Chamilo LMS - Feature #272 UTF-8 native support 03/12/2009 00:06 - Carlos Vargas

Status: Feature implemented Start date: 03/12/2009 Priority: Normal Due date: Assignee: Ivan Tcholakov % Done: 100% Category: Estimated time: 0.00 hour Target version: 1.8.7 beta Spent time: 0.00 hour Complexity: Normal SCRUM pts - 100 complexity: Description An e-mail from cristi

--- Hello,

We’re sorry for the delay, but we’ve been pretty busy here at Hypermedia :) I could send you the whole version that I’ve modified from Dokeos 1.6.3 , but there are many modifications – customizations in fact that were needed at that moment. (if you want the whole version I modified, just say so and it will be no problem for me to send it. I just think that it will be way to complicated to follow all the modifications, because I cannot remember all the things I’ve changed :D). I mean no offense if there are too many explanations, but I wrote the document this way, so that maybe we can use it to show a “non-technical” person how to migrate.

Here is the roadmap I followed (actually I wrote it afterwards) for UTF8 conversion of Dokeos: I’ve used here the MySql command line because it’s faster. If you want to use phpmyadmin, I think you should be careful what ‘MySQL charset’ and what ‘MySQL connection collation’ are you using. I will try this sometime, but for the smoothest results my guess is that: - before making the dump you have to use MySQL charset latin1 and MySQL connection collation latin1_swedish (the default for the Mysql tables) - before loading the dump (converted to UTF8) you have to change MySQL charset to utf8 and MySQL connection collation utf8_general_ci It might work in any case, but I think this is the easiest way.

1. Database: Currently the whole Dokeos database uses latin1_swedish charset in MySql. There are a few ways of converting the whole database. Many say to convert all your ‘text’ fields (varchar included) to binary and then run queries. But I have this way of doing it, which is much more “nice” and VERY MUCH FASTER.

- Create dump with latin1 charset: mysqldump --default-character-set=latin1 u root -p dokeos_main > dokeos_latin1.sql

Remove (or replace) all the charset-related directives. For example – you could replace ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1’ with ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8’ in all the document. Or, if you create your new database with default collation utf_general_ci , you could just remove all the ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1’ from the file, and then when you import it, MySql will use the database default charset for all the tables.

- Convert the dump file from latin1 (iso-8859-1) to utf-8 You could use several ways of doing this, but the nicest I have so far is by using the iconv library (on Linux is installed by default I guess, for Windows I downloaded it from iconv f iso-8859-7 -t utf-8 dokeos_latin1.sql > dokeos_utf8.sql

Create a new database with collation utf8_general_ci – database dokeos_utf8.sql

- import the new file with utf-8 charset in the new database mysql --default-character-set=utf8 u root -p dokeos_utf < dokeos_utf8.sql

Check with phpmyadmin using utf connection and collation to see if texts from all languages are ok (greek is just an example because it uses non latin characters and that’s what we’ve been using here in Cyprus).

02/10/2021 1/47 2. Language files convert from iso-8859-1 to utf-8: I used again the iconv library. For the greek files I used : iconv.exe -f iso-8859-7 -t utf-8 > utf/ all the language files in /lang - problems in - remove special characters or convert to html entities (I have to clear what was this about sometime) – it seems there are some greek special characters that are not “fully” supported for conversion.

Additional language conversions:

- ctools/wiki/

- claroline/ctools/glossary/lang/greek/

- egnosis/home/home_*_greek.html - files with texts from home page

- ctools/poll/calendar/popcalendar.js - greek months names

I did these conversion because we used those plugins and tolls in the platform.

3. Modify code-files in claroline directory: Notice that line numbers might not be the same – I told you I made many modifications on the platform.

There is a catch here.

Search for all mysql_connect() calls and add SET NAMES and SET CHARACTER SET - inc\\claro_init_global_inc.php - added lines 64,65 (after mysql_select_db()) mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $dokeos_database_connection); mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'", $dokeos_database_connection);

- ctools\\glossary\\glossary.php line 291 - added function utf8_substr() and used it everywhere in the document instead of substr()

- plugin/CoolSearch/ - implemented separate language files for English and Greek using UTF8

- announcements/announcements.php - line 619: UTF-8 encoding for email (instead of iso-8859-1)

- admin/user_import.php - UTF-8 charset for the imported file (?!) - admin/user_export.php - UTF-8 charset for the exported file

- auth/inscription_second.php - utf-8 charset for the email sent to the new user

- calendar/calendar.php - charset of the calendar page

- inc/ - set default charset to UTF-8

- inc/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php - line 36: set utf-8 encoding for mails - inc/phpmailer/phpdoc/phpmailer.html - description of phpmailer class - line 526: default encoding of mails is utf-8 - inc/phpmailer/test/phpmailer_test.php - lines 63,198: set mail's encoding to utf-8

- lang/english/ - line 18: $charset='utf-8'; - lang/(english|greek)/ - add $status_lang - array with possible status of a lesson

- learnpath/ - line 2301: set charset of the manifest file to utf-8

- online/ - line 67: set page encoding to utf-8 - online/online.php - line 46: set page encoding to utf-8

- scorm/closesco.php - line 49: set page encoding to utf-8 - scorm/contents.php - line 68: set page encoding to utf-8 - scorm/opensco.php - line 51: set page encoding to utf-8

- tracking/courseLog.php - line 60: set page encoding to utf-8 - line 108: if $status_lang not imported from language file, put it in english language - tracking/userLog.php - lines 81,85: set default translations encoding to utf-8

02/10/2021 2/47 - line 67: if $status_lang not imported from language file, put it in english language

- work/student.html - line 4: set page encoding to utf-8

Also, there are some characters that are not displayed correctly in utf8

- CHANGE special characters that are displayed garbled in UTF8 to HTML entities: - « and » instead of « and » - calendar/ - calendar/myagenda.php

- CHANGE CREATE DATABASE syntax - DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 for all tables created from within php scripts: - claroline/calendar/myagenda.php - line 113 - claroline/inc/lib/ - line 199 - claroline/install/ - line 127, 143, 161, 179 - leave CREATE TABLE syntax as it is for now

- CHANGE CREATE TABLE syntax DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8: - claroline/inc/lib/ ctools/poll/calendar/popcalendar.js - months names - phpbb/reply.php - line 526: replaced htmlentities() function with htmlspecialchars()

Here it is now a list of the PROBLEMATIC PHP functions when working with UTF8 strings: - String functions - they all have equivalents in mbstring extension (prefixed with 'mb_') : - strcut() - strlen() - strpos() - strrpos() - strtolower() - strtoupper() - substr_count() - substr() I used built-up utf8_substr() function for now

The best solution to fix these problem is to test if the mbstring extension for php is installed and work with equivalent string functions if yes. If it is not installed, we could use the iconv() functions from PHP to convert strings on the fly, but of course this will slow down things. However there might be many cases when you cannot use mbstring evan if you want to (hosting companies). In Dokeos I used : function utf8_substr($str,$from,$len){ return preg_replace('#^(?:[\\x00-\\x7F]|[\\xC0-\\xFF][\\x80-\\xBF]+){0,'.$from.'}'. '((?:[\\x00-\\x7F]|[\\xC0-\\xFF][\\x80-\\xBF]+){0,'.$len.'}).*#s', '$1',$str); } And that pretty much solved everything – because the rest of the functions are not used in a “harmful” way for utf8 strings. value of mbstring.func_overload - original function overloaded function 1 - mail() - mb_send_mail() 2 - strlen() - mb_strlen() 2 - strpos() - mb_strpos() 2 - strrpos() - mb_strrpos() 2 - substr() - mb_substr() 2 - strtolower() - mb_strtolower() 2 - strtoupper() - mb_strtoupper() 2 - substr_count() - mb_substr_count() 4 - ereg() mb_ereg() 4 - eregi() - mb_eregi() 4 - ereg_replace() - mb_ereg_replace() 4 - eregi_replace() - mb_eregi_replace() 4 - split() - mb_split()

I think this is all. If I remember something else I will send other emails. Also, if you have any questions, or if you want me to help in this direction, I could install a CVS system and grab the latest files from the repository and convert all the language files, database creation files etc. etc. Just let me know what are your plans and we can decide together how we can help each other :)

Awaiting to hear fAn e-mail from cristi

02/10/2021 3/47 --- Hello,

We’re sorry for the delay, but we’ve been pretty busy here at Hypermedia :) I could send you the whole version that I’ve modified from Dokeos 1.6.3 , but there are many modifications – customizations in fact that were needed at that moment. (if you want the whole version I modified, just say so and it will be no problem for me to send it. I just think that it will be way to complicated to follow all the modifications, because I cannot remember all the things I’ve changed :D). I mean no offense if there are too many explanations, but I wrote the document this way, so that maybe we can use it to show a “non-technical” person how to migrate.

Here is the roadmap I followed (actually I wrote it afterwards) for UTF8 conversion of Dokeos: I’ve used here the MySql command line because it’s faster. If you want to use phpmyadmin, I think you should be careful what ‘MySQL charset’ and what ‘MySQL connection collation’ are you using. I will try this sometime, but for the smoothest results my guess is that: - before making the dump you have to use MySQL charset latin1 and MySQL connection collation latin1_swedish (the default for the Mysql tables) - before loading the dump (converted to UTF8) you have to change MySQL charset to utf8 and MySQL connection collation utf8_general_ci It might work in any case, but I think this is the easiest way.

1. Database: Currently the whole Dokeos database uses latin1_swedish charset in MySql. There are a few ways of converting the whole database. Many say to convert all your ‘text’ fields (varchar included) to binary and then run queries. But I have this way of doing it, which is much more “nice” and VERY MUCH FASTER.

- Create dump with latin1 charset: mysqldump --default-character-set=latin1 u root -p dokeos_main > dokeos_latin1.sql

Remove (or replace) all the charset-related directives. For example – you could replace ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1’ with ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8’ in all the document. Or, if you create your new database with default collation utf_general_ci , you could just remove all the ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1’ from the file, and then when you import it, MySql will use the database default charset for all the tables.

- Convert the dump file from latin1 (iso-8859-1) to utf-8 You could use several ways of doing this, but the nicest I have so far is by using the iconv library (on Linux is installed by default I guess, for Windows I downloaded it from iconv f iso-8859-7 -t utf-8 dokeos_latin1.sql > dokeos_utf8.sql

Create a new database with collation utf8_general_ci – database dokeos_utf8.sql

- import the new file with utf-8 charset in the new database mysql --default-character-set=utf8 u root -p dokeos_utf < dokeos_utf8.sql

Check with phpmyadmin using utf connection and collation to see if texts from all languages are ok (greek is just an example because it uses non latin characters and that’s what we’ve been using here in Cyprus).

2. Language files convert from iso-8859-1 to utf-8: I used again the iconv library. For the greek files I used : iconv.exe -f iso-8859-7 -t utf-8 > utf/ all the language files in claroline/lang - problems in - remove special characters or convert to html entities (I have to clear what was this about sometime) – it seems there are some greek special characters that are not “fully” supported for conversion.

Additional language conversions:

- ctools/wiki/

- claroline/ctools/glossary/lang/greek/

- egnosis/home/home_*_greek.html - files with texts from home page

- ctools/poll/calendar/popcalendar.js - greek months names

I did these conversion because we used those plugins and tolls in the platform.

02/10/2021 4/47 3. Modify code-files in claroline directory: Notice that line numbers might not be the same – I told you I made many modifications on the platform.

There is a catch here.

Search for all mysql_connect() calls and add SET NAMES and SET CHARACTER SET - inc\\claro_init_global_inc.php - added lines 64,65 (after mysql_select_db()) mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $dokeos_database_connection); mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'", $dokeos_database_connection);

- ctools\\glossary\\glossary.php line 291 - added function utf8_substr() and used it everywhere in the document instead of substr()

- plugin/CoolSearch/ - implemented separate language files for English and Greek using UTF8

- announcements/announcements.php - line 619: UTF-8 encoding for email (instead of iso-8859-1)

- admin/user_import.php - UTF-8 charset for the imported file (?!) - admin/user_export.php - UTF-8 charset for the exported file

- auth/inscription_second.php - utf-8 charset for the email sent to the new user

- calendar/calendar.php - charset of the calendar page

- inc/ - set default charset to UTF-8

- inc/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php - line 36: set utf-8 encoding for mails - inc/phpmailer/phpdoc/phpmailer.html - description of phpmailer class - line 526: default encoding of mails is utf-8 - inc/phpmailer/test/phpmailer_test.php - lines 63,198: set mail's encoding to utf-8

- lang/english/ - line 18: $charset='utf-8'; - lang/(english|greek)/ - add $status_lang - array with possible status of a lesson

- learnpath/ - line 2301: set charset of the manifest file to utf-8

- online/ - line 67: set page encoding to utf-8 - online/online.php - line 46: set page encoding to utf-8

- scorm/closesco.php - line 49: set page encoding to utf-8 - scorm/contents.php - line 68: set page encoding to utf-8 - scorm/opensco.php - line 51: set page encoding to utf-8

- tracking/courseLog.php - line 60: set page encoding to utf-8 - line 108: if $status_lang not imported from language file, put it in english language - tracking/userLog.php - lines 81,85: set default translations encoding to utf-8 - line 67: if $status_lang not imported from language file, put it in english language

- work/student.html - line 4: set page encoding to utf-8

Also, there are some characters that are not displayed correctly in utf8

- CHANGE special characters that are displayed garbled in UTF8 to HTML entities: - « and » instead of « and » - calendar/ - calendar/myagenda.php

- CHANGE CREATE DATABASE syntax - DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 for all tables created from within php scripts: - claroline/calendar/myagenda.php - line 113 - claroline/inc/lib/ - line 199 - claroline/install/ - line 127, 143, 161, 179 - leave CREATE TABLE syntax as it is for now

- CHANGE CREATE TABLE syntax DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8: - claroline/inc/lib/ ctools/poll/calendar/popcalendar.js - months names

02/10/2021 5/47 - phpbb/reply.php - line 526: replaced htmlentities() function with htmlspecialchars()

Here it is now a list of the PROBLEMATIC PHP functions when working with UTF8 strings: - String functions - they all have equivalents in mbstring extension (prefixed with 'mb_') : - strcut() - strlen() - strpos() - strrpos() - strtolower() - strtoupper() - substr_count() - substr() I used built-up utf8_substr() function for now

