'Pot' O' Plenty

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'Pot' O' Plenty l 1V THIS ISS[TE St. Columbkille's Sports Banquet-Page 10 Mary Cuggino 226 Washington St.• t-pt. 1 Bri ghLon Ml\ 02135 CR-25 Published Weekly In Allston-Brighton Since 1884 Vol. 103, No. 22 'Pot' o' plenty The MBTA will soon decide the fate of the A·Line. A-B trolley follies By Jane Braverman state trolley service along the Water· Citizen Item Starr town corridor, they did agree on one thing: the .MBTA should bring the Although the 100 community resi· 19-year-old debate to an encl dents who attended last week's pub­ "It is an insult that [the A-Line lic hearing to discuss the Watertown question) has been on the back burn· trolley study held different opinions er for so long." said Rep. William Gal- about whether the MBTA should rein· continued on page 14 A charitable cause Deputy Supt.. James Claiborne and Capt. Edward O'Neil stand with the , 180 pounds of 'pot' found in an Allston car this week. PHaro BY JOHN SHAW Allston bust 'biggest' in years By John Becker Citizen Item Staff righton Police this week arrested one man and con· fiscated 300 pounds of a substance believed to be marijuana after following a trail of clues including B a car key and a storage facility receipt. The bust was the largest confisca· Police charged Dion with posses· tion of drugs in Allston-Brighton sion of a Class D substance with in· since the re-opening of District Sta· tent to distribute. He was arraigned tion 14 in 1986, said Capt. Edward in Brighton District Court on Wed· O'Neil. nesday for $200,000 cash bail or S2 Police arrested 53-year-old alleged million surety and is now in custody cross-country drug dealer Marshall in the Charles Street Jail. Dion after neighbors observed him at· Dion, had been sought by police tempting to break inoto his own apart· ever since their discovery on March 6 ment Tuesday. A search of Dion led of nn alleged "drug factory" in the police from Station 14 to a car in All· apartment at 48 Brighton Ave. leased ston and a rental storage space in by Dion. At that lime. some unknown Lynnfield where they found the drugs person had broken inc.o the apart· wrapped in suitcase-sized bales, one ment. Police did not know what, if with a label that read, "for Allston· anything, was stolen. In a search of Cardinal Bernard Law. left, greeted over 800 people who attended the 12th Brighton only." continued on page 14 annual Catholic Charities benefit in Brighton on Monday. \.,... - ,.,; _ r• • • .. ,. -- ~- ~ .... ,,il./'J - - .--:-- ~' .. • • • .~ • - ' • ~· • , • ' - ( • ~ ~ .- .l ~ v . .rt t ~ •• j.,,~ $'.... - r..i - •• - .. - I• .. "--'11....._~-.. ~·~i·_.-,. ~I'-:-...~~-: .-,~-~i·~·- _ -_' ---- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - --- Page 2 CITIZEN ITEM May 27, 1988 J & M AUTO CLINIC 254-7413 A learning experience for all NO LEAD 90¢ • PREMIUM •1.00 PREMIUM DIESEL 98¢ By John Becker dividuals in the first, fourth and phase of their lives. Citizen Item Starr fifth grades. Most seniors choose to serve Certified Mechanics Vallely, who has attended Cathol­ their 150 hours at. the end of senior Foreign & Domestic Repairs ic schools all his life, said his ex· year, though others may choose to Free Towing Boston College High School seniors Matthew Hogan. Matthew perience at the Hamilton School work over the summer, Skipper FREE oil change for every Cronin and Frank Vallely spent t he has changed his view of t.he Boston said. Assignments are chosen after new customer last two months in elementary Public Schools. an interview with students on their 2022 Comm. Ave. (on the Green Line) school. The assignment was not a "It's a rough place," he said. interests and experience. Place­ punishment, but part of a BC High "People here think I should be a ments at elementary schools are program which requires that every teacher, but I couldn't handle it. common, said Skipper, but other senior complete 150 hours of com­ These teachers are strong." students work with the elderly, munity service. The community service program handicapped and in.firm. Kennedy Hogan, Cronin and Vallely spent has been a requirement for BC High Memorial Hospital in Brighton is lhlln For the last quarter of their high school host to t.wo BC High students­ TRAIN 70 BE A AIRLINE /TRAVEL careers as teacher's aides at the Richard Campbell of Scituate and PROFESSIONAL - Alexander Hamilton School in Tim Flaherty of Brighton. • CAREERS!! Students must keep a journal of Brighton; t.hey completed their 150 • SECRETIUrf their community service ex· • TRAVEL AGENT hours, this week. " Things t hat touch Hamilton School computer perience, noted Skipper. Once