 PM Boy's Battalion, Pioneer Rev. William R. Mullord, Senior Pallor; p.m. (Spanish). Waokdays: Mon- 10:30 A.M. and child caro Is avall- dors a chanco to got to know ono Serving church and community Girls. TUESDAY: 7:30 PM Home Rev. Dr. Audrey V. tee, Asimlalo Poitor. day to Friday: 7:00 a.m., 8:00 Blblo Studies. WEDNESDAY: 6:30 373-1183. ablo at tho 11 :OO A.M. sorvlce. another hotter. 4:45 PM Troocllm- .lor ovor 250 yoars. bors Program for.boys In first and a.m., 12:00 noon. Saturdays: Prayor & Praise-8:30 PM Adult Sunday: 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal, Rov. R. Sidnoy Pinch, Pastor 8|OO a.m., 12:00 noon. Holydays: choir. FRIDAY: 7:00 PM Boy's IOiOO AM Worship and Church second grades with their dads. 488-3164 '• ROSELLE UNITED •• 6:00 PM EVENING SERVICE. Evo. 7:30 p.m. -Holyday: 7:00 Weatherbeater Stockado, PlonoorGlrls. SATUR- ' School; Mondayl 9i00 AM Food a.m., 9:00 a.m., 12:00 noon. Mi- Easy Living 12 Exterior DAY 7:00 PM, PRIMETIME - Jr. & Pantry, 7l00 PM Girl Scout Troops METHODIST CHURCH WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM MID-WEEK SERVICE. Blblo Study & Prayor. raculous Medal Novona: Mondays Latex Caulk Sr. high school fellowship. ALL ARE 387, 389,602, 613; Tuesdayi Shoridan Avenue In Rosalie, N.J., TOWNLEY PRESBYTERIAN following tho 12:00 noon Mass Interior Paint Paint Brushes Primer WELCOME — for further Informa- Noon Beginnings Group A.A., Phono 241-0699 welcomos all. Choir Rohoarsal. Visitors aro 3-Year Warranty always wolcome. Tho Chapol Is CHURCH and at 7:15 p.m. Sacramant of • 12 Year • Professional quality • UM under tion plsaio call 687-9440. 1:30 PM Senior Outreach, 6:30 Sunday School starts at 9 A.M.- Ponanco: Saturday: 1:00 to 2:00 locatod at 11 BO Spruco Drlvo, one Salom Road and Huguonol Avonuo, Union Warranty ' Max or all PM. Cub Scout Pack 216, Wednos- Worship Sorvlces aro at 10:30 p.m. and following tho 5:30 p.m. Thompson's - block off Kouto 22 off Central 684-1028 •Flat Fin Wi bata paint FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH idayi 4:00 PM Youth Fellowship, A.Mi A coffoo and followihlp hour Mass. 2S9J99 of VAUXHALL '7iOO PM Boy Scout Troop 216 and follows the sorvlco. Child care and Avonuo In Mountalnsido. Further Worship and Church School Sun- Adult Fellowship; Thursday: 9iOO nursery carp are provided — Information can bo obtalrtod by days, at 10:30 AM. Nursory Caro 5 Hlllon Ave., Vauxhall, 07088 calling tho Chapol Offlco at during all Servlcos. Holy Commu- Church olllce, 687-3414. AM Food Pantry. throughout tho morning. Our ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Waterseal Pastor Revarond Susan G. Hill and 232-3456. nion tho First Sunday of oach 1212 Kolly Slroot, Union. ' Pallor: Dr. Marlon J. Franklin, Jr. month. Wo offor oppor.tunltios for congrogatlon Invites everyone to Rov. Ronald i. Roiniak, Pastor. Sunday School - ALL AGES - 9:30 parsonal growth and dovolop- attend our sorvlcos. Aoroblcs Tuos. Schodulo of Massos; Sat, Evo. 7:00 • Seals Brick, Wood AM; Worship Sorvlce Including mont for chlldron, youth, and Many Other & Thurs. 6:30 P.M.' Blblo Study p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m., v:00o.m., Nursory room facilities and* EPISCOPAL adults. Tho Christian Enhancomont -Tuos. 7:30 P.M. Choir Practice 10:30 a.m., 12 p,m. Wookdqys: or Concrete Mother's Roam • 11 lOO AM; Week- Program with'for grados ly Eventsi Tuesdays - Pastor's Blblo Thurs. 7:45 P.M. Mon.-Sat. 7:00 a.m., 7:45 a.m., Hardware, 1-3, 4-6, 7-12 moots oach Friday ' ; ST. LUKE • —fl:3O- u**Hv-Saeramont of Ponanco: Study Class, 7:30 PM; Wednes- WORD OF LIFE ovonlng, 7iOO-8:3O, for-follow=- . Sat..1:30 to 2:30, Evo of Holy days - Prayer Meeting 7iOO PM; EPISCOPAL CHURCH World Oulroach Cenlor shlp and fun. Open to young poo- Days A First Fridays 4:30-5:30 Lawn& Evangelistic Worship Service 7|3O Eait Fourth Ave. and Walnut St., ' ''lallh chrlillan followihlp" pie of all faiths. Wo havo throe PM; Thursday* - Tutoring 6:30 PM; Roielle, Z4S-0S1S. SPRINGFIELD EMANUEL _ Pastors Elraln and Phyllis Valenllne, children's choirs, arid an adult p.m. ' Sears Best Wire 'Anthem Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM; Holy Eucharist 7:30 a.m. Holy UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Union, N.J. Call 687-4447-for Chancel Ch6lrrOur"Adult Follow-' Tirpolene JG^rden .Combined Choln8i15 PM; Fridays Eucharist—or-.-Mornlnfl Prayer -;• . 40 Church Malt Sorlngflild. moro Information and directions. ship moots monthly. Our Woman's ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE Brush jzrr «1 Quart - Feeding Ministry 6:30 PM - 7:30 10:00 a.m. Sunday School and Rev. J. Paul Grlllllh, Pallor. Asioclatlon Is divided Into six lulkGun PM. Open to all those In need of Nursery 10 a.m. The Rev. Kenneth Church School vilS a.m., Morning clrclos which moot monthly. Wo ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Products 205 Neibll Torruto/lrviimlon, 37S-SS68. physical and spiritual nourish- Gorman, Rector. . ' Worship Sorvlce with Nursery "Invlto you to attend worship sor- ment. SENIOR CITIZENS are urged 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hour 11:30 vices andjother activities. Townley Rev. William Sinallov, Pmlor. ito attend. Call the church office If Church Is a growing congregation Schodulo of Massos. Saturday Eve. f49 On Sale! 5:30 p.m., Sunday—7r3O—9:00^ 2" {transportation Is needed; Satur- ST. LUKE & ALLSHINTS — of friendly, caring people. For In- [days - Chlldreris Choir Rehearsal PENTECOSTAL formation about upcoming ovtmti 10:30, 12 noon. Wookkdays 3:0O PM. Meets 2nd & 4th Sat EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mon-Frl. 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. Sat- — 198 Cheitnul Street, Union, 488-7353. and programs, ploaio call the ONLY. HOLY COMMUNION, first ;.NAZARENE -• Church office, 686-1028. The Rev. urdays 8:00 and 9:00"d.m. Holy- 'Sunday of each month. Wednes- Sunday Worship Services are held day Evo. 7:00 Holyday 7:00, EACH OF THESE ADVERTISED ITEMS IS HEADILYAVAILABE FOB SALE AS HDVERTIStD at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Sunday Jack D. Bohlka, Minister. QUESTIONS ABOUT PAINTING? day, Evangelistic Worship Service SPRINGFIELD CHURCH ZION GOSPEL CHURCH 8T007vTBtraTm. Sr30 p.m. A 7:00 7:30 PM. For more .Information School and Nursery at 9:43 a.m. p.m. Novena to Miraculous Medal, Morhlno_Etoy.or_dally_«it-9-a.m. OF THE NAZARENE (A fdurtifiHlre Goipil Ctturtit} Ivory Monday Evening at 7:30 We accept m please call 687-3414 or Third Avenue 1 Chestnut Street Roselle, 07203 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Everting Prayer dally at 3 p.m. The 36 Evergreen Avenue, Sprlnglleld, 379-7222. p.m. In Churchj 1-800-9 PAINTS 6B7-38O4. , . _J 241-6470 tkurih, 24M074_Partonoge Got Iho answers (ram a Soars Paint Prol Seal* and Olneovar Cards Holy Eucharist .Monday Jit 7:30 ..._ _,....Rov. Richard A. Miller. CHURCH -. Union Edward j. Kienn, Pastor - " -FIRST BAPTISrCHUUCH Wednesday at 1O a.m., & Sunday: Sunday School for all age Morris Ave., liitJ Church Mall, Friday at 7'a.m. Vicar, Paul Bur- groups, 9:30; Morning Worship Vlnollild, 379-4330. ST ROCCO'S CHURCH Colonial Ave. and Yhoregu Terr, Union "Nursery available 10:30 AM ser- A Notltittil Mitorlt lonJmofl Church-68I-4W5; Study-MJ-em rows. and Children's Ministries (Ist.and Sunday Church School Classes for Route 22 & WrChestnut (opposite^ 3rd Sundays of the month, vice. Bible Study 7i30 pm * 21? Nunterdon St., H.wark, S74-1AS2. WE'RE - Mlnlilor: tl£ Robert A RatNUiien all agos, viOO a.m., Sunday Morn- children's choir rehearsal; 2nd Wednesday. Register your child ing Worship Service 10ils a.m., Rev. Johti P. Hlckus, Pastor. SUNDAY: 9:45 AM Sunday School Sunday of the month, children's now to Insure them a place this fall Ms. Anna Hooper, Pastoral Mln-. for all ages) Morning Worship with - TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH with nursery facilities and care 686-7100 missions program; 4th Sunday of at our .'Thy Will Be Done" Christian provided. Opportunities for per- Ister. Ms. Monso Valaxquei, THIS CLOSE nursery faclllltles through Primary 3M0 Myrtle Avenue, Irvlnglon, the month, children's sermon) Academy Educational Center. 2'A sonal growth, through worship. Pastoral Minister. Sunday worship _uae;.3i43-KMJun|or.JLS.»ril<»LHIflh_ New Jersey 07111, 372-6095, 10i45. Evening Service and to first grade; with pre-sehoal and 9:30 a.m. ' Mass-English 1.1:15 Youth Meeting; 7iOO PM (vorilng the Rev, Monroe Freeman, Rector. . Christian education; youth groups, _ Children^ Bible Study, 6:00 after-car* available for the chll- chojr, church activities and felltKv-' a.m. Mass-Spanish. Blbto School •Praise Service. WEDNESDAY: Sunday Services:, 8:00 a.m. Holy Wednesday: Prayer Meeting and

\ i 1,2,3,4.5,6* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 26, 1988 — 18 — , 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,3,6* helped to elect the new stale officers." vice-president; Nancy Lanpitt, Joe Todres at 379-9188 or Past iCnntiriiu'd from Page 17) Among the highlights of the convcnlion with Joan Shibcr as corresponding secretary; Rita Commando" Murray Nalhansoh at Obituaryli chaianan., convention were the three awards for s Brounslcip, financial secretary; Shir- 376-0837 for information. Priest tojpbserve— __MjssipnjIPJ?c!. _SCl«tcd_by_lhB_ ~rhe"poster"arfd"p6ctijrcontcst,"spbn- -Iey-Pantcrrrc.cording"iccrctary,"arfd~ sored by the Catholic "Daughters, BRUNJE— BcrtaA., of Union; May 17. ' ^_ delegates to receive financial grants Harriet Weinglass, treasurer. Court of the Immaculate Heart of CARVALHO—Hcnriqueta, of Linden; May 17.- : for the bicnnium were a van for St. Trustees are Robin Bartcl, Daria To occupy pulpit 25th anniversary COHEN—Mendel, of Rosclle; May 20. Mary, 1360, and the first place award Matthew's Church for the deaf in Friedman, Louise Gcdal, Ellen Gold- COLLINS—John, of Union; May 19. Douglas Burford, former seminary of the exhibit depicting the charity with his family, friends and tho Haroia Fritz, 68, or Springfield Newark, and video equipment for farb, Rcna Graham, Shcri Kloud, Carl Oberhauser, 78, of Moun- ofthoWomen'sCluboftheEvangclist WIKnmA. Tooker. 59. of Spring- DOERR—Josephine, of Kcnilworth; May 17. assistant of Osceola Church, Clark, work done by the court. The Catholic —parish community. died May 16in the Overlook Hospital, deaf, teacher for the deaf, assistance Arlcne Halpern, Sharon Mocsch, tainside-died Friday in his home." Lutheran Church of Union. - ^^-ficld 16-in an automobile FENGLER—Elizabeth, ofRosellc; May 15. will occupy the Osceola pulpit Daughters of the Americas-."is an Coda will celebrate a Mass of 1 Summit. . for Hispanice laymen to prepare for Carol Tessicr. and Marlcne Bom in Newark, he lived in Rosellc „. . v« accident. . •• FOERI—Walter E. Sr.i of RosellcfMay 19. Sunday at the 10 a.m. service of organization of unity and charity." --^ Thanksgiving at noon on Sunday Surviving are a son,.Rjchard_KL;j! BorrrirrlrvingtontMr. Tooker lived Bom in Irvington, he lived the past - pastoral ministry, VCR and tapes for Rauchbach. { before moving to Mountainside 25 FRITZ—Harold, of Springfield; May 16. worship. —- together with flic other parish priests v" daughter, Wilma Pcnk, and six eight years in Springfield. Mr. Fritz Lutheran Home the aged women, a The temple services the Reform years ago. A career Army man, he in Newark before moving to Spring- GIORDANO—Dominick R., of Mountainside; Miiy 18. and priest guests. Following the _ grandchildren: was a bank messenger for the Summit N.J. District scho!arship-fund,-cquip- Jewish Community in Union County, 30_y£ars_in-service, including field five years ago. He Tooker was an GWIZDAK—Sophie M., of Springfield; May 17. Mass, there will ,be a hot buffet Trust Co. for seven years. He had ping a new mission in New Egypt it was announced. Further informa- Rummage sale set World War II and then went into tho operating engineer for Scton Hall HELLER—Ruth E., of Union; May 22...... and scholarship assistance for Luthe- dinner in tho church hall from 1 to 4 Harold Simpson, 65, of Union died served as master of Gcrmania- tion can be obtained by contacting A liturgical servide The Sisterhood of Congregation New Jersey NationaUGua University in South Orango for six HRTKO—Lyd iarof"Union;"May-15r '• ^^ ran Bible translators!- p.m. • • - in St. Barnabas Medical - Corinthian-Union-Lodge—l-l-F&AM- the temple office at 379-5387. " Congregation • B'nai Jeshurun, Anshe Chescd of Linden will hold a retiring with the rank of sergeant in years. Earlier, he-worked for Lowe HUNTER—Ellen G., of Rockaway, formerly of Union; May 17. Tho priest, who was bom in Lodi, ', Livingston. ' and was retired as chief warrant officer The total for the commitment is Short Hills, will present a world spring-summer rummage sale June 5 1970, He was a member of the Essex Paper in Richfield for three years. He JACKSON—Dorolhyrof5priirgfii:lnrMay-|-6: is tho second oldest of seven child- " with the 24th infantry division and its S'1,000. Funds for these projects are premiere of the liturgical service, between 9:30.a.m. and 3p.m.-Tho- Troop of Guard in West Orange. Bom in Maplewood, he lived in was a member of Local 68 of the Inter- ren. He grew up in Hudson County associationrHc was a member of the . JACOBY—Max, of Union; May 19. raised by free will offerings called, "Let Us Sing A New Song," rummage sale will take place in the Kcnilworth before moving to Union national Union of Operating Engi- KOBIN—Michael, of Union; May 16. Bagel breakfast set and attended schools in Hobokcn and • Retiree Council at Fort Monmoulh "mites." . — composed by Dr. Gary Do Scsa on gym" downstairs^at^the rear of the \—of Union died 31 years ago. Mr. Simpson had been neers Bnd thcGiblin Association, both KORNAS—William, or Brick Township, formerly The Elin-Ungcr Post 273, Jewish Wcchaukcn. He was graduatcd"frojrr"" since 1986 and served in the Army Officers elected were Joyce June 3 at' 8:30 p.m. Participating in Synagoguc-Ccnter^St, George May IS in her home. ~ an aluminum siding installer for Cal of Newark". ' of Kcnilworth; May 14. War Veterans of the United States, Str Peter's""Prep Oratory School>~/ Ho is survived by his wife, Lorraine; National Reserve and thc~N.J. Naiion- "Hambaclier, second" vice~prcsidcn[;~ the presentation of this service will Avenue and Orchard Terrace. Bom in Nowark,-Miss-Hrtko-livod— Dcckcrt Co. of Union for 11 years KUBER—Andrew F., ofLinderi;_May 18^ . Ellen Sorcnscn, recording secretary, •will hold its last monthly bagel be Cantor' Norman Summers, the Jersey City. During World War II, in Union for 51 years, She had been a before his retirement in 1986. He a daughter, Lana QcMarzo; two sons, al Guard. Mr. Fritz was a member of breakfast meeting of the spring Fcajurcd will be seasonal clothing, Coda served in the Army for three tho Maplcwood-GlctrCIub anil the —MAC"DONAXD^=D?TEawanrO., or Altamontc Springs, Fla., formerly and Eleanor Fontaine, treasurer. .Tcmplc"*Choir, Dr. Gary Do Scsa, housewarcs, linens, shoes, knick- supervisor with the state of New , served in the Army during World War Conrad and Robert; a brother, of Rosclle Park; April 21. . . season June 5 at 9:30 a.m. in Temple "Warren HrBfown, organist and choir -years. He was' overseas with the Men's Chorus at the Chatham United . The convention speaker was Betty knacks and "bargains for tho family Jersey" Youth "and Family Service, II. • William; a sister, Veronica Bullock; MARCZAK—Violet, of Linden; May 16. . • Sha'arcy Shalom, 78 So. Springfield director of the temple, Dr. Barry "Third' Army for one-and-one-half Methodist Church. Duda, international LWML presi- and home," Newark, where sho worked for 45 Surviving aro his wife, Jeanne; a and a grandson. ;. MATEJA—John, of Linden; May 21. Ave., Springfield. Hewitt Greene and Rabbi Susan G. years. After his time in'the service, Surviving are his wife, Lois; his dent. The New Jersey District Further information can be years before her retirement six years _Idaughlcr,_Patricia_Kcllchcr; a son,, MOORE—John S., of.Wiknfiold Park and Atlantic Highlands; May 20.. , LWML is an auxiliary of the Lulhe- Guest speaker will be United Warshcll. • Coda was graduated from Scton Hall ago.- . -1 father^ Amoc Fritz; a daughter, Jackie States Customs Special Agent Arthur obtained by calling tho synagogue University and entered tho Seminary Leonard; a brother, Walter, and five John Collins, 62, of Union died NORRIS—Jane, or Rosello; May 20. • . • ». ' ran Church Missouri Synod, one of Surviving are two brothers, Milton Ellcrman; a son, Harold; a brother, Klcinman, who will discuss the office'at486-8616. C~ at "Darlington. He was crdaincd on grandchildren. May l°y in St. Barnabas Medical Alvin, and two grandchildren. OBERHAUSER-^Carl, of Mountainside; May 20. 44 districts in thc_Intcmntional and Daniel, and a sister,- Louise. CenterC , Livingston; OLKO—Louis J.,"pr Linden; May 19. effects of-tho-U.S. Customs on the May 25,1963._^_: ; •',• LWML with a total membership of 41st CD A convention Born in Newark, he lived in Irving- Kathcrlhe~Wowk, 93, of Union RABER—Edna Mav. of Bamcgat Township, formerly Drug Awareness program. His-first assignment was to St. Michael J. Kobln, 91, of Union, a about 195,000 women. ~~~-•-.. ; Deadlines Jane Norrls, 58, of Rosello died ton 25 years before recently moving to died May 16 in the Meridian Nursing _i..:._o£Roselle;-May-13. ^As a commitment to out brethren The 4lst Biennial State.convcnlion Joseph's Church, Opidcll, and he was Navy veteran of World War. I, died Friday in her home. Union. Mr. Collins was a truck driver Home, Wcstficld, . ROMANO—Lt. John J., of Union; May 22. . behind the Iron Curtain, part of the of • the Catholic' Daughters of the The following deadlines will be there for' 10 years. He has served the May 16 in Perth Amboy General years with Peoples Express, Bom in the Ukraine, Mrs. Wowk SIMPSON—Harold, of Union;-May-16. -^— program will Jic^.dcdicatcd to the. Americas, CDA, was hcIEl at the strictly enforced: priesthood in. St. Theresa's Church Hospital. . Bom in Union, she lived in Rosclle"" for most of her life. She had been a Newark, before retiring in 1980. An lived in-Irvington before moving to . SKURATOFSKI—Jacob, or Springfield; May 20, induction of one, Mikhail Knlcndnr- Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Bruns- •Letters to the editor — noon for 15 years. ' Bom in Nowark, he lived in Union REV. JOSEPH K CODA vc cran ofW rItl War ho was Union 11 years ago. STUCKEY—Rachel, 6r Elizabeth, formerly of Linden; May 18. Temple Sha'arcy Shalom of • iov of Leningradj US.SR, having wick, May 13,14 and 15. Monday.- " . Coda is the moderator of. St. for many years. Mr. Kobin had been a former Democratic committccwoman A>™y ' ° ?i. served in the Russian Armed Forces Surviving are a daughter, Anna TESCHNER—Gertrude, or Rosellc; May 17. Springfield has announced that its Thejhcmc this year was "Beloved •Social items — noon Friday. The Rev. Joseph F. Coda of St. Theresa's Altar Boys, the choir, tho • ..'steel worker for 44_ycars with.the in Rosclle and a voting member of tho a member of the Veterans of Foreign during World War Ir and now listed Mount; a son, Walter; two brothers, TOOKER—William A., or Springfield; May 16. ^. Sisiahood has elected officers for Molhcrs^Fnithful Daughters." •Religious events — noon Friday. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church, Rev. Sylvester P. McVeigh Council Crucible Steel Co. in Kcamy before Roselle Rent Control Board. She also Wars. • . ' as it rcfusenick; as an associate Walter and Harry Lisczycki, five WOWK—Kathcrinc, or Union; May 16. 19KS-1989 year.' The Immaculate Heart of Mary •Focus and entertainment news—. Kcnilworth, will bo honored Sunday of tho Knights of Columbus, the his retirement 23 years ago. was secretary and a past president of Surviving are his wife, Carmcla; member of this post. The induction' w grandchildren and .four great- YENZER—John H., of Kcnilworth; May 20. —' " They 'are Sally Goldstein, presi- -Court 1360 of St. Michael's- Church. noon Friday. ' on the occasion of the 25th annivcr-' Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of I Surviving arq his wife, Elizabeth; a tho Ladies Auxiliary of the Nancy' -' <> daughters..Lynda Labozzo,and dent; Karen Savin, membership vicc- will be held in absentia." Union, was represented with four •AIL other publicity releases —_ 4 sary of his ordination to the priest- son, Michael A.; a brother, Walter; a Luzon Post 1743, Veterans of Foreign Patricia Capra; a son, John; a sister, grandchildren. Columbus, and of St. Theresa's Kdnn May Uiiber, 85, of Walter K. Focrl Sr., 78, or Rosellc . president; Barbara Ravitz, donor Veterans can contact commander delegates and two alternates who p.m. Friday. sister, Tilly Fried, two grandchildren Wars, Rosellc. Eleanor Stauffcnberg; two brothers, hood. The celebration will be shared - Rosary. Altar-Society. _ . :. Lt. John J. Romano, 55, oTihT Township, formerly of Rose) Ic.'died •died- May 19 at-Elizabeth General and three great-grandchildren. v' James and' Charles,- and five Newark" Police Department, a resident ri Ni Medical Center. Surviving arc. three daughters, grandchildren, May 13 al tho Bamcgnt Nursing of Union, died Sunday in St. Michael's Center. Bcrta A. Brunje, 86, of Union dicu Gerry Rcilcy, Gaylo Robinson, and Josephine Kocrr, 72, a lifelong Medical Center, Newark. Boni in Bayonnc, he lived in Rosel- ANNOtJHCIHQJME- May '17 in-the Overlook-Hospital, Gcni Smith; a son, Gregory; two resident of Kcnilworth, died May 17 iri ... .Boman Elizabeth, she lived most of le 60 years. Mr. Focri was employed as : Bom in Newark, he settled in Union" •her We in Rosclle before moving to Summit. sisters, Corrinc Wilson and Jackie .Rahway.Hospital. 16 years ago. He had been a medic in a shipping supervisor at the Transco ALEXIAN: BROTHERS HOSPITAE Bom in , she lived in Visco; five brothers, Richard, Robert, Surviving arc her hasband, George; Barncgat Township in 1986. Mrs.Co.,Linden, I5ycars,reliringiii 1982. the Army Airborne stationed in Japan Rabcr was a supervisor al Hnbny Ntftvark before moving to Union 29 Kenneth, Fred and Jack Wetzcl, and force sons, Pat, Roger and Thomas -during- the-Korcan-Conflict-and-mado Prior to that, he was-cmployed-is-a— ^.years ago. Mrs. Brunje was a member Jhrcc_grandchildrcri^=—••—-J^—Vcnici5^tw


