February 2019


Name: Carlos Eduardo Gomes Siqueira MD, SCD, MPH

Work Address: College of Public and Community Service University of 100 Morrissey Boulevard Boston, MA, 02125- Ph: (617) 287-4863 Fax: (617) 287-5788 E-mail: [email protected]


University of Massachusetts Lowell School of Health and Environment Department of Work Environment Doctor of Sciences in Work Environment, Policy Concentration October 1998 Dissertation: Dependent Convergence: The Struggle to Control Petrochemical Hazards in and the United States

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore School of Hygiene and Public Health Master of Public Health, Concentration in Health Policy and Management May 1986

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, , Brazil National School of Public Health Public Health Specialist December 1984

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro School of Medicine General Practitioner December 1979

1 February 2019


University of Massachusetts Boston Sept 2011-present

Associate Professor, College of Public and Community Service- September 2012-present

Courses Taught

Environmental Justice, EnvSty 364, Spring 2018. U.S. Immigration and Health, Honors 290, Fall 2016, Spring 2018. Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health, CVDCTR 410, Fall 2016, Fall 2017. Social Determinants of Health, CDVCTR 310, Spring 2016, Spring 2017. Concepts of Social Justice, PCSCOR 220 Spring-Fall 2013, Fall 2014. Media and Society, PCSCOR 350, Spring 2014. Civic Engagement, PCSCOR 325, Spring 2015. US Healthcare System. Honors 293-3, Fall 2017.


Principal Investigator, January 2018-December 2018 “Women, Reproduction and Family Life in times of Zika”, Healey Grant awarded by the University of Massachusetts Boston in the amount $ 6,500.

Manage all aspects of the grant, including analysis of interviews and writing of articles.

Co-Director, Outreach to Address Cancer Disparities: Engaging Community Partners and Leveraging Evidence November 2016- U-54 Dana-Faber Cancer Institute/Harvard Cancer Center/UMass Boston Partnership, grant awarded by the National Cancer Institute in the amount of $ $557,565 for 5 yrs.

Co-direct all activities of the Outreach Core, which aims at building relationships with faith and community organizations, promoting evidence-based cancer prevention in underserved communities, training UMass Boston students in community-engaged research, supporting U54 research projects, and participating in the National Cancer Institute National Outreach Network (NON) activities.

Co-Principal Investigator, April 2015-November 2016 Cooperação Sul-Sul: A integração sociocultural dos participantes do Programa Mais Médicos, grant awarded by the Pan American Health Organization to the University of Brasília, in the amount of about $ 180,000.

2 February 2019 Co-manage all aspects of the grant, including design of interview and focus group protocols, management of fieldwork, data analysis, and publication of reports and articles.

Co-Principal Investigator, July 2014-July 2015 Transnationalism, Networks and Culture: Implications for Health and Behavior, Healey grant awarded by UMass Boston in the amount of $ 12,000.

Co-manage all aspects of the grant, which supports undergraduate student participation in the research project funded by National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities.

Co-Principal Investigator, October 2013-June 2016

Transnationalism, Networks and Culture: Implications for Health and Behavior, grant awarded by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHHD), in the amount of $ 493,871.

Co-manage all aspects of research project including: design of research protocols, recruitment of participants, analysis of qualitative data through NVivo software, preparation of posters for presentation in scientific events, planning and implementation of project activities .

Co-Investigator, August 2012-August 2014.

Gentrification and Representation: Hi-Lo, Whole Foods and Latinos in Jamaica Plain, Healey grant funded by the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Designed interview guide and conducted focus group and interviews with community leaders and residents of Jamaica Plain, Boston. Analyzed documents and reports about gentrification and the impact of Whole Foods in the neighborhood.

Coordinator of Transnational Brazilian Project- September 2012-

Organizes network of undergraduate and graduate Brazilian students, faculty, and Brazilian community leaders to develop teaching, research, and service projects in Massachusetts and Brazil. Establishes agreements between UMass Boston and Brazilian universities to promote exchange of faculty and students, conduct transnational, transdisciplinary, and transcultural research and teaching.

Supervises doctoral students from Brazilian universities during their stays at UMass Boston (sandwich doctoral visits).

3 February 2019

Associate Director for Research, Mauricio Gastón Institute of Latino Community Development and Public Policy- September 2011-August 2012

Directed and developed new research projects. Led the development of new grant proposals in public health and community development. Worked closely with the Director to develop and implement the Institute’s research agenda. Managed the activities of the Gastón Speaker Series. Represented the Director of the Institute and mentors younger researchers. Provided support to other Principal Investigators and Research Associates in the development of research proposals in all areas of the Institute’s research priorities.

University of Massachusetts Lowell 2001- Aug 2011

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health and Sustainability, 2005-2011

Courses Taught

Graduate course 32.671.201 “Comparative Health Systems” Spring 2009-Fall 2010.

Graduate course 32.627.201 “Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health” Spring 2008, Spring 2010-2011.

Graduate course 32.625. 201 “Health Policy” Fall 09, Fall 08, Fall 06.

Graduate course 32.593.705 “Comparative Health Systems” Fall 2007, Fall 2010.

Undergraduate course 31.3014.201 “The Politics of Health” Spring 2007.

Undergraduate course 31.321.201 “Health Care Systems” Fall 05, Spring-Fall 2006, Spring-Fall 2007, Spring -Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Spring-Fall 2010, Spring 2011.


Co-Principal Investigator, 2011-2012

Assessing sleep dysregulation and associated medical comorbidity in Brazilian immigrants in Lowell and Framingham. Pilot project funded with own overhead funds.

Designed scripts, conducted, and analyzed content of four focus groups with Brazilian community members in Lowell and Framingham. Focus groups conducted in Portuguese.

4 February 2019

Principal Investigator 2008-2009

New Voices for Health and Environment, grant awarded by the School of Health and Environment (SHE) of UMass Lowell, in the amount of $ 15,000.

Coordinated all activities of this project, which aimed at engaging SHE faculty and students with ethnic media in the .

Socioeconomic Profile of Brazilian Businesses in Boston, grant awarded by the Maurício Gastón Institute of UMass Boston in the amount of $ 9,500.

Coordinated all activities of this project, which aimed at developing a socioeconomic profile of Brazilian businesses in the Allston/Brighton neighborhoods of Boston.

Principal Investigator, 2005-2010

Worker Health Education Evaluation Project, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) contract to the Department of Work Environment in amounts ranging from $50 to 85,000/y.

Managed and implemented the evaluation of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Emergency Response training program. The evaluation of the training program consists of quantitative course evaluation and qualitative evaluation of the impact of the Train-the-Trainer training on workplace health and safety practices and policies, through the use of methods such as participatory group interviews, individual interviews, and focus groups.

Principal Investigator, 2005- 2008

Collaboration for Better Work Environment for Brazilian Immigrant Workers (COBWEB) in Massachusetts, grant awarded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in the amount of $230,000/y.

Coordinated all activities of this project, which aimed at educating Brazilian immigrant workers and developing a research agenda for workplace and environmental health and safety issues affecting Brazilian immigrant workers in Massachusetts. This project was a partnership with the Brazilian Immigrant Center, the Lowell Community Health Center, and the Massachusetts Coalition of Occupational Safety and Health (MassCOSH). Activities developed by the project included design, implementation, and analysis of focus

5 February 2019 groups, individual interviews, and survey data; delivery of public talks and classroom teaching; production of radio shows; writing of newspaper columns and project reports; organization of meetings, retreats, and community events to discuss project issues and disseminate findings.

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Work Environment, 2001- 2005

Courses Taught

Graduate course 19.653.201 “Globalization, Work, and Health,” Spring 2002 and Spring 2007.

Graduate course 19.653.201 “International Occupational Safety and Health” Fall 2000, together with Dr. Charles Levenstein.


Principal Investigator, 2003- 2005

Collaboration for Better Work Environment for Brazilian Immigrant Workers (COBWEB) in Massachusetts, grant awarded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in the amount of $230,000/y.

Project Director, 2001-2006

Work and Health in Mexico and Brazil, International Training in Environmental and Occupational Health (ITREOH)grant awarded by the John Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)in the amount of $100,000/y.

Managed Brazilian activities of this project, including the recruitment of Brazilian graduate students, design of short courses in Brazil, and coordination of research projects conducted by selected candidates and foreign coordinators from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL), and the Federal University of Bahia.

Minority Researcher, 2001-2005

Minority Supplement Award from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), in the amount of $405,893 for four years, to support participation in the

6 February 2019 research project “Promoting Healthy and Safe Employment in Healthcare” (PHASE in Healthcare)

Designed, planned, and implemented case studies of health care facilities in the Merrimack Valley, Massachusetts. Conducted focus groups, performed literature review, and analyzed qualitative data using software NVivo.

Principal Investigator, 2001-2005

Worker Health Education Evaluation Project, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) contract to the Department of Work Environment in amounts ranging from $50 to 85,000/y. Total amount was $ 428,305.

Managed and implemented the evaluation of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Emergency Response training program. The evaluation of the training program consists of quantitative course evaluation and qualitative evaluation of the impact of the Train-the-Trainer training on workplace health and safety practices and policies, through the use of methods such as participatory group interviews, individual interviews, and focus groups.

Senior Researcher, 1998-2000

Safety and Health Interventions in the Construction Industry Project, Center to Protect Workers Rights (CPWR) contract to the Department of Work Environment. Conducted interviews with small construction contractor managers about factors related to occupational health and safety program implementation in construction sites in Massachusetts.

