
Development and Economic Growth

Delegated or Committee Planning Application Report and Report of handling as required by Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) () Regulations 2013 relative to applications for Planning Permission or Planning Permission in Principle


Reference No: 19/00094/PP

Planning Hierarchy: Local Application

Applicant: Mr Pelham Olive

Proposal: Erection of 12 dwellinghouses, alterations to vehicular access and installation of private drainage system

Site Address: Land East Of Lochside, Portincaple



The purpose of this report is to advise Members of a number of late representations and also of a number of objections which have been withdrawn. In addition, the agent has submitted comments in relation to the proposed Hearing. An update on a SEPA consultation is also included.


The following individuals who had previously objected to this application have now asked for them to be withdrawn:

Kenneth Steven John Pender Lorraine Armstrong Silvie Kozma Steven McGuire David Wilson Alexander Wilson Rowan Welch David Matthews Mark Wilson Calum Elder Christina Purdon Emma Reid 3.0 SUMMARY OF POINTS OF OBJECTION /REPRESENTATION

Since the publication of the Report on Handling there have been a number of further objections and representations noted below. The points of representation are summarised below. Full details of all representations can be viewed on the Council’s website

Jackie Baillie MSP (2/11/20)

While the current application is for a reduced development, it is a matter of continuing concern that the developers intentions are for something on a larger scale and that this is merely the first stage in a more significant development.

Comment: This is a standalone application and does not form part of a Masterplan or phased development. Any application submitted in the future would be considered on its merits against the policies of the Local Development Plan and other material considerations.

This application would be more than double the size acceptable for a small settlement.

Comment: See assessment.

There is insufficient road capacity to cope with 12 additional dwellings and associated cars and delivery vehicles.

Comment: See assessment. The Area Roads Officer has no objections to the proposal subject to conditions.

I would be grateful if the Planning Committee would support their views and oppose this planning application.

Comment: Noted

Finally can I address the inference made by the developers at an early stage of the application process, that this housing was for MOD personnel. Having consulted the MOD, it is not the case that they have entered any arrangement with the developer or commissioned these housing units.

Comment: While there is no arrangement in place between the applicant and the MOD, the agent has confirmed that the applicant has consulted with the MOD who have advised on their need for housing and have identified the types of housing required. A section 75 agreement is proposed in order to secure this identified housing need for the expansion of HMNB Clyde.

I have made separate representation to the Council about the inadequacy of holding a virtual meeting for an application with so many objectors and would ask that the decision is postponed until there is an opportunity for a public session with appropriate social distancing measures taken.

Comment: This is a matter for Members to consider.

The MOD confirm that they have not commissioned any properties within the proposed scheme and no commitment has been made, nor has any agreement been entered into or inferred. Accordingly any claim that the development of the MOD is not strictly accurate as no such arrangement has been made.

Comment: As there is no agreement between the developer and the MOD a section 75 agreement has been proposed in order restrict three of the five bedroom houses for Royal Navy personnel or people in other employment associated with the expansion of HMNB Clyde.

Brendan O’Hara MP

Correspondence between Mr O’Hara and Jeremy Quin MP, Minister for Defence Procurement has been submitted.

Summary of Brendan O’Hara’s letter dated 21/9/20 to Jeremy Quin MP:

In the justifications for building, the developer and the Planning Officer reviewing the application have stated that the properties will help meet demand for MOD personnel based at nearby HMNB Clyde. It is further stated that, subject to approval these properties will serve as houses in multiple occupation. The Development has informed the Council that an agreement is in place with the MOD but it is my understanding that this assertion has been declared false by local representatives of the MOD on the base.

My constituents would be very grateful to know:

How many properties are currently available to the MOD in the Helensburgh and Lomond area?

Of these how many are unoccupied?

What is the estimated number of additional MOD housing units required over the next 5 years?

Of these, how many are currently unoccupied?

What is the estimated number of additional MOD housing units required over the next five years?

Of these how many are single occupancy HMO-type units?

Has the MOD included the units in Portincaple in their estate planning?

Has the MOD had any discussions with the developer with regards this proposal and if so, has the MOD expressed an interest in the proposed HMOs and how many units would be involved and within what timescale?

Summary of Jeremy Quin’s response dated 12/10/20:

There are two types of housing properties available to Service personnel – Service Family Accommodation (SFA) and Single Living Accommodation. There are presently 515 SFA within the HMNB(C) travel to work area, mostly in and around Helensburgh and Rhu, of which 145 are currently unoccupied. Although the majority of SLA is site within the naval base, 57 SFA houses have been converted into SLA accommodating up to 114 personnel. A further 34 SFA are due to be converted to SLA by early 2021 accommodating a further 68 personnel. These are located in Helensburgh on the MOD estate.

The base population is planned to grow over the next few years as HMNB(C) continues to transition to the Single Integrated Operating Base and home of the nation’s submarine service. Plans continue to flex for a variety of reasons, including the current pandemic.

As you may appreciate, accommodation planning is a complex business taking inputs from many sources. A variety of estimates have been evaluated based upon varying scenarios. Current estimates suggest that over the next 5 years, the base will require an additional 450-500 SLA.

The Department has not included the proposed developments within Portincaple in its estate planning. However, the base is undertaking a period of options analysis and is seeking to understand what development options are available through various channels. These include, MOD owned estate, Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) surplus housing, Council owned land and properties, and private land, including new developments for housing. However, no decisions have been made or inferred.

The MOD has spoken with the developer concerning the Portincaple proposal and has obtained a high level of understanding of this project. No further action has been taken.

When the time comes, this proposal will be analysed along with any other options and proposals within the travel to work area, but no future development sites have been included in the planning at this stage.

Councillor Douglas Philand, 32 Fearnoch Crescent, Lochgilphead (dated 21/8/20)

Given the number of objections to this planning application, determination should be postponed until circumstances allow for a public meeting. I object to the determination of this until a full open and transparent hearing can take place.

Comment: This is a matter for Members to consider.

Garelochhead Community Council c/o/ Gemma Kimmett (dated 19/8/20)

Would like to convey dismay at the poor temporary Covid 19 business skype meeting that is in place. It is requested that either a more efficient and fair to the public system be put in place or defer public enabled meeting until we are able to attend in person regardless of our ability to speak at the meeting or not.

Comment: This is a matter for Members to consider.

Garelochhead Community Council c/o Jamie Whittle, Partner R &R Urquhart LLP (dated 23/12/21)

The proposal is contrary to the view of the community. There is overwhelming community opposition to this application, evidenced by the fact that some 1,115 objections to the application have been lodged in comparison with 2 representations of support. The proposal is contrary to the Local Development Plan. The recommendation within the report on handling turns on a false premise, being that this development fulfils an identified housing need in the form of the MOD Maritime Change Programme. This purported need is unfounded. Indeed the Minister specifically commented that the application has not been in the Department’s Estate Planning. This therefore removes any possible justification for a departure from the Local Development Plan.

The proposal would have an adverse impact on woodland and landscape.

The proposed development is disproportionately large for the village of Portincaple.

Comment: See assessment in the main Report on Handling.

Garelochhead Community Council c/o Hilary Worton (dated 13/1/21)

The community Council has been approached by several residents of Portincaple expressing further concerns about the proposed public hearing. Given the current lockdown situation we would strongly urge you to reconsider the decision to hold this hearing while the current restrictions are in place.

We would like to summarise the pertinent points of concern as follows:

• Following the stay at home regulations that came into effect on 26th December 2020 (and since further tightened), mixing between households and individuals meeting up are severely restricted. This causes significant difficulties for members of the community to adequately prepare for the hearing as well as restricting their ability to support one another during the hearing itself. None of the current exemptions to these restrictions would apply in this case. (see

• The objectors (residents) are lay-people, they are not a professional body, do not have professional planning expertise, and do not possess the resources to remotely access and exchange documents freely. They are currently unable to meet up to discuss and to research an effective presentation for the planned hearing. They are under government instruction to stay at home and some do not possess the necessary electronic communication equipment that would allow them to communicate remotely

• The residents as lay people do not have routine access to public records in libraries, national archives in physical form and their ability to access them digitally is extremely hampered in the current lockdown as all but essential services are either severely restricted, unavailable in an effective and usable form or experiencing long delays.

• Effective consultation with private industry consultees or community advice consultants is severely restricted as many have temporarily closed or running on a reduced staffing level due to furlough and/or working from home.

• The inability for the objectors to communicate together freely during the hearing nor be able to support each other nor offer advice to each other whilst responding to questions from professional bodies and organisations is unjust and does in no way constitute nor enable a fair and balanced hearing. There are over 1110 objections to this proposal, which is agreed by all parties to be contrary to the adopted LDP. Portincaple is a unique and isolated minor settlement of freehold properties with no Council Assets apart from the single lane entry/exit road. We feel it vital that the objectors are allowed to present the case in an environment that allows them to present their strongest possible case thus upholding the principles of what is fair and just.

Given the current industry pressure on the Scottish government to further restrict construction work, there is no urgency for this hearing to take place. We note there is a very real possibility of holding a more 'normal' public hearing including perhaps a site visit in the next 2-3 months and strongly recommend that the hearing is postponed until a date that allows a fair hearing and minimises the chance for any future legal challenge with regard to due and fair process being followed.

Comment: Planning Hearings are organised by the Council’s Customer Services Department. Virtual hearings were agreed by Members in order to allow contentious applications to be considered safely during the pandemic.

