By Alice Engelsbel Cheers to the Year: 2018 Recap As we say goodbye to 2018, it is atmosphere. tenced to 40 to 175 years in prison af- Stanford University School of Medi- unfortunate grief onto Kavanaugh’s important to reflect on the year we are Additionally, 2018 marked an im- ter pleading guilty to seven counts of cine, accused Kavanaugh of assaulting family. As 2019 rolls around the corner leaving behind. 2018 was full of pro- pressive step forward in the #MeToo sexual assault of minors. Additionally, her in her emotional testimony. How- the feminist movement has set a new tests, advancements, setbacks, politi- movement which took off rapidly in Harvey Weinstein, a recipient of dozens ever, the case proved to not be as in- goal, to stop victim-blaming. We want cal turmoil, and striding away from the October 2017 and will continue its of sexual harassment allegations found fluential as expected. An all-male panel cases to be considered and carefully in- prevalent issue of climate change. legacy well into 2019. The movement his way into headlines as he continued of Republican Senators hired an out- vestigated with the same discretion as It’s important to remember the was meant to give voices to those who to argue for his innocence. As we move side prosecutor and the prosecution all other cases no matter the victim or nationwide walk-out against gun vio- fell victim to sexual harassment and into 2019, we are able to celebrate a refused to subpoena the key witness the accused. lence on March 14, 2018. Across the assault. The hashtag #MeToo spread vi- victory for feminism and take advan- while denying Ford the FBI investiga- nation, millions of students, including rally in an attempt to fight against the tage of the new vocal platform that we tion that she had asked for. Those exact Continued on page 3 some in our very own school, walked increasing number of sexual assault paved in 2018. same Senators honored Brett Kavana- out of their classrooms to commemo- and harassment cases in the work- To add on to the endless list of ugh with a position in the Supreme rate the lives lost in U.S. school shoot- place. Specifically, celebrity cases with events during 2018, Donald Trump Court and told Ford that perhaps ‘her ings while peacefully protesting cur- Harvey Weinstein and Larry Nassar, a requested Brett Kavanaugh to replace memory was flawed’ and that she rent gun laws. We saw our community former gymnastics doctor, were espe- Anthony Kennedy in the Supreme couldn’t have possibly trusted herself represent a diverse group of students cially significant because the convicted Court. Dr. Ford, an American profes- to know the person who assaulted her with varying opinions and were forced were males in positions of power. On sor of psychology at Palo Alto Univer- was Kavanaugh. She was discredited, to discuss our perspectives in a mature January 24, 2018, Nassar was sen- sity and a research psychologist at the undermined by the press as bringing Don’t Get Bruised by the Winter Blues By Syd Eckhardt & Silvie Arredondo With the new year in full swing, it’s often hard to take a step back from work, school, and other commitments. However, it’s important to find time to relax. Listening to music is definitely a good way to boost your mood, destress, and give your ears a treat. If you’re looking for some great sugges- tions, keep on reading! We have all had those moods where all we want to do is scream out the lyrics to our favorite anthem, whether we’re in the car or in the mid- dle of the grocery store. “Chandelier,” sung by Sia, is a bit of a throwback, but it’s the perfect song to belt out. “Youngblood” by 5 Seconds of Sum- mer and “The Middle” by Maren Morris are also great options, too.

Continued on page 8 A Winter Snow. Photos courtesy of Google Images 2 January 7, 2019 NEWS Twas the Night Before Semester 2: College Decisions Right Around the Corner For midyear grades By Khushi Kadakia Chelsea Sadler, a sophomore, By Meghan Oddy Will still be released voiced her opinion on an elective that And if the seniors don’t study Central currently offers over 140 could be useful for the future. “Echo is a Twas the week before christmas Bad news, they will greet electives with a wide range of different great course offered here to open your and all through the halls, subjects that appeal to all kinds of stu- eyes to a career or college that you all the seniors were waiting But that shouldn’t be a problem dents. There are more than ten depart- might not have thought about before.” for college acceptance calls. At central this time ments to choose from. The Social Stud- Similarly, Ms. Biber, one of the school’s Cause we all know the students ies and Fine Arts departments offer the counselors, recommends Early College For on December 15, Find not studying to be a crime most electives at Central. Students can and Career Planning for the great help Students will eagerly check their always refer to the Hunterdon Central it will offer when deciding your future. mail Though some who play sports Website under the Program of Studies She expresses, “I wish it were a require- To nd letters from institutions Have a whole di erent ordeal for a more in-depth summary. ment for all students to take before Ellie Fiscor, a bright-eyed sopho- they graduate.” Like Harvard and Yale As with schools who display more, is looking forward to her chosen Finally, AP United States History ment, including some of his favorites, interest elective next semester. “Criminal Law Teacher, Mr. Smith, talked to his stu- Classical World and Anthropology. Though some who applied ED O er a deal Found out on December one is a unique elective that’s offered here, dents regarding scheduling and rec- Ultimately, students should take an and I can’t wait to begin!” Another stu- ommendations that will take place elective depending on what they are While some were disappointed Students sign on the line dent, Sarina Zafar, is currently enrolled mid-January. One course that he will interested in. Central offers a variety of Others had fun And initial here in Honors Psychology and is fascinated be recommending for his students electives to choose from, encouraging And to that school they will go with the contents of the class. “The top- next year is AP European History. He students to explore their passions and Take Zack Bacino for instance In the coming year ics we cover are exciting, and now I’m also mentioned the mass choices of interests along with their core classes. Who got into TCNJ considering to be a physiatrist.” electives in the Social Studies depart- He also received a scholarship Radha Dooley took part Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia Leaving him less to pay In this annual event She will go to Fordham in the fall Others applied rolling As she signed with a pen To schools far and wide So they would nd out in two Pasquale V as well weeks Signed on the line To the schools they applied For Stevens will be winning Their wrestling matches in Tim Hough did just that no time And applied to Rowan He also found out For those who applied early On a day that was snowing Can also get a surprise As some schools release their Erin Devine applied rolling aceptances A few months ago Before the noti cation deadline To Kutztown University Next year she will go Rachel Oddy for one Was excited to see The days count down When she got accepted to Pace And the seniors await One month early But until then Their physics tests await No matter the result Know your future is bright Happy New Year’s red devils Graphic courtesy of Natalie Betterman “And All that Jazz”

