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mmwmm • w*m • - ~ THE Best Medium for Adver tising BERMUDA COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDER (ESTABLISHED i82S) HAMILTON, BERMUDA, TUESDAY JULY 15, 1919. SINGLE COPY 2d. (or 4 cents)—20s. PER ANNUM NEWS OF PROFESSOR TOD'S THE §ETURN OF THE B.CR.G.A. HOUSE HAS SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION. CELEBRATION OF PEACE; From the Boston Herald of July 3, we understand that this expedition REGATTA AND PROCESSION GALA DAY IN BERMUDA DUSY SESSION was doomed to ill-fortune. Readers will remember that Pro "Your unit has been working on The following provisional program Motor Boat Race (open to any boat, no mistake about the • At yesterday's session of the As- fessor Tod put in at Bermuda owing of celebrations on the 19th July is including out-board motors) Han There ammunition supply in this area since s-mbly Mr. T. M. Dill moved that the to engine trouble, and the seaplane, home-coming c if the R.G.A. April 1917 and though sustaining published for general information. dicap; 1st Cup, 2nd Cup. Everything else went by tbe board. Police Establishment Act be recom in which he was to make flights for a The programme is subject to additions severe casualties and latterly working mitted for General Purposes and gave closer observance of the sun's eclipse, From early mom to dewy eve the streets under the most trying climatic con and alterations in detail but will be We doubt if this could be much im were crowded with enthusiastic ad as his reason for so doing his desire, was put into working order, and a ditions the work done has been con flight made by His Excellency the adhered to in its main outlines. proved upon, especially considering thc mirers, and no reserve or modesty mark which he believed was shared by other sistently good. members ot the House, to add the title Gcfcrernor. shortness of notice and the absence ed the proceedings. "On your leaving the VIII. Corps of Provost Marshal General to that of 7-7.05 a.m.—Blowing of steam whis from the islands of the British Naval Considering after events, we can tles. boat?. We are free to admit that the scene the Corps Commander wishes his Chief of Police, in order to preserve congratulate His Excellency once more was much more appropriate to the appreciation conveyed to all ranks." the continuity of history in the Colony. All vessels in harbour are invit Fortunately, our American Allies on his safe return to earth from that ed to join. occasion than some of our receptions In July 1918, you were on the Lys seaplane. Never again will it carry have promised valuable assistance and have been even allowing for the fact Mr. Dill confessed that the reason 10 a.m.—Fitted Dinghy Race (open) even the Naval Cutters Race promises front and lastly in the final advance in was a purely sentimental one. Old passengers, much less so distinguished that the return in a body made matters Belgium, Lieut. Wrigg was awarded aq one. 1st Cup; 2nd Cup. to be exciting. A novel form of handi nine!'' easier. traditions should be preserved and it 11.30 a.m.—Arrival ,in Hamilton of cap has been adopted by the Com the Mflitary Cross, and Sergt. Sergeant was a mistake to break away from The scientific party encountered The long wait, the hot weather, fee boats from St. George's, Somer mittee. Every boat handicaps her the Military Medal, for gallant work them without good cause. The office a terrific storm in which the plane false reports, all failed to damp exuber under very heavy shell fire. Lieut. set, &c. with Active Service self, she declares hst speed, etc. dated back to 1625 and although the was wrecked and abandoned, the Contingents. Details of trans ant spirits, and when at length the Wrigg is still serving with the Army of duties were not amalgamated with members returning only after exper A gun is fired for the start, and after troops landed at the Transportation port arrangements wili be pub Occupation. those of the Chief of Police there was iencing considerable difficulties. lished later. a certain—or rather {uncertain—time, Company's wharf, Front St. witnessed Major Dill has specially mentioned nothing to prevent reverting to the - We understand that no result another gun is fired ordering them back. an unprecedented scene. 12 noon.