Establishing Links

Edward A. Cloutis1, Richard P. Binzel2, and Michael J. Gaffey3

1811-5209/14/0010-025$2.50 DOI: 10.2113/gselements.10.1.25

steroids are arguably the most accessible remnants of building blocks of the early and an essential piece of the terrestrial Aplanet–formation puzzle. Determining their compositions and physical properties can provide important and otherwise unobtainable information concerning the origin, structure, and dynamic history of the Solar System, as well as insights into the sources of materials from which the terrestrial the formation of and were constructed. Our understanding of the compositional structure often reconstruct their dynam- of the and of individual has advanced signifi cantly ical history, a priori knowledge since the 1970s. Strong associations between asteroids and meteorites are of where these events occurred is lacking. emerging thanks to multitechnique observations, the synthesis of observa- tions and modeling, in situ measurements, and sample-return missions. IMPORTANCE OF

KEYWORDS: asteroids, meteorites, Solar System evolution ASTEROID–METEORITE LINKS If we can relate specifi c meteorites INTRODUCTION to either specifi c parent bodies or regions of space, we can Understanding the origin and evolution of the Solar System start to address a range of important questions, such as: is a fundamental scientifi c endeavour. Our , whose ƒ What kinds of dynamical processes operated in the early geology we are most familiar with because it is directly Solar System? (See Michel 2014 this issue.) accessible to us, does not retain a readily readable record of its origins. Four and a half billion years of geological ƒ What kinds of heating processes operated in the early processes have largely obliterated this early record. To Solar System? In other words, what controls the fact that better understand the origin and early history of our planet meteorites range from fully primitive to highly evolved and Solar System, we need to include information from (completely differentiated)? (See FIG. 1.) outside the . ƒ What in situ resources are available on asteroids that Meteorites, which seemingly come to us for “free,” can could be economically exploited or used to facilitate provide this crucial window into our origins. Meteorites extended ? come in different varieties, enabling us to sample different parts of the Solar System and different times in its evolu- ƒ What kinds of impact hazards does the Earth face? tion. The vast majority of meteorites originated from Asteroid composition and structure will determine what small parent bodies (asteroids); a small fraction of recov- impact-mitigation strategies may be most effective. ered meteorites (a few dozen of the tens of thousands of The answers to these questions fall outside the scope of recovered meteorites) originated from the and this article. However, to better understand Solar System (, and history and begin to answer these questions, we need to possibly . A major shortcoming, which confi rms the study the when, where, and how of meteorite evolution. fact that nothing comes for “free,” is that using meteorites In this article, we focus on the where. to understand Solar System evolution is hampered by our lack of knowledge about their provenance. As on Earth, a WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT ASTEROIDS rock with known spatial context is much more valuable than one collected at random. Thus, although we can date Our knowledge of asteroids dates back to 1801, with the discovery of the fi rst main belt asteroid, 1 Ceres4. Over the ensuing years, many more asteroids were discovered, with the current inventory of discovered asteroids now 1 Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg numbering in the hundreds of thousands (www.minor- 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9, Canada As the discoveries mounted, so too E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology 54-426, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA E-mail: [email protected] 4 Upon discovery, asteroids are given an alphanumeric preliminary 3 Department of Space Studies, University of North Dakota designation, which is replaced by a purely numeric catalog Box 9008, Grand Forks, ND 58202-9008, USA number when the becomes precisely known. Once assigned E-mail: [email protected] a permanent number, a name can be proposed.

