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Beoond cUfc« P<jBt»ie Paid Vol. LXXV. No. 13. 3 Sections, 24 Pages --^QANFORD; NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY,.-APRIL;.!..!, 196,8 Crtnford. New Jersey 07016 15 CENTS weiUTrnade-Sundaj i as blacfc aaid.white residents of ^ail-ages "and religions gattiered jn tKe parKmg lot across frtotf the Municipal Building tb^atteird a memorial service for n-\ Dr. Martin fcuther King^^x. The' size ol ^he crowd was e—^— —^ estimated at close to 2,tiOO." . Principal speakers at. the Service, hastily arranged Fri- day morning at an emergency meeting of „ the ewanfprd Clergy Council, werejtiev. U llob- ert Duffyr^Sistanfrvpastor of Si. -Photo* by yaw - A»»oclaUA- Michael's Ghurchr«nd-Rev^^eorie: APPROACHING SERVICE SlTE—-Some of the turnout .pf approximately 2,00ft persons are B.;WhitST^DKrpastor pfthefFirst is they f pproached the paring; lot across from Cranford Municipal building after marching from' A spring clfeanup-- -pre ram, Baptist >Ghiirch.- Both~callea for limited to garden wastes, Ibe Cranford to pay .tribute to_ x E.. ,• ^Unday..aJterii(ttn4c^atte^ nim King, Jr. dm;ing the^ next two weeks, startinti Mg .Monday.d . dwdlioil K leader by opening up iitt s neighborihb - tiiiuing through Friday, Apr}l;2eV- hoods to minority groups.:/. It was annoimcedVbj^TShi^ «estioa glneer Patrick jr. Grail.Grail.• / ORDERLY ASSEMBLAG: is part Qf the orderly crowd wh)th gathered to^ hear trftutes to pt, ly 1 " No material other tfian garden 'O!mlc It Is .primarily a Dr. King by local clergymen and Mayor fidward K. Gill. st \{llb r^mpyl att this religiqus problem,l1*1*' FFather; Duffy ..". m engineer stressed. declared. "Siiftiily puti Racial hj- added that it' would be' appredi- justice is immoral and wrong; against Godbecause-for man, man ""Under W and the like be. removed at this was announced as is ispenvhpusutg nigjtt Introduced ordinances c a house to *a Negro for .no other Titing the positions of director of Wrskhi adminifitratidn—and—finance—and is a wave moral iniustice,' it deputy dejk, andAsetting, the 13, April 18; • DiWfict* 8 and 12, 0U8-— AJUOWHH*V*W»»«;* thechurches and temples," is "shown township cl*tlt. District. 18 30rAH*il 33; , left iaoneof thetnoct of administr^ •& : r Htt^ou•I^'e6^lhtryJ?B Sidfaey ^ NunnV *iU serve; a* *etyComta1 ministration ng crowd in ^r' I^kjng oj the; administration • nd Rev. Robext J. Romick of Ciahford ^te^ti|itl TBaptfet Clergy „ ,y,: p !j y'>^(ContinueavO|g Page,8) , amendnients to the zoning The new administrator 'may &ve> your goods He of whfch Changed rect finances, preparation of feed the poor, you may W «6 bordering Industrial budget ani co i Repr^sente Conference great^gifti tn h from *3 to 1-2 zone and the analysis of budget AtFuneraTw tower high in other creiiting a neW fd mutes, maintenanceri»f persoiinel Mrs. Gwendolyn Wl ing-2 Jtohe along Rarit^n Rd. frooi policies and diittnistrativi e pracr - of Rev. Frank N. Williams, Centennial Ave. to the Linden line tices, andUthe purchase of materi- 1 Public Works Commissioner H. Raymond Kirwan, pastor of St. Mark's A.M.E. Church, ford residents, don't fox retaliati^ anji retribu-, u-werej adopted on final reading al^; supplies and equipment. He was selected by Bishop John D. homestoamai^ and ^eace" at'a memorial Tuesday night by Township Cm: ihitd term ,on^ Township^Committee, wilt jaot be k^caiidldat wilF attend regular, special and Bright as one of four persons to skinis bliick:ctf, yellow Campus Center for thy slajn •itte;" ;'::::\'^';;: Republican nonominatioa n for rt^v^jT^^^ executive meetings ' of the Tdwh- represent the New Jersey A.M.~ ;! slujp Committee and perform such £tag, Jr.? : '';;rrVw^,: Two residents owiflng. iwroperty T. C. Bothmann, GfdP municipal ehairman.'The Republican" screfeftL-^ Conference at the funeral Negro minister asked that committee will meet at'B o'clock tonight in'the Municipal Building to other duties as the"goyerning body of Dr>Martin Luther. Kittj -1 vopen i^ot Only its delghr at Partridge W<«fe W Cra* in the area now, in the R*3 zone majNprescrlbe. diabout the. value_i)l interview candidates for Township - -—•-••-—: •••••:••••• ••-• Atlanta, Gavon Tuesday. btit its lurches and or- thek property in ttie new zone Committee, township^clerk and tax; sition Rev. Mr. Williams and Mrs. ons, "'to allow everyone to, : ; lA : Hams now' and alsl o aboubtt theithir chanceh s fof r collector. v.-. .: ;i - "•• , - :!-••• '-.:'.';.:^ ^ g r »"" *JttvJB! members • ^. ippbtntnient Iber for a term of l disposing of the.