International Seminar and Call for Paper 2017 Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan



Lecturer of Ma'had Aly Al-Hikam Islamic College in Malang, East Indonesia [email protected]


The history of public education and religious education in Indonesia have differences, but actually both the educational institutions have the same cultural roots. The reality of Islamic education in public colleges is still far from the expectations aspired to the law (constitution). The focus of this paper is a reinforcement model of Islamic education in PESMA Al-Hikam Malang, and the concept of the development of Islamic education in Public colleges through the integration of institutions. This research was conducted in qualitative methods, the data was extracted through in-depth interviews, direct observation field and documents reviewed. In-depth interviews was conducted to the founder and caregivers as well as to the head of the collleges and some asatidz (teachers). Analysis of the data by was carried out the process of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and verification or conclusion. the validity of the data by credibility through source triangulation techniques, methods, and theories was carried out/was checked. The results of the paper were first, education Model in Pesma al-Hikam should be one example of the development of Islamic education, by using the hostel as a laboratory study in which the learning process takes place for 24 hours. Second, the concept of integrated education institutions, namely public colleges and Islamic boarding school. Of the two integrated institutions are then expected to be able to pass scientist-scholars. Keywords: Islamic Education, integration of institutions

1. Introduction The history of Islamic education and colleges development have differences. Islamic boarding school in the era before independence/colonial period tends to prefer being in the country side and inland, while after independence, the trend has changed. Religious education is the primary curriculum and tends to only learn and deepen their religious knowledge only. The further development of education Islamic boarding schools is to include general subjects in madrasah in with the ministerial regulation/PERMEN No. 3 of 1950. Nevertheless, there are Islamic boarding school education which still hold the teachings of the old or classical books (yellow book) and not include general subjects such as in Al-Falah Islamic boarding school at Mojo Kediri, Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, and others. Unlike the college. In the beginning (before independence) college is a symptom of urban and tended only for the . The college also just teaching religious education as a subject, in its development, universities and colleges gradually adopted Islamic education system by establishing a student hostel or Ma'had Aly (boarding sublime), such as at the State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, University of Malang (UMM), the Islamic University of Malang (UNISMA), State Islamic University (UIN) and others. Imam Suprayogo argued that colleges and Islamic education schools actually have the same cultural roots, namely as an educational institution, differing only in their environment. If colleges and Islamic boarding schools can be integrated into the context of the integral, then the model education system will be an alternative in the development of college in Indonesia (Imam Suprayugo, 2007). This study considered very interesting and unique. The college has advantages in terms of rationality and experimentation. While Islamic boarding schools have the advantages in terms of morality and traditional -ie, inherit and preserve the continuity of Islamic traditional developed by clerics from time to time (Malik Fajar, 2005). Expectation to be achieved with the concept of integration of colleges and Islamic boarding schools are able to create someone who has a high intellectual ability like scholars and Muslim scholars character or morality (akhlakul karimah) like the scholars/clerics. In line with the statement above, Imam Suprayogo found Islamic higher education institutions must be formatted in to the form of integration between colleges and Islamic boarding