Co-Principal Investigator, 1998-2000

Worker Health Education Evaluation Project, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) contract to the Department of Work Environment in the amount of $ 50,000/y. Managed and implemented the evaluation of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Emergency Response training program. The evaluation of the training program consists of quantitative course evaluation and qualitative evaluation of the impact of the Train-the-Trainer training on workplace health and safety practices and policies, through the use of methods such as participatory group interviews, individual interviews, and focus groups.

7 February 2019

Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, 1998-2000

Senior Project Coordinator, Center for Community-Based Research (CCBR)

Project “Cancer Prevention through Small Businesses,” October 1999 to June 2000

Planned and designed the occupational health intervention to be implemented in twelve small business intervention worksites in the Boston Metropolitan area.

Project “Public Sector Unions and Smoke-free Policies at the Worksite,” October 1998 to June 1999

Designed script for focus groups and personal interviews, conducted focus groups and personal interviews; contributed to development of surveys for union and management representatives, and to analysis of project data.

Tufts Medical School, Boston, 1999- present

Clinical Instructor, Tufts Medical School, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

Co-taught with associate professor Dr. Beth Rosenberg the courses MPH 425: “Socio- Political Forces in Occupational and Environmental Health” in 1999 and MPH 204: “Introduction to Occupational and Environmental Health” in 2012.

American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Washington, D.C., 1991- 1995

Hazardous Waste Specialist, Research Department

Managed and conducted training under a grant of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to train public employees in emergency response to chemical leaks or spills; trained about 1,500 workers of water and wastewater treatment facilities, road maintenance, and public works departments nationwide; developed curriculum for a "Train-the-Trainer" program in emergency response to chemical leaks or spills; conducted workshops on a variety of workplace health and safety topics such as confined space entry, ergonomics, and hazard communication; co-planned and staffed the Third AFSCME Conference on the Environment.

8 February 2019

Rio de Janeiro State Health Department, Rio de Janeiro, 1987

Health Policy Advisor

Planned the health care infrastructure for the "Projeto Baixada," a primary health care project implemented in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

Enge-Rio Engenharia e Consultoria S.A, Rio de Janeiro, 1986-1989

Public Health Physician, Natural Resources and Environment Department, Public Health Division

Wrote environmental health impact statements for several development projects in the Brazilian Amazon; planned and managed health programs to monitor and mitigate the environmental and occupational health impacts of development projects, especially hydroelectric dams.

Macaé County Health Department, Rio de Janeiro, 1981-1983

General Practitioner

Delivered primary health care for county employees, their dependents and indigent county residents; provided health education classes on hygiene and parasitic control measures in urban and rural neighborhoods of the county; promoted the development of community- based organizations through the implementation of public health campaigns against environmental pollution.


9/2009- 9/2011 National School of Public Health (ENSP), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Consultant to the project “Observatory of Worker Health,” funded by the Department of Worker Health of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Objective of the project is to create a national network of union leaders and occupational health professionals and researchers to address worker health and safety issues in Brazil, such as workplace fatalities and injuries. Participated in the elaboration of the project proposal. Advised project team on the scientific content of the project web portal, and planning and implementation of project

9 February 2019 seminars and workshops. Participated in the launch of the web portal in a national seminar held on May 17-18, 2010, in São Paulo, Brazil.

9/2008- 7/2009 Immigrant Learning Center, MA.

Collaborate in data collection and production of document about the role of immigrants in the Leisure and Hospitality industry in Massachusetts and New England.

7-8/2008 Stratus Consulting, Colorado.

Reviewed and discussed findings of document entitled “Technical Summary Report, Expert Opinion” prepared by Richard Cabrera, a court-appointed expert to the Court of Nueva Loja, Ecuador. This document assessed the environmental and health impacts of the oil exploration operations of Texaco/Chevron in Ecuador.

1-2/2001 Harvard School of Public Health, MA

Taught two classes on “Stress and Back Pain in Nurses” and ”Smoking Cessation at the Worksite : What Works and What Is the Role of Occupational Health” for the Master of Health Care Management Program of the Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health.

2-3/2000 Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), MA

Wrote a review of the literature on the mortality of electrical utility workers.

8/99-2/2000 Harvard School of Public Health, MA

Wrote case study “Merger We Wrote: The Merger of Mercy and Jewish Hospitals” and taught a class on “Stress and Back Pain in Nurses” for the Master of Health Care Management Program of the Health Policy and Management Department of the Harvard School of Public Health.

1/2000 Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), MA

Wrote two targeted training grants in Occupational Health, submitted to the New York Department of Labor.

3-7/1999 Ameriworks Partnership, Washington, D.C.

Consultant to Environmental Protection Agency grant to implement pollution prevention practices in the Philadelphia Housing Authority.

10 February 2019

10/1995 Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Environmental Health Program, Washington, D.C.

Co-authored and reviewed draft PAHO document “Regional Plan for Workers Health in the Americas;” helped organize the first meeting of the PAHO Advisory Committee on Workers’Health; reviewed literature on the burden of occupational illnesses in the Americas.

10/1992-3/1993 Human Resources Program

Developed a reference document on Advanced Environmental Health Human Resources Development in Latin America.

2/1993 Regional Office of PAHO/University of Manabi, Ecuador.

Taught a week long course on Introduction to Environmental Epidemiology in the Master of Public Health Program, Ecuador.

10/1992 University of Carabobo, Venezuela.

Taught a week long continuing education course in Hazardous Waste Management.

5/1992 Alan Guttmacher Institute, New York.

Consultant to the Alan Guttmacher Institute research project on fertility behavior in six countries of Latin America.

9/1991 PAHO Country Office, Bolivia.

Taught a week long course on Introduction to Environmental Epidemiology at Cochabamba.

2/1991 Pequiven and PAHO Country Office, Venezuela.

Coordinated and taught a week long course for Venezuelan occupational health professionals on Introduction to Environmental Epidemiology.

1/1991 PAHO Country Office, Costa Rica.

Reviewed Costa Rican occupational and environmental health projects to be funded by foreign bilateral and multilateral technical cooperation agencies.

11 February 2019 11/1989-10/1990 PAHO Headquarters, Washington, D.C. and Pan American Center for Human Ecology and Health (ECO), Metepec, Mexico.

Designed a risk assessment and management training course for Latin American environmental health professionals; designed a training workshop in arsenic contamination for Latin American environmental health professionals; analyzed environmental health technical cooperation policies in the Americas, including how human resources are trained and developed, institutional frameworks are organized, financial resources are mobilized, and priorities established.

4,8/1989 Brazilian Technical Cooperation Agency (ABC), Brasília, Brazil.

Participated on two technical missions held in Paramaribo Suriname, and Belem, Brazil, aimed at the development of technical cooperation programs in tropical diseases between the Brazilian government and the government of Suriname.


Fulbright Scholar in Ireland, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, January 2018.

Outstanding Policy Research Award, Brazilian Immigrant Center (BIC), 2011.

Jorge Fidalgo Community Service Award. Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS), 2010.

Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Community Health and Sustainability, UMass Lowell, 2009.

The Seeds of Our Green Life. Awarded by the Green Life Housecleaners Cooperative, Vida Verde (Green Life) Housecleaners Cooperative, 2009.

The Alice Hamilton Leadership Award, Department of Work Environment, UMas Lowell, 1999.



Siqueira, C.E. Dependent Convergence: The Struggle to Control Petrochemical Hazards in Brazil and the United States. Amytiville: New York, Baywood Publishing Inc, 2003.

12 February 2019 Molina, J., Siqueira, E., Cavalcanti, L. (orgs.). Interações Socioculturais dos Médicos Cubanos Participantes do Programa Mais Médicos no Brasil. Brasília: Brazil, Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, 2018.

Book Chapters

Molina, J., Siqueira, E., Cavalcanti, L., Tonhati, T. Introdução: Interações Socioculturais dos Médicos Cubanos no Brasil. Molina, J., Siqueira, E., Cavalcanti, L (orgs.). In Interações Socioculturais dos Médicos Cubanos Participantes do Programa Mais Médicos no Brasil. Brasília: Brazil, Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, 2018, pp. 9-17.

Siqueira, E., Cavalcanti, L. Pesquisa sobre as Interações Socioculturais, Convivência e Trocas de Conhecimentos entre Médicos Cubanos e Brasileiros: Notas Metodológicas. Molina, J., Siqueira, E., Cavalcanti, L (orgs.). In Interações Socioculturais dos Médicos Cubanos Participantes do Programa Mais Médicos no Brasil. Brasília: Brazil, Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, 2018, pp. 57-59.

Siqueira, E., Soares, B, G. Sugestões e Críticas dos Médicos Intercambistas Cubanos ao PMM. Molina, J., Siqueira, E., Cavalcanti, L (orgs.). In Interações Socioculturais dos Médicos Cubanos Participantes do Programa Mais Médicos no Brasil. Brasília: Brazil, Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, 2018, pp. 133-144.

Siqueira, C.E.G., Borges, T.T. Inventando o Reinventado: as Organizações Sociais de Saúde como modelo de gestão neoliberal de serviços de saúde à Bresser Pereira. Francis Sodré, Elda Coelho de Azevedo Bussinguer, Ligia Bahia (orgs.). In Organizações Sociais: Agenda Política e os Custos para o Setor Público da Saúde. São Paulo, SP, Hucitec Editora, 2018, pp. 17-36.

Siqueira, E., Santos, S. M. de A. and Cavalcanti, L. Processos de Integração dos Médicos Cubanos do Programa Mais Médicos nas Áreas Indígenas. Migração, Refúgio e Saúde. Santos, SP, Editora Universitária Leopoldianum, 2018, pp. 209-225.

Siqueira, C. Eduardo. Labor Unions, Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health pp. 989-993. Loue, S., Sajatovic, M. (eds). New York: Springer US, 2012.

