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OTTAWA CANADA * X@Tt ILLilIil MAY 17-20 THE CHATEAU LAURIER DU 17 AU 20 MAI OTTAWA CANADA * x@tt W rEL.(416) 96s-zoos (416)96s-942a OFFICE OF FAX THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR eu eEn's papx TORONTO, ONTARIO M7A IA1 EN MA QUALITE DE REPRESENTANT DE SA MAJESTf I,A RETNE DANS I,A PROVINCE D'ONTARTO, J'AI L'TMMENSE PI,AISIR DE SOUHAITER I"A BTENVENUE A TOUS CEUX QUI ASSTSTERONT A r,a 8e CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE EN HOMMAGE A LA MUSIQUE D,EDWARD KENNEDY IIDUKEII ELLTNGTON, QUI SE DEROULERA A OrraWa OU 17 AU 20 MAI 1990. JE TIENS A T'ET,TCTTER LES MEMBRES DU coMITE oncanTSATEUR AINST QUE LES TNNOMBRABLES BENEVOLES ET COLI,ABORATEURS POUR LEUR DEVOUEMENT, LEUR ENGAGEMENT ET LEUR PERSEVERANCE DANS LA COORDINATION DE CET EVENEMENT QUI REVET UNE GRANDE IMPoRTANCE POUR LE MONDE DE I,A MUSIQUE. CETTE CONFERENCE CONSTITUE POUR LES CHERCHEURS, LES EXPERTS EN MUSIQUE ET LES ETUOTAUTS UNE OCcAsIoN UNIQUE DE RASSEMBLER ET D'ETUDIER LES OEUVRES MUSICALES DE L'UN DES PLUS GRANDS COMPOSTTEURS INTERPRETES DE NOTRE TEMPS. MES MEILLEURS VOEUX A TOUS LES MELOMANES A L'OCCASION DE CETTE MEMORABLE ET ENRICHISSANTE CONFERENCE. LE LIEUTENANT-GOUVERNEUR, / // ..- /- --' I / , 'cl\ ------i- -^t--\) I -*--s- /, LINCOLN M. ALEXANDER MAI 1990 xfto'r' !g/*EEI} rEL.(416) 96s-2OOs FAX (ai6 OFFICE OF ) 96s 942a THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR QUEEN,S PARK TORONTO, ONTARIO M7A 1A1 AS R.EPRESENTATIVE OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, IT GIVES T4E GREAT PLEASURE TO EXTEND GREETINGS TO WERYONE ATTENDING THE BTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CELEBRATING THE MUSIC OF EDV{ARD KENNEDY "DUKE'' ELLINGTON, WHICH WILL BE HELD IN OTTN,IA FROIII I4AY 77 TO 20, 7990. I WOULD LIKE TO COI'/IT4END THE I{EI"IBERS OF THE ORGANIZING C)I,II4ITTEE, AS WELL AS THE COUNTLESS VOLUNTEERS AND SUPPORTERS THEIR DEDICATION, COI"IPIITI4ENT AND PERSWERANCE IN CO_ORDINATTNG''OR THIS MUSICALLY SIGNIFICANT WENT. THIS CONFERENCE PROVIDES A VERY UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR RESEARCHERS, I"IUSICAL EXPERTS, AAID STUDENTS ALIKE, TO GATHER AND STUDY THE I'IUSIC OF ONE OF THE GREATEST COIIIPOSER/PERFORMERS OF OUR TII'IE. I4Y VERY BEST WISHES TO ALL I4USIC ENTHUSIASTS FOR A I'IEMORABLE AND REWARDING CONFERENCE. LINCOLNL, I,I. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR I4AY 7990 CITY OF OTTAVA VILLE D'OTTAVA CIry HALL I-IOTEL DE VILLE III SUSSEX DRIVE III, PROMENADE 5U55EX KIN 5AI KIN 5,{i ( 613) 564-1342 ( 6t3) 564 t342 IAMES A. DURRELL MAYOR MAIRE ELLINGTON '90 MaX L7-2I, 1990 Chateau Laurier Ottawa, Ontari-o Canada Dear Participant: On behalf of the Council and the people of Ottawa I I am delighted to have this opportunity to both welcome and thank you. The welcome is extended to everyone involved in the eighth annual international conference of the Duke Ellington Study Groups and the appreciation is for selecting Ottawa as your host city. The music of Edward Kennedy 'Duke' Ellington is a gift treasured around the world, a gift del-ivered personally during his years of touring. In a period spanning forty years, Duke Ellington was a frequent visitor to Canada and we were honoured to have him in the national- capital region on at l-east ten occasions. Your tribute to