Further objections / representations received after August PPSL committee:

R. Fletcher, Bridgend, Portincaple (three emails dated 17/8/20, one with an attached letter of objection dated 15/8/20, 17/8/20 (2 emails), 4/9/20, 7/9/20; 22/9/20, 30/11/20 Alan Reid, 136 Fairhaven, Kirn, Dunoon PA23 8NS (dated 14/8/20); David Bradshaw, The Gantocks, Shore Road, Kilcreggan G84 0HW (dated 14/8/20); Duncan Macpherson, Ferry House, Feuins Road, Portincaple G84 0ET (17/8/20); Clare Redman, CM6 3FQ (dated 19/8/20); Sarah Reid, 191 Redburn, Alexandria G83 9BU (dated 28/8/20); Douglas T. Porter, 27 Commonwealth Drive, Barassie, Troon KA10 7FA (dated 29/8/20); Unique Cottages, Monksford Road, Newtown St. Boswells, Roxburghshire TD6 0SB (dated 29th July 2020); Protect Portincaple Save Loch Long Campaign Group (dated 3/9/20); Hilary Worton, Saddleview, Portincaple (dated 7/9/20 , 3/11/20 and 1/12/20); Catriona Macintyre via Scottish Greens (dated 15/9/20); Eileen McWilliams via Scottish Greens (dated 15/9/20); Joan Bates via Scottish Greens (dated 16/9/20); Elspeth Bennett via Scottish Greens (dated 16/9/20); Julie Kidston via Scottish Greens (dated 20/9/20); Duncan Kidston via Scottish Greens (dated 20/9/20); Chris Smith (email dated 16/11/20 and 19/1/21); Fiona Macpherson via Scottish Greens (Dated20/11/20); Tony Giugliano (dated 28/11/20); Fergus Madigan, Fairwater, Portincaple (dated 6/1/21); Gemma Kimmett, Duntorquil, Portincaple (dated 18/1/21); Portincaple Residents Association c/c Mr R Fletcher (dated 17/1/21); Val Robinson, Upper Flat, Creaggan, Portincaple (dated 18/1/21); Irene Smith (email dated 19/1/21); Alan and Sue Codling (email dated 19/1/21); Angie Hutchings (email dated 19/1/21) Marjory Mackay (email dated 19/1/21);

Policy Issues

Disagree that the proposal should be regarded as a minor departure;

Comment: See assessment.

Observations raised about compliance with SPP 2014 and NPF 3 are summarily dismissed, without any reasoned argument in support of this statement, anywhere else in the document.

Comment: NPF3 and SPP 2014 are considerations in the determination of this planning application. The LDP reflects the strategic aims of NPF3 and accords with the SPP 2014.

No consideration in the Assessment of the Housing Needs and Demands Assessment (HNDA). No consideration in the Assessment of the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP).

Comment: Both the HNDA and the SHIP have been considered in the assessment of this application. These identify that there is a need for affordable and MOD housing in the Helensburgh and Lomond Area which has been provided for as part of this planning application.

No consideration in the Assessment of the Argyll and Bute Sustainable Design Guidance Part 2 Document for Extending Existing Settlements. (specifically P19).

Comment: The issue of the scale of development has been carefully considered with reference to the Council’s Sustainable Design Guidance and in consultation with the Council’s Design and Conservation Officer.

In 2014 when the current LDP was being consulted on, an issue was escalated to the Scottish Government’s Department for Planning and Environmental Appeals. There had been a request submitted that the settlement zone boundary to be re-drawn to prevent over-development in Portincaple. The assessor concluded that there was no need to amended the LDP stating that there were sufficient protections in the plan such that small scale developments could ever be permitted. Indeed when referring to Policy LDP DM1 (C) the assessor states that: “It would provide a sound basis for the refusal of proposals which….would result in an inappropriate form of development in the context of a particular settlement, or would adversely affect the area’s contribution to the landscape.”

Comment: The application has been assessed against a number of policies contained within the adopted Local Development Plan. It is considered that the proposal accords with all of these policies with the exception of policy DM1. As detailed in the ROH officers consider the proposal can be regarded as a minor departure from Policy DM1. Section S in the ROH provides a reasoned justification for the departure.

Prior to the 2007 LDP the land was designated as open space and recreation. Not a single submission was lodged by the resident population of Portincaple. No meaningful or effective consultation took place based on the evidence that not a single resident can be located who was aware of the delineation at the time.

Comment: The Argyll and Bute Local Plan Adopted in 2009, involved a Consultative Draft Stage in 2003, a Finalised Draft Stage in 2005, and a Modified Finalised Draft Plan in 2007, each of these stages were subject to minimum 8 week consultation periods, involving advertisement in the Local Press, deposit copies in libraries and local Council Offices, and notification to statutory consultees including Community Councils. Drop in public consultation events were also held in the Victoria Halls, Helensburgh. These consultation arrangements were carried out in accordance with the regulations at that time.

The objection from SEPA dated 4/9/20 brings into question whether the proposal accords with Scottish Planning Policy and National Planning Framework 3. Comment: The objection from SEPA has been withdrawn.

If I understand correctly there are only two very specific reasons for recommending approval despite it contravening DM1:

1. Affordable housing will not be provided but the planning department believes that a commuted sum of £72 is an acceptable alternative.

2. There is a specific housing need by the MOD for housing in this location due to the expansion of HMNB Clyde and that the MOD will utilise 3 of the houses once built.

I would be most grateful if you could confirm that I am correct in my understanding and that there are no reasons that I have missed.

Comment: The application has been assessed against a number of policies contained within the adopted Local Development Plan. These are listed in the Report on Handling (ROH), part J. It is considered that the proposal accords with all of these policies with the exception of policy DM1. The two points noted above relate to why officers consider the proposal can be regarded as a minor departure from Policy DM1. Section S in the ROH provides a reasoned justification for the departure.

Using the MOD’s need for housing as a justification to recommend this application (which contravenes many areas of the LDP) for approval is grossly misleading.

Comment: This is not accepted, please see assessment.

The Need for Affordable Housing and Housing Associated with the Naval Base

Questions that there is any need for further military housing;

Comment: The agent has confirmed that the applicant has consulted with the MOD who have advised on their need for housing and have identified the types of housing required. This need for housing is also confirmed by the MOD themselves and is reflected in the Council’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) A payment of £72,000 in lieu of affordable housing is morally unacceptable and lays the Council and Council Officers open to the accusation of bribery. The Council Officers’ recommendation for 12 houses which then gains the Council £72,000 is unacceptable and appears corrupt to anyone who sees through the reasoning;

Comment: See assessment. The payment of a commuted sum is considered appropriate and is in accordance with the Council’s Local Development Plan policy on the delivery of affordable housing.

The identified need for housing you refer to in your reasoning for supporting the application may well be real but it is neither clearly identified nor have you provided any evidence as to why this form of development cannot be steered towards main towns and transport hubs to make best use of our existing infrastructure.

Comment: The proposed contribution of housing for an identified need is small and commensurate with the overall scale of the development.

Just because HMNB Clyde is expanding why would you think that all personnel would want to live on the bases doorstep and how many could even afford the properties that are being proposed?

Comment: Only a very small number of the overall housing need for the base would be provided within Portincaple and a location close work may be of interest some of various reasons. The cabin houses are likely to be affordable given that they will be single rooms within a house.

Procedural Issues

The Hearing should not be held until the current limits on meetings are no longer in force so that it will be possible for everyone who wishes to attend to be able to do so.

Comment: This is a matter for Members to consider.

I would have like to have had the opportunity to have spoken at the above public hearing to put forward my concerns at what will be lost, ‘protected species’ the reality of adding excess traffic to the multi use Feuins road (from someone who lives here not just someone at a desk who has no experience of the area) etc etc but I don’t feel under current lock down restrictions that I am not able to best prepare by consulting with members of the community as I am not comfortable using technology for this purpose.

I feel that we will not be fairly and rightly represented as a community (and the people who will be affected) if the virtual public hearing was to go ahead under Tier 4 lockdown and request/ suggest the hearing is postponed until such a time where FAIR process is allowed for all.

Comment: This is a matter for Members to consider.

I would like to register my disapproval of the way in which the above plan is being forced through the planning application stage with no regard for the residents which this will directly affect. Whilst I appreciate that the pandemic has forced things to be done differently, when it comes to a project with the amount of objections you received on this planning application not to be put on hold until a proper and democratic public meeting can be held is disgraceful. As a rural community the broadband is very patchy and will mean that some residents will be unable to take part in a meeting that will directly affect their lives - BT have already been advised of this meeting and advised that they will have to up their game. By going ahead with the application virtually you are making the process unfairly favouring the applicant.

Comment: This is a matter for Members to consider.

I note that the Garelochhead Community Council (a Statutory Consultee), have recently submitted a request for the “virtual pre determination public hearing” scheduled for Tuesday 26th January at 10.30 hrs, be temporarily postponed until such times as the current Coronavirus restrictions are relaxed. I would agree with that proposal, for the reasons set out below. However, I note that their request has not yet appeared on the public portal as a representation.

Comment: The use of a virtual Hearing is a matter for Members to consider. The GCC correspondence was not copied to the mailbox that statutory consultees would normally send comments to. It cannot be guaranteed that officers’ individual emails will be constantly monitored due to sickness, annual leave etc and therefore there will be more of a delay adding documents to public access. The GCC communication should be visible shortly.

I note that in the Procedure Note attached to the Notification for the meeting, it states:

 Virtual meetings are those that will not involve a physical location. However, should circumstances dictate, the Chair (and if appropriate) Vice Chair along with Relevant officers will be located in a single venue.  Sentence two of this point confirms that the Council has the power to decide whether the hearing will take place on that day.  While reasonable efforts will be made to ensure all interested parties can attend the virtual discretionary hearing on request, there may be exceptional circumstances, given technological capacity, which may limit the numbers attending.

With over 1100 submissions in opposition to this proposal, any effort to restrict access to observe proceedings, would seem to be a deprivation of democratic rights, for each of those persons. Of course, not everyone is likely to attend, but to quote that other virtual pre determination hearings have been concluded successfully, where the numbers of members of the public involved have been probably between 50 and 100 at best, is not a justification for proceeding with this one.

Comment: This is a matter for Members to consider.

Having just read the woefully inadequate response by the PPSL to the GCC in the Helensburgh Advertiser. I am forced to point out the obvious - that the previous 3 virtual hearings were not held under such severe restrictions. A point that, whoever offered the PPSL response, failed to even acknowledge.

Comment: This is a matter for Members to consider.

The decision to recommend the grant of approval for the above application was extremely disappointing, biased in favour of the applicant, incomplete and inconsistent. It appears from the dates included, that it did not meet the completion date of the 30th July for the submission of papers to the Committee Services, which maybe explains some of the above. I trust this was not down to undue external pressures being applied to meet a specific date!

Comment: The recommendation on the application has been reached through robust consideration of the policies of the LDP and other material considerations.

Mention is made of an appendix 2, where can this be viewed.

Comment: Appendix 2 contains list of objectors, representees and supporters. The title of this appendix was omitted in error. A revised contributor list is attached to this report to address this and to provide an up to date list as some names have been withdrawn and some have been added since the list was published for committee.

I note that a supplementary report has been produced, which will be available to the PPSL committee. With that in mind could I ask that you also prepare another with the following included, so that the committee are made aware of further comments which have been submitted, but have been omitted in the RoH.

Comment: This application has attracted in excess of 1000 representations therefore it is not possible to report all of the points in detail. A fairly lengthy summary of the points of representation has been included in the Report on Handling and full copies of all representations are publicly available on the Council’s website. In addition as this application is to be decided at a public Hearing there will be an opportunity for those who have made a representation to raise points which they feel are of importance to the determination of this application.

