Béatrice Longuenesse Curriculum Vitae (February 2018) Professional address NYU Department of 5, Washington Place Tel. (212) 998 8332 [email protected]

Education, Degrees 1967: Baccalauréat (national final exam for completing high school education) Mathématiques Elémentaires (major in mathematics and physics), Mention Très Bien (Summa cum Laude) 1969: Admission to the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris). 1972: Maîtrise de Philosophie (BA), Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Mention Bien (Magna cum Laude). 1973: Agrégation de Philosophie. 1979–1980: Jane Eliza Procter Visiting Graduate Student, Princeton University. 1980: Doctorat de Troisième Cycle en Philosophie (PhD), Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Mention Très Bien (Summa cum Laude): "La Critique de la Métaphysique dans la Doctrine de l’Essence de Hegel.” 1992 : Doctorat d'Etat ès Lettres, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Mention Très Honorable à l'Unanimité du Jury (Summa cum Laude, unanimously granted): "Le Pouvoir de Juger. Sensibilité et Discursivité dans l'Analytique Transcendentale de la Critique de la Raison Pure."

Academic Employment 2010–present: Silver Professor, New York University. 2004–present: Professor of Philosophy, New York University. 1999–2004: Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University. 1994–96: Associate Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University. 1993–94: Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University. 1985–1993: Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor) en Philosophie, Université de Clermont-Ferrand. 1983–1985: Assistante (Assistant Professor) en Philosophie, Université de Franche- Comté. 1981–1983: Chargée de Cours (Lecturer) en Philosophie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris. 1981–1982 : Pensionnaire (Research Fellow), Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. 1978–79: Chargée de Cours (Lecturer) en Philosophie, Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).

Other Teaching Positions April–June 2017: Spinoza Chair in Philosophy, University of Amsterdam Summer 2014 : Visiting Professor, University of Sao Paolo and University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). One week. Summer 2012: Central European University, Summer School on “Problems of the Self.” Longuenesse, C.V. 2/20

Three weeks. Spring 2009 : Kant Kurs, Universität Konstanz. One week (two daily lectures). Spring 2008: Professeur Invitée, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales et Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris). One month.

1980-1981 : Professeur Agrégée, Lycée Technique de Lens. 1975-77 : Professeur Agrégée, Lycée Polyvalent, Carvin.

Areas of Specialization Kant, Hegel, modern philosophy, philosophy of .

Areas of Competence Early modern philosophy, contemporary European philosophy,

Languages French (native), English (fluent, speaking, reading and writing), German (fluent, speaking, reading and writing), Russian (fair, speaking and reading), Latin (advanced), ancient Greek (elementary), Italian (fair, reading; elementary, speaking).

Publications Books

(1981) Hegel et la Critique de la métaphysique, Paris: Vrin, 217 pages.

(1991) Hegel: Notes et fragments. Iéna 1803-1806, traduction et commentaire (ouvrage collectif), Paris: Aubier, 320 pages.

(1993) Kant et le Pouvoir de juger. Sensibilité et discursivité dans l'Analytique Transcendantale de la Critique de la Raison Pure, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 482 pages.

(1998) Kant and the Capacity to Judge. Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pb ed. 2000, 420 pages (extensively revised and expanded English version of (1993))

(2005) Kant on the Human Standpoint, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 304 pages.

(2007) Hegel’s Critique of (expanded English version of (1981), including two additional chapters and a new Preface), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 243 pages.

(2015) Hegel et la Critique de la Métaphysique (second, expanded edition, including revisions of the original French edition, a translation of the chapters added in the 2007 English edition, and a new Preface), Paris: Librairie Philosophique J.Vrin, 383 pages. Longuenesse, C.V. 3/20

(2017) I, Me, Mine. Back to Kant, and Back Again, Oxford University Press, 257 pages.

(forthcoming) Portuguese (Brazil) translation of Kant et le Pouvoir de Juger, with a new Preface. Publication expected spring 2017.

Edited volumes:

(2008) (with Dan Garber) Kant and the Early Moderns, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

(2010) Le Moi/The Self/Le Soi, special issue of the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.

Articles and book chapters:

(1982) "L'Effectivité dans la Logique de Hegel," Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale vol.87, No 4, p.75-86.

(1990) "Actuality in Hegel's ," transl. of (1982), The Graduate Faculty Journal Volume 13, Nr1., p.115-124

(1992) "Hegel, Lecteur de Kant sur le jugement," Philosophie, No 36, p.42-70.

(1994) "Logique et métaphysique dans le système critique: l'exemple de la causalité," Paris : Bulletin de la Société Française de Philosophie, 88e année No. 3, p.65-105.

(1995a) "Kant et les Jugements empiriques. Jugements de perception et jugements d'expérience," Berlin : Kant-Studien, 86. Jahrgang, p.278-307.

(1995b) "The Transcendental Ideal, and the Unity of the Critical System," Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant-Congress, Memphis: Marquette University Press, p.521-537.

(1998a) "The Divisions of the Transcendental Logic and the Leading Thread," in Georg Mohr & Markus Willaschek (eds.) , Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, p.131-158.

(1998b) "Synthèse et donation. Réponse à Michel Fichant," in Philosophie, Nr. 60, p.79- 92.

