
letters to nature

...... - mediated chemosynthetic reaction of H2S/HS with CO2. In con- Chemical speciation drives trast, A. pompejana, which forms tube dwelling colonies on the sides of active sulphide chimneys (. 25 8C), does not rely on chemosyn- thetic endosymbiots but directly ingests in, on and outside its tubes19. George W. Luther III*, Tim F. Rozan*, Martial Taillefert*k, In a of living R. pachyptila, electrodes were placed - Donald B. Nuzzio², Carol Di Meo*, Timothy M. Shank³, Richard A. Lutz§ near their plumes, where acquisition of H2S/HS ,CO2, and O2 - & S. Craig Cary* occurs for chemoautotrophy. Only H2S/HS and O2 were measured

* College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes, Delaware 19958, USA a 6 × 10–8 ² Analytical Instrument Systems, Inc., 1059C Old York Road, Ringoes, 'Rusty' Riftia New Jersey 08851, USA 8.6 °C; pH = 7.5 ³ Biology Department, MS #34 1-16 Red®eld, Woods Hole Oceanographic 4 × 10–8 Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA H O § Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, 71 Dudley Road, 2 2 New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, USA 2 × 10–8 Current (A) O2 ...... The physiology and of many taxa inhabiting deep- 0 hydrothermal vents have been elucidated1±4; however, the physicochemical factors controlling the distribution of these b × –6 at a given vent site remain an enigma after 20 years 1.5 10 0.5 m above vent of research5±11. The chemical speciation of particular elements has 25 °C; pH = 5.00 been suggested as key to controlling biological community struc- 1 × 10–6 ture in these extreme aquatic environments7,11,12. Implementation 13,14 × –7 FeS of electrochemical technology has allowed us to make in situ 5 10 free H2S measurements of chemical speciation at vents located at the East Current (A) Paci®c Rise (98 509 N) and on a scale relevant to the biology. Here 0 we report that signi®cant differences in oxygen, and sulphur SAVS speciation strongly correlate with the distribution of speci®c taxa –5 × 10–7 in different microhabitats. In higher temperature (. 30 8C) c 8 × 10–8 microhabitats, the appreciable formation of soluble iron-sulphide Riftia field 8.5 °C; pH = 6.39 molecular clusters markedly reduces the availability of free H2S/ 6 × 10–8 HS- to vent (micro)organisms, thus controlling the available H O free H S . 4 × 10–8 2 2 2 To determine the availability of biologically relevant chemical O2 compounds in mixing zones from diffuse ¯ow venting areas, in situ Current (A) 2 × 10–8 chemical analyses are essential7,11,12. Earlier in situ measurements at hydrothermal vents used ¯ow injection analysis to measure acid- 0 - 11,15 volatile sulphide (AVS = S[free H2S/HS plus FeS]) , but this d technique does not permit identi®cation of individual sulphur 2 × 10–5 In Alvinella hole components. At a given vent location, AVS generally increases 2+ with temperature, as expected from conservative mixing; however, Fe ~80 °C; pH = 5.78 no clear chemical pattern that can explain the different environ- mental niches occupied by different vent organisms has been 1 × 10–5 FeS discerned11. As iron- and sulphide-rich vent ¯uids meet ambient , dissolved iron reacts with sulphide to form solid FeS Current (A) 16 no free H2S (`black smoke') , which reduces the availability of free H2Sto organisms. Studies16±18 have shown that dissolved molecular clusters 0 - SAVS of FeS (FeS (aq)) can be discriminated from free H2S/HS and polysulphides by voltammetry. Here we have used an in situ –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 voltammetric sensor package for real-time measurements at deep- Volts versus Ag/AgCl sea hydrothermal vents. Figure 1 Representative in situ voltammetry data. a, LSV scans at dead Riftia sites or

