RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2019-2020 Published by the: Riverside County Office of Education Riverside, California (951) 826-6530 www.rcoe.us SEPTEMBER 2019 (Note: Most of Riverside County is in the 951 area code unless otherwise noted.) 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 2 OUR PLEDGE Every student in Riverside County will graduate from high school academically and socially prepared for college, the workforce, and civic responsibility. Mission The mission of RCOE is to ensure the success of all students through extraordinary service, support, and partnerships. Vision RCOE will be a collaborative organization characterized by the highest quality employees providing leadership, programs and services to school districts, schools, and students countywide. Core Values Engage in Open and Honest Communication Build Relationships and Promote Trust Focus on Students and Children 3 DIRECTORY INFORMATION Historical Note The first Riverside County Public Schools Directory was published in 1901 by the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools. It consisted of a two-page listing of 69 teachers in 69 schools. In this edition of the Riverside County Public Schools Directory, there are listings for over 500 schools serving 428,489 K-12 students. There are more than 17,000 teachers and 16,000 non-teaching school employees serving students, families, and the communities of Riverside County. The Riverside County Public Schools Directory can be found online at www.rcoe.us. Corrections Should you notice an error in the directory or have any changes to the current listings, please notify Yadira Chavelas in the Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools at (951) 826-6456 or e-mail to
[email protected].