Brugge, D., Siqueira, C. Eduardo. Occupational and Environmental Health, Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health pp. 75-89. Loue, S., Sajatovic, M. (eds). New York: Springer US, 2012.

Siqueira, C. Eduardo, Lemus, B., and Levenstein, C. Work and Health in the Global Economy: Lessons from Developing and Industrialized Countries on the Impact of Work

13 February 2019 on Health. In At the Point of Production: The Social Analysis of Occupational and Environmental Health. Edited by Charles Levenstein. Amityville: Baywood Publishing Inc, pp. 9-34, 2009.

Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo and Jansen, Tiago. Updating Demographic, Geographic, and Occupational Information on Brazilian Immigration to the United States: The Case of Massachusetts. In Becoming Brazuca: Brazilian Immigration to the U.S. Edited by Clémence Jouët-Pastré and Leticia J. Braga. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 105-124, 2008.

O’Sullivan, M.J., Siqueira, E., Sperrazza, K., Koren, A., Melillo, K., Hoff, Lee Ann, White-Sullivan, E. M. and Slatin, C. “It’s Part of the Job”: Health Care Restructuring and the Health and Safety of Nursing Aides. In Organising and Reorganising - Power and Change in Health Care Organisations. Edited by Lorna McKee, Ewan Ferlie, and Paula Hyde. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99-111, 2008.

Feo, O. and Siqueira, C.E. An Alternative to the Neoliberal Model in Health: the Case of Venezuela. Original peer-reviewed journal article included in the book Neoliberalism, Globalization, and Inequalities: Consequences for Health and the Quality of Life. Edited by Vicente Navarro. Amityville: New York, Baywood Publishing Inc, pp. 301-311, 2007.

Siqueira, C.E. and de Lourenço, Cileine. Brazilians in Massachusetts: Migration, Identity, and Work. Latinos in New England. Edited by Andres Torres, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 187-201, 2006.

Siqueira, C.E. and Hayama-Neurohr, Nadia. The Sinking of the Neoliberal P-36 Platform in Brazil. In Worker Safety Under Siege: Labor, Capital, and the Politics of Workplace Safety in a Deregulated World. Edited by Vern Mogensen, Armonk: NY, ME Sharpe, pp. 187-203, 2006.

Siqueira, C.E. Dependent Convergence: The Importation of Technological Hazards by Semiperipheral Countries. Original peer-reviewed journal article included in the book Political and Economic Determinants of Population Health and Well-Being: Controversies and Developments. Edited by Vicente Navarro and Carles Muntaner. Amytiville: New York, Baywood Publishing Inc, pp. 129-145, 2004.

Journal Articles

Linda, A. Rosa, Siqueira, C.E. Women’s Lives in times of Zika: Mosquito-controlled Lives? Cadernos de Saúde Pública 34(5):e00178917, 2018. doi: 10.1590/0102- 311X00178917.

14 February 2019

Landsbergis, P., Choi. BongKyoo, Dobson, M., Sembajwe, G., Slatin, C., Delp, L., Siqueira, C.E., Schnall, P., Baron, S. The Key Role of Work in Population Health Inequities. AJPH 108(3):296-297, 2018. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304288.

Borges, F.T., Muraro, A.P., Leão, L.H., Carvalho, L.; Siqueira, C.E.G. Socioeconomic and Health Profile of Haitian Immigrants in a Brazilian Amazon State. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 20:1372-1379, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s10903-018-0694-9.

Siqueira, C.E., Siqueira, S. , S. O Perfil Sociodemográfico e de Saúde dos Retornados Mineiros para a Região de Governador Valadares. Revistausp 114:119-129, 2017. doi:10.11606/issn.2316-9036.v0i114p119-129. Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/revusp/article/view/142372.

Moreira, A.M.M., Günther, W.M.R., Siqueira CE. Workers’ perception of hazards on recycling sorting facilities in São Paulo, Brazil. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, August 2017. Available at http://www.cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/workers-perception-of- hazards-on-recycling-sorting-facilities-in-sao-paulo-brazil/16296?id=16296.

McGregor, A., Siqueira, C.E., Zaslavsky, A., Blendon, R. Do Elections Matter for Private Healthcare Management in Brazil? An Analysis of Municipal Health Policy”. BMC Health Services Research 17:483, 2017. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2427-5.

Garbin, J.I.A., Soares, G.B., Arcieri, R.M., Garbin, C.A.S., Siqueira, C.E. Musculoskeletal Disorders and Perceptions of Working Conditions: A Survey of Brazilian Dentists in São Paulo International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 30(3):367-377, 2017. doi:10.13075/ijomeh.1896.00724.

Birn, A.E., Nervi, L., Siqueira, C.E. Neoliberalism redux: The global health policy agenda and the politics of cooptation in Latin America and beyond. Development and Change 47(4):734-759, 2016. doi:10.1111/dech.12247.

Soares, B.G., Borges, F.T., Santos. R.R., Garbin C.A.S., Moimaz, S.A.S., Siqueira. C.E.G. Organizações Sociais de Saúde (OSS): Privatização da Gestão em Saúde ou Solução Gerencial para o SUS? Revista Eletrônica Gestão & Saúde 7(2):828-850, 2016.

Siqueira, C.E., Soares, B.G., Neto. P.L. A., Tracy. M.N. Documento Faz Diferença: O Caso das Trabalhadoras Domésticas Brasileiras em Massachusetts, EUA. Cadernos de Saúde Pública 32(7):e00131115, 2016. doi:10.1590/0102-311X00131115.

Luz, V.G.,Siqueira.C.E.G, La-Rotta, E.I.G., Miquilin, I.O.C, Corrêa-Filho, H.R. (In)Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e Uso de Agrotóxicos: o caso dos agricultores familiares de Ibiúna/SP. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional 22(2):729-741, 2015.

15 February 2019

Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo, Gaydos, M., Monforton, C., Slatin, C., Borkowski, L., Dooley, P., Liebman, A., Rosenberg, E., Shor, G., Keifer, M. Effects of Social, Economic, and Labor Policies on Occupational Health Disparities. AJIM, 57 (5):557-572, 2014. doi:10.1002/ajim.22186

Siqueira, C. Eduardo, Roche, A. G. Occupational Health Profile of Brazilian Immigrant Housecleaners in Massachusetts, New Solutions, Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 23 (3): 505-520, 2013. doi: 0.2190/NS.23.3.e.

Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo, Pedra, F., Maeno, M., de Castro, Hermano A. A experiência do Observatório de Saúde do Trabalhador (Observatoriost) no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional 38 (127):139-148, 2013. doi:10.1590/S0303- 76572013000100015.

Siqueira, C. Eduardo, Jansen, T. Working Conditions of Brazilian Immigrant Workers in Massachusetts. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 14(3):481-488, 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10903-011-9488-z.

Borges, F.T., Garbin C.A.S., Siqueira Carlos Eduardo, Garbin, A.J.I., Moimaz, S.A.S., Rocha, N.B., Lolli, L.F. Escolas Técnica de Saúde (ETSUS) no Brasil: Regulação da Integração Ensino Serviço e Sustentabilidade Administrativa. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 17 (4):977-987, 2012. doi 10.1590/S1413-81232012000400020.

Monteiro, M.I., Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo, Correa Filho, H.R. Community-University Research Partnerships for Workers' and Environmental Health in Campinas Brazil. Metropolitan Universities An International Forum, 22 (2):79-98, November 2011.

Flum, M., Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo, DeCaro, A., and Redway, S. Photovoice in the Workplace: A Participatory Method to Give Voice to Workers to Identify Health and Safety Hazards and Promote Workplace Change – a Study of University Custodians. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 53(11):1150- 1158, 2010. doi: 10.1002/ajim.20873.

Correa Filho, H.R., Cugliari, L., Gaspar, A. A. C. dos Santos, Loureiro,J.F. Siqueira, C.E. Epidemiological Surveillance of Informal Workers’ Health in Two Cities in Southeastern Brazil: The Experience of the TRAPP-TRAPPURA Projects. Int J Occup Env Health 16(1):36-43, 2010. doi:10.1179/107735210800546326

Mawn, B. Siqueira, E., Koren, A., Slatin, C., Melillo, K.D., Pearce, C., and Hoff, J.A. Health Disparities Among Health Care Workers. Qual Health Res 20(1):68-80, 2010. doi:10.1177/1049732309355590.

16 February 2019 Tajik, M., Galvão, H., and Siqueira, C.E. Health Survey Instrument Development through a Community-Based Participatory Approach: Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP-II) and Brazilian Immigrants in . Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 12(3): 390-397, 2010. doi:10.1007/s10903-008-9209-4

Gute, D., Siqueira, E., Goldberg, J.S., Galvão, H., Chianelli, M., and Pirie, A. The Vida Verde Women’s Co-Op: Brazilian Immigrants Organizing to Promote Environmental and Social Justice. AJPH (99) S 495-498, 2009. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2008.148528.

Silva, A.L.A., Machado, E.P., and Siqueira, C.E. Better This than Nothing! Participation and accountability on risk management of Camaçari Petrochemical Complex, in Bahia State. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 14(6):2153-2163, 2009. doi:10.1590/S1413- 81232009000600022.

Jansen, T., Siqueira, C.E., and Barbosa, A. Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho do Brasileiro em Massachusetts: A Experiência do Projeto Parceria. Travessia,Revista do Imigrante, (19) 55:35-39, 2006.

