APPENDICES APPENDIX A Some Elementary Number Theory

We consider the set of all integers, both non-negative and negative.

Lemma A.l. Any subset, S, of the integers containing at least one non-zero element and closed under addition and subtraction contains a least positive element and consists of all multiples of this integer.

PROOF. Let a E S, a =I= 0. Then S contains the difference a- a= 0, and also 0 - a = -a. Consequently there is at least one positive element, Ia I, in S, and hence there is a smallest positive element, b, inS. Now, S must contain all integral multiples of b, for if it contains nb, n = 1, 2, ... etc., then it must contain (n + 1 )b = nb + b, and we know it contains b. Moreover, (- n )b = 0 - (nb) is the difference of two elements in S, for n = 1, 2, ... and so S contains all negative multiples of b also. We now show that Scan contain nothing but integral multiples of b. For if c is any element of S, there exist integers q and r such that c = bq + r, 0 ~ r < b (qb is the multiple of b closest to c from below; we say c =r(mod b)). Thus r = c- bq must also be in S, since it is a difference of numbers in S. Since r E S, r ::2: 0, r < b, and b is the least positive integer in S, it follows r = 0, so that c = qb. 0

Definition A.l. Every positive integer which divides all the integers a 1, a 2 , ... , ak is said to be a common divisor of them. The largest of these common divisors, is said to be the greatest common divisor (g.c.d.). This number is a well defined positive number if not all a 1, a 2 , ... , ak are zero, which we assume henceforth.

Lemma A.2. The greatest common divisor of a 1 , a2 , ••. , ak, say d, can be expressed as a "linear combination", with integral coefficients, of at. a 2 , ••• ,

247 248 Appendices ak, i.e.

k d = L b;ai> b; integers. i= 1

PROOF. Consider the setS of all numbers of the form L~= 1 b;a;. For any two such

k k k I W>ai ± I W>ai = I (W> ± b! 2>)a;, i=1 i=1 i=1 and hence the setS of such numbers is closed under addition and subtrac• tion, hence by Lemma A.l consists of all multiples of some minimum posi• tive number

k v = Lb;a;. i=l

Thus d, the greatest common divisor of a~> ... , at> must divide v, so that 0

Definition A.2. Let a;, i = 1, 2, ... be an infinite set of positive integers. If dk is the greatest common divisor of a~> •.. , ak, then the greatest common divisor of a;, i = 1, 2, ... , is defined by d =lim dk. k-+oo

The limit d ~ 1 clearly exists (since the sequence {dk} is non-increasing). Moreover d is an integer, and must be attained after a finite number of k, since all the dk s are integers.

Lemma A.3. An infinite set ofpositive integers, V = {a;, i ~ 1}, which is closed under addition (i.e. if two numbers are in the set, so is their sum), contains all but a finite number of positive multiples of its greatest common divisor.

PRooF. We can first divide all elements in the infinite set V by the greatest common divisor d, and thus reduce the problem to the case d = 1, which we consider henceforth. By the fact that d = 1 must be the greatest common divisor of some finite subset, a1, a2 , ••. , ak, of V, it follows from Lemma A.2 that there is a linear combination of these as such that

k La;n; = 1, i=1 A. Some Elementary Number Theory 249 where the n;s are integers. Let us rewrite this as m-n=1 (A.l) where m is the sum of the positive terms, and - n the sum of the negative terms. Clearly both n and mare positive integer linear combinations of the a;s and so belong to the set V. Now, let q be any integer satisfying q :::>: n x (n - 1); and write q =an+ b, Osb: (n- 1). Then using (A.1) q =an+ b(m- n) q = (a- b )n + bm so that q is also in the set V. Hence all sufficiently large integers are in the set V, as required. 0

Corollary. If a 1, a2 , •.• , ak are positive integers with g.c.d. unity, then any sufficiently large positive integer q may be expressed as

k q = L:a;p; i= I where the P; are non-negative integers.

