
Welcome to Lydden School

Lydden Primary School aspires for all children to become confident, caring individuals who achieve personal success and develop a love of learning. In partnership with each other in our school community and in a stimulating environment, we aim for children to take ownership of their learning and be proud of their achievements.

Children need to be happy to produce their best work, to become self-confident and to learn to live as members of a responsible community. The ethos of a village school encourages this development and allows me, as Head Teacher, very close contact with all the pupils.

We strongly believe that education is a partnership between home and school, with the best interests of the child being paramount. With this in mind, we hope that your association with the school will be a happy and successful one.

Lydden Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and therefore all staff and volunteers are subject to enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service checks.

Mrs Carole Davies Head Teacher

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Admission To The School

All parents considering applying to Lydden School are very welcome to look around and see the school ‘in action’. The school adopts the LEA admissions policy, so if the school is over- subscribed: siblings already attending the school, distance from home, parental choice, are used to allocate places. The primary admissions arrangements can be found at www..gov.uk

All reception-class children are admitted in the Autumn Term 1 on a part-time basis. All pupils attend full time after the first 3 weeks of Autumn Term 1.

Induction Scheme

We feel it to be of great importance that our new entrants settle into school as quickly and as happily as possible. With this in mind we encourage strong links with the playgroup (Tots 2 Teens) which is on site and so allows easy day-to-day contact. Indeed, 3 year olds at T2T enjoy events with our reception/Year 1 class throughout the year.

We have an Induction Scheme which begins with a welcome letter sent to parents during the term before their child starts school. A visit is arranged for parents to view the school and talk to the Head Teacher and class teacher, giving parents the opportunity to discuss any aspect of their child’s entry to school the following term. The summer term is very busy with several visits arranged for the new entrants to spend time with their class teacher and get to know the other children in their class. Full participation in all activities is encouraged, including school lunches.

The class teacher visits Tots 2 Teens to get to know your child and talks with the playgroup leaders to learn more about your child’s needs.

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School Environment

The school was built on its attractive site in 1938 and has 3 main classrooms. Each of the classrooms is well resourced with supplementary shared resources around the school. In addition we have a smaller classroom which is predominantly used for our computer suite but also for small group work and as a resource area. We have a new library area with a good range of non-fiction and fiction books. There are also fiction libraries in each classroom.

There is a large field for activities, such as football, athletics etc... and a hall which is used for dining, assemblies, music, and drama as well as for functions involving parents and governors and so on......

Lydden School offers an attractive and stimulating rural environment including a woodland garden with an outside classroom, pond area and a well resourced outdoor early year’s area and adventure play areas.

Learning and The Curriculum

The school follows the National Curriculum for all subjects. However we go further by developing the children’s ability to learn appropriate skills which they can use throughout their lifetime. We exploit opportunities to make links across various areas of learning by using visits to places of interest or inviting visitors to school to extend the context of pupils learning.

Homework is used to reinforce, or extend learning. Children are asked to read regularly to, and with, an adult at home. It is undoubtedly the most important help that a parent can give a child. Multiplication tables are given for weekly practice and children are occasionally given tasks relating to other areas of the curriculum.

3 Lydden Primary School

Emotional Literacy

Considerable effort goes into developing social skills, self esteem and self confidence in all our pupils. Small groups sometimes follow a structured approach to further develop Emotional Literacy in pupils, if needed.

Buddy Schemes, Active Play and School Council offer frequent opportunities to develop responsibilities and care for each other.

School Council

The school council has developed over the years. It provides the pupils with a voice but more importantly allows them easy opportunities to make a difference to the school. They assist with the preparation of fetes, are learning researchers, and have met with sales representatives to make decisions about key purchases such as play areas.


We have links with ‘Make Time for Music’ and ‘All Sorts of Music’ who provide a range of instrumental tuition: guitar, keyboard and drums. In addition, through our school collaboration the, ‘Samphire Learning Hub’ children are offered opportunities to join with pupils from other schools in orchestral work and ensembles.

Physical Education

We encourage children to be physically active because it helps concentration, learning and hopefully their long term personal health. Key Stage Two pupils attend swimming lessons. We offer a variety of after-school clubs to encourage the enjoyment of sport. Our recent sports clubs have included football, gym, cross country, and multi skills. In addition we run Active Play sessions which help to structure purposeful lunchtime play. Our school collaboration the ‘Samphire Learning Hub’ offers additional opportunities for

4 Lydden Primary School

pupils to compete against each other for a range of sporting activities. It is most important to have the right PE kit for the occasion – plimsolls to be worn indoors.

Religious Education

The School follows the Kent Agreed Syllabus in Religious Education. It follows themes including relationships, community and celebrations, as well as particular aspects of Christianity and other religions.

Assemblies are held daily and include worship. If for any reason you wish to exclude your child from daily worship, please do so in writing. We welcome the opportunity to discuss this with parents before a decision is made.


A specially structured scheme is in place to teach French in Possums and STT classes. In addition Ladybirds are informally introduced to key vocabulary to support conversations.