Idreis, H., Siqueira C.E., and Levenstein, C. The Impact of Software and Hardware Technologies on Occupational Health and Safety Policies in Saudi Arabian Oil Refineries. New Solutions, a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 16(2):193- 216, 2006. doi:10.2190/54YJ-38R2-B62J-WM01. da Silva, M.C., Fassa,A.G., Siqueira, C. E., and Kriebel, D. Brazilian Ragpickers, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, (62)10:736-740, 2005. doiI:10.1136/oem.2005.020164

Feo, O. and C.E. Siqueira. An Alternative to the Neoliberal Model in Health: the Case of Venezuela. International Journal of Health Services, 34(2):365-375, 2004. doi: 10.2190/NHFK-GHQW-AQLA-YC5D

Siqueira, C.E., Castro, H., and Araújo, T. A Globalização dos Movimentos Sociais. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 8(4):847-874, 2003. doi:10.1590/S1413-81232003000400002

Siqueira, C.E. and Carvalho, F. M. The Observatory of the Americas as a network in environmental and worker health in the Americas, Ciência e Saúde Coletiva 8(4):903-911, 2003. doi:10.1590/S1413-81232003000400012

Siqueira, C.E., Barbeau, E., Youngstrom, R.,Levenstein, C., and Sorensen, G. Worksite Tobacco Control Policies and Labor-Management Cooperation and Conflict in New York State. New Solutions, a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy,13(2):153-171, 2003. Available online at doi:10.2190/BVBH-0AW9-HKEY-DM98

17 February 2019 Siqueira, C.E., Lemus, B., and Levenstein, C. Work and Health in the Global Economy: Lessons from Developing and Industrialized Countries on the Impact of Work on Health, New Solutions, a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy,12(3):237- 262, 2002. doi:10.2190/TNRP-82A2-8K3F-2W13.

Siqueira, C.E., Levenstein, C., and DeLaurier, G.F. Report from Morelia: Towards the Formation of the ‘Observatory of the Americas’, New Solutions, a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy,12(1):79-84, 2002. doi:10.2190/57TN- GXKF-PTJ5-X5W2.

Siqueira, C.E. The Work Environment Justice Fund: Five Years of Funding Work Environment Justice in Massachusetts, New Solutions, a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 11(4):383-403, 2001.

Barbeau, E., Yaus, K., Mclellan, D., Levenstein, C., Youngstrom, R., Siqueira, E., and Sorensen, G. Organized Labor, Public Health, and Tobacco Control Policy: A Dialogue Toward Action, New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 11(2):121-139, 2001. doi:10.2190/CJ56-LPBW-46KC-H576.

Estabrook,T, Siqueira, C.E., Machado, E.P. Labor-Community Alliances in Petrochemical Regions in the United States and Brazil: What Does It Take to Win?, Capitalism, Nature and Socialism,11(3):113-145, 2000. doi:10.1080/10455750009358935.

Siqueira, C.E. and Levenstein,C. Dependent Convergence: The Importation of Technological Hazards by Semi-Peripheral Countries, International Journal of Health Services, 30(4):681-697, 2000. doi:10.2190/B84Q-XDRV-A8DE-FT4K

Siqueira C.E. AFSCME Local Fights Musculoskeletal Injuries at Rochester 911 Center, interview published in New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 8(3):381-395, 1998. doi:10.2190/4R84-LXED-PDV1-BPPK.

Slatin C. and Siqueira E. Does a Collateral Duty Require Less Protection: Workers, Hazardous Materials Emergency Response, and OSHA’s Failure to Protect, New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 8(2):205-219, 1998. doi:10.2190/PK82-1CU2-NG3F-FHRV.

Siqueira C.E. and Marquardt W. 12 Years to a Safer Workplace, New Solutions, 5(20):15-21, 1995.

18 February 2019



Borges, F.T., Moimaz, S.A.S., Siqueira, C.E., Garbin, C.A.S. Anatomia da Privatização Neoliberal do Sistema Único de Saúde: O Papel das Organizações Sociais de Saúde.São Paulo: SP, Cultura Acadêmica, 2012.

Book Chapters

Siqueira, C.E. Migração e Saúde dos Brasileiros em Massachusetts. Published in Portuguese in Brazil. Sueli Siqueira (org). In Ligações Migratórias Contemporâneas: Brasil, Estados Unidos e Portugal. Editora UNIVALE, Governador Valadares, Brasil, pp. 60-79, 2018.

Siqueira, C.E., Maranhão, N. Trabalho de Gestantes e Lactantes em Ambiente Insalubre: Comentários Críticos ao Novo Artigo 394-A da CLT- Abordagem Médico-Jurídica. Published in Portuguese in Brazil. In Feliciano, G.G., Treviso, M.A.M., Fontes, S.T. de Carvalho Fontes (org). Reforma Trabalhista: Visão, Compreensão e Crítica. Editora LTr, São Paulo, Brasil, pp. 87-94, 2017.

Ikari, T. E.; Monteiro, I; Siqueira, C. E.; Correa Filho, H.R. Dor lombar entre carregadores de hortifrutigranjeiros: condicionantes relacionados com o processo de trabalho. Published in Portuguese in Brazil. Monteiro, I., Iguti, M.A. (orgs). In Trabalho, saúde e sustentabilidade: diálogo interdisciplinar internacional Sul – Norte. Campinas, SP: BFCM Unicamp, v.1, pp. 175-182, 2017.

Rumiato, A.C., E. Siqueira, Monteiro, I. A alimentação saudável é um desafio para você? Published in Portuguese in Brazil. Monteiro I., Iguti MA (orgs). In Trabalho, saúde e sustentabilidade; construindo a cidadania. Campinas, São Paulo: BFCM Unicamp, pp. 143-155, 2016.

Monteiro, I., Correa Filho H.R., Siqueira, E., Iguti M.A. Riscos no trabalho e adoecimento entre trabalhadores da construção civil em diferentes países: revisão integrativa. Published in Portuguese in Brazil. Monteiro I., Iguti MA (orgs). In Trabalho, saúde e sustentabilidade; construindo a cidadania. Campinas, São Paulo: BFCM Unicamp, pp. 61-76, 2016.

Monteiro, M. I., Iguti, A. M., Siqueira, C. E.; Correa Filho, H.R. Published in Portuguese in Brazil.Carregadores em mercado atacadista e varejista de micro e pequenas empresas na cidade de Campinas-SP: perfil e estilo de vida. In Gutierrez , G. L., Vilarta, R., Mendes, R. T. (orgs.). Políticas públicas, qualidade de vida e atividade física. Campinas, SP: IPES

19 February 2019 Editorial, v. 1, pp. 155-161, 2011. Available online at http://www.fef.unicamp.br/departamentos/deafa/qvaf/livros/foruns_interdisciplinares_sau de/livro_ppqvat.html.

Monteiro, M.I, Correa Filho, H.R., Siqueira, C.E. Published in Portuguese in Brazil Green Jobs, Green Economy- Ampliando as Possibilidades de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. In Vilarta, R., Gutierrez , G. L., Monteiro, M.I (orgs.). Qualidade de Vida: Evolução dos Conceitos e Práticas no Século XXI. Campinas, SP: IPES Editorial, pp. 169-177, 2010. Available online at http://www.fef.unicamp.br/departamentos/deafa/qvaf/livros/foruns_interdisciplinares_saude/ livro_evolucao.html.

Monteiro, M.I, Siqueira, C.E., and Corrêa Filho, H.R. Produção Justa e Sustentável, Meio Ambiente e Qualidade de Vida Corporativa. In Qualidade de Vida no Ambiente Corporativo. Organized by Roberto Vilarta and Gustavo Luis Gutierrez. Campinas: São Paulo, IPES, pp. 43-49, 2008. Published in Portuguese.


Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo Gomes, Roberts, T., Lucchese, F. Health Profile of Brazilian Mothers in Massachusetts in the Twenty-First Century. Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana 21(40):163-176, 2013. doi: 10.1590/S1980-85852013000100010.


Siqueira, C. Eduardo, Gaydos, M., Monforton, C., Fagan, K., Slatin, C., Borkowski, L., Dooley, P., Liebman, A., Pana-Cryan, R., Schor, G., Keifer, M., Rosenberg, E. The Effects of Social, Economic, and Labor Policies on Occupational Health Disparities. September 2011. Available at http://www.aoecdata.org/conferences/healthdisparities/whitepapers/Effects-of-Social- Economic-and-Labor-Policies.pdf

Lima, A., Siqueira. E. Socioeconomic Profile of Brazilian Businesses in Allston- Brighton. The Maurício Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston, pp. 20, February 2011. Available online at www.umb.edu/gastoninstitute.

Jennings, J., Jordan-Zachery,J., Siqueira, C.E., Barboza, G.E., Lawrence,J., and Marion, M.J. Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Workers in Leisure and Hospitality Businesses: Massachusetts and New England. Prepared for the Immigrant Learning Center, Malden, MA. May 2010.

20 February 2019

Siqueira, C.E. and Project COBWEB. A Report on Brazilian Immigrant Workers in Massachusetts, pp. 16, 2008.

Siqueira, C.E and Project COBWEB. A Report on Brazilian Immigrant Workers in Massachusetts, pp. 35, 2007.

Lima, A. and Siqueira, E. Brazilians in the U.S and Massachusetts: A Demographic and Economic Profile. The Maurício Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston, pp. 16, 2007. Available online at www.umb.edu/gastoninstitute.

Siqueira, E. Trabalho e Saúde na Economia Global: Lições de Países em Desenvolvimento e Industrializados sobre o Impacto do Trabalho na Saúde, Conference Proceedings of the Conference A Saúde do Trabalhador e Saúde Ambiental: cenário, experiências e perspectivas, held at Piracicaba, São Paulo, pp. 11-19, 2003. Published in Portuguese .