The best solution to fix these problem is to test if the mbstring extension for php is installed and work with equivalent string functions if yes. If it is not installed, we could use the iconv() functions from PHP to convert strings on the fly, but of course this will slow down things. However there might be many cases when you cannot use mbstring evan if you want to (hosting companies). In Dokeos I used : function utf8_substr($str,$from,$len){ return preg_replace('#^(?:[\\x00-\\x7F]|[\\xC0-\\xFF][\\x80-\\xBF]+){0,'.$from.'}'. '((?:[\\x00-\\x7F]|[\\xC0-\\xFF][\\x80-\\xBF]+){0,'.$len.'}).*#s', '$1',$str); } And that pretty much solved everything – because the rest of the functions are not used in a “harmful” way for utf8 strings. value of mbstring.func_overload - original function overloaded function 1 - mail() - mb_send_mail() 2 - strlen() - mb_strlen() 2 - strpos() - mb_strpos() 2 - strrpos() - mb_strrpos() 2 - substr() - mb_substr() 2 - strtolower() - mb_strtolower() 2 - strtoupper() - mb_strtoupper() 2 - substr_count() - mb_substr_count() 4 - ereg() mb_ereg() 4 - eregi() - mb_eregi() 4 - ereg_replace() - mb_ereg_replace() 4 - eregi_replace() - mb_eregi_replace() 4 - split() - mb_split()

I think this is all. If I remember something else I will send other emails. Also, if you have any questions, or if you want me to help in this direction, I could install a CVS system and grab the latest files from the repository and convert all the language files, database creation files etc. etc. Just let me know what are your plans and we can decide together how we can help each other :)

Awaiting to hear from you…

Best Regards, Cristi Ionescu rom you…

Best Regards, Cristi Ionescu Related issues: Related to Chamilo LMS - Bug #551: Make more language packs available in UTF-8 Bug resolved 23/01/2010 15/02/2010 Related to Chamilo LMS - Support #621: Rework the gradebook PDF export to us... Bug resolved 19/02/2010 Related to CDA - Bug #627: Some problems about Chamilo 1.8.x translation Feature implemented22/02/2010 Related to Chamilo LMS - Feature #542: Change of name for some files and dat... Feature implemented20/01/2010 Related to Chamilo LMS - Bug #605: get_lang(): Translation suggestion links ... Feature implemented12/02/2010 Related to Chamilo LMS - Bug #696: The function api_get_local_time() has pro... Bug resolved 10/03/2010 Related to Chamilo LMS - Bug #761: Hide and show not working Feature implemented17/03/2010 Related to Chamilo LMS - Bug #825: Illegal mix of collations (utf8_spanish_c... Feature implemented23/03/2010 Related to Chamilo LMS - Bug #1713: Duplicate Query in Update db to ... Feature implemented10/07/2010 Related to Chamilo LMS - Bug #1734: Encoding problem in "news" (Chinese char... Feature implemented15/07/2010

02/10/2021 6/47 History #1 - 03/12/2009 16:21 - Carlos Vargas Actualizado por Ludovic Gasc hace más de 3 años


It's very interessant, but much details must be tested to be sure we don't have any problems : - FCKeditor areas - File uploads - strings and pages in Learning path - databases - e-mails

Moreover, mbstring and iconv isn't by default in php, it's necessary to keep old system in dokeos in case of a php install without theses extensions.

For which version of dokeos does have one to set up to utf-8 ? I think it's too short for dokeos 1.8. #2 Actualizado por Ludovic Gasc hace más de 3 años


This is tar.gz with utf-8 version and comments from e-mail : ----- Here is the utf8 version of dokeos I've built. I've sent only the claroline directory and the index.php. The rest of the files in the root directory are unchanged. I replaced all the 'dokeos' string with 'egnosis' - that's how we named the platform. In the claroline/lang folder you will find only the English and greek folders, because this is only what we used. Also I have removed the claroline/help directory, because we made a static version of the help and it has 10 MB. So don't be surprised if the help links don't work.

If I can assist you with anything else, send an email please. #3 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año


Language files have progressively been enabled as UTF-8 (for those who were relying on HTML characters). However, this article remains super-interesting as a preparation for 1.8.6 or 1.8.7 full-UTF-8 mode. #4 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año

Comment #5 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año

Fichero añadido



I am working on a customized version of Dokeos using the current code form the svn-repository. Now the code there is between Dokeos 1.8.5 and Dokeos 1.8.6.

My goals are achieving better support for bulgarian language and UTF-8 encoding, providing some additional functionality (not important here) and making some cosmetics. Here I want to share my experience concerning UTF-8.


I rely on mbstring extension for PHP 5, anyway it is now a madatory requirement for installation. But..., I do not use function overloading, because this would be another issue that clients would have to take care about during the installation. And I keep in mind that function overloadind does not solve all the problems authomatiaclly, but causes loosing of precise control from a programmer's point of view.

So I have chosen to browse all the code and manually to alter string functions calls: strlen(...) becomes mb_strlen(...), substr(...) becomes mb_substr(...), etc. With Eclipse-PDT IDE this is easy.


I have realized that for utf-8 some specialized functions have to be implemented and their natural place is within the file main_api.lib.php. At the moment these functions are placed in a separate file main_api_extension.lib.php which is included ata the beginning of main_api.lib.php. Here I am

02/10/2021 7/47 attaching a zip-archive with these two files.


A bunch of code is not enough, so I will try to explain or justify the decisions hidden inside.

Some "mb_"-like functions are written in PHP, because they are not always exist. See the following: - The functions mb_strchr(), mb_stristr(), mb_strrchr(), mb_strstr() are implememented since PHP 5.2.0. - The functions mb_str_ireplace(), mb_strcasecmp(), mb_strrev(), mb_substr_replace(), mb_str_split(), mb_ucfirst(), mb_lcfirst(), mb_ucwords(), mb_strtr() are not implemented at all. And this list may increase. This is why using function overloding is not an option.

There are some functions to deal with single characters within a string: api_first_character(...), api_last_character(...), api_remove_last_character(...); api_character($string, $index, $encoding = null) - this one selects a character by its position (0 means the first character). For UTF-8 strings it is wrong way to select a character treating the given string as one-dimensional array; api_characters() - this function transforms a string into an array of characters. It is convenient to be used in several places.

And there are some utf-8 aware functions that are close to the system Dokeos: api_is_utf8($encoding = null) - returns true if the input string is "UTF-8", "utf-8", "Utf-8"..., othrwise it returns false. For example this function is usefull to check whether UTF-8 encoding is declared in a document's metadata; api_set_mb_internal_encoding($encoding) - sets internal encodings for common mbstring function and mb_eregi functions. I prefer to keep these two encodungs synchronized. api_migrate_to_utf8($string, $from_encoding = null, $language = null) - When the global variable $charset is "UTF-8", this function checks whether the given string is utf-8 valid one. If the string is not utf-8 valid, it is converted to utf-8 from the provided non-utf-8 encoding. If $encoding is null, then a correspondent to the given language non-utf-8 encoding is used. If $language is null also then a correspondent to the global variable $language_interface non-utf-8 encoding is used. For example: this function is convenient to be used when CSV-files are imported and some of them utf-8 encoded but other ones are exported from "old" system Dokeos and have language-specific encoding. The same case is when some "old" course archives are restored and ater unserialization the strings within course resources possibly are not utf-8 encoded. Another example: See Importing (partly) old course_backup (1.6) to Dokeos 1.8.I have tried Mark's partial solution to import my windows-1251 encoded course archives created by Dokeos 2.0.4 CR. But first I had extended the course and resource classes to use api_migrate_to_utf8() and thus the conversion has been done transparently. api_add_unicode_modifier($re, $encoding = null) - When we deal with perl-compatible regular expressions to process utf-8 strings, a so called unicode modifier (letter "u") has to be added at the end of the expression string. This function is intended to do so. api_get_language_specific_encoding($language = null) - This function returns correspondent to a given language non utf-8 encoding. For example when language is "bulgarian" the result is "windows-1251". During the conversion to utf-8 this function helps to determine what is the "legacy" encoding. api_is_valid_utf8($string) - This function checks whether a given string is valid utf-8 one. See</a>. mb_detect_encoding() does not seem to be reliable. The solution from</a> and its derivates are not reliable according to my personal experience.

Finally there are two MySQL-specific functions to deal with database encodings and collations. api_get_database_charset_string($encoding = null) - This function translates to MySQL-specific notation from a given standard notation of encoding. To be clear: "utf-8" becomes "utf8", "iso-8859-1" becomes "latin1", "windows-1251" becomes "cp1251", "iso-8859-7" becomes "greek", etc. For example, this function is needed to determine the default character set for newly created created tables, to do this the Dokeos system encoding must be set (or known). Maybe the reverse function also will be needed, when we upgrading an old system where the tables are not utf-8 encoded. api_get_database_collation_string($encoding = null, $language = null) - When a new table is created it is better to set its collation too. This function does this. Examples: When $encoding="utf-8" and $language="bulgarian" the function returns "utf8_unicode_ci". When $encoding="windows-1251" and $language="bulgarian" the function returns "cp1251_bulgarian_ci".

Some general rules for all functions: ------When $encoding input variable is null or missing, the returned form mb_internal_encoding() value is used. When $language input variable is null or missing, the value of the global variable $language_interface is used.


And there are some other issues I would like to mention.

I have chosen the approach to alter all the string functions in Dokeos (except those in the libraries) with their correspondent "mb_string" functions.

02/10/2021 8/47 Even if they process file system paths or urls. Otherwise I would have to analyze too much code. There are no noticed problems so far.

The functions for avoiding "dangerous" characters or accent characters maybe have to be reworked. For bulgarian language I am thinking about transliteration when file names have to be created, i.e. replacing cyrillic letters with their similar laninian letters.

Concerning the PDF-export: In thus modified system ezpdf does not work, Mark's proprsal to use tcpdf works. But his solution is not finished. These pdf-libraries seem cryptic to me. I can not help here at the moment.

Best regards, Ivan Tcholakov #6 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año

Fichero Screenshot.png añadido


Hello again,


Avoid using these functions: utf8_encode() utf8_decode(). They support conversions only from/to ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 encodings. When conversions are made from/to different then ISO-8859-1 language specific encodings, the produced strings are not readable. Look at the attached picture to see how utf8_decode() works for Bulgarian language and single-byte encoding windows-1251.

A better option is to use mb_convert_encoding().

Cheers, Ivan Tcholakov #7 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año

Fichero Screenshot.png añadido



I would like to focus your attention on "platform_charset" configuration setting in the administrator's panel (see the picture).

Currently, during the instalation of the system Dokeos, the character set of MySQL databases is "latin1" which is hard-coded. The installation script does not ask about encodings at all.

When the platform administrator changes the character set through its interface, maybe the yet created courses will not be shown correctly. But there is another thing for the newly created courses: possiblly the system seemingly will work correctly, but the text within the databases will be wrongly encoded. And when you try to see the text fields using phpMyAdmin or some other database tools you will see mess. When you try to export thus created courses and import them to another system that is configured correctly - nothing good will happen. And when you try to upgrade and migrate to utf-8 the whole system ....

There is no mechanism yet to make equal the encodings of the database tables and the web pages. I have an idea (not tested yet) how this mechanism should work:

1. During the installation all the databases will be created with utf8 character set. Thus the databases will be able to store all the corses in all their languages.

2. If there is a reason forsing the platform administrator to choose different than utf-8 encoding, the database server will continue to store the strings in utf-8, but it will communicate with the php5-client using the given encoding. I think that MySQL server provides this functionality.

Additionally I think that "platform_charset" setting should not affect the encoding of the exported XML or CSV files. It is better if they allways be utf-8 encoded. I have no time to check the behavior of the system about this.

All these writings so far were to justify a suggestion of mine that concerns the present situation. Please, make the setting "platform_charset" to be not editable in the "Production Server" mode. This will prevent possible incidents leading to data corruption.

Regards, Ivan Tcholakov #8 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año


Hi Ivan,

Concerning this specific aspect, we do not care (intentionally) about the database encoding because, if Dokeos is the only interface to input and output data to and from MySQL, then it won't matter, as the database keeps whichever data in the encoding that fits best. It is true that accessing with

02/10/2021 9/47 phpMyAdmin will show differences in encoding, but this is a much minor concern to us than risking that the 5000 Dokeos installed around the world break on upgrade because we selfishly decided it would be cleaner to consider the databases to be encoded in UTF-8/unicode.

Furthermore, you can switch the encoding of your phpMyAdmin to make it consider you are viewing UTF-8 data. #9 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año


You are right about the number 5000.

Well, database encoding is not to be changed during upgrades. For installed yet systems nothing will change.

Imagine, when you install the system, it will ask you to select the language, and below there will be another select box, "Choose database encoding/character set" ---> latin1 or utf8 .

For every detail the user will make a choice. The developers do not decide anything, they are just giving more new possibilities.

I want to inform you that I am working on a plugin for full restoration of old course archives. I have "borrowed" the idea and the initial work from mark111. The plugin restores learning paths too. And: for those with $charset UTF-8 the plugin proposes to convert the whole course (database strings, some types of files). In my estimation, I need one more week and then the plugin will be ready to be published and to be tried by other people.

Has UTF-8 any chance to happen in Dokeos 1.8.7?

Cheers. #10 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año

Comment #11 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año


I have added this task as one of the objectives for 1.8.6. This might be changed during the process, but I think we should at least try and improve the code considerably, using all the recommendations we now have here. #12 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año

Fichero añadido


I read the article from some time ago. This conclusion appears: mbstring --> good preformance iconv --> large number of supported encodings Why wouldn't we exploit them both?

I am attaching the current and "frozen" extra-API that demonstrates this approach. The files and main_api.lib.php are the current svn versions with modifications only for integrating the mylibyte-enabled API-extension.

How to use the multibyte string functions: strlen($string) -----> api_strlen($string) etc.

I am using/testing this API on a modified UTF-8 system in Bulgarian language and I am personally satisfied.

The previous code that I've published here now looks to me naive. The current code is mature enough.

License: GNU General Public License as published by the Foundation version 2 or any later version

With best regards. #13 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año

02/10/2021 10/47 Comment

Hi Ivan,

Please don't forget that we always want to have the minimum possible pre-requisites to install Dokeos and, as far as I seem to remember, iconv is an additional extension to the default installed on most systems by PHP5.2+. As such, if mbstring is faster and supports the encodings we need, I really wouldn't bother with iconv. However, you might have another take on this. Is the Bulgarian encoding not supported by mbstring? #14 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año


Here WINDOWS-1251 encoding is sometimes used. I don't need iconv. But since the solution has to be common for all, the needs of the "minority" of the community should be taken into account.

