Snow-skin Workshop for Lung Cancer Patients



About “A Breath of Hope” Campaign

A Breath of Hope is a lung cancer awareness campaign, supported by AstraZeneca in partnership with the Lung Cancer Study Group (HKLCSG), that aims to provide support for patients living with lung cancer. We hope to be a breath of hope.

Launched in May 2017, the campaign runs a series of events in support of people whose lives have been affected by lung cancer, and to raise awareness of the disease.

The campaign is supported online by an educational website that provides web-based resources, videos and materials on understanding and living with lung cancer.

Photos of the event will be uploaded on the website along with videos and an e-copy of this recipe.

For more information please visit: 2 Matcha & Red Bean Snow-skin Mooncake Servings Cooking Time 51g x 10 2 hours (Dough 25g; Filing 26g)

Ingredients Mooncake dough ▪ flour 35g ▪ Rice flour 28g ▪ Plain flour 9g ▪ Wheat starch 6g ▪ powder 2g ▪ Fried glutinous rice flour A pitch ▪ Caster 30g ▪ Milk 90ml ▪ Coconut milk 60ml ▪ Condensed milk 2tbsp ▪ 2tbsp

Filing ▪ Mung beans 65g ▪ Water 45g ▪ Sugar 1.5tbsp ▪ Oil 1tbsp ▪ Canned mashed sweetened red bean 2-3tbsp 3 Directions Prepare the dough: 1. Mix glutinous rice flour, rice flour, plain flour, wheat starch and sugar well. Add milk, coconut milk, condensed milk and vegetable oil in and stir until smooth. 2. Sieve the dough (step 1) into the deep plate which greased with vegetable oil. Place it on a steaming rack and steam for 15-20 minutes. 3. Let the steamed dough cool, add green tea powder in and then knead until smooth. 4. Cover the dough with cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Prepare the filing: 5. Soak mung beans in water overnight, then steam for 15 minutes until softened. 6. Put the softened mung beans, water, and sugar in a blender and blend well. Add 1tbsp oil to a pot, add the mix and cook. 7. When mung bean mix has thickened into a paste, remove from heat and add mashed sweetened red beans. Mix well and then let cool. 8. Refrigerate it until solid. Divide into approximately 26g per servings, and roll into balls.

Assemble the mooncakes: 9. Divide the dough into 25g parcels. Place it one cling film and flatten each parcel to form a round wrap. 10. Gently add in purple sweet potato filing and seal completely. 11. Dust both mooncake and mooncake mould with fried glutinous rice flour. Place mooncake into mould to shape. Carefully remove from mould. 12. Freeze finished mooncakes in the fridge. 4 Purple Sweet Potato Snow-skin Mooncake Servings Cooking Time 51g x 10 mooncakes 2 hours (Dough 25g; Filing 26g)

Ingredients Mooncake dough ▪ Glutinous rice flour 35g ▪ Rice flour 28g ▪ Plain flour 9g ▪ Wheat starch 6g ▪ Purple sweet potato powder 2tbsp ▪ Fried glutinous rice flour A pitch ▪ Caster sugar 30g ▪ Milk 90ml ▪ Coconut milk 60ml ▪ Condensed milk 2tbsp ▪ Vegetable oil 2tbsp

Filing ▪ Purple sweet potato 300g ▪ (around 270g after peeling) ▪ Brown sugar 20g ▪ Vegetable oil 25g ▪ Coconut milk 2-3tbsp 5 Directions Prepare the dough: 1. Mix glutinous rice flour, rice flour, plain flour, wheat starch and sugar well. Add milk, coconut milk, condensed milk and vegetable oil in and stir until smooth. 2. Sieve the dough (step 1) into the deep plate which greased with vegetable oil. Place it on a steaming rack and steam for 15-20 minutes. 3. Let the steamed dough cool, add purple sweet potato powder in and then knead until smooth. 4. Cover the dough with cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Prepare the filing: 5. Steam purple sweet potato until softened. Leave to cool and then mash. 6. Add brown sugar and vegetable oil to purple sweet potato and stir until all the sugar has melted. Add coconut milk until the mixture is a dough-like consistency. 7. Refrigerate it until solid. Divide into 26g per servings, and roll into balls. Assemble the mooncakes: 8. Divide the dough into 25g parcels. Place it one cling film and flatten each parcel to form a round wrap. 9. Gently add in purple sweet potato filing and seal completely. 10. Dust both mooncake and mooncake mould with fried glutinous rice flour. Place mooncake into mould to shape. Carefully remove from mould. 11. Freeze finished mooncakes in the fridge. 6 Purple Sweet Potato Tong Yuen Servings Cooking Time 10 pcs 2 hours (Dough 10g; Filing 10g)


Dough ▪ Tapioca Starch 90g ▪ (or Sweet potato starch) ▪ Hot water 70g

Filing ▪ Purple sweet potato (peeled) 150g ▪ Sugar 10g

Sweet soup ▪ Red sugar A pitch 7 Directions 1. Peel purple sweet potatoes and cut into small pieces. Place into a steamer until softened. When done, mash the potatoes. Divide into 10g portions and roll each into a ball. Set these aside. 2. Put sweet potato starch in a large bowl. Add hot water and stir with fork. When thickened, knead the dough until it is the consistency of soft clay. 3. Divide dough into 10g portions. In turn place each portion on cling wrap and roll into a small pancake 4. Carefully wrap the filling with the dough and roll into a ball. 5. Cook the tong yuen in boiling water and add in red sugar. Cook for 5 mins until they float to the surface and turn to be transparent. Scoop out.

For people living with lung cancer, each breath is a celebration of life. Medical advances are allowing them to live longer and spend more time with their family and loved ones. Let us lend our support and send good wishes to all of those touched by lung cancer.

© Cooking Fever HK-1883 4/9/2018