We conclude that this subsection by an application which is of relevance in Chapter 6, and whose proof involves, in a sense, a tightening of the kind of argument given in Lemma A.3.

Lemma A.4. 1 Let u; (i = 0, 1, 2, ... ) be non-negative numbers such that ,for all i,j :::>: 0

Suppose the set V of those integers i :::>: 1 for which u; > 0 is non-empty and has g.c.d., say d, which satisfies d = 1. Then u = lim u~fn exists and satisfies 0 < u s oo; further, for all i :::>: 0, u; s ui.

PROOF. The set V is closed under addition, in virtue of u; + i :::>: u; ui, and since d = 1, by Lemma A.3, V contains all sufficiently large integers. Hence for any r E V there exists an s E V, s > r, such that the g.c.d. ofr and sis unity. Thus by Lemma A.2 we have

1 Due to Kingman (1963). This is an analogue of the usual theorems on supermultiplicative or subadditive functions (e.g. Hille & Phillips 1957, Theorem 7.6.1; Khintchine, 1969, ~7). 250 Appendices

for some integers b1o b2 , Not both of b1 and b2 can be strictly positive, since r, s ~ 1. Assume for the moment

b 1 =a>0, -b 2 =b~O. Let n by any integers such that n ~ rs, and let k = k(n) be the smallest positive integer such that bjr::; k/n::; ajs; such an integer certainly exists since

n(ajs- bjr) = n(ar- bs)jrs = njrs ~ 1. Then n = Ar + Bs where A= na- k(n)s, B = k(n)r- nb are non-negative integers. Now, from the assumption of the Lemma,

Un = UAr+Bs ~ UArUBs ~ .. ' ~ U~U:, (n ~ rs). Thus u~fn ~ u~-(ks/n)u~kr/n)-b. Letting n-+ oo, and noting k(n)/n-+ b/r, we see that

n-+oo This holds for any r E V and so for any sufficiently large integer r. Hence

lim inf u~ln ~ lim sup u!'' n-+oo r-+oo which shows u = lim u~fn n-+ oo exists. Further, again from the inequality ui+i ~ uiui,

uki ~ u~, i, k ~ 0

(ulfki)i U· so that kl >- l and letting k -+ oo,

and since ui > 0 for some i ~ 1 the proof is complete, apart from the case i = 0, which asserts

1 ~ u0 •

The truth of this follows trivially by putting i = j = 0 in the equality, to obtain u0 ~ u5 . We need now to return to the possibility that b 1 ::; 0, b2 > 0. If we write b2 =a, -b1 = b, so that 1 =as- br, then the roles of sand r need to be changed in the subsequent argument and, apart from this k = k(n) needs to be chosen as the largest integer such that bjs ::; k/n ::; ajr. A. Some Elementary Number Theory 251

This leads eventually once more to and the rest is as before. 0


n APPENDIX B Some General Lemmas

Lemma B.l. If A is a finite n x n matrix with real or complex elements such that A k--+ 0 elementwise as k --+ oo, then (I - At 1 exists and

00 (I-At 1 = IAk k=O convergence being elementwise. (A 0 = I by definition.)

PROOF. First note that

(I- A)(I +A+ ... + Ak- 1 ) =I- Ak.

Now, fork sufficiently large, Ak is uniformly close to the , and so I - Ak is to I, and is therefore non-singular. (More specifically, by the con• tinuity of the eigenvalues of a matrix if its elements are perturbed, the eigen• values of I - Ak must be close to those of I for large k, the latter being alll; hence I- Ak has no zero eigenvalues, and is therefore non-singular.) Taking determinants

det (I - A) det (I + A + .. · + A k- 1) = det (I - A k) =f= 0, therefore det (I- A)# 0.


(I- At 1 exists, and I+ A+ ... + Ak-t =(I- At 1(I- Ak).

