Cutteslowe's Colourful, Creative Community! Ity!

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Cutteslowe's Colourful, Creative Community! Ity! TheA quarterlyFlying Goose newsletterIssue 60 for the June 2021 TheTheA quarterlyA FlyingFlying quarterly GooseGoose newsletterIssueIssue newsletter 6060 f foror thethe JuneJune 2021 2021 TheAA quarterlyquarterlyFlying Goose newsletterIssuenewsletter 60 for the June 2021 parish and ward of Wolvercote parishparish and and ward ward of of Wolvercote Wolvercote parishparish andand wardward ofof WolvercoteWolvercote SSUE 60 JUNE 2021 I SSUE 60 JUNE 2021 SSUE 60 JUNE 2021 I SSUE 60 JUNE 2021 I SSUE 60 JUNE 2021 I I ISSUE 60 JUNE 2021 Cutteslowe's Colourful, Creative Community! Cutteslowe'sCutteslowe's Colourful,Colourful, Creative Community! CuttesloweCutteslowe Community Orchard Cutteslowe Community Orchard (([email protected]) ([email protected]) Nestled between the Allotments and the Community Woodland is a half-acre NestledNestled betweenbetween thethe AllotmentsAllotments and the Community Woodland is a half--acreacre plot Nestled of land thatbetween will become the Allotments an orchard and createdthe Community and cared Woodland for by the is locala half -acre plotplot ofof landland thatthat willwill becomebecome anan orchard created and cared for by the local plotcommunity. of land that Soon will afterbecome our originalan orchard announcement created and in cared March for this by theyear local practical SoonSoon afterafter ourour originaloriginal announcement in March this year practical community.and financial supportSoon after started our originalto flood announcement in, including from in Marchthe Cutteslowe this year practicalCommunity aandnd financialfinancial supportsupport startedstarted toto floodflood in,, includingincluding from the Cutteslowe CommunityCommunity aPartnership.nd financial Duringsupport several started work to flood afternoons in, including 40 volunteers from the Cutteslowelevelled the Community site, Partnership.Partnership. DuringDuring severalseveral workwork afternoons 40 volunteers levelled the site, Partnership.cleared rubbish During and severalplanted workover afternoons60 fruiting and 40 volunteers ornamental levelled shrubs theand site, trees clearedcleared rubbishrubbish andand plantedplanted overover 60 fruiting and ornamental shrubs and trees clearedaround therubbish perimeter and planted. over 60 fruiting and ornamental shrubs and trees aroundaround thethe perimeterperimeter.. around The theHeritage perimeter Fruit. Tree Co will lead an Orchard Design and Planning day TThehe HeritageHeritage FruitFruit TreeTree CoCo willwill lead an Orchard Design and Planning day followedThe Heritage by tree planting Fruit Tree later Co this will year. lead aInn theOrchard meantime Design we and will Planningestablish daya followedfollowed byby treetree plantingplanting laterlater thisthis year.year. InIn the meantime we will establishestablish aa followedwildflower by meadow, tree planting install later fencing this year.and a In gate. the meantimeBy the summer we will we establish hope that a the wildflowerwildflower meadow,meadow, installinstall fencingfencing and a gate. By the summer we hope that thethe wildflowersite will look meadow, colourfu installl and willfencing be buzzing and a gate.with insects.By the summer we hope that the sitesite willwill looklook colourfucolourfull andand willwill bebe buzzingbuzzing withwith insects. siteOur will lookvision colourfu is of a l‘multi and will-functional’ be buzzing orchard with withinsects. a variety of heritage fruit trees, shrubs and edible hedgerows, so that a OurOur visionvision isis ofof aa ‘multi‘multi--functional’functional’ orchardorchard with a variety of heritage fruit trees,trees, shrubsshrubs andand edibleedible hedgerowshedgerows,, soso thatthat a a wholeOur natural vision systis ofem a ‘multi with -newfunctional’ wildlife orchard habitats with can a establish variety of itself. heritage The fruitorchard trees, will shrubs educate and and edible create hedgerows communal, so learning that a wholewhole naturalnatural systsystemem withwith newnew wildlifewildlife habitats can establish itself. The orchard willwill educateeducate andand createcreate communalcommunal learning learning wholeexperiences natural for syst youngem with and new old. wildlifeOne could habitats say therecan establish will be several itself. T‘yields’he orchard throughout will educate the year and. create communal Michael learning Huth experiencesexperiences forfor youngyoung andand old.old. OneOne could say there will be several ‘yields’ throughoutthroughout thethe yearyear.. MichaelMichael Huth Huth experiences for young and old. One could say there will be several ‘yields’ throughout the year. Michael Huth Welcome back to the garden centrecentre inin