’s GeoGateway Program Budget Justification for Nevada State College (NSC)

A. Senior Personnel

Principal Investigator (.90 ACAD; .50 SUM): Dr. Paul Buck, Associate Professor of Anthropology (NSC) Dr. Buck will serve as the overall PI of the project and will be responsible for the coordination of activities, program oversight, and reporting. Specifically he will coordinate summer faculty retreats; establish transportation and advertising and remote access at CSN for our field trips, film series, and guest speakers; coordinate with co-I’s the development of teaching modules lesson plans and development of research themes using NevCAN data; coordinate the design and distribution of marketing materials; organize student/faculty lunches at NSC; help Edmonds and Rosales-Lagarde recruit and organize ERS students to be ambassadors; attend the annual IUSE conference; prepare the annual and final reports. He will work with the program evaluator Shi and other co-I’s to develop and implement the formative and summative evaluation plan. Dr. Buck’s annual base salary is , and he will commit .90 academic months and .50 summer months per year to the project. In Years 2 and 3, 3% annual cost of living increases are included. Dr. Buck’s salary costs total in Y1, in Y2, and in Y3.

Co-Principal Investigator (.75 ACAD): Dr. Jennifer Edmonds, Asst. Prof. of Environmental Microbiology Dr. Edmonds will serve as co-PI and will be responsible for advising up to 5 undergraduates doing active research; attend CSN 4 times a semester to talk to classes; mentor NSC students on career choices; oversee internships for students selected for internships; work with PI and co-I Jasoni on development of modules or lesson plans for use in ENV classes using NevCAN data. She will assist PI Buck as needed in the recruitment and training of the Geo-ambassadors. Dr. Edmonds’ annual base salary is , and she will commit .75 academic months per year to the project. In Years 2 and 3, 3% annual cost of living increases are included. Dr. Edmonds’ salary costs total in Y1, in Y2, and in Y3.

Assistant Professor (.75 ACAD): Dr. Laura Rosales-Lagarde, Asst Prof. of Environmental Science Dr. Rosales-Lagarde, a faculty member in the ERS department, and will advise up to 5 undergraduates doing active research, attend CSN 4 times a semester to talk to classes, mentor NSC student on career choices, oversee internships for students selected for internships, and work with PI and co-I Jasoni on development of modules or lesson plans for use in ENV classes using NevCAN data. She will assist PI Buck as needed in the recruitment and training of the Geo-ambassadors. Dr. Rosales-Lagarde’s annual base salary is , and she will commit .75 academic months per year to the project. In Years 2 and 3, 3% annual cost of living increases are included. Dr. Rosales-Lagarde’s salary costs total in Y1, in Y2, and in Y3.

B. Other Personnel 1. Faculty Retreat Attendees – CSN and NSC faculty (total of 6) who teach the introductory-level geoscience courses will participate in a three-day summer retreat to coordinate aspects of the curriculum. Faculty will coordinate research themes for undergraduate research projects, establish timing and content of film series for the following semester, and establish tentative date and location for each semester’s field trip. Faculty will also coordinate syllabus schedules so that NSC faculty visit CSN to give guest lectures and discuss degree options for students who transfer to NSC. Faculty will be paid $275/day of the retreat. 6 faculty x 3 days x $275 = $4,950 annually. 2. Two GeoGateway Ambassadors every semester – Two NSC undergraduates will serve as peer mentors to students engaging in GeoGateways program and provide informal advising support. Duties include conducting presentations about their experience with geoscience and how to get involved in GeoGateways programming held at NSC. They will also provide support to the NSC faculty in terms of collecting and entering attendance to GeoGateways events. Two students will be hired by week 3 of a given semester and will work up to 10 hours per week for the remaining 13 weeks of the semester. Two students = 20 hours x $10/hour x 26 weeks annually = $5,200. 3. Internal Evaluator – Dr. Qingmin Shi, Quantitative Analyst (NSC’s Office of Institutional Research) Dr. Shi will serve as the internal evaluator and commit 0.50 FTE every year to develop assessment tools and conduct analyses for project reporting. Dr. Shi’ annual base salary is

1 Nevada’s GeoGateway Program Budget Justification for Nevada State College (NSC)

, and in Years 2 and 3, 3% annual cost of living increases are included. Dr. Shi’s salary costs total in Y1, in Y2, and in Y3.

C. Fringe Benefits At NSC, a 33% pooled fringe benefits rate is used to budget fringe benefits costs for positions with base salaries of $50,000 or more per year, an 18% rate is used for summer salaries, a 3.15% rate is used for one-time payments (stipends), and a 1.5% pooled fringe benefits rate is used to budget fringe benefits costs for students working less than 20 hours per week. The actual costs for fringe benefits are charged (billed) to the project at the time the costs are incurred. The fringe benefits charged to the award will be based on the portion of salary allocated to the project, selected benefits packages, and other variables applicable to the individual employees. Fringe benefits costs total $10,381 in Y1, $10,716 in Y2, and $11,029 in Y3.

D. Equipment None

E. Travel PI Buck will travel to a NSF IUSE meeting during the first year of the award. Travel is budgeted as follows: $600 for airfare; $759 for lodging; $276 for per diem (M&IE), and $100 for ground transportation. Travel costs total $1,735 in Y1.

F. Participant Support Costs 1. Travel: There will be four field trips per semester (for a total of eight trips per year. A 35-person bus with driver is $700/bus. 8 trips x $700 = $5,600. 2. Other: Tuition for students participating in ENV 299 Special Topics course. Students expressing interest in geosciences will be invited to participate in a one-unit Special Topics course where they will engage in a specific research project that has been jointly-developed by CSN and NSC faculty. Because financial aid places restrictions on courses that do not fulfill degree requirements, students would have additional out-of-pocket costs in order to participate in this high-impact practice which could result in the exclusion of underserved populations. The ENV 299 course will serve no more than 5 students a semester (10 total annually). CSN charges $109.50 per credit hour (tuition + student fees). 10 units x $109.50 = $2,190.

G. Other Direct Costs 1. Materials and Supplies: $250 annually to cover general office supplies. 2. Subcontracts: Subawards will be issued to the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) and the Desert Research Institute (DRI) for their project expenses. CSN and DRI are sister institutions within the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). NSHE is one legal entity with procedures in place for issuing subawards between institutions. The total subaward amount for CSN is $66,561, and the total subaward amount for DRI is $52,817. Separate budgets and budget justifications are provided for these subcontracts.

H. Total Direct Costs Direct costs total to $103,402 in Y1, $102,511 in Y2, $104,606 in Y3.

I. Indirect Costs Nevada State College has a DHHS approved indirect cost rate of 30% that is applied to modified total direct costs (MTDC). Indirect costs total $28,843 in Y1, $19,797 in Y2, and $17,168 in Y3.

J. Total Direct & Indirect Costs Total project costs total to $132,245 in Y1, $122,308 in Y2, $121,774 in Y3 for a total award of $376,327.