Significance of Seismic Reflections Beneath a Tilted Exposure of Deep

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Significance of Seismic Reflections Beneath a Tilted Exposure of Deep JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH, VOL. 100,NO. B2, PAGES2069-2087, FEBRUARY 10, 1995 Significanceof seismicreflections beneath a tilted exposure of deep continental crust, Tehachapi Mountains, California P. E. Malin,1,2 E. D. Goodman,3,4 T. L. Henyey,5 Y. G. Li,5 D. A. Okaya,5 andJ. B. Saleeby6 Abstract. The focusof this articleis a processwhereby lower crustalcrystalline and schistoserocks can riseto the surface,with the TehachapiMountains in Californiabeing the casein point. As a prime exam- ple of the lower crust,these mountains expose Cretaceous gneisses that formed25-30 km down in the SierraNevada batholith and appearto be underlainby the ensimaticRand schist. Integrated geophysical andgeological studies by the CALCRUST programhave produced a crosssection through this post-Mid- Cretaceousstructure and suggesta generalmodel for its development.Seismic reflection and refraction profiles show that the batholithicrocks dip northwardas a tilted slaband extendbeneath the southernend of the SanJoaquin Basin's Tejon embayment.Two southdipping reverse faults on the rim of the Tejon embaymentwere discoveredin the reflectiondata and verified in the field. The faultshave a combined separationof severalkilometers and cut throughan uppercrustal reflection zone that projectsto the sur- face outcropof the Rand schist.The upperand lower crustsare separatedby a zoneof laterallydiscon- tinuousreflectors. Reflections from the lower crustform a wedge, the baseof which is a nearlyflat Moho at 33 km. Regionalgeological relations and gravitymodels both suggestthat the reflectivezone correspondsto the Rand schistand the newly recognizedfaults account for its Neogeneexposure. Alternatively,the reflectivezone maybe part of the gneisscomplex, suggesting that the schisteither lies deeperor is not presentunder the gneisses.If the Rand schistunderlies the TehachapiMountains and Mojave regionto their south,a modelfor their evolutioncan be constructedfrom regionalgeological re- lations. It seemsthat duringLate CretaceousLaramide subduction the protolithof the schistwas thrust eastwardbeneath the Mojave. Along this portion of the Cordilleranbatholithic belt the subductionwas evidentlyat very low angles. The bottomof the batholithwas removed and replaced by a thick sectionof schist,fluids from which weakenedthe overlyingbatholith. This thickenedcrust collapsed by horizontal flow in the schistand faultingof the uppercrust into flat-lying slabs. When emplacementof the schist endedin latestCretaceous/earliest Paleocene, the underlyingmantle rose, compensating for the extension andproviding material for magmaticunderplating. In the Neogene,transpression and rotation of the up- per crustalong the San Andreasand Garlock faults resulted in the exposureof the schist. Introduction andwhich may underlie both the Tehachapi Mountains and Tejon embayment,as well asthe Mojave Desert to theirsouth (Figure 2) The TehachapiMountains' gneiss complex dips northwestward [e.g., Ehlig, 1968; Silver, 1982, 1983; Plescia, 1985; Cheadle et underthe Cenozoic sediments of theSan Joaquin Valley's Tejon al., 1986; Carter, 1987; Lawson, 1989]. The processesand embayment,at the southernmosttip of the SanJoaquin Basin resultingcrustal structure that bringthe gneissand Rand schistto (SSJB)(Figure 1). Thegneisses are bounded on the south by the the surfaceare the focusof this paper(see also Salisburyand Garlockfault andan exposureof Randschist (Figure 2) [Wiese, Fountain [ 1990]). 1950]. Regionalgeology, petrology, geophysics, and seismology The TehachapiMountains' gneisses are thoughtto represent all suggestthat the Rand schist represents an ensimaticprotolith the Cretaceous mid-to-lower crust of the Sierra Nevada batholith that was thrustbeneath th• gneissesduring the Late Cretaceous [Saleebyet al., 1987;Saleeby, 1990; Pickett and Saleeby,1993]. Both the gneissesand the presumablyunderlying schist were 1DepartmentofGeology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. uplifted in the latestCretaceous/early Paleocene and exposedin 2FormerlyInstitute forCrustal Studies University ofCalifornia, Santa the Tertiary [Jacobsonet al., 1988; Goodman, 1989; Silver and Barbara. Nourse, 1986; Pickett and Saleeby, 1993]. The uplifted 3InstituteforCrustal Studies University ofCalifornia, SantaBarbara. Tehachapi block apparentlyexperienced Neogene clockwise 4NowatExxon Production Research Company, Houston, Texas. rotationand late Miocene-to-Recentthrusting along the White 5DepartmentofGeological Sciences, University ofSouthern California, Wolf fault (WWF), placing these basementrocks over the 12- Los Angeles. km-deep SSJB [e.g., McWilliams and Li, 1985; Goodmanand 6DivisionofGeological andPlanetary Sciences, California Institute of