I note also that the RoH printed off the agenda for the PPSL meeting was 43 pages long, but that the same document now available on the planning portal is 45 pages long. Please advise why, and what if anything has been added/changed, if possible before the meeting on Wednesday 19th Aug.?

Comment: This is the same report, however, the committee version appears to be more compressed.

What is the meaning of “express” planning permission on the report of handling.

Comment: These are the parts of the proposal which fall within the definition of development as defined the Town and Country Planning Act.

Given the past performance with extensions to the section 24 notice, no doubt the public hearing will be postponed long enough for you to allow the applicant to respond to the SEPA objection. How many chances are you going to give them? If this had been a normal application in any other Council in the country it would have been refused long ago and thrown out for insufficient information. Instead, it appears the developer and his team have been led by the hand through the whole application process, with one extension after another granted to them.

Comment: The Planning Authority tries to act reasonably with both the applicant and third parties. This application was impacted by the global pandemic which meant that additional time was required to submit information. In these circumstances it was not considered unreasonable to allow the applicant additional time to respond to requests.

Questions the advice of the Council’s Flood Risk consultant in particular in relation to the use of soakaways.

Comment: The Council’s Flood Risk Consultant is an appropriately qualified consultant who has provided advice on planning applications within Argyll and Bute for a number of years. He has also made comments of previous planning applications submitted in Portincaple.

At the PPSL Committee meeting in August Members were not advised that the option for unaccompanied site visits had been available since week commencing 29th June, which when taken with the unauthorised intervention by a member of the applicant’s design team, already the subject of separate correspondence, leads to the impression that the discussion was not unbiased and even handed and that the elected members were in effect being led into the decision that officers favoured. Why did the officers who prepared the report, or even the case officer, not mention or offer this an option to the elected members, may be then the decision would have been different?

Comment: The 29thJune was the date when planning officers were able to go out and undertake unaccompanied site visits. Planning Hearings are administered by the Council’s Customer Services Department and the decision on whether or not to have a site visit is one for Members to take.

It seems odd that the Council will not respond to queries except by way of a consolidated report at later date.

Comment: This planning application has attracted in excess of 1000 objections. In these circumstances it is not be possible for officers to undertake individual dialogue. Supplementary reports are made available to all parties and result in a fair and transparent way to deal with additional comments and concerns.

The Planning Officer has selectively/incorrectly quoted planning policy in her RoH. According to the The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order, Houses fall within Class 9, thus:

Class 9. Houses Use– a) as a house, other than a flat, whether or not as a sole or main residence, by– i) single person or by people living together as a family, or ii) not more than 5 residents living together including a household where care is provided for residents; The original RoH, page 4, misrepresents the case for houses as it ignores the fact that the units can only be classed as houses where they have more than 5 residents living together 'where care is provided'. This is a key point, if care is not provided then they do not fall into the description of Use Class 9. The individual rooms are all en-suite, this is not living as a family.

Comment: It is reaffirmed that the development currently proposed does fall within the provisions of Use Class 9. Whilst these are HMOs in terms of Environmental Health legislation, the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997 defines a house (Class 9) as being the sole or main residence of a single person, or any number of persons living together as a family, or not more than 5 residents living together as a single household. These units are therefore being assessed as houses, however additional car parking has been allocated to each of the three units. It is further noted that the use classes order includes households where care is provided rather than limiting it only to household where there is care.


The information provided under BS5837:2012 is incomplete, even for this Feasibility/Planning stage.

Comment: The Council’s Biodiversity Officer has been consulted and is satisfied with the proposals. Tree protection conditions are proposed as part of the Construction Environmental Management Plan which is required by condition 16.

I note in both the report of handling and on the public access portal that all issues concerning the above have been issued to the same person, i.e. the local biodiversity officer. I understand from an internet search that she has worked for Argyll and Bute Council for 20 years. Has this been on a full- or part-time basis?

Whilst this does indeed give her unrivalled experience of the local area, it does also encompass a huge range of topics to cover. Is it possible that she can advise with an in depth “professional” knowledge of all that she is being asked to comment on?

Comment: The Council’s Local Biodiversity Officer has appropriate qualifications in land use, fresh water and marine and coastal habitats and species with 20+ years’ experience as a Local Biodiversity Officer.

Roads/Access Issues

Objection disputing Roads Officer’s the interpretation of the Roads Development Guide. The Roads Development Guide states that a bus route should be a minimum of 6m wide. Drawing 12864-01 is therefore non-compliant.

Comment: The Council’s Roads Officer has responded as follows in an email dated 2/10/20 “In many cases, published design standards are not fully relevant or applicable to existing rural roads, this is the case for Feuins road. Feuins Road is a single track rural residential road with passing places that provides access to a small number of dwellings. Driver speed and behaviour on a rural residential road is very different to that of a rural road that links settlements or leads to a destination. Feuins Road does not lead to a destination or link to another settlement. The volume of vehicles using the section of Feuins Road at the location of the proposed development is very low, with drivers who are using the road are arriving or departing from a small number of private residences, there is no commercial, industrial or through traffic.

Junction spacing and visibility is related to the likely volumes and speed of traffic, the volume and speed of traffic at the proposed junction will be very low. The proposed revised road layout and geometry is that of a low speed, low volume single track residential road with passing places and a steep gradient.

Due to there being no standardised design criteria that apply directly to Feuins Road engineering judgments have been made based on the environment of Feuins Road, examining the existing road environment and the proposed changes.

With no standardised design criteria, the assessment made is intended to provide a safe, consistent and proportionate approach to help ensure that the character and distinctiveness of the routes is retained as far as is reasonable practicable.”

Why has nothing been heard from the roads department? The roads are disgrace for the existing community never mind doubling / trebling of vehicular traffic. Bearing in mind that Argyll & Bute Council vehicles cannot even access North end Portincaple and do not provide a glass collection to the vast majority of the community, bridges with cracks and places on the road that two vehicles cannot pass each other.

Comment: The Roads Service has responded to a consultation response on this application. In addition, a Roads officer will be present at the Hearing.


It is questioned when the proposed footpaths were added to the proposal.

Comment: The proposed footpaths are shown on the Portincaple Landscape Strategy Masterplan which was submitted in May 2020.

A comment that the Woodland Trust lodged an objection on 16th March.

Comment: The Woodland Trust are included in the list of objectors.

Unique Cottages acts as agents for all four holiday lets in Portincaple. These are small businesses and are often the only source of income for the property owners. The construction of the proposal would cause disturbance to those staying in the holiday lets. One the UK’s top heart surgeons recently holidayed in Portincaple and he and his family’s holiday was cut short due to noise cause by the developer’s mechanical flail destroying woodland around their house.

Comment: Disturbance outwith the scope of the planning application and disturbance during the construction phase is not a material planning consideration.

Supporting statements referred to linking paths and bus turning areas are purely speculative and provide no definitive framework and should be treated as such.

Comment: Whilst these may not be delivered as part of this development, the proposal would facilitate their introduction in the future by providing an area for the bus to turn and footpaths to link into.

Note: Full details of all representations received can be viewed on the Council’s website


A letter from Ian Cowan of Highland Environmental Law dated 11th January 2021 acting on behalf of Save Loch Long Protect Portincaple Group has been sent to the Members of the PPSL committee. The letter refers to the Report on Handling dated 3/8/20 and the supplementary report no.1 dated 10th August 2021. The points made are summarised and commented on below:

Raises concerns about the ability of the development, even with the recommended s.75 agreement, to deliver housing addressing the needs relating to the expansion of HMNB Clyde.

Three houses, each with 5 beds, would provide 15 units of Single Living Accommodation, in MOD terms. This represents just 3.3% of 450 units, at the lower end of the need identified by the MOD. At best this is a tiny contribution to meeting the identified need.

Comment: It is accepted that the three units would only make a small contribution to the needs of the naval base, it is considered commensurate with the scale of a 12 unit development.

Although both section S of the Report and the above-mentioned letter from the MOD identify the need for housing for Royal Navy (RN) personnel, neither of them identifies any need for housing for the “people in other employment which is associated with the expansion HMNB Clyde” mentioned in section H of the Report. If all 15 units are occupied not by RN personnel, but by these people in other employment, the contribution of the development to meeting the identified need will be zero.

Comment: The ongoing expansion of the Clyde Naval Base is well documented. It is considered that the growth of the base and the influx of naval personnel will also involve and expansion of other workers associated with the base. It is therefore considered reasonable to include other employees and contractors working at the base the opportunity to access this housing.

Policy SG LDP HOU 1 contains a presumption against medium-scale development (6-30 dwelling units) in villages or minor settlements. The Report’s recommendation to override this presumption, and thereby to depart from the provisions of the development plan, is said to be justified by the provision of housing to serve an identified need, but only three of the proposed 12 houses contribute in any way to meeting that need. The other nine houses in the development do not contribute in any way, so are not covered by this justification, and the Report provides no other justification in relation to these houses. (Paragraph (C) of SG LDP HOU 1 requires 25% of developments of 8 or more houses to be affordable, but this 25% rule does not apply to meeting an identified housing need, it only applies to affordable housing.)

Comment: The provision of three houses associated with the expansion of Faslane along with a commuted payment for affordable housing is reasonable and commensurate with the scale of this development. The minimal contribution of the development to meeting the identified housing need will only be fulfilled if the MOD commits to buying or letting the three houses in question, but the above-mentioned letter from the MOD says: “The MOD has spoken with the developer concerning the Portincaple proposal and has obtained a high level understanding of this project. No further action has been taken.” It will not be sufficient for the recommended s.75 agreement to prohibit the sale or lease of the 3 houses to anyone other than the MOD, as that could result in the houses remaining unoccupied. Unless the MOD is itself party to the recommended agreement and undertakes thereby to occupy the three houses, or the developer produces a written offer to do so from the MOD, which can then be referred to in and annexed to the recommended agreement, the Council cannot possibly enforce against the developer the requirement that the three specified houses be occupied by RN personnel, and the contribution of this development to meeting the identified need may never be made. As described in the Report, the proposed justification for departing from the provisions of the development plan is therefore spurious.

Comment: The section 75 agreement is considered necessary for this proposal because there is no agreement in place between the applicant and the MOD and the MOD has indicated that they are currently not in a position to enter in to such an agreement. It is clear from the Council’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan and from the MOD that more housing will be required, a proportion of which will be for single people. The section 75 will reserve three, 5 bedroom houses for this purpose and will allow the applicant to consider a range of ways that they could be occupied.