this great composer/musician shoul-d find a warm reception in Ottawa, which has a proud musicaL tradition. I realize that the program for Ellington '90 will- keep you very busy but, if you have time, f invite you to take in the sights and sounds of our Capital City. I am certaj-n that you will go home with fond memories of both our many attractions and the hospitality of our people. Best wishes for a productive and memorabl-e celebration of the music of "The Duke". Yours sihcerel DurreIl CITY OF OTT,{VA VILLE D'OTTA\/,{ CITY HALL HOTEL DE VILLE III SUSSEX DRIVE III, PROMENADE SUSSEX KIN 5AI KIN 5AI ( 6t3\ 564-1342 ( 6t3l 564-1342 IAMES A. DURRELL MAYOR MAIRE ELLINGTON '90 Du 17 au 21 mai 1990 ChAteau Laurier Ottawa (Ontario) Canada Chers participants: Au nom du Conseil et des citoyens d'Ottawa, je suis trbs heureux de pouvoir souhaiter la bienvenue a chacun des participants a la huitiEme conf6rence internationale annuel-l-e des Groupes d'6tude de "Duke" Ellington, e't de vous remercier d'avoir choisi de vous r6unier d Ottawa. La musique d'Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington est un don auquel on attache une grande valeur partout dans Ie monder rD don qu'iI a pr6sent6 personnellement pendant l-es annSes of il- faisait des tourn6es. Au cours d'une p6riode de quarante ans, Duke Ellington est souvent venu au Canada et nous avons eu l'honneur de Ie recevoir au moins dix fois dans 1a rdgion de la capi-taIe nationale. L'hommage que vous rendez a ce grand compositeur et musicien devrait recevoir un accueil chaleureux d Ottawa, eui possbde une imposante tradition musicale. Je comprend que Ie programrne de la conf6rence Ellington '90 vous tiendra tr6s occup6s, mais si vous avez un peu de temps Iibre, je vous invite a visiter les atbractions de notre capitale. Je suis persuad6 que vous garderez de tr6s bons souvenirs des nombreux attraits de notre ville et de 1'hospitalit6 de nos citoyens. Meilleurs voeux de succbs pour une c6l6bration productive et inoubliable de Ia musique du "Duke". Veuillez agr5er, chers participants, I'expression de mes sentiments Les meilleurs. LLilllGlrm.q)€r 17-20 OTTAVI/A CANADA ou 17 AU eO MAI THE EIGHTH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE DUKE ELLINGTON STUDY GROUP Welcome to ELLINGTON '90... and to Ottawa. On behalf of the organizing committee, ffi&y I say how honoured we are to host this conference. We have been guided by both the spirit and accomplishments of previous gatherings in our efforts to make this another memorable celebration of the man whose music is forever - Edward Kennedy'Duke' Ellington. For long-time conference regulars, you will know what to expect: performances by former Ellingtonians and other major interpreters of the Duke's music; presentations by researchers, musicologists, discographers, collectors and experts in all the media explored by Ellington to express his creativity - composition, recording, film, theatre and concerts. For first-time attendees, we hope you will enjoy your discoveries and decide to become part of the extended Ellington community. Ellington's music has all the qualities needed to ensure a place in the hearts of future audiences, but those audiences must be made aware of their heritage. It is therefore a primary objective of the conference committee to involve young listeners in ELLINGTON '90 