Siqueira, CE. A Vision for Health and Environment for Sustainable Development, Conference Proceedings of the Conference Caribbean 2000 Plus: A Vision for Health and Ecology in the New Global Economy, held at St. George’s University, Grenada, pp.117- 118, December 2000.


Siqueira, E. The Export of Brazilian Workers to the US: From Work to Live to Live to Work. Brazilian Journal of Medicine and Human Health. 5(1):3-5, 2017. doi: 10.17267/2317- 3386bjmhh.v5i1.1316.

Levenstein, C., Siqueira, C.E., Slatin,C. From Neoliberalism to Neofascism? New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy 27(2):148-153, 2017. doi 10.1177/1048291117713503.

Levenstein, C., Siqueira, C.E. Health and Safety at the Dawn of the Trump Administration. New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy 27(1):5-7, 2017. doi:10.1177/1048291117697112.

Siqueira, C.E. O Projeto de Lei no 4.302: terceirização quae sera tamen. Cadernos de Saúde Pública 33(5): e00061317, 2017. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00061317.

21 February 2019 Siqueira, C.E. Does Informal Employment Exist in the United States and Other Developed Countries? New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy 26(2): 337-339, 2016. doi:10.1177/1048291116650974

Siqueira, C. Eduardo. Immigrant Workers as the Future of a Progressive Health and Safety Movement in the United States. New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 21(1): 5-8, 2011. doi:10.2190/NS.21.1.b

Sullivan, J., and Siqueira, C.E. Popular Arts and Education in Community-Based Participatory Research: On the Subtle Craft of Developing and Enhancing Channels for Clear Conversations among CBPR Partners, New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 19(4):399-406, 2009. doi:10.2190/NS.19.4.b

Slatin, C, Rosenberg, B, and Siqueira, C. E. David Michaels: a Strong Choice to Head OSHA, New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 19(4):395-398, 2009. doi:10.2190/NS.19.4.a

Slatin, C, Rosenberg, B, and Siqueira E. New Solutions and The Blue Green Alliance- Good Jobs, Green Jobs Conference, New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 19(2):105-106, 2009. doi:10.2190/NS.19.2.a

Siqueira, C.E. Community Engaged Environmental Justice Research at University of Massachusetts Lowell. AJPH (99) S 485-487, 2009. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2009.177360

Siqueira, E., Araújo, T., Castro, H., and Fassa, A.C. Integrating worker’s health and environmental health: Observatory of the Americas. Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, 8(3):842- 843, 2003.

Other Publications

Ethnic Media Catalog. New Voices for Health and the Environment, 2008.

Book Reviews

Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo. Twenty Years of Health System Reform in Brazil: An Assessment of the Sistema Único de Saúde. Bulletin of Latin American Research 35(3) 407-408. doi:10.1111/blar.12507.

Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo. Émigrés from the Land of Samba and Soccer. International Migration Review 42 (2);e7-e8, 2015. doi:10.1111/imre.12198.

22 February 2019 Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo. Latino Voices in New England. Latino Studies 10 (4): 608- 609, 2012.

Siqueira CE. Manipulating Science, Avoiding Regulation, New Solutions, a Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy, 9(3):358-360, 1999.


Sprague Martinez, L., Negrón, R., Siqueira, E. A Multilevel Framework Exploring the Relationship between Transnationalism, Culture and Health. Published in the blog OBSSR Connector. Available at http://connector.obssr.od.nih.gov/a-multilevel-framework- exploring-the- relationship-between-transnationalism-culture-and-health.

Conference Proceedings

Borges, T.F., Siqueira, C.E., Moimaz, S.A.S,Garbin, C.A.S., Santos, R.R. “Essay on the Antecedents to the Neoliberal Privatization of Brazilian Public Health Care Services (SUS).” XXV Congress of Latin American Association for the Analysis of Health Systems (ALASS), Granada, Spain, 2014.

Siqueira, C. Eduardo and Jansen, T. “Updating Demographic, Geographic, and Occupational Information on Brazilian Immigration to the United States: The Case of Massachusetts.” XXVI Latin American Studies Association International Congress. San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2006. Paper published in CD with conference papers.

Siqueira, C.E. and Jansen, T. “Brazilian Immigration to Massachusetts: Newcomers in a Foreign Land.” XXV Latin American Studies Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV, November 2004. Paper published in CD with conference papers.

Siqueira CE.. Comparing Hazardous Waste and Environmental Management Practices between the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority (GCWDA) and Cetrel. International Symposium on Management and Operation of Environmental Control Systems in the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry, pre-prints, 252-261, 1998.

Siqueira, E., Halperin, K., and Ginieres M. “Differences in Injury Intervention Implementation Among Small Union Carpentry Firms in New England.” National Occupational Injury Research Symposium. Pittsburgh, PA, October 2000. Abstract published on p. 34 of program book.

23 February 2019


Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C.E. “A Saúde das Famílias Brasileiras que Vivem em Massachusetts.” IX International Meeting of Child and Adolescent Health. Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, November 2018.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C.E. “Perfil de Saúde da Imigrante Brasileira em Massachusetts.” IX International Meeting of Child and Adolescent Health. Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, November 2018.

Invited Keynote Speech. Siqueira C.E. “Immigrant Health Advantage and the Hispanic Epidemiologic Paradox in the U.S.” IX International Meeting of Child and Adolescent Health. Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, November 2018.

Siqueira, C.E., Cavalcanti, L. “Interações Socioculturais dos Médicos Cubanos do Programa Mais Médicos.” 12o Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde Coletiva. Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2018.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira C.E. “Processos de Integração dos Médicos Cubanos do Programa Mais Médicos nas Áreas Indígenas.” Painel “Saúde, Migração e Refúgio.” Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Grupo de Pesquisa Diálogos Interculturais, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, November 2018.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. “Privatização Neoliberal do Sistema Único de Saúde: O Papel das Organizações Sociais de Saúde.” 12o Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde Coletiva. Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2018.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. “O Papel da Academia nas Coalizões de Saúde e Segurança nos EUA.” International Seminar “Experiências de Sucesso em Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho nos EUA e Reflexões sobre o Contexto Brasileiro.” School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, March 2018.

Siqueira, E. “Socio-Cultural Integration of Cuban Physicians in Brazilian Society: The Case of the Program “Mais Médicos.” American Public Health Association 145th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 2017.

Invited Panelist. “Immigration Issues and the Impact on Health Care.” Massachusetts Nurses Association Convention, Framingham, MA, October 2017.

Siqueira E. “Immigrant Integration in the United States.” Joint UMass Boston-University of Limerick Seminar “Migrant and Refugee Integration: The Role of Educational Institutions.” Limerick, Ireland, June 2017.

24 February 2019 Siqueira, E. “The Sociocultural Integration of Cuban Physicians into Brazilian Society.” Symposium “From Local to Transnational: Highlighting Health Disparities Research at UMass Boston.” Office of Health Disparities Research & Training, Boston, MA, April 2017.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. Panel “Delivering Services to Portuguese-Speaking Communities from Psychiatric, Medical, and Social Perspectives.” Cambridge Health Alliance Diversity Council Celebrating Portuguese Speakers Month 2017. Cambridge, MA, April 2017.

Borges, F.T., Muraro, A.P., Siqueira, C.E. “Perfil Demográfico e de Saúde de Imigrantes Haitianos em Mato Grosso, Brasil: Um Itinerário para Investigação da Integralidade no Cuidado Cultural Diverso.” 7º Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde. Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. October 2016.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. Panel “Future Vision of Programs.” Responding to Emerging Health Threats through Research and Training. Workshop sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to celebrate 30 years of Superfund Research and Training and 50 years of NIEHS. Boston, MA, July 2016.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. “Migração e Saúde dos Imigrantes Brasileiros em Massachusetts.” 3o Seminário Internacional Ligações Migratórias Contemporâneas: Brasil, Estados Unidos e Europa. Univale, Governador Valadares, Brazil, June 2016.

Borges, F.T., Muraro, A.P, Cavalcanti, L., Martins, M.A. and Siqueira, E. Haitian Migration to Brazil and Local Social Response in the Amazon State of Mato Grosso: Networking with the Immigrant Community to Improve Health Conditions. American Public Health Association 143th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill, November 2015.

Luz, V.G., Siqueira, C.E.G.,Brown, J.C., Sausch, L.,La-Rotta,E.I.G., Segall Corrêa, A.M., Corrêa Filho, H.R. “Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e a Mudança do Uso da Terra entre os anos 1996 e 2006 em Agricultores Familiares de Ibiúna/SP.” 11o Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva, Goiânia, July 2015.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E, Correa Filho, H.R. “Princípio da Precaução, Princípio da Reação e Causalidade em Saúde do Trabalhador.” International Symposium “Meio Ambiente do Trabalho no Século 21: Perspectivas e Desafios,” sponsored by the National Association of Labor Judges (ANAMATRA), UMass Boston, the Judicial School of the São Paulo State Labor Court (EJUD 2), and the Association of Labor Judges of São Paulo (AMATRA 2). São Paulo, May 25-27, 2015.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. “Impactos da Terceirização no Meio Ambiente do Trabalho.” International Symposium “Meio Ambiente do Trabalho no Século 21:

25 February 2019 Perspectivas e Desafios,” sponsored by the National Association of Labor Judges (ANAMATRA), UMass Boston, the Judicial School of the State Labor Court of São Paulo (EJUD 2), and the Association of Labor Judges of São Paulo (AMATRA 2). São Paulo, May 25-27, 2015.

Sprague Martinez, L., Negrón, R., Siqueira, C. Eduardo. Transnationalism, Networks and Culture: Implications for Health and Behavior. Webinar held at UMass Boston as part of the Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR) Minority Health Month Webinars. Sponsored by the OBSSR, National Institutes of Health, Washington, D.C., April 2015.