Note: A full copy of this letter can be viewed on the Council’s website


The agent for the application has submitted the following comments in response to the letter from Jackie Baillie MSP:

“I am writing to address the issue of Pre-Determination hearings for Planning Applications.

This has been necessitated by the late representations made by Jackie Baillie MSP which both refer directly to this issue.

Your Report of Handling has recommended the application for approval subject to a Pre- Determination hearing. Tomorrow the Committee will sit to make decisions on your recommendations.

It will also sit to consider what the Pre-Determination Planning Hearing arrangements should be during the Covid-19 response period, which may therefore be relevant to this case.

My understanding is that PPSL Committee meetings and also for that matter LRB’s have already been undertaken perfectly well using virtual technology, and in many other areas of business or Governance right across the country, virtual technology has been employed to great effect, often removing unnecessary repetition, delay and damage to the economy.

As the Architect and Agent for this development I am therefore in full support of virtual hearings in order to keep the Planning system moving as freely as possible and have no doubt that all the relevant facts from whatever standpoint can still be delivered and considered using virtual technology without detriment to the process.

I have full confidence that the Committee will be able to make an informed decision for the most sensible way forward on this matter based on facts, the law and democracy, despite the challenging times that Covid-19 has presented to us all.”


SEPA (letters dated 27/8/20 and 17/9/20): SEPA initially objection flood grounds in their letter dated 27/8/20. In a letter dated 17/9/20 this objection was removed subject to the planning authority adopting the conditions recommended by the Flood Risk Manager Authority. On the basis of the information submitted SEPA were satisfied that the proposal, subject to relevant flood management measures, should be compliant with Scottish Planning Policy (SPP). These flood management measures include a minimum finished floor level, improvement to existing culvert capacity (to 0.5% AEP plus climate change and freeboard) along with surface water flood management measures. If these measures are adopted the proposal should be compliant with SPP.


The points made have been considered during the processing of this planning application and do not alter the recommendation details on the main Report on Handling, namely, that, that planning permission be granted subject to:

(i) a pre determination hearing; (ii) A section 75 agreement to ensure a commuted sum for affordable housing and housing addressing the needs relating to the expansion of HMNB Clyde; and (iii) conditions

Author of Report: Sandra Davies Date: 19/1/2021

Reviewing Officer: Peter Bain Date: 19/1/2021

APPENDIX 2: Representations in relation to 20/00094/PP (at 19/1/21)


A Lavelle PA29 6YJ

A M Dorrian 56 East King Street Helensburgh G84 7QR

Aaron Dobbin 18 Fernie Gardens Cardross Dumbarton Argyll And Bute

Abi Edmondson EH31 2DR

Adam Young KA9 1ER

Adele Gardiner Creagach Garelochhead Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Adrian Coll G840PH

Agnes Borland Sinclair Kenilworth Shore Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Ailie Ross - Oliver EH8 9HZ

Ailsa Connell G840HY

Aimee Nourse KW16 3AU

Aj Prime AB15 8DG

Alan Cameron 7 Lower Sizehill Road Ballyclare County Antrim BT39 9RP

Alan Codling Sunnymead 1 Wood Lane Thurlby PE10 0HQ

Alan Grant PA34 5PG

Alan MacIntyre PA37 1SQ

Alan Mills G75 0LP

Alan Murray Flat 2/1 4 Lorne Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Alan Pinder Summerlea Shore Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Alan Reid 136 Fairhaven Kirn Dunoon Argyll And Bute

Alan Rodger Tigh Carman De Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Alannah Maurer G84 0EL

Alasdair Lannigan G82 4HT

Alastair Godrey 9/145 Campbell Street Sydney Australia NSW 2010

Alastair Macduff G12 9EZ

Alcolm Le May PA23 8TJ

Alex McBride G84 7NL

Alex Robertson 3 College Gardens Rutherglen G73 3PU

Alex Wood PA12 4DD Alexander Davey PA20 0JN

Alexander Mucklow G84 7SH

Alexander Perrie G838SX

Ali Cleary EH42 1XJ

Ali Porter PA21 2AG

Alice Harley FK2 8FF

Alice Kelly G84 8BL

Alice Kennedy 13 Riceyman House Lloyd Baker Street London WC1X 9BH

Alice McCartney G848UU

Alice Scarlett NE25 8BA

Alison Burnhill 8 Mill Road Cardross Dumbarton Argyll And Bute

Alison Matthew KA11 1LE

Alison Stewart PH50 4QX

Allan Adam G82 5LF

Allan Kerr G83 8EB

Allan King 122 Dennistoun Crescent Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7JF

Allan McAllister DD10 9DQ

Allison OHara EH45 9LS

Als Llywelyn

Amanda Allen DD11 3DB

Amanda McAteer Fortissat House Newmill And Canthill Road Salsburgh ML7 4NS

Amanda Scott PA29 6XZ

Amanda Wainwright KA10 6QU

Amber McFarlane Flat 2/2 20 St Vincent Crescent Glasgow G3 8LQ

Amelia Hughes G84 9JX

Amelia Thackray G84 8LW

Amie Irwin 15 Ashen Drive Milton Of Campsie G66 8FE

Amy Lee PH7 4AF

Amy Robertson

Andrea Prideaux 34 Abercromby Crescent Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9DX

Andrea Roberts Katrine Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Andrew Campbell 23 Ferry Road Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute Andrew Crabb PA37 1QY

Andrew Dickey G72 6ZS

Andrew Elvin NR34 0AN

Andrew Gallacher EH14 5SE

Andrew Low KY8 4EN

Andrew McMinn 10 The Coppice Atherstone CV9 1RT

Andrew Neilly 1E Brown Road Seafar Cumbernauld G67 1AB

Andrew Pallas PA37 1RA

Andrew Parry S6 5AD

Andrew Reid PA19 1BF

Andrew Robinson 11 Rednall Road Barwell Leics LE9 8HR

Andrew Steven 80 Dalton Street Glasgow G31 5LA

Andrew Tudor PA33 1AS

Andrew Whiten Mayfield Craigrothie KY15 5QA

Andy Kelly G33 1DT

Anele Ngwekazi Box 919 Port Edward 4295 Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa

Angela Anderson

Angela Angus Cedar Cottage Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Angela Donald EH30 9HS

Angela Duncan G74 4LZ

Angela Flynn G43 2DA

Angela Njendu Road End Cottage Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Angela Sommerville G77 5JR

Angie Hutchings The Old Rectory Parsonage Lane Gittisham Devon

Ann Marie Campbell 23 Ferry Road Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Ann McClure AB24 4LF

Ann Nicholson 9 Upper Bridge Street Alexandria G83 0AR

Ann Rogers 12 Glen Loinn Crescent Succoth G83 7AN

Ann Taylor 4 Cromptons Grove Paisley PA1 2NF

Ann Wood PA23 8TU

Anna Coull EH10 5QR

Anna Marton 11 Laggary Road Rhu Helensburgh Argyll And Bute Anne Adams DD8 2TL

Anne Mayo West Dualt Stockiemuir Road By Killearn G63 9QW

Anne Nelson PA24 8AF

Anne Redding Finnart Farm Cottage Feuins Road Portincaple G84 0EU

Annemarie Baxter G84 0EL

Anne-Marie Keldie KW15 1TD

Annette Hughes ML4 1PG

Anni Tracy LA1 3HA

Annie Wild 16 Drumlanrig Street Thornhill Dunfries And Galloway DG3 5LL

Anthony Borthwick 73 Shore Road Innellan Dunoon Argyll And Bute

Anthony Pickford G83 8SR

Antony Robinson The Sheiling Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

April Bassett 5 Kelvin Drive Hillhead Glasgow G20 8QG

Arthur Lightfoot Sonochan Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Arthur Macvean G51 1TH

Ashleigh Bysouth 5 Empress Drive Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 8QL

Audrey Slevin PA23 8RR

Ava Gorevan 110 Hyndland Road Glasgow G12 9JD

Avril Dear YO8 6RJ

Barbara Campbell LS28 5SH

Barbara Flynn G43 1DE

Barbara Jenman South Africa

Barry Mitchell ML10 6BY

Belinda Carr PA2 6SQ

Bella Parsons G840ET

Ben Chaddock G13 1JB

Ben Seal Ben Seal The Elm Craigrothie Fife

Ben Zvegintzov G84 7JY

Bernie Jardine 6 Cardross Park Mansion Braid Drive Cardross Dumbarton

Bethan Jeacock OX26 5DR

Beverly Burns Dungrianach School Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Billy Hunter KA18 2ED Bob Lawrie PA23 7JH

Brenda Campbell G84 0QR

Brenda Lacey PH1 3EF

Brendan O'Hara MP 8 Colquhoun Square Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 8AD

Brian Feeney G133PF

Brian Gillen G83 7AA

Brian Keane PA14 6NY

Brian Millar EH6 8TB

Brodie Dunlop 2/11 East Cromwell Street EH6 6HF

Brogan Caddis FK94EJ

Bruce Adamson KY7 6YJ

Brudenell Old Manse Clynder Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Bryce Herbert KA3 1NB

Bryony Dunlop 2/11 East Cromwell Street Edinburgh EH6 6HF

Cairns 2 Thirlmere, East Kilbride G75 8HQ

Caitlin Rowan G83 8SF

Caitlyn Wright G84 8SU

Calum Stewart G84 9QQ

Cameron Erroch PA11 3LS

Campbell Young PA14 6EA

Carla Dobbin 15 Fernie Gardens Cardross Dumbarton Argyll And Bute

Carly Metcalfe 48 Boghead Road Dumbarton G82 2LU

Carol Bamber KA7 4TL

Carol Grant G12

Carol Greenwell G84 7LY

Carole K Spencer Craigellen Cottage Garelochhead Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Caron Green PH504QY

Cass McArthur G72 8QU

Catherine Buchan 95 East Clyde Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7PJ

Catherine Burke G84 8LF

Catherine Cameron PA29 6YF

Catherine Cassels PH80 0JW Catherine Naylor Woodstock Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Catherine Shale 193 Station Rd Wylde Green Sutton Coldfield B73 5LD

Cathy MacLennan PH50 4RX

Catriona Macbrayne G83 8SD

Catriona MacIntyre G41 3SY

Cavan Dunne KW17 2QS

Celia Peerless EH52 5EB

Cerys Galbraith G41 3JP

Charlene Woods PA20 0EP

Charles Revie

Charlie Johnston G84 8LW

Charlotte Booth LS12 5SU

Charlotte Gillon 9 Navy Way Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Charlotte Ingle G84 9LT

