
Chapter 1. Single Particles In a Fluid

1.1 Motion of Solid Particles in a Fluid

1) , F D : Net force exerted by the fluid on the spherical particle(diameter x) in the direction of flow

π ρ U 2 F = C x 2 f D D ( 4 ) 2 Area Kinetic exerted by energy of friction unit fluid

where C D : cf. for pipe flow

ρ U 2 ρ U 2 τ = f f → F = f ( π DL) f w 2 w 2

where f : Fanning friction factor

CD vs. Rep - Figure 1.3 ρ xU f Re p = μ where U : the relative of particle with respect to fluid Four regions in drag curve

- Stokes‘ law range: Rep < 1 (creeping flow region) π μ F D =3 x U Stokes' law

ρ 2 24 π 2 fU = x ( Rep )( 4 ) 2

24 ∴ C D = Re p

16 cf. f = Re Intermediate range

24 0.687 C D = (1+ 0.15Re p ) Re p or Table 1.1

5 Newton's law range: 500 < Rep <2× 10

C D≈0.44 Newton's law * inertial flow

2) Non-continuum Effect Mean-free path of fluid

λ 1 = π 2 2 n m d m where

n m : number concentration of molecules

d m : diameter of molecules

o For air at 1 atm and 25 C λ = 0.0651 μm

Particle Particle Particle Fluid molecules Fluid in continuum Fluid molecules

Continuum regime transition regime free-molecule regime

Knudsen number, Kn λ Kn= x - Continuum regime : Kn~0 (<0.1)

- Transition regime : Kn~1 (0.1~10)

- Free molecule regime : Kn~∞ (>10)

Corrected drag force

3πxμU F D = C c

where C c : Cunningham correction factor

C c =1+Kn[2.5 14+ 0.8 exp(- 0.55/Kn)]

x, μ m C c 0.01 22.7 0.05 5.06 0.1 2.91 1.0 1.168 10 1.017

In air at 1atm and 25oC

3.2 Particle Falling Under Through a Fluid

1) Terminal Velocity, U T

The velocity of free falling particle when

FD F D = F g - F B

π ρ U 2 π ∴ C x 2 f = ( ρ - ρ )x 3g D ( 4 ) 2 6 p f

Fg ρ ρ 1/2 4 gx p - f U ∴ U T = ρ T [ 3 C D ( f )]

For Stokes law regime π μ π 3 x U ρ ρ 3 = ( p - f )x g C c 6 ( ρ - ρ )gx 2C ∴ U = p f c T 18μ

μ a d p, mUT , cm/s 0.1 8.8×10-5 0.5 1.0×10-3 1.0 3.5×10-3 -2 5.0 7.8×10 10.0 0.31

aFor unit density particle in air at 1 atm and 25oC

Worked Example 1.1

Example. In 1883 the volcano Krakatoa exploded, injecting dust 32km up into the atmosphere. Fallout from this explosion continued for 15 months. If one assumes settling velocity was constant and neglects slip correction, what was the minimum particle size present? Assume particles are rock spheres with a specific gravity of 2.7.

ρ ρ 2 2 ( p - f )gx C c 2.7⋅980⋅x ⋅1 ∴U = = T 18μ 18⋅1.81⋅10 -4

32⋅10 3⋅102 = = 0.0823 cm/s 15⋅30⋅24⋅3600 μ ∴ d p = 3.19 m

In Newton's regime

ρ ρ 1/2 xp( p - f )g U T = 1.74 ρ ( f )

For intermediate regime : Trial and error(Numerical) or

3ρ ρ ρ 2 4 x f ( p - f )g C Re ⇒ ≡ K (constant) D p 3 μ 2 ↓

log C D =logK -2logRe p From Re p , μ Re p U T = ρ x f

* x ? for given U T μ ρ ρ C D 4 g ( p - f ) ⇒ 3 ρ 2 ≡ K' Re p 3 U T f

log C D =logRe p +logK'

From the Figure above, μ Re p x = ρ U T f Worked Example 1.5 Worked Example 1.6

http://www.processassociates.com/process/separate/termvel.htm ☞ U T http://www.processassociates.com/process/separate/termdiam.htm☞ d p

2) Transient Response to Gravitational Field In general, Particle motion in gravity

dU m = F -F -F p dt g B D

ρ 2 π 3 dU π 3 π 2 fU ρ x = ( ρ - ρ )x g - C x p 6 dt 6 p f D ( 4 ) 2

π μ For Stokes' law regime, F D =3 x U Rearranging,

dU τ = τg - U dt ( ρ - ρ )x 2C where τ≡ p f c 18μ Relaxation time Relaxation time for Unit Density Particles at Standard Conditions

Particle diameter, μm Relaxation time, s

-9 0.01 6.8×10 0.1 8.8×10 -8

1.0 3.6×10 -6

10 3.1×10 -4

100 3.1×10 -2

UT Integration yields U τ U =U T [1-exp(-t/ )]

τ t

* 여기서 τ 는 외부의 변화에 대처하는 입자의 기민성과 관련한다.

1.3 Nonspherical particles

* C D for nonspherical particles - Figure 1.3 * Sphericity

surface area of a sphere having the volume of the particle Ψ = surface area of the particle

1.3 Effect of Boundaries on Terminal Velocity

So far U T → U T ,∞, terminal velocity infinite fluid Terminal velocity in pipe

U T, D = f w U T,∞ f w =(1.17)(1.18)(1.19)

1.4S Diffusion and Phoresis 1) Particle (Brownian) Diffusion Brownian motion

Motion of molecules

Motion of particles

: Random wiggling motion of particles by collision of fluid molecules on them

Brownian Diffusion : Particle migration due to concentration gradient by Brownian motion

J =-D p ∇C Fick's law 2 where D p : diffusion coefficient of particles cm /s

C : particle concentration by number or mass

☞ phenomenological expression with collective properties 확산의 표시방법은 일반적인 migration 표시방법과 다르다.