ELEMENTS, VOL. 10, PP. 25–30 25 FEBRUARY 2014 have the physical observations that have yielded notable ƒ The ability to fi rmly constrain or establish the surface milestones in understanding the geology of asteroids. Some of spectrally distinctive asteroids began in examples follow. the 1970s and was extended to more asteroids in the 1980s (e.g. Cruikshank and Hartmann 1984). ƒ The fi rst indications that the asteroid belt is geologically diverse came in the 1920s with the discovery of ƒ Spectroscopic surveys of large numbers (hundreds) of differences among asteroids (Bobrovnikoff 1929). asteroids began in the late 1970s (Zellner et al. 1985) and were expanded during the subsequent decades to include ƒ The fi rst and most strongly established mineralogical more asteroids, more detailed spectral resolution, and determination of asteroid surface composition and its greater wavelength coverage (e.g. Xu et al. 1995; Burbine meteorite association came about in 1970 for asteroid 4 and Binzel 2002). Also during this period, Earth-based (McCord et al. 1970). observations were used to determine shape, spin, ƒ The fi rst large-scale taxonomic studies, whereby asteroids and thus the history of asteroids. were categorized into different spectral or color groups— ƒ The mineralogical/spectral diversity across the surfaces suggestive of both mineralogical diversity and composi- of specifi c asteroids (e.g. Gaffey 1997) and within taxo- tional groupings—emerged in the late 1970s and early nomic groups (Gaffey et al. 1993) was discovered, and 1980s (e.g. Bowell et al. 1978). we acquired the ability to derive, or at least constrain, the surface mineralogy of spectrally distinctive asteroids (1990s).



E Images of the interior surface of various meteorites. FIGURE 1 (A) The Allende CV3 carbonaceous , a primi- tive carbonaceous meteorite containing organic material, (melted droplets of preexisting minerals—round objects in the image); carbonaceous have been linked to various dark-asteroid classes. (B) The , a differentiated meteorite or impact melt containing large grains of in a metallic matrix; have been linked to A-class asteroids. (C) The Odessa differentiated meteorite showing the Widmanstätten pattern indicative of slow cooling; iron meteorites have been linked to M-class asteroids. (D) The Norton County , a high-temperature, highly reduced, differentiated meteorite; have been linked to E-class asteroids. (E) The NWA 869 L4-L6 ; darker regions are fragments of a , likely added as a result of an impact. Scale bars are in millimeters.