Charmaine Haines PO Box 3 Nieu Bethesda 6286 South Africa

Cheryl Michaelides KY155PQ

Chris Aitchison G83 8QS

Chris Boyd 1/2 Netherton Avenue Glasgow G13 1BQ

Chris Craig 41 Royal Park Terrace Edinburgh EH8 8JA

Chris Muskett Dairy Cottage 5 Camis Eskan Farm Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Chris O'Connor KY11 2AB

Chris Orr 1272 Dumbarton Road Glasgow G14 9PR

Chris Smith Dalriada Portincaple G84 0EU

Christian Kimmett EH7 5SD

Christina Anderson Flat 3/2 Garrioch Road Glasgow G10 8RP

Christina McLaren KA3 2HS

Christine Cameron EH1 2JU

Christine Dick G75 0HZ

Christine Hull 38 Englewood Road London SW12 9NZ

Christine Mainwaring KA239BZ

Christine Pratt Norse Lodge Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Christine Ross 140 East Clyde Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7AX Christine Shand DD8 2TH

Christopher M Donohue KA11 4LB

Christopher Murphy NG18 3LW

Christopher Sclater FK20 8RY

Christopher Thornton PA31 8QJ

Christopher Watson 9 Topcliff Green Morley Leeds

Ciara Tierney G46 7EP

Claire Brockie 16 Dunvegan Drive Newton Mearns G77 5EB

Claire English Flat 2/2 25 Belmont Street Glasgow G12 8ER

Claire Fletcher 5 Tom-A-Mhoid Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Claire Hall 55 Clachan Road Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Claire Harvey 14 Barge Court Manse Brae Rhu Helensburgh

Claire Mackintosh 176 Garscadden Road Glasgow G15 8SY

Claire McFadyen 1763 Shettleston Road Glasgow G32 9AR

Claire Riddell EH40 3DT

Claire Sankey 1 Ivy Place Dunshalt KY14 7HA

Claire Spendlow G84 8TR

Claire Stott Barrett 5 Brookend Brae Clynder Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Claire Young KA3 4AN

Clara Bean-Garden 15 Tom-A-Mhoid Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll and Bute

Clare Darlaston Address Not Provided

Clare Redman CM6 3FQ

Claudia Nicholson PH36 4JA

Claudia Sclater Woodburn Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Coinneach Shanks D4

Colette Mackintosh 176 Garscadden Road Glasgow G15 8SY

Colette Monaghan G81 1AA

Colin Adam G82 2LJ

Colin Bryan Branziet Farm Cottage Balmore Road Bardowie G64 4AH

Colin Buist 8 East Argyle Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7RR

Colin Cooper PA34 4NN

Colin McAteer Fortissat House Newmill And Canthill Road Salsburgh Shotts Colin McCallum 76 High Street Linlithgow EH49 7AQ

Colin Smith Socair Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Colin Speirs 2 Dixon Road Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9DW

Connor Brooke FK9 4EJ

Connor McKinnie PH1 2BA

Corrine Mills

Craig Auld G5 8EB

Craig Sankey 1 Ivy Place Dunshalt KY14 7HA

Dan Barry Mosscroft Lonmay Aberdeenshire AB43 8XT

Dan Flett 16 Ferry Road Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Dana B AB11 6DY

Daniel Evans CF82 7AE

Daniel Gray ML3 8AQ

Daniel Quinlan FK4 1TY

Daniel Scrymgeour FK5 4UR

Darren Rix 17 Fulton Gardens Houston PA6 7NU

Darren Taylor Springwell Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Dave Anderson Flat 3/2 Garrioch Road Glasgow G10 8RP

David Bain KW15 1EW

David Battle TD6 9JA

David Boland PA23

David Bradshaw The Gantocks Shore Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

David Carr Kirk Park Villa ( Lower) Church Road Rhu G84 8RD

David Findlay KA30 8NJ

David Greenwell G84 0EN

David Herincx NN4 8LN

David Inglis EH16 5ET

David Jamieson G84 0JN

David Kyle 10 Clyde Street Coatdyke ML5 3LT

David Lonnen 4 Stafford Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9JT

David McDowall PA23 8TR

David McFadyen The Nest Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute David O'Brien

David O'Donnell G83 0TB

David Roberts 15 Treasure Close Tamworth B77 3HS

David Sumsion PA26 8BG

David Weatherstone Stewarton Cottage Argyll Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Davie Hall Park Cottage Princes Street Penpoint DG3 4BY

Dawn Lee 14 Guthrie Place Rhu Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Dawn Millar DD8 1PU

Dean Halliday EH8 8AW

Debbie Burton DL16 6XT

Debbie Carr Braeside Cottage Portincaple Argyll And Bute G84 0ET

Debbie Jamieson 10 The Coppice Atherstone CV9 1RT

Debbie Kinnear 45 Clouston Street Glasgow G20 8QP

Debbie Lakeland Newman 7 Stafford Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9JU

Debbie McCallum 7 Malcolm Place Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9HW

Debbie Nicol EH11 4QP

Debbie O'Hara PH50 4QP

Debbie Simmers

Deborah Landon-Norton PA31 8RU

Declan Buist 11 East Argyle Street Helensburgh G84 7RR

Deirdre Martin G84 0DS

Denis Keldie KW16 3AJ

Denise Richmond KY3 9HY

Derek Crook PA66 6BL

Derek Thomson HS2 0QD

Deryk Allan

Devin Healy G84 8RR

Diana Jennings 45 Logan Drive Troon KA10 6PN

Diane Cargill 6 Selside Lawn Netherley Liverpool L27 5RR

Diane Knox PA16 7LJ

Dick McKissock Redwood Portincaple G84 0ET

Dolores Barclay DD3 8NF Dom Redding Finnart Farm Cottage Feuins Road Portincaple G84 0EU

Dominique Sclater KA3 4ES

Donald Birnie R93H 7DA

Donald Campbell 16 Lynn Avenue Dalry KA24 4AP

Donald Munro G14 0DL

Donna Franceschild PA29 6TW

Donna Smith PH1 4QT

Donna Spence KW16 3JA

Dorothy Fenwick 14 Carlton Street Edinburgh EH4 1NJ

Doug Adam DD11 3DY

Douglas Gardiner Creagach Garelochhead Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Douglas Jones G8R 7QL

Douglas Philand 32 Fernoch Crescent Lochgilphead Argyll And Bute PA31 8AE

Dougls Thomas Porter 27 Commonwealth Drive Barassie Troon KA10 7FA

Drew Craig EH16 6XD

Drew MacEoghainn G82 4PD

Drummond Mayo West Dualt, Stockiemuir Road By Killearn G63 9QW

Duncan Hubberstey TQ5 0ET

Duncan Kidson ZE2 9JF

Duncan M KY11 4NY

Duncan Macpherson Ferry House Portincaple

Dylan Gorevan 109 Hyndland Road, Glasgow G12 9JD

E Sheppard G61 1PF

Edward Gallacher PE9 4DJ

Eileen Cameron BA2 2SA

Eileen De Sousa G11 6AJ

Eileen McDonald G84 8BE

Eileen McEwan Old Manse Clynder Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Eileen McWilliams G61 1NX

Eilidh Archibald PH2 9AP

Elaine Chisholm G46 8TB

Elaine Gracie G65 0QP Elaine Mason KW15 1BZ

Elaine Stott Alma Cottage 15 Waterslap Fenwick KA36AJ

Eleanor Carleton LN5 0FN

Eleanor Hooper NG31 8TZ

Eleanor Lakew W11 2BU

Eleanor McFadyen 15 Threestonehill Ave Budhill, Glasgow G32 0NB

Eleanor Topalian G83 7AE

Elena Kimmett KW16 3HR

Elise Kelly 2 Dixon Road Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9DW

Eliza Hubberstey TQ5 0ET

Eliza Ritchie PA23 9RA

Elizabeth Buist 9 East Argyle Street Helensburgh G84 7RR

Elizabeth Finlayson PH1 3NF

Elizabeth Gibson G84 7NJ

Elizabeth Green PH50 4QY

Elizabeth Kerr G84 8LW

Elizabeth Snowden G83 8JR

Ellen Renton G84 7PA

Ellen Stewart G84 9AF

Ellena Hudson EH10 4NB

Ellie McBeth 2076 Great Western Road Knightswood Glasgow G13 2AA

Ellie Stewart DG4 6DX

Ellinor Forsberg Vestergårdsporten 4 Copenhagen 2400

Elspeth Bennett G77 5JR

Elspeth Burt 24B Eversleigh Street, St Albans Christchurch, New Zealand

Emil Marton 13 Barge Court Manse Brae Rhu Helensburgh

Emily Bean Garden 16 Tom-A-Mhoid Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Emily Campbell G72 0XT

Emily Friels G84 7JD

Emma Donaldson DD8 1EW

Emma McKechnie PA8 7JJ

Emma O'Neill G84 7SU Emma Parkinson AB54 8JZ

Emma Roy 52 Queens Crescent Garelochhead Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Enid Thompson PH41 4PL

Eoin Miller KW15 1SX

Erica Dove 1 Edge Lane Garelochhead Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Erika Charlier PA17 5DY

Erin Robinson PA23 8TR

Ethan Archer NG334ER

Euan McMurtrie G74 3AW

Euan Minto PA19 1YB

Euan Wilkie G82 2JQ

Evelyn Hardy 13 MALLARD GROVE, KY11 8GJ

Faheema Limbada BL1 4RQ

Faye Bryce PA2 7AU

Fergus Madigan Fairwater Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute


Finlay Grant Sherwood 24 Millar Place Riverside, Stirling FK8 1XD

Finlay Gray G82 5QN

Finn Weatherstone 682 College Street, Toronto Ontario MG6 1C1

Fiona Ault 1 Railway Cottage Whistlefield Garelochhead G84 0EP

Fiona Baillie G627LF

Fiona Brown EH6 8DA

Fiona Douglas G84

Fiona Forbes KY2 6SX

Fiona Hughes KW16 3DQ

Fiona Kherian TD14 5QE

Fiona Macpherson G12 9BA

Fiona McGowran EH49 7ET

Fiona Paul

Fiona Plunkett Ferndene Gardens 3 Shore Road Cove Argyll And Bute

Fiona Porter G84 7EF

Fiona Scott ML2 8LB Fiona Toal G84 0NY

Fran Nicholls 3 Hamaoze Road Torpoint Cornwall PL11 2ED

Frances Lindsay PA13 4NA

Francesca Williamson KY1 2UT

Francine Farnill YO86 6QX

Fraser Bell

Freddie Bang FK4 1EN

Freya Gray Stone BS3 4TL

Freya Lockhart G82 5PD

Gabriela Mason ML8 5GB

Gabriella Lessing KA3 4ES

Gail MacKenzie IV32 7EH

Gareth Roberts Katrine Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Gary Ewart G44 4AB