Surveys of ambient deep-sea and vent end-member ¯uids where vent biota do not exist. O2 reacts to form H2O2 at a half-wave potential (E1/2)of 2+ showed the expected chemistry. Linear sweep voltammograms -0.5 V, and the resulting H2O2 reduces to water at -1.30 V. H2O2 overlaps with the Fe 2+ (LSVs) from ambient seawater revealed only the presence of O2 signal so traces of Fe cannot be discerned. b, Cyclic voltammogram scans taken 0.5 m - - (Fig. 1a). Conversely, cyclic voltammograms, taken with the elec- above a vent ori®ce showing free H2S/HS and FeS (aq). Free H2S/HS reacts to form a trodes placed 0.5 m (25 8C) above a black smoker, showed only the HgS ®lm at positive potentials and is reduced during the negative scan to release sulphide - presence of free H2S/HS and FeS (aq) (Fig. 1b). These results at E1/2 = -0.65 V. FeS (aq) gives an irreversible signal (E1/2 = -1.12 V) owing to reduction provided the framework for comparative studies of the for of Fe2+ in FeS (aq) to Fe(Hg) which decomposes FeS (aq) (ref. 17). On scan reversal, the - different organisms: the tubeworm and the poly- negative current signal (E1/2 = -0.62 V) is from all sulphide (AVS = free H2S/HS and chaete . The tubeworm resides in lower tem- sulphide released from FeS (aq)) reacting with Hg to reform HgS. c, Cyclic voltammogram - perature ¯uids, issuing through sea¯oor openings or from the base scans from Riftia sites showing only O2 and free H2S/HS ; the AVS signal is small when 1,2 - -1 of chimneys (, 25 8C), and harbours bacterial endosymbionts , only H2S/HS is present. d, Cyclic voltammogram scan (200 mV s ) taken at 80 6 20 8C 2+ which produce organic carbon for the host by the bacterially from within an Alvinella tube shows Fe (E1/2 = -1.30 V) and FeS (aq) (E1/2 = -1.05 V) as the main chemical . The negative current signal (-0.76 V) results only from the breakdown of FeS (aq). The current axis is much higher because it is a function of k Present address: School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA. temperature.

NATURE | VOL 410 | 12 APRIL 2001 | www.nature.com © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 813 letters to nature by voltammetry (Fig. 1c), consistent with previous observations11. concentration while lowering pH to about 5 (eq. 1). This reaction Another survey from an assemblage of dead R. pachyptila showed is supported by the signi®cant correlation of FeT versus AVS for 2 that surrounding contained only O2 (Fig. 1a), even though A. pompejana samples (r = 0.574; slope FeT/AVS = 1.52). There are the waters (8.5 8C) were above ambient deep-sea temperatures also signi®cant inverse correlations between FeT or AVS versus (2 8C). The tubes were also encrusted with orange-brown solids pH for the A. pompejana samples from the different sites (Fig. 3). - containing Fe(III). Absence of free H2S/HS , caused by a change We propose that FeS (aq) molecular cluster formation is the in chemistry of emanating vent ¯uids, indicates that sulphide primary mechanism controlling free sulphide detoxi®cation for cannot occur and support a thriving R. pachyptila A. pompejana in vent waters. community. Fe2‡ ‡ H S O FeS aq†‡2H‡ 1† Chemical speciation of A. pompejana habitats was signi®cantly 2 different from live and dead R. pachyptila areas. The electrodes, In contrast, R. pachyptila resides in lower temperature (, 25 8C) placed directly inside occupied A. pompejana tubes, revealed large and higher pH (. 5.7) waters where there is no correlation of AVS 2+ - 2 signals (Fig. 1d) due to FeS (aq) and Fe .FreeH2S/HS was not versus pH (Fig. 3) and of FeT versus AVS (r = 0.019). Thus, FeS detected, or only at trace levels, with no detectable O2. Scans taken at formation is insigni®cant. In R. pachyptila ®elds, we did not observe - tube openings and on the sulphide structureÐthe substrate for the a signal for FeS (aq), and free H2S/HS is the dominant sulphur A. pompejana coloniesÐshowed similar iron and sulphur chem- species. We detected trace amounts of FeT in three of the eight istry. These data indicate that chemical speciation is unique to locations, and calculations indicated that the Ksp (solubility product the sulphide chimney structure and is not being modi®ed by the constant) for FeS was not exceeded in R. pachyptila communities. - A. pompejana colony. Free H2S/HS was detected higher above the Unlike A. pompejana, R. pachyptila requires free sulphide so the colony where the temperature approaches that of ambient seawater, bacteria endosymbionts can convert CO2 to organic matter for suggesting that FeS dissociation occurred. translocation to their host. Research indicates that R. pachyptila 20 - In addition, discrete samples taken from 8 R. pachyptila and 11 transports and uses HS preferentially to H2S (ref. 4). As the ®rst A. pompejana locations (Fig. 2) were analysed aboard ship for AVS, acid dissociation constant (pKa)ofH2S in seawater is 6.7 (ref. 22), at - pH and total iron (FeT) concentrations. AVS concentrations were at pH 5.7 only 10% of the free sulphide is HS . This suggests why R. least ®ve times higher at A. pompejana sites than at R. pachyptila pachyptila is observed in higher pH waters with low FeT and AVS 6,10 - sites, in accord with previous work .H2S/HS is the dominant concentrations, as compared with A. pompejana. Where the pH in sulphide phase in live R. pachyptila ®elds, and in six of the eight diffuse ¯ow waters is typically higher than 6.5 and iron is present in - samples, free H2S/HS ranged from 68 to 100% of the AVS. In micromolar or lower amounts, as at Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of contrast, FeS (aq) is the chief sulphide form in A. pompejana tubes California, R. pachyptila is the dominant macrofaunal form and A. - and near their tube openings. Free H2S/HS ranged from 0 to 39% of pompejana is not found. The presence of H2S along with the two the total AVS in A. pompejana habitats, and its concentration is endosymbiont-containing vent bivalves (Bathymodilus thermophi- typically lower than that measured in R. pachyptila ®elds even lus and Calyptogena magni®ca), which also inhabit low-temperature though the total AVS is signi®cantly higher. diffuse ¯ow areas, follows a similar pattern to that of R. pachyptila. At higher iron and AVS concentrations where A. pompejana In situ electrochemical speciation and discrete sample measure- resides (Fig. 3), formation of solid FeS and FeS (aq) is enhanced ments (temperature, pH, sulphide, FeT) provided unprecedented 16,21 because of higher temperatures . This reduces the free H2S correlations with the distribution of certain hydrothermal vent