WINDOWS-1250 seems to be the biggest "minority". This encoding in not supported by mbstring neither by htmlentities(). The languages that use this encoding seem to be: bosnian croatian czech polish (?) slovak slovenian

Mark111 is sadder but wiser about this. His opinion is more valuable than mine. Please, look here:

And more indicative posts:

Even the system moves to UTF-8, old and rare encodings to convert form still have to be used when the system is upgraded, or when old courses archives are restored, or... when importing SCORM packages with non-UTF-8 encodings (the last is hypothetical).

This API first checks if a given encoding is supported by mbstring. If this check is negative, then the API checks for iconv presense. For the "majority" of the community iconv simply will not be needed.

Something offtopic concerning iconv: I searched globally the Dokeos code for the word "iconv" and there were some interesting hits. Looks like we are starting to depend on it anyway.

After two or three days I will discretly publish here the old courses archives convertor that uses a copy of this API. The functions there are declared conditionaly in order to avoid name conflicts, i.e.: function api_strlen() { } becomes if (!function_exists('api_strlen')) { function api_strlen() { } }

I don't insist on anything. This work is what I need and I will exploit it. And I am just sharing it here.

With best regards. Ivan Tcholakov #15 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año


Thanks Ivan, we are all trying to make it better in some way and I'll try to use your code for the benefit of all. I didn't know that some people actually set their portals to something as strange as WINDOWS-1251, but that's why I asked about your experience. I couldn't honestly do the UTF-8 integration work without first looking at all the possible problems. #16 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año

02/10/2021 11/47 Fichero añadido


The plugin "Old Courses Restorer" is ready. I have decided to send to [email protected]. I hope it has been received there.

During its tests I doscovered that the function html_entity_decode() needs a replacement too. So, there some changes were necessary to the extra-API I've sent here.

I am sending here the modified extra-API. List of changes: main_api_encodings.lib.php - Gramatc correction within a comment (nothing iportant is here). main_api_get_lang.lib.php - api_html_entity_decode() is used in one place. main_api_string_conversion.lib.php - Implementation of api_html_entity_decode(); some additions to the comments have been added.

Well, this is all I have got on this topic.

With best regards, Ivan Tcholakov #17 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año


If you test the plugin under XAMPP, most probably you will see this sudden strike:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class HTML_Table in C:\Users\UserFirstName UserLastName\workspace\dokeos\main\inc\lib\pear\HTML\Table.php on line 65 (or something similar)

I discovered this some hours ago.

Follow the advice I have given to Alessandro here: and the plugin will work.

Two visible problems with the same reason.

Ivan Tcholakov #18 Actualizado por Marko Kastelic hace alrededor de 1 año


Hi Ivan, looks like extensions administration is a bit slow; will you be so nice and send the Old Courses Restorer plugin to mark111[AT]email[dot]si MArk btw.:like your main api extensions. So far everything works like charm. #19 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año


Hello, Marko!

I sent the original file to you. In a following message I sent to you and to [email protected] a slightly upgraded version as it is now in my place. Please, use the second one.

The upgrade is targeted to be avoided a problem that with different symptoms is described here:

With best regards, Ivan #20 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año


Regarding the adoption of extensions, it seems that we have a bottleneck whereby [email protected] get to Patrick Cool and Patrick cannot get the extensions easily on the website because we removed the possibility to use PhpMyAdmin on that server (for security reasons) and because the command line SQL is a little too tedious to actually add the extensions. This being said, as soon as I have some time, I'll try to look into this as I know there are at least 3 extensions waiting for integration now (and a few comments to be added, like on the gradebook extensions which is now integrated into Dokeos 1.8.5 and 1.8.6).

02/10/2021 12/47 #21 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año


Ivan, can you send the extension to me directly? I'm right in the middle of putting a bunch of extensions on the website, so you might as well take benefit of that (annual) opportunity :-) #22 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace alrededor de 1 año


Sent at the address I got from your profile here. The second version (alpha2) is the actual one in my place. #23 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace alrededor de 1 año

Comment #24 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 10 meses


Related tasks: FS#3442, FS#3446. #25 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 7 meses


A personal opinion: Looks like UTF-8 support gets better. But finishing this task will be possible for Dokeos 1.8.7. This task has to be re-scheduled. #26 Actualizado por Yannick Warnier hace 6 meses


Agreed. Internally, we have a few scripts to change the language files to UTF-8, which makes it easier to test. We have also setup to be an image of the dokeos trunk (refresh every 4 hours). Try it out there and report here :-) #27 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


I am preparing the library to be in a single file. Looks like some 1.8.6 tasks will need it. #28 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20419 - Introducing a new library for dealing with multibyte strings. The library has been implemeted as an extension of the main API. #29 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20431 - The multibyte string library: Minor changes. #30 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20432 (FS#306 and FS#3958) - Improvements in encoding management for the Social network tool. #31 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20437 - The multibyte string library: Corrections for suppressing useless warning messages. #32 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


02/10/2021 13/47 SVN#20438 (FS#306 and FS#3969) - Oogie converter: Some fixes for better encoding management. #33 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20439 (FS#306 and FS#3958) - The social network tool: Fixing an encoding problem,, line 27. #34 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20440 (FS#306 and FS#4143) - Course (Learning path) tool: Some fixes for better character encoding management. #35 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20441 - Platform administrator's tool: Improvements for better encoding management (UTF-8 too). These are trivial changes that have been tested by me for a long time. Other will follow. #36 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20442 - The announcements tool: Improvements for better encoding management. #37 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20443 - The authentication modules: Improvements for better encoding management. #38 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20444 - The Agenda tool: Improvements for better encoding management. #39 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20445 - The Chat tool: Improvements for better encoding management. #40 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20446 - The Conference tool: Improvements for better encoding management. Looks like the file get_translation.lib.php is old and needs some reworks, but I did not touch it. #41 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20447 - The Course description tool: Improvements for better encoding management. #42 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20448 - The Course restorer: An improvement for better encoding management. #43 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20449 - The Training (course) creator: An improvement for better encoding management. #44 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20450 - The Dropbox tool: Improvements for better encoding management.

02/10/2021 14/47 #45 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20451 - The Tests tool: Improvements for better encoding management. #46 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20452 - The "Forums" tool: Improvements for better encoding management. #47 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20453 - The Glossary tool: A modification for better encoding support. #48 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20454 - The Assessments (Gradebook) tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #49 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20455 - The "Groups" tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #50 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20456 - The common libraries: Improvements for better encoding support, part 1. #51 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20457 - The common libraries: Improvements for better encoding support, part 2. #52 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20458 - Installation scripts: Shallow improvements for better encoding support. #53 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20459 - The "Links" tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #54 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20460 - The "Messages" tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #55 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20461 - The metadata module: Improvements for better encoding support. #56 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20463 - The reporting module: Improvements for better encoding support. #57 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses

02/10/2021 15/47 Comment

SVN#20465 - The "Courses" tool again: Improvements for better encoding support. #58 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20467 - The html-implemented conferention tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #59 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20468 - The resource linker: Improvements for better encoding support. #60 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20470 - The "Surveys" tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #61 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20472 - The tracking tool (obsolete?): Improvements for better encoding support. #62 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20473 - The "Users" tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #63 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20474 - The "Wiki" tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #64 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20475 - The "Assignments" tool: Improvements for better encoding support. #65 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20476 - Top level files check: Improvements for better encoding support.

This wave of commits is over. After a day I will start to test these changes. Feel free to complain here, guys. #66 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


FS#4185 - Step position in learnig path An accent problem has been reported there. #67 Actualizado por Marko Kastelic hace 6 meses


The social network tool is not done yet (only group contacts are improved for now). Look the [] #68 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


Looks like the function get_lang() needs upgrade. I think, the encoding of the translation results does not fit. Obviously, it is not needed both UTF-8 and non-UTF-8 versions of the language files to be supported simultaneously. One set is enough. For Bulgarian language (non-UTF-8 files) I do conversion of get_lang() results "on the fly":

02/10/2021 16/47 language variable id -----> get_lang() -----> chekck UTF-8 validance ------> recode the string if it is needed ------> decode htmlentities -----> translated result

Thus I use a single set of the language files for WINDOWS-1251 or UTF-8 sites. This trick may be done for the mainstream code. I want however to avoid checking every string for UTF-8 validance. I need an "official" and supported in the future way for detection what kind are translations for a given language - UTF-8 or not?

If the suffix _unicode disappears, what clue I to use? Anyway, for this release (1.8.6) I will upgrade get_lang() somehow.

I imagine the following final scenario for the translation system. All the translation files are UTF-8 encoded, without htmlentities inside. When the site is UTF-8 translated strings are returned directly. When the site is ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, WINDOWS-1250, WINDOWS-1251, ..., the returned translated strings are to be converted. #69 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


About the translation trick, why it looks complex: In the past Bulgarian language files were a mixture of strings encoded as WINDOWS-1251, UTF-8 and htmlentities. #70 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


In a limited number of places there is still the following problem - some of the language variables are used directly without coverage by get_lang(). I will scan the code for such cases. #71 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20539 - Upgrading the function get_lang() to return translated strings using the system encoding, nevertheless in what version (unicode or non-unicode) the language files are. Also, html-entities are converted into normal characters. #72 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


...Yes, the function get_lang() is smart and fast enough. It may be tested for performance in a page with a large table inside which there are icons with tooltips. For long series of repetitive translations caching helps, see FS#3260 and FS#4046. #73 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20549 (FS#306 and FS#4188) - Fixing a reported encoding problem, the FCKEditor, "MP3" plugin. #74 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


Yannick, I have a request about the English and the Spanish installation manuals. It is well some note like the following to be mentioned:

"The setting "Administration > Configuration settings > Character set" may be changed while a newly installed system is still empty, without loaded trainings (courses). This setting should not be changed anymore after initial choice of the character set and creaing the first training (course) within the system."

Theoretically speaking, there is no abstraction level for the database where we could intercept the queries and the returned results and to recode them. At least I don't see such thing and also I don't see a practical reason it to be created.

About testing encoding issues:

A tester has to work on one installation with non-UTF-8 encoding (ISO-8859-15 for example) and a separate, another one with UTF-8 encoding. When on both systems the test is OK, then the targeted encoding problem may be considered as solved. #75 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20557 - Preparing for testing the social tool about encoding issues. First, rewritting the function api_is_xml_http_request() in a safe way. #76 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


02/10/2021 17/47 SVN#20570 - Introducing a string conversion function that might be suitable for serving XtmlHttp-requests. #77 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20579 (FS#306, FS#4070 and FS#4187) - A proposal for reworking some methods of the Display class. #78 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20580 (FS#306, FS#4070 and FS#4187) - A correction of a previous proposal for reworking some methods of the Display class. #79 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20587 (FS#306 and FS#4187) - Fixing character encoding issues in the "Messages" and "Social network" tools, part 1. #80 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


Here I am publishing some kind of documentation of the library of the newly introduced library containing enhanced string functions: .../dokeos/main/inc/lib/multibyte_string_functions.lib.php

// File: multibyte_string_functions.lib.php // Main API extension for Dokeos 1.8.6 LMS // A common purpose library for supporting multibyte string aware functions. // This library requires PHP mbstring extension to be activated. // When encodings to be used are not supported by mbstring, this library // is able to exploit the PHP iconv extesion, which in this case should // activated too.

// Notes: // // 1. For these functions where $encoding is not mandatory parameter, // the system's encoding is assumed, i.e. the value that is returned by // api_get_setting('platform_charset') or the value of the global // variable $charset. // // 2. In other aspets, most of the functions in this library try to copy // behaviour of some core PHP functions and some functions from the // mbstring extension. Mostly they have similar names prefixed with "api_". // For your convenience links have been given to the documentation of the // original PHP functions. // // 3. Why these function have been introduced? Because the are able to // support more encodings than the original ones. And which is most // important - they are UTF-8 aware. So, they should be used for strings // in natural language. For internal system identificators of file names // which are supposed to contain only English letters you may use the // original PHP string functions. // // 4. This is not a full list, functions for internal or upgrade purposes // are not mentioned here, they are not important from developer's // perspective.

// ------// A safe way to calculate binary lenght of a string (as number of bytes) //------

// Calculates binary lenght of a string, as number of bytes, regardless the php-setting mbstring.func_overload. function api_byte_count($string) ------Added 06-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

//------// Multibyte string conversion functions //------

// Converts character encoding of a given string. // See function api_convert_encoding($string, $to_encoding, $from_encoding)

02/10/2021 18/47 // Converts a given string into UTF-8 encoded string. // See function api_utf8_encode($string, $from_encoding = null)

// Converts a given string, from UTF-8 encoding to a specified encoding. // See function api_utf8_decode($string, $to_encoding = null) {

// Encodes a given string into the system ecoding if this conversion has been detected as necessary. function api_to_system_encoding($string, $from_encoding = null, $check_utf8_validity = false)

// Converts all applicable characters to HTML entities. // See function api_htmlentities($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT, $encoding = 'ISO-8859-15')

// Decodes HTML entities into normal characters. // See function api_html_entity_decode($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT, $encoding = 'ISO-8859-15')

// This function encodes (conditionally) to UTF-8 a given string if XmlHttp-request has been detected. function api_xml_http_response_encode($string, $from_encoding = null)

// This function converts a given string to the encoding that filesystem uses for representing file/folder names. function api_file_system_encode($string, $from_encoding = null) ------Added 03-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

// This function converts a given string from the encoding that filesystem uses for representing file/folder names. function api_file_system_decode($string, $to_encoding = null) ------Added 03-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

//------// Common multibyte string functions //------

// Regular expression match with multibyte support. // See function api_ereg($pattern, $string, & $regs = null)

// Replace regular expression with multibyte support. // See function api_ereg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string, $option = null)

// Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support. // See function api_eregi($pattern, $string, & $regs = null)

// Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case. // See function api_eregi_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string, $option = null)

// This function returns a selected by position character of a string. function api_get_character($string, $position, $encoding = null) ------REMOVED 2009-05-15 ------

// This function returns an array containing all characters of a string. function api_get_characters($string, $encoding = null) ------REMOVED 2009-05-15 ------

// Makes a string's first character lowercase. // See function api_lcfirst($string, $encoding = null) ------REMOVED 2009-05-16 ------

// Splits string into array by regular expression. // See function api_split($pattern, $string, $limit = null) ------REMOVED 2009-05-15 ------

// This is a multibyte replacement of str_ireplace(). // See function api_str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject, & $count = null, $encoding = null)

// This is a multibyte replacement of str_split(). // See function api_str_split($string, $split_length = 1, $encoding = null)

// This is a multibyte replacement of stripos(). // See function api_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)

// This is a multibyte replacement of stristr().