Gavin Dunlop Flat 2/1 4 Lorne Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Gavin Kidd AB219FQ

Gavin MacMillan SE3 0NF

Gavin MacMurray PA3 4UF

Gaylor Hoskins Daleview Old Perth Road Strathmiglo KY14 7QQ

Gemma Gunn KW16 3BN

Gemma Harvey EH47 0SE

Gemma Kimmett Duntorquil Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Gemma McCullough DD11 2LW

Gemma Pender 3 Miller Court Union Street Dunoon PA23 8ER

Gemma Welsh KW15 1SX

Geoffrey Smith 10 Lonscale View Keswick CA12 4LP

George Black G82 2TL

George David 43 Linn Walk Garelochhead Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

George Dick Heldonlea Mosstowie IV30 8XE

George Gordon Teigen Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

George Nelson G83 8LW

George Stout EH22 1QY Georgina Carlisle KA7 2PY

Georgina Munro EH48 1TA

Geraldine Hanley 2 Aidenhill Cottages Barbour Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Geraldine Harron PA19 1TB

Gerard Heaney 10 Aitkenbar Circle Dumbarton G82 3WX

Gerard McKeever 16 Drumlanrig Street Thornhill Dumfries And Galloway DG3 5LL

Gerard Shields ML9 2RB

Gerry McAllister KA9 2JR

Gill Shearer Gare Cottage Upper School Road Rhu Helensburgh

Gillian Bartrop-Young IV108SD/ PA23 8SD

Gillian Brydon G83 0LG

Gillian Cummings EH15 8BN

Gillian Lane Westertown Farmhouse Westertown Inverurie AB51 8US

Gillian Mcglone PA30 8EW

Gillian Smith 43 Cannongrange Gardens Stenhousemuir FK5 3DU

Gordon Macleod 9 Springfield Road Kinross KY13 8BA

Gordon Mulholland G3 7EF

Gordon Scott PA77 6XA

Grace Borland Sinclair Kenilworth Shore Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Grace Grant Sherwood 25 Millar Place Riverside Stirling

Graeme Anderson G84 0NP

Graeme Leighton HG3 5RZ

Graham Boswell G51 4JL

Graham Jones Birchbank Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Graham Stott Alma Cottage 15 Waterslap Fenwick KA3 6AJ

Grayson The Copse Donaldsons Brae Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Gregor Penman FK2 7BU

Gwen Sinclair KA3 6FH

H Cameron Oak Lodge Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

H Hall Lower Feolin Villa Portincaple Helensburgh

Hannah Evans 3070

Hannah H G849NP Hanne Wyllie Flat 3/2 6 Aberdour Street Glasgow G31 3NH

Hazel French 10 Maydown Close Fulford Park Sunderland SR5 3DZ

Hazel Grant ML12 6TF

Hazel Simpson

Heather Boyd G62 7BE

Heather Chisholm 7 Laurieston Way Rutherglen G73 4DZ

Heather Miller

Heather Petrie ML12 6LW

Helen Antonelli 5 Rhuddlan Close Rhiwderin Newport Gwent

Helen Bain 11 Meikle Aiden Brae Kilcreggan Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Helen Cairns KW16 3HZ

Helen Cameron KA30 9JN

Helen Devine Varragill Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Helen Gordon Teigen Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Helen Hazlett G83 7DB

Helen Lennon ML3 6PB

Helen Trainor G5 9RB

Helen Walker G84 0JR

Helen Wyllie Old Boghall Parton Castle Douglas DG7 3NJ

Helena Geoghan G84 8FA

Herbert Petrie AB21 7AL

Hetty Wilson EH4 1ND

Hilary Worton Saddleview Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Hugh Tait KY11 9LP

Iain Duncan G14 9RJ

Iain Gray KW16 3BN

Iain Russell EH29 9EJ

Iain shonny Paterson 1 Larach Park Ardgartan Glen Croe Arrochar Argyll And Bute

Iain Smith Dhunan Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Iain Sutherland PA24 8AF

Ian Bainbridge 10 St Margaret's Lane Backwell Nr Bristol BS48 3JR

Ian Grout 18A Upper Glenfinlas Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7HD Ian Hays PH34 4DT

Ian Morris PH50 4RR

Ian Sanderson PA29 6YJ

Ian Stokes G61 2JT

Imogen Burnett G84 8LS

Imogen Lally M4 7AT

Inge Fik G83 8ER

Iona Stewart G84 9QQ

Irene Firth EH45 8EQ

Irene Harper Glenlea Shore Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Irene Hutchison EH11 2HB

Irene Macduff 15 Dumbuck Gardens Dumbarton G82 1DA

Irene Robb 97A West Princes Street Helensburgh G84 8BH

Irene Smith Socair Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Ishbel Crawford PA20 0DU

Ishbel Ross G11 5AU

Issy Barrett-Lally G84 0ET

Ivan Coghill G12 8PB

Ivan Fletcher BL8 4EN

Ivan Roper DN2 6JL

J Malcolm 12 The Beeches Blackwood Lanark ML11 9YR

J Meade

J S Irving The Bungalow Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Jackie Baillie MSP 6 Church Street Dumbarton G82 1QL

Jackie Mollinson PA23 8SG

Jackie Morton 22A East Argyle Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7RR

Jacob Siems G82 5QY

Jacqueline Dawson G83 8JR

Jacqueline Hendry PA4 8NS

Jacqueline Mann G68 9NW

Jacqueline Naysmith EH45 9LU

Jacqueline Ross Kiloran Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh Jacqui Diamond 10 Baird Avenue Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 8DW

Jacquie Blair PA16 0QR

Jade Jemmett BS24 9DF

Jae Sällström FK1 1LZ

James Bollan G83 0UR

James Brown KW16 3JS

James Campbell G11 5AY

James Gow G23 5NB

James Green 20 Butt Avenue Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9DA

James Hennebry G83 9LQ

James MacPhee IV52 8TT

James McSporran PA31 8SW

James Selbie DD2 2RA

James Walker EX2 7FN

James Walker Spindrift Back Road Clynder Helensburgh

James West AB10 6QL

Jamie Banks

Jamie Bowers G776FX

Jamie Fosker EH8 9QU

Jamie McKnight G84 0JY

Jamie Phipps EH32 0JZ

Jan Arthur 52 Clachan Road Rosneath G84 0RJ

Jan Barr G84 9HP

Jane Campbell EH16 6TD

Jane Galloway 15 Redclyffe Gardens Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9JJ

Jane MacDougall G84 9AQ

Jane McIntyre G66 5DP

Janet Bainbridge 11 St Margarets Lane Backwell Nr Bristol BS48 3JR

Janet Hughes FK6 6NT

Janet Jardine

Janey Wilson FK6 5HT

Janice Ross Janice Ross G83 9NZ

Janis Sirmonts G15 6QN

Jason Barret 5 Brookend Brae Clynder Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Jason Duncan 11 Craigomus Crescent Menstrie Fife FK11 7DN

Jason Miles AB24 2SD

Jason Moreland 10 Argyll Road Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Jay Zed G65

Jean Borland Sinclair Kenilworth Shore Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Jean Macdonald 15 Cairn Close Stewarton KA3 3HD

Jean Urquhart G84 9DY

Jeanette McCrimmon G77 6BN

Jeanette Speirs 2 Dixon Road Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 9DW

Jefferson Burgess 12 Pettinain Road Carstairs Junction Lanark ML11 8RF

Jen Allan PA4 8JE

Jenni Hislop KA1 3JR

Jennifer Irvine KY8 3QA

Jennifer Lowe PA27 8BY

Jennifer Rhind DG10 9BU

Jenny Evans 3 Castlebeigh Park Pitlochry PH16 5QH

Jenny Letchford PH32 4BJ

Jenny Sigsworth M3 7BP

Jenny Ward 126 West King Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 8DH

Jeremy Bernau Road End Cottage Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Jess Pike Portchester Gate Stillwater Lake Halifax Canada

Jessica Casson WN2 1DA

Jill Robertson

Jim Boyack PA31 8NR

Jim McArthur G83 8BE

Jim McKinlay PH50 4SD

Jim Thomson G60 5AH

Jim Waugh KA22 7NJ

Jim Wren CW8 2QE Joan Bates G76 7XP

Joan Craig

Joan Pickford

Joan Pickford G83 8SR

Joanna Hargreaves No Address Or Postcode

Joanne McCombie AB12 5NT

Joe Cameron KA30 9JN

Joe Carr 2 Caldwell Place Rhu Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Joe Legris BS7 9TH

Johan Sahl Sigridsvägen 14 Huddinge Sweden 14140

John Agnew 40 Friarscourt Avenue, Knightswood, Glasgow G13 2 EL

John Ballantyne TD9 8JS

John Beattie PA32 8YF

John Blackley KA5 6BU

John Booth

John Cairns 19 Peveril Avenue, Burnside, Glasgow G73 4RD

John Cameron CO9 1ET

John Fullerton G41 2BJ

John Harrower PA34 5TQ

John Henry Cugley G84 7SA

John Houston Florisa Inkerman Place Garelochhead Helensburgh

John Lanigan G82 1LS

John Lanigan PA24 8AF

John Lewis G66 2JQ

John Macdonald 15 Cairn Close Stewarton KA33 3HD

John MacDonald G60 5AN

John MacDonald The Paddock Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

John Madden G22 6DN

John McCafferty ML3 7SS

John McCoshan Flat 24 Walker Place 113 East King Street Helensburgh

John Mclauchlan EH16 5RY

John Patience Taigh-Ailtire Caolis Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute John Riley FK20 8RY

John Ryan ML8 5NF

John Wilson Ferloch Mosscastle Drive Slamman FK1 3EL

Jon Morgan SA1 3JP

Jonathan Wall EH16 6AX

Joseph Bergin EH14 7DP

Joseph Hosie 29 St Modans Way Rosneath G84 0SQ

Joseph Morris

Josephine Makenzie G3 6HP

Joshua Latimer AB34 5JU

Josie Sclater Woodburn Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Judith Orr AB51 4WY

Judith Patience Taigh Ailtire Caolis Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute

Julia Byars G84 9AR

Julia M G14 9PH

Julie Bailey SE10 0DF

Julie Fortucci 26 Laightoun Gardens Condorrat Cumbernauld G67 4EZ

Julie Kidson ZE2 9JF

Julie MacNeil Flat Ground/1 Osbourne Villa School Road Rhu

Julie Spittle PH20 1BH

Juliet Morgan PA23 7SP

June Gray G84 9JG

June Jones Birchbank Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Justine Ling G53 7NP