International Seminar and Call for Paper 2017 Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan schools. The tradition of the college is expected to create to the figure of the intellect, while Islamic boarding schools are expected to give create the figure of the clergy. implicitly stated in has article, that the integration of colleges and Islamic education is needed in developing science universaly without the dichotomy of religious science and general science (Hasyim, 2009). The government's policy on Islamic education can be found juridically in law No. 20 of 2003, concerning the national education system, in chapter 30 verses 1-5, which regulates the implementation of religious education and religious reinforced by Government regulation No. 55 of 2007 about religious education and religious education general provisions chapter (1) In this chapter I mentioned: Religious education is an education that provides knowledge and formes attitudes, personality, and skills of learners in practicing her faith, which is carried out at least through the subjects or lectures on all lanes, levels, and types of education. From the government policies above, we find that Islamic education is not enough to be taught only in subjects as happened in the field today. Islamic education in addition to providing knowledge, it must also make a real contribution in shaping the attitude, personality and skills of students. Islamic boarding school which has proven to give a real contribution to the world of education in Indonesia. Based on the results of research carried out by Zainal Azhari in terms of the terminology used by several public universities in Indonesia, there is a very real difference, management, and different systems. Management of Islamic education at the University of Jember (UNEJ) managed by MKDU. MKDU is a unit that implements the general basic courses, there are also PKN courses. Lecture system of Islamic education in this campus reached in the early half of all majors and study programs as much as 2 credits on each study program, so that lecturers of PAI in this campus feel overwhelmed and can teach more than 24SKS. According to one of the professors, teaching in this campus is not good enough for one class can cross the course, even there are professors who teach up to 11 classes, this is because the shortage of lecturers. Another case happenedin Udayana Bali, religious behavior and Islamic education at this campus is less attention. According to the professor of religious education at Udayana Mr. Nurul Hidayan, stated that the Islamic education at the campus was taken over religious ministries which were previously managed by the campus it self. The religious character on this campus is less visible. PAI lectures held in the odd this semester, and there are 3 faculties that do not maintain the PAI, they are students faculty of medicine, Mathematics, and PKN replaced with ethical material. There are Muslims who wear veils. There are Islamic organizations such as HMI, PMII and KAMMI not so visible, probably because of the small Muslim community. Unlike the 10 November Surabaya Institute of Technology which has 8 lecturers, the campus is more focused and emphasized on the mosque as a center for Islamic education development of campus. The learning objectives of this course is to strengthen the faith, piety and develop good character, to make the teachings of Islam as the foundation of thinking and behaving in the profession. The development of Islamic education in this campus of which is to develop a village to distribute tithes so on, memorize the Qur'an in mosques, mentoring activities and others. The Islamic education at the University of Lakidende, according to the research conducted by sastramayani and sabdah (Sastramayania & Sabdah 2016) in practice has not been treated in harmony to build a formidable generation. Steps taken by the lecturers are still in the context of educational interaction in class, there has been no movement in the form of additional activities outside the classroom. There is another phenomenon which states that Islamic education in public universities is no different from Islamic education when students are still making upper secondary education (high school), this is one of the results of interviews conducted by Abdul Munip (2008). According to article written by Shukri Ahmad Widodo Fathudin with the title of learning management of Islamic education in public colleges, states that in terms of the vision and mission as well as in terms of rules defined in Yogyakarta State University (UNY) is very good and ideal, which are changing personality, temperament and character of students, but do the attitude and personality can be changed only within one semester? That would still be a question which we are know the answer would be impossible. From some research results above, it can be a reflection and study materials together that the reality of Islamic education in public universities is still not a concern and still leaves a variety of problem that should be immediately sought the solutions and answers. So that the main


International Seminar and Call for Paper 2017 Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan vision of education which can be realized are creating a generation of religious obedience, noble personality, and creating generations of godhead. Because of some of the above, the authors take the title of the development of Islamic education in public colleges through the integration of institutions. The focus of the study is strengthening the model of Islamic education at Pesma Al-Hikam Malang, and the concept of the development of Islamic education in Public colleges through the integration of institutions.

2. Research Methods This paper used qualitative approach without manipulating the data (Suban and Sudrajat, 2005) Extracting the data was carried out through in-depth interviews, direct observation field and reviewing documents. In-depth interviews was conducted to the founder and caregivers as well as to the head of the college and some asatidz (teacher), considering that these people are the managers who have experience and information related to the research conducted by the author. Data analysis was performed with the steps starting from the process of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and verification or conclusion. The researches certainly analyzed according to the data obtained, therefore this research used descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques, the analysis of the data based on the method of thinking of induction and deduction. Analysis of these data is to answer questions formulated in the study of why and how (Faisal, sanapiah1989). As for checking the validity of the data is done by credibility through source triangulation techniques, methods and theories. Transferability is also done with or keteralihan, dependability and confirmability that is focused on the research results or product of this research.

3. Theoritical Review According to Zamakhsyari Dhofier, Islamic boarding school is a traditional school dormitory, where students all live with and study under the guidance of a teacher who is better known as and have a place to stay for students. These students are in a place that also provides the mosque for worship, space for learning and other religious activities. This place is usually surrounded by a wall in order to supervise the entry and exit of the students in accordance with applicable regulations The elements of a boarding school are boarding house, the mosque, the classical Islam Book, Rasta, clerics, values of boarding (Zamakhsyari Dhofier 1983). While Islamic boarding school typically use terms such as Pondok (Islamic boarding school), Pesantren Mahasiswa (PESMA) or Ma’had Aly (means a high level). The use of that term is used by some institutions such as ma "had aly Sunan Ampel which is environment State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim, noble Islamic boarding school as the Higher Institute Pesantren Luhur are cared for by Alm. Prof. Dr. KH. Achmad Mudlor, SH., And PESMA Al-Hikam Malang and PESMA Al-Hikam Jakarta. According to the authors, in terms of the background of the establishment, there are three classifications Islamic boarding school, namely: First, the Islamic boarding school since its establishment is devoted to students as PESMA Al-Hikam Malang, Pondok pesantren Mutiara Bangsa Jakarta,Pondok Pesantren Luhur Malang, and others. Second, the boarding school established by formal institutions/universities as at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang who founded Ma’had Aly Sunan Ampel, boarding school of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya called Rusunawa (simple apartment house), Islamic Boarding School Ainul Yaqin at University of Malang (UNISMA) and others. Third, the Islamic boarding school who founded the college as pondok pesantren Salafi Syafi’iyah Sukorejo Situbondo established has been established college (Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy –IAII-), Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor who established the Islamic Studies Institute Darussalam (ISID), Darul Ulum Jombang Peterongan STAIDU (Islamic University Darul Ulum), which later evolved into UNIPDU (High Pesantren Darul Ulum University) Jombang and others. The management integration is the process of merging, in this case between Islamic boarding schools and college. Citing the opinion ofHusniyatus Zainiyati Salamah in his dissertation, he classifies the integration of colllege and Islamic boarding school into two categories: First, integrate madrassas, public schools or colleges into schools. For example, at the seminary, Darul Ulum Jombang Rejoso, founded MTs DU, SMP DU, SMA BPPT DU, SMK Telkom DU and UNIPDU. Secondly, integrating into the education system in Islamic universities. For example, UIN Maliki Malang set up Ma’had Aly Sunan Ampel, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya founded the Islamic boarding school.