ELEMENTS 26 FEBRUARY 2014 ƒ Programs such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (www. determined, leading to at least some constraints on physical and the NEOWise Space Infrared Survey (http:// and/or compositional properties. As the number of obser- carried out vational techniques applied to an asteroid increases, our large-scale surveys of asteroids (thousands to hundreds understanding of an asteroid’s physical structure neces- of thousands) at a few wavelengths. sarily improves. ƒ Ground-based, telescopic spectral analysis predicted the Asteroid compositional determinations are also possible via LL ordinary chondrite composition of asteroid 25143 multiple techniques. The major ways in which composi- Itokawa (Binzel et al. 2001; the asteroid’s original desig- tional properties can be determined or constrained include nation was 1998 SF36). Successful sample return by the density determinations or constraints by gravitational mission gave ground-truth confi rmation of the interactions or radar observations, radar refl ectivity to LL chondrite class (Tsuchiyama 2014 this issue) . constrain metal content, elemental analysis using gamma ray or neutron detection, the measurement of a magnetic The earliest large-scale surveys suggested that the asteroid fi eld (if present), optical , refl ectance spectros- belt is radially stratifi ed, with the presumed highest- copy, thermal emission spectroscopy, direct imaging, and temperature asteroids at the smallest heliocentric distances dynamical correlations. As with the methods that can and the least altered asteroids farthest out. Since then, we be used to constrain physical properties, these observa- have greatly refi ned our understanding of asteroidal miner- tional techniques probe asteroids to different depths and alogical diversity and are strengthening mineralogical– at different spatial scales, providing types of information spectroscopic linkages. that complement one another. Sample return provides Some meteorites can be traced to specifi c regions in space the capstone of our understanding of asteroid–meteorite or specifi c parent bodies. Sky-scanning cameras can detect connections (FIG. 2). meteorites entering the Earth’s as fi reballs and we can back-calculate their (e.g. Halliday et al. 1978). We were also fortunate recently to detect and study an asteroid prior to its encounter with Earth (2008 TC3) and then recover pieces of the asteroid (Goodrich et al. 2014 this issue). Although Earth- and space-based investigations can help us constrain asteroid surface compositions, there is no substitute for having a sample of known provenance in hand. Recently we directly sampled the near-Earth asteroid Itokawa (Tsuchiyama 2014). Asteroid sample- Pyramid building as an analogy to asteroid (and FIGURE 2 return missions are also scheduled for later in this decade planetary) exploration. At the wide base is the (OSIRIS-REx, Hayabusa-2). discovery of the broad population, largely through telescopic surveys. Physical measurements are carried out on many, but not Compositional studies of meteorites indicate that they all, discovered objects, thus narrowing the pyramid. A still fewer originated from at least many tens of distinct parent bodies number of objects are particularly tantalizing. Those objects for which our ability to answer signifi cant science questions from Earth (Keil 2000). It also appears that our meteorite collection has reached its limit are then subjected to observational and is not representative of the compositional diversity of the theoretical study. The capstone represents missions to asteroid belt (Burbine et al. 2002). A number of meteorite the few objects whose study has the potential to deliver the most types must have formed in association with other types consequential breakthroughs. IMAGE FROM BINZEL (2012), REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM SCIENCE that have not yet been found. This is likely due to the biases and selection effects that are associated with the mecha- nisms that deliver meteorites from the asteroid belt to the FORGING ASTEROID–METEORITE LINKS Earth (e.g. Burbine et al. 2002). There are a number of By combining the results of multiple techniques, a more asteroids whose mineralogy is reasonably well understood robust picture of an asteroid’s properties emerges. Among but for which we have no representatives in our meteorite the properties of interest, internal structure and composi- collections (e.g. , ); conversely, tion are, not surprisingly, the most intractable. Different there are meteorites for which we have no obvious parent techniques probe asteroids to different depths, so any body (e.g. GRA 06128/9). Complicating the determination near-surface variations that may exist, such as those due of asteroid–meteorite links is the fact that the delivery of to space , are potentially recognizable. For meteorites to Earth from the main asteroid belt is normally example, apparent variations in the mineralogy of asteroid a multistep process with various biases (Michel 2014). can largely be reconciled by invoking various surface-modifi cation processes and the different interro- WAYS OF INVESTIGATING ASTEROIDS gation depths of the instruments aboard the NEAR space- We have a multitude of ways of investigating asteroids and craft (McCoy et al. 2001). Sending appropriately equipped forging asteroid–meteorite connections. Each method has spacecraft to asteroids also helps forge asteroid–meteorite advantages and limitations, and some methods can provide links (FIG. 2). information on both physical properties and composition. Reflectance spectroscopy is the most widely applied Techniques that have been applied to the study of - asteroid-characterization technique. Many asteroids have oids and that reveal something about physical properties refl ectance spectra that seem to lack diagnostic absorp- (usually in with some constraints on composi- tion features. However, there are indications that what we tion) include gravitational interactions, stellar , believe to be spectrally bland asteroids may in fact have Earth-based radar imaging, optical and radar polarimetry, weak diagnostic absorption features that can be detected the acquisition of rotational curves, and thermal- with high signal-to-noise observations (e.g. Vilas and infrared observations. The derivable physical properties Gaffey 1989). As data quality improves and other kinds of include size, shape, density, surface texture, presence or observational data become available, traditional asteroid absence of , rotation rate, and porosity. For most taxonomic classes (such as the M class) may include asteroids, one or a few of these parameters have been

