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Milt on & Eastney Review OLD RADIO EQUIPMENT ‘MILTON REVIEW’ Private collector would be ADVERTISING interested in purchasing old valve Cost:- All for 12 issues radios, amateur radio equipment, Box 2.5 inches x 1.5 inches: £10.00 military radios, test equipment, Box 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches: £20.00 spares, valves etc. Quarter Page: £30.00 Contact Richard Bishopp Half Page: £60.00 Tel: 023 9275 5800 Full Page: £120.00 Advertising Manager: Mr. Roger Bannister Mob: 07889613183 Tel: 023 9278 0728 MILTON & EASTNEY MILTON December 2018 30p Brighter Homes Decor Brighten up your home PAINTING & DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR NO JOB TOO SMALL HIGH QUALITY WORKMANSHIP CLEAN, RESPECTFUL & RELIABLE COMPETITIVE RATES DISCOUNTS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS FREE ESTIMATES Telephone: 023 9237 6656 Mobile: 07742255337 FULLY INSURED REVIEW BRANSBURY PARK BUTCHERS 141 Telephone Eastney (023) Road 92734328 Happy New Year Parish Directory Happy New Year is a cry that is heard twice in this month. The Church Parish Priest Fr Paul Armstead 287 Milton Road, PO4 8PG heralds the new liturgical year on December 2nd as we herald the start of [email protected] 02392 732786 Advent and all the joy and expectation that brings. Then as soon as Christmas is over, we start to wish each other Happy New Year as the Assistant Curate Fr Emmanuel Nazir 02393 781735 beginning of 2019 will soon be upon us. New years often give us the opportunity to start afresh. We like the idea of Hon Assistant Priest Fr Paul Ginever 02392 174692 new year’s resolutions and may give some thought to them for week or two, or if there is real determination then they become a way of life, a new Choir Church Mr Alastair Ross start. What was the most successful resolution that you ever made? How Reader Mr Jeff Harvey 02392 828111 long did it last? Some of us like to keep them quiet and then the pressure on Churchwarden Miss Stella Wansborough 02392 642386 us is different than if we have broadcast it to all and sundry and then Churchwarden Mr Mark Pearce 02392 426992 everyone is aware and part of the journey. I am so excited by the New Year Resolution that we have at St James, and Director of Music Mr Paul Freathy 07707 564633 we can use it for both New Years! Our resolution is one that involves a Hall bookings and magazine new member of our community and also it involves us all. advertising Mr Roger Bannister 02392 041100 Magazine Treasurer Mr Peter Garner 02392 812448 What a delight it is to see Alastair Ross as part of the team now. He is the Director of our Choir Church initiative and will hold the Bishop’s Licence as Church services a Pioneer Lay Worker. In his first month, December, he will be getting to know us and the people of the parish. He will be around to help and meet Sunday 8.00am Mass (said) with homily people as the schools visit for their Christmas services and productions. He 9.30am Parish Mass (with Junior Church and Creche) will want to listen to our stories, tap our local knowledge bank, find out 11.30am Holy Baptism (first Sunday of month) who we are and what we can do to help him. Then armed with this, 6.30pm Evensong (with Benediction on first Sunday) knowing what makes a city, parish and village ticks and what part music plays in all of this, in January, he will set about meeting everyone to see how we Weekdays Tuesday 2.00pm Mass at Hartford Court can make this new and exciting journey together. 7.00pm Mass (said) Wednesday 10.00am Mass (said) They are many things that we can offer with this venture. The gift and love Friday Noon Mass (said) first in month for music, the gift and love for God our creator, the gift and love of making this journey alongside other Christians. Alastair is just one part of the team for this. He cannot do this on his own and will be looking for others to want Morning Prayer at 8.30am and Evening Prayer at 5.30pm is said on to share the journey. Where will these others come from? From the parish weekdays (except Thursdays) in the St Cross Chapel. church, from the Cathedral, from the schools, from parents and carers, the Baptism (Christening), Banns and Wedding arrangements should be made list is endless. One thing, however, is most definite, he is not a lone worker. on Saturdays between 9.30am and 10.30am in the Church If we think back to the stories of the disciples after the resurrection, they were sent out in pairs (and some times more). What