Late Quaternary Glacial Histories and Holocene Paleoenvironmental Records from Northeast and Southwest Ellesmere Island, Nünawt, Canada

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Late Quaternary Glacial Histories and Holocene Paleoenvironmental Records from Northeast and Southwest Ellesmere Island, Nünawt, Canada University of Alberta LATE QUATERNARY GLACIAL HISTORIES AND HOLOCENE PALEOENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS FROM NORTHEAST AND SOUTHWEST ELLESMERE ISLAND, NüNAWT, CANADA by IAIN RODERICK SMITH A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Earth & Atmospherk Sciences Edmonton, Alberta FaIl 1998 National Library Bibliothèque nationale lJFl ,,,a du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. me Wellington Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la fome de microfiche/nlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fkom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. ABSTRACT Ice-free areas beyond the limits of the last glaciation have been proposed for much of Eiiesrnere Island. This hypothesis is addressed by reconstnicting the iate Quatemary glacial history of Lake Hazen Basin and eastern Hazen Plateau, and by coring extant lake basins beyond proposed ice margins. Diatom records from these lakes, and stable isotope records from emergent basins on Hoved Island, southwest Ellesmere Island, were used to assess Holocene environmentai changes in the High Arctic. Lateral meltwater channels, moraines and other geomorphic evidence indicate that a large tnink glacier emanating from the Grant Land Mountains coalesced with Agassiz and Greenland ice, inundating Hazen Plateau. The configuration of deglacial margins related to the aunk glacier, Holocene ice-contact deltas in Robeson Channel, and cosmogenic 36CI dating of erratics, indicate that this occurred during the last glaciation. Thus, ice-free regions did not exist in the Lake Hazen region. Breakup of marine-based ice margins between 9 and 8 ka BP Led to a retreat of Grant Land Mountain aunk ice, and deglaciation of outemost Hazen Plateau. Plateau ice caps, however, persisted and expanded over highland regions in early Hoiocene. Between 7 and 6 ka BP, ice retreated to the heads of regional fiords and valleys, after which it remained stable. Breakup of ice within the proto-Lake Hazen basin occurred between 5.3 and 5 ka BP. at which point Grant Land Mountain ice had retreated to near its modem limits. Diatom abundances serve as a proxy record of summer iake ice cover. Results from the Lake Hazen region indicate a graduai clirnatic arnelioration between 5 and 4 ka BP. The greatest reduction in ice cover occurred between 4 and 3 ka BP, after which, a cooling led to a deche in diatom abundances in higher elevation lakes, while those Iower down maintained high levels until -2 ka BP. Basal diamicts in cores from two lakes on Hoved Island records the retreat of formerly grounded ice in central Baumann Fiord -9.3 ka BP. Isotopic records of Lobamla lobatulus detail a stepped ice retreat during early to mid-HoIocene, beyond the resolution of previous studies of pos tglacial ernergence. This thesis is dedicated the memory of Kent Holden A superb friend and coileague whose potential wül never be fully realized and who's wit, insight and contribution are dearly missed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Throughout the course of my Ph.D. studies 1have experienced tremendous support, encouragement and inspiration from a number of individuals. Though 1am the author, an undertaking such as ihis dissertation cm never be considered solely rny own efforts. First, 1wish to thank and acknowledge the tremendous oppominity that John England has provided me. He unhesitatingly took on a prospective Ph.D. student at the 1stmoment, offerhg up a tantalizing array of research projects and suggestions. From your first letter, 1 was hooked, and have never looked back in regret at having come to the University of Alberta (it does make sense). John has continued to foster my keen interest in the Arctic, and 1 am indebted to him for his unwavering support of my diverse research interests. It has certainly been an instructive learning process to experience the shift in paradigms, and not be coerced by him, but instead lefi to stumble (albeit hesitantly) toward my own conclusions. Through it dl, he has extended immeasurable kindness and generosity that are indeed hurnbling. Not just a Scientist, but a friend, we have shared some truly magicai moments on Ellesmere, around the fire, on nnk(s), and the many fine Alberta "cow pastures" we've swatted golf balls on. Here's to many more "sarne story - different fiord" adventures. Second, 1 wish to thank and acknowledge Dr. Michael Hickrnan. Department of Biology, University of Alberta, who allowed me access to his lab where 1 conducted al1 