Sprague Martinez, L., Negrón, R., Siqueira, C. Eduardo. A Multilevel Framework Exploring the Relationship between Transnationalism, Culture and Health. Workshop sponsored by the Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research, National Institutes of Health, Washington, D.C., March 2015.

Luz, V., Brown, J.C., Rausch, L., La-Rotta,E., Siqueira, C.E., Segall-Correa, A., Correa- Filho, H. Land Use, Food Security, and Nutrition among Family Farmers in Brazil. American Public Health Association 142nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 2014.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. “Pesquisa Participativa em Justiça Ambiental nos Estados Unidos.” II Seminário Brasileiro de Justiça Ambiental, Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva (ABRASCO), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, October 2014.

Invited Panelist. “Reflections on the First Seminar and Public Policies to Prevent Workplace Accidents.” First International Seminar on the Analysis and Prevention of Workplace Accidents, São Paulo, Brazil, August 2014.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. “The Transnational Brazilian Project.” Meeting of Researchers and College Students in Boston (PUBBOSTON), Harvard School of Public Health, July 2014.

Invited Panelist. Siqueira, C.E. “Racial Justice.” 2nd Annual Legal Services Conference, Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Boston, May 12, 2014.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C.E. “The Transnational Brazilian Project.” UMass Boston Chancellor and Friends of Library Annual Faculty Research Celebration “Three Voices on Community Engaged Scholarship: Made in Boston, Ready for the World,” UMass Boston, May 5, 2014.

Moderator of the Occupational Health and Safety Scientific Research Award session of the Occupational Health Section, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston , MA, November 2013.

26 February 2019

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “Challenges of the Brazilian Health System.” International Academy of Life Sciences, Boston, MA, October 26, 2013.

Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “Cultural Competency Keynote Address” Personal and Home Care Aide State Training Program (PHCAST), Train the Trainer sessions held at Randolph and Leominster, MA, September 2013. The sessions were sponsored by the Massachusetts PHCAST.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “O Paradigma Neoliberal de Saúde: os Estados Unidos da América (EUA).” International Seminar “Crise Financeira Mundial e Saúde: Os Desafios dos Sistemas Públicos de Saúde no Mundo,” School of Public Health of Mato Grosso, Brazil, June 2013.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “O Paradigma Neoliberal de Saúde: os Estados Unidos da América (EUA)” International Seminar “Crise Financeira Mundial e Saúde: Os Desafios dos Sistemas Públicos de Saúde no Mundo,” Fóruns Permanentes, State University of Campinas, Brazil, June 2013.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “Justiça Ambiental nos Estados Unidos,” II Collective Health Week, Collective Health Program, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil, November 2012.

Moderator of the Occupational Health and Safety Scientific Research Award session of the Occupational Health Section, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2012.

Panel presentation. Borges, Fabiano T., Siqueira, C.E., Moimaz, S.S.A., Garbin, C.A.S. “Privatização Neoliberal do Sistema Único de Saúde.” Presented at the V Congresso Ibero- Americano de Pesquisa Qualitativa em Saúde, Lisbon, October 2012.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “Community Participation in Public Health Policy Development in Brazil.” Advancing Public Policy: Innovation and Risk in the Life Sciences, International Academy of Life Sciences, Potsdam, Germany, August 2012.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “The Occupational Health of Latino Workers in the U.S.” Presented at the Latino Men’s Health Symposium, City University of New York, New York City, NY, June 2012.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “The Effects of Social, Economic, and Labor Policies on Occupational Health Disparities,” Annual Meeting of the Partnerships for Environmental Public Health of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, March 2012.

27 February 2019

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo, Gaydos, M., Monforton, C., Fagan, K., Slatin, C., Borkowski, L., Dooley, P., Liebman, A., Pana-Cryan, R., Schor, G., Keifer, M., Rosenberg, E., “The Effects of Social, Economic, and Labor Policies on Occupational Health Disparities.” Conference Eliminating Occupational Health and Safety Disparities at Work. Chicago, Illinois. September 2011.

Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “Culturally Appropriate Methods to Collect Data and Give Voice to Brazilians in Massachusetts: The Experience of Project COBWEB.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, November 2010.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “Culturally Appropriate Methods to Collect Data and Give Voice to Brazilians in Massachusetts: The Experience of Project COBWEB.” Environmental Justice Encuentro 2010, Houston, TX. Sponsored by the Sealy Center for Environmental Health Medicine at UTMB- Galveston and Air Alliance Houston, April 2010.

Siqueira, C.E. “Engaging Immigrant Workers in Accessing their Rights: OSHA Partnership with the Brazilian Immigrant Center to Improve Safety and Health of Latino Immigrant Workers in Massachusetts.” National Action Summit for Latino Worker Health & Safety, Houston, TX. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), April 2010.

Moderator of the panel “Social Justice and Advancing Worker’s Rights.” American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, November 2009.

Discussant of the panel “The Production of Disease and Political Resistance in Neoliberal Latin America”.” Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2009.

Siqueira, C.E. “Transnational Practices of Brazilian Business Owners in Boston.” XXVIII Latin American Studies Association International Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2009.

Invited Panelist. “Brazilian Immigrants in the U.S. and Massachusetts.” XXIII Portuguese Language and Cultures Conference, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA, May 2009.

Presider of the session “Publishing Occupational Health and Safety Research: A Dialogue with Journal Editors.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2008.

Siqueira, C.E. “Culturally Appropriate Methods to Collect Data and Give Voice for Brazilians in Massachusetts: The Experience of Project COBWEB.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 2007.

28 February 2019

Discussant of the panel “Transmigrant Brazilians: Crossing Borders between the U.S. and Europe.” XXVII Latin American Studies Association International Congress, Montreal, Canada, September 2007.

Invited Panelist. “Collaboration for Better Work Environment for Brazilians (COBWEB) in Massachusetts,” in the American Industrial Hygiene Conference Roundtable “Reducing Hazards and Injuries of Vulnerable Workers through Research and Training,” Philadelphia, June 2007.

Siqueira, C.E. “United with the Community to Recognize and Address Environmental Injustice in the Workplace.” Conference Environmental Justice in America, Washington, D.C, April 2007.

Discussant of the panel “Political Aspects/Labor of Roundtable Studying New Brazilian Immigration.” UMass Dartmouth, April 2007.

Siqueira, C.E., and da Rocha, F. “Project COBWEB: A Partnership between UMass Lowell and the Brazilian Immigrant Center to Improve Working Conditions of Brazilian Immigrants in Massachusetts,” International Conference Community- University Partnerships: How Do We Achieve the Promise? Lowell, MA, April 2007.

Co-Presider of the session “Democratic Participation in Occupational Health Policy in the Americas: The Cases of Brazil and Venezuela.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2006.

Siqueira, C.E., and da Rocha, F. “Collaboration for Better Work Environment for Brazilians (Project COBWEB) in Massachusetts.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2006.

Siqueira, C.E., Koren, A., Slatin, C., Sperrazza, K., O’Sullivan, M., and the PHASE in Health Care Research Team. “Impact of healthcare restructuring in Massachusetts on the health and safety of healthcare workers.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2006.

Invited Presentation. Siqueira, E. and Jansen, T. “La Inmigración Brasileña para Massachussets y la Salud de los Trabajadores Inmigrantes.” 52nd Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Sevilla, July 2006.

Baron, S. and Siqueira, C. Eduardo. “Developing evidence-based recommendations to improve the safety and health of immigrant workers: The role of diverse stakeholders.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, December 2005.

29 February 2019 Siqueira, C.E. “Brazilians in Massachusetts: The Invisible Minority that Everybody Sees.” New England Council of Latin American Studies, Boston, MA, November 2004.

Panel Chair of session “Economic Blocs and Worker Health in the Americas.” II Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health: Integrating the Americas. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, June 2002.

Siqueira, C.E. “The Sinking of the Neoliberal P-36 Platform.” II Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health: Integrating the Americas. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, June 2002.

Invited Presentation. “Health and the Environment: Toward Sustainable Development. Conference Caribbean 200 Plus: A Vision for Health and Ecology in the New Global Economy.” Saint George’s University, Grenada, West Indies, December 2000.

Machado, E., Siqueira, E. “Community risk perception and anxiety: A case study of the Camaçari Petrochemical Complex in Brazil.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, November 2000.

Siqueira, E. “The Political Economy of the Importation x Exportation of Hazards.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, November 2000.

Siqueira, E. Presided the session “Let’s Work with Organized Labor” and presented the paper “Pioneer Union-Led Campaign to Restrict Indoor Smoking in a Large Brazilian Bank.”11th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Chicago, Illinois, August 2000.

Estabrook, T., Siqueira, C.E., Machado, E. “Labor-Community Coalitions in Petrochemical Production in the U.S. and Brazil.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., November 1998.

Siqueira, E. “Ethics and International Business: Multinational Companies and the Export of Hazards.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, November 1997.

Siqueira, C.E. “Charter on Industrial Hazards and Human Rights. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.” Indianapolis, November 1997.

Presider of the session “NAFTA: Internationalization of Disease?” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, October 1993.

Presider of the session “Double Standards: The Export of Hazards to Latin America.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 1991.

30 February 2019 Andreazzi, M., Siqueira, C.E., Adesse L, Vicentin G, Bravim Y, Pereira W. “Environmental Health Impact Assessment and Control for Dams: the Experience of Balbina Dam.” XVIII National Seminar on Large Dams, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, April 1989.

Siqueira, C.E., Vicentin, G. “Proposals for a New Health Policy in the Brazilian Transition Government.” Third Latin American Conference on Social Medicine, Ouro Preto, Brazil, 1984.


