Notabadthing Tohavestamped
MadeinGermany. NEW ZE.ALAND CHESS Notabadthing Registered at Post Office Headquarters, Wellington as a magazine. tohavestamped Vol.6 No.1 February 1980 $1.00 onyour next flight. Look this sign when vou bhop for travel The competitors in the 87th Ner^r Championship. The moreyou fly Standing (left to right): E.M.Green, V.A.Smal1, A.L. ,Gturthansa Carpinter, R.I.Nokes, R.W.Srnith, D.H.Beach, P.B.lJeir cERirAil ATRL|NES and M.Evans. Seated: J.N.Metge, O.Sarapu, L.Aptekar - Royal lnsurance BIdg. and P.W. Stuart. 1m-113 Ouoon St., Auckland, N.Z. Tel.: 31529 P.O. Box l{27 I NE\Ir ZE^LLAND CHESS NEIll ZEALAND CHESS is published bi-nonrhly by the New Zealand Clrt.r;r; Ar,r,,,, r rl i()n, P.tJ. Box 8802, Symonds SrreeL, Auckland. Mon ths of issue are lrt,lrrrrrrr y, Al,r il, June, August, October and Dccember. Unless otherwise stated the vlews expressed Vol.6 No.1 February 1980 ilay not necessarily bc t lrorrl the Assoc iation. It was around the middle of 1977 that Editorial we received the IBM Selectric which has EDIT0R: Peter Sruarr, 24 Seacliffe Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland, 9. While no secret, the fact that I am been used ever since. The use of letra- retiring as Editor of New zeaTand Chess set for headings from February 1978 also ASS0CIATE EDIT0RS: Tony Douden (.tago), ,rtvin improved the appearance. (Canterbury) Sarapu TM, Vernon Smalt after this issue has not been well and Tim Spiller (WeIlington).
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