Letting k --+ oo completes the proof of the assertion. 0

252 B. Some General Matrix Lemmas 253

Corollary. Given an n x n matrix A, for all complex z sufficiently close to 0, (I - zA t 1 exists, and

00 (I- zAt1 = L:ZkAk k=O in the sense of elementwise convergence.

PROOF. Define (j by

(j = max I aii 1- i, j Then putting Ak = {a!J>}, it follows from that Ia!J> I s n b 2, and, in general Ia!~> I s nk- 1 b\ all i, j = 1, 2, ... , n.

Hence Akzk--.0 if lzl < (n bt 1, and the result follows from Lemma B.l. 0

Note: We shall call the quantity R(z) =(I- zAt 1 the resolvent of A, for those z for which it exists, although this name is generally given to (zi- At 1• The above Corollary also provides an analytical method for finding Ak for arbitrary k for real matrices of small dimension. It is necessary only to find the resolvent, and pick out the coefficient of zk. Note that

(I- zA t 1 = Adj (I - zA)jdet (I - zA), and the roots of det (I- zA) = z" det (z- 1I- A) for z =I= 0, are given by z; = A.i 1 where the A.; are the non-zero eigenvalues of A. Hence

n det (I - zA) = 0 (1 - zA.i) j=1 where the A.i are the eigenvalues of A, and the singularities of the resolvent are all poles, possibly non-simple, since the elements of the adjoint matrix are polynomials of degree at most n - 1.

EXAMPLE. Find pk for the (stochastic) matrix:

P = [ ;1 ~2 ~3], P; > 0, i = 1, 2, 3, ±Pi= 1. 0 0 1 i=1

0 (I- zP) = [ ~~p: 1 - zp2 -~P3] 0 0 1- z det (I- zP) = (1 - z)2 (1 - zp2). 254 Appendices


By the use of partial fractions and the separating of components, we get eventually

Thus equating coefficients of zk,

P'~ [ p,(l ~p,t' ~ p,(l ~p,t']

Lemma B.l. If A = {aii} is a finite n x n matrix with real or complex elements, the matrix series oo Ak It- k=o k! converges elementwise;for each t > 0 the limit matrix is denoted by exp (tA), in analogy to the scalar case. If B is also an (n x n) matrix, then if AB = BA exp (A+ B)= exp (A)· exp (B). PROOF. Let o= maxi,j laiil· As in the Corollary to Lemma B.l 1 aW 1 :s; nk- 1 o\ all i, j = 1. 2, ... , n and elementwise (absolute) convergence follows from the fact that

00 nk-1 ok k~/ k! converges for any t, b, n > 0. The second part of the assertion follows from this simply by multiplying out the series for exp (A), exp (B), and collecting appropriate terms, as is permissible under the circumstances. 0 APPENDIX C Upper Semi-continuous Functions

Let f(x) be a mapping of a subset ,r;

Definition C.l. The function f is said to be upper semicontinuous on .#, if

lim sup f(xk) ~f(xo) k-+ 00 for any x0 E .r:l, where {xk} is any sequence contained in d such that xk--+ x0 ask--+ oo.

Lemma C.l. (a) For any (finite, denumerable, or even non-countable) set of functions !\ which are upper semi-continuous on .s:l, h(x) = inf f(x) is also upper semi-continuous on d. (b) An upper semi-continuous function defined on a compact .r:l attains its supremumfor some x 0 E.#.

PROOF. (a) By definition for every f(x) E !\

h(x) ~f(x), VxEd.

Thus for any x0 E d and xk --+ x0, with {xk} in d

h(xk) ~ f(xk), f E !\ so that k-+ 00 k-+ 00 for any f E !\.

255 256 Appendices

Thus lim sup h(xk) ~ inf f(x0 ) = h(x 0 ) k-oo feA (b) Let a= supXE..., f(x) for anfupper-semicontinuous on .st/. We can find a sequence {xk} c .st/ such that f(xk)--+ a.

