Station Allotment to Newly Recruited Dpes

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Station Allotment to Newly Recruited Dpes (mmr-2 rn+; (873 S.ift.S q€ ffieEli1?r16 x'E-c-dl AIHF - ffi Bd lFdE rird) ltears nr$ fi.02.2020 brJ 19.02.2020) qau zi: 2/8-2020 ( 873 Physical Education Master) Estt..-2(1) flr$, fis.E.flx a-ars : 07 .03.2020 llfr'E tssET )+[aE-6 ftnfiF ds 873 (ffiqs H'E-d) d]{Er}fr},{r Rd flfJfr 30.12.2016 E ild aft3 ffi'+s u6xr afutaao, nina,{' gd-$ E fua{aaz, rir]E <S )ft1 3/5-2016 s.B.(1)t202062447 ffi 17.o2.202o uJ 19.02.2020 ad qnrs fue-drd yd d rov-c+ f& E+d S.rfr.d Ee ffi'du )i1tr6 }+F-d/ IrEaE Et a,e 3 ro-q'd d ryftEgd.' z]:7t204t2012-4 ,t6.1ff1/66 flr$ 15.01.2015 Ed-*3 dre ,.]ru g-J Quvu't ur6x'a € Ers e d'rs HH d-d'd t 10300-34goo+5ooo t3 t){ Hs 1ffi rcu'o que i 0300/- 3 Efl ffi.draa u br3 +d tjfe?a 3 i-6 H g{-se'c, g ftx urro € Eau d: o2to}-202o rr+rs,-2(1) flrs tru<u 20.02.2020 br3 24.02.2020 g fu-d{s i gdH rc? aE rrr fu m' efl-c-€--d' !i s.fut+as ,fiq.ffi.f.,,{E.E uf,,q # ffis d-s dd'Induction cum Residential workshop'a )r{HE i-c qr16J tr e 6rt{ HroH} goq€ E2E6r 3 t6r31 aftS +d t:- Sr. Retistratlon Name Category Category in TOTAT Station Allotted Dlstrlct No. No. Father's Name selection MARKS t 60610243 MANDIP SINGH BC BC 139 GHS MADHU AMRITSAR S/D/o SoM SINGH CHANGA 2 5062L406 JATINDER KUMAR BC BC 740 GHS JAFFERKOT AMRITSAR S/D/o RAM LAL RMSA UPGRADED 3 60512013 SUKHWINDER SINGH BC BC 740 GSSS KIYAM AMRITSAR S/D/o AMAR SINGH PUR 4 60616979 VARINDER SINGH BC BC L4t GHS DIYAL AMRITSAR S/D/o RANJIT SINGH BHARANG 5 50617835 JAGJIT SINGH BC BC 74L GHS KARIAL AMRITSAR S/D/o SUKHBIR SINGH RMSA UPGRADED 6 60610355 TARANJIT SINGH BC BC 74't GHS MAHAWA AMRITSAR S/D/o GURMEET SINGH RMSA UPGRADED 7 60515463 JAGBIR SINGH Ex.Serviceman OPEN L73 GHS AMRITSAR S/D/o SALWINDER (General) BHITTEWAD SINGH 8 60511550 CHASHDIP SINGH BC BC 742 GHS MODE AMRITSAR S/D/o RAMNIK SINGH 9 6061s986 MANPREET SINGH BC BC L43 GSSS BHAKNA AMRITSAR S/D/o SARDOOL SINGH KHURD 10 60623875 MUKESH KUMAR BC BC 143 GHS JONS AMRITSAR S/D/o AMARJEET SINGH MOHAR 71 60614311 PARMINDER SINGH (R&o) sc sc (R&o) 135 Gsss BHTNDT I AMRITSAR S/D/o SARDARA SINGH sATDAN I 12 606L4769 RAMANDEEP SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 135 GHS BHINDI AMRITSAR S/D/o JAGGA SINGH AULAKH 13 50618191 PARAMJIT SINGH Ex.Serviceman OPEN 170 GSSS WADALA AMRITSAR S/D/o GURDIAt SINGH (General) BHITTEWAD 14 606192L2 DURLABH SINGH BC BC t44 GHS CHICHA AMRITSAR S/D/o AMARJEET SINGH 15 60616007 HARDEEP SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 135 GSSS Bhillowal AMRITSAR 5/D/o NACHHATTAR Pa cca SING H L6 60623422 BALWINDER KUMAR sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 135 GHS JAGDEV AMRITSAR S/D/o RAM ASRA KHURD . EdH d: 2/8-2020 ( 873 Physical Education Master) Estt..