Malin, 1992]. Technology,Pasadena. The TehachapiMountains study described here was part of the CaliforniaConsortium for CrustalStudies (CALCRUST) effortto Copyright1995 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. understandthe relationshipsbetween surface exposures of high- gradeMesozoic metamorphicrocks, associated faults, and lower Paper number 94JB02127. crustalprocesses [e.g., Henyey et al., 1987]. In the Tehachapi 0148-0227/95/94JB-02127505.00 Mountains,CALCRUST acquireda 38-kmreflection profile and 2069 2070 MALIN ET AL.' REFLECTIONS BENEATH TILTED CRUST OxSP1 x o IOm• t •S•erraNevada'•x 0 IOkm t, \\ ß\\ß \\ SOUTHERN SAN SanaSanLuciaGabrielR••D•A JOAQUIN VALLEY San Andreas Fault EXPLANATION CenozoicCover Pleito Thrust TEJON EMBAYMENT ,E•Tonalites of the Bearand ValleyGabbroids Suite Tehachapi Mountains '• GneissComplex •J RandSchist ++++ Undifferentiated Mesozoic Pastoria + ++ x Thrust +++++ [•] Intrusiveand Metamorphic + + + + Rocks '+++++ x MOJAVE •COCORP ___ Refraction Line and Shot Points (Fig. 3) DESERT LINE4 ReflectionLine (Fig. 6) 34ø45' 119o07.5' 118ø225• Figure 1. Index and location maps for the Tehachapi Mountains-Tejon embayment area in south-central California'sSan Joaquin Basin. Also shownis that portionof the CALCRUST seismicreflection profile containing deepreflections and discussedin this paper(between vibration points VP 352 to VP 987). Importantgeological featuresare the exposedMesozoic basementrocks; their Cenozoic sedimentarycover in the Tejon embayment (modifiedfi'om Sams and Saleeby[1988]); and the Rand schist outcrop and Rand thrust/north branch of the Garlockfault on its northside [e.g., Buwalda, 1954; Burchfiel and Davis, 1981]. Otherseismic survey lines are the overlying CALCRUST refraction profile [from Goodmanet al., 1989] and the most northwesternline of the COCORP Mojave Desertreflection survey, line 4 [from Cheadleet al., 1986]. a coincident110-km refraction profile [Malin et al., 1988;Ambos the refraction models cannot resolve the locations and amounts of and Malin, 1987]. Further constraintswere obtainedfrom newly dip in laterally varying structures.Thus the gravity and reflection compiled gravity data (J. Plescia, Jet PropulsionLaboratory, data add essentialconstraints to the refraction model (Figures 3, Pasadena, California, unpublished data, 1993) and industry 5, 6, and 7). As in the generalcases discussed by Barton [1986], reflection and well log measurementsin the Tejon embayment a relatively broad range of velocity-densityrelations was required [Goodman and Malin, 1988; Goodman et al., 1989; Goodman, to obtain a consistentmodel for both the seismicand gravity data 1989; Goodman and Malin, 1992]. The CALCRUST reflection from the TehachapiMountains. profile was begun a few kilometers north of the WWF. From The CALCRUST reflection profile aimed principally at there it was taken south, toward line 4 of the Consortium for addressingthe structuralrelationship of the gneissand schist, Continental Reflection Profiling (COCORP) Mojave Desert their distribution in the crust, and the responseof the crust to survey(Figure 2) [ Cheadleet al., 1986], until the projectbudget latest Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonics. The depth-converted was exhaustedabout a kilometer north of the Rand schistoutcrop. commonmidpoint (CMP) stackof thesedata shows(1) a seriesof A central,22-km-long segmentof the CALCRUST data contains northwest dipping reflections consistent with the refraction clear deep reflections(Figures 1 and 2). This segmentis entirely results, (2) a midcrustal change in reflection character, (3) a southof the WWF, whosemultiple strandsand complexfolding wedge of reflectorsin the lower crustwith variable northwesterly producea bad data area for deepersignals [e.g., Goodmanand dips and hinge points at or near the Moho, and (4) a relatively Malin, 1992]. The segmentalso lies 4 km north of the Rand flat, 33-km-deepMoho. A similar Moho structurewas previously schist, the southern 3 km of data being eliminated becauseof found in the earthquake tomography of Hearn and Clayton severe signal-generated noise, out-of-plane reflections, and [1986a, b] and simple gravity model of Plescia [1985]. The reflected refractions. gravity model suggeststhat the topographyof the Tehachapi The refractiondata, which penetratedto midcrustallevels (<15 Mountainsmay be supportedat relatively shallowlevels, perhaps km), showseveral significant features. They include (1) velocity even within the crust. This might be the case,for example,if the discontinuities in the areas of the Garlock fault and WWF, (2) Tehachapi gneiss complex is underlain by a body of slightly high-velocity rock units at shallow depthsbeneath the site of the fasterbut slightly lessdense schist. reflection survey, and (3) a northwestdip in these units (Figure In total, the geology and geophysicsof the crust beneaththe
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