Saturday, December 3, 1977 AI:INFO;ODT 3
Saturday, December 3, 1977 11:88:15 AI:INFO;ODT 3 Page 1 Documentation file for DOT v Fi Ie: DDT Nede: Top Next: Conventions Up: <DIR) ·DDT Primer and Reference Manual deScribing DOT version 658. DDT is the top-level command .interpreter most often used on the Incompatible Timesharing System (ITS). It provides three main types of service to the user: invocation of system programs, manipulation of files, and aid in debugging. ITS itself has no command processor, and can be used only via a program. Uhat appears to a user as the "moni tor command level" of ITS is actually DDT. This fi Ie (the primer, INFO;DDT » treats the general aspects of DDT, grouping commands according to function; then, in the "reference section" ('INFO.;DDT ORDER), all the commands will be descril:!ed in detail, in alphabetical order. Before a command in a compl ieated way, refer to the detailed description to verify that it wi II funct ion as intended. * Menu: ,.. Convent ions:: Conventions Used in This Document :I< Rubout:: Type-in Conventions '" Startup:: Uhen.DDT Starts Up 'I' Login:: Logging in and out· :I< Files:: Fi Ie-Man ipu lat ion Commands :I< Progr amlfi: - Running Programs with DDT ., :I< JOb0' .~,...."", ..Job Manipulation :I< RE!JjH'n ing:: Rii'".,rning Control to DDT from an Inferior Job :I< ru:ithmetic:: Ar.i"thmetic in DOT ,:I< Sophisticated:: ·Sophisticated Job. Manipulation -:I<.Loading::....... Loading and Dumping Jobs * Communoi c'l!"t ion: : C.ommun i cation with Other Users , :I< An~dhcements:: Announcements 4,,·':!FILE: : Commands from Files or Programs ;':-:::.,...
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