Whitton Road

Kneller Gardens Whitton Dene

Mereway Rd

Duke of N ort Stoop hum Mereway Nature Park be r T he Footbridge l Du a k e n Ss R 281 d i v S e s r

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Craneford Way Mogden Sewage Trea Marsh Farm Rd Recreation Ground

Twickenham Rough A316 Chertsey Road

R iver




Twickenham Diamond Jubilee Cole P 110 267 281 681 Gardens PH London Road ark Yo r Ro d k a Moormead Recreation Ground Ro ad Water Lane PH 33 490 H22 R68 R70 Kenley Road

Champions Wharf Richmond Road York House Footbridge Gardens Broadway Av

969 H37 Sion Road e PH St. Margarets

Crown Road PH PH Gallery th

33 490 H22 R68 R70 Islewor

Orleans Road


Marble HIll House Richmond Rd Ducks Walk

R 33 490 969 H37 i v H22 R68 R70 PH e r

T Richmond Bridge h a m PH Friends of the e Cambridge River Crane Environment s Gardens @FriendsRivCrane


design & map - Paul Smith

British Library British

© ©

Watercolour, 1795 1795 Watercolour, View of the Calico Grounds, Isleworth Grounds, Calico the of View

Mereway Nature Park & Kneller Gardens Kneller & Park Nature Mereway

building kingfi sher nesting banks. nesting sher kingfi building

new bankside vegetation and wild fl owers, and and owers, fl wild and vegetation bankside new

fl oating in-channel vegetation on rafts, planting planting rafts, on vegetation in-channel oating fl

along the river banks, for example by providing providing by example for banks, river the along

Recent projects have improved the habitats habitats the improved have projects Recent

barriers and allow them easier access upstream. upstream. access easier them allow and barriers

Works, to aid their passage over manmade manmade over passage their aid to Works,

were installed at Mill Plat and Mogden Sewage Sewage Mogden and Plat Mill at installed were

Eels are found in the river, and two eel passes passes eel two and river, the in found are Eels

shers. s r e h s fi g i n k d n a t a f b o s i e c e p l s a r e v e , s s l e o v r e t a w

attractive to a number of native species including including species native of number a to attractive

The rich variety of habitats makes the river river the makes habitats of variety rich The

The Ecology of the River the of Ecology The along with other remnant structures. structures. remnant other with along London. London.

a large basin and locks, and the basin is still there there still is basin the and locks, and basin large a forms a tranquil green corridor through urban west west urban through corridor green tranquil a forms

Whitton Brook Whitton

served by barges directly from the Thames, using using Thames, the from directly barges by served corridor has signifi cant environmental value, and and value, environmental cant signifi has corridor

water vole water

Mill Plat. It was demolished in 1941. The mill was was mill The 1941. in demolished was It Plat. Mill in the country, can be found on the river. The river river The river. the on found be can country, the in

Kidd’s Mill at the confl uence with the Thames at at Thames the with uence confl the at Mill Kidd’s Today Modgen Sewage Works, one of the largest largest the of one Works, Sewage Modgen Today

and by 1845 there was a large fl our mill known as as known mill our fl large a was there 1845 by and

the River Crane to the decayed mills in Isleworth. Isleworth. in mills decayed the to Crane River the

1463. The mills were revived by the Duke’s River, River, Duke’s the by revived were mills The 1463.

complete his project to bring additional water from from water additional bring to project his complete

of 1086, and reported as in decay and disused by by disused and decay in as reported and 1086, of

made use of “80 of the best ditchers in England” to to England” in ditchers best the of “80 of use made

Two mills were mentioned in the Domesday Book Book Domesday the in mentioned were mills Two

the Manor of Isleworth and the Isleworth mills. He He mills. Isleworth the and Isleworth of Manor the

bank today. today. bank Century by John Gates, steward to the king for for king the to steward Gates, John by Century

mills and brewery remain visible along the river river the along visible remain brewery and mills The Duke’s River was constructed in the mid-16th mid-16th the in constructed was River Duke’s The

Century. Old industrial structures linked to the the to linked structures industrial Old Century.

River Thames. Thames. River

operation on the river at least since the 18th 18th the since least at river the on operation

course of the old Hounslow Brook fl owing into the the into owing fl Brook Hounslow old the of course

local Isleworth Brewery, which had been in in been had which Brewery, Isleworth local

Isleworth, where it turns a sharp bend to meet the the meet to bend sharp a turns it where Isleworth,

1862. The site was bought up by the expanding expanding the by up bought was site The 1862.

the Mereway Weir, via this man made channel, to to channel, made man this via Weir, Mereway the

(1721) and fi nally fl our, until it burnt down in in down burnt it until our, fl nally fi and (1721)

its length. Water is taken from the River Crane at at Crane River the from taken is Water length. its

(1607 and 1671), copper (1635), Brazil dye dye Brazil (1635), copper 1671), and (1607

provide supplementary water to the mills along along mills the to water supplementary provide

century, was variously used to produce paper paper produce to used variously was century,

as the Isleworth Mill River. It was built in order to to order in built was It River. Mill Isleworth the as