Sex Education

Sex & Relationships Education is treated as a naturally occurring topic which is dealt with by the class teacher in such a way as is appropriate to the ages and needs of the children, also linked to the curriculum. However, there is more formal input in Years 5 and 6 which we are happy to discuss with you at the appropriate time. You are entitled to withdraw your child from certain aspects of sex or relationships education which if you decide to do so after consultation, please confirm in writing.

Special & Additional Educational Needs (SEN & AEN)

There are children with special or additional educational needs. Although these children are, to a very large extent, catered for by their class teacher in the classroom, there will be occasions when they need extra help. We have a teacher with special responsibility for S/AEN, who oversees and monitors the needs and progress of these children.

We may also contact outside agencies with regard to educational, medical or behavioural matters. Parents will be fully informed and involved at all stages. Parental permission will be gained before referrals are made.

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gained before referrals are made. Beyond the Curriculum


Our aim is to foster the development of self-discipline in every child and to encourage an awareness and consideration of others. As a school, we are united in our policy of promoting good work and behaviour. There are various reward systems that are used for good work including stickers and certificates. Trophies are awarded at the end of the school year. When necessary, appropriate sanctions are also used.

Charging and Visits

There are regular class visits connected with the curriculum, which are invaluable. The Governors have adopted a charging policy in line with that of the LEA. The school cannot charge for activities which take place in school hours and therefore voluntary parental contributions will be sought. No child will be excluded from trips due to financial hardship. There is an optional residential visit arranged for pupils in Year 5 & 6 and costs are therefore passed on to parents.


If you are concerned about any matter please approach one of the teachers who will be pleased to help. If you wish to discuss any problem with the Head Teacher please telephone for an appointment. You may prefer to voice a concern to the Governors, in which case you may write to the Chair of Governors at the school’s address. To put forward a formal complaint the complaints procedure must be followed – copy available via the school office.

Lydden Primary School in the Community

Lydden is very much involved with extending its links with various communities. Tots 2 Teens (on site) is a vital link in offering before and after school care. Various after school clubs are available at different times of the year, for different year groups. The school is open to the community after hours as the hall is available for hire by local groups.

We have strong links with the local churches and we host a Harvest tea every year for our older friends from the village.

Most importantly in July 2012 a collaboration of local schools (Samphire Learning Hub) was formed with the fundamental aim to raise levels of achievement for all our pupils. We share expertise and opportunities across the schools both for our staff and pupils. The schools are Lydden, Aycliffe, , Capel le Ferne, Vale View, River and Whitfield and Aspen.

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Healthy Schools

The school was awarded this status in recognition of our work in developing healthy habits in pupils. We encourage pupils to eat fruit and vegetables, drink water and be active.

We are also part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme which provides all KS1 pupils with a piece of fruit on a daily basis. Other children may bring in fruit for a snack. Water (only) is encouraged in the classroom. Please do not send biscuits, sweets or chocolate.


All requests for authorised absence are treated individually and, dependent upon circumstances and attendance record. No leave of absence will be authorised during May, June or September. The school adopts the local authority’s guidance for issuing penalty notices for poor or unauthorised attendance. Holidays during term time are not permitted.


We offer a cooked school meal service. The cost of a meal is £2.20. Children who bring a packed lunch to school are encouraged to make it a healthy option and store it in the cold cabinet. In the summer children often have picnics in the shade. Some children may be entitled to free school meals and parents should contact the office to make enquiries.

Medical Health

School Health Service Doctors, Nurses and Dentists visit the School at regular intervals.

Medicines generally should not be brought to school (asthma pumps are exceptions). Parents should administer medicine at home or may give their child medicine at school if necessary. Please do not send your children to school if they are ill. If unsure please speak to the office staff or Mrs Davies.

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Children can have milk each day at school for a cost of approx. £1.10 per week. Forms are available from the school office. Milk can be provided free of charge for the under 5s.

Open Evenings and Reports

A Parent’s Evening is held twice a year. In addition we send a report home most half terms. Parents of children who are registered with Additional Educational Needs also receive termly updates of their child’s progress in relation to specific targets. At any stage throughout the year if you would like to consult with the class teacher please make an appointment. Parents of children transferring to secondary school (Year 5) are invited to an interview with the Head Teacher to discuss entry into secondary education.

Parental Involvement

We are eager to involve parents and friends in the life of the school. Parents are involved in many activities which include listening to reading, assisting with various classroom activities, helping with sports and escorting children on visits outside the school. This parental help greatly adds to our curricular effectiveness and benefits the children. If you wish to help in any way or have any particular skills to offer the school, we would be very happy to hear from you. Each half term we offer opportunities for you to join your child in ‘share a class’ sessions. These are very popular opportunities to have a look at learning in the classroom with your child.


