How Your Truth Can Set Us Free ALTERNATE TITLES How Your Story Can Change The World How Your Story Can Set Us Free How Your Story Can Change You And The World “The Million Person Project helped me be brave enough to touch the exposed nerve of the truths that drive me - and to translate them into public story. Their questions led me to a level of self honesty that I didn't know was waiting there under the surface. Being empowered to speak that honestly meant that I stepped closer to understanding my own version of the meaning of life, and once there, it became that much easier to act from that place. Through the process of our work, I better understood why I'm here and how my work, my actions, and my own personal meaning of life can become one unified force in the world.” – Caledonia Curry, the artist known as Swoon. Book Proposal by Heather Box and Julian Mocine-McQueen
[email protected] [email protected] 415-971-3523 TABLE OF CONTENTS Book Overview – Page 3 Chapter Summaries – Page 4 The Authors – Page 5 Author’s Platform - Page 6-9 2 BOOK OVERVIEW Stories define how we understand our reality. If you aren’t sharing your story, you are passing up a vital opportunity to shape your own life and to inspire and transform the world around you. This book offers you the tools and inspiration you need to uncover your most powerful stories and share them with the world. If you are like most people, you are probably thinking one of two things right now.