3402–2 – free H2S / HS 3401–8 – 3401–6 AVS = FeS + H2S / HS 3401–4 3401–2 3366–6 3399–4 3399–2 Riftia

3402–10 tube opening 23 °C Alvinella ° 3412–6 tube opening 13 C on sulphide surface ~176 °C 3412–8 Dive-sample number on sulphide surface > 130 °C 3412–10 3412–2 inside tube 84 °C 3414–12 *** inside tube 66 °C 3412–4 inside tube 100 °C 3414–8 inside tube 79 °C *** *** (< 1 µM) 3414–6 inside tube 68 °C inside tube 34 °C 3414–4 3414–2 inside tube 80 °C

0 100 200 300 400 Sulphide species (µM)

- 2+ - Figure 2 Histogram of free H2S/HS and AVS data from discrete samples. For Alvinella dissociates to Fe and free H2S/HS on cooling and transport of samples to the surface. - samples at temperatures higher than 40 8C, temperature ¯uctuated rapidly during the Free H2S/HS data plotted for Alvinella samples are an overestimate of the actual free H2S/ - - in situ voltammetry scans, therefore free H2S/HS data are from samples analysed on HS that the organisms actually experience. For Riftia samples, both in situ and onboard - - board ship. Figure 1d is from sample 3414-2 and shows no free H2S/HS ; thus, FeS voltammetry data give similar free H2S/HS data.

814 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 410 | 12 APRIL 2001 | www.nature.com letters to nature macrofauna and evidence for the close association of vent com- Methods munity development with physiochemical conditions. R. pachyptila Electrochemical equipment is found in modest lower temperature environments with low FeT, The in situ analyser consists of a pressure case enclosing the voltammetry hardware linked circumneutral pH and suf®cient quantities of free sulphide to to an IBM compatible computer. This computer communicates with another in the Alvin support robust bacterial endosymbiosis. The ability of A. pompejana through a 15-m RS 232 cable and is controlled by an operator, who can reprogram to thrive in extreme microhabitats is made possible by the unique waveforms to respond to the radically different environments found at vents. A separate interaction of Fe2+ and free sulphide to form FeS species at high 1-m cable was used to make connections with the working, counter, reference electrodes and the pressure housing. This cable had four inputs for working electrodes, which were temperature, which lowers pH and detoxi®es sulphide by rendering controlled by a multiplexer, one input for the counter electrode and another for the it biologically unavailable. Our in situ analyses have demonstrated reference electrode. Another input for grounding the reference electrode from the the ®rst real opportunity, at biologically relevant spatial scales, to submersible ensured signal integrity. The working electrodes are solid-state -amalgam 14 show how differences in chemical speciation control the unique (Au/Hg), and were prepared in polyethyletherketone (PEEK) tubing . The reference 2+ electrode was Ag wire oxidized in 3 M KCl to make an AgCl coating. This Ag/AgCl ecology of vent environments. The interplay of O2,H2S, Fe and reference was used as a solid-state electrode as seawater has a consistent ionic strength of FeS (aq) in controlling biology in primordial environments on 0.7. Potentials for chemical species measured in situ and on board ship with the same Earth could provide a paradigm for the detection of on other reference electrode were comparable so no pressure effects were observed. Scan rates -1 planets. M were 1,000 mV s unless stated otherwise. Conditioning between scans was performed at -0.9 V, where none of the chemical species is electroactive13,14. Potential scan direction was from positive to negative for LSV. For cyclic voltammograms, the potential scan was positive to negative back to positive. 1,500 Analyses 1,250 The electrodes were mated with a thermocouple and syringe sampler (`sipper') to obtain discrete samples for shipboard analyses20. In some experiments, the electrodes, thermo-