Berbic, E., Siqueira, C.E. Maternal Health of Brazilian and Dominican Immigrants in Massachusetts. Biology Honors Poster Presentation, UMass Boston, May 2018.

Cavalcante, S., Villela, R., Siqueira, C.E. A Brazilian Look at Occupational Health and Safety in The USA: Observation and Learning with COSH Groups. Presented at the EPICOH 2017, Edinburg, Scotland, August 2017. Published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine 74(Suppl 1):A 95, 2017.

Sprague Martinez, L., Negrón, R., Reich, A., Tracy, N., Troncoso, M., Siqueira, C. An Interdisciplinary Planning Charrette to Develop a Multilevel Measure of Culture and Its Implications for Health. 2014 Minority Health and Health Disparities Grantees’Conference Transdisciplinary Collaborations: Evolving Dimensions of US and Global Equity, Washington, D.C, December 2014.

Brinkerhoff, C., Siqueira, C.Eduardo, Negrón, R., Reich, A.J., Sprague Martinez, L. Cultural Conversations with Dominican and Brazilian Transnationals: Implications for Health and Wellbeing. 2014 Minority Health and Health Disparities Grantees’Conference Transdisciplianry Collaborations: Evolving Dimensions of US and Global Equity, Washington, D.C, December 2014.

Rumiato, A.C., Siqueira, C.E., Corrêa-Filho, H.R., Monteiro, M.I. Food Workers from Central Supply. Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 2014.

Siqueira, C.E. “Transnational Brazilian Project.” Presented at the 2014 Community-Engaged Partnership Symposium, UMass Boston, April 2014.

Luz, V., Miquilin, I., Siqueira, C.E.G. Corrêa-Filho, H. “Perfil Demográfico, Socioeconômico e do Uso de Agrotóxico entre Agricultores Familiares Tradicionais no Cinturão Verde do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil.” IX International Conference on Occupational Health for Health Workers (ICOH), São Paulo, Brazil, September 2013.

31 February 2019

PhillipsMcEnany, G., Siqueira E., Garibaldi, E., Foley, L. “Assessing Sleep Quality and Health among Brazilian Immigrants” Presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Boston, MA, June 2012. Published in Sleep, Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Research, Abstract Supplement, 35: A 304, 2012.

PhillipsMcEnany, G. , Siqueira E., Garibaldi, E., Foley, L. “Understanding Sleep Patterns in the Brazilian Community in Lowell, MA: Perspectives from Community Health Workers and Healthcare Consumers.” Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Minneapolis, MN, June 2011. Published in Sleep, Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Research, Abstract Supplement, 34: A 338, 2011.

Jansen, T. and Siqueira, E. “Brasileiros Trabalhando em Terra Estrangeira: Um Estudo Preliminar do Ambiente de Trabalho e das Experiências de Saúde Ocupacional dos Brasileiros Imigrantes em Lowell, Massachusetts-EUA.” Brasília, DF, Brazil, August, 2003. Published in Livro de Resumos, VII Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde Coletiva, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 8, Suplemento 2, 2003, 439.

Siqueira, C.E. Worker Training on Lead: The AFSCME Experience.” Presented at the international conference “Lead in the Americas: Strategies for Disease Prevention,” Cuernavaca, Mexico, May 1995.


Migração e Saúde, Extension course Dialogues of the Observatory of Migration (OBMigra), sponsored by the Center of Graduate Studies and Research on the Americas (CEPPAC), University of Brasília, August 2015.

Eliminating Health and Safety Disparities at Work, course Environmental and Occupational Health, Master of Public Health Program, Dartmouth Institute, New Hampshire, February, 2013.

Sistema de Saúde nos EUA: Histórico, Panorama Atual e Perspectivas Futuras, short course sponsored by the Núcleo de Pesquisas em Saúde Coletiva (NEPESCO), Graduate Program in Social and Preventive Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of the State of São Paulo (UNESP), Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, December 2012.

Immigrant Worker Health and Safety, course Environmental and Occupational Health, Master of Public Health Program, Dartmouth Institute, New Hampshire, February, 2012.

Environmental Justice, course Environmental and Occupational Health,

32 February 2019 Master of Public Health Program, Dartmouth Institute, New Hampshire, March 2011.

Community-Engaged Research with Brazilian Immigrants in Massachusetts: The Experience of Project COBWEB (Collaboration for Better Work Environment for Brazilians) in Massachusetts), Environmental Health Sciences Seminar Series, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Center, University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)- Galveston, TX, April 2010.

Environmental Justice, course Environmental and Occupational Health, Master of Public Health Program, Dartmouth Institute, New Hampshire, February 2010.

Brazilian Immigrant Workers in Massachusetts and The Vida Verde Housecleaner Cooperative, course Portuguese and the Community, Harvard College, October 2009.

Occupational Health: Where’ve Been, Where We’re Going, 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Central New York Occupational Health Clinical Center, Syracuse, New York, April 2009.

Workplace Health and Safety of Brazilian Immigrant Workers in Massachusetts, course Portuguese and the Community, Harvard College, March 2009.

Environmental Justice, course Introduction to Environmental Health Policy, Master of Public Health Program, University of New Hampshire, November 2007.

Project COBWEB, course Occupational and Environmental Health, Master of Public Health Program, Tufts School of Medicine, April 2006.

Political Economy of Occupational Health, course Work Environment Policy and the Health of Workers, Master of Public Health Program, University of New Hampshire, June 2005.

Project COBWEB, NIOSH Educational Resource Center, University of Illinois, Chicago, March 2005.

Environmental Justice, course Environmental and Occupational Health, Master of Public Health Program, Dartmouth Institute, New Hampshire, March 2005.

Environmental Justice, course Environmental and Occupational Health, Master of Public Health Program, Dartmouth Institute, New Hampshire, March 2004.

33 February 2019


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Special Emphasis Panel, Worker Health and Safety Training Review, ZES1-SET-K- (U), March 9-10, 2015.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Special Emphasis Panel, Environmental Justice Partnership for Communication, RFA ES 04-007, April 13-15, 2005.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Special Emphasis Panel, Environmental Justice Partnership for Communication, RFA ES 03-007, March 16-18, 2004.


Doctoral Dissertation Committees

Ana Maria Maniero Moreira, Saúde Ambiental. Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo. Committee member. Dissertation: Riscos e agravos à saúde do trabalhador em centros de triagem de materiais recicláveis. June 2017.

Daniely Tatmatsu. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia. Centro de Educação e Ciências Humanas. Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Committee member. Dissertation: Habilidades Sociais e Estilos Parentais de Adolescentes Usuários de Drogas: Estudos Empíricos e de Análise da Política de Prevenção. December 2016.

Fernanda Lucchese. Department of Psychology. UMass Boston, 2012- 2015. Committee member. Dissertation: Exploring the Effects of Cultural Protective Factors on Infant Development and Maternal Well-being: A Transnational Study of Brazilian Mothers and their Infants Living in Massachusetts and Minas Gerais. August 2016.

Elton Francisco. Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. Universidade Federal de . Committe member. Dissertation: Famílias Transnacionais de Origem Mineira: Trajetórias, Experiências e Estratégias de Vidas que Cruzam Fronteiras Nacionais (1984-2014). July 2016.

Gabriella Barreto Soares. Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba. Universidade Estadual de São Paulo Júlio Mesquita Filho. Committee member. Dissertation: Desordens musculo-esqueléticas em cirurgiões-dentistas que atuam no Sistema Público de Saúde. July 2016.

34 February 2019

Fabiano Borges. Odontologia Preventiva e Social. Faculdade de Odontologia. Universidade do Estado de São Paulo. Committee member. Dissertation: Desafios e Perspectivas do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) diante do Neoliberalismo, December 2012.

Andrea Barbosa. Department of Work Environment. Work Environment Policy. UMass Lowell, 2008-2012. Advisor. Student did not conclude degree. ABD.

Tiago Jansen, Department of Work Environment, Work Environment Policy, UMass Lowell, 2006-2008. Committee member. Student did not conclude degree. ABD.

Sueli Siqueira, Doutorado em Ciências Humanas, Área de Concentração Sociologia e Política, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. Committee member. Dissertation: Migrantes e Empreendedorismo na Microregião de Governador Valadares: sonhos e frustrações no retorno. August 2006.

Ana Licks de Almeida, Instituto de Saúde Coletiva, Área de Concentração Saúde Coletiva, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil, August 2006. Committee member. Dissertation: ´Melhor isso do que nada': Participação e Responsabilização na Gestão de Riscos do Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari, Bahia.

June Maria Passos Rezende, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Área de Concentração Saúde Coletiva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, 2005. Co-Advisor. Dissertation: Caso Shell/Cyanamid/BASF: Epidemiologia e Informação para o Resgate de uma Precaução Negada.

Jennifer Zelnick, Department of Work Environment, Work Environment Policy, UMass Lowell, 2003-2005. Committee member. Dissertation: Who Is Nursing Them? It is Us: The Occupational Health of South African Nurses on the Frontlines of the Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic.

Hani Idreis, Department of Work Environment, Work Environment Policy, UMass Lowell, 2002-2004.Committee member. Dissertation: Impact of Hardware and Software Technologies on Occupational Health and Safety in Saudi Arabian Oil Refineries.

Master Thesis Committees

Ângela Maria Ferreira, Graduate Nursing Program, Department of Nursing, School of Medical Sciences, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, July 2008. Committee member.

