County Leader Xfew§paper§ .VOL.59 NO.36 SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, May 26, 1988—2* Two. Motions M< isretirir Uy DOMINICK CUINCOLI JR. • In 1981, the rotating book collecli - • Springfield will bo saying goodbye to ils library zens, a program in which a bimonthly~~sclcction of director of Ihe past seven years, Cyrithia Josephs, who 200-250 books is brought to the senior citizens resi- Bavarian Festival is set Sunday dence on Independence Way; Mu ic for retires on May 31.. ' „__ The Bavarian Club of Newark ? listening and danc- "The years I spent with the Springfield Public Library fn 1981, a similar program institute!) for'frpHYn;- -and-thc-Gcrman^CIub-of-Clarlc—ing_will_be_pro¥idcdJbyahe_Ncw. , field's parochial St. James school; Enlertainmenl Knick6rbockersr~A _i_jwcrc_lho_happjcst_prprcssionsl_ycars_pf_my life," she will hold a one-day Maypole/ Jersey " said. •' • In 1982-, a paperback book exchange at IIK- CI in:nun- Bockbicr Festival Sunday at the Alpine bell ringer also will enter- tain during the festival. "It was a pleasure to work in a town where llie library ily swimming pool; Dcutscher Club Clark Picnic was appreciated, financially supported and used by the • In 1985, at her urging, tho installation of au.'onai.-d Grove, 787 featherbed Lane, The picnic will include such people." . ...-•• library services to. cover business operations 'iich .is - AIDS benefit slated at Clark. Morq information can be. food as roast beef and jx>rk on the obtained by calling 574.8600. spit, ochsenbraten; Bavarian brat- "In this era of automatic teller machines, lhc Spring- library statislics, book ordering and cataloging;- < A special performance of Mctz, who plays Mabel, one of Paper Mill's production of wurst, potato pancakes and other field Public Library delivered personalized, friendly • In 1987-1988, a school and library cooperation' grant • 2 "Mack and Mabel" to benefit the Hollywood's funniest comedicn- . "Mack and Mabel" is directed by A complete program of family German and American delicacies. service on a consistent basis. I was graced with a given Ihe-Springficld Public Library by.lhe st;ilc of-N.rw _|_JHyacintb Foundation AIDS ncs and a star in Keystone Come- Robert Johanson with musical entertainment will be presented There also will be an ice cream ,wonderful..staff and have always,enjoyed a good rela- Jersey in recognition of die library's highly wig^al v Project will bo held at tlie Paper - dies, recently appeared in die" -directiotr~by~Lnrry-~BlankpThc featuring tlie dancing of tlie Bava- parade for the children. ", " . tionship with trustees'of the library and thp Township proposal-to train the Springfield seventh- •Ind cighili- g Mill Playhouse, Brookside Drive, National Tour of "Stop the World scctiic design is by Michael rian Club of Newark and their •' The festiviticswill begin at- Committee." gradcNUudcnts how to use the library to mc.-.i -.,oi only1 3 Millburt, June 21 beginning at.8 ,— I Want to Get Off witli Anania, and Scott Salmon will children's group. noon and continue to 10 p.m. Josephs, began working • al the Springfield • Public academic but consumer needs. provide (lie choreography. § p.m. • ' Anthony Newley. Library in.-1973.ln 1978 she left to work at the'Chatham In 1986, the selection of Springfield library lo be -g—Songwriter—Jerr-y—Herman—-The—Hyacinth—Foundation- (or two years, relUriTing~ro~ the pioneer location ol the new library mlomiauon O selected the Paper Mill to AIDS Project reportedly is New Springfield in 1980 to serve as library director. z premiere the, new version of his Jersey's leading AIDS service ' networking scheme that is now statewide. ' . • r> musical, which stars Lee Horsley organization offering direct Learn to swim Josephs' enthusiasm for the position is evidenced by A farewell party was given recently in honor of "§ and Janet Mctz. It tells a story of support services to People With attheY her many accomplishments:' . • • Josephs' diligent service to ihe community She is retir- -^the^ tempestuous—romance —AIDSrthpsc^whotestposi live- to • • ' . ' '' . _ • . ' , I'llOlCI II) JOL I • . The service center for ihe blind and handicapped,Tor _ing becauscj>rhcr husbnnd.'s job_opporijirti;y_in.Cliica-_. .3- .between silent film producer HIV, and the families, friends and Summer classes begin in : WELlr^^Cynthia^Josephsmakes preparationsto-exit her position-as -Spring--" whicirSprihgfickl PiiblifT Library"was'select'cirijccnusc"1 go. She plans,to find work in 'the'Chicago area1 public -Q Mack Sennet and his leading lady other loved ones. ' field Public Library Director. She "plans to move to Chicago with her family: of ils fine rcpulalion'ih the slate of New Jersey; .. school system. ' - - •"- Mabel Normand. "Hytelntlr seivices include—a-—H~ our outdoor pool in June was written ygTpg