Package ‘scuba’ May 14, 2021 Version 1.11-0 Date 2021-05-14 Title Diving Calculations and Decompression Models Author Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre], Vittorio Broglio [ctb, dtc], Pedro Antonio Neves [ctb, dtc], Andrew Bassom [ctb], Peter Buzzacott [ctb] Maintainer Adrian Baddeley <
[email protected]> Depends R (>= 3.5.0) Imports utils, graphics, stats Description Code for describing and manipulating scuba diving profiles (depth-time curves) and decompression models, for calculating the predictions of decompression models, for calculating maximum no-decompression time and decompression tables, and for performing mixed gas calculations. License GPL (>= 2) LazyData true ByteCompile true NeedsCompilation yes Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2021-05-14 11:20:02 UTC R topics documented: scuba-package . .2 air..............................................7 ascent . .8 baron . .9 bestdoubledive . 10 Bookspan . 12 1 2 scuba-package BuehlmannL16A . 13 chop.dive . 14 deco.ceiling . 15 deepmine . 17 depths.dive . 18 descent . 19 dive ............................................. 20 durations.dive . 23 ead.............................................. 24 END............................................. 25 haldane . 26 hm.............................................. 30 is.nitrox . 32 maxmix . 33 Mmix ............................................ 34 mod............................................. 36 ndl.............................................. 37 nitrox . 38 oxtox . 39 param . 41 pedro . 42 pickmodel . 43 plot.dive . 44 ppO2 ............................................ 46 print.dive . 47 saturated.state . 48 scuba.constants . 49 scuba.disclaimer . 49 showstates . 50 tanklist . 51 times.dive . 52 trimix . 53 whichtank . 54 Workman65 . 56 Index 58 scuba-package The Scuba Package Description This is a summary of the features of scuba, a package in R that performs theoretical calculations about scuba diving — dive profiles, decompression models, gas toxicity and so on. scuba-package 3 Details scuba is a package for performing calculations in the theory of scuba diving.