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20 — Thursday, May 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 2,3,4* 1,2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, May 26, 1988 — 21 Sports__ Collins stymies Lady_Panthers LhlankEHS; EarmersloseinUCT^ .Panther baserunner to advance past By LEE FOULKES BcllcviUe prior to blanking Roselle bid against Collins. Detjen made a «y MAKK YABLONSKY with some quick work by Union's The Bears, who arc so high off the second base. Sho improved he? .. Union-ace—hurlcr Carrio Collins Park Sunday night. fantastic catch of a foul pop for the After almost an entire week of soon-to-be athletic director Lou ground with emotion that they are record to 15-1 and saw her ERA dip ^systematically skinned the bats of the Union scored what would be the first out_as_she held onto the ball off overcast, rainy skies, the two Rcttino and coaches from b'oih sides jiow in danger of leaving the outer to 1.40. Lady Panthers, of Roscllo Park to only run of tho night in the bottom of of Sue Rcilly's bat, smacking into the scmifinal-rourid games of the Ongo- helping to avert what could have edges of the earth's ionosphere, spark the Lady Farmers to their "I just went out there to do my the third inning. With one, out, fence in:doing so. With two out, Daly ing Union County Baseball Tourna- been a far uglier scene. As it was,, managed- to break through against second straight Union Coliniy Tour- job," Collins said. "Every once in a leadoff batter Sue Dctjcn walked; doubled just inside the right-field ment were finally played a day late both Hammond, who is a boxcr- Virgilio in the second inning for all nament high school Softball title on . whilo I have a really good game." Laura Poland then swatted the only line. Sho had a chance to reach third, this past Sunday afternoon at the turncd-baicball player, and Planer they would need. Sunday night in Linden, 1-0. Sho used an assortment of fast- extra-base hit in the game for Union, Union High varsity field off of Rcgi- received ejections, which ' under Brian_Chalcnski.JQig-Chcc'!f youn- -Thc-fircballing-CollTifs^carricd-a ba!lsrchango-ups-anda-drop"pitch"to~ and she made it count by doubling their final out, sho conservatively n'a Street, rather than at nearby Rabk- newly-imposed stale athletic guide- ger brother, lined~a onc-out single onc-hillcr into tho seventh inning, in keep tho Rosclle Park bats stymied 1 Dctjen to third, still with only one held up at second. Kim Schacfcr then in Field the previous evening. line. ;, meant an automatic one-game into right that a diving Mark Stcrins- the end holding Rosclle Park to only all night long. out. Liz Craco then bloopcd a hit that walked, and that was just the second But even with the delayed.action, suspension for both of them. ky couldn't quite. hold onto. And' two hits, while striking out 12 of tho ."She pitched a nice game," Roscllc Sports dropped on the edge of tho infield to baso'on balls surrendered by Collins, and even though the four teams With the force having, been soon after catcher Mike Vcrgura 25 batters she faced. Her control was Park Coach John Wagner said of drive in Dctjcn _with the only run.... putting .runners on first and second. involved — Union, Railway, Brcar- recorded at home, Sawicki retired walked on a high 3-2 pilch, Virgilio outstanding, as she walked only two Collins. "We just didn't'hit the" ball; Collins and the Lady Farmers would However, Collins ended tho game lcy Regional and Elizabeth — had designated hitter Bob Turck on a turned anil threw to second, hoping to batters.. ' ' '" •'--.... • . , we never threatened. It was. the 'first need. After Cathy Wilk hit a hard fittingly, the samo way she began it, played all of one game between them comcbackcr to the mound, thus send- catch Little Chcc off-guard. Instead, The game was played before, a timo we'd been shut out all year." lino drive for the second out, Roselle with a strikeout. She whiffed Michel- since the previous. Monday, it was a ing the game into the ninth inning. the ball bounded into center; as Little . packed crowd free of rain, following Chec sped toward third,.ccntcrficldcr Roselle Park went into the game Park third bascmalv\Amy Endler le Hazlchurst- to wrap up the great day for baseball nevertheless. Jones, who hadn't pitched since six consecutive days of rain. The Juan Dclgado uncorked a throw that Ploselle sprinters fly high with a lofty 18-2 record. Cathy Daly, robbed Danielle SHanley of at least whitewash. • With Railway somehow pulling the previous Saturday, allowed two night was so misty'you could sec was beyond llie reach of third base- who has .pitched every game for one run-battcd-in when she made a Tho Roscllo Park players and out an cxirainning 4-3 victory, and walks in the ninth, but retired both The Abraham Claric High School "He's, really super; he's going to every breath, even though the temp- Rosclle Park this year, was the hard- backhanded stab of a smash down the coaches were presented with silver ^ ClifLJ3askccville,Jv4io_had-^corcd—inan_Ray_Graliam^bringing_in-lh& track team finished a strong third at be great," Pisauro said of Richardson: v :, and the 2-0, the final-round matchup on Union's first run with two out in the younger Chalenski for Brearlcy's "He's doing things naturally; I hardly ^ the Mountain Valley Conference stulttor-stcppcd on the bog for a force- tho ' tournament. Union was Saturday night in Linden at 7:30 p.m. first, and Filiachi to end the inning. first run. ' ^e'ven have to coach him." knife. opposed to 18 victories. She gave up • championships in Basking Ridge on out to end the "rally." presented with Iho first-place gold will pit a pair of teams that, as of a In the bottom part of the frame, One but lalcr, second baseman In the long jump competition, The game was originally! sche- seven hits, walked three and struck May 14. Roscllc was locked in a tight Craco and Andrea Labonia led medals and trophy at the conclusion year ago. had something in common Sawicki issued a two-out walk to Scolt Holzaphcl lined a double lo ' Omar Coley landed in second place' duled for Saturday night al Memorial out one. Union is now 18-4 this year. battle for first place buueamcout in Union at the plalo, with each going of the game. with Rodney Dangcrficld: they got leadoff hitter Lou Romeo, who soon left-ccnlcr, scoring a joyous Vergura third place, only three team points and Baldwin leaped to a third-place Field in Linden but the game was _J!lL_was a well-played game by. 2-for-3, and accounting for more than Roscllo Park was slated to play no respccl. swiped-sccond base. Paton this lime to givq the Bears a 2-0 lead. And Ilial away from winningthc competition. finish. postponed and played Sunday night- both teams," said Union Coach . half of the team's seven hits. Verona on Tuesday in state touma- • But no longer. Rahway, which was found himself receiving an intention- was it." of The way,'both ' Ridge -won with 56 team, points, Tony Miles won'the discus in the bcacusc of the rain that has plagued George'Hopkinsr "Collins was just The Lady Farmers had runners on hicnt play^ With Union already 1-22 in 1987, has made it to the UCT al pass right after Romeo's steal. pitchers were just about as' untouch- Clark came in second with 54, and competition. "He was making us the area.", ~ exceptional. That was her fourth "second and third 1n tho fourth inning, having defeated Belleville, 2-0,.last' finals for the first lime since winning Proving to be the culprit once again, able as most, if not all, high school Roscllc'had 53. - sweat for a while," Pisauro said. "He straight shutout, all against strong but Dotjon flew "out to~right field to -wcclc.-tho-Lady Farmers were sche- Ihc tournament in 1959. And Brcar- Jones tapped a grounder to- second pitchers arc likely lo get. Virgilio won it on the last throw." • Roscllc Park had -only four ba'so. All seven schools in the MVC's teams." ••-'•' end the threat. duled to face Wcstficld —for tho Icy, which despite a 15-7 mark last that appeared lo be art easy out, But seemed to grow stronger, as did • Mountain Division competed in the At the Union County Champion- runners in the game, wilh two of fourth time this season— on Tuesday year was not highly-regarded outside Napblilano' sent his throw over Chalcnskij who despite fanning just meet. ship at Williams Field in Elizabeth them coming in Ihe seventh and fin'il Colljris' current gooso-egg string Tn tho seventh, Roscllo Park went afternoon in continuing North Jersey, of Mountain Valley Conference play, Filiachi'!; head, thus'plating Romeo three baiters, very rarely got'behind ' "I.was real proud of our guys," on Friday night, Miles won the discus inning. Collins never allowed a,Lady includes Wcstfiold. Rahway, and down fighting with one final scoring Group 4, Section 2 play. is in the prestigious final round for for the deciding tally. hitlers, and, in fact; issued just one Rams coach Joe Pisauro said. "We - title with a toss of 147 feet, 10 Ihc first'time ever in the school's . Jones, who improved his record to walk,. • didn't have .enough horses but the -inches. The mile-relay team of Scott Brief 22-ycar history. 8-3 with his nine-inning effort, had And, of course, his tdammatcs ones we .did have wcrp good horses." Baidwin; Shawn Smith, Jeff Richard- . RAH WAV 4, UNION 3 stiffened after the first "two innings produced a superb enror-frec field Orlando Comric and Shawn Smith son and Orlando Comric came in Unlike the other UCT; semifinal and allowed jusl two more hits the performance; ihc Bears neatly third place with a lirric'of 3:30. rest of the way, while finishing wilh gobbled up each grounder and came in in a photo-finish in the that was 10 follow, this particular 1 100-mclcr dash for first arid second Smith finished fourth in the DAY OF ACTION — In the abovo photo, Broarley Rogional's Miko Chalenski displays his contest featured no big names. And 13 strikeout- ; and three walks. grabbed each fly ball in solid form.' place, with Comric oullcaning his 100-mclcr dash with a time of 11.3 •powerful pitching delivery en.route to his masterful one-hit shutout over Elizabeth on ycl.ihcre was something in this game "It. was everything that I didn't In particular, Holzaphcl recorded teammate Smith for first place. Both Baldwin placed fifth in the 200-meter - Sunday In the semifinal round-of-thei Union County Tournament in Union. At bottom, Ihai-jusl-abow-evcrytyp'crof~bnse1 "ounniiappcn,'". said Ktihway- -four assists and one truly mngrrificent.- _wcro timed at 11.5. Scott Baldwin dash with a time of 23.1. Rahway pinch-runner JuanitoFortuno, 1, is out at third base after trying to advance on a Tan could^relalc to: gutsy pitching, coach Bill Do'lan, who graduated ' leaping grab to rob Virgilio of a hit ran the sprint in. 11.7 to finish fourth On Saturday will be the state fifth-inning passed ball, as Farmers third baseman-Ban Havyar and a kneeling Railway" longevity for those who like to gel from the school in 1957, a year in wiih one oui in ihc sixth. And Brcar- in the meet. Abraham Clark had three sectionals at Plainficld, which about coach Bill Doran look on The Indians, who beat Union, 4 3, in nine innings, will face their money's worth, n ncvcr:say-dic which the Indians also won a UCT lcy also kcpl its outfielders posliohcd " ~~or~llfir~iop~toiir^rtrnncrs in the"—25 schools will .partake in. Pisauro Brearley in tho UCT final Saturday night in Linden at 7 JO p m atliiudcj_and liisl, but not least, lin crown.-4U Wan, we had our chances quite well; all three look no chances 100-meter event. __..snys Newark Wostsidc will be the altercation as well. at ihc beginning and our chalices at and used Hie spacioulFcohfincs of the In the 200-meter run, Rosellc did • toughest competition. The winning That the 13-8 Indians left Ihc field tho end ...We were just lucky loday. Union varsity diamond lo their fullest even bcttcrrThe same 1 -2-3 punch of team gels a trophy,'but the top five in as hard-fought victors was largely These kids don't quit." advantage. ~~ Baldwin, Smith and Comric, in that every event goes on to the overall because of untimely errors in the "The hilling lakes care of itself," • Indeed, ccnlerficldcr Ken Kinney order, swept the first, second and group championships. final tw'o innings.- Wilh the score said Ujjion coach Gordon LcMalty, twice made puiouis of long drives third place medals. "I expect some of our guys to go deadlocked al 2-2 after seven innings who feels that observers should "from both Ear] Smith and Graham. "It was really sharp seeing all three all the way to Soulh Plafnficld," of regulation play, the Farmers broke appreciate Filiau for being "the real- The l:mer sho;, in fact, came just of them come in 1-2-3," Pisauro said. Pisauro said. "We're very strong in through for the'go-ahead run in the ly good glove man he is," rather than after'Graham had given Brearley and The Rosellc trio ran the sprint as the sprints, but I'd like to see us _ iniuiLlhC-eighth-whenTirsubascman—focusing-on-just-his-crror^As long—i.LLlargc_coiningcni_of_scrcaming : better balanced as an. overall team. I . three of the six finalists; - — Steve Filiachi reached on -Rahway as you play defense and you don't supporters a bad scare by blasting a don't want to lalk_too-soon_about- In the 400-mctcr_run,—Baldw in- sharlstop Glenn Gucnsch's error, walk people, you'll win a ballgame. long foul lo loll, a drive that landed next year, but we're encouraged finished first, while Jeff Richardson, look second on a sacrifice by Andre These arc llie pearls of high school not far from lire closed refreshment about next year. We'll' only be losing who is just a freshman, finished Maximo and, one out later, scored baseball, that's all." stand, skirting Ihc outer pcrimeicrs of two seniors." fourth. • ' when .Frank Napolilano's liner to UUKARLKY 2, KUZAKETH 0 Ihe varsity football field. culler was dropped by Charlie X total of 22 years have passed" Filliiigly, Lilllc ChccTwas in on the Hiwkins. since Al Sanlorini last pitched for game's final oul, fielding Charlie Roselle edges Roselle Park, 1-0 , Z - -The-wayrDavir-Siiwteki"had=lrcen~-Union-:Highr-Burornhis • particular Garcia's -grounder-at "third and" then pitching, il seemed as-lhough Union day, the presence of (Jus former going to teammate Gary Fauchcr al first to end ' it. The .Bears then —"YttirtlrSocccr fchms from Roscllc and Rosellc Park faced each other April was about" lo iriiikc .its fir,sV trip to"tlie major league hurlcr —-. who now UCT finals since losing to Elizabeth lives in.another pan of-iho stale — niobbed ihcir. fantastic hurlcr, who . 24 at Hinchliffc Stadium in Patcrson., which Rpscllc won, 1-0, also gol three hits. served as the preliminary to the season home-opener for the Ncw_Jcrscy_' for all iho marbles in 1985. Sawicki, wus unmislaknbly present in ihe • "We jusl wanted to keep them off • Eagles Professional Soccer LeaRiie. '. •• '• who had .replaced Union* "starter forms of Brearlcy's Mike Chalenski Howie Ad lor wilh oncout-in the and Elizabeth's George Virgilio, who iho basepmhs," said a jubiliunt Brear- Roscllc Park controlled the ball early in the first period but were held fifth, hud proven lo be tournament locked up in un unforgettable;mound ley coach Ralph L'aConic, who was goalie Dan-Kelly. -•-.••. tough up until Ihis point, retiring duel. ' full of praise for both Big dice and Michael Small passed off to Mike Pelardis who completed tho give-and-go seven of Iho eight hillcrsho had faced Oh, this was some game, all right. iho l'J-3 Minutcmcn. "We'd ralhcr ' .by returning the ball to Small. Small connected for the only score of the garno. • since replacing his senior teammate, On the very same mound from which sec them swing ilic bal than have III HI llj J 11 IIJ, them run the buses. And Ihose two Doug McIWiron, playing goal for Roscllc in the second half, "saved" the C who would have .been all right, hud it Sanlorini had once lormenlcd hitlers game with two strong saves late in thc-fiiiaLminutcs^Michaol-Thomas played STARTOFASEASON—Theso.are members of the St. enjoying their annual start-of-the-season parade. not been for a pair of run-scoring wilh u blazing fastball and snapping, runs curly helped us. It was one of strong defense for Rosclle. Joseph's baseball Little League of Roselle, who are doubles fromBrian Paion, the second curve, boih Big Chec and Virgilio did ihc bosl high school ballgaiiics you'll of which drove Adler from Ihc game. much Ihe same, producing the kind of sec. But compliment that Elizabeth loam, please. And discard lhat myih And when Nick Cuccincllo made a electricity and intensity that tlic about Group 4 and Group 1." great, .tumbling catch of Paton's long, standing-room-only crowd hud Spaeder Club HOME VISITOR QUARTER ! INNING DOWN MATCH SECONDS PERIOD HOLE FRAME lazy Ton! fly lo left to start off the cxpeclcd. Elizabeth conch Ray Kom, whose bottom of the eighth, Union looked to Chalenski, as he has done lo so reputation us a pitching instructor Food and Spirits ,., be in good shape. But when Filiachi many olhors throughput his outstand- speaks for itself,'mode no allcmpl lo . Our Newly Remodeled Dining Room: '" minimize whai the Bears had done. Is Now Open . couldn't handle a grounder to first by ing four-year high school career, put Railway, pitcher Frank Jones, the llie handcuffs-fin Elizabeth,-the tour- "Mike's a great piichcr," said ' 1 £$\\ j|fc>..Stoak Sandwiches momentum quickly turned. Lcfificl- nament's lop-sccded team, and in so •Kom,"wlio foil that u "timing" prob- f^\\O Jumbo Dell Sandwiches lem in fielding had led to Yirgilio's . 0 dcr Miko Hammond sent a grounder doing, hurled a spectacular ono-hittcr Hot Specials Dally deep into Ihe hole at short, which lo propel the 18-3 Bears into the second-inning throwing error lhal let SCOREBOARD Cubs to begin '88 play Rob Caslclluno fielded, but was then UCT finals. Going with almost all Ihe "horse' oul of the barn," so to Sports Channel Cubs will ihcn helaway for (heir next Some new players are Jamie Sluin- unable to get ihc force at second, as scorching heal, Big Chcc, who was speak. "He makes great pitches. Our 999 Hpstimont Ave*Unlon (across from Jahn's) : The Kcnilworlh Cubsr-thc 1987 Linden 5 Elizabeth 11 five games before returning horn; on er of Rnsello Park, Dave Gagliano of Jonos slid in safely. Dave Winters Iho grateful recipient of strong fielcl- kids djd iho bosl ihcy.could. One ihru i Essex County Baseball League Semi- seven hit the ball. But they made big 686-8935 Baseball Roscllo 10 A.L. Johnson 26 June 11 and 12. . Mountainside, and Tom Chicgo of then cracked u hard single to center, ing support from his wildly- ;Pro League Champions, will begin pliiys in die field. Give Brcnrley •Brcnrlcy 9 S. Plains 3 *Ros. Park 5 Elizabeth 0 Summit, all of whom should augment plating Jonos to tie the score and enthusiastic tcammulcs,.allowed but 'defending their lillc this Saturday, crcdil; theyimudc Iho plays. They're a Specializing in: Brcarlcy 14.... , Oratory 5 Ros, Park 16...... Dayton 1 Coach Livio Mancino expects last year's Cub stalwarts Nicl Kurlz,' sending Hammond to third, with 'two buscrunncrs, neither of whom . May 28, when the opening-day oppo- well-couched learn and Ralph's a *Broarley 2 ; Elizabeth 0 Ros. Park 17 Elizabeth 7 most veterans'-from ihe 1987_champ- Miko Mancino,. Anthony Principaiio, Winicrs alertly taking second, ever made il lo.sccond base. Big & Tall !ncnl will bo iho samo Parsippany wonderful person." *Daytbn 1 . Scotch Plains 13 Ros. Park 9.. N. Plfd.3 ; Tomahawks that Ihc Cubs defontcd ion learn 10 rciurn, wilh a few excep- Kicnny Weeks, . Anthony' Souiglia, And then came the fireworks. Virgilio, who hud hurled three Work Clothes & Shoes Dayton 2.> Rldgc 11 Ros. ParkS Un. Cath.4 ; for the title last year, tions because of players being druflod Mall OccjpintU, and Jimmy Rosclli Guonsch bounced a grounder to straight shutouls prior to ibis game, Dayton 8 Oratory 1 Ros. Park 1 Millbum3 ; On Sunday, llie Cubs will bo at by major feiiguo loams, quiio well. Caslellano, who temporarily bobblod including a 6-0 gem aguinst NeCv Gome of. Sunday, May 22 .Sneakers & Fashion Wear Linden 4 Wcstficld 7 Unibn 10 Kcarny 3 ^home again lo play the powerful it before coming homo wilh the pog Providence in UCT quariorfinul- (Al Union) Linden 5 Irvington 0 *Union 1 WostficldO. IVeronu Twins, followed by the "The bullclub must play ouLsiund- to catcher Rich Plunor, who had round aclion a week curlier, was Brearley... 020000p- 2 5 0 AT DISCOUNT PRICES Rosclle-3 .i7....\..,.-;.-.;...r....;. Johnson'? -Union 3 „ Rahway.0. ', Livingston Eagles on May 30. All of • ing baseball lo defohd our titlo; and- "Hopefully, we will again play Hammond dcud lo rights — so much noarly as good, finishing with a five- Elizubelh 0000000- 0 1 2 Roscllc Park 9 St. Mary's 2 *Uhion 1 Ros. Park 0 •j the team's homo games for 19H8 will even though our guys did great in some oulsianding baseball l'ur OIII_ so, in fact, that Hammond hltlcr and nino impressive strikeouts. 2B-Holzaphcl. M. Chalenski and many funs, while our players display choice, but lo barrel into Pluner. Well, But thoro was one big difference; Vcrgura. Virgilio and Random. 112N.lVoatlAvo. Rosello Park 8 Johnson 4 Union 3 '...„•. Un. Cath. 2 •bo played al Rosclle Park's Herb 1987, wo can't win on our past thcir.abililics with pride while repre- ho did und before you know it, both Virgilio oncountored 6ne semi- •WP-'Chulcnski (7-0). LP-Virgilio Mon.-Sat. 9-6 Llndon, NJ 07036 Union 18 „.. Plainficld 7 < Shaw Complex, Diumond B, wilh laurels," Mancino said. "We must senting a winning ballclub," Mancino playors started grappling and both Iroublcsome inning. Big Chee did (6-1). Friday 9-9 •(201)486-8012 " AUnion 8 Johnson 1 ' weekend-gnmes starling at. 5 p.m., improve and wo'll do just that wilh Park In Roar Union 9 '. Rahway 2 Boys'Track ; and weekday contests ul 6 p.m. Tho some new faces." added,." ' . - . bonchos emptied instantaneously, not. * Union 3 ,r.TT..... Rahway 4 Union 67 Wcstfield 64 Dayton 71 Hillside 60 NEW 1988 NEW 1988 NEW 1960 His! nil NEW 1988 NEW 1888 CONQUEST LE BARON LE BARON FRED GASIOR Says: PLYMOUTH w/opln'l. lur- Softball LE BARON LE BARON bo. leather pkg., auto, CONV. COUPE NEW 1988s CHRYSLER w/opm'i nuio CHnYSlEnw/oplnlMirh trano.. aun roof, ilf cond,, CHF1Y91ER w/optn'l, CHRYSLER w/opln'l pop. w Brcarlcy 7.,.. Manvillo 9 Boys'Tennis Irani.. P° ' tqulp. PkO-< Cron l»ulh»rpkg,,inlinl!y Inol, atd. 3.9 Him ano.,, 4 leather uanl. . pwr. ular miulp. pko. nuio. Aviation IF YOU EVER WANT TO BUY ANY AM/PM,,wlr» whauli; Inc. radio, all powar. inol. ltd. oyl,, pwr. atmrj./brki VIN wndw,/lki., nuio, irini, Irani., AM/FM oait. Inol. •Id. pwr, llrg./blki.. 4 cyl No. 027301. STK. No. alum. wKvuli, aport hnn- vtd. pwr •lrnrj./l)rka.. 4 .LINDEN AIRPORT 862-3844 Dayton 18 Ridgo,13 Brcarlcy 1 ',„ Green Brook 4 landaurMdr.lV.6ano.. IN STOCK inn, i dr. VIN. NO auto. trim. VIN No. 8S038. Mil prloa Ml ,407.' dnno lid, atd. Pwr cyl, ono. VIN NO.S39318. Primary Training Advanced Comtnericjl Training DayjpnJ_u1.Ilu,,,,,,._aoy,,Livingston_6i —Brcarlcy-0 ...„ , -N.Plfd.5- 11014B. SYK.'NOrlMCr MMTrmk. No. 81'034,- itrnQVbrki,, 2.6 litre anfl-. 3TK. No 80010 Ullpnca Llll Prlaa 813,333. 8 4 oyl. •no, VIN. No. S13.S3O. $13,031 Dayton 3 '..,..;. .Ros. Catholic 7 Dayton 4 , Union 1 18,756 314073. STK. No. (15006 CHRYSLERS PLYMOUTH Lilt price $10,332. in 81,000 CESSNA *ACOURS£S •Dayton 3 Caldwell 2 •12,099 ;;*20,199 T stsoo -—• Cessna" : Linden 2 Cranford 3. DELIVERY! SI 7,286 '18,199 '11,931 Flight Training, Ground School, Audio-Visual Tapes Linden 2 Union 3 PRODUCT I WILL SELL IT TO NEW 1087 NEW 1987 For Further Information, Call (Is At NEW 188/ "'" Rosollo Vi Johnson 4V4 LE BARON NEW 1087 LE BARON GTS NEW 1087 0HRV8LEH, PH6MIUM Ros. Park 4 Brcarloy 1 COLT COUPE, w/opln'l l*at., GRAN FURY CHRYSIEH w/opln'l 3TH AVENUE 201-862-3846 ^_ PLYMOUTH, w/lld. 4 ip Int. lux. aqp. phg.. AM/FM call. ipt. "an- Ros. Park 3 Oreonbrook 2 NEW 1987 PLYMOUTH w/opln'l pwr, dllnp pkg.. and more. Inc CHRYSLER w/optn'Mdr, YOU CHEAPER! Irina., 4 cyl. sng., 3 dr. ht. AM/FM call., i >on< pnl, laatti«r. int., pwr. wlndowi, AM/FM cm, ir. il«l, man, ilrng./brka. 4 oyl turbo, auto, me. stci atd. 4 cyl. tng, auto, Union S Plalnfiold 0 ow. ilra./brkl. VIN No. auto, tram:, Inc. lid, V<8 trana., pwr, brka./ltrng. Iki./wndws.. wire whli.. VIN No. 008010, Stk No. ong., pwr. atrng./tirlia. Incl. ltd. pwr. atrng./brki, LEFTOVERS 7S048. Hat Prim $8815. 5O140H. 8W. No. 78041 VIN. No, 818112. 8TK. No LHIPrlca 518.000, VIN No 141807 31k. No. 78080. Llllprlc«$ia,B31. VIN No. 126008. STK. No. TOWN PHAHMACV Golf • TOP TRADE-INS! CHRYSLER 7-YEAR/70,000 MILE AT R0CKB0TT0M S5799 $ 74023, Lilt prloa 414,340, 77070, List prloa S10,0fi(!. Visit Our • FINEST PROTECTION PLAN H m\ma, stop by to 14,709 5 *10,787 S Broarley 226 Bound Brook 194_ PRICES! MMTI $800 BSBJ «iooo 12,343 Horoitv 15,909 SERVICE dolalls. * • ..' , VOU MV $0200 mmSBJ" M$13,709 cijtri Video Department! Dayton 202 RldgV 158 YOU MY SI 0,037 Dayton 224 Ros. Catholic 188 Exit 143 GSPhwy. , * FREE MEMBERSHIP! . donlor preparation and any othor costs to bo borne by a customor, oxcept (or licensing, costs, W.Org. 182. Dayton223 Brly.228 Ollor oxplros 5/30/88 at 9 p:m""PrldoS"lifcl(idii Irolghl shipping, Video Specials As Low as 94° AUnion County Tournament piny registration loos & toxas, •State Tournament play Open Hours: Monday-Friday S01 Boulevard Kenllworlh 817 SPRINGFIELD AVE., IRVINGTON • 374-9400 9-9: Saturday 9-5 276-8540 \ HOURS: MON-FRI9-9PM 8AT\9-8PM 22 — Thursday, May 26, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,5,6* 2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday/May 26, 1988 — 23



