VM. H. Russellis Sole Agent Fol' the HILTON & HILTON Gold Medal Piano
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'22 BUTCHERS [COU~TY ._-------------------------------------------- Hardy Willoughby B. Cosby, Le'ster\Lewin Henry, Glen Magna, Leicstr Shepherd Mrs. M. J. Kegworth,Dby Harris Jno. Ellistown, Leicester Lockwood John, Barrow, Lghbro' Shipman Andw. Stathern, Melton Harris Miss, Sewstern, Grantham Lockwood In. jun. Barrow, L'bro' Simpson 'Villiam, Mountsorrel & Miles London, Home & Colonial Meat Co. Quorn, Loughborough Harrison Thos. Ketton, Stamford Coalville, Leicester Sketchley Dvd. Griffydam, W orth- Hartshorn Al'. Thurmaston, Leicstr Long John, Mkt. Boswth. Hinckly ington, Ashb:r ; & Thringstone,Lcr Harvey James, Huncote, Leicester Lovett Horace, Barrow, Loughbru' Skirth Bros. Claybrooke, Luttrwth Harvey Jno. jun. Shepshed, L'bro' Lowe Frs. Shepshed, Loughbor..)Ugh Smith Albert, Yihetstone, Leicester Hayes Edward, \Vhissendine, Oakm Lunn WaIter, Donisthorpe, Al'Ihby Smith Henry, Wigston Magna, Lcr Hayes Wm. Edw. Whissendine,Okm Mansfield Stafford, Queniboro', 1.01' Smith John, Oadby, Leicester Readley John T. Desford, Leicester Marriit Wm. Hy. Leire, Lttrworth Smith John, Alfd. Swinford, Rugby Henson Chas. Coalville, Leicester Marshall Wm. Sileby, Loughboro' Smith Jph. Mkt. Bosworth, Hnckly Henson Geo. Coalville, Leicester Matthews Hbt. Gilmorton, Lutwth Spencer Chas. Swannington, Leicst. Henson Jno. Coalville, Leicester Matthews WaIter jun. Gilmorton, Spencer Henry, Measham, Atherstn Herbert Albert. Earl Shilton.Hnkly Lutterworth Spencer Jno. Worthington, Ashby Herbert Mrs. Earl Shilton, Hnckly Maxfield Wm. Sileby, Loughboro' Stabieford Wm. Henry, Tilton, Lc1' Herbert Thos. H. Countesthorpe,Lcr Mead Hbt. Cottesmore, Oakham Stafford Jbz. Ketton, Stamford Herbert Thos. Kibworth, Leicester Meadows S. D. Braunston, Oakham Stafford Mrs. J. Laughton, Rugby Herrick John, Whetstone, Leicester Merriman J. & R. Shepshed, Vbro' Stafford Wm. Glaston, Uppingham Herrick William, Cosby, Leirester Midland Meat Co. (Charles Webb), Stainforth Edw. Shepshed, L'bro' Hibbitt Josiah, Empingham,Stmfd Coalville, Leicester Starbuck C. Appleby Mgn. Athrstn Hickling William, Rothley, L'boro' Miles Hbt. Bagworth, Leicester Starbuck Jno. Measham, Atherstne Higgs John, Canal st. S. Wigston, Miles Thos. Edw. Billesdon, Le'f'ter Starbuck WaIter, Barlestone, Nun- Leicester; & Bruntingthorpe,Lth Miller Wm. Bottesford, N ottinghm eaton & Sheppy Mgn. Atherstne Hill Benjamin, Coalville, Leicester Millward Fdk. Castle Dngtn. Derby Stead Robt. South Kilworth,Rugby Hill Bjn. jun. Hugglescote, Le'ster Moore Dvd. S. Hugglescote, Le'ster Stevens Rbt. Ullesthrpe. Luttrwth Hill Zachariah, Oadby, Leicester Moore Godfrey, Hugglescote, Le'str Stevens M. Stoney Stanton, Hnckly Hinks Joshua, Measham, Atherstne Moore Wm. Fdk. Coalville, Leicstr Stevens Tom, Leire, Lutterworth Holloway George F. Frisby-on-the- Munday Tom, Langham, Oakham Stinson John, 'Whitwick, Leicester Wreak. Leicester Musson Wm. Lg. Clawson, Melton Stubbs G.H. 'Voodhse. Eaves,L'bro~ Holmes Thomas. Scalford, Melton Keil Andrew, Wymondham, Oakhm Stuchbery Wm. Rearsby, Leicester Hood Albert Edw. Whitwick, Lcstr Newman Wm. J. jun. lbstock, Lcr Sturman Robert, Somerby, Oakhm Horspool William. Houghton, 1.. cstr North Mrs. M. High st. Syston, Lcr Summerfield Thos. Cstl.Dngtn. Dby Hough John G. Swannington. Lcstr Orton Hbt. "Vymeswold, Loughbro'l Swain Thomas. Knipton. Grantham Hcughton Alf. Knossington, Oakhm Orton Horace T. Packington,Ashby Swinfen Js. E.Dntn. Bassett,Lttwth Hubbard Beeby. Walton, Lttrwth Oswin Al'. Sileby, Loughborough Swingler Sml. Harby, Melton Hubbard J. & AI£. Eaton. Grantham Packwood W. Nth. Kilworth, Rgby Tuylor Arthur, Bottesford, Nottm Hubbard Thos. H. Sharnfd. Hnckly Page Fdk. Countesthorpe, Leicester Thompson Jph. S. Whisndne.Oakm Hubbard W. H. Countesthorpe.I.. cr Page John Henry, 'Vhetstone, Ler Thornton L. Nth. Luffenham,Stmfd Hudson Mrs. A. Castle Dngton.Dby Parker In. Thos. Ryhall, Stamford Thorneycroft Hry. Barrow, L'bro' Hudson Hefford, Kirby Muxloe, Lcr Parkinson Geo. Sileby, Loughboro' Tibbert Bjn. Edh. 