International Seminar and Call for Paper 2017 Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan

The process of incorporation or the lawyer-integration is certainly involve several elements, both elements of college and Islamic educational elements of the pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding school). According to Bilgrami as university Islamization efforts are at least three reconstructions to do that; First, the reconstruction of the concept of integrative science among naqliyah and aqliyah sciences. Second, institutional reconstruction which makes development agencies naqliyah sciences studies as part of the university. Third, the development of individual personality, ranging from professors to alumni (graduates).

4. Discussion 4.1 strengthening model of Islamic education at PESMA Al-Hikam Malang As high educational institution that has been experienced for more than 25 years, Islamic boarding school (PESMA) Al-Hikam own criteria and characteristics mahasantri (mahasiswa- ) (as an excel student) excel developed at these schools. The education in PESMA Al-Hikam carried out for 24 hours, where the mahasantri perform activities that are continuously monitored and given guidance by the student council (kesantrian) and nurturing which is always at the boarding school. Besides guidance implemented by the student field and nurturing, there is a field kedirosahan conducting classroom learning, ie, after the evening prayers and morning prayers. More simply, the characteristics of the desired excel (mahasantri) students are santri and santri whose student (A. Hasyim 2016), While in more detail the characteristics of the desired student and developed superior contained in the motto Pesma al-hikam Malang amaliah agama (religious practice), prestasi ilmiah (scientific achievement) and kesiapan hidup (readiness to live), the following explanation and description of the three Excerpted from curriculum documents Pesma al-hikam Malang: 1. Amaliah agama (religious practice) Religious practice is the awareness and skill of understanding and practicing Islam properly. Competence must be owned by students including the first, able to understand and grasp the existence of God as the God and the God who created the creatures. second, able to understand and implement the rule of Allah and His Apostle, whether in the relation between man's relationship with God, man and man or man and fellow beings. Third, able to reflect/implement the principles of monotheism and the sharia in the manner of good behavior. 2. prestasi ilmiah (scientific achievement) Graduates from Islamic boarding school of Al-Hikam have high academic achievement in a course of study (majors) taken in college and have the skills to think scientifically as a stepping- stone to live according to the demands of the local, national, and global to cling to the values of Islami. Expected competencies are, first, knowledge, skills and attitudes in specific areas of expertise in accordance with the program of study (majors) taken in college. Second, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the various activities of indeveloping the knowledge or science, technology and art in accordance with courses taken in college. Third, knowledge, skills and ready to bring it orally and in writing the results of the development of science, 3. kesiapan hidup (readiness to live) The readiness of life is the skills needed with, solve, and manage the problem of life in order to live life with happy, successful, dignified and sanctioned God according to his role as Khalifah fil ard. The competences are, first, have ethos to continue to learn and develop them selves. Second, able to develop complex ways of thinking. Third, ablle to communicate effectively. Fourth, Able to work together and build teamwork. Fifth, able to leverage the potential of themselves and their surroundings to increase working career. Sixth, Having responsibilities as part of the community Islamic education model implemented by PESMA Al-Hikam needs to be examined and developed and researched, as Ust Nafi said that the educational model in PESMA al-Hikam is often used as a comparative study by several universities, both national campus like UIN Malang and private university and a number of Islamic boarding schools and educational institutions of Islam institutions and organizations outside Islam (A. Hasyim, 2016)