(2000a) "Point of View of Man or Knowledge of God. Kant and Hegel on Concept, Judgment and Reason," in Sally Sedgwick (ed.), The Reception of Kant’s Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.253-282.

(2000b) “Sujet-Objet dans l’Analytique Kantienne du Beau,” in Autour de Hegel. Longuenesse, C.V. 4/20

Hommage à Bernard Bourgeois, Paris: Vrin, p.291-319.

(2000c) “Kant’s Categories, and the Capacity to Judge. Responses to Henry Allison and Sally Sedgwick,” Inquiry, 43, p.91-110.

(2001a) “Kant’s Standpoint on the Whole: Disjunctive Judgment, Community, and the Third Analogy of Experience” in Ralph Schumacher & Oliver Scholz (eds.), Idealismus als Theorie der Repräsentation?, Festschrift für Rolf-Peter Horstmann, Berlin: De Gruyter, p.287-312.

(2001b) “Logical Functions and the World-Whole,” in H.F. Fulda und Peter Klein (eds.), Kants Idee eines Systems der Philosophie, Berlin: Felix Meiner, p.171-192.

(2001c) “Kant über den Satz vom Grund,” in Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung, Akten des 9. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, Berlin: De Gruyter, Band I, p.38-57.

(2001d) “Kant’s Deconstruction of the Principle of Sufficient Reason,” The Harvard Review of Philosophy, vol. IX, p.67-87.

(2001e) “Synthesis, Logical Forms, and the Objects of our Ordinary Experience. Reply to Michael Friedman,” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 83. Bd., p.199-212

(2003a) “Kant: le Jugement Moral comme Jugement de la Raison” (“Kant: Moral Judgment as a Judgment of Reason”), in Michèle Cohen-Halimi (ed.), Le Jugement Moral, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, p.15-54.

(2003b) “Kant’s Theory of Judgment, and Judgments of Taste. On Henry Allison’s Kant’s Theory of Taste,” Inquiry, vol.46, Nr.2, p.143-63.

(2004a) “Les Concepts a priori Kantiens et leur destin,” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, vol.109, N°4, p.485-510.

(2004b) “History of Philosophy in France. Response to Denis Kambouchner,” in Jerry Schneewind (ed.) Teaching the New Histories of Philosophy, Publications of the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, p.58-64.

(2005) "Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?" in Christia Mercer and Eileen O’Neill (eds.), Early Modern Philosophy: Mind, Matter, and Metaphysics, New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.231-261.

(2006a) “Kant on a priori Concepts: the Metaphysical Deduction of the Categories,” in Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy, New York, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.129-168.

(2006b) “Cogito Kantien et Cogito Cartésien,” in Descartes en Kant, Michel Fichant & Longuenesse, C.V. 5/20

Jean-Luc Marion (eds.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, p.67-91.

(2006c) “Kant’s Leading Thread in the Analytic of the Beautiful,” in Rebecca Kukla (ed.), and Cognition in Kant’s Critical Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, p.121-149.

(2006d) “Self-Consciousness and Consciousness of One’s own Body. Variations on a Kantian Theme,” Philosophical Topics, vol.34, No 1 & 2, p. 283-309.

(2007a) „Sartre on Self-Consciousness,“ in Tom Bishop and Coralie Girard (eds.) Situating/Situation de Sartre 2005, The Florence Gould Lectures at New York University, Special Volume 2006-2007, p.99-110.

(2007b) “Kant on the Identity of Persons,” Proceedings of the , vol. CVII, Part 2, p.149-167.

(2007c) “Selbstbewußtsein und Bewußtsein des eigenen Körpers; Variationen über ein Kantisches Thema,” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 55. Jahrgang, Nr 6, p.859- 875 .

(2008a) “Kant’s ‘I ’ versus Descartes’s ‘I am a thing that thinks’ ” in Dan Garber & Beatrice Longuenesse (eds.), in Kant and the Early Moderns, Princeton: Princeton University Press, p.9-31.

(2008b) “Neurone vergeistigen. Philosophie und Neurowissenschaft in Gespräch,” with Frank Rösler, Jahrbuch des Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin, p.241-258.

(2008c) “Self-consciousness and self-reference: Sartre and Wittgenstein,” in The European Journal of Philosophy, vol.16, issue 1, p.1-21.

(2008d) “Cassam and Kant on ‘how possible’ questions,” in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. LXXVII No. 2, p.510-517.

(2010a) “De Différentes manières de se rapporter à soi,” in Le Moi/the Self/le Soi, special issue of the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, Nr 4, p.419-434.

(2010b) “La Déconstruction Kantienne du Principe de Raison Suffisante,” in Michael Foessel et Pierre Osmo (eds), Kant, Paris: Ellipses, p.55-72.

(2011) “Kant’s Standpoint on the Whole. Disjunctive judgment, Community, and the Third Analogy of Experience,” in Charlton Payne & Lucas Thorpe (eds.), Kant and the Concept of Community, North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy, University of Rochester Press, p.17-40.

(2012a) “ ‘I’ and the Brain,” in Psychological Research, vol. 76, Issue 2 (2012), p.220- 228. Longuenesse, C.V. 6/20

(2012b) “Kant and Freud on ‘I’,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Kant Congress, Pisa 2010, Berlin: De Gruyter, p.287-308.