K Hunter EH11 1NP

Kara McKee 17 Breadalbane Street Tobermory PA75 6PD

Karen Cruikshank 5 Glenwood Drive Thornliebank G46 7EN

Karen McCall KY11 9GL

Karen McGinty EH54 6HB

Karen McGroarty G83 9HB

Karen Mckay G83 9AH

Karen Murphy PA28 6SA Karen Ray PA75 6PB

Karen Riddell IV16 9XT

Karl Lenehan 44 Hamaoaze Road Torpoint Cornwall PL11 2EF

Kat Hassall M4 7AT

Kate Allan G20 7SD

Kate Bowen Flat 1/1 69 Prince Edward Street Glasgow G42 8LX

Kate Storey G84 9EQ

Kate Wade Roiseal View Arnol Isle Of Lewis HS2 9DB

Kate Williams G84 8RT

Katherine Walker G84 9PP

Kathy Black G84 0AT

Katie Charles AB15 4UE

Katie Cross G82 5NS

Katie Nicol PA21 2AG

Katie Penman KY11 8NH

Katrina Norrie AB10 6QA

Katy Orr 1272 Dumbarton Road Glasgow G14 9PR

Katy Reid G82 5LX

Kava F AB30 1FA

Keira Reilly G84 7NW

Keith Evans 3 Castlebeigh Park Pitlochry PH16 5QH

Keith Lloyd 3 Wyndham Close Long Street Williton TA4 4QU

Kel McLean G3 6SJ

Kelly Rix 17 Fulton Gardens Houston PA6 7NU

Ken MacNeil G84 9DW

Kenneth Beaton 22 Scoonie Drive Leven KY8 4SN

Kenneth Wardrop G14 9JX

Kenny Gibson G83 8QP

Kester Park PA23 7TA

Kevin Arthur 52 Clachan Road Rosneath G84 0RJ

Kevin Brabender 21 Queens Crescent Garelochhead G84 0DW

Kevin Loch WAS 1EW Kieran McLaughlin ML5 3RZ

Kim Burke G84 8LF

Kim Cramb

Kimberly Chapman 4 Straid-A-Cnoc Clynder Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Kioran McGrath 1 Barts Terrace Cardross G82 5PE

Kirsty Aitchison PA31 8PQ

Kirsty Buchan 4 Muirend Road Cardross Dumbarton Argyll And Bute

Kirsty Jefferies DD14LN

Kirsty Walter EH5 3RS

Kirsty Whiten The Elm Main Street Craigrothie KY15 5QA

Kitty Cugley G84 8XT

Kyle Poore 7402

Lara Monahan PE9 2YQ

Laura Ashman 1 Queens Road London SW14 8PH

Laura Breslin Tigh Na Mara Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Laura Forsyth 341 Bank Street South Melbourne Victoria Australia

Laura Robinson Upper Flat Creaggan Portincaple G84 0EU

Laura Romay Park Cottage Princes Street Penpoint DG3 4BY

Lauren Slade G82 2TF

Leanne Kirkpatrick KA1 2LF

Lee Dailly DD4 0AU

Lenka Cameron IV519JY

Les Ross G44 4UL

Lesley Gunn AB54 4US

Lesley Hartwell CW1 3BG

Lesley Ingram 6 Main Street Dunshalt Fife KY14 7EU

Lesley Marshall SA44 5SD

Liam Cameron 2444

Lianne Macdonald 70 Bellrock Crescent Cranhill G33 3HG

Liese O'Brien PA27 8BX

Linda Cowan

Linda Gallagher 19 Tom-A-Mhoid Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute Linda Mardell 9 Ben Bouie Drive Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7NE


Linda Nairn KY11 4QE

Linda Sinclair PH33 6LQ

Linda Smith Flat 28 Waverley Court 16 West King Street Helensburgh

Linda Wainwright SK7 5AL

Lindsay Sievewright G65 9UN

Lindsay Watson 9 Topcliff Green Morley Leeds

Lindsey Greatbanks 11 Bay View Court Northam EX39 1TJ

Lindsey McColl Achnamara Whistlefield Road Garelochhead Helensburgh

Lindsey Smyth IV63 7YA

Lisa Brown PA1 1QJ


Lisa Moreland 10 Argyll Road Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Liz Cullen KA11 1BH

Liz Kerr G848LW

Lloyd Stockan KW16 3AQ

Lorna Buntain G66 7BA

Lorna Dennett G82 1SA

Lorna Martin KA3 4EE

Lorna Masterson G84 8QP


Lorne Frame 11 Durham Square Edinburgh EH15 1PU

Lorraine Houston Florisa Garelochhead G84 0EG

Lorraine Thomas G83 9EZ

Lorraine Thomas G839EZ

Louisa Barry Mosscroft Lonmay AB43 8XT

Louise Chapuis 137 West King Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 8DH

Louise Hamilton

Louise Lauder EH11 4HU

Louise Wright G33 2HW

Luca McDonald Lucas Dobbin 17 Fernie Gardens Cardross Dumbarton Argyll And Bute

Lucy Campbell G84 0ET

Lucy Hollingworth

Lucy McLean G84 0NN

Ludmila Kopaskova EH48 2UQ

Lydia Hallis G82 1JA

Lyndsay McLees PO12 2HY

Lynn Pearson PH33 7LS

Lynn Robertson AB33 8PR

Lynsey Cook Springwell Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

M Cameron Oak Lodge Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

M M Brown Woodlands Dunivard Road Garelochhead Helensburgh

M Puckett The Cedars Argull Road Kilcreggan

M Tudge Rivendell Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Madeleine Sclater Woodburn Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Madge Madden 8J Glenford Place Ayr KA7 1LB

Maggie Brotherston PA37 1SL

Maggie Catlin PA20 9JT

Magnus Hay AB15 6NG

Magnus Moncrieff DD8 4TB

Mairi McKissock Redwood Portincaple G84 0ET

Mairi Morton G84 0PN

Malcolm Lind PH10 7DG

Malcolm Macaskill AB32 6HZ

Malgorzata McCallum G45 9HR

Mandy Bryan Branziet Farm Cottage, Balmore Road, Bardowrie G64 4AH

Mandy Carrington 8 Church Place Rhu Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Mandy Charles G84 0HL


Marco Biagini G12 9YG

Maree Shepherd G512LB

Margaret Adams JE2 4PR Margaret Cameron

Margaret Little G84 8SD

Margaret McWalters 9 Monaebrook Place Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7JD

Margaret Reid G83 9LR

Margaret Smith 10 Lonscale View Keswick CA12 4LP

Margaret Thwaites G83 8SG

Margaret Watt KY1 2PQ

Margaret Wood PA28 6PZ

Mari Hislop KA3 7RT

Marianne Gallagher 100 Dorian Drive, Glasgow G76 7NS

Marie Deeley G82 5AR

Marjory Mackay Caorach Dubh Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Mark Breed Monksford Road Newtown St Boswells Roxburghshire TD6 0SB

Mark Connelly M18 4PT

Mark Gordon-Brown Dippen Cottage, Kildonan, Arran KA27 8SB

Mark Main PA23 8TR

Mark McAdam 3 Courthill Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Mark McAdam Jnr 3 Courthill Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute



Mark Utting PA23 8SE

Mark Wright OX3 7RU

Marnie Hodge KA22 7AF

Martin Catlin PA20 9JT

Martin Haines PO BOX 3, Nieu Bethesda, 6286, South Africa

Martin Harper Glenlea Shore Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Martin Henry ML4 1TJ

Martin Semple

Martin Stewart G32 9DG

Marton 13 Barge Court Rhu

Mary Braithwaite PA34 4TX

Mary Crawford G84 0RE Mary Gray G84 0EG

Mary Martin 65 Rockhampton Avenue East Kilbride G75 8EH

Mary Meighan G83 8EJ

Mary Morton 10 William Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 8BD

Maryi Sweetland G83 8RX

Matt Durrant G849EU

Matthew Amer EH19 3RD

Matthew Oliver PA66 6BL


Maureen Mcaleer SO31 6BN

Maureen Paisley Ardlea Artarman Road Rhu Helensburgh

Mavis Petrie AB12 5FS

Max Browning CH63 9LR

Max Wardle G84 7LU

Maya Bimson SY19 7BW

Megan Bain G84 8QW

Megan Lindsay PA13 4NA

Melanie Ross G64 4BT

Mia Campbell Carardun Cromlech Road Sandbank Dunoon

Michael Breslin G84 0ET

Michael Breslin PA23 7UD

Michael Devine Varragill Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Michael Gallacher IV180PE

Michael Lyberis G82 2BN

Michael Mackinnon AB56 1PQ

Michael Mitchell PA21 2BW

Michael Quinn G20 7JZ

Michael Slater ML11 0PY

Michelle Garson KW16 3AH

Michelle Madden Z'mattlistrasse 6, 6318 Walchwil Switzerland

Michelle Sclater KW16 3EQ


Miranda Burnett G84 8NX

Miranda Johnson G84 8LJ

Mirian Calvo LA1 1AF

Moira Chapman FK10 4LY

Moira Hyatt 37 Loch Drive Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 8PZ

Molly McKean EH6 4AQ

Morag Russell DD8 2UF

Morag Shaw

Moray Maloy 25 Courthill Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Morgan Darcy LL11 6NS

Morven Anderson 12 Crawford Park Springfield Cupar KY15 5SW

Moyra Conner G84 8SD

Mundi Cooper PA34 4NN

Murdo Macaulay G74 2HH

Murdo MacLeod No Address Given

Nancy Wilson KW16 3DF

Naomi Dixon KW16 3BN

Natalie Duncan

Natalie Ward DG2 7JL

Neil Cramb

Neil Galligan DD7 7GZ

Neil Russell DD10 9LH

Neil Smith Dalriada Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Neill O'Donnell G74 4RN