-2(1) 2 flr$, ,ils.E.,ir a-orst 07.03.2020 t7 60621633 JAGDEEP KAUR sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 136 GHS KAKKAR AMRITSAR S/D/o KASHMIRA KALAN SINGH 18 60622248 MANDEEP KAUR BC BC 145 GSSS JASTER AMRITSAR S/D/o MALKIAT SINGH WAL 19 60624510 GURPREET SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 137 GSSS Dauke AMRITSAR S/D/o GIAN SINGH 20 60511983 BHUPINDER SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) t37 GSSS AMRITSAR s/D/o DIWAN SINGH KATHUNANGAL GIRLS 27 60618429 GURPREET SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) r37 GHS TARPAI AMRITSAR S/D/o SHINGARA SINGH 22 50513980 HARPREET SINGH BC BC 147 GSSS AMRITSAR S/D/o NAIB SINGH RAM DIWALI MUSALMANA 23 50612982 SHYAM SUNDAR sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 140 GSSS AMRITSAR S/D/o zlLE SINGH MATTEWAL 24 60514399 DEEPAK KUMAR sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 140 GSSS KOTU AMRITSAR S/D/o DARSHAN LAL MALLIAN 25 40419890 ARUN KUMAR sc (M&B) sc (M&B) lL4 GSSS S/D/o TARSEM LAL AGAINST SC CHAWIN DA (M&B) ESM DEVI 25 50511574 VUAY KUMAR BC BC t47 GHS JHANDER AMRITSAR S/D/o RAM KRISHAN 27 50618693 JAGDEEP SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 140 GHS NANGAL AMRITSAR S/D/o KULWANT SINGH MEHTA GIRLS 28 6062079a BIKKAR SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 140 GHS UGGAR AMRITSAR S/D/o JAGTAR SINGH AULAKH 29 50618898 JASWANT SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 140 GSSS TAHLI AMRITSAR S/D/o HARPAL SINGH SAH IB 30 60674294 JAGDEEP SINGH BC BC 148 GHS NAWAN AMRITSAR S/D/o SHINGARA SINGH TANEL 31 60679827 SOM NATH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 140 GSSS RANIKE AMRITSAR S/D/o KALU RAM 32 50520936 KALAPANA RANI BC BC 148 GHS MANA AMRITSAR S/D/o SUBHASH WALA CHANDER 33 60618476 SANDEEP KAUR sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 1r.5 GSSS MEHAT S/D/o CHARANJIT AGAINST SC JANDIALA SING H (M&B) ESM 34 60513807 GURINDER SINGH sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 115 GSSS AMRITSAR S/D/o BAKHSHISH GUMANPURA SINGH 35 60612847 RAVI SINGH BC BC 148 GSSS MALLIAN AMRITSAR S/D/o KU LDEE P SINGH 36 50615359 REETA KUMARI sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 115 GSSS JALAL AMRITSAR S/D/o KULDEEP CHAND USMAN 37 606L7706 SURINDER PAL BC BC t49 GH5 HETAM AMRITSAR S/D/o SHAM LAL PURA UPGRADED RMSA 38 40414958 AMRITPAL SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 142 GSSS KHABBE AMRITSAR S/D/o SURINDERPAL RAJPUTAN SINGH 39 60620372 VIKAS KUMAR BC BC !49 GHS SHAHURA AMRITSAR S/D/o MILKH RAI 40 606162s7 HARJIT KAUR sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 116 GHS AMRITSAR S/D/o BALWINDER CHOGAWAN SINGH . U{H d: 2/8-2020 ( 873 Physical Education Master) Estt..