CuttesloweCutteslowe ParkPark!! We’d veryWelcome much like to backwelcome ttoo you the back, garden or indeed centre for the infirst Cutteslowe time, to the Cutteslowe ParkPark!! Horticulture We’dWe’d veryveryWelcome much like to backwelcome to you the back, garden or indeed centre forfor thethe firstinfirst Cutteslowe time,time, toto thethe CuttesloweCutteslowe Park! HorticultureHorticulture Therapy Centre in beautiful Cutteslowe Park. We have actually been open a while, but we’re We’dTherapyTherapy very much Centre like in to beautiful welcome Cutteslowe you back, Park. or indeed WeWe havehavefor the actuallyactually first time, beenbeen to opentheopen Cutteslowe aa while,while, butbut Horticulture we’re we’re now swinging into full action. The plants are in bloom and the birds are singing. Therapynownow swinging Centre into in beautifulfull action. Cutteslowe The plants Park. are in inWe bloombloom have andand actually thethe birdsbirds been areare open singing.singing. a while, but we’re We’ve been very busy. It was lovely seeing the smiles on the faces of customers choosing nowWe’veWe’ve swinging been very into busy.full action. It was The lovely plants seeing are theinthe bloom smilessmiles and onon thethe birdsfacesfaces are ofof customers customerssinging. choosingchoosing their Christmas Trees at Christmastime and more recently daffodils and bedding plants were theirWe’vetheir ChristmasChristmas been very Trees busy. at ItChristmastime was lovely seeing andand moremorethe smiles recentlyrecently on daffodilsthedaffodils faces and andof customers beddingbedding plantsplants choosing werewere moving fast. We arranged home deliveries of food boxes from the Oxford Foodbank and set up movingmovingtheir Christmas fast. We Trees arranged at Christmastime home deliveries and of more foodfood recently boxesboxes fromfrom daffodils thethe OxfordOxford and bedding FoodbankFoodbank plants andand were setset up up a Community Fridge making surplus food available at our centre. We luckily acquired a new aamoving CommunityCommunity fast. WeFriFridgedge arranged making home surplus deliveries food available of food atatboxes ourour centre. centre.from the WeWe Oxford luckilyluckily Foodbank acquireacquireacquireddd aanda newnew set up allotment plot, which will soon be ready for new Community Gardening Clubs. allotmentallotmenta Community plot, whichFridge will making soon surplusbe ready food forfor availablenewnew CommunityCommunity at our centre. GardeningGardening We luckily Clubs.Clubs. acquire d a new Our allotment and vegetable growing bed contribute to the marvellous OurOurallotment allotmentallotment plot, and which vegetable will soon growing be ready bed for contribute new Community toto thethe marvellousmarvellous Gardening Clubs. Edible Cutteslowe project, linking local groups to promote communal EdibleEdibleOur CuttesloweCuttesloweallotment and project vegetable, linking growing local groupsgroups bed contribute toto promotepromote to thecommunalcommunal marvellous growing and sharing of fresh garden produce. We're establishing “pick growinggrowingEdible andand Cutteslowe sharing ofproject fresh, gardenlinking localproduce. groups We're to promote establishingestablishing communal “pick“pick your own tomatoes” and our range of plants for flower-beds and hanging-baskets is now better youryour ownown tomatoes”tomatoes” andandgrowing ourour rangerange and sharingof plants of for fresh flower garden-beds produce. and hanging We're--baskets establishing isis nownow “pickbetterbetter than ever. thanyourthan ever.ownever. tomatoes” and our range of plants for flower-beds and hanging-baskets is now better We also look forward to welcoming back our therapy clients and our wonderful than ever.WeWe alsoalso looklook forwardforward toto welcomingwelcoming backback our therapy clients and our wonderful volunteers. We’ll be restarting our social horticulture groups for local people with a range of volunteers volunteersWe also.. WW e’lllooke’ll bebe forward restartingrestarting to welcoming ourour social backhorticulture our thera groupspy clients for local and people our wonderful withwith aa rangerange ofof different needs and, by popular demand, re-opening our exciting tropical house with its array of differentvolunteersdifferent needsneeds. We’ll and,and, be restartingbyby popularpopular our demand,demand, social horticulturere-opening groupsour exciting for local tropical people house with withwith a range itsits arrayarray of ofof enchanting tropical plants, reptiles, exotic birdlife and butterflies from around the world. enchantingdifferentenchanting needs tropicaltropical and, plants,plants, by popular reptiles,reptiles, demand, exotic re birdlife-opening and our butterflies exciting from tropical around house thethe with
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