4.2 The concept of the development of Islamic religious education in Public college through institutional integration The education process conducted by both the college and training schools that actually have equality in education. It may, therefore, be drawn that the input, process, and output of these two institutions have in common that the input is a student, is a process of learning and education, and its output is a graduate or undergraduate, it can simply be described as follows:


International Seminar and Call for Paper 2017 Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan


Students of university Learning and graduate are made to be Santri education at colleges (mahasantri) and Islamic boarding Scientists - clerics school

In the chart above, we can see that the true beginning of the education process is student/santri enter the education institutions, then the education and learning process implemented at the agency will eventually form one becomes the profile of graduates expected. Related to this, A. Hasyim (2016) argued: There are two different things between science and the responsibility of science, the science is acquired by a child in college, but how to use it responsibly science it is a matter of character. Science can also be justice law could also be the same as the misappropriation of economics, state, political science and so on. So that the spirit of religious fervor that is what the science of control. It does not only apply to the general knowledge of a normative nature and character values, but also the science of the general nature equipment such as technology, agriculture, civil techniques, the students learn something that is not related to values, but ... it turns out instrumental science was also necessary spirit of overall responsibility to God and his people. Bridge engineer, could honestly can not, well ... the side that is filled by al-Hikam boarding schools so that children whose undergraduate accountable to their knowledge.

It can also be seen from the three fields kepengasuhan (nurtuning), kesantrian (student council) and kedirosahan (classroom management) are always directing, guiding, assisting and teaching students for 24 hours at the school in order to establish an Islamic character. During the 24 hours, the Environment and conditions PESMA al-hikam made and conditioned as character- forming environment into a laboratory Islamic education, especially religious education students. Further, with the construction and establishment of STAIMA al-Hikam. PESMA al-hikam trying to build and develop the institutional integration, where the foundation of al-hikam houses two different educational institutions namely PESMA al-hikam -Special addressing students of non-religious students (general) - and STAIMA al-hikam handle students of religion. This is when ma'had aly, this is another part of Pesma, if Pesma earlier for the general student child, if mahad aly was first set up to accommodate children who had high religious but scientific orientation is generally low. Now that he has mastered the science of religion but not a market society. why? because not enough methodology to enter the mass/social life/people although they have a modal for it. So here is Ma’had aly it is children who have read the book, good! but their general knowledge is low, combined with a child whose science is already working, his religious character is low. The difference between the two agencies namely PESMA and STAIMA al-hikam is developed by the foundation al-hikam order to integrate into the shade of the foundation of al- Hikam. This is very apparent when what is meant by STAIMA is Ma'had Aly ranging from the initial concept until now ma'had aly under the auspices of PESMA Al-Hikam. Related to the above, the founder of al-hikam continue his idea: Well, here together towards a balance, a balance between religious morality and science. It was ... it came from two different things, put together in order to encourage each other so that religion does not understand general science allergic to even consider that the general knowledge that is part of the religious orders. While the public knows PESMA that it should be understood that the spirit of religion that could... create accountability scholarship... integration of both of these into units of al-Hikam it.

Referring to the opinion Husniyatus Salamah Zainiyati in her dissertation, classifying the integration of higher education and training schools, In plain Pesma al-hikam entrance to the first


International Seminar and Call for Paper 2017 Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan category ie to integrate the college into a boarding school. However, Pesma al-hikam has a different concept to the categorization above, namely Pesma al-hikam accommodate students from the general student who are studying outside of pesantren in this case schools do not cooperate or MOU (memorandum of understanding) with some related campus except only in certain circumstances the extent of non-formal On the other hand, Pesma al-hikam develop college called STAIMA. From some of the above discussion, it is also possible if public colleges develop religious education and the character of students to make educational institutions such as Islamic boarding schools, so the integration between religion and general knowledge can be applied and can be developed. Some of this is not just a mere concept form, but can be given the facilities and pre- ingredients in some campuses are adequate, as evidenced by the lack of facilities for student flats (Rusunawa). So what needs to be done by the manager of college tingga just rusunawa management for students in order to become a laboratory space education by managed like Islamic boarding school.

4. Conclusions Islamic education model of students-santri in Pesma al-hikam ought to become a model of a special boarding school for students. The education system applied in Pesma al-hikam namely by using boarding students as a laboratory education and education that runs for 24 hours straight, should presumably be emulated and studied. The concept of integrated education institutions, namely public college and Islamic boarding school can be developed and studied further. So that something good in general college are able to create a scholar or scientist which can be increased by adopting Islamic boarding school system has an advantage in akhlakul karimah proven to create a scholar. Integrated from both institutions it is expected to be able to spawn graduates scientist-clerics. Furthermore, the managers of educational institutions (especially public universities) need to know and realize that Islamic education is not sufficiently taught in class.

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