-2(1) flr$, flq.E.,iq 6drd : 07 .03.2020 4L 60621400 IASVIR KAUR Ex.Serviceman GENERAL 100 GHS AMRITSAR S/D/o TARA SINGH (General) (EsM ) GAGGARBHANA 42 60619207 RAVINDER SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) L42 GHS BAGGA AMRITSAR S/D/o TARLOK SINGH KALAN 43 60511890 LAKHWINDER SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 742 GHS MEHMA AMRITSAR S/D/o PIARA SINGH 44 60611002 RAJWINDER KAUR Ex.Serviceman GENERAL 100 GHS DHARDEU AMRITSAR S/D/o SURIIT SINGH (G e nera l) (ESM) 45 60625705 JASPREET KAUR sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 143 GSSS BAL SARAI AMRITSAR S/D/o KOKA SINGH 46 6062Lr23 MANDEEP KUMAR BC BC 149 GHS KHANPUR AMRITSAR S/D/o DHARAM CHANO Sheron 47 606L7948 MANPREET SINGH Ex.Serviceman GENERAL 100 GHS JODHE AMRITSAR S/D/o SUKHDEV SINGH (General) (EsM) 48 605208s1 KESHAV KOHLI General OPEN 191. GSSS KATRA AMRITSAR S/D/o RAMPARKASH SAFAID KOH LI 49 6061759s INDERJEET SINGH BC BC 749 GHS PANDHER AMRITSAR S/D/o CHARAN DASS KALAN 50 60512168 KULDEEP SINGH BC- BC (ESM) 104 GSSS SATHIALA AMRITSAR S/D/o GURBACHAN Ex.Serviceman SINGH 51 606209s6 KULWINDER SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 143 GSSS AMRITSAR S/D/o SHINGARA SINGH DEHRIWAL 52 60623267 JOBANJEET SINGH BC BC 150 GSSS WADALA AMRITSAR S/D/o PARWINDER JOHAL SINGH 53 606L2726 NEENA (M&B) sc sc (M&B) 118 GHS ATTAR I AMRITSAR S/D/o MOHINDER PAL GIRTS 54 60620451 PARAMBIR SINGH BC BC 150 GSSS AMRITSAR s/D/o LAKHBIR SINGH TIMMOWAL 55 606LL526 HEENA KUMARI sc (R&o) sc (R&o) L44 GHS PADHRI AMRITSAR s/D/o PAWAN KUMAR 55 60678474 DAVINDER SINGH Ex.Serviceman GEN ERAL 702 GSSS AMRITSAR 505183 S/D/o BACHAN SINGH (General) (ESM) FATEHGARH SHUKAR CHAK 57 50510318 AMANDEEP SINGH sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 118 GSSS TARA AMRITSAR S/D/o TOTA RAM GARH 58 60622835 KAMALPREET KAUR BC BC 752 GSSS RAYYA AMRITSAR S/D/o BALVIR SINGH BOYS 59 509124 HARPREET KAUR Ex.Serviceman Ex.Serviceman 10s GSSS TARSIKKA AMRITSAR S/D/o BALKAR SINGH (General) (General) 60 60623857 GURMAIL SINGH Ex.Serviceman GENERAL 106 GHS SUDHAR AMRITSAR 509668 S/D/o JEEVAN SINGH (General) (EsM) RAJPUTAN 61 60617535 PARVEEN KAUR sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 125 GHS KHAPER AMRITSAR S/D/o IAGTAR SINGH KHERI 62 404L8770 AMARJIT SINGH sc (R&o) sc (R&o) t47 GH5 MAKHAN AMRITSAR S/D/o SARAIN SINGH WINDI 63 50617195 RAJDEEP KAUR BC OPEN 156 GHS CHHAJAL AMRITSAR S/D/o KAUR SINGH WADI GIRLS 64 50515837 MANDEEP SINGH General OPEN 188 GSSS HARSHA AMRITSAR S/D/o SULAKHAN CHHINA SINGH 55 60615410 G URPRE ET SINGH Freedom FREEDOM 129 GSSS LOPOKE AMRITSAR 509916 S/D/o DARSHAN SINGH FiBhter FIGHTER 66 50615108 SAWRA.I SINGH BC OPEN 156 GH5 GURUWALI AMRITSAR S/D/o PARWINDER SING H . il4H 6: 2 /8-2020( 873 Physical Education Master) Estt..