One of our representatives will be calling on you soon to offer you an opportunity to place, an ad in this area's most comprehensive source • 'Catch the Sun' in July of buying information: the New Jersey Bell Grctc Wait'/., an eight-time New Co-directors Tina DiRicnzo and YltaP York City Marathon winner and a Pat Goias arc also planning a prc- i of Rfewjersey adults use thTNewJersey 1984 Olympic Silver Medalist .in the race clinic, featuring Grcle Wailz, Bell Yellow Pages. Our enhanced Yellow Pages women's.marathon, has entered the that will "be helcPauring "the race largest five-mile all women's race irl •weekend section, with our easy-to-use index of headings the U.S. — "Catch the Sun," which Applications are now available by -^l I [ • c»_i j/J^1" /,' •i lets your customers find what they need more will be held on July 17 at Tamaques writing: Catch Ihc Sun, P.O. Box easily and conveniently than ever. Park in Wcslfield. 513, Wcslfield, 07091, or by calling The' presenting sponsor of the race 432-5530. We've also expanded and redesigned the is Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Directory for the consumer/Added a full-color New Jersey. Co-sponsors are" the state's Department of Community \5 Community Interest Showcase section packed OH HAPPY DAY! — It was for tho Broarloy Regional knocked off the tournament's top-seeded club, and will baseball team, which Is seen celebrating its 2-0 win over Affairs and ihcGovcrnor's Council with information about sports, entertainment now rneet Rahway in the UCT final this Saturday night on Physical Fitness and Sports. CAR WASH and recreation in New Jersey. Your customers Elizabeth In last Sunday's Union County Tournament underthe lights in Linden's Memorial Park, beginning at semifinal-round game in Union. Behind a one-hit shut- 7:30 p.m. This year, in conjunction with the will find Green Discpunt Coupons full of out by Mike Chalenski,, the fourth-seeded. Bears. ' premier five-mile event, a one-mile valuable money-saving opportunities. •health walk/jog has been added. The five-mile race is open to the competi- So if you want to'move your products or tive runner, as well as to the recrea- services, talk to our representative. And Just play it safe in colder temperatures tional runner or walker. move your business into the New Jersey Bell . Yellow Pages. The one that works; • By HANK AARON land one time when the temperature innings in a single outing. A manager The game went into extra innings.and Union IFI tOUITiey 1}JlMMi Spring training has ended, season • was in the teens. • • can't let his pitchers overdo it in their Tony stayed on' the mound until The Division HI Union Lancers/ openers have been played and now Those games were dreadful for first few starts. A' manager doesn't Willie Stargcjl beat us-witli-a-home—Cosmos-will-play in this year's— professional baseball teams arc both players and fans. Baseball expect liis pitchers to throw the same run in tlic 12"th~.' Although Tony eighth annual Memorial Day erseyBell settling inlo the 1988 season. Every wasn't meant to be played in cold numbcr-of-pitchcs-nrA"pril"that they pitched several more years,, most weekend soccer tournament in v manager since the invention of base- weather. Nothing feels right. Even could safely throw in August. Pitch- people thought his arm was never the Wcslfield. BRUSHLESS ball warns his. players that-the early the food at the stadium doesn't taste ers have to be brought along same after that game. —Thc-thrcc-dny-round robin tourna- l-j games count as much in Hie final the same. gradually. . Early games do count as much as ment will begin this Saturday, May standings as Ihc-last games. That old One tiling I remember, cold weath- This was the downfall of a very those played in September. But a 28, and will conclude 6n Monday. The Car Spa YELLOW PAGES saying may be ancient, but it is still er is tougher on players on Ihc bench good friend of mine, Tony Cloninger. .manager has to bo ready to pull a true. There arc,, however, some obvi- than on those out in the field playing. The Braves had just moved from starting pitcher from a close, early SPRINGFIELD AVE J\ ous differences about games played Another difference about early \ Milwaukee nnd Tony was chosen to game regardless of how well he's Your New JerseyBell'YellowPages in tho early part of the season. games is that managers must exercise ~ pitch the first major league game throwing. The risk of leaving him in WANTED UNION sales people are in die area. First of all, there's the weather. I great care with pitchers. There is a ever played in Atlanta. That was back thcrctoo long just isn't worth it. . (in The Union Market ParkinxLot) played one game in Milwaukee while definite increase in the chnncc. of, in April 1Q_66, The ycar_bcforc, Tony. Hank Aaron Is the top home run v t If you need additional information,' . : we hnd snowflakcs falling, pans in injuries during the first weeks of the Jia(l_wx>h_24gnmcs_amLhad.moro-than- -Iilttcr-of-iill time wlth-755-homers—.| LIONEL -WITH .THircouroN Ci caIl:-l'800'NJB$ELL — ^_^ —/— «——4- "the stands were singing "Jingle season. Because of all the pitchers in 200 strikeouts. He was considered A member of' baseball's Hull of Bells" and other Christinas carols. I spring training camps, no one player one of ihc most promising young Fame, Hank Is vice president or the TRAINS & l'800'652'2355. will have thrown more than nine righthanders in the National League. "The Car Spa' iffiK played an exhibition gamo in Clcve- . Atlanta Braves, ACCESSORIES i.' ONLY Fred Gasior ,CIH Offer expires 6/2/B3 .|" 374-9400 BRUSHLESS Ml 5

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on XJniovr County

MAY 26, 1988 Section Two ol the Union Leader, Springfield Leader, Mountainside* Echo' Linden Leader. The Spectator, Kenilworth Leader Over 70,000 Readers in exhibits

EXHIBITORS —^ioilFMesRln, left, arirTParJorle_ "'OSrafyornviofrrrAvehUFSunday. Meskin's sculp-' tunds td~establish the gallery and make the entire Bachefski, both of Union, opened a new exhibit at - tures and Bachefskl's watercolors will be shown In library accessible to the handicapped. the Wheelchair Gallery in the Union main Public the third program of. a citizens' group that raised

sentcd in Mcndham, and they had sold a lot of my paint- By BEA SMITH the News for about 45 years and was an overseas reporter during World War II. He used to bring back such fascinat- ' ings to English and Scottish people, and many of them Two talented artists from Union, as diffcrcnuas night took them back to Europe 'with them. and day, and yet, similar in many ways, arc exhibiting their Ing stories 'that my mother, my sisters and I used to sit for hours listening to him. When he was overseas, he would "Grace (Lane) was the bric'who made me go into painl- work at the Wheelchair Gallery at the Union Library now ing," Bachefski admits. "And I always worked with water thrbugh June 30. They have part-time professional jobs, write to my_motlicr,._'Make sure she gets into a good school.' He passed away six years ago, and we were so colors. I do paint in oils, but I just prefer not to. Water color :are housewives, mothers of two children caclw and have ~/»W>». .-T-mioo-liim -o/V-milphl-'~ —: - to me is more demanding. It is difficult to make ji corrcg- 'one grandchild each, and thcyJiav&exceptibnallyjnodern^ lU^Ct—l—uua:!—unit— au—jwuwm . — v tion; it's quick, and it dries quick." • ideas. A special exhibit and reception were held for them Bachefski's sisters arc Nancy Scgale of Union and Does shebclicvc that her talcntshavc extended to her "' Sunday afternoon* > Patricia Jcspcrson of Washington, near Clinton. children? The artists are Marjorie Bachefski, who specializes in She says that she wanted to be an artist "from the time I ' could understand the English language. I wanted to do it "I think the children both have artistic talents," beams ^vatcrcolors, and yiola Meskin, who works in sculpture.- Bachefski. My younger daughter, Patricia, makes orna- Bachefski, an attractive blonde artist, who has "becn. ill of my life. Everything in my life had to have art in it!" She says that she even worked for a time for the Irving- ments, called Patlipins, She ships them to Garfinklc and to- painting with water colors — really serious work—since Neiman Marcus inTcxas. She has a nice little business and 1973," has received jnany first place awards in art shows ton Herald, and that after she was graduated from Trapha- gen School in New York City, she "went to work for was featured in 'Family Circle.' She's atcachcr, too, of . and is a commercial artist by trade. "I do oils, too, but I special cducatioh, hero in Wharton. . prefer not to — too plodding, too dragged out and it takes Epstein. I took life classes at night and started at Epstein as " loo longto dry out," she muses. "Water colors are quicker. 7 assistant to the head artist, and in four years, I was head "And Barbara is a nurse practitioner in pediatrics in • -'• - It's not just a new Cjty\Federal branch That's the commercial artist in mc.always have to artist. ' , •Mpntclair Slate. We're very proud of our children. produce, and so fast." "Then," she smiles, "I got married to Edward Bachefs- Always, in my house, the conversation is school, school,— Wife of Union Firo Clucf-Edward Bachefski, Marjorie. ki, fire chief in town." They havc.two daughters, one is school." It's Bonus Rate CDs, rebated mortgage applications . has been employed as a commercial artist for 28 years by Barbara Mastcrson, who is married to Dr. Richard Master- Bachcfski is constantly busy. "Three days a week I the Grace Lano shop in Union Center, where she does son of North Brunswick. They have a dauglitgr, Lauren work at Grace Lane. Two days a week, I'm baby-silting "basic illustrations, brochures, pasteups, mechanicals and Ashley, 3M. And dip other is Patricia Bilinkas, who resides with my granddaughter. AndJ^paint in between jnd on weekends: ~ • posters, —with-lier-husbandr-William-in -Chester She explains that "basically, I'm an illustrator. I used to "When the children were little," says Bachefski, "I got "One painting takes about three to four days." be a high fashion illustrator: for M. Epstein.- in an agent and did art work out of my homc.mostly illustra- She has 24 paintings displayed at the Wheelchair Morristown," tions and all around commercial art. Even when'I belonged- Gal!ery-"which-indudcs-a-|orof paintings-owncd-by- Born Marjoric Kcnnct in'Union on Burnct Avcnuc, the to the Junior Woman's Club of Union, I was doing art." pcople who have bought them and then loaned them to me. artist was graduated from Union schools* Union High She was awarded many prizes-for her art work. As a And I have 10 new things. School and Edith Young Art School for Girl's in East member or the Wcstficld Art Association, she won the Dr. "Right now," she says, "I'm painting a lake and a house Orange. '' ^ • Eugene Kelly Award, first place in watercolors, and the and Canadian gepse" in water. It's a lot of work," she It's all happening June 4th at 2500 Morris "My mother and father were way ahead of their time," Jcanctte Gift Shop-award in another show and has taken admits, "and I just wish my dad was alive, He was so honorable mention. In the Festival on the Green, she has Avenue in Union—our newest City Federal s she recalls fondly. "They cncouragcdrneistliheway from, encouraging. If it wcrcn' t for people helping me, or people day one. My father, Warren Kcnnct, who was a well- • won first prize four times, and second place twice. who said 'You ought to do this or that,' I don't know where branch. known reporter for,the Newark Evening News, used to Bachefski sighs, "It's very rewarding to be ' I would be today. Even my employer, Grace. When I'm . Join us between 9AM and 2 PA1 and you'll take me to art classes at the Newark of Art when I be received like tin's. I've never painted in an attic some- involved in a project, she'll say, "Take lime off. Take ncxi, was a little girl. He used to lake me to classes, file his where, simply because I'm a commercial artist. I have week off.'" meet Giant's wide receiver Phil McConkey*, paintings in England and Scotland because I was reprc- enjoy a ragtime band, haves a caricature done, or "Stories, then pick me up and fake me home. He worked for .' .(Continuedoft Page2) enter our "We*ll Pay Your Mortgage" Sweepstakes. Of course, for those who are accustomed to our convenient Saturday hours, there'll be plenty of City Federal people on hand to help you. ~ Which is nothing new, since all that's changed is -..... our location. _- '_,.' Come on down and join the party. Be among the first 100 people to walk through the door and you'll also receive $5. City Federal Savings Bank It's not just a matteiof money