a •TICKET AGENT teacher Maurice White, himself a your guts are things week, they must submit a "reflec­ Stan lcally. lul bml/ tion paper" in which their particu­ pert time. Leam word • STATION AGENT volunteer, says he won't know what procealng Ind relaled to do without his aide-Matthew that are going to lar experience must be placed in a MCfl«lrill lkill. Home • RESERVATION/ST larger context of the Christian Study and Res1danl Cronin. "Thank God he's here," st ay with you more Start loc.lily, tu• lime I pan teachings. Ultimately, Skipper be­ Tl'lllllllg said White, who was recently tomt Train on live aorhne ~Balch.FL named the United Way Volunteer than things that lieves, the experience of service oompulel'S Home stuoy 8lld • F1lwwal Aid of the Year. "I just tell him what benefits both the student and the resident training Financial t ouch your head." organization to which he is as· ........ aid ava~able Job placement I want done and he does it." • Jolt "**""" assistance. National Hdqtrs While White speaks, Cronin signed. Pompano Beach, FL works with a bilingual Cambodian "There's a lot of good will that. 1-800-327-1728 A.C.T. TRAVa SCHOO student trying to complete the sen· - Peter Skipper- goes into this and a lot of good will nE HART SCHOOL tence, "I wish that " on a com­ that comes out of it," be reflects. A division of ACf Cotp. puter program which teaches "Things that touch your gut.s are ~ ......NHSq writing. ''Right now, he's like an things that are going to stay with English teacher," White said of his seniors for four years now, accord­ you more than things that touch aide. "If we were on the other pro­ ing t.o Peter Skipper. who runs the your head." gr am, he'd be an arithmetic program at the Dorchester-based The program has some other im­ teacher." Jesuit. school. Skipper, a former mediate advantages, the student.s Garden Tips In fact, Cronin said, when he first seminarian, knows a little about note, such as avoiding "senioritis," arrived in the classroom in April, community service himself. He the affliction that often makes the B y Santo A . Butera White forgot his last name and spent two and a half years running last weeks of high school unbeara­ GroduaU. Urul.IU8ity of called him, "Mr. Math.·· The name a mission school in Micronesia, ble for seniors who are already ac­ Ma..ssaclluntt.s st.uck with the students, said Cro­ while his wife provided badly­ cepted at. colleges. Agricultural College nin, who li ves in Watertown and needed medical services to t he is­ The program "serves t.wo pur­ poses," says Cronin. "It gets us out MAY 26, 1988 has an Apple computer at home. landers in that impoverished coun­ Next year, Cronin will attend Itha­ try. Skipper jokes with the of school and we serve the com­ Make Garden Fit The Soil ca College and major in communi­ students t.hat he hopes they return munity.'' cations. from their community service as­ "We're not just looking out win­ Make your growing garden fit the kind dows as people try to teach us," he of soil you have. Down the hall from the computer signments enriched and fulfilled, room in Mrs. Lewdansk:y's second but that they not follow in his foot­ adds. r--.'i.QiJ l(:{-{'1' Pf'l('P~J Poppy - - --..-oom. B C llig h senior etepe exactly. Skipper and his wife Cronin's schoolmate Matt Ho­ Phlox Lupine Fra nk V aJJely sits wit h a group of returned from Micronesia enriched gan, who spent his 150 hours as a Gaillan:lia Moss Pink students reading from a storybook fulfilled and with two children. · teacher's aide in a Hamilton School Golden Marguerite Yarrow about a lighthouse. Lewdansk:y had The cornmunit.y service program third grade classroom, agrees. "lt.'s high praise for Vallely. "He's the answers t.he command of Jesus and better than classes,'' he said of the FOR DEEP SHADE kind that sort. of restores your faith of Jesuit-founder St. Ignatius Loyo­ program. Bugbone Plant.am Lily in youth," she says. la to "help develop men for others" But Hogan saw more in the pro­ Ferns 'llilium Vallely, a Watertown resident Skipper said The program provid~ gram than just an escape from the Lilly-of·the-Valley Violets who plans to attend Loyala Univer­ "a transitional experience" for high school room. "BC High's motto is, sity in the fall and major in busi­ school seniors leaving the highly 'A Man for Others'," and J guess flncukntaliy. )OU 'U find Mr. Butera 's advutisffl!ent ness, spends part of his day in the structured academic environment un<hr kusdscoping in our cla.ssiMcJ columns./ this totally exemplifies that," he second grade class, then tutors in- of BC High and entering the next noted.
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