(2012c) “Two uses of ‘I’ as subject?” in Simon Prosser and François Recanati (eds.), Immunity to Error through Misidentification, New Essays, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.81-104.

(2012d) “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Super-Ego,” Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, p.18-39.

(2013a) “Kant and Hegel on the Moral Self,” in Dina Emundts (ed.), Self, World and Art. Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel, Berlin: De Gruyter, p.93-117.

(2013b) “I, Me, Mine. Self-Consciousness and the First Person.” The Berlin Journal, Nr. 24, p. 44-48.

(2014) “Kant’s ‘Ich’ in ‘Ich soll’ und Freud’s ‘Über-Ich’,” in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 62-3, p.365-81.

(2017) “Conscience de soi et usage de la première personne,” in Pécharman, Martine, et Philippe de Rouilhan (eds.), Le Philosophe et le Langage. Etudes offertes à Jean- Claude Pariente, Paris : Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.

(2017) “Kant’s Multiple Concepts of Person,” in Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant on Persons and Agency, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(2017) “Kant and Freud on Morality.” In Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 91, p. 215-230,


“Residuen der ersten Natur” (“Residues of First Nature”). In Zweite Natur. Akten des Kongresses der Internationalen Hegel Vereinigung, Stuttgart 2017. Publication expected 2018.

“Les deux exactitudes. Lectures Kantiennes de Jean-Marie Beyssade” (“Two kinds of exactitude. Jean-Marie Beyssade reads Kant ”). In La Philosophie comme science exacte. Hommage à Jean-Marie Beyssade. (Philosophy as an exact science: Essays in memory of Jean-Marie Beyssade.) Publication expected 2018.

In Progress

Longuenesse, C.V. 7/20

The First person in cognition and in morality. (Publication of my Spinoza lecture, University of Amsterdam, spring 2017. Two lectures). Under contract with Oxford University Press.

Précis of I, Me, Mine. Back to Kant, and back again, and responses to my critics. To appear in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.

Book project:

Consciousness and what is unconscious. (provisional title)


(2001) Review of Allen Wood’s Kant’s Ethical Thought, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 83. Bd, p.341-346.

(2003) Review of Henry Allison’s Kant’s Theory of Taste. In the Journal of Philosophy, Vol.C, Nr.9, p.487-492.

(2003) Review of Michelle Grier’s Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic. In Mind, vol.112, Nr.448, p.718-724.

(2007) Review of Sebastian Rödl, Self-consciousness, Harvard University Press, 2007, in Notre-Dame Philosophical Review.


(2005) Interview on my work by a panel of faculty and graduate students, The Dualist (Stanford Philosophy Journal), vol. 12, Nr1, p.67-80.

(2007) “Eine Sache der Verschaltung. Béatrice Longuenesse und Frank Rösler versuchen sich in der Überwindung des philosophisch-neurowissenschaftlichen Dualismus.“ Interview (with Ralph Grötger and Frank Roesler), Köpfe und Ideen, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, p.14-21.


(1977) - Congress of the Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft, Lisbon, "Le 'Renversement' de la dialectique Hegelienne."

(1982) - Congress of the Internationale Hegel-Vereinigung, Stuttgart, "L'Effectivité dans la Logique de Hegel." Longuenesse, C.V. 8/20

(1983) - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, "Hegel Critique de la morale Kantienne."

(1985) - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, "Hegel: l'Histoire comme advenir du sujet."

(1992) - Université de Paris-Sorbonne, "Kant et le Pouvoir de juger" (Soutenance de Thèse pour le Doctorat d'Etat). - Université de Lyon III, "Hegel, Lecteur de Kant sur le jugement."

(1994) - Société Française de Philosophie, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, "Logique et métaphysique dans le système critique: l'exemple de la causalité." - Université Blaise-Pascal (Clermont II), "Logique et métaphysique dans le système critique: l'exemple de la causalité."

(1995) - Eighth International Kant-Congress, Memphis, Tennessee, "The Transcendental Ideal and the Unity of the Critical System." - University of Pennsylvania, "Logic and Metaphysics in the Critical System: the Example of Causality." - Conference on Kant and German Idealism, Dartmouth College, "Point of View of Man or Knowledge of God. Kant and Hegel on Concept, Judgment and Reason.” - Yale University, "Point of View of Man or Knowledge of God. Kant and Hegel on Concept, Judgment and Reason." - M.I.T., "Kant on Causality: What is the Question?" - University of New Hampshire, "Kant on Causality: What is the Question?"

(1996) - I led discussions in a Colloquium (seven three-hour sessions) on my book, Kant and the Capacity to Judge. The Colloquium took place at the Wissenschaftskolleg and was organized by Pr.Dr. Rolf-Peter Horstmann (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin).