of my diatom research. His generosity is greatly appreciated! Fieldwork was conducted through three seasons ('92, '93 and '94). The efforts of those who accompanied and assisted me, and the importance of their contribution to this research cannot be diminished. In 1992, Dr. Lewis Owen tried to drive me insane (...dee, dee, dee, dee, dee. deee... ), but through the sumrner provided excellent Company and keen insights into the glacial geomorphology that lay the foundation for many of the conclusions presented here. The long field season of 1993 was stoically endured by Charles Bumett, despite my initiai attempts to kill us by reviving the tradition of man-hauling sledges. It was indeed a long sumer, with some brutal hikes, but 1am indebted to Charles for his assistance and sticking it out to the end. The 1994 field season was perhaps the most interesting, and perhaps the least taxing (thank you Parks Canada for use of the snowmobiles). What a place to share with fnends - thank you Dave Burgess, Barry Troke and Andrew Westwood - that we all survived the trip up and domto the Gilman Glacier is a miracle! Through each of the three summers, assistance from Parks Canada personnel (Bill Thorpe, Barry Troke and Renee Wissink) was always welcomed and facilitated many aspects of the field work. Polar Shelf continued to provide efficient logistical support, and 1wish to thank the many pilots and base-personnel who have helped this Beaker dong the way. 1 have been very fortunate for the level of financial support received through the course of my Ph.D. Support for the research was provided by Dr. John England through his NSERC operating grant; horn the Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta CBAR grant; and NSTP hinds from the Department of Indian and Northem Development, Canada. 1am also honoured to have received a University of Alberta Ph.D. Scholarship, an Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize, an Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship and the Harington Paleoenvironmental Scholarship. 1 hope the work 1 present here, and my future successes, are worthy of the awards I've been bestowed, Colleagues and friends have also made important contributions through the years. From preserving my sanity, to acts of purposely trying to lose it, they have inspired, cajoled and assisted me through many stages of my Ph.D. I particularly wish to thank the following individuals for discussing, arguing and bashing ideas out over coffee, that have helped to focus my thoughts: Trevor Bell, Kent Holden, James Hooper, Scott Lamoureux and Colm 07Cofaigh. In addition to the many savage reviews of manuscripts provided me by John England, this dissertation has benefitted from the reviews and discussion of various manuscripts by DL'S Martin Sharp and John Shaw. Martin Sharp has shown himself to be a valued and trusted sounding board, and 1 have greatly enjoyed the interaction with hirn through the years (though not his choice of where to dig snowpits!). Technical assistance was generously provided me by: Alwynne Beaudoin, Provincial Museum of Alberta, who identified seeds and cladocera egg cases; Denis Delorme (Research Scientist Emeritus), National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, who identif ied the ostracodes; Catherine LaFarge-England, Department of B ioIogy, Duke University, who identified bryophyte sarnples submitted for dating; Randy Pakan, Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, who assisted with photographie and image processing; Ian Walker, Department of Biology, Okanagan University College, who identified the chironornid head capsules. Dr. Karlis Muehlenbachs, Depariment of Earth & Atmosphenc Sciences, University of Alberta is thanked for affording me the oppomuiity of conducting the stable isotope research as part of a graduate research projec t. Finaliy 1 wish to thank my wife Sandra who agreed to follow me out to Alberta. What an incredible expenence it has been for us both. Certainly 1 couldn't have survived these past seven years without your unwavering support, encouragement and love. Sandra also braved the north in 1992,joining me for a month of field work. It means so much to me that you were able to share in, and experience, the environment that is so rnuch part of my life. For times together and times apart, I am always grateful that 1have a friend such as you to share things with. Here's to many more adventures awaiting us in the future. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................... 1 1.1 Outiine of Dissertation ............................................ 2 1.2 References ...................................................... 7 2. DIATOM-BASED HOLOCENE PALEOENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS FROM THE LAKE HAZEN REGION.
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