Maria Martin Miguel Chavero CMDS Manager CMDS IT Manager

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 2 Deploying IT Monitor on a Power Generation Enviroment  What’s ?  What’s CMDS?  Deploying IT Monitor

– Lay-Out – Expanding IT Monitor – Securing – Alarming – Real Experiences – Profits  Q&A

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 3 What’s Iberdrola?

 Iberdrola Group is a listed public joint company with a market capitalisation of more than Euro 13.000 M created in 1992 with the merger of Hidroelectrica Española and Iberduero.  The most cost-effective generation mix among Spanish producers  Iberdrola Group is one of ´s leading electricity companies, providing a full range of power services involving the generation, transmission, distribution and retailing of electricity.  International activity is one of the key factors of the strategy, alongside with growth on our traditional markets, improved efficiency and diversification.  Iberdrola also has specific local partners in its international investments.  As part of our new strategy, Iberdrola plans to invest Euro 12 bn within the period 2002 - 2006 to double its size, growing in , Europe, as well as in the USA.

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 4 What’s Iberdrola? High degree of fulfillment of our objectives: to duplicate company size and profits

Human Optimization x2+ resources Investments efficiency To optimize Operative the portfolio Efficiency of Clients

Total investment 16.200 Mill. € (2001-2008)

Net Profit 2006: 1.600 Mill. € Growth: 04-08: > 10% Indebtedness 50% in 2008

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 5 What’s Iberdrola? We are the Utility that invests more in the Spanish sector

Mill.€ 2001-2004 2005-2008 Total 01-08

España 7.800 4.100 11.900

Abroad 2.500 1.800 4.300

Total 10.300 5.900 16.200

Investments ~ 10,300 Mill.€ in four years. 76% domestic business

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 6 What’s Iberdrola?

First company per installed capacity; 56% increased (+ 9.322 MW) in last years…

03/2005 Aumento MW 2000 capacidad España 16.569 22.602 +6.033 Conventional 16.062 16.246 +184 CCGT’s --- 2.800 +2.800 Renewables 507 3.261 +2.754 Cogen --- 295 +295 Latinoamérica --- 3.289 +3.289

TOTAL 16.569 25.891 +9.322

… until reaching the goal of 25.891 MW (2005)

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 7 What’s Iberdrola? We led the process of construction of combined cycle power plants

BBE* 800 MW (2003) CCGT Production (GWh) Santurce Castejón 400 MW (2004) 400 MW (2002) 2.881 Tarragona* + 52% Castellón I 400 MW 800 MW (2003) 1.895 (2002) Castellón B Aceca 800 MW 400 MW (2007) (2005) 1er T- 2004 1er T- 2005 Arcos I y II 800 MW (2004) Escombreras Operation 800 MW Commissioning Arcos III (2006) 800 MW Under construction (2005) * 200 MW corresponden a Iberdrola …4.000 operative MW in 2005 and 5.600 MW in 2007

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 8 What’s Iberdrola? We are the world-wide leader in renewable energies

Installed Capacity (MW) 5.500 3.700 1.000 3.261 3.206 + 32,3% 4.500 2.257

1.414 1.070 507

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 03/2005 2005e 2008e 3,700 operative MW in 2005 and 5.500 MW in 2008: 4,500 MW in Spain and 1,000 MW abroad © 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 9 What’s Iberdrola? We lead electric private producer in México with near 5.000 MW contracted power

Ciclos combinados Operativo

Enertek 120 MW 2001  Tamazunchale Monterrey 1.040 MW 2002  Monterrey La Laguna II Altamira III y IV 1.036 MW 2003  Altamira III y IV Enertek La Laguna II 500 MW 1er T-2005  Altamira V 1.121 MW 2006 Tamazunchale 1.135 MW 2007 Altamira V Oaxaca CCGT in operation Parques eólicos Operativo CCGT under construction Oaxaca 100 MW 2006 Wind under construction

Near 2.700 operative MW on the first quarter of 2005

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 10 What’s Iberdrola? Net benefit acceleration (hacia el) 2006 objective…

Net benefit evolution (Mill. €) Evolución dividendo por acción (€) 1.600 0,768 1.211 0,67 1.060 963 0,61 906 0,58 852 0,54

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 e 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

…and our dividend grow up in line with our net profit

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 11 What’s Iberdrola? Our action has revalued at 38% rate...


10,3% 5,5% Iberdrola Ibex 35 Euro Stoxx Utilities


... and the total yield for the shareholder ascends to 53%

* Desde enero de 2002 hasta el 31 de marzo de 2005 © 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 12 What’s CMDS?