'Weston, Stamfrd Hunt John Thos. Smeeton, Le'ster Parkinson John Edw. Sileby, L'bro' Tipping W. Crxtn.Kerrial, Grnthm Hurst Willoughby, Burbage, Hnkly Parr John, "Ym. Bottesford, Nottm Toone James, Whitwick, Leicester .Jackson John Jas. Harby, Melton Payue William, Burbage, Hinckley Trevitt Wm. South Wigston, Le'ster- Jackson Thos. Long Clawson, Mltn Pegg John, Whitwick, Leicester Trivett Jno. Mkt. Bosworth,Hnckly Jallands Fdk. 'Vymeswold. L'boro' Pell Jph. Plungar, Nottingham Tuckey'Yilloughby, Sapcote, Hnkly Jamps John, Wymeswold. L'ghboro' Pepper Fdk. C. Mountsorrel, L'bro' Turner Jno. P. Donisthorpe, Ashby *James Wm. Castle Donington.Dby Perkins Geo. Hy. Anstey. Leicester Turner Stph. N. Asfordby, Melton Jayes Mrs. Eliza. Enderby. Leicstr Perkin Thos. Burbage. Hinckley Turrell Al'. Brghtn. Astley, Rugby Jayes Hy. Enderby, Leicester Pick Fdk. Hallaton, Uppingham Turrell T.J. Dunton Bassett,Ltrwth Jesson J. East Langtn.Mkt.Harbro' Pickering Thos. Hy. Narboro', I~er Tyler Mrs. C. Morcott, Uppnghm Jesson John. Gumley, Mkt. Harbro' Porter John Sproxton, Melton Tyrrell Henry, Blaby road, South Jones Mrs. Elzh. Claybrke. Lttrwth Pongher In. E. Sapcote, Hinckley 'Vigston, Leicester Je,rdan Bjn. Whitwick, Leicester Powers George. Barwell. Hinckley Underwood Fdk. Shepshed, L'bro' .Tordan Fredk. T. Desford. Leicester Powers John. Barwell, Hinckley Vendy Abm. Cranoe, J\fkt.Harbro' Jordan Geo. D. Newbold Vrdon.Lcr Poynton William, Heather. Ashby Vernon C. D. Stoney Stntn. Hnkly Jordan Henry, Nailstone, Nuneaton Pratt Geo. Ashby Magna, Lttrwrth Vernon Geo. Stoney Stanton,Hnkly Jordan Thomas, lbstock, Leicester Pratt Geo. G. Sutton-in-the-Elms, Vickers lsc. Hooley, Hathern,L'bro· Jordan Thomas, Osbaston, Hnckly Rugby Wade Ueorge, Shepshed, Loughbro' Kidger G. Pegg's Green, Thring- Preston Fredk. Waltham, :YIelton Wakefield Geo. Long Clawson, Mltn stone. Leicester Preston William, lbstock, Leicester Walker D. A. Coleorton, Ashby King Wm. W. Earl ShUton, Hnkly Pridmore Augustus, Wing, Oakham Walker Geo. Js. Swannington, Lcr Kirk J.W.Penngar & Redmile,Nttm Rawson Ar. Lubenham,Mkt. H'bro' Walton Sam!. Markfield. Leiceester Knott J. Croxton Kerrial, Grntham Reynolds Mrs. Ann, Thurcaston,Lcr Wardle Thomas. Coalville. Leicester Ladkin Al'. Wigston Magna, Le'ster Reynolds Wm. Earl Shilton, Hnckly Warner "V. S. Medbrne. M. Harbro' Lager Joseph, Coalville, Leicester Richardson 'Vm. Quorn, Loughbro' Warren 'Vm. A. Glaston, Uppnghm Lager Thomas, Coalville, Leicester Riley Al'. G. 'Vhissendine, Oakham Watchorn Albert, Eaton, Grantham Lane Benjn. Thurmaston, Leicester Roberts Thos. E. Grimstone. Mltn Watkin Jno. B. Kilbv, Leicester Lane Jas. Frisby-on-Wreak, Le'ster Robinson Jno. D. Bottesford. Ntgm 'Vebb Thphls. Castle Dngtn. Derby Lane John Ths. Somerby, Oakham Rovce Leonard, Langham, Oakham Webster Geo. Ryhall, Stamford Lane Thos. Thurmaston; & Le'ster Saddington 'Villiam P. Appleby 'Yebster Thos. jun.Shepshed, L'bro' Lang & Vann, Blaby, Leicester Magna. Atherstone 'Vens John, Ellistown. Leicester Lflngton Arthur, Arnesby, Leicester Sampey C. H. Buckminster. Grnthm Wells 'Vm. Preston, Uppingham I,aundon John R. Kibworth, Le'ster Sampey Hy. Greetham, Oakham Whitcroft Hy. 'Valton, Loughboro' Lee & North, Leicester I'd. Syston, Sanders Hv. Barrow-on-Soar, Vbro' Whitehead C. T. Barlestone, Nunatn Leicester Sandlant John. 58 Market st.Ashby Whittle Charles, Scalford, Melton Lee Stephen. Asfordbv, )felton Sheffield Geo. Turn st. Syston, LCf1 "Vightman lsaac. Shepshed, L'boro' Lee Stphn. Peatling Parva. Ltrwth Sheffield J. Orton, Atherstone • I Willars Albt. Thurlaston, Hinckley \VM. H. RUSSELLis Sole Agent fol' the HILTON & HILTON Gold Medal Piano.