Copies of policies relating to every aspect of the school’s activities are available to be seen on school premises when required. (Please telephone for an appointment to view them). Various policies and other key documents are readily available for viewing via KLZ using parent log in details. http://www.klz.org.uk/ username – parent; password - guest


We have a friendly Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. Membership of the P.T.F.A. is open to all parents who have children in the school, all committee members are parents. Over the years they have raised funds to support a variety of pupil events and purchased supplementary equipment. We very much value the contribution the P.T.F.A. makes to the life of the school and hope that you will support this association. Children in the last year have enjoyed fetes and a whole school trip to Howletts organised by the PTFA.

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You are welcome to see your child’s records by making a request in writing to the Chair of Governors.

Responsibility and Communication

The Head Teacher is responsible for the welfare of all children in her charge during school hours. If for any reason a parent keeps a child away from school or wishes a child to leave school during school hours (including lunch-time, if a child has a meal at home) it is important that the parent communicates directly with the school, preferably by letter, explaining the situation. Children will not be allowed to leave school during school hours without such a communication. Following absence, parents are asked to provide a letter establishing the reason for non-attendance. In addition children withdrawing from P.E. or games should provide a letter from their parents asking that they be excused.

Please contact the school if your child is to be collected by someone other than yourself.

All correspondence should be addressed to the Head Teacher.

Parents are asked to sign, and discuss with their children, school agreements for: behaviour, homework and internet use. Parents are required to send their children to school on time properly equipped.


The wearing of jewellery is strongly discouraged. For Physical Education K.C.C. policy requires no jewellery, including stud earrings. If you feel that your child must wear them for school, they should be removed for PE.

Sweets and chewing gum should not be brought to school. Packed lunches must be eaten at lunchtime. However, children may bring in a piece of fruit to be eaten at morning break. Fruit is provided for KS1 only. Water should be in named bottles for classroom use.

We strongly discourage the bringing of valuable personal possessions to school. Quiet toys are allowed, in liaison with the class teacher, only on a Friday to be played with during Golden Time. The school cannot accept responsibility for these items.


The playgroup is situated within the school grounds, and provides preschool experience, as well as activities during school holidays before and after school, for children up to the age of 12 years. You are welcome to visit TOTS 2 TEENS at any time. Opening times 8am-6pm. For further details, please contact: Mrs Debbie Reardon on (01304) 826511

9 Lydden Primary School

Transfer to Secondary School

Transfer to secondary school takes place in the same academic year during which a child reaches the age of eleven years.

Secondary schooling in this area is based on selective and non-selective schools.

In recent years children from Lydden School have transferred to the following schools:-

Dover Christchurch Academy Astor College for the Arts St Edmunds Catholic School Grammar School for Boys Dover Grammar School for Girls St Anselm’s Catholic School Sandwich Technology School Sir Roger Manwood’s

Additional data:

Roll Number

Total number of children of compulsory school age 64 (attained the age of 5 years before 1st September 2013).

Attendance 2012-2013 Attendance 96% Unauthorised absence 0.3%

Exclusions 2012-2013

Number of exclusions - Nil

10 Lydden Primary School

School Organisation

HOURS Ladybirds Class Possums & Saber Toothed Tigers Classes Morning : 09:00-12:00 09:00-12:05

Break - 10:30 to 10:45

Afternoon : 13:15-15:15 13:00-15:15

Break Year 2 14:05-14:15

Please do not send your child to school before 8.45am. No responsibility can be accepted for children who arrive before this time.

Excluding breaks, lunchtimes, registration and collective worship, pupils in Key Stage 1 are taught for 21.25 hours weekly. Key Stage 2 pupils receive 23.75 teaching hours per week.


The children are taught in three classes. The classes are generally quite small, the average being 26 pupils. The classes are currently arranged as follows: -

Saber Toothed Tigers - Years 4, 5 & 6

Class Teacher - Mrs Danson and Mrs Lintott Teacher Assistant- Mrs Franks

Possums - Years 2, 3 & 4

Class Teacher - Mr Potts Teacher Assistants- Mrs Meadows and Mrs Grimes

Ladybirds - Years R & 1

Class Teacher - Mrs Haughton Teacher Assistants - Mrs Revell, Mrs Grimes, Mrs Jefferiss

Other staff

Office Staff Mrs Leivers and Mrs Ramsden

Caretaker Mr Pitcher

Headteacher Mrs Davies Chair of Governors Mrs Horton

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All pupils in the school wear school uniform.

Winter  Grey or black trousers or grey skirt  White shirt or polo shirt  School sweatshirt, red sweater or cardigan

Summer  Red School T-shirt or white polo shirt  Grey shorts or skirt  Red gingham dress

P.E./Games  Navy or black shorts  Red T-shirt/Rugby shirt  Plimsolls (essential)  Trainers (optional for outside PE only)

Items for Sale embroidered with School logo (School uniform items are available to order)

 Sweatshirts & Cardigans  Fleece jackets and coats  P.E. T-shirts  Book bags  P.E. bags  White Polo shirts  Rugby shirts

Swimming Swimsuit, towel and a hat for those with long hair

Art & Craft Apron or old adult shirt

Outdoor Play (optional) Wellies

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