, • Sweepstakes Grand Prizc-is 2 -months' •payment of -principal and interest on your mortgage.or property taxes, or rent, Amount not to exceed $1,000 per month. No purchase necessary. Entries will be accepted 9AM June 4th through 8PM June 30th. Drawing will be held July 1st at 10AM. Employees or relatives of City Federal or their advertising agency are not eligible. Must be 18 or over to enter sweepstakes and to be eligible for the $5 giveaway. *Phil McConkey Will be on site between 11AM-1PM. _. - - I 2 Union artists take How to reduce animal fatalities Historic name change (Continued from Pago 1) in exhibits Before the end of the year, control director. "Through the "Thousands of vacationers Sleepy Hollow Restorations announces that it has changed its need to own an exhaust fan. I work millions of unwanted dog^s and participation of more than 700 adopt _pcls in the summer but name to Historic Hudson Valley. The Tarrytown-bascd historic Bachcfski's advice to people' different!' Now, I go to many for two hours and it'lakes four museums, meet marvelous people, cats will be put to death needless- veterinarians nationwide, FoA's- leave or abandon them by the end site museum also announced that it has adopted a broader who want to become artists is, "Gel hours to clean up." ly in the nation's pounds and Breeding Control program is of their stay; which contributes mission pertaining to the entire Hudson Valley; creating the need o a college education, go to tlio prop- which makes it a whole different, •' Mcskin says sh6 has "over 20 interesting cxpcrichcc. The people shelters. active in 46 states." . significantly to the suffering of for a more regional name. o er schools, major in art, and doii*r~ pieces. I always liked three- animals as well as the animal "This great waterway shaped the history of America and we worry about how much money I've met in art classes arc all so For more than 30 years, O dimensional things — which imaginative. What Vm doing, 'control-problem;"'said-Szymans- wantlQ'tcIl tliat-story,'-' saysJHistoric Hudson:ValIcy.;prcsidcnt, you're making. Just work hard in Friends of Animalsr~ihc nntional- painting isn't. I started with flower creating, that's the fun part." ki. "Breeding control can prevail order to get where you want to go. animal protection organization, Richard F. Halvcrsori. • ~c arrangements, thenjvent-into clay, has been fighting to reduce the the unrestrained mating that leads ' Sleepy Hollow Restorations offers lours and public programs And study, study, study. Because," . then metal sculpture...which is Mcskin thinks that the Wheel- PEiiculars o she smiles, "die rewards are really chair Gallery in Union "is a numbers of innocent pets being to such tragedy^, at-Washington Irying's Sunnysidc in Tarrylown; colonial Philips- what I'm doing now, as well as killed in shelters by prompting More information on FoA's , burg Manor, Upper Mills in North Tarrylown; Van Cortlandl z- great!" stonei wonderful place, because it's inti- mate, friendly and you feel as if it • low-cost spaying and altering. Szymanski said animal aban- National Breeding Control prog- Manor in Crpton-on-Hudson; and the Union Church of Pocantico o Viola Mcskin lias been creating "It's really my great love for donment and overpopulation is of Hills with its stained glass windows by-Matisse and Chagall. o sculptures for the past 15 or 16 isn't too large. It offers an oppor- . "FoA's goal is to make spaying ram can be obtained by calling stonc.lhal's where I'm at," she tunity for people to show their and altering of pets an economic special concern this time of year 1-800-631-2212 or writing fo . Further information can be obtained by contacting Historic years. She says she has "studied grins. "And I like to do this best. In in vacation areas throughout the Hudson Valley, 150-WlriKrPlains-ROTdrTarrytowri, N.Y. 10591; clay, metal and-stone sculpture things, to bring a little culture to reality for all pet owners," says FoA, One Pine Street, Neptune, working with slonc — this magic Union.union." :..,'. Kathy Szymanski, breeding country. 07753. or call (914) 631-8200. • ' .. - with Bcrhice Shatter, Herbert instrument,-the—stone—becomes^—-Spcakimr~ot "KallcmT Leriny Agrons and tcoT ""wheclclwirs" mysterious. Because of.thc mark: rcminds Mcskin -Schiilcrnowitzr"And'm'y~Cxhibits' ings and shadings, it's difficult to ...... ' .' ..»„„..... of her close 3 have been shown at the Union and see it until you're into the stone — friends, the laic Leon and Marilyn 3 West Orange Y, Union College in fact, until you 're almost finished Klinghoffcr,- and the 52 hours of Calendar i- and charily art shows." with your piece, even'after you've "sheer horror" they all experienced The blonde, sweet-faced three years ago aboard the Achille polished it. It's like a crackcrjack information can be obtained by Normandy'Heights Road, Morris- and DcForcst avenues^ Summit, of The AssumplionTRosclle Park, Mcskin, who also has been tutor- Laura in Egypt. Leon Klingiioffer, box—a big surprise. You hope, in Art-' _^. calling 757-3717. town. Interested persons may Tail • will have three support groups for Fridays at 8 p.m. ing special classes at Burnct Junior who was one of' the Mcskcrs' : Union County Rape Crisis the finished product, the markings . Wheelchair-Gallery in Union Short Hills Art Gallery, 545 984-9158 for information. women experiencing Hie crisis of —High SchoolrUnionrforaboutfour arc where you want them. group of 1lpcople-and confinedto —a-rcccnt-scparation or divorco;-a- -Center—will-be holding support -a wheelchair, was shot and thrown Public Library, Fribergcr Park, Millburn Avc., Millburn, present- TheJNJ. Moonrakcrsra-club years "with a wonderful teacher, "I work with carving stone. I use for tall and single adults, meets growthand support group; and groups for adult female victims Joan Estis," and who serves as vice ' over the side of the ship by the four Morris Avenue near Union ing "A Vision of Color," an a hand chisel, hammer, rasp and Center. A show, continuing - exhibition of aqamedia paintings the second Tuesday of the month' one for women going from full-. of sexual assault Monday and president of die Friends of the hijackers. His wife died of cancer time career to full-time mother- -Thursday evenings at the center other tools and various sandpapers some time later. through June 30, features water- by Anna Continos through June at the Meadowlands Hilton, 2 Library, "is always busy^ And it's to get a nice new finish and get way Harmon Plaza, Sccaucus, at 8 hood. Those who would -like at 136 Centennial Avc, Lincoln vcry-rewardingr-After~all,~my Many stories were told by colors by Marjorie Bachcfski and 4. More information can be into the stone so it doesn't sculpture by, Viola Mcskin, both obtained by calling 379-5577. • p.m. For^ information about Uie more information may call School, Room 203, Cranford. A children.are grown. My husband,' the dust doesn't Seymour and Viola Mcskin after club, call Laura" "HiTgan at 273-7253. " ' • ' . •' ' support group for mothers of Seymour, is busy at his work as a .— ... v they wcrcTOscucd."We werepelri- • Union residents. Congregation B'nai Jcshu- run, Short Hills, ' Museum .298-0964. Project Protect, a support incest victims where sexual certified public accountant. Our conlinuc lo come out. I work about, rjC/j|» she says. "You have no Idea. The Morris Museum, 6 five hours each session. And-J do group for battered women, mceis assault has occurred in the family son, David, is a lax attorney and Normandy Heights Road, Morris- committee has premiere of new Parents Without Partners- two a year. I can't work in the But we were lucky," she sighs. Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. is held Thursday evenings at the our daughter, Susan Kcohanc, is a town. Exhibitions through June exhibition, "Images 6f Israel," by Watchung Hill Chapter 418, summer," says Mcskin, "because I "Now, three years later, it's all Anyone who needs information center. More information can be social worker'in New York. And 30. More information can bo Paul Hess, photographer. Now dance/social every second have to wear glovcsjnd goggles.^ beginning tojadgrjjut I still have - obtained by calling 272-8137. _whcn I'm notbusy-wilh my-grand— ^obtained byxalling 538Z0454T=J=: =Monday=of=tho=monlh[iorichla!ehih = Mcskin, who was born Viola "nightmares"jiboul those four iRahway Hospital has formed daughter, a two-year-old princess, Trailsidc Nature and-Scicncc tion, 7:45 p.m.; dance, Thursdays Hodcs, in, a family of eight in hijackers witrTa gun in one hand a bereavement group for Rebecca Leigh Mcskin, who says Center, Coles Avenue and Ncw_ 8:30 p.m.; L'Affairc, Route 22 Newark—"a wonderful family to and a grenade in the other, with no widowed people which meets on ^when I leave, 'Grandma, bring me Providence Road, Mountainside,- Theater East, Mountainside, 527-0479 or this day" —;was_ graduated from nourishment but bread and water is seeking quality displays for its Circle Players to present 469-7795. Thursdays from 1:30 to 3 p.m. lipstick.' I keep aciive doing many =andto.piec&otheadcheese,-wliich-l=- The number to call for informa- other tilings. - •"" -Visitor-Genier^s-ohanging-oxhibit- "Charlotte's Web," at 416 Victor- Single Faces, dances, Satur- Lottery Junior College. "I continued my refused to cat. Have you ever had ia Avc., Piscataway, June 4,-5,- tion and to enroll is-499-6169. "I've been doing art work for 20 arca.-More information can be days, 8:30 pTm.; Sundays, 8 p.m., Following arc the winning studies at Newark: University — Jiead_ cheese?" she grimaces. ^Obtained by calling Doug Schiller 11,12, with Saturday and Sunday 238-0972 or 679-4311. • RESOLVE of Central New New Jersey Lottery numbers or 25 years'," she says, "but I'm now "known as Rutgers University UNION ARTISTS — Marjorie Bachefskl, left; discusses- matinee performances _at noon Jersey is the local chapter of a most comfortable with sculpture." "Now IJiaycAoforgo alieadwilh. _watercolQr_art_with Viola-MeskJn,- who Is -waltlng-to iar232=593_Q/ Gregory Club of New Jersey, for the weeks of April 25, —during the Second World'Waf: I tny work and keep at it as long as I Clark Historical Society has " and 3. More information can^bc Catholic Singles Group,- holds national self-help organization May 2,9 and 16. "" She smiles, "It's a very dirty discuss sculpture art, during their exhibitions at the obtained by calling 968-7555. offering support groups, doctor -went in for accounting, but • I have my strength. It's a great thrill Wheelchair Gallery In the Union Public Library, Friber-_ reopened Dr. William Robinson, meeting and social in Red Cross PICK—IT AND PICK 4 medium, and I do most of my work wasn't lob crazy about it. Crossroads Theater Co., 320 referral and educational meetings at the Y in West Orange now, or I to have acceptance and to know ger Park, Morris. Avenue. The third exhibition oflhe Plantation and Museum for Building, 169 Chestnut St.', April 25—137,3836 "I then went into the art world, that people want what you do. Art gallery will run through June 30. guided tours from-1 to 4 p;m. Memorial Parkway, New Brans- Nutlcy. Information can be to couples and professionals deal- April 26—952, 6082 Iry lo do it on the porch or out in the wick.Mo present New Jersey ing jwitli impaired fertility. The yard or on the patio. You really and it opened up a whole new is taste, and if people share it with Visitors will be welcomed at open ^obtained by calling 991-4514;or April'27—007,6507 world for me — one that is so you, it's nice!" house on the first Sunday of each "premiere of~7"Wctr Carpets," 667-55807 ~ ~ THimbcrUrcall for information is April 28—512,7905 month for the remainder, of the comedy-drama, as result of "New Jewish Dimensions, with 731-9011 or 873-8787. April 29—031,9877 year: The restored farmhouse is Play Riles" program. Show will Jewish singles events for agcs-21 Mended Hearts, a support April-30—103,5095 Telethon benefit set located at 593 Madison Hill run through May 27. More infoi\ to 35. More information can be group of people who have" had May 2—554,2249 Road. mation can be obtained by calling obtained by calling 494-7356. heart surgery or any other type of May 3—877,0591 "Miss Molly" and friends from "Romper Room" will be the Jackpots also pay in cars Congregation B'nai Jcshu- 249-5560. Union County Copo dance heart problem, visits patients May 4—822,1114 local hosts of the "Children's Miracle Network Telethon," which run, Short Hills, to honor Israel's The New Jersey Public Thea- socials.for widows and widowers awaiting surgery to help them by.. ••••• May 5—857,7817 By TONY AUGUST cana every weekend, were play- cash-plus-your, Caddy valued at will be on the air JuncAand-5-on Suburban Cable-Visioh's-TV-3 - ter, 1052A Plainficld Avc., Berk- sharing experiences. Endorsed by and CTN. Funds raised at the event will benefit the. Children's 40th anniversary with art display at 8 p.m. on second Friday at May 6—771,0187 Jackpots—and Cadillacs are ing on a specially designated half- $26,000, if you hit tlirce 7's. The by museum committee. Exhibit eley Heights, is staging Neil Knights of Columbus Hall, the,-'American Heart Association, May 7—553,5416 becoming the rage at many of the dollar machine when they got five-coin'machines will get you Hospital of New Jersey in Newark and the Children's Special- Simon's female version of "The the group holds meetings on the. ized Hospital in Mountainside. will include oils, water colors, Morrissey Avenue,- Avcncl, and May 9—370,6671 . casinos'in their special slot.prom- their three 7's. Just goes to show $25,000 in cash plus the pastels, lithographs, scrigraphs Odd Couple," now through May third. Thursday at K of C Hall, third Tuesday of the month in May 10—085,5256 tinSi Tropicana, or should I say you that a family that plays $26,000-valucd Caddy. The Children's Hospital of New Jersey is a complete diagnos- and sculptures by well-known 28. More information can be Jcancltc Avenue, Union. More Springfield. Anyone interested in May 11—831,8191 To be eligible you must play tic and treatment center for infants, children and adolescents. The Israeli artists. Exhibition will run obtained by calling 322-3808. information can be obtained by becoming a member or receiving May 12—540,5621 the maximum coins and hit three Children's Specialized Hospital is a regional comprehensive through the month of May. calling Jack Hullcrbach at more information can call • May 13—738,8237 sevens. There are 34 dollar and pediatric rehabilitation hospital providing a full rango of inpaticnt 355-0552. 467-8850. ,. May 14—561,1744 Casino confidential and outpatient services to disabled children and young adults. . Ultimate linage, 47 Aldcn St., Singles 50 half-dollar machines from Cranford, to feature month-long •S u b u r-ba n_-Wi d owsd Hospice-link service assists May 16—920,6290 The national telethon, sponsored by the Osmond Foundation, which to choose. Now that exhibition through May 31 of Net-Set sponsors singles Widowers Club, 45 plus, Ryan . persons seeking care for termi- May 17—172,7696 -doesn't sound like it should be will be on the air from Disneyland in Anahcim,.Calif., and will tennis1, racquctball and volleyball nally ill patients and their fami- TropWorld, for example, has. together stays together. Anyway, photographic art by commercial Hall, St. Rose of Lima Church, May 18—857,7548 too difficult, docs it? Well, not feature Marie Osmond and John Schneider, co-chairmen, with .parties every Friday at the Four lies. The toll-free telephone May 19—805,1891 • selected certain slot machines that the Kelirs are back to try arid win ; photographer Mike Tcsi. Recep- 50 Short Hills Avc., Short Hills, ,"_. for Mr, and Mrs. Kchranyway. — singer ^(arilyn_McCoQ_and football.and television 'star Merlin SeasonsJClub.-Enst Hanover, and numbensj-800-331 -1620. will pay off in cash as well as another Caddy for their daughter." tion May 15 from-2 to 4 p.m. meets on second Friday of monlh May 20—030,7174 Before Rich Little came along,. Olsen. Also appearing will be national youth-chairman Malcolm tennis parties at the Inman Sports Association For Advance- Cadillacs, and they have proved This goes to show you that some More information can be~obtained at 8 p.m. May 21—533,6916' Frank Gorshin, for my "money, Jamal-Warncr of NBC-TV's ."The Cosby Show" and national Club, Edison, from 8 p.m. to 1 ment of the Mentally Hand-" to be very popular. people can't get enough of a good by palling Bob Dcasy at PICK-6 was just about the best impress- sports chairman Jim McMalion of thc-GhiGago-Bears. a.m. Every Saturday tennis icapped, The Concerned Fami- ii^ 272-4455. April 25—9, 15, 16, 30, Just ask Sally Kchr of Newton, ionist around.-1 mean ho looked . Lean Line will bo among the sponsors, including Johnson & parlies at Maywobd Tennis Club", Music lies Group, for parents, guar- Pa. She hit the jackpot for 32,36; bonus —69989. • Iii any event you, too, have a like Burt Lancaster, Kirk Johnson, Citicorp, Kraft and General Foods, supporting the Trailsidc Nature & Science Flanders Tennis Club and Mata- The Minstrel Show Coffee- dians, siblings and friends of $25,000 plus a 1988 Cadillac April 28—4, 6, 8, 16, 19, chance to cash in on a new Cadil- Douglas, and Jimmy. Caghcy all "Children's Miracle Network." •' . . - Center, Coles Avenue and New wan. Tennis Club, 8 p.m.:. to 1 house, Friday night concerts, developmental^ disabled adults, Sedan DeVillc valued at $26,000. 30; bonus —75055. ' ' lac Allante valued at $57,000, as at Hie same, time and sounded Providence Road, Mountainside, —a.mJEvcry Sunday tennis parlies. Somerset County Environmental holds meetings the second Tues- -She-and-hcr husband had been May 2—1, 14, 17, 21, 23, well as win $25,000. All you oven more likc^ them • than they to exhibit variety of quartz from at Mountainside Tennis Center, 5 Education Center, 190 Lord Ster- day of each month, First Baptist trying for three successive 29; bonus —73844. have to do is hit three 7's on the did. ~~ white to black arid-other-colors. to 10 p.m. Additional information ling Road, Basking Ridge, 8:30 . Church, Elizabeth, 7:30 to 9 p.m.; weekends and finally hit pay dirt. Historical Society marks 10th year . May. 5—4, 21, 22, 25, 27, designated .dollar machines, Rich Little is the best of the Minerals will be on display now and reservations can be obtained p.m.; 335-9489. 354-3040. 38; bonus —56576. - The Kchrs, who visit the Tropi- impressionists now, but he's not The Clark Historical Society on Hie 1690Robinsonfarmhouse, -through Juiie-1 from 1 to 5 p.m. by calling 770-0070. . Jazz Coffeehouse, sponsored Cancer Care Inc. offers ihfor- three-coin machines. If you hit will mark the 10th anniversary of George Robinson, former May 9—16,18, 26,28,40, three 7's on die dollar, five-coin nearly as diversified as Gorshin._. daily. ._. by the Great Falls Development 'mation and a support group for the dedication of the Dr. William officer of the Society and dedi Jewish Singles World Inc., .42; bonus —97182. machines, you'll collect $50,000 Frank is a good actor, singer and for Jewish singles ages 23-36; Corp. in cooperation with Paler- adult relatives ^cancer patients. May 12—4, 9, 11,22,38, Robinson Plantation widi a prog- catcd" archivis"' t of "the Clark Scotch Plains-Fanwood Arts plus the Allante. • ••• comedian in addition to his great Association, Municipal Green, information, can be obtained by son Museum; 279-f270. It meets Wednesdays from 6 to 41; bonus —84663. Bea smith impersonations:" Now ""youcan" ram of reminiscing meets History Room, will present a 7:30 p.m. at. 24 Lackawanna sl Park Avenue and Front Street, calling 964-8086. May 16—3,14,15,17,18, Those of you who are more tonight at 8„-.., p.m, . in thr e Clark 'dc show depicting society Focus Editor . catch all 6f Frank Gorshin's Municipal Scotch Plains, to hold 22rid annu- New Expectations holds Plaza, Millburn; 379-7500. 36; bonus — 80425. . conservative can play' the half- talents at Hawaii's intimate new Building, Wcstfield events during the past 15 years. Support groups Avenue. al outdoor arts and crafts show single adult rap group meetings Emotions Anonymous, for May 19—11, 16, 27, 37, dollar machines. The three-coin mini-showroom, the Bay Cabaret, Meetings of. Hie Clark Histori- The Rcsour-ce_Ccnter. for those haying a problem coping machines will get you $12,000 in The program will also mark 15 and sale June 4 from 10 a.m. to 5 every Friday at 8 p.m. at Morris- 39,42; bonus —35467. through Juno 5. cal Society are always open to the town Unitarian Fellowship, Women, located at Woodland with life, Ghiego Center, Church years since restoration was begun public. p.m. Raindatc is June 11. More .. • • 'leildsOH U0|Uf1 }B 4S9}Un|OA l|jno/^ B SB SJOBJSI soiBjq -IOIJUOH piro jouiioip OUOJI 'S1UOP *•***•*•**# ,>)JOM 6u|pUE}Sino, J9l| JOJ PUOS SBU|ABS 001-$ B L)}|M 'J9}U90 'J9SB|0 9||np )U9S9jd 'UO|Un -apo qBSSBpBH,, oq II'M SUIUOAO -isojd uinipisojd uuisui ||JA\ 'juop J0l Aa/\A ^«IIJUIU HIM ncis puica po[|B.o oqM uuoio uqojf A"q poonp -4.inpvo|£S36v 'OUi ||OO PUB ue OuuotL'3 snoinoi|ouu mo uoiiDunj tisouisnq JO lupos.'butppow jnoA oq UBO UOJIBUIJOJUI piuojiippv Ouiipodun OIOJI nooiq o o>|Oi. 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SBM sosina OJC 'Xip opuBp y ui uoji- ..„.„ oiix 't "jdos uo oiunsoj -AJOSOJ ; -'zr-ny-'uui-iisBa I'B EZ ^inx —Sp'lUOlUOSBUBlU. pUB UOIIBJISfU ^iisjO •sqsnBO oiqBluwp : 1 •U3AUQ3_OJBlSJfl!llD S,U3lUOyV\, JO HIM uopssBA jouiuins oqi JOIJB B SuiJOsuods Aq SJOSBUOOI osoip '/iiunoj uoiug JOJ JOSBUOOX UOI -uupB ssowsnqjui ooj3op OOUOJOS uoiuf) UIOJJ ioj 000'009$ usqi ^o" pasiBa pu« SBM Bl 101 UOpBJSpOJ IBJOUOQ 1U033J B iy Suipoui sspuisnq ISJIJ oqx'uui uoddns oi Aunoo uomn ui sos -qSBil SSIJAl 'SJ03BU001 JOJ lUBOSBd jo jopqsBq B poAioooj oq ojoq/yv Ol|M 'B)ll[SBlUBA 'SJJ\ sjnoii oOO'OOt' u P o- " pwuop. ' • ;sjoqsn jo OOSIOUBJJ UBS 0lP 1" OfUOld 11 -souisnq PUB siUBipjoui oi opsui B 100Jip IIJM 'OpBOOp B . 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IfMiilih , I nvillii'n TIFFANY GARDENS" • Rittaurani * Sptcuiuis In sulood -• MADD-concert slated •— .Aulhtnllc Spanish t Anwiuit Cuilw 31 Harrison Av»., Harrlion • 485-7/50 1637 Vauxhall Rd..& Rt. 22, Union lEmy access thru Pkwy lo 280) ~*~ 6B8-6666 ... Mothers Against Drunk.Driving, MADD, in association wilh o Filth lulood dlllvtrnd daily. First Spanish r.slauranl in N J International Teens, will present Taylor Daync, Arista recording o • E?i* , "'"rt'S'tHlb ld l iMludinj ituHm lobilir, shlimpir, Casual, theme iettauranl. Atrium room. SpeciaHies: Baby Back "!&SE,i ""' c"S '"'?""; "" «aN«iiili. in Ribs. Spicy Chicken Winoi. Expi«s lunch buflet Hot & cold star, wilh her new band. Live in Concert, tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. .panic, listmlorion Sundays, ireiliBsdMuurs at b Cl items, all you can eat, served 12-2 Mon.-Fri Thursday is Mexican in Mcnncn Sports Arena, Morris Township. Host for the evening 1 -nightrOutsidB catering. Take out menu available Open 7 days All o major ciedlttaidsaccepied. ' Pebbles records 'Pebbles' will be HOT 103 on-air personality Wendy, Williams and the •"Dancc-Partyrmusic mix by disc jockey Scott Blackwcll. c By MELT HAMMER makes her premiere ^alburn a yg Additional information can be oblaincd by calling 855-3533. Pick of the LPs: "Pebbles," memorable occasion. • • Alex Brown; and--"Lovc/Hatc," o 7 Union Placo, Suhibill • 277-2540 34 Maple Street MCA Records. . , "Girlfriend," written and included here as well. Pebbles' oil Spring lielrt Avonuo produced by L.A. Reid and Baby- o Surnrnlt • 522-1010 How many of you can honestly self-penned songs, such as. "Slip o t'tciuresque. aimo:pheri retlocilng radiani, soM hues. Special- Northern Italian cuisine say that you. knew exactly what. face, the team behind The Whis- Away," reveal her ability to ties: .Wye lioul. Nwwjflign wlmon, nature loin veal chops Janus basketry workshop slated ' o Extensive .irr.iy of .ildenio pasUl. .Lunch and dinner served pers' "Rock Steady," is^lhcJLP's z Kiiunnrj onrjmal dtsnes; stullod veal chop with 4 cheeses; anncl —you-wanted-to- do-by—age 4? ' communicate emotions honestly Q Tiios-F(i Dinnar served Sat 5-10 "Sunday Is patta extravaoanw nifllil. served 4B30. HVOD. flesBivations rocommendid. All hair jiasla with lobster, lilol ol cole with asparagus and sweet red Pebbles is among those rare few spiritep d first singleg . The "tune's and passionately, Pameia Janus of the Ozark Grove St., WcstTicld. , She also Z -major ciedil cards acceded peppers, chocolate chip cannoll. fting yOtir own bovorane ld d d ThroughouThht t ththe making of the Hills-ftf-ArV-anMc^-rnntiMly-rvf—will leach olik splint and plaited Alrnospheio Is Itisurily • IUKUIIHJS Open 7 days. Luftch is nerved — she can recall . telling her ultra-modern groove and down- Mon.-rri. 11:4G lo 200. Dinner Mon.-Sai. 5:30 HI lOpti Sunday LP, Pebbles was actively New Jersey, will instruct a worfc basketry and bark containers in o dinner served 1 lo 0 pm. All major credit cards accepted mother that she would "be. a star" in music. Now, al age 23, she's involved. "I take a hands-on shop on making an old-fashioned Weslficld.. ipproach to the whole recording -farm-baskot-in-ono-evcning-Juni —All-Glasscs-are-open-to-th( O 1181 Morris Ava., Union BBB-2B37 with the release of her self-titled process," sho says. "I have defi- from 7 to 10 p.m., at Washington public. More information can be debut LP. . ' , • nite ideas on how^I want to come' Rock Girl. Scout. Council, 201 obtained by calling 923-0152.. I O Pebbles received exposure lo-carth lyrics set the tone for the across — I want people to sec me § Contlntntal culiln* L. Union • 958-0101 xFe,ilurmo FJortliBrn Italian Specialties when she appeared on. thealbum as a whole. Pebbles keeps, as I really am without gimmicks. "Lunclt • Dinner -Cocktails Auditions set for Simon 'Memoirs' . Luncheon Specials Oally from SJ 05 Om ol N.J.'s best, itt \it priced From hamburgers to Calun "Beverly Hills Cop II" sound- up the heat on such tracks as I try to project realism and a.posi- Print Ribs nitilysDnitlsrDS Seilood. prime ribs. E 16 ilbslb . RturvalionRlii i lol r private ptpanlei t Parlies • Lunciieons • Calving 1-200 persons tivc attitude, fortunately, I was Li C suggeste__„ d Cocktails a d BnlBrtalnmini. Open daily lor lunch & track LP." Under the production "First Step," produced by hitmak- The New Jersey Public Thea- ' tonight at 7, Saturday at noon • , Open 7 Days a Week RAVEN'S NEST an elegant, comfortable dining place dinnerdinner . OOpe n 7 ddays IV am to 2 am. All major credit cards Sunday throurjh F'iday 11 30 to 10 PM • Saturday Iiom4 PM " guidance of Andre Cymone, she tor, 1052-A Plairificld Ave., Berk- and June 4-at noon. Callback^ : accspltd, :—, crs Danny Scmbcllo and Alex given a lot of leeway and freedom By Teddi Russo ~ sang "Love/Hate" with a uniquely Brown; "Two Hearts," produced to liclpUircct this project." cloy HcighLC'will hold an open will be held June 5'. sensual style. With her "Pebbles" casting audition for Neil Simon's Additional information can be Dining at the Raven's Nest is like Raven, $15.95; 6 jumbo shrimp sauteed LP, she reveals further sides to -.."Brighton JBeach-Mcmoirs" ^obtained by calling 322-3807. eclairs' having-dinner at the home of a dear old with butter, garlic, wine & spices served rANGE & MIN'S- her singing and songwriting Esl. 1972 friend. Located on Rt. 22 W., and to the over capellini, a very fine noodle. The Northern & Southern Italian Cuisine talents. With a firm vocal 1200 North Ava.,EII»b«lh' shrimp were plump and juicy, the taste 740 Boulevard, Kenllworth(PkvtyE>it 1301 - (near Kean Colleje) 280=8220 rear oftHe Union Motor Lodge in Onion, command matched with a * FUslaurant a Cocktail Lounoe The Raven's Nost is comfortable yet sublime. A matchless touch were the veg- ' 241-0031 genuine, emotional honesty, she stylish. You enter through thcJoungo etables, fresh zucchini sauteed with onion Continental Cuisine -Including large assortment ol fish' and & tomatoes in a butter sauce, just great! Atmosphere Mediterranean. Oally lunch & dinner specials mod- chicken entrees. Daily specials, complimentary 2 soups & which features a sunken bar ana an alcove GOWNS and DRESSES fabulous, over 34 llemsnlarj bar Open lor lunch 11-4.4-11 for where Emerson entertains at the baby Of the remaining 15 entrees offered, 7 are erately priced. 2 banouet rooms available. Oar facilities. Family dinner Catering and banquet rooms nvallnblB serving up to ZOO owned business for if yrs. luncheon served Mon.-Sal. 11 • 230 LOSE WEIGHT grand plano-Tues. thru Sat. evenings. His seafood; Dover Sole, shrimp, mussclls, pm. dinner Mon.Thurs. & Sun. 5-10 pm. Frl . A Sat. 5- 11 for the entire music is soft and pleasing to both the ear •.:scallops & squid as well as a daily special; Fdlii(dinnei r served 2:30 to closing) Alt major credit cards accepled \ BRIDAL PARTY -and-palator=a- finc-accompaniment-to-a^^ -Fivo-voal-dislieSrare-llsted.^one-chicken,. •BRIIiES PROM I-75 Main St., great meal..From the lounge you pass NY Sirloin, filet mignon & prime ribs. For" AFTER WORK through to the dining room with its white the adventurous you might like to try their •BRIDESMAIDS— LT,t\~ Madison •,371-9841 . MOTHERS GOWNS II - 250 Morris Avo., table, coverings, contrasting red napkins Blackened fish Cajun Style. All of these JJedrordfc- AVENEL 5^30 ^7:15 Sprlngilold • 467-1100 and complimertted by its black and white entrees are priced from$11.95 for Pork ' vnriini t L*kvvn • JFLOWERGIRLS to size 18 Knights of Columbus', 109 Morrissey Avenue -^TUESDAY china, black leather wall coverings, 'Chops Murphy to $17.95 for Fresh Dover 318 Mlllburn Avo., Mlllbum-* 376-7170 Fine lopulaimn buill on those foci&~ "Lntfle portions ol conslslonl- ly oro,il load ,il teasonabla prices in comfortable nlmosphorc " booths and large red padded chairs. The Sole, witli most of the seafood priced CARTERET 6 oo Simnli, n.iluf.i], 'romantic setting- Specialties; lobster, swonilisli 221 North Ave.-, East, Wcstfield. txlcnsii/n menu includes l.irrjo variety ol sciloorj steaks lobsters overall effect is one of roomy, elegant around $15.95 & the beef at $16.95. The veal seafood, 1,-uatjnx Call lor (iolnlFs on our Lolisler NiQlit. Cniodnn . _d !.imoii5 cut o( v

• Wed. nlnhl Is Pasta Nlrjhull you can eal S7 05 pers, $7.25. Next I enjoyed their Spinach HesserfsTT'opplng the list are 2 of my Mountalnsldo -- • Sat nlDlit Is slna and dance. 0.2am salad, including chopped hard cooked egg favorites, homemade cheesecake & 654-8777 JAEGER OVERHEAD LINDEN 5:30 & 7:15 Parly room a»allable. Lunch S Dinner served Mon -rtiurs 11 30 • 10% OFF// 0:30 pm, Frl 1 Sal. Ill 11 pm. All major credit cards accepled &• bacon, bits, of fresh tomato in a Tartuffo, followed by Peach Melba & pie Durotrs and Omelattes wilh choico ol 22 topplnps. New Lunch United Methodist Church, 323 Wood Avenue North — TUESDAY vinaigrette dressing made with imported . ala mode as well as assorted flavored Ice Menu. Sunday Qtunch and dally specials. Cnadwlch floom GABAGEJjQQB auallabls for prlvata parties. Mon.-Tliurs. 11:30-11:30; Frl.-Sat. vinegar, tangy & delicious! My friend cream St fresh fruit In season. 12-12; Sun. 12-11;30.AII Major Credit Cards Acuplod. OUR ALREADY WESTFIELD 5:30 & 7:15 sampled_their_ house, salad, consisting of ' My friend & I decided to share dessert, First Baptist Church, 170 Elm Street - THURSDAY romaine & chickory, radishes, cucumber Strawberries Romanoff; fresh straw- DISCOUNTED & tomato wedges topped with a creamy berries served with a Grand Marnier PRICES WOODBRIDGE 5:15 & 7:15 1349 Fulton Street garlic dressing. For his entree he selected sauce nt $3.05. My friend loved it but I like Cliinoso llostiiuranl Rahway • 381-7952 Valdostano at $16.95; consisting of a large my strawberries straight so I found the A Lounoo Temple Adath Israel, 424 Amboy Avonua ^WEDNESDAY Flenownod for Ijelnrj one ol the Until dining establishments In Ilio ,v«a Italian/American culilni ollerlng an osctonslvn menu plus daily yqal chop stuffed with proscultto. fontlna _sauce_a_bit_he«yy.,_ A ,cup _of.JragranL spoclnls Include lush fish, poultry, veal S bnl sorvod In a rol.i«od espresso crowned this meal for me,. « coiy jttrnosplnre. Ilinpy HOIKS 4-0 every day. FREE llwrj il'oouwos cheese & herbs, covered with mushrooms 124 HI. 22 West, Springfield • 407-0600 Plus Oilnli Specials. Entertainment by The Memories, Tllun,, Frl. « in a Marsala sauce-He reported the veal The Raven's Nest offers greatfood,jn_ -EtrjQiinl^lmosDhBro-spaanl^ina in Belling i Sichuan Cuisino $ 00 $ SJ • Nile;, lunch, Mon.-Frt. 11:30-3. Dinner, Mon.-tliuro: 5-U. Frl Now oniodded manu Includlnn liomamailo. chacolata covoiod REPLACE YOUR OLD h prepaid S-10 « Sal. 5:30-10. Reservations Suojesled. Mnlor credit cards to be tender & the stuffing mouth water- a comfortable, romantic setting & the Ha/olnut ico croam Open Mon -Fti. 12noon lo 11 pm.. 3-12. Sun. 1-11 pni QanmiDi tncilitliis Award winmnrj chclS. 2 star $ MaternityFashions^ coupon book accepted. . • ing. I chose their Shrimp Scampi ala price is right, too! .-•-..' 6 Weekly- 5 N Y. Timus roviow Pino wines and lirjoors nvaiiahlo AH mapi cioditCiirdsaccoiiiod WOODEN DOOR NOW! 'Plus rcgislralion feo lor first mewling. Pav only $10 when registering wilh coupon belo< $44900 uch instilled* •StandardWidthVorV . Bring this coupon to gnyLean-Llne-class and receive PAGODA GODDENWOK * standard Helflht ft" or f $ Spaclnl.ChlUBsn Now Yoar Manu CHINESE HESTAUIIANT Chlneae Raataurant ~ 10°°OFF combines ooiirmal Chinese cuisine mlh soled American dlshos 780-9777 • Mounlalmldo Specialized In Siechuan, Hunan and Cantonese Cuisine like: $74900 iwiillad Romantic, elerjanl almosptioio Skylinhl, dlno under itu stars we also olier a wide lariQo ol o>ollc cocktails and nnnollzers Poking Ouck. House slnllnn. steak, Triple Crown Srechuan Style Registration — Pay only $10. Spec Lilly ol Ihs honce: livet lobGtst • Irish seafood Piano piayor Dinner 7 dais a week and nuslnns Lunch Sueclals Mon.-Sal Sophisticated atmosphoro, candlellnhl and classlcalmuslc. Spe- and ovon Oraoon rnqels Phoenix MATERNITY OUTLET ni (Jmnor. Open 7 days. Lunch sorvod 11:30 in 2 3t) dinner 5 -10 Senior Cililen dlscounJs.n,iily..4pni-Gpin. A-comnlele takeout cialties Include Soalood Splondor. Oranrje fleel. fealulinililunan Luncheon special on weekdays From 11 am • 3 pm Two Single Width Doors •pm, Mon lo Fri. Sal. 5 to 11 and Sun. 1 to 0. Danmiot roomscan" menirls"available wilh i»ck,igt rjooils and soil Uilnks! Maior Siecliinn. Mandarln/'ShanjIial, Taiwanese, Cantonese cuisine. . which Incl. soup and fried rice accomod.ilo up to 50 persons. Qoautilul hall lor wedflinrjs Picnic crodll cauls are accented HoursMon.-Thuis..11:30amlo 10pni 12noon Hour*Man-Thuli nm-IOpm Qravo tacilitles. All ma|of credil cards accopted. $74900 instaUtd* Store lo 11 pni and Sun 13 noon to 10 pm Qar facilities Banquet and Fil-Sal 12 pm-Iipm NJ 1 -800-624-3108 or 201 -757-7677, NY, PA 1-800-526-0965 1131 MAGIE AVE • UNION • 352-0220 -li'lvale names accommodated- easily. Moderately nricod - All ' Sun 1 pm • 10 pm ' 395 Broad Ave. Cnnnol bo combinodwlth any othorooupon or.olfor. " 19B8 Loan Lino, Inc. ma|oicridil cards accepted • " . ' Includsa: Door, Trim Major credit card) accepled • (Rt. 1.&SS0.) •• MANUFACTURr.p COUPON • NO EXPIRATION DAT! There's A New Street In Linden. Lock »linlallallon Rldgollold N.J. .Home of the DIRECTIONS: N.J. Turnplko North To Exll )B East. SAVE"35