ELEMENTS 27 FEBRUARY 2014 mineralogically diverse bodies, ranging from primitive (wet) to evolved (dry) (Rivkin et al. 2000), thus increasing our ability to distinguish different materials. A further issue that complicates establishing links is the dynamic of the asteroid belt. Once formed, aster- oids do not serenely orbit the , untouched. They are subject to various events and conditions: impacts over a range of sizes and energies, orbital perturbations, solar wind and galactic cosmic ray bombardment, the vacuum of space, and temperature excursions. Polymict and the presence of are the norm rather than the exception. Thus, when viewing an entire hemisphere of an asteroid, as is done for Earth-based observations, we are likely observing a diversity of terrains, both physically and compositionally. This further complicates our ability to relate a few grams of meteoritic material, which managed to survive a perilous journey to Earth, to a exposed to the space environment. The availability of meteorites and samples of known prove- nance (such as the Hayabusa samples from Itokawa and the NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft image mosaic of the Almahata Sitta samples from 2008 TC3) is proving to be FIGURE 3 extremely valuable as we continue to establish asteroid– 5.3 km wide crater on asteroid 433 Eros showing differences in its wall. These may be related to meteorite links. Although Itokawa samples yielded a previ- differences in grain size and/or composition. SOURCE: HTTP://NSSDC. ously predicted result (Binzel et al. 2001), the much more GSFC.NASA.GOV/PLANETARY/IMAGE/NEAR _ PSYCHE _ MOS.JPG complex characteristics of the Almahata Sitta meteorite have demonstrated that, in other cases, samples can be more complicated than what is predicted from telescopic eliminate the possibility that these asteroids contain more data. By combining asteroid observational data with models than trace amounts of ferrous iron–bearing or opaque of asteroid orbital evolution and surface modifi cation, as minerals. Only the aubrite satisfy these criteria. well as with meteorite data such as ejection and exposure Asteroid Steins, an E-class asteroid, has high albedo, consis- ages, we are beginning to fi ll in the details on how we can tent with aubrites, but shows a prominent -like better reconcile asteroid and meteorite observations. Our absorption feature, suggesting that it represents a type of view of asteroids is also becoming more nuanced, with aubrite not represented in our meteorite collections, that evidence pointing to these bodies having optically (and is, an aubrite with a high-temperature, low--fugacity mineralogically) complex surfaces (FIGS. 3, 4). The mission to Vesta is providing strong evidence of mixing mineral assemblage (Keller et al. 2010). of different meteorite types at large scales (McSween et Another example is the strong link between A-class al. 2014 this issue), complementing evidence of mixing asteroids and olivine-rich meteorites, such as of similar meteorite types at microscopic scales (Chou et and pallasites. This association is based on a unique and al. 1976). diagnostic absorption feature exclusively attributable to ferrous iron–bearing olivine (Cruikshank and Hartmann EXAMPLES OF ESTABLISHED ASTEROID– 1984). At the other extreme, the Tagish meteorite, METEORITE LINKS a rare carbonaceous chondrite, has been associated with One of the fi rst asteroid–meteorite links to be established D-class asteroids; both and D-class asteroids was between and -- have refl ectance spectra that are very dark in the visible- meteorites (McCord et al. 1970). Initially, their spectro- light region, becoming brighter toward the near-infrared, scopic similarity was deemed dynamically dubious owing and they exhibit no recognizable absorption bands in their to the apparent lack of a plausible pathway from Vesta to refl ectance spectra (Hiroi and Hasegawa 2003). In other the Earth. The discovery of the of asteroids cases, such as the C-class asteroids, the lack of diagnostic (or “Vestoids”; Binzel and Xu 1993) extending from Vesta spectral features suggests that this class may encompass to resonance delivery zones solidifi ed the link. This link multiple meteorite types and include compositionally has stood the test of time and been confi rmed by the in diverse objects. situ results provided by the Dawn mission to this asteroid Meteorite–asteroid links can be enhanced when obser- (McSween et al. 2014). The return of samples from Itokawa vational data are combined with other lines of evidence, by the Hayabusa mission (Tsuchiyama 2014) cemented the such as the location of asteroids near “escape hatches” for relationship between Itokawa and LL chondrites that was delivery to Earth, clusters of meteorite exposure ages, and predicted prior to the spacecraft’s launch. These are by far the spectral uniqueness of parent bodies. By building an the strongest and most accepted asteroid–meteorite links, internally self-consistent picture for specifi c asteroids, we and they demonstrate the value of asteroid sample return can begin to home in on potential parent bodies for specifi c and detailed spacecraft observations, and the capability classes of meteorites. Such multidisciplinary approaches of successful mineralogical interpretations by Earth-based provide the strongest linkages. Multiple criteria have been observers. used to link asteroid 6 and the H-type ordinary Other links are less certain, and their reliability is often a chondrites (Gaffey and Gilbert 1998), and 4 Vesta and the function of an asteroid’s “uniqueness.” For example, as a howardite-eucrite-diogenite suite of achondrites (McSween group, the E-class asteroids are bright, and either they are et al. 2014). spectrally featureless or they possess an absorption feature There are also abundant cases of asteroids for which no that is probably associated with the rare mineral oldhamite plausible meteorite analogues have been identifi ed. These (CaS). Their brightness and the presence of oldhamite mostly include a number of the low-albedo, spectrally