M) 1,000 couple and sipper tube were coupled as a sensor package for direct insertion into Alvinella µ tubes to analyse that chemical environment directly. We measured pH by potentiometry 750 on these samples immediately after bringing them to the surface. Aliquots of each sample were preserved in basic acetate solution for subsequent AVS analysis by square-wave 500 voltammetry on a hanging-drop mercury electrode after a 3-M HCl acid leach to release Total iron ( H2S, which was trapped in 1 M NaOH (ref. 23). This method gave identical results with the 250 15 24 methylene blue method .FeT was measured on subsamples stored in nitric acid . We also 0 measured un®ltered samples by cyclic voltammograms on board ship to con®rm any 45678 chemical speciation changes. 1,500 Received 22 November 2000; accepted 16 January 2001. no macrofauna 1,250 1. Cavanaugh, C. et al. Prokaryotic cells in the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila: Possible

M) in Riftia field

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M) 1,000 Â Á

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M) potentiometric and amperometric microelectrodes from a ROV to determine O2, Mn, Fe, S(-2) and µ 1,000 pH in porewaters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 33, 4352±4356 (1999). 15. , J. E. Spectrophotometric determination of hydrogen sul®de in natural waters. Limnol. 750 Oceanogr. 14, 454±458 (1969).

16. Rickard, D. T. & Luther, G. W. III Kinetics of formation by the H2S oxidation of iron(II) 500 monosul®de in aqueous solutions between 25 8C and 125 8C: the mechanism. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 135±147 (1997).

Total sulphide ( 250 17. Theberge, S. M. & Luther, G. W. III Determination of the electrochemical properties of a soluble 0 aqueous FeS cluster present in sul®dic systems. Aq. Geochem. 3, 191±211 (1997). 0 100 200 300 18. Rozan, T. F., Theberge, S. M. & Luther, G. W. III Quantifying elemental (S0), bisul®de (HS-) and polysul®des (S2-) using a voltammetric method. Anal. Chim. Acta 415, 175±184 (2000). Temperature (°C) x 19. Cary, S. C., Cottrell, M. T., Stein, J. L., Camacho, F. & DesbruyeÁres, D. Molecular identi®cation and localization of ®lamentous symbiotic bacteria associated with the hydrothermal vent Alvinella Figure 3 Fe/AVS versus pH/temperature plots from discrete samples. Circles, samples pompejana. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63, 1124±1130 (1997). where no macrofauna exist; triangles, samples from Riftia sites; squares, samples from in 20. Di Meo, C. A., Wake®eld, J. R. & Cary, S. C. A new device for sampling small volumes of water from or near Alvinella tubes. Correlations for Alvinella: Fe versus pH (r 2 = 0.880); Fe versus marine micro-environments. Deep-Sea Res. I 46, 1279±1287 (1999). 21. Rickard, D. T. Kinetics of pyrite formation by the H S oxidation of iron(II) monosul®de in aqueous temperature (r 2 = 0.0003); AVS versus pH (r 2 = 0.647); AVS versus temperature 2 solutions between 25 8C and 125 8C: the rate equation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 115±134 (1997). 2 2 2 (r = 0.018). For Riftia: Fe versus pH (r = 0.533); Fe versus temperature (r = 0.156); 22. Millero, F. J., Plese, T. & Fernandez, M. The dissociation of hydrogen sul®de in seawater. Limnol. AVS versus pH (r 2 = 0.280); AVS versus temperature (r 2 = 0.327). Oceanogr. 33, 269±274 (1988).