* Coefficient of Diffusion, D p

kTC D = c p 3πμx 액체분자의 확산계수 가 10-5cm2/s 정도임에 유의

* x rm s: root-mean square diameter x rms =2D pt Diffusion Coefficient of Unit-density sphere at 20oC in air

2 Particle diameter, μm Diffusion coefficient, D p (cm /s) 0.00037(air molecule) 0.19 0.01 5.2×10-4 0.1 6.7×10-6 1.0 2.7×10-7 10 2.4×10-8

*Dynamic light scattering(photon correlation spectroscopy) : Brown 운동하는 입자의 빛산란을 추적하여 입자크기 측정

2) Thermophoresis - Discovered by Tyndall in 1870

Movement of particle High T Low T

Collision of molecules with high kinetic energy

실제 예 : radiator의 벽이나 인근 벽에 먼지가 쓸지 않는 현상 담배연기가 차가운 벽 또는 창문 쪽으로 이동해 가는 현상 차가운 쪽에 면한 벽이 먼저 더러워지는 현상

In free molecular regime

2 ∇T F =-p λx th T Waldmann and Schmidt(1966)

From F th = F D in Stokes'regime

3ν ∇T ∇T ∴ U =- = ~0.55 ν th πα T 4 1+ T ( 8 ) - independent of x

Correction for continuum fluid-particle interaction -9πμ2xH ∇T F th = ρ 2 GT Brock(1962)

 k G   + 4.4Kn  1  k p  H∼   1+6Kn  k   1+2 G + 8.8Kn   k p  μ -3 C cH ∇T ∴ U th = ρ 2 GT

Terminal settling and thermophoretic in a temperature gradient of 1oC/cm at 293K Thermophoretic Particle Terminal settling velocities in a diameter( μm ) velocity(m/s) temperature gradient of 1oC/cm at 293Ka 0.01 6.7×10-8 2.8×10-6 0.1 8.6×10-7 2.0×10-6 1.0 3.5×10-5 1.3×10-6 10.0 3.1×10-3 7.8×10-7

a k p =10k a

3) Phoresis by Light


3.Movement of 2.Temp gradient particle induced in fluid

Light T T T T Absorbing particle 1.Local heating of particle by light

- Where to be heated depends on the refractive index of the particle

e.g. submicron particles in the upper atmosphere Radiation pressure

Particle Light movement Impact of photons

e.g. tails of comet, laser-lift of particles

4) Diffusion of medium Diffusiophoresis

Higher kinetic energy Diffusion of A Particle Diffusion of B molecules(bigger) molecules(smaller)

Particle movement Stefan flow

For evaporating surface Particle Air molecules

Evaporating Evaporating (H O) 2 surface molecules For condensing surface

Particle Air movement Particle molecules

Condensing Condensing (H O) 2 surface molecules

e.g. Venturi scrubber

1.5S Inertial Motion and Impact of Particles 1) Stop Distance For Stokesian particles Momentum(force) balance for a single sphere dU 3πμxU m p =- dt C c Integrating once

- t/τ U =U 0e

m C ρ x 2C where τ = p c = p c 3πμx 18μ relaxation time Integrating twice τ t/τ x =U 0 ( 1-e )

t As τ →∞ ,

ρ x 2U C x ∼ U τ = p 0 c ≡ s 0 18μ stop distance

Net displacement in 1s due to Brownian motion and gravity for satandard-density spheres at standard conditions Particle time to travel Re0 s at U0=10m/s diameter,μm 95% of s 0.01 0.0066 7.0×10-5 2.0×10-8 0.1 0.066 9.0×10-4 2.7×10-7 1.0 0.66 0.035 1.1×10-5 10 6.6 2.3* 8.5×10-4* 100 66 127* 0.065* * out of Stokes' range

2) Simiulitude Law for Impaction : Stokesian Particles For Re < 1 Force balance around a particle (equation of particle motion)

dU m =-3πμx( U - U ) p dt p Defining dimensionless variables

U U f tU U ≡ , U ≡ and θ≡ 1 L f1 L L where U , L: characteristic velocity and length of the system dU ∴ St 1 =-( U - U ) dθ 1 f1 or In terms of displacement,

d 2 r dr St 1 + 1 = U dθ 2 dθ f1

where r : dispacement vector

r r ≡ 1 L ρ 2 px U τU particle persistence St≡ = ≡ 18μL L size of obstacle Stokes number η ∴ r 1 = f (St, Re, R ) ~ R ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

particle U f1 B.C. collection efficiency trajectory

* For the two particle systems

If Re, St and B.C. are the same, particle trajectories are the same.

* 이와 같은 관성현상은 운동방정식을 풀어 입자의 시간에 따른 변위(궤 적)을 추적하여 이들의 거동을 해석한다.

* Applications - Cyclone - Particle impactor - Filter

3.4 Migration of Particles by Other External Force Fields In Stokes' law regime 3πμx F ext = F D = U mig ( C c )

- 12 - where U mig : migration or drift velocity in the fields

(1) Centrifugal migration ρ 2 ρ f U t f ω 2 F c = m p 1- ρ = m p 1- ρ r ( p ) r ( p ) ↑ ↑ of centrifugation, cf. g

( ρ - ρ )x 2U 2C ∴ U = p f t c cf 18μr

(2) Electrical Migration

F = qE= n eeE

where q : charge of particles E : strength of electric field e : charge of electron (elementary unit of charge)

n e : number of the units

n eEC U = e c e 3πμx

전기적 방법에 의한 입도 측정이나 전기집진기의 원리가 된다.

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