02/10/2021 19/47 // See function api_stristr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)

// Returns length of the input string. // See function api_strlen($string, $encoding = null)

// This is a multibyte replacement of strpos(). // See function api_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)

// This is a multibyte replacement of strrchr(). // See function api_strrchr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)

// This is a multibyte replacement of strrev(). // See function api_strrev($string, $encoding = null)

// This is a multibyte replacement of strrpos(). // See function api_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)

// This is a multibyte replacement of strstr(). // See function api_strstr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)

// Makes a string lowercase. // See function api_strtolower($string, $encoding = null)

// Makes a string uppercase. // See function api_strtoupper($string, $encoding = null)

// Translates certain characters. // See // It would be good tihs function to be removed. I hesitate to do it right now. function api_strtr($string, $from, $to = null, $encoding = null)

// Performs a multi-byte safe substr() operation based on number of characters. // See function api_substr($string, $start, $length = null, $encoding = null)

// Puts a suffix into a string. // The input variables could be arrays too. function api_suffix($string, $suffix) ------REMOVED 2009-05-15 ------

// This is a multibyte replacement of substr_replace(). // See function api_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length = null, $encoding = null)

// Returns a string with the first character capitalized, if that character is alphabetic. // See function api_ucfirst($string, $encoding = null)

// Uppercases the first character of each word in a string. // See function api_ucwords($string, $encoding = null)

// This function adds a unicode modifier to a // Perl-compatible regular expression when it is necessary. function api_add_pcre_unicode_modifier($pcre, $encoding = null)

/** * ------* Functions for string comparison * ------*/

// This is a multibyte replacement of strcasecmp(). // See function api_strcasecmp($string1, $string2, $language = null, $encoding = null) ------Parameters changed 18-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

// This is a multibyte replacement of strcmp(). function api_strcmp($string1, $string2, $language = null, $encoding = null) ------Added 17-JUN-2009, Dokeos

02/10/2021 20/47 ------

//------// Encoding management functions //------

// Returns the most-probably used non-UTF-8 encoding for the given language. // The $language parameter must be cleaned by api_refine_language_id() if it // is necessary. // If the returned value is not as you expect, you may do the following: // In the table $encodings below, correct the order of the encodings for your // language, or if it is necessary - insert at the first place a new encoding. function api_get_non_utf8_encoding($language = null)

// This function checks whether two $encoding are equal (same, equvalent). function api_equal_encodings($encoding_1, $encoding_2)

// Returns true if the given encoding id means UTF-8, otherwise returns false. function api_is_utf8($encoding)

// This function checks whether a given encoding represents (is an alias of) ISO Latin 1 character set. function api_is_latin1($encoding) ------Added 12-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

// Returns the encoding currently used by the system. function api_get_system_encoding()

// This function returns the encoding, currently used by the file system. function api_get_file_system_encoding() ------Added 03-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

// Sets all internal default encodings of the multi-byte functions to the given value. function api_initialize_internal_encoding($encoding) ------Added 15-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

//------// String validation functions concerning some encodings //------

// Returns true if the specified string is a valid UTF-8 one and false otherwise. function api_is_valid_utf8($string)

// Checks whether a string contains 7bit ASCII characters only. function api_is_valid_ascii($string)

//------// Language management functions //------

// Returns a pure language id, without possible suffixes // that will disturb language identification in certain cases. function api_refine_language_id($language)

// This function check whether a given language can use Latin 1 encoding (ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-1, WINDOWS-1252, ...). function api_is_latin1_compatible($language) ------Added 15-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

// This function returns an array of those languages that can use Latin 1 encoding (ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-1, WINDOWS-1252, ...). function api_get_latin1_compatible_languages() ------Added 15-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------

//------// Array functions //------

// A case insensitive version of in_array() function. // See function api_in_array_nocase($needle, $haystack, $strict = false, $encoding = null)

//------// Transliteration, converting ANSI and UTF-8 strings to ASCII strings //------

// Transliterates a string to a plain ASCII string. function api_transliterate($string, $unknown = '?', $from_encoding = null) ------Added 03-JUN-2009, Dokeos ------#81 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


02/10/2021 21/47 SVN#20624 (FS#306 and FS#4187) - The multibyte string library: Adding some notes in the header. Modification of the functions api_htmlentities() and api_html_entity_decode() to fit better with current development habits. Simplifying the functions api_utf8_encode() and api_utf8_encode(). #82 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20629 - The multibyte string library: A correction of the previous commit SVN#20624. #83 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20631 - The multibyte string library: Reverting back to the previous implementations of api_utf8_encode() and api_utf8_decode() - they work faster. Starting to comment the library in PHPDoc style. #84 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20665 (FS#306) - The multibyte string library: Now the library is documented in PHPDoc style. See the file .../dokeos/main/inc/lib/multibyte_string_functions.php. #85 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20677 - The multibyte string library: Adding a comment about the function api_strlen(). #86 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20682 - Replacing some natural language unsafe occurrences of the functions strlen() and substr(). Fixing a call to a non-existing function. #87 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20693 - Replacing some natural language unsafe occurrences of the functions strtolower() and strtoupper(). #88 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20696 - A correction about Russian language: The prefered non-UTF-8 encoding has been changed to be KOI8-R. The translations are visible correctly using this encoding. #89 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20699 - Session import: Replacing of some strpos() function to api_strpos() nad some other functions around. Probably this is needed. If not, replacements do not change behaviour. #90 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20709 - Replacing some natural language unsafe occurrences of the function ucfirst(). #91 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20716 - Replacing some natural language unsafe occurrences of the function htmlentities() and other similar fixes. #92 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20717 - Replacing some natural language unsafe occurrences of the function html_entity_decode(). #93 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses

02/10/2021 22/47 Comment

SVN#20720 - Replacing some natural language unsafe occurrences of the function utf8_encode(). #94 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20723 - Replacing some occurrences of the function mb_convert_encoding() with api_convert_encoding() which is able to support more encodings if the iconv php-extension has been activated. #95 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20724 -The multi-byte string library: A minor correction within the function api_get_non_utf8_encoding(). #96 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20725 - The Conferecnce tool, a proposal for a change within the function get_language_file_as_xml(). #97 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


I have a request. Is it possible all the language files to be placed within the system in ? It doesn't matter whether they are unicode or not, they all should work.

At the moment I can switch into Chinese for example, but I can not switch into many other languages. #98 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


And about : There is no chance Chinese to be seen using iso-8859-15 encoding. On this site only languages of the Latin1 group could be used. I am mentioning this just in case, if somebody asks why... :-) #99 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20728 - The multi-byte string library: Optimizing the function api_refine_language_id(). #100 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20729 - The multi-byte string library: Removing the function api_lcfirst(), it is useless. #101 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20747 - The Messaging tool and the Display class: Fixing some encoding management problems. #102 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20748 - Fixing direct use of the language variable $langQuestion. Now its value is processed and retrieved by the function get_lang(). #103 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


About Hotspot tests: I thied to enable languages with non-Latin origin without success. I opened a separate task FS#4222. #104 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20753 - The multi-byte sting library: Updating the internal table of language-specific encodings. #105

02/10/2021 23/47 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20756 (FS#306 and FS#4224) - Fixing an encoding problem for the "Documents" tool, metadata form. For non-UTF-8 platforms this fix will work with ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, and WINDOWS-1252 encodings, i.e. Latin1 language group will be supported only. For UTF-8 platforms all the languages will be supported. The restriction is due to the xml-parser implementation, see . #106 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20799 - "Freezing" the multi-byte string library for the incoming release Dokeos 1.8.6. #107 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20818 (FS#306 and FS#4226 ) - SCORM export: Removing some tabulator and new-line control characters that are converted into html-entities within imsmainfest.xml file. #108 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20915 - The Learning path tool: Eliminating some conversions with identical "from" and "to" encodings. #109 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


Although it is not quite relevant: SVN#20916 - The Wiki tool: Inserting a space between first name and last name. Order of a person's names has to be managed, related task: FS#3646. #110 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20923 - The multi-byte string libray: Removing references to some rare encodings that are not supported by the iconv library. I intend not to make further activities in task FS#306 until the 1.8.6 release. It is about a week left for testing. #111 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#20950 - The Chat tool: Declaring the system encoding for the main page that contains the frames. Thus, damaged text will not appear in the browser's title-bar. #112 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#21055 - A fix: Moving code that includes the multi-byte string library after the section that declares constants. For PHP 5.2.9-2 (tested on Windows Vista, IIS7, FastCGI) notices were produced. The constant LIBRARY_PATH has to be declared first. #113 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#21070 - Dropbox has its own implementation for language translation. Making the function dropbox_lang() compatible with the new logic for using language files: The correct output encoding should be guessed and htmlentities should be converted into normal characters. #114 Actualizado por Marko Kastelic hace 6 meses

Comment ok, 1.8.6 is out. Nice progress for utf-8 support. There's a kind of mess in documents tool since 1.6.2 (i believe). Let me invite you to look to the documents repository at the i18n server (course = 00TEST00). Do not look at the file names, just try to access to some of the uploaded in some locally created (magic wand at the right) files.

Some observations on files with filenames that includes non-latin1 chars: a) when (i) upload the file with .html extension, new .htm suffix is added to the file name ? b) if i create new html file on the platform whose name includes non-latin1 characters, i cannot access to the file (open or download) but can access to

02/10/2021 24/47 the same file (edit) c) some characters (eq. s with carrot) is automatically converted to s (without carrot) ? d) when opening non-html file (eq. txt) and file cannot be accessed (note b ) platform silently dies with no warning (can't find the file) again, this tool is not usable out-of-the-box. For now, i'll try to "fix" filenames to something we call yuscii charset originated from 1970's (fit within ascii7) to make platform usable. and another : please, do not 'fix' dropbox to much. At the moment uploads/download works like charm. With utf-8 enabled, filenames are strange, but who looks at them anyway ? #115 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


Hello Marko,

For the 1.8.6 release I did not implement encoding mechanism for file system names, the situation with them is as it was for now. I preferred go start with a relatively small step to cover most urgent issues. This task has 20% progress at the moment, it will be continued, of course.

Concerning managing encodings for file system names the following topics I have to think about: 1. Performance - it is not very clear to me whether performance will suffer. This has to be checked. 2. Portability - this is the most difficult issue. So called "locales" are different for Windows and Linux, they are not well standartized. 3. PHP6 promises to solve this problems, the ICU library will be natively supported. There is a probability we to waste our strength for reinventing the wheel. 4. Anyway, maybe it will be a good idea we to create a Filesystem class similar to those in Dokeos 2.0 alpha. Inside it we may hide managing encodings and dealing with file/folder permissions (that are set for the platform as default). 5. Another way (I don't like it) is to use transliteration for file system names.

It is time for the "stop & think" exercise. :-) A week will be enough. #116 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#21217 - Introducing a new function api_get_file_system_encoding(). Guessing file system encoding is tricky, some corrections in this function are possible. #117 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


Some interesting links about UTF-8 and internationalization:

Ivan Tcolakov, 16-SEP-2009: Removed for avoiding confusion, see the updated list below. #118 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#21246 - Introducing two conversion functions: api_file_system_encode() and api_file_system_decode(). #119 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#21249 - Introducing a new library that will re-implement some PHP file system related functions. These replacement functions will deal with the possibly diffenrent encodings that are used by the Dokeos platform and the server's file system.

The idea became clear:

1. We use some PHP functions that are related to the file system. Let these primitive functions to be re-implemented, so they can deal with encodings properly. The inserted code demonstrates this approach. 2. (Optional) A Filesystem class may be implemented, its methods could be on higher semantic level that is close to the needs of the Dokeos system. I like the Filesystem class in the Dokeos 2.0 alpha. #120 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#21254 - Adding the functions api_is_dir() and api_is_system_path() within the new low-level API to the file system. A minor fix for the function api_url_to_local_path() within the main API. #121 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


02/10/2021 25/47 SVN#21272 - Introducing more functions in the file system API. #122 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


SVN#21273 - A minor addition as comment - a reference link has been added inside the file system API. #123 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 6 meses


Some important forum topics: #124 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21274 - The multi-byte string library: Adding a function that calculates correctly length of binary data (as number of bytes) regardless the PHP configuration (See the ini-setting mbstring.func_overload). This function may be upgraded for PHP6 in the future. #125 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


Dear Marko,

I would like to express my opinion about enabling non-english characters in file names. It is impossible work for Dokeos Too much code has to be changed and tested. It is difficult to me at this moment to alter some of the previous hacks. Also, I have to think now about the upgrade scripts in the future versions, the scripts for backup/restore courses, SCORM export, etc. Altering the current way for processing filenames will create burden for the developers of Dokeos 2.0, they would have to adjust their upgrade scripts too. There are fragments of commersial code inside the system that I am not able to test after my changes (for example, the indexer for the search machine).

I prefer for Dokeos to be done only bugfixes on the UTF-8 functionality we already have. As I estimate, my personal efforts are not enough to change the situation here for the next release.

Too much work for just having non-English file names looks to me wasting time, it is not a good deal. Rumor says PHP6 will have stable release this year, and with its native UTF-8 support our hacks will be not necessary.

Porting Dokeos 1.8.x to PHP6 (with solving the filenames problem and other internationalization issues) looks to me more perspective effort. #126 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


There is another problem to be researched - whether it is possible or not the PclZip library to support UTF-8 encoded file names. #127 Actualizado por Marko Kastelic hace 5 meses

Comment ok, thanks to let me know. i'm moving on translationg file names to english-like filenames (without accented chars). #128 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21360 - Cancellation of the new file system API, cleaning the file system library. There is no rational reason to go this way, too much work is needed. #129 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21361 - Various fixes for better character encoding support. #130 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21362 - Fixing direct output of a language variable, the function get_lang() should be used. #131

02/10/2021 26/47 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21382 - The multi-byte string library: Making the function api_is_valid_utf8() unaffected by the PHP ini-setting mbstring.func_overload. #132 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21389 - Adding a boolen parameter $purified to the function api_get_interface_language(). For example, when $purified is true, the function will return 'french' instead of 'french_unicode'. In certain cases we need such purified or refined language identificators. #133 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21392 - The multi-byte string library: Adding a function that performs transliteration from UTF-8 to ASCII. Adding also a required database with character replacements. The solution has been adapted from the source code of the 's module "Transliteration", version 6.x-2.1, 09-JUN-2009. #134 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21394 - The multi-byte string library: Corrections in the comments about the transliteration function. Renaming a variable according to our rules. #135 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21405 - The multi-byte string library: Adding the function api_is_latin1($encoding) for detection aliases of the Latin 1 character set - ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-1, WINDOWS-1252, CP1252, ... . Typically this function will be needed for code that provides backward compatibility for Latin 1 Dokeos sites. #136 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21406 - Modification of the function replace_dangerous_char(). For Latin 1 platforms (ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-1, WINDOWS-1252, ...) its behaviour has been preserved. For other platforms (including UTF-8) safe ASCII file names are generated through using transliteration. #137 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses

Fichero cyrillic-name-file-system.png añadido * Fichero the-same-name-transliterated-in-dokeos.png añadido


Transliteration got functional, see a test on the attaced pictures. Platform encoding UTF-8, file system encoding UTF-8, OS Ubuntu 9.04. #138 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


A pure transliteration example:

? ?????? ?? ---> Fyodor Mihaylovich Dostoevkiy

Transliteration may be used not only for file names. It may be applied for proposing course codes, usernames, etc.