Since s;f is a compact, there exists a convergent subsequence {xkJ, i = 1, 2, ... converging to a value x0 E .st/. By upper semicontinuity off

a= lim sup f(xk.) ~f(xo) ~a. i-+ 00

Thus f(x0 ) =a. D Bibliography

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Akaike, H. 77 Burger, E. 39 Albert, E. 218 Bushell, P.J. Ill Allen, B. 219, 242 Allen, R.G.D. 39 Alpin, Yu.A. 64 Chatterjee, S. 157-158 Anderssen, R.S. 219, 242 Cherubino, S. 25 Anthonisse, J.M. 146, 157 Chung, K.L. 26, 194 Cohen, J.E. 88, 90 Cohn, H. 147, 158 Bacharach, M. 75-77, 79 Collatz, L. 27 Barker, G.P. 65n Bassett, L. 54 Bauer, F.L. 54, 64, Ill Daley, D.J. 218 Beckmann, M. 242 Dalkey, N.C. 157 Bellman, R. 25 Darroch, J.N. 53 Berman, A. 25-26, 53-54, 65, Debreu, G. 25, 28, 39, 40, 44n 132 Deming, W.E. 76-77 Bemardelli, H. 90 Derman, C. 195, 208n Bernstein, S.N. 131, 145, 147, 152 Deutsch, E. 64, Ill Birkhoff, G. 28, 64, Ill Dionisio, J.J. 53, 60 Bithell, J. F. 242 Djokovic, D. 'l. 78 Blackwell, D. 157-158 Dmitriev, N.A. 65 Bott, R. 242 Dobrushin, R.L. 145 Brauer, A. 25, 64-65 Doeblin, W. 131-132, 145, 152 Brualdi, R.A. 54, 78 Doob, J.L. 195 Buchanan, M.L. 99 Dulmage, A. L. 60 Buharaev, R.G. 66 Dynkin, E.B. 65 271 272 Author Index

Erdos, P. 195 Kaucky, J. 134 Keeler, E.B. 90, 99 Kemeny,J.G. 39,89, 131,194-195,243 Fan, K. 25, 39 Kendall, D.G. 195, 218-219 Feldstein, M.S. 90 Khintchine, A.Y. 249n Feller, W. 158, 194-195 Kingman, J.F.C. 147, 218, 249n Fienberg, S.E. 77 Knapp, A.W. 194-195 Fortet, R. 151 Knopp, P. 78 Frechet, M. 76, 78, 88, 131 Kolmogorov, A.N. 26, 144, 157, 195 Fritz, F.-J. 65n, 132 Konecny, M. 134 Frobenius, G. 25, 28, 38-39, 61 Kotelyanskii, D.M. 38, 40, 55 Kozniewska, I. 152-153 Kruithof, J. 76 Gale, D. 39 Kuich, W. 218-220 Gabassov, N.Z. 64 Kullback, S. 77 Gantmacher, F.R. 25, 38, 53 Georgescu-Roegen, N. 38 Golub, G. 242 Lappo-Danilevskii, J.A. 25 Golubitsky, M. 90, 99 Ledermann, W. 55, 65 Gordon, P. 26 Leslie. P.H. 90 Gorman, W.M. 76 Lewis, E.G. 90 de Groot, M. H. 157 Lopez, A. 89, 91 Lynn, M.S. 60, 64-65

