South West of England Regional Development Agency Wave Hub Appendix N to the Environmental Statement June 2006 Report No: 2006R001 South West Wave Hub Hayle, Cornwall Archaeological assessment Historic Environment Service (Projects) Cornwall County Council A Report for Halcrow South West Wave Hub, Hayle, Cornwall Archaeological assessment Kevin Camidge Dip Arch, MIFA Charles Johns BA, MIFA Philip Rees, FGS, C.Geol Bryn Perry Tapper, BA April 2006 Report No: 2006R001 Historic Environment Service, Environment and Heritage, Cornwall County Council Kennall Building, Old County Hall, Station Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3AY tel (01872) 323603 fax (01872) 323811 E-mail
[email protected] 3 Acknowledgements This study was commissioned by Halcrow and carried out by the projects team of the Historic Environment Service (formerly Cornwall Archaeological Unit), Environment and Heritage, Cornwall County Council in partnership with marine consultants Kevin Camidge and Phillip Rees. Help with the historical research was provided by the Cornish Studies Library, Redruth, Jonathan Holmes and Jeremy Rice of Penlee House Museum, Penzance; Angela Broome of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro and Guy Hannaford of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Taunton. The drawing of the medieval carved slate from Crane Godrevy (Fig 43) is reproduced courtesy of Charles Thomas. Within the Historic Environment Service, the Project Manager was Charles Johns, who also undertook the terrestrial assessment and walkover survey. Bryn Perry Tapper undertook the GIS mapping, computer generated models and illustrations. Marine consultants for the project were Kevin Camidge, who interpreted and reported on the marine geophysical survey results and Phillip Rees who provided valuable advice.