(1997) - University of Pittsburgh, "Point of View of Man or Knowledge of God. Kant and Hegel on Concept, Judgment and Reason." - American Philosophical Association, Central Division, "Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?" - Johns Hopkins University, "Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?" - Conference on Systematicity in Kant, Vienna (Austria), "Logical Functions and the World-Whole: on Kant's Third Analogy of Experience." - McGill University (Montreal, Canada), "Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?" - Université de Montréal, Canada, "Fonctions logiques et représentation du monde: sur la Longuenesse, C.V. 9/20

Troisième Analogie de l'Expérience." - New York University, "Practical Reason and Systematic Philosophy in Kant and Hegel."

(1998) - Haverford College, Philadelphia, Distinguished Visitor, "Kant's Leading Thread," paper and seminar.

(1999) - Pennsylvania State University, “Logical Functions and the World-Whole: on Kant’s Third Analogy of Experience.” - Columbia University, New York, “Logical Functions and the World-Whole: on Kant’s Third Analogy of Experience.” - APA (American Philosophical Association), Pacific Division, Berkeley, “Author Meets Critics,” on Kant and the Capacity to Judge. - APA, Central Division, New Orleans, invited paper, session on German Idealism: “Kant’s Standpoint on the Whole.” - APA, Central Division, New Orleans, NAKS, “Author Meets Critics” on Kant and the Capacity to Judge. - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris (équipe de Pierre Zarka, journée organisée par Martine Pécharman), “La Déconstruction Kantienne du principe de raison suffisante.”

(2000) - Berlin, 9th Congress of the International Kant Society, “Kant über den Satz vom Grund.” - Harvard Philosophy Colloquium, “Kant’s Deconstruction of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.”

(2001) - University of Chicago, Philosophy Colloquium, “Kant’s Deconstruction of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.” - University of Chicago, Workshop in Continental Philosophy, “The Leading Thread in Kant’s Analytic of the Beautiful.” - New York University, “Kant on the Principle of Sufficient Reason.” - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Third International Kant Congress, “Subject and Object in Kant’s Analytic of the Beautiful.”

(2002) - American Society of Aesthetic, Pacific Conference, Asilomar (Pacific Groves, California), Author Meets Critics, on Henry Allison’s Kant’s Theory of Taste. - Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, “Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?”

(2003) - Princeton University, Conference on “Teaching the New Histories of Philosophy,” Longuenesse, C.V. 10/20

Response to Denis Kambouchner, “Teaching History of Philosophy in France.” - University of Toronto, “Cassam and Kant on Self-Consciousness and Consciousness of One’s Own Body.” - University of California at Berkeley, departmental colloquium: “Cassam and Kant on Self-Consciousness and Consciousness of One’s Own Body.” - University of California at Berkeley, keynote address to the conference Kant on Concepts and Normativity. “Kant on the Normativity of Aesthetic Judgments.” - Northwestern University, Program in Critical Theory, visiting professor (week-long seminar and public lecture). “Self-Consciousness and Consciousness of One’s Own Body. Variations on a Kantian Theme.”

(2004) - University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, O’Neill lectures in the History of Philosophy: “Self-Consciousness and Consciousness of one’s Own Body. Variations on a Kantian Theme. Lecture # 1: “Self-Consciousness and Objectivity.” Lecture #2: “Self-Consciousness and Embodiment.” - Princeton University, Conference in the History of Modern Philosophy: “Kant’s ‘I think’ versus Descartes “I am a Thinking Thing.” - Université de Paris-Sorbonne and Universita di Lecce (Italy): “Cogito Kantien et Cogito Cartésien.”

(2005) - New York University, “Remembering Derrida.” - Stanford University, “Kant and Descartes on ‘I think’.” - APA, Pacific Division, “Kant against Kant?” (Invited comment on a paper by Lara Ostaric: “Point of view of man or Knowledge of God. A reply to Béatrice Longuenesse.”) - Humboldt Universät zu Berlin, “Self-consciousness and consciousness of one’s own body. Variations on a Kantian Theme.” - Harvard University, New England Colloquium in Early Modern Philosophy, “Kant and Descartes on ‘I think’.” - New York University, Maison Française, Conference Situation de Sartre 2005/Situating Sartre 2005, “Sartre on Self-Consciousness.” - New School for Social Research, New York, “Kant and Descartes on ‘I think’”

(2006) - Columbia University, presentation to the staff of the Humanities Honors seminar, on Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. - University of Notre-Dame: “Self-consciousness and consciousness of one’s own body. Variations on a Kantian Theme.” - University of Alberta at Edmonton, “Self-consciousness and consciousness of one’s own body. Variations on a Kantian Theme.” - University of Calgary, “Self-consciousness and consciousness of one’s own body. Variations on a Kantian Theme.” - NYU, Mind and Language Seminar, “Kant and Descartes on ‘I think’.” - Union College, NY, “Kant and Descartes on ‘I think’.” Longuenesse, C.V. 11/20

- CUNY, “Self-consciousness and consciousness of one’s own body. Variations on a Kantian Theme.” - APA, Eastern Division, Washington, “Author meets critics” on Kant on the Human Standpoint. Responses to Allen Wood and Daniel Warren.

