Mitchell Fire Unsettles Valley Residents
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Tuggeranong Community Council Newsletter Issue 9: October 2011 Mitchell fire unsettles Valley residents ACT Liberal Leader, Zed Seselja lives in the Tuggeranong Valley and in one of the suburbs closest to the Hume Indus- trial area. In the aftermath of the Mitchell fire Mr. Seselja has called on the ACT Government to take a more sensible approach to the development of industry near homes. Mr. Seselja said the fire also raised seri- ous concerns about ACT Labor‟s overall emergency management, such as the flawed alert system which had an 80 per cent failure rate. “We will work to ensure there is sensible industrial planning which balances the needs of industry with the legitimate con- cerns of residents,” he said. Minister for Police and Emergency Ser- Smoke from the recent chemical fire at Mitchell billows over homes in Canberra’s vices, Simon Corbell, admitted the emer- northern suburbs. Photo: gency alert telephone warning system used during the fire had limitations. Last month‟s huge chemical fire at members and some via email. One post Mitchell has unsettled many Tugger- read: On hearing of the fire/toxic cloud "Unfortunately, the second Emergency anong residents. Visions of enormous on the Northside of Canberra it has Alert message did not reach a number of plumes of black toxic smoke billowing made me and many of my colleagues people within the intended area. This is over Canberra‟s northern suburbs and concerned about the development of because it would have taken six to seven mass evacuations has left them asking if Hume, refer (EBS). The govt seems hours for the system to deliver the mes- a similar emergency could easily occur in bent on a policy of having heavy industry sage to all phones within the zone.” Tuggeranong. Their concerns may be at Hume (bitumen plant etc). We are all valid with industrial expansion underway well aware of the government’s track Mr. Corbell said that he would be writing in nearby Hume. record for health impact submissions and to the Federal Attorney-General, Robert EIS' refer the proposed gas fired power McClelland, to raise the issue of the sys- Under the Eastern Broad acre Study vast station debacle. We urge the TCC under tem's limitations and will also raise the tracks of land between Symonston and the banner of air pollution in the valley to issue at the Standing Council on Police Hume have been earmarked for more hold the government to account on the and Emergency Management in Novem- light and heavy industry. It is part of the proposed industrial use of Hume. ber. ACT Government‟s push to establish an eastern employment corridor. Already a The consequences of a major industrial Mr. Corbell has also announced an inde- large area south of the existing Hume fire could be even worse with any toxic pendent review of air testing procedures Industrial Estate is being opened up to smoke cloud being trapped in Tugger- during emergencies. He said the inde- new industry. anong due to its topography. Also of pendent expert would review the govern- concern was the apparent failure of the ment's chemical contamination testing A number of residents, fearful that a telephone emergency warning system results and provide advice on a long similar emergency would occur in Tug- and the fact that many people who did term monitoring regime, which would geranong if highly volatile industries receive a warning thought it was a hoax include substantial testing of dioxins. were allowed to establish in Hume, when they realised it contained a number raised their concerns directly with TCC of spelling mistakes. Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community Page 1 CONTENTS PAGE “P” plate safety Debt recovery The Tuggeranong Community Council out, green Mitchell fire unsettles Valley residents 1 (TCC) will consult the National Roads and Motorists Association (NRMA) on P plate safety 2 bins in the issue of “P” plate driver safety in the Deb recovery out, green bins in? 2 ACT. Debt recovery is not a significant prob- Blackspot road funding for Tuggeranong 3 The TCC‟s Transport and Community lem in the ACT, according to Minister for UC/CIT merger costly, Doszpot 3 Services Committee raised the issue of the Environment and Sustainable Devel- “P” plate driver safety in the ACT at the opment, Simon Corbell. Neighbourhood security on TCC agenda 3 last Council meeting. Committee mem- World COPD Day 4 bers also highlighted the fact that legisla- Mr. Corbell was responding to the Tug- tion exists in other jurisdictions that limit geranong Community Council‟s (TCC) Call for centenary funding projects 4 the number of passengers that “P” plate call for the establishment of a debt re- drivers can carry after certain hours and covery office in the ACT. News in Brief 4 legislation that excludes “P” plate drivers OzHarvest takes off 5 from driving high-powered vehicles. Mo- In a motion adopted at its June meeting, tions covering these issues will be con- the TCC said this would allow the gov- Help to control weeds 5 sidered at the next TCC meeting on 1 ernment to send any unpaid fines, espe- NuSkills takes out top training award 6 November. cially for traffic offences, to a debt recov- ery office that could assist people with Airport shapes up for centenary 7 Meanwhile, the NRMA‟s ACT Corporate accumulated fines to arrange an afford- Older Persons Assembly a success 7 Affairs and Regional Policy Specialist, able payment plan. Mr. Ron Collins, will address members Call for Council nominations 7 on the Association‟s position on “P” plate The TCC is concerned that some people, Festival entertainment 7 driver safety in the ACT and the “P” plate particularly the self employed, are unable driver legislation as it operates in other to pay outstanding fines because they Email, modern communication or curse 8 jurisdictions. had lost their driver‟s licence and there- fore, unable to work. Older people “worse liars” 9 The meting will be held in the upstairs Don‟t forget 9 conference room at the Tuggeranong The TCC believes some unlicensed driv- Southern Cross Club in Greenway and ers were continuing to drive to work just will commence at 7.30pm. to earn money to pay outstanding fines and then accumulating more fines after being caught illegally driving again. Mr. Corbell said the Government was mindful of the issues raised by the TCC. He said debt recovery of itself is not a significant problem in the ACT with the vast majority of debts being paid when they fall due. “The Government considers a legislated debt system is not the only means to provide an ability to persons with accu- mulated fines to arrange payment plans,” he said. “The Government will continue to con- sider options that balance the need for debt recovery with consideration of indi- vidual circumstances,” he added. “Where a person is facing hardship and unable to pay a fine or debt within the time period allowed there are well estab- lished processes in place for people to request additional time to pay,” Mr. Cor- bell said. On the issue of organic waste recycling, Mr. Corbell said the Government is con- sidering the option to introduce green bins under the draft ACT Sustainable Waste Strategy. He said their introduc- tion will depend on a cost benefit analy- sis. Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community Page 2 Blackspot road funding for UC/CIT merger Tuggeranong costly says $210,000 to upgrade traffic sig- Doszpot nals, provide additional pedes- trian lighting and replace existing The University of Canberra has now poles; placed a potential $20 million price tag on the proposed CIT/UC merger, despite intersection of Tharwa Drive, Box Andrew Barr's refusal to provide any Hill Avenue and Woodcock Drive financial details of the proposal, accord- at Conder: $63,000 for visibility ing to Shadow Minister for Education and enhancements, including im- Member for Brindabella, Steve Doszpot. proved directional signage, im- proved hazard signage and up- "We're finally seeing potential cost im- graded street lighting; pacts of the merger, which the taxpayer will have to foot, but this information isn't Ms Brodtmann said since 2007 the Fed- coming from ACT Labor itself," Mr. Steve eral Government has invested almost $6 Doszpot said. million in fixing 43 black spots across Canberra. "It certainly raises the question of what else they're hiding. This $20 million could Federal Member for Canberra, “This investment is helping to make our be used for a range of other important Gai Brodtmann MP. local roads safer for motorists, cyclists projects, which is why I again call for the and pedestrians, which is why nationally proposal to be referred to the Education Federal Member for Canberra, Gai Labor has doubled the program‟s funding Committee for proper scrutiny of the po- Brodtmann MP, has announced funding to half a billion dollars,” Ms Brodtmann tential financial and educational im- of $273,000 to fix dangerous black spots said. pacts,” he said. on local roads in the Tuggeranong Val- ley. This latest round of federal funding for "Not only was Professor Bradley denied Tuggeranong was part of $1,126,800 access to any financial information in The approved projects in Tuggeranong allocation to fix eight known blackspots formulating her recommendation, but UC are; across the ACT. itself is also being denied access to CIT's internal financial data,” he claimed. Source: Media Release intersection of Drakeford Drive, Summerland Circuit and O‟Hal- Mr. Doszpot said he found it very worry- loran Circuit at Kambah: ing that UC and the Canberra community are facing an enormous educational overhaul without any relevant financial background.