By Stephanie Brody pressed, “Chicago is going to be an “Chicago is going to intense and exciting show to put on Last year, the school musical took be an intense and excit- and a very fun show to see and I’m us aboard the S. S. American while excited to work with all these amaz- it glided through the Atlantic ocean ing show to put on and a ing people to bring the story to life.” en route to Europe during the 1930s. very fun show to see and The cast begins rehearsals in January This year, it’s retreating back a decade and performances will occur Thurs- to the 1920’s jazz age of Chicago. The I’m excited to work with day, March 7th through Saturday, show chronicles the lives and rivalry all these amazing people March 9th, each night at 7pm. Chi- of two women on death row in an all- cago will include Fosse-esque danc- female Chicago jailhouse. The cast is to bring the story to life.” es and vibrant showtunes all taking lead by Sydney Cook as Roxie Hart, a - An ensemble memberself- place during the roaring twenties. gorgeous and self centered murder- ess. Bella Depaola is , a tough and sarcastic former vaude- ville performer, Matthew Woodward less bumbling husband, and Gabi Photo Courtesy of Eva Stanford is , a suave yet sleazy law- Scarpelli is Matron “Mama” Morton, yer, AJ Knox is Amos Hart, Roxie’s the sassy warden of the Cook Coun- ty Jail. An ensemble member ex-

The Lamp is written, designed, and produced monthly by the stu- Letters to the Editor and Editorial Policy dents of Hunterdon Central Regional High School. All letters are welcome, provided they arrive with a signature and phone number. Letters may be sent to The Lamp, c/o Mr. Scott Emily Phu, Madeline Eichorn News Editors Einhorn, 84 Route 31 North, Flemington, NJ 08822 or e-mailed to lamp@ Alex Davies & Anjali Vijan, Molly Fiske, Alexandra Bolinger Opinions Editors Sneha Batheja Rachel Papalski, Nisha Kakwani Features Editors The Lamp reserves the right to edit and/or print only letters Editors-in-Chief Paul Slotterback, Jess Jiang Arts and Living Editors deemed suitable for publication. All stories, ideas, and opinions are Sydney Raslowsky & Pearl Schraeder, Fabianna Rincon Student Life Editors generated by the sta and do not represent the views of the adviser, Julia Wierzbicki Dan Mallea, Meghan Oddy Sports Editors teachers, administration, Board of Education, or the student body of Managing Editors Rachel Macko Graphics Editor Hunterdon Central Regional High School. *The Lamp serves as an open Kyle Gilbert, Chase Agheli Business Managers student forum; therefore, the opinions expressed (other than the un- Chase Agheli Scott Einhorn Adviser Online Editor-in-Chief signed bolded editorial) do not necessarily re ect the views of the sta .