ELEMENTS 28 FEBRUARY 2014 as impact-induced seismic shaking, rotationally induced movements of material towards the equator, and tidal stresses during planetary encounters (Binzel et al. 2010). How operates on asteroidal surfaces is an area of active research. It appears to work in different ways on different asteroids (Gaffey 2010). A number of tentative explanations have been advanced to account for differences in perceived asteroid space weathering. Recent results from the Dawn mission to Vesta indicate that this body exhibits a style of space weathering quite different from that seen on other airless bodies (Pieters et al. 2012). There are likely multiple factors that can affect the style of space weathering. These include: Heliocentric distance. This is likely the most impor- tant control on space weathering as it determines the solar spacecraft image mosaic of the ~31 km long FIGURE 4 wind density, impactor velocity, and the spatial density of asteroid and its ~1.4 km diameter moon, potential impactors (higher in the main asteroid belt than Dactyl. False have been used to highlight differences in refl ectivity. These may be related to differences in grain size and/or near the Earth’s orbit). composition. SOURCE: WWW.BOULDER.SWRI.EDU/CLARK/IDA.GIFL Size. Larger asteroids will provide a bigger target for potential impactors and will attract or perturb nearby aster- featureless asteroids. Such spectrally featureless aster- oids (gravitational focusing) and will have greater ability oids are assigned to the C spectral class and include a to retain regolith. number of taxonomic subgroups that differ on the basis Surface composition. Different materials will have of their overall spectral shapes. Some recently identifi ed different susceptibilities to space weathering. For example, asteroids exhibit absorption features diagnostic of ferrous the production of nanophase iron, which is an important iron–bearing , and although spinel is present in a modifi er of the optical properties of the lunar regolith, number of primitive carbonaceous chondrite meteor- requires an Fe-bearing target. ites, the inferred overall mineralogy of these asteroids is unlike that of any known meteorite (Sunshine et al. 2008). Magnetic fi eld. The presence of a remnant magnetic Interestingly, meteorites can sometimes be made to match fi eld, such as may be present on Vesta (Fu et al. 2012), can asteroids, at least spectrally, by subjecting them to labora- defl ect the solar wind, leading to less space weathering by tory treatments, such as heating (Hiroi et al. 1996), further processes associated with the solar wind. suggesting that the terrestrial meteorite collection is an . This may play a secondary role, incomplete representation of asteroid diversity. determining the spatial density of potential impactors, It is worth reiterating that the terrestrial meteorite collec- such as lanes in the main asteroid belt. tion is not representative of the asteroid belt (Burbine Date since the last major resurfacing relative to et al. 2002). There are undoubtedly numerous asteroids the time required for weathering or reweath- and even asteroid taxonomic classes for which we have ering. An asteroid’s surface can be “reset” by a major no recognized meteorites. The most numerous meteorites resurfacing event such as a large impact or intense seismic in our collections, the ordinary chondrites, are plausibly shaking. If the space weathering timescale is as short as 106 linked to only a small subset of characterized asteroids. years (Vernazza et al. 2009), then surfaces young enough Their dominance in current fall statistics may be attribut- to appear “fresh” or “unweathered” are understandably rare able to relatively recent breakups of a few favorably placed since large-scale impacts occur, on average, on timescales parent bodies, as proposed for the asteroid Gefi on and the greater than 106 years. L chondrites (Nesvorný et al. 2009). Underrepresentation is further hampered by ongoing uncertainties about how the Variations in the appearance of space weathering on space environment can affect the appearance of asteroids. different asteroids likely refl ect differences in the relative contributions of the same set of processes (Gaffey 2010). As SPACE WEATHERING an example, impacts on the lunar surface occur with an average speed that is a factor of ~4 greater Our long-standing inability to fi nd good optical spectral than in the main asteroid belt. This could effectively lead matches between the most common meteorite types to more impact melting on the Moon than on asteroids, (ordinary chondrites) and their presumed parent bodies where average speeds are lower. (expected to reside within the traditional S taxonomic class), as well as the large spectral differences between Asteroidal-type space weathering, even though it affects lunar regolith and rocks have made us realize that the many spectral properties, does not affect some that can exposure of asteroidal surfaces to the space environment be used to determine properties like the pyroxene/olivine can dramatically change their optical properties. This ratio and mafi c composition, properties that can would result in a surface that is not representative of be used to discriminate ordinary chondrites from primi- the bulk asteroid, potentially hiding expected meteorite tive or fully differentiated achondrites. Our understanding parent bodies from view. The plethora of processes that of space weathering, at least for near-Earth asteroids, has can occur at the asteroid–space interface are collectively improved with the return of a regolith sample from Itokawa termed “space weathering” and include devolatilization/ (Tsuchiyama 2014). Many, if not most, of Itokawa’s mineral desiccation, solar wind implantation, sputtering, radiation grains examined to date show evidence of space weath- damage, micrometeorite impacts, and thermal cycling ering, most notably in the form of nanophase iron and (Hapke 2001). These are in addition to processes that iron sulfi des in the outer rind. Given our understanding may operate in the interior of asteroids, such as heating of how nanophase iron and iron sulfi des affect refl ectance and aqueous alteration, as well as other processes such spectra, the spectral mismatch between Itokawa and LL chondrites can be largely resolved.

