A Sight Record of the Crescent-Chested Warbler from Lowland Sonora
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS museum specimens for us, and John M•ffhn, Boston Saba, Sherman Suter, and Richard K. TUCKER, J.A. 1971. M•scellaneous notes Bowers for their efforts to obtain docu- Birding 3: 27. E("Smitty")WOULD likeSmithto andthank SharonR.T. mentaryphotographs. Goldwasserfor assistancein the field, 400 Frederick St, Gale Mortson, John C. Arvin, and Janet LITERATURE CITED Hanover, PA 17331 (Heathcote), Witzeman for information on the war- PETERSON, R.T. and E.L. CHALIF. 1973. and 950 Third Ave , bler'srange, Jori L. Dunnfor examining A field guideto Mexicanbirds. Houghton New York,NY 10022 (Kaufman) A sight record of the Crescent-chested Warbler from lowland Sonora Scott B. Terrill the generalshape differed somewhat,in of regular dispersalor migration, al- HE(ParulaCRESCENT-CHESTED superciliosa)is a speciesWARBLERof that the bird appearedslightly smaller, thoughit doesnot revealthe proportion humidmountain forests, including pine- perhaps longer-billed, with a more of the populationthat disperses,nor the oak and broadleaf dominated associ- roundedbreast and a moreslimly tapered distanceinvolved. Finally, the subspe- ations of Mexico and Central America posterior.The entire head and nape ap- cies V. s. sodalis, which breeds in north- (AmericanOrnithologists' Union 1983). pearedgray, broken only by a highlycon- westernMexico, hasbeen regarded as a Althoughit is generallyconsidered a resi- trastingwhite superciliumthat widened partialmigrant by Miller et al. (1957) dentthroughout its range,a recentrecord posteriorly.The wings were dark, con- The Rio Yaqui flows out of the Sierra for Arizona (Heathcote and Kaufman, trastingwith a bright greenupper back. Madre Occidental at its northern tenm- this issue)and the sightrecord reported No wingbarswere evident. The throat, nus.It is notunreasonable to suggestthat here indicatethat this little-knownspe- upper breast, and upper sides were this individual warbler followed the n- ciesmay at leastoccasionally wander or bright,clear yellow with a small, ovoid, parianhabitat downstream.
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