35 February 2019 Thesis: Desvelando o Trabalho em uma Central de Hortifrutigranjeiros e Flores: uma História Contada por seus Permissionários

Iraida Elena Blanco, Department of Regional, Economic, and Social Development, UMass Lowell, 2006-2007. Committee member. Thesis: Paraquat, for the Heart of the Vulnerable Man, Merida, Venezuela

Sharon Driscoll, Department of Regional, Economic, and Social Development, UMass Lowell, 2004. Committee member. Thesis: The Stories Behind the Statistics: A Study of Brazilians Working in Eastern Massachusetts.

Capstone Project Committees

Stacey Leibowitz, Masters in Health Management and Policy Program, UMass Lowell, Advisor, 2010-2011. Capstone Project: The Economic Downturn and Challenges in the Mental Health System in Massachusetts: A Profile of the Farrwood Clubhouse in Lawrence, MA

Amy Rival, Masters in Health Management and Policy Program, UMass Lowell, Advisor, 2008. Capstone Project: The University of Massachusetts Lowell Policies that Address Sexual Assault Against Female College Students.

Jillian Crayton, Masters in Health Management and Policy Program, UMass Lowell, 2008. Capstone Project: Massachusetts Health Care Reform: The Implementation Process, 2008.


UMass Boston Transnational Brazilian Project

Patricia Costa de Sá, doctoral student in Geography, School of Geography, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais. Visited UMass Boston from June 2017- June 2019.

Ana Rosa Linde Arias, visiting scholar, UMass Boston from August 2016-July 2018.

Ana Maria Maniero Moreira, doctoral student in Public Health, School of Public Health, University of São Paulo. Visited UMass Boston from April 2015-March 2016.

36 February 2019

Anne Cristine Rumiato, doctoral student in Nutrition, School of Nursing, University of Campinas, Brazil. Visited UMass Boston from June-September 2015.

Ney Maranhão, doctoral student in Law at the Law School, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Visited UMass Boston from October 2014-February 2015.

Gabriella Barreto Soares, doctoral student in Preventive and Social Dentistry at the School of Dentistry, Júlio de Mesquita Filho State University of São Paulo (UNESP), Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. Visited UMass Boston from August 2014-July 2015.

Elton Francisco, doctoral student in History, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, Visited UMass Boston from March-August 2014.

Renata Reis dos Santos, doctoral student in Preventive and Social Dentistry at the School of Dentistry, Júlio de Mesquita Filho State University of São Paulo (UNESP), Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. October 2013- January 2014.

Sandra Cavalcante, doctoral student in Public Health at the School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, Brazil. October 2013- March 2014.

UMass Lowell

Fabiano Borges, doctoral student in Preventive and Social Dentistry at the School of Dentistry, Júlio de Mesquita Filho State University of São Paulo (UNESP), Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. Visited UMass Lowell from September 2009-August 2010. Dissertation: Desafios e Perspectivas do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) diante do Neoliberalismo, December 2012.

Verônica Gronau Luz, doctoral student in Collective Health, State University of Campinas, Brazil. Visited UMass Lowell from September 2009-May 2010. Dissertation: (In)Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional em Agricultores Familiares e o Uso da Terra no Município de Ibiúna, SP, March 2014.


Honors Thesis Chair

Christine Lattouf- Migrant Health and Policy: A Review of the Refugee Health Assessment Program (RHAP), Spring 2017.

37 February 2019

Senior Practicum Supervision

Spring 11

Mallory Hillard - Massachusetts General Hospital- Blum Patient and Family Learning Center, Boston.

Colleen Cusack- Massachusetts General Hospital Charlestown Health Care Center, Boston.

Erin Schultz - Children’s Hospital, Boston.

Sabrina Lozandieu- Healthworks Foundation, Boston.

Spring 10

Margaret Arnone-Massachusetts General Hospital- Blum Patient and Family Learning Center, Boston.

Holly DeSimone- Massachusetts General Hospital Charlestown Health Care Center, Boston.

Spring 09

Amy Ledbetter- Boston Medical Center, Boston.

Rachel Melville- Massachusetts General Hospital- Blum Patient and Family Learning Center, Boston.

Ashley Sheehan- Department of Health and Human Services, Region 1 office (New England), Boston.

Dan Martin- American Lung Association, Waltham, MA.

Sean Stellmach- WilmerHale Fitness Center- Plus One, Boston

Spring 08

Joshua Gould- Wilmer Hale Fitness Center, Boston.

Jackie Maxwell- Massachusetts General Hospital- Blum Patient and Patient Center, Boston.

38 February 2019

Rugiatu Kallon - Department of Health and Human Services, Region 1 office (New England), Boston.


Mentor in the Zika Innovation Hack-a- thon, held at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston. Organized by the Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTECH) and the MGH Center for Global Health, April 2-3, 2016.

Mayor’s Advisory Board of the Office of Immigrant Advancement (MOIA), 2016-2017.

Abstract Reviewer, Occupational Health and Safety section, American Public Health Association, 2015.

Abstract Reviewer, 2014 International Symposium on Minority Health&Health Disparities: Transdisciplinary Collaborations: Evolving Dimensions of US and Global Health Equity.

Chair of Scientific Research Award Committee, Occupational Health Section, American Public Health Association, 2012-2014.

Chair of the Board of the Brazilian Immigrant Center, Boston, 2007-09.

Governing Council Section Member of the Occupational Health and Safety Section of the American Public Health Association, 2005-06.

Co-chair of the Membership Committee of the Occupational Health Section of the American Public Health Association, 2001-2006. Secretary of the Occupational Health Section of APHA, 2001-2002.

Board member of the Brazilian Immigrant Center, Boston, 2002-2009.

New England Brazilian Immigration Research Group (NEBIRG) Listserv Moderator, 2003- present.

Reviewer, BMC Health Services Research, 2015-17.

Reviewer, BMC Research Notes, 2014-15.

Reviewer, Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas, 2014.

39 February 2019 Reviewer, American Journal of Public Health, 2014, 2015.

Reviewer, Salud Colectiva, 2014.

Reviewer, Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional, 2013.

Reviewer, Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2011-2014.

Reviewer, Ciência&Saúde Coletiva, 2012-2014.

Reviewer, The Sociological Quarterly, 2012.

Reviewer, International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2009.

Reviewer, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2007-2008, 2012-2013.

Reviewer, New Solutions, 1996 to the present.

Reviewer, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2017, 2018.

Reviewer, Journal of Urban Health, 2006.

Reviewer, Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, 2006.

Reviewer, Journal of Public Health Policy, 2006.

Associate Editor for Worker Health, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2013-

Editor, New Solutions, 2008-2012.

Associate Editor, New Solutions, 2005- 2007.

Editorial Board, New Solutions, 2003 to the present.

Media Interviews and Outreach, 2004-present

Interviewed by Anna Fisher-Pinkert for the WUMB radio show Commonwealth Magazine. Available at http://wumb.libsyn.com/immigration-and-the-bay-state. May 2016.

40 February 2019 Interviewed by Jason Margolis, from the National Public Radio program “The World”. Interview was included in reports available at http://www.theworld.org/2013/06/emerging- brazil, April 2013.

Interviewed by newspapers in English in Boston (Boston Globe) and Framingham (Metrowest Daily News), and by Brazilian ethnic newspaper published in Portuguese in Massachusetts (A Notícia, Metropolitan, Brazilian Journal, The National, Comunidade News, Brazilian Times, etc).

Interviewed by The Wall Street Journal in 2005, which published a report on Brazilian housecleaner businesses in Framingham, Massachusetts, in its front page, February 2006.

Interviewed by several major newspapers published in Brazil, such as Folha de São Paulo, O Globo, Correio Braziliense, and the Portuguese Version of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), about the activities of Project COBWEB.

As Principal Investigator of Project COBWEB wrote dozens of workplace health and safety columns for Brazilian ethnic newspapers between 2004-2007, published in Portuguese and distributed in Massachusetts and New England.

Participated in several radio shows broadcast in Portuguese (such as “Radiola Brasil,” weekly show in the WUML 91.5 FM station, Lowell, or “Vem Viver,” daily show and “Em Foco” weekly show in the WSRO 650 AM station, Framingham), and three television shows, to talk about the health and safety of Brazilian immigrant workers:

Twice in the “Bate Papo com Shirley,” show, produced by a Brazilian journalist for the local Comcast Cable TV in Stoughton, MA. This show is broadcast in Portuguese in fourteen communities in Massachusetts; twice in the “Planet Brazil” show, which is a very popular show broadcast in Portuguese by TV Globo International, the most watched Brazilian television network in the U.S. (reaches about 260,000 viewers in the U.S and over 1.2 million all over the world), and the “Eye on You” show, produced locally in English by the Lowell Telecommunications Cable (LTC).

Interviewed by the French outlet Radio France Internationale (RFI) in 2008, 2009 and 2014. Podcast of interview in Portuguese posted on RFI website, available at http://www.rfi.fr/bresilien/actu/articles/107/article_13293.asp and http://www.portugues.rfi.fr/americas/20100902-violencia-no-mexico-inibe-imigracao- ilegal-brasileira http://www.portugues.rfi.fr/geral/20140722-numero-de-menores-centro-americanos-que- chega-aos-eua-dobrou-desde-2012

Interviewed by the WGBH for “The World” radio show in May 2013. Reports available at http://www.theworld.org/2013/05/the-revolving-door-of-ex-pat-brazilians/ and

41 February 2019 http://www.theworld.org/2013/06/upward-mobility-in-brazil-and-the-quest-for-higher- education.

Writes monthly columns titled “Trocando em Miúdos” (Making it Easy) for the newspaper Brazilian Journal Magazine since Dec 2009.


Member, American Public Health Association (APHA), 1989 to present, Occupational Health and Safety section.

Member, Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Brazilian section, 2004-2009.


Fluency in written and spoken English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Ability to read and speak French.