
למען ישמעו • נח תשע"ט • 483 Editor - RABBI SHIMON HELlINGER

The Luminaries of Homes (IV) Portrait of a Melamed Lubavitch to hear Chassidus from the Rebbe Rashab, would visit the Rebbe Maharash in Lubavitch. One only to discover that the Rebbe was away. Without year so many orchim came for Shavuos that Reb The Frierdiker Rebbe said: Among chassidim in hesitating, he headed to the village where the Rebbe Peretz assumed that he wouldn't have a chance general and among Chabad chassidim in particular, was staying, but when he arrived there, he was told to be admitted to the Rebbe's study for yechidus. there are many levels, such as baalei haskala, balei that the Rebbe was not delivering Chassidus. However, the Rebbe on one of his walks noticed havana, balei deiah. In Chabad, the melamdim are him, and later asked the gabbai, Reb Levik, to call He was understandably very pained. After all, generally amongst the most highly regarded. him in. he had come all this way expressly in order to )סה"ש ה'תי"ש ע' 362( hear Chassidus. He walked around dejected. His Once inside, Reb Peretz bemoaned the fact that he host, who didn’t know what was bothering him, was like an empty vessel, totally unworthy. A melamed from Nevl once complained to the encouraged him to trust that HaShem would see to Rebbe Maharash that he couldn't do iskafya while it that everything would work out. The Rebbe said, "In order to truly feel that lack, eating. He always finished his food until the last one must do something. Tell me: do you shed tears drop. The Rebbe Maharash asked him what sort of During the Shabbos meals the host tried to as you say Tehillim?" Reb Peretz responded that delicacies he was eating, and the melamed replied persuade him to share his problem, in the hope he did. The Rebbe then instructed him to say two that he ate porridge. that he could be of help, but Reb Dovber wouldn’t kapitlach in this manner every day for the rest of say a word. By Seuda Shlishis, Reb Dovber finally his life, and concluded, "But for kabbalas haTorah, The Rebbe instructed him to continue eating as opened his heart. He told his host that he lacked when one is preparing himself to receive the usual, but that every day before davening – except nothing; all he wanted was to hear a maamar from afresh, he must do so with simcha." for Shabbos – he should recite three kapitlach of the Rebbe. He had worked hard to get there, but Tehillim in a way that brought him to tears. his desire was left unfulfilled. In later years Reb Peretz related that every Shavuos, recalling this yechidus, he would )רשימות דברים חדש ע' 155( The host was a simple Jew, but feeling close to contemplate how the Rebbe had lowered himself Among the Mitteler Rebbe’s chassidim in Shklov the Rebbe Rashab, he approached him and said: from Gan Eden all the way down to his level, in were Reb Michel the melamed, and Reb Shlomo “There is a guest here who is very pained that he order to guide him in his avoda can't hear Chassidus from the Rebbe. Whenever I )סה"ש תש"ה ע' Monessohn, a wealthy businessman. )101 see a Jew in pain and I'm able to help him, I help Once during a farbrengen Reb Michel broke down him. This time, the Rebbe can help this man – by into bitter tears. As he held his head he said to delivering a maamar!” Making the Right Choice himself: “Ribbono shel Olam! Have pity on me and give me an enthusiastic geshmak in vehoer eineinu A short while later the Rebbe made it known The Frierdiker Rebbe writes: that he would oblige, and after the maamar, Reb besorosecha - ‘Light up my eyes with your Torah,’ A person doesn’t have choice about the children Dovber's face shone. He was elated. like the geshmak of Reb Shlomo when he says, that are born to him, but he does have a choice about how he raises them, by having them )סה"ש תר"צ ע' veha'osher vehakavod milfanecha - ‘riches and honor )133 come from You.’ educated according to the Torah by teachers who Reb Michel of course had no intention whatsoever are yirei Shamayim. to put down Reb Shlomo: he was simply Consider A chassidisher melamed implants yiras Shamayim in considering his own pitiful state. Yet his sincere a child’s heart in a way that no wind in the world words so impacted Reb Shlomo when he overheard Why did the melamdim can uproot. A chassidisher melamed ignites a child’s them that he immediately set out to see the Rebbe of young children have to heart with the light of Chassidus, and this provides in Lubavitch. He entered the Rebbe's study for the pintele Yid with everlasting nourishment. yechidus, and returned a changed man. be chassidim of such great This is true of whoever was taught by a chassidisher )סה"ש תש"ב ע' 152( stature? melamed. Wherever he will be, and in whatever A Life of Chassidus lowly state of yiras Shamayim he may be, those roots that his melamed implanted in him will A chassidisher melamed named Reb Dovber once Every Shavuos, Reb Peretz Beshenkovitzer, a poor remain intact, and will influence him positively. )לקו"ד ח"ב ע' traveled by foot all the way from Beshenkovitz to and humble chassid who worked as a melamed, 458