Update 13-JUN-2009:

Another experiment on the same system: echo api_transliterate('????', 'UTF-8'); ---> Xiao Yuan Shou Ye

Update 14-SEP-2009: :-) Something has gone wrong with the examples. #139 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses


SVN#21411 - The global initialization script: Commenting a duplicate code for initialization of the global variable $charset, to be removed. Offtopic: A minor correction within the table that serves the function add_ext_on_mime() - for 'text/html' MIME type the '.html' extension will be assigned instead of '.htm'. #140 Actualizado por Ivan Tcholakov hace 5 meses

02/10/2021 27/47 Comment

SVN#21412 - The file uploader: Fixing the function add_ext_on_mime() properly to dete

#2 - 06/12/2009 23:20 - Ivan Tcholakov Hello, guys. I am checking the account here.

#3 - 15/01/2010 05:46 - Ivan Tcholakov I am going to add some code for finishing conceptually the internationalization library. Language and encoding detection will be added, also corresponding tests (disabled). It is well these features to become visible to the developers now. This code does not change the behaviour of the system at the moment, don't worry.

#4 - 15/01/2010 06:27 - Ivan Tcholakov 9831:930333d3d2fe tip Ivan Tcholakov 2010-01-15 07:14 +0200 Feature #272 - The intenationalization library: Adding code for language and encoding detection support.

#5 - 17/01/2010 07:37 - Ivan Tcholakov 9914:9bec3d0efd93 Feature #272 - Adding code in the Database class for improved internationalization. The new code is latent, it will be used after the first release of Chamilo. 9913:960b34f655d9 Feature #272 - The intenationalization database: Updating/expanding the tables about non-UTF-8 encodings and about person name conventions. More languages are supported.

#6 - 17/01/2010 14:51 - Ivan Tcholakov 9915:ff66ecf05ddd Feature #272 - More code in the Database class for improved internationalization in the future.

#7 - 18/01/2010 04:38 - Ivan Tcholakov We need a solution about the database encoding. After a short experiment I am proposing the following:

1. All the tables should be UTF-8 encoded. 2. The GUI setting "Platform Character Set" should stay. When it is not UTF-8, then the database server silently recodes the queries and the returned data.

Here is an illustration on how this recoding server feature could be exploited:

// Inserted experimental fragment in the installation script mysql_query("SET SESSION character_set_server='utf8';"); mysql_query("SET SESSION collation_server='utf8_general_ci';"); mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET '" . Database::to_db_encoding($charset) . "';");

// Inserted experimental fragment in the global initialization script Database::query("SET SESSION character_set_server='utf8';"); Database::query("SET SESSION collation_server='utf8_general_ci';"); Database::query("SET CHARACTER SET '" . Database::to_db_encoding($charset) . "';");


After inserting these lines (+ some other changes) and installing the system I created a Bulgarian course, UTF-8. Then I changed the platform character set to WINDOWS-1251, as a result the Bulgarian texts are normal, not broken.

For example, a Spanish installation could be switched from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-15 without problems, if some Flash objects in the tests still not work with UTF-8.

Another advantage - making the database data to be always UTF-8 encoded would ease the migration to Chamilo 2.0.

I like this approach. I am going to make stable code for this solution and to implement it in the mainstream code. The upgrading script should support this change.

#8 - 18/01/2010 09:21 - Ivan Tcholakov - File database_encoding_scheme.png added

A simple scheme about the database encoding has been added. It is according to the idea above.

#9 - 23/01/2010 00:10 - Ivan Tcholakov 10017:f5b05ee15814 Feature #272 - Training creation: Some hard-coded (through SQL) table properties has been removed.

02/10/2021 28/47 10021:35be3076652c Feature #272 - Preparations for change in the installation script: Removing the obsolete file "language_data.csv" and related to it code. 10022:d6881ad79696 Feature #272 - Preparations for change in the installation script: Removing the obsolete files "setting_current_data.csv" and "setting_option_data.csv" and related to them code.

#10 - 23/01/2010 19:42 - Ivan Tcholakov 10023:d3760c526c17 Feature #272 - Preparations for change in the installation script: Shrinking the code about PHP version check. 10024:f443191851a4 Feature #272 - Preparations for change in the installation script: A useless file has been removed. 10025:c38bc9a98756 Feature #272 - Preparations for change in the installation script: Some minor corrections have been made. 10026:a19a80213fac Feature #272 - An encoding related logucal correction within the database class. 10027:45499db69dac Feature #272 - Mode encoding related corrections within the database class. 10028:fce3a026ed97 Feature #272 - Updating some comments. 10029:a7ab31e58695 Feature #272 - System fresh installation: Making database encoding to be UTF-8. Also platform character set will be UTF-8 by default. The upgrade script will be fixed later. Before testing, reinstall your system, please. If you wish, you may set your system to be ISO-8859-15, for that it is enough you to change the setting "Platform character set".

#11 - 23/01/2010 19:54 - Ivan Tcholakov :-) Still there is work to be done. The good news is that the original UTF-8 enabled system works with Bulgarian language. You may enable and try some other non-latin languages too.

#12 - 23/01/2010 20:51 - Yannick Warnier - Target version changed from 1.8.7 to 1.8.7 beta

I think it's a good idea to plan this for the beta, in particular in terms of migrations from previous versions, which will need to include the migration of all textual data from the database. The best way to do this would be to analyse every text, char, varchar (and corresponding variations) fields to UTF-8 from the current character encoding, but this will possibly take ages. Another way is to ask the user to make a dump of its database and convert it to UTF-8 with a given tool, but this is expecting too much of the typical user... I would go for the first solution, but that would imply changing the encoding/collation of each table as well and I'm not sure all chamilo database users can do that in the config of all of our users... In any case, the documentation and the services providers must be ready by then!

#13 - 23/01/2010 20:54 - Yannick Warnier I'll try to make more language packs available in UTF-8 by the middle of March. See #551

#14 - 23/01/2010 20:54 - Yannick Warnier - SCRUM pts - complexity changed from ? to 100

#15 - 23/01/2010 21:35 - Ivan Tcholakov Feature #272 - Platform admin section, the platform character set option: Restricting the lis of the proposed encodings to those that MySQL supports natively.

Dear Yannick, It would be very well language files to be converted to UTF-8. This will make translators' life easier. Current language files should work too, because the encoding of every requested string is tested and adjusted dynamically (get_lang).

About the upgrade: At the moment I think, maybe the script could be as usual with one difference. Two db connections could be opened. The first connection would read old data as it was in the previous versions. The second connection would write data in the destination system tables as UTF-8. This might make the things easy, I will see.

The newly created tables are configured properly, only the upgrading script is to be adapted. It does not look to me difficult. For sophisticated cases, the function api_detect_encoding() might help.

The documentation will be upgraded.

An experiment: Make a Spanish course on the new UTF-8 system (with accent characters). Switch the site to ISO-8859-15. Then the same course should work without breaking the accents. Data in the database is always UTF-8 encoded, the server recodes data while it communicates.

#16 - 24/01/2010 18:28 - Ivan Tcholakov 10042:3659a7fce855 Feature #272 - Cosmetics in mail functions. 10040:bbc6ca4a75ee Feature #272 - A correction/reverting someone's change about e-mail notification by the platform admin. 10039:ae5dc09d5572 Feature #272 - PHPMailer, adding empty files for protection. 10038:a5b7d02ef16e Feature #272 - Modifications in PHPMailer class in order it not to depend on the mbstring library. 10037:dc52eeaa4e15 Feature #272 - Upgrading PHPMailer to version 5.1, 11-NOV-2009. (part 2) 10036:204d723489fc Feature #272 - Upgrading PHPMailer to version 5.1, 11-NOV-2009. 10035:94473ac130ab Feature #272 - Code-formatting, file 10034:0ff011a2ddfe Feature #272 - Changing a mail setting to be more convenient. 10033:97edcf05e30d Feature #272 - Corrections in the function api_send_mail() (which is in the main API). 10032:9f1eee27ef40 Feature #272 - A correction in the confihuration file for the mailing sub-system. 10031:4c3e0a634be9 Feature #272 - Writting an author's name (Ren?) correctly within UTF-8 source code.

02/10/2021 29/47 10030:bd53a36bf64e Feature #272 - Platform admin section, the platform character set option: Restricting the list of the proposed encodings to those that MySQL supports natively.

#17 - 25/01/2010 00:03 - Ivan Tcholakov 10049:3647df649ca0 Feature #272 - Mailing: The function api_send_mail() has been declared as deprecated. 10048:c6809de07bed Feature #272 - Various corrections about mailing functionality. 10047:b1e0e181b762 Feature #272 - Mailing: Corrections for the announcement tool. Still there are bugs, they should be fixed later. 10046:4127110eb42d Feature #272 - Mailing: Duplicate statements for loading the configuration file have been removed. 10045:57cd4da0ac00 Feature #272 - Mailing: Correction for loading the right configuration file. A global variable has been renamed for less probable conflicts.

#18 - 26/01/2010 14:05 - Ivan Tcholakov 10064:18ca2f6278b0 Feature #272 - Importing tcpdf library, version 4.8.027. 10052:ef765dbc86c6 Feature #272 - A correction in tracking/csv-export file (obsolete?). 10051:b3c4dd4dc60e Feature #272 - Corrections in some (obsolete?) files. 10050:10c76a7d8e25 Feature #272 - Various encoding-related corrections.

#19 - 27/01/2010 00:19 - Ivan Tcholakov I need to solve the problem with PDF-generation in different languages (UTF-8, LTR-RTL).

The currently existing in the code libraries like ezpdf and html2pdf (with fpdf inside) are not solutions, because they do not support UTF-8. Period.

This is what I consider at the moment.

1. tcpdf , ; documentation - - it really supports UTF-8 - it is able to make pdf from html, ... - ... but there is no CSS support. After a test I realized that this kind of export does not support CSS that comes with the page.

2. mPDF (based on FPDF, HTML2FPDF, and UFPDF, with a number of enhancements), ; documentation - - looks promising, according to the description it supports UTF-8 and CSS. I will test this library tomorrow.

#20 - 27/01/2010 03:47 - Ivan Tcholakov Articles ------tcpdf

Creating PDF Documents in PHP Using Tcpdf - How to Create a Pdf in Php Using Tcpdf - Generate PDF documents using TCPDF in Symfony - Creating PDF files with CakePHP and TCPDF - ufpdf

UFPDF: Unicode/UTF-8 extension for FPDF -


Creating PDF Documents with PHP - Teaching an old PHP application to talk Spanish, Chinese & Hebrew - Really Useful Classes And Libraries For PHP Developers -

#21 - 27/01/2010 16:15 - Ivan Tcholakov 10082:8965318dcbd8 Feature #272 - PDF export: TCPDF library (, which was introduced for testing purposes, has been removed. I would not adopt it. At least I hesitate to do that. The next library for testing is mPDF (

#22 - 27/01/2010 18:58 - Ivan Tcholakov Articles about mPDF mPDF- Create PDF from HTML using PHP on the Fly - Using PHP to Convert HTML to UTF-8 for PDF output - Creating automatic PDFs with PHP, MySQL - mPDF with Codeigniter -

02/10/2021 30/47 wp-mpdf (a plugin for WordPress) -

#23 - 28/01/2010 02:21 - Ivan Tcholakov - File wiki-mpdf-export-utf-8-bulgarian.png added

I think mPDF is very good work, I started to like it. It is some kind of UTF-8-ready successor of FPDF+HTML2PDF. The API is almost the same. In the attached image a sample export in Bulgarian language is shown.

#24 - 28/01/2010 19:28 - Juan Carlos Raña Trabado Ivan Tcholakov wrote:

I think mPDF is very good work, I started to like it. It is some kind of UTF-8-ready successor of FPDF+HTML2PDF. The API is almost the same. In the attached image a sample export in Bulgarian language is shown.

I know the package and look good, but I have not worked much with him. Would have to prove it. How supports UTF8? What minimum size should be up to Chamil to work well? ... On the other hand, why hast thou cast TCPDF library?, what problem have you seen her?

#25 - 28/01/2010 19:48 - Ivan Tcholakov Both TCPDF and mPDF support UTF-8. OK.

1. Both of the libraries are able to make pdf by using specialized API-commands, of course.

2. Both of these libraries are able to produce pdf output from html code. Ok, but... TCPDP can not interpret CSS styles. mPDF can deal with CSS, the layout of the output pdf is very close to the original web page. TCPDF gave me ugly output from html, this is why I rejected it.

3. mPDF is very easy to be installed. It is very easy to be used by a programmer. If you know fpdf and html2pdf API's, this is an advantage, because mPDF uses almost the same API.

I am preparing here the library (some files are to be deleted - examples, etc.). I reworked the export from the Wiki tool. Tomorrow I will have a look to adapt the export from the Gradebook. After that I will import the new code to the main repository.

#26 - 29/01/2010 06:10 - Ivan Tcholakov 10111:fb816da9c3dd Feature #272 - A new function, api_substr_count() has been added to the internationalization library. 10110:a3bed3984f9e Feature #272 - Avoiding direct use of the function mb_convert_encoding(), replacing with api_convert_encoding().

#27 - 29/01/2010 18:52 - Ivan Tcholakov 10119:3331b2c21fae Feature #272 - A new implementation of pdf-export in the Wiki tool using mPDF 4.2 library. 10118:8e6c5b1f7764 Feature #272 - Adapting the library mPDF 4.2 to the system: Making the library independent from mbstring. Replacing "mb_" functions with functions from the internationalization library. 10117:5fa7d45fd751 Feature #272 - mPDF: When an image is referred by URL inside a course, the security system blocks reading it. A workaround: Let us use system paths for images when it is possible. 10116:8a27215ed4a4 Feature #272 - Adapting the library mPDF 4.2 to the system: Moving some directories for temporary files in the directory ".../chamilo/arcive/" where access for writting is guaranteed. 10115:2e702b2aa3d6 Feature #272: The library mPDF: Some directories and files have been removed, they are not needed. 10114:e92d4a25e23c The library mPDF v.4.2 ( has been imported, "as-is", the core files only, no additional fonts. 10113:b837e9ef90a8 Feature #272 - A new function, api_get_text_direction() has been added to the internationalization library. The online editor: A minor correction about determing text direction from language. 10112:f5d06747dfc9 Feature #272 - Fixing an author's name.

