Core 1..160 Hansard (PRISM::Advent3b2 17.25)

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Core 1..160 Hansard (PRISM::Advent3b2 17.25) House of Commons Debates VOLUME 148 Ï NUMBER 406 Ï 1st SESSION Ï 42nd PARLIAMENT OFFICIAL REPORT (HANSARD) Tuesday, April 30, 2019 Speaker: The Honourable Geoff Regan CONTENTS (Table of Contents appears at back of this issue.) 27153 HOUSE OF COMMONS Tuesday, April 30, 2019 The House met at 10 a.m. The Speaker: In my opinion the yeas have it. And five or more members having risen: Prayer The Speaker: Call in the members. Ï (1045) [Translation] ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS (The House divided on the motion, which was agreed to on the following division:) Ï (1005) [English] (Division No. 1297) PARLIAMENTARY BUDGET OFFICER YEAS The Speaker: Pursuant to subsection 79.2(2) of the Parliament of Members Canada Act, it is my duty to present to the House a report from the Aldag Alghabra Amos Anandasangaree Parliamentary Budget Officer entitled “Costing Budget 2019 Arseneault Arya Measures”. Ayoub Badawey Bagnell Bains *** Baylis Beech Bendayan Bennett Bibeau Bittle COMMISSIONER OF LOBBYING Blair Boissonnault The Speaker: Pursuant to section 10.5 of the Lobbying Act, it is Bossio Bratina Breton Carr my duty to present to the House a report on an investigation from the Casey (Cumberland—Colchester) Casey (Charlottetown) Commissioner of Lobbying. Chagger Champagne Chen Cormier Cuzner Dabrusin *** Damoff DeCourcey Dhaliwal Dhillon GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO PETITIONS Drouin Dubourg Mr. Kevin Lamoureux (Parliamentary Secretary to the Duclos Duguid Duncan (Etobicoke North) Dzerowicz Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, Lib.): Easter Ehsassi Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Sanding Order 36(8), I have the honour to El-Khoury Ellis Erskine-Smith Eyking table, in both official languages, the government's response to eight Eyolfson Fergus petitions. Fillmore Finnigan Fisher Fonseca Fortier Fragiskatos While I am on my feet, I move: Fraser (West Nova) Fraser (Central Nova) That the House do now proceed to orders of the day. Freeland Fry Fuhr Garneau The Speaker: The question is on the motion. Is it the pleasure of Goldsmith-Jones Goodale Gould Graham the House to adopt the motion? Hajdu Hébert Hehr Hogg Some hon. members: Agreed. Holland Housefather Hussen Hutchings Some hon. members: No. Iacono Joly Jones Jordan Jowhari Kang The Speaker: All those in favour of the motion will please say Khalid Khera yea. Lambropoulos Lametti Lamoureux Lapointe Some hon. members: Yea. Lebouthillier Levitt Lightbound Lockhart Long Longfield The Speaker: All those opposed will please say nay. MacAulay (Cardigan) MacKinnon (Gatineau) Maloney Massé (Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia) Some hon. members: Nay. May (Cambridge) McCrimmon 27154 COMMONS DEBATES April 30, 2019 Routine Proceedings McDonald McGuinty Paul-Hus Pauzé McKay McKenna Poilievre Quach McKinnon (Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam) McLeod (Northwest Territories) Mendès Mendicino Rankin Rayes Mihychuk Miller (Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des- Richards Saroya Soeurs) Morneau Morrissey Schmale Shields Murray Nassif Shipley Sopuck Nault Ng O'Connell Oliphant Sorenson Stanton Oliver Ouellette Ste-Marie Strahl Paradis Peschisolido Sweet Thériault Peterson Picard Qualtrough Ratansi Tilson Trost Rioux Robillard Van Kesteren Vecchio Rodriguez Rogers Romanado Rota Viersen Wagantall Rudd Ruimy Warkentin Waugh Rusnak Sahota Saini Sajjan Webber Wong Sangha Sarai Yurdiga Zimmer–— 118 Scarpaleggia Schiefke Schulte Serré Sgro Shanahan PAIRED Sheehan Sidhu (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) Nil Sidhu (Brampton South) Sikand Simms Sohi Sorbara Spengemann The Speaker: I declare the motion carried. Tabbara Tan Tassi Trudeau [English] Vandal Vandenbeld Vaughan Virani Peter Julian: Mr. Speaker, on a point of order, there have been Whalen Wilkinson Wrzesnewskyj Yip consultations among the parties and I believe if you seek it, you Young Zahid–— 164 would find unanimous consent to allow the member for Saskatoon West to table her private member's bill. NAYS Members The Speaker: Is there unanimous consent of the House to return to introduction of private members' bills to allow the hon. member Aboultaif Albas Albrecht Alleslev for Saskatoon West to table her private member's bill? Allison Anderson Arnold Aubin Barlow Barrett Some hon. members: Agreed. Barsalou-Duval Beaulieu Benson Benzen *** Bergen Berthold Bezan Blaney (North Island—Powell River) Blaney (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) Block INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE ACT Boucher Boutin-Sweet Brassard Brosseau Ms. Sheri Benson (Saskatoon West, NDP) moved for leave to Calkins Cannings introduce Bill C-443, An Act to protect, maintain, revitalize and Caron Chong Christopherson Clarke strengthen Indigenous languages. Cooper Davidson Davies Deltell She said: Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the co-operation of all parties Diotte Doherty Donnelly Dubé in this House. Duncan (Edmonton Strathcona) Dusseault Duvall Eglinski Falk (Battlefords—Lloydminster) Falk (Provencher) Today, I rise