applied then, still Please visit our Website works today. Facebook 2 1. So whatever the New Year(s) holds for you, please do share in the New occasion. Please do consider if you are able to help in this way and really Year for the parish of St James and the launch of Choir Church. If we trust enjoy singing those wonderful carols! in the Lord, what wonderful things he will bring! Christmas flowers Happy New Year (when it comes) Contributions for the cost of flowers to decorate the church at Christmas Fr Paul will be most gratefully received. There is a box at the back of church for this ******************** purpose or speak with Pauline or Netta (on behalf of the FlowerTeam). Roberts Centre Food Bank Parish Priest’s jottings We continue to collect for the Roberts Centre and you will see from the Parish Christmas card separate article in the magazine how grateful they are for all of our help. Only non-perishable goods please and also they must be ‘in date’. Thanks to This year’s parish Christmas Card will soon be available to be delivered. So Lynn and Lorry who then deliver our collection each month. firstly, thank you for all the roads to be covered and the Christmas greetings passed to those in our parish. Although it is only the Christmas Parish lunch weekend events advertised, it would be wonderful if they could all be delivered by Sunday 16 December. This month’s parish lunch on Friday 7th December (with a Christmas feel to it). There will be a mass at midday for those who would like to attend that Mass times this month before the lunch. The next lunch will then be at the beginning of February. In addition to the regular weekday pattern, there will be a mass on Friday Monthly requiem 7th, being the first Friday in the month. is on Tuesday 4 December at 7pm. This is the service at which we pray for The masses on the days following Christmas Day are as follows:- the souls of the recently departed and also of those whose anniversaries of death occur in the month of December. Please do contemplate this service Wednesday 26th S Stephen 10am if a loved one is to be remembered then. Thursday 27th S John 10am Friday 28th Holy Innocents 10am Third Sunday of Advent or Rorate Sunday Morning Prayer will be said at 9.30am those mornings. As has been our custom on the third Sunday of Advent, which is 16 December, following the lead of the celebrant who will be wearing a rose Christmas services (or pink) chasuble, the congregation rise to the challenge of similar colour in Full timetable of Christmas services is on the centre pages of this magazine. sympathy – DON’T THEY? You will see that there are two Christingle services again this year. Also Healing children are encouraged to come dressed as an angel or shepherd, if they wish, and will then be able to be part of the Nativity Play/tableau. The ministry of healing – the laying on of hands and anointing – will be available in the Lady Chapel after the Parish mass on Sunday 16 December Nine Lessons and Carols for those who would like to receive them for themselves and/or others. This will be celebrated on Sunday 23 December at 6.30pm. 200 club This is therefore an appeal for extra voices to join the choir for this It will soon time for the annual subscription payments, Sandra tells me, and 3. 4. could all payments be made by cheque please. This enables a proper paper trail to be maintained. Subscriptions are due on January 1st. Christmas Gift Card Scheme for the Homeless We have lost a number of subscribers during the year and so there are Churches across the city are collecting as part of Churches Homeless Action supermarket gift cards (£5 value please) to be distributed through gaps in the club so speak to Sandra Lamburth about joining or taking out additional numbers. charities which support the homeless. The cards will be presented at a special service at St Mary’s, Fratton Donations can be handed into the The money raised by the 200 Club is used for the continued refurbishment churchwardens on or before Sunday 9 December. of the Halls and so a huge thank you to all who have contributed to enable Christmas travellers the funds to be available for this and we need to continually replenish the funds, so please continue or join the membership. If you are not going to be here over the Christmas period, but away with relatives and friends, then please do travel safely, enjoy your time away and School visits do pass our greetings onto the congregations that you visit over the season.
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