4 January 7, 2019 FEATURES Custodians: The Heroes at HCRHS

By Madeleine Eichorn classrooms, make sure the trash is taken out, and keep the bath- “There is a lot more that goes into [the maintenance of the rooms clean, working from about three in the afternoon [until] school] than people think,” says Thornton. “It’s a lot of behind Everyday we walk through the doors of Hunterdon Cen- around eleven in the evening depending on what events are the scenes work.” In addition to the day-to-day tasks that need tral, we come into a safe, clean, and structured environment going on after school that day.” to be completed, the Operations Department also handles to learn. From the teachers who instruct us to the subject de- event set-up and breakdown for all major events at Hunterdon partment supervisors and administrators who ensure that each Central, including basketball games and musical concerts. With department runs smoothly, we are lucky to have individuals There are also members of the Operations Department who a student body as large as Central’s, there is always something who constantly look out for our well-being. However, one de- maintain the buildings and grounds as well as maintenance, going on. Many of the staff even end up working weekends just partment that does so much for this school that often goes un- handling everything from electricity to plumbing. These are to make sure that everything that goes on at the school runs recognized is the Operations Department. You might be asking, mainly tradesmen, and at Hunterdon Central, there are nine of efficiently. who is part of the Operations Department and what exactly do them. Ms. Gene manages the office of the Operations Depart- they do? To find out, I interviewed the Director of Operations, ment and makes sure that all the bills get paid. Donald Thornton. Learning the day-to-day tasks of these hard workers, it’s easy to say that the Operations Department is the glue that hold this school together. When asked if Thornton thought the depart- Thornton explains that the Operations Department over- ment received the recognition deserved for the amount of work sees all the non-instructional needs of the school. They support put in, he said, “I think so. There is a lot of times we go above the school by making sure that it is clean and safe to enter and and beyond, and we get emails.” He explains that they get a lot guarantee that the school is ready to go by the early start of the of thanks for the work that they do, saying that it is because the school day. The department is in charge of “everything inside work completed is “good, steady, and honest work.” the building, from cleaning to making sure the heat, air condi- tioning, plumbing, and electricity works.” Thornton continues, “We do everything outside the school from making sure the “I think a lot of their work is observed and doesn’t go un- grass is cut to the fields being ready for athletics that happen noticed,” Thornton says while reflecting on the praise of the after school and snow removal during the winter”. Evidently, custodial staff. However, he suggests that there are ways that the Operations Department is usually tasked with the jobs that students can help show appreciation for our custodial staff spe- many of us students sometimes take for granted. cifically. “It’s true for here and everywhere else. Be aware of the impact you have. Make sure don’t leave a mess behind you; pick up trash, and don’t leave it behind.” Although there are many people that make up this depart- ment, the members you probably come in contact with most are part of the custodial staff. And while we may always see Thornton says that the custodial staff is “a lot of fun to be them cleaning the halls and classrooms after school, how often around”. He always enjoys working with them because based do you say “hello” or hold a conversation with one of them? Photo Courtesy of Nisha Kakwani on their diligent work ethic, they are very hard working and considerate people. Some of them have been at Central for over Custodian Blanca Laza, one of Hunterdon 20 years! They are a very interesting, fun, and kind group. Next When asked about what the custodial staff exactly does, Central’s hardworking employees, is seen after time you are in the halls and see one of our custodial staff, make Thornton described the breakdown of the staff. “There are five school keeping the classrooms clean. sure you tell them thank you for all that they do and the hard custodial staff who work during the day (from around six o’clock work they put into this school! in the morning to around two or three in the afternoon) to make sure everything stays clean throughout the school day… Twenty-two staff members work at night. They go through

2 0 1 8 Trends: Out with the Old, In with the New

success. Despite cementing itself as a household By Sara Gaudino Bruno Mars isn’t the only artist finding inspiration name over its 75-year history, the iconic camera from the past. Whether you love the smooth gui- company, Polaroid, filed for bankruptcy twice in Everything old is new again. tar of the 1970s or upbeat pop of the 1980s, many the early 2000s. Nonetheless, the company in- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of today’s artists are drawing inspiration from all vested in other arms of the business (TVs and tab- has on several occasions confirmed herself to be a different decades to create retro-sounding music lets, for example, the latter of which is their fastest fashion icon by using only one simple accessory: with a modern twist. Singer Ray LaMontagne’s growing category) and released a new version of a scrunchie. There it was, bright and blue, holding smooth, 60s inspired voice, is truly a hidden trea- their Polaroid instant camera in 2010, much to the back her ponytail as she accepted the nomination sure. His music has been rightfully compared to delight of die-hard fans. for Supreme Court Justice in 1993. At the 2000 that of Van Morrison and Otis Redding with hints black-tie gala, Ginsburg wore a silver-striped vari- of 70s rock. Other artists with retro influences Although is no longer the preferred ation: one that reappeared eight years later when include Leon Bridges, Chris Stapleton, and Chro- genre like it used to be, many musical icons of the she and former President Barack Obama spent meo. 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, including Bob Dylan, John- time at the Capitol. No matter the color, size, or ny Cash, Guns ‘N Roses, Metallica, the Red Hot pattern, scrunchies have continued making ap- CD’s have now been replaced with making Chili Peppers, and U2, have gained some popular- pearances throughout her sedulous career. And music playlists on Youtube, listening to on ity throughout today’s younger generations. This thanks to many of today’s popular celebrities, in- Spotify, and surprisingly, also with vinyl records. music has made a prominent reappearance. “It’s cluding Selena Gomez and Bella Hadid, scrunchies People are falling back in love with the qual- not that rock’s popularity has necessarily waned, have also become increasingly popular with post- ity audio that a vinyl record provides. There’s also but it’s had growing pains as consumption shifted millennials. But it was Ginsburg who proved that something magical about buying records; it’s the from an owned, -based economy to a track- regardless of the occasion, a scrunchie is always type of experience that got lost in the iTunes gen- based economy,” says Dylan Lewis, head of digital appropriate. eration. It’s when you can spend hours aimlessly sales for record company Glassnote. Many Viet- searching for music, getting lost in the concept of nam/Woodstock Era bands have also been com- When Bruno Mars and producer Mark Ron- time. This is something a growing number of peo- ing back, some including The Rolling Stones, The son released their iconic hit, “Uptown Funk,” the ple are taking note of and ultimately experiencing Animals, The Beatles, The Doors and Fleetwood upbeat song resembled something the modern themselves. Mac. music industry had never heard before. Its retro sound resulted in a record-breaking number of As our photography has moved from film- To conclude, 2018 was filled with a variety of streams in the US—4.8 million in just one week— filled cameras to app-filled phones, a surprising, unique trends that were similar to those of the as well as countless award nominations. Looking yet wonderful thing has happened. Film has made past. For instance, scrunchies are a trend that deeper into the recording/writing process, it’s a reappearance—in the form of instant cameras. seemingly will not grow old despite time. In 2019, clear that the song was heavily influenced by dif- Companies such as Polaroid, Fujifilm, and Lomog- hopefully more trends of the past will become Photo courtesy of Danielle Caldarella ferent funk and R&B artists of the 1980s, including raphy have entered or re-entered the space over popular, but all we can do now is simply wait and Zapp, Earth, Wind & Fire, and The Sequence. But the past few years, all of which have gained much see! FEATURES January 7, 2019 5