and, additionally, to give them the unique opportunity of participating in a workshop led by former Ellingtonians and other guest musicians. We are delighted to welcome some twenty students from the national capital region and we hope you will share your experiences and expertise with them. Enjoy your time together as old and new friends and, most of all, enjoy our collective tribute to a musical giant of our times, THE DUKE. Lois K. Moody, Co-ordinator ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Diane Barrett: graphics Lois Moody: funds raising Jacques Emond: technical systems Pat Southern: recording secretary Jim Fogo: registration Ron Sweetman: publicity Andrew Homzy: music director Brice Wightman: treasurer & hospitality THURSDAY TTth MAY 3 - ll p.m.: Registration 8 - 11p.m.: Reception music by the DAVE HILDINGER TRIO DAVE HILDINGER: piano ROD ELLIAS : guitar HUGH O'CONNOR : saxophone THE DUI(E Never have so many owed so much to one man REMEMBERING DUKE'S MEN CHAUNCEY HAUGHTON: PAUL GROSNEY 26 February 1909 - 1 July 1989. Tenor and clarinet, from July 1942- April 1943. and REUNALD JONES: The KAI\ISAS CITY LOCAL Z2December 1910 - 26May 1989. Trumpet, in 1946. Toronto, Canada AL SEARS: ZZFebruary 1910 - 23 March 1990. Tenor from 1943-49 and intermittently until 1951. FRIDAY 18th MAY j I MORNING AFTERNOON 9:15 OpeningCeremonies: 12:00 Ray Nance Introductory remarks by Ann lrdgister, Dennis Dimmer, an Ellington Washington, D.C., Co-ordinator, enthusiast from Salisbury, England, ELLINGTON'89 draws deserved attention to the versatile Ellington trumpeter/cornetist, Welcome fromlois Moody on behalf vocalist and violinist of the ELLINGTON'90 committee 12:30 Lunch 9:45 Ellington and the Smithsonian A panel presentation: 2:00 Ellington and Strayhorn Without John Edward Hasse: Pretense Curator of American Music - panel Memories of informal moments with moderator the maestro and his alter ego, by their Marquette Folley: friend Jean Bach of New York City Assistant to the Curator of American Music 2:45 Joe 'Tricky Sam' Nanton Gwendolyn Robinson: A portrait of this influential Ellington Director, Program in African- trombonist by Kurt Dietrich of Ripon American Culture College, Ripon, Wisconsin Reuben Jackson: Archivist 3:30 Tea Marilyn Graskowiak: Archivist 3:45 A Drum Is A Woman Dr. Theodore Hudson: West German film authority, Klaus Volunteer Assistant Stratemann, presents this rare film and some personal observations 11:00 Coffee 5:00 Man With Four Sides 1 1:30 47 Seconds Alone with Sonny Greer Prof. Erik Wiedemann of the University Bill Hill, President of the Southern of Copenhagen's Musicology California chapter of the Duke Department, discusses an unpublished Ellington Society, with a whimsical and never-performed Ellington musical look at the role of the Duke's hrst play drummer 5:45 Dinner break FRIDAY 18th MAY ..I LET A SONG GO OUT OF MY HEART'' ALICE BABS and the ANDREW HOMZY JAZZ ORCHESTRA remember "THE DUKE" - 8:00 p.m. - .,. THE LATE SHOW ... 11:00 - t2:30: Klaus Stratemann and Susan Markle present Ellington on film Baldwin's Grand It Cerfoinly Is OttaWa Pianos lflTl o's"''" ACOUSTIC & DIGITAL PIANOS HOME & CHURCH OF|GANS KEYBOARDS Dick Papalia '141 2 BANK STREET OTTAWA TELEPHONE ONTARIO K1H 7Y9 731 -5678 MEET THE ALICE BABS "This voice ..
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