(2007) - Aristotelian Society (, UK), “Kant on the Identity of Persons.” - Moral Sciences Club, Cambridge University (UK), “Kant on self-consciousness, and immunity to error through misidentification.” - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, „Kant zur Identität von Personen.“ (in German) - Universität Potsdam, “Selbstbewusstsein und Berwusstsein des eigenen Körpers. Variationen über ein Kantisches Thema.“ (in German) - Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, “Neurone vergeistigen. Philosophie und Neurowissenschaft in Gespräch” („Minding Neurons. Philosophy and Neuroscience in dialogue“) (in German, with Frank Rösler). - Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, „I, self, Identity“. - Freie Universität, Berlin, „Kant zur Identität von Personen.“ - Oxford, UK, invited lecture and seminar for the European Journal of Philosophy, “Self- consciousness and self-reference. Sartre and Wittgenstein.” Seminar on “I, Self, Subject.” - UCLA, Department of Philosophy, “Self-consciousness and self-reference: Sartre and Wittgenstein.” - North American Kant Society, Pacific Division, “Kant’s ‘I think’ versus Descartes’ ‘I am a thing that thinks’.”

(2008) - University of California at Riverside, conference on Self, Agency, and Self-Awareness, “Kant on the Identity of Persons.” - Temple University, Philadelphia, “Self-Consciousness and Self-Reference. Sartre and Wittgenstein.” - North American Kant Society, New York Reading Group (keynote address), “I, Self, Subject.” - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Professeur Invitée (Visiting Professor), four seminars on “Self-consciousness and self-reference.” - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Centre Jean-Nicod, Paris, “I, Self, Subject.” - Asilomar Conference on Phenomenology and cognitive science (keynote address), “Kant and Freud on ‘I’.” - Chapel Hill Philosophy Conference, “Kant and Freud on ‘I’”

(2009) - University of Pittsburgh, “Kant’s ‘I’ in “I think” and Freud’s ego.” - Villanova University, “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I think’ and Freud’s ‘ego.” - University of Konstanz (Germany), endowed “Kant-Kurs,” four seminar on “Self- consciousness and self-reference,” public lecture on “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I think’ and Freud’s ego.” - Oxford University, Jowett Society, “Two uses of ‘I’ as subject?” Longuenesse, C.V. 12/20

- Vanderbilt University. “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I think’ and Freud’s ego.” - Emory University, endowed lecture and seminar. Lecture, “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I think’ and Freud’s ego.” Seminar, “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s super-ego.”

(2010) - University of Marburg (Germany), conference in honor of Frank Rösler, “‘Ich’ und Gehirn.” (“ ‘I’ and the brain.”) - NYU Abu Dhabi lecture event, “Kant’s Imperfect Cosmopolitanism,” comments on Pauline Kleingeld. - APA meeting, Pacific Division, “Author meets critics,” Galen Srawson’s Selves (Oxford University Press, 2009). - University of Pisa (Italy), 11th International Kant Congress, Keynote Address, “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I think’, Freud’s ego, and the idea of ultimate ends of human reason.” - Johns Hopkins University, the first Arthur Lovejoy lecture (endowed lecture), “Kant’s ’I’ in ‘I think’ and Freud’s Ego.” - University of Arizona, “Two uses of ‘I’ as subject?” - CNRS/NYU workshop on immunity to error through misidentification, NYU, “Two uses of ‘I’ as subject?”

(2011) - Wesleyan University, “Two uses of ‘I’ as subject?” - Harvard University: “Two uses of ‘I’ as subject?” - University of California at Berkeley, “Two uses of ‘I’ as subject?” - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, conference “Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel,” “A non metaphysical reading of Kant’s moral self.” - NYU, Workshop on “Kant on our duties to animals” (with Christine Korrsgaard): “Korsgaard on Kant on our duties with respect to animals.”

(2012) - Yale University, “Kant and Hegel on the Moral Self., Metaphysical and Non- Metaphysical Accounts.” - University of Ottawa, “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Superego.” - New School University, New York, “Kant and Hegel on the Moral Self.” - University of Victoria, British Columbia, the Landsdowne Lectures (two lectures), Public Lecture, “Perplexing ‘I’,” Lecture to the Humanities Faculty, “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Superego.” - Dean’s Lecture for the undergraduate honors program, New York University, “Perplexing ‘I’.” - University of Utrecht (Netherlands), Zeno lecture series, “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Superego.” - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, “La liberté de la volonté, les usages du ‘je’ et le cerveau.” - Aristotelian Society, Joint Session, University of Stirling (Scotland), “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Superego.” - Summer School on “Problems of the Self,” Central European University, Budapest, Three lectures followed by seminars. Longuenesse, C.V. 13/20

- American Academy in Berlin, “I, Me, Mine; Self-Consciousness and the First Person.”

(2013) - Humboldt Universität, Berlin, “Uses of ‘I’.” - Literaturhaus, Stuttgart, “Kant und Freud über die Moral” (“Kant and Freud on Morality”) (in German). - American Academy in Berlin, “Kant’s ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Superego.” - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, presentation on Kant and the Capacity to Judge in Alan Nelson’s seminar on Locke and Kant. - Harvard University, discussion with participants in the reading group on Kant and the Capacity to Judge, led by Matthew Boyle and Farid Masrour.