ELEMENTS 29 FEBRUARY 2014 Some aspects of space weathering that can impact our blocks of the terrestrial planets currently located? How do ability to forge meteorite–asteroid linkages are still not well asteroids from the main belt evolve such that they develop understood. For example: Does space weathering preferen- Earth-crossing orbits, and how similar or different are main tially concentrate or deplete specifi c phases? What is the belt and near-Earth asteroids? What processes have affected effect of space weathering on the composition of organic asteroids since their formation? molecules and water-bearing minerals and on the distribu- tion of fi ne-grained opaque minerals? Can space weath- THE FUTURE ering “sandblast” metallic surfaces or grains? To answer Our ability to establish meteorite–asteroid linkages these questions, a combination of work on samples recov- continues to improve, and the strongest connections ered from the uppermost surfaces of asteroids, laboratory are made when multiple observational techniques and studies, and theoretical modeling is required. dynamical models are combined to develop an internally consistent picture. Signifi cant advances will be made by ASTEROIDS AND THE ORIGIN targeting sample-return missions to representatives of key OF THE TERRESTRIAL PLANETS asteroid taxonomic classes, such as the C spectral group, for Remnants of the building blocks of the terrestrial planets which our understanding of composition is tenuous. The are likely still present in the asteroid belt. As knowledge of OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample-return mission is an impor- the compositional diversity of asteroids and the composi- tant step in this direction. It will acquire both a regolith tional structure of the asteroid belt and near-Earth aster- sample, to better understand how space weathering affects oids improves, we will be able to better address questions dark asteroids, and a bulk sample, which will help us relate such as: Which models of Solar System evolution (some of the uppermost regolith to its overall composition. Future which include large radial excursions of the giant planets) observations of asteroids using multiple techniques will are consistent with compositional zonations in the main gradually improve our view of the origin, structure, and asteroid belt (Michel 2014)? Could the main asteroid belt composition of these important building blocks of our have provided all the building blocks for the formation of Solar System. the terrestrial planets? Where are the remnant building

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