New Year’s Traditions roving By Lauren Benson the New Year because of time zones, Along with these large-scale festivi- reporter also has a fireworks show at the Syd- ties, many people perform their own With 2018 coming to a close, peo- ney Harbor, creating a spectacular dis- personal traditions that are greatly ple across the world are celebrating play above the famous Sydney Opera influenced by the culture they live in. their own unique traditions. Some of House and Harbor Bridge. For example, almost all people create these traditions are widespread while Although these are well known a New Year’s Resolution—a year-long others may be practiced with certain festivals that may not differ much goal they set to better themselves, What is your 2019 families for specific cultural reasons. from each other, many countries in- their lives, or their well-being. In the These celebrations around New Years corporate a great amount of their own United States in 2018, the most com- New Year’s may differ greatly between each other, culture into their New Year’s tradi- mon New Year’s Resolutions were eat- but they all manage to bring family, tions. In Estonia for example, there is ing healthier, exercising more, and sav- Resolution? friends, and even strangers closer to- a clear cultural tradition that is much ing more money. Individual families gether. different than how most other coun- may also include New Year’s celebra- Your culture greatly affects how tries celebrate. On New Year’s Eve, tions that incorporate their cultures. you spend your New Year’s Eve. Here people will eat only 7, 9, or 12 times Melissa, for example, a Sophmore, on the Eastern Coast of the United (all lucky numbers to Estonian cul- explains how her mom “always makes States, many people have fond mem- ture). Whenever they eat, though, they tamales on New Year’s Eve.” Robyn, ories of staying up until midnight to must make sure to leave some food also a sophomore, talked about how watch the ball drop in Times Square, a on their plates for dead ancestors and her fondest memories are of when great way to signify the coming of the spirits that they believe will visit them she “stayed up until midnight with her New Year. In 2017 last year, around one on New Year’s Eve. China is sure to in- family to watch the famous ball drop million people joined together in New clude their country’s beliefs into their in Times Square.” This shows that both York City to celebrate. Here, there are celebrations by painting their doors your personal and national culture can performers that entertain the crowds, red, which symbolizes happiness and affect how you end this year and wel- and countless television crews are good luck in their culture. Korea also come the next. there to film the event. It is always a celebrates New Year’s uniquely. They Although New Year’s Eve may not dazzling site to watch the multi-col- see New Year’s Day as a way to renew seem like a holiday, many people ored glass ball drop, starting at one family ties. The importance of family is across the world treat it as such. Na- minute before midnight. People often further evident in the raking of leaves tional, cultural, and personal traditions go wild, throwing their hands in the out by their front doors to protect their can affect how you spend this time of air while confetti drops around them. family from evil spirits in the New Year. year, but almost always, the New Year Across the world though, in Dubai, On this day, they also create brand new brings people together and pushes Photo Courtesy of Rachel Papalski there is another beautiful display. At sets of clothing with only the colors them to start anew. midnight, the skyscraper Burj Khalifa, red, white, blue, yellow, and green, a “My resolution is to study more the tallest building in the world, shoots way for them to symbolize a new start and get better grades. Hopefully, I out fireworks. In Sydney, Australia, the to the year, while also celebrating with will avoid procrastination and work to first major city in the world to welcome their families. manage stress better.”

-Nariman Osman 12th Grade

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Papalski

“I want to donate more blood this year. That’s definitely my resolution.”

-Frank Dolan 12th Grade Photo courtesy of Danielle Caldarella

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Papalski Photo Courtesy of Rachel Papalski Photo Courtesy of Rachel Papalski “I already completed my New Year’s resolu- tion. My goal was to be jobless by 2019, so I “Instead of keeping gratitude to now can reserve my time for other fun activities “My resolution is to go to the gym myself, my resolution is to tell some- and enjoy my personal life... with a little bit of more.” one when I’m thankful for something schooling” they’ve done.” -Natalie Riebe -AJ Knox 12th Grade -Ardita Mirza 12th Grade 12th Grade 6 January 7, 2019 ARTS&LIVING Photo courtesy of Pngtree Photo courtesy of Pngtree Snowed In!: DIY Cozy Grab the Glue! Lavender Latte Easy DIY’s to Kill Stress By Josie King By Bridget Gum Make your own Lavender Latte at home without any fancy equipment! Easy With midterms quickly approach- Another great craft is crayon art. For You can either write these or type homemade lavender syrup gives this latte it’s floral flavors, perfect for a relaxing ing, student stress is at an all-time high. this craft, you only need some crayons- them up and print them out, and glue morning. There is something about a rainy, grey day that makes sipping on this A great way to manage some of that -either full length or broken--a canvas, them down with the glue stick. Make lavender latte extra cozy. Bonus points if you can wear leggings and listen to a stress is to relax by doing some easy, a hot glue gun, and a hairdryer. To start, sure to use black or another dark color relaxing playlist. low budget DIY crafts. The good news think of a color theme or pattern, like a for the words because you’ll use other is, you don’t have to be an avid hobby- rainbow or best friend’s favorite colors. colors later. Also, try to avoid pictures INGREDIENTS Dried Lavender for garnish (if de ist or even have artistic talent. All you If you can’t think of a pattern, there are because they will be harder to see For Lavender Latte sired) need is the focus to keep your hands plenty of ideas on the internet. Once through the tissue paper. Then take 8 ounces strong coffee For Lavender Syrup and mind on a DIY project to strip the you have your idea, peel the wrappers your paintbrush and Mod Podge and ¼ cup half and half (or milk of ¼ cup dried lavender stress away. off of the crayons. Then use the hot glue paint over the words you’ve already choice) ½ cup sugar