In St John’s Road a mill, built in the sixteenth sixteenth the in built mill, a Road John’s St In

Crane and the and was once known known once was and Thames River the and Crane

rough cotton sheet), one in operation until 1833. 1833. until operation in one sheet), cotton rough

transfer system that links the River Colne, the River River the Colne, River the links that system transfer

Road there were two mills producing calico (a (a calico producing mills two were there Road

Northumberland’s River is part of a larger water water larger a of part is River Northumberland’s

closely to the river. In the area north of Worton Worton of north area the In river. the to closely

The manmade channel of the Lower Duke of of Duke Lower the of channel manmade The

The area has a rich industrial history linked linked history industrial rich a has area The

The History of the River the of History The Industrial Heritage Industrial Whitton Road

Kneller Gardens Whitton Dene 0.5 approximate distance in kilometres N Mereway Rd approximate distance in miles 0.5 Duke of N Links Upstreamort & Downstream The Duke’s River Walk The Three Twickenham Stoop hum Mereway Nature Park be The Three River Walk 11.8 km / 7.4 miles Footbridge The D r u l ke There is an option ato loop back to the River’ s 281 n R i The lower Duke of Northumberland’s River fl ows v d e r

’s W a

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Crane from Isleworth throughv St Margaretsk


River Walk

481 a


for 4km from Kneller Gardens in Twickenham


r r













and681 Twickenham via the Thames Path. From to the River Thames in Isleworth. The river was Twickenham Stadium River Duke of Northumberland’s Kneller Gardens it is possible to follow the PH side constructed in theWorton Road sixteenth century to supply Walk River to the River Crane via Craneford Way River Crane upstream on a continuousMogden linear Sewage Treatment Workswater to mills in Isleworth. Today the river is the Thames Path Marsh Farm Rd Recreation Ground path through , Pevensey Nature a tranquil green corridor through urban west Reserve and Donkey Wood. There is a path London linking the River Crane to the River for most of the route upstream to the source Thames. Twickenham Rough A316of Chertsey the Road River Crane in Harrow. Th R Visit www.force.org.uk to download a map. e Du iver ke ’s R iv Cr e St. John’s Road r

an W

e a l k St. John’s Park

Redlees Park


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Cole P T o Diamond Jubilee 110 267 281 681 w o Gardens ay ch London Road PH ark m s Yor Ro a al ad rk c k Moormead Recreation Ground er lo Twickenham Road Ro s de d by ad signe Water Lane Painting on the front cover: View of the mills at the Calico Grounds, Isleworth Watercolour, 1795 PH 33 490 H22 R68 R70 © British Library You can also follow the walk on your mobileSilverhall Park Eel Pie Island Kenley Road device by downloading the TiCL app and To learn more about green spaces along the lower ichmond Road searchingRive for The R Duke’s River Walk. 4 Lion Wharf Rd Duke of Northumberland’s River and the River 0 r C 0 Champions 3 Richmond Road H37 Wharf Crane please contact or visit: ra A Ch York House ne urch Footbridge Str Gardens Broadway Av eet FORCE Crane Valley Partnership PH [email protected] [email protected] 969 H37 MIll Basin Sion Road www.force.org.uke www.cranevalley.org.uk St. Margarets Isleworth Ait PH Friends of the River Crane Environment Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .eps Facebook “f” Logo TCMYKh / .eps ames PH Friendsr of the Crown Road Look out for other leafl ets in this series: eRiver Crane Environment Orleans House PH Donkey Woods & Brazil Mill Woods iv @FriendsRivCrane Gallery PH R Crane Park to Hounslow Heath 33 490 H22 R68 R70 Isleworth Promenade Dragonfl y Trail (Crane Park) original map - James Kingston-Stewart Orleans Road The Lower Crane Valley design,Old photography Deer Park & illustration - Paul Smith View of the Calico Grounds, Isleworth (detail) ferry © Friends of the River Crane Environment (FORCE) 2016 Watercolour, 1795 © British Library Ham House Marble Hill Park Registered Company No. 8383410 Registered Charity No. 1108542

The Three River Public Toilets Richmond Rd To learn more about green spaces along Ducks Walk Walk the lower Duke of Northumberland’s River and the River Crane please contact or visit: Alternative Route Play Area

R 33 490 969 H37 i FORCE Crane Valley Partnership Thames Path Café v H22 R68 R70 PH e [email protected] [email protected] r www.force.org.uk www.cranevalley.org.uk T Richmond Bridge Proposed Path PH Pub h a Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .eps Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .eps m PH Friends of the Crane Park 267 e Cambridge River Crane Environment Open Space Bus Stop @FriendsRivCrane s Gardens Friends of the River Crane Environment National Rail Richmond © Friends of the River Crane Environment (FORCE) 2016 design & map - Paul Smith Registered Company No. 8383410 Registered Charity No. 1108542