Newsletter the Society of Architectural Historians
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NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS DECEMBER 1979 VOL. XXIII NO . 6 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 1700 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 • Adolf K. Placzek, President • Editor: Dora P. Crouch, School of Archi tecture, RPI, Troy, New York, 12181 • Assistant Editor: Kathryn Smith, 833 North Kings. Road, Los Angeles, California 90069 . SAH NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE 1980 Annual Meeting-Madison, Wisconsin (April 23-27). David Gebhard, University of California at Santa Barbara, will Dear Fellow Members: be general chairman of the meeting, with Richard W. E. Perrin, Our Executive Secretary, Rosann Berry, has requested FAIA, acting as honorary local chairman. Narciso Menocal, early retirement from SAH in March, 1981. It is almost Department of Art History of the University of Wisconsin, and impossible to imagine the Society without Rosann. She Eric S. McCready, The University of Texas at Austin, are local welcomed most of us to membership. She does many of chairmen. the things the officers are given credit for. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign alumni interested in Mrs. Berry has, however, given us time to think through meeting for lunch on Thursday, April 24 , in Madison should and adjust to the fact of her leaving, and has kindly agreed contact Narciso Menocal (Department of Art History, Univer to help on a consulting basis for a period of time. All she sity of Wisconsin, Madison 53706) before the meeting' s preregis asks is that we start the search now. tration deadline. Accordingly, I have appointed Paul Henderson, a busi- . The Preliminary Program for the meeting (accompanied ness consultant and associate of our Treasurer, Robert· by a preregistration form and hotel card) will be received by Jorgensen, to chair the search committee. the membership by January 15, 1980. Please direct all suggestions and inquiries to Paul Hen derson at 540 Frontage Road, Room 203, Northfield, Il 1981 Annual Meeting-Victoria, British Columbia (April linois 60093. 1-5). Damie Stillman, University of Delaware, will be general I know you feel as I do that Rosann represents a part of chairman of the meeting. Alan Gowans, University of Victoria, us . that SAH will not ever be quite the same after she will serve as honorary local chairman, and Earl D. Layman, turns in her keys. We love her and wish her well. Historic Preservation Officer of the City of Seattle, will serve as local chairman. Originally, this meeting was scheduled for Adolf K. Placzek Seattle; however, the site has been changed because of altered President hotel facilities in Seattle. SPECIAL 1980 ANNUAL TOUR: Southwest (October 4-11). forms must be returned there by January 31, 1980. An SAH The chairman of the tour will be John P. Conron, FAIA, who will committee to review applications will be appointed by Pres be assisted by Bainbridge Bunting, University of New Mexico. ident Adolf K. Placzek. (See October 1979 Newsletter for details.) SAH Placement Service Bulletin. The next Bulletin will appear 1980 Foreign Tour-France, May 23-June 15. Earl D. with the February 1980 issue. Deadline: January 10 , 1980. Layman, Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Seattle, will be chairman of the tour. This tour is completely sub scribed, with a long waiting list. If there is sufficient interest, SAH FUND-RAISING CAMPAIGN it will be re-run at the same time of the year in 1982, as an extra foreign tour. Members interested in participating if it is Members will see on their renewal notices an appeal to con re-run should write the SAH central office to that effect. sider upgrading their membership. It is hoped that many will now become Supporting, as well as Patron, Contributing, or Donor American Friends of Attingham Summer School-1980 Members. Another potential source of support is corporate Scholarship. For the eleventh consecutive year, a full-tuition matching of employee contributions. Listed below are the names scholarship will be awarded by the American Friends of Atting of some corporations that will match membership contributions. ham to a member of the national SAH to attend the twenty-ninth If you are employed by any of them, or others that participate in annual course of the School, July 3-22 , 1980. The School will be this program, please ask them to match your contribution to in residence for the first week at Attingham Park; the second SAH: week will be spent in Derbyshire (Sheffield University); and the Allied Chemical Corporation Kimberly Clark Foundation third week will center on the cathedral city of Chester. The Amstar Corporation Lever Brothers Company Bank America Foundation Meadville Corporation Cheshire area of the West Highlands is rich in 16th and early 