by Herman and Michael Stewart, tccr companions for People With ^CALLFORA tlie creators of "Hello Dolly!" AIDS, a network of local support BROCHURE & INFORMATION —Herman^Iso-wrote-llie-music-and—groupsfunctioning-in-seven-coun- lyrics for "Mamc" and "La Cage ties, legal, advocacy and referral FIVFPDTNTSTMCfl AuxFpllcs." ' ' services and on-going AIDS By DOMINICK CRINCOU .lit. The outhouse was in fashion and Modem.methods of filtration and work- in the shop during .vanimc." ScnnclLis. played by Horsley, education programs. The Foiinda- It was rustic heaven; a place where cesspools were hidden beneath'' a Inp wnti-.r h^ing r»n<;piriiniKly who starred for three seasons in Uon also .maintains' a toll-free cool and verdant pastures yicluV-.l ic concrete., slab right in the middle of 1 absent, residents required tlie services ' In .195'' she lefi Picatinny to work . the ABC-TV .scries "Matt Hous---AIDS information and referral ABOUT gently sioy.ing hills. It was a'plna of the front la>vn. • of u well digger to~.obiain water as a mine's aide at the (.Ircynone. • 688-9622 POINTS DAY CAMP : ton" and also appeared recently in hot lino: 1-800-433-0254. • apple orchards, sago fields and hick Martin remembers, "The well digger >•'¥".:•,:*: •"• ~"?M YMCA so n 0 "The first church in Springfield Park Slate Mental Hospitul until I9(>3 tlie mini-series "North and South: ""Reservations for the June 21 oryjujurecs 2rJi!?iL l 5L'!'I18_ J-l!_plL _would _corhc_an<I_dig_n .hole 150Jcct "was""in- Mr.~Davls' barn on~Rnby- when an inflamed childhood injury -Book-II~withJamcs-Stcwart.-His-benefit pcrformancc-for-Hyncinth a William Faulkner novel. One was deep... best water you ever tasted." television career began with the can bc.madc-by calling the Paper 201 Tucker Avenue, Union Street.— The Antioch Christian forced her to undergo a severe hip likely to sec a young couple walking Martin attended Raymond operation. ' • . ' role of Archie Goodwin in tlie Mill Box office at 376-4343, barefoot down one of tho lonely dirt Church," she recalled. "I know "Nero Wolfe" scries on NBC. specifying die June date. because I was lhero every Sunday." Chisholm -School from grades one roads, hand in hand. Sound romantic? • :thr<roglili'.six, and grades seven 'Hul I've goi.to kc.e|i moving, by It was,, Anna Martin remembers. "There w-as nothing but a few dirt , through nine were spent at James the grace of God." she explained, and Severity-foV-ycnr-old Martin is an roads in Springfield, and when it CaUlwcll School. "I remember my in 1965 she..oveiuaiTi tin-, hip liaiuli-- individual who has had lime to enjoy ' rained I can remember being with my firs), school <|ay, writing the year cap ami began working ui||j disabled lhc manifold benefits of residing in daddy and tho mud being up to the 1919 at the top of tho page,"-silo said, patients -—. a woik.lhal shu continued Sprlpgffold filneo.1917, and she hhs • mid.dlc. of .|ht'.._wlwi:l on the liii'gRV, "and ,1 remember this little ditiy, muil 1984. •••....'••. - described her memories da port of die and;our horse would barely bo able to\ which tho teacher asked mo. io'.'siSg" Leader's tribute to the national obscr- ', pull us home." > from, class to class — she thought"! Currently she is a licensed Realtor Vance of Older Americans Month. had a voice:-. .-•'.' with Lisiiier and.WilliiimsonRealiy Her Ruby Street residence, was "You could-gather hazelnuts along Associates in Newark, a voluntary once the site of u substantial pig and South Springfield Avenue. We used '"If all tho world was apple pie and companion for a woman surviving on chicken farm. Wintor nights would to ride down Hillside Avenue on a all tho sea was ink, if all the trees a kidney dialysis machine, a salesper- find her sleeping on a metal bed in a homemade wooden wagon with baby were bread and cheese, what would son for Mason shoes and" Avon and, wooden shack by the chicken yard; carriage wheels. When we played in we have to drink?'" as she puts it — the Lord willing — someone had.to'kccp the potbellied the woods we built our own seesaw Springfield had no high school intends to continue indefinitely. stove burning or the baby chicks by bending a young tree to the then, so Martin was bused to Wcsi- would freeze to death. ground — pushing it up with our ficld High, whore she attended up lo "My mother died at 98. I intend to Pork was seasoned in a hbme- feet," she said. the 12th grade. Racial tension made it live dial long and then some." _madc_smolcchouso—built, as was -dfffiralrfDrhcrto-ridirthc-bnirnrrd-bc- everything on the farm, by the hands "Wo used to wulk to Vauxhallj acceptcd Mn high school. "I had to Martin is the daughter of Mr. and of her father. The doors of the house Kcnilworth, Summit and even South fight like mad," she recalled.
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