I For week of May 26-Junc 2 your romantic life. Don't fret about this CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)hwill • PISCES (Fcb.~19to March 20) Some- turn of events. A happy ending is in the „ ARIESUMarch 21to April 19) You are Someone you've met recently seems to bo seem this week that everything you're thing which has been simmering on tho , *staVs.-rilends and family don't mix tliis rather cool lo you. Don't let this get to you 0 right on target this week with your suspi- striving for at work is eluding you. Just back burner at work boils over tills week. • week. too much. This person is simply observing - cions about someone's shady business when you think you've gotten somewhere, Meet tliis confrontation squarely. Use your you and needs time before n friendship can - dealings. Avoid gelling involved with tliis VIRGO (Aug.' 23 to Sept. 22) Your you'll bo bock to square one. Save your, good'sense and a satisfactory resolution competition at work will be breathing right develop. frustration. This soon posses. " will be yours. g person, since only trouble con result. or Strife IK ITl| i down your neck this week. Instead of 05 - TAURUS (April 20 to Mny 20) This panicking, try to take tills in stride and go 3 Would be a good woek to begin a personal about your business as usuaL CLASSIFIEDfiDS! " economy program since you've been a bit C LIIIKA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) It's not a | lnx in tliat department lately. In fact, UHS drama teacher chosen z • good week to assume any further-debt. _ disagreements over money could result •O - with a loved one. . • : You may just find yourself overextended. Someone close to you.will assume a key Twenty-five high school drama more than $2.5 million to theaters "Now the time is right,!L 5 (JEMINl (May 21 to June 20) Take rolo in your decision-making this week. teachers from around the state, in the state, mainly for audience McVay said, "16 connect the o )' some time this week to'sct your priorities. 5 including Joanne Licbhauscr of development, interns, and new vitality of our theaters and the Tliey seem lo have become muddled lalc- . SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Try to Cranford, who teaches at Union AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE ; ly, and you need to sort this out. Since your avoid discussing finances with others right play development. ' ' ' ' • people who arc entrusted willi the COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS now. "You would bo wiser to follow your High School, have been selected future of dicatcr — our high 1981 RIVIERA-Excollonl condilion, low 1980 BUICK-Rogal, two door, dark bluo 1978 CADILLAC Coupo do Vlllo-63.000 "^ > workload will be heavier than usualrrclax mlloogo, now tiros, olo. Must soil as soon : this week. own intuitions. Someone may ask you lo by the Ccraldinc R. • Dodge school drama teachers." CLASSIFIED AD RATES with nvornno mllos. Air conditioning, mllos. Excollont condition. $3,000 or bost I -do something you find ' objectionable. asposslblol$e500. Doys, 522-1176, aflor whllo wall tiros. Call 687-1606 nltor 5 PM. olfor. 064-6524. • ' \ CANCEU(Junc211bJul Foundation to participate in a' (Effective April 1,1988) 4pm, 686-5438, ' . Stick to your guns and refuse. QmtinEitcwaoquaiiiuiiicewlioIiy Designed to tap into Ihc energy -major, new initiative in arts Appoarlnq In all Union County Nnwipaperl and alio available In combination 1984 BUICK Rivlora, moon rool, BolsQ- )f_lhcL:profcssionaL theaters, the 1 -1984 BUICK — LaSabro, 4 door, V8 1983CAMARO-Borllnotla. FullyJoadod^ • quite charmed is not the dazzlcr you think. I SAGITTARIUS(Nov.22toDcc.21)H education. wllhl«nEiioxCounlyN«wipapMl.tora,otolr«od«rihlpo(ov«r.l°5,000l ' sound Gystom-lndudlng cassolio, 6 way £2 ' This person has some ulterior motives and program will bring teacher and onalno, low mllongo-garago kopt, Imma- T-Tops, slh/or, all powor, aulomalle, tilt seems you will be right in the middle of n, oloctrlc soars, socurity systom, wlro culalo condition. Asking $6,600, mako otporlng, air condllionlnp. AM/FM storoo 0 should be watched. Pay attention to detail Call «86i7700.: 0 political power struggle this week at worlL- lnv.oLv.cd_in_somc_iispcc.l_aC theater artists together in a series • whools and mdro. Immnctilnlo condilion, olfor. Call 964-3955, aftor 6pm. cassotto. 49,000 mllos, O at work. , ' Rathcr than joining the fray, it's best to be theater, ever since she began writ- of shared experiences ranging • •- BUSINESS DIRECTORY'AD DEADLINE: FrldaSf5P,M. drlvon by our Corporate Prosldont. 241-7063. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) You will diplomatic and refrain from taking any $9500. Call 272-2620, 8am:5pm. ask for ing, directing, arid starring in her from informal gatherings at the CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: Tuosdny 2:30 P.M. Gono. . , come to a crossroads this week regarding sides. .theaters to a week-long Teachers TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DEADLINE: Tuosday*:45 P.M. 1903 BUICK-RIVIERA • Whllo, sunroof. 1980 CADDILAC Eldorado', V8, low own plays in grade, school, Lieb- COLOR: Black plus ono Color.$200' 1986 BUICK Pork Avonuo, 4 door Roas- Good condition, 57,000 rrlHos. $6,500. miloago, mochanlcal sound, full powor, and Playwrights Conference in tor, C/B radar, concert sound, all powor Days - 272-6100 Monday - Friday, ovon- noodopaint and hub caps. Asking $3995. hauscr took part in high school BOX NUMBERS: Available for nn $8.00 foo • lngsr--"-i!6T'"O06O-any!lmo. CROSSWORD PUZZLE -plays,' majored in English in August' 1989 at Princeton All classified adver-tlslng-sub|ect-to73(>.photO-reductlon optlons,_ $13,000. Call Don-B87-668B. Call aflor 6, 862-6932. University., Edited by Tnide Michel Jnffc college, and received a master of TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED RATES ACROSS 4 Triplo Crown 35 Hoavy guns, 55 Arboreal shoot arts degree in theater from the Further information can be 20 wordi or.loli „•••.' (minimum) $6.00 r-Bamdtu unu Tt?irrnrjrr1fl73— ~~ onco~usod for 56"Surfdr's powor -University of Pittsburgh;-She- obtained by-contacting— Each additional 10 wordi or Ion...... • S2.O0. galona .5 Parts hunting 57 Certain exam . studied at the American Academy •McLaughlin, project coordinator, Four Timoi or More r 5 Anagram (or ties 6 — tizzy 38 Attar sourco 59 Salvor • of Dramatic Arts and has been 20 wordi or Ion .' , *5.M 7 Powdor . 42 Fiascos Playwrights Theater of New >9 Stain 61 Anagram for rate involved in acting and plnywrit- Jersey, 33 Green Village Rd., Each additional 10 wordi or Ion ; •-. $2.00 13 Comstock find , 8 Acclaim 45 Antolopo 62 Galbralth's sub). ; 14 Docroo • 0 Sandwich 49 Chocks 63Tako flvo ing classes at die Whole Tlieatcr, Madison 07940; or by calling II Ml Irfall CAPITALS 16 Port of a,n oar laronto, for 51 Hoat moas. 65 Hill dwellor"" ~"" -Montclair. JOANNE LIEBilAUSER 514-1194. 10 Word, or l.ii :.••" ^ *°-00 Each additional 10 wordi or \i\\ '. • S3.00 Hd ONE BEATS MORRIS 17 Not priqatly short 53 Napoloon, o.g. .66 Dined • 18 Triplo Crown 10 Barn oroa For the last four years; she has ClaitlHod Dllploy Rata (mln. 1 col Inch) winner: 1930 11 Woodwind ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: taught and directed the drama P«r Inch (Commliiionablii) ; ...v....^r.T-. ,.il5.00 __20. County, l.n.N... 12 Printod rnUGl^! program at Union Hiph School. CONTACT RATES FOR ADS THAT f Tti; cum 01 Ireland score '" \m CHEW NOVA She has done television, film, and •' RUN ON COMSECUTIVE WEEKS 1917 CUEVV CAVAtiJ mi CHEVY CAVAli »iiro>T court —22-Doarrin-Nopoll 15 Fortuno-tollor's cn 4 DR SEDAN 4 DR SEDAN HATCHIACK SEDAN print work and has served as an i. to 12 lim P l" ll. blua Slamlordi 7.0 t.t.f *HQ., boJf 23 Mokong holiday card VCR REPAIRS . Wtillt SlandorcJi 3.0 lil*r •r.g.J bod/ tltti Standard' 4 cyl, pwr ttrng/bdii, rw tlfl, ml(Ja>-. r*c Ironl boM- Iron) bucUl Hi., pwr, 13llm»iormor« : • sw'J12.00 per Inch Opllonoli oulo tram, pwr Ibl, olr toruJ, 19 Accusos editor for scholastic magazines. lirki. Opiionali oula tront., l/glan, In). ilht bill. Optional' doth Int., aula Irani., 24 Ardon and , dath Inl, 10.013 ml. VIN, 003333. Bordemd adiadd $8.00 wlrMrt, aUc. rw, dil., a/c, iporl mirror!, l/dlalt, Int. wlpifl, «Uc. rw. d*l,. a/c, tUt hU» 111,1 W Morrlam 21 "— got lilt. pwr. itrno., whl. Irlm rinat, hiav/ inort mlrton, tilt, pwr. itrng.. wM. Hi* .NOIIIf DUCOUNTi I,MS 26 Soavor and sixponco" Tilled the Dodge tlieatcr Prog- duly bntliry, AM/fM il»r«o, 4,iM D«mo final, l'*avy duly batUry, AM/FM tUr*o, ml. VIM, I&S446 7,039 D*mo ml. VlH.loiAU .Cruiso 25 Glacial Ico towor ram for Teachers and Play- Visa and MC are accej Ikl Mill -IIW1I- ti.t r: iia,tii ovTrrku $9,U5 28-Stuck 27 Triplo Crown OFF HOMItDllCOUHTi l.«' Ikl Miti _wights, tlic $200,000 project will HAIlli MUOlWIi i'Z it-J t«t " it,us 32 Wovor wlnnor: 1977 Cloiillled adl ar« payabld within 7 dayi. If ad ll paid by Wodnniday b.lor« Inurtlon OUR PRICE: $ 9",181 OUR PRICE: $ 9,149 OUR PRICE: link high school drama teachers 15% deduct 25 cenll. "Payment (or tranilent adl ihould bn received before ll\e publlcalion liil f*U*V R*U>«! *M 11H HOCK AT THIS rillCI 36 Utah ski center' 28 Dlro l U 1U 37 Links porii 29 Isolated- -'• (with ono another- and the-profes- date. Poymsnt In advance (on Out ol town advertllen, Employment Wanled, Aparlmenti i u .tuk AI nit r7 tnQirt* oil tool.r, cruli*. 37 liltf 1PI Vf), Scott McVay. "Through listening FREE ESTIMATES • CARRY-INS ONLY lUit), Inl, 10,013 D«mo mi. VIKI, 00KJ3. D[VlJl3°34 5i> Dilottantos IU M« fIB.tM D«n,b ml. V closely lo what theater leaders coupon must be presented with payment. Ihl IMorttimo&6Ubsti UNTItYOURCARIS "^ Nil. ' • , • "weekends; : —Porsonnolr467-8800rExt.-58. INTER COMMUNITY BANK suppllers. Competitive salary and Position to learn computer In Dopt. K, 210 Clay Avonuo, Lyndhurst, NJ tuto hours ovallablo. Train 6 montally 1985 FORD-ESCORT L, four door. Auto' 1985 TOYOTA-' Caniry, LE. White, 4 CEUETERY PLOTS 52 Millburn Avo. benellts. Contact Bill Porry at Interior Design Retail. Studio 07071 . An oqual opportunity omployor. rotardod group homo rosldonte in indo- matte, air conditioning, AM/FM otoroo door, o/o, automatio,- stereo cassette, HOLLYWOOD 379-7888. =•— Growth spot. Will train, light book- pondanl living skills in Borkoloy Hoights/ SOLD 49!00p_m|!os, Asking $3,500. 276-1546 powor sun roof, power steering, power MEMORIAL PARK koeplng, accuroto typing • ability, Summit aroa. Croativo, rowardlng posi- (Maximum H Weeks) days or 686-2514 ovonlngs. brooks, $7,900. 473-4576. computer oxporionco a plus. ' EBASCO tion • Call Juno Andorson, 464-8008. Gethhesmano Gardens, Mausoleums. 1972 FORD — Mavorlck, auto, liko now Office: 1500 Stuyvesant Ave.,.Union. Pleasant working conditions. Free CONSTRUCTORS rndlals, good body, runs woll. $600. 1981 TOYOTA—Starlet, 62.000 miles, 1 68M300 ACCOUNTING CLERK parking. Lowensloln's Millburn, A Subsidiary ol EbaSco COUNSELOR-Trolnoo position for non 755-7683. • 379-2800. ...'.: ownor, new Urns, new battery, AC, uter- America Cynamld ohemloal plan of Linden; New Jersey has an Immediate Services Incorporated prolit agoncy providing debt and budgot foo, cassette, clock, perfoct for graduate. An ENSERCH Engineering counsollng at East Orango olfico. Somo -| NSTR UCf I o NSr^lpyy -19fl6-FORD-ESCORT-U-Excellont-con- "376-5837! oponlng for an Accounts Payable Clerk with 3-6 yoars experience. Must -dltion, 29,000 mllos, (outdoor, hatchback, HERBAUFE have knowlodge of CRT. Responsibilities will Include payment of Invoices, and Construction Company crodlt/bonklng oxporionco prolorrablo. mall It with your payment to the address below. Coll 267-4324. • asking $4500. Call 687-7636. ' 1983 TOYOTA-Camry LE, black, auto- Independent Distributor freight bills, etc Company offers competitive salary with an oxoellent matio, fully loadod, 64,000 miles. Excol- benefits package. Please submit resumeito Personnel Manager, 1986 FORD LTD-Crown Victorian, 2 lont condition. $6,000 FIRM. 851-9263. CALL METOfl PRODUCT OR OPPOtt- door, 23,000 mllos, VS, fuol injected TUNITY COUNTER-PERSON - For dry cloanors jlno, auto, ovordrivo trans, PS, PB, locatod In Summit. Full tlmo, otoady posi- 1980 TOYOTA Corolla-2 door, hatch- CLERICAL tion. Must bo ablo to work Saturdays. r.V, A/C, tlltod whool, HD susponslon, back, auto; air, am/fm stereo cassette CALL BARBARA CYANAMID COLLEGE AM/FM otoroo cassolto, stool stoppor, Immediate oponlng. Full tlmo. 277-0901., sunroof, garagod, 82k highway miles. 273-7727 1 dual romoto control mirrors, convontla! $2000. Call 687-4030, attar 6pm. Dutlos Include processing STUDENTS UNION CLASSIFIED sparo, vinyl rodlnlng bonch coat, V4 vinyl purchaso ordoro .& Invoicing on CUSTODIAN HEAD-Full time, days. roof; $10,400. 688-8260. • , American Cyanatnid IBM-PC. Must bo accurate typist & $17,000 plus oxcollont bonolits. Scotch LET'S PARTY!" SUMMER WORK Plalns.889-8800. P.O. Box 3109 1977 FORDGrannda-Good running con- •: c P.O. Box 31 good with figures. Capablo ol 35 oponlngs In rotall dopatmonls. No dition. Cloon 2 tono bluo, 4 doolr sodan. AUTOS WANTED HAVING A PARTY? Linden, N.J, 07036 working indopendontly In a pleas- Graduation, Wedding, Birthday, Bar Mltz-' oxporionco nocossary, will train. UNION, N.J. 07083 $695. 964-8769. • . ' • an oqual opportunity omployer m/f ant office environment. Company $10.15 . starting rate. yah, oto? whatever your nsods, wo can paid bonolits. Call for appolnt- Fo Ad Help Call BBB-7700 help. We will write7 out Invltatlons/thank Call 688-4488,, 10:30am-6:30pm CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS. 1981 HONDA Civic, brown, 4 door sedan, TOP $$$ IN CASH you notes, sot-up decorations, wrap pre- mont: • " Tho Star Lodgor has oarly morning part Private Partlea only - No dealers please ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE — Custom- BOOKKEEPER- Full-tlmo. Light socro- timo work. Starting Salary of $100 plus 5 Bpaotip, , aai r condtlonlngondtlonlng, Am/Fm stostoror o For ALL Cars a Trucks sents, do tho shopping, party favors, COLLEGE-Studont or young -sonlor. cassoltcassoltoo, rear dofrostordofrostor, Intorlor In vorory er Service lor bu*y medical supply tarlol dutlos. Computorlzod accounting KLINGELHOFFER CORP. car oxponsos and routp prolibi. Fringo waitress/barmaids, and much morel Call olllco In Mountal.nsldo. 233-8300. Salos oxporionco proforrod. Work at good condition. Vory dopondablo. Good CALL DAYS- 589-8400 lor moro Information and ask about our company. Minimum 1 yaar experience 185 MILL LANE Union Mnrkot Friday and Saturday ovon- bonolils Includo vision, donlal, Illo Insur- on CRT. Sand rtsuma to L» Surgical firstst cacarr . Askinskingg $2,00 $2,0000 o orr bos bost tolfor olfor. .C Call low rates, 688-5108. Roforencos ovall- BOOKKEEPER-Parttimo. Typing oeson- MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J. ings 5 - 9 PM and Sunday 11 -6 PM.' ance and vacations. Rapid Incroasos in or EVES. - 688-2044 Company, P.O. Box 1454, Union, NJ salary. Six days por wook. Call L5fi§z77COi.or-afto5fi§77COft r 55pm , 423-3d3594233d35 . ablo upon roquost tlal. Exporloncod only, Excollont salary for ' . ' * 232-7200 • $5.00 por hour. Call 376-3470 or on Fri- j ' • (Same day Rlck-ups). - 07083, or call Th«re«o, 688-4833. > day, Saturday, Sunday, 686-5173. 1-800-242-0850 or 877-4222. soil starter. Ploaso call 686-0809.