NATURE | VOL 410 | 12 APRIL 2001 | www.nature.com © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 815 letters to nature

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Acknowledgements We thank A. L. Reysenbach, K. Longnecker, the DSV Alvin pilots (P. Hickey, S. Faluotico and B. Williams), and the crew and Captain of the R/V Atlantis for their help and encouragement. This work was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and by the University of t Delaware Sea Grant Program through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- 1 tration, and the Devonshire Foundation. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to G.W.L. (e-mail: [email protected]).

t ...... 2 Perceiving visual expansion without optic ¯ow t Paul R. Schrater*², David C. Knill²³ & Eero P. Simoncelli§ 3

* Department of Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, 215 Stemmler Hall, Figure 1 Illustration of visual input when an observer moves forward in the environment. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA Shown are three frames taken from a sequence of visual images (a movie). Superimposed ³ Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, 3815 Walnut Street, on the last frame are example optic-¯ow vectors, indicating the local translational motion Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA of selected points in the scene. The radiating pattern of these vectors indicates that the § Medical Institute and Center for Neural Science and observer is moving forward. The divergence of this vector ®eld provides one source of Mathematics, New York University, 4 Washington Place, Rm 809, New York, information about the rate of expansion. The change in scale of the objects or texture New York 10003, USA elements provides another source of information...... When an observer moves forward in the environment, the image on his or her retina expands. The rate of this expansion conveys information about the observer's speed1 and the time to colli- 2±4 5±7 8,9 sion . Psychophysical and physiological studies have pro- a b c vided abundant evidence that these expansionary motions are processed by specialized mechanisms in mammalian visual sys- tems. It is commonly assumed that the rate of expansion is estimated from the divergence of the optic-¯ow ®eld (the two- t t dimensional ®eld of local translational velocities)10±14. But this 1 t1 1 rate might also be estimated from changes in the size (or scale) of image features15. To determine whether human vision uses such t t t scale-change information, we have synthesized stochastic texture 2 2 2 stimuli in which the scale of image elements increases gradually over time, while the optic-¯ow pattern is random. Here we show, t t t using these stimuli, that observers can estimate expansion rates 3 3 3 from scale-change information alone, and that pure scale changes can produce motion after-effects. These two ®ndings suggest that t1 t1 t1 the visual system contains mechanisms that are explicitly sensitive t2 t2 t2 to changes in scale. t3 t3 t3 To test the hypothesis that the rate of image expansion on the x x x retina might be estimated from changes in scale (Fig. 1), we designed three types of stochastic expansion stimuli (Fig. 2a). We created a sequence of uncorrelated white-noise images, and con- Figure 2 Illustration of the three types of stimuli used in our experiments. Top, example volved each one with a band-pass ®lter whose centre frequency x±y frames of the stimulus movie; bottom, x±t cross-sections. a, Stochastic texture decreases exponentially with time. The result is a sequence of stimulus. Each frame contains a random texture synthesized by convolving a gaussian random textures whose average spatial scale grows according to a white-noise image with a band-pass ®lter. The peak spatial frequency of the band-pass ®xed rate of expansion. Because the individual stimulus frames are ®lter decreases over time, producing a gradual change in scale of texture elements. The uncorrelated, both the optic-¯ow ®eld and its divergence are (on x±t slice illustrates the lack of consistent displacement information. Because each frame average) zero, and thus cannot be used to compute expansion rate. is generated from independent white noise, the resulting optic-¯ow ®eld is random, and Nevertheless, most people who have viewed these stochastic stimuli thus cannot be used to estimate expansion rate. b, Limited-lifetime random dots stimulus. report a strong perception of expansion, emanating from the point Dots appear asynchronously in random locations, move according to the global expansion of ®xation. This suggests that humans have mechanisms that are pattern for ®ve frames, and then disappear. For this stimulus, the optic-¯ow ®eld may be used to estimate expansion rate, but there is minimal scale-change information. c, Deterministic texture stimulus. Each frame is a re-scaled replica of a single image of ² Present address: Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, 75 E. River Road, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA (P.R.S.); Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York band-pass-®ltered gaussian white noise. Both optic ¯ow and scale changes provide 14627, USA (D.C.K.). information about the expansion rate.

816 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 410 | 12 APRIL 2001 | www.nature.com