- Salute of 21 guns and ring to me fee excellent work done by the old title. He would, if the House (scientific) was obtained, but the ing of church bells throughout Any boat returning quicker than she There was no possibility of maintain European Staff who went from the acquiesced in the motion to recommit Professor counts himself lucky in the Colony from 12 to 12.15. went or exceeding her stated speed, ing the wonted discipline. Ranks R.G.A. in Bermuda; of eleven such two the Bill, move later that fee Committee beiftg able to write an account of All churches are invited to co is handicapped by the difference so broke and relatives accomplished more were severely wounded, four were rise {and report progress and ask for tbe biggest storm that ever visited operate. that theoretically the boats should all the region of Pernambuco. than the enemy had done. promoted to other Batteries, two earn leave to sit again when he would pre 12.30 The Active Service Contin cross the finishing line exactly as they ing the Distinguished Conduct Medal Proudly tbey fought their way to the pare a motion to give effecf to his sug OOO gents and men who have served started. We hope they will. Public Buildings where His Excellency and two are here today, viz: Battery gestion. overseas in other corps will be The Corporation of Hamilton has MARRIAGE OF CAPT. the Governor, together with prominent Sergeant Major Frost and Battery The Attorney General termed the entertained at luncheon. very kindly offered the use of such sheds officials and interested citizens, were Quartermaster Sergeant Locke, who move a retrogressive one. In 1914 R. C. EARL AND All officers and men now in and wharfage as may be required, and have both done excellent work through assembled. the House decided to abolish the office MISS GERALDINE O'NEIL. Bermuda who went from this the public may be assured of a happy out, and the men of the Company from A fine body of men they presented! of Provost Marshal General and merge Colony to serve in Corps day's sport, especially if fee Committee St. George's who have specially come the duties with those of fee Inspector •Of more than usual interest is the other than the B.V.R.C. and can count on loyal co-operation in keep Proud feey might well be. over today will be proud to hear this. An honourable record, deserved re of Police. He was in favour of retain wedding announced in our columns. B.C.R.G.A., and who wish to ing the course clear and by readiness of Surely such a record of work done by ing the title Chief of Police because it Both bride and bridegroom are attend the luncheon are 're contestants to start. cognition, and a safe return. you Major Dill, your officers, W.C.O's simply described the office of the head well known in Bermuda and deserve quested to send in their names Mr Henry C . Masters has been chosen On all sides it was heard that fee and men, need no further words from of the Force. He did not think the ' the congratulations of all. at once to the Colonial Secre and privations of war had im me, and I am glad to tell you that all to act as Secretary and. he will be glad suggestion would add to the dignity of. Capt. Earl has served faithfully tary when admission cards if intending competitors will send in provei -=.____•-d everyon- - e Officers looked in ranks of the Battalion now quartered the office in any way. The House was and successfully ~w_th the B.V.R.C. will be sent them. here, the 2 '4th East Yorks, when they entries as soon as possible in order that the pink of condition, men were smarter, unanimous in its decision in 1914 un Contingent, whilst his bride hats car 2.30 o.m. to 5.30 p.m.—Canoe Races necessary arrangements can be made. more reliable and obviously more self heard that a Guard of Honour was to less his memory had failed Hm in this ried out her duties at the Hospital open to B.A.A. and B.B.C.C. respected. receive the returning Contingent, un respect. He thought fee best time to here with conspicuous ability. (Souvenir Cups to each member 8 p.m. Torchlight Procession of East His Excellency addressed them as animously offered to serve on it; a test the feeling of the Committee was We wish them every happiness in of winning boat, value £1 each). Yorkshire Regiment and men of only he can. Although suffering from compliment I am sure you will highly on the motion before fee House for the their married life and are confident Men's Fours, 220 yards. Active Service Contingents from hay fever, his voice rang out sonorously appreciate. recommittal of fee Bill and he certainly that thc devotion to duty showed by Mixed Fours, 220 yards. Town Hall. Hamilton, via Front and clearly, and his stirring speech I will before dismissing you read the would not support the proposal.