#28 - 29/01/2010 20:06 - Juan Carlos Raña Trabado I've done some testing and I think the new library for pdf has many options to stay as the only pdf library. However, we must be prudent, to try it more time and see the views of others developers.

#29 - 30/01/2010 21:20 - Ivan Tcholakov A message to Yannick Warnier.

Dear Yannick,

As I can see, a new translation tool is under development. If this new tool is under GNU/GPL license, I would like to see its code (when it is ready) in some public repository. Maybe I have something useful to say about it.

02/10/2021 31/47 Ivan.

#30 - 30/01/2010 22:30 - Ivan Tcholakov 10130:996c2d9b86c7 Feature #272 - Gradebook tool, competences report: The PDF-exporting feature has been reworked to use the library mPDF, which is UTF-8 compatible. A nice, non-intentional effect: the generated report supports score-coloring if it was activated. 10129:5a482a966aa5 Feature #272 - The Gradebook: More formatting for a file before changing it. 10128:7f1eb89a2f80 Feature #272 - The Gradebook: Preparing a file for changes, formatting.

#31 - 30/01/2010 22:41 - Ivan Tcholakov - File sample_competences_report.png added

An image has been attached, it is about the reworked "Competences report".

#32 - 31/01/2010 00:03 - Ivan Tcholakov In the Gradebook tool there are mode ezpdf-based pdf-exports. I can not see how do they work. It seems to me code is not active. I won't rework these (latent?) code fragments for UTF-8 compatibility by using mPDF. Let somebody more familiar with the Gradebook tool do this work, by following the example I did.

#33 - 31/01/2010 17:42 - Ivan Tcholakov 10133:f00cb03b9390 Feature #272 - Various improvements and unification about dealing with the system encoding, the text direction, the interface language. 10132:cfd66bf84313 Feature #272 - The internationalization library: A minor change about the function api_get_language_isocode(), a new optional parameter has been added. 10131:73ab7c5a7cab Feature #272 - A minor change, an expired comment has been removed.

#34 - 01/02/2010 02:44 - Ivan Tcholakov 10138:cbf070029903 Feature #272 - The PHP function fgetcsv() depends on the OS locale setting. When the file system encoding is different than the encoding of the CSV-file, then the imported data is damaged. For solving this problem, two new functions have been introduced in the internationalization library - api_str_getcsv() and api_fgetcsv(). 10134:b6713357b933 Feature #272 - The Assignments tool: Fixing user's name ordering inside an e-mail sending routine.

#35 - 01/02/2010 17:55 - Ivan Tcholakov 10143:55c529d3bbb2 Feature #272 - The php function fgetcsv() has been replaced by api_fgetcsv(), see the internationalization library. The replacement function is binary safe, it does not depend on OS locale settings.

#36 - 02/02/2010 13:55 - Ivan Tcholakov The next problem to be solved is about course archives.

The scenario ------

1.Let us imagine that an organization uses a stable system like Chamilo or Dokeos The platform character set is ISO-8859-15. Teachers have their course (training) arcives which are ISO-8859-15 encoded internally.

2. Chamilo 1.8.7 comes some day, is is UTF-8 by default, and our organization wants UTF-8 too. Ok, then our course archives should be importable in the new system without character encoding issues.

I will rework the Restore tool only in order it to be able to read/detect the internal encoding of the imported course archive. Then, the Restore tool would recode (if it is needed) all the string fields of the objects read to the proper (system) encoding.

I repeat, only the course importing feature should be slightly reworked. The rework is not radical, I am starting it in my place.

#37 - 02/02/2010 15:36 - Ivan Tcholakov A report by aboivin, to be processed under this task.

#38 - 02/02/2010 21:11 - Ivan Tcholakov 10156:fc41a03c42eb Feature #272 - Course restorer: Cleaning line endings in the source file. 10155:9249fa1a7b57 Feature #272 - Course restorer: Encoding detection for course archives has been added. It is necessary for importing archives that are created with systems older than Next to do: The read/detected encoding value should be used for data conversion. 10151:b6134f04cf3f Feature #272 - A new customized function api_html_to_text() for stripping html-tags has been added in the internationalization library. 10148:631171b8e6d2 Feature #272 - A comment has been updated in the internationalization library.

02/10/2021 32/47 #39 - 03/02/2010 01:54 - Ivan Tcholakov 10169:c49659405cb8 Feature #272 - Course restorer: Now the imported course is converted to the system encoding. For example, in UTF-8 system you may import old 1.8.x archives that have ISO-8859-15 encoding.

#40 - 03/02/2010 22:37 - Ivan Tcholakov See the topic . It initiated the following changes. 10175:d8c448417d5e Feature #272 - Fixing sorting by dates in the Documents tool. 10174:58ca456c9f8a Feature #272 - Fixing sorting by dates in the Assignments tool. An initial workaround has been proposed by André Boivin (aboivin), see 10172:d0a1919a80b1 Feature #272 - Reworks for the TableSort class: Adding functionality for parsing hidden raw date values for maikng precise sorting by dates. Elimination of useless recursion. Simplifying the constructed callback function for sorting.

#41 - 10/02/2010 08:24 - Ivan Tcholakov 10260:d62ec912ddf5 Feature #272 - The old online conferention tool: Minor corrections in a html header for declaring language, encoding and text direction.

10259:abc21a9f4bad Feature #272 - Code update according to the recent changes within the Database class - direct use elimination in some places of MySQL-specific functions.

10258:e783ccf6b356 Feature #272 - Updating the Database class testing unit.

10257:9abca585bd86 Feature #272 - A minor correction in the Security class.

10256:21737b4beebc Feature #272 - The Database class has been reworked and upgraded in order some of its common methods to deal with multiple database connections simultaneously.

10255:63adfc44f2fc Feature #272 - The function replace_dangerous_char() has been updated, the file name encoding detection inside it has been implemented through using a special function from the internationalization library.

#42 - 10/02/2010 15:49 - Ivan Tcholakov 10262:26d27fa61127 Feature #272 - Elimination of mysql_*() function calls.

10261:b159ded90119 Feature #272 - Two common purpose methods have been added to Database class.

#43 - 10/02/2010 22:22 - Ivan Tcholakov - File 20100210_chamilo_database_migration_scheme.odg added - File 20100210_chamilo_database_migration_scheme.png added

About the question from Yannick in

In addition to my previous answer, I am attaching here a scheme to show the idea in easy way.

------Update 11-FEB-2010 ------After digging in the code of the installation scripts I found that the implementation that is needed does not comply to the picture I've sent here. What is needed is simpler - (some) tables should be examined about their encoding and collation properties. Then the database server will recode the existing tables.

If it is necessary, a special, non-standard case could be detected and processed too - when in the old system UTF-8 data is saved into ISO-88559-1 encoded tables.

#44 - 11/02/2010 00:34 - Ivan Tcholakov 10276:ab61d8c83421 Feature #272 - In the transaction 26d27fa61127 some "silent" sentences die() were created. Here the previous behaviour die(Database::error()) has been restored.

10275:6fa44338e45e Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Cleaning, formatting - preparation for some essential changes.

10268:f051e44ad553 Feature #272 - The installation script: Some minor corrections and cosmetic changes.

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#45 - 11/02/2010 23:45 - Ivan Tcholakov 10286:39941fd5d1b7 Feature #272 - Adding the method Database::get_tables().

10282:e3c596655705 Feature #272 - About the database connection testing button: The word "MySQL" on the page has been replaced with "Database".

10280:03cad60198a6 Feature #272 - Adding a new method Database::get_databases().

10279:c9e6e06060b1 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Corrections on some html-tags.

10278:aaea3b166d7f Feature #272 - Applying the function api_get_path() in the tnstallation scripts. The function has been designed for being capable about serving the installation procedure.

10277:7cd544892006 Feature #272 - The installation scripts: An easy rework about the database connection testing button.

#46 - 12/02/2010 01:29 - Ivan Tcholakov 10294:aa6db2603a33 Feature #272 - Adding a new method Database::get_fields().

#47 - 12/02/2010 16:01 - Ivan Tcholakov 10296:10e53b5545df Feature #272 - Extending functionality of the method Database::get_fields().

#48 - 13/02/2010 22:14 - Ivan Tcholakov 10336:75fcbf24db87 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Cleaning & reformatting, the third pass.

10335:afc41667c8e7 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Cleaning & reformatting, the second pass. Some minor corrections.

#49 - 14/02/2010 01:09 - Ivan Tcholakov 10339:b3ac5516219b Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Some direct mysql_*() calls have been eliminated.

10338:043bc080eb3b Feature #272 - The functions api_get_permissions_for_new_directories() and api_get_permissions_for_new_files() have been introduced in the installation scripts.

10337:4d6ad81b2fcb Feature #272 - Providing for the installation scripts limited support for the function api_get_settings().

#50 - 14/02/2010 03:26 - Ivan Tcholakov 10341:ae24a8c497d5 Feature #272 - Fixing a bug in the internationalization library. The bug appeared when mbstring was not installed. The symptom: api_htmlentities() returned empty result when the input parameter wasn't string-type.

10340:2231d50d8623 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Testing new installation procedure, minor corrections.

#51 - 14/02/2010 04:58 - Ivan Tcholakov 10342:e5c32fc312fb Feature #272 - Internationalization library: Reworks for some functions to make them stable against non-string input parameters.

#52 - 14/02/2010 16:25 - Ivan Tcholakov 10350:ee9b567aea75 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Reworks, cleaning.

10349:e4f4f29e8dcf Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Modernizing some code in

02/10/2021 34/47 10345:886c33cd2f36 Feature #272 - Corrections for the function api_display_language_form().

#53 - 15/02/2010 02:39 - Ivan Tcholakov 10354:d29f0de1aa1f Feature #272 - Installation scripts: More reworks about the language selection boxes.

10353:0b07c6509fe4 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Code for a language selection box has been reworked. It is about language during installation procedure. Some other minor reworks.

#54 - 15/02/2010 06:17 - Ivan Tcholakov 10355:dbd9e0751856 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: A rework for the function get_config_param() for making it understandable.

#55 - 15/02/2010 18:47 - Ivan Tcholakov 10365:1992f77a8ce4 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: If it is possible, the initial value of the language during the installation procedure is according to the the browser.

#56 - 15/02/2010 18:48 - Ivan Tcholakov - % Done changed from 50 to 60

Ivan Tcholakov wrote:

10365:1992f77a8ce4 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: If it is possible, the initial value of the language during the installation procedure is according to the the browser.

#57 - 17/02/2010 03:17 - Ivan Tcholakov 10430:88c8631503be Feature #272 - Installation scripts: All the deprecated files have been removed. 10429:987db0faf55d Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Making a switch to the new library file install.lib.php. 10428:a7515e6d1449 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: A new file install.lib.php has been introduced. It is to replace the files and install_upgrade.lib.php. 10417:debffc12e0ea Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Recovering from changes made by mistake in the previous transaction in the file migrate-db- 10416:8166995b91ec Feature #272 - Installation scripts: More code formatting. 10398:ca105a880ef0 Feature #272 - Providing a better way for the function api_get_path() for detecting when installation runs, by using the constant SYSTEM_INSTALLATION. 10397:19350af19c3d Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Several files have been renamed before being finally deleted. 10396:cf128703d63e Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Some minor changes. 10395:6f950332fa3e Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Replacement of all mysql_*() function calls with Database::*() equivalents. 10394:77b16578eb41 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Replacement of all ereg*() function calls with preg*() equivalents.

#58 - 17/02/2010 14:02 - Ivan Tcholakov 10432:de204824ef54 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Repetitive code elimination.

#59 - 17/02/2010 20:34 - Ivan Tcholakov 10457:aee28cee0475Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Duplicate code elimination.

10456:ef519c35933aFeature #272 - Installation scripts: Updating comments.

#60 - 17/02/2010 23:08 - Ivan Tcholakov 10474:399d9cd1671c Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Reorganization of the library install.lib.php. Other minor changes.

#61 - 18/02/2010 00:21 - Ivan Tcholakov 10482:a8494999cec7 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Renaming files, removing the old brand.

02/10/2021 35/47 #62 - 18/02/2010 09:15 - Ivan Tcholakov 10491:2621ce8914da Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Removing a duplicate setting.

10490:bdd1356f578f Feature #272 - Installation scripts: UTF-8 database migration has been implemented in the upgrading script.

10489:22a0b53c9764 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: Reverting my customized code that was inserted by mistake.

#63 - 18/02/2010 19:45 - Ivan Tcholakov - % Done changed from 60 to 80

10504:b856b6fb3927 Feature #272 - Adding a simple protection against re-installing the system.

See the related forum topic

10492:c691bdcaac05 Feature #272 - Temporay workarounds (fixing wrong syntax) for English, Spanush and Bulgarian language files.

#64 - 19/02/2010 01:13 - Yannick Warnier Ivan Tcholakov wrote:

A message to Yannick Warnier.

Dear Yannick,

As I can see, a new translation tool is under development. If this new tool is under GNU/GPL license, I would like to see its code (when it is ready) in some public repository. Maybe I have something useful to say about it.


Hi Ivan,

You can download the new translation tool code from the Google repository (and you can send patches as well). Basically, it is in the default Chamilo 2 code. You have to clone the "chamilo" repository, and then install it with only the "translation" application (you will find that in the install process). Sven and Hans of the 2.0 team are responsible of this, but I have sent a few patches today. You have commit access too. Look into the application/lib/cda/ directory for the translation app code.

#65 - 20/02/2010 17:42 - Ivan Tcholakov Thank you.

10549:3c82709d2d39 Feature #272 - Updating the language files for testing pure UTF-8 files on the system. Still, these files are created with a special script, outside the CDA.

10548:c4dfb6251a27 Feature #272 - Removing new language folders that didn't have the same names as the old folders have.

10547:97b9fc34da04 Feature #272 - A minor change in a test for the internationalization library.

10538:b203107b7123 Feature #272 - Installation scripts: A unused language-related constant has been removed.

10536:14e69dc97115 Feature #272 - Changing a default value ISO-8859-15 ---> UTF-8 in the global initialization script.

10530:588b5941d72b Feature #272 - An insignificant change in the internationalization library.

#66 - 23/02/2010 04:20 - Ivan Tcholakov 10557:ff2281034605 Feature #272 - A revision of the native language names, the idea is from Chamilo 2.0. Source used:

#67 - 23/02/2010 15:01 - Ivan Tcholakov

02/10/2021 36/47 10558:2cb80bfdf52b Feature #272 - Corrections on the native language names.