CMDS Controlling the load is not the main goal of the CMDS

Its main goal is to carry out IS NOT A REMOTE CONTROL CENTER O&M recommendations based on the cumulative operational experiences of all the CCPP

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 13 What’s CMDS? CMDS services

Preparation for the operation  M&D systems installation  Commisioning support. Ej: chemistry, SSCC  Supervision of of Guarantee Tests and CSA (Baseline)  Training in operation with dynamic simulators

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 14 What’s CMDS?

Commercial operation Operation monitoring. Eg: early detection of anomalies, analysis of incidences, cycle chemistry Infraestructure monitorization: M&D, DCS Homogenization O&M. Ej: ranges, start procedure. CSA Pursuit. Bonus and LDs Main equipment degradation analisis Predictive maintenance: chemistry, vibration and PDA Training. Ej: simulators, SSCC

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 15 Deploying IT Monitor Lay-Out Process Network “On-Site” M&D Network CMDS Network Bussiness Network


Central R-LINK SAP PM GT Controllers PI Server PI Server

Central IT Monitor Web Server IT Monitor Server ICMmonitor Server Expert System (SmartSignal)

Central PDA PDA Server BN 3500 Server Mail & SMS Server

Central Vibration Vibration Server Server Alarm Server PC Clients

IT Flow Op Flow © 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 16 Deploying IT Monitor Lay-Out

 Multiple devices to be monitored.  Critical devices.  24x7 run mode.  Complex Data Flow.  World wide lay-out (Spain, Mexico, Brazil).  Complex HW and SW requirements.

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 17 Deploying IT Monitor Expanding IT Monitor

 New requirements came up: “Monitor Process Network”  Why we used IT Monitor?

– Already installed. Just plug a cable!. – Process Network use standards (Cisco, Ethernet, IP Protocols, etc.). – Easy to install. – No interferences with Control Systems.

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 18 Deploying IT Monitor Expanding IT Monitor

IT Flow Op Flow © 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 19 Deploying IT Monitor Securing

 Many systems to get data from and pull it over.  Third party organizations need access to real time data (local government, vendors, etc,…).  Very sensitive information (production, emissions, etc.).  Windows platforms used for support process applications (HMI’s, SCADA’s, etc).


© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 20 Deploying IT Monitor Securing

 How to proceed? SECURITY IS NOT A PRODUCT, IT IS A PROCESS  What are we doing?

– To apply international standards: • UNE 71502 (Security Management System). • UNE-ISO/IEC 17799 (BS 7799). • EPRI Security Program.

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 21 Deploying IT Monitor Securing

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 22 Deploying IT Monitor Alarming - LayOut

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 23 Deploying IT Monitor Alarming – ACE Module

Firs Level: SITE

Second Level: Server Name

Third Level: System

This property is at It indicates every level and it is whether alarms of used to build final point Forth Level: Subject this server are or name. not activated.

Fifth Level: Point

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 24 Deploying IT Monitor Alarming – ACE Module

Expression used to decide if the current tag value is valid or not.

This indicates whether the average is going to be used for the calculation or not. If yes, the It indicates timestamp used to calculate whether alarm is average is provided by activated or not. AVG_Time property.

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 25 Deploying IT Monitor Alarming – IBM Director

This shows us any possible error in hardware and software of any device.

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 26 Deploying IT Monitor Alarming – IBM Director

Selected resources to be monitorized that have an error or a warning at HSTCILAL server.

Resources available to be monitorized.

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 27 Deploying IT Monitor Alarming – IBM Director

This ticket shows us any possible error in hardware and software.

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 28 Deploying IT Monitor Real Experiences

 Performance tracking

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 29 Deploying IT Monitor Real Experiences

 DCS Monitoring

GSM driver

CP idle time

CP load charge

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 30 Deploying IT Monitor Real Experiences  Communication lost between DCS & MVI

The mouse was moved

Screensaver process “ssflwbox.scr ” died

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 31 Deploying IT Monitor Real Experiences  Correlating Op Data & IT Data

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 32 Deploying IT Monitor Real Experiences  Correlating Op Data & IT Data

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 33 Deploying IT Monitor Profits

 Tracking performance for multiple devices from multiple vendors.  Security tracking.  No interferences on production systems.  Real time monitoring.  Root cause analysis.  No fire-fighting -> Saving hours.  Ensuring availability of real time systems -> Saving money (10K USD plant/year).

© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 34 Deploying IT Monitor Q&A


© 2005 OSIsoft, Inc. – Company Confidential 35