Nicholas Fletcher 14 Laurel Lane Cambuslang Glasgow G72 7BF

Nicholas Heath G84 7TF

Nicholas McGranachan G83 8JJ

Nick Hill NR11 7QP

Nicki Bond N5 2DJ

Nicola Graveson M6 8AL

Nicola Hurd SK8 3HA Nicola Kilduff

Nicola Madden Flat 2/3 Beaconsfield Road Glasgow G12 0PJ

Nicola McKay 1 Evan Crescent, Giffnock G46 6NJ

Nicola Milne 29 St Modans Way Rosneath G84 0SQ

Noel Wallace G74 1EU

Olga Hammock PA37 1PJ

Oliver Symon G41 1RF

Olivia Finch PA13 4JU

Olivia Winton G83 8FB

P W Jones 14 Highfield Road Bassaleg Nr Newport Gwent

Paddy Cusick G536QE

Pamela Morrison FK16 6BF

Pamela Munro AB393PF

Papillon Bond N52DJ

Pat Kohler SG8 7SD

Pat Mackie RM5 2LU

Patricia Rose PA23 7JH

Patricia Spencer G69 8ED

Patricia Wortley G83 0EF

Patrick Atkin NG1 5FB

Patrick Gorevan 108 Hyndland Road, Glasgow G12 9JD

Patsy Millar G84 7QR

Paul Brady Road End Cottage Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Paul Colvin G14 0NL

Paul Irvin YO31 7RY

Paul Lessing KA3 4ES

Paul MacNeil G41 1PG

Paul Neilson KA3 7HN

Paul Stewart G84 0JD

Paula Darbyshire Shirlin Whistlefield Road Garelochhead Helensburgh

Paula Russell G84 9SF

Peter Broughan G83 8 RT Peter Paisley Ardlea Artarman Road Rhu Helensburgh

Pilar Ortega G64 1YE

Polly Dunlop Flat 2/1 4 Lorne Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Portincaple Residents Association

Qasim Naz G61 4JA

R J Fletcher Bridge End Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Rachael Bailey LS13 1PS

Rachael Roberts G84 0ET

Rachel Barrack G412HN

Rachel Dinwoodie FK16 6AD

Rachel Seator AB51 4WP

Raoul Chappell SA1 1TY

Raymond Thomson AB24 0NG

Rebecca Flett 16 Ferry Road Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Rebecca Friels G84 7JD

Rebecca Salazar NN3 8TJ

Rebecca Scott ML9 2JR

Rhiannon Rees G84 7LJ

Rhona Paterson G84 0RL

Richard Breslin Tigh Na Mara Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Richard Fraser IV63 6WR

Richard Odonnell G76 7XZ

Richard Watson EH19 2HD

Rob Colston G84 8NR

Robbie Maclean HS9 5XX

Robert Baker G84 0RY

Robert Farrell SA6 6TL

Robert Forsyth 342 Bank Street, South Melbourne Victoria, Australia 3205

Robert Gannon G74 3RT

Robert Gray KW16 3DS

Robert Hackett PA16 8DS

Robert Lamb EH11 3JX Robert Thwaites G83 8SG

Robina McAdam 3 Courthill Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Roger Chapman 4 Straid-A-Cnoc Clynder Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Roger J Wood 19A East Montrose Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7HU

Ronan Munro Flat 1L 7 Hayburn Crescent Partickhill Glasgow

Ronnie Mackie KY3 9UX

Rory Cameron PA16 0HY

Rory Crutchfield PA31 8TA

Rory Hobbs Address Not Provided

Rosa Williamson KY1 2UT

Rosalind Gaffney G51 4JA

Rose Dunne G86 0HJ

Rose Harvie G82 2DY

Rosemary Banner EH15 1TQ

Ross Greer MSP 38 Stewart Street Milngavie G62 6BY

Ross Miller G11 7SR

Ross Robertson

Ross Sinclair Kenilworth Shore Road Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Rosslyn Patterson G84 0LF

Rowan Clark G83 8EP

Rowan Hubberstey TQ5 0ET

Roy Bain 11 Meikle Aiden Brae Kilcreggan Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Roz Paterson Flat 1 Portkil House Kilcreggan Helensburgh

Ruairidh Munro 7 Hayburn Crescent Partickhill Glasgow G11 5AU

Ruaridh Buist 8 East Argyle Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7RR

Russell Dempster Flat 8 42 Hamilton Park Ave Glasgow G12 8DT

Russell Watson DD9 7BB

Ruth Barrie EH15 2BL

Ruth Breslin SK7 6AJ

Ruth Carson 214 South Gyle Wynd, Edinburgh, EH129HN

Ruth Chapman Ferry House Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Ruth Hollywood 109 Chemin Du Vignal Dieulefit France 26220 Ruth Mullen G64 4HP

Rya Walter KW15 1XW

S Griffin CV31 2EN

Sadenia Douglas G3 6DF

Sally Meredith Bramber Beaconsfield Road, Chelwood Gate Haywards Heath RH17 7LF

Sally Pattrick Flat 4F1 13 Rosneath Street Edinburgh EH9 1JH

Sam Gallagher KA21 5NQ

Samantha Collin KY2 6ZJ

Samantha Gallagher Craig Cottage Clynder Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Samantha Love 125 Barrangary Rd Bishopton PA7 5FR

Samuel Brunswick NG32 1JA

Sandra Macdonald FK4 1EJ

Sandra Melnikaite PA34 4QB

Sandra Nel EH26 8NJ

Sandy Forbes KY2 6SX

Sara Alvarez G84 8RA

Sarah Craddock 30 Miller Street Dumbarton G82 2JE

Sarah Goldsmith G41 2BG

Sarah Hoskins Sigridsvägen 14 Huddinge Sweden 14140

Sarah McFadyen EH38 5YE

Sarah Reid 191 Redburn Bonhill Alexandria G83 9BU

Sarah Spencer EH7 4HF

Sarah Youd CH473AT

Save Loch Long Portincaple Campaign Group

Scott Ballantyne Ky4 0jn

Scott Douglas KA9 2LP

Scott Gordon 10 Edge Lane Garelochhead Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Scott Johnson ZE1 0AZ

Scott Mannion PA31 8HZ

Scott Mcmurray G848JG

Scott Munro Aspen Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Scott Sargeant FK10 2TH Scott Slade G82

Scott William Munro C/Gibraltar 6 1B La Linea De La Concepcion Cadiz Spain

Sean Fillos-Kelt IV15 9UQ

Sean Stewart G83 9DF

Sean Williamson G41 3JH

Sebastien Durand Nizan PA1 2PD

Sharon Calderwood Rosneath Home Farm Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Sharon Conboy 7 Edge Lane Garelochhead Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Sharon Guest Flat 9 158 West King Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Sharon McNeilly 1E Brown Road, Seafar, Cumbernauld G671AB

Sharon Parker G72 0QN

Shayne MacFaull PH41 4QQ

Sheena Foy G84 7JJ

Sheila Brodie TD4 6BJ

Sheila Morrison 2741GN

Shirley Dalziel Little Rahane Farm Rahane Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Shirley Farrelll KA1 5RD

Shirley Livingstone PA35 1JQ

Shona McMurchie G84 0NB

Shuitchi Kawada 18A Upper Glenfinlas Street Helensburgh Argyll And Bute G84 7HD

Simeon Maurer G84 0EL

Simon Ionta ME1 1RT

Simon Mackenzie PA31 8PY

Simone Muir G13 1DF

Siona Garden 13 Tom-A-Mhoid Rosneath Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Slyvia Morrison

Sophia Devaney RG20 8HG

Sophia Tortolano FK7 8FJ

Sophie Benton EH526WL

Sophie Kyle Flat 3/2 177 Ledard Road Glasgow G42 9RE

Sophie Leatherbarrow PH50 4QP

Sophie Reid EH9 2AD Stacey Lowry LS123TY

Stacy Gourley KA1 3NN

Stanley Topalian G83 7AE

Steffany Gendron ML6 9TS

Stephanie McFadyen 13B Croftspar Ave, Springboks Glasgow G32 0JH

Stephen Boyle EH16 6EN

Stephen Burns Ml126DH

Stephen Robb G67 2PG

Stephen Stock G83 8QZ

Steve Robertson

Steven Smith PA34 4QB

Steven Turner G84 0JX

Stevie McShane PA13 4QA

Stuart McMillan G75 9FG

Stuart Wallace KA27 8LR

Sue Codling

Susan Bell KA25 7ER

Susan Brown G74 4GL

Susan Coon PA29 6XR

Susan Maxwell G83 0PL

Susan Thomas G82 2SH

Susan Will G84 0HU

Susanna Miller PA24 8AH

Susi Barrie G84 8DB

Susie Whiten Mayfield Craigrothie Fife KY15 5QA

Suzie Alvis PA34 4QB

Sydney Bungard LO5 1JO

Tami Mawhinney G84 0EU

Tamzin Whitley RG17 0QL

Tara Anderson PH2 0EY

Terri Appleget 29418

Terry Gillen G83 7DB Theo Peters Vrij-4, 5853 EK Siebengewald Noord Limburg The Netherlands

Thomas Fletcher 3 Queens Road Colmworth Bedford MK44 2LA

Thomas McPhee PA4 8NS

Thomas O'Neill G75 0EN

Thomas Smillie G84 7RW

Thomss Crocket G82 1HJ

Tim Dixon PA73 6LX

Toby Weston PL19 9EA

Tom Cullen

Tom W M Walker G41 3AX

Tommy Jack FK2 9JJ

Toni Giugliano Address Not Provided

Tony Hughes PA33 1BX

Tony Mayes RG226QB

Tony Rooney PH50 4QJ

Tracey Dunne G84 0HJ

Tracy Ritchie EH33 2BA

Trudi Lubiewski

Valerie Brown G72 7NN

Valerie MacLeod G46 8LJ

Val Robinson, Upper Flat, Creaggan, Portincaple

Valery Willis PA3 3BN

Vanessa Anderson PA35 1JW

Vic Lally G84 0ET

Victoria Slaven PA5 0EJ

Viktorija Melnikaite FK8 1JJ

Vivian Franklin

Vivienne Gleghorn Longview Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

Watson Robinson Upper Flat Creaggan Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh Argyll And Bute

William Black G14 9UT

William Higgins G84 0HS Woodland Trust Scotland South Inch Business Centre Shore Road Perth PH2 8BW

Xiomara Vasquez No Postcode Or Address

Yvonne Leighton HG3 5RZ

Yvonne Thorburn PH50 4QW

Zara Love 124 Barrangary Rd Bishopton PA7 5FR


John Urquhurt 64B Colquhoun Street Helensburgh G84 9JP

Philip Hartley G84 8NW


David Dickson PA2 9BF

Ron Fletcher Bridgend Portincaple

Geoff Caldwell KA10 6LE

Gary Moar KW15 1UZ

Christine Pratt Norse Lodge Feuins Road Portincaple Garelochhead

Portincaple Residents Association Bridge End Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Lynsey McBride G84 8XJ

Chris Smith No Address Provided

R Fletcher Bridge End Feuins Road Portincaple Helensburgh

Jackie Baillie 6 Church Street Dumbarton G82 1QL