Hadamard, J. 131 Hajnal, J. 88, 100, 145, 152 Macgill, S.M. 76-77 Harris, T.E. 195 McGuire, C.B. 242 Hawkins, D. 38 Madsen, R. 147, 151-152 Haynsworth, E. V. 65n Ma!ecot, G. 133 Heap, B.R. 60 Mandl, P. 53, 218 Heathcote, C.R. 10 Mangasarian, 0. L. 54 Herstein, LN. 25, 27-28, 39-40, 44n Marcus, M. 65 Hille, E. 249n Markov, A.A. 88,131,145 Holladay, J.C. 60-61 Maybee, J.S. 54 Holmes, P. T. 195 Mayberry, J.P. 242 Hopf, E. 64, 111 Medlin, G.W. 65 Hostinsky, B. 88, 131 Mendelsohn, N.S. 60 Householder, A.S. 25, 44 Menon, M.V. 78 Huppert, B. 65n, 132 Metzler, L.A. 39 Meyer, C.D. 132 Mine, H. 29, 65 Iosifescu, M. 146-147, 152 Mirsky, L. 65-66 Isaacson, D. 147, 151-152 von Mises, R. 131 Moran, P.A.P. 219, 242 Morgenstern, 0. 39 Joffe, A. 99 Morishima, M. 39, 54 Mott, J.L. 151-152 Moy, S.-T.C. 195, 218 Karlin, S. 25, 39 Mukherjea, A. 158 Karpelevich, F.I. 65 Mustafin, H.A. 99, 145-146, 148 Author Index 273

Nelson, E. 195 Sheridan, S. 99-100, 111, 151 Neveu, J. 195 Sida'k, z. 61, 195, 218 Sierksma, G. 39-40 Simon, H.A. 38 Oldenburger, R. 44n Sinkhorn, R. 75-76, 78 de Oliveira, G.N. 65, 67 Sirazhdinov, S. H. 148 Orey, S. 195 Snell, L.J. 39, 89, 131, 194-195 Ostrowski, A.M. 53, 65-66, 111 Solow, R. 39, 54 Spitzer, F. 99 Stein, P. 44-45 Paige, C.C. 242 Stephan, F.F. 76-77 Parlett, B. N. 99 Stoer, J. 64, 111 Parter, S.V. 54,78 Styan, G.P.H. 242 Paz, A. 26, 145-148 Sulelmanova, H.R. 65 Perfect, H. 65 Perkins, P. 60 Perron, 0. 25 Takahashi, Y. 242 Phillips, R.S. 249n Taussky, 0. 55 Plemmons, R.J. 25-26, 53-54, 65, Taylor, G.C. 54 132 Thionet, P. 78 Pollard, H. 195 . Thomasian, A.J. 145 Pollard, J.H. 90 Tijms, H. 146, 157 Pruitt, W.E. 218 Timan, O.Z. 65 Ptak, v. 26, 60 Timlake, W.P. 64-65 Pullman, N.J. 25, 29, 60, 158 Turner, R.E.L. 65n Putnam, C.R. 218 Tweedie, R.L. 218, 242 Pykh, Yu. A. 64

Ullman, J.L. 28 Quirk, J. 54

Varga, R.S. 25-26, 28, 44, 44n, 53, Reichaw, M. 145 60-61, 65, 67 Romanovsky, V.I. 25-26, 131 Veech, W. 195 Rosenberg, R.L. 44-45 Vere-Jones, D. 66, 195, 218, 242 Rosenblatt, D. 26, 60 Vrba, A. 61 Rothblum, U.G. 26 Rothschild, M. 90, 99 Wachter, P.G. 242 Wielandt, H. 25, 27-28, 53, 60 Samelson, H. 25 Willems, W. 65n, 132 Samuelson, P. A. 54 Wilson, A.G. 77 Sarymsakov, T.A. 99, 132, 144-148, Winkler, R.L. 157 152, 218-219, 242 Winsten, C. 242 Schneider, H. 25, 27, 54, 65, 78, 152 Wolfowitz, J. 99, 145 Schwartz, S. 60 Wong, Y.K. 39-40 Sedlacek, J. 26 Seneta, E. 53, 64, 67,90-91,99-100, Yamamoto, T. 67 144-145, 147, 151-152, 157-158, 197n, 218-220, 242, 244 Sevastyanov, B.A. 25 Zenger, C. 64 Subject Index