(2014) - University of Toronto, “Kant on Persons.” - Hempel Lectures, Princeton University (an endowed series of three lectures): “Self- Consciousness and the first person.” First Lecture: “Uses of ‘I’.” Second Lecture: “Kant on persons.” Third Lecture: “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Superego.” - Kant Lectures, Stanford (an endowed series of two lectures and one seminar): “Self- Consciousness and the First Person.” First Lecture: “Uses of ‘I’.” Second Lecture: “Kant on persons.” Third session: seminar discussion of the two lectures. Fourth session: discussion of a chapter draft from my new book project: “Kant on ‘I think’.” - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, “Uses of ‘I’.” - Université de Bordeaux, conference on “Sartre in Analytic Philosophy”: “Sartre and Anscombe on ‘I’.” - University of Sao Paolo, Brazil, lecture series: 1) Presentation of Kant and the Capacity to Judge, 2) “Uses of ‘I’.” - University of Porto Allegre, Brazil, lecture series: 1) “Kant on Persons.” 2) “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Superego.” - Cornell University, conference in honor of Allen Wood, “German Philosophy and the of Belief”: “Kant on Persons.”

(2015) - New York City Conference in Modern Philosophy: “Kant on ‘I’ and Persons.” - New York/New Jersey Workshop in Modern Philosophy: “Kant on the Soul.” - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conference on “Introspection, Self-Knowledge and Self-Consciousness in the work of Immanuel Kant”: “Kant on the Soul.”

(2016): - Invited paper, conference “Persons, Agency, and Kant,” University of Notre-Dame: “Kant’s Multiple Concepts of Person.” - Keynote address, Congress of the North American Kant Society, Emory University: “Kant on the Soul.” - Workshop on Animals in Anthropology, NYU Animal Studies Initiative: Comments on “All Kinds of Humans, All Kinds of Animals,” by Philippe Descola (Collège de France, Paris). - South Carolina State University, department of philosophy colloquium series : “Kant’s Longuenesse, C.V. 14/20

multiple concepts of person.”

(2017): - De Gruyter prize lecture, APA meeting, Eastern Division: “Kant and Freud on Morality.” - Georgetown University colloquium series: “Kant and Freud on Morality.” - University of Amsterdam, staff colloquium: “Anscombe and Sartre on self- consciousness and the First Person.” - University of Amsterdam, staff colloquium: “Kant on persons.” - University of Amsterdam, Spinoza Chair public lecture: “Perplexing ‘I’.” - University of Amsterdam, Spinoza Chair public lecture: “Two unlikely bedfellows: Kant and Freud on Morality.” - Université de Paris–Sorbonne, conference in honor of Jean–Marie Beyssade (“Jean- Maris Beyssade et la philosophie comme science exacte”): “Lectures Kantiennes de Jean-Marie Beyssade.” - Keynote address to the International Hegel Congress, Stuttgart (Congress topic: “Second Nature”): “Residues of First Nature.” - Universita Roma Tre, workshop on freedom of the will and personal identity: “Perplexing ‘I’.” - Berlin, Freie Universität: “Rolf-Peter Horstmann über Einbildungskraft bei Kant.”

(2018) - Cornell University, Weill Medical college, The Richardson Psychiatry Research seminar: “Residues of first nature. Freud, Kant, Hegel.” Forthcoming: - Whitehead Lectures, Harvard University. First lecture: “‘I,’ universal and singular.” Second lecture: “‘I’ and morality: Enlightenment and suspicion.”

(2019) - Aristotelian Society, London: topic TBA. - International Kant Congress, Oslo: keynote address, topic TBA.

(2020) - Spring: Lectures, Oxford University - Fall: Rutgers Lectures in philosophy, Inaugural Series.

Honors, Grants

(1969-73): Elève de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris. (1979-80): Jane Eliza Procter Fellow, Princeton University. (1981-83): Pensionnaire (= Fellow) à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. (1989-90): Research Grant from the Conseil National des Universités, France. (1994): Summer Grant from the Council for the Humanities, Princeton University. (2003): Grant for translation of publications of my work from French into English, from the Council for the Humanities, Princeton University. (2005-present): Fellow, New York Institute for the Humanities at NYU. Longuenesse, C.V. 15/20

(2006-2007): Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. (2010-present): Silver Professor, New York University. (2011-present): Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (2012): National Humanities Center Fellowship (declined). (2012): Fall, Berlin Prize, American Academy in Berlin. Siemens Prize. (2013): Spring, Berlin Prize, American Academy in Berlin. John Birkelund Prize. (Note: the Berlin Prize is normally awarded for one semester, and each prize has a specific endowment. I was awarded the prize for two semesters, thus with two different endowments) (2015): Spinoza Chair in Philosophy, University of Amsterdam (declined) (2015-2016): invited senior scholar, the National Humanities Center in the Research Triangle, North Carolina. (2017): Walter De Gruyter Stiftung Prize. (2017): Spinoza Chair in Philosophy, University of Amsterdam. (Note. This is the award I had to decline in 2015. Holding the Spinoza Chair involves offering a weekly seminar for seven weeks, giving two public lectures, and holding two colloquium discussions with the faculty of the philosophy department at the University of Amsterdam).

