Board of Registration in Medicine. Very Respectfully, WM
PUBLIC DOCUMENT . No. 56. F ir s t A n n u a l R e po r t OP THE Board of Registration in Medicine. J ANIJAEY, 1895. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 P ost Of f ic e S q u a re. 1895. A/ J2>(o (s> ^ ft (iiommoniocaltlj of Iflassocljusctis. Of f ic e of t h e S e c r e ta r y , B oston, Jail. 18, 1895. Hon. George v. L. M eyer, Speaker, House of Representatives. Sib : — I have the honor to transmit herewith, for the use of the Legislature, the report of the Board of Registration in Medicine. Very respectfully, WM. M. OLIN, Secretary. Cammanfocaltfe o f ISassitcbusttis, B oard of R egistration in M e d ic in e , S tate H ou se, Boston, Jan . 1, 1895. To His Excellency F rederic T. Green h a lg e. Sir : — In compliance with section 6 of chapter 458 of the Acts of 1894, the Board present the following report: — Your Excellency appointed as members of this Board : — E dw ard J. F orster, M.D., of Boston, for the term of seven j’ears. A ugustus L. C h a se , M.D., of Randolph, for the term of six years. D a n iel B. W h it t ie r , M.D., of Fitchburg, for the term of live years. W alter P. B o w er s, M.D., of Clinton, for the term of four years. Ste ph e n H. B lodgett, M.D., of Cambridge, for the term of three years.
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