-land. Mayor Ed- Elected to a ttlre>-ye» term'ln i where he Is pasto rv°*i Trinity CottF 'NovemberNovember. lUfiJJ, CoTffliiilisioiieCoTffliliioer one ^yft^: ^ miisioner H. Ray Kirwan both as- 'Kirwan served ome year as chair' president of the Cranf6rd that their holdings of U Mayor ^d K. (Sill announced Council but was unable to be enhanced by ^ ^^*ite applicaUoHs"f( this position, will because of leaving for his new ent of years as chairman otpiiouc saietyr <JU Page 8) ', lrtfr>te :: ^4' ••'• tiiey daia _, _ to" Dr. Me was mayor for >vc>years, and: " knew U»t fireeifoni in npt a w r Coinmlssionejr Kirwan explained subsequently served jiwo years an. roles within the American way of Martin Luther King, Jr., were dis- Ufe has caused an entire segmebt Jwit a cbnjj^ s^ cussed at a meetining of tthe Wom-that the proposed changes bad public affairs and real estate com- : Walfe said. beeh under study for more than a missioner, artd this year he 1st of the population to doubt, ques- en's Club last Bimkethott Crete tion, deny their own worth," hf; dftynightatthehottieoottieoff MMrsr . John year by, the township's- planning public: works commisaloner as well aod industrial consultants, Plan- as continuing as cKairman of the said. "People cannot live withoujt fjmntir<A!^8^BWshana^|t ing Board anigoverning body artd real estate commtttetir ';~ this sense; they will do anything To whatever to regain it This is why , .Xtwas decided tp,flhe proceeds lt was the. consensus that this >y age sale or planned A resident of Cranford since Lt. Vincent ly.Brinkerhoff of the the most dangerous creation of of a changes bffer the township oppor- IBM, the retiring commissioner Is : ai a, beneftlefltforT forTfhXPSa' t t»y Ounity to obtain the most desirable Crariford Police Department has any society is that man who has Care Center (which Is iuled president of R-K. Investigators, noti»li»« to lose. You^do not need ratables for the area. K. A. Mc-Inc., of 1 Springfield Ave. j been named by the Union County todose of. lack Grath, 3 Nbrmandie PL, told thousandsxof these people, a few ocatedaa & Republican Screening - Committee hundredwuhflo. > l d to run for Union County sheriff "And so we sit back irt the com- ^fftS^jSSSr^Z^ Ttn9rw«rsele.ct(hl ^Eor-the Jay- against-the Democratic incunibent;, fort of our tropical gardens and __.. for uie property, most ot iM1cess. «<nij"Outstandinfli««^«««g VMIIM «#«»'>• look to the asphalt iuncle of the which is prjyately'owned. ffalph Oriscello of Elizabeth. Thomas Poulson of & Holly St., award In 1958. He is a charter The selection was made at city."-.-- • .;' ' •'•'•' -i . X. • ••. black or i ht M***M - ^i lla- The committee renewed the eon-member and part exalted rulet Also apeaklna at the service wa* Dr. Wolfe said, "He knew sued a request tljat ^persons hav- tract With Fred Hayeck, a Cert- of the Cranford Elks KIRWAN »y|»,tf"n unit 1- Inner peace.. He knew Ing items to donate to the sale take tennial Ave. grocer, to operate, the mer chairman MunlclpalvB fit ^Tuiew cwifa-ga. He knew Snein to- Her home on April 22 orTefreahmenMM M A to\ ••fc — aii IBIItI concesBlo••••» im —l»ln«hnh ' an^ti Vti/bAIM'I Days Committee anrf has been ac- on Saturday. , man of dedication and a-man of ' hopethat the World would 28.-;": •', •-• -,. ;.-•, .;•.• • Cranford Community Pool from tive in Ideal fund drives. , The local man Has an uphill live ai brothers. Those of immense courage," and urged-that It wan-announced that the fourth June 8 to closing date in Septem- Long active in Republican af- Week's Weather fight on his hands, for Sheriff Or- his work be continued. ' »u^b t believe in what Martin spring "Conference on Civil Rights- ber. • Mr. Hayeck will pay the stood for will see fairs, the former mayor is a past UC M«f•orolofllcal Station iscello led the entire Democratic "As a memorial to him, let ui utheV sponsored by the New Jersey State township $1,800 for the concession. president of the Cranford Young ticket in winning his third term make a reality of his goals," the 4H-come trueV Civil JUghtrwiHr-be^f—-Resolutions; approved " obltcan-Club and also of the HAMHD In office three years ago. ^Continued on Page 8) !fl)J'wDUHCUr Xfjx -LtiDrinket Untonj county Young iiepubiicans. the burdens' Dame High' School In Lawrence to Fanwood. Crushed Stone , He was a delegate to the 1060 Re- Temperatures this week ranged the Marines in the South Pacific iti«Ss of freedom, but! Township. The. theme will be bituminous road materials to Gar- from a high of 73 degrees last in World War II and later as a and ii refused its publican National Convention in "Meetlog the Challenge - 1968." wopd Co., and for furnish- Chicago. He also is a former pres- Thursday and Tuesday, to a lowdrill instructor at Parrls Island, joys. She said America in Interested persons may v contact ing rental road equipment to Louis of 27 degrees Sunday. During the S.