Photo courtesy of Capterra Blog gun to glue the crayons to your canvas glued down. 2 Tablespoons Lavender Syrup (rec ½ cup plus 3 tablespoons water in the pattern of your choice. Next, use Mod Podge is usually pretty expen- ipe below) the hairdryer to melt the crayons. The sive, but you can easily make a home- colors will drip down and create a trail made version. Pour a bottle of wash- INSTRUCTIONS Transfer to storage container and keep down your canvas. As an added bonus, able school glue into a jar or canister, To make the Lavender Syrup in the fridge. sometimes the colors will mix to create followed by one-third cup of water. Add ½ cup water and ¼ cup laven- To make the Lavender Latte a new color. Add a quote, picture or Shake for one minute. Once you’ve fin- der to a saucepan, bring to a boil. Sim- Place milk into a microwave safe drawing if you want (or just let the col- ished with the Mod Podge, use differ- mer for about 3 minutes, then remove jar and heat for about 30 seconds, un- ors speak for themselves). Make sure to ent colors of tissue paper and put them from heat and allow to steep for 20 til warm. Tightly screw lid onto jar and leave it out to dry for at least one night. over the glue you just put down. Fi- minutes. Strain out flowers and discard. shake for a few seconds, until milk is nally, paint over the tissue paper once In a clean saucepan, add ½ cup of foamy. A great craft for a person who is Photo courtesy of Happiness is Homemade more with the Mod Podge and leave it sugar and 3 Tablespoons water. Bring Place 2 tablespoons of lavender stressed is a homemade stress ball. All to dry for a night. to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar. Sim- syrup in a mug. Pour hot, strong coffee you need is some flour, a funnel, an Photo courtesy of Pinterest mer for 3-4 minutes, then stir in laven- over syrup. Top with foamy milk. Gar- empty, tall plastic water bottle, and der liquid. Whisk until fully combined, nish with dried lavender, if desired. some fun patterned or colored bal- remove from heat and allow to cool.

loons. First, pour some flour into the Photo courtesy of Snow Crystals Snow of courtesy Photo water bottle with the funnel and only Photo courtesy of Mercury News fill it a couple of inches. Then put the balloon over the water bottle and shake the flour into the balloon. Finally, release the air from the balloon and tye the balloon closed. Photo courtesy of Youtube One craft that is not only a stress buster, but also a great gift for a friend, is an inspirational or motivational post- er. You can easily make this craft with a canvas, paintbrush, Mod Podge, a glue Don’t let midterm madness bring stick, tissue paper, and some words you down. Pick up a crafty activity and printed or written out on paper. The find your moment of zen. And with the first step is to find words, phrases, in- holiday season just around the corner, side jokes, or quotes that remind you of your newly made crafts can make great a friend or family member. gifts for friends and family.

Album of the Year: Cartoon courtesy of Daniella Caldarella Jammin’ January: The signs Editor Edition as Indie Albums By Paul Slotterback By Jessica Jiang

The 2019 Grammys are just around B’s first solo album, Invasion of Privacy. more famous for its singles rather than the corner, and the nominees for al- Garnering a huge following after the as a collective work. In last was Dirty Capricorn - bum of the year were recently released release of her single “Bodak Yellow,” Computer by Janelle Monae. With Mo- Depression Cher- Cancer - Lust for Life: to the public. From rap to indie, all Cardi has a fair amount of fans here at nae gaining her following in the indie ry: Beach House Lana Del Rey genre bases were covered. In first, Ari- The Lamp. Next comes Beerbongs & music scene, it makes sense that her ana Grande’s album Sweetener is an Bentleys by Post Malone. With its nos- music was the least known here at The Aquarius - Another Leo - Apricot Princess: impactful reflection on the hardships talgic tone, Post Malone’s new album Lamp. However, more often than not, One: Mac Demarco and triumphs of her life. With hits like climbed the charts in mere days. In people were interested in giving her “God is a Woman” and “No Tears Left to fourth is the album Scorpion by Drake. new album a try! Who do you think Pisces - Antisocialites: Virgo - Cult of Cry”—it’s no surprise that her win was While this album as a whole stayed in deserves to take home one of music’s Personality: Varsity by a landslide. In second cames Cardi the top 100s for a fair while—it was biggest accolades? Aries - Superorgan Libra - Somersault: ism: Superorganism Beach Fossils Taurus - Relaxer: alt-J Scorpio - Pure Heroine: Lorde Gemini - Isolation: Kali Uchis Sagittarius - Freudian: Daniel Caesar

