President’s Town Hall

Thunder Bay: Dec. 5/18 Region: Dec. 6/18 Agenda 1. Learning Management System 2. Free Speech Policy 3. ILOs Update 4. Employee Engagement Survey 5. Reminder – President’s Holiday Open House • December 14, 2:30-5:30pm Ryan Hall • Support to regional campuses for their own event Learning Management System Blackboard Review Background • Bill 148 Services Review identified the College LMS – Bb – as an area for scrutiny. • Our Bb costs are approaching $250K annually for licensing and off site hosting • Our current contract with Bb expires in June 2020 • The College last reviewed Bb as our LMS in 2011 Three Options Identified 1. Approach Blackboard Inc., identify College financial pressures, negotiate a new relationship with a net lower cost.

2. Implement D2L Brightspace as an extension (additional contract) to our existing use of Brightspace for NCCP.

3. Begin an open RFP process for a College LMS.

In each case, an implementation ready for June 2020 is expected. Steps Taken (Fall 2018) 1. Began development of College 2018 requirements for an LMS. 2. Consultations with Academic Council, SUCCI, and technical/administrative staff. 3. Resulting LMS Requirements ready to form the basis for any potential RFP. 4. Development of faculty Bb Learn feedback survey. Blackboard Renegotiation Result • Transition the College from Blackboard Learn 9.1 to Blackboard Learn Ultra • Cost savings approaching $90K annually • Abandon last year of existing contract, and commit for 5 years to Ultra • Create test Blackboard Learn Ultra environment – winter 2019 • Convert to Blackboard Learn Ultra environment – for spring or fall 2019 • Must commit by end of 2018 Blackboard Learn Ultra vs. D2L Brightspace VIDEO: D2L Sales VIDEO: Bb Sales VIDEO: Bb Faculty Info

• Most core features are comparable – enrollment from Banner, admin tools, quizzes, gradebook, posting materials, etc. • Bb includes Ally – industry leading accessibility add on • Bb Ultra is a more current, mobile first design • Cost of each is comparable • Some custom course materials may present issues moving to D2L

Next Steps • Dec 5 – 12: Issue of FT/PT faculty survey for feedback on satisfaction with current Blackboard Learn • Dec 12: Review of results with co-ordinators • Focus group of College faculty using BB & D2L Brightspace • Decision on next steps shortly thereafter.

Questions ??? Technical/Admin – Dave Coates [email protected] Free Speech Policy Free Speech Policy • The Committee of Presidents (COP) approved a free speech policy for the system that will be posted at each individual on December 17th to align with the deadline set by the provincial government of January 1, 2019.

• The policy was developed by a system task force of senior leaders from the colleges and by representatives from Colleges , the College Employer Council, the and a law firm. Free Speech Policy (Cont’d) • It is primarily based on the University of Chicago’s statement of principles on free expression and incorporates aspects of the policies at Yale University, the and Wilfrid Laurier University.

• The policy also describes the process for collaborating with student groups to address complaints and a commitment that unresolved complaints will go the Ontario Ombudsman. Five Core Elements 1. A definition of freedom of speech. 2. A commitment to open discussion and free inquiry. 3. A statement that it is not the Colleges’ role to shield students from ideas they disagree with. 4. A statement that people can express their own views but must also respect the rights of others. 5. An affirmation that speech that violates the law – including the Ontario Human Rights Code – is not allowed. Speech that constitutes harassment, a threat or hate speech is not allowed. Free Speech Policy (Cont’d)

• Link will be added to our website

Look for the notification on Staff News! Indigenous Learning Outcomes ILOs • Planning now underway to ensure faculty are provided training/education regarding Indigenous culture in order to understand and embed ILOs.

• CPRIL is the lead on ILO implementation in conjunction with the Academic and Human Resources divisions.

• Working now to develop the training plan. Employee Engagement Survey Employee Engagement Survey Employee Engagement Survey (Cont’d) Employee Engagement Survey (Cont’d) • Thanks to the EE Committee for leading this work • We have heard the survey needs to be improved

• Full results will be released later this week • A link will be distributed via Staff News and email • A consultation process will be implemented in the New Year to get your feedback on the survey results Thank You! & Don’t Forget…