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PRICE: $6 / $5 NY ChassidicDigest.com immediate recovery [email protected] 732-987-7765 Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin Rov - Kfar Chabad Beis R. Hillel Paritcher Dates for Kidush Levana R. Hillel Paritcher is one of the most Chazal say that doing mitzvos in this world is greater than Olam Baba – such What is the earliest time for reciting Kidush Levana? well-known Chassidim of all time, the symbol of an oved, and a hallowed behavior is no longer appropriate. )רשימו"ד החדש עמ' Kidush Levana is recited after the new moon is recognizable. Some gaon and tzadik. R. Hillel was a )247 poskim hold that this begins at three days after the molad (birth of the Chossid of the Mitteler Rebbe and the new moon) when one can benefit from its light, while others hold Tzemach Tzedek, and was appointed that it is after seven days from the molad.1 Within each of these views, by the Mitteler Rebbe as for R. Hillel once taught about the it is disputed whether the days need to be complete to the hour (e.g. the Yidden living in the colonies. R. difference between Yaakov Avinu 72 hours for three days) or the last day can be partial (e.g. eve of Hillel reared many young chassidim and Yosef Hatzadik regarding trust the third or seventh from molad). B’dieved, if one mistakenly recited according to the ways of Chassidus, in Hashem. Yaakov’s path of avodas Kidush Levana even on the first night, he fulfilled his obligation.2 and even taught and wrote unique Hashem was to attribute importance teachings of Chassidus, some of The time of the molad on calendars usually refers to the time the to making physical vessels for his which are printed in the sefer “Pelach molad occurs in the Yerushalayim sky. (In addition, it is the Local salvation, which is why, besides Harimon.” R. Hillel passed away on Mean Time, which is approx. 21 minutes later than the standard davening to Hashem, he sent gifts to .(1864) תרכ”ד ,the 11th of Av time used presently.) When counting the three or seven days after Eisav. Yosef, on the other hand, was the molad in other locations, there is debate amongst contemporary on a loftier level and was therefore authorities whether to adjust according to the time difference (e.g. punished for asking Paro’s servants R. Hillel would tell the story of Graff around 7 hours earlier in NY, depending on DST). While some hold to mention him to Paroh, since he Patotzki, a ger tzedek who would the time should be adjusted,3 others hold that we go by the same should have relied on Hashem alone. refine his body through fasting time on the clock as in Yerushalayim.4 (Some hold that although we and tormenting it. Eventually, should be stringent regarding the earliest time and go according to One of R. Hillel’s students asked: In the government caught him the later of the two, one should be stringent for the end time and go that case, what was so wrong with and sentenced him to death for by the earlier of the two.5) what Yosef did? He simply did not conversion to Yiddishkeit. Though think so highly of himself and he The Alter Rebbe rules (in accordance with Kabbala) to wait until he could have lightened his sentence didn’t realize that he was on a higher seven complete days have passed after the molad (when all the seven through certain permissible actions, level. midos are shining).6 This is minhag Chabad, unless there is serious he did not do so, and he preferred to R. Hillel replied: If a person has concern that the moon won’t be visible later due to the weather. (In die al kiddush Hashem. the Russian winter, the Rebbeim would recite it after three complete the talent to be a goldsmith and R. Hillel would conclude that this days).7 The same is true for one who might not be able to recite it instead resorts to working leather, mode of behavior was a valid path later for other reasons.8 In Tishrei we wait until motzaei Yom Kippur it would be considered a terrible before Chassidus was revealed. when the worry of the yom hadin has passed.9 In Av, we wait until mismanagement, for it is a sin to However, after Chassidus explained after Tisha be’av when the period of mourning has concluded.10 overlook one’s talents and abilities. )רשימו"ד החדש עמ' the virtue of practical mitzvos – as )248 The most opportune time for Kidush Levana is Motzaei Shabbos (one reason being that people are then dressed in their Shabbos finest as is fitting for greeting the Shechina), and poskim write wondrous things about a month that was blessed on Motzaei Shabbos. However, one should not wait for Motzaei Shabbos if it falls on the eve of the eleventh or later, for that doesn’t allow enough nights if some are cloudy.11 If Motzaei Shabbos falls in the middle of the seventh day from Where Do the Bochurim Live? the molad (e.g. molad was Sunday morning), some hold that the “If in a city, or even a country, At the conclusion of the sicha, the importance of reciting Kidush Levana on Motzaei Shabbos overrides there is even one single chossid, he Rebbe instructed that every guest be the hidur of waiting seven complete days (and there are also has the power to transform it into called upon separately by name to opinions that part of the seventh day is sufficient even according to a chassidishe city or country!” the say lechaim, and should be introduced 12 13 Kabbala). This appears to be the Rebbe’s custom. Rebbe said at a 5714 (1954) farbrengen. as “the leader of this and this city”.