absolute probability vectors 114-119, Cantor diagonal selection principle 170, 154-158 189, 217 absorbing chain techniques 128-132 Cauchy sequence 188-189 absorption, mean time to 122-123 chi-square statistic 77 probabilities into essential classes, aperiodic 17, 162 classes 120-121 essential 12, 125, 163 probability 197-198 inessential 12-13, 120-125, 163 with probability one 121 lead to 14 age structure, evolution of 88-90 period of 16-17, 162-163 averaging, repeated 158 self-communicating 12, 162 subclasses of 19-24 Coale- Lopez Theorem 89 backward equations 122 coding theory 145 backwards products 80, 85-91, combinatorial properties 55-61 153-158 computational aspects 219, 227-229 barriers, absorbing 116, 123, 197 condition number 228, 244 elastic 116 consensus 154 reflecting 116, 132, 219 contraction coefficient 80, 100- 111 Bernoulli scheme 116 contraction properties of P 61-67,75, biproportional matrix adjustment 81, 88, 136, 140, 145, 147 76-79 convergence, geometric in ergodicity of bivariate probability distribution 77 M.C.'s 119, 127, 142, 151 Boolean algebra 56 geometric in strong ergodicity 98-99, relation matrix 56 155-156 Borel sets 189-191 geometric in weak ergodicity 87, 91 boundary theory 186-191, 218 norm 201 275 276 Subject Index convergence (cant.) functions, generating 163-168, 179, parameter 28, 200-220, 237 201-204 uniform in strong ergodicity 98, 100, subadditive 249 151 supermultiplicative 249 convolution 164 upper semicontinuous 4, 255-256 cycle of indices 11 , 12, 28, 46, 54

Gauss-Seidel iteration 42-44, 134 decomposition, 'last exit' 164 matrix 42 of superregular vector 184 generators, extreme 54 Delphi method 157 goodness-of-fit statistic 77 demography 88-90, 99-100 Green's function 182 determinants, infinite 213-220, 222-229, 243 divisor, greatest common 18, 247-251 Harris- Veech condition 195 Doeblin's theory of M.C.'s 195 Hawkins-Simon condition 38-40 dual approach to countable P 178-179, Helly-Bray Lemma 191 196 Helly selection principle 190-191 homogeneity, asymptotic 92- 109, 149-153 economics, mathematical 34-40, 45, 76 hypergeometric probabilities 133 eigenvalues, analogue of Perron-Frobenius 199 bounds for 8, 25, 33, 55, 61-67 ill-conditioning 228 generalized problem of 54 index, aperiodic 17, 118, 168-172, 180 invariance under rotation 24 consequent 13 of cyclic matrix 23-29 essential 12, 118, 134, 162, 195 of Perron matrix 49, 53 inessential 12, 118, 134, 162, Perron-Frobenius 22; see also under 195-196 Perron-Frobenius leads to 12 entropy 77 null-recurrent 165 Erdos-Feller- Pollard Theorem 195 of primitivity 56-58 ergodicity, characterization of 134 periodic 195 coefficient of 64, 80-111, 134-158 period of 16-17, 118, 162,200 geometric 210, 218 positive-recurrent 165, 196 of primitive M.C. 's 119 recurrent 165, 168-172, 180 of regular M.C. 's 127 R-null 202-220 pseudo 125 R-positive 202-220 strong 92-100, 136, 149-158 R-recurrent 202-220 uniform weak 142 R -transient 202-220 weak 84-91, 136, 140-149 transient 165, 197-198 Ergodic Theorems 85-88,92-99, 119, indices, chain of 12 127, 177, 195 Chung's exposition on 26 estimation 67,75-79, 153-154 classification of 12, 55, 118, 162-165, 200-204 communicating 12, 118 forecasting 157 cycle of 12, 29, 46, 54 forward equations 122 Kolmogorov 's classification of 26 forward products 80,85-100, 149-153 relabelling of 14 Subject Index 277