Photo courtesy of Amazon Photo courtesy of Amazon

Photo courtesy of Amazon Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Photo courtesy of The Platform Magazine

Photo courtesy of Pitchfork

Photo courtesy of NME SPORTS January 7, 2019 7

Get to know the The Superbowl HC Fencing team Who will face off at the biggest sporting event of the year? Graphics courtesy of openclipart What are you most By Abigail Thompson to hold off the Ravens. A few other Cowboys lead the NFC East. Beyond surprise from the likes of the Chargers excited for this fencing teams hold slim hope of making the those leaders, the Seahawks seem or Vikings? The smart money always As of this writing, the Chiefs are cur- Playoffs in the AFC, including the Dol- destined for the first wild card, while seems to lie with the Patriots, but I’m season? rently beating the Chargers on Thurs- phins, Titans, and Colts. Don’t sleep on the final spot still has a lot of hopefuls calling for a change in the NFL balance day Night Football as they, along with the Dolphins, who have found new life with sub - .500 records looking to back of power. Look for the Rams and their the Patriots, Saints, and Rams continue after a stunning, miraculous victory their way into playoff contention. The potent offense to take on the Chiefs to be in control of their respective di- over the Patriots on the final play of Vikings, Packers, and Eagles seem to in a rematch of their Week 12 contest visions, much as they have all season. their Week 14 matchup in Miami. And, be the most likely contenders for the which ended up being a wild, high- Outside of those four teams, there still for the first time in most of our lives, final spot. With the recent news of an- scoring affair in which the Rams won “I am excited to remains a lot of jockeying for position the Browns have managed to stave off other major Carson Wentz injury, does 54-51. Expect to see more defense in for the final four playoff spots in each official elimination this late in the sea- Nick Foles have a little magic left over this one, with the Rams winning a man- spend more time conference. In the AFC, the Chargers son. from last season’s surprising run to Su- ageable 31-27 game behind a steady with the team and have quietly had a superb season, al- In the NFC, the road to the Super per Bowl victory? Or, will the Panthers run game from Todd Gurley and an ag- ready putting up double-digit wins, Bowl appears to run through New Or- wake from their mid-season slumber to gressive pass rush. With any luck, not form bonds with my and still hope to make a run at the leans, thanks to the Saints impressive claim the final spot? only will we see this matchup again, teammates.” Chiefs in the AFC West. The Texans and victory over the very powerful Rams All of this leads to the big question: but we will also get to see the Rams Steelers each lead their respective divi- earlier this season. After these two Who will demonstrate playoff superi- stellar color-rush yellow uniforms on sions, with the Texans likely to hold on teams, the rest of the playoff picture ority and represent their conference in the big stage. to their lead over the Titans and Colts. is a bit muddy. In the NFC North, the Super Bowl LIII in Atlanta on February Aidan Beardsley The Steelers, on the other hand, have Bears continue to fight off the fad- 3, 2019? Will it be the high-flying Chiefs Grade 12 their work cut out for them if they are ing Vikings, while the suddenly-hot and Saints, or will we see a wildcard

“Spending more time with Aidan Beardsley.”

Zachary Guzman Grade 12

Mercedes Benz Stadium Photo courtesy of Digitalized Chaos Digitalized

“I am excited to get to see my friends both at this school Evolution of eSports and on other teams. I’m also excited to fence in meets and By Daniella Caldarella Major League Gaming (MLG) formed, spanning all ages, and it is reported evolves and is popularized as esports which today is the largest esports that 97% of teens in the US alone play continues to be a growing ambition tournaments!” In the sports world, there are a few league. Television channels began air- video games. The video game industry among new players. One can only mainstays that typically come to mind: ing events, giving esports representa- is growing at an incredible rate when imagine what new technology is to soccer, basketball, baseball, and foot- tion in popular media. considering the increase in revenue, come into the esports universe in the Jane Foster ball. But there is one unconventional The uber-popular app,, viewership, and sales of games and next decade, mobilizing and inspiring sport that is taking the world by storm which was created in 2011, allows gam- devices. a new generation of gamers to find Grade 10 — esports—the fastest growing sport ers to livestream their games and play With this growth, esports is con- their passion for esports. in the world. interactively with their audience. Con- necting millions of people all around Esports, or electronic sports, is a sequently, this has lead to an increase the world through the multiplayer multiplayer video game that is played in multi-player gaming via an internet games that are boosting popularity. competitively, typically by professional connection. Within just a few months, Twitch gives many people a platform gamers. The very first recorded pub- Twitch’s monthly traffic rose by tens of to display their skill and passion for lic video game competition was held millions. In 2017, all things esports. It also allows many in 1972 at Sanford University for the reports that over $110.6 million was teens to escape to a place that is in- “I am looking for- game Spacewar! In the 1980s an At- awarded as prize money from 3,765 teresting and challenging and shows ward to continu- ari’s Space Invaders championship was video game tournaments. This number their perseverance in a whole new held, drawing tons of media attention is projected to hit $1.5 billion in prize world. There are millions of dedicated ing to improve my to the new world of esports. money in 2020. gamers that spend hours of their time game and becom- In the 1990s, the increased popu- Between professional players and to better their performance and in- larity of the internet introduced a at-home gamers, many video games crease their skill until they become ing an even stron- new way for gamers to connect and have reached extreme popularity. As a professional gamer. Gamers have compete. Gaming with internet con- of October 2018, NPD Group reports reached the status of celebrities, such ger and smarter nectivity elevated the popularity of the top selling video games (includ- as Bill Mitchel, who is famous for hold- fencer. I am enjoy- PC Games and Nintendo Blockbuster. ing digital and retail purchases) are ing record high scores for Pac-Man and