i\ CO HOUSE SALE "*0'f 'wr hrd Irimel'wilh mtnl. rjncMVM *" HANDVM»N. GENERAL WvtmiMFoiW "•»•"•«*. CUlloMitr. IJioo" pjif •. Bui" Hi mi ORANGE Larqe IWCioui' 5''>i , , PJOSPECT ST-loll Ptrvtr HOUSE SALE Sun-to i. room aoarlmenl. rjncf lyp« .Air; HANOVMAN.'&CNEHAU BEPAIH, o—.i-n .^ ..T °"Ua. oli* Plact. Union Body 8> P*nd»r Parti NEW 4 USElT 1C0 early birds Available •» sures, etc AAUrdock J-U33. 1I74B ^sonolid Place, Union. Body 8. Ptndtr P«rls Available at 'HELPI O HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED O HELP WANTED HELP WANTED' HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED O Clerical ' o v DRIVERS Wanted-Oghiplckupanddoliv- ^ MANAGER •. Because- Every-Member ~ ory of onvelopos In Union county area. O Rollroos welcomed. Call 467-9079 ASSISTANT . MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS-FULL TIME . PARTTIME—Salos for clothing storo In Z Of Our Staff Counts... 9am-4pm, Monday-Thursday, ask for Union Contor. Exporionco proforrod. Bob. Full/part timo. Flexible hours. Bonolits. Two Immediate full tlmo positions available In our Group Proctlco Facility for Rolmors, 1035 Stuyvosant Avo., Call Greatnews for 686-4027. . ' At NJ's largost mulll-spoclally modlcal Opportunity for advancement. RotaJIwIno a Modlcal Technologist with background In olthor: contor, Saint Barnabas rocognlzos and and liquor. Contact Ms Bailey, Monday- Chomlstry, Homatblogy PART TIME — Socrotary. Small offico O. npprodntoG tho Integral rolos tnatoach of Friday,, 9-5, for Intorvlow appointment. Provlous exporionco roqulrod. Must be ASCP registered or ollglbls. We EARLY RETIREES noods motivated porson with good offico •-<- our omployoos plays In keoplng us at tho SHOPPERS LIQUOR, Unlon-Wostfiold- offer a 37V4 wook, competitive salary, oxcollont company paid Reach Your Peak forofront of our Industry. Wo currently Customer Sorvlco Rop, waiters/waitresses: Madlson, 964-5050. ^' skills. Salary commensurato with oxpori- Sharojob2-3dayswookly. Handle cus- benellts program and area located in surburban Summit, ]uot minutes from onco. Floxiblo houre. 964-8733, ' havo sovoral positions avallablo In a varf- ,' OTHER POSITIONS ALSO-AVAJLABLE '.•_ ' • -. * At • :• • ory of settings throughout our ultra- tomer ordons In poreon or on phone. Xer- tho Gordon Stato Parkway. If Intorostod, please call Porsonnol, 277-8633. oxing, clerical dutios. Will train. Call PART TIME—Modlcal OHlco Rocoption- modern fadltiy. ' MANOR CARE 1st, light typing, mature mlndod. Mi[lburn ' MATERIAL HANDLERS utiffr, P. A. oron. Cad 376-9160. CREDIT CLERK • We're the most Noodod for soebnd and third shifts, ENJOY NEEDLECHAFTS? — Earn Monday-Friday in plastic molding shop. MOUNTAINSIDE! PT; 3 ovos-4p-8p/5p-9p S Sat 8a-4p $10-$15 por hour, parffimbTiull timo, will 130SMIUI1 AVENUE, SUMMIT, NBW JCRSSYO70OI Looking for Indiv w/good phono mannor. train. Call Linda, 822-9285 for Intorvlow. ~neem ESHO MOLDING Dotail orlantod & light typing roqulrod. popular place in-townr Manor Care seeks professionals who can moot tho challenge of PARTTIME 911 Springfiold Road..Union. 68S-0099, NurslrTg Managomont. Tho notion's 4th largest long-torm care pro- SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS EVE DOCTORS OFFICE Open less than two months and botwoon 8-4pm. vider, we operate 150 facllltles"across tho country. As part of this TYPIST PT; Sat, Sun, Hoi 4p-11p & GOnoral offico dutios In ploasant profes- already Red Lobster is the place to be. MEDICAL Billlnd/Rocoptionlst for cardiol- large corporation, our. employees havo access to many advance- Frl, Sat, Hoi 11p-7a sional surroundings. Work with patlonts. ogy olfico In Livingston. No ovonlngs or NOW HIRING ment opportunities. - . - Work with our Dimonslon 2000 systom. Intorostlng. Calf Dr. Donald Horsfi. For great food. Great jimes, great jobs wookorids. Exporionco with scheduling NEEDED!! Dutios Include taking mossagos, paging, 763-2020. . - patlonts appointments, Insuranco claims, ' To work for group of weekly nows- providing paliont information, as woll as and great tips. FASHION FINDS In-May, we'll open Manor Care of Mountainside, a now 150-bod and posting payments nocossary. Call facility to serve residential, rehabilitative and long-term carp patients. papors. Good working condition, _p_orformlna doricnl dutios such as rocord FOR-HANDYWORK - Easy lobs, good -99.4=0880. ' • . • UNION CENTER/ kooping aridTIng; '- payrgood-posltionrAdulroretudontrCall- This sklllod and intermediate care nursing center will have a spe- oxcDllD7rt~oppoTtunlty~fontudont~ 688-4896 or aftor buslnoss. hours IRVINGTON clallzod 60-bod Roach Rehabilitation Unit. Manor Caro's uniquo or mothorrolurnlng to work. Flox- RECEPTIONIST-Front Lobby 687.0573. Full & Part Tlhie philosophy allows for Assistant Director Of Nursing and RN iblo hours. Call 686-7700, Ext. 38. PT; Sat-12:30p-9p,Sun-4p-0p & Hoi We Offer: MEDICAL ASSISTANT Exporioncod Individual foracth/o rhodical Supervisor positions on all shifts. Wo invito you to apply for theso Wo nood a "pooplo porson with good • Full & Part Time Full and Part-Timo opportunities. communications skills and a ploasant por- FT. DENTAL ASSISTANT ollloo In Union; Call 688-2244. SALES/STOCK Springfiold offico, 4V4 days. No Wednes- PERSONNEL sonolity to groot visitors, distribute pas- • Flexible Hours MEDICAL ASSISTANT — Exporioncod' Weekend earnings up to: sos, offor directions and supply paliont days, no ovonlngs Will train highly moti- WAREHOUSE PERSON Weekday earnings up to: vated porson. 376-1117. • Great Starting Salary - only, part tlmo, knowlodgo of X-Ray, EKG ASSISTANT Information. & Labralory. Excollont salary. Ploaco call (With driver's license) $iB.50/hour $22.00/hour ' Training & Advancement 686-0809. NJ's #1 ad agoncy socks individual to PHYSICIAN ANSWERING SERVICE 375-0033 FULL TIME — Exporlonco or tralnoo to • Meal Discounts With shift differential: With shift differential: assist Porsonnol Managor In omployoo OPERATOR i Ask for Mr. Elliott onrollmonl/lllo malntonanco,.Insuranco PT; 4pm-8pm, 3-4 days/wk. woathor soal building oxtoriors, good pay, fringos & advancomoht. 464-3776. • Paid vacations/holidays MEDICAL PERSONNEL $17.50/hour $23.00/hour bonolits, otc. Somo compulor oxporionco- Wo nood a dotail-oriontod porson with Exporioncod. Full tlmo noodod for allor- a plus. Porfoct for collogo stuoont who oxcollont phono personality and ability to FULL TIME Bookkoopor-For bakory. 7- Profit sharing/savings plan gists olfico. MUst havo oxporionco In front Our bonofits, cbmpetitve with the.very best in the industry, include: dool with pooplo. Principle responsibility can work full timo for summer, contlnuo Exporionco nocossary. Call Sonny, nltor olflco procoduros and back offico toch- part timo In fall. will bo to koop accureto and organizod 3pm at 688-33-14. • Eligibility for group - mossagos for hospital physicians. health/dental insurance nlquos. Excollont salary with bonolits. Honlth/Llfo/Dontal Insuranco . FULL TIM E — Insurance Porsonal Linos Call 688-1330 or 992-4442. ' FloxlBlo Scheduling Per Dfom . - - . ... For Intorviow ploaso call: Wo offor an oxoollont salary and bonofits Customer Rop, InrgoSuburban Insur-" MEDICALRocoptlonlst-Fulj tlmo. Somo NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNICIAN Pension Plan Porsonnol Director packago Including: 100% tuition rolm- anco offico noods porson with at least 2 •"" Apply in person 9-1 lam or ^ ovonlngs and Saturdays: Exporionco pro- ; Sick Time/Vacation Conversion 687-1313 Ext 280 bumomont, on-slto bank, travol agoncy yours oxporionco In rating, ptacomontand forrod. Coll 277-4600. Tuition Reimbursement — Bvoh lor your childron! handling of all Porsonal Linos Including 2-5pm Daily. r» A challenging part tlmo position Is avallablo In our modorn suburban health, and futuro daycaro contor, and com- Scholarships prohonslvo vision, dontel and paid pro- auto and homoownor. Excollont fringo enro facility to conduct Imaging studios, flvo days - late afternoon to oarly scription card covorogo. Ploaso call or bonofits; advancement opportunities, sal- 2520 U.S. Highway R evenings. Exporioncod CNMT tochnlclon with llconsuro In nucloar modlolno Adoption Assistance ' : • VENET~ADVERTISING" wrlto for application: Dopartmont of ary commensurate with oxporionco. MEDICAL RRECEPTIONIST Progressive Environment Exporioncod Iront dosk porson for busy roquirod. Compotltlvo salary offered, Ploaso contact Personnotat 277=88337 485 CHESTNUT ST. Human Rosourcos at (201) 533-5499. Knowlodgo of computer rating nocossary. Route 22rUnion, • NJ. LobStei* 25% Hotol Discounts •-UNI0MI.J. O7083 Saint Barnabas Modlcal Contor, Old Sond rosumo to P.O. Box 400. Kon'l- doctor's plllco In Union. 688-2244. Profit Sharing • • Short Hills Road, Livingston, NJ 07039. worth, NJ 07.033. . Equal Opportunity Employer Wo aro an oqual opportunity omployor W For immediate consideration, .send rosumo with salary history in F/H/V. - - FULL TIME/Part tlmo. Floxiblo hours. MOLDELS NEEDED 130 SUMMIT AVCNUC, SUUMIT, NCW JERSEY07001 Gonoral offico work In Union. Good posi- CHILDREN ONLY confidence to: Manor Caro of Mountalnsldo, Nursing & Rehabilita- tion Center, c/o Administrator, 1130 Route 22, Mountalnsido, NJ PLASTICS . SAINT BARNABAS tion. Adults or students. Call 688-4896 or 3 MONTHS/17 YEARS Injection molding opornloro noodod for 687-0573. aftor 5pm.' HEALTH CARE OPPORTUNITIES 07092. For more Information, call (201) 654-0020. MEDICAL CENTER Tho Summit Medical Group, P.A., A Multi-Specialty Group Practice, Is now NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY _2nd &.3K)-Bhllt..No.oxporlonconoodad buu acooptlng applications for the following Idonl opportunities. Tolovlslon, catalogs, billboards. Stato car is nocossary ..Apply in porson, 8-4 pm. liconso nnoncy. Excollont Incomo. Immo- LPNs ECHO MOLDING, 911.Sprlngliold Road, GEN. OFFICE WORK Medical Records Clerk-Typist FT diato assignmonts, Most work In Now (^\4anorCare, Inc. Union.. 688-0099. CUSTOMER Sooklng Indlv for F/T olflco posi- Medical Records File Clerks PT-One Eve per Week- Jorsoy. Don't bo mlslod by lalso claims. An Equal Opporiunily Employer m/l/h/v SERVICE REP. . tion In growing co. Dlvorso dutios Soo Now Jorsoy's largost children's Incl. working _w /computers, 11 PM-7AM/PTEves/FTDays agoncy. Intorviows now bolng hold. _WeQ!(£lay.Enrnings Up To: Waokond-Earnings-Up-To^- -PRINTING •——— —FUtLTIME— 882:9150. • "pRonosTiyplngTS olhor gen. offico" Medical TranscriptlonlstPT T~ $12.5Q/hour .. $13.50/hour OPHTHALMOLOGY TECHNICIAN •PRESSMAN •BINDRY _EulUlmo_poaltlon-avallablO-ln-our- -taskB.-Accuracyr&-detall-orlonlod.— r -15-Glorlfl-Lano~—-Falrtlold(-N,J.- Pooplo noodod. Top_ salary. Bonolils. Nuclear Medicine TechnlclairPT ~~~ Wo havo 0 full tlmo position available In our Group Practice Facility lb SsSIST~ "Ploasant worRIrig" conditions. Call platform area: Banking knowledge Excel, caroor oppty., good pay With Shift Differential: With Shift.Differential: holpful, modorato typing, and /bonofits; Modorn, prof'l Union ol- 5 Days, Late afternoons to early eves. patients In tho uso and caro of contact lonsos and rolatod dutios. Provlous 379-6990. • good phono skills. Will train. Call flco. Call Amanda 686-0871, M-F, OphthtalmologyTechnlclan FT OFFICE/ $14.50/hour» $15.50/hour oxporionco roqulrod. If Intorostod plonoo call porsonnol at 277-0633. Porsonnol Dopartmont, G8B-0500 0-4. ReceptionistsTT/PT . LIGHT WAREHOUSING Reach your earnings peak at Manor Care of Mountainside, a pro- —PROOF OPERATOR UNION-CENTER —RNVFT— — -Ordor-plcklngrshlppingr-spmo-typlnnr "gresslvo new jsu-Boa skilled and intermediate care facility with a Full tlmo position ovallablo. Somo GROUNDS MAINTENANCE—Workors, small company In Kohilworlh, 276-7170, -specializQd_6Cbbod Roach Rehabilitation. Unit, Wo soek Full and oxporionco a plus. Will train. If soosonal and yoar round positions avall- RNPT3BVBS4:30"9PM, NATIONAL BANK Part-Time LPNs for all shifts. In addition to good pay, we offor 120 SUMMIT AVENUE, SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07901 Intorostod coll Porsonnol Uopart- 2003 Morris Avo., Union ogo. $6.00 por hour; Apply In porson at ol!lco,_Hollywood Momorlal.Pork, 1500 Every Third Sat. 8:30-3PM outstanding opportunities to advance throughout our nationwide mont, 686-9500. E.O.E. M/F/V/H Stuyvosant Ave,,-Unlon. X-Ray Technicians PT Eves PART TIME HOMEMAKERS systom of LTC facilities. Our benefits, competitive with the very PART T|ME-Clorlcal - Looking for a UNION CENTER Wo.olfor oxcollont salorlos plus company paid bonofits with most positions. best in tho Industry, include: . .;•''. dopondablo porson to work lour houm a PART TIME-Work noar your homo super- day to porform a varloty ol clorical func- vising nowspapor carnors in tho onrty NATIONAL BANK DENTAL-ASSISTANT-Rocopllonlst for If Intorostcd, plodso call Porsonnol, 277-8633. Earn Extra Monoy Moonlighting soil latost HAIRDRESSERS-Good bonlnnors. Full Black-Whlto Summor >llgh Fashion • Hoolth/Llfo/Dontal Insurance tions Including typing, filing and phonos. morning hours. You will ovrsoo tho car- 2003 Morris Ave., Union modorn, quality offico. Somo oxporionco v riors dollyory, salos and collodion activi- tlmo/port timo, for boauly safin In Union Jowolry. No Invostmonts. Hlnh Prolit. For • Flexible Scheduling Per-Dlom Chooso your own hours botwoon 8:30 AM E.O.E. M/F/H/V proforrod. Willtraln. W, days por wook. 1 tlos. Pormanont posltons aro avallablo in 467-8877. Salary plus commission or 50/50. Call i P. A Froo Samplo Call: • Pension Plan - 6:30 PM. If you aro an nvorago typist wo Joy, 687-8527. will train you on a word procossor. Call tho areas of Essox and Union Countios. • Sick Time/Vacation Conversion Cathy Curham, TransNot' Corp.; Mnko your oarly mornings productivo nnd 1!0 SUMWTAVENUB, SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07901 325-3022 • Tuition Reimbursement — Even lor your children! 688-7800. - - profitable.-Call toll Iroo 1-800-242-0850 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST—Wontod for HAIR DRESSER — Full tlmo oxporionco • "Scholarships, or 877-4222. Public Works busy quality privotq pradlco In Konll- wontod for shop located in Union. Call • "Adoption Assistance . PART TIME-Doll Porson noodod for worlh, mqsi bo oxporioncod. Excollont Joanno, 688-2992. • PART/TIME-Bookkoopor. Light socrotar- lunch hours, $4,00/hour, Call 964-9008. . Employee LEGAL SECRETARY-Unlon County law MAINTENANCE MECHANIC — Indivi- • Progrosslvo Environment PART TIME-Unlon doctor's olflco. Aftor salaiy, bonofits & staff. 27S-G652. lal dutios. CompUtorlzod accounting Indoor and outdoor labor as part firm sooks a logal socrotary. Minimum 2 dual hoodod to know all aspocte of plant offico In Mountalnsldo. 233-8300; • 25% Hotel Discounts school hours. High school Juniors and PART TIME—or FULL TIME Rocoplion- of two-person crow. Wldo varloty years oxporionco. Wang word Procoss- malntonanco. Top salary forqualllioa por- • Profit Sharing 1st Typist for oxpandlng Ad Agency in sonlors wolcomod. Minimum wago. call Ing, dlctaphono and shorthand roqulrod. 6onrAppll In porson, botwoon 10am &. PARTTIMESAURY$6-$12/Hour. Clark Springfiold. Must bo moturo-mlndod, arti- 687-0330. of tasks. Exporionco proforrod. ' LABRATORY TECH Excollont vacation, modlcal and ponslon 2pm, or sand rosumo to Ronald Mark offico. Day and ovonlng hours. Homo- For immediate consideration, send rosumo with salary history in DRIVER'S &-MOVER'S Excollont opportunity to work In a labrat- culate, accurato typist. Congonlal atmo- Salary $11,000. plus bonofllB and plan bonollts olforod. Plooso call Mr. C. at Associates, 1227 Control Avo., Hillsldo, makers and students wolcomo. Call confidence to: Manor Carp of Mountainside, Nursing & Rehabilita- sphoro, divorsllloa dutios, $7*r. Mrs. Vld- opportunity for somo ovortlmo. Establlshod local moving storogo com- ory assisting a Chomlcal Englnoor. High >353-6392, NJ 07205. 815-1396. — PART TIME-Clorlcal. South Orango pany noods reliable, punctual porson. School gradualo, noods mqcnanlcal npti- tion Center, c/o Administrator, 113D Route 22, Mountainside, NJ oyko, 232-9135. ^_^__ Insuranco agency looking for part tlmo Coll Ruth Rods at 232-2409 for Able to handle heavy furniture. Will train, tudo, oxporionco wolcomo but not nocos- 07092. For more Information, call (201) 654-0020. poroson who wants to loam this fosdnat- application form or pick up at MAINTENANCE — Part tlmo cloanors PARTTIWIE.FULLTIME-Salary$7-$10 must drive, year round work, port timore sary, Start Immodlatoly. Excollonl-bono- UFEGUARO-WANTED - For prlvato pop r hourur. . UnioUnion officeoffice.. HOURSHOURS:: ..DaysD , PART TIME Ing- buslnoss. (Will Train). Municipal Building, 1385 Route fits, working onvlronmont Apply In por- noodod in Summit, Borkoloy Heights considered. swim djob.- Call Amolto at 467-0015 MMondad y - FiFridayd , 10:31030 AM • 131:30 PMJPMM ^ RECEPTIONISTS ' 22, Mountalnsldo NJ 07092. Apply son. Kason Corp,, 1301 East Union Avo., botwoon 8 AM ~12 Noon. araa. 3-4 hours, Monday-Friday, toprato. Care, Inc. GOOD TYPING A MUSTI 687-0035 Undon. . , Call 526-7000-or 626-0095. • Evonlngs, Monday - Thursday, 6 - 9 PM. DOCTOR'S OFFICE • Hours: 9 A.M.- 4P.M., 3 days a wook. by May 31,1988. Equal Opportuni- No typing. Call 687-8866. "An Equal Opportunity Etnployor m'(/h/v Wostflold. Typing roqulrod. No oxporl- (Flnvlhln). Onll 7fi3-B41ff ty Employor M/F artoo nocossary. Call 267-5119. — I HELP WANTED INSTRUCTIONS ORANGE L*rg» HELP WANTED HELP WANTED IEr«on«iiiv b.l ,ng . '"*eMdv work t TELEPHONE SOLICITORS phono work, typing nooossary, good bon- with the ability toschedul p qualified sales OVER 25 YEARS TEACHING •l Kn'O'Wir SmaQAds... ofits, hours8:30am-5pm, Monday-Friday, appointments. Excottent pay. plus com- High School/College Experience helpful, but hot necessary * South Koarny.. CalL344-0333^ask_for_ .missbns and-bonus.lCalL687j!47C«Jor_ Mary Taylor. • . consideration. ' ^—Algebra-i-through -Calc'ulus- WE PROVIDE TRAINING " RESULTS PRODUCED Big Results! SECRETARY-Unlon sales olfico. Good IFIEDfiDS! _ ' • . Seml-Flexlble Hours clorlcal,~**CRT, communication skills.. ortttrrKj AvU cTmHi^Pior* No checkt ' i'"t» o TELLERS 686-6550 _j. » »fJ'l old. racrlltnf'rontM,on IS I3JS 1' m NEW I USElT^ Salary Plus Commissions Caroor opportunity. Experi- c M 1 : Kirn, »lc MUrdixk 3 4»)j l»l z Part time teller positions avallablo. tTAN' EX ' 'v|.n.ngi I. .'. I) Body !• Ptndft* P»rti ' We are currently expanding our subscription sales stall and we have 2 ence.proforrod. Bonolits. Grota, y»ondli« Pl«t, Union 686-2700. Experience a plus. If no ex- A| HELP' • | . ^^H| Z Immediate openlnos for telephone solicitors. As a solicitor you will call from perience will train. Call 688-9500, SERVICES OFFERED our office selling newspaper subscriptions to local residents. We supplpslS Ext. 241 o to call from and we regularly allow solicitors to use various Incentives to' SECRETARY-Part timo, approximately 1-1 TUTORING SERVICE — Roadlng DECKS assist tholr olforts. Call Mark Cornwell at 686-7700, Ext. 23, or drop by our 30 hours por wook. Typing and light UNION CENTER CARPET CARE o epodallst, spoclal attdntion to com- FENCES HOME IMPROVEMENTS • HOME IMPROVEMENTS | olllco located at 1291 Stuyvesant Ave., Union, between the hours of bookkooplng for small onglnooring olfico prohonslon, attonHan-dafldUprobloms, 9om-5pm, Monday-Friday to fill out an application. locatod In Union. Call 851-2621. NATIONAL BANK K-4: Call 233-8931, aftor 7pm. 2003 Morris Ave., Union CARPET SALES ARTHUR'S- E.O.E. M/F/H/V DECKS B &Z FENCE . REALESTATE-Roally McCoy and Crost- SECRETARY/-BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE $4 - $6 Sq, Yard HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOT POWER WASH AIR CREATIONS INC." " BY ;. -. COMPANY Z vlow Roalty cooks full tlmo and part time, RN—Part time for Electrodiagnostlc test- MANAGER - Wo aro a small ollico In need . But Af Builders Prices Exterior/Interior Painting " SPECIALISTS FOR now and experienced agents for their ing. Will train. $20 por hour. Ploaso call of a general office manager to handle sec- Air Conditioning & Heating, CHAINLINK-WOOD • . retarial details, bookkeeping and gonora] TIRED OF HIGH PRESSURE Free Measuring Gutters»Rooflng Aluminum, Vinyl & Cedar Shake South Orango and Scotch Plains- 379-3060. ... . , . ATMOSPHERE OF A BOILER ROOM? Contractors PAT DOG RUNS-POOLS rosldontlnl and commercial office. office management. Wo handle business INSTALUTIONS AND SERVICE. (Mln. 50 Sq. Yards) FREE ESTIMATE, FREE WALk GATE rPorches«Decks Homes. Commercial or Residential. o 762-1184. Internationally so the position will prove Contact us, we offer the following: WE CUSTOM DESIGN AND Addltlons'Basements - 4 hour shifts: SHEET METAL FABRICATION. •Large Select!on«Many Colors WITH PURCHASE OF 100 FEET OR FREE ESTIMATES of vory Interesting. Salary vory good. Hours RESIDENTIAUCOMMERICAL CALL BUILD ALL TYPES OF DECKS. 298-1331 . MORE. CALL . ' Renovatlons«AHIcs 781-1454 . .• reasonable. Call355-1298,1390. Askfor Ploasant, professional work onvironmont CURT OR BOB > Dornlnlok Certo. Floxlblo day time hours and Waning. FULLY INSURED. 925-2567 or 381-2094 FREE ESTIMATES RECEPTIONIST ^ Emploympnt sotting only/no soiling. 241-1551 371-2726 1 Aro you Interested In becoming part of a team whose primary objective la to $7.00 j>er hour plus commission. 763-8803 CLEAN UP SERVICE FENCES-Custom wood, vinyl chain link provide quality patient care? A challenging full time position Is available In SECRETARY/— Receptionist for modi- For-lntorview call,- 688-2474 & stockado, all holghts. Exportly Installed. IMPROVE YOUR HOME WITH GIL 381-1044. our -Cardiology Department which offers diversified responsibilities In • cal-olflce, full timo, Monday-Friday. DIANE'S - EVENING CLEANING SER~ dealing directly with physicians, patients and hospitals. Excellent Company- Ploaso call 379-3060. •EXPERT FLOOR VICE. Apartmonts, homos and olflcos. CARLO ALBERT! Sanding & Reflnlshlng DECKS paid benefits package. Salary commensurate with experience. If Interested- TRAINER DECKS —— Roasonablo ratos. Diane, 765-8736. ROB'S FENCING CONTRACTOR Custom Built & Repairs ploaso call Personnel at 277-8633. First aid and CPR to instruct staff at con- on all hardwood Roors Loavo mossago If no answor. tors for disabled. Good salary and bonO: Rqasqnable rates. Free EXCLUSIVE INSTALLATION-ALL TYPES All typo homo Improvomonts. Additions Wood Fences & Basements SEdRETARY/-RECEPTION|ST -~MD, ostlmatos on any size jobs. -K-4 D CLEANING SERVICE — Homos, as woll-as now homos. Xall: -FREE ESTIMATES- Irvlngton Contor, Ono poreon olllco. 9:30 fits. Call Mr. lanaconp, 535-1181. - -ALL-SIZE-CUSTOM DECKS -QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Call Davo or Al: . opartmonts, cpndos & offlco. Roasonablo 564-8931 • 964-8354 964-3575 , A A AM - 2:30 PM. Flvo wookdays. Typing FULLY INSURED ratos. Roforoncos ovoilablo. Prolosskin- Free Estimates skills roqulrod. Congenial. $175 por TRAVEL AGENTS — Full or part time 371r0016 al, trustworthy. Call 688-5108. 687-9229 aosuMw'r AVENM, SUMMIT, NEW jensev 07901 wook. Call 373-6376. positions available for vacation agents, CALL 372-4282 some commorclal salos. Systqmono -•- G. N. R. M & F j»mputorJloiilljistabl!shod.agQncyj»!tb_ GENERAL HOME REPAIR — Painting. —RECEPTIONIST- Wanted-lor-busy- "bnuii'UDtTi ti losTTii n I sn oo bssomontSTEfri o II ~~ -ALUMINUM-SIDIMG- —HOME-IMPROVEMENTS— Doctors olllco. Light typing. • Posltlvo ploasant surroundings and nlco diontolo, —HOME-IMPROVEMENTS— nltorations. Froo ostlmatos. Vory roasoh- "TOTvTSTENCING Custoni docks, altlo * basomont renova- Wo turn old homos Into now. Windows, Titmocphoro, part tlmo or full time hoursr travol benefits, oxcollont salary. C abto. Catl.Joo pflor 3 PM, 486-8413. 564-8000 for appointment. R.J.'s ALL TYPES—Of Surface cleaning. Hot tions, shoot rocking, baths, kitchon doors, sidewalks, loadors, guitars, car-' 'Monday-wodnosday-Friday, RN-PART TIME & Cold pressure washing. Frooostimatos. All Types cablnoto- Installod, guttors & loadora, 8:15nm-1pm or Monday-Tuosdoy- A position Is avallablo In our Group Practice Facility for an RN to work 4:30 CUSTOM DESIGN pentry-workr'palntlng, wallpaporing » TYPIST-Full timo, part tlmo. Union loca- DAVE'S STEAM CLEANING. 762-0027. New & Repairs roplacomont windows, Intorior/oxtoiior Wodnosday-Frlday. 2:45-7:1Epm, also PM- 9 PM throe- ovonlngs a wook; 8:30 - 3PM ovory third Saturday ER otoctrical. Custom Craltsmon, Call Rich at tion. 60 wpm. Somo computor back- HOUSEWASHING ''WHERE QUALITY COUNTS _Loavo mossago. • No Job Too Small painting. 7700479,8AM.til5PMor376-6141,oftor Saturday-morning hours avallablo. Mill- oxpdrlonco holplul. If Interested ploaso call Porsonnol at 277-8633. p burn, 376-5522. ground holpful. Call 851-2288, 9-5 dally. WE SPECIALIZE IN PRESSURE WASH- we custom Buiraraeciis Free EsllrnaT6s~ FREE ESTIMATES 7PM. ING ALUMINUM AND VINYL SIDING. and Sizes. Guaranteed low prices RECEPTIONIST Wontod-Part tlmo for TYPIST-Noodod for-Insurants agoncy. BRICE HOMES AND TILE ROOFING . VINYL & ALUMINUM SIDING Call: 375-0377 688-7976 or 272-1840 Good starling salary. Excollont bonolits. along with our workmanship and Elizaboth dontal olllco. Exporlonco pro- P.A. WASHED. EXTERIOR OF HOUSES treated lumber. GUTTERSA.EADERS & ROOFS (orrod. Phono 352-0149, Thursday or Stuyvosant Avonuo, Union location. CalP WASHED FOR PAINTING. MILDEW 120SUMMITAVENUE. SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07001 MrsTBondor, 964-5950. ^ REMOVED FROM HOUSES, PATIOS, ' FREE ESniATESINSURED STEVE'S Friday. FLORISTS CONSTANCE^ RC WANGWord Procosslng-Mado Easy to SIDEWALKS. POOL AREAS, ETC. 276-4253 RESTORATIONS RECEPTIONIST-Sprlnqflold morlgngo FREE ESTIMATES. ' CONSTRUCTION CORP. HOME IMPROVEMENTS bankor sooks .art Individual. Minimum 1 Loarn. PrivntQjnnJtuctlonG With Expor- Union, NJ 07083 ROUTE SERVICE SEWING MACHINE .' ioncod Toachor. Try Ono Hour. Low C6st. G.T.G. Pressure Cleaning Co. 964:8039- Complete Line of Painting*Wallpaper yonr offlco exporlonco for small branch GETTING MARRIED? .olfico. Must havo ploasanrtolophono REPRESENTATIVES OPERATORS Froo Information. 272-1888. 233-2960 Free EsUmates«Fully Insured. Homo Renovations TRISTAN'S WE HAVE GREAT WEDDING FLOWER Decking«Carpentry mannors. Good bonof|!_pac)to.go.. $415/Wk Avg Loarnors or oxporioncod. Union shop. All Work Guaranteed •Additions •Kitchens 564-8800. PACKAGE SPECIALS. PERFECT r Pressure Washing '4Day Wook Stoady yoarly work. Good wagos. Apply DECKS FLOWERS FOR THAT PERFECT DAY. •Baths «Basoments 40 lire Guoranlood In. porson: to Mr. Patti or coll, HILTON WCttD PROCESSOR •'"""" Minimum 60 wpm accurately. Bluo Cross, FENCES ft HOUSEHOLD REASONABLY PRICED.— -•Plumbing •Electrical Sheetrock— Full Bonolits MFG. CO., 35 E. Elizaboth Avonuo, Lin- ACCOUNTING- DRIVEWAYS RECEPTIONIST- don, Now Jorsoy. 486-2610. Major Modical, Dontal Plan, Ufa Insur- JOBS & REPAIRS JEANNIES FLORIST Reasonable Rates Residential Commercial Wo havo Immodlatgo oponlngs for ance 10 day paid vacation, 10 holidays, 5 ACCOUNTING SERVICES — Small ^GUARANTEED 103 E. Wostfiold Avo. Frge Estimates REFERENCE AVAILABLE PAYCHEX, a major payroll personal days. Stoady days. Call dopondablo, caroor-oriontod Individuals buslnossos. Monthly or quarterly sorvlco. SATISFACTiOM Rosollo Park, N.J. Fully Insured GIVE US A CALL: processing service com- in our Route Sorvlco Dopt. Join a quality 245-0255. Corporato, partnorshlp and individual R & T PUGLIESE - SHARE OUR HOME — Work 4 hours, CALL TTOS- 245-6300 (We're not satlsllled company which has boon In buslnoss for light housokooplng, laundry, shopping, WORK-At Homo, part tlmo. $100/wook Incomo taxos. Goorgo P. Porcolll, Jr. POR FREE ESTIMATE Asphalt Paving, Driveways, Parking 352-5139 pany, is seeking a recep- ovor 60 yonre and is growing rapidly. cooking, room & board plus salary. Leave posslblo. Details, 1-805-687-6000,-Ext.- G.P.A., 761-1658. Lots, Curbs & Concrete. Quality until your satlsllled) tionist to handle an 8 line Must havo oxcollont driving rocord and mossago, 486-2501. 687-6955 W-4991.— Work. Fully Insured, Free Estimates. GARAGE DOORS JOSEPH FRANK console system. Tele- lob roforoncos. Our bonolit packngo Includos Mod., Ulo, Dont, PrftShrg, Disa- SOCIAL SERVICE — Assistant Mana- WORKING Formon-Must bo mochanlcal- Residential & Commercial. 686-1454 phone voice important as bility, otc. Call Mr. Shumski at 635-4500 . Train 6 montally rolnrdod group ly incllnod and drivo forklilt. Direct 2 to 3 CARPENTRY 272-8865 GARAGE DOORS-lnstallod, .garaoo to arrango for an Intorvlow. E.O.E. no rosldonts In Independent living people. Salary $16 to $18KJ Bonofits. Coll HELP WANTED oxtonslons, .repairs & sorvlco, oloclrlc well as good' phone man^ skiljs ln_Boriore, colling!; SUBURBAN ropalrs, colling fans Installed as a spoclal- HOME IMPROVEMENTS at 298-0600. SALES-Dopondnblo pooplo for paint, shed*. Call WWKS20 lor ty. Roasonablo. 374-8923. hardware, oloctrical, plumbing and stock X-RAY PART TjlVIE PAVING COMPANY METROPOLITAN DOOR CO. INC. Palntlng»Wallpaper dork. Six days. Standard Lumbor, 1024 A position Is' avallablo In our Group Practice for a part tlmo X-Ruy CARrarmV- Rotting stairs reptac*d DRIVEWAYS 135 Markot Stroot RECEPTIONIST— Gonora! officq work, wM> nl wool prossure troalsd wood. DecklngoCarpenlry Elizaboth Avonuo, Elizaboth. SVAFF ACCOUNTANT Technician. Must bo ARRT rofllstorod or eligible. Compotltlvo salary PARKING LOTS Konllworth, NJ HOME IMPROVEMENTS -Ploasant-tolophano_volco,_typlng,_fillng,. -ollorod.-Forh1orolnlormatlon ploa80 call PorEonnoli 277-0033,— —— " Mh«*ted docks. 15yoara»»p«»- Rosldontlal & Commorclnl Pressure Washing otc. South Koarny aroa. Good bonoflts, "Entry lovol, fuinime, to perform baMC r -CURBING- rMTKSrtrmanmwidwortrauar»oodrR-«l: " SHOWROOM OPEN Sheetrock houre 8:30anv5pm, Monday-Friday, reconciliations and rolatod accounting. t. Brie: Call 761-1049. Free Estimates Futty Insured SPECIALIZING IN South Koarny. Call 344-0333, ask for Dogroo-ln accounting or 3 years schpol- TO-THE PUBLIC Residential Commercial -Mary-Taylor—. ' _' Ing. Good starting salary, company paid 68M133 Wookdays, 9-4, Saturday, 9-12 SMALL TO MEDIUM -SALES/MANAGEMENT- "bonofife.jpornjor advahcomont. ——Ropalrs/lnstallationsrparts ~ JOBS ~~ -REFERENCE-AVAILABLE RETAIL. PART-TIME Growing chlldcoro roforrol agoney-noods- INTER COMMUNITY BANK G. GREENWALD 241-6550 GIVE US A CALL: porson looking for Intorosting position. tSOSUUWTAVBNUE, SUMMIT, f)EW JtltSEY07001 Carpwit.r Contmctow Drivers Job, consisting of communication 52 Mlllbum Ave. ELECTRICIANS CALL;—688-8285 352-5139 ". DOCTOR'S ASSISTANT with all cllonls, salos, advertising and light Sprlngllold, NJ 07081 All typo repairs, temodelng, kkchen. por- typing. Exciting full tlmo position with CALL PERSONNEL GUTTERS & LEADERS A unique opportunity awaits you nt Tho ploasant hours. phos. enclosuKiti, celtts, attics. Wry 201-467-8800 Ext 58 nsurpd, estimates oivsn 688-2964. Small EVE DFtx's Patient Caro Contor In Union. EOE M/F/H/V INSTRUCTIONS APPLIANCES RIGH-BLINDT^ JR.- Wo will train outgoing, sorvlco-mlndod NANNIES PLUS jobs. : Electrical Contractor • people to assist our doctors and patents LIVINGSTON NJ GUTTERS & LEADERS and to handle light office work. All It takos CLASSICAL- GUITAR - players - any Uc. No. 0006 CHARGE-IT! Is your willingness to loam and your ability 992-5800 lovol. Call: 233-6210 If Interostod In a tRESIDENTIAL UNDERGROUND DRAINS STOCK CLERK Classical Guitar Society. to work with pooplo. Wo offor ploasant General Warehouse Dutlaa For Indust- -.r JOE OOIIAN •COMMERCIAL Throughly cleaned working conditions and floxlblo hours to (It 1 rial Distributor. Must Have Driver ! GUITAR-Lossons by professional musi- GAS & ELECTRIC 686-3824 •INDUSTRIAL , i . "— & flushed C!assifled_oow accepts -your-BChodule-days—ovonlngs—and SAtESPERSON-MaturoT~rosponslblo~ License.—Full-Company Banellls. cian. $10halfhourprh/acyofyourhomo. "BanflBs^Ovens-CooMops 1_N0LJOB_TOO SMALL •Repairs ' •Replacements Saturdays. Earn $4/nrrwhllo you train, poraon. In South Orango Vlllago specialty Bauer Factory Supply, Inc. All levels and typos ol music. 688-0796; With a GUARANTEED INCREASE TO food storo and calo. Apply In porson Washer-Dryers =iP-RICES_tHAT_WjON!T_ All Debris Bagged. Call 375-5200 For Appointment MUSIC- INSTRUCTION • Currant Bassist mMd Tablos Visa. MasterCard -$5.95 AFTER 6 MONTHS. Bonollts Tuosday through Saturday. Adlor & Aar- Dishwashers . •Straaa Anas SHOCK YOUI From Above includo paid vacations and holidays. For ons.on Inc., 11 Villago Plaza. with Gorry Mulligan now accoptlng stu- •FREE ESTIMATES Immediate consldorallon, call 686-8814. donts In Thoory, Harmony and Concopt. In Home Sales-Service •FormlcWWooaVP»oollvi 688*1853 1 1 WindowsJDoon/ShMtrocic •FULLY-INSURED- ALL INSTRUMENTS. Call DEAN Installations Fully Insured MasicrCaia RN'B FULL TIME ^OCK PERSON 762-3367. All Malor Brands MARK MEISE 228-4965 AMERRICAN APPLIANCE Aro you tlrod of the hospltql onvironmont? II so, we havo positions avallablo Excollont pay, Must havo valid Now PIANO-INSTRUCTIONS • Professional SPURR ELECTRIC 1 1 for a Podlatrlc RN In our sotellto facility, and an RN to work In an Internist's Joreoy drlvorB license. private lessons fjivon. Boglnnors to SERVICE R. Potter Homo Repairs Office In our Summit facility. CompotUJvo salary Includes an excellent Call 964-4900 advanced. If Intorostod, call 372-0626. Springfield 912-0044- DOORS, WINDOWS, ROOF REPAIRS New & Alteration Work company paid bonofits package. For mor'o Information please call Per- Union 686-3722 & MORE. I HOME IMPROVEMENTS COUNTYLEADER sonnel at 277-8633 WesHleld . 233-9339 ^ DONT FRET CALL RHETTI SUCCESSFUL MATH TUTOR Specializing In recessed lighting and sor- AABCO-Carpontry, shootrock, windows, SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR — Part Froo estimates, reasonable ratos, vlco changing, smoke detectors, yard and NEWSPAPERS OVER 25 YEARS TEACHING Insured. roofs-no Job too small. Licensed a timo, Tuosday ft Thursday, 8:30-5, Morlln High School/Colloqe security lighting, altoraHons, and now Insured Free osUmate. 272^3483. ,P.A, Systom oxpprlance holpful. Springflold Algobra I Through Calculus 298-0031 — developments. License No. 7288. Fully 6S6-77OO 120SUMMITAVENUE, SUMMIT, NEWJEHSEY07001 location. Coll Personnel Managor at SATs A Spoclalty Insured. No Job Too Small. 379-5900. 686-6550 851-9614 OOFING __IY£EWRITER-SERVICES FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE HOME IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPING PAINTING PAINTING BEDROOM-SET (eight pieces)? also full USED FURS UNION COOLIDGE PAINTING — Interior/ SONSHINE PAINTING lo Job Too Small or Too Large PROFESSIONAL UNION TICKETS SCOTTYS-LAWrJ SERVICE - Spring living room sol p.ackogo or separate. .2005 Routo 22, Union WANTED Pag e ROB'S GENERAL doan ups. Wookly maintenance. Vory Exlorior, homo ropalra, roasonnblo ralos. , 'Interior • < All Types of Repairs TYPIST Good condition. 273-9465. -~-•-.-•• Froo. ostimatos. Brendan Sr., 851-0389 851-2880 Highest prlcos paid for fur coats & Jackots reliable and'roasonablo. For froo esti- utters Leaders Resumes, Dissertations, Statisti- BUY OR SELL CALL • 1 HOME REPAIRS malos call 686-9019. • ovonlngs, wookonds. ; •Exterior : I *Gratef;S Dead you no longor woar. Wo make housocalls. CEMETERY PLOTS — 3 Oraves, Holly- s. •Carpentry»Fences DOTSY LOU cal Tables, Letters, Theses, FRIEDMAN FURS, (609) 395-8158. • 8 •Wallpapering wood Memorial Park, Union. Currant •^Springsteen o Roofing Contractors Term Papers, Legal and Medical privo $450 oach, all 3 for $900. Boautiful' CD •Walls Repaired ' INTERIORS ONLY No Job Too Small * Phantom- WANTED-To buy old surfboards-over WHITE -Transcripts. Reasonable Rates. location. Call 634-0954. nine foot long. Call 376-2672. 688-4200 w MASONRY Apnrtmonts, houses, garagos, olficos. • . All odd Jobs •"••-- iigrUlpJJ -—:~ -•-*Dean. Martin — Realtors •Sheetrock, etc. Call Eileen 964-1793. ~ UNION-By owner. If you can appreciate No bb loo big or loo small. ' Neat Clean Work- • 688-2188 . *Slnatra 687-9229 FREE ESTIMATES • COFFEE TABLE—4 2 ond tablos, vory a quality all brick homo, It olfors 4 bodr- § > Call 851-2507 or 687-8370 • 687-4447 VSJ TYPING SERVICE— Professional; good condition, $160. Call 688-5108. • PETS drooms. 2V. baths.' livingroom, "dining c MICHAEL GIORDANO lUALITY Roollng at reasonable rates. Roasonablo Ratos. ThpEls, Dissertations, •^Yankees room, kltchon, ondosod porch, dock, z Contractor iallTonyatAaAROOFING.forf.reoosll- Torm Papons, Reports, Journal Submis- largo foncod In yard, full firtfshod baso- Masonry & Asphalt Pavement mtos, 298-1137. sions, Rosumos, Mailing Lists, Manu- COLUMBIA Blcyclo-bblgo and brown col- monf with wot bar, kitchon and laundry | R & R INTERIOR PAINTING scripts, Corrospondonco, Dictation/ ADOPT A BEST FRIEND room, hooted garage, some window trdat- s 41 undsloy Avo., Irvington or, bannnna seat. Good condition. 2 o HOME IMPROVEMENTS ALSO WILLIAM E. —Transcriptions,-*) tc—Availablo-bvonlngs- _ypars-old^Asl