1. ראה שו"ע או"ח סי' תכ"ו ס"ד, ומ"ב שם סק"כ והמסומן שם 10. משנ"ב סי' תכ"ו סק"ח וראה באר היטב סי' תכ"ו סק"ד שכן Just like Avrohom Avinu, the only When “the leaders of Montreal” were“ בשעה"צ. הוא ע"פ האריז"ל לברך מוצאי ת"ב. Yid then in the world. Indeed, if called upon, the Rebbe remarked that 2. ס' ברכת הלבנה פ"ב ס"ד, וראה שם הע' 7 באריכות. 11. שו"ע או"ח סי' תכ"ו ס"ב ומשנ"ב סק"ו, ובסק"ד בשם מגיד someone was to be the only chossid this doesn’t include the Montreal 3. עדות לישראל לרי"א הענקין ע' קמז, משנה שלמה )גראס( מישרים )שה"ש( שאותו חודש תהיה הצלחה. סי' כב. 12. שיירי כנה"ג סי' תכ"ו בהגב"י, וראה שו"ת רמ"ע מפאנו סי' in the world, he would have the yeshivah bochurim. “They don’t live 4. להורות נתן ח"ז סי' כח-ל, וראה משנה הלכות חי"א סי' שמז. ע"ח, סידור האריז"ל לרב יעקב קאפיל. )וראה שהסבירו שבנין הספירה הז' )מלכות( מספיק עד תפארת – אגרא דפרקא )אות ”!responsibility, and therefore the in Montreal; they live in Lubavitch 5. תשובות והנהגות ח"ב סי' דר, אבל מסיק שהמברך כפי שעת ע"ד( בביאורו במקדש מלך בח"י דף ל"ב(. שעון בירושלים יש לו על מה לסמוך. power, to make the entire world a 13. ראה התקשרות גל' תנד עמ' 15. וראה יומן לדודי הרב צ"ה (Toras Menachem vol. 10, page 127) .6 ראה סידור אדה"ז בהקדמה לסדר קידוש לבנה. וראה ב"י סי' שי' רסקין לש"פ תרומה ו' אד"ר תשמ"ו ותו"מ תשמ"ו ח"ב עמ' ”…chassidishe place תכ"ו בשם הר"י גאלאנטי. וראה כף החיים סי' תכ"ו סקס"א. 596 )שקידשו את הלבנה במוצ"ש אור לז' אד"ר, והמולד של 7. שער הכולל פל"ג דיני ומנהגי ר"ח ע' פ"א. הערות בסוף אד"ר היה ביום ראשון שלפניו בשעה 12:23 ו3- חלקים שוע"ר ע' תרנ"ו. סה"ש תשנ"ב ע' 68. אחה"צ – וראה שיחת ש"פ משפטים תשמ"ו(. אלא שעדיין יש לומר שבנ.י. היה חורף אבל על פניו יש להקל. )וראה לזכות הרה"ח ר' מרדכי צבי שי' בערקאוויטש 8. הליכות שלמה תפילה פט"ו ס"י. התקשרות שם בשם הרב אליהו לנדא שי' שאם חסר כמה ליום הולדתו ג' חשון לאריכות ימים ושנים טובות 9. משנ"ב סי' תכ"ו סק"ט. שעות מעולם לא הקפידו על זה(. נדבת משפחת בערקאוויטש שיחיו לע"נ מרת ציפא אסתר בת ר' שלום דובער ע"ה