- Endowed lectures: (2004): University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, the O’Neill Lectures in the History of Philosophy (two lectures). (2010): Johns Hopkins University, the Arthur Lovejoy Lecture (the inaugural lecture in the newly founded series). (2012): University of British Columbia, Victoria, the Landsdowne Lectures (two lectures). (2014): Princeton University, the Hempel Lectures (three lectures). (2014): Stanford University, the Kant Lectures (two lectures, one seminar). (2017): The Walter De Gruyter Stiftung prize lecture, APA, Eastern Division, Baltimore. (2017): Spinoza Chair Lectures at the University of Amsterdam: two public lectures, two departmental lectures.

Forthcoming: (2018): Harvard University, Whitehead Lectures. (2020): Oxford University, Isaiah Berlin Lectures. (2020): Rutgers University, Inaugural Series of the Rutgers Lectures in Philosophy. -

Academic Service In France (1983-93)

- 1984, 85, 86: participation au jury du concours d’admission à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (served on the admissions committee evaluating students in the competitive exam for admission to the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris. - 1987-88 and 1991-92: Chair, Department of Philosophy, Université de Clermont- Longuenesse, C.V. 16/20

Ferrand. - 1989-93: Philosophy committee for the Centre National des Lettres, Paris (analogous to the American NEH). - 1992-93: Commission des Etudes (curriculum committee), faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Université de Clermont-Ferrand.

At Princeton University (1993-2004)

- 1994-97: Department of Philosophy: Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Graduate Committee, Graduate Admission Committee, Appointments Committee. -1997-98: Department of Philosophy: Library Committee, Graduate Committee, Graduate Admission Committee, Appointments Committee. - 1998-99: University Committee in charge of organizing the Gauss Seminars in Criticism. Philosophy Department Colloquium Committee. Philosophy Department Course Allocation Committee. - 2000-2001: Colloquium Committee, Appointments Committee. - 2001-2002: Appointments Committee (senior search and junior search), Placement Committee, Colloquium Committee. - 2002-2003: Placement Committee, Course Allocation Committee, graduate admission committee (second round and final round). - 2003 (fall): Library Committee; curriculum Committee. - 2004 (spring): co-organizer (with Dan Garber) of the Inaugural Conference of the Princeton Group in the History of Philosophy: Kant and the Early moderns.

At New York University (2004-present)

Philosophy Department: - Spring 2004: Senior Search Committee - 2004-present: co-organizer (with Don Garrett and John Richardson) of the annual NYU Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy (a two-day conference held every fall). - 2004-present: co-organizer (with Ned Block) of the exchange between the NYU Philosophy Department and the département de philosophie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris - 2005-2006: Chair, History Search Committee (senior and junior) - Spring 2006: Chair, Senior Search Committee. - Fall 2007: Appointments Committee. Standing committee for the appointment of women. - Spring 2008: co-organized (with Don Garrett, John Richardson, and Matthew Evans) the NYU philosophy workshop at La Pietra, on “Skepticism: ancient, modern, contemporary.” - Fall 2009: Chair, tenure committee for Matthew Evans. - Spring 2010: Graduate Admissions Committee. - Fall 2010-present: standing senior appointments committee. - Fall 2010-Spring 2011: Director of Graduate Studies (replacing Sharon Street, on leave). - Fall 2010-Spring 2011: NYU Abu Dhabi Recruitment Committee. Longuenesse, C.V. 17/20

- Spring 2011: Graduate Admissions Committee. - Fall 2013: co-Chair (with Dave Chalmers), climate committee; Jessica Moss tenure committee; Chair, history appointment committee; Chair, Bersoff history committee. - 2014-2015: Associate Chair (replacing Sharon Street, on leave). - Fall 2014: Chair, Tenure Committee for Anja Jauernig. Appointment Committee, Bersoff Fellows. - Fall 2016: Appointment Committee, Bersoff Fellows.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences:

- Spring 2008: Committee in charge of revising the MAP curriculum. - 2009–2010: Promotion and Tenure Committee. - Spring 2012: Promotion and Tenure Committee. - Fall 2013: Promotion and Tenure Committee. - 2014–2015: Promotion and Tenure Committee. - 2016–present: Faculty of Arts and Sciences tenured faculty senators’s council.

University: - 2009–2012: Academic Priorities Committee. - 2016–present: Faculty Senate ______: Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty Committee, Faculty Senate. -2016–2017: Faculty Senate Finance Committee. Academic Priorities Committee. -2017–2018: Faculty Senate, Academic Affairs Committee.

Professional Service:

- Referee for Princeton University Press, Cambridge University Press, University of Notre-Dame Press, Oxford University Press, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, the Journal of the History of Philosophy, , Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. - Advisory Board, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Kant-Studien, Graduate Faculty Journal, Inquiry, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, Archives de Philosophie. - Tenure Reviews, Ad Hoc Committees, Referee for grant proposals. - 1998, Advisor for the Etikkprogram, Norway. - 1999, External PhD Examiner, Monash University (Australia). - 1996-99: APA, Eastern Division Advisory Committee to the Program Committee. - 2006-07. Advisory committee for the evaluation of the Humboldt University, Berlin (Excellence Initiative, 2007) - 2008: External review committee, Yale University, department of philosophy. - 2008: External reader, soutenance de thèse d’habilitation for Isabelle Pariente-Butterlin, December 2008. - 2009: Chair, interim external review committee, Harvard University, department of philosophy. - 2009-2010: Advisory Board, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Longuenesse, C.V. 18/20

- 2012: Chair, external review committee, Harvard University. - 2011-2014: Executive Committee, American Philosophical Association. - 2015: External Review Committee, University of Arizona. - 2018: Faculty mentor in the workshop “Athena in action,” Princeton University: a workshop for women graduate students in philosophy.