-2(1) 4 flr$, ,iq.0.AE 6dld: o'7.03.2020 67 60616235 AMRINOER SINGH Ex.Serviceman GENERAL 111 GSSS WADALA AMRITSAR S/D/o MASHUR SINGH (General) (EsM) 68 60520102 GURVINDER SINGH sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 727 GSSS KOHATI AMRITSAR S/D/o GURNAM SINGH 69 60619564 SANDEEP KAUR sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 727 GHS BHALLA AMRITSAR S/D/o DILBAG SINGH PIND 70 60611876 RUPINDER KAUR sc (M&B) sc (M&B) t27 GSSS CHAM IARI AMRITSAR S/D/o RAMESH KUMAR 71 60674L57 RITIKA sc (R&o) sc (R&o) 150 GHS SHAFI PUR AMRITSAR s/D/o VUAY KUMAR 72 50510305 JATINDER SINGH BC OPEN 160 GHS IBHAN AMRITSAR S/D/o AJIT SINcH KALAN 73 60624051 SANDEEP SINGH sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 129 GSSS SANGANA AMRITSAR S/D/o CHARAN sINGH 74 50514028 VIKRAM SHARMA Ex.Serviceman GENERAL 1-t6 GHS AMRITSAR 501061 S/D/o BHUPINDER (General) (ESM) CHATTIWIN D KUMAR 75 60613266 SHATARPAL SINGH General OPEN 153 GHS FATAH AMRITSAR s/D/o BALWINDER PUR SINGH 76 60612149 GAGANDEEP SINGH BC OPEN 161 GHS NANGAL AMRITSAR S/D/o SUKHWANT SOHAL RMSA SINGH UPGRADED 77 60672922 KAMAL KISHORE sc (R&o) OPEN 152 GSSS DHAPAI AMRITSAR S/D/o SHAM LAL 78 40/.23084 KANWALPREET KAUR General OPEN 155 GHS WADALA AMRITSAR S/D/o AMRIK SINGH KALAN 79 606L7968 NARESH SHARMA General OPEN 1s6 GSSS KATRA AMRITSAR S/D/o MADAN MOHAN KARAM SINGH SHARMA 80 60624342 VIJAY VERMA General OPEN 158 GSSS GOAL AMRITSAR S/D/o ASHOK KUMAR BAGH VERMA 81 606t5257 SUKHDEV SINGH General OPEN 158 GHS SOHIAN AMRITSAR S/D/o AMRIK SINGH KHURD 82 40419915 AMANDEEP SINGH General(Sports) OPEN 166 GHS AMRITSAR S/D/o LAKHWINDER CHAWINDA SINGH KALAN GIRLS 83 60511555 KULDEEP SINGH General OPEN t6t GHS MAHAL AMRITSAR S/D/o LAKHA SINGH RMSA UPGRADEI) 84 60624924 RAVINDER SINGH General OPEN 163 GSSS AMRITSAR S/D/o IQBAL SINGH DASHMESH NAGAR (LOLA) 85 60623085 DAVINDER SINGH General OPEN 764 GHS MALLU AMRITSAR S/D/o CHANAN SINGH NANGAL 86 60619s32 NIRMALA DEVI sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 1,43 GHS GHARINDA AMRITSAR S/D/o SUKHWINDER SINGH 87 606742t8 INDERJIT SINGH sc (M&B) sc (M&B) 744 GHS AMRITSAR S/D/o PARAMJIT SINGH MEHARBAN PURA 88 60510280 TEJBINDER SINGH General OPEN 158 GHS MATOWAL AMRITSAR s/D/o HARBHAJAN SINGH 89 60520223 PARAMJIT SINGH General OPEN 175 GHS MEERA AMRITSAR S/D/o KARNAIL SINGH KOT KALAN 90 60613269 AASPREET KAUR General OPEN t76 GSSS KOT AMRITSAR S/D/o NIWAS YADAV KHALSA .
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