residue class of 19-24 Boolean relation 56 simultaneous permutation of 14 canonical form 12, 14, 20, 30, 162 subclass of 19-24 characterization of irreducible ML 46 inequality, fundamental for minimal column allowable 80-111 vector 182, 187 column finite 219-220 information exchange 153-154 combinatorial properties of 55-61 information theory 77, 145 connected 70-79 initial probability distribution 114, 119, constant row sum 62-64 125-128 convergence radius of irreducible 29 iterative methods 41-45 cyclic (periodic) 11, 18, 22-28, iterative scaling procedure 67-79 219-220 determinantal and cofactor properties of infinite 210-220, 222-229, 243 Jacobi iteration 42-45 deterministic 58 matrix 42 doubly infinite 215, 239 Jordan canonical form 44 doubly stochastic 62, 75, 78, 133, 197 essentially positive 46 fundamental for absorbing M. C. 122 kernel 182 Guass-Seidel 42 Kolmogorov's theory of M.C. 's 195 generalized renewal 231 Kotelyanskii- Gantmacher assertion 39 26, 56, 60 incidence 1, 56, 89, 91, 97, 141-144 infinite 26, 161-244 Leontief model 34-44 irreducible 9, 11, 18-29, 48-60, dynamic version 38, 43 118-120, 162, 172-178 matrix 45 irreducible ML 46 open 34-38, 40 Jacobi 41 static version 38 Leontief 45 Leslie 89 M 53 marginal totals 67 Markov 140-153, 232, 244 mapping, continuous 50 Metzler 45 upper semicontinuous 255-256 Minkowski 45 Markov chains 26, 39, 80, 99, 112-153, ML 45, 54-55 161-164, 179, 186, 196 Morishima 54 matrices 140-153, 232, 244 normed 144, 148 processes 41 , 45, 53 null-recurrent 173-178, 196- 197, property 113 210 regular chains 127, 131-134, of moduli 28 140-158 path diagrams of 12, 26, 162 Markov's Theorem 145 periodic (cyclic) 11, 18, 22-28, Martin exit boundary 179, 186-189, 219-220 218 permutable structure'of 25 entrance boundary 197-198 Perron 48-55 matrices, acyclic (aperiodic) 17 positive-recurrent 173-178, 196-197 allowable 80-111 power-positive 48-54 arbitrary non-negative 1, 28, 60, 161 quasi-Markov 149 biproportional 76 recurrent stochastic 173- 178, block sub- 16, 23 196-197 278 Subject Index