#68 - 02/03/2010 22:41 - Ivan Tcholakov - % Done changed from 80 to 90

10628:ffc555e685e8 Feature #272 - Minor corrections within a test.

10658:d86e8ba6043f Feature #272 - Minor corrections within a test.

#69 - 03/03/2010 16:53 - Julio Montoya - % Done changed from 90 to 80

I think that the feature that prevent the re-installation of Chamilo should be able only if my server is in "Production mode".

#70 - 03/03/2010 17:03 - Julio Montoya - % Done changed from 80 to 90

I test the migration from Dokeos to Chamilo 1.8.7 And it does not work well.

I received a warning message here: install/

// The following line is disabled, connection has been already done //$link = Database::connect(array('server' => $dbHostForm, 'username' => $dbUsernameForm, 'password' => $dbPas sForm)); //Database::select_db($dbNameForm, $link); Database::select_db($dbNameForm);

#71 - 03/03/2010 17:59 - Ivan Tcholakov In the installation scripts there is no "Production mode". This setting exists is the database of already installed system. About the warning message - I will make tests to see what the problem is.

#72 - 03/03/2010 18:14 - Julio Montoya That setting exists when you upgrade Chamilo, that what I meant.

Ivan Tcholakov wrote:

In the installation scripts there is no "Production mode". This setting exists is the database of already installed system.

#73 - 03/03/2010 18:22 - Ivan Tcholakov Ok, if you say so. But "Production/test mode" was introdused in the past for developer's convenience. Error reporting level changes, database errors are shown, etc. Upgrading is made by the end-user (mostly), so "Production/test mode" is irrelevant to this case.

I think, the design of the re-installation protection feature is good enough. I only will test it again to see whwther it works as I expect.

#74 - 03/03/2010 18:38 - Julio Montoya It was just a suggestion what I said. Here (in Lima) we test the upgrading process several times before every released (1.8.6, 1.8.5, 1.8.4, etc). I think is relevant to improve productivity in our tests. (Run migration process several times) if I have this feature blocking the migration,is a little bit annoying.

Ivan Tcholakov wrote:

Ok, if you say so. But "Production/test mode" was introdused in the past for developer's convenience. Error reporting level changes, database errors are shown, etc. Upgrading is made by the end-user (mostly), so "Production/test mode" is irrelevant to this case.

I think, the design of the re-installation protection feature is good enough. I only will test it again to see whwther it works as I expect.

02/10/2021 37/47 #75 - 03/03/2010 19:17 - Ivan Tcholakov I explained how the blocker works here: . During the upgrade the script should not block (it compares versions).

#76 - 03/03/2010 19:21 - Ivan Tcholakov Could you explain in details what "Run migration process several times" is, this sounds new to me.

#77 - 03/03/2010 19:32 - Ivan Tcholakov You may temporarily disable the blocking feature, for example: install/index.php, line 140 if (is_already_installed_system()) { change it to be if (false) { and the blocker will be disabled for the tests. Only you should be careful this change not to go inside the repository.

#78 - 03/03/2010 20:13 - Julio Montoya Thanks for the advice

Ivan Tcholakov wrote:

You may temporarily disable the blocking feature, for example:

install/index.php, line 140

if (is_already_installed_system()) {

change it to be

if (false) {

and the blocker will be disabled for the tests. Only you should be careful this change not to go inside the repository.

#79 - 03/03/2010 21:18 - Ivan Tcholakov Important, for Julio: A correction in the repository's code is needed for making upgrading possible. I've just done it.

10685:8947e216ddbf Task #272 - Installation scripts, upgrading: Forsing inclusion of the old configuration file. This is needed to be done after the blocking feature has been introduced.

#80 - 03/03/2010 21:23 - Julio Montoya Thanks again :)

#81 - 03/03/2010 22:16 - Ivan Tcholakov Julio, here is yet another transaction about the upgrade scripts:

10687:4dbfaa1bd4c9 Task #272 - Installation scripts, upgrading: Adding a work of mine that was unfinished.

Sorry, I did not have time to finish this work earlier. This is it.

#82 - 04/03/2010 01:32 - Ivan Tcholakov - File strange_duplication.png added

10696:083a0aa02faa Feature #272 - A minor correction for platform settings page.

For tomorrow: On clean installation we have to make sure that the selected by the administrator platform language is enabled in the newly produced database settings.

#83 - 04/03/2010 08:50 - Ivan Tcholakov

02/10/2021 38/47 10699:cd8ecd76df27 Feature #272 - Portal homepage: Making sure that html-snippets that come from files will always be shown using the system encoding.

10698:b87e825c7d06 Feature #272 - A specific statement has been made to process https addresses too.

10697:4b057bd4e304 Feature #272 - Minor changes in the internationalization library.

#84 - 04/03/2010 21:10 - Ivan Tcholakov 10720:d3975ef41149 Feature #272 - "Configure homepage": Reworks for managing encodings of the included html-snippets.

#85 - 05/03/2010 22:31 - Ivan Tcholakov 10747:4466dee74c16 Feature #272 - "Registration" and "Registration settings": Adding code for managing possible encoding differencies between the system and the stored in files html-snippets.

#86 - 06/03/2010 14:39 - Ivan Tcholakov 10753:9ac7dcd26f5e Feature #272 - The banner: Adding code for managing possible encoding differencies between the system and the stored in files html-snippets. Minor changes in "Configure homepage".

#87 - 07/03/2010 00:55 - Ivan Tcholakov 10756:cd50bd36f8c8 Feature #272 - Showing plain text files: Passing encoding detection result to the browser.

#88 - 07/03/2010 02:02 - Ivan Tcholakov 10757:63c0d8601274 Feature #272 - Fixing the function api_get_local_time() for non-UTF-8 systems on PHP 5.3 The "intl" extension works with UTF-8 encoding only (good), but the Chamilo system could use ISO-8859-1, WINDOWS-1251, ...

A message to Guillaume Viguier: Good work. On the system there are some obsolete date-about routines. I tried to write in the internationalization library something about dates, but it stays like unfinished. For we could clean some obsolete stuff.

#89 - 07/03/2010 02:04 - Ivan Tcholakov - File dates_encoding_problem.png added

A picture has been attached to the previous message.

#90 - 07/03/2010 16:07 - Ivan Tcholakov 10760:fbc4d2793223 Feature #272 - A correction for the previous transaction.

10759:23bbb5b68b3c Feature #272 - HTML files: Passing read/detected encoding value to the browser using the HTTP-header (too). Thus, not well-formed html-files have good chance to be showed using the right encoding.

10758:37cd0e5c9739 Feature #272 - A new function api_detect_encoding_html() has been added in the internationalization library. A test for this function has been created.

#91 - 08/03/2010 12:55 - Ivan Tcholakov 10763:ca497cf865d3 Feature #272 - The Dropbox tool fully uses the conventional language sub-system, the function dropbox_lang() has been eliminated.

#92 - 09/03/2010 01:18 - Ivan Tcholakov 10800:eaecad6c4b18 Feature #272 - The Dropbox tool code - additional minor changes.

10799:b7dd21966ab3 Feature #272 - The Dropbox tool code - cosmetic changes before abandonning it.

02/10/2021 39/47 #93 - 09/03/2010 02:27 - Ivan Tcholakov TODO: Dropbox and Assignments: To be checked whether the function replaced_dangerous_char() is used everywhere it should be used. How to test: Files with localized names should be accepted with renaming them using transliteration to ASCII letters only.

#94 - 10/03/2010 01:26 - Ivan Tcholakov 10811:5f03846da9fd Feature #272 - Some corrections in "Assignments" tool. Code cleaning for "Assignments" and "Dropbox" tools.

A note: In the "Assignments" tool there is copy/pasted code from "Documents" tool. Not all of the copied code is needed probably, but I have no time for analysis.

#95 - 10/03/2010 03:00 - Ivan Tcholakov Hmm..., since database has moved to UTF-8, we need to increase the length of some text fields. This is related for newly installed systems and for newly created courses.

Using the upgrading script, while converting to UTF-8 MySQL server increases automatically length of text-type fields.

See especially the explanations after the example: ALTER TABLE tbl_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET charset_name;

There are two options: 1. For a newly installed system we to make the same as MySQL server makes automatically for all the text fields. 2. Selectively to increase some text fields, especially that are related to "title" and "description" meanings. I noticed this necessity for Bulgarian language. Text-fields that contain ASCII keywords used by the system should not change their length.

The second option is preferable by me. I hope, I'll manage before the 1.8.7 beta release to prepare a proposal.

#96 - 10/03/2010 06:43 - Ivan Tcholakov 10812:de05e885277d Feature #272 - Edition of comments in "Dropbox" tool. Function simplification in "Assignments" tool.

#97 - 10/03/2010 10:54 - Ivan Tcholakov 10814:79d4412542d2 Feature 272 - Applying the function replace_dangerous_char() for file names of downloaded files. Cosmetic changes in the main API.

#98 - 10/03/2010 14:33 - Ivan Tcholakov 10818:446ac09c72ab Feature #272 - A workaround: Creation of a new function for formatting long dates, it should work on PHP 5.2.x and PHP 5.3+.

#99 - 10/03/2010 14:57 - Ivan Tcholakov 10819:fce6f58c9ee4 Feature #272 - The internationalization library: Making the date/time formatting functions more convenient for use.

#100 - 10/03/2010 15:28 - Ivan Tcholakov 10821:a5861bcc8d60 Feature #272 - "Assignments" and "Dropbox" tools: Showing dates correctly on PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3.

#101 - 10/03/2010 18:36 - Ivan Tcholakov 10831:b10b13c30e13 Feature #272 - "Dropbox" tool: Fixing a mistake.

Thank you again Guillaume, for noticing this mistake.

#102 - 10/03/2010 19:45 - Ivan Tcholakov 10833:c00ed614c6d5 Feature #272 - Cleaning of the file text.lib.php. Making the function date_to_str_ago() more conveniet for use.

#103 - 11/03/2010 09:14 - Ivan Tcholakov 10847:a7edd8674be3 Feature #272 - Revision and cleaning of all the include files.

10846:016e622e3aab Feature #272 - "Dropbox" tool, downloading zip-archives: Adding html-metadata to the generated supplemental file "overview.html" (which you may find inside the downloaded archive).

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#104 - 12/03/2010 02:30 - Ivan Tcholakov Here is my proposition for expanding some database text fields. The goal is titles, descriptions, etc. not to be truncated due to low length of some fields.

The proposed new values are based on my experience with a real Bulgarian language course on a UTF-8 system. Maybe I did not detected all the fields to be extended, this could be done if somebody complains.

I am requesting to implement these changes.

Database Table Field, current definition Field, new defini tion ------chamilo_main course_module name varchar(100) NOT NULL name varchar(255) NOT NULL (see db_main.sql) sys_calendar title varchar(200) NOT NULL title varchar(255 ) NOT NULL

tag tag char(80) NOT NULL tag varchar(255) NOT NULL chamilo_coursecode quiz title varchar(200) NOT NULL title varchar(255 ) NOT NULL (see quiz sound varchar(50) default NULL sound varchar(255 ) default NULL

quiz_question question varchar(200) NOT NULL question varchar( 511) NOT NULL

tool name varchar(100) NOT NULL name varchar(255) NOT NULL tool image varchar(100) default NULL image varchar(255 ) default NULL tool admin varchar(200) default NULL admin varchar(255 ) default NULL tool address varchar(120) default NULL address varchar(2 55) default NULL

calendar_event title varchar(200) NOT NULL title varchar(255 ) NOT NULL

student_publication url varchar(200) default NULL url varchar(255) default NULL student_publication title varchar(200) default NULL title varchar(255 ) default NULL student_publication description varchar(250) default NULL description varch ar(255) default NULL student_publication author varchar(200) default NULL author varchar(25 5) default NULL

lp name tinytext not null name varchar(255) not null

lp_item title tinytext not null title varchar(511 ) not null lp_item description tinytext not null default '' varchar(511) n ot null default ''

#105 - 13/03/2010 01:45 - Ivan Tcholakov 10960:0b33ca548208 Feature #272 - The chosen during the installation platform language should be enabled for sure, automatically.

A suggestion:

When the table "languages" is created and filled, all the languages may be disabled (or maybe only English to be left enabled). After the installation, the admin will have platform language enabled only and he/she will not be forsed to disable manually languages that are not needed.

Saying in another way: You install the system and you get only one language enabled - the chosen platform language. If you want additional languages, then use the correspondent administrator's page.

02/10/2021 41/47 I would implement this suggestion on approval only.

#106 - 13/03/2010 06:38 - Ivan Tcholakov 10962:3a0ea45539cf Feature #272 - Chat tool: Applying coding conventions and cleaning before making essential changes.

#107 - 13/03/2010 09:25 - Ivan Tcholakov 10964:98b528e9f31c Feature #272 - Chat tool, frames: Adding html-instructions about encoding, language and text direction.

10963:7d4c3e8a137b Feature #272 - Chat tool, frames: Adding html-instructions about language and text direction.

#108 - 13/03/2010 14:46 - Ivan Tcholakov 10968:e41a2cab4c95 Feature #272 - "Groups" tool: Minor corrections and code cleaning.

#109 - 14/03/2010 03:22 - Ivan Tcholakov 10976:92c238eb6b52 Feature #272 - fileManage.lib.php and text.lib.php: Revision, coding conventions, cleaning.

#110 - 14/03/2010 07:54 - Ivan Tcholakov 10978:0711614256f9 Feature #272: The library fileUpload.lib.php: Revision, code conventions, cleaning, removing the deprecated functions replace_accents() and remove_accents().

#111 - 14/03/2010 12:09 - Ivan Tcholakov 10979:fae89008aa09 Feature #272 - The "Documents" tool, part 1: Revision, code conventions and cleaning.

#112 - 14/03/2010 13:33 - Ivan Tcholakov 10980:af961a4c0e97 Feature #272 - The "Documents" tool, part 2: Revision, code conventions and cleaning.

#113 - 15/03/2010 02:03 - Ivan Tcholakov 10981:e636232e20bd Feature #272 - The "Documents" tool, part 3: Revision, code conventions and cleaning.

#114 - 15/03/2010 04:52 - Ivan Tcholakov 10982:2abd12cf3ccf Feature #272 - The main API: Revisiting some of old TODOs of mine + cleaning.

#115 - 16/03/2010 03:41 - Ivan Tcholakov 11012:9af6082eb1ad Feature #272 - Course copy: Setting encoding has been added during the initialization of Course class.