Memberships in Professional Societies

Société Française de Philosophie (membre titulaire), Internationale Hegel-Vereinigung, Kant-Gesellschaft, Société d'Etudes Kantiennes de Langue Française, Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française, American Philosophical Association, North American Kant Society.

Fellow, New York Institute for the Humanities at NYU.

Teaching France: (1983-1993) The Paradoxes of Representation (readings including Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Kant, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault). Perception (readings including Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Kant, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty). Consciousness (readings including Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, Bergson, Freud, Merleau-Ponty). Subjectivity and Freedom (readings including Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, Bergson, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Searle, Tugendhat). Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Kant's Critique of Judgment. Hegel's Principles of the Philosophy of Right. Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Hegel's Science of Logic. Freedom and Morality in Kant's critical philosophy. Hegel's Critique of Kant's Moral Philosophy.

USA (1993-present)

Princeton University (1993-2004) Undergraduate Upper Level Lecture Courses: German Idealism Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Problems of the Self in Recent Continental Philosophy British Empiricism Kant’s Practical Philosophy Junior Seminars: Beauty in Nature and Art Self-Consciousness and Personal Identity Longuenesse, C.V. 19/20

Graduate Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, the Transcendental Aesthetic and Transcendental Analytic. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, the Transcendental Dialectic. Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Kant's Theory of Judgment in the First and Third Critique. Kant's Critique of Judgment. Heidegger’s Being and Time (with Sean Kelly) Kantian and Contemporary “neo-Kantian” Views of Self-Consciousness.

New York University (2004-present) Undergraduate: Upper level lecture course: Kant’s moral philosophy Upper level seminar, “Topics in the History of Philosophy”: self-consciousness and personal identity. Junior honors seminar. Upper level lecture course: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.

Graduate: Kant and Contemporary “neo-Kantians” on the self. “Mind and Langage Seminar” (with Don Garrett): “Consciousness and Self- consciousness from the early modern period to Hegel.” Kant and . Consciousness, perception, intentionality, and action (joint seminar, Columbia/NYU, with Christopher Peacocke). Kant and Freud on the Mind. First Year Proseminar. Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment. Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Freud on the Mind. The First Person.

Dissertation advising: At Princeton: - Jasper Reid (primary advisor), dissertation completed 2003, now a lecturer in philosophy at King’s College, London. - Anja Jauernig (primary advisor), dissertation completed 2004, now an associate professor with tenure at the University of Pittsburgh. Has accepted a position as associate professor with tenure at New York University. - Scott Jenkins (primary advisor), dissertation completed 2004, now an associate professor with tenure at the University of Kansas. - Nick Stang (primary advisor then external advisor), dissertation completed 2007, now an assistant professor, tenure track, at the University of Toronto.

At NYU: - Karl Schafer (dissertation committee), dissertation defended 2008, now an associate professor with tenure at the University of Pittsburgh. Longuenesse, C.V. 20/20

- Colin Marshall (chair, dissertation committee), dissertation defended 2010, now an assistant professor, tenure track, at the University of Washington at Seattle. - Jonathan Cottrell (dissertation committee), dissertation defense summer 2011, now an assistant professor at Wayne State University). - Nick Riggle (dissertation committee), dissertation defended summer 2013, tenure track offers from the University of San Diego and SUNY Albany. - Hsueh Qu (dissertation committee), dissertation defended December 2014, now an assistant professor, tenure track at the University of Singapore. - Christopher Prodoehl (chair, dissertation committee), defended September 2017.

Other: - Stefanie Grüne, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. I sponsored her visit to Princeton in fall 2003 and to NYU in spring 2004. External advisor, dissertation committee; dissertation defended 2007. Grüne is now an assistant professor at the University of Potsdam. - Raphaël Ehrsam, Ecole Normale Supérieure. I sponsored his visit to NYU in the fall 2010. External advisor, dissertation committee; dissertation defended 2011. Raphaël Ehrsam is now a Maître de Conférences at the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV). - Marilia Espirito Santo, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. I sponsored her visit to NYU in 2010-11. External advisor; dissertation defended 2012. Now on a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Sao Paolo. - Tyke Nunez, University of Pittsburgh. I sponsored his visit to NYU in the fall 2011. External advisor, dissertation committee. Dissertation defended August 2014. Now an adjunct instructor in philosophy at Washington University in Saint Louis. - James Bondarchuk, Harvard University, external advisor, dissertation committee, 2016- present. Dissertation defense planned for July 2018.

Post-doctoral fellows: - Toni Kannisto (University of Stockholm): post-doctoral fellow, spring 2015 and fall 2016. - Luciano Codato (University of Sao Paolo, Brazil): post-doctoral fellow, 2016-2017. - Paolo Pecere (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Italy): post-doctoral fellow, 2016-2017.