17th Citibank Morgan Guaranty Trust Company century timber-framed buildings. Corning Glass Works Foundation Philip Morris , Inc. SAH members may obtain full details and applications Equitable Life Assurance Society Quaker Oats from Mrs. Pauli McClanahan, Executive Secretary, American Gulf Oil Foundation Sherwood Medical Industries Friends of the Attingham Summer School, Inc., 1785 Mas Gulf & Western Industries Time, Inc. Houston Natural Gas Corporation United Parcel Service sachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Completed Johnson & Higgins Xerox Corporation CHAPTERS Tucson Western Reserve Architectural Jay McCall (Pres.), 1665 W. Historians Hudson Dr., Tucson , AZ 85704 Clyde Patterson (Pres.), 38400 Herewith is the annual printing of the names of officers of chap Harris J. Sobin (Vice Pres.) Chagrin Blvd., Chagrin Falls ters, and of an address for each chapter. Sara E. Gresham (Treas.) OH 44022 Robert Giebner (Preservation) Eric Johannesen (Vice Pres.) Kenneth Goldberg (Sec.) Turpin Bannister Missouri Valley University of Virginia Jean Starkey (Treas.) Marjorie Semerad (Pres.). Geraldine Fowle (Pres.), Dept. Stuart Siegel (Pres.), Department of Art History of Art & Art History, Univ. 533 N. First St., Wisconsin Russell Sage College, Troy, of Missouri-Kansas City, Charlottesville, VA 2290 I Jeffrey Dean (Pres.), NY 12180 Kansas City, MO 64110 Claire Welch (Vice Pres.) 5033 LaCrosse Lane A. Donald Emerich (Vice Pres.) Eugene Young (Vice Pres.) Sally Lanford (Sec.) Madison , WI 53705 Susan Moyle Lynch (Sec.) Sherry Pi land (Sec.-Treas.) Grace Gary (Treas.) Brian Larson (Vice Pres.) A. Hayward Benning (Tres.) Katherine Hundt (Sec.-Treas.) John G. Waite (Preservation) New England Western New York James A. Sewell (Preservation) Cynthia Zaitzevsky (Pres.) Jack Quinan (Pres.) Chicago 1258 Beacon St. , Brookline. MA 02146 168 Camden Ave., Melvyn Skvarla (Pres.), Randolph Langenbach (Vice Pres.) Buffalo, NY 14216 3450 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. , Anna Hunt Brown (Rec. Sec.) Chicago, IL 60659 Monique B. Lehner (Membership Sec.) Kevin Harrington (Vice Pres.) Richard Willis (Treas.) Francis Steiner (Sec.) New Jersey. Oct. 6 meeting was a tour of and papers about the Lawrence G. Vonckx (Treas.) New Jersey Rutgers Univ. campus. Papers were by Michael Barr, Tod Mar Mary Ellen Sigmond (Preservation) Ferris Olin (Pres.). 17-08 Fox Run Dr., Plainsboro. der, and Andrew Farkas. Decorative Arts Society NJ 08536 Lynn E. Springer (Vice Pres.) Thomas Gilheany (Vice Pres.) 2216A Menard Street Tod Marder (Sec.) New York City. Speakers were Colin Amery in April, about St. Louis, MO 63104 Margot O'Neill (Treas.) "New Directions in British Architecture"; Gavin Stamp in Oc Deborah Dependahl Waters (Sec.) Eleanor Price (Preservation) tober, about "The Last Great Gothic Revival Architect, Sir Giles Philip Johnson (Treas.) New York City Gilbert Scott"; and Dora Crouch in November, about "How to Iowa Carol H. Krinsky (Pres.), 370 Build a Spanish City in the New World." Todd Mozingo (Pres.), 631 First Ave., New York , NY E. College, #I , Iowa City, 10010 lA 52240 Arnold Markowitz (Vice Pres.) Minnesota. Spring activities included a slide presentation by Samuel Klingensmith (Sec.) Mosette G. Broderick (Sec.) Eileen Michels about her Greek tour; Hazel Brewer Wilson Wesley Shank (Treas.) Dennis J. McFadden (Treas.) about a lifetime of painting; and a tour of Faribault in June. The Landscape Architecture and the Northern Pacific Coast chapter is recording a series of public conversations with persons Allied Arts Roger Scharmer (Pres.), 15 who h;we made important artistic and scholastic contributions; Bernadette G. Callery (Pres.), St. Jude Rd .. Mill Valley. Hunt Inst. of Botanical CA 94941 the fall program was a conversation with Dimitri Tselos. Documentation Sheila Finch-Tepper (Vice Pres.) Carnegie Mellon Univ. Dorothy Gilmore (Sec.-Treas.) Philadelphia. Richard Betts spoke in Sept. about an 18th cen Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Gil Davis (Preservation) William L. Beiswanger (Vice Pres.) tury house in W. Philadelphia, Woodlands; the lecture was co Caroline Sloat (Sec.-Treas.) Philadelphia sponsored by the University City Historical Society. H. Reed Longnecker (Pres.). 1726 Latrobe Spruce St.. Philadelphia John C. Poppeliers (Pres.), 2939 PA 19103 Turpin Bannister (Eastern New York). Spring Tour was of the Van Ness St.. Washington. DC Harry G. Schalck (Vice Pres.) Schenectady area, led by Barbara Rotondo. The fall lecture 20008 Arthur Channing Downs, Jr. Nicholas A. Pappas (Vice Pres.) (Sec.) series, jointly sponsored with the Albany Institute of History Constance W. Ramirez (Sec.) Richard J. Webster (Treas.) and Art, included Marjorie Semerad on the Centre Pompidou, Stephen N. Dennis (Treas.) William Rhoads on FDR as "architect," Dianne Pilgrim on the Nancy B. Schwartz (Preservation) Saarinen