#116 - 16/03/2010 05:16 - Ivan Tcholakov 11018:cd341c4b7424 Feature #272 - PEAR, HTML_Common class: Upgrading to version 1.2.5 (last stable). There is a solution inside about the function htmlspecialchars() and the encoding it uses as it is called within PEAR.

#117 - 16/03/2010 06:17 - Ivan Tcholakov 11019:7581146bda35 Feature #272 - PEAR, HTML_Table class: Upgrading from version 1.7.3 to version 1.8.2 (last known stable).

#118 - 16/03/2010 07:30 - Ivan Tcholakov 11021:97268fa48587 Feature #272 - Upgrading the basic PEAR class form version 1.4.11 to version 1.9.0.

#119 - 16/03/2010 10:00 - Ivan Tcholakov 11022:530e261e7aaa Feature #272 - PEAR, Quick_Forms: Preparation for a upgrade, the current version has been identified as 3.2.7. Making code

02/10/2021 42/47 to be close to the original source, Chamilo's customizations have been distinguished.

#120 - 16/03/2010 11:30 - Ivan Tcholakov 11024:a11c8e0e7500 Feature #272 - PEAR, HTML_QuickForm_Controller package: Prepararion for upgrade. The current version is 1.3.

11023:7b1bfd5c731c Feature #272 - PEAR, HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect class: Prepararion for upgrade. The current version is 0.5.1.

#121 - 16/03/2010 14:10 - Ivan Tcholakov 11025:20b9e7b7cb70 Feature #272 - PEAR, Pager class: Prepararion for upgrade. The current version is 2.4.2.

#122 - 16/03/2010 15:17 - Ivan Tcholakov 11026:1d2159e3cc28 Feature #272 - Upgrading some PEAR packages: HTML_QuickForm from 3.2.7 to 3.2.11; HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect from 0.5.1 to 1.5.1; HTML_QuickForm_Controller from 1.0.3 to 1.0.10; Pager from 2.4.2 to 2.4.8.

#123 - 16/03/2010 16:30 - Ivan Tcholakov 11032:f90899e256a7Feature #272 - Revision of a "TODO" about PEAR's date control.

#124 - 17/03/2010 06:40 - Ivan Tcholakov 11066:2965446b937b Feature #272 - Revision and cleaning of the SortableTable class.

#125 - 17/03/2010 10:32 - Ivan Tcholakov 11072:0d47b668d273 Feature #272 - Changes that lead loading the file sortabletable.class.php (and the tree of related files) only when it is necessary, on explicit statement require_once. Previously this file loaded on every page, which was waste of computing resource.

#126 - 17/03/2010 12:45 - Ivan Tcholakov 11073:b9f213ba7a5b Feature #272 - FormValidator.class.php: Revision and cleaning (minor changes).

#127 - 17/03/2010 12:58 - Ivan Tcholakov 11074:77dc697c1cce Fixing a syntax error of mine.

#128 - 17/03/2010 15:47 - Ivan Tcholakov 11075:d98c7faf1535Feature #272 - Revision of Display class. The deprecated metod Display::user_name() has been removed (use api_get_person_name() instead).

#129 - 17/03/2010 21:02 - Ivan Tcholakov 11090:992032232fd0 Feature #272 - Course homepage, making it lighter: Removing unnecessary loading of an old library for debugging purposes.

#130 - 18/03/2010 06:28 - Ivan Tcholakov 11106:951826fed7d7 Database::num_rows() method - Adding a validation check for the input parameter. Some corrections in the comments.

#131 - 18/03/2010 09:31 - Ivan Tcholakov 11108:0f63f51bfd18 Feature #272 - A minor correction for the SorttableTable class, the distributed with the system PEAR packages are to be loaded for sure.

#132 - 20/03/2010 00:20 - Ivan Tcholakov 11165:b5513c124277 Feature #272 - Gradebook: Adding internatioalization-related metadata to a generated html-page.

02/10/2021 43/47 #133 - 20/03/2010 09:08 - Ivan Tcholakov 11169:3d7226ed8ab5 Tasks #272 and #605 - Intrnationalization library: The function get_lang() has been rewoked. Suggestion links to the former language translation tool are not shown anymore. Code has been simplified. The current tool "Chamilo Translation Application" produces UTF-8 strings, so dynamic string purification is no more needed. Update 21-MAR-2010: Something like explanation for this transaction may be found in my post here:

11168:bf5fab6db584 Updating language files form Chamilo Translation Application.

11167:07108038f282 Feature #272 - text.lib.php: Adding two new functions api_camel_case_to_underscore() and api_underscore_to_camel_case() and tests for them.

11166:9ee94746ca1c Feature #272 - Correcting some tests for the internationalization library.

#134 - 20/03/2010 13:27 - Ivan Tcholakov 11174:1d127fdee9bf Feature #272 - Reworks in the course homepage and the course navigation menu about translation of the tool icons.

11173:748639425a1c Feature #272 - Internationalization library: Additional reworks and corrections about the functions get_lang() and api_is_translated().

11172:cee0ef875cfe Feature #272 - Course homepage: Some minor optimizations.

11171:5294f646ac95 Feature #272 - Internationalization lubrary: A minor correction.

11170:4fe732fdb22c Feature #272 - Internationalization lubrary: Adding a new function api_is_translated().

#135 - 22/03/2010 08:36 - Ivan Tcholakov 11178:674bc88f5c1c Feature #272 - Updating changelog.html.

TODO: This note ( is to be implemented.

#136 - 22/03/2010 15:39 - Ivan Tcholakov 11180:2adc83d37e33 Feature #272 - Help pages: Minor rework and code cleaning.

#137 - 23/03/2010 10:32 - Ivan Tcholakov 11210:92511d38887b Feature #272 - "Links" tool: Revision and code cleaning.

11209:255ca7b61ce4 Feature #272 - "Links" tool: Fixing bugs.

11208:d49b29ce617f Feature #272 - Some cosmetic changes in the main API.

#138 - 23/03/2010 22:08 - Ivan Tcholakov 11230:60df1544c56f Feature #272 - "Documents" tool: Revision again, some cleaning and unrelated changes have been done.

#139 - 24/03/2010 22:51 - Ivan Tcholakov 11260:20798b6a1f54 Feature #272 - "Surveys" tool: Revision and cleaning, part 1.

#140 - 25/03/2010 14:21 - Ivan Tcholakov 11262:429bd924fc51 Feature #272 - "Surveys" tool: Revision and cleaning, part 2.

#141 - 26/03/2010 09:52 - Ivan Tcholakov

02/10/2021 44/47 11281:e63951a62384 Feature #272 - Internationalization library: Correction in the function api_fgetcsv(), removing "\r" or "\n" characters at the end of the processed line.

#142 - 26/03/2010 12:32 - Ivan Tcholakov 11283:04cad954b82b Feature #272 - import_backup.php: Revision and cleaning, a visual correction has been added.

#143 - 26/03/2010 13:17 - Ivan Tcholakov 11284:22cbfb3faa3e Feature #272 - Internationalization library: A change for correct detection of "broken" UTF-8 texts as UTF-8.

#144 - 26/03/2010 15:46 - Ivan Tcholakov 11285:d532b37e4ffd Feature #272 - create_backup.php: Revision and cleaning, a visual correction has been added.

#145 - 26/03/2010 16:53 - Ivan Tcholakov 11287:cf6aabc641e1 Feature #272 - backup.php, copy_course_session.php, copy_course.php, recycle_course.php: Revision and cleaning.

#146 - 26/03/2010 17:33 - Ivan Tcholakov 11297:ab2f3ef10345 Feature #272 - Reverting the previous detection of "broken" UTF-8, it does not work well, reworked code should be tried.

#147 - 26/03/2010 21:15 - Ivan Tcholakov 11299:17b2949976f4 Feature #272 - Encoding detection improvement for old course archives (for which encoding was not recorded).

11298:e191c3680e1e Feature #272 - api_detect_encoding() has been reworked for successfull detection of "broken" UTF-8 texts as UTF-8. A test for this case has been added.

#148 - 01/04/2010 06:31 - Ivan Tcholakov 11371:d38bbf94b4fc Feature #272 - TableSort class: Cleaning and coding conventions.

#149 - 01/04/2010 12:03 - Ivan Tcholakov 11372:7eea5799c2a0 Feature #272 - TableSort class: Some minor optimizations.

#150 - 01/04/2010 19:34 - Ivan Tcholakov 11374:d69efd766a79 Feature #272 - TableSort class: Removing old hacks, cleaning and optimization.

11373:88a656db1fad Feature #272 - TableSort class: Adding a new custom method for sorting.

#151 - 02/04/2010 07:46 - Ivan Tcholakov 11375:fb1f308bb6f4 Feature #272 - TableSort class: More optimizations.

#152 - 06/04/2010 10:56 - Ivan Tcholakov 11431:ec396ee8e22f Task #272: Trying to fix a reported in a private message Fatal error: Class 'IntlDateFormatter' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\chamilo\main\inc\lib\internationalization.lib.php on line 570

Update 06-APR-2010: The problem has been reported as solved.

#153 - 06/04/2010 18:55 - Ivan Tcholakov Logging a transaction for future consideration.

#154 - 08/04/2010 15:20 - Ivan Tcholakov

02/10/2021 45/47 Logging a transaction for future consideration.

#155 - 09/04/2010 00:03 - Ivan Tcholakov It seems to me that the internationalization library will "live" longer than I expected. :-) Development of PHP is in a radically new situation as I can estimate. The team is going to choose another way for Unicode? Future of PHP 6 - Resetting PHP 6 - Why I am pissed - [Joke! I would say a bitter joke] PHP 6 finally released -

#156 - 09/04/2010 00:49 - Ivan Tcholakov 11497:6c729c80ae29 Task #272: Internationalization library: Removing a comment about PHP6 that maybe is not actual anymore.

#157 - 10/04/2010 17:54 - Ivan Tcholakov Here are the issues for solving before closing this task: 1. Enlargement of some text database fields as it is described in 2. A final, informed decision about and making a update in changelog.html, this is needed at the moment. I am neutral about this transaction, I can accept it. 3. Final check for changing some default values from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8. 4. There is an option "storing web-session in database". To be checked whether table/tables for supporting this option contain binary data only or they contain text fields, i.e. to be checked whether encoding corrections are needed.

#158 - 10/04/2010 19:29 - Ivan Tcholakov 11508:7d750537eeb4 Feature #272 - Lengts of some database text-type fields are increased. The need was identified by using a real course in Bulgarian language.

#159 - 10/04/2010 20:05 - Ivan Tcholakov 11509:f8a14c2a0c72 Feature #272: Internationalization library: Some internal default values have been changed from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8.

#160 - 10/04/2010 21:39 - Yannick Warnier Ivan Tcholakov wrote:

It seems to me that the internationalization library will "live" longer than I expected. :-) Development of PHP is in a radically new situation as I can estimate. The team is going to choose another way for Unicode? Future of PHP 6 - Resetting PHP 6 - Why I am pissed - [Joke! I would say a bitter joke] PHP 6 finally released -

Yes. We'll see how it all goes, but basically a bunch of big companies should back the PHP development a little bit to help put the necessary work into PHP6, otherwise we'll never see it (the works at hand are too big for a few voluntary people to undertake, I believe).

#161 - 10/04/2010 22:26 - Ivan Tcholakov Logging some transactions from Yannick:

11512:5311c8489f07 ywarnier 2010-04-10 14:23 -0500 Make sure all fields are equally defined in all courses (part of the process is normally done through the CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET operation, but this might lead to different field sizes in similar tables from different databases or on different systems

11511:b344920f5e69 ywarnier 2010-04-10 14:21 -0500 Changed type definition for tag.tag to char() to improve efficiency

11510:c1ba8e03b54b ywarnier 2010-04-10 14:20 -0500 Fixed little difference in course creation from previous migration changes in same version

#162 - 10/04/2010 22:34 - Yannick Warnier Ivan Tcholakov wrote:

2. A final, informed decision about and making a update in

02/10/2021 46/47 changelog.html, this is needed at the moment. I am neutral about this transaction, I can accept it.

Yes, I agree. I know it's dangerous and needs to be tested, but we can't continue supporting two characters sets at the same time in the current structure of chamilo providers (we need to ensure many more providers are trained enough to know how to deal with two character sets).

#163 - 10/04/2010 22:50 - Ivan Tcholakov 11513:5aba6ff04d49 Feature #272 - Correction in changelog.html.

#164 - 10/04/2010 23:21 - Ivan Tcholakov About the last issue to be solved: "4. There is an option "storing web-session in database". To be checked whether table/tables for supporting this option contain binary data only or they contain text fields, i.e. to be checked whether encoding corrections are needed."

This is the case with the following configuration option: $storeSessionInDb = true;

I found that corrections about the encoding of the table chamilo_main.php_session is needed. It should be UTF-8 but connection to is should work with the platform character set, i.e. in the same way as the other tables are accessed. I am preparing the necessary changes.

#165 - 11/04/2010 16:55 - Ivan Tcholakov 11521:0a810085ce6d Feature #272 - Speeding up the function api_get_system_encoding().

11520:618ad63effe4 Feature #272 - session_handler class: Corrections about the encoding of the database connection used for storing php-session data.

11519:513c15f1b0ca Feature #272 - session_handler class: Some variables have been reanmed (coding conventions).

11518:7878d2a95a62 Feature #272 - Cosmetic changes in the code for session_handler class.

#166 - 11/04/2010 16:58 - Ivan Tcholakov This is it about #272, I hope. I am going to close this task when I see the next alpha version released.

#167 - 14/04/2010 15:54 - Ivan Tcholakov A reminder: If you don't need the file chamilo/main/install/dokeos_main.sql anymore, you may remove it.

#168 - 14/04/2010 17:02 - Ivan Tcholakov 11542:31c3a27ce1a5 Task #272 - Adding html-metadata (encoding, language, text direction) in the file lp-save.php.

#169 - 14/04/2010 22:12 - Ivan Tcholakov - Status changed from New to Feature implemented - % Done changed from 90 to 100

I think, this task has been done. I am closing it.

Files database_encoding_scheme.png 12.2 KB 18/01/2010 Ivan Tcholakov wiki-mpdf-export-utf-8-bulgarian.png 60.7 KB 28/01/2010 Ivan Tcholakov sample_competences_report.png 70.4 KB 30/01/2010 Ivan Tcholakov 20100210_chamilo_database_migration_scheme.odg 15.6 KB 10/02/2010 Ivan Tcholakov 20100210_chamilo_database_migration_scheme.png 28.7 KB 10/02/2010 Ivan Tcholakov strange_duplication.png 54.6 KB 04/03/2010 Ivan Tcholakov dates_encoding_problem.png 101 KB 07/03/2010 Ivan Tcholakov

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