old, excellent condition 'Magnolia families lose in market c - EAST ORANGC A recently released report by places . — reflects regulatory regulations and- long approved minicipalitics is another signific- residential streets with ' paving the Joint Center for Housing rather than market factors. In fact, delays which- increase housing ant factor in New Jersey's inabili- specifications comparable to APARTMENTS FOR RENT VACATION RENTALS PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE JlUBLICNOIKt _Sludics_of Harvard University Rutgers University concluded that costs unnecessarily. ty, lo provide affordable housing. • those, for interstate highways. liatlvo in naluro" pursuant to QUldollnafl ol Local drew attention to a serious lack of -as-much as one tiurd of Ihc cost o 2. Floot Auto Policy No. 15-so-oo-oi 20406 lor a Also adding significantly to Throughjargc lot zoning, munici- Some municipalities 'require . IRVINGTON-St. Paul's aroa. Four LONG BRANCH- (North)-Luxury ocoan premium nol lo oxcood $071,000.00 ohd to bo Govornmont 8arvtcos; nnd UNION COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN affordable housing which of a new home is attributable to rooms, ono bodroorn. Profor buslnoss front townhouso, boach dt your door. Two dwgod lo tho approprlalo Influranco account. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tho Clork ol FREEHOLDERS new' home costs are rising land palities restrict home building to amenities such as. swimming 3. Workers' Compensation Policy No. this Board shall causa lo bo publlshod In a nows- threatens the quality of life unnecessary and redundant couplo, $450 plus utilitlos. Roforoncoc. bodrooms, don, 2V, baths, air condl- papor authorizod by law to publish Its logal odvar- DATE: sums prices and excessive zoning single family homes at prices pools, tennis and basketball Avallnblo July 1. No pots. 114 months Uonod, dock, and patio. Ono hour NYC. 20-00-00-9120400 lor n pronilum not to EDP Equlpmont Policy. No. I horoby cortlfy tho abovo to bo a truo copy ol • and Inspoctlon ol construction matorlals In various New Jersey's builders arc the sized that any action which delib- addition, subdivision ordinances - the homes, OCEAN BEACH- UNIT3- Two bodroom. 13ICHF07U for a premium not lo oxcood rosolullon adoplod by Iho Board of Choson Froo- prolods Involving Iho Dopartmont ol Publlo Works sored, by the Ford 'Foundation,' most heavily regulated builders in erately reduces the availability of- may require extensive site UNDEN-Ono bodroom $630. - Modorn Block to opoan, block, to bay. Avalloblo S31.272.00 and lo bo charaod to tho appropriate holdore ol tho County ol Union on tho dalo nbovo or Iho porlod Juno 1,1000 through Juno 1,1080; monllonod, • , and • ' young households trying to buy luxury apartmont, hoat and hotwator, air anytime-. $525 pdr wook. Call Jim, Insuranco account; and .. the country. While recognizing land for housing, such as the New improvements at, very high design •_ "In New Jersey, the need for BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tho said con- Eiloon A, Chronka. Clark - WHEREAS, Koogon Technology & Tostlna conditioning. No pots. Adults proforrod. APPROVED AS TO FORM Assodalos, Inc.. AOb-E Corporalo Court. South their first home arc among the the value of properly formulated Jersey State Development and Convonlont-to transportation and shop* SEASIDE PARK-Vory cloan, soasonal or tract Is In tho naluro ol 'Extraordinary; Unspodll- standards, wclj beyond what is a/fordablc housing has, in recent ablo Gon/lcos", and as «udi, Ihls conlrad Is lo bo ROBERT DOHERTY Plnlnliold, Now Jorsoy 07000, has oflrood to pro- biggest losers in die current hous- policies which result in high sfan- Redevelopment Plan, will drive ping. Callnnylimo. Mr. Lowis, 325-3400. wookly. Apartment sloops four. Reason- awarded urilhoul compollllvo bidding, purauanl lo COUNTY ATTORNEY vido tho nocossory lost Ing and Inspection urvlcos needed to_suppgrt_lh(L_dcvclQp- years, been relegated to a subor- ablo ratos. Call 793-5940. Iho Local Public Contracts Law, duo to (ho lad that 060S0 FOCUS, May M, 100fl - In accordanco wtln proposaJdaiod May 3,1900 In ing market. Alarming statistics- {FOO310.B0) dards-of .quality, NJBA is work- priccsTipward drastically." ment. Examples include execs- dinalc status in die policy making tho provision ol Insuranco Is "epoclnlteod and qual- tho sum ol no) lo oxcood so.soo.oo; and rcveal a decline in home owner- : ' SPFHNGFIELD-3V4 rooms. Utilitlos WILDWOOD CREST — (Diamond Itnllvo In naluro' pursuant to guldollnos ol Local WHEREAS, tho Local Public Contracts Law ing lo eliminate overlapping' Restrictive zoning practiced by. sivcly—wide—righis-of-wny~for—processr — Boach), 3 bodroom, 2'/.' balh townhouso'. Govommonl Sorvlcos J and roqulros thai a Resolution authorizing the awarding ship nationwide, by younger Indudod. Slnglo buslnoss or prolosslonal ofoconlrad lorprolosslona]Borvlcai"whhoutcom- prolorrod. $650. 322-7317 or 564-9586. Control air, woshor/dryor, dishwashor, DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihol Iho Clork ol UNION COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN Ihls Board shell cnuso to bo publlshod In a nows- FREEHOLDERS polltlvo blddlngimusUjblddlngmusUjo passopasdd by IIhho governing households from 4.3 percent in dock, oulsido showor, walk to boach. papor authorizod by law to publish IIB logo! advor- RESOLUTION NO.501-00 xxJJy andd Bhalhll bo advorilsoddild; ana $800 wook. 964-4617' aftor 6pm. ilsomonls such nolCco ol this award as roqulrod by DATE: 5/10/80 WltGHGAS, this contract Is awardod without 1980 to 35.9 percent in 1987. UNION —UNION — 2 bodroom opnrtmont for rant, tho Local Publlo Conlrads Uw. BE IT RESOLVED by tho Board ol Choson Froo- comoAtlilvo bidding os a ^Profosslonat SorvJco" In nccordanca wit h 40A:11-5(1 J(a) ol tho Local Publkr "Although the American accosslblo to Rl. 78, $600 a month. Call I horoby cortlly tho abovo lo bo a truo copy ol a holdors ol tho County ol Union that It horoby rotalns toMlutlon odoplod by.tho BoonJ ol Choion Froo- tho sorvlcos ol John McCoy, 120 Broadway. Cll- Conlrnds Law bocauso iho corvtcoa lo bo por- Dream of home ownership is still 647-7776. BUST OPPORTUNITY" holdore ol Iho County ol Union on Iho dalo nbovo zaboih. Now Joreoy'fcnho purpoyrolprovldlng lormod will bo provldod by porsonnol skilled and - COZY DOLLHOUSE monllonod. EUbstanco obuso consultant sorvlcos to Iho County nccrodiiod In a spoclalllzod flold ot looming and the primary goal of most families, Elloon A. Chronka, Clork ol Union and Board ol Choson Fraoholdore, lor a ixportlso: Bo among Iho first to Inspect this Immaculate Capo .Colonial. ABLE Compotont Govornmont spon- sum not to oxcood (0,000.00 which shall bo NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tho . the number of young families- UNION—6 rooms, 3 bodrooms, 2nd door APPROVED AS TO FORM Donrd of Choson Frooholdore ol tho County ol Quiet street, lovely grounds and priced right. Call for details sored counsotare CAN HELP YOU GET ROBERT DOHERTY charaod to Account No. 000-370-624-40-22; and being locked out qf the American ol 2 family homo. $775 por month plus utll- n£ IT Fl 'flTHF.n RGSOLVfTR Ihnt Iho Gnimtv Union, thai Kooann Tochnolooy A Touting Associ- STARTED RIGHT. Thoro is no chargo to COUNTY ATTORNEY today. • ' Itios and -1V4-monlh socurity, no chlldron; 06040 Focus, May "M, 1000 . Counsol propnro tho npproprtalo conlrad; and ates, Inc., 400-C: Corporate Court, Soulh Plalnllold, Dream by the lack of affordable pots, avallablo Immodlatoly. Call you. Call SCORE, 645-3982, Monday to (FooS21.70) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai Iho &nld con- NowJorsoy07000,lshorobyawardodacontractto , -Frlday,-3:30-&30. -tract-lft-ln-lho.naturo-ol-EKlraordlnary Uncpodlk provldQ-tho-nocos5{iry4osllno andJnspoctlonnot— . housing .Jsjncrcasing—sharply^— -3St=60-72r "- • : r vicoe as oulllnod abavo; and UNION COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN nblo Sorvlcos", and as such, this contract Is tp bo DO YOU—Wanta buslnoos that nolo you nwardod without compollllvo bidding, pursuant to DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihol tho County remarked Anthony Ziccardi, pres- : iho Local Public Contracts Law, duo To (ho fact thai Manager and Clork ol this Board bo and thoy aro LIBERTY ASSOCIATES REALTORS UNION — Luxury 5 room apartmont, 2nd $2,000 por month, a now car, 2 vacations RESOLUTION NO.533.00 horoby nulhorlzod lo oxacuto said contract upon ident of the New Jersey Builders ; DATE: 5/10/00 Ihlu corvlco Is spoclallzod and qualltallvo roqulfing llocr. $825 pluo utilitlos. Coll 686-3902. oach yoar. Call: 374-1794r~ oxtonslvo knowlndflo ol tho proooss ol eubslanco approval by tho Counly Counsol's Olllco lor tho Association, "the inability of DE IT RESOLVED by Iho Donrd ol Chason Froo- alorosnld prolod; and • :* 471 CHESTNUT ST lioktots ot tho County of Union tHnl h horoby supnlo- abuGO Eorvlcofl as woll as roqulrlng a provon ropu- UNION-Sorvlco Station, zonod buslnoss, tatlon In this flold; and DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihal tho Bald cum these families to achieve the hoavy trafflo aroa. Asking $290,000. monIB Rooolullon 1CO-00 ndoptod by this BonnJ on ol nol to oxcood $0,500.00 bo charood to Acco'unl UNION. 964-8424 UNION-SIx room npartmont, Ihroo bod- Fobruary 2,10QQ tn that It npprovos tho ronowul DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihol tho Clork ol security- and stability of home this Board shall causa to bo published In a nows- No. 003-002-551.13.2fl; and rooms In two family houso. $800 a month. promlumo torsoloclod polldoo on m«o purllculnrly DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai a copy ol this provldod on Apppndlcos ottachod horalo lor Iho pnpor authorizod by law lo publish Its logal advar- ownership is a serious problem in , Utilitioo coporoto. VA months socurity. tl&omonls such notlco ol Ihls award as roqulrod by noooluilon bo publlshod according to law wfihln ton purpoco ol providing Insurnnco covorarjo to tho (10) dnya ol.Ils passago. Aftor 4 PR 688-1389. County ol Union ond Board ol Chouon FroohoWora, Iho Local Public Contradn Law, • itself, but the ramifications extend PUBLIC NOTICE nr, cpodllod on Iho mmchod ropml ol tho Clllnns' I horoby cortlfy Iho abovo to bo a truo copy ol a I horoby certify tho abovo lo bo n Irtio copy of a far beyond their situation. The Ihnuranco Rovlow Commllloo for Iho sum nol lo resolution ndoplod by Iho Board of Choson Froo- rotolullon ndoptod by Iho Board ot Choson Froo- oxcood $07,050,00 nnd to bo chnrood lo Ihn nppro- Jioldors ot tho County ol Union on tho dalo abovo holdors ol tho County ol Union on tho dato abovo community as a whole suffers UNION/SPRlNGFiELD—Groat location, UNION COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN mnnlionod. . monllonod. . ... noar all shopping, transportation, Gchools prlnlo Inr.uranco nccounle: and' FREEHOLDERS RES0L(JT|0N No.5)1.0n DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihnt tho Bold con. Elloon A. Chronkn, Clork Elloon A. Chronkn, Clork without the commitment of home SPRINGFIELD— —plus moro. 1st floor ol 2 family, 2 bod- APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO FORM •DATE: 5/1 oma tract Is In Iho nnluro ol 'Extraordinary, Untpodll- owners, and businesses may be room, living room, dining room, tilo bath, ROBERT DOHERTY RODGRT DOHERTY ' THE CONTEMP. FEELING IN THIS HOME ISVQREAT. FEATURING 4 WHEREAS, ihoro oxlelo a nood tocorofssohuuil nblo Sorvlcoa", nnd as such, thin contract In lo bo. lullbasomont with laundry, narnflo plur nwnrdod without compotllivo blddinn. puraunnt to COUNTY, ATTORNEY .. —• COUNTY ATTORNEY forced to move when their sorvlcoa lo provkio professional corvlcoo forioGtlnfl 0C047 Focus, May 20, 1000 BR's,.2 BATHRS. MOD.KIT..W/TOP OF THE LINE APPLIANCES C/A - parking. $000 month. Coll 701-2907. Iho Local Public Conlrncls Low. duoiq Iho loci thai 0604/1 TOCUD, May 20, 1000 KENILWORTH nnd Inonotilon of construction mntorinls In various , (FooSIO.45) . • • (FOO424.05) - employees can't find affordable PROF. LANDSCAPE. JUST REDUCED TO $267,000. MOTIVATED . prolotislnvolvlnnihoDMalonolEnolnonrlngforlho Iho provision ol Insurance Is "opoclnlliod nnd qual- [ porlod Juno 1, lOOQ Ihrouflh Juno 1, 10fl0; and housing." -. PRICE REDUCED EVES: CALL SHIRLEY STRAUS-376-5858 ' - 1 UPPER IRVINGTON-Ono bodroom mod- WHEREAS, Kooflon Tochnolooy « Toollnn Broom brick & aluminum uldod ralsod ranch In boautltul condition. AcBodmoo, Inc., 400-E Corporolo Court, Soulh The problem is exacerbated orn apartmont in^bost location, closo to Plalnllold, Now Joreoy 07000, has no rood to pro- because young families unable to Convonlont to shopping, schools & housos of worship. Foaturqs 3 B.R.'s, shopping and transportation. Hoat and vldo tho nococcary losllng and Innpocilon eorvlcos 1V4 baths,1 "t'x23' family room, E-l kitchen with pantry, $184,000. hot walor indudod. Call DNISTER, In accordanco wlin proposal dnlod May 3,1000; UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED afford their first home are 761-5577. nnd • •• WHEREAS, Iho Loail Public Con!rods Lnw increasing the rental demand at a roqulroo thai aRo&olullonouthorizlngihodwardlng RIGHT lime when few new apartments ROSELLE ofoconlrad for praloaolonal Eorvlcos "wllhoW com- Table Saw- 10",%' lionepowc-r A potlllvo bkldlnn muol bo pansod by lha Qovomlng AWAY are being constructed. Rent GREAT LOCATION APARTMENTS TO SHARE body ond shnll bo ndvorilcod; orvd , - motor with etclm SOLD REAL ESTATE . j WHEREAS, this oontrncl la tvwardod without Good condition, control, high .land costs and Lovoly 3 B.R. homo In qulot neighborhood noar golf courso. Foaturos compciltlva blddinn as a *Prol$126;000 • '. Fountain Overflowing NEW2FAMILIES Buyer: Peter, & Ann Wagner Seller: Ernest & EleanorTBIunt . COLONIALS Buyer: Kenneth.Cosgrovo ~~^ -ST. MICHAELS'7 rooms, JUO'o AND BUSINESS WASHINGTON SCHOOL 6 rm«, Aid Drako Avo. $109,000 ) B.R. 2 families available. Some of these homos have ww 859 Galloping Hill ltd. $167,000 lo J200'« Seller: Juan&Rosario March . tnroughout, central air conditioning, modorn kltrhnria -Seller^Madelino Nilt! CONN. FARMS - 7 rooms, low Buyer: Mark & Marita Spooncr os well as L.R./D.R., E-|. kitchen. Rental In^e fften^!$M0 LOANS Buyer: Mirna & Pasqualo Savino FRANKLIN SCHOOL - 7 rooms, 272« Burwcll St. $125,000 U70' I Apply by Phone-No Fee • Refinances Seller: Fred & Lavcmc Wcstphalcn • Credit Problerri8-No Problem y Meyers SRUT LEVELS • Rapid Approvals • Equity Your Best Asset ORCHARD PARK BI-LEVEL Home sale decline CALL FOR INFORMATION " 1852 Vauxhall RdT $150,000 ' 7 rooms, $230'a BATTLE HILL - 9 rooms, • No Income Verification Seller: Bergen Construction Co. BATTLE HILL Molhor/Dauflhlor $200's Sales of cxisting~singlc-l^miiy • Secondary Mortgage Loans from $5000 Buyer: John Kelly 7 rooms, $200'a liomcs arc expected to total 3.242 151 Country Club Dr. $26,918 ' million units for 1988. This is an 486-6800 Seller: George DcCnpri'o _... 8.1 percent decline from the HQME.MORT-GAGeSERVIGES- —Buycr:-Androw-&-Robyn-Jacobcr—— -CAPES- -SPUT-LEVEL- ^jofa^fSmillion ^208-EASTSTrT5EOHGE AVE., LINDEfT 2744 MorrisAvo. $80,000 FRANKLIN BATTLE HILL UNION existing single-family homes OF NEW JERSEY SCHOOL IMMAC. 3 BR Split, MAKE LUXURY A HABIT sales for 1987. 925-0202 Seller: Marie Kuczynski'. 6 rooms $160's movo-In cond. Ownor Ono of a kind Townloy split. Warm llroplaco In L.R., Family Rm., now 628 No. Wood Ave., Linden Eves 'til 8:00 Buyer: Theresa Marano ORCHARD PARK voty anxious. o rooms, $100'a kllchon with okylltos, finished boBomont,. 2 full baths. Spoil yoursolfl 1323 Stuyvcsimt Avc. $215,000 ""- $223,500. . • , \' Seller: Theresa Morano Buyer: Manuel & Maureen Rosa 367 Chestnut St,, Union, N J 07083 2028 Ostwood Tcrraco $160,000 FOUNTAIN REALTY CO. Seller: Frodorick &. Rosalie "WHERE HOSPITALITY FLOWS" Hcttcnbach 688-3000 The Extra-Effort Peoble Residential - Commercial - Industrial - Buyer: Manuel & Sara Class Mortgages • Rentals REAITORS 410 Wayne Tcrraco $215,000 . BUSINESS BROKERS _ , .. Seller: IdaMaltz —^ "2TTBTW6fi'!rKVKr0nlon = 964-3143 Buyer: Stephen Smith &. Maureen McGrath - •' 148 Burkloy Place $45,000 Seller: Elsie Godwin Buyer: Bernice Policastro 320 Dogwood Drive $19.7,000 Seller: George & Linda Hunter ' $179,900 ELIZABETH $174,900 Buyer: RobcrtoJVrez Itnhiaeulalo 3BR, large ree room Ellnora - Hlllo. spacloua 7 roorna HILLSIDE $122,900 1724 WalbcrLTcrnico $166,000 (UNI7S0) HILLSIDE $135,000 . (UNI751) 2 Fnhilly, S and 5, gas heat (UNI781) Seller: Anne Peterson • MONEY! UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE 4BR, large lonced-ln yard CALL 687-5050 . - * UNION OFFICE Buyer: Mohan & Sadhnn Narang APPLY BY PHONE — QUICK APPROVAL CALL 087-5050 CALL 087-5050 UNION OFFICE 1715 Edmund Tcrraco $80,000 , CALL 0B7-5O50 Seller: Amelia Alvarez LOW, LOW RATES Liconsod sinco Buyer: Oscar & Elaine Alvarez 19 85 whon ho joined Woichort, Ro- altors, Chucjh's roql oslato aclivitlos ox- TERLING lond througbpyt_Urv_ Linden lon-and-Essox.Coun=_ 410AlnswortliSt.$138,500 M O 11 T C, A G ty. He is a tnombor —Seller: Irene Pitera , of iho Grea'tor HILLSIDE Buyer: Aridrezej Spiewak Eastern Union Coun- $164,900 IRVINGTON . $139,900 HILLSIDE A rent dollhousol Juat $184,900 ty Board of Realtors, hiovo Inl 3BR, Hi bdllls, den Upper Irv. Custom 3BR, . flnlahod KENILWORTH t^ 1508 DcWitt Tcrraco $163,000 In 1986, Chugh (UNI762) baaetnent 3BR, 2 lull baths, new kllchonl (UNI7SS) (UNI78S) LICENSED MORTGAGE BANKERS oarnod tho Now Jor- UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE (UNI740) Seller: Fred & Lillian Martin . UNION OFFICE soy Slalo - Million CALL C8/-5050 CALL 087-5050 UNION OFFICE ••- Buyer: Lisa Pcrrcllo CALL 007-5050 • Secondary Mortgage Loans Dollar Club's CALL 687-5050 Bronze award and 301W. Morris Avc. Unit B-2 • 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages • $89,000 in 1987 surpassed his previous ppr- Seller: Tlier-Bar Inc. I CREDIT PROBLEMS UNDERSTOOD | formanco and ro- Buyer: Michael Pulidorc & Judith coivod tho Club's Sil- Spencer No Income.Verification on Loaris ver award. In Janu- ary _'_1988, Chugh : HOIronoSL $152,000, CALL NOWI9 to 9 DAILY oarnod his broker's MANNY CHUGH Seller: Anna Valoga DEBT CONSOLIDATION license. WEICHERT, REALTORS Uuycr: Los &. BurbTmrZahvcslcr-—- A resident of Eliz- • HOME IMPROVEMENTS TUITION ACHIEVES aboth, Chugh holds PRESIDENT'S CLUB UNION $184,800 $175,000 INVESTMENT VACATION a Mastor of Scionco UNION $224,900' $339,999 Baltlehlll . Graal atarter hohie Fartna, chai+nlng 3BR 3BR, 2 batha, Family room, morel degree in Electrical Union—Manmortan-. (Manny • —(UNI671) (UNI7S3) 2 Family, 6 over 6" ' Homeowner Loans For Any Purpose Engineering from (UNI685) (UNI747) Springfield Chugh, a sales associate in tht UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE . UNION OFFICE STERLING MORTGAGE NJIT In Newark. CALL M7-5050 CALL 687-5050 UNION OFFICE 20LlttIcbrookRd.$260,000 'Union office of Woichort, Re ' CALL0B7-5050 CALL 607-5050 altors, has achlovod momborshlp Seller: Neil & Alexandra Jesuclo 91 West End Avenue 231 -1440 Somervllle. NJ vsJn the company's-Prosident't- Our liomes on network and cable TV. radio, Buyer: Ronald Michelle Curo • IWeichertl LSI Cjub for a second year. RESULTS ARE COMING IN local newspaper.', and our mnnlhlv Home t=I Ilopk have reached over I S.OIKl.o'lU) poiemial SCHLOTT HI Nowbrook Lane $327,500 FROM EVERY MEDIUM! , buyers. Whether you're Inlying or sellln(i. put Seller: Ronald & Owynno Sasileo Realtors' the power of Schiott to work for vou1 m Buyer: Dorothy Smith __^_ More than 17n ofQcc-s In Ncw_Jfrsey^New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY


AUTO LEASING TERMS M&F —-ONE-TOFIVEVEARS HOME IMPROVEMENTS THE PROFESSIONALS R&R O ALL MAKES AND MODELS ANTONE z •KITCHENS'- ATTICS ^BASEMENTS • Wo specialize In pressure.wash- VOLVO Wo turn old homos Into now. Win- -HOME-IMPROVEMENTS c MR CONDITIONING ft HEATING OLDSMOBILE TOTHE dows, doors, sidewalks, loaders, gut- ™, -REPLACEMENT WINDOWS* Ing. Aluminum .& vinyl siding. 3 CONTRACTORS TOP $$$ IN CASH ters, carpontry work, painting, • Carpontry • Masonry Brlcd homes and tile roofing LANDSCAPING Oldest & Largest WHOLESALE PUBLIC •.Shootrock "Painting o. JL EXCLUSIVE. For All Cars A Trucks wallpapering .& electrical. Custom •ADDITIONS- washed. Exterior of houses Residential & Commercial service leasing, Exclusive . . • Additions • Docks • Landscape Design z OPEN 7 DAYS ; Craftsmen, Call Rich at washed for painting. Mildew ro- Installations.* Service "Olds Dealer in VOLVO DEALER • Monthly Maintenance o 326 MORRIS ME. SUMMIT CALLDAYS :ShMt-Metal Fabrication Union County 770-0479"~ movod from'housos, patios, side- • Now Lawns 'Sood-orSod -o- 1561 Mwrrs Awnue ELIZABETH . —589-8400 John walks, pool areas, etc. Free esti- 273-4200 8AM til 6PM • Now PlnritlnaB - Shrubs/Trooo RE$IDENTUL/COMMBIGUL Union, N.I. 070*3 MOTORS, INC. mates. G.T.G. Pressure Cleaning • Railroad Tloo j AUTHORIZED—_ or EVES 964-8163 I'. CURT OR BOB ' Value Rated Used Cars or Company, 233-2960. • Wood.S Insoct Control O 582 Morris Ave. FACTORY SERVICE Viuihill Section - 688-2044 FULLY INSURED Polo INSURED (201) 241-1551 ,(201) 687-7200 Eliiaboth.lS4-i.050 . LONG TERM LEASING 2091 Spiin^ield ««.. Union k-ups) 376-6141 686-5361 FREE ESTIMATES I z Cl 4 ftl attar 7 PM. - 687-0481 CLEANUP SERVICE CHIMNEYS CONCERT TICKETS 3724282 CARPENTRY CARPETS CARPETS LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING g.l LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING CO UNION TICKETS -T JOEDOMAN WALL TO WALL AARON FALCONE'S FERRIGNO'S LANDSCAPING .3008 Route 22 > LANDSCAPING We don't just create beautiful lawns. JAHN'S ..•••! 686-3824 • MAINTENANCE Union, We do It at an affordable pricel CARPET SALE All Types ol' SERVICE COMPLETE UWNMHINTNXNCE cleanupsft haulin g • Full Lawn Maintenance LANDSCAPING RHldtnilal/CttMeitlil 851-2880 SPRING IFWiCLEMMIPS CARLS CflRPET SERVICE^ Apartment, Condo, Housfl, Construction .& 20 YEWS- ALTERATIONS/ Townhouse refuse removal: • Phanlotn — FULL-LAWN MAINTENANCE lOWRATES • Spring AEalLCIean-Up jLSprlng.Si.F.alLCIonn=ups •UMHI PikK •Expert Installation Wall To Wall REPAIRS . Comnwdil'Industilal'liesldenUil . IN BUSINESS a Daan Martin "MAINTENANCE —GUTTERETCtEANED • Railroad Ties • Now Lnwns.S Shrubs •F(H Meaimini •QualilfPaddini Certlllod Dupont Stalnmastor We also: Itotolll , , • Sdd/Sobdlng '•" I •Hint Slnnp 'Shop al Hani Sod • 8lnatra DESIGN & REPAIR —-: SNOW PLOWING •- • Sod/Shrubs . Ktw Hi Enljiged Scotclirjuard Stalnrcloaso Plan! Strain, etc. FREE ESTIMATES «Lnwn Mnlntpniinco/DoBlgn CLOSETS/CABINETS 1 • Mate • Top Soil Installations Padding Included Remove Suubs, Orusli, Trees, Fences COUrLETECHillNErSEINICE~ pnoijiai lupiricr xtmicijor Cuitomlltd TABLES/ • Vankaaa Groat LOW PRICES/Groal SELECTION No lob too bla , 'Jll»Pon« SPUING CLEAN-UP *Newliwnilitiiubi MOVING & • 7 Days - 24 Hours AMERICAN APPLIANCE Foundation to Roof - • Fully Insured & RAILROAD TIES STORAGE • Low Ratos _ . SERVICE FreeEstimates. Insured Free Estimates lnslde.& Out SATISFACTION MONTHLY Work Guarantood. Soil Employed. • Fully Insurod Wmmnclil FREE ESTIMATES SPRINGFIELD UNION CALLTRIS MAINTENANCE Insurod. 35 Yoars Exporlonco. Call 687-0035 •Ffoo Estimates, & Call For Free Estimate REASONABLI CALL "012-0044 688-3722 FOR FREE ESTIMATE FULLY INSURED 688-MOVE •froo Boxes WESTFIELD BOB: 964-5813 272-8865 373-8773 889-6205 375 Roulind Plice 492-9177 467-9173 687-0614 CALL CHRIS 6860638 ANTHONY NUFRIO 233-0339 687-6955 688-3882 PC 00019 Vli»,r Cird.AM.ilom Opnu ELECTRICIAN FLOOR SERVICE ELECTRICIAN GUTTER CLEANING SERVICE HOME IMPROVEMENT MOVING & STORAGE PAINTING PAINTING ENTERTAINMENT PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING SPURRELECTRIC IRICH BLINDT JR. PAUL'S --J.LXAROLAN EXTERIOR JERZY PAINTING Electrical Contractor PAINTING PAINTING Uc. No. 72M RCHOME PORMERLVOP — PAINTING AND .—LIcrNorflOOe— LINOLEUM VALBAVE., HILLSIDE PAINTING • Extorlor/lntorlor IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR 1 EXTERIOR INTERIORS ONLY ROCK mil noJtocRu Music ol Hit BOi inn (O'| • Residential GUTTERSrtEADERS • Paporhanglno TILE-CARPET •«KMUdU|htlD|f ._ Palnllng-Wallpapcr . ALSO ; PLASTERING • Commercial •Smoln DelKlon — UNDERGROUND DRAINS Quality • Shoolrock -•Apis «Hous«s " -Vifd I Security U|hlinj Decklno'Carpontry • Panollnp • Industrial INSTALLATION Throughly cleaned Workmanship ROOKS, CUTTERS • Ganges • Offices . 25 You Eiptiitnce •Wluatloni Pressure Washing F Elil . No Job Too Small. MERCHANDICE AVAIL. «New Deyelopmints & flushed & LEADERS .No fob too big or IM smill •REPAIRS .REPLACEMENTS Shbotrock REASONABLE RATES RsMonabl* Rnlet LOWEST PRICES FREE ESTIMATES PRICES" V^THAT EXCELLENT SERVICE ALL DEBRIS BAGGED Residential Commorlcal •Free Estimates* Fully Imursd TO QUALIFIED BUYERS REFERENCE AVAILABLE FREE ESTIMATES 117 CHSITNUTttnUT WOMT'iSHpCK YOU — REASONABLE RATES FROM ABOVE ' INSURED Fraa Estlhiatoa CALL: —CALL hOOM SIZES FERDINANOI ftOIILlEFARK NJ 01>M • FULLY INSURED GIVE US A CALL: PAINTING Beit Relerencer LENNV TUFANO 668-1853 964-4127 • FREE ESTIMATES 352-5139 8150261 CALL 851-2507 Fully Insured Call 688-7768 MARK MEISE 228-4963 688-5457 964-7359 379-5366 or 687-8379 273-6025 HOME IMPROVEMENT FLOOR SERVICE HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTING HOME IMPROVEMENT PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING/WALLPAPERING PLUMBING & HEATING ROOFING EXPERT ARTHUR'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS RICHARD— -No-JobTooSmair RONALD ROGERS FLOOR CO. SONSHINE PAINTING BORIS RASKIN PAINTING All Phases . EXTERIOR/INTERIOR PAINTING •INTERIOR WHERE QUALITY COUNTS SCHOENWALDER or'Too Large PAINTING CONTRACTOR & MARGULIES Hardwood floors installed, Painting' BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT • EXTERIOR • Interior PLUMBING & All Types of Repairs- stalnod.8, finished. Whlto EXTERIOR 4 INTERIOR Professional INTERIOR SPECIALISTS Interior • Exterior -- • HEATING CO., INC. floors. & pickling GUTTERS . ROOFING FREE ESTIMATES Gutters Leaders Quttor Cloonlnq Aloo Attic Renovation • FULLY INSURED • Froo Estlmatos Painting & Bnsomonto plus removal ol EUROPEAN CRAFTSMANSHIP PORCHES DECKS Uc. No.6551 No Job Too Small WORK GUARANTEED ...... 'Insured Dobrls Dotsy Lou PLASTER • SHEETROCK WALLS • CEILINGS SINCE 1956 ADDITIONS BASEMENTS Ml ad jobs REASONABLE RATES •Exterior/Interior FLOOR INSTALLATION AND REPAIR 'CERAMIC TILE All work guaranteed - BATHROOM ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS RENOVATIONS ATTICS Neat Clean Work REFERENCES Froo Eollmato/Fully Insurod CARPENTRY -CUSTOM PAINTINQ • AIRLESS SPRAY by Professional Craltsmeit. •Paperhanging GAS HEAT SHOT WATER HEATERS Roofing Contractors Days: 371-0016 (20 Yra. Experience) . 37B-2211 Springfield Ana FREE ESTIMATES CALL 564-9293 Benjamin Moore Paint used. PUMPS. & ZONE VALVES Union, N.J.' Eves: 375-2663 687-4447 INSURED 862-8285 763-2420 South orange Area 276-4253 964-4942 Fully Injured — Raatonabls Rates 371-2726 CALL 464-8635 688-2188 HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS MASONRY. TILE WORK T-SHIRTS UPHOLSTERY ROOFING CONSTANCE CONSTRUCTION CORP, IMPROVE YOUR HOME 3747536 ESTIMATES FREE DENICOLO ANY STYLE • >. R.J.'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS VINYL & ALUMINUM WITH GIL TILE CONTRACTORS Complete Li^ie of Home Renovations •KITCHEN/OININO ROOM CHAIRS SIDING ESTABLISHED I935 •BOOTHSft BARSTOOL S GUTTERS/LEADERS a ROOFS •Additions •Kitchen WHERE QUALITY COUNTS KITCHENS'BHTHROCMS Cuilom PrirtUd V-Shlrtt ' • Bath . • Finished Basement RECOVERED STEVE'S MICHAEL GIORDANO REPAIRS'GROUTING Also jackets, Sweats, Hats, • Plumbing • Electrical DECKS PECKS TILE FLOORS Athletic Wear lor your Busi- CUSHIONS RESTUFFED RESTORATIONS • CONTRACTOR • ness, School, Club, Team, Union, NJ 07083 CUSTOM BUILT I REPAIRS We Custom Build All Types of Decks TUB ENCLOSURES REASONABLE RATES MASONRY AND ASI'IIAI.T PAVEMENT etc. Wood Fincts t Buamants PAINTING • CARPENTRY Any Size or Shape SHOWER STALLS JG UPHOLSTERY 964-8039 mi ESTIMATES/FULLY INSURED Fr«Ejtim«tM . ROOFING*SIDING.& • • Ronovatlons • Additions • Masonry Work FREE ESTIMATES Top Quality 1001 Vauxhall Road tWo'io nut ulislicd until ywii'fctisliid) SHEETROCK " FREE ESTIMATES INSURED FULLY INSURED —Quick Service 964-8364 I1NOSI.I.Y AVIi. iRVINOTON, NEW JERSEY Oil 11 No job too tmill oi lo Inii Union, NJ 07083 FrM Eibmatos. JOSEPH FRANIT REASONABLE RATES .•55S0/590 4r- All Work GusrantMd CALL: 276-4253 ^~ "fulling Your PilflTlrnJurWoFk" a 379-3439 —Fully-lnsursd— -Unun.H.I.- 687-419E -Sprlngfleld,-NJ- Choristers seek former chorus To. help qclcbrate • Ihc 50th the Choristers of Union. Budget Alycc Slcincn, publicity mdJfa-' Anniversary of iho Esso Choris- cuts at the end of 1979 terminated gcr of the Celebration Singers and' ters, former members. from the this sponsorship and the chorus member of die chorus since 1960, area arc being sought by the faced the possibility of having (o announced that a special golden Celebration Singers, a direct disband. Determined to carry on anniversary show is planned for descendant of (lie original chords. their work of entertaining civic, June 11 at die Union County Under their Esso/Exxon sponsor- fraternal, community, institution- College in Cranford to celebrate ship, the chorus was known as the al and church organizations, the the group's 50 years of song and. HERE ARE 3 REASONS TO GET YOURCONTA4 Esso Choristers, Exxon Choris- members decided to incorporate service., , ' from the independent doctors of optometry* offering ^ ters, and thcExxon Singers. and form a non-profit, self- Organized originally as a supporting group which they Any former member who: men's chorus in 1938, and spon- named the Celebration Singers, would like to receive more details, sored f6r many years by Exxon's now a 35-voice mixed chorus about this Golden .Anniversary Bayway Refinery, the mixed- under the direction of Dr. Show should write to Alyce E. Slcincn, 313 Rcindcl. Place, voice choral group has enjoyed a Anthony Godlefski of •Locatod Adjacsnl to LonsCrafters •respected reputation for g'r6at Piscataway. • • Rosellc Park, 07204. musical entertainment^ and community service over these SO years. • ' , . "IF IT'S 1 WEAR YOUR LENSES HOME ON "My contacts arc really • During the 1970s the Township AUTOMOTIVE THE FIRST VISIT! of Union Recreation Department comfortable! The doctors .Bt-WISE MOST IIKILY^^— We have hundreds pf lenses in stock so sponsored the group, thcn_callcd Shop ' -WE HAVE IT" offering EYEXAM2000 BUY-WISE 4 out of 5 of our patients wear their m^de it easy!" W. Cony WHOLESALE lenses home their first visit. i Th. . ' TO THE PUBLIC - largail Inventory AUTO PARTS Wo Carry all the Kids In Discovery WJLG.UARANXEE YOUR STUYVESANT In N.I. for COMFORT! All Your. hard to got items. Suminer-iessions hlAIRCUTTIN0 Aulomollvs 3 or 6 Week Sessions We want you to be comfortable Nodi nl OPEN SUNDAY BA.M.-2 P.M. Quality Halt cuts SAT(JBDAYS7:30 A.M.-5M5 P.M. Available-Ages 5-13 with your new contacts. If you Wkolt.ol. WEEKDAYS 7:30 A.U.-7 P.M. at Affordable prices!r ,- CLOSED WED.EVE5:« P.M.. -... . tulucational-SiJiecreatioiml i arcji't, .bringJhern back within . 7Vr;«, Aria. Crafts, Sixirts. Swimmmn, 30 days for a full refund (on ARTISTTO BE HONOftED —Harry Devlin will receive 2091 SPRINGFIELD AVE. Skati Cost of contacts only). ' a Humanitarian Award-from the du Cref School of the 25%OF VAUXHAll (UNION), NJ. I'ruc IHrnir to IJnar 'lyaiisinrtalitm t Arts tonight-at 7:30 at the school's commencement, Special M0N. thru fRI. ' t Coll 688-5848 . 654-9494 1030 Central Ave., Plainfield. He will be feted for his P.O. Box 703 •5. WE'LL (JIVE YOU $20 . BUY-WISE Wctiricld, New Jersey O7O0O OFF YOUR COMPLETE 'numerous contributions to the visual arts In New OPEN MON. thru SAT. AUTO PARTS Jersey.' 1654 Stuyvwant fot., Union PAIR OF CONTACTS- NEW PAIRS ONLY!

ri20Xontact Lena on Save *20 on any complete pair *Dr."nmcc Meyer & •Comiu-I Lens and Vision Consullanl' Drs. Sim Singer nrul AssDcinles.Oplnmclrisls P.A.; Pr. Kerry Gcllt, Optometrist Sieve Rcnncr, OpiomclrisU of contact lenses from the Springfield * llnitiswlck Miramui ' 2M ROUTE 22 690 ROUTE 18 MALL AT IV independent doctors of (201) -IROAIfi] (201)467-1020 —-ttoinnB^tocr- . 'Dn.GityA.KIcin,JimcsM.Schwab •Cuninct Uns nmt Vision Cnnsulinnis, optometry* located ^ •Drs. Rniec Mnzic atul & Associates, OnlnmclrULs SrTS PA.; Dr. Kerry Gcll», Opinmctrisi Pcicr Colangclo; OplomclriMs adjacent to LensCrafters. WOODBRIDGE CENTER PRINCETON MARKETFAIR WILLOWBROOKMALL (609) 520-IOOH Coupon be prcscateil in lime good on new pairs only(201), 855-795not replacemen0 t piiirs. Nut vali(201d )witl 256-2I2i oiliercouponH s or diwoanls. Offer expires June 30,19HB.

r located adjacent to VHANtHS


NEVV GLASSES! IT ONLY TAKES AN HOUR EYEXAM2000, : You'll look better and ADJACENT TO see better'. You mny never LENSCRAFTERS. get'glasses the old- IF YOU NEED AN "" fashioned way again. EYE EXAM HEFORE OHOOSINGYOUR FRAME. You can have a thorough, modern eye exam right next door to LcnsCrafters from the Independent Doctors r -of-Qptometry-offcring EYEXAM2000. Walk-ins.wt'lamw. Appointments taken Jirst.

LENS-GRINDING; ONE-HOUR. , Our in-house labs will custom-grind your exact ' prescription. 95% arc done within one hour. Even bifocals and trifocals. SELECTION. TAKE AS LONG AS YOU LIKE. Choose from over ten limes the frame selection of an ordinary optical store. Frames to fit every face and budget.

Save $20 on any complete pair of glasses^—$20 PARAMVS SI'RINGI'IF.U) EAST IIRUNSWICK MALL AT IV 200 ROUTE 22 690 ROUTE 18 2nd Floor, near I:ilcnc\ llwincnl Center iihml acmu [nun AUTOLANI), lltrvc miles Ur*l of Ilic Maphip Atn». fn™ K-Mail I'liu ntil In Color Tile . Mon.-Sal. IO,O(IAK|.'>:MI'M/Cli»e(ISun|i]y Mon.-Sll. lO.lBAM.'HOPM/Sun. i::l».(i:0OPM Frames & Lenses: (201) 342-7600 Frames & LcnsesU201)jl67:2266. Friimos & Lenses: (201) 238-9600 Independent Oplomelrists' Officeffi 8: (201) 489-6161 Independent Optometrists' Office: (201) 467-1020 Independent Optometrists' Office: (201) 238-9100 PRINCETON MARKETFAIR WILLQWBROOK MALL WQODBRIDGE CENTER_ ' ' ' • U.S.Kmile l.iiillienull.nolloTG.I.l-'riilayi Scan wina, netl in Koy Kiyert ' lintrlncl. near Aft.S • M SI K)(KIAM <>IK)PM/S n PdOMXtPM Mon.-Sal. WOOAKI-'J^ltl'M/Sun. IMIfl-S:«lllM Mon.'Sal, lOiUIAM.'MIII'M'.Siln. MdlAM dJIII".! Fr n e it Un ts (609) V0 0011 Frames & Lenses: (201) 256-0060 , Frames & Lenses: (201) 855-7900 Indcpcn lent Oplo eln t Offcu (609) 520 1008 In Itpendcnt Optometrists' Office: (201) 256-2228 Independent Optometrists' Office: (201) 855-7950