matrices (cant.) number theory 45, 247-251 regular stochastic 127, 140-158 numerical analysis 30 representation of cyclic 28 R-null 203-220 row allowable 80-111 operators, finite-dim. extensions of row finite 219-220 Perron-Frobenius theory 54 R-positive 203-220 linear, mapping convex cone 54 R-recurrent 203-220 on sequence spaces 195, 218 R-transient 203-220 opinion 153-154 scrambling stochastic 66, 82-83, 88, 143-148, 158 similarity transformation of 14 . Pearson chi-square 77 slowly spreading stochastic 242 Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue 22-23 spectral decomposition of 9, 48 albegraic multiplicity of 11 stable stochastic 136-138 bounds for 8, 25, 31, 61, 67 stochastic 26, 62, 80, 112-158, geometric multiplicity of 11 161-198,203-210,221-244 Perron-Frobenius eigenvectors 22-23, sub-stochastic 34, 39,125-128,181, 65-66, 96-97, 208, 212, 219, 211 236-237 Tambs-Lyche 45 Perron-Frobenius Theorem 3, 9, 28, transient stochastic 173-178, 52-53 196-197' 225 Perron-Frobenius theory 9, 22 transition 114 extensions of 45, 48, 54 transition intensity 45, 53 for infinite P 163, 195, 218 truncations of infinite 210-244 other approaches 25 measure, ,8-invariant 205-207 Wielandt's approach 25 ,8-subvariant 205-207 Perron matrix 48-55 bounds for R-invariant 215 Poincare, H. 131 invariant 173-178, 196-197, 207, Poisson- Martin representation 181, 221-236 186-191 mean recurrence 165 Polya urn scheme 117, 147 minimal subinvariant 175 polynomial, modified characteristic of probability 190-191, 221-236 T 220 R-invariant 202-220 potentials, theory of 182-186, 195, R -subinvariant 202-220 218 subinvariant 173-178, 196 non-decreasing sequence of 186 metric on probability vectors 138-139, power-positive matrix 49-54 147 probability, hypergeometric distribution metric d on R 187-189 of 133 space 187-191, 194 initial distribution of 114, 119, Metzler matrix 45 125-128 Metzler's Theorem 39 first passage 179 Minkowski matrix 45 measures 190-191 minors, leading principal 31, 39, 40, 47, stationary distribution of 119, 127, 55, 210-220, 222-229 150-151,221-236 all 39, 210-220 subjective 157 M matrix 53 'taboo' 163, 179 ML matrix 45, 54-55 transition 113-114 Morishima matrix 54 projective distance 81, 90, 150 mortality-fertility conditions 88-89 pseudo-metric 81 Subject Index 279 quasi-stationary distributions 236-242 Markov's 145 Metzler's 39 Perron-Frobenius 3, 9, 28, 52-53 radius, common convergence 29, Riesz Decomposition 186 200-220 Sarymsakov-Mustafin 145, 152 random walk (matrix) 116, 123-125, Stein- Rosenberg 44 132, 197-198,219 Subinvariance 23, 172 RAS adjustment 76 tightness 234, 237, 241 R -classification of irreducible transformation, T to P 203-204 p 207-210 transience, criterion for 166 of irreducible T 200 geometric 209-210 recurrence, criterion for 166 strong 223, 242-243 recurrence time, mean 129-130, 165 transient M.C. 's 179, 186 recurrentevent(matrix) 89,116-117, truncations, of infinite P 221-244 191-194,208,243 of infinite T 210-220 regularity of M.C. 127, 131-134, of positive recurrent P 229-236 140-158 regularity, positive 131-132 resolvent 253 Urban 131 Riesz Decomposition 186

vector, decomposition of Sarymsakov- Mustafin Theorem 145 superregular 184 scrambling property 82-83, 100, demand 34, 40 143-148 external input 38 solidarity properties 172, 204, 210, 218 integral representation of spectrum, localization of 61-67, 110 superregular 186-191 stationarity, asymptotic 152-153 invariant 179-180 Stein-Rosenberg Theorem 44 minimal superregu1ar 182 stochasticity assumption, asymmetry potential of column 183 of 199 regular 181-191 Subinvariance Theorem 23, 172 subinvariant 179-180 subinvariant row 172 superregular 181-191 Tambs-Lyche matrix 45 superregular row 197 Theorem, Bolzano-Weierstrass 189 supply 34 Coale- Lopez 89 Vere-Jones theory of infinite T 218 Erdos- Feller- Pollard 195 Ergodic, for primitive M.C.'s 119, 177 Weierstrass property 189 Ergodic for regular M. C.'s 127 Wielandt's proof 25 General Ergodic, for primitive P 177 Woodbury, article of 39 Helly's 190 words, in stochastic matrices 145-147 Springer Series in Statistics

Measures of Association for Cross Classifications Leo A. Goodman and William H. Kruskal 1979 I 146 pp. I cloth ISBN 0-387-90443-3

Statistical Decision Theory: Foundations, Concepts, and Methods James Berger 1980 I 425 pp. I 20 ill us. I cloth ISBN 0-387-90471-9

Simultaneous Statistical Inference, Second Edition Rupert G. Miller, Jr. 1981 I 299 pp. I 25 illus. I cloth ISBN 0-387-90548-0

Point Processes and Queues: Martingale Dynamics Pierre Bremaud 1981 I approx. 384 pp. I 31 illus. I cloth ISBN 0-387-90536-7