Within the decade, five major esport Call of Duty Black Ops III, Red Dead Donkey Kong in the 1980s. Today, top Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons ing teaching all the championships were held in the Unit- Redemption II, Assassin’s Freed: Odys- gamers include, Xu “Fy” Linson playing new sabres and ed States and in Europe. In 1997, the sey, NBA 2K19, and Super Mario Party. DOTA2, Martin “Rekkles” Larsson play- leading major gaming league formed, NPD group reports consumer spend- ing League of Legends, and numerous watching them the Cyberathlete Professional League ing on video games for the first half of others. These cyberathletes are com- (CPL), and they held their very first 2018 is $19.5 billion, which represents monly overlooked for their skill and grow as well.” tournament later that year. By the a 40% increase from last year’s reports. dedication to the esports world. 2000s esports was a global phenome- reports 65% of households But little does the general public non with the industry rapidly growing own a gaming device. Between 2014 know that millions of gamers all over Emma Davidson worldwide. Multiple esports associa- and 2016 viewership of esports has in- the world are competing and playing Grade 11 tions and competitions formed during creased from 204 million to 292 million, various video games. Esports adds to that decade, including the US based which is a 43% increase in a two-year the excitement and entertainment of Electronic Sports League (ESL). In 2002 period. Esports now has an audience common sports. Every decade gaming 8 January 7, 2019 STUDENT LIFE Wonderful Winter Coats Fighting the Your guide to keeping warm - in style! January Blahs :/

By Silvie Arredondo By Alison Cedarbaum

The chilly weather that winter without weighing you down in the pro- you comfy during the winter months. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy something realistic. Give yourself a brings makes coats and jackets essen- cess. The price ranges from $19.90 to The last place where you can pur- New Year! realistic goal that you will have fun tials for any Jerseyan. $29.90. The coats are 100% polyester, chase a comfy fleece jacket is from Co- with but will also help you develop as But a thin hand-me-down from which is important because many fluffy lumbia. Columbia’s fleece jackets range We all know that feeling, when a person. For example, if you are a shy your older sibling doesn’t always do. It’s winter jackets are made from lynxes. anywhere from $20.00 to $50.00, de- December turns to January. All of the person, resolving to go to more par- important to buy a good quality coat Uniqlo’s fleece jackets are definitely a pending on which style you buy. Their sudden, the white fluffy snow turns ties and meet droves of new friends so that you can keep it for a long time. worthy contender for your closet. jackets are 100% polyester and they gray and slushy, the sky appears ashy, may not be the best decision for you. Plus, warmer people tend to be happier The second option for a fluffy fleece remain (for the most part) cheap. They and worst of all, the holidays are be- Instead, think about how you can im- people. The coat options are almost jacket is from Patagonia. Patagonia’s are still very comfortable and good hind you. So what can you do when prove relationships you already have, endless, but fluffy fleece jackets tend fleece jackets are also 100% polyester quality. Colombia is a very popular the mid-winter moodiness sets in? like talking with your friends more to be both comfortable and perfect (and vegan like Uniqlo’s jackets). How- brand, which makes it easy to pick up Here are some tips for making sure and spending more time with them for the winter. Here are three different ever, they are much more expensive, one of their jackets from local depart- you can conquer the January blahs! outside of school. Not only will this fleece jackets that you can purchase ringing up at $129.00. While the price ment stores. Colombia isn’t the cheap- give you something to do and focus this season. increase is worth noting when check- est, but it lasts a long time. 1. Pick up a new hobby on, it will give you a great sense of Uniqlo is one of the best stores for ing out Patagonia’s options, know that Will it be Uniqlo, Patagonia, or Co- One of the worst things about accomplishment that can pick you buying outerwear. Their fleece jackets the amount of money you spend might lombia? Maybe you’ll need to try all of the months after the holidays is that up right out of the gloominess of the are some of the comfiest. The fleece mean the jacket will last longer. The them to see, but these three jackets are there’s nothing to do. Remedy this by mid-winter season. jackets are very thick but not heavy. The coats still remain very soft and smooth. worth the consideration to put on your starting a new fun activity! It doesn’t jacket will keep you warm and toasty, Patagonia’s jackets can definitely keep list this winter. Happy Shopping! have to be much, and you can even 3. Take care of yourself choose something you don’t even Although it seems obvious, the have to leave the house for. Maybe best thing that you can do for your- you’ve been looking at some recipes self is to make sure that you are phys- that you want to try, so you can learn ically and mentally on track. With no how to cook them; or maybe you’ve end to the school year in sight and been listening to some great music sicknesses flying around like bugs, lately, so you can learn how to play this is especially an important time them on the guitar. Something that’s to make sure that you are staying fun, comes naturally to you, and healthy. From making healthy eat- brings you joy can bring you right ing choices (besides those holiday back to those holiday merriments! leftovers, of course!), to taking warm baths, or simply taking ten or twenty 2. Create a New Year’s Resolu minutes of the day just to relax and tion… reflect, there are so many different ...and actually follow through ways you can keep yourself feeling with it. Hopefully when you were go- your best after the holiday season. ing around the table this past New Year’s Eve, you committed to do

