Castellmeià, municipality of . (Maria Josep Jové)

Consorci per al Desenvolupament de la Catalunya Central

Area: Segarra: , , Estaràs, , , , , 2 , , Montornès de Segarra, , els Plans de Sió, 2.620,40 km Ribera d’Ondara, Sanaüja, , , , Population: Talavera, , Torà and Torrefeta i Florejacs. Solsonès: , , , , 54.745 inhabitants , , , Navès, Odèn, , Pinell del Solsonès, Pinós, , Sant Population density: Llorenç de Morunys and Solsona. 20,89 inhab. / km2 : , Cardona, , , and . Number of municipalities: : Argençola, , , , Carme, Castellfollit de Ribregós, 61 municipalities , , , , Orpí, Prats de Rei, , Rubió, Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí de Sesgueioles, , Sant Maria de Miralles and . . The territory Contact details

The Consorci per al Desenvolupament de la Catalunya Central works in the regions of Segarra, Solsonès, Bages and Anoia. This territory occupies a central high plateau that spreads until Offices Pre-Pyrenees, and it is divided by the basins of rivers Segre and Llobregat. It consists in a very diverse territory, with an important rural character and with heterogenic economic and social Segarra Regional Council dynamics. The geographic variability means a great diversity in landscapes, which are config- ured by flat non-irrigated agricultural areas arranged in an agroforestal mosaic in the lower Pg. Jaume Balmes, 3 parts, and mountainous forest land in the upper parts. 25200 Cervera Phone (+34) 973 53 13 00 The orography has motivated the dispersion of small population centres in demographic regression and country houses that, together with the castles, create a rich cultural heritage Solsonès Regional Council that is a symbol of identity of these regions. C. Dominics, 14 25280 Solsona Regarding the productive sectors, there is a relative balance, with diversified economic activi- Phone (+34) 973 48 20 03 ties, however they are troubled nowadays due to the present economic crisis. [email protected] The strategy C L @leadercatcent The strategy suggested by the Consortium expects the regions from Central to become a balanced and diversified territory where, taking as a mainstay its central position, the competitiveness of its enterprises, the productivity and the institutional leadership, the progress of its inhabitants, the social and territorial cohesion, and the generation of an econ- omy based on the concept of eco-innovation and knowledge are guaranteed. This milestone will become possible with the mobilization of the resources of the territory and the redeployment of its economic activity with the purpose of generating wealth, employ- ment, retention of talent and the return of youth.

In order to achieve this main goal, Consortium sets nine main strategic targets. Firstly, it is pur- posed the encouragement of the transformation of the traditional tourism into a responsible and sustainable tourism, which provides added value with new activities, such as ecotourism, nature tourism or therapeutic or healthy tourism. Next, Consortium is willing to support the growth and consolidation of agrifood microenterprises and SMEs, especially those who purpose quality and differentiate productions. Thirdly, Consortium wants to reinforce the industrial and services sub-sectors, both the traditional and emerging. In another sense, and becoming a fourth target, the promotion of the territory will be boosted, particularly those elements that confer distinguished characteristics based on the natural, architectural, cultural and historic heritage. As fifth and sixth points, Consortium wants to have an impact in the improvement of the quality of life, based on the proximity services offered to the inhabitants from dispersed populated areas and a better social inclusion, with special attention to the groups at risk of exclusion, youth and women. Regarding the change towards the eco-innova- tion, the seventh point suggests influencing in the training of enterprises, professionals and entrepreneurs, thus, encouraging the economy in terms of innovation and knowledge transfer. As a cross-cutting target, the eighth point focuses on the awareness towards the economic, social and environmental sustainability within the economic activities, entities and insti- tutions from the region. Finally, the ninth point, also cross-cutting, suggests improving the coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the agents of the region in order to assure better governance as a unifying force in the territorial strategy.

Cooperation interests Vall de Lord –Llosa del Cavall Reservoir. Solsonès • Local and proximity products (Joan Caelles) • Entrepreneurship, return of youth, employment and groups with disabilities • Coworking • Heritage and cultural management • Sustainable country houses: ecobuilding, energy efficiency, services and economic revitalization • Nature, fauna, sustainable tourism

Landscape from Anoia (Consorci per al Desenvolupament de la Catalunya Central)