to table an act that would put into law the Truth and Fast Finley Reconciliation Commission's call to action No. 14 to protect, Fortin Gallant maintain, revitalize and strengthen indigenous languages. The Garrison Généreux Genuis Gladu drafting of this bill was inspired by Elger Pakingan, a grade 12 Gourde Harder student at Bethlehem Catholic High School, who was this year's Hoback Hughes Johns Jolibois winner of Saskatoon West's Create Your Canada contest. Julian Kelly Kent Kitchen Elger's proposed legislation, among other things, would ensure Kmiec Kusie Kwan Lake that the indigenous language commissioner is an indigenous person, Lauzon (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) Laverdière make the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Leitch Liepert Lloyd Lukiwski legally binding and, finally, state that the discriminatory government MacGregor MacKenzie policy of the sixties scoop also led to the erosion of indigenous Maguire Martel languages in Canada. I thank all participants for their excellent Masse (Windsor West) Mathyssen May (Saanich—Gulf Islands) McCauley (Edmonton West) submissions and congratulate Elger for his winning entry. McColeman McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) Miller (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) Motz Nantel Nater Our future is our youth. It is a bright future and it is in good hands, Nicholson O'Toole so I proudly table this bill on Elger's behalf. April 30, 2019 COMMONS DEBATES 27155 Government Orders (Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed) This finance minister, who is responsible for this massive engorgement of public funds, should answer for his actions. He broke his word and the Prime Minister's word that they would balance the budget this year—or, more accurately, that the budget GOVERNMENT ORDERS would balance itself. He has increased the cost of government by [English] 25% in three short years, and on top of that, middle-class Canadians are paying, on average, $800 more per household. BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION ACT, 2019, NO. 1 BILL C-97—TIME ALLOCATION With all of these broken promises, can the finance minister tell us why Canadians should believe anything he or his Prime Minister Hon. Bardish Chagger (Leader of the Government in the have to say? House of Commons, Lib.) moved: That, in relation to Bill C-97, An Act to implement certain provisions of the The Assistant Deputy Speaker (Mr. Anthony Rota): Before budget tabled in Parliament on March 19, 2019 and other measures, not more than going to the finance minister, I want to remind hon. members that one further sitting day shall be allotted to the consideration at second reading stage of there a lot of people who want to ask questions. The length of the the Bill; and question also dictates the length of the answer, so I do not want them That, 15 minutes before the expiry of the time provided for Government Orders on the day allotted to the consideration at second reading stage of the said Bill, any to be too long. Try to be as concise as possible, both on the question proceedings before the House shall be interrupted, if required for the purpose of this and the answer. Order, and, in turn, every question necessary for the disposal of the said stage of the Bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment. The hon. finance minister. The Assistant Deputy Speaker (Mr. Anthony Rota): Pursuant to Standing Order 67.1, there will now be a 30-minute question Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I period. understand then that I have roughly 15 minutes to speak at this time, so I would be able to talk about how well middle-class Canadians are Ï (1050) doing. [Translation] I invite hon. members who wish to ask questions to rise in their Budget 2019 was really a continuation of our approach to ensure places so the Chair has some idea of the number of members who not only that our economy is doing well, but that middle-class wish to participate in this question period. Canadians can see a brighter future. What we have done from day one is consider how Canadians can face up to the challenges that the [English] current economy is presenting and that the future economy will Hon. Pierre Poilievre (Carleton, CPC): Mr. Speaker, here we go present. again. Sunny ways have turned into cloudy days. The government, led by a Prime Minister who promised no omnibus bills and to never We started with things like a reduction in middle-class taxes and shut down debate, is now shutting down debate on a omnibus bill. the increase in the Canada child benefit, measures that made an Of course, this bill is technically called the budget, but it reaches important difference for families and have led to a typical middle- into areas that have nothing to do with budget policy, reaching, for class family in 2019 having $2,000 more in their pockets than in example, into the laws pertaining to refugees. 2015. It is important when we look at the situation that we consider all elements, and the Canada child benefit was critically important Let us remember that in last year's budget bill, the finance minister not only for families but also in helping our economy to do better.
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