Shamit Kachru Professor of Physics and Director, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics CONTACT INFORMATION • Administrative Contact Dan Moreau Email
[email protected] Bio BIO Starting fall of 2021, I am winding down a term as chair of physics and then taking an extended sabbatical/leave. My focus during this period will be on updating my background and competence in rapidly growing new areas of interest including machine learning and its application to problems involving large datasets. My recent research interests have included mathematical and computational studies of evolutionary dynamics; field theoretic condensed matter physics, including study of non-Fermi liquids and fracton phases; and mathematical aspects of string theory. I would characterize my research programs in these three areas as being in the fledgling stage, relatively recently established, and well developed, respectively. It is hard to know what the future holds, but you can get some idea of the kinds of things I work on by looking at my past. Highlights of my past research include: - The discovery of string dualities with 4d N=2 supersymmetry, and their use to find exact solutions of gauge theories (with Cumrun Vafa) - The construction of the first examples of AdS/CFT duality with reduced supersymmetry (with Eva Silverstein) - Foundational papers on string compactification in the presence of background fluxes (with Steve Giddings and Joe Polchinski) - Basic models of cosmic acceleration in string theory (with Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, and Sandip Trivedi)