Photo Courtesy Reece Baldwin Photo Courtesy of K. Whiteford Belt Your Way Through the Blues Photo courtesy of Continued from Front Page tive is After Laughter by Paramore. number three on the Billboard Hot just want to relax. More recent options look at because sometimes we all need Paramore has been around for over 100 Chart of hits. “Without Me,” by include“Smithereens” by Twenty One to sing through our feelings. “Happier” by Marshmello featuring a decade, but recently they’ve been Halsey, sends a lot of powerful mes- pilots and “Motion” by Khalid. “Smither- “East Side” by Benny Blanco, Halsey, Bastille and “The Way I Am” by Charlie changing up their sound from alterna- sages through its words and lyrics. It’s eens” is on the new album Trench and and Khalid, and “Lost In Japan” by Puth are both chill, but positive num- tive-rock, to very peppy, 80s-sounding very relatable, especially if you’re going “Motion” came out on Khalid’s recent Shawn Mendes are both warm tunes bers that are sure to get those vocal beats. “Hard Times” was the hit of the through a breakup or feel a little lonely. album, Suncity. Each of these, while that will calm you down if your stressed chords working. album and is sure to perk up your ears. It has a lot of heart and has been popu- different from one another, can help out about school and grades. It can be A melody that caused quite a so- This collection will help remind you of lar for a while. It may not seem like the take away your winter “blahs”. hard to come back after a long break cial proar was “Thank You, Next,” by warm, sunny days. one for you, but you’ll never know until Every once in a while, something and get right back to work, but these Ariana Grande. Not only are the lyrics Panic At The Disco’s “High Hopes” you listen to it yourself. a little bit more hardcore is just what selections are great for when you need catchy, but the music video was a re- and Louis the Child’s “Better Not” are “Only One” by Carlie Hanson, “Lil you need to sing along with to prevail to relax. “East Side,” in particular, gives vamp of many classic chick flicks from poppy and bold to boost your confi- More” by Hotel Motel, “C’mon” by Panic this slow month. “Natural” by Imagine off summer vibes, perhaps because it Mean Girls to Legally Blonde. It can dence. If you need something fast and at the Disco, and “Honey” by Keh- Dragons falls under the pop-rock genre was released last July. No matter what, be enjoyed by listening to the audio upbeat to push you through January, lani aren’t recent, but they can defi- of music and is very easy to sing along if you’re missing the sun or are feeling or watching the music video. It may listen to these. The motivational lyrics nitely fit in your winter playlist. Most with to release some tension. Imagine stressed, these tracks are sure to help be what gets you out of your January will leave you feeling ready to face your of these are upbeat and fast-paced. Dragons is a very popular band and is you get through January. funk. week’s challenges. “Honey” is not as fast-paced, but is well known for their rock songs. This One album that’s more alterna- This next selection has been at still happy and slow—perfect if you latest hit is catchy and certainly one to Take the Quiz & Treat Yourself! By Fabby Rincon What’s your favorite thing to do secret santa’s. the most fashion forward, some of our on a day off? B. A new eyeshadow palette and an options are great for staying warm and Your friend just called sick and A. Hang out with a friend and go to American Eagle gift card. fashionable! cancelled your plans! Do you… the movies! C. A break from the stress of finals A. Take advantage of the opportunity B. Rush to the mall and take advan- season! If you got mostly C’s and have a nice spa night! tage of the latest sale. Host a personal spa day! Photo courtesy of B. Mope and shade them on your C. Sleep. In. You’ve definitely earned If you got mostly A’s As the end of the semester looms finsta. it! Make a new playlist and take a closer and closer, the best thing you C. Ask another friend to hang out, bubble bath! could use is a break! Your busy habits gotta stay busy! What is your ideal place to live in? This holiday season, you can take ad- may be helpful for grades, but make A. Anywhere where I can have vantage of the latest & greatest hits and sure you stay happy & healthy! You have way too much home- summer warmth and still have a white treat yourself to a relaxing night. Maybe work, and it’s already 11 pm! Do you… christmas! trade playlists with a friend or find a song A. Decide to finish some tonight but B. A beach house somewhere warm, from our article above! still have some to rush through tomor- sunny, and tropical. row. C. An apartment in the city with a If you got mostly B’s B. Leave it all for tomorrow and turn skyline view. Treat yourself to a new winter coat! on netflix. C’s get degrees! As the weather turns impossibly C. Pull an all nighter and finish all And finally, what was the best gift colder and colder, treating yourself to your homework with 1 hour left until you you got this holiday season? a new winter coat is a great way to stay have to wake up. A. A bunch of candy from various warm! While some winter coats aren’t Photo courtesy of Fabby Rincon Photo courtesy of