Steve Turner | 272 pages | 27 Sep 2012 | Thomas Nelson Publishers | 9781595555465 | English | Nashville, United States The Band that Played On : The Extraordinary Story of the 8 Musicians Who Went Down with the Titanic PDF Book Therefore, they were treated not as employees but as passengers in some respect-meaning, they had no obligation to stay with the ship as it was sinking. The two had expected to marry upon his return. Titanic: April Did the band march or did they kneel? If so this book is a perfect book for you. The myth is true. Van Anda hatched a plan. There was plenty When I spotted this in the window of a second hand bookstore I knew I wanted it, but I always hesitate with a store I don't go into much; what would the prices be like? Steve Turner. The copy would have to be ready for the printer within an hour if it was to make the first edition on April As it turns out, they had multiplied troubles, debts, divorces, out-of- wedlock relationships, etc The problem is, nobody knows too much about that band as a collection of individual musicians, just "the band" as a group. Quotes from The Band That Pla For newspapers, getting an accurate record of this event was a professional duty and an unparalleled editorial challenge. I got what I wanted out of the book, but the testimony of the 8 musicians left me pining for MUCH more. Condition: Brand New. He had not. I swam with all my might. In the last pages of the book, Turner reveals a surprising Hartley discovery? Cancel anytime. What Turner has uncovered is a narrow but unique slice of history? A very interesting story of the lives of musicians on that ill-fated ship. They were simple men, just striving to make a living while playing their favorite instruments. The book was well researched and includes lots of interesting trivia. Printed Sources. He'd got out of bed on the night of April 14 to relieve the senior operator, Jack Phillips, only to find that the Titanic had been in a collision. Surely they were scared too, but they wanted to help others through the tragic event. Add To Cart. There is much that we do not know about the final hours of these men. Many lives were changed by this tragic event, as happens with all tragic events of such magnitude. Bride ended by saying that two things about the sinking stood out in his mind above all others. I also liked how the author included many religious notes concerning the musicians' lives and their families. Already a subscriber? Only the engulfing ocean had power to drown them into silence. Survivors even said they saw the water up to t WOW!!! Outside of the T Focusing on the band from the Titanic, this book is a fresh look at that ill-fated voyage. The Band that Played On : The Extraordinary Story of the 8 Musicians Who Went Down with the Titanic Writer

The fee for his story would equal three years' wages as a wireless operator. Mar 02, Nancy Boyd rated it it was amazing. His description of the ship's final moments suggested that the musicians didn't even attempt to escape in a lifeboat. There is much that we do not know about the final hours of these men. For anyone with any interest in the Titanic, it is a must read. Very hard to follow. Instead of packing their instruments and leaving the ship, they stayed. To have such bravery in the face of death, to continue on playing when in moments you would face your Creator, I don't think in any normal circumstances I would be able to do it. Join us as we explore Britain and everything it has to offer! Interested in advertising on the world's largest website dedicated to all things Britain? I really liked the perspective of hearing from a musical historian. This message will appear once per week unless you renew or log out. The book takes us through each of their upbringing, how they became interested in music, their goals and aspirations. As tragic as this story is, and also the heart-breaking-ness what happened after, I personally find this story very inspiring. Their playing of music no matter what kind or what songs, helped people to feel calmer in the midst of chaos. Why did they make the decision to play on the deck that night? Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. You May Also Like. Outside of the Titanic sphere, it is a story of men from different walks of life and how they came together and then were faced with extraordinary circumstances. Under his guidance, the band played to the end and Wallace strapped his to his chest before being plunged into the sea. Be the first one to write a review. What these men did? Oct 24, Kirsti rated it really liked it Shelves: titanic-books-i-ve-read. His body was never recovered or not identified. Krins, R. The Band that Played On : The Extraordinary Story of the 8 Musicians Who Went Down with the Titanic Reviews

Feb 05, Tahlia rated it really liked it Shelves: owned. Why did they make the decision to play on the deck that night? Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Uploaded by station I suppose I was feet away when the Titanic, on her nose, with her after quarter sticking straight up into the air, began to settle—slowly. Even the Titanic survivors who witnessed their final performance quibbled over some details. What songs did they play? The headline was "Thrilling story by Titanic's wireless man. When most of the First Class passengers had taken to their lifeboats, the musicians simply moved to the deck and continued to play, calming the passengers as the ship sank. They often tell the same story about the "unsinkable" "Titanic," her wealthy passengers, the families torn apart, and the unthinkable end. Advent and Christmas Wisdom from G. What these men did? Satisfaction Guaranteed! Enlarge cover. Brailey, J. This was to make it easy for survivors to connect with their waiting parties. I had only one thing on my mind—to get away from the suction. It was his recently developed equipment that was revolutionizing sea travel. Since the Titanic did not finish it's voyage, full pay was not sent, deductions were made for the remaining days. Search by title, catalog stock , author, isbn, etc. Survivors even said they saw the water up to t WOW!!! Bibliografische Informationen. A Case for Female Deacons. Only the engulfing ocean had power to drown them into silence. The Band that Played On by Steve Turner is, surprisingly, the first book since the great ship went down to examine the lives of the eight musicians who were employed by the Titanic. Did they stop playing during the final moments and pack their instruments away or were they still playing as the ship went down? Such courage and self-sacrifice is rare in this day and age. Seller Inventory FLT Muc 3. The author gave voice to individuals who are really just known as a group and as a symbol of western heroics. But their individual stories, until now, have been largely unknown. Turner provides all of that in his sharp book. After telling correspondents in Montreal and Halifax to pursue the story, he trawled the cuttings library and found that there was a history of shipping collisions with icebergs in this vicinity. Inhalt 1 That glorious band. Though not the wealthiest nor the most well known, the musicians who went down with the ship were to become the most celebrate men to sail on the Titanic. However, very little is known about the men themselves and I doubt many, but real Titanic enthusiasts, could name the musicians. What was in their hearts and minds? What these men did? The Twenty-one Balloons. They were playing 'Autumn' then. I really liked the perspective of hearing from a musical historian. Steve Turner. The band was last heard playing "Nearer my God to Thee". If so this book is a perfect book for you.

The Band that Played On : The Extraordinary Story of the 8 Musicians Who Went Down with the Titanic Read Online

Most people know of the Titanic and many have seen the movie. Wishlist Wishlist. I learned quite a bit about the families and background of the band members of the ill-fated steamer. There were also some errors in the book that also took away from the reality of the book. I remember being intrigued by this book when I downloaded it four years ago but expected more narrative in this work of nonfiction. If Bride gave an exclusive interview, it would enhance the name of Marconi as much as that of the New York Times. In the last pages of the book, Turner reveals a surprising Hartley discovery? Theo Brailey — William Theodore Brailey, born in Walthamstow, Essex, , 25 October , father a clairvoyant, he was a pianist on the Ti We all know about the 8 musicians who continued to play their instruments as the Titanic sank, but how many of us know their stories, or even their names? We all know about the 8 musicians who continued to play their instruments as the Titanic sank, but how many of us know their stories, or even their names? What an informative book! Th So I struggled with half of this book, but starting at the legal claims chapter, I got much more into it. The public naturally wanted to know how this apparently invincible liner had come to grief on what should have been a routine Atlantic crossing, but for most of the curious the explanation would have little or no immediate impact on their lives. Subscribe to continue. This book is written with historical fact and detail; only on a few pages will the reader find reference to God, mainly when reading about the memorial services. Learning about the lives of these men, how they became musicians, where they were playing, what drew them to the Titanic, and what happen to their families was very enlightening and sad. There were some interesting parts, mostly the description of the , and some of the after stories, but for the most part I was just praying that the story would end. Bride found the last remaining collapsible boat, but when it was pushed overboard, it landed upside down with him underneath it. Sort order. Steve Turner does a wonderful job of bringing these men vividly to life: Wallace Hartley, Percy Taylor, Wes Woodward, Fred Clarke, Roger Bricoux, Theo Brailey, Georges Krins and Almost everyone, with any awareness of the story of the Titanic, have heard about the band that played on while the ship was going down. But it was So. What an informative book! Did they stop playing during the final moments and pack their instruments away or were they still playing as the ship went down? What was in their hearts and minds? It is a story of eight regular guys turned heroes. If you have questions about your account, please contact customer service or call us at He employed the word sinking in the early editions, and there are claims that he used sunk in later editions, although, if he did, no copy of this edition is known to exist. Join us as we explore Britain and everything it has to offer! Skip to main content Skip to main menu Skip to search Skip to footer. Reach Us At: E-mail: info anglotopia. The matter-of-fact way he told the story gave it added poignancy: "From aft came the tunes of the band," he said. Bruce Ismay, himself a Titanic survivor, time to concoct an official explanation that would absolve him and his company of negligence charges. Even as the ship sank, even as the lights extinguished, even as the frozen waters claimed them. And also, how the survivors spoke of them as playing popular tunes until the end drew close, and then they changed to hymns, the last one being the famous "Nearer, My God, To Thee. But their individual stories, until now, have been largely unknown. Average rating 3. Advanced Search Links. Related Products. Monitor Daily Current Issue. Recommended for any one who has an interest in the Titanic. Survivors even said they saw the water up to t WOW!!! Clarke, J. The Niagara had been badly dented, the Lord Cromer and the Kura had both been damaged below the waterline, and the Armenia reported an